Book Title: Collection of Prakrit and Sanskrit Inscriptions
Author(s): P Piterson
Publisher: Bhavnagar Archiological Department

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Page 104
________________ VALABHJ DYNASTY. 37 ५ समाशापयत्यस्तु व(6) संविदितं यथा मया मातापित्रोः पुण्याप्यायनायात्मनश्चैहिकामुष्मिकयथाभिलषितफ. लावासये ६ वहपलिकस्थल्या डामरिपाटकग्रामे पूर्वीसीम्नि क्षेत्रपादावर्तषष्टि(:) साहा सपरिकरा सबातमत ७ धाण्य(न्य) हिरण्यादेया सोत्पद्यमानविष्टिकासमस्तराजकीयानामहस्तप्रक्षेपणीया भूमिच्छिद्रन्यायेन छन्दोग ८ सब्रह्मचारिकश्यपसगोत्रब्राझणविशाखाप्पाभ्यायलिचस्वश्वेदेवाग्निहोत्रातिथिपञ्चमहायाचिकानांक्रियाणां ९ समुत्सप्पणार्थमाचन्द्राकार्णवसरिक्षितिस्थिस्ति(ति)समकालीनं पुत्रपौत्रान्वयभाम्याउदकसर्गेण ब्रह्मदेये १. निसृष्टायतोरयोचितया ब्रह्मदेयस्थित्या 'मुंजतः कृषतःकर्षयतो ब्या(ना) न कैश्चित्प्रतिषेधे तितव्य ११ मागामिभद्रनपतिभिश्चास्मद्वंशजैनित्यान्यैश्वर्यायस्थिरं मानुष्यं सामान्य च भूमिदानफलमवगच्छद्रिः(श्च) १२ अवमस्मदा(दा योनुमन्तव्य(:)परिपालायतव्यश्चयश्चैनमाच्छिद्यादाच्छिद्यमानंवानुमोदेत सपञ्चभिर्महापा तकै सोषपात १३ (6) संयुक्तः स्यादित्युक्तंच भगवता वेदव्यासेन व्यासेन पष्टिवर्षसहस्राणि स्वग्गें तिष्टतिभूमिदः आच्छेत्ता चानुमन्ता च १४ तान्येव नरकेवसेत् । विध्याटवीवतोबासु शुष्ककोटरवासिनः कृष्णाहयोहि जायन्ते भाभदायहरानराः पु वदत्तां द्विजा १५ तिभ्यो यत्नाद्रश युधिष्ठिर महीं महिमतां श्रेष्ट दानाच्योनुपालनं बहुभिर्वसुधा भुक्ता राजमिः संग रादिभिः यस्य यस्य १६ यदा भूमिः तस्यतस्य तदा फलायानीहदारिद्रभयानरेंद्रधनानि धम्मीयतनीकृताने निम्मात्मवान्त प्रतिमान १७ तानि को नाम साधः पुनराददीत इति । लिखितं संन्धिविग्रहाधिकृतं स्कन्दभटेन ॥ सं२५२(or)वैशाख १८ स्वहस्तोमम महाराजश्री धरसेनस्य ।। ह.चिब्धिरः । TRANSLATION. From the conquering army encamped in Bhadrapattanaka Maharaja Dharasena, who has washed off all his sins with the waters of the Ganges flowing in the form of the spreading rays of the nails of his father's feet, who is beautifully surrounded by all good qualities being, as it were, attracted to bim by his beauty, the splendour of wliose wealth is a constant sort of comfort to his numerous friends, who has astonished all practised in the use of the box by his power of natural strength and peculiar tact, who maintains good religious gifts made by former kings, who wards off calamities which injure his subjects, who exhibits an union of wealt.b and learning in himself, whose bravery is clever in cnjoying the wealth of his focs, to whom royalty lias descended in regular line, and who is a grcat devotee of Sankara ;— the son of Maharajah Sri Guhascna, who had acquired spiritual macrits by worshipping the feet of his father, who had even from his early age, his sword his only companion, shown marks of excessive valour by splitting open the temples of mad elephants Ahol Shrutgyanam


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