TRANSLITERATION, १ श्रीविक्रमात् संवत् १२(७)५वर्षे भाद्रपदशदि......."अोह श्रीमदणहि २ लपाटकाधिष्टितममस्तराजावलीसमलंकृतमहारा--
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५ । कस्यादेशेन च विनियुक्तमहं (महान्)श्रीअरिसा(सि हट.श्रीज ६ यसौहाभ्यां श्रीमातरादेवीवापिकायाः पत्तशासनं का ७ रितं ।। तथा स्थानीयपि पूजाथै भद्राणक्रमंडपिकायाँ &........ ..... ..................eft
TRANSLATION To-day on the.........of the bright balf of Bhidarya of the Vikrama Samyata 1275, this inscription was engraved by Maban Sri Arasimha and Thakar Jayasimha in connection with the Måtari Devi Vipi, who were appointed to conduct business by the order of Sri Samatsimha Deval, who was appointed in Sorathadeśa during the bencficent and victorious rcign of Mahâriljaribirija Srimat Bhimadeva whose court was adorned with a line of all the kings and lived at the splendid Apabilapûrapatana. It is to the effect that for the expenses of) worship of this place from the transit duties of Bharana. * * * *
VIII. Stone-Inscription at Ralanapura under Jodhajur of the time of Kumarapala.
Ratanapura is a dependency of the Native State of Jodhapur in Mârvad, west of Rajaputina. To the west and outside tlie town is an old Siva-temple; in the dome of which this stone is placed facing inside. It measures 4 ft. -by 1 ft. and contains ten lines of Sanskrit prose in Devanagari characters. The stone lias crambled down in several parts and thus the first and the seventh lines have become almost illegible. The inscription mentions the publication of a notification by Sri Papapáksha-deva, the holder of the Ratanapara Chowrasi (Chowrasi means a group of eighty-four vitlages), ordering his subjects to refrain from killing any inimal on the amivisil, i.e. the last day of each of the months and on other special holy days. There is no precise date mentioned in this inscription except that it was composed when Kumarapala, whose reign extended from A. D. 1143 to 1174, was ruling over the country.
Ahol Shrutgyanam