PLATE VID. 41 va tasn khu amhe nigahavarana kareyyâma ti bhayo cha 42 variasatanabassatirekasamakâle amham Pallava48 kulamabartte bhavissabbade anne cha no
44 vasudhad hipe bhaye 45 likhitamajátâye 46 vo sammo ti
Plate VIIa. abbatthemi jo sakakale
aņuvatth@veti yo chasi vigghe
tasa vatteja
PLATE VJIO. 47 sa cha khu pañchamah&patakasamjutto narâdhamo 48 hoja ti datt& pattika vasasatasa hassaya 49 samva 8 vâsa B diva 5 sayamanatam
PLATE VIII. 50 Kolivalabhojakasa
rahasådhikata-Bhattisa51 mmasa sahatthalikbitena pattika kada tti 52 svastigobrâhmaņalekhakhavâchakaśrotribhya iti (1)
TRANSLATION "Success! From Kańchipura--the righteous' supreme king of great kings of the Pallavas Sivakhamdavama (Sivaskandavarman), a Bharaddaya (Bharadvája) an offerer of Agnishțoma, Vajapeya and Aśvamedha (sacrifices) [issues the following orders):
"We send greeting]° to our lords of provinces, pattha8,royal princes, generals, rulers of districts, custom-house officers," prefects of countries and others, to the freeholders of various villages," to herdsmen, cowherds, ministers, foresters, gumikas, táthikas,
L. 41. The photograph seems to give karegydmeti. L. 43. Read maharhte. L. 44. Bhaye looks nearly like taye. L. 45. Stands for asuvaffareti, wbicb perhaps should be restored. L. 51. Perhaps kada is to be read. 1 Compare Mr. Fleet's grant, Indian Antiquary, vol. V, p. 165, line 17 of the transcript.
. Compare Mr. Fleet's grants, Indian Antiquary, vol. V, p. 51, line 16 of the transcript, and ibidem, Page 156, line 14 of the transcript, as well as vol. IX, p. 101, line 2 of the transcript, where Bhdradd dyassa has to be read for Bhdraftdyana.
Two verbs have been left out, one in the third person singular after Sivakharhdavamo, and one in the first person plural, or in the absolutive at the end of the list of officials. For the pronoun amhanh 'our' shows that a new sentence begins with line 3, and the words viturdma chattha dari prove that it must have stood in the first person plural or in the Absolutive. The first verb was probably añaveti or some equivalent. The second may either have been word expressing command, or, what I consider more likely, some expression implying greeting, such as are found in many other inscriptions.
• Vattha would correspond to Sanskrit odstva or pastra, the sense of which does not ft. Possibly it may be a mistake for vantha or bandha, which both are explained in Hemachandra's Defikosha by bhritya, 'servant.
"I consider the correction mandabika as certain and take the word mandaba or mandapa, from which it has been derived in the sense of the modern mandavi, 'custom house - Molesworth, Mardhi Dictionary, sub voce. The faulkibas are fre. quently mentioned in Sanskrit inscriptions
That bhojaka does not mean "temple priest, but 'inamdar,' or 'freeholder,' seems to follow from its use in line 8, where the donees are called Chillarekakodunkabhojakas, who lived in Åpittt, and in line 50, where the privy councillor Bhattisamma receives the title Kolivdlabhojake. Such despised personage as a templo priest could hardly become a minister. Professor Pausböll points out to me that gamagdmabhojaka may be rendered as, above, as repetitions of the same word with a lengtheping of the final vowel of the first are commonly used in PAli in order to indicate the vípad.