Book Title: Collection of Prakrit and Sanskrit Inscriptions
Author(s): P Piterson
Publisher: Bhavnagar Archiological Department

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Page 142
________________ A STONE INSCRIPTION IN PRÂCHINA CHARACTERS. This inseription is found at a village called Jharanavali Gopa, which is situated to the south-west of the Gopa hills in Lalapur district of the Jamasaheb of Navînagar. It is about 30 miles north-east of Porbandar, a sea-port town on the western coast of Kathiivat. The inscription is to be seen on the left jamb) of the door of a ruined temple near the village. The stone on which Lluis inscription is cut weasures 21" x 9" and contains il single line in characters of the Gupta period. Nothing can be made out of it, though some Pandits are of opinion that the letters are bus of sume nuantra. There is nothing in it to show the proballe date of the inscription. SURYA DYNASTY. A Stone Inscriplion of King Allata in the Temple of Sarnesvar at Udeypore. Daled Samvat 1010. The temple of Såranešvara, where this inscription is to be found, is a Siva temple near the burning ground at Ldeyporc in Heywar. It is cut on a slab of fine white marble which is placed on two pillars in the front, outside the entrance of the Rangamandapa of the temple. On account of its bcing sheltered from the rains it is well preserved. It is of the time of Rana Alatil of the Sisodia tribe, giving a geneology of his family, and mentioning the building of a temple to god Murari, i.e., Vishnu. This shows that the inscription must have been cut for some other temple of which no signs, Jiowever, are to be seen in the neighbourhood, and that, therefore, it must have been probably brought to this temple at some luter period. It also mentions llow the temple expenses are to be maintained. The stone measures 4,4" x 9" and contains about six lipcs in old Devanagari character. The composition is Sanskrit. It is dated Vikrama Samvat 1010, A. 1). 963. TRANSLITERATION. १उँपांतु पांगसंसर्गचंचद्रोमांचवीचयः । श्यामाः कलिन्दतनयापुरा इव हरेर्भुजाः ।। (१) राज्ञी महा लक्ष्म्यभिधानविश्रुता तदंगजोप्यल्टमेदिनीपतिः । तदीयपुत्रो नरवाहनाभिधः सगुन्दलः सोढकसिद्धसीलुकाः ।। (२) सान्धिविग्रहिकदुभराजो मातृदेवसहितः सदुदेवः । अलटाच्छपटलाभिनियुक्तीविश्रुतावपि Ahol Shrutgyanam


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