him by his beauty, who was possessed of a greatness which was the source of the life of innumerable friends, who astonished all bearers of the bow by (his) natural strength and by his peculiar tact, who maintained all religious grants made by his predecessors, who averted all calamities destructive to his subjects, who was the common abode of Lakshmi (wealth) and Sarasvati (learning), whose strength was clever in enjoying the wealth of his enemics snatched away from their side, who acquired pure royal-fortune by (his) prowess, and who was a great devotco of Sankara; - son of Sri Guhasena, who had washed off all his sins by bowing down at the lotus-like foot of (his) mother and father, who has shown his strength, his sword being his only friend from infancy, by cutting down herds of mad elephants of the enemies, the great brilliancy of the nails of whose foot was mixod with that of the jewels of the enemics' crowns bowed down by his prowess, to whom the word rdja was agreeably applicable in its full sense on account of his pleasing the hearts of his subjects by properly following the ways mentioned in all the Smritis, who surpassed Kama. deva, the Moon, the Himalayas, the Oceans, Bțihaspati, and Kubera, in beauty, brilliancy, steadiness, docpness, intelligence, and woulılı (respectively), who cast off his own ends like & straw in being cver ready to give shelter to those who sought it, who pleased the hearts of learned nen, relatives, and friends by giving them more than they desired, who was, as it were, a walking personification of the joy of all the world, and who was a great devotce of Sankara ;-grand-son of Sri Bhattârka, who had acquired glory by the strong and incessant blows of the large and numerous army formed of his allics as well as foos forcibly subdued, who had secured the good-will (of the people) by glorious gifts, respectful treatinent and politonoss emanating from his power, who had obtained royal fortune by the force of the line of subordinato crowned-heads, and whoso lino was not interrupted ;--proclaims to all concerned that they should bear in mind that for the religious merits of his parenta) mother and father he, having determined to make a gift in the name of Brahma, has made a grant of the village of Bhasanta on the way to Kalapaka in Saurashtra with all the wuste land round it, with all its taxes, with the natural as well as wind-borne produco, with the right to take grains and gold, with the right to try) ten offences, with the rights of exacting forced labour, incapable of being interfered with by the officials, with the exception of those parts previously given to Dovas and Brahmanas ; that would endure till the Moon, the Sun, the Ocean, the earth, the rivers, and the mountains ;-thus the village has been given for providing clothes, food, utensils, bedding, trustworthy medical help to the company of good Bhikshus (mendicants) residing in the Vihara constructed by Gohaka in the circle of Vihấras built by Râni Dudda residing in the city of Valabhi, and for maintaining the worship of Buddha Bhagavân with proper materials, baths, chandana, incense, flowers, and
Ahol Shrutgyanam