Book Title: Agam 13 Upang 02 Rajprashniya Sutra Raipaseniyam Terapanth
Author(s): Tulsi Acharya, Mahapragna Acharya
Publisher: Jain Vishva Bharati
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The fact regarding the dissimilarity of readings in the manuscripts of Jivājīvābhigama has also been pointed out by Santicandra, the commentator of Jambúdvīpaprajñapti.
Upādhyāya Sānticandra has quoted the text about the description of the Kalpavrk$a from Jivājīyābhigama. In describing the fourth Kalpavrkşa he has quoted the reading “Kanaga-nigaruņa' which he explains as 'the heap of gold.'1 In the Vriti of Jivajivabhigama the term 'Kanaganigaranam' has been explained as Kanakasya nigaranam, kanaka-nigaranan, gâlitar, kanakamiti bhavah2. The change in script has led to change in reading. We find the reading "Kūdāgāratha' in some manuscripts. In the printed editions as well as the hand-written copy we find the reading Kúțăgărădyani'. It has not been explained in the Vrtti of Jīvājivābhigama. Of course, it has been explained in the Vruti of "Jumbūdvipaprajñapti"--"Kūjākårena--sikharākstyádhyāni.''
Acarya Malayagiri has bimself mentioned the variant readings of the manuscripts. The verses, which the commentator quotes from other sources, have been inciuded in the original text in comparatively recent manuscripts.5
In the Vriti we find the mention of the commentary on Jambüdvīpa-prajñapti. The commentators Oj Jambūdvipa-prajnapti definitely belong to a period later than that of Malayagiri. Hence it is a matter worthy of investigation whether this mention is an interpolation or whether Malayagiri had really got with him some old cominentary of Jambūdvipa-prajñapti.
At some places the vrtti contains a lot of matter worth deliberation. The commentator has explained the term "Siri vacchu as śrivrksa. Looking to the context it should be frivatsa.?
1. Jambūdvipaprajñapti Vrtti. p. 108 :
atra cădhikare jiväbhigamasutradarse kvacidadhikapadam api drśyate tattu vsttavatyäkbyátam svayam paryalocyamanamapi na narthapradamiti na likhitam, ten tat sampradayada
Vagantayyam, tamantarena samyak päthaśudáherapi kartumaśakyatvaditi. 1. Jambüdvipa Vr. patra 102: kagakanikarah suvarnaraših. 2. Jāvājivābhigama, V. p. 267. 3. Jambüdvipaprajñapti Vr. p. 107: See the footnote of Jiväjivābhigama, 3/594. 4. (a) Ibid. Vr. p. 321 :
iba bahudhá sútresu păthabhedah parametāvāneva sarvaträpyartho nárthabhedāntaramitye
tadvyakhyanusårena sarvepyanugantavyā na mogghavyamiti. (b) Ibid, Vr. p. 376 :
"iha büyän pustakosu văcacäbhedo galitādi ca säträni bahusu pustakesu tato yatha. vasthitaväcanabhedapratipattyartham galitasütroddharaṇārtham caivam sugamanyapi
vivriyante. 5. Ibid, Vštti p. 331, 333, 334, 334; 3/820, 830, 834, 837: The footnotes are worth seeing. 6. jīvābhigama, Vitti p. 382 :
kvacit simhādīnām varnanam drśyate tad bahuşu pustakesu na drstamityupekşitam, avaš. yam cattadvyākhyāaena prayojadam tarhi Jam ūdvipaprajñapli tikā paribhāvaniyả tatra
savistaram tadvyākhyānasya kftatvät. 7. Ibid., vftti p. 271 :
"Srivękşeņāåkitan-lāåcaita víkş) yeşim te s-ivfkşalā ichita vakşasah."
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