93 discendants of Khumaņa, such as knew no separation from the dynasty of the Gohilas.*
38. Then succeeded the victorious king Mathana-simha who humbled his foes by his prowess and whose name became possessed of its ctymological significance ly his killing (lit., churning) the armics of his eneniy.
39. The sword while in the scabbard does not taste the blood of hostile herves and while drinking their blood does not reside in the scabbard, but when grasped by the hand of this king on the field of battle its blade tasted of both. I
40. The land of Medapata was afterwards protected and also tenderly fostered by king Padma-simba who possessed all the strength and virtue of Sesha.
11. On the tablets of the battle-field this learned king engraved the songs (celebrating) the sentiment of heroism of his owl arms in bold letters (formed by) the pearls scattered from the numerous broken frontal bones of his enemy's furious elephants.
42. He having occupied the (heavenly) throne along with the monarch of tlie gods (Indra) , Jaitra-sinha, the prowess (lit., splendour or good fortune) of whose arias rooted out Națüla, and who was the saye Agastya of the occari-like arms of the Turushkasi protected the carth.
43. Even now the goblins, whose minds are glutted with pleasure on account of the ecubraces of their wives who are reeling by being intoxicated with the blood of the armies of Sandhaka, sing, in battle, the exploits of the arms of Sri Jaitra-siņla.
41. Then did Tejas-sinha, full of health, striking great terror into the hearts of) his enemies, brighten the earth with his sacred glories.
45. By this king, roaming about, of his own accord, after the mammer of ploughien, was sown the seed of pearls in the excellent land of liberality, and, watering it with the water of gifts, was reaped the fruit of merit in abundance by the help of excellent preceptors, ani, haviuy iminersed himself in good luck**
From this it appears that Kumarasindia, the fifteenth in dosent from Khoman moat hava red his forces in person to the field of battlo which during the time the coscendants of Khomana uled were entrusted to the command of military generals only.
fi.e., he did not belie his name. I i. e., the blood as well as the acabbard by being piered into the body of his cnemies. § 1. e., having died. | The Turks.
As to the age of Jaitra-siyle the following is found engraved on a pillar in the temple of Ekalingaji: संवत १२७० वर्षे महाराजाधिराज श्री सिंहदेवेषु
** 1. c., having become fortunate.
Ahol Shrutgyanam