44. May Adlávara Pundarika, the Marudevas, the lord Kapardin be favourable to the faithful Sri Karmaraja.
(Names of) those who made the repairs on the Sri Satrunjaya and completed the Matha (monastery). Kinâ, brother of Nathâ, son of Bai Châmpu, wife of Sa Jaita; Sutradhara (mason) Virudhâ, son of Su, Kotà, Su, Bhima, Thakara Vela, and Thakara Vichha, inhabitants of Ahmedabad. Su. Tilà, Su. Pomal, Su. Ganga, Su. Gork, Su. Dholl, Su. Dewi, Su. Nakara, Su. NaiA, Su. Govinda. S. Vinayaga, Su. Tila, Su. Vachla, Su. Bhaga, Su. Kini, Su. Devadisa, Su. Vika, Su. ThAkara, Su. Kalà, Thakara Vinayaga, Tha. Chhitma, Tha. Ilir, Tho. Damodara, Tha. Harija, and Su. Think were brought from Sri Chitrakota.
May this god be propitious; may there be happiness in the Vimalachala; may the whole Sangha (company) be happy; and may the writer be happy. (This) eulogy was written by Pandita Vivekadhiragapi and composed by Paudita Lavanya Samaya disciple of Pandita Samaya Ratna who is worthy of being wor shipped and who bows to Adideva three times.
May they be blessed, Sri Patela Harapati, Tha. Hansi, Tha. Müla, ThaKrisna, Tha. Kand, Tha. Harsa, Su. Madhava, Su. Bidhu and Sa. (Blacksmith) Sahaja.
A stone-inscription in the temple of Adinátha at Naralai dated Samvat 1597,
The village of Niralai, where the temple of Adiniths is built, is situated on the confines of Meywar and Marwad near the fort of Desuri of the Maharaja of Jodhpur. The temple is to the west of the village and a stone-pillar to the left contains this inscription. The face of the block of stone measures 60 by 9" containing fifty-five lines and a half of Sanskrit prose composition in modern Devanagari characters. It mentions that in the time of King Rayamalla, son of Kumbharigi and a descendant of Mahåråjådhiraja Sri Siladitya of the Surya dynasty of Meywar, Simha and Samadà of the Ukesa enste established an idol of Sri Adbivars in this temple by the permission of Srt Prithviraja, the eldest son of Raga Rayamalla. It is dated Samvat 1597; A.D. 1541.
१ ॥ ५० ॥ श्रीयशोभद्रसूरिगुरुपादुकाभ्यां ।
२ नमः संवत् १५९७ वर्षे वैशाखमासे ।
३ शुक्लपक्षे षष्ठ्यां तिथौ शुक्रवासरे पुम
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