Book Title: Epigraphia Indica Vol 01
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Archaeological Survey of India
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________________ Reprinted 1983 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA GOVERNMENT OF INDIA 1983 - Price : Rs. 95.00 Printed at Pearl Offset Press, 5/33 Kirti Nagar Industrial Area New Delhi-110015.
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________________ PREFACE. M HE Epigraphia Indica originated in a proposal, submitted to the Govern 1 ment of India in February 1887, for the printing of a Record to include not only translations of inscriptions-Sanskrit, Persian, Arabic, and otherbut lists of them and other miscellaneous antiquarian information, including such materials as had been published for the Archaeological Survey of Western India in the Memoranda issued by the Bombay Government from time to time between 1874 and 1885. On the 17th October following, information was asked by Government and submitted, giving details for a quarterly issue of fasciculi. After further correspondence the publication was sanctioned, and the first part was published in October 1888. After the third part, however, owing primarily to unavoidable delays by the press, it was found impossible to keep the publication up to the quarterly date, and the volume has consequently extended over a longer term than was contemplated ; this however is really of little consequence. The materials other than inscriptions, sent to me during the first year, were of little general and permanent interest,' while the partial breaking up of the surveys, and my leaving India in 1889, prevented any special effort on behalf of the subsidiary features of the original prospectus. Hence the work has come to be devoted entirely to palaeography, which was, indeed, from the first its main purpose. ' Indian inscriptions--more so even than those of any other country-are the real archives of the annals of its ancient history, the contemporaneous witnesses of the events and of the men whose deeds they hapd down; and their authenticity renders them most valuable for the historian and deserving of careful record. They supply important data bearing on the chronology, geography, religious systems, affiliations of families and dynasties, taxes, land tenures, magistrates, customs, manners, organization of societies, language, and systems of writing of ancient times. Hence the great need for collecting and publishing them with the best translations and comments that modern scholarship can supply. The early pioneers of Indian research fully recognized this, and men like Wilkins, Colin Mackenzie, Colebrooke, Babington, Drs. Mill and Stevenson, Wathen, W. Elliot, and J. Prinsep, laid the foundation of, and made important contributions to, Indian palaeographic study. So early as 1835, M. Jacquet of Paris projected a Corpus Inscriptionum, and made arrangements to include in it the collections formed by Colonel Colis Mackenzie ; but an early death prevented this young French Orientalist from realizing his purpose. The Bombay Temple Commission, in 1851, recalled attention to the inscriptions, and, in 1856, they reported on "the extreme
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________________ PREFACE. "desirableness of the publication, under the auspices of Government, of fac"similes or copies, with decipherments and translations." The report added that "the publication of such a Corpus Inscriptionum appeared to be an object "of such importance in an antiquarian and historical point of view (for it "would embrace the most important documenta of Indian history), that it well "merited the combined attention of Government, of learned societies, and of "individual orientalists." This project also remained unfulfilled, and it was not till 1877 that Major-General (now General Sir) A. Cunningham, C.S.I., issued the first volume of his Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum, the object of which was "to bring together in a few handy and accessible volumes all the "inscriptions of India which now lie scattered about in the Journals of our "different Asiatic Societies." This volume in demy quarto) contained the Aboka inscriptions on twenty-six lithographed plates of reductions, made by a native draftsman, from the impressions available. The second volume has not appeared; but the third, containing the inscriptions of the early Gupta kings and their successors, was prepared by Mr. J. F. Fleet, C.I.E., Bo.C.S., and published in 1887 in a large super-royal quarto volume,--the plates being photo-lithographic reductions from mechanical impressions taken from the originals, and the whole edited with Mr. Fleet's usual care and scholarship. To attempt collecting the ancient and medieval inscriptions of India, however, in separate volumes, arranged by dynasties or even periods, would necessitate indefinite delays and would still be imperfect; and therefore it seems altogether better to publish them as they are found in the fasciculi of the Epigraphia Indica, and trust to the index of the volume to facilitate references. This volume is thus to be regarded as properly one of the series of the Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum, and practically may stand as the fourth volume of that publication. The contents of this volume speak for themselves. The newly discovered twelfth Afoka edict from Shahbazgarhi, the great Siyadoni inscription found by me in the Lalitpur District, the new inscription of Toramana Shaha, the ancient Hfrahadagalli copper-plate grant, the complete text of the Lakkha Mandal inscription, and the important series of Jaina inscriptions found by Dr. Fuhrer in the excavations at Mathura,--are only part of the important fresh contributions to epigraphy included in it. Facsimiles of the more important inscriptions are also given. With the numerous epigraphs that have not been published before, it supplies also corrected editions from facsimile impressions of others that had been quite inadequately edited. The scholarship and special experience of the various translators,-Professors G. Buhler, Ph.D., LL.D., C.I.E., of Vienna, F. Kielhorn, Ph.D., C.I.E., of Gottingen, and J. Eggeling, Ph.D., of Edinburgh, E. Hultzsch, Ph. D., and J. F. Fleet, C.I.E., Bo.C.S.-are a
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________________ PREFACE. sufficient guarantee for their notes and versions To all of them my best thanks are due for the care and attention they have given to the work submitted to them; and specially to Dr. E. Hultzsch, who has givenun flagging aid in revising the proofs for the press. Dr. Fuhrer, also, has contributed many most valuable-impressions for translation, including the whole of the Juina inscriptions from Mathura. The paper by Professor H. Jacobi, Ph.D., of Bonn University, on the computation of Hindu dates, is one of special and permanent value to all students of Indian chronology. The Government of India has sanctioned the continuance of the work in a second volume, and much progress has already been made in preparing the materials for it. It will contain a revised edition, with facsimiles, of the great inscriptions of Asoka by Professor G. Buhler, who will also supply other papers on further Jaina inscriptions from Mathura, on the Sanchi inscriptions, etc. At my request the Government of India has kindly secured an impression of the Badal pillar inscription, and through the favour of Colonel S. S. Jacob, C.L.E., of Jaypur, estampages of the Harsha inscription have been obtained, which, together with others, have been edited by Professor F. Kiel. horn. Then Muhammadan inscriptions have hitherto been overlooked or but sparingly edited ; and it is intended to give them a place in the next volume, for which two series of considerable length have been already prepared. JAS. BURGESS. 22, SETON PLACE, EDINBURGH 5th October 1891.
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________________ CONTENTS. 1. A Prakrit grant of the Pallava king Sivaskandavarman; by Prof. G. Buhler, Ph. D., LL.D., C.I.E., Vienna (with facsimiles). 2. The Prasasti of the temple of Lakkha Mandal at Madha in Jaunsar Bawar: an inscription of a princess of Singhapura; by the same (with facsimile) 3. Twelfth Edict of Asoka, from Shahbazgarhi; by the same (with facsimite) 4. An inscription of Sam. 1311, from Dabhoi in Gujarat; by the same. 5. Ratnapur stone inscription of Jajalladeva, of the (Chedi) year 866; by Prof. F. Kielhorn, Ph.D., C.I.E., Gottingen (with facsimile) 6. Malhar stone inscription of Jajalladeva, of the (Chedi) year 919; by the same 7. Ratnapur inscription of Prithvideva, of the (Vikrama) Samvat 1247; by the same 8. Rashtrakuta grant of Krishna II., dated Saka 832; by E. Hultzsch, Ph.D. 9. Two cave-inscriptions from the Trisirapalli (Trichinopoly) rock; by the same 10. Badaun inscription of Lakhapapala; by Prof. F. Kielhorn, Ph.D., C.I.E. 11. Madhuban copper-plate grant of Harsha; by Prof. G. Buhler, Ph.D., LL.D., C.I.E. 12. The Dewal or Illahabas Prasasti of Lalla the Chhinda; by the same (with facsimile) 13. A Valabhi grant of Dhruvasena III., Samvat 334; by E. Hultzsch, Ph.D. 18. Inscription on an image of Parsvanatha in Kangra; by the same 19. Inscriptions from Khajuraho; by Prof. F. Kielhorn, Ph.D., C.I.E. (1) Fragment of an inscription (of Harshadeva ?) (2) Inscription of Yasovarman, of the year 1011 (with facsimile) (3) Inscription from a Jaina temple, of the year 1011. (4) Inscription of Dhangadeva, of the year 1059, renewed in 1173. (5) Inscription of Kokkala, of the year 1058 (6-8) Three inscriptions from images at the Jaina temples 22. A stone inscription from Kudarkot; by the same (with facsimile) 23. The Peheva inscription; by Prof. G. Buhler, Ph.D., LL.D., C.I.E. * . 24. The Kangra Jvalamukhi Prasasti; by the same 25. Two Chandella inscriptions, by Prof. F. Kielhorn, Ph.D., C.I.E. : 14. Sarban inscription in the Delhi Museum; by Prof. J. Eggeling, Ph.D., Edinburgh 15. A new inscription of the Andhra king Yajnasri Gautamiputra; by Prof. G. Buhler, Ph.D., LL.D., C.I.E.. 16. The two Prasastis of Baijnath at Kiragrama in Kangra; by the same 17. The Jaina inscription in the temple of Baijnath at Kiragrama; by the same * . * * * * * . 20. Two inscriptions from Gwalior; by E. Hultzsch, Ph.D. (with facsimile) 21. The Siyadoni stone inscription, of Vikrams S. 960 to 1025; by Prof. F. Kielhorn, Ph.D., C.I.E.. * . * PAGE. * 2 22 888 * 10 . 16 20 32 39 95 97 118 . 120 121 121 . 122 135 137 . 147 152 154 45 52 58 61 67 75 162 179 . 184 190 85 (1) Man stone inscription of Madanavarmadeva (2) Bagrari stone inscription of Paramardideva . 195 207 26. Fragment of an inscription of Sallakshanasitha (?), from Jhansi; by the same (with facsimile) 214 27. Chandella inscription from Mahoba; by E. Hultzsch, Ph.D. 217 28. Udepur Prasasti of the kings of Malva; by Prof. G. Buhler, Ph.D., LL.D., C.I.E. (with 93 facsimile) 29. New inscription of Toramana Shaha; by the same (with facsimile) 222 . 238 242 30. Peheva Prasasti of the reign of Mahendrapala of Kanauj; by the same (with facsimile) 31. Bilhari inscription of the rulers of Chedi; by Prof. F. Kielhorn, Ph.D., C.I.E. (with facsimile) 251 32. Cintra Prasasti of the reign of Sarangadeva; by Prof. G. Buhler, Ph.D., LL.D., C.I.E. 33. Mathura Prasasti of the reign of Vijayapala; by the same 271 287 34. Vadnagar Prasasti of the reign of Kumarapala; by Vajeshankar G, Ojha and Dr. G. Buhler, C.I.E., Vienna 293
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________________ X CONTENTS. 35. Deopara inscription of Vijayasena; by Prof. F. Kielhorn, Ph.D., C.I.E., Gottingen (with facsimile) 36. Sanak grant of the Chaulukya king Karna I.; by E. Hultzsch, Ph.D. (with facsimile) 37. Prasasti of the temple of Vadipura Parevanatha at Pattana; by Prof. G. Buhler, Ph.D., LL.D., C.I.E., Vienna 38. Two Chandella inscriptions from Ajayagadh; by Prof. F. Kielhorn, Ph.D., C.I.E. 39. Patna inscription of the time of the Yadava king Simghana and his feudatories Soideva and Hemadideva; by the same 40. Begur inscription of the Ganga king Exeyapparasa; by J. F. Fleet, Bo. C.S., C.I.E. 41. Stone inscription from Ranod (Narod); by Prof. F. Kielhorn, Ph.D., C.I.E. 42. Hampe inscription of Krishnaraya, dated Saka 1430; by E. Hultzsch, Ph.D. 43. New Jaina inscriptions from Mathura; by Prof. G. Buhler, Ph.D., LL.D., C.I.E. (with facsimiles) 44. Further Jaina inscriptions from Mathura; by the same (with facsimiles) 45. Plate of a Pallava copper-plate grant; by E. Hultzsch, Ph.D. (with facsimile) 46. Krishnapura inscription of Krishnaraya, dated Saka 1451; by the same On the Computation of Hindu Dates in Inscriptions, &c.; by Prof. H. Jacobi, Ph.D., Bonn. General Tables for the computation of Dates Special Tables for the same. Index Errata and Corrigenda PAPERS ARRANGED UNDER AUTHORS' NAMES. BY PROFESSOR G. BUHLER, PH.D., LL.D., C.I.E., VIENNATwelfth edict of Asoka from Shahbazgarhi; with facsimile New Jaina inscriptions from Mathura; with facsimiles Further Jains inscriptions from Mathura; with facsimiles A new inscription of the Andhra king Yajnasri Gautamiputra A new inscription of Toramana Shaha; with facsimile. A Prakrit grant of the Pallava king Sivaskandavarman; with facsimiles Prasasti of the temple of Lakkha Mandal at Madha in Jaunsar Bawar; with facsimile Madhuban copper-plate of Harsha The two Prasastis of Baijnath at Kiragrama in Kangraa The Peheva inscription. The Peheva Prasasti of the reign of Mahendrapala of Kanauj; with facsimile Mathura Prasasti of the reign of Vijayapala Udepur Prasasti of the kings of MAlva; with facsimile. Dewal or Illahabas Prasasti of Lalla the Chhinda; with facsimile The Jains inscription at the temple of Baijnath at Kiragrama Inscription on an image of Paravanatha at Kangra . The Kangra Jvalamukhi Prasasti Inscription of V. Samvat 1311 from Dabhoi Cintra inscription of the reign of Sarangadeva Prasasti of the temple of Vadipura Paravanatha at Pattana BY PROF. G. BUHLER AND VAJESHANKAR GAURISHANKAR OJHA, BHAUNAGARVadnagar Prasasti of the reign of Kumarapala BY PROFESSOR JULIUS EGGELING, PH.D., EDINBURGH Sarban stone inscription in the Delhi Museum . BY J. F. FLEET, Bo.C.S., C.I.E. Begar stone inscription of the Ganga king Exeyapparass BY E. HULTZSCH, PH.D. Two cave-inscriptions from the Trisirapalli rock Plate of a Pallava copper-plate grant; with facsimile " . * . " * * 338 . 346 . 351 361 . PAGE. 371 393 + 305 316 * 319 325 397 398 403 443 450 461 16 371 393 95 238 2 10 67 97 154 242 287 222 75 118 120 190 20 271 319 293 98 346 58 397
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________________ CONTENTS. 398 Pres. BY L HULTZSCH, PH.D.-entd. A Valabhi grant of Dhruvasena III, Sath vat 334 Rashtrakata grant of Krishna II., dated Galo 892 Two inscriptions from Gwalior ; toith facsimile . . . Chandella inscription from Mahobl . . Sahak grant of the Chaulikya king Karpa I.; toith facrimile . . . . Hampe inscription of Krishparky, dated Saka 1480 . . . . . . Krishnapan inscription of Krishpardy, dated Bak 1451 . . . BY PROFESSOR HERMANN JACOBL, PH.D., BONN On the computation of Hindu dates in inscriptions, with tables . . . . BY PROFESSOR . KIBLHORN, PH.D., C.L.E., GOTTINGEN Pigment of an inscription of Harshadova P) from Khajuraho . Insoription of Yalovarman, of the year 1011, from Khajuraho; with facrimile. . Inscription from a Jains temple at Khajurdho, of the year 1011 . . Inscription of Kokkale, of the year 1058, from Khajaribo . . . . . Insoription of Dhangadova, of the year 1059, rodowed in 1178, from Khajariho Throo inscriptions from images at the Jaina tom ples of Khajuraho . Ratnapur stone inscription of Jajalladeve, of the (Chedi) year 866; with facsimile Malhar stone inscription of JAjalladers, of the (Chedi) year 919 . Ratnapar stone inscription of Prithvideva, of V. Sahvat 1947 . . . Bilhari inscription of the rulers of Chedi; with facrimile . The Blyadopt stone inscription, Vikrama Sarhvat 960 to 1025 . Mag stono inscription of the Chandella king Madana varmadova . Bagrari stone inscription of the Chandella Paramardiders . Two Chandella inscription from Ajayagadh . Fragmont of an inscription of Sallakshapmaisha (P) from Jhacal; with facsimile . Badaan stone inaoription of Lakhapapilla . Inscription from Kadarkot; with facrimile . . . . . . . . 179 Deopan inscription of Vijayhona; with facsimile Pats inscription of the time of the Yadava king Siraghapa and his fondatories Soideva and Hemddideva . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF FACSIMILE PLATES. 1-5. Copper-plate grant of Siraskendavarman Pellava (5 pages, 15 sides of plates) between pp. 6 & 7 6. Alphabet of the same, by J. Burgess, LL.D., Editor . . . . . . facing p. 7 Pradosti of the Lakkha Mandal temple in Jannskr Bawar, by the Editor. 8. The twelfth edict of Asoks at Shahblugarhl, by the Editor . . . . . . 16 9. Ratnapur inscription of Jajalladers, the Chedi year 866, by the Editor . . 10. Illahabla or Dowal inscription of Lalla tho Cbhinda, by A. Fuhrer, Ph.D. 11. Khajurtiho inscription of Yasovarman, dated Sam 1011, by the Editor . 12. Gwalior inscription of the year 933, by A. Fuhrer, Ph.D. , . . 13. Kudirkot inscription of Harivarman, by the Editor . . . . . . . 14. Inscription from Jhanal of Sallakshapasimhe, by the Editor . . 15. Udayapura inscription of the kings of Malave, by A. Fuhrer, Ph.D. 16. Inscription of Toramapa Shaha, by the Editor . . . . 17. Pehevi inscription of the reign of Mabendrapala, by J. L. Kipling, C.L.E. . . . 244 18. Bilhari inscription of the Chedi princes . * 254 19. Deopara inscription of Vijayasens, by the Editor . 308 %0. Sanak copper-plate grant of Karpa I. of Gujarkt (2 sides), by H. Consens . botween pp. 316-317 21-24. Mathurt ancient Jaina inscriptions, Non, 1-11 (4 pages), by A. Fuhrer, Ph.D. . 388-389 25-28 Ditto Nos. 12-32 (4 pages), by the same . . .804-398 29 Ditto Nos. 33-35, by the same; and Pallara copper-plate, by E. Haltzsch, Ph.D. . . . . . . . . . . facing p. 397
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________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. SANSKRIT AND PRAKRIT INSCRIPTIONS. The great importance of Indian Inscriptions as a means of illustrating and completing our knowledge of the history of the country, fixing the eras of its dynasties, the character of its peculiar land tenures, the derivation and developement of its various alphabets, and other subjects of like importance, has been long since recognised by Colebrooke, Prinsep, Lassen, and all orientalists. Of late years, increasing attention has been given to the study of these ancient records-preserved on stone and copper-plates, and which primarily served as the title-deeds of grants and endowments made by kings or chiefs to temples and religious personages or communities. Most of the earlier collections of transcripts made from these documents were only eye-copies, and, liowever carefully prepared, were but very rarely sufficiently correct and reliable for purposes of critical translation. The late Sir Walter Elliot, K.C.S.I., LL.D., when in the Madras Civil Service, was the first to employ, to any large extent, the system of taking direct ink impressions from oopper-plate grants. Many of these were afterwards pub. lished by me in The Indian Antiquary. This method, like photography, provided the means of supplying to scholars facsimiles of the documents free from clerical errors or modification of the alphabets. Methods of taking direct inked impressions from stone, also, have been devised; and estampages can thus be taken, having the advantages of presenting a direct reading of the inscription on the inked face and & mould from it on the back, so that the slightest scratch on the stone is retained on a carefully taken impression. With such a copy before him, the epigraphist can leisurely decipher the inscription in his study with about the same accuracy and facility as if he had the lithic record before him. The inscriptions in the following pages have been prepared from such impressions and edited by most competent scholars, with commente, texts, and translations. The publication of them will thus place in the hands of European and other students of Indian history and antiquities, trustworthy texts and versions of the inscriptions collected by the Archeological Surveys,' and will be a reliable source from which to obtain the materials required in the prosecution of their studies in the historical, antiquarian. philological, or other branches of Oriental research. Selected facsimiles of the more notable inscriptions, on a reduced scale, accompany the texts. J. B. For some loooont of the collections made and the work done in this department of research previous to 1878, se my remarks in the Introduction to Pai Sanskrit and Old Canarere Inscriptions, arranged by Mr. J. 7. Flest, Bo.C.8 The Loxoriptions of the Madru Burvey will be published separately by Dr. B. Hultsaob.
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________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. I.--A PRAKRIT GRANT OF THE PALLAVA KING SIVASKANDAVARJAN, By G. BUHLER, Ph.D., LL.D., C.I.E., VIENNA. For the edition of the subjoined grant I have used a photograph and two rubbings (A and B), made over to me by Dr. J. Burgess, O.I.E., Director General of the Archeological Survey of India. The original plates were purchased from Chennappa, & mer. chant of Hirahadagalli in the Bellari district. They are eight in number and measure each 8 inches by 3". They are numbered with the ancient numeral signs of the ataharapalli; but, contrary to the ordinary usage, the figures are found on the first side of each sheet. The plates are held together by a single ring which passes through holes in the upper right-hand corners. The technical execution is extremely rude and so careless that the holes for the ring have been cut, after the engraving had been done. Portions of several aksharas, e.g., of the second on plate IIa, 1. 1, have thus been destroyed. The preservation is good. Only in the last line of plate IIa one important word has become illegible. The characters closely resemble those used in Sir W. Elliot's grant of Vijayabuddhavarman's queen." The letters fa da and da look frequently much alike, and the same remark applies in some cases to ta and na as well as to ta and bha. The anusvara is indicated by a small cross. Among the numeral signs there are several remarkable forms. Thus the figure 2 is expressed by a dot and a slanting straight line, the figure 3 by a peculiar combination of three straight lines. On the other hand the figure 1 is expressed by a curved stroke, as in the grant edited by Mr. Fleet. With the exception of the last line, which contains a final mangala in good Sanskrit, the grant is written in a Prakrit dialect, which comes close to the literary Pali, but shows also a number of peculiarities and divergent forms. The majority of the latter is traceable partly in the edicts of Aloka and partly in the inscriptions of the caves of Western India and of the Amaravati Stupa, while a few occur only in other literary Prakrits. The points which here deserve special mention are the following: 1. The palatal ja is used frequently for ya. It appears throughout in the names, which in Sanskrit end in arya, e.g., Golasamajasa (1. 12), Ayisamajasa (1. 18), i.e., in Sanskrit Agnifarmaryasya, &c. In other words, the change is less constant. Thus we have 1 The same anomaly is observable in Mr. Floot's edition of Sir W. Elliot'o grant of Viyayabaddhavarmaa's queen. where, besides, plate IIB bours the figure 3, while plate III is not marked at all. Indian Antiquary, Vol. IX. Pp. 101.109. Unfortunately the greater part of the text of this grant makes no in Mt. Yleet's edition. I st fint suspected that his facsimile was not exact. But a comparison of the original plates, which were presented to the British Museum by Sir Walter Elliot, has rouvinced me that it is absolutely trustworthy. A repeated examination of the document and a comparison with our graut have led we, however, to differ from Mr. Fleet with respect to the reading of a number of words. I rond 1. 1. BA dradd dyana instead of Bidraftdyaya. 1. 8. Anlash for about 1. 8. Nivaland and awkeki, for nivaltane, add()ki. 1. 10. Bampadatid tar dlapagdneyik dyattd for samya dattd tash (dida-dwe yekd 200 (60 ) flara. 11. Sapraparidraki pariharashda pariharayant for anya parihariki parikaradhaparikaya. If the last two words are changed te parihara tu and paridrayants (cha), a translation of lines 8-11 is posible, and it will be "(To the temple) of divine Nariyana (a piece of land, four ninarlands 4, has been given by tu, (the gift) having been made means of increasing our length of life and power. Kaowing that (our) officiale living in the village, should exempt it (an/) and chase it to be exempted with all exemptions." In I. 18 I read pivati instead of decati, because bers, as also in gemeyik (1. 10) the corred line to the right of the consonant which itself comes closer to pa than to da, is meant - oftea iu another class of inscriptious, fur i. I sun muulle to doeipluer liges 1-7, whien remain utterly unintelligible.
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________________ PALLAVA GRANT OF SIVASKANDAVARMAN. 3 kareyya (1.40) and kareyyama (1. 41) against kiravejjd (L 40), vatteja (1. 46), and hoja (1.48); yo (1.46) against-jo (1. 44); ppayutte (1. 6) against asjutto (1.47). A great many other words, like 'yaji (1. 1), visayesa (1. 3), show only ya. The occasional change of ya to ja separates the language of the inscription from the literary Pali and the dialects used in Asoka's inscriptions, while it agrees with the practice followed in the caveinscriptions. An instance of the change, which in literary Pali is very rare, of ja to ya, occurs in Bharaddaya (1. 2, 16, 19) for Sanskrit Bharadvaja. 2. A very peculiar principle is observed in the change of na to na. It almost invariably takes place in the affixes of inflection, Pallavana (1. 2), manusana (1. 7),deg vat. thavana (18), "bamlasdsan (1. 8, 27, 30, 38), bhatukdya (1. 18), *pamukhdar (1.27, 38), likhitena (1. 51), katanam, (1. 10, 29), natunam, the only counter-instance being madena (1. 40). In other cases frequently, though not invariably, a single medial na suffers the same change, while initial na and medial nna always remain unchanged. On the whole the lingual na occurs more frequently than in Pali, in the Girnar redaction of Asoka's edicts and the cave-inscriptions, but more rarely than in the Prakrit of the Jainas, where it has nearly supplanted the dental nasal. 3. Some cases in which hard consonants are softened likewise come nearer to the usage of the Jaina and Maharashtri dialects, than to that of the Pali and of the older inscriptions. Thus we find Kassava (1. 18) for Kalyapa, karavejja (1. 40), anuvatthaveti (1. 45), and vi (1. 6, 29), while the original consonant is preserved in parihapetavva (1. 37), and api (1. 37). With these instances may be compared bhada for bhata (1. 7, 43), and kada or kada (1. 51) against adhikata (1. 4). An exceptional case of hardening occurs in majataye for Sanskrit maryadaya. The representation of Sanskrit varsha by vasa (1. 48, 49) and varisa (1. 42) is against the usage in Pali and in most of Asoka's edicts, but is found in the cave-inscriptions. 4. Some peculiar forms, in the declension especially of pronouns and numerals, which deserve to be noted, are: the masculine sammo (1. 46) instead of the neuter sammam, Sanskrit sarma, the nominative plural masculine chattari (1. 18, 39) instead of chattaro, the instrumental singular majataye (1. 43), the form be (1. 14, 20, 39) for dve or duve, the genitive plural amham (1. 3, 42) instead of amhakam, the genitive plural etesi (1. 27) for etesam, and chasi (1. 46), i.e., cha esi, for cha esam, the genitive plural chatunham (1. 18) instead of chatunnam. Analogies for the first three forms occur already in Asoka's edicts. The last five are known from the cave-inscriptions and the later Prakrits. Most remarkable is the inflection of the Dvandva compound in the phrase KumaranamdiKumarasama-Kottasama-Sattissa cha chaturham bhatukana chattari pattibhaga (1. 17), where we should expect the termination of the plural instead of that of the singular. The preceding adjective Kosikasagotasa and the following cha show that we have not to deal with an accidental mistake. Analogies are found in the Sanskrit Sutras. Thus we find in Apastamba's Dharmaedtra, I. 31, 21, preyatyabrahmacharyakalecharyaya cha. 5. There are further several cases, which exhibit a curious disregard of the rules of concord:-L. 10-11 the adjectives appatikataadaapasa and anekaki[raya]kodigo. halasatasahassappadayino, standing in the genitive singular, have to be taken with the With respect to the elision of the second vowel compare Pali chattarome instead of chattaro ime and other instances mentioned by Kuhn, Beitrage zur Pali Grammatik, p. 60. See also my remarks in the Zeitschrift der Deutsch-Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, vol. XLI, p. 250.
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________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. substantive mahardja-Bappasamihi, which stands in the instrumental plural. Again, the names of the officials in l. 3-6, visayesa-adhikatadike and so forth, stand in the accusative plural, but the last noun of the series, which must have been governed by the same omitted verb as the pthers, bhadamanusana (1.7), shows the genitive plural. The explanation of these two anomalies seems to be that two constructions, either of which would be permissible in itself, have been mixed up. In the first case the word which governs the three nouns is puvvadattam (1.12), and this might in Prakrit be construed either with the genitive or with the instrumental. Moreover, as the substantive is the name of a royal personage, the use of the plural instead of the singular is also permissible. The construction, which the passage shows, has, I think, been caused thereby, that the writer first intended to use the genitive singular throughout and then changed his mind, preferring the construction with the instrumental and the plural. Want of care, or the idea that constructions, differing in form but identical in sense, may be used indiscriminately, made a correction appear unnecessary. The same remarks apply to the second case, where either the accusative or the genitive used throughout would be correct. More difficult is the explanation of the construction of the masculine gampadatto (1. 30) with the neuter puvvadatain, which latter agrees with the omitted substantive vata. kann. If the anomaly has not been caused by a mere lapsus styli, it seems to point to an utter loss of feeling for the differences of gender. The fact that the neuter chattar is used as a masculine, speaks in favour of the second alternative. 6. Finally, the spelling of the inscription calls also for a few remarks. It shows throughout a mingling of two different methods, the abbreviated of the official and com. mercial classes and the etymological of the Pandits. According to the former, which is used nearly throughout, as might be expected, in the edicts of Asoka and mostly in the cave-inscriptions, and which was until a short time ago universally prevalent in government and merchants' offices, each single consonant may also be read double. Hence we find Sivakhandavamo (l. 2). for 'ammo, gumike (1. 5) for gummike, dhama (1.9) for dhamma, Agisumajasa for Aggisammajjass), and numerous similar instances, while the spelling of aggitthoma' and dhamma (1. 1), and of a great many other words, follows the etymological principle. In some cases the latter is adopted, though it violates the phonetic laws of the Prakrit. Thus Atteya (1. 13) is a close transliteration of dreva. but the Prakrit dialects admit only the forms Ateya and Atteya. A word in which both principles of spelling seem to be blended, is Vatsasagotasa (1. 22), which corresponds to Sanskrit Vatsyasagotrasya. The correct Prakrit spelling would be Vachohhasagottassa. It may, however, be that the writer put tsa because he was ac. customed to pronounce it like chha. The historical information, which the grant conveys, is scanty, and in the present state of our knowledge of the history of Southern India not particularly useful. The Pallava king Sivas kandavarman of Kanchi, who was affiliated to the Brahmani. cal gotra of the Bharadvajas, confirmed and enlarged, in the eighth year of his reign, a donation, made formerly by the great king, the lord Bappa (i.e., probably by his father), to certain Brahmans, who resided at Apitti or Apitti, and were bhojakas, i.e., probably freeholders of the village Chillarekakodumka or Chillereka kodumka. The latter village was included in the Satahani district (rattha). The gift consisted of See also my remarks on similarly lux construction in the Sanskrit Satras, in the Zeitschrift der Deutsch-Morgen. landischen Gesellschaft, volume XL, page 532f.
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________________ . PALLAVA GRANT OF SIVASKANDAVARMAN. a garden in Chillarekakodumka, the income from which was to be divided in the manner specified, of two pieces of land in Apitti, and of some serfs. The writer of the grant was the privy councillor (rahasadhikata) Bhattisarman, who is called Kolivalabho. jaka, i.e., the Inamdar of Kolivala. It is for the present impossible to say how the donor is connected with the other Pallava kings, known from the sasanas as yet published, or to fix the period when he reigned. With respect to the latter point I am, however, inclined to assume with Mr. Fleet (Indian Antiquary, vol. IX, p. 101), that the kings, named in the Prakrit grants, belong to an earlier time than those who issued the Sanskrit basanas. The want of accurate maps makes it impossible for me to identify the villages and the district named. In spite of these drawbacks our grant possesses a very great importance. Like the great Nanaghat inscription of Satakanni's widow Nayanika and like the Elliot grant of Vijayabuddhavarman's queen, it shows that the use of Prakrit in the older inscriptions is not due to the influence of Buddhism, but that in early times Prakrit was the official language of the Indian kings, while the use of Sanskrit was still confined to the Brahmanical schools. Our grant and the other two documents mentioned were issued by adherents of the Brahmanical faith. The use of Sanskrit in the comminatory verses, included in the Elliot grant, and in the mangala at the end of our grant, show that the said language was not unknown to the persons who composed the text. If, nevertheless, the chief portions of the grants are written in Prakrit, some reason, not of a religious nature, must have dictated the use of the vulgar idiom. This reason, I think, can only have been official usage. The results of the recent epigraphic and linguistic studies are most unfavourable to the theory that there was in India once a golden age during which kings, priests, and peasants spoke the language of Panini. They rather tend to show that the classical Sanskrit is a Brahmanical modification of the, or a, northern dialect, elaborated by the grammatical schools, which very slowly and in historical times gained ascendancy throughout the whole of India and among all the educated classes. Our inscription is an important link in a long chain of arguments supporting this view. Its full importance can, however, only be made apparent in a comprehensive discussion of the history of the Aryan languages of India. TRANSCRIPT. PLATE I. Siddham || 1 Kaunchipura 2 rajadbirajo 8 amham nggitthomavajapeyassamedhayaji dhammamaha Bharaddayo Pallavana Sivakhandavamo visayesavattharajakumarasena pati Plate IIa. 4 rotthikamadabinudesadhikatadike gAmagamabhojake 5 vallavegovallave amachche aranadhikate gumike futhike 6 neyike anne vi cha ambapesanaprayutte sameharamtaka. 7 bhadamanusana [kadh....o] pariharam vitarama chattha dani This word stands on the margin, on level with the L. 6. Read aranddhikate. second line. L. 6. Only the right side of na in pesana is preserved. L 1. One would have expected aggitthoma'. L. 7. The letters placed between brackets are very doubtful, L. 8. The tha of rattha looks exactly like that of agitthoma. with the exception of the last vowel; pridrah is particu L. 4. The i of raffAika is very faint; read adhdabika. larly plain.
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________________ 6 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. PLATE II6. 8 Apittivatthavana Chillarekakodunkabhojakabambay&nam appa9 na kulagottasa dham&yubalayarovadhanike vijayavejayfke 10 cha katanamh appatibatasasanassa anekahirogakodi. 11 gohalasatasabassappad&yino maharaja-Bappasamihi PLATE IJIa. 12 vataka Chillarekakodumke puvvadattam Golasamajasa patibhago 1 18 Atteyasagotasa Agisamajassa patibhag 4 14 Madharasa patfbhaga bel jamktukasa Agillasa pati15 bbago T.Haritasagotasa KAlasamasa pattibhaga 8 PLATE IIIb. 18 Bbaradayasagottasa Kumarasamasa patibhaga 2 Kosika17 sagotasa Kumaranamdi-Kumarasama-Kottasama-Sattissa cha 18 chatu har bh&tukapa chattari pattibh&ga 4 Kassavasagotta19 sa Bhatisa patibhago 1 Bharadayasa Khamdakomdisa PLATE IVa. 20 patibhaga be 2 Khamdalhasa patibhago Bappasa 21 patibhago 1 Dattajasa patiblaga be 2 Namdijasa 22 patibhag 3 Vatsasagotasa Radasamasa pati. 28 bhago 1 Damajasa patibh&go 1 SAlasamajasa pati. 24 bhago 1 Plate IV. 25 Parimitasa patibhago 1 Naganandisa patibhago 1 Golisa 28 patibhAgo 1 Khamdasamasa patilbago 1 Samijas patibh&go 1 27 etesi bambanayam Agisamajapamukhanam Satabaniratthe 28 game Chillarekakodunke dakbinasimam puvvadattam PLATE Va. 29 amhebi vi Achandatarakalika katram udakAdim sampa30 datto etam bambapinam Chilerekakodunkavatakan 81 akarayollakavinesikhattavasam adadhadadhigahanan 32 arathasamvinayikam alonagulachchhobham akaravetthi PLATE VO. 33 korhjallam aparamparabalivaddagahanam atanakattbagaha34 nam sharitakasakapuphagahanam evamadikebiatth&35 rasajatiparibarehi visayavasihi Api36 ttivasihi Chillerekakodumkavasihi cha pariharitavam Plate VIa. 37 parihapetavva cha tti api cha Apittiyam Agisamaja88 pamukhana bahmananam khalasa nivatanam gharassa nivata39 nam addhika cbattari 4 kolika be tti 2 eva natanam 40 atha kochi vallabhamadena pila badhe kareyya karavejja L. 10. Read hirapa, L. 16. The figure is doubtfal. L. 19. Possibly vdakar and Golisamajana. L. 81. Perhaps khaddavdeant to be road; a peculiar L. 13. The proper Prakrit form of Atreya is uot Atteya, curve is attached to the right limb of ka in akarayollakao but Atteyya and akurayollakao may be intended. L. 15. Read Harita L. 89. Read chatlari, or chatari.
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________________ PLATE 1. PALLAVA COPPEMPLATE CRANT OF SIVAKANDAVARMAN PALLAVA COPPERPLATE GRANT OF SIVASKANDAVARMAN. auredra ergan age 335248 IIO. 15526Ri 2014Nian 020-30 05035831000 LARTFORE21p HY ra20Nian 11nRacuad DBRnsgene J. Burgers, fecit, W. Griggs, Photo-Lith. Scale: Full size.
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________________ PLATE II. PALLAVA COPPERPLATE GRANT OF SIVASKANDAVARMAN. 114, 12 432 nuuN 21 naun An 1 Annwm%8AnuuNn // aa) 725 nuuN ee- 8laan 24 nuuN 7 - 2 | 75.728 nuuN snl 31% puunee naal 15 nuuN 11 mn nee 15 0 3 : naahn, paan kh ) - 14 Iya, paar, 4 11 naap naa -- nuuN pnuuN nee Dn n n n nuuN = 15 1/ ve 2 W. Griggs, Photo-Litho. J. Burgess, feeit. Seule: Full size
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________________ PLATE III. PALLAVA COPPERPLATE GRANT OF SIVASKANDAVARMAN. IV. 52 13 tooN 5/592 ntiin muun 1 nee 38 :56 /%E150pl 33 kNm0%E81226 ( 7130 13:16: nuuN 33 naa ? hn aa ( 22 - 2 1 11%5khee pain naam 7 + 127-ee-nm 2' 1301 5) n n4] 12 13 6 14 1/12 5 2 nee in en7621/06: 5221 74e1853 ii Co4n nn J. Burgene, fecit. Scale: Full size. W. Griggs, Photo-Litho.
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________________ PLATE IV. PALLAVA COPPERPLATE GRANT OF SIVASKANDAVARMAN. VI. 5Pnn nuuN 424 , 934 22 18282 2 218, 145 kNE3% 82 %An n $? nee nkhun p2 170 vI. * 8-9 mukNR 3Gr514745 ? 4 86AnuuN nLn neehu n p8A E3 124 02s nee F5 , 15 4kh nuuN VII. (8mutaab nuuNh nln 84122 * pHkee 646 naau H n nee naa 8 vaaN nee s4 // nn = W. Griggs, Photo-Iithe. J. Burgent, fecit. . .
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________________ PLATE V. PALLAVA COPPERPLATE GRANT OF SIVASKANDAVARMAN. 394jh n n n n n ddii 6 nN : nuuNune 25 ,gh 3 gh - 5 6 7 8 9 33 nee VIL kee ) | 2 nuuN >>n 2 // n n n n p nuuN nh%2297894 nuuN tee J. Burgess, fecit. Scale: Full size. W. Griggs, Photo-Litho.
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________________ PLATE VI. PALAEOGRAPHIC ALPHABET OF THE SIVASKANDAVARMAN GRANT G 5 5 1 4 + +9 3 2 2 3 0 0 4 0 3 1 3 g 8 8 38 e85 88 r 1 2 3 : 3333 - 2 5 28 10 12 13 10 % 2 3 4 1 1 3 4 5 3 3 3 37 0 12 UO 3) (l deg 90 m 35 cho : + ph 2 3 4 5 6 0 9 8 1 * * 4 5 1 2 4 0 0 8 0 4 5 6 7 8 3 chaa 38 220 1 3 1 1 5 61" / hee hoo 2 3 4 rc tthaa hai . 4 0 mm m 4 ymk yk 13- - - F5 1 1 ) 5 x l w Numerals: 1. delt w. Grigs, Photo Litho.
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________________ PALLAVA GRANT OF SIVASKANDAVARMAN. PLATE VID. 41 va tasn khu amhe nigahavarana kareyyama ti bhayo cha 42 variasatanabassatirekasamakale amham Pallava48 kulamabartte bhavissabbade anne cha no 44 vasudhad hipe bhaye 45 likhitamajataye 46 vo sammo ti Plate VIIa. abbatthemi jo sakakale anuvatth@veti yo chasi vigghe upari. tasa vatteja PLATE VJIO. 47 sa cha khu panchamah&patakasamjutto naradhamo 48 hoja ti datt& pattika vasasatasa hassaya 49 samva 8 vasa B diva 5 sayamanatam PLATE VIII. 50 Kolivalabhojakasa rahasadhikata-Bhattisa51 mmasa sahatthalikbitena pattika kada tti 52 svastigobrahmanalekhakhavachakasrotribhya iti (1) TRANSLATION "Success! From Kanchipura--the righteous' supreme king of great kings of the Pallavas Sivakhamdavama (Sivaskandavarman), a Bharaddaya (Bharadvaja) an offerer of Agnishtoma, Vajapeya and Asvamedha (sacrifices) [issues the following orders): "We send greeting]deg to our lords of provinces, pattha8,royal princes, generals, rulers of districts, custom-house officers," prefects of countries and others, to the freeholders of various villages," to herdsmen, cowherds, ministers, foresters, gumikas, tathikas, L. 41. The photograph seems to give karegydmeti. L. 43. Read maharhte. L. 44. Bhaye looks nearly like taye. L. 45. Stands for asuvaffareti, wbicb perhaps should be restored. L. 51. Perhaps kada is to be read. 1 Compare Mr. Fleet's grant, Indian Antiquary, vol. V, p. 165, line 17 of the transcript. . Compare Mr. Fleet's grants, Indian Antiquary, vol. V, p. 51, line 16 of the transcript, and ibidem, Page 156, line 14 of the transcript, as well as vol. IX, p. 101, line 2 of the transcript, where Bhdradd dyassa has to be read for Bhdraftdyana. Two verbs have been left out, one in the third person singular after Sivakharhdavamo, and one in the first person plural, or in the absolutive at the end of the list of officials. For the pronoun amhanh 'our' shows that a new sentence begins with line 3, and the words viturdma chattha dari prove that it must have stood in the first person plural or in the Absolutive. The first verb was probably anaveti or some equivalent. The second may either have been word expressing command, or, what I consider more likely, some expression implying greeting, such as are found in many other inscriptions. * Vattha would correspond to Sanskrit odstva or pastra, the sense of which does not ft. Possibly it may be a mistake for vantha or bandha, which both are explained in Hemachandra's Defikosha by bhritya, 'servant. "I consider the correction mandabika as certain and take the word mandaba or mandapa, from which it has been derived in the sense of the modern mandavi, 'custom house - Molesworth, Mardhi Dictionary, sub voce. The faulkibas are fre. quently mentioned in Sanskrit inscriptions That bhojaka does not mean "temple priest, but 'inamdar,' or 'freeholder,' seems to follow from its use in line 8, where the donees are called Chillarekakodunkabhojakas, who lived in Apittt, and in line 50, where the privy councillor Bhattisamma receives the title Kolivdlabhojake. Such despised personage as a templo priest could hardly become a minister. Professor Pausboll points out to me that gamagdmabhojaka may be rendered as, above, as repetitions of the same word with a lengtheping of the final vowel of the first are commonly used in PAli in order to indicate the vipad.
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________________ 8 . EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. neyikas,' and all others employed in our service, to roaming (spies) and warriors, and we grant here an immunity (viz.) the garden in Chillarekakodunka, which was formerly given by the great king, the lord Bappa, a giver of many krors of gold and of one hundred thousand ox-ploughs, 16 --while he made (the gift) a means of the increase of the merit, longevity, power and fame of (his) own family and race-to the Brahmans, freeholders of Chillarekakodumka (and) inhabitants of A pitti, (viz.) to Golasamaja (Gola armarya) one share of the produce," to Agisamaja (Agnisarmarya) of the Atteya (Atreya) gotra four shares of the produce, to Madhara (Mathara) two shares of the produce, to (his) son-in-law (?) Agilla (Agnila) one share of the produce, to Kalasama (Kalabarman) of the Harita gotra two (?) shares of the produce, to Kumarasama (Kumarasarman) of the Bharadaya (Bharadvaja) gotra two shares of the produce, to the four brothers Kumaranamdi, (Kumaranandin), Kumarasama, (Kumarasarman), Kottasama (Kottasarman) and Satti (Sakti) of the K osika (Kau. sika) gotra four (4) shares of the produce, to Bhati (Bhatti) of the Kassava (Kasyapa) gotra one share of the produce, to Khamdakomdi (Skandakoti ?) the Bharada ya (Bharadvaja) two shares of the produce, to Khamdadha (Skanda-siddha) one share of the produce, to Bappa one share of the produce, to Dattaja (Dattarya) two shares of the produce," to Namdija (Nandyarya) three shares of the produce, to Rudasama (Rudrasarman) of the Vatsya gotra one share of the produce, to Damaja (Damarya one share of the produce, to Salasama (Syalasarman ?) one share of the produce, to Parimita 18 (?) one share of the produce, to Naganamdi one share of the produce, to Goli () one share of the produce, to Khamdasama (Skandasarman) one share of the produce, to Samija (Svamyarya) one share of the produce. "By Us also the formerly-given (garden) (situated) on the southern sim, in the village of Chillarekakodunka (and) in the province (rattha) of Satahani, has been granted to the above-mentioned Brahmans, chief among whom is Agisamaja (Agnisarmarya), (the gift) being confirmed by a libation of water and being made (valid) as long as the moon and stars endure. This garden in Cbillarekakodumka, which belongs to the Brahmans, is to be) free from taxes .........., free from the taking of sweet and sour milk, ............. " free The first of the three words left untranslated corresponds to Sanskrit gaulmika. As gulma means both 'a thicket and A picket of soldiers,' the derivative may denote either a kind of forest-official or the leader of a gulma of warriors. Tidhika may be connected with Prakrit dha' Tirtha,' and mean overseers of fords' or 'of bathing places. With neyika compare naivokas in Mr. Fleet and Elliot's grant, Indian Antiquary, vol. V, p. 62, line 28 of the text. Mr. Flest changes it to niyukth, which now seems a rather doubtful emendation. I suspect that naiyokdh is a mistake for naiyikah, which would exactly correspond to noyika, and that both words are corruptions of Sanskrit ndyaka, commonly pronounced ndiok. If this is correct, the term denotes a military officer of the rank of a corporal or a sergeant. #Sarhoharantaka cours also in Mr. Fleet's grant, loe. cit., line 29 of the text, and Mr. Fleet has translated it by travellers.' I believe that royal servanta are meant, and that the word refers to the spies whom the Indian kings sent into the provinces to explore the behaviour of their officials, -sce Manu, VII, 122. The prent king Bappa is probably the donor's father,--see Mr. Fleet's article, Indian Antiquary, vol. XV, p. 272F. * This may, of course, mean also one hundred thousand cows and the same number) of ploughs (of land).' Regarding the various kinds of the measure of land, called a plough,' see Kullaka on Manu, VII, 119. Patti, patti, pats, and pali I take to be the representatives of Sanskrit prdpti, which means dya, 'produce,' or 'income. It is, of course, powible that the garden was let and the rent divided amoug the donees. This name does not soem to be correct; perhaps it should be Harimita, i.e.; Harimitra. The word odfakam has been soft out by mistake. Milk, grass, firewood, vegetables, and so forth had to be farnished gratis by the villagers to royal officers and their servanta. The custom still prevails in many native states. * 1 do not venture to translate arathasanhvinayilear. The phrase is, of course, identical with that used in the Andhrs insoriptions (Archeological Report, West. Ind., vol. IV, pp. 104-106, Nos. 13, 14)---arathasariroyika, my former explanation of which cannot stand.
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________________ PALLAVA GRANT OF SIVASKANDAVARMAN. from troubles about salt and sugar,* free from taxes, forced labour........., free from the taking of the oxen in succession, free from the taking of grass and wood, free from the taking of vegetables and flowers; with these and other immunities of the eighteen kinds it must be exempted and caused to be exempted by the inhabitants of the province, by the inhabitants of Apitti and by the inhabitants of Chillereka kodumka. " Moreover, in Apitti (one) nivartana (has been given) to the Brahmans, chief among whom is Agisamaja (Agnisarmarya), for a threshing-floor, (one) nivartana for a house, four labourers receiving half the produce (addhika), two Kolikas. "Now (f) anybody, knowing this, proud of (being) a favourite of the king), should cause or cause to be caused a small obstacle (to the donees) him, forsooth, we shall restrain by punishment. And further I pray both the future great warriors of our Pallava race, roho may rule) within a period exceeding one hundred thousand years, as well as kings, differing from us (in descent), saying (unto them) : To him among you blessings, who in his time makes the people) act aocording to the rule, written above. But he who acts contrary to it shall be the lowest of men, loaded with the guilt of) the five mortal sins.' A charter (valid) for one hundred thousand years has been given on the fifth day, in the sixth (fortnight) of the rainy season, in the year eight. (My) own order. The charter has been prepared in his own handwriting by the privy coun. cillor Bhattisama (Bhattisarman), the Kolivala freeholder.' Welfare to cows, Brahmans, the writer, the readers and the hearers.'" POSTSCRIPT. After writing the article printed above, I have received from Dr. J. Burgess the original plates of the grant for inspection and am now able to give the following additions. The plates are still held together by a single ring to which a nearly circular, somewhat battered, seal about an inch in diameter is attached. This seal shows as emblem an animal, facing the proper right, which may be intended for a deer or a horse. Below there stands the word Sivaskandavarmanah, the last three aksharas of which are much defaced and doubtful. The first four aksharas are perfectly plain and leave no doubt that this part of the grant was in Sanskrit, just like the mangala at the end. On the otherwise blank outside of the first plate the word dithan is inscribed in very large letters. It is obviously the equivalent of Sanskrit drishtam, which according to Dr. Bhagvanlal and Mr. Fleet occurs in the beginning of the Chammak and Sivani grants of the Vakataka king Pravarasena II. I have formerly tried to show that, though the resemblance of the letters in the latter two documents to drishtam is indisputable, they must be read or om or o om. In face of the plain reading on our plate, it is no longer possible to uphold the latter view. The existence of the word drishtam must be acknowledged. As regards its meaning, I think that we may take it in its literal sense and translate it by 'SEEN,' the note indicating that the copy of the grant In Sanskrit alavanagudakahobham. Digging for alt w a royal monopoly. # I suppose this refers to the obligation of furnishing by turns draught-cattle for the progress of the royal offers. * The addhika i.e., ardhikah, appear to bave been slaver,--see also Apastamba's Dharmasdtra, II, 28, 1. * Kolikd corresponds to Sanskrit kaulikda, and may mean weavers. But it is also possible to think of the wellknown tribe of the Kolla, who were slaver. 2 transliterate and complete this, -"yak makakala uparilikhitamaryddayd Gande) arvoartayottaya vas farmati.
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________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. given to the donees had been seen, and was acknowledged to be correct by the minister or by the keeper of the records. This explanation is suggested by the position of dithan in our grant, where it occupies much the same place as the Vide or Visum in certain modern official documents. If drishtam-ditham were to be taken as a mangala, as might be supposed on account of its position in the two Vakata ka grants, it would be difficult to say how it came to be used in that sense. II.-THE PRASASTI OF THE TEMPLE OF LAKKHA MANDAL AT MADHA, IN JAUNSAR BAWAR, By G. BUHLER, Ph.D., LL.D., C.I.E. The subjoined edition of the Prasasti of the temple of Lakkha Mandal at Madha in the Jaunsar Ba war district on the Upper Jamna, has been prepared according to an impression supplied by Dr. J. Burgess. The inscription seems to be incised with great skill and neatness and to be in an almost perfect state of preservation. The letters are very closely allied to the Brahma aksharas of the Horiuzi palm-leaves and to the characters of Dr. Bhagvanlal's Nepal inscriptions Nos. 9-15, as well as of those of Kamavana and Jhalrapatan. With the latter it shares one striking peculiarity-the superscribed and often highly ornamental kanas and matras. Our document is, however, not quite regular in this respect. Prishthamatras and 4-strokes, marked by a horizontal line, occur likewise. Archaic is the form of ta which consists of a semi-circle, inclining towards the right or placed horizontally with the round back upwards. In two cases, 1. 13 Bhatta-Kshemasiva and 1. 14 Bhatta-Skanda, the top of the upper ta is flattened. The subscribed palatal na has also an archaic shape, differing only by the curves in the left-hand vertical from the form of the Gupta inscriptions. The older form of ya consisting of a loop and two verticals occurs 1. 6 and 11, in yena. The language is good and pure Sanskrit, offering only a few irregularities in the spelling, which, however, are very common in the older inscriptions. Instead of the anusvara we havo invariably na before sa, and also before sa, with one exception, where the dental na stands. For kritavan the inscription has, 1. 4, kritaran; for kritas, 1. 7, kritab; and for simha, 1. 1 and 5, singha. No distinction is made between va and ba, a certain indication that then as now the letter pa was always pronounced ba in Northern India. Above the inscription there are in the centre some irregular letters of later date which seem to read Sri-Hattadhisoarebhyach. Further towards the right stand five indistinct aksharas of the same alphabet in which the inscription is written, perhaps ndratana. syah and finally nearly in the corner above a diagram [ra?] jasrisadhukenah l. As regards the contents of the inscription, it offers (verse 22) a so-called Prasasti, -a eulogy or panegyrie, composed by Bhatta Vasudeva, son of Bhatta Skanda and grandson of Bhatta Kshemasiva, and incised in the stone (verse 23) by the mason Isvaranaga, son of Nagadatta. The stone is now in the modern temple of Lakkha Mandal, where it has recently been placed for safe custody, another wborter and almost obliterated inscription is built into a wall. The Tahsildar of Kalsi brought both to my notice.-J B. . Ind. Ant., vol. IX, pp. 163 seqq. ; vol. X, p. 34; and vol. V, p. 180. Compare also Anecdota Oconiensia, vol. I, part 3, p 72, note 2.
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________________ 11 THE PRASASTI OF LAKKHA MANDAL. The Prasasti records the dedication of a temple of Siva (verse 20) by a princess, Isvara, who belonged to the royal race of Singhapura, for the spiritual welfare of her deceased husband. The latter, called Sri Chandragupta, was (verse 19) the son of a king of Jalandhara, -apparently himself not a reigning king, but either a younger son or possibly an elder son who died during his father's lifetime. The greater part of the inscription (verses 2-18) is taken up by an acoount of the ancestors of the dedicatriz, and gives us the following pedigree of the kings of Singhapura, who, according to verse 2, belonged to the line of Yadu,--the Yadavas of the lunar race, which had ruled over the country "since the beginning of the Yuga." I. Bonavarman (verse 2) II. Aryavarman (v. 3) III. Dattavarman (v.4) IV. Pradiptavarman (5.5) v. favuravarman (v. 6) VI. Vriddhivarman (v.7) VII. Singhavarman (v. 8) VIII. Jalavarman] (v. 9) IX. Yajnavarman (v. 10) X. Aobalavarman Samaraghanghala (vv. 11-12) Kapilarardhana (v. 18) XI. Divakaravarman (vv. 13-14) XII. Bhakara (varman] -md-JayAvalt (v. 18) Mabighanghala Ripughanghala (vv. 16-17) firard-md.- Chandragupte, prince of Jalandhara. Though one or even several verses are devoted to each royal personage, not a single historical fact is mentioned regarding them. Only with respect to Jayavalt the statement that "she obtained the title dedi through her virtues," permits us to infer that she was of comparatively speaking low extraction. As her father Kapilavardhana receives only the epithet Sri. the illustrious,' he probably was nothing more than & common Rajput. The fact that Isvard was married to a scion of the royal family of Jalandhara, the modern Jalland har in the Panjab, makes it very probable that the district over which her ancestors ruled lay in the same province. Hence the Sainghapura rajya of our inscription may be safely identified with the kingdom of Sang-hopu-lo, i.e., Simhapura, described by Hiuen Tsiang. This identification gives us perhaps a clue to the probable date of the inscription and to the period during which the twelve kings of Singhapura ruled. If the palaeographical facts mentioned above are alone taken into consideration, the inscription will have to be placed between about 600 and 800 A.D. For the earliest of the dated cognate inscriptions was written in Sriharshasarvat 48 or 654-55 A.D., and the latest in Sriharshasamvat 153 or 759-80 A.D. It would, of course, be unsafe to assume that these dates are exactly the beginning and the end of the A not quite correct analysis of the contents of this inscription has been given in Prinsep's Buay, vol. II, Undful Tables, p. 245, note 2. According to Mr. Fleet's letter in the Academy of January 7, 1888, it was also discussed or translated many years ago by Babu Bivaprasade in the Simla Akbar, a publication not accessible to me. This is the usual way of rendering the Chinese syllables. The latter agree, bowever, more closely with the form of our inscription, Singhapura, and I believe that this was the one kaown to Hiuen Triang. Si-yu-ki, vol. I, pp. 149-147 (Beul).
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________________ - 12 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. period during which the alphabet of our inscription was in use, and it is only reasonable to allow a margin of about fifty years either way. Hiuen Tsiang's remarks concerning the government of Singhapura make it, I think, likely that it was written near the remoter limit of this period. He says (loc. cit., p. 143) that, at the time of his visit, "the country had no king or rulers, but was in dependence on Kasmir." As our inscription distinctly asserts that kings of the Yadu race ruled the realm of Singhapura since the beginning of the Yuga and enumerates those of eleven generations by name, its date probably falls before the Kasmirian conquest. For even if we assumed, though there is no foundation for such an assumption, that Singhapura again became free shortly after Hiuen Tsiang's visit in 631 A.D., and if we assigned the inscription to the remotest limit, the end of the eighth century, its contents would clash with Hiuen Tsiang's statement. For the eleven generations of kings enumerated we require at least 275 years, which we can in no way get, if we suppose the inscription to have been written after Hiuen Tsiang's visit and after the hypothetical liberation of Singhapura from the Kasmirian yoke, say between 650 and 1700 A.D. If we'assume that it was incised before those two events, say about 600, the assertion that the Yadavas ruled Singhapura since the beginning of the Yuga, i.e., since time immemorial, and that eleven princes ruled it in a direct line of succession, offers no difficulties. The accession of Senavarman will thus have to be placed in the beginning of the fourth century A.D. In conclusion I may add that this inscription very forcibly inculcates the necessity of our abstaining from identifying every Chandragupta who may turn up in literary or epigraphic documents with the Maurya or the Gupta king of that name. L.2. TRANSCRIPT. Line 1. bhI sargasthitilayahetIvizvasya [brahmaviSNurudrANAM / mUrticayaM pradadhate saMsArabhide namo vibhave // [1] yaduvazabhuvA rAjA saikapuraM rAjyamA yugAidhatAm / bIsanavammanAmA rAjarSi prakrameNAsIt / [2] tanayastasya zrImAvRpatirabhUdAryavarmanAmdaiva / pAryavratA prathama khyApitavAstadanu yazcaritaiH / [2] zrIdattavarmaL.3. nAmA dattAbhayavibhavavijayavidhva[sa: [1] bhItArthikulAribhyo vabhUva tasyAtmajo nRpatiH // [4] sUnurabhUttasya mahAnbhUpAlaz zrIpradIptavarmeti / dandhiAcapRtanA pataGgapaTalIpradIptAgniH / [5] zrIkharavarmeti sutastasyAbhUbhUpati pradAnena / ekhaye ya x kritavAnubhava va nicaye [bhavArthAnAM / [] zrIvRSivarmasaMjastasya vabhUvAtmajaH .L 1. Road -The word brahma is indistinct. TMetre of verses 1-22, Arya. .L. . The syllable in t lo faintly visible. The restoration is certain, on account of the word line 3. I. Rond WATT-The first two syllables of w ater are indistinct. T . in
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________________ PRASASTI FROM LAKKHA MANDAL TEMPLE AT MADH. / 0m /xlm % 84nn't# zl-l%ptshuryMyc'o 3ms-'bzhu nb-mnM b bhcuf eaqfrgpq-phn shms-5ns--tsho-h si25 nsims / taaitstshsuzhi7nuslobdzdzsdu0, wtsh-nunn-pbsM glphyind sc3marlM s- raa'i n gb(4, smni-ro&rts(spyobu nu bu ng-shuph(8srsnynu1nu, naagrul-nusuhyc50mnyiznu gnupaan- pnxucupu9 qkgiaibtsonyisnynmsmnyig'm-shaaltsaa-brgyunngtRbtschofshig* yysMxxgb nu 74 gts402btpho'mr-nM n r rogs- bsnynun-zhbr-'phuizmlskyo:gi-yb'il tnrrs7sh" rng / / nonucaq7rnlo 45 nut, ttshmsms837lhugtsbshaabb-sgol, mwMrln(dhnytp'tsho-rtshng- bl rnl 3 / 3 + 2drrvtmm-bsub shilt&s@-bnf8nyng 4df shaantit@shugsgk-lsum 1yplgrul3 bni, r s l knytsnm hrtizmg(9Agrnglubs-'tsho-rtsw-mo'bcp']n:mg<
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________________ THE PRASASTI OP LAKKHA MANDAL. L.ha. pravRdhIH / L. 6. L.7. L. 8. L.9. candra iva tApahArI nayanAnAM nandanI rAjA // [7] svabhujArjitazauryayazA dAnavatAmupari dRSTasAmarthya: [1] zrosikavarmanAmA tattanayo rAjasikobhUt // [8] tasya sutobhUdAzApUraNakammA janasya tApacchit / / zrIjalanAmA nRpatiH kaliyugadAvAgnijalavarSaH // [e] zrIyantravarmanAmA tadaGgajobhUmahIpatiryena / yatrAjya dhUmajaladainityotkekA kritA zikhinaH // [10]" pucastasya vabhUva zrImAnAjarSiracalavati / kRtayugacariteSvacalo yazca sthairyAdiguNasAmyAt // [11] yassama raghalAkhyAmanvaya'vatIndadhAra raNaraudraH [1] aparAmagaNitasaGgarakariradanApAr3itoraskaH // [12] tastha divAkaravA zromAnstanayo vabhUva nRpatIzaH [1] yasya divAkaratA bhUtparatejobhibhavadhammeNa / [13] vAraNaviSANasaGkaTasaGgAracalacAriNaz zrutA yasya / prakarodarInazastrAnsapadi mahIpAlabhaTAkhyA / [14] tasya kanIyAncAtA zrIbhAskara ityabhUmrapatipAlaH / ripuSAlAbhidhAnaM yovahadAjI vijayamantra / [1] svabhujArjitapararAjyadraviNasadAdAnakarmaNaH pANe: [1] yasyAsIhivAmo nata - . ripupRSThavaNasthitiSu / [1] yenAbhivadha pajayAmpatadhigamamAni zailadurgANi / pAkkramA yuddhanauDA hastikaraM dApitAH kSitipAH / [17] tasya guNArjitadevIzabdA zrIkapilavaIna sutaabhuut| rAjI prANezA zrIjayAvalItyekapanIca // [18] tasyAstanayA sAdhvI sAvitrIvakharati nAnAsIt / jAlandharanRpasUnorjAyA zrocandraguptasya // [18] bhartari gatavati nAkaM kari NaskandhAnavAspadamidaM saa|" satyakhyAyAkArayadA yAnugatasatyena // [20] L. 10. L.11. L. 12. L. 18. WL.T. Read tAm | "L.13. Read kariNAyA.
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________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L. 11. yAvanmahImahIdharajalanidhayo yAvadinduravitArAH / tAvadidamastu kIrtisthAnaM zrIcandaguptasya // [21] HECH shivaatmjbhttttskndaadvaaptshubhjnmaa| Haga var afghede[w]m: [[Ra]" azmanIkharaNAgana nAgadattasya suununaa| sentent AUTOT OF Taraftarferat al [Ra]" TRANSLATION. Om. 1. Obeisance to the supreme Loril," who destroys the circle of births and assumes the three forms of Brahman, Vishnu, and Rudra for the sake of the creation, continu. ance, and dissolution of the universe ! 2. Among the kings, sprung from the race of Yadu, who govern the kingdom of Singhapura since the beginning of the (Kali) Yuga, arose in the course of time) a royal sage, named the illustrious Senavarman. 3. His sou was an illustrious king with the name Aryavarman, who first after him (his father) proclaimed by his deals the fact that he kept the vow of an Arya. 4. The king, named the illustrious Dattavarman, who secured safety, riches, victory, and destruction (respeclively) to the fearful, to beggars, to his race and to his enemies, was his son. 5. His son was a great protector of the earth, called the illustrious Pradiptavarman, a blazing fire for (that) multitude of moths, the armies of his foes, who were blinded by pride. 6. His son, called the illustrious Isvara varman, became king through his great liberality, he who ruled, like Bhava, over a multitude of objects of existence (Thapa). 7. His son was he who was denominated the illustrious Vriddhivarman, a king whose good fortune was much increased, who, like the moon, removed torments and gladdened the eyes of men). 8. His son was the illustrious Singhavarman, a lion-like king who earned by the strength of his arms a reputation for bravery and whose power was seen (to be) above that of) those having dana (i.e., of merely liberal not heroic princes and of rutting elephants). 9. His son was he who is named the illustrious Jala, a prince whose peculiar action was the filling of the regions (with his fame), who removed the torments of his people, and who rained water (as it were) for (quenching) the forest-fire of the Kaliyuga. 10. His son was the king named the illustrious Yajnavarman, by whom the peacocks were ever made to cry aloud on account of the smoke-clouds (arising from the sacrificial butter. 1 L. 14. in : is not quite distinct. 13 Metre of verse 23 Annshtubb. * The deity meant ir Siva. The moon removes the torments of the heat of the day, and the king those inflinted by wicked men. Here we have the time-honoured pon on dana liberality' and 'the icbor of the ratting elephant.' 1i.e., who by his virtues counteracted the wickedness of the Kaliyuga, wbich on account of its destructiveness may be compared to a forest fire. The other epithets, too, have a double sense, one applicable to water, jala, and the other to the king called Jala.
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________________ THE PRASASTI OF LAKKHA MANDAL 15 11. His son was the illustrious royal sage called Achalavarman, who was constant in following) the holy practices of the Kritayuga, because (his) virtues, firmness, and so forth, (were) the same (as those prevailing in the polden age); 12. Who bore the second name Samaraghanghala, suitable for him) on account of its meaning, (becanse he was terrible in battle and his chest had been marked in countless fights by the points of elepbants' tusks. 13. His son was the illustrious lord of kings, Divakara varman, whose sun-like nature (divakarata) was shown by a characteristic of his), the humbling of his enemies' 19 fiery courage (paratejobhibhava), just as the sun causes to pale all other lights (paratejo. bhibhava); 14. Whose famed appellation the Mahigbanghala' warrior made his foes weaponless, when he nimbly strode over the battle(-field) that was impassable on account of the elephants' tusks. 15. His younger brother was the protector of kings, called the illustrious Bhaskara, who (also) bore the name Ripughanghala, a charm ensuring victory in battle ; 16. Whose hand that was constantly occupied in giving away the wealth of hostile kingdoms won by the strength of his arms, found) repose by resting for a moment on the backs of bending foes ; 17. By whom, scaling on foot mountain-fortresses, accessible (only) to birds, kings expert in fighting were attacked and made to pay a tribute of elephants. 18. His queen, mistress of his life and his sole consort, was the illustrious Jayavali, the daughter of the illustrious Kapilavardhana, (a lady) who won the title of queen (devi) through her virtues. 19. Her daughter was (a lady) faithful like Savitri, Isvara by name, the wife of the illustrious Chandragupta, son of the king of Jalandhara. 20. When her husband had ascended to heaveu from the shoulder of his elephant. she caused to be built for his spiritual merit this temple of Bhava in consequence of a vow which was (made) in accordance with the instructions of her spiritual teacher. 21. As long as the mountains, the oceans, the moon, the sun and the stars exist, so long may this location of the fame of illustrious Chandragupta endure." 22. Bhatta Vasudeva, the lord of Ayodhya," who owed his happy birth to Bhatta Skanda, the son of Bbatta Kshemasiva, composed this panegyric. 23. By the mason Isvaranaga, an inhabitant of Rauhitaka" (and) son of Nagadatta, has it been incised in the stone. 18 I am unable to find in the Koshas and dictionaries accessible to me the word ghanghala, which occurs bere and below in verses 14 and 15. A comparison of the three compounds, camaraghanghala, mahigharghula, and ripughanghalu, makes it probable that its meaning is the conqueror :' very likely it is a Debt word, allied to ghanghola. 1. Of course the heroive of the Savitryupdkhydna, Mahabharata, III, 293-299, is meant. * This may either mean that he fell from his elephant and broke his neck, or inerely that he exchanged his princely pomp for a residence in heaven. In case kirtlisthdnam might be taken as a synonym of kirtanam,"temple' (Indian Antiquary, vol. XII, pp. 228229), the latter portion of the verse might be translated," so loag may this temple (sacred to the monory) of the illustrious Chandragapta endure." *Ayodhyefar, the lord of Ayodhya,' means, I suppose, only that Vasudeva was the owner of some village called Ayodhya 23 Rauhitaka is the name of town and district in Northern India, as may be gathered from Kaejatarangini, IV, 11-12. It probably corresponds, as Dr. Barges suggests to me, to the modern towu or district of Routak, or ita homonymous capital, 43 miles north-east of Debli.
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________________ 16 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. III.-ASOKA'S TWELFTH ROCK-EDICT ACCORDING TO THE SHAHBAZGARHI VERSION, BY G. BUHLER, PhD., LL.D., C.I.E. The subjoined edition of the lately discovered twelfth edict of the Shah bazgarhi series is based on (1) a heliotype facsimile taken from an impression; (2) a slightly mutilated paper impression taken by Captain Deane, Assistant Commissioner of Yusafzai, and (3) a direct photograph of the right half of the inscription, taken from the rock. The inscription is incised in 9 unequal lines on a granitic boulder, and is about 2 feet 6 inches broad and 9 feet 8 inches long. The rock appears to be full of large and small fissures, exfoliations, and holes. Some of these seem to have existed before the inscription was engraved, as the mason has avoided them in cutting the letters. Thus the last two syllables of the word dhramamahamatra in 1. 9, stand more than an inch apart from the preceding ones, and the impression clearly shows the traces of flaws in the intervening portion of the stone. But in most cases the fissures and holes are of later origin and have destroyed smaller or larger portions of the letters. This circumstance makes a certain proportion of the vowel signs, anusvaras and subscribed ra-karas doubtful. In a very few cases the consonants too are not clearly distinguishable. The alphabet of the inscription is the so-called Baktro-Pali or North-Indian, which according to Sir A. Cunningham was current in Indian Kabul and in the Panjab from the beginning of the historical period to the third century A.D. The letters are mostly 1 to 2 inches high. Owing to the want of perfectly readable impressions and trustworthy facsimiles of the inscriptions in this character, and specially of the edicts of Asoka, a good many minor details in the reading of these characters have still to be settled. Though this is not the place for the discussion of all the doubtful or disputed points, I must refer to a few of them in explanation of my transcript. 1. I have in general adopted the new interpretations of some signs, e.g., of + andwhich Dr. Bhagvanlal Indraji and Dr. Hoernle have given in their articles on the first rock-edict of the Shahbazgarhi version, and of the Suibihara inscription, Indian Antiquary, vol. X, pp. 105 & 324, and vol. XI, p. 128. 2. I am however not able to agree as yet with Dr. Bhagvanlal's remark in the last article, that the short line slanting upwards, which is sometimes found on the left side of the lower end of consonants and a, denotes the long d. In our edict it occurs distinctly in the first sign of bahuvidha, 1. 2, where the reading bahuvidha is impossible. It is further found in the va of devanam, 1. 1, where the reading devanam is required. In a third word, ataprashadavadhi, 1. 8, it perhaps occurs in the initial letter, and the reading ata is possible. But I do not dare to put these two lengths in the transcript, as none of the numerous other letters after which a must have been read, such as da in prashamdani, tha in grahathani, show a similar contrivance. Moreover, neither Dr. Bhagvanlal's facsimile of the rock-edict nor the photograph of the Shahbazgarhi version which I owe to the kindness of Sir A. Cunningham, nor the facsimile and photograph of the Mansahra version, which I have l' ewise received from him, confirm the assertion that the distinction between a and a clearly marked in the Asoka inscriptions. Hence I have noticed these slight peculi.ties of the letters merely in the notes to the transcript.
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________________ ASOKA'S TWELFTH ROCK-EDICT. 3. With respect to the spelling I have scrupulously adhered to the position of the letters in the original. I transliterate priyadrasi, dhrumo, savra, though I have not the slightest doubt that the words were pronounced in the Panjab, as elsewhere, priyadarsi, dharmo, and sarva. To everybody who is acquainted with manuscripts of works in the modern Prakrits of India, or who has had to do with official correspondence in these Prakrits, the carelessness which the old inscriptions show with respect to the position of the letter ra will be nothing new or wonderful. A Hindu who is neither a Pandit nor a pupil of the Government schools, will. write for sovarna, sovran or srovan, for sarva sometimes srapa and sometimes savra, just as his fancy may direct. As long as the ra appears in the word, he is quite contented. He, of course, pronounces invariably dhar'm, sar'o, sovar'n, and so forth. There is, I think, no reason to suppose that Aboka's Rajukas were better scholars than the Karkuns of the British Government offices before the introduction of the European system of education, and I therefore believe that the abnormities in their spelling may be attributed to the same causes which operated in the case of the modern office writers. Still, in a transcript, it is as well to render the peculiarities of the text as accurately as possible. TRANSCRIPT. L. 1-De(va)nam (p)riyo (P)riyadrasi raya savraprashamdani grahastha)ni cha puje(ti) danena vividhaye cha pujay(e) [.] N[o] chu (tatha) [da]nari va puja va L. 2-devanam priyo m(a)nati yatha kiti [?] sa(la)vadhi siy(a) savraprashamdana[m] [.] Salavadhi tu bahuvidha' (.) Tasa tu iyo mula ya(m) vach(a) guti ;] L. 3-kiti [2] ataprashandapuja (va) pa[rapa]sha[m]dagaranao va no s(i)ya (apra)karanasi () lahuka va siya ta(si ta)si prakara[n]e [.] Puje[ta]y[a]" [@]va (chu) parapra(sham).) L. 1-[da tena tena prakaranena [.] Ev]am' karamtam (ata)prashamdam vadheti 1 See e.g. Mr. NarmadAshankar's remarks on this point in the preface to his edition of Premanand's Dafamekandha of the Bhagavatapurana, p. 8.L.C. The sign() used in the transcript indicates that the letters are slightly injured, the sign [ ] that they are very much defaced but just recognisable. 1 There is a straight line on the right side of the lower end of ra and a slanting one on the right of ya, faintly visible on the facsimile. I believe that both are accidental. * The vowel o is very faint on the facsimile, but plain, though shallow, on the impression. * The anusvara is doubtful. The va of devanamh shows a short upward stroke at the lower end of va. The little semicircle on the right of ma which on the facsimile is connected with the letter, appears detached from it on the impression. * The last anusvara is doubtful. 7 A short line, slanting upwards, is attached to the lower end of br. . Only one half of the annavdra is visible on the impression to the right of ya. The other, which was attached to the left limb, has disappeared in a great rent. * The anusodra is doubtful. Garana is probably a mistake for garaha. The ra of this word shows below on the right horizontal line, which I believe to be accidental. 10 Pra is tolerably plain on the impression. 11 Na is better recognisable on the impression. 13 The vertical line above va seems to be accidental, just as that below. 1 On the facsimile the first letter looks like ya with a wrongly placed o-stroke. According to the impression sa is probable. # The first twelve letters are with difficulty recognisable. Only the last two are almost entirely gone.
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________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA, paraprashamdasa 15 pi cha upakaroti (.] Tada) anatha ka[rata] [cha]" a(ta)pra[shandam] L. 5-chhanati parap(ra)shadasa cha apakaroti [] Yo hi kochi ataprash(a)dam pujeti (para)p(ra)sh(a)d(a) [ga]rahati savr(a)" atap(ra)shadabhatiyevaa kiti [?] L. 6--(a)taprashamdam dipaya(mi) ti [] so cha puna tatha karamtam so cha puna tatha kar(amtam)" ba(dha)tara (m)" upahamti atapra (sha)dam [.] So sayamo vol s(a)dhu [] kiti [?] anam(a)nasa dhramo L. 7--$(r)uneyuo cha su(f) rus(e)yu cha ti (.] Evam (hi) d(e)vanam priyasa ichh [] kiti [?] savraprashamda bahusruta cha kala na gama cha siy(a)su (.) Ye cha tatra tatraso L. 8-prasana tesham, vatavo [:] de(va) nam pri[yo) n(a tatha da)nam va (pu)ja va m(a)nati ya(tha) kiti [P] salavadhi siya ti savraprashadanam bahuka cha[.] Etaye L. 9-vapata [dhra]mamahamatra" (i) * . yachhama (hama)tra v(a)chabhumika ane cha nikay(a)" 1.1 Imam) cha etisa (pha)lam yam ataprashadavadhi" L. 10-dhrama(sa) cha dipana"[.] IN DEVANAGARI. 1. devanaM priyo priyadazi raya savapraSaMDani grahaThani ca pujeti danena vividhaye ca pujye| no cu tatha danaM va puja va 2. devanaM priyI maati yatha kiti| salavaDhi siya svprssNddnN| salavaDhi tu bhuvidh| tasa tu yo mula yaM vcguti| 15 The ra of para shows a small slanting line attached below to the right of the letter. The apparent anusvara under da is shown by the impression to be an accidental scratch. 14 The last sign of karata is almost entirely gone. The reading may have been kararhtar. 17 The letter is very doubtful. One would expect chu or tu. In the following word the two anuadras are doubtful. 19 Possibly 'pashadasa. The o of kochi is visible on the reverse of the impression. Possibly pashandan, SI Possibly savre. 2 The e-stroke to the left of ya, where its proper position is, seems a little abnormal, and may be an accidental scratch. * The participial phrase has been repeated by mistake. The first apusvars of the second karartar is doubtful. # The anusodra seems certain from the impression. * This seems plain on the impression, but is a mistake for ea. It looks as if a ra-stroke were attached to sa of sadku. >> Dhra is perfectly distinct on the impression, 17 This might be read also eruniyu. Bat there are some other cases where a diagonal stroke passes through the inside of the semicircle at the top of pa. * The top line of oru is not distinct owing to a large fissure. As the top of na has been destroyed, it may have been dental. * The last three syllables are not visible on the impression. 31 The anusuara is distinct on the impression. * The final vowel is distinct on the impression. >> Va looks on the facsimile like vya. The impression shows that the lower lines are scratches. Read athaye. The last three letters on the facsimile are not visible on the impression. * Dhra is mutilated. Ha is perfectly distinct on the photograph; tra on the same and on the impression. >> Probably ithidhiyachha to be restored. >> The apparent 6-stroke to the left of ya is, I think, an accidental scratch. 28 Possibly imo. * A line slanting upwards seems to be attached to the left of the lower end of the initial a. But it may be due to a fissure, the prolongation of which is plain on the impression. * This line is not on the impression.
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________________ ASOKA'S TWELFTH ROCK-EDICT. 19 3. kiti| atapraSaMDapuja va parapraSaMDagarana va no siya aprakaraNasi lahuka va siya tasi tasi prakaraNe / pujetava eva ca parapraSaM - ____4. Da tena tena prkrnnn| evaM karataM pratapracaMDa vaDheti parapraSaMDasa pi ca upkroti| tada ajatha karata ca patapraSaMDaM 5. kRNati parapraSaDasa ca apkroti| yo hi koci atapraSaDaM pujeti parapraSaDa garahati saba prtprssddbhtiyev| kiti| ____6. atapracaMDaM dipayami ti| so ca puna tatha karataM so ca puna tatha karataM baDhataraM upahaMti atprssddN| so sayamo vo sdhu| kiti| atramajasa bhramo 7. zruNeyu ca suzruSeyu ca ti| evaM hi devanaM priyasa ich| kiti| savapraSaMDa bahuzruta ca kalaNagama ca siys| ye ca tatra tatra 8. prasana teSaM vtvo| devanaM priyo na tatha danaM va puja va maati yatha kiti| salavaDhi siya ti savapraSaDanaM bahuka c| etaye -- 9. vapaTa bhramamahamavara--yachamahamatra vacabhumika maje ca nikaya / imaM ca etisa phalaM yaM patapraSaDavaDhi 10. bhramasa ca dipnaa|| TRANSLATION. The Beloved of the gods, king Priyadrasi, honours men of all creeds both [ascetics) and householders," by (showing them) liberality and by honouring them in various ways. But the Beloved of the gods thinks not so (much) of liberality and honour-as of what ?-that an increase of essentials may take place among men of all creeds. But the increase of essentials (may happen) in various ways. But this is its root, viz., guarding one's speech-how 80P-f honouring one's own creed and blaming other creeds shall not be in unimportant points, or, it shall be moderate with respect to this or that important point? But other creeds must even be honoured for this or that important point. Acting thus, one exalts one's own creed and benefits also the other creeds. Acting differently, one hurts one's own creed and injures the other creeds. For he who honours his own creed and blames all other creeds out of reverence for his own creed-how so P-(thinking) "I promote thereby the interests of) my own & The forms prashada and prashanda, which appear both here and in edicts VII and XII of the unpublished Mansahra version instead of the pashada, pdaharhda, pasada, or pasashda of the Girnar, Kalsi, Jaugada, and Dhauli inscription confirm Professor Kern's conjecture, who derives them from the Sanskrit parahada, 'a member of a (religious) assembly or school. For mera may be taken as equivalent to ar, prashada may stand for parihada, and this form differs from the Sanskrit original only by the shortening of the first a and by the lingualisation of the final da, both of which changes are required or sanctioned by the phonetic laws of the Prakrit dialecta. My rendering of the word by 'adherent of creed, or creed' is based on the assumption that in Akoka's times it was free from the mala nota which adheres to it later. Its import, I think, corresponded exactly to the English term denomination' and the German Glaubensgenossenschaft.' Owing to its ponderous length denomination is not fit to be used in the translation of a document where prashada recurs more than a dozen times. "I insert the word ' arcation According to the Kalsi version, where the text offors pdaharddni pavajitdni gahathani ud. The Girnar version has pavajit dni too, but places before it a superfluous cha. For it reads savapasardani cha pravajitani cha gharintani cha. The constitution of the Indian religious communities was in Aloka's times, as the correct reading of this and several other passages shows, throughout the same as in the present day. The beads were Ascetics or monks who taught, and in return were supported by, a number of laymen, here and elsewhere called the householders.' The essentials' are, of course, self-restraint and the purification of one's disposition, sayamo and bhduarudhi, as the seventh edict says. 02
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________________ 20 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. creed"-he, however, acting thus injures his own creed exceedingly. Hence selfrestraint alone" (is) commendable-how so? "They shall hear each other's law and love to hear it. For this is the desire of the Beloved of the gods-what?" that men of all creeds shall have heard much and possess holy doctrines." And to those who adhere to this or that (faith) it must be said: " The Beloved of the gods thinks not so (much) of liberality and honour as of what ?-that an increase of essentials "may take place among men of all creeds; and a large one." For this end are working the superintendents of the law, the superintendents of women, the vachabhumikas and other bodies (of officials). And this is its result (viz.) the exaltation of one's own creed and the promotion (of the interests) of the law." IV. AN INSCRIPTION FROM DABHOI. By G. BUHLER, Ph.D., LL.D., C.I.E. On a large stone slab, 3' broad and 2' 10" long, which is fixed in the inner side-wall of the Hira Bhagola gate at Dabhoi or Darbhavati, are found the remnants of a very large metrical Sanskrit inscription, originally consisting of 59 lines of neatly-incised Nagari characters which closely resemble those of the ancient Jaina palm-leaf MSS. The lower portion of the stone is broken in several places. The breaks have destroyed lines 44-46, and have more or less seriously injured the centre portions of lines 47-59. Nevertheless the lower portion, especially lines 52-59, is in a better condition than the upper one, which has suffered from the effects of the weather or from rough treatment to such an extent that nowhere is an entire line readable. On the right hand, pieces containing from 20 to 35 letters have been almost entirely obliterated in each of the first 52 lines. The first five or six letters on the left are likewise gone nearly everywhere, and in the centre portions of lines 16-40 not much more can be made out with certainty than single words and letters here and there. Under these circumstances it would be a waste of time and paper to transcribe all the small fragments. I shall confine myself to a description of the contents of the document and to giving transcripts of those pieces where at least a whole pada of a verse is readable. The materials on which I work, a photograph and a paper impression, have been furnished to me by Dr. J. Burgess. 44 I translate in accordance with the emendation proposed in the notes to the transcript, so sayamo va sudhu, as vo 'for you' gives no good sense, and the Kalsi version has distinctly samdvdye va, i.e., samavaya eva. The varia lectio samavdye concord, harmony,' found also in the Girnar inscription, is better than sayamo. Suruseyu, they shall love to hear it,' may possibly mean they shall obey' (it, as jar as it is worthy to be obeyed). For both in Sanskrit and in the Prakrits the desiderative fuerish has almost lost its etymological meaning. In Asoka's inscriptions, too, it is regularly used in the sense of 'to obey.' The nominative dhramo stands for dhramam, as it is governed by the two verbs fruneyu and sufruseyu. The same interchange of the two cases occurs, as is well known, regularly in the modern Prakrits, and occasionally in the Vedic dialects. The various reading tesham confirms the explanation of the corresponding tehi, as a dative plural, which I have proposed in the notes to my German translation, Zeitschrift der Deutsch-Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, vol. XXXVIII, 586. 47 If ratavo is not simply a clerical mistake for vatava, it must be considered as an instance of the utter loss of feeling for the distinction between the genders. The readings of Girnar and Kalsi, vatayvam and vataviye, show that it represents the Sanskrit vaktavyam. 49 I leave the word untranslated, as I do not believe that the varchobhumikah, the inspectors of the latrines, can be meant, and as I am unable to find any other explanation. 49 The law to which Asoka refers here is the body of those moral doctrines which he has fully particularised in the third rock-edict, and constantly inculcates as the one needful thing.
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________________ INSCRIPTION FROM DABHOL. The inscription belongs to the class of the Prabastio or panegyrics, a large number of which have come to light during recent years. As has already been pointed out by Professor V. A. Kathvate, it is the composition of domesvaradeva, the well-known Purohita of the Ranakas of Dholka, who wrote the Kirtikaumudi in honour of his spiritual client and master Virad havala and of his friend the famous Jaina minister Vastupala. The Prasasti' is dated (1. 59) Vikrama Samvat 1811 Jyeshtba Sudi 16, Vudhadine, or May 14, 1268,' and belongs therefore to a time when Viradhavala and Vastupala had passed away. On the throne of the former sat his second son Visaladeva, who in Vikrama Samvat 1800 or 1802 extended his sway over the whole of Gujarat. As might be expected, it is the latter to whom some vara devotes the greater portion of his poem. Viradhavala and his ancestors oocupy a secondary place, and Vastupala is, it would seem, not even mentioned. The immediate cause which led to the composition of the Prasasti, was the building or restoration of a temple of SivaVaidyanatha at Dabhoi-Darbhavati, ordered by Visaladeva. Turning to the details, it would seem that the first three verses contained a mangala or invocation addressed to Siva-Vaidyanatha. A. fragment of verse 2 says, "May glorious Vaidyanatha himself with his eight bodies grant their desires to the creatures." In verse 4 the description of Visaladeva's ancestors begins; for the end of pdda 2 and padas 8-4 speak of "the line of the progeny of that (man), the good deeds of which (line) ... (cannot be described-) even by eloquent men." As the name of the first anoestor is lost, and verse 8, too, is gone entirely, full certainty as to the point at which the genealogy begins is not obtainable. But verse 6 makes it probable that it included the name of the first Chaulukya of Gujarat. For the fragments of verse 6 point clearly to its identity with Kfrtikaumudi, II, 24" Won over by the eminent qualities of this conqueror of his foes, the guardian goddess (Srt) of the Garjera princes became of her own choice his bride, just as the goddess Srt became the bride) of (Vishnu), the foe of Bana (at the churning of the ocean)." In the Kirtikaumudi these lines refer to Malaraja, the founder of the Ohaulukya dynasty of Anhilvad. I do not believe that they can refer here to anybody else. For if they had been applied to Dhavala, the first member of the Vyaghrapalliys or Vaghela branch of the Chaulukyas, known to us, Somebyara would be guilty of uttering & deliberate falsehood. Dhavala was according to all accounts not even a minor chief of any consequence. The next verse 7 begins with the word yasmin and hence refers likewise to Malaraja. Its sense seems to bo that the wives of his enemies tremble or fly into the jungles, " when he, an embodied stream of the sentiment of heroism, stands on the back of ... with the intention of Achting." In the lost verse 8 the poet seems to have turned to the Vaghelas and, just w in the Kirtikaumudi, to have begun with Arnoraja. This is evident from verse 9, "By whom, even the son of Dhavala, an imitator of Krishna, this realm of famous Gariara land was made free from thorns." Here we have a new version of Kirtidas Kirtikawmadh, pp..vil-E. Professor Kihvate hus sloo correotly transcribed the parengo containing the date and hu Moognised that the Dabhol Praiat contains several remes from the Kirtikanmud and one from the Prala la Tejahpella't temple at Abu. This is nooording to Dr. Behram'i calocation, who informa me that in V. 8. 1311 (current), corresponding to 1363, the full moon of Jyniobtha fall on May 14th, 10 .M., Wednesday, in V.8. 1811 lapoed, or 1864 A.D., on June 2nd, 10 2.M., Tuesday. Indian Antiquary, vol. VI, p. 190. * Indian Antiquary, rol. VI, p. 190; and Bhandarkar, Report for 1888-84, p. 18.
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________________ 22 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. mudt, II, 68, "By that good warrior who imitated Krishna, even by the son of Dhavala, was begun the clearance of the kingdom from thorns." The fragment of verse 10 informs us further that Arnoraja "slew on the battle-field Ranasimha who resembled Ravana"-a deed which is not mentioned elsewhere. Verse 11 finally confirms the statement of Kirtikaumudi, II, 66, according to which he himself met his death in battle. It says, "Now when his son valiant Lavanaprasada [was able to sustain] the load of Gurjara land, he (Arnoraja) offered, his heart being averse to the world, a battle-sacrifice at which he gave his life as fee." Next follows the eulogy of Lavana prasada, verses 12-24, which besides known events contains some new historical facts. Verse 12 declares that owing to some deeds of his, the particulars of which are lost, "the kingdom of the Gurjaras was even greater than that of Rama." Verse 13 mentions a fight near Vardhamana, the modern town of Vadhvan in north-eastern Kathiavad, with some unnamed powerful foes, regarding which the chronicles are silent. Verse 14-" By whom the chief of Nadula was deeply wounded with his mighty sword; owing to this (severe stroke), yon kings quake even to-day, just as the mountains at a thunder-clap"-is identical with Kirtikaumudi, II, 69, and reiterates the defeat of the Thakur of Nandol in southern Marvad. Verses 15-17 refer to a victory over a Muhammadan king, whose name is not given. 15. How many godlike kings are there not on earth? But even all of them became troubled by the mere mention of the king of the Turushkas. When that (Turushka king), excessively angry, approached in order to fight, [it was Lavapaprasida] who placed only ... 16. By whom (Lavanaprasdda), the king of the Turushkas.... who had spattered the earth with the blood flowing from the cut-off heads of numerous kings-when he came in front, with dry lips, full of doubt,-was conquered at Stambha with his arm (strong) like a post (stambha) and terrible through the sword." 17... . If he (Lavanaprasada) is a mortal, how is it that he conquered the lord of the Mlechchhas ?" This encounter of Lavanaprasada with a king of the Turushkas causes a diffi. culty, especially because Stambha is named as the place where it happened. In Lavanaprasada's time fall three attacks of the Muhammadans on Gujarat: (1) the unsuccessful expedition of Shahabu'd-din Ghori in 1178 A.D.; (2) the first expedition of Qutbu'd-din in 1194 A.D., during which An hilvad was sacked; (3) the second expedition of Qutbu'd-din in 1196, which was at first unsuccessful, but finally led to the temporary conquest of Gujarat and to the temporary occupation of Anhilvad by a Muhammadan garrison. It is very probable that he fought against the invaders on all three occasions. But I do not think that any of the engagements which then took The square brackets between which the syllable Stam has been placed in the transcript merely indicate that it is badly damaged. In my opinion it is not really doubtful. A portion of the left limb of Sa, the ends of the vertical strokes of ta and the anusedra are distinguishable. K. Forbes, Ras Mald (second edition), pp. 160, 180-181. Regarding the duration of Lavapaprasada's career we only know that he was the Rajyachintakari or major domus of Bhima II., who ruled over Gujarat from Vikrama-Samvat 1235 or 1179 A.D., and that he was alive and took part in the war against Singhans of Devagiri which happened after the appointment of Vastupala to the post of prime minister in Vikrama Samvat 1276 or 1220 A.D. (Kirtikaumudi, pp. xiv-zv; Indian Antiquary, vol. VI, p. 188), and ended with a treaty in Vikrama Samvat 1288 (Bhandarkar, Early History of the Dekhan, p. 84).
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________________ INSCRIPTION FROM DABHOI. 23 place can be referred to in our passage. Both according to the accounts of the Muhammadans and according to those of the Gujarati chronicles and bards, the decisive battles were fought in southern Rajputand. On the other hand Stambha, the scene of the battle mentioned in our inscription, can be, it seems to me, only Stambhapura or 8tam bhatirtha, the modern Khambhayat-Cambay-which lies much further south. For Stam bha is the regular abbreviation of these two names, made bhinavat, and no other town has hitherto become known in Gujarat from the name of which it could be derived. If we have then to look out for some other period during which Lavanaprasada may have gained his victory, the most probable conjecture seems to me that it happened after the occupation of Anbilvad in 1196. Some time later the Muhammadans did suffer a defeat in Gujarat and the province shook their yoke off. The details of these events are not given either by the Muhammadan or the Hindu authors; but our passage probably contains an allusion to them, and it may be that Lavanaprasada was the liberator of his country. The fragments of verse 18 inform us that Lavanaprasada, "& repository of medicine-like valour, cured [his country.....] when the crowd of the princes of Dhara, of the Dekhan and of Maru, who resembled diseases [attacked it)." His success against the kings of Malva and of the Dekhan are mentioned also in the Kirtikaumudi, II, 74-75. As I have pointed out in the Indian Antiquary, vol. VI, page 188, note, the first-mentioned foe is probably Subhatavarman and the second Singhana (1209-10--1247-48 A.D.), whose inscriptions record several expeditions against Gujarat. The kings of Maru or Marvad, who are added here, may possibly be the four princes referred to, Kirtikaumudi, IV, 55-65, who attacked Gujarat at the same time as Singhana's army. Verse 19 is purely laudatory: "He (Lavana prasada) who raises his race, seems to me of greater fame than Yudhishthira, whose relatives were all destroyed, though their power to remove a Salya is equal.". Verse 20 seems to have been of the same import. Verse 21 refers to the erection of a temple of Kumara near Vadhyan. "Who (Lavanaprasada) caused to be erected in the neighbourhood of Vardhamana, a (temple of) Ku. mara rivalling the ocean in the possession of treasures and surpassing the moon in brillianoy)." The sense of the next three verses I am unable to make out from the scanty remnants. With verse 25 begins the praise of Viradhavala. Its complete restoration is easily possible, as it agrees literally with verse 27 of the Prasasti ir Tejah. pala's temple at Abu. "From him sprang a son, who was the image of Dasaratha and Kakutstha (spelt kakustha), who swallowed like a mouthful the armies of hostile kingsViradhavala. When the flood of his fame spread, the cleverness of faithless women,whose minds are distressed with the longing after enjoyments,-in the art of approach. ing (their lovers) was destroyed." Of the remaining verses referring to Viradhavala, 26-51, little more than single letters or words are legible, except in verse 45, where an unsuccessful combined attack of the lord of Dhard and of the ruler of the Dekhan is mentioned. The portion of the Prasasti which celebrates Visaladeva's great deeds and virtues, verses 52-108, is likewise in a very bad condition. The only political events traceable are fights with the kings * K. Forbes, Rde Mald, p. 181. In the case of Yudhishthiri Salya must be taken the name of the well-known hero; in the can of Lavanaprnalda it means simply thorn,' i..., foe. Kirtikaumudi, App. 4, p. 4
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________________ 24 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. of Malva and of the Dekhan (L. 29, verse 58 ?) which his grant of V.8. 1817 mentions too, and a hitherto unknown expedition on which "Visaladeva kept the hero's vow on the shore of the Sindhu," i.e., either of the ocean or of the Indus (L. 80, verse 59). In verse 77 and in those immediately preceding the manner in which Visaladeva gained the throne of Gujarat seems to have been described. But the name of the opponent whom he overcame has been lost. All that remains is: 77. "Visala [made undergo] the fate of a moth in the fire of his valour." 78. "Then that moon among princes, Visaladeva, after obtaining sway over the world," A little further on, with verse 80, begins apparently the account of Visaladeva's building operations. We hear of the erection of one or several temples of Siva, (verses 81 and 91), of the restoration of a temple of the sun, called Malasthana (verse 92), of another" temple which resembled a peak of the mountain of Hara," ie., of Kailasa (verse 93), and that "he who in form resembled Cupid renovated the prakara," i.e., the enclosure, probably of some other temple. Verses 99-108 praise the king's liberality. According to verse 100 he gave annually "a kalpalata of always increasing value, the cause of the wealth of the Brahmanas." Verse 102 says that "in his country the sound of the Vedas, uttered by untired Brahmanas who were gladdened by fees given at great sacrifices, [ever] meets one's ears." The other verses are of a more general import. In the concluding portion of the poem, which opens with the words itas cha, Somesvara speaks of the official and architects connected with the building of the temple, of himself, of the writer and the engraver of the Prasasti. 109. In the Pragvata race was... ga, the son of illustrious Chandasimha, who was appointed by the king on account of his confidence (in him) to the post (of guardian) of the fort of Vaidyesitri. 110. What description shall (7) give of that minister the flood of whose pure fame filled the earth, erected by whom, the excellent line of ramparts, free from interstices, dived into the abode of the gods." 111. There was a mason, called Sadeva, a store of all good qualities; from him sprang Vamadeva, famous for having built the temple of the Sun, called Malasthana. As his son was born he who is called Madana, a scion of (the race of) Visvakarman, the builder of the wall of (glorious) Vaidyesa, of the extensive temple, of the gates, of the wings and of the foundations." 112. The son of Ahladana, called Devaditya, who (became) the firm architect of Vaidyesitri, is famous in the first rank of masons. 118. Glorious Vaidyanatha, worshipful sole protector of the world, I address a prayer to thee "May God, through thy favour, that Visaladeva, free from cares caused by foes, and united with his sons, be victorious during ten thousand Kalpas!" 114. The chief domestic priest of the kings, born...., who is called Somesvazadeva, made this panegyric, producing the great composition in half a watch of the night. This is the same tribe to which Vastupala and Tejabpala, the ministers of Viradhavala, belonged. At present it bears the name Porval. The Porval Vapids are well known in Northern Gujarat and in Rajputana. In an analysis of this inscription prepared from another facsimile by Mr. Cousens, Dr. Bhagvanlal Indraji gave the first name as Barga The last pada of this verse may also be taken very differently, "the builder of the wall of glorious Vaidyoda, of the gate-posts of the extensive temple and of the foundations." The translation of ddhi by foundations 'is purely conjectural. Dr. Bhagvanlal read the second name here as Ramadeva.
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________________ INSCRIPTION FROM DABHOI. 25 115. And the excellent Brahman Prahladana, the son of SriyAmanda (?), born in the gotra of famous Nandipura, wrote this panegyric." 116. By skilful Padmasimha, foremost among masons," the son of the mason Bajjana, was this panegyric incised. -- Sarvat 1811, on the 15th day of the bright half of Jyeshtha, a Wednesday. May it be well 1 L 2. L 8. L4. 15. prasikSA // 1 TRANSCRIPT. taprANi [nA] - Su maSTAbhistanubhistanotvabhi[mataM ] zrIvedya [nAthaH svayam // 2] " vidhe [da] kisa [pAMva-] makyAni vAkyanipucairapi-ri- tadapatyaparaMparAsI * pAda gucaramarANi partanAMpi yena cAnukAricA / bhu []daH sutAni yasyA: // [4] " ciMtA jatArA [nimuceca] ri[ pIriya] rAra [rAjya] zrIryasya jana svayaMvarA // 37 yasmin zarIravati vIrarasa[prava]Ahe [ma][]SThamadhitiSThati yucayucarA / aMtaHpurANi rANi ka - 18 Dr. Bhagvanlal Indraji read the second name as Sriya | nanda. "Regarding the use of satra for stradhara, see Vienna Oriental Journal, vol. II, No. 4. "Metre, Sardalavikridita. . [17 * Is Metre, Vasantatilakd. Metre, Anushtubh. Metro, Vasantatilalcd. 10 Metre, Arya (P). .[x] gaMbhIratA jagati // 8 "
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________________ 26 L 6. L7. L 8. 19. zrIgUrjaradharArAjyametaniSkaMTakIkataM // 8" rAvaNamiva ra][[[]] [[ya] [][gaye ] athAtmaje gUrjarabhUmibhAra - dhIre lavaSapra] sAde cakAra saMsAravira EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. batuM jIvitadaciNaM saH // 11 tasminvismayanIyavikramaguNe kSoNImimAM racati cINA ~-- pite nAsohararAjyametadadhikaM zrI rAma ] rAjyAdapi / 12" do duravirodhizirodhirazaH zrImAnasavidhe vasudhAM vilipya / suktAphaledaM litakuMjarakuMbhamule [te" yo vardhamAnamabhimAnamadhi [ja] yenAsidaMDena gArDana] nAyaka [][f] ghatine tinAmI kaMpatacApi bhUbhRtaH // 14" rAjAnaH kati nAma nAmarasamAH saMti camAyAM paraM se sarvepi turuSkarAja [ya]yApyavasthatA vivati / sandhimupAgate ti [] hirado madoTa kRttAnekanareMdramaulivigaladraktAbhiSiktAvaniH / sIpi prApya purasturuSvanRpatiH prakAraH kyA sAkaM yena pApabhISaNabhujastaMbha [] pRthaka - ~ Metre, Anushtubh. - 30 Metre, Arya. * Metre, Upajati. [174 1[20 - kartA // 15 "Metre, Bardalavikridita. * Metre, Vasantatilakh. "Metre, Anushtubh. . [1]
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________________ L 10. L 11. L 12. L 18. L 14. INSCRIPTION FROM DABHOI. damAmAsIttadityaM kathaM marttyazvenmanujerajeyamaja[ya]n malecchAdhinAthaM kathaM // 17 dhArAdhIvaradaciNezvaramarucovIzvarANAM gaye rogANAmi[va] saMniSa la vikramoSadha [f] - tulyepi zasyocaraNaprabhAve yudhiSThirAstasamastabaMdhoH / samucayameSa kumakIya sukIrttiH pratibhAsate me // 18 he vi : pari rthamarthijanajaM -vara madAtaTaniviSTavi maMdinaM - pANi - pArthasya yA cAritraM ca tadava yAda[va]patecaulukyacaMdra - ~ - // 20" savidhe vardhamAna [] ardhamAnaM payodhinA / adhaHtasudhAsAraM yaH kumAramakArayat // 21" -~ dhiya cikitsAmasI rAjasa // 22 - pavitramate ' jaMga - kadhanvaMtariH // 180 ~-~- [1] *s Metro of verses 15-18, Bardalavikridita. Metro, Upajati. Motre, Sardalavikridita. * prayatnaH // 22 1 240 [-] [vAdAsI] [zmarathasapratikRtiH [x]timApAlAnAM kavi vIramaNaH yama: pUre yasta [ prasarati ratiklAMtamanasA-] | Metre, Annsbtubb. Metre, Vasantatilaka. 30. Metre, Bathoddhata. 27
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________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [masAbInA mannAbhisaraNakA sAyA mmtaa| te---vimapi . . . . . . L28. . . . . . [. . . . . . . . dhArApatirdaciva - - . - --sugapa[lma mtii| dhIrakSayorava samAnataMba nikA -- dhavAra [Un 126. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ||1----viirvaar bIbIsI . L29. . . . . . . . . . . . . bIvIsalApatitArAdhIbAradadhirevarA . . 180. . . . . . . . . . . . . . / / . uuu-uu-u--[1] -uuu-uufanyat vIrakhataM parati vIsacadeva eva / 140. --- ---- - prjaanaaNtt| sA yena tirabamAmi --tapUrva yayAtiyayA --- ---- --------[10]" ---uu-u-uuu---u--v---uu-u-uuu---u--v-l ---uu-u-uuu---u--u--- -vIsana plbhtaamaamprtaapaan|.. pAdhipatvamadhinatva jagatvAH pArthivaduraNa vIsaladevaH / # Metro, Sikharint. | Metro, Vasantatilakt. # Metro, Upajati. | Metro al vero 76-79, Sardoilavikridite. Read the wife
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________________ INSCRIPTION FROM DABHOI. sa kAra []jana--- --- - --[1 1 ] L41. / / L 42. can I miMdra va vizvamana --- - zrImUlarAjakusajeSu mRgAMkamauSibhazeSu bhUpatiSu teSu divaM gateSu / yaskhe saMprati samatipatravittacittevemabhira- ~-~- [...] --u-vuu-vu-u-u --u-uuu-uu-u-ul --u-uuu-uu-u-u du - maMdhakAriNaH surabhIkaroti / 1 khAkara khasaMpadamimAsu baci-- [] nIcarbhava kAMcanAcala [yathA] nApi nAsobAsa / --sya jagato'pi nilayituM-- -- - --- --- ---------[10]" v--uv-u-- --tivibhitaami| karoti-radhikAdhikaiyaH / / pUrvAci pUvAdharAdharAgi85 bhAvA yavAravAlaH pItvA mAtaMgakuMbhavIlA / panutApIva vratayati riputpatInA----004] .. L48. L47. . . . . . khokhA - seva dAsthAyava yaH pAvaraM bAravati ---10[0] . . . . . . L48. --------biimlkhaanmNdir| ---puraSAM -napurA punarapata / [2]deg rAvidhivarAvAra prAsAI kaary-~-| . . . . .--. . . . . - [2] Motre, Rathodahate. # Metre of verses 80-81, Vantatilaka # Motro, Bardalavikridita. Metro, Upajati. * Metro, Arya * Metre of vernes 09-96, Annabtabh.
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________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L49. 4 Loo. L81. - - - - - [i] . kaca vasudhAdhunadhAra khulahayaM / 85 yaH prAkAra sarAkAraH kaaryaamaasivaan| . . . . ---> . . . . - bAtamatirUpa] sidhi:---- saMdhiH kharo vitanya . . [1] --mahAbhAvaguNaH / ----------dhanvaMtarayadi / tabApyeSa vizeSataratula: parivIryate / Tierefterugitu---u--v--- vanavAcalaM tadadhunA vidhAma -mo vayaM / evaM panavayaMti yApada --------- ---vu-u-uuu--- -- dhi . yena kinasatAdAna nidAna viprasaMpadA / dIyI vasubena pratvabdamadhikAdhivaM.... dAnAni . . . . pradattAnAM / calamaNi nANa-yamArayitumakaM gurubaam|.1.1. veut fuu-u-uuu--- -- - ---vu-u-uuu--- --yA pAMtavatudadhivApramuditavAnaprabutaH punabaidAnAM nirapani bavaSayoravo'pi-." [kana vitaraNaprasidhimaja citiramapama nimamA namAnaH / pavirapi malina vibhartika vimapina -0--- 1.] L68. L88. ------maitAvatIH smaaH| tahAnA yena pAvAca lupta dAridAyAsana / 1.4* vraavaanuraakaaNtaanyaatubaa----| sAmavaMtamamuM vA himAyuM vA huve samaM / 1.5 pahalaH kAlaH tavAti:vauravapatibaMdhAde-- nIra bIva - / Lov-pataH taH samidhu purakA sopinAka satabAdhA moke tamAmavaloke vapavara / 1.. a Metre, Anushtabb. * Metro, Sardalavikuidite. Moln, Anushtabha Nimiya * Metro, Sardalavikridita. Metro, Pushpltagel. Metre of perses 104-106, Anushtabh. Metro Bikbariat.
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________________ INSCRIPTION FROM DABHOI. 31 Lb6. L58. varocane citavatya] marayamevImakava nAganagaraM ca gate ditIye dInAnanaM bhuvanAMmadhaca pazyadAvAsitaM punarudArakaraNa yena / 1.70 dharmasthAna vidhinA vidhA--- ---tisako yH| dharmasthAnaH khamate: subatI soyaM ciraM jayatu / 1.80 saya prAgvATavaM -ganAmA zrIcaMDasiMhastha suto vabhUva / yaH coNipAlena nijapratItyA vaithiturdurmApade'dhicakre // 18 // kiM varmanIyamadhunA sacivastha tanA makholipU] rpripuuritbhuutlb| yastAritoDDamaranirvivaraprakAra - prAkArapatiragAhata nAkilokaM / 11.. [pAsItsAdevanAmA sakalaguNanidhiH sUbabhattato'bhamalakhAnAkhyabhAnobhavanaviracanAkhyAtibhUSAmadevaH / tasyotpabasanUlo madanasamabhidho vi[khaka] prasUnaH bImAdhavaprAvitatasadanahAramAcAdhikatA / 11. pAcAdana tanayo bhUto] vaidhepituH sira sptiH| devAdityasamAzyaH sthAto dhuri sUtradhArA 119 bIvedyanAtha bhagavan bhuvanekanAtha khAmarSaye kimapi deva tava prasAdAt / ni[tvaM pa] rAdhirahitaH sahitaba puDhe kalyAyutaM jayata vIsaladeva eSaH // 115 prayastimatA[ma] -- -- sNbhuutbhuupaalpurohiteNdrH| cakAra somabAradevanAmA yAmAniSyavamahAprabaMdhaH / 1140 biyAmaMdakha tanayaH shriindipurgobivH| L07. 168. * Metro, Sard dlavikridite. Metro, Arya "Metre, Indravajri. * Metre, Vasantatilakl. # Metre, Sardalavikridita Metre, Arya "Metre, Vamantatilada Metro, Upajku.
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________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L 60. let sfera[at]wufet frorgara: 224 sUbasancanapubeca pAsiMhana shikhinaa| suurya (wafer]aifa 284, saMvat 1911 varSe jyeSTha zadi 15 vudhadine ||ch|| - // - // 3 [*] 90 UI V.-RATNAPUR STONE INSCRIPTION OF JAJALLADEVA, OF THE (CHEDI) YEAR 866. BY PROP. F. KIELHORN, Ph.D., O.I.E., GOTTINGEN. This inscription is on a reddish-brown stone which was found at Ratnapur, in the Central Provinces, and is now in the Nagpur Museum. The inscription consists of 31 lines. The writing originally covered a space of about 2' 23" broad by 2' 2" high. At present, a small portion of the upper proper left corner and a large portion of the lower right corner of the stone are broken away, so that from 4 to 9 akshards are missing at the end of the first five lines, and from 2 to about 25 aksharas at the beginning of the last thirteer lines. Small portions of the stone appear to have broken away also at the upper right and lower left corners, and by the peeling off of the surface some aksharas have become illegible, especially in the last three lines of the inscription, as will appear from my transcript of the text.The size of the letters generally varies from to $", and is somewliat legs in the five or six bottom lines. The characters are Devanagart. The language is Sanskrit, and, except for the introductory blessing and the date at the end, the inscription is in verse. The verses are numbered, and their total number is 34. The names of the composer, of the writer, and of the engraver appear to have been given in the concluding verses, but they are now illegible.--In respect of orthography we have to note the very frequent employment of the dental for the palatal sibilant (in saphari, line 1; sirasi, line 2; vanse, line 4; visda, lines 4 and 16: satru, line 6; kosam, line 7; 86bhan, line 9; sruta, line 13; saurya, lines 14 twice, 23, and 26 ; atambu, line 19; sochih, line 19; Somesvaro, line 20; sir 6, line 23: agesham, line 24; edsanan, line 28; adsvatam, line 28; 8dstra, line 29; prasasti, lines 80 twice, and 31); the employment of the palatal for the dental sibilant in tamiera, line 9, bitan, line 19, and barasah, line 26; and the non-observance of the rules of Saindhi in samabhavat bri-, line 3, asit teshdms=cha, line 6, and mitravat-friya, line 20. The consonant 6 is denoted by the sign for o everywhere except in abdhi, line 18, where the proper sign for 6 has been employed. The inscription refers itself to the reign of a prince Jajalladeva of Ratnapura. distant descendant of the Oh di ruler Kokalla; and it is dated in the year 866, expressed by decimal figures only, on the 9th day of the bright half of Margasiraha, on Ravi or Sunday. And the inscription records (verses 27-81) certain religious bene. factions, the establishment of a monastery for ascetics, the making of a garden and of a lake, probably also the foundation of, or the establishment of a temple at, Jajallapura, and the grant of the village of Sirult, and of Arjunakonasarana (P), &c., by the prince Jajalladera. Elsewhere I have tried to show that the epoch of the Chedi era is A.D. 248-49, and assuming the date of the present inscription to be recorded in that era, I " Metre of terses 115-116, Anushtabh.
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________________ RATNAPUR INSCRIPTION OF JAJALLADEVA. 33 have found by Professor Jacobi's tables that the 9th day of the bright fortnight of the month Margasirsha, 866, corresponds to the 8th November, A.D. 1114, which was & Sunday, as required. On that day, at sunrise, the 9th tithi of the bright half of the month was current, and it ended 19 h. 54 m. after mean sunrise. By way of introduction, the inscription gives the following account of the prince JAjallado va and his ancestors : In the lunar race there was Kartavirya (v.2), the ancestor of Haibaya, from whom were born the Haihayas (v. 3). In the race of these princes was born the Oh di ruler Kokalla, whose residence or country appears to be called Tritasaurya (v. 4). Kokalla had eighteen sons, of whom the first-born was ruler of Tripuri, while the others became lords of mandalas (v. 5). A descendant of one of these younger sons was Kalingaraja, who left Tritasaurya and acquired Dakshinakobala (v. 6), where he settled at Tummana (v.7). His son was Kamalaraja (v. 8), and his son again Ratnaraja (v. 9) or Ratneaa, who ornamented Tummana with temples, gardens, &c. (v. 10), and founded Ratnapura (v. 11-12). He married Nonalla, a daughter of Vajja ka, the prince of the Komd mandala (v. 18), who bore to him a son, Prithvideva or Prithvika, who succeeded Ratnaraja (v. 14-16), and built temples at Tummana and a tank at Ratnapura (v. 17). He married Rajalla (v. 18), who bore to him Jajalladeva (v. 19). JAjalla was allied with the ruler of Ohedi (v. 20), and honoured by the princes of Kanyakubja and Jejabhuktika (v. 21); he defeated and captured in battle one somevara (v. 22); and he had either annual tri. bute paid or presents given to him by the chiefs of the mandalas of... [Dakshina)-koSala, Andhra, Khimidi, Vairagara, Lanjika, Bhandra, Talahari, Dandaka. pura, Nandavali, and Kukkuta (v. 28). I am not at present able to give a satisfactory account of the countries and places mentioned in the preceding. The name Tummana we shall meet again in the two fol. lowing inscriptions, where it denotes a country or district, not a town. Perhaps it may have been the original name of the "Juna Shahar," which is mentioned as being close to Ratnapur in Archeological Survey of India Reporte, vol. VII, p. 216. Vairgara and Lanjika may be readily identified with Wairagarh and Lanji on the map, plate I, appended to vol. XVII of the Archeological Survey of India. The Talahari mandala is mentioned in lines 6 and 20 of a Ratnapur inscription of [Chedi-] Samvat 915, which has suffered in the most deplorable manner, since it was first drawn attention to by Sir R. Jenkins in the Asiatic Researches, vol. XV, p. 604. Both > With Sir A. Canningham's epoch of A.D. 949-50, the corresponding date would be sufurday, November 17, A.D. 1116. On the other hand, with the pooh A.D. 948-49, and year beginning with either the month Bhadrapada or Avina, the work-day of the ten inscriptions mentioned in the Book of Indian Eras, page 61, one out as follows: Chadi 799, PhAlgona ba-di 9, Bomb, Monday, January 18, A.D. 1045. . 866, Marga fu-di 9, Ravau=Sunday, November 8, A.D. 1114. 896, Magba fukla 8, Badha=Wednesday, January 3, A.D. 1145. - 898, Alvina fa-di 2, 88me=Monday, September 9, A.D. 1148. 902, AshAdha -di 1, Sunday=Bunday, June 17, A.D. 1161. #1 907, Marga fa-di 10, Ravau=Sunday, November 6, A.D. 1156. 800, Bravana fa-di 6, Budhe=Wednesday, July 2, A.D. 1168. # 92A, MAgha ba-di 10, Somd=Monday, December 27, A.D. 1176. 928, Brkvans fa-di 6, Raval=Bunday, July 3, A.D. 1177. 994, KArttika fu-di 16, Budbe=Wednesday, October 18, A.D. 1182. For a full account of the epool of the Chodi ora, se Nachrichten d. Gord. Wissenschaften, Gottingen, 1888, p. 81 41, and especially paper in the Indian Antiquary.
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________________ 34 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Talahari and Komo occur in the inscription from Rajim which has been edited in the same volume of the Asiatic Researches; and the name Komo is found, in 'Komo Pass' and 'Komo Choki,' on the maps, about 30 miles to the north of Ratnapur. A place, Kimedi or Khimide in Ganjam, is mentioned in the Indian Antiquary, vol. XVI, p. 181; and as we there have the name Parla-Kimedi, we may possibly have to read in the present inscription Andhra-Khimidi, not Andhra and Khimidi. The prince of Kanyakubja alluded to in our inscription probably was Govindachandra (Indian Antiquary, vol. XV, p. 6); the prince of Jejabhaktiks (or Bundelkhand-see Hultzsch in Zeitsch. Deutsch, Morg. Ges., vol. XL, p. 49, note), the Chandella king Kirtivarmadeva (Indian Antiquary, vol. XVI, p. 202; and Archeological Survey of India, vol. XXI, page 85); and the ruler of Chedi, Yasahkarna or Gayakarna of Tripurt. Somesvara I had thought of identifying with the prince of that name, the father of the Chahumana prince Prithviraja (Archeological Survey of India, vol. XXI, p. 174); but as that Somesvara appears to have died in A.D. 1169 (Journal As. Soc. of Bengal, vol. LV, pt. I, p. 15), he could hardly have been defeated by JAjalladeva before A.D. 1114. TEXT.' 1. [Om... Sasi l-akala-kali [k]i[h]-4mrit-bhabplava-va(ba)halita-ntra-svaruna[di-ttra]-vrittib | kim-u va(ba)ta sa(in)phar-iti svab-dri[ta ?]-~-~~ 2. ()mal yaays syAt sa lanh divays | 1' Etad-yat-paramach vihamtri timirah trailokys-netra-dyuti jyotis-tat-purusham (shb) sadh-Akara iti prahus-tam-antar 8. [36] na charamah skmrajya-sd[tra]sh yatah [kah]trasy-Adi-tad-anvaye samablavat fri-Karttaviryab kahitau 12' Tad-vazhiyo Haihaya sid-yato-jayanta Haihayab 4. tyasinapriya satt 3 | Tosham Haihaya-bhabhujah samabha]vad vaheb (68) as Ched-varab ert-Ko[kalla iti Smara-pratikritir-vvisva(ava)-pramodo yatah | yonAyam Tritasau[rya ?] 5. minn matur yalah sviyam preshi [ta u]chohakaih kiyad-iti vra(bra)hmAhdam antab-kahiti || 4 | Ashtadad-Asya ripu-kumbhi-vibhamhgs-simhab patra va(ba)bhavar abhivarddhita-0 6. I tosham-ath-Agraja-sutas-Tripur-lea Aalt 66shahe cha mandala-patin-sa chakara va(ba)mhdhan || 5" Prapat-teshu KalimgarAjamssamash vashfah kramad Anujah putrash sa(fa)tru-kalatra-netra-salila-apht. 7. ta[th] prataps-dramab (m)" I yea-Ayash Tritasaurys-kosa (fa)m skriflkarttam vihdy-Anvaya-kahonim Dakshina-koealo janapado va(b)hu-dvayen-Arjjitab 10" Rajadhani sa Tummanah parvvajaih krita ity-a From an impression supplied to me by Dr. Burgess, Director of the Archaeological Survey of India. Metro, Malini. I believe that this correction has been made already in the original. Metre, Sardalavikridita. Metre, Sloka (Anushtubh. 7 The akshara in brackets might possibly be kka. The aksharas in brackets may be ta u, or tamu. Metre, Sardulavikridita. 10 Metre, Vasantatilaka. 11 Possibly this correction has been made already in the original. 1 Metre, Sardalavikridita.
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________________ RATNAPUR INSCRIPTION OF JA JALLADEVA: CHEDI YEAR 866. Epigrapha Indica moll p 34. RANIkalakalAvinAmRtInaplavabAlitanArasana tamtiIvAkima vatasazanisakA ghimiyayamyAna mujhe zAzivAya||matAtparamavistRtiminIvaloma vAtAhAtima ukma akarahanipAinna mantra tararamamAmAyata kAcamyAditara bosmnvniikaarnvaashit||shnidevyaahitymaamaadyaanaajaayndihyaanaa yasanApayAmatI zatiyohiyarAmamanavaIsamaveyara yA kokallakatimrapatikRtivimvapramoToyanAyanAyavinInAyA bhanna sAtavaDAvI yApaSitamuhAla kiyaditivanamADamana kitiprabhAgAsyapi punavinagamihApubAvanavAnivaniyA kA AtaMbAmadAyasamutanidhIsabhA sItASAyAmaDanapatIsavakAratAnApane kaliMgapAnamasamavanaHkamAdAjapusatrukalavavamalilayara) tara tApamAnAvitAmAyIkAmamatIkA vihAyAnvayakolAikila koNoUna pdovaaddiyenaatikaa6||paajvaaniimnmaann pUvatiHkRtainvara nAta boriyakubaIyAmA mmyiym|||jaatmrtaapttnirmlkiivikaavnniiniisaavkmlaajkhtiihmishaalaamtHkmurssdmaash maniyAmAdanadarijanIvatamikhAnImA mahAna viSadhipayogirivako manamAtizUrapatApahirabarAjamamUtamahAmavikAsamarAlayapattayoM samadyA saMvAyacodyAnamamanyapuSyamulicAramAmbavanamA sanasAmAvamAnicitapadAuniyAbhUSitamAlAmamakArilI tanasu svasavAsamA joDAne nAhipalavaneravaraparapamAmahedanAnvitamAnAvaplavivivaratAnavinaranAlyAnayanAnAnAdevakAle dhanUSitaminimtInamAlatezIma patapuridina tayorane vAlA yahA~vAnA vApaya mAvimanAmazvecI yasodaviniSThanimmAvatItyadauratapuramamatrA manonayAyItyA nokAmA 12 ||ko momaMDalakAmAsatAnAtallA patramA bhapariNItAnpaNiyA||3||tayAnanivAlavammIsoyagulAbinamAmvani satAvaNyAnAmAyAvayuviviviSa niyarita gAjayuviridhiniyamItamrmakRtyAtpRvIra kAkatIjanaranusamanavA mana kAvajUralA khyagoravayoryapramukha gulamA kapAla madezI va sNhitaakttinmaayenaamdevaa|pRthviidevmmaavitaanvtinvaa dilokasitivivAratarataHmpuTaraphulaniyaMtmavAcitAnanikhI vitatAvana kATha vRtaaNtaabmaahsaadhnaavinvaandinupmrpitmuksdaakhitaa| NorfumANevarmako pRthvIdevakha nArayazananapuramaIdAmanenAkApicamAgamA upayavesarAjalI yAkAyedamapanAlizA pivaan| "na monA ye nevapArvatI vidyArmiIvAdalAnya ciyAmaciniDavanAvI raavntmyaanukaajaallaa'jnikiirtimaan||16||vivynyaayoprt motI mAviHpatanAsaNastariyalaMDagariraMja vikalAnInAlItAtallAdatiya pratidinarUpaHpatApAItavedIlenamanimavaha kRtaamdh| |2|kAya tumahIpanale tAnuktikAtUna jAsUna niptaapitvaadhitaamivshciyaa||2 laGgI matavikSAmiyayatarAhe yuddena gausenyo / *bArasamamitI me yanihatyAmanAvaI mavikalavamAImanuna bhAvanimocitayenavUnamadRtaHvinipatipUditI vAcatA kozalAvAvAmI vipAsanajikAjAmAninuhADakA nidAvanIku kamAnya bAhimahIpamaMDalantAmaNake rimsdelevi| kenyavaruparAsAyeva patApani namakamavAsarAvRtamA vivahAnAyakattiApahari vissaam||24|| rAstA maurygniipisaa| "yavartatAuvetyanAvitatesamadvivaryA mukhAte musajhasaDADebArAkikAmoyamasAvameSamananumA kA kironayaH kavitA jyaa| sUcanAryatahaDamidinajavAbIra kimapripiyAmarSakatAune naviritoDADAladeva vikSa gaataar6||2viikaatthaan / matamiduHkhatApumamaDasAdhAnamA vaivanamAtulyanvanamaHsAnApiniyatApitamAmatADauDallanatarasa kI dara pAyAgoriyamANavito vAdyamidAnavivAmyAcI mAnanidogarajAsavivigahikoyasyaviyaha rAhatyAga bhAvarI devAyajAnimiulI yAmamamamAmaThAyapATalAsavimAnasIvanapagA3 yaInakolamamA sAta "vArA upasAI maivAyatI kAyamo'samamA mAusumAniyo mAnna megivAnA nAma namasamItIla veykaat| 32 kapamatimAnamA nimAvimalA guNAnAuna mahala hai| vAva mipAnImA vA kolint||34aasivnmaargmudi nadI kA J. Borgasm,ficit. Boale: 3-TOtha
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________________ RATNAPUR INSCRIPTION OF JAJALLADEVA. 35 8. tah | tatra-stho 'ri-kshayam kurvvan - varddhayam-Asa sa Sriyam || 7" || Jatastatah pratata-nirmmala-kirtti-kantah sitAmbu-vat - Kamalaraja it - tha simdho 1 npinain manah-kumudashamdam - adhibri. 9.90(40)bham yasmad=abhod=arijan-andhatamisra (sra)-nasah | 8" | Mabibharttrivibhosh-artham payodhir - iva kaustubham jita-bra-pratapam hi Ratnarajam-asuta sah || 9 * || Sri-Vamkesa-buralaya-prabhfitayo (Ra P]10. [tno ?]avar-Adyas - tath yatr - ody&nam = Asamkhya-pushpa-suphalamh chardohcham - Amvram 1 vanam | Ratndena (sa)-saudha-sadma-nichitas - charu-Sriya bhushitas-Tummanah samakari lochana-sukhah saxhvikshyamam 11. [nd] janaih | 10" | Etad - yad - vipular Dhandsvara-pura-prakhyarh mahes. anvitam nanavarnna-vichitra-ratna-nichitam ratnAlay-abbar yatah | nand-devakulais cha bhushitam=iti svargg-abham - Alakshyate frima12. [d-Ra]tnapuram disi sruta-yasd Ratneivard yad=vyadhat || 11 || Vyadhapayan-mar bhuvi Batnarajah sreshtht yasas-ched-adhitishthati sma vakt - ity=add Ratnapuram samantan -matto 'nayor - yatu ya[fa]13. 8-trilokam || 1218 Komo-mandala-bhubharttur-Yvajjakasya (sru(ru)]ta suta Nonalla Ratnarajona parinita ntipa-riya ||18|| Tasyam - ajani Prithviram (16)" dharmma-saurya-gun-&nvitam (b)" | svar - ninyo 14. [dha]rmmato varkyan sau(sau)ryach-cha yudhi vidvishah || 14 * || Sau(sau)[ry. Adyai ?] Ratnaraje yudhi ripu-jayini svar.ggate svargga-ksityat - Prithvidevah, kshitisas = tad-anu samabhavat - tat-sutah kshtra-drah 15. aisya-ertdatva-laurya-pramukha-guna-bharair-110ka-palah sa [va] mkshatram trastam hi taamai kuruta iti namo yena prithvykh sa devah | 15 | Prithvideva-sama Srita bhavati cha uva16. rggo hi [10]ka-sthitis - chitram ch-aitad=atah sphutar sphurati yat-sarvvatra gar-asrita | bhdri-bri-vitata sata-kratu-vrita bhasvan-mahes-achyuta visv(sv)-Anamdi-vu. (bu)dha prasarppita-sudhasadm-AeritA 17. (ni]r-dvidha || 18" | Tummane dharmma-kirtty-artham Prithvidevesvar. adayah | Ratnapure samudr-Abhas-ten=&kari cha sagarah ||17 || Upayeme sa Rajallam ya kanty=&v=8mdu-saprabha Lakshmir - iv - Achyuta18. pritih saubhagyon-eva Parvvati | 18 || Aimdrir-Aimdryam-iv-Emdrena svah. briyam-abdhin-emdu-vat | Prithvide vena tasyam tu Jajallo 'jani kirttiman||191 Chi - tram yasya yasd vyadhad- anu19. [disa P]m st(t)tariu-80(40)chih-prabham raktam strain-batam fi(si)tam jagadidam kurvvach-cha krishnan-arin | 6r1-J Ajalla udeti yah prati-dinam sarah prat&pa. rddhi-las - Ohd-lena sa aina-sam[gra ?] *ha-krita maitrya20. -- [ta]h | 20 | Kanyakuv(b)ja-mahipena Jajabhuktika-bhubhuja 1 stra iti prat&pitvad - arhito mitravat - friya || 21 * || Lakshmih saptavidh-&pi yasya jagrihe yuddhe cha Somesva (ivaro Metro, Sloka (Anushtubh). * Metre, Vasantatilaka. * Metre, Sloka (Anushtubh). * Read dwrane. Metre, Bardalavikridita; and of the next verse. 4 Metre, Upajati. "I am almost certain that these two corrections have been made already in the original. * Metre, Sloka (Anushtabh); and of the next verse. * Metre, Sragdbara. * Metre, Sardalavikridita. # Metro, Blokn (Anushtabh); and of the next two verso. NI am very doubtful about this akahara, it looks rather like agra, or perbapo ggre. + Metro, Sard dlavikridita. * Metro, Sloka (Anushtabb).
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________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 21. ---uv- [da]gva(gdha)m-amitan sainyam nihaty=Amuna | vaba)ddharh martri-kalatra-sArtham-anu tan-matur-ggira moohitam yena v(b)ruta sa idrisah kshiti. patir - dfishtah kshitau va srutah 22. [122"] --- [na]k [68]l-Amdhra-Khimidl-Vai[raga]ram Lamjika Blandras - Talahari Dandakapuram Namdavalt Kukkuta) | yasy = aish&m hi mahipa-mandala-bhfito maitrena kechin - mudd kbehi38. -UU-v- vuu kany-anvav(b)da-k[li]ptar daduh || 23 | Yatra pratapini chchhat[tram-dkam-eva si(fi)ro-dhritam | chitram kurvvaj - jane saityam kuryat - tapar hfidi dvisham | 24 | Udarata-sau(sau)rya-gabhirim84. Vou-v--uvo 'sya varttate | bhuv-ty-abhashi pratatam samuch. chritair-yalah-su-bubhraih surasadma-sadbhujaih | 25 | Kim Kamo-yam-asav-ase(88) (sham-a]tanus - Tryaksh-Akshi-dpishto na yah kir Vaikunta (tha). 28. -u-uuu---u--sriya sarah sau (sau)ryata imdur- imdita-ruch Bridah kim-arthi-priya eyam masrahayat ?]4 janona vidito J&jalladevas-chirat || 26 | Sri-J&jallapuram 26. v-uvy --- -- --- [divas-chap] tapass-mathah s-dy AnamAtyrath vanam talyam svah-la (88)rasah saro-piruchiram yat-karitam mata Jajallena tad - astu kirtti-ruchira[m] 87. --v--v [ll 37 1] ....... [pa-Digna P18-adi-pramana-vit 1 (sv-a]nya-siddbanta-vioh-ch-Asya sriman Rudrasivo guruh | 28 | Sandhivigrahiko-py asya Vigra[ha]raja ity - abhat 28................. [129] | Dadau devaya Jajallah Birullgramam-utta]mam | mathaya patalA-sArtham s&(64) sana[m] &&(44)sva (sva)[ta]m npipah | 80 | Arjunakonasara[na]m sa de29. | 81 | 8M[ma]-r vuv-ruu guru-prasparddhi-mantr-agranth kayastho 'sama-s&()stra-sara-[suma]tih frim[n - sa Saud-Anvaye] | 6rt80.--uv-v-uv ---u--vo---Vu - prasa (sa) stim-a]samam JAja[llada]ve vyadhat | 89" || Ohakre prasa (sa) stiskt - tasya-rbh@60 vimalan - gunan uttamam hala[di]81. ..........(1881)............dharo vu(bu). dhah prasa (fa)atim prapta-[svaryva ]sam vasts . . [nu]jo - likhat | 84 | (8a]mvat 866 Marga su di 9 Ravau | (Jaja(P)*-6P] TRANSLATION. Om ! (Verse 1.)-May that Ida grant prosperity 1-he on whose head ...... is it the crescent portion [of the moon), abiding by the shore of the celestial river, the waters of which are augmented by the flood of the nectar fluid ......Por is it, oh, a carp,..... thus gone to heaven .......1 (V. 8.)-This highest light dispelling darkness, having the lustre of the eye of the three worlds, which men call the mine of nectar,'..., not the last, whence there is) * Metro, Bardalavikuidita, and of the next vorm. Metro, Sloka (Anushtabb), and of the next three morsee. * Metro, Sloka (Anubtabh). Metro, Sardalavikridite. Metro, Varhaatha * Metro, Sloka (Anubtabh); and of the next vero. * Metro, Sardalavikridita; and of the next morso. * Originally jd, corrected to ja (t). # Rond dmran
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________________ RATNAPUR INSCRIPTION OP JAJALLADEVA. the line of universal sovereignty of the regal order,-in his (the moon's) primeval race there was born on earth the illustrious Kartavirya. (V. 3.)-Of his race was Haihaya, from whom were born the Haiha vas. ......(?). (V. 4.)- In the race of these Haihaya princes was born that ruler of Chedi, the illustrious Kokalla, an image of the god of love, whence all derived delight; by whom, (being) on earth, in order to measure his own fame, how much it might be, this ..... of (0) Tritasa urya was sent up high into the universe. (V. B.)-He had eighteen sons, who destroyed the enemies as lions do elephants, (and) who increased ..... The first-born son among them afterwards was ruler of Tripurt, and he made the remaining brothers lords of mandalas. (V. 6.)-The race of one among these younger brothers in the course of time obtained an unequalled son, Kalingaraja, a tree of prowess grown large by the water of the eyes of the wives of enemies; who, in order not to impoverish the treasury of Tritasaurya, abandoned the ancestral land and acquired by his two arms this country Dakshinakosala. (V. 7.)-Since Tummana had been made a royal residence by his ancestors. therefore residing there, he increased his fortune, causing the destruction of his enemies. (V. 8.)-As the cool-rayed (moon) from the ocean, so was born here from him Kamalaraja, lovely by his expanding spotless fame; through whom the lotus-group of the minds of men received exceeding lustre, (and) who dispelled, like blinding darkness, the hostile people. (V. 9.)-As the ocean (produced) the Kaustubha for the decoration of the sup. porter' of the earth (Vishnu), so he begat Ratnaraja, who verily conquered the prowess of heroes, to be an ornament of princes. (V. 10.)-Tummana with its temples of the holy Vankesa and other (gods) and also (of) Ratnesvara and the rest, with a garden containing innumerable flowers and beautiful fruit, (and) a charming high mango grove, (and) crowded with palatial dwell. ings, decorated with charming beauty, was made by Ratnesa pleasant to the eyes, when viewed by the people. (V. 11.)-This extensive glorious Ratnapura, which Ratneevara built, has its fame listened to in (every) quarter; held by a great lord, it is like the city of (Kuvera) the lord of riches; it is full of many-coloured sparkling jewels and hence like (the ocean) the abode of jewels, and since it is decorated with many temples, it looks like heaven, (with the many families of gods). (V. 12.)-On all sides Ratnapura there says: If Ratnaraja ordered me to be built on the earth, (and) if the foreman of the guild acquired fame, may the fame of these two proceed from me to the three worlds! (P). (V. 18.)-Nonalla, the famous daughter of Vajjaka, the prince of the Komo mandala, was married by Ratnaraja, together with the majesty of princes. (V. 14.)-From her was born Ptith visa, endowed with the qualities of righteousness and bravery. He led to heaven his kinsmen through his righteousness, and his enemies through his bravery in battle. (V. 16.)-When Ratnaraja, who by his bravery and other qualities) conquered the enemies in battle, had gone to heaven through his action (worthy) of heaven, his son Prithvideva, the royal hero, became ruler of the earth after him. He was really) a
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________________ 38 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. god on earth ( Prithoi-deva), inasmuch as the frightened tribe of kings verily offered adorstion to him, regarding him to be a guardian of the world in consequence of his many excellent qualities, among which lordly nature, bestowing of prosperity, and bravery were foremost. (V. 16.)-And ruled over by Prithvideva, the earth verily was heaven (itself). And this marvel was strikingly manifest from the fact, that the earth) everywhere was dwelled on by heroes, spread over with abundant fortune, (and) covered with hundred sacrifices; that it had a splendid great lord, and was (in consequence) unshaken; that the learned on it caused joy to everybody; that it was built over with extensive stuccoed buildings, (and) was without a second. (V. 17.)-For the glory of religion (shrines of ) Prithvideve vara and others (were established) at Tummana, and a tank resembling the ocean was built by him at Ratnapura. (V. 18.)-He married Rajalla, who by her loveliness shone like the moon, who was like Lakshmi (the beloved of Achyuta) inasmuch as her love was unshaken, (and) like Parvati by her beauty. (V. 19.)-As Indra (begat) Jayanta on Aindri, (and) the ocean the moon in the beauty of heaven, 80 Prithvideva on her begat the famous Jajalla. (V. 20.)-Strange (to relate), his fame, shining like the lustre of the cool-rayed (moon) in every direction, rendered a hundred women red (with affection), while it made this world white, and the enemies black. The illustrious Jajalla, who rises up a hero day by day on account of the abundance of his prowess, was by the ruler of Chedi, forming an alliance of princes (?)" ........ friendship. (V. 21.)-By the ruler of Kanyakubja (and) the prince of Jejabhuktika, considering him a hero on account of his prowess, he was like a friend honoured with fortune. (V. 22.)-He who is possessed of even sevenfold fortune; and (by whom ?) was seized in battle Some svara ..... having slain an immense army; (and) by whom was captured, and afterwards at his mother's request released, the group of counsellors and wives ;-tell me, have you seen or heard of such (another) prince on earth ? (V. 23.)- To whom verily the princely rulers of these mandalas, (vis.) .... [Dakshi]nakosala, Andhra, Khimili, Vairagara, Laxjika, Bhanara, Talahari, Dandakapura, Nandavali, Kukkuta,-some out of friendship, some to delight (him), gave . . . . fixed year by year. (V. 24).-Of whom, endowed with majesty, the unique umbrella held over his head, while causing coolness to (his) people, strange (to relate), may well cause heartburning of enemies. (V. 25.)-Nobility, bravery, depth . . . . . he possesses ; thus (his) expanding fame was proclaimed by the earth with the uplifted very splendid excellent arms-the habitations of the gods. (V. 26.)- Is this that entirely bodiless god of love, who has not been seen by the eye of the three-eyed (Siva) P Is it Vaikuntha..... with fortune? Is he, a hero on I have taken the word nirdvidha in the sense of advaya or advitiya, but am unable to quote another pago in rapport of this meaning. When applied to heaven, some of the adjectives of the text have to be translated differently, thus: chosen by Indra (Satakratu); containing the splendid great lord (Biva) and Achyuta (Vishnu); containing the planet Mer cury (Budha) which causes joy to the universe, and the moon, the habitation of neotar, which more about in heaven. * I have taken aina, as an adjective, derived from ina, 'a lord, master, king,' &c.; but am doubtful about this passage >> The word odrtha is ordinarily masculine, not neuter.
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________________ MALHAR INSCRIPTION OF JAJALLADEVA. account of his Heroism, the moon by his mighty splendour, the bestower of fortune (Kuvera), dear to supplicants? By the people, thus deliberating," was he at last found out to be Jajalladeva. 39 (V. 27.)-The glorious Jajallapura ... ... [and an auspicious] monastery (matha) for ascetics; a mango grove with a garden; a pleasant lake, too, equal to the lake of heaven, which was caused to be made by the illustrious Jajalla, may that be, shining like fame, . . . . (V. 28.)-His religious adviser (was) the illustrious Rudrasiva, who knew the authoritative doctrines of . . . . . pa, Dignaga (?), and others, and knew his own and others' established truths. (V. 29.)-His minister for peace and war also was Vigraharaja,.. (V. 30.) The prince Jajalla gave to the god the excellent village of Siruli, to the monastery a group of patald trees, as a perpetual grant. (V. 31.)-Arjunakonasarana (?) he..... (V. 32.) The Kayastha, the illustrious. . . . in the Sauda family..... the leader of those whose counsel rivals the preceptor. . . . . illustrious. ... who is an unequalled proficient in the essence of the Sastras...., has composed the unequalled eulogy on JAjalladera. (V. 33.).. rbheda has brought his spotless qualities into the eulogy, the excellent (V. 34.)..... the learned... dhara, the younger brother...., haa written the eulogy which has obtained a dwelling in heaven. The year 866; the 9th day of the bright half of Margs[traha]; on a Sunday. Jaja (P). VI.-MALHAR STONE INSCRIPTION OF JAJALLADEVA, OF THE (CHEDI) YEAR 919. By Prof. F. KIELHORN, Ph.D., O.I.E., GOTTINGEN. This inscription is on a black stone, now in the Nagpur Museum, where it appears to have been brought from Malhar in the Central Provinces. The inscription consists of 28 lines. The writing covers a space of from 2'3" to 2' 43" broad by 1' 6" high. At the upper proper right corner a small piece of the stone appears to have broken away, so that the first four aksharas of the first line are missing; otherwise the inscription is complete, and well preserved almost throughout The size of the letters is ".-The characters are Devanagari.-The language is Sanskrit, and, except for the introductory blessing and the date at the end, the inscription is in verse. The verses are numbered, and their total number is 26. They were composed by Ratnasimha, son of Mame, of the Vastavya race; and the inscription was written by the Kshatriya Kumarapala, of the Sahasrarjuna race, and engraved by the sculptor Sampula (verses 23-26). In respect of orthography we have to note the employment of the dental for the palatal sibilant and vice versa in saurya, line 8, and vydeakta, line 25; the use of the dental n instead of the anusvara in mimaned, line 16, and anhri, line 26; the exceptional denotation of ncha by the sign for ncha in bhutin-cha, "I take mrish, marshayati, to be used in the sense of mrsis, mrilati.
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________________ 40 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. line 13; and the non-observance of the rules of Samdhi in dvahan Subhra-, line 4. The consonant b is throughout denoted by the sign for . The inscription refers itself to the reign of a prince Jajalladeva, a ruler of Tummana, of the Chedi family; and it is dated, in figures only, in the year 919, which, taken as a year of the Chedi ers, would correspond to A.D. 1167-1168. And it records the erection, at the town of Mallala, of a temple of the god Kedara (i.e., Siva) by the Brahman Somaraja, a younger son of Gangadhara, who in turn was the son of Prithvidhara. In the introductory portion we are told that the prince JAjalladeva was preceded by his father Psithvideva, who again was the son of the prince Ratna. deva, the vanquisher of Choda and Ganga princes, of the lunar race (verses 4-7). And we are further informed that the Brahman Ptithvidhara had been settled at the village Kumbhati in Madhyadesa; and that his son Gangadhara had come from there to the country Tummana, and had been honoured by the prince Ratnadeva with the gift of the village Kosambi. (Verses 9-13.) Mallala most probably is the modern Malhar (or Malar), where the inscription is stated to have been found. The other places I am unable to identify Text. 1. ror or nama. [h SiJvAya | Murddha-nyasta-jat-Amv(b)upallava-chayo bbala-sthali-mallika-tarttiy-ekshana-havyavaha-visaraj-jvald-pradipa-dyutih sampurnnah surasindhu tunga-lahari-vari-pravahair-asau Sambhu2. [r-ma]ngala-kumbha-vibhrama-padam-vi(bi)bhrat-sado patu vah ||1 | Urddhvi. kritah surasarit-salil-Avagahad-uddanda-chandatara-charu-kard vibhati(te) | vra(bra). hmanda-mandala-mahOtpala-nala-lil&m=vi(bi)bhrat-sa vo Ganapa3. ter-avatad-ajasram || 2 || Devah piyusha-dhara-nikara-parigalad-vindu-sandohakirnna-vyom-asa-chakravalo Madana-npipa-chamd-darppanah kairavanam | va(ba)ndhuh sindhu-prasatih sa jayati bhu4. van-Ananda-sambhara-kand8 101Akshi-mana-mudra-vighatana-patutam - Avahan Subhrabhanuh 13 | Tad-vamee npipa-Choda-Ganga-visarat-praudha-pratap-Anala jvald-santati-fanti-chanda-jalaB. dah sri-Ratnadevo 'bhavat 1 bhupalo 'khila-vairi-vira-vasudha'dhis-Bru-dorvallari-darpp-ajka-druma-daba-dava-dahanah sri-mandirain sundarah ||47|| Prithvi. devas-tato 'bhud=va (ba)lavad-ari-dhard6. natha-nagendra-Tarkshy0 8 namranam mauli-ratna-dyuti-bhara-vilasan-mallikamalya-bharaih | pujy-ambri-dvamdva-padmo n ija-bhuja-vijaya-fri-maha-keli-sailah putrah sat-ksbatra-kirtti7. vratati-tarur-il-mandal-Abhoga-bhartt 15 Tasmach-Chedi-kul-Avalam v(b)ana-yu(ju)'sham - agresard bhubhujam dor-ddanda . dvaya-darppa-khandita - ripur Jjajalladevo 'bhavat | Tumman.adhipatir-nnij.&mala From an impression supplied to me by Dr. J. Bargou. The aksharas in there brackets are broken away Metre, Serdulavikridita. * This correction appears to have been made already in the original. * Metre, Vasantatilaka. Metre, Sragdhard. 7 Metro, Sard dlavikridita. * Originally-tarksho. Metro, Bragdhari. 10 This correction appears to have been made already in the original.
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________________ MALHAR INSCRIPTION OF JAJALLADEVA. 8. kula-pradyota-dip-opamah sat-kah&tr-aika-nidhib pratapa-taranih sau(au)ry-Arj jita-frir-aripab 10" Manye yad-dana-dazhka-janita-bhaya-vaald-vallabho nimnngandm 41 dugdh-4v(b)dhir-bhima-garbha-sphu 9. rad-uru-salile ratna-rasim-va (ba) bhara | vahan-Marttanda-devas=tridasaparivridhab [ava]ranadt-toya-durgge svargge dan-Amv(b)u-dhar-oddhura-madhupavadha-malam-Airavanan-chs 7" Rajye mabibhujas-tasya 10. naya-vartm-Anusarini | Ikship-opasargga-sainsargge praj-Ananda-vidhayini |8" Aslch-chhrt-Madhyadeee vitata-suranadi-vari-par-ormmi-mala lankar hara-bhate nikhila-janapad-6 11. ddama-bhd-mandalasyn gramo ramy-oru-bhamir-dvijavara-vasatih Kumbha [i]-namadhayo yataat-svargg-aika-khanda-pratinidhir-amalo nirmmito yo vidhatra 9 Atreyas-tavad-A12. dyas-tad-anu cha vidito-pp(py)-Archchanand dvitlyab SasyAviosa "-tritiyah pravara iha subhais-tair-dvijo bhushito 'bhut | Krishnatreyasya gotre pranata-vasumatipala-mal-6. Prithvidhar. 13. ttamlaga-tvangad - rain-Ankura-dri-khachita-pada-yugas-tatra Akhyab 10 Yab praja-aika-vifala-lochana-putan-dhatte trittyazh sada sad-bhutin(n)-cha tanoti yo nija-tanau durvvara-mar-A14. pahah durgg-aelesha-karo ri-vadi-nivahe putras-tato 'bhud- asau vi(bi). bhrapo dvijanja-sundara-padam msulau sa Gangadharab 11" Tatah kala-kramenAsau deeamh Tummapam- Agatab | guos-gram-Arjji 15. ta-praudha-lakshmir-dvija-diromanih 12" Prakshalya charan-ambhoje Ratnadevo mahipatih | Kosamy(b)i-gramam etasma udakikritya dattavan || 13 || Sri-Gangadharatab suto 'jani jagad-vandy-aika-pado16. nujab praudh-Ananda-karab kalanka-rahitah sphayat-kalanam nidhih vi(bi)bhrano dvijarajatam hata-jada-dlesh-oru-bhari-prabho dhatri-mapdala-mandand vidhur. 88au fri-Somarajo 'parah | 14" Mimin(m)sa 17. dvaya-parago gurur-asau yah Kasyaptye naye shankhye ch- Apratimallatamada-nidhis try-aksho 'kshapad-okti-drik yas - Charvvaka-visala mana-malano durvvara-vau(bau)ddh-amv(b)udhah pan-& 18. nandita-Kumbhasambhava-munir-ddigvAsashm-antakab || 15 || A-erantam kratu-kunda-mandala-ehalad-dham-Avali-dhyamala-vyom-Aia-valayam vilokya vilaan. nil-Amv(b)ud-Ali-bhramat | vipr-hay-dri 19. ta-veda-ri-vitat-odghosh-oddhuram yad-gribo sat-paksha-prasara natanti patavo hrishta muhuh kekinah 16 Bhito durgga-padam dadhati dikhart rakmasya varam nidhe(dhi) pare kapta. 20. ki-padap-Avrita-vapur bhtmais cha simh-Adibhih | yad-danad -iva tikshnadamshtra-vadana-proldgt]rupa-chanchad-visha-jvala-jala-karla-[bh]ga-patal ratnani Staho-py-adhat |17|| Rapam vieva-jay-aishi21. no Rati-pate rukm-achalad-gauravam gambhiryam jaladheh sahasra-kiranadaerantam-Ojasvitam Smarasadanaays paramamh gramarh gundnam-iva graham graham-asau didri aievaryam 11 Metre, Sardalavikridita. 13 Metre, Sragdhard. Metre, Sloka (Anushtubb). 14 Metre, Sragdhard; and of the next verse. 1 See note 29 on the translation below. 16 Metre, Sardalavikridita. 17 Metre, Sloka (Anushtubb); and of the next verse. 18 Metre, Sardulavikridita; and of the next five verses. 11
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________________ 42 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA, 82. kshur-asrijat-Padmodbhavo yam bhuvi ||18Bapt-ambhonidhi-tira-varini bhriban yat-ktrtti-hamst muhur-bhramtv-Asrantam-iyam sur-Alayam-agan-Mandakini karkshi. 28. nt | bhuktva va (b)la-minala-nala-bakalany-uddama-kam-Otsuka vra (bra)hmand-Odara-bhanda-varija-bhuvo rantum ma[d&t=sam]yayau ||19|| Vat-Abati-chalat tala-taralam jivitam nrinam chancha24. lan - cha Sriyam [ma]tva dharmme matim = adhad=vu(bu)dhah ||20| Tena KAJAro-deyagya dhama Mallala-pattane | dhimata karitam ramyam svayabb-rasi bhasuram ||21|| Urvvim=alingya parvvam guru26. jaghana-ghan-Aslesha-lav (b) dha-pramodam=etat-kashthA-vadhanam dhvajabhuja-valanaih flesha-daksham samantat | kama vyaka (sa) kta-cheta iva vivu(bu)dha purt-sundarina samakshe tyakta-vridam nikamam gagana-parisarah srt. 26. mukharh chumv(b)at-iva | 22 || Kasyapiy-akshapadiya-naya-siddhanta-vedina vipaksha-radi-simhena Ratnasimhena dhimata || 23"| Sri-Raghav-an(m)hri-kamal Amv(b) udhar-Abhisheka-lav(b)dh-Odaya-pratata-ba27. Kha-mahiruhena Vastavya-vamsa-kamal-Akara-bhanun-eyam | Mame. sutena rachita ruchira prasastih ||24" | Iyam Sahasrarjjuna-vamcajena kuthalat-ksha triya-pungavena | Kumarapa. 28. lena gun-Abhirama-ram=eva ramya likhita prasastih ||26|| Aneka-bilpar. nirmmana-payodheh para-dfisvana utkirona rupakarena sampulen=eyam-Adarat ||26|| Samvat 919[**]. TRANSLATION. Om! Om ! Adoration to Siva ! (Verse 1.)-May that Sambhu always protect you l-he who, wearing on his head, like water-lilies," a mass of braided hair, (and) spreading around the lustre of a blazing lamp with the fire of his third eye which, as on a lamp-stand, is on his broad forehead, (and) covered with the streams of water of the high waves of the celestial river, pos. sesses the beauty of an auspicious jar! (V. 2.)-May that lovely trunk of Ganapati for ever guard you l-which at day. break, when lifted out of the waters of the celestial river into which it has been dipped, raised up and threatening, possesses a charm as if it were the stalk of the great lotusthe circle of the universe ! (V. 8.)--Triumphant is that god with white rays, (the moon), born from the ocean, (who is) the root of great joy to the world, (and) possesses skill in removing the haughty reserve that closes (the hearts of) tremulous-eyed women; who covers the circle of the regions of the sky with a mass of drops triokling down from a multitude of streams of nectar; (who is) the mirror of the army of the king Love, (and) the friend of the night-lotuses. (V. 4.)-In his race there was, beautiful (and) an habitation of Fortune, the protector of the earth, the illustrious Ratnadeve; a fierce cloud to extinguish the Matro, 610ks (Apushtubh); and of the next verse. * Metre, Upajati. Matre, Bragdbark * Metro, Sloka (Anushtabh). Metro, 10ka (Asuhtubb). # I cannot quote any other prosego in whioh the word p ote, yesantatilall I ambw-pallava is used in the One Aigned to it here.
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________________ MALHAR INSCRIPTION OF JAJALLADEVA. 43 continuously raging flames of the spreading mighty fire of the prowess of Choda and Ganga princes, (and) a blazing fire to consume the unique tree of the pride in their creeper-like long arms of all the hostile heroic rulers of the earth. (V. 5.)- After him came his son Prithvideva, a master of the whole extent of the terrestrial globe, who to the mighty hostile lords of the earth was what Garuda is to the serpent-chiefs; whose two lotus-feet * were an object of worship for princes) bent down with the weight of jasmine wreaths glittering with the great splendour of their crest-jewels; a high pleasure-mount for the glory of victory of his own arm; a tree for the creeping-plant fame of excellent royalty. (V. 6.)-From him was born the prince Jajalladeva, the leader of the princes who delight in keeping up the Chedi family; who by the pride of his two massive arms annihilated the enemies; the ruler of Tummana, illumining like a lamp his own spotless family, a unique treasury of excellent royalty, a sun of prowess, who has acquired fortune by his heroism. (V. 7.)-I fancy that through fear, produced by the suspicion that they would have to give them) to him, the ocean of milk, the husband of the rivers, kept (his) mass of jewels in the deep water agitated by the fear-inspiring (beasts) within it, and the sun. god (his) horses, and the lord of the gods (Indra) his elephant, who enlivens rows of female bees with streams of rutting-juice, in the heavens rendered impassa ble by the waters of the celestial river. (V. 8.)- In the reign of this prince, which follows the path of good government, is free from the contact of troubles, (and) causes joy to the people. (V. 9.)-There was in the glorious Madhyadesa, ornamented by the garland of the waves of the streams of water of the extended river of the gods, (and itself as it were the necklace of the whole orb of the earth crowded with countries, a village named Kumbhati, with pleasant broad lands, a dwelling-place of the best of the twice-born, which the creator had exerted himself to make the spotless counterpart of a portion of heaven. (V. 10.)-In that (village) there was a twice-born named Psithvidhara, in the gotra of Krishnatreya, ornamented with the three) auspicious pravaras, Atreya the first, and after him the famous Archanana the second, (and) Sasyavasa" the third; whose pair of feet was covered with the lustre of the jewels which like sprouts were trembling on the heads of rows of protectors of the earth bowing down (before him). (V. 11.)-From him there was born & son, that Gangadhara who, bearing on his head the beautiful title of king of the twice-born,' always had knowledge as a third unique large eye; (and) who, warding off the irresistible passion of love, secured for himself exoellent welfare; (who) in a crowd of hostile disputants resorted to (argumenta) dimoult to be met; (resembling Siva Gangadhara, who, having on his In the original one would have expected Choda-Ganga-aripa, instead of wripa-Choda-Gariga, but that would not have suited the metre. Here, too, one would have expected pljy-Arthri-padma-doanhdv6, instead of puy-dmhari-duandva-padmo, but that again would have offended against the metre. This verse defines the time when the temple, mentioned in verse 21, was built, and it has no reference to the verse immediately following here. I leave these dames as they are given in the original. According to the Asvaldyana-frauta-stra, Calo. Ed., p. 888, and the Dharma-sindhu, Bo. Ed., p. 871, they roally are Atreya, Arohandasa, and Byavara. It is evident that the writer of the inscription, who undoubtedly took the moond name to be Archanana, understood the third name to be Suy bon, joining the syllable sa, which belongs to the second Dame, to the third 12
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________________ 44 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. crest a spot beautified by the moon, possesses a large third eye; who annihilated the irresistible god of love, spreads excellent ashes over his body, and embraces Durga). (V. 12.)-Then that crest-jewel of the twice-born, who had acquired great fortune by the collection of his good qualities, in the course of time came to the country Tummana. (V. 13.)-To him the lord of the earth Ratnadeva gave, after he had washed his lotus-feet, the village of Kosambi, (confirming his gift by the) pouring out (of) water. (V. 14.)-From the illustrious Gangadhara there was born, as a younger son, that illustrious Somaraja whose unique feet are an object of adoration for the people, causing great joy, free from blemishes, & treasury-house of numerous arts; who holds the position of king of the twice-born, is possessed of wide and abundant splendour inasmuch as he avoids the company of the dull, (and) is an ornament of the orb of the earth; (being) freed from its spot, a second moon (whose rays are an object of adoration for the world, which causes great joy, is the receptacle of growing digits, bears the name of king of the twice-born;' which, united with miserable cold, is spreading its splendour far and wide, and is an ornament to the orb of the earth). (V. 15.)-That venerable person, who is a treasury of the pride of having no rival in the doctrine of Kasyapa and in the Samkhya, has completely mastered the two Mimamsas; (like Sira) he is possessed of three eyes inasmuch as he has for his eye the teaching of Akshapada. He crushed the great conceit of Charvaka, delighted the pitcher-born sage (Agastya) by drinking up the difficult-to-be-restrained Bauddha ocean, (and is) a god of death to the Digambaras. (V. 16.)-At his house dexterous peacocks, delighted when they see the circle of the regions of the sky incessantly blackened by lines of smoke rising from groups of sacrificial fire-pits, which they mistake to be lines of black clouds moving about, dance again and again with spread-out wings, enlivened by the long-drawn sound of Vedic texts recited by the mouths of Brahmans (which they mistake for thunder). (V. 17.)-Afraid as it were of having to give their precious stones) to him, the mountain of gold keeps an impervious place, the ocean has itself guarded at the shores by thorny trees and by lions and other terrific beasts, (ant) Sesha even places his jewels in the multitude of his hoods, terrible with the sheets of flickering poison-flames ejected by the mouth with sharp fangs. (V. 18.-Him that lotus-born (Brahman) created, desirous as it were of seeing on the earth the most excellent collection of good qualities, after he had severally taken. beauty from the lord of Rati desiring to conquer the universe, gravity from the moun. tain of gold, depth from the ocean, never-ceasing " splendour from the thousand-rayed Coun, and) the lordly nature of (Siva) the destroyer of the god of love. (V. 19.)-The swan of his fame, having frequently again and again roamed about by the water on the shores of the seven oceans, unweariedly went to the abode of the gods, longing for the heavenly Ganges; (and) having eaten (there) tender lotus-fibres and pieces of lotus-stalks, it has, pining with excessive longing, rapturously come, to enjoy itself, to the lotus-grounds of the interior of the vessel-like egg of Brahman. * On KAFAPA, as another name of Kanada, the founder of the Vaileshika sohool of philosopby-300 Cowell's Translation of The Aphorisms of sandilya, Preface, p. V.-Akshapada is Gotama, the founder of the Ngays system. The mage Agastya is fabled to bave swallowed the ocean. * In the original the adverb afrantam is made to qualify the substantive 6jasvitdm, contrary to the roles of garmmar. 31 In the original one would have expected brahmanda-lhdnd-Gara, instead of lrahmand-dra-Bhduda.
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________________ RATNAPUR INSCRIPTION OF PRITHVIDEVA. 45 (V. 20.)-Having reflected that the life of man is unsteady like a tuft of grass which moves when struck by the wind, and that fortune is fickle, he, the wise, set his mind on religion. (V. 21.)-Possessed of intelligence, he caused to be built at the town of Mallala a charming temple of the god Kedara, resplendent like the accumulation of his own fame. (V. 22.)-Having first embraced the earth, which derived pleasure from the close embrace of his heavy thighs, the surrounding sky, having as it were the heart filled with love, void of bashfulness within sight of the beautiful damsels of the city of the gods eagerly kisses, as if it were the face of Fortune, this (temple) fit to be embraced on all sides by the encircling banner-like arms of the women of the regions. (Verses 23 and 24.)-This pleasing eulogy has been composed by the son of Mame, the intelligent Ratnasimha, who knows the established truths of the doctrines of Kasyapa and of AkshapAda, (and is) a lion to opponent disputants; who owes his elevation, as a tree with wide-spread branches does its growth to showers from clouds, to the lotus-feet of the illustrious Raghava; (and who is) to the Vastavya race (what) the sun (is) to a group of lotuses. (V. 25.)-This eulogy, charming like a woman who is pleasing by her good qualities, has been eagerly written by the excellent Kshatriya Kumarapala, born in the Sahasrarjuna race. (V. 26.)-Engraved it has been with care by the sculptor Sampula, who has seen the opposite bank of the ocean of various mechanical arts. The year 919. VII.-RATNAPUR INSCRIPTION OF PRITHVIDEVA, OF THE (VIKRAMA)YEAR 1247 (P). BY PROF. F. KIELHORN, Ph.D., C.I.E., GOTTINGEN, This inscription is on a black stone, which was discovered within the fort of Ratnapur in the Central Provinces,' and is now in the Nagpur Museum. The inscription consists of 24 lines. The writing originally covered & space of about 2' 31' broad by 1' 1' high; at present, a portion of the proper left side, all the way down, and the lower right corner of the stone, are broken away, so that altogether about ninety aksharas are missing. The stone evidently was less injured when Dr. Rajendralal's rubbing was taken. What remains of the insoription is well preserved. The size of the letters is about ".-The charaoters are Devanagart.-The language is Sanskrit, and, excepting the introductory blessing and the date at the end. the inscription is in verse. The verses are numbered, and their total number is 30 They were composed by Devagana, son of Ratnasimha; written by Kumarapala, or, 88 he is called here, Kumarapala; and engraved by Sampula (verses 26-28).-In respect of orthography we have to note the employment of the dental for the palatal sibilant in sunda, line 2, saurya, line 6, Sacht, line 10, adboats, line 18, and wikhara, line 19; It will appear from the next inscription, that Raghava was the younger brother of Mamd, and therefore the paternal unole of Ratnasimba. Cunningham's Arch. Bur. Reporte, Vol. VII, p. 316. It has been edited before, by Dr. Rajendral Mitrs, in the Journal 45. Soc. Bongal, Vol. XXXII, pp. 377-979, 280-987.
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________________ 46 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. the use of the dental n instead of the anusddra in avatansah, line 4; the employment of the spadhmaniya in puhpavantau, line 17; the exceptional denotation of Acha by the sign for noha in chanchartkab, line 11, keincha, line 13, and chakran-cha, line 28; and the non-observance of the rules of Samdhi in dhavalam-vilaky a, line 12, and idam-vidagdho, line 20. The consonant 6 is throughout denoted by the sign for o. The insoription refers itself to the reign of a prince Prithvideva, son and successor of the Chedi prince (Ratnadeva], the vanquisher of Choda and Ganga champions, who was the son and successor of a prince Jajalladeva, of the lunar race (verses 4-6). And it records (in verse 24) the erection, at the village of Samba, of a Siva-temple by one Devagana, the glorification of whom and whose ancestors, wives, and children Alle just half the number of verses of the inscription (verses 8-22). The great-grandfather of Devagana, Govinda, of the (Vastavya] race, had come from the Chodi mandala to Tummana, the country ruled over by the above-mentioned princes. Govinda had two sons, Mame and Raghava; and Mame's son again was Ratnasimha, the father of Devagana. This Devagana, the founder of the temple, himself composed, as we have seen above, this very inscription; and his father Ratnasimha is the author of the preceding Malhar inscription, dated (Chedi-] Samvat 919=A.D. 1167-1168, According to Dr. Rajendralal Mitra, the inscription is dated in (Vikrama-] Samvat 1207=A. D. 1149-50. But, on the rubbing before me, the figures (scratched on the stone rather than properly engraved, and perhaps added some time after the insoription itself was engraved) look certainly more like 1247 than 1207. Besides, a comparison of the verses 3, 8, 12, 20, and 22 of the Malhar inscription of [Chedi-) Samvat 919=A.D. 1167-68 with the verses 3, 7, 8, 28, and 25 of the present Ratnapur inscription, as well as some minor resemblances, show that the author of this inscription, Devagana, had his father's Malhar inscription before him when he wrote his own composition. Taking further into consideration that this inscription eulogizes five of the grandchildren of Ratnasimha, the composer of the Malhar inscription, I feel certain that it has been composed considerably later than A.D. 1167-68=Vikrama-Samvat 1226, and I think it probable that the figures at the end of it are really Vikrama-8amvat 1247-A.D. 1189-90, and that these figures, by whom and whensoever added, furnish a true date for the prince Ppithvideva, in whose reign the inscription was composed. How well this date agrees with the other known dates of the earlier rulers of Ratnapur, may be seen from the following list of those rulers, which has been compiled from the three inscriptions here published, and from the Rajim inscription of Jagapata : (1.) Kalingaraja. (2.) Kamalaraja. (8.) Ratnaraja (or Ratpesa). (4) Prith visa (or Prithvideva). (.) JAjalla (or Jajalladeva); according to the first inscription here published, [Chadi-) Sathvat 860=A.D. 1114, (6.) Ratnadeva. (7.) Prithvidova; according to the RAjim insoription, Kulacburi-sath vatsare 806 A.D. 1145, and, according to drohul. Survey of India, Volume XVII, Plate xx, Kulachuri-samvatsara 910-A.D. 1158-59. (8) Jajalladova; according to the second inscription bere published, (Chell-) Surovat 019=A,D. 1167-68.
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________________ RATNAPUR INSCRIPTION OF PRITHVIDEVA. 47 (9.) Ratnadeva; according to Archaeol. Survey of India, Volume XVII, page 43, line 4 from the bottom, and Plate XX, Chedi-Sarhvat 938A.D. 1181-82. (10.) Prithvideva; according to the present inscription, [Vikrama-] Samvat 1847 (P)-A.D. 1189-90 (?). TEXT. 1. [Om] om namah Sivaya | Bhog-indro nayana-brusti]h katham-asau drashtum kshamo nau bhaved=esha chandra-kala [-pi Saibava-dalam-asadya nau P]* -voi --uv- u v - -u--vo2. vam Sailasuta-pravo(b) dhana-paro Rudrd rate patu vah || 1 || Sat-sinddra-vilala- . pambu-patal-abhyakt-aika-kumbha-sthalah su(su)nda-tandava-mandit-akhila-nabho-din manda[p-Adamv(balol ---uv-u-uuu--- 3. miruba-vydh-Onmdlana-kelirrastu bhavatam bhutyai Ganagramani) | 2 | Devah piyusha-dhara-drava-kara-nikar-akranta-dik-chakravalas-trailoky-Akranti-niryan. Madana-nfipa-chamt-darppan-Abhoga-[lakshmo] ---- -- 4. yati sura-vadhu-ratna-karnn-Avatan(m)sah Subhrambuh praudha-rama-hridayagiriguha-mana-sarvvarkasha-brih | 39 | Tad-vamad bhuja-danda-mandala-mad-Akranta trilok 1-talo vi(bi)bhranah gura-sartha-nAtha-padavim-udda' -- --- 5. nidhi-mekhald-valayita-kshoni-vadhd-vallabh bhupalo bhuvan-aika-bhushanamanir - Jjajalladevo'bhavat ||4o| Tasmach-Chedi-narendra-durddama-chama-chakr aika-varamnidhes=tivr-aurvva-jvaland 'janishta tanayah--u--vol6. rvv-akharvvita-Choda-Ganga-subhata-sphar-endu-vi (bi)-mv (b) a-graha-grise Rahur = ananta-sau(sau)rya-mahim-Aecharyo mahi-mandale [16|| Sarppat-purpna-fasankadhama-dhavala-sphayad-yaso-janmabhtr=udyat-tivratara-pratapa-taranih sat-kshastra)-40 --vol7. yata-diganta-vandi-nivah-abhishtartha-chintamanih Prithvideva-naresvard 'sya tanayah sriman-abhud-bhu-tale || 6 || Rajye bhumibhujo 'sy-aiva naya-margg-anusarini 1 kshin-pasargga-samsargge praj-ananda-vidhayini | 7" | Va" ....... 8. r=Ggovindas-Chedi-mandalat i kriti kala-kramen-Asau desan-Tummanamaga-tah 18 || Putras-tasya jan-anuraga-jaladhir-bhubhrit-sabha-bhushana jyayan pandita-pundarika-taranir-Mmame'bhidhand 'bhavat i yo dhatri-tilak) [ni]-vvv 9. l-Alankara-har-opamo vikhyatas-Tripurantak-aika-charan-ambhoj-aika-bbfingo bhuvi | 91 || Bhrata fri-Raghavo 'mushya kaniyan-guna-sagarah nagard bhuvan-Abhoga-bhosh Pash-opamo va(ba)bhau ||10 | Sri-Mame-tanayah samasta jaga[ti]*_10. rnna-kirnna-sphurat-kund-endu-dguti- kirtti-santati-lata-vyasakta-din-mandapahl rajaty-unmada-vadi-vsinda-daland 1118-viharah sriyah 6tl-Achara-visvejka-punya nilayah Sri-Ratnasimhah kavih ||119|| 8a(ba)ch-Iva Jishaor-Ggirij-8[va)." From an impression supplied to me by the Director of the Archeological Survey of India. *This is expressed by a symbol. Of the aksharas in these brackets only the lower portions can be recognised in the impression. . Matre, Bard dlavikridita; and of the next vorso. Metre, Sragdbart. Dr. RajendralAl has read here madhairyydmbud Miss lsa: and it is my to conjecture that the following lost akelaras were peamblo. Metre, Sardalavikridita; and of the next two verses. Dr. RajendralAl has read hore fri-Ratnadbud ripa(pal). The last syllable of the line I suppose to have been ga. Dr. Rajendra Al has read here dharmmdwbudhi Ind-[nd]. 11 Metro, Sloka (Anushtabh); end of the next verse. 1 Dr. Rajendralal has read here stavy awarfafubardi-[x]. # Dr. Rajendralal has read here jamala[k]. Metre, Sardalavikuidita. * Metro, Slokas (Anushtubh). # Dr. Rajendrall has read here wi[at. 17 Metro, Sladdlavikridita. 1 The missing syllable is of course 8a. .
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________________ 48 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 11. mbhor-Dugdhav(b)dhi-putr-Iva cha Chakrapapeb I skdby! sada va(ba)ndhujan-Abhipajya Rambh-eti nama'bhavad-saya patal ||12" Tabhyam-ajayata jagat trayghushta-kirttir Akhandit-Ari-vu(bu) dha-mandala-chanda-darppah Chandisa-charucharap-Amy(b)uja-chan (f)chartkab pra[j]-ps12. r-iha Devagapas-tandjab 13" Etad-yasya jagad-yniobhir-abbito dindiraploda-prabhair-Akrantan-dhavalam (th)-vilokys nikhilash gop-Angana-vikshitah I lindi-hrada-KAlanemi-dalana-prarambha-vitadaras-tire tamyati Varirasi-tanaya." 18. tto-pi jata-bhramah 14" || Plyasha-drava-sandra-vindu-vasstir-yasy-Asya vak-chandrika vidvach-olakra-chakora-chanchu-putakair-Aptyaman-Anifam kin)chAya[m] kara-pajaro 'khila-milan-nina-digant-Arthinach bhayo 'bhishta-phala-pradinachatura[b]avidhi[na]--" 14. Ipadrumah ||15|| Chamdrik-eva sisir-amsu-malino manjar-iva sura-mediniruhab kanti-nirjjita-suringand-gap tasys sadhu-charita vadhah Prabha || 16" JA[m]nkmat dvitty-aya vilasa-vasstib priya i amita-prema-vA(b)hulya[d-dvi]," 15. yam prana-mandiram | 17 || Lavany-apratimallata-mada-bhara Maulimduna krodhato dagdhasy-Api Manobhavasya bhuvane vidy-era sanjivant I sat-saubhagya-gunaika-garvva-vasatih prap-adhika priyaat yam nirmmaya Sardjabhah pramudi." 16. praptab parazh nirvritim [18] Avo(bo)dha-dhvanta-santana-kavi(ri)-kumbha. vidAranah | Jagatsimho 'sya tanayah simhavad-bhuvi rajate ||1920|| Tarak-Arir-asau Sailasuta-sanur-ayam punah suto Rayarasimho 'sya va(ba)ndhu-varggasya tarakab 120000 17. Bhop-Asya duhita sadhvi kali-kala-vicheshtitaih a-sprishta svar-ddhun-iveyam bhuvana-traya-pavant || 21 || Valha-dri-Devadas-akhyau va(ba)ddha-sakhyau parasparam i jagad-ud[d]yotakau bhatab pubpavantav-iv-Amy (b) are 122 Vat-oddhati[vi]. 18. lola-tala-taralam nrinam-idam jivitam lakshmim ghora-ghan-antarala vilasadvidyad-villa-pamAm I matv-aitad-durit-augha-dAru-dalians-proddama-dav-Anale araddham-uddhata-dharmma-vu(bu)ddhir-akaroch-chhreyab-pathe sa(6)vate 23" Chakre Deva[ga] 19. po dhima Vi(bi)Ivapani-pinkkisah 1 8Amhr(b)A-gramb tushar-Adri si(i)khar Abhoga-bhasuram 124" Nand-bhapala-bhukta-kshiti-jaghana-ghan-delesha-toshad-ivAdau dig-vam-kama-pida-tarala-tanu-guru-dlesha-lipsam samanta[t] 20. kam-iv-edam (m)-vidagdho virachita-parama-prema-hasam tvaravat-svarvvamanam samaksham gagana-parisara[b] Sel-mukhamh chumv(b)at-iva [25" NishAgama-duddha-vo(bo)dha-vibhavah kavyeshu yo bha[vya]-dhth sat-tarkk-Amv (b)udhiparago Bhrigu-su-" 21. [6] danda-nitau matab | chhando'lankriti-fav (b)da-manmatha-kala-dastr-Av(b)ja-chapdadyutif-chakre Devagapab prasastim-amala[m]irl-Ratnasimh-Atmajah||26 "||| Yah kavya-kairava vikaeans-fltarafmir-uddAma-vu (bu)ddhi-nilayo" 19 Metre, Upajati. 30 Metre, Vasantatilaka. 11 The missing syllable I suppose to be ya. Metre, Sardulavikridita; and of the next verse. The missing syllable is ka. 4 Metre, Rathoddhata. "The missing syllable is 14. 26 Metre, Sloka (Anushtubb). The missing syllable I take to be tab. 25 Metre, Sardalavikridita. "Metre, Sloka (Anushtubh); and of the next three verses. 30 Metre, Sardalavikridita. 1 Metre, Sloka (Anushtubh). Metre, Sragdhara. "The missing syllable is to. "Metre, Sardalavikridita. 35 Dr. Rajendralal has read here the syllable va; and for the beginning of the next line he supplies ni.
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________________ RATNAPUR INSCRIPTION OF PRITHVIDEVA. 22. pala-sunuh I vidya-vilasa-vasatir-vvimalam prasastim sriman-imam Kumara-pala-vu(bu)dho lilekha 27" | Pradastir-iyam-utkirupa ruchir-Akshara-paktibhih I dhimata sutradharepa Sampulena mandrama || [28"]" 23. [D]eva[ga]pAv-otau rapakara-diromant chakratur-ghatanan-dbamno Vi(bi)lvapani-pinakinah 1291 Chandr-Arkksu kirap-Avall-valayitah yavad-vidhattan"jagad-din-matanga-ghat-opavrimhita-dhara-chakran (A)-cha k 24. nakshatra-prakar-oru-haralatika'lankara-saram nabhas-tvat-kirttirMmadanari-mandira-mishat-tavach-chiram nandatu ||30|| [Sachvat 1247] 49 TRANSLATION. Om! Om! Adoration to Siva! (Verse 1)-May Rudra protect you!-he who at the sexual enjoyment eagerly [thus] speaks to (Parvati,) the daughter of the mountain: 'How should that lord of serpents, who uses his eyes as ears, be able to see us? And [how should] this crescent moon [too, reduced to a state of infancy].......!' (V. 2.)-May Ganapati grant you prosperity !-he who has the surface of his unique frontal globes anointed with broad sheets of the powder of excellent red-lead; who with the dance of his trunk beautifies the [immense] pavilion of all the regions of heaven..... play of uprooting groups of [trees]......! (V. 3.)-[Triumphant] is the god with white rays, (the Moon), who covers the circle of the regions with a mass of rays flowing with streams of nectar; is beauteous as if he were the extensive mirror of the army of the king Love marching out to conquer the three worlds;..... is the ear-ornament of the gems of celestial damsels; (and) whose loveliness completely takes away the proud reserve of the hearts, (deep) like mountain caves, of haughty women. (V. 4.)-In his race there was the protector of the earth Jajalla deva, who, having by the pride of the group of his massive arms taken possession of the extent of the three worlds, was holding the position of (Indra,) the lord of the host of the gods, ..... the favourite husband of his wife, the earth, surrounded with the girdle of the... oceans; a unique jewel to ornament the world. (V. 5.)-From him there was born a son, [the illustrious prince Ratnadeva ?], who was the fierce submarine fire of the unique ocean of the array of the difficult-to-besubdued armies of the Chedi princes; who to the Choda and Ganga champions elated 38 Metre, Vasantatilaka. 7 Metre, Sloka (Anushtubh); and of the next verse. 38 The figure in brackets is broken away. "Read vidhatto. Metre, Sardalavikridita. This date has not been written by the writer of the inscription, who forms his numeral figures differently; and it appears to be scratched on the stone rather than properly engraved. Of the four figures, the first, second, and last are quite distinct; the third figure is indistinct, but it decidedly looks more like 4 than 0. An examination of the stone may possibly show, that the inscription originally was dated in a year of the Chedi era; for, in the impression, the first syllable of the word sameat, which precedes the figures 1247 (P), looks as if it had been put in the place of the figure 9, or as if that figure had been altered so as to assume the form of sath. L
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________________ 50 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. with conceit] was, what Bahu is to the full orb of the moon, when he seizes and swallows it; (and) the marvellous might of whose heroism had no bounds on the orb of the earth. (V. 6.)-Then there came on this earth his son, the ruler of men, the illustrious Prithvideva; the birth-place of increasing fame, white like the spreading lustre of the full moon & sun from which is proceeding most intense brillianoy; ... of excellent royalty ; & gem which yields the desired objects to crowds of panegyrists from the (carione quarters, come ...... (V. 7.)- In the reign of this very prince, which follows the path of good government, is free from the contact of troubles, (and) causes joy to the people. (V. 8.) In the course of time the learned Govinda, the moon of the] VA[stavya race, P] came from the Chodi mandala to the country Tummana. (V. 9.)-He had an elder son, named Mame, an ocean of the affection of the people, embellishing the assemblies of princes, to learned men what the sun is to lotuses; who, an ornament of the earth, as it were a pearl-string to decorate [his) ....Was famous the earth over as the unique bee of the unique lotus-feet of (Siva,) the destroyer of Tripura. (V. 10.)- His younger brother was the illustrious Raghava, an ocean of good qualities; clever, an ornament of the expanse of the earth, he was endowed with splendour like the sun. (V. 11.)-Resplendent is the son of the illustrious Mame, the illustrious Ratna. simha, the poet; the creeper of whose brilliant expanding fame, shining like jasmine and like the moon, (spreading over] and covering the entire world, is entwined with the pavilion of the regions; who scattered crowds of crazed disputants, (and was the pleagure garden of Fortune, (and) the home of virtuous conduct, discernment, and religious merit (V. 12.) He had a virtuous wife, always an object of reverence for the kinsfolk, named Rambha; who was (to him) what Sacht is to Indra, what (Parvati) the daughter of the mountain is to Sambhu, and what (Lakshm) the daughter of the ocean of milk is to (Visbnu), who holds the disous in his hand. (V. 28.)-From these two there was born here a son, Devagana, whose fame has been proclaimed in the three worlds; who has broken the excessive conceit of crowds of learned opponents; a bee (hovering) round the dear lotus-feet of (Siva) the husband of Chandi, (and) & .... of knowledge. (V. 14.)-Having been this whole world on all sides filled (and) whitened by his fame, shining like the foam of the sea, (Vishnu) even, [the beloved] of the daughter of tbe ocean, watched by the milk-maids, becomes confused; (and) having his attention withdrawn from the undertaking of destroying Kalanemi" in the waters of the K Alindi, he stands motionless by the shore. (V. 10.)-His words are always eagerly received) by crowds of learned men, as the moonlight, the habitation of abundant drops of the neotar-liquid, is drunk by the round beaks of Chakra birds; and this cage-like hand of his, dexterous in giving plenti Like verse 8 of the preceding favoription, this verse defines the time when the temple, mentioned io vorno 84 built, and it has no reference to the verse immediately following her * Compare Raghuvashda, XV, 40, Bo. Ed., note.
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________________ INSCRIPTION OF PRITHVIDEVA. fully the wished-for fruits to all the supplicants of the various quarters, crowding together, holds in subjection the tree of paradise. (V. 16.)-What the moonlight is to the (moon) garlanded with cool rays, (and) the cluster of blossoms to the tree of the gods, that to him is his wife of virtuous conduct, Prabha, who by her loveliness has surpassed the crowd of celestial women. (V. 17.)- A second dear wife he has, named Jamh0, a habitation of graceful charms from the intensity of (his) boundless love a second home of (hie) life. (V. 18.)-Full of the pride of having no rival in loveliness; being as it were the science of reviving on earth the god of love, even though he was wrathfully burnt by (Siva) who wears the moon on his crest;" a habitation of the unique pride of the excel. lencies of sterling beauty,--the dear one was more (to him) than life; she, having created whom the lotus-born (Brahman), filled with delight, obtained supreme happiness. (V. 19.)-Resplendent on the earth is his son Jagatsimha, 'the lion of the world,' who dispels the expanding darkness of ignorance, as a lion cleaves the frontal globes of elephants. (V. 20.)-That (Skanda, the) son of the daughter of the mountain, is the enemy of Taraka; but this son of his, Rayarasim hla, is the preserver of the whole body of relations. (V. 21.)-This virtuous daughter of his, Bhopa, untouched by the doings of the Kali-age, like the river of heaven, is purifying the three worlds. (V. 22.)-(His) two (children) named Valhu and the illustrious DevadAsa, united in mutual friendship, are shining, illumining the world like sun and moon in the sky. (V. 23.)-Having reflected that this life of man is unsteady like a tuft of grass which trembles when shaken by the wind, and that fortune resembles the play of lightning flashing in the midst of terrific clouds, the exceedingly virtuous-minded (Devagana) put his faith in the eternal path of beatitude, which is a mighty blazing fire to burn the wood of this multitude of evils here. (V. 24.)-At the village of Samba, Devagana built (to Siva), the bearer of the Pinaka, who has a Bilva-staff in his hand, a temple, resplendent like the extensive peaks of (Himalaya) the mountain of snow. (V. 25.)-First gratified, as it were, with the close embrace of the thighs of the earth, enjoyed by many princes, the surrounding sky, like a clever lover, accompanying his action with a smile of extreme love, eagerly within sight of the damsels of heaven kisses, as if it were the face of Fortune, this temple) desirous of receiving on all sides the heavy embrace of the bodies, trembling with the pangs of love, of the women of the regions. (V. 26.) --The son of the illustrious Ratnasimha, Devagana, whose wealth of learning is purified by every traditional knowledge, (and) who possesses an excellent turn of mind for poetry; who has gone to the further shore of the ocean of the science of reasoning, (and) is esteemed as Bhrigu's son in the administration of justice; who to the sciences of metrios, rhetorics, grammar, of love, and of the arts, is what the sun is to lotuses, he has composed (this) spotless eulogy. - The usual form of the name is Indu-mauli; not, as in the text, Mawlindu. * The play on the word idraka is lost in the translation. Lipia in the original, I take to be used for lipes; it is similarly wed in a passage of the Rath doaritsagara, quoted in B. & R.'s Dictionary, s.v. lipd.
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________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (V. 27.)-The son of [Avani-P]pAla, the illustrious learned Kumarapala, who is) a moon in causing the lotus of poetry to open, a home of unlimited intelligence, (ana) a habitation of the play of learning, has written this stainless eulogy. (V. 28.)- This pleasing eulogy, charming with its rows of letters, has been engraved by the intelligent artisan Sampula. (V. 29.) ...... and Deyagana (R), these two crest-jewels of sculptors, have built the temple of (Siva) the bearer of the Pinkka, who has a Bilva-staff in his hand. (V. 30.)- As long as the moon and the sun keep the world enveloped in lines of rays; and the orb of the earth, supported by the array of the elephants of the regions, [is resting on the tortoise ?]; and the sky has for its excellent ornament the extended pearlstring of a mass of stars ;-80 long may thy fame prosper, in the guise of (this) home of the enemy of the god of love! [The year 1247]?* VIII.-A RASHTRAKUTA GRANT OF KRISHNA II., DATED SAKA 882. BY E. HULTZSCH, PH.D. The original of the subjoined grant was found at Kapadvanaj in Gujarat. The document is inscribed on three copperplates with slightly raised rims, and is in good preservation. Each plate measures about 11: by 8} inches. The three plates are strung on two rings. The right-hand ring is circular and about thick; it measures about 87" in diameter. The left-hand ring is of irregular shape and carries the oval seal, which measures 24 by 3 inches and bears, in high relief, on a countersunk surface, a well-out figure of Garuda, who is sitting on a rising lotus flower and surmounted by two svastikas. As Garuda, the vehicle of Vishnu, is represented on the seal of the present grant, while all other Rashtrakata grants hitherto published bear a figure of Siva, it may be concluded that Ktishna II. who issued it was, unlike other members of his race, & Vaishnava. The language of the inscription is very incorrect Sanskrit. The numerous mistakes are not only due to the engraver, but also to the author of the text. Thus in verses 17 and 18, the metre proves that the composer of the inscription used the word yasas in its Prakrit form yaba. The inscription opens with a short paneddali, which has four verses in common with other Rashtrakata grants and mentions the following princes :-Kfishnaraja I. or Subhatunga (verses 2, 8); his son Dhruvar'dja or Nirupama (verses 4, 6); his Bon Govindaraja III. (verses 6 to 8); his son maharaja Shanda (verses 9, 10); his son Subhatunga or Akalavarsha, i.e., Ktishna II. (verses 11, 12). Of Govin. da III. the grant says that, though his father had several sons, he left the kingdom to him, as to a second Rama, on acoount of his virtues (verse 7). From other inscriptions we know only one of Govinda's younger brothers, vis., Indra III., the founder of the Gujarat branch of the Rashtrakatas. The maharaja Shanda of the present grant is identical with the maharaja Sarva or Amoghavarsha of other inscriptions. He is L. Kamaraphila; in the original, the second syllable bas been shortened, to make the name fit into the venue. * Bee Page 40, note41. Verse 1, 3, 4, 8, correspond to verson 1, 12, 16, 18, of the grant of Dhruva III.-Ind. Ant., vol. XII, pago 179.
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________________ RASHTRAKUTA GRANT OF KRISHNA II. 53 here said to have destroyed his enemies and to have reconquered his kingdom, which had fallen off (verse 9). As we know from other inscriptions, the enemies alluded to were rebellious members of his own family, probably Govinda IV. and his followers, whom he conquered with the help of his cousin Karka II. of Gujarat. After the pedigree of Krishna II. the inscription gives the vamsavali of a vassal of his, the mahasamanta Prachanda, the son of Dhavalappa, who belonged to the race of Brahmavaka (verses 13 to 18). Further, the document records that Vallabharaja or Akalavarsha (i.e., Krishna II.) gave the village of Vyaghrasa or Vallarika to the brahmana Brahmabhatta. This village formed one of 750 villages, which were designated by their chief town Harshapura, and among which Khetaka and Kasadrahaare mentioned. To these 750 villages belonged the 84 villages of Karpata. Aniiya, and to the latter the 10 villages of Rariddha, in which the village granted was included; the inscription also mentions the names of seven villages which formed its boundaries (lines 38 to 40). In verse 20, the 750 villages are stated to have belonged to the king himself, while in the ensuing prose-passage it is said that in these 750 villages a certain Chandragupta was the dandandyaka of the mahasamanta Prachanda. It thus appears that Prachanda held them as a feoff from Keishna II. Perhaps Prachanda's father Dhavalappa had received them as a reward for his bravery and loyalty, which are praised in verse 17. After the customary imprecatory verses there follows the signature of Akkuka or, as he is called in verse 18, Akkuva, the son of Dhavalappa and brother of Prachanda. The date of the grant was the Saka year 832 (910-11 A.D.), on the full moon of Vaisakha. The writer was the kulaputraka Ammaiyaka, the son of Nemaditya.' The document ends with the signature of Chandragupta, who, as mentioned in line 34, was the dandandyaka of the mahasdmanta Prachanda. TEXT. PLATE I. i ot Cu T ET UTH. HET I e arrecariet Heiert [2] wey 2 aft(a) : cror: fwa[:] ufa: 1 W 1441fAT HIU TYC 1 [R] 3 zubhatuGgatuGgaturagaprahahareNaI saharavikiraNaM / grISmapi nabho nikhilaM prAhakA4 rua n [x] IC: THT #FITHTA: ufugeatu: [1] 4 * See Ind. Ant. vol. XIV, page 197. * The modern KhedA (Kaira); see Ind. Ant., vol. X, pago 278; vol. XIV, p. 198. * This is probably the same as Kalabrado, Ind. Ant., vol. XIV, p. 202. Among the towns and villages named in the grant the following can be readily identified: Karpatavanijya, "Rag-fair," in the modern Kapadvanaj. The village granted, Vyaghrasa, is the Gaikaval village Vaghas, situated north-east of Kapad. vanaj in Lat. 23deg 6' N. and Long. 79deg 10' E. (Trig. Survey Map, Guj. Ser. No. 26). East of Vagbas lies Panthora, called in the grant Panthod; in the south there is the Laruji Muadum, probably the Araluvaka of the grant. North-west we have Abuvel, the Apuvallt of the grant, and north Ambach, corresponding to Ambducha.-G. Buhler. Other inscriptions of Krishna II. are dated Saka 822, 824, 826, and 831; see Ind. Ant., vol. XII, p. 221 f.; and Mr. Fluet's Kanareae Dynasties, p. 36. This Nemaditys may have been relation of Nemaditys, the son of the kulaputraka Dhurgabhata, who wrote the grant of Karka II. dated Saka 734; see Ind. Ant., vol. XII, p. 165. * Read ETVICA. . Read .out..
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________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 6 sAdhitAzeSanarendacakra: krameNa vAlAvapurbabhUva / [4] gayadharakaranikaranibhaM yasya ya8 yaH surana()gAprasANasyaiH [1] parigIyate samantAvidyAdharasundarInivaraH / [5] tasyApyabhU. 7 juvanamArabhRteH samarthaH pArthopamaH pRthusamAnaguvAguNAH [] durkhAravairi-" 8 vanitAtulatApahetuH govindarAja iti suprathitapratApaH / [6] yasya prabhozatura"cAruru dArakIrte: rAmAparo" nirupamasya pituH sakAzAt [1] sopyaneka"tanayeSu guNA10 tirakA bhiSikta(:)nRpasanmatamAza" rAjyaM / [7] rakSitaM yena ni:zeSaM caturaMbhodhisaMyu11 tN| rAjya dharmeNa lokAnAM chAtA tuSTiH] parA idi / [8] sUnutasyA"tivIraH sakalaguNaga12 zAkArabhUto babhUva(:) bhUpAlAvaMTikAbhi" sapadi vighaTitAnveSTAtvA ddaar| 18 rAjyaM yasvAbhimAnI rijamapi" calita vAhuvIryAdadhApa pRthImakAtapatama-4 14 kuruta balavAn zrImahArAjapaMDaH / [] yasva vibhoH] kArAyAM ripuramaNIcAra15 caraNalabAnAM [1] paruSaradhe nigaDAnA panavarataM zrUyate loke / [10] tasyAibhUva 16 rAjA prathitayaza[sa]: (1) ebhatunAmAye * / yosAvakAlavarSAparanAmA 17 gIyate loke / [11] vaNacaritaH sa eva hi hitakataye yo vi[bha] - 18 ti varzAnA / rAjya nihatArAti: () svabhujena bhuvaM ca (ka) PLATE IIa. 19 jaNa / [12] pastha caraNaprabhAvAcavakAnvayamagAdRzaM lamI [] 20 pavAchUtakavinda ranavarataM payate prakaTaM / [13] tasmAdanvayasAgarAma21 mabhavati] zrIza khumvaDiH tasmAcApi vabhUva darpadalana[:] zrIdegaDibihiSAM [1] yenAnekanara23 ndantidalanAbAptaM yazaH sAzvataM siMdheneva raNATavIviracitAvirbhIka mekaakinaa| [14] 23 tasmAjAta: pracaNDa pracarakharakarAkrAntaniSabhUbhavAcA zrIrAjahaMsa[:] pratidi24 namudayI kAvyapAhA pivazAnyenAnItA" nijaM zrI: punarapi bhavanaM caMcalA vApi yA25 tI pArthenIvAricakra pramathana paTunA bhivaM bhavyabhAvaM / [1] nirjitasakala[]rijana: zrI26 dhavalappaH prasidataranAmA / dhavalitabhuvano jayasasI" saMjAtaH pavanasUnuriva / [1] 27 siMdhIbhUya vipakSeNa patramAnaM yamunA [1] dattaM khasAmino yena taM.nihatyAza ma28 lakSa / [17] tasmAcalaH] saMjAta: samara yamaHlaMpaTa: [1] anuvazcApi khAna visthA29 to nirmalo bhuvi / [18] senavidyAdharazApi selulAlita pANi(tapANi)nA [1] nihatya(1) . Read *varSAparanAmA. - Read *taye. WRead khamI: Read kavIndra.. >> The metre requires an additional syllable after - Read * sAnuko Read vairi0. "Band yaba prabhIcatura.. "Read rAmIparI or rAmIpamI. " Bodsamapyaneka.. HBael mApa "Bad lakhA, H Road bhUpAcAmpaTavAbhAn !. WRead TabivA. " Rand yavAbhimAnI nimamapi. Read * davAya. " Read *pacAma.. * Rend .pI. -Read vakhApabhUka. " Band nAmAvam. - Read mAvata siMhaneka. " Read .racitaM nirbhIka.. - Read vivasvAn / yenAnItA. - Read pAnevAricakrapramathana.. M Read yamasA. - Read siMDIbhUya. "Rend .mA. " Read khakhAmina. - Read khudhiva..
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________________ RASHTRAKOTA GRANT OF KRISHNA II. 55 30 sapana (1) samadhe yamasA "makhaMcataM / [15] zrImarasabharAtra: zrIparSaparopa81 [lacitAdagrAmAt" / bhuMjasya kAlavarSaH pssttiytopsNsthaataat"| [20] sarbAnAmAmi32 bhadranRpatimahAsAmantAmAtyavasAdhilataviSayakamahattarAt* (1) samanuvodha83 yatvastu vaH saMviditaM yathA zrIkheTakaharSapurakAsadrAetat () parNASTama84 yaM samadhigatapaMcamahAzabdamahAsAmantapracaNDadakhanAyakatrIcandragu35 (1) mayA bIparSapurASTimamatAnta[:]pAti[ka]rghaTavAdhivyacatura(mIti PLATE IIO. 88 kAprativAkaritAdayakAntaH]pAtivyAvAsabAma: sahacamAlAkulaH sadabadamApa87 rAdha: sasImAparyanta[:] sakASThatRNapataDAgopeta: sabhogabhAga[:] sahirasaH caturAdhATanI88 palaSita: ghAsaka"palasametaH (smbhilikhyte)| pAghATabAni abhilikhynte| pUrvata: paMtho39 DApAmo vityaavshiic| dadhivata: kerddvniigraamo| ghrluvkgraamb| pacimata] nAvA40 zikA papUrvakoca / uttarata: pavAunamAmaH [1] evaM caturAghATanopalacitaH varikA pAmaH bhavAstavyavAjimadhyandinabharahAnasamoSasAcArI* vAcavadhabho" vaba42 sutAya (1) mAtbaudakAtisarga" valicaskavaizvadevAla* pratigraheNa pratipAditaH [1] tadarthama43 sapra"dattadharmadAya[:] saverevA"gAmibhovRbhiH asmayupa"rodhAtyAlanIyo(ca)numantavya4 [1] utaM ca (1) riSi vyAsana / SaSTivarSasahamAvi skhoM tiSTati" bhUmidaH [1] pAcchettA cAnumatA" 46 ca tAnyeva narake vaset / vindhyATavISvatIyAsu zaka(:)koTaravAsinaH [1] mahAyo hi jAya48 te bhUmidAnaM harati ye| svadattA paradattA vA yabAdaca narAdhipa(:) [1] mahIM mahIbhRtAM zreSTha dA47 nAtu" shreyonupaalnN| yAniha" dattAni purA narendra dAnAni dhayizaskarAvi / nirmA48 savantaHprati mAni tAni ko nAma sAdhuH punraaddiit(:)| sarvAneva bhAvina: pArthivendAt bhU49 yo bhUyo yAcate rAmabhadraH [1] sAmAnyIyaM dharmaseturnapA kAle kAle pAlanIyo bhava50 shiH| bahubhirvasudhA mulA rAjabhiH samarAdibhiH [1] yasya yasya yadA bhUmiH tasya 61 tasa 52 dulolA rati PLATE III. phalaM / manuSyajIvitacca tadA zriyamavalokya kamaladalAmbu(vi sakasamida Read samare Rend ye.. a Reud rAja.. GRend nAvAmAna Rend bhunAva.. Alteud *NyAsAn-Read * vidhikamahattarAn. *Renal * cAMSTamazanamadhye ?. GRend dhArmaka an Real cAcATanAni. -Raud bAlavyabharAjasagISavAtrimAdinasamAcAri.. WReal bhadrAya. Rend bAbIdavAtisaca. M Read davAye. - Rinal banyu.. " Rend maravA.. - Rend badamupa"Read rASi.. * Rend viti . M Rend cAnumannA. - Read *mAna. - Read yAnIta. * Rend .tyavAnaprati *rent sarvAna Read bandA * Raad bIca.
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________________ 56 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 53 masAvataM" [ca] buddA" na hi manujeH parakIrttaye" vilopyAH / svadattAM paradattAmvA yo hare54 ta vasundharA [] sa viSThAyAM mibhUtvA pitRbhiH saha pacate / bhUmiM yaH pratipAti" ya 55 va bhUmiM prayacchati / ubhau tau puNyakarmANI niyatau svargagAminau / agnerapatyaM pra56 thamaM suvarSaM bhUSNavI" somasutAya gAva: / lokacaya " tena bhavetu" dataM yaH kAMcanaM 57 gAM ca mahI" ca dadyAt / vahni" vanisRtaM cAmbu paMcapUtAM prajAyate / datvA sarvvarasAM caicadha 58 na martyo jAyate punaH / sarvveSamiva dAnAnAM ekajanmAnugaM phalaM / hATaka" citigau59 roca saptajanmAmurga phalaM 1 svahastoyaM zrImada vaizAkhapaurNamAsyAM mahAvedhAyAM pUrvalikhitamidaM zAsanaM kulapucakeNApreyayadaconA caramadhikAcaramyA dhavalapa // svahastoyaM 60: zakasaMvat 61 devavrahmadAyavarNo dattaH 62 kena mAdityata 63 Namiti vyAstuccopi ss Read *mazAvataM. * Read buDA. 812 Read *kolaMbI. " Read *gRjAti. * Read bI. [1] I 5 Read zIvacarya. Read wy. suti TRANSLATION. Om. (Verse 1.) May he (Vishnu) protect you, from whose navel (rises) the lotusflower which Vedhas (Brahman) has made his abode, and may Hara (Siva) protect you, whose head is adorned by the lovely crescent of the moon! 2. There was a lord of the earth (called ) Krishnaraja, who resembled Murari (Krishna), and who, like another incarnation of the god of justice," gave away immeasur able wealth. 3. Even in summer the whole firmament had exactly the same appearance as during the rainy season, because the rays of the sun were obstructed on the sky by the dust, which was raised by the tall chargers of Subhatunga. 4. He was succeeded by his son, the illustrious Dhruvaraja, who conquered all kings and resembled the morning sun (by) his great majesty and his widespread prowess (or heat). 5. His fame, which resembles the rays of the moon, is sung in full by the Vidyadhara women, who dwell on the uppermost ridge of the mountain of the gods (Meru). 6. He had (a son) called Govindaraja, who was able to bear the burden of the earth, who resembled Partha (Arjuna), who, like Prithu, knew (how to distinguish between) good and bad qualities, who was the cause of unequalled sorrow to the wives of irresistible foes, and whose prowess was very widely known. 7. Though there were several sons, this clever and handsome (prince), -- like another Rama, received on account of his superior virtues the kingdom, to which anointed kings paid homage, from the famous lord, his father Nirupama. 8. He ruled righteously his whole kingdom together with the four oceans (and thus) filled the hearts of men with the highest joy. ta zrIcandraguptasya Read nahIM. "Read f. pramA 74 Read paJcakRtya: 1. 7s Read caina. * Read sarveSAmeva 77 Read cATaka.. i. e., like Yudhishthira, the son of Dharma or Yama.
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________________ RASHTRAKUTA GRANT OF KRISHNA II. 57 9. His son was the illustrious mahardja Shanda, who was very brave, a mine" of all virtues, proud and powerful. He quickly dispersed, surrounded and burnt the kings, like thorns, conquered by the strength of his arm his own kingdom which had fallen off, and made the earth subject to one (royal ) parasol. 10. In the jail of this sovereign, people incessantly heard the harsh clinking of the chains which were attached to the tender feet of the wives of his enemies. 11. From this famous (prince) there sprang this present) king called Subha. tunga, the same whom people praise in song by his other name Akalavarsha. 12. His deeds resemble those of Koishna; for, having killed his foes, he bears the kingdom for the welfare of the four) castes and the earth with his arm, like Krishna. 13. Through his favour great fortune came to the race of Brahmavaka; (this fortune ) is incessantly and openly proclaimed by the great poets of later times. 14. From this ocean-like race there arose the illustrious... Kumbadi, and from him the illustrious Degadi, the destroyer of the pride of his enemies; the eternal fame which he, alone (but) without fear, obtained by destroying the elephants of many princes, pervaded the battle-fields, as that of a lion does the forests. 15. As the sun from Kayapa, there sprang from him the fierce and illustrious Rajahamsa, whose far-reaching and hard hands (or hot rays ) overcame all kings (or mountains) and who was rising daily; he who, like Partha (Arjuna), knew how to destroy his foes, led fickle fortune, who was wandering somewhere else, again to his own beautiful temple of Sambhu ( Siva ). 16. Like Hanumat) the son of the wind, there was born the illustrious Dhaval. appa, who conquered all his enemies, whose name was well-known, and who whitened the world with his fame. 17. Becoming (as it were) a lion and being desirous of fame, he quickly killed the enemy and restored to his master the province, which (this unnamed enemy) had taken. 18. From him came Prachanda, who was eager for fame in war, and the spotless Akkuva, who is renowned on earth by his sword. 19. Sella-Vidyadhara also, whose hands were as graceful as the selu (plant), adorned his race with fame by killing his enemies in battle. 20. The illustrious Vallabharaja Akalavarsha possesses seven hundred and fifty villages, which are designated by their chief-town) Sri-Harshapura. (Line 31.) He informs all who shall come to this village) :gracious princes, great Vassals, ministers, commanders of the army, heads of districts and great men, (L. 33.) "Be it known to you that, while in these seven hundred and fifty (villages) of Sri-Khetaka, Harshapura, and Kasadraha, the illustrious Chandragupta was the dandanayaka of the mahdsamanta Prachanda, who has obtained the five mahababdas, I gave as a donation the village of Vyaghrasa, which is included in the ten (villages) of * On account of the metre, dkara is used for Akara. # This verse allades to the real naine of the king, vis. Krishna. Literally: "throngh the power of his feet." # The meaning of the second half of this verse seems to be, that Rajabarna dedicated the booty of his warlike expeditions to a temple of Siva which he himself had built. This person seems to have been brother of Prachanda and Akkuva.
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________________ 58 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Rariddha, which belong to the eighty-four (villages) of Karpatavanijya, which are included in the seven hundred and fifty (villages) of Sri-Harshapura, together with its rows of trees, together with (the right to) punishment and (the right of fining those who commit) the ten offences, up to its boundaries, together with its timber, grass, wells and tanks, together with its enjoyments and shares, together with its gold, defined by its four boundaries, together with its pasture and straw;- the boundaries are (here) written: on the east, the village of Panthoda and Vitkhavalli; on the south, the village of Koradavalli and the village of Araluvaka;" on the west, NAvAlika and Apuvalli; on the north, the village of Ambauncha;-the village of Vallarika, thus defined by its four boundaries, to the brahmana Brahmabhatta, who is the son of Vavva, lives at Bhatta (1), belongs to the Bharadvaja-gotra and studies the Vaji-Madhyamdins (sakha), after having bathed, with a libation of water, in order (to enable the donee to perform) the bali, charuka and vaisvadeva. Therefore, all future rulers shall preserve and assent to the charitable gift which was given by us, without obstructing us." (L. 44.) And the saint Vyasa has said: [Here follow twelve of the customary imprecatory verses which it is unnecessary to translate.] (L. 59). This is the signature of the illustrious Akkuka, the son of the illustrious Dhavalappa. Saka-samvat 832, on Maha-vaisakhi, (i.e.) on the full-moon in the bright half of Vaisakha, (the above-mentioned village) was given, with the exception of previous gifts to temples and to Brahmanas. This edict was written by the noble (kulaputraka) Ammaiyaka, the son of Nemaditya. What syllable in this (document) is too few or too many, all that is valid; for even a man who resembles Vyasa is liable to make mistakes. This is the signature of the illustrious Chandragupta. IX.-TWO CAVE-INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE TRISIRAPALLI ROCK. BY E. HULTZSCH, PH.D., EPIGRAPHIST TO THE ARCHEOLOGICAL SURVEY, SOUTHERN INDIA. The subjoined inscriptions are engraved on two pillars in a rock-cut cave not far from the summit of the well-known rock at Trisirapalli (Trichinapalli). They are both somewhat worn. The left pillar was covered by a modern wall, which the temple authorities temporarily removed at the request of the Collector, W. A. Willock, C.S. Each of the two pillars bears four Sanskrit verses. Besides, the lower part of the left pillar bears a few unintelligible Sanskrit words and a much defaced inscription in old Tamil characters. The two inscriptions record that a king Gunabhara, who bore the birudas-Puru. shottama, Satrumalla and Satyasamdha, constructed a temple of Siva on the top of the mountain and placed in it a linga and a statue of himself. Each of the two pillars mentions the river Kaviri, i. e. the Kaveri, on whose banks Trisirapalli is situated, Compare the village of Araluam in the Ilao grant of Dadda II., Ind. Ant. vol. XIII, p. 117.
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________________ TWO CAVE INSCRIPTIONS FROM TRISIRAPALLI ROCK. 59 and refers to the Chola country. On the left pillar the Kavirt is called the beloved of the Pallava'; this means in prose that a Pallava king ruled over the country along the banks of the Kavert river. This allusion and the fact, that the characters of the two pillar inscriptions remind us of those of the Pallava inscriptions at Mamallapuram and Kanchipuram, make it very probable that Gunabhara was a Pallava prince who ruled over the Chola country. A.-PILLAR TO THE LEFT. TEXT. kAvIrIbayanAbhirAmasasilAmArA[2] mamAlAdharAm devo vIca nadIpriyaH [3] priya[guNAmapyeSa rajvediti [*] sAtha[4] kA girikanyakA pitRkulaM hileha manye gi[5] [rau] nityantiSThati palavasya dayitAmA jhu[6] vANA nadIm // [1] guNabharanAmani rAjanyanena li[7] na liGgini jAnam [1] prathatAdhirAya khoke vi. [8] pakSavRtteH parAvRttam / [2] coLaviSayasya zailI [2] maulirivAyaM mahAmaNirivAstha [*] ragRhameta[10] jyotistadIyamiva gAMkara jyotiH // [3] zilA[kha] re[11] Na janitA satyasandhasya bhautikI [1] mRtiH kIrtima[12] yI cAsya kRtA tenaiva caakhtii| [4*] niSkatha] calA [sa][18] madhAyi [guNabhare bhaktiH . . TRANSLATION. (Verse 1.) Being afraid that the god who is fond of rivers (Siva), having perceived the Kaviri, whose waters please the eye, who wears a garland of gardens, and who possesses lovely qualities, might fall in love with her), the daughter of the mountain (Parpato, has, I think, left her father's family and resides permanently on this mountain, calling this river the beloved of the Pallava (king).. (2.) While the king called Gunabhara is a worshipper of the linga, let the knowledge which has turned back from hostile (vipaksha) conduct, be spread for a long time in the world by this linga!" (3.) This mountain resembles the diadem of the Chola province, this temple of Hara (Siva) its chief jewel, and the splendour of Samkara (Siva) its splendour. (4.) By the stone-chisel a material body of Satyasamdha' was executed, and by the same an eternal body of his fame was produced. looks like pa. * In the transcripts, a small star * attached to a mark of punctuation, letter, or numeral in square brackets [ ], indicates that it did not exist in the original, but has been supplied. -Ed. * Parvat calls Kaviri the wife of another, in order to prevent Siva from coveting her. This whole verse has a double entendre. It contains allasions to the Indian logic (tarkafdstra), in which lingin means the subject of a proposition, linga the predicate of proposition and vipaksha an instance on the opposite side. Satyasandha must have been a biroda of Gunabhsra. A statue of the king is also alluded to in the first verse on the right pillar. 12
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________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. B.-PILLAR TO THE RIGHT. TEXT. [1] zailendramUni zilAbhavane vicitra [2] zailIntanuM guNabharo nRpatirbidhAya [1] [8] sthANuM vya[sa] vi[dhireSa yathAsaMca [4] sthANuH svayacca saha tena jagalma jAtaH [1] [5] gRhamakRta zatrumajho girindakanyA. [6] pategirAvasmin [1] girizasya giriza[7] [H]jAmanva kartumartyapatiH / [2] [8] vibhUticokAnAM kathamAmavece. [2] ya vipulA nadI vA kAvIrImavanibhavanAva. [10] sthita rati [1] haraNoktaH prItyA vibhuradiya[11] dalihamidammanuprakhyo rAjye] garibhavana.. [12] mamme guNabharaH / [31] nirmApitA[miti mudA] [13] puruSottamena zailI harastha tanumaprati[14] mAmanena [1] kRtvA zivaM zirasi [dhArayatAmA [15] saMkhamuccaiHzirastumaca[lasya] kRtaM kRtA[16] saMm // [4] TRANSLATION. (Verse 1.) When king Guna bhara placed a stone-figure in the wonderful stonetemple on the top of the best of mountains, he made in this way Sthanu (Sida) stationary and became himself stationary (i.e., immortal) in the worlds together with him. (2.) King Satrumalla built on this mountain a temple of Girisa (Siva), the husband of the daughter of the king of mountains, in order to make the name Girisa (i.e., the mountain-dweller) true to its meaning. (3.) After Hara (Siva) had graciously asked him: "How could I, standing in a temple on earth, view the great power of the Cholas or the river Kaviri?"-king Gunabhara, who resembled Manu in his manner of ruling, assigned to him this mountain-temple which touches the clouds. (4.) Thus having joyfully placed on the top (of the mountain) a matchless stone. figure of Hara (Siva), which he caused to be executed, that Purushottama, who bore Siva fixed in his mind, made the loftiness of the mountain fruitful. * Read girondra. 7 Read giribhavana. * Literally: 'thiswas the way.' * Literally: "he made Sthapa (i.e.. the stationary one) one whose name wu true to its meaning:
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________________ BADAUN INSCRIPTION OF LAKHANAPALA. X.-BADAUN STONE INSCRIPTION OF LAKHANAPALA. BY PROFESSOR F. KIELHORN, PH.D., C.I.E.; GOTTINGEN. This inscription was found in August 1887, in the ruins of the south gate of the old fort of Badaun, the chief town of the Badaun District of the North-Western Provinces, whence it has been removed to the Lucknow Museum. The writing covers a space of about 3 feet broad by 1 foot 6 inches high, but the inscription is not complete now. All along the top, on the proper left side all the way down, and at the left side of the bottom, portions of the stone are broken away. But the aksharas which in consequence are missing on the left side are few, and can in almost every case be easily supplied; and at the top probably only one or two lines are lost, containing little more than the customary blessings and verses in honour of some deity, in the present case, probably Siva; and the introductory historical portion of the inscription, at any rate, appears to be complete. Nor does anything of importance seem to have been lost in the concluding lines, in the verses which either refer to the composer of the inscription or express the usual wish that the temple, the erection of which is recorded here, may last for ever. Excepting about half a dozen aksharas at the beginning of the last line, what remains of the inscription is well preserved, and may be read with certainty. The average size of the letters varies from tot", and is somewhat less in the four or five bottom lines. The characters are Devanagart of about the 12th or 13th century A.D., and the inscription was engraved by the two artizans Goge and Jilhe (line 23). The language is Sanskrit, and excepting what possibly is a date, at the beginning of line 23, the inscription is in verse throughout. The verses were, it appears, composed by the poet Govindachandra, who is described as the youngest of the five sons of Gangadhara (himself the son of the sage Somes vara, a resident of Ahadegadha) and his wife Salha, a daughter of the learned Parasurama (lines 21-22). The inscription is remarkably free from minor errors, and in respect of orthography I therefore have only to note that ba is represented by the sign for va everywhere except in the word arabdha in line 23. The inscription possibly, at the beginning of line 23, contains a date which at present, unfortunately, I am unable to make out from the impression submitted to me. Certain it is that it refers itself to the reign of a prince, Lakhanapala, and that it records the erection of a Siva-temple at the place, it may be presumed, where the inscription was discovered, and which is called here Vodamayuta (lines 1 and 11). And from these two points of view the inscription may be conveniently divided into two portions, the first of which, extending to near the end of line 7, gives the genealogy of Lakhanapala, while the second part, comprising about lines 8-20, has reference to the founder of the temple and his spiritual predecessors. Of this latter portion it is sufficient to give In the inscription, the place is called VodkmayatA (lines 1 and 11) and described as "the town of Bharata" (line 20.) Bir A. Cunningham, in the Archaeol. Survey of India, val. XI, p. 1, states that, socording to the Brahmapu, its original name was either "Bedama" or "Bedamaya." (Conf. North-Western Provinces Gazetteer, vol. V, pp. 187 to 180. It is also written BadAyon.-J. B.)
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________________ 62 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. an abstract of the contents; regarding the prince Lakhanapala and his ancestors, the writer of the inscription expresses himself as follows: (L. 1). "Here] where the rising of the whole assemblage of evils is far removed by the floods of water of the river of heaven, there is the town Voda mayata, ornamenting the land named Panchala, (and) protected by the arms of all the famous princes born in the Rashtrakata family. Radiant with prosperity, inasmuch as its enemies were feeble and the excellent well-disposed persons in it many, ornamented with the best of horses, (and) surrounded by trees resembling the trees of paradise, pleasing with its lofty spotless (temples] (and) a seat of law-abiding people, this beautiful (toron) with its collections of excellencies shone like the city of Indra, radiant with the wealth of very many excellent flowers of mandara * trees, ornamented with the best of Gandharvas, (and) surrounded by santana and kalpa trees, pleasing with its lofty pure [habitations] of the gods, (and) the seat of the assembly of the immortals." (L. 2). "There, there was first, endowed with endless excellencies, the lord of men, Chandra, who by the terror of his sword terrified the host of the enemies; whose son Vigrahapaladeva protected the earth, well known among adversaries (and) munificent towards supplicants. His son, known by the name of Bhuvana pala, (was) certainly, manifested as it were to the eyes, the law incarnate; when, after having protected the earth, he had gone to heaven, his son Gopaladeva guarded (the earth), and when he, the remover of the distress of the people, had assumed the reign, the castes, delighting in their several duties, attained to happiness." (L. 3). "Afterwards his son Tribhuvana protected the earth, humbling the multitude of enemies (and in consequence) endowed with fame. When (this) his brother by the decree of fate had gone to heaven, then the same land was ruled over by the prince Madanapala, in consequence of whose distinguished prowess there never was any talk of Hambira's coming to the banks of the river of the gods. Afterwards his younger brother, who destroyed hundred thousands of proud adversaries (and who was) munificent (and) compassionate, protected the earth, bearing on earth the excellent name of the illustrious Deva pala, a recital of whose deeds might secure victory even to-day." (L. 6). " Then) his son became king, installed in the place of his father as the illustrious Bhimapala, who defeated the difficult-to-be-conquered hostile heroes (and) whose excellent body was spotless like gold, a born ruler, causing welfare, devoted to the gods and to Brahmans. Then there came, to protect the earth, his son, known the world over as the illustrious Sura pala, (who among princes was) what Indra is in the assembly of the gods, what the moon is in the assembly of the stars, what (Indra's elephant) Airavana is among the choicest of elephants, (and) what the lion is among the wild beasts. His son was Amrita pala, who, endowed with prowess, frightened all enemies by the sharp sword of his hand, who was devoted to the twice-born, the elders. and the gods, attached to every science, (and) the preceptor as it were of all whose weapons deal out stern punishment." * The beginning of this verso, together with the verse or verses which must have preceded it, is broken away. 1. e., the Ganges. The mand dra, sarhtdna, and kalpa trees are trees of Indra's paradise. . The usual spelling of this word is Hammfra; nee, e.g. the Royal Asiatic Society's Plate of Vijayachandra and Jayachchandra, line 8, in Indian Antiquary, vol. XV, p. 7. [For the application of Huthwira as used on coins, see Thomas's Chronicles of the Pathan Kings of Delhi, pp. 60n. and 186n.-J. B.]
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________________ BADAUN INSCRIPTION OF LAKHANAPALA. 63 (L. 7). "May his younger brother, the prince Lakhanapala, who has succeeded him, remain here billions of ages !--he, whose munificence is boundless, (and) the multitudes of whose missile weapons, resembling the scorching rays of the sun, drink streams of blood from the bodies of distinguished enemies !" Put into the form of a tabular statement, the genealogy here furnished to us is as follows: 1. Chandra. 2. Vigrahapala. 8. Bhuvana pala. 4. Gopaladeva. 5. Tribhuvana. 6. Madanapala. 7. Deva pala. 8. Bhimapala. 9. Sura pala. 10. Amtitapala. 11. Lakhannpala. Beyond these names, and the statement that these princes belonged to the Rashtrakuta clan (which appears to connect them with the Rathor rulers of Kanauj), and that the town VodAmayata was ruled over by them, we learn nothing of historical importance from the inscription. Nor have I been able to gather any certain information about these rulers from other inscriptions, or from the historical works which I have consulted. Most of the names, of course, do occur elsewhere, but the only name ending in pala, distinctly connected with the town of Badaun, is that of Mahipala, "the Tomar Raja of Dehli, who," according to Sir A. Cunningham, " is said to have built the great fort on which part of the city now stands," as well as a temple, on the site of which the Muhammadans built the present Jami' Masjid ; and Mabipala's name does not occur here. The reference to Hambira (or the Hambiras), in line 4, appears clearly to point to the invasions of the Muhammadans. After the above historical introduction, the inscription goes on to relate that there was once a Saiva ascetic, called Varmasiva, whose home was Anahila pataka, and who, after destroying by the efficacy of his mantras an idol which had been set up by Bauddhas in Dakshina patha, and after giving other proofs of his piety and super. human power in Kasmir, on his wanderings also came to Voda mayata, where, by Deva pala's minister Rulha, he was appointed head of a matha or monastery of the town (lines 8-12). In this office he appears to have been succeeded by another holy and renowned personage, named Martigana, who became the spiritual adviser of the prince Sara paladeva (lines 13-15). Martigana's place, again, was taken, during the reign of Amrita pala, by his pupil Isanasiva, who is described as born in Gauda, as belonging to the Vatsabhargava gotra, with the five pravaras Bhargava, Chyavana, Apnavana, Aurva, and Jamadagni, and as the eldest son of the twice-born . Archaol. Survey of India, vol. XI, p. 1.- A prince Depal,' with the date A.D. 1256, and a prince 'Lakban Pal, with the data A.D. 1890, are mentioned, ib., vol. XX, pp. 13 and 14.
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________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Vask vana, a resident of Simhapalli in the Hariyana country. This Ibanabiva, persuaded of the vanity of worldly affairs, founded the temple of Siva at which this inscription must be supposed to have been put up originally, and endowed it with (the revenues of) a place called Bhadanaulika (lines 16-21). This portion of the inscription closeg with a verse (line 21) which appears to intimate that the minister Rulha, mentioned above, was succeeded in his office by Lakshmidhara and Jagatpala, who were as devout workshippers of Siva as their predecessor. Of the places and districts, which, besides Vodamayuta, are mentioned in the inscription, Anahila pataka is the well-known Anhilwada in Western India, and Hariyana the modern Hariana, described in the Imperial Gazetteer as a tract of country in the Hissar District of the Panjab. The places Simhapalli (1. 16), Bhadanaulika, and Ahadegadha (1. 21) I am unable to identify. Text. L. 1. [svahsi]ndh-udaka-pura-dara-gamit-asesh-agha-samgh-odaye prakhyatAkhila-Rashtrakuta-kulaja-kshmapala-d8h-palita Panchal-abhidha-desa-bhashanakari Vodamayuta purt i Mamdarativa(ba)hu-praksishta-sumanah-sampatti-sam[6]obhita gamdharvy-Ottama-bhushita parivsita samtanakalpadrumaih atyuchch amala-deva-[mam?] uuu 2. na ramya sudharmm-asrayo ya reje guna-samchayair=iva puri Paurandari sundari il Tatro-adito-bhavad-ananta-gund narendras-Chandrah sva-khadga-bbaya. bhishita-vairi-[vri]ndah 1 prathyarthishu prakatit0=rthishu yasya data kshonim raraksha suta-Vigrahapaladevah II Tasy=&stma] 3. Bhuvanapala iti prasiddhah pratyaksha-lakshya iva murtti-dhard hi dharmah I tasmin=prapalya vasudham divi samprayate Gopaladeva iti tat-tanayo jugopa I (11) Yatra praja-durita-harini lavdha bdha)-rajye varnnah sva-karma-niratah sukhitam avapuh 11 (1) tat-sunur=anamita-vairi-kadamvaba)ko-tah kirty-a[nv]i4. s-Tribhuvand bhuvanam raraksha Il Sva-bhratari svar-upayatavati sva-daivats=aiv-avanir-Madanapala-nripena bhukta 1 yat-paurushat=pravaratah surasindhutira-Ham vi(mbi)ra-samgama-katha na kadachid-asit || Tasy-anujo dalita-dripta vipaksha-laksho data dayalur=avanim-avati sma paschat [1*] 5. bri-Devapala-vara-nama-dharo[dhardya]m-ady-&pi yach-charita-varnnanato jayah syat II Tasy-&tmajd vijita-durjaya-vairi-viro raj-abhavat-kanaka-nirmala-sachchharirah 1 garbhesvarah subha-karah sura-vipra-bhaktah sri-Bhimapala iti tata pade-bhishiktah 11 Tat-sambhavo-bhavad-46. vani-palandya Sri-Su rapala iti.sarvva-jagat-prasiddhah1 Sakrd yatha sura-gane bha-gane Sasamka Airavand gaja-vareshu migeshu simhah II Abhavad-Amtita palas tasya putrah pratapi nija-kara-nisit-Asi-trasit-asesha-satruh | dvija-guru-sura-bhaktah sarvva-[fa] From an impression supplied to me by Dr. Burgess.---The le., dtmajo. first half of the line, preceding that here numbered 1, is entirely Originally kertydgone, and of the second half only the lower portions of the 1.c., anoitaa. aksharas are left. Tie, at - * Metro, Bardulavikridita; and of the next verse. 1. Metro, Malint; and of the next verse. * Metre, Vasantatilaka; and of the next six verses T i..., Edstrd..
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________________ BADAUN INSCRIPTION OF LAKHANAPALA. 65 7. nurakto gurur-iva sakalanam-ugra-dama-Ayudhanam II Tad=anu tad-anujato Ata-dan-atireko nripati-Lakhanapalah kalpa-kotir=ih=&stam I tapa-tapana-kar-Abba. prasa-vrimdani yasy-ari-vara-tanushu dhara raudhirir-apiva (ba)nti Il Anahilapa takao-vasatih prag-asit=t&pa_11 8. mahakula-jahi Varmasivah siva-murtih kirti-mati-kshamti-dhriti-dhama II YO" va (ba) lah kila Dakshina patha-gato vau(bau)ddha-prati shth]Apitam sampasyanpratimam jahara vidhina ken=&pi duram rusha I mamtr-ochcharana-velay=aiva pataba dhyanat-tato visruto vijnato guru-gauravan-nija-pade ninyeu". 9. tam mamtra-vit II Kasmireshu ya Isvar-arpita-mana vidvadbhir-abhyarchchitah svam saktim paridarsya Kasyapa iva kshmapala-mal-Architah | digrudran-vishamanvidhapya sa tato Rudr-alayam nirmalas vamchh-&hara-karam matham vyarachayad-bha E t tarak-abhishta-dam II Svairen=Opavane kvachid=virachita-dhyanasan-d. 10. dhyasan) madhyahne=pi na tatyaje vara-ta[ro]h pragvan=nija-chchhayaga i tad-doishtva dvija-jatin-atisayatah ken=&pi samsevitas-tasmai tushta-mana manushyanikara-svamitva-labham dadau | Paschad-adbhuta-tarka-v(b8)dha-va (ba)latas-tatr aiva pa[t* |tram svayam datty=Oparjya yasah sasamka-ruchiram jitv=8? 11. tan-vadinah chetah-buddhi-kareshu tirtha-nikareshv=a-varddhi sisna (shna). saya pradakshinyam=idam mahi-talam-atan-Vodamay utam gatah II Tada bri-DevapAlasya kula-krama-samudbhavah mamtri Rulh-Abhidhand-bhad-Imdrasy-eva sva. yam guruh II Tato 17 bhavi-kshmabhrit-sukrita-[rachana]h patra-nikara-pradha12. nen=&nena prachura-guna-bhrit-pujya-charitahl svayam Rulha-namna divirakulajen=&pta-matina gurutve vinyasta nija-pura-matha-svamya-vishaye Il Anadi Kanhesvaradevam=adau Rulhesvaram karayati sma paschat I matham tapasvishy-anukala vastu-sampatti devavani-tulyam-etat 11 Tad-bhaktiman 13. Marttigand gun-imdrd vaba) bhuva bhupala-hridavja(bja)-suryah I sad-dikshaya yasya sa Sura paladevo va(ba)bhuv=apratima-prabhavah II Vasy-Aksishtimahd-vidhana-nipund mamtr-oddhritau dakshind vipram bhumipatim tadiyam-athav= amatyam sa yam dikshayet i tam tam vo(bo)dha-nidhim (sa]masta-prithivi-natham pradhanam noinam stlanum 14. past*]trinam=&tanot-tarum=iva Sri-Yajnavalkyo munih il Kamah kumbhi tadupayamanam" tad-bhujastambha-yugmam krodho vyadhir-vvachanam-amritan-tasya tach-chharti-hetuh 1 18bhah samke sasaka-sisukah kesari sa prasiddhah sa trailokye kim=iha va(ba)hund Sambhu-sambhavan-arhah II Asyam bh mau malahara-(ma)15. hatir[tha)-yatra-prayatam sravam sravam vara-yatijan=nugrahay=aitam=eva 1 ghrayam ghrayam parimalam-ali-vrata asadya sadyo yadvad=durad=vrajati kusuma sevate ch=&py-ajasram 1 Sva-'sishyavara-bhupala-bhakti-lavdhe(bdhe)na bhurinai bhumi-danena yo vipran=pujayam-asa bhurina 11 Prakhyatoa Hariyana-desa-vasatih srt. 16. Simha pallyam dvijo vaba)hv-anno gunavan-Vasavana iti khyatah prithi vyam-abhut !tasya sreshtha-sutah purakrita-maha-punya-prabhavad=asau tyaktva 10 Metre, Arya. 17 Metre, Sikharini. 11 i.e., tapuso. 1 Metre, Upajati; and of the next verse. 11 Metre, Sardulavikridita; and of the next three verses. 1 Metre, Sordalavikridita. * Perhaps ninye, gryatdh. Metre, MandAkranta; and of the next verse. # This certainly is the original reading but a careful CIA- 1 Here, in the original, follow the akshara thathathu. mination of the akskars n6 shows that it has been altered, thathathatha. and I would suggest the reading wara-fanus. - Metre, Sloka (Anusbtubb). 15 i.e.,jito-6dbhadas. Metre, Serdalavikridita. 1 Metre, Sloka (Anushtubh).
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________________ 66 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. va(ba)mdhu-dhana-spriham para-pada-praptyai sisheve gurum II Niyama-2 sayama-dhyana-vyagro guroh paricharyaya pratidinam-abhud=dev-abhyarcha-kpite kusum-Akulah 1 trinam-iva dhanam matva17. sa[t*]tva-sthitau [ma]kar-akarah sva-guru-hridaye sishyo bhaktim param samadariayat II Gauda-jah pravara-pamchak-anvito Vatsabhargava-sugotra-mamtitahl Bhargava-Chyavanak Apnavanakair-Aurvva-nama-Jama[da]"gnibhir=yutah || Aseshasishyeshu parikshya dikshitah svayam ya Isanasiv-eti kirttitah I tapasvi-rajye sva-pade bhishe. 18. chito mahibhujar padmakard bhavad-guruh || Targanam samninadair-madhukara-madhurair=vallaki-sphita-gitair-ghamta-samghatta-ghoshaih kusuma-parimal. air-nartanair-nartakinami yasminn-atyamta-bhaktya mahati Girisuta-vallabham nitvaritya bhramtih pavitraki syad-ativa (ba)hala-maha-pujaya vismitApam II Ampita pala i ni--30 19. tara-bhaktito vasumati gahan=asya hi kirttanaihl kim-aparam grahaneshu na ganyate katishu sarva-dhanam dvijas&t=kritam II N-ami sevya visbama-vishaya dushtahalahal-Abha va(ba)ddham kamthe chiram-api dhanam pranina n-anuyati I samsaroyam sarasa-kadali-damda-vach-ch=&py-asaras-tasmad=dheyam sakalam-aparam dharma to=nyad-viditva ll Pr& ^_35 20. da esha Bharatasya pure hy akari yo nama turgima-gunena jagaj-jigaya 1 vad-ramaniyakam-anuttamam-Akalayya Kailasa-vasa-vimukho vasat-iha Sambhuh 11 AnArata. prabhramena * bhand khinno=si visramya muharttam-atra Il it-iva samnam=anusamdadhanas-chalat-pataka-chchhalato vibhavi(ti) i Sivalayam * vinirmapya pratishtha [6=cha ?] 37 21. dhanatah prayachchhad-fsanasivah sasanam Bhadanaulikam! Radha Rulhabhi[dham]prapyasiva-bhakti-lata hiya i Lakshmidhara-Jagatpala-bhavanaih s-aiva varddhita 11 Ahadegadha * uttame samabhavat=surih sa Someavard yat-puja-parama va (ba)[bhuvu]r-akhild 18kah sada nagarah | tasy=Asesha-g[u]na u-uuu [Ga]mgadharah pandito vidy-Adana-ratah pa-* 22. graha-bhayad=yo n-aikshata kshatriyan || Tasmaidadau Parasurama-vu(bu) dhah sva-putri[m] Salh-Abhidham Girisutam=iva Parvvatesah I tasyam=va(ba)bhava suta-pamchatayi kanishtho Govimdachamdra-vivu(bu)dhah sruti-sastra-nishthah II Suralay- " ara[malu-u-uuuu u u-u-uulu-u- vuru - u-pra*][ba]stim=etam-akardtaekav-isvarahl 23. -------"1 Utkirnn *=eyam varana-vinyasa-vidbhyam Goge-Jilhenamakabhyam=ubhabhyam | yad-varon-Alyo bhamti pashana-patte jati-pushp-arabdha. puj-pamanah II Yavad" - Gamga suta Bha[no]r-yavad=bhanu-ni[ba]"....... ........... (pra]sa sti*] .... * Metre, Harini. >Metre, Sloka (Anusbtubh); and of the next verse. 15 Metre, Ratboddbata. >> i.e., vi* This akshara originally was bha. * Metre, Bardulavikridita. 7 Metre, Upendravajra. * 10., pari59 Metre, Sragdhara. 0 Metre, Vasantatilaka. 99 Metre, Drutavilambita. " Metre, Vamastha. 30 i.e., -nirath.. 4 Here are about seven illegible akaharas which possibly 31 Metre, Mandakranta. contained a date. 32 Metre, Vasantatilaka. 4 Metre, Salini. 3 i.e., Prasd.. * Metre, Sloka (Anushtabb). Metre, Upajati. Here about 45 aksharar are broken away. * Read prubhramanena.
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________________ GRANT OF HARSHAVARDHANA. XI. -THE MADHUBAN COPPER-PLATE OF HARSHA, DATED SAMVAT 25. By G. BUHLER, Ph.D., LL.D., C.I.E. The subjoined edition of Harsha's lately found grant has been prepared from two paper impressions and an ink print which have been made and furnished to me by Dr. J. Burgess. The plate was discovered in January 1888, by a cultivator whose phoughshare struck against it in a field near Madhuban, a village in pargana Nathapur of tahsil Sagri, thirty-two miles NE. from Azamgarh, in the North-Western Provinces. It was obtained by Dr. A. Fuhrer from the Collector of Azamgarh, and is now in the Lucknow Museum. The inscription is incised on a single copper-plate measuring 204 inches by 131, and which weighs 81 tbs, but has no ring or seal. The letters are cut neatly and deeply, so that even in those places where the surface has suffered or the plate is uneven, they have not been quite destroyed or blurred, and the reverse of the impressions shows them distinctly. The alphabet is of the Central Indian type which appears on Dr. Bhagvanlal's inscriptions from Nepal, Nos. 3--15, the Kamavana, Jhalrapatan, Lakkha Mandal and other inscriptions, as well as on the Horiuzi palm-leaves and the Nepalese Cambridge MS. No. 1049. The characters resemble those of the later epigraphic documents named, especially Dr. Bhagvanlal's No. 15, and those of the MSS., more closely than the earlier inscriptions which are known to fall within or immediately after Harsha's reign. Only a few letters, like ka and the subscribed na, show more ancient forms than the palmleaves. As regards ka, the curve of the left-hand limb does not join with the upward stroke on the left of the central vertical line. The subscribed na has in samdjnapayati (1. 10) the older form, which occurs in the Lakkha Mandal Prasasti, in raj nt (1. 12) and djna (1. 15), the form used in the MSS. and Nepal No. 15, differing only slightly in the position. On the other hand a good many signs like tha, sa, ha and the numerals for 20, 5 and 6 show somewhat later or more developed forms than those of the documents quoted. The letter-numerals 5 and 6 resemble exactly the figures of the Cambridge MS. No. 1702, the sign for 20 comes closest to that of the Cambridge MS. No. 1461. Peculiar is a small excrescence on the left-hand of da, caused by the letter having been made with two strokes, the triangular form of the subscribed va, and the slope in the bottom-lines of the letters pa, ma, ya, va, la, sa, and sha, which however is not constant. These latter mostly show acute angles, but occasionally nearly right angles. The inscription is most important for palaeographical purposes, and its careful study may be recommended to those scholars who still believe that the epigraphic documents give a clear view of the gradual development of the Indian alphabets. If this Sasana is compared letter for letter with Dr. Bhagvanlal's No. 15, it will appear that the latter, which was incised 128 years later, shows a number of more archaic forms. If the Madhuban grant had been accessible when I wrote my palaeographic essay on the Horiuzi palm-leaves, it would have been much easier to prove that everywhere in India the epigraphic alphabets are in many details retrograde and lag behind the literary ones, Indian Antiquary, vol. IX, pp. 366 ff; ibid. vol. X, pp. 34 ff; ibid. vol. V, pp. 180 ff; ante, p. 10 ; Anecdota Oxroniensia, vol. I, pt. 8; Bendall's Catalogue of Sans MSS. from Nepal. * See Bendall's Catalogue, last table. Aneodota Oronieusia, vol. I, pt. 3, pp. 63 ff. 1 2
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________________ 68 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. and to demonstrate more forcibly the great antiquity of the Japanese and of the oldest Nepalese MSS. The language of the edict is on the whole good Sanskrit, and there are very few clerical mistakes. As regards the spelling, no distinction is made between ba and va, no doubt because in the seventh century the pronunciation of the two letters was the same, just as at present. In samviditam (1. 10) and samvat (1. 18) the letter m remains unchanged before va, which practice is, though against grammar, very common in the inscriptions of the fourth and later centuries, and due to the pronunciation that in this point too agreed with the modern one. Ungrammatical or unidiomatic forms and words occur exclusively in the technical portion of the grant. Among them may be noted kundadhanivaishayika (1.8) for kundadhdufvishayantakpati, bhuktakah (1. 10) for bhukta, sareaparikrilaparikarab (1. 11) for parikrilasarodparikarah, samakalinah (1. 11) for 'samakalikah. Very interesting is the incorrect form pramatara, which twice (1. 9 and 1. 17) occurs in the middle of a compound. It can only be explained as caused by the influence of the vernacular language which must have had then as now forms in tar, spelt tara, such as kartar, instead of the Sanskrit words ending in tri. The historical information which the inscription furnishes, is throughout most interesting. Great Harsha is known as one of the most eminent kings of India. His life and the lives of his immediate predecessors have been described by Bana and by Hiuen Tsiang. It is therefore most important to see, if what he says about himself and his family agrees with the accounts in the Srtharshacharita and in the Si-yu-ki. The result of the comparison is on the whole favourable, especially for Bana. But we obtain some valuable additions to the facts already known. The genealogy of Harsha's family-the Vaisyas of Sthanvisvara-stands now as follows: I. Naravardhana, md. to Vajrini-devi. 1 II. Rajyavardhana I. md. to Apsaro-devi III. Adityavardhana, md. to Mahasenagupta-devi. I IV. Prabhakaravardhana, md. to Yadomati-devi. V. Rajyavardhana II. VI. Harsha. The names of the first three kings and those of their queens are new. Both Hiuen Tsiang and Bana omit them, the latter mentioning in their stead the remote founder of the family Pushpabhuti or, as the correct spelling of the name probably was, Pushyabhuti. They seem however to have stood on Mr. Fleet's Sonpat seal of Harsha, on the Sir A. Cunningham, Anc. Geog., p. 377, is right when he asserts that the French translation of Hinen Tsiang's Fei-she was wrong in making Harsha of the Vaisya caste, and that the intermarriages with the Rajput families of Valabhi and MAIVA (recte Kanoj) prove him to bave been a Kshatriya. I also agree with his identification of Harsha's family with the modern Bais Rajputs. I would add that according to Dr. Kielhorn's MS. B., Patanjali on Panini, IV, 1, 170, (vol. II, p. 269, Kielhorn) mentions a country called Vaisa, an inhabitant of which is named Vaidya. Dr. Kielhorn prints, according to the majority of his MSS. Naida and Naisya. Though this proceeding is undoubtedly correct, yet it by no means follows that the reading of the majority of the MSS. is the original one, for na and ea are very similar in the ancient alphabet and the writers or correctors might easily make a mistake in the case of a name which does not occur in other literary works. Hence it is not impossible that the Mahabhashya has preserved the ancient name of the Bais nobles. The fact that the capital of Harsha's ancestors was Sthanvisvara-Thanesar, is fully proved by Bana's statements. The word Pushpabhati gives no good sense. Pushyabhuti is a Nakshatra-name, and means "he to whom Pushys may give welfare." There are numerous similar ancient names like Ashadhabhuti, Somabhati, Nagabhuti, Indrabhati, and so forth. The modern Devanagari MSS. constantly interchange pa and ya, especially in compound letters.
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________________ GRANT OF HARSHAVARDHANA. 69 facsimile of which (1. ) the end of the name of Prabhakaravardhana's mother is visible in the words . . . . nagupta devyam utpannah. As all three receive the simple title maharaja, it follows that their power was not great, and it is even doubtful if they were independent. For in the fourth, fifth, sixth and later centuries of our era the title maha. raja was commonly given to great vassals, as the Valabht and numerous other inscriptions prove. The position of the fourth ruler, Prabhakaravardhana, was of course different. As he is called paramabhattaraka and maharadhiraja, he must have been an independent sovereign and a man of some consequence. He no doubt owed his prosperity to his own valour. Bana mentions his sucoessful wars against his northern neighbours, the king of Gandhara and the Hunas in the Himalayas, against the king of Sindh in the west, and against the rulers on his southern frontier, the Gurjaras, i.e., those of Bhinmal in Rajputand, the Latas, i.e., the Gurjaras of Bharoch, who no doubt assisted their northern clangmen, and against the king of Malava.? The same author gives also a number of other data which prove that Prabhakaravardhana's wars did not lead to permanent conquests of the countries or tribes which he combated and may have vanquished. Thus he tells us that shortly before his death the king sent his eldest son into the north-country in order to exterminate the Hanas.". Again, we hear that immediately after Prabhakaravardhana's death the king of Malaya was powerful enough to destroy the kingdom of the Maukhari Graha varman, the son-in-law of the ruler of Sthanvisvara, and to slay him, as well as that he intended to attack Thanesar. That does not look as if Malava had suffered much at the hands of its foe. Another remark which Bapa makes on the same occasion warns us against forming too high an opinion of the extent of Prabhakaravardhana's kingdom. He says that after Grahavarman's death, his wife Rajyasri was thrown into prison at Kanyakubja, and lay there in fetters. Hence Kanyakubja seems to have been the independent state which Grahavarman governed and the kingdom of Sthanvisvara which Prabhakaravardhana held, cannot have extended far eastwards. It seems probable that his possessions did not go beyond the limits of the kingdom of Thanesar which Hiuen Tsiang describes (Beal's Si-yu-ki, vol. I, p. 183ff), and which, as Sir A. Cunningham (Ancient Geography, p. 328ff) suggests, probably included portions of the Southern Panjab and of Eastern Rajputana. A state, the circuit of which amounted to 7000 li or 1200 miles, might exercise a considerable influence, keep its neighbours in fear, and afford to a very talented king the means for greater conquests; but its ruler cannot have been a chakravartin. The further description of Prabhakaravardhana in our grant is obviously gee Corpus Insor. Indicarum, vol. III, plate xxxiiB. I owe a set of the plates and of a portion of the text of this unpublished work to the kindness of the author. Since writing the above, I have received Mr. Fleet's text. fre he above, I have received Dir. Fleet's text, from which (p. 289) it appears that he has made out the names of the second and third kings and of the third queen. 1 Sriharshacharita, p. 974 (Kamir edition), wbere the fues of Prabhakaravardhaus are briefly enumerated and in somewhat different order. Sriharihacharita, p. 826, TEYTT T T ......... T wift! The issue of this expedition does not seem to have been favourable, as Bana apeake on Rajyavardhana's return of hard fights, but not of booty brought back ; se p. 876. Sharshacharita, Rp. 891-892, four rofara tratat frana forafa muxit waferunt fecufafapaparakha tyabhUpALa saciva devI pAyarmA durAmanA bhAvaparAnana novalIkamAtmanaH sukatena saha tyaajitH| bhavadArikApi rAjyapI: pAsAyanivayugabagnivacarA caurAmena bhayavA mAnyakurI pArAyAM niSitA / kiMvadantI ca yathA kisAnAyakaM sAdhanaM matvA jipa: gafatarfe forafweenfo The speaker is Satvadake, a servant of Rajyairt. My interpretation of this pasage followDr. Hall, Vasasadatta, p. 62, who says that Kanyakabja was Grabavarman's capital. Grabararman and his father Avantivarman are always spoken of by Bapa as independent princet.
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________________ 70 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. conventional. The same expressions occur also on the Asirgadh seal of the Maukhari Sarvavarman, and apply there to the first king Harivarman. The only other statement which possesses a historical value is the assertion that Prabhakaravardhana was "a most devout worshipper of the Sun." Bana, too, says of him in the Sriharshacharita p. 274)--"And owing to his natural disposition this prince became a worshipper of the Sun." He goes on describing at length the king's daily devotions, adding that the recit. ation of the Adityahridaya-a still much-used stotra-formed part of them. The name of Prabhakaravardhana's queen is likewise known from Bana's poem. In the latter she is however called Yasovati, not Yasomati. This vacillation in two contemporaneous sources is another instance showing how little the Hindus care about the form of a name provided the sense remains the same. Prabhakaravardhann's eldest son Rajyavardhana ruled, as Bana and Hiuen Tsiang tell us, for a short time only. Soon after his father's death he set out in order to punish the king of Malava and to avenge the destruction of Grahavarman. He was success. ful, defeated and slew his foe. But before he returned home, he followed an invitation of the king of Gauda (Sriharshacharita) or Karna-Suvarna (Si-yu-ki),-named, accord. ing to one MS. of the Sriharsh charita, Narendragupta and according to the Si-yu-ki Sasanka --who treacherously killed him, because he feared his military ability." The grant in the main confirms these statements. The verse inserted, 11. 6-7, declares that after de. feating various kings, Devagupta and others, Rajyavardhana "gave up his life in the mansion of his foe owing to bis adherence to a promise." Assuming the correctness of Bana's account (Sriharshacharita, pp. 393-391), according to which the expedition against MAlava followed immediately after Prabhakaravardhana's death and Rajyavardhana was slain some months later, it may be suggested that Devagupta was the name of the Malava king. The latter certainly was the chief foe, and the conquest of his kingdom is attested by the further statement of Bana that Bhandin, who had accompanied Rajyavardhana, brought the booty from Malava to Harsha when the latter had reached the territory of Kumara-Bhaskara varman on his expedition of revenge against the king of Gauda." I may add that the word Malava need not refer here or in the other passages of the Sriharshacharita to the Mala va in Central India. There was another MAlava in the Panjab, much nearer to Thamesar, which may be meant. Another statement of the grant which possesses some interest is that Rajyavar. dhana was a Saugata or Buddhist (1. 6). If Bana, himself a Brahman, does not 10 See e.g., pp. 273, 274, 275, 278, 279, 281 of the Kafinir edition. (Eight of the best M88. of the Harsku. charita, however, reud Yasomatt,' which reading I have adopted in my forthcoming edition of the text and commet. tary.-A.F.) The story is told, Sriharshacharita, p. 399, and freqnently alluded to, e.g., in the second introductory verse of Uch. chhvata, VI, 876. Hiuen Triang's account occurs in Beal's Si-yu-ki, vol. I, p. 210, and St. Julien, t'ie, p. 112. Sir A. Cun. ningham, Ancient Geography, makes the name of Sakanka's country to be Kiranasuvarma. Neither this pur M. St. Julien's transliteration is certain. 1 Bana rays, p. 396: sforargarety refuta watangufer fram urat fara frat urfa A ntwfAATHTUT ! The listener in Harsha. The news of his brother's death came on the following day. It seems impossible to understand the phrase "token many days had passed otherwise than that some months, not a full year, had elapsed since Rajyavardhana's departure. Sriharshacharita, F. 472. I may add that Bhandin was not the minister of Rajyavardhana, as Hiuen Tsiang savn, nor subject of high rank" entrusted with the two brothers' education, as Dr. Hall (Vasavadartd, p. 62) Asserte. Bana, 298, states plainly that he was the son of queen Yakovati's brother, who at the age of eight years became the attendant of the two princes, sfat & TTT HIT THE 1024 . . . wfTHIHYN FACT . Dr. Hall has already pointed out that Hiuen Tsiang's account of the part which Bhandin played in setting Haraba ou the throne does not agree with Bana's narrative. It is no doubt inexact.
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________________ GRANT OF HARSHAVARDHANA. mention it, there is no reason for wondering at his reticence. But it is certainly curious that the fact--for such it must be considered-escaped the notice of Hiuen Tsiang, who is so anxious to record every point in favour of his faith and who occasionally, it would seem, exaggerates its influence in India. Such an exaggeration of the Chinese pilgrim is laid bare by the only direct statement concerning Harsha which the grant contains. Harsha calls himself a most devout worshipper of Mahesvara or Siva," who like Mahesvara is compassionate towards all created beings." It agrees with this assertion that the emblem on the Sonpat seal is a reclining Nandi. Hiuen Tsiang, on the other hand, tries to make out that Harsha was a Buddhist or full of faith in Buddha from the beginning. He tells us an obviously fictitious story describing how Harsha was prevented from mounting the throne and induced to take the title kumara by a Bodhisattva, who miraculously appeared to him in return for his worship." In the genealogical portion of the grant Harsha says nothing more about himself, and to our regret thereby sets an example which few Indian princes have imitated. But indirectly we learn something more about him from his edict. First, the wording of the verse in 11. 16-17, and the reverential manner in which the grant in l. 13 speaks of "the feet" of the elder brother, prove that Harsha really felt the strong attachment and great regard for Rajyavardhana of which Bana speaks very frequently. Otherwise he would not treat him here with almost greater reverence than his parents. Secondly, we learn from the edict that Harsha really was a poet. The second admonitory verse, 11. 16.17, gives us a maxim proclaimed by Harsha. Its word. ing proves beyond a doubt that the king superintended the drafting of the grant, and that this verse at least is his own composition. The fact that the first admonitory verse contains the same sentiments which are usually given in such passages, but in its form differs from all the known parallel passages, makes it probable that it likewise belongs to him. Under these circumstances I feel inclined to ascribe to him also the verse on Rajyavardhana. Instances in which kings took a part in the composition of their inscriptions are not common. No. 15 of Dr. Bhagvanlal's Nepal series, where five verses are stated to be the clever king's own composition," proves, however, that such things did occur. In the case of Harsha it is not astonishing that he took an interest in such matters, as we still possess three plays which go under his name and probably, in part at least, proceeded from his pen. The third piece of information, a confirmation of Hiuen Tsiang's account of his military career, is furnished by the particulars regarding the donation. The object of the grant is to transfer the village of Somakundika situated in the vishaya of Kundadhani, and in the bhukli of SrAvasti, to two learned Brahmans, the Samavedi Bhatta Vatasvamin of the Savarni gotra and the Kigvedi Bhatta Sivadevasvamin of the Vishnuvsiddha gotra. The village had formerly been enjoyed on the strength of a forged tasana by one Vamarathya, from whom it is now taken after destroying the old plate. The latter point is of some interest. as it shows that the rules of the Smritis which settle the punishment for forgers of royal edicts, were not unnecessary, and that ancient forgeries existed. As the village granted by Harsha was situated in the bhukti of Sravasti, it is evident that he had conquered at the time a very considerable portion of Northern and Central India. The dutaka, Beal. Si-vw-ki, vol. I. p. 219. Doubts about Hiuen Triang's yerncity have been emitted by Mr. Boyd, Ndg dnanda, pp. is-i, who correctly states that the eventa narrated by him do not bear out bio assertion that Harsha wus a thoroughgoing Buddhiat.
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________________ 72 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. or officer charged with the execution of the grant, was the Mahdsdmanta-mahardja Skandagupta who held the office of pramdtri. This personage is probably the same Skandagupta who, according to Bana," was "the master of the elephant" at the death of Rajyavardhana and addressed to his prince the well-known speech full of political wisdom and historical allusions. The order to engrave the inscription was given by the chief of the mahakshapatalika's office, or the great keeper of the records, samanta-mahardja fovaragupta, and it was carried out by one Gurjara, whose name no doubt is derived from his caste.10 The date of the grant, Samvat 25, Margastrsha vadi 6, clearly refers to the Sriharsha era. Since the discovery of Mr. Bendall's inscription of Amsuvarman. dated Samvat 84, it is not doubtful that the era began in 606 A.D. Our date consequently corresponds to November December 631 or, if the years are taken as elapsed, to 632 A.D. I am unable to offer any suggestion regarding the situation of Pinthika, where Harsha's camp of victory, which included elephants, horses and boats, was located at the time when the edict was issued. TRANSCRIPT. L. 1. po" svasti mahAnauhasyagvajayaskandhAvArAt pinthikAyAH mahArAjazrInaravanastasya putrastatyA. dAnudhyAta: zrIvaviNodevyAmutpannaH paramAdityabhakto L. 2. mahArAjazrIrAjyavarjanastasya pucastatpadAnudhyAta: zrIapsarodenyAmutpanaH paramAdityabhakto mahA rAjazrImadadityavaInastasya pucastatpAdAnudhyAtaH zrImahAL. 3. senaguptAdevyAmutpabacatuHsamudrAtikAntakIrtiH pratApAnurAgopanatAnyarAjo varyAzramavyavasthApanapraha tacakra ekacakaratha eva prajAnAmArsiharaH L. 4. paramAdityabhaktaH paramabhahArakamahArAjAdhirAjazrIprabhAkaravaInastasya putcastatpAdAnudhyAta: sitaya. za:pratAnaviccharitasakalabhuvanamaNDala: parigrahItaL. 5. dhanadavaruNendraprabhatilokapAlatejAH satpathopArjitAnekapraviNabhUmipradAnasamprINitArthidayoti zayitapUrvarAjacarito devyAmamalayazomatyAM L. 6. zrIyazomatyAmutpannaH paramasaugata: sugata iva parahitaikarata: paramabhahArakamahArAjAdhirAjabIrAjya vahanaH rAjAnI yudhi duSTavAjina iva zrIdevaguptA - L. 7. dayaH klatvA yena kayAmahAraM vimukhA sarve samaM saMyatAH [1] utkhAya dviSatI vijitya vasudhA kRtvA prajAnAM priyaM prANAnujitavAnarAtibhavane satyAnurodhena yaH []" tasthAnujaL. 8. statpAdAnudhyAta: paramamAhekharo mahezvara iva sarvasatvAnukampI paramabhadhArakamahArAjAdhirAja zrIharSaH zrAvastIbhukto kuNDadhAnIvaiSayikasomakuNDikApAme L. 9. samupagatA mahAsAmantamahArAjadaumsAdhasAdhanikapramAtArarAjasthAnIyakumArAmAtyoparikaviSa yapatibhaTacATasevakAdInprativAsijanapadAca samASriharshacharita, p. 417. L. 6 Read.7., It looks as if the engraver Lad * It may be mentioned that Gurjara satradharas are tried to remove the voweli. met within the present day. "Metre of the verse, Sardalavikridita. + Journey to Nepal, pp. 74-78. 20L. Read samupagatAn ; the Sanskrit form of pramAvAra is L.1 Real coM. hre. Rend ts; the reading of the plate may be L. Read yasarI yaumadAditya. janapadAnya.
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________________ GRANT OF HARSHAVARDHANA. 73 L. 10. jApayatvastu vaH samviditamayaM somakuDakApAmo bAbaravAmaraSyena kUTamAsanena bhuktaka rati vicArya ___ yatastacchAsanaM bhajjA tasmAdAkSipya ca khasImAL. 11. paryantaH sodrAH sarvarAjakulAbhAvyapratyAyasametaH sarvaparizataparikSArI viSayAtapiNaH pucapI bAnugaH candrAcitisamakAlInI L. 12. bhUmichidranyAyena mayA pituH paramabhahArakamahArAdhirAjazrIprabhAkaravaInadevasya mAtuH parama bhaSTArikAmahAdevIrAnIcIyazomatIdevyAH L. 18. jyeSThamAtRparamabhadhArakamahArAjAdhirAjazrIrAjyavaInadevapAdAnAM ca puskhayazobhivAye sAvarbhisa gocacchandogasavanacAribhavAtakhAmi - L. 14. vizAsagotravacasana pracArizivadevasvAmibhyAM pratidharmaNAmahAratvena pratipAditaH viditvA bhavadhiH samanumantavyaH prati L. 16. vAsijanapadairapyAnAvavidhayerbhUtvA yathAsamucitatulyamayabhAgabhogakarahiravAdipratyAyAH pana yoravIpameyAH sevopasthAnaM ca karaNIyamityaL. 16. pic| asmatkulabamamudArasudAharahiranyeva dAnamidamabhyanumodanoyaM [1] samAtaDitsalilacaMcalAyAH dAnaM phalaM parayayaHparipAlana ca // // karmaNA L. 17. manasA vAcA kartavyaM prANinahita [1] harSeNaitasamAkhyAtaM"dhArbanamanuttamaM / dUtakIca mahApramAtAramahAsAmantabIskandaguptaH mahAcapaTalAdhikaraNAdhiL. 18. tasAmantamahArAjazaraguptasamAdezAcIvI gurjaraNa sambat 20+5 mArmAthIrSavadi / TRANSLATION. Om Haill From the great camp of victory (containing) boats, elephants and horses, from Pinthika:*-the great king, the illustrious Naravardhana; his son who meditated on his father's) feet (evaahe twho was) born from the illustrious queen Vajrint, a most devout worshipper of the Sun, the great king, the illustrious Rajya vardhana. His son who meditated on his father's) feet (was he who was) born from the illustrious queen Apsaras, a most devout worshipper of the Sun, the great king, the illustrious Adityavardhana. His son who meditated on his (father's) feet (uwas he twho was) born from the illustrious queen Mahasenagupta, he whose fame passed beyond the four oceans, he whose sovereign power was employed in settling (the system of) castes and orders, who like (the deity) with the single-wheeled chariotu removed the torments of his subjects, a most devout worshipper of the Sun, the supreme lord and supreme king of great kings, the illustrious Prabhakaravardhana. His son who meditated on his L. 10 Read efferat fat. The dot above may, howover, be accidental. L11 Read viSayAvata.. 1 Metre of the first verse, Vasantatilaka; of the second, Anushtabh. L. 1 Read tamA * The ablatives must be construed with samdilldpayati below, 11. 9-10. * Though I am unable to prove my supposition by the quotation of parallel passages or of Koskas, I think that the run is meant, the single wheel of whom shariot may here, w in the Rigveda, represent the year. The next two kings are likewine compared with those gode whom they particularly worshipped.
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________________ 74 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (father's) feet (was he) who overspread the circle of the whole world with the canopy of his brilliant fame; who completely appropriated the lustre of the guardians of the world, Dhanada, Varuna, Indra and so forth; who gladdened the hearts of needy men by gifts of many excellent" (pieces of) land gained in a righteous manner; who was born from the queen possessing spotless fame, the illustrious Yasomati,-a most devout worshipper of Bugats, who like Sugata solely found pleasure in doing good to others, the supreme lord and supreme king of great kings, the illustrious Rajyavardhana; "By whom, plying his whip in battle, the kings Devagupta and others who resembled wicked horses-were all subdued with averted faces; who, after uprooting his enemies, after conquering the earth, and doing what was agreeable to his subjects, in consequence of his adherence to his promise gave up his life in the mansion of his foe." His younger brother who meditates on his (elder brother's) feet, a most devout worshipper of Mahesvara, who like Mahesvara is compassionate towards all created beings, the supreme lord and supreme king of great kings, the illustrious Harsha, addresses (this) order to the great feudal barons, the great kings, Daussddhasddhanikas," Pramatris," viceroys, princes, ministers, Uparikas, rulers of districts, regular and irregular soldiers, servants and others, as well as to the provincials of the neighbourhood, assembled in the village of Somakundika which belongs to the district (vialaga) of Kundadhan! in the bhukti of Sravasti: "Be it known to you that, having considered that this village of Somakundika has been enjoyed by the Brahman VAmarathys on the strength of a forged edict, having therefore broken that edict and having taken (the village) from him, I have granted it, up to its boundaries, together with the udranga, together with (the right to) all the income which ought to accrue to the house of the king," endowed with all immunities. .. (with the right of) inheritance by sons and grandsons, (for a period) lasting as long as moon, sun and earth (endure), according to the maxim concerning land unfit for tillage," for the increase of the merit and fame of (my) father, the supreme lord Pravaha cannot here have its usual meaning "inolining towards." I take it in the sense of wddra which is given in some Koshas, and as a synonym of pravara. The latter term is sometimes found in parallel passages of inscriptions. Literally "those charged with the accomplishment of what is difficult to accomplish." If this term, which occurs also in other inscriptions (see ag. Indian Antiquary, vol. XIV, p. 167, 1, 88), is identical with daubeddhika (see A. Weber, Hala, 406, 557), it means perhaps "policeman," or, as Professor Weber thinks, "doorkeeper." Regarding the term pramdiri, found here and below, 1. 16, see the note on verse 38 of the second Baijnath Pradasti (inf), and regarding the form pramatara, see above, p. 68. The text has buktakak. The addition of a meaningless affix ka to participles in mana, na and ta, which, I think, is owing to the influence of the Prakrit dialects, occurs very frequently in the Central Indian inscriptions of the fifth and sixth eenturies. Bee ag. Mr. Fleet's volume, quoted above, page 136, 1. 8, utpannakotpadyamanaka, p. 187, L. 11, haritaka and so forth. Analogous expressions such as samuchitardjabhdeyakarapratydyd na grdayda occur in the Karitalai copper-plate inscription of M. Jayan&tha (Fleet, Corpus Insor. Ind., vol. III, p. 118, 11. 11-18) and other grants of the same series. Mr. Fleet interprets them however differently. I dissolve the compound by earva-rdjakula-dbidvya-pratydya-sametaj and take 4hAdeya in the sense of dbhavayitavya. 0 My translation of bAdmichohhidra by 'land unfit for tillage' rests on a passage of Yadava's Faijayantt, where we read according to a MS. sent to me by Dr. Oppert (now India Office Buhler Sansk. MSS., No. 145) in the Failyddhydya of the Bidmikanda, III, 8, 16b-17: SET: RE: agreferung: bhUmicca layayogyA prahataM nAvamutthitam / feet and ukfeu 1 20 1 The maxim concerning ground unfit for tillage is probably that enunciated by Manu, IX, 44, that "a fold belongs to him who cleared away the timber." The ultimate sense of the expression is, therefore, that the land in question is made over to the donee with the same full right of ownership which the first cultivator would have possessed who reclaimed it.
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________________ DEWAL PRASASTI OF LALLA THE CHHINDA. 75 and supreme king of great kings, His Majesty the illustrious Prabhakaravardhana, of (my) mother, the supreme lady and great queen, Her Majesty the illustrious queen Yabomati, and of the feet of (my) elder brother, the supreme lord and supreme king of great kings, His Majesty the illustrious Rajyavardhana,-to Bhatta Vatasvamin, a member of the Savarni gotra, and a fellow-student of the Chhandogas (a Samudedi) and to Bhatta Sivadevasvamin, a member of the Vishnuvsiddha gotra and a fellow-student of the Bahorichas (a Rigvedi), as a duly accepted " agrahara. Knowing this you should agree to it), and the provincials of the neighbourhood being obedient to (my) command should bring to these two (donees) alone the due income, which is to be given according to weight and acoording to measure, (viz.) the share of the crope), the (objects of) enjoyment," the taxes, the gold and so forth, and they should do them service." Moreover, "By those who profess (to belong to the noble line of our race and by others this gift ought to be agreed to. Gifts and the protection of the fame of others (are) the result of fortune that is unstable like lightning or a water-bubble." " With deeds, thoughts and words living beings should do their duty. Harsha has declared that an unsurpassable (mode of) acquiring spiritual merit." * The messenger (charged with the order) concerning this (grant is) the great feudal baron, the great king Skandagupta; and (the edict) has been incised by Gur. jara at the command of the great chief of the office of records, the feudal baron, the great king Isvaragupta, [Sriharsha-]Samvat 25 Margasirsha, dark half, the sixth (lunar day). XII.-THE DEWAL PRASASTI OF LALLA THE CHHINDA. By G. BULLER, Ph.D., LL.D., C.I.E. The Dewal Prasasti was originally discovered by Mr. H. S. Boulderson in 1829, at the village of Gadh Gajana, on the west bank of the Kava or Katni stream, between Dewal and Deoriya, about twenty miles south-east of Pilibhit, in the North-Western Provinces. The inscription is incised with great neatness and care on a stone slab, measuring 3' 9by % 1", and is in a state of almost perfect preservation. The characters are ancient Nagari, differing from the ordinary type of the tenth century only in that the loops on the left hand of na and ma are not closed, but represented by a curve. Similarly Pratigraladharmand, i. e, pratigralo dharmo yasya tena. # I understand by bhoga' (object of enjoyment' the so-called haks, fruit, firewood, flowers, pan, eto., which the villagers have to furnisb to their lord either daily or on certain ocasions, -see also Mage, VII, 118, and the note to my translation of the passage. Both versus Aro composed on the model of ancient Slokas, the brat according to some commonly quoted in other grants, the second coording to one from the Mahabhdrata, see Botblingk, Indische Spruche, No. 1860. The doou ment was first published with translation in the Jour. As. Soc. Bang., vol. VI. p. 777, by Mr. J. Prinsep. socording to copy taken by Colonel Btaoy. A facsimile of 1. 1 and of the greater part of I. 3 Accompanies Princeps paper. See sloo Prinsep Baraye, vol. I, pp. 321-324. Later complete frosimile was published by Sir A. Cunningham, Arekaological Reporte, vol. I, p. 8648. The subjoined edition bas been prepared socording to an excellent paper impression taken by Dr. A. Fuhrer, of the Areheological Survey, North-Western Provinces, and sent to me by the Editor.
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________________ 76 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. the left limb of ka in the group ksha is curved upwards. In all other respects the letters closely resemble those of the Paramara, Rathor, and other inscriptions of the same period. As in most other inscriptions from Northern India, wo find here no distinction between the letters ba and va, which doubtless were pronounced alike. In rajahansi, 1. 3, the dental na is substituted for the anusrara. The letter pha has a very archaic form. Owing to the peculiarity mentioned above and guided by a peculiar interpretation of a statement of the copyist who in verse 36 calls himself "acquainted with crooked letters" (kutilaksharani), Mr. Prinsep has called the alphabet of this inscription the Kutila alphabet. It seems to me, however, that there is no sufficient reason for doing so I cannot see anything particularly crooked in any of the letters, and do not think it likely that the very slight modifications in three signs could have caused the alphabet to be designated by a special name. Moreover, if the writer says that he was acquainted with crooked letters, the natural interpretation of the phrase seems to be that it refers to his skill in reading badly written and difficult documents, not that he was acquainted with letters called Kutila. For there is nowhere else an indication that an alphabet of this name existed. Nor could the knowledge of such ordinary easily read characters as those of our inscription become the subject of a boast on the part of a professional scribe. If a writer wishes to extol his skill, he will of course say that he is proficient in the difficult local alphabets, used by the professional classes, such as the Modt, Lande, &c., which all, indeed, are very "crooked" and are not easily deciphered. I would, therefore, remove the term Kutila alphabet from Indian palaeography and describe the letters of the Dewal inscription as Nagart of the North Indian type. The language is very high-flown Sanskrit, which, however, is not quite free from mistakes. When the author speaks, verse 21, of "holy edsanas, situated on the banks of pure rivers," he uses the word sasana in the sense of " villages granted by deanas or edicts," for which meaning it might be difficult to find good authority. Again, the use of dvabhara, in verse 11, is very curious. Further, the construction of samvaddha, verse 82, with the locative instead of with the instrumental is ungrammatical. Finally, there are some cases where words seem to have been put in merely in order to make up the verse. The inscription records the erection of two temples dedicated respectively to Siva and to Parvati and of certain donations made to them. The founders were the provin. cial chief, Lalla of the Chhinda family, and his wife Lakshmi. The pedigree of the former is given as follows : Chyarada. Vairavarman Bhashana. Malha A, married to Anahild of the Chalukte vara family. Lilla, married to Lakshmt. The allusion in verse 4 to Chyavana's quarrel with Indra shows that the person intended is the mythical sage of the Bhargava tribe, who according to the Vedic and Puranic legends married Sukanya, the daughter of king Saryata or Saryati, a son or descendant of Manu Vaivasvata. The Chhinda family would, therefore, seem to have claimed connexion with the Solar line of Kshatriyas. Its name occurs elsewhere only in the Jaina lists. It is found in the slightly different form Chhindaka in the Ratna.
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________________ DEWAL PRASASTI OF LALLA THE CHHINDA. hosha, and in the Kumarapdlacharita' of Jinamandana where the thirty-six Rajput tribes are likewise enumerated. The description of the four Chhinda chiefs named is almost purely conventional. In spite of the extravagant praise of their bravery and warlike exploits, it may be considered as certain that they were only ordinary feudatories, obeying a paramount power, possibly the king of Kanauj. The real facts recorded are very few. Regarding Malhapa it is said in verse 11 that he was a Saiva, and in verse 13 that his consort Anahila belonged to the royal Chulukisvara race. The latter name is, I think, an equivalent of the better-known one Chaulukys. The Chaulukyas derive their origin from a mythical hero Chuluka, who is said to have been created from Brahman's waterpot (chuluka). Chulukisvara may stand either for chuluki(n)-isvara or, as I believe to be more likely, with a somewhat irregular sandhi for chulukya-tevara, and may be translated the Chulukya lords. Malhana's marriage seems to have been above his rank and a source of pride to the family. The definite statements regarding his son Lalla are-that he brought the Katha river to his unnamed capital, verse 22, and that he built the temples of Siva. and Parvati in conjunction with his wife Lakshmi, endowing them with some villages, situated in the Mayata of Bhushana, to which he gave the name Devapalli, as well as with a fourth of his income. Sir A. Cunningham's researches. have shown that Devapalli is the modern Dewal, and that the Katha river is the canal still called Katni-nadi. The latter identification makes it very probable that Lalla's residence was the deserted fort, called Gadh-khera, which is almost surrounded by the canal. As the date of the inscription, Samvat 1049, probably refers to the Vikrama era and thus corresponds to 992-93 A.D., Lalla and the other chiefs named, all lived in the tenth century. Nehila, the author of the Prasasti, who, as would appear from his great praise of Lalla's liberality, must have been very well paid for his work, was the son of Bhatta Sivarudra and belonged to the Vedic gotra of Vatsa. The copyist Takshaditya, son of Vishnu hari, was a Gauda Kayastha, and Somanatha, son of Kamadeva, the mason, who incised the document, was a native of Kanyakubja-Kanauj. L. 1. L. 2. TRANSCRIPT. yo ma namaH zivAya // BangarudiathemaPntedwuwrege murgunefinde fenfew tatkAlIgrAmAsIkatritayajJatamAsInamanAyatArA pAyA pArtha mI) 77 zUla catahiradadAnavakuMbhamuktamuktA kalApakalitAmalakaNThakAMtiH / fani yang faftur qarayaugtudtaufchrufirituwait * [10]" wwiftam feux yuzaturcituraE HONA - mapit sirfaereret i mamitadamamiracIefterfacia: [en]* Aufrecht, Cat. Sanak. MSS. Bodleian Libr., p. 354. The addition of the affix ka to names is extremely common, especially in Jaina Sanskrit. Bee Ind. Off. Lib. No. 286, p. 2 (Sansk. MSS. Buhler). Sir H. Elliot's identification (Memoire, &c., vol. I, p. 78) of the Chhindas with the Chandels is most improbable, because the words do not agree and the Jains lists contain both names. Archaeological Reports, vol. I, pp. 353 ff. [Dewal is called 'Tilahabas or 'Illahabad by the Mahammadans: the Katni is also known as the Kava.-J. B.] Metre, Bragdhara. Only the of the syllables weft is distinguishable. 7 Metre, Vasantatilaka.
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________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L.S. citipAlarabajaladhiH zrIrAmAsIsaraH / sahIravratatIrthamarthikumudaprasAdanenduSi zamzadavAnalI vijayatAM chindacitIzAnvayaH / [1] utpattirakha pipurA cavanAmaharSeAtavyalIkakalita vidayAdhinAthe / taharSAnihalanadattakaThIL. radRSTaraSTAsu dikSu yazasaiva saha prasidhA / [en] vaMzesimitakIrtikandasavati zrIvairavasthiyA syAtIbhUduvi bhUSitAvanitaso rAjanyacUDAmaNiH / nAkhAnamivAkasaya kamalA tAmanA bhAvinAcaNAmavanerakAra caturA yasthAlayAntasthitiL.B. m| [5] sthAgI dharmIparaH parAkramadhanaH satyapriyaH kIrtimAnmamArgAnugataH zucirdaDhamatiAnIcatI nItimAn / pauryodAryavivakaryanikhayo yaH saGgataH sambaneryutAH sarvaguNodayena mahatAmArAdhanIyobhavat // [1]" tasAdayupratevaprasaraniyamitArAL.6. tipahIpasaMgaH zrImAvaNDapratApaH sakalavasumatIbhUSavaM bhUSaNobhUt / yacIyogaprasAlabharadalitamAtalasvasthavIyaH zeSAdhizAsazISAdagamadiriSatAM nirjalaM bhogi sn| [7n]" yasaivagadhagajagaDagalasadAbhaH saMjAtacandakazatairiva sudri - L7. taasu| dUra vipacakariNI vanadantinIpi bhUyo na vAri jarAhuH sarasIvarathe / [8]" yA savAgatarAjacakramukuTIiSTAdhipIThasthalI bharttA yavaturampurAbhirapanAlaMkAravatyA bhuvaH / viSepairapi yatra te raghupatarAyoSitAH sindhavI yastasyApi mahAkulAL.8. - [ca]la svAvaSTabhya takho bhuvam // [ea]" yasSA rAjadhAnI rajanikarakarAkArakAnterguNodheH pUrNavAdyApi ramayA sphurati marakatazyAmale: kaannaantH| udyAnandanAbhairativisadasudhAsakarauH surANAM prAsAdairavatAprairamarapatipurIhinIva vibhAti / [10]" L.B. svAnujaH samabhavAvabhatrinamaH bImAhavaH prisspiivrvaadyH| bhAtaH pAtulitApitarAjacakra yo sIsayeva dhavazI puramAvabhAra [ // [11]" [5] tataH sa vipulAmapi rAjalakI bhaktiM parAmajata devagurupijeSu / L. 10. prItve sApayivadhujanejaniSTa duSTacayAdatanutAtisudaM prjaas| [12]" takha priyApi culukIbararAjavaMzasabhUtikavvalaguNAbharaNAbhirAmA / gItA jagatvacarileti samastakAntavAntavanAkamalendukalA vabhUva / [13 // ]" sakhA zrIlasanAmAni janitamahAmaNDalAdhIzazAH zUraH kunde - Motro, Bardalavikridita. .Metre, Indrarajra 0 Metre, Bardulavikridite. "Metre, Sardalavikridita. 1 Metro, Sragdbart. u Metre, Vasantatilaki. * Metro, Sard dlavikridita; the first letter of L. 8 in de stroyed.. * Metre, Sragdhara. 46 Metre, V antatilaka. UMetre, Vuantatilaks; the second ayllable of the verse in mutilated, but recognisable. Metre, Vasantatilak
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________________ DEWAL PRASASTI OF LALLA THE CAHINDA. L.11. ndudattadhutitulitaguNAsaMkhatAcAsukhabIH / yosau sAmantacakrAcalakanakagirivitArAtisamItiyA~cAntapAtAtabhujapicarabindavaMga rIH [14]" citraM yadasya kisa janmadine mamantAt bImatapatra bhavane prmprmiide| pAvedayaMtyudayamaL. 12. mvarata: papAta / bhAlimAsaravairiva puSpaSTiH / [1] nobidA nalinI na cArpitamanabidhA satAM sAti-votyasavakA matA vanakSatA thImA sasakhA nohAmA kavibhAratI na ca tathA yA parasaumudI samIryasa yathA vabhUva viduSAmAnandanivandiL. 13. nii| [Raju kinAraparairAdhipatibhirmanye yA ravitA yeSAntiSThati durbhagava vanitA bIrapyabhImyA po| nAbhUdasti na nApi kIpi bhavitA bhUpAlacUDAmapiryaH bIsabanarendracandrasazasvAgana bhIganaca / [1 ] pAdau sArasaMgatApitamahAmAtAkumbha[kha] - L 14. sI sinduuraasskaantirvlybjiibhiripttH| ulkhAtAritamapratApavisarairAnAntadigmahala stigmAMgItulanAvibharti bhuvana yslaamiinaa| [18] padhau mulAyamAnA birasi himagirIramagAyamAnA vyokhi yIsvAyamAnA divi dipi kariSaL.16. maasaaymaanaa| uccevAlayAnAmupari sitapatAkAyamAmA yadIyA kIrtirdhAntA samantAdanunadi pukhine raannsiiymaanaa| [1]" kaSTa kAle kakhAvapabhibhavati bamalApavAvItahAge rAsabArAmasau. sarasadanamaThejitAyA mmucaam| ramAmRrSi vahasyAL.16. matisujanajanAnanditAyAM nagIM yasindhAvatAra mAtahatabugAdhara savAvanAbhUta [20] yaH zAsanAnyatisamRdhajanAnvitAni sImAntasambavatAni dadau pijanyaH / pArzaprayastataSaDamanoharANi puskhAni nisndiitttvaasbhaassi| [21]" gAbhaL. 17. gIratheneva yena maanopdeshinaa| khapurIsabidhI ramA puskhA kaThanadI chatA / [22]" tasvAbhavatraNayinI madhusUdanasya samIrivAmakulAmmunidhaH prasUtA / , becaur the spelling is 1 Metre, Sragdhard -Metre, Vamantatilnks Metro, Sard tlavikridita; read . format . Metro, Sardilavikridita. >> Metro, Sarddlavikridita. The last letter of line 18 in destroyed. I do not correct permissible. Motre, Brigdhara * Metro, Sragdhari * Metre, Vauntatilak. "Motra,Anumbyabb.
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________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. sarvAvarIdhanavadhUmukhapatrapaDa prAzeyaSTiraparAbhidhayApi zamIH / [25]" bhatvA ca yA vinayanamUtayA L.18. ca patyuvetI bahAra gupavasvanurAgiNI ca / ramarAdisatayoriva tattathA zipremApi baDhamanayoritaratarastham / [24] cArAmIbAnavApI devatAyataneSu ca / jAtAni kriyamAni yaskhA: kammAvi sarvadA / [2] dInAnAvavipakaraNAnvitacetasaH / sIL. 19. bhute yakhA viprasaMdhA dine dine / [2] ratvaM vivikhamanavIH parivarSamAnadharmapravandhavigalabAlikAlabatyoH / ekatayoramamakArayadindumaule. prAsAdamadvitanayAbhavanantavAnyA / [27]in sarayAbugamatattulAsAhitayakhitakAnti bata- . L.22. mucaH sudhAbhiH / vitarati dinAntarviyaM kasa vAtamahatadhanapatAkAkaMpitAzrIdahandam / [28]" yAvatsavotubhamuro suramaInamantrIH samAsyakalAbhara thiraba / yAvatsitindadhati tIyadhayaH samastAH stAdeva tAvadacalA bhuvi kIrtireSA / [28]" samayaL.28. tavi samanchindavaMgapravIraH samamatiguruvasyA kAntayA ceha samayA / ripugajamadapaMkamAvitAca yena pratirakSamasinevAci diha pracastiH / ..] bhUtve sadeva bhavarI chAtasamidhAnA nAnAvidhAni duritAni vinaamyntii| sApa[bahAraparivarSa[] - 124 pANabIsalamayasapataranadhAzudevI / [11]" bhUvaSaya mayUtAyAM sabakA bhuumibttmaa| vidhAya devapanIti devayoH pratipAditA / [12]" pUjAsaMskhAratI zivayoH yAsanIkhataH / dAnAdAya pAdIpi bIlona sukiittinaa| [2 // praNAtavatsamumivaMzasamajAvo] - L.26. bhUmarInurUpacarita: zivarudranAmA / tattunA viracitAbhinavA pramatiraSA prasabakavitA kima nepilena / [14]" yA prasavasaratA padamAzikeyaM prasAdIturadhikaM sdsNshtib| bImAnimmevagurupayanAbhirAmA mukhAvacIvAdaye viduSAM cakAsti // [15]deg -Mote Vanentatilate Mote, Vantatilaka More, Anushtabh. Mamnnabyabb. des, Vantatilaka Miten, Malint MYSTimotation * Metro, Malint. Motre, V antatilaka; the letters placed between bracketa are half destroyed. * Metre, Anushtabb. * Metry, Anushtabh. Read ft . Metro, V antatilaka. The last letter of line X is damaged. Metro, Vasantatilak
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________________ DEWAL PRASASTI OF LALLA THE CHHINDA. I. 28. viSNuharAnayena ca likhitA gauDena karaNikeyevA / gfzerwerfa fagar wenfernfirmim >> (941]" kanyAgatenApi kAmadevatena ca / utkIrkhA somanAthena TahavijJAnazAlinA // 17 // samvatsarasahala 1048 mA vadi 7 gurudine // // " 81 TRANSLATION. Om, Om, Adoration to Siva! 1. May the husband of Parvati protect you,-he by whom the mainfestation of a charm (in the shape of) the Mahdstotra, was made in the three worlds that were greatly frightened at that time when the King of Serpents had his jewelled heads obliquely rent by the load of the earth that fell far away in consequence of the multitude of the mountain-plateaux bending under the weight of a gentle pressure of the tip of (Siva's) great toe he who humbled the pride entertained by the ten-headed (Ravana) on account of his strength and valour." 2. May the Daughter of the Mountain purify the universe-she the spotless splendour of whose throat has been gained through a multitude of pearls fallen from the frontal globes of the Danava (who assumed the shape of) an elephant (and was) wounded by (her) trident, she who wears as it were the halo surrounding the moon which is surpassed by her face." 8. Victorious be the race of the Chhinda princes, the scene of the coquettish sport of Lakshmi, the field of the playful activity of brave warriors, an ocean containing jewels (in the shape of) renowned kings, a lake for the royal swan Sri, a sacred bathingplace for those who keep the vow of noble heroes, a moon to gladden the needy, (who may be compared to) the night lotuses,, a forest-fire for the destruction of the families of (their) foes (who resemble) bamboos. 4. Its origin in ancient times from the great sage Chyavana-who sternly frowned in order to break the pride of the Lord of the gods when he was openly tainted by sin"-- is known in the eight regions of the world together with its fame. 5. In this race which possesses brilliant fame (comparable to the white flowers of the) Kandala, was born a crest-jewel of warriors, famous on earth under the appellation 'the illustrious Vairavarman' in whose house the clever goddess of Fortune took 41 Metre, Arya. Metre, Anushtubh. The word is superfluous and ought to be expunged. The mistake seems to have been caused by the author having originally intended to give the date both in words and in figures. I have rendered the first huge epithet of Siva as literally as possible, because I do not know the myth to which it refers. Siva's encounter with Ravana is frequently alluded to in the Kavyas. The demon who assumed the shape of an elephant is no doubt Mahishasura. According to the Devimdhdimya, Markandeya Purana, LXXIII, 30, the Asura turned himself also into a Mahagaja. When speaking of the halo which sur rounds the face of Parvati, the poet may have thought of representations, such as are found in Moor's Hindu Pantheon, plate vii, where her head is surrounded by a glory. Chandropaneta which I have taken as equivalent to chandraya spanita, may also stand for chandrena upanita. In the latter case it would indicate that the moon, found on Siva's crest, transferred his halo to the goddess who is closely united with her husband in the form of Ardhanart. This refers to the quarrel of, Indra and Chyavans, caused by the latter's appropriating a share of the offerings to the Afvins; see H. H. Wilson's Vishnupurdua, vol. III, p. 268, and Dr. F. E. Hall's note thereon. I am unable to find the story in the Kaushilaki-Brahmana where it ought to stand according to the scholiast. L
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________________ 82 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. up her abode, foreseeing, as it were, (that it would be) the birth-place of high-minded future lords of the earth; 6. Who (Vairavarman), being liberal, pious, energetic, fond of truth, famous, a follower of the path of the virtuous, pure, of firm intellect, exalted through (proper) pride," politic, the abode of valour, munificence and discernment, an associate of the virtuous, (and) endowed with all virtues, became worshipful for great men. 7. From him sprang illustrious Bhushana" of fierce prowess, an ornament of the whole earth, who through the expansion of his exceedingly terrible lustre prevented mud (i.e. his) enemies from sticking (to him). Through the heat of the breath of the very stout serpent Sesha who lying under the earth was wounded by the weight of that (Bhushana's) army when it strenuously marched forward, the abode of the snakes (Patala) was converted into a salt-marsh. 8. In the forest-lakes which were marked, as it were, with hundreds of dark spots sprung from the ichor that dropped from the temples of the rutting elephants of his army, even the wild elephants-how much less those of his enemies-no longer drank water. 9. His footstool was scratched by the crowns of a multitude of princes who came to serve him; he was the lord of the earth that is encircled by the four oceans as by an ornamental zone; the oceans were almost dried up by his camps (as) by those of the lord of the Raghus, resembling one of the primeval mountains he stood supporting the earth." 10. This capital of his, filled as it were with numerous excellent qualities that are lovely like the shape of the beams of the moon, glitters even at present, charming on account of its woods that are dark-green like emeralds, (and) seems to rival the town of the lord of the immortals with its gardens resembling Nandana, with its high-topped temples of the gods that are resplendent with the sprinkling of exceedingly pure whitewash. 11. His younger brother was the illustrious Malhana, who, in devotion, bowed to Bhava,-whose strong arm was stout like a club, who resplendent (with fame) sportively took over the burden (of the empire) from his brother, proving himself equal to the multitude of hostile kings with his sword." 12. Though he gained thereby great royal fortune, he showed the highest devotion to gods, Gurus and Brahmans; he was born for the joy of his friends, intimates and kinsmen; he spread delight among his subjects by destroying the wicked. Or, "exalted through honours" (conferred by his suzerain). Bhushana, left out in Mr. Prinsep's translation, not the monstrous M & msohanda-prataps, which owes its origin to a wrong division of the syllables of two epithets and to a mislection, is the name of the second chief. Bhushana is still a very common proper name, usually spelt and pronounced Bhikhap. By the epithet chandapratapah, Bhashana is compared with the sun and this comparison suggests that of his enemies to the mud which the sun dries up and prevents from sticking. "The translation of the third and fourth Padas is not certain. In Pada 9, I have taken vikehepa in the sense of camp' which it certainly has in the inscriptions of the Gurjara king Dadda II. If that is correct, it must be assumed that the armies are represented as having required, on account of their magnitude, the whole contents of the oceans for drinkingwater. Indian poets frequently speak of the soldiers of their heroes drinking from the ocean, apparently forgetting that the thing is impossible (see eg. the great Andhra inscription of Pulumayi, Arch. Reports of Western India, vol. IV, p. 108, 1. 3). Possibly, however, vikthepa may mean 'constructions and the poet wished to say that Bhushana built bridges or dams across the ocean, as Rama did when invading Ceylon. In the fourth Pada I have left untranslated the words tasyd pi, of which I cannot make anything. I am inclined to assume that they have been put in in order to make up the verse. o Dhavala, resplendent (with fame),' may possibly be intended as a second name or biruda of Malhana. One would have expected chakrah. But the actual reading may be defended on the supposition that the compound is an aryayfbhava modifying deabhara. It would seem that Malhana had to fight for the succession or possibly took the chiefship by force from his brother.
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________________ DEWAL PRASASTI OF LALLA THE CHHINDA. 83 13. But his wife, sprung from the royal race of Chulu kibvara, lovely through the ornament of shining qualities, celebrated in the world as Anahild", was (as) the new moon to the lotus faces of the whole harem of ber husband. 14. From her was born a hero, called the illustrious Lalla, who caused fear to great rulers of provinces, who adorned the beauteous faces of the (nymphe guarding) the regions by his virtues which equalled the brillianoy of jasmin, the moon and ivory; he was a shoot of the Chhinda race, whose high arm was struck by the oblique glance of the goddess of Fortune that he took from his enemies. 16. Wonderful (it was) that, forsooth, on the day of his birth a rain of flowers fell from the sky all around in the most joyful palace of the illustrious Malhana, announcing, as it were, (his future) prosperity by the auspicious humming of the bees. 16. Neither a lake with opened lotuses, nor the company of the virtuous, dear to those who give them their hearts, nor bending forest-creepers with full-blown flowerbunches, nor fields covered with crops, nor the high-flown speech of poets, nor the light of the autumnal moon, is so pleasing to the heart, as his good fortune that showers joy on the learned. 17. What is the use of the birth of other princes, in whose palaces 1 ween Fortune resides, like a hapless woman" guarded in vain and unenjoyed ? No crest-jewel of princes ever existed, exists, or will exist who resembles the illustrious moon-like prince, Lalla, in liberality and in enjoyment. 18. His sword now equals in the world the fierce-rayed (sun), as first it possesses a ruddy hue derived from the minium on the frontal globes of the huge elephants of his foes meeting him in battle, and then, flaming with the brilliant lustre of his fame, it occupies all the regions with its majestic power that destroys his enemies who resemble darknes9. 19. His fame wanders all around the world), becoming a pearl in the ocean, appearing on the top of the snowy mountain as the heavenly Gange, changing to the moon-light in the sky and in every quarter of the horizon to the frontal globes of the (guardian) elephants," being visible on high, above the temples, as a white flag and on the sands of every river in the shape of royal swans. 20. Though the dread Kali age oppresses the world, there arose-when justice became incarnate in him--the idea that the original Kpita age had begup in that towa (of his) which is adorned with round and square wells and tanks, with temples of the gods and monasteries having gardens and alms-houses" attached, which shows a pleasing prosperity, and which is joyful with most virtuous men. 21. He presented to the Brabmana, by grants, sacred villages which are inhabited by very wealthy people, on whose fields corn is plentiful, which are pleasant through neighbouring groves of excellent trees, and are situated on the banks of pure rivers. 22. The pleasant, holy river Katha was conducted by him, who showed it the way to his town, just as Ganga (was brought down from heaven) by Bhagtratha. This is the feminine of the word Anahila, which forms the first part of Apahilapataka or Aphild. The masculine cours also us Apabila in the Valabht inscriptions, Indian Antiquary, vol. VII, p. 76. # I am afraid durbhagd is put in order to make a most indecent pun. At all ovents the poet is guilty of grdegafua. M The elephanta guarding the quarters are white, just like the fame of Lalls. # Saftra means bero annagattra or saddurata, noe slao below, venne 26.
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________________ 84 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 28. His wife became she, who is born from a pure ocean-like family (and therefore) resembles Lakshmi, the wife of Madhusudana rising from the pure Ocean, her anoestral home,-she who is & snow-shower to the lotus-thicket of the faces of all the other) ladies of (her husband'o) harem," and who even according to her appellation is a second Lakshmi. 24. She, being endowed with virtues and affectionate, charmed the heart of her husband by her devotion and her modest humility for their pleasing mutual affection is even as high grown as that of Hara and of the Daughter of the Mountain Paroatt). 26. In parks, gardens, wells and temples of the gods her (good) works have been performed, are ever being performed. 26. Crowds of Brahmane dine every day in the alms-houses maintained by her, who is compassionate towards the distressed, the helpless and the decayed. 87. Thus it was resolved by those two (Lalla and his consort) through whose increasing acquisition of merit the manners of the Kali age disappear; the one of them built this temple of the god who wears the moon on his head, and the other that of the Daughter of the Mountain. 28. Whose heart does not this pair of temples fill with wonder, the splendour of which equals that of two high tops of Kailasa, which is on high white with stucco (and) by whose numerous flags, agitated by the wind, the cloud banks are shaken? 29. As long as the breast of the destroyer of Mura is decked with the Kaus. tubha jewel, as long as the head of Sambhu is adorned with the crescent of the moon, as long as all the oceans exist, so long may this (nource of) fame remain firm on earth. 80. Victorious be here on earth Lalla, the chief hero of the Chhinda race, together with his most virtuous consort Lakshmi,-he who in every battle bas written a eulogy (of himself) on the firmament even with his sword, the tip of which is covered by the muddy ichor of his enemies' elephants. 81. May holy Devt" who destroys misfortunes of various kinds, be ever present to (orant) welfare in the palace of the illustrious Lalla, the ruler of a province, who is united with his children, wife, dependants and friends. 82. The excellent land connected with the Mayata of Bh d'shana" has been presented to the two deities, having been given the name Devapalli. 83. And for the purpose of the worship and of the repairs, illustrious Lalla of good fame has granted by a charter, after (making) a (solemn) donation, to Siva and his consort one-fourth of his revenues. 84. There was a Bhatta of befitting conduct, called Sivarudra, born in the famous line of the sage Vatsa. By his son Nebila has been composed this new eulogy, the poetry of which is perspicuous. 85. This perspicuous and simple wreath of verses of his, which is the cause of exceedingly great joy, which possesses true poetical ornaments and is lovely through the "1.o., who surpassen her rivals in beauty or, to use the oriental phrase, blacken their face like * snow-shower the water-lilies. Dovi, ..., Parvatt. # The M yata of Bhaabana hu not been identified. Possibly it may be the town or suburb of the capital, men tioned above in verse 10.
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________________ VALABHI GRANT OF DHRUVASENA III. 85 description of the pure virtues of illustrious Lallah, glitters in the hearts of the learned like a string of pearls. 36. And this (eulogy) has been written by the son of Vishnu hari, a Gauda clerk, called TakshAditya, who knows crooked letters. 37. And it has been incised by somanatha, the son of Kamadeva, who came from Kanyakubja and is experienced in (work performed with) the chisel. One thousand years, 1049, Marga, dark half 7, on a Thursday. XIII.-A VALABAI GRANT OF DHRUVASENA III. DATED SAMVAT 334. By E. HULTZSCH, Ph.D. Like the Rashtrakata grant published above, the original of the subjoined grant was found at Kapadvanaj in Gujarat. The document is inscribed on the inner sides of two copper-plates with raised rims. Each plate measures 1' 8" by 104". The righthand ring has been lost. The left-hand ring, which bears the seal, is of irregular shape and about thick. The oval seal measures 2" by 21' and bears-in relief, on a countersunk surface a seated bull facing the left and below it the legend situzu:. Both the plates and the seal are in a state of almost perfect preservation. The grant is dated "from the victorious camp pitched at Siri.Simminika," which looks like a Prakrit name. The inscription gives the usual genealogy down to Dhru. vasena III. and records that the latter granted the village of Pattapadraka, which Was situated in the Dakshina-patta of the Sivabhagapura-vishaya,' to the Brah. mana Bbattibhata, the son of Bappa, a native, inhabitant and chaturvedin of Mahichhaka, who belonged to the Kausika-gotra and studied the Vdjasaneya-ldkha. The name Mabich haka, which occurs twice in the grant, seems to be a later correction in somewhat different characters. The dataka was the pramatri Naga,' and the docu. ment was written by the chief secretary (divirapati) Anahila,' the son of the chief secretary Skandabhata, who was "charged with peace and war" (sardhivigraha. dhikrita). The date of the grant was the 9th day of the bright half of Magha of [Gupla.] Sarvat 834 or 653-54 A.D. I am unable to render the pun in hridaye, which, if referred to the string of pearls, means on the heart' oron the breast;' if referred to the verses in the heart' or 'in the mind.' Karapika clerk,' .. Kayastba, is derived from karapa, which means both a written document' (see the Petersburg Didub vac) and Government office. The latter meaning may be gathered from Hemachaodna's commentary on his Yogafdstra, III, 127 : fem i frafafari TT-TT TETT Travel Trafnfecreefafa 1 Ante, p. 62. Ind. Ant., vol. VII, p. 76. Ind. Ant., vol. VII, p. 79, where the reading of the facsimile is far, not In the transcript has it Ind. Ant., vol. VII, p. 76, and vol. XI, p. 806. Ind. Ant., vol. 1, pp. 17, 45., and vol. VII, p. 78. According to Professor Bobler (Ind. Ant., vol. XV, p. 887, bote 10, and vol. XVII, p. 197, note 50), an unpublished grant of Dhramona III. in dated in Samvat 838. The reign of DhruvAOD III. is limited by the latest date of bis predecessor Dharus IV. (930) and by the date of his successor Khangrabs II. (837).
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________________ 86 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. TEXT. PLATE I. [L. 1.] bhauM khasti vijayaskandhAvArAt sirisimmiSikAvAsakAt prasabhaprayatAmitrANAM maicakAnAmatulabalasaMpabamaNDalAbhogasaMsaktaprahAramata [2.] labdhapratApAbatApopanatadAnamAnArjavopArjitAnurAgAdanurazAmaulamataveSIvalAvApsarAyazciyaH paramamAhezvarathIbhaTA davyavacchi [8.] barAjavazAmAtApitacaraNAravindapraNatipravidhItAmeSakalmaSaH paizavAvabhUti pAritIyavApurava samadaparagajaghaTAsphoTanaprakAzitasa - [4] tvanikaSa : sababhAvapraNatArAticUDAranaprabhAsaMsaktapAdanakharazmisahatiH' sakalasmRtiprItamArmAsamAkparipAlanaprajAhadayaraMjanAnda - [5.] rtharAjazabdo rUpakAntisthairyagAMbhIryabuddhisaMpaniH smaraNazAsAdrirAjodadhicidazagurudhanezAnatithayAnaH dharaNAgatAbhayapradAnaparatayA tRNava - [6.] dapAstAzeSakhakAryaphala[:] prArthanAdhikArbapradAnAnanditavihasuhabaNayiAdayaH pAdacArova sakalabhuvanamaNDalAbhogapramodaH paramamAhebaraH zrI [7.] guhasenastasya sutastatpAdanakhamayUkhasantAnavistavAjhavIvalIdhapracAlitAmeSakalmaSaH pracayimatasahasropajIvyamAnasaMpadrupalobhAdivAdhi [8.] ta: sarabhasamAbhigAmikairguNaissahajazatithIcA vizeSavismApitAkhiladhanurvaraH prathamanarapatisamatisRSTAnAmanupAlayitA dharmadAyAnAmapA [9.] kartA prajopaghAtakAriNAmupavAnA darzayitA zrIsarasvatyorekAdhivAsasya saMtArAtipakSasamIparibhogadacavikramI vikramIpasaMprAptavimalapA [10.] khiMvatrIH paramamAhezvaraH zrIdharasenastasya sutastatvAdAnudyAtasakalajagadAnandanAtyanutagurusamudayasthagitasamapadiGamaDala: samaraNataviSayayo [11] bhAsanAthamaDalApadhutibhAsuratarAMsapIThoDhagurumanorathamahAbhAraH sarvavidyAparAparavibhAgAdhigamavimalamatirapi sarvataH subhASitala - [12.] venApi sukhopapAdanIyaparitoSa: samAlokAmAdhagAMbhIryAdayopi sucaritAtizayasavyasAparamakalyANasvabhAvaH khilIbhUtakatayugapati - [18.] pathaviyodhanAdhigatodaprakItiH dhAnuparodhovvalatarIkatArthasukhasaMpadupasevAnikaTadhAdibahitIyanAmA paramamAhebara bIzIlAdityaH [14.] tasyAnujastapAdAnupAta: svayamupandraguruNeva guruNAtyAdaravatA samabhilaSadhIyAmapi rAjasanI skandhAsatAM paramabhadra iva dhuryAstadAnA [16.] saMpAdanakarasatayaivovAn khedasukheratibhyAmanAyAsitasatvasaMpatti: prabhAvasaMpAzIvatanRpatimatazirorakhacchAyopagUDhapAdapIThopi [18.] parAvanAbhamAna rasAnAliGgitamanottiH praNatimekA parityajya prakhyAtapauraSAbhimAnerapyarAtibhiranAsAditapratikriyopAyaH chata [17.] nikhilabhuvanAmIdavimalaguSasaMhatiprasabhavighaTitasakalakasivilasitagati:cajanAdhirItibhirohorana[*]mRSTAtyubatAdayaH pra Read saMpatiH * Read .miSA.. - Read .AbhimAna.. . Read .suSa..
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________________ ___87 VALABHI GRANT OF DHRUVASENA III. [18.] khyAtapauruSAnakauzalAtizayagativipakSacitipatilanIkhayaMgrAhakAbhitapravIrapuruSaprathamasaMkhyAdhigamaH paramamAhezvaraH zrIkharaNa [19.] hastasya tanayaH tatvAdAnuyAta: sakalavidyAdhigamavihitanikhilavihajjanamana paritoSAtithayaH satvasapadA" tyAgaudAryeNa ca vigatAnusa [20.] dhAnAthamAhitArAtipacamanorayAcabhakaH samyagupalacitAnakaNyAstrakalAloracarita"gAravibhAgIpi paramabhadraprakatira [21] []cimapratrayavinayazobhAvibhUSaNaH samarathatajayapatAkAharaNapratyalodaprabAhudaMDavidhvaMsitanikhilapratipacadaryodayaH [22.] svadhanu prabhAvaparibhUtAstrakauzalAbhimAnasakalanRpatimAlAbhinanditagAsanaH paramamAhekhara zrIdharasenaH tasthAnujaH tatya[ ]dA [28.] nuyAta: sacaritAtithayitasakalapUrvanarapatiratidusmAdhAnAmapi prasAdhayitA viNayANA" mUrtimAniva puruSakAra: parivaragu [24.] NAnurAganibharacittattibhirmanuriva. svayamabhyupapatraH prakcatibhiradhigatakalAkalApaH kAntimAn nirvRtiheturakalAH kumudanAtha: [26.] prAjyapratApasthagitadigantarAlamadhvanmitadhvAntarAzismatatoditaH savitA prakRtibhyaH paraM pratyayamaryavaMtamatibatiSa___ [28.] prayojanAnubaMdhamAgamaparipUrNavadadhAnaH" sandhivigrahasamAsanizcayanipuNaH sthAnenurUpamAdeza dadANa PLATE II. [27.] vRdhividhAnajanita[saMskAraH [sAdhUnAM rAjyasAlAturIya"tantayorubhayorapi niSNAtaH pravaSTavikramopi karuNAmRduhRdayaH zrutavA - [28.] napyagarvita: kAntIpi prathama sthirasaujadayopi nirasitA doSavatAsudayasamayasamupajanitajanatAnurAgaparipihita [29.] bhuvanasamarthitaprathitabAlAditvaritIyanAmA paramamAhezvaraH zrIdhuvasenastasya sutastatpAdakamasapaNAmadharaNika [30.] SaNajanitakiNalAJchanalalATacandrazakala: zizabhAva eva zravaNanihitamauptikAlakAravizvamAmasatrutavizeSa: pradAnasalilakSA___ [31.] litAmahastAravindaH kanyAyA iva mRdukaragrahaNAdamandIkatAnandavidhivasundharAyAH kAmuke dhanubaMda rakha saMbhAvitAyeSalava [32.] kalApaH praNatasAmantamaNalottamAkRtaghaDArava[*]yamAnayAsana: paramamAhezvaraH paramabhArakamahArAjAdhirAjaparamekharaca - [38.] kAvartibIdharasenastatpitAmAsAtavIpIlAdityasya mApArivAjanmano bhalibandhurAvayavakasthitapracateratidhavalayA dUra tatyA [84] dAravindamahattayA nakhamaNicA mandAkinyeva nityamamalitottamAdezasyAgasyasyaiva rAjadAcisAmAtanvAnakha prabaladhavazicA ya"Rand sanasaMpadA. * Read * pUrva vidadhAnaHRend bIvacarita.. " Band bhAcAtarIya.. " Rond viSayAcI. " Read pramo .
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________________ 88 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. [35.] zasA" valayena maNDitakakubhA nabhasi yAminIpatervviDambitAkhaNDapariveSamaNDalasya payodazyAmazikharacUcukarucirasahyavindhyastanayu - [36] gAyAH cite patyuH zrIDerabhaTasvAGgaH citipasaMhateranurAgiNyAH zuciyazoyakabhRtaH svayaMvaramAlAmiva rAjyazriyamarpiyantyA x ka - [37] taparigrahaH zauryyamapratihatavyApAramAnamitapracaNDa ripumaNDalamaNDalAgramivAvalambamAnaH zaradi prasabhamAkaSTathila'" [88.] mukhabANAsanApAditaprasAdhanAnAM parabhuva vidhivadAcaritakaragrahaNaH pUrvvameva vividhavarNovalena zrutAtizayenojJAsitazra - [39.] vaNaH puNa: punarukteneva ratnAlaGkAreNAlaGgatazrotraH parisphuratkaTakavikaTakITapacaratnakiraNamavicchitrapradAnasalilani - [40.] vahAvasekavilasannavazaivalAGguramivAgrapANimuddahan dhRtavizAlaranavalayajaladhivelAtaTAyamAnabhujapariSvaktavizva - [41] bhara: paramamAhezvaraH zrIbhuvasena x kuzalI sarvvAneva samAjJApayatyastu vasaMviditaM yathA mayA mAtApitro pusyApyAyanAya [42] mahicha [ka] vinirgatamahikakavAstavyetaJcAtuviMdyasAmAnyakauzikasagotravAjasaneyasabrahmacAri[T*]hmaNabappaputrabhaTTibhaTAya [43] zivabhAgapuraviSaye dakSiNapaTTe paTTapadrakagrAmaH sodraGgaH soparikaraH sabhUtavAtapratyAyaH sadhAnyahiraNyAdeyammada - [44.] zAparAdhasyotpadyamAnaviSTikassarvvaMrAjakIyAnAmahastapraccepaNIyaH bhUmicchidranyAyenA - [45] candrArNavacitisaritparvvatasamakAlInaH putrapautrAnvayabhogya udakAtisargeNa dharmAdAyo nissRSTaH yatosyocitayA brahma - [46.] deyAgra(1)hArasthityA bhuMjataH kaSataH karSayataH pratidizato vA na kaivinAsedhe varttitavyamAgAmibhadranRpatibhiramyasmaddaGga - [47] jeranyairvvA khanityAnyevayryAsyasthiraM mAnuSyaM sAmAnyacca bhUmidAnaphalamavagacchatirayama mahAyonumantavya paripAlayitavyacetyakta" [48] // bahubhirvvasudhA bhuktA rAjabhigarAdibhiH [*] / yasya yasya yadA bhUmistasya tasya tadA phalam [*] yAnIha dAridrAbhayAvarendrehanAni dharmAyatanIka - 17 Read yazasAM. 15 Read * zriyamarpayantyAH kra0. 19 Read* milI.. pUrvvaprattadevabrahmadeyarahitaH [49] tAni [it] nirbhuktamAkhyapratimAni [ tAni ^ ] ko nAma sAdhu punarAdadIta [ // * ] SaSTiM varSasahasrANi svarge tiSThati bhUmidaH [1] bAcchettA cAnumantA ca tAnyeva narake vaset [ // * ] pramAtRzrInAgaH dUtakotra [50.] likhitamidaM saMndhivigrahAdhikRtadivirapatizrIskandabhaTaputradivirapatizrImadana hileneti // saM 200 304 mAgha 8 svahasto mama // 50 Read puna: 21 Bead ...
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________________ VALABHI GRANT OF DHRUVASENA III. TRANSLATION. (L. 1.) Om. Hail! From the victorious camp pitched at Siri-Simminika From the devout worshipper of Mahesvara, the illustrious Bhatarka, who had obtained majesty by hundreds of battles fought in the vast territories, which were held by the matchless army of the Maitrakas; who had prostrated their enemies by force"; who had gained the devotion of those whom he prostrated by his majesty, by his impartiality (in conferring) presents and honours; who had acquired the splendour of royalty by his devoted army (which consisted of hereditary servants, hired soldiers and men employed in posts"; and whose royal lineage was uninterrupted, ---(there descended) the devout worshipper of Mahesvara, the illustrious Guhasena, all whose sins were washed away by his prostrations at the lotus-feet of his father and mother; who, ever sword in hand from his infancy, brightened the touchistone of his courage by splitting the temples of the rutting elephants of his foes; the rays of whose toe-nails mingled with the splendour of the crest-jewels of the enemies whom he had prostrated by the power of that (courage); who (made) the word "king" (rajan) true to its meaning by delighting (rafljana) the hearts of his subjects through careful observance of the conduct prescribed in all smritis; who surpassed Cupid in beauty, the moon in splendour, the king of mountains in firmness, the ocean in profundity, the preceptor of the gods in wisdom, and the lord of treasures in wealth; who, in his readiness to grant safety to refugees, scattered as trifles all (the riches) gained by his (warlike) deeds; who made the loving hearts of his learned friends rejoice by granting them more riches than they desired; and who appeared to be an incarnation of the delight of the vast circle of the whole world." (L. 7.) His son was the devout worshipper of Mahesvara, the illustrious Dharasena, all whose sins were washed away by the flood of the waters of the Ganga, which flowed from the cluster of rays, (that issued from) the toe-nails of his father); whose wealth was lived upon by hundreds of thousands of loving (vervants); whom attractive virtues approached impetuously, as if it were out of a desire for his beauty; who astonished all archers by his natural ability and excellent training; who preserved the meritorious gifts made by former princes; who drove away the plagues which oppressed his subjects; who demonstrated the possibility of the co-existence in one person of prosperity and wisdom; whose valour knew how to enjoy the prosperity of the party of his united enemies; and who obtained pure royal splendour by his valour. (L. 10.) His son was the devout worshipper of Mahesvara, the illustrious SIAditys, who meditated at the feet of his father); who covered the whole horizon with the multitude of his wonderful virtues, which made the whole world rejoice; who carried a heavy burden of serious projects on the pedestal of his shoulders, the splendour of The earlier Valabht grants read battle for VI blow.' The last translator of the above passage has been Professor Kielborn (Ind. Ant., vol. XIV, p. 329). Regarding his translation I venture to observe, that it seems easier to connect the genitive Arest with me, than with the more distant maccAbhIga. On these technical meanings of maula, brita and froi, see the Hon V. N. Mandlik's note, Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol. XI, p. 346. The last soutenos might also mean:" who gives) delight to, as the traveller (tako) delight in the vast oirole of the whole world." On the 45kigamika gund soe Jour. Bombay Br. R. 41. Soc., vol. XI, p. 848.
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________________ 90 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. which was increased by the flashing of his sword, that possessed the lustre of victory in hundreds of battles; who was easily pleased by everybody even through a trilling bon mot, although his mind was refined by the study of the higher and lower branches of all sciences; whose noble nature was well shown by his extremely virtuous conduct, although the profundity of his heart was unfathomable by the whole world; who acquired great fame by purifying the deserted path of the princes of the Krita-yuga ; and whose second name Dharmaditya arose from the fact that) his enjoyment of an abundance of wealth and pleasure was made still more resplendent by his never obstructing the law (dharma). (L. 14.) His younger brother was the devout worshipper of Mahesvara, the illustrious Kharagraha, who meditated at the feet of his elder brother); whose excellent character was not troubled by fatigue or love of pleasure, while, like a noble bullock, he bore the royal dignity,-which his elder brother, who resembled (Indra) the elder brother of Upendra (Vishnu) himself, had most respectfully placed on his shoulders, though it (viz., the royal dignity) was a desirable object, -merely because his only pleasure was to fulfil his (viz., his elder brother's) commands; whose mind was untouched by the feeling of contempt of others or of pride, though his foot-stool was covered with the splendour of the crest-jewels of hundreds of princes, whom he had subdued by his great power; towards whom even those enemies, whose manliness and pride were notorious, found no other means of action than submission alone; who forcibly stopped all the coquettish ways of the Kali (yuga) by the collection of his pure virtues, which gave delight to the whole world; whose noble heart was untouched by all the sins which overcome low people; and who proclaimed his obtaining the first rank among heroes by wooing to himself the prosperity of a crowd of hostile princes by his famous manliness and extreme skill in weapons. (L. 19.) His son was the devout worshipper of Mahesvara, the illustrious Dharasena, who meditated at the feet of his father); who gave immense delight to the minds of all learned men by his mastery of all sciences; who, by great courage and noble liberality, broke the axles of the desires (literally, the vehicles of the minds) of the party of bis foes in such a way that there was no hope of repair; who was very kind-hearted, though he had thoroughly studied the most secret branches of many sciences, arts and chronicles of the world; whose ornament was the splendour of unfeigned modesty and courtesy; who destroyed the rising pride of all his adversaries by the long staff of his arm, which was able to carry off the banner of victory in hundreds of battles; and whose commands were received with joy by the whole circle of princes, whose pride of skill in weapons had been conquered by the strength of his bow. (L. 22.) His younger brother was the devout worshipper of Mahesvara, the illustrious Dhruvasena, who meditated at the feet of (his elder brother); who surpassed all former princes by his good deeds; who, like an incarnation of manliness, conquered even such countries as were difficult to be conquered; who, like Manu himself, was resorted to by subjects, whose minds were full of affection on account of his high virtues ; who, (like) the moon, possessed all arts (or digits), was full of splendour and caused delight, (but) who was free from sins (or spots); who, (like) the sun, destroyed the The author seems to have formed pratyala from the root al, which the compilers of the Dadtupdtha had invouted in order to explaiu the derivation of alam.
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________________ VALABHI GRANT OF DHRUVASENA III. 91 dense darkness in (all) quarters, which were covered by his great splendour, (but) who was rising continually; who was versed in both the sciences of government and of 8A1Aturtya (i.e., of Panini), as he inspired in his subjects perfect trust, which was useful, connected with various purposes and full of profit, as he knew how to decide about peace, war and encampment, as he gave the correct order in the proper place, and as he caused good people to thrive by making virtue prosper ; who, though very brave, had a merciful heart; who, though learned, was free from pride; who, though bandsome, was full of calmness; who, though constant in friendship, cast out the sinful; and whose famous second name Baladitya (i.e., the morning-sun) was made true to its meaning (by the fact that) the world was pervaded by the affection (or redness) of men, which was produced at his rise. (L. 29.) His son was the devout worshipper of Mahesvara, the supreme lord, the lord of great kings, the supreme ruler, the emperor, the illustrious Dharasena, who (like Siva) bore the crescent of the moon on his forehead, as the latter was marked with a scar that was produced through his rubbing the earth, while prostrating himself at the lotus-feet of his father); who, even in his infancy, was distinguished by sacred knowledge, which was as pure as the glittering pearl-ornaments that were fixed in his ears the tips of whose lotus-hands were moistened with the water sprinkled) at donations (as the tip of the trunk of an elephant with the rutting-juice); who gave great delight to the earth, as to & maiden, by imposing light taxes (or by taking her soft hand); who, with his bow, seemed to be an incarnation of the science of archery, as he hit all sorts of aims; and whose commands resembled the crest-jewels which were borne on the heads by the crowd of his bowing vassals. (L. 33.) The son of his grandfather's brother, the illustrious $11Aditya, was the illustrious Derabhata, whose head was continually purified by the extremely bright splendour which widely issued from the jewel-like nails of the lotus-feet of his father), when he performed prostrations with his body, which was bent in reverence, just as the head of Vishnu's son (is purified) by the Ganga (which issues from the toe of his father); who possessed the courtesy (or the southern region) of the royal sage Agastya himself; who imitated the unbroken circle of the halo of the lord of the night (i.e., the moon) in the sky by the extremely bright girdle of his fame, which adorned the nymphs of the quarters; and who was the lord of the earth, whose breasts, (viz.) the Sahya and the Vindhya (mountains), are adorned with (black) nipples, (viz.) with peaks, which are darkened by clouds. (L. 36.) His son is the devout worshipper of Mahesvara, the illustrious Dhru. vasena, who has wooed the loving assembly of princes, which wore bright fame as a white garment, and which handed to him the splendour of royalty as the garland at a "self-choice" (svayamvara); who, in autumn, depending on his valour, which was as irresistible as his sword, that had subdued the territories of fierce enemies, has lawfully taken the hand of (or levied taxes from) foreign countries, which were conquered by the The second meaning of this parengo is as follows:-"As he made an affix following roots or crude forms (Papini, IIT, 1.9), dignificant (Papini, 1, 2, 46), (joined with) indicatory letters for various purposes and completed by an augment, as be knew the truth about eaphonic rules, analysis and composition, s he put the correct substitute in the place (of another), and who caused the formation of correct (soorda) by the performance of guna and vsiddhi." w (not IWC) seems to be the correct form of the name ;-see the facsimiles, Ind. Ant., vol. V, page 211; vol. VII, p. 78.
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________________ 92 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. ! bow (of Oupid or of the king), on which the arrow had been forcibly pulled back; whose ears are again ornamented with jewels, which seem superfluous, as his ears have been already adorned with extensive sacred knowledge of various kinds (or colours); the tip of whose hand is resplendent) with the rays of the jewels, which cover his gleaming bracelet, and resembles a fresh sprout of the aquatio plant) baivala, as it glitters with the masses of water, which he is continually sprinkling at donations ;" and who has embraced the earth with his arm, which resembles the coast of the ocean, that wears an armlet of large pearls. (L. 41.) (He), being in good health, issues (the following) command to all : "Be it known to you, that, for the increase of the spiritual merit of my mother and father, I gave with & libation of water to the Brahmana Bhattibhata," the son of Bappe, who comes from Mahichhaka, dwells at Mahichhaka and belongs to the chaturvedine of this (place), to the gotra of the Kaubikes and to the school of the Vajasaneyas, the village of Patta padraka, in the southern division (dakshinapatta) of the district (vishaya) of Sivabhagapura, as a meritorious gift, with the wdranga, uparikara and bhdtavatapratydya, with the inoome in grain and in gold, with (the right of Aning those who commit) the ten offences, with the right to) eventual forced labour, not to be meddled with by any royal officers, excluding grants previously made to temples and to Brahmanas, according to the mode of bhumichchhidra, to last as long a time as the moon, the sun, the ocean, the earth, the rivers, and the mountains, and to be enjoyed by his sons, grandsons and further) descendants. Wherefore, nobody shall cause obstruction to him if he enjoys (this village), cultivates it, causes it to be cultivated or assigns it (to others) according to the usual rule relating to agraharas, which are given to Brahmanas. And future gracious kings of our lineage or others shall assent to this our gift and shall preserve it, recognizing that the royal dignity is very transient, that human life is unstable, and that the reward of a gift of land is common (to all kinge)." (L. 47.) And it has been said: [Here follow three of the customary imprecatory Derses). (L. 40.) The messenger for this (grant was) the pramatri Sri-Naga. This was written by the Chief Secretary Srimad-Anahila, the son of the Chief Secretary Sri. Skanda bhata, who was charged with peace and war. Sam(vat] 334, on the 9th of the bright half of Magha. (This is) my own handwriting. * The moond meaning of this parengo in m follows: "(soho resembles an elephant) the tip of whose trunk ( no. splendent) with the nye of the wings of the insecta, which cover his gloaming tusk-ring, and beare) froh sprouts of fainala (plante) which glitter, they are continually sprickled with masses of ratting-juion." In notice published in the Vienna Oriental Journal (vol. I, p. 188), I suggested that the Bhattibhata of the present inscription might be identical with the author of the Bhaffikdeya, which was composed," while king Br-Dharanda ruled at Valabht." This identification, however, is at the least very doubtful, w in the inscription Bhai's father is called Bappe, while Jayamangala's ed alls him Brdov min.
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________________ SARBAN INSCRIPTION IN THE DEHLI MUSEUM. 93 XIV.-INSCRIPTION IN THE DEHLI MUSEUM. BY PROP. J. EGGELING, Ph.D., EDINBURGH. The inscription, of which the following transcript and translation has been prepared, is now in the Dehli Museum, and is said to have been found in a well at Barban, about five miles to the south of Dehli, -the Saravala or Sarabala of the inscription. It is on a rectangular black slab measuring 17 inches by 11, of which the inscription covers 151 by 101 inches. It consists of 18 verses written in 18 lines-the last containing only 6 aksharas of the date, and is in almost perfect preservation; the letters well formed. It belongs to the time of the Sultan Muhammad bin Tughlaq (A.H. 725-762) and is dated V. Samvat 1384, Phalgun Su.di. 5th, Tuesday, which, if intended for the cur. rent year, would fall in February 1828 A.D., and records the construction of a well at the village of Saravala by two brothers-Khetala and Paitala. The date is first given as reckoned by the Vedas (4), Vasus (8), Agni (8), Chandra (1), and then in figures 1884 svasti / sarvAbhISTaphalaM yasya padArAdhanatatparAH / samate manujAsta gaNAdhipataye namaH / / 'satyalo nAma vaH pAtu sAMvavatyAMvayA saha / prasAdAcasya devasva bhaktAH syuH saukhyabhAjana ra dezosti' hariyAnAsyaH pathivyA varmAsaMnibhaH / dikSikAkhyA purI tapa tomarerati nirmitA / / tomarAnaMtaraM yasyAM rAjyaM nihatakaMTakaM / cAhamAnA vRpAcakruH prajApAlanatatparAH // 4 jaya pratApadAmadagdhArikulabAnanaH / meccha: sahAvadInastA valena jaso purI / / tataHprabhRti bhuktA sA turaSvaryAvadadha pUH / zrImahaMmadabhASitAM pAti saMprati bhUpatiH ||ppi ca / tasyAM puryasti vaNijAmagrotakanivAsinA / baMgaH zrIsAcadevAkhyaH sAdhutacodapadhata // . sasIdharatattanayo' babhUva sajIdharApiNyapAbhUgaH / devapiNArAdhananiSThacittaH samastabhUtAvanarAdhakIrtiH / 'sajIdharatattamayo kalikAlavAcAvAsAmubhI mahimavArinidhI suruupau| mAtAbhidhI nipuSabudhirabhUttadAdhI bIkAstha uttamayamA patuNatu tasya / mAvAsyasvAbhavatyuSo melAnAmA manoharaH / devariSaguruNA yaH sadArAdhanatatparaH // 1. zrIdharaNAmaNI pIromAnI (1vIrAnAnI) mtpraayaa|
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________________ 94 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. ghIkA vivAhayAmAsa tasthAmAstAsubhau sutau // 11 jyeSThastayoH khetalanAmadheyaH sAdhutvapAthodhiranaMtazIlaH / paitUkanAmA ca laghuH samastaguruhijArAdhanazIlacittaH // 12 "arthatayoH khetalapaitalAkhyasAdhvoH sadA kIrtanakarmavudyayIH / iyaM zabhA sAravalAbhidhAnagrAmAMtabhUradhyavasatsama citte // 12 "pitRNAmacayavanaprAstyai saMtAnavRdaye / ghetala: paitalacana kArayAmAsatuH pr|i 14 vedavakhagnicaMdrokasaMkhyevdevikramArjataH / paMcamA phAlgunasite likhitaM bhaumavAsI // 15 iMdraprasthapratigaNe grAme sAravaleca tu / ciraM tiSThata kUpoyaM kArakaca sAdhavaH // 1 // saMvat 1384 phAlgunazadi 5 bhaumadine / TRANSLATION. V. 1. Hail! Worship be unto that Lord of Ganas through constant devotion for whose feet men obtain the fruit of all their desires. 2. May he, who is called Satyala, together with Amba and Ambavati, protect you, that god by whose grace the faithful shall be a vessel of bliss ! 3. There is a country, called Hariyana, a very heaven on earth: there lies the city called Dhillika, built by the Tomarasy 4. Wherein, subsequent to the Tomaras, the chahamana kings, intent on protecting their subjects, established a kingdom, in which all enemies of public order were struck down. 6. Thereupon the Barbarian Saha badin, having burnt down the forest of hostile tribes by the fire of his valour, seized that city by force. 6. Thenceforward that city has been in the possession of the Turashkas to this day : at present Prince Sri Mahammad sahi rules over it. 7. Now, in that city there is a family of merchants dwelling in Agrotaka :' in this family was born the Sadhu Sri Sachadeva by name. 8. His son was Lakshmidhara, the bee of the lotus-pair of (Vishnu) Lakshmi. dhara's feet, whose mind was ever bent on the propitiation of the gods and Brahmans, and who obtained fame by his kindness to all beings. "A Devanagari transcript, prepared (for Mr. J. G. Delmerick) by Pandit Bisasharoth of Debli, with an English translation by Baba Rajendralala Mitra, appeared in the Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal for May 1873, p. 108 segg. In the following notes the various readings of the Pandit's transcript have been referred to after renewed careful examination of the impressions taken from the stone. This epithet (p the truthful one'), apparently intended here as a name for Siva, bas not been found in any Sanskrit work. Rightly identified by RajendralAla Mitra with Sultan ShahAb-ad-dla Muhammad Ghori, A.D. 1158-1206. +Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq, reigned A.D. 1325-1351. RAJ. Mitra takes this to be the original, or Sanskrit form, of Agra, the merchants or baniyas of which place are well known all over India as the AgarwalA Baniyas. Perhaps it may be the name (derived from Agra) of the quarter of the town of Dhillt where these merchants resided. * Thus the insoription reads, instead of Skvaders, as transcribed by the Pandit.
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________________ INSCRIPTION OF YAJNASRI GAUTAMIPUTRA. 95 9. Lakshmidhara had two song, who were strangers to the Kaliyug (time of strife and sin); both of them oceans of greatness, and of goodly form. The first of them was Mahs (or Maha) by name, of subtile mind; and his younger brother named Ghika, of highest renown. 10. MAha had a charming son, named Melha, who was ever bent on propitiating the gods, Brahmans and Gurus. 11. Ghika married Sridhara's daughter, Vira (?) by name, devoted to her husband : by whom he had two sons ; 12. The elder' of them, Khetala by name, an ocean of goodness, and of boundless piety; and the younger, named Paitaka, whose mind was devoted to the propitiation of all Gurus and Brahmans. 13. Now in the thought of those two sadhus, named Khetala and Paitala, whose minds were occupied with deeds of renown, this fair piece of ground at the extremity of the village called Saravala, was dwelling. 14. Shetala and Paitala, with the view of their deceased ancestors attaining to imperishable Svarga, and for the continuation of their race, caused this a well to be made. 15. Written in the year countable by Veda (4), Vasu (8), Fire (3) and Moon (1), from the time of Vikramarka, on Tuesday, the 5th of the bright half of Phalguna. 16. In this village of Saravala, in the pratigana" of Indraprastha, may this well, and its author with his family, exist for a long time. Samvat 1384, bright Phalguna 6, Tuesday. XV.-A NEW INSCRIPTION OF THE ANDHRA KING YAJNASRI GAUTAMIPUTRA, By G. BUHLER, Ph.D., LL.D., O.I.E. The subjoined inscription is incised on a stone, which was originally found on the Ben-shore south of the Krishna river close to the village of China in the Kistna district. and is now deposited in the Madras Museum. I edit it according to two rubbings, made over to me by Dr. Burgess. It contains six unequal lines, all of which are mutilated, the lower ones more than the upper ones. The characters are of the ordinary Audhra type, but rather ornamental. : in the insoription, is of course a mistake for : * Here, and in sloka 14, the Pandit (if his transcript has been faithfully reproduced) be read the name Paituka, which Rajendralal. Mitra naturally takes to be a mere varia lectio metri cawa for Paitaks (as the same is clearly spelt in vorno 12). The inscription, however, undoubtedly has Paitala in vernos 18 and 14. . The inscription reads clearly v . What the Pandit took to be an amudra ( t) is in reality the lower end of the 1 of it in the prooeding line. MInstead of pataSaH paitava the Papdit readkSa mA paitubaveva The anurvara in indeed very indiatinot, and is perhaps even wanting: the letter itself, however, is undoubtedly , and not . It sonroely needs to be remarked that the letter and are frequently interchanged; hence day in verse 18, and for in 14. Rajendralala Mitra suggests that "pratigane is perhaps . misleotion of pratigata, in front of " though he also n. marks that "it evidently stands here for a province or district." It is probably meant to be the Sanskrit equivalent of pargana; for which one would rather expect war or, ef .
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________________ 96 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. The purpose of the document is not quite certain. If the syllables dhaya at the beginning of 1.6 are the remnant of Budhaya, it may have been the record of some Buddhistio donation or dedication. The chief points of interest which it offers are the date and the expression vasasataya preceding the latter. As regards the date, it is the twenty-seventh year of king Gotamiputa Siriyana Satakani, i.e., Gautami. putra Yajiaeri Satakarni, who, as the Dayu and Matsya Purdnas assert, ruled twenty-nine years. The close agreement of the figures is very remarkable, and it would seem that the Pauranio statement is really true. As we have here quite distinctly oasa. satdya, it becomes advisable to give up the attempt at reading the corresponding expression in Dr. Burgess' Banavasi inscription visasataya' and the explanation proposed there. At the same time it seems even less possible than formerly to accept Dr. Bhagvanlal Indrajt's interpretation, who takes it to be equivalent to varshalatyam, " in the century of years," I still believe that it has the same import as the phrases pravardhamananijdyardjyao and the like, which occur 80 often in Sanskrit inscriptions before regnal dates, and I am inclined to fall back on the translation pabasattdydh, which I proposed- loc. cit note 8. TRANSCRIPT. 1. for [# ]TT ---[T] Toit frafa - 2. putasa parakasiriyAsAtakaNisa vasasatAya saMvakara sata[vi] - 3. #20+ofhar ve Tufa ----#4 fare 4. gara warnaca HTT? ------ 5. afort AE ------ 6. WTU ---- -- TRANSLATION. Success! Adoration to divine.........val The year twenty-seven (20+7) of the existence of the power of the king, the lord Siriyana Satakani, the son of the Queen of the) Gautama (race), the fourth (4) fortnight of summer, the fifth (6) day-on the above (date) by the lord, the Mahataraka MahA.e....., sacrificer, (Bud). dha (P)............. Dr. R. G. Bhandarkar, Karly History of the Dekhan, p. 28. The next latest regnal year of this king in the sixteenth, see Arch. Rep. Western India, vol. IV, p. 79. Indian Antiquary, vol. XIV, p. 331. * Loc. cit., note t. . L. 1. After a five, possibly six, le ters have been obliterated. The last two seem to have been te .L. . The lacuna after fe has to be filled up by facte 1 L. 4. The slanting stroke above in H e ems to be accidental. The next word may be at : I take to be an equivalent of Sanskrit which has the saine meaning as we found in the same position in other Andhra inscriptions. pace is probably a title and the same as the Sanskrit wym
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________________ THE TWO PRASASTIS OF BAIJNATH. 97 XVI-THE TWO PRASASTIS OF BAIJNATH, BY G. BUHLER, Ph.D., LL.D., C.I.E. [Kiragrama or Baijnath is a small town in the east of the Kangra district about thirty miles east of Kot Kangra, in latitude 32deg 3' N. and longitude 76deg 41' E., at a bend of the Binuan river-a feeder of the Biyas and on its east or left bank. The number of old temples about the village point to its having been in early times a place of some note. Under the Katoch chiefs or Rajanakas who were tributary to Jalandhara or Trigarta, it may have been the residence of one of them. But most of its temples are now in ruins. The two of most architectural interest and best preservation are those of Siddhesvara and Vaidyanatha. The former, at the west end of the town, is now deserted, but consists of a four-pillared mandapa and a shrine, measuring over all about 33 feet by 20, and the sikhara is 35 feet high. It faces the east and has two doors in the back wall of the hall on each side of the shrine, to admit of its parakrama or circumambulation. A perforated stone window on each side of the hall helped to light it, and in a niche in the south wall has been an inscription on a slab 17" by 14", but scarcely a letter is now traceable. In a niche on the outside of the back or west wall is a figure of Surya. The temple of Vaidyanatha is on the north side of the village, close to the river, and stands in an irregular walled enclosure, about 120 feet from east to west, and from 60 feet wide inside at the east end to 75 at the west, with rooms for the pujaris, &c., on the north and west sides, and several small temples in the court along the north side. The principal temple measures 51 feet by 31 over the base. The mandapa is 20 feet square inside; its roof supported by four round pillars standing on two raised benches on each side the central area. Behind this is a small ante-chamber with two pillars in antis; and beyond it is the shrine, 8 feet square inside, containing a small lingam and a number of loose images. To the entrance, on the west, is added a porch, with four columns in front, and measuring inside about 8' 4' in width by 6' 6" deep. The pillars are of early date, but in its present form this addition is probably due to Sansara Chandra II. of Kangra (1776-1809), who thoroughly repaired and restored the temple in 1786. With the exception of the balcony windows on each side of the mandapa, its walls and inner roof and those of the shrine, however, were not materially interfered with; but the outer roof of the mandapa and the spire of the shrine were either largely reconstructed or covered with so thick a coating of lime, as entirely to mask the original. But whether this is the temple for which the inscription slabs of the beginning of the ninth century were engraved may possibly be questioned: the pillars and some details certainly belong tot hat period; but if there were no such inscription to influence us, the archeologist In his Archeol. Survey Reports, vol. V, pl. xliv, General Sir A. Cunningham has given a plan and elevation of this temple, drawn by himself, which are not correct, especially in the details most essential for estimating its age; the height of the spire above the eaves of the mandapa is dwarfed from 21' 5" to 15'; the small representations of Sikharas on the walls are neither of the modern form nor all in the positions represented; and the middle facet of the spire is elaborately carved with 'horse-shoe' or shell diaper carving, similar to that on the ruined temple of Jamadagni in the court of the temple of Vaidyanatha. The only way one can account for the inaccuracies of this elevation is to suppose that after measuring for the plan, a rough sketch was made of the north side, with the height of the walls measured, and the details left out, or only roughly inarked as reproduced in the plate. Mr. Fergusson finds serious fault with this drawing (Ind. & East. Archit., p. 315n.), but mistakes the small temple of Jamadagni in his engraving (p. 316) for this temple of Siddhanatha or Siddhefvara. The style is quite the same and they belong to the same age. 2 Cunningham, Arch. Sur. Rep., vol. V, p. 178, says the mandapa is 48 feet square outside: this is probably a mis. print for 28 feet. N
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________________ 98 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. might be disposed to assign the general structure to a somewhat later date. Tradition says it is the seventh restoration; and it seems not improbable that, when Mahmud of Ghazni invested Nagarkot or Kangrakot in 1008, his troops may have wrecked the Vaidyanatha temple also, and that it was, soon after, rebuilt with such important parts of the old materials as the two prasasti slabs and the columns. The inscriptions are on two stone tablets at the ends of the front cross aisle of the mandapa,-No. I, in the south wall, measures 2' 3' by 2' 4"; and No. II, in the north, measures 2' 3" by 2' 5". In the niche in the back wall or east side of the shrine outside, is a sandstone figure of Surya, wearing a laced jacket, placed in a marble pedestal which is almost hidden by the ledge of the niche, but which bears on its facets an inscription (given below) dated Samvat 1296, and recording the dedication of an image of Mahavira, the twenty-fourth Jaina Tirthamkara. This stone must therefore have come from some Jaina temple in the neighbourhood. And in one of the small temples in the court is an image of Suparavanatha, the seventh Jina. The small temples in the court are all more or less ruined. They are now named as if dedicated to Jagannath, Lakshmi-Narayana, Bhairava, Jamadagni, Narmadesvara, and Radha-Krishna, while one is nameless. In front of the porch is the usual Nandi-mandapa or small canopy over the couchant bull or vahana of Siva, and behind it is a standing figure of the animal.-J. B.] In his Archaeological Reports, volume V, pp. 180-181, Sir A. Cunningham notices two large inscriptions which he found in 1846 in the famous temple of Siva-Vaidyanatha, vulgo Baijnath, at Kiragrama or Kirgraon in the Kangra District of the Panjab. He gives their date Saptarshi Samvat or Lokakala 80 and Saka Samvat 726, i.e., 804 A.D., as well as a summary of their historical contents, and quotes two verses, 1, 39, and II, 6, in full, according to the readings of Babu (now RAJA) Sivaprasada, C.S.I. The slokas given in full show clearly that the decipherer has not succeeded in overcoming the great difficulties of his task. For they contain, besides lacunae, impossible Sanskrit forms, and metrical mistakes. Moreover the historical information extracted from the two documents is by no means exact. Dr. J. Burgess has forwarded to me a double set of paper impressions of the two inscriptions (A and B), and of late two more (C), made under his own superintendence, according to which I now attempt a complete edition. Though the last two, one on thick and one on thin paper, have been made with great care, I find it impossible to solve all the difficulties completely. A great number of indistinct or mutilated letters occur especially in lines 1-14 and at the end of No. I as well as in the first and last lines of No. II. These defects become particularly serious on account of the difficult character of the alphabet. They frequently force the decipherer to have recourse to conjectures which in most cases can be made with great certainty. In one passage of No. I and in three passages of No. II I have failed to find the words required, while one passage in No. I remains doubtful. The technical execution is in general very good. The characters belong to the Sarada alphabet, a branch of the Brahmi lipi, which has been used for many centuries in the extreme north-west of India. Though our inscriptions differ in numerous See also loc. cit., plate xlii, 5. Sir A. Cunningham refers to an article of Raja Sivaprasada, published in the Simla Akbar of 1849, a periodical which is not accessible to me. A-transcript of the historical portions, together with a discussion of their contents in German, has already been published at pp. 11-19 of the Festgrass an Otto von Bohlingk, Stuttgart, 1888. I have now been able to correct the text, given there, in various places, I, 33; II, 7, 14, 29, 31.
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________________ THE TWO PRASASTIS OF BAIJNATH. 99 details from the modern Sarada of Kasmir, the type is unmistakeable. This circumstance makes the documents very interesting for the student of palaeography. They are the oldest specimens of Sarada writing, considerably more ancient than Dr. Leitner's inscription from the reign of "king" Didda in the Lahore Museum and even anterior to the coins of Avantivarman of Kasmir. Moreover they show pretty clearly the gradual development of the Sarada. The initial vowels a, a, o, and the consonants ka, ja, bha, ya, ra, va, still agree with the forms of the Horiuzi and Nepal palmleaves, and differ from the modern Kasmirian. The initial e, ta, na, na, pa and ba present transitional forms, while pha is still more archaio than in the Brahmi lipi. The remaining single letters and a number of groups are the same as in the Sarada elphabet. Among them the single consonants kha, gha, cha, da, tha, da, dha, and la, the medial ri, the Jihramuliya, the Upadhmanlya, the groups jna and those beginning with pa and ra, are peculiarly characteristic of the Sarada. In other cases, e.g., in those of the medial e, ai and o, and of the subscribed ba, we find considerable vacillations. The medial e is mostly represented by a thick horizontal or slightly glanting stroke as in the Sarada. Oocasionally, however, the ancient prishthamdird is used. Similarly the medial ai is mostly expressed by two horizontal lines, more rarely by a prishthamatra and one horizontal line. Again, the medial o shows in the great majority of cases the peculiar wavy line of the Sarada alphabet, which resembles & Greek circumflex. But a few instances occur where it is expressed by e, either superscribed or a prishthamdtra plus d. As regards the subscribed ba, it shows either the peculiar form of the single ba, which resembles a modern Sarada da, or more rarely is hardly distinguishable from va. But in one case, chumbitah, No. II, 1. 3, it is exactly like the modern Sarada ba. It would lead me too far if I were here to enter on a more detailed discussion of the alphabet of these inscriptions. But the points which have been noticed will suffice to show that it possesses great interest and well deserves a separate full treatment in connexion with the characters on the Kasmirian coins, the inscription from the reign of Didda and the Champa grant, published by Dr. Kielhorn in the Indian Antiquary, vol. XVII, p. 7ff. The language of the inscription is pure and good Sanskrit, full of very rare words, which furnish some valuable contributions for the dictionary. The spelling shows very few and slight mistakes. It closely resembles that of the Kasmirian MSS. by the constant use of the Jihvdmdliya and of the Upadhmaniya, instead of the Visarga before ka, and pa, as well as by the assimi. lation of the nasals to the following consonants in compound words. The spelling prakriptavanam for prakliptavauam, No. II, verse 16, too, deserves attention. No. I consists of two distinctly separate parts, a hymn addressed to Siva and Parvati, which, with its nineteen verses, fills lines 1-16. Then follows a new Mangala, contained in a single verse, and then only the real Prasasti which gives (1) an account of Lakshmanachandra the lord of Kiragrama; (2) an account of Manyuka and Ahuka, the founders of the temple, which is also briefly described; (3) a notice of various donations made by certain other persons to the temple; (4) a notice of the masons or archi. tects who erected the building; (6) a notice of the poet who wrote the Prasasti; (6) the date, together with a mention of the overlord, the king to whom Lakshmanachandra owed allegiance. No. II is of one piece. It contains (1) a Mangala of five verses; (2) a mention of the king of Jalandhara, of the two founders of the temple, of Kiragrama and its lord; (8) a detailed genealogy of the latter; (4) a fuller account of Manyuka
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________________ 100 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. and Ahuka describing their piety and the cause which led to the erection of the temple, and naming their ancestors; (5) an account of various donations made by the founders, by Lakshmanachandra and by his mother, together with the usual blessing on those who uphold the grants and curses against those who seize them; (6) an account of the author of the Prasasti ; (7) a notice, it would seem, of an additional donation, in prose; (8) the date. The fact that two Prasastis by the same author are found in one temple is unusual. It may be explained by the supposition that the various donations were not made at the same time. The first Prasasti, it would seem, was composed immediately after the temple had been built and the three grants, mentioned in it, bad been made. Later, the lord of the village and his mother made also donations. This seems to have rekindled the zeal of the founders. They not only responded to the liberality of their masters by making some further endowments for the temple, but they also had again recourse to the skill of their poet, who now devoted still more verses to the chieftains of Kiragrama than on the first occasion, and, of course, also duly sang the praises of the piety and liberality of his employers. This explanation is, I think, supported by some hints contained in the inscriptions. The composition of the Prasasti, which I have called No. I in accordance with Sir A. Cunningham's opinion, must be certainly assigned to the time immediately after the completion of the building, because it gives some details regarding the appearance of the latter, because it names the architects who constructed it, and because it begins with the hymn addressed to Siva and his spouse. It was a natural idea to compose such a poem on the consecration of the new temple, Later, it would have been of less significance. These considerations, it seems to me, definitively settle the chronological order of the two poems. If we now turn to the historical details which may be gathered from the two documents, those referring to the building of the temple are as follows. In Kiragrama, either a large village or a small town which belonged to the kingdom of Jalandhara (I, 39; II, 6, 16) or Trigarta (II, 10, 18) and was situated on the river Kandukabin. duka (11, 10, the modern Binoa or BinwA), lived two wealthy merchants, Manyuka and Ahuka, who were brothers (II, 26) and members of an undivided family (I. 28). They were the sons of Siddha (I, 27, 28; II, 23) and Chhinna (I. 27). Their grandfather was called Kahila, the great-grandfather Pahila, and the father of the latter Sahila (II, 28). Manyuka, the elder among them, had a wife, named Gulha (I, 28). Both were devout worshippers of Siva (I, 30; II, 8, 9, 26, 27-29), and their zeal for their faith induced them to build a temple for an ancient linga which stood in Kiragrama and was called Vaidyanatba(r) (II, 25). The temple consisted of a purt, or adytum, and of a Mandapa in front of that (I, 29; II, 25). It was adorned with numerous sculptures, such as the images of the Gapas, Siva's celestial attendants (I. 37), and at the gates stood statues or relievos of the rivers Ganga and Yamuna and of other divine beings (I, 29).' The architects were Nayaka, son of Asika, of Susarmanagara, probably the modern Kot Kangra, and Thodhuka II., son of Sammana (1, 35-37). Immediately after its consecration, the temple received various endowments which, it would seem, were chiefly destined to defray the expenses of the religious services, and perhaps of the repairs * Tha former name in given in the Kaugra Gazetteer, p. 21, the latter by Sir A. Cunningham. The river is a tributary of the Vipada or Bids. . This is a very common appellation of Siva, and many Vaidyanathas are found in the most different parts of India * Compare also the description of the temple in J. Fergussou's History of Indian Architecture, pp. 318-19, and wood-cut, No. 178.
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________________ THE TWO PRASASTIS OF BAIJNATH. 101 of the building. The Brahman Ralhana, an astrologer of Susarmapura, son of Asuka, gave two dronas of grain "from Navagrama" (I, 31, 82), i.e., the right to that amount which had to be delivered annually by the donor's serfs or cultivators in Navagrama. Another Brahman, Ganesvara, son of Govinda and inhabitant of Kiragrama, made a donation of half a plough of land in Navagrama, where he possessed a field which required four dronas of seed-corn (I, 38). A rich merchant, Jivaka, son of Depika, and Malhika, presented his land in Kiragrama for the court-yard of the temple (I, 34). Later, the local chieftain Lakshmanachandra and his mother Lakshanike added some further endowments. The former granted daily two drammas out of the income of the mandapika, i.e., the custom-house where the transit, import and export duties were levied (II, 30), and the latter, one plough of land, situated in the village of Pralamba. Thereupon the founders of the temple likewise showed their liberality. They gave an oil-mill which they possessed in Kiragrama, in order to provide lamps for the temple (II, 33), a shop and a piece of good land, measuring four ploughs, for the bhoga, the maintenance, of the god (II, 34). As regards the account of the Rajanakas of Kiragrama No. II, verses 11-20, gives the following pedigree: I. Kanda. II. Buddha. JII. Vigraha. IV. Brahman. V. Dombaka. VI. Bhuvana. VII. Kalbana. Hridayacbandrs, king of Trigarta. VIII. Bilbana married to Lakshaaika or Laksbana. IX R'Ama X Lakshmana or Lakshmanacbandra married to Mayatalla. Kanda is twice called (II, 11, 20) emphatically the founder of the family. The former verse says of him, that he was the root (kanda) of an incomparable family (kula) which resembles a Bakula tree, and the latter speaks of the servants of the lotusfeet of the kings of Trigarta, the first of whom was Kanda. As his eighth lineal descendant ruled about 800 A.D., he must have lived in the end of the sixth century of our era, or in the beginning of the seventh. Neither he himself nor any of his successors seems to have performed great deeds. The descriptions are purely conventional. Only with respect to Dombaka it is hinted that he formed alliances with other kings, and regarding Bilhana we learn that he married the daughter of his liege-lord Hsidaya. chandra. The latter point is of some importance, as it shows that the Rajanakas of Safarmapura, which is also called Sufarmanagare, seems to have been a place of some consequence. The first part of the compound name probably refers to Safarmachandra, the reputed founder of the dynasty of JAlandbars, >> Cunningham, Archeological Report, vol. V, p. 166. According to the tradition given by Sir A. Cunningham, this prince lived at the time of the Great War, and founded Nagarkot or Kot Kangra. Hence it is extremely probable that Busarmapura is identical with the fortress at the town which is still the capital of the Kangra District. The title rdjdnaka, literally 'Singlet,' is chiefly known from Kamirian sources. The Rdjatarailgini, VI, 961, mentions that DiddA bestowed it on Naravahans, one of ler generals. Later it has been given to various Kaimirian Brahmana, some of whose desceudanta still bear it.
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________________ 102 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Kiragrama were noble Rajputs, and, though only feudal barons, stood high enough in the estimation of the world to be thought worthy of an alliance with the royal house of Jalandhara-Trigarta. It shows, further, that they probably possessed a larger territory than a single village or small town. This view may be supported by the somewhat indefinite statements in I, 27, and II, 20-21, where the country (defa) of Lakshmanachandra is mentioned and the assertion is made that he enjoyed the whole territory (bhumi) which his ancestors had held. Finally Bilhana's marriage proves that the Rajanakas of Kiragrama did not belong, as Sir A. Cunningham conjectures, loc. cit., to a branch-line of the dynasty of Trigarta; for among Kshatriyas exogamy is obligatory in accordance with the sacred law, and marriages between members of the same family or clan are against the generally prevailing custom. With respect to Rama, Bilhana's eldest son, No. II, verse 19, states that he died early and was dead when the Prasasti was composed. The reigning prince Lakshmana. chandra is praised also in No. I, 21-26. We are informed that he undertook a pilgrimage to KedAra, the modern Kedarnath in Garhwal," and on this occasion took the vow never to commit a rape on the wife of any of his subjects. This vow, the Prasasti says, he kept most faithfully, and the poet asks with a charming naivete, what austerity could be difficult of performance for a prince whose heart avoided the wives of others, though youth, beauty, money and complaisant servants were at his command. The picture of the morals of the time, which these verses unfold, is certainly not a flattering one. Lakshmanachandra's liege-lord is mentioned twice, No. I, 39, and No. II, 6. His name is not Jayachandra, as Raja Sivaprasada has read it, but Jayachchandra. 11 He probably was a brother of Lakshmanachandra's mother, Lakshanika, and a son of Hridaya chandra. But, however that may be, the two inscriptions certainly furnish the names of two rulers of Jalandhara or Trigarta, who closely followed each other. The history of this dynasty, some members of which are also mentioned in the Rajatarangini, has been discussed by Sir A. Cunningham, Archeological Reports, vol. V, p. 155ff, and Ancient Geography, p. 136ff. I have nothing to add to his remarks. But some identifications, guch as that of Hiuen Tsiang's U-ti-to with the non-existent Atrchand," have now to be abandoned. Rama, the poet, who wrote the two Prasastis, introduces his name three times. He names himself at the end of the Gauri varastotra (I, 18). In verses 38-39 of the same Prasasti he again says that he wrote the poem and mentions his parents, Bhringaka and Sringara. In the third passage, II, 36-37, he once more names his father Bhringaka and adds that the latter was a poet since his earliest childhood and the pramatyi of the king of Kasmir. I am unable to say what the office of a pramatri 13 was. The etymological import of the word leads one to suspect that it had to do with spiritual affairs. Regard. ing himself Rama states in the same passage that he was a young man when he wroto "this poem of simple meaning." In No. I, 36, he calls himself Kavisvara, "a prince among poets." It is very probable that he may have earned this title in spite of his See the Gazetteer of India, suo voce. 1 This seeins to have been a nutne of more frequent ocorrrence. The real name of the last Rathor of Kanadi, who succumbed to the Gboris, was also Jayaebchandra-see Indian Antiquary, vol. XV, p. 104. The Jainas, too, call him Jayantchandru, using the Prakrit form of the present participle. 1. This Atr Chand' seems to be the result of a mislection of the word'atulakula in No. II, verse 11. The word occurs also in a Valabbt inscriptiou, Indian Antiquary, vol. VII, p. 70. But its meaning is there probably different, because it stauds before a female nawe.
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________________ THE TWO PRASASTIS OF BAIJNATH. 103 youth. Judged by the Hindu standard, he was a great poet, and no European even will dispute his great ability and learning. The fourteen verses, 2-17, of his atotra, which each are applicable both to Siva and to Gauri, and the puzzling stanza, II, 3, which describes the eight forms of Siva in four accessory sentences, the frequent change of the metres, and the various alankaras, found in both Prasastis, prove his great skill in versification and his mastery over the language. Numerous rare words and forms and the general correctness of his language prove that he had deeply studied grammar and knew the Koshas well. The most difficult point in the inscription is that which still remains undiscussed the date. The last verse of No. I saMvatsaraNItitama [prasAce jyeSTha]sya sakapratipattiyau ca / [zrImajayacandanarendarAjye verdine rAmakatA prazastiH / mentions the year 80 of an unspecified era and the pratipat or first day of the bright half of the month Jyaishtha. Thus much may be considered certain. For, though the first two syllables of the name of the month are damaged, there can be no doubt that they were either Jyaishtha or Jyeshtha. As regards the last word of the first pada, the only certain portions are the sa and the final vowel e, a well-formed prishthamatra. The right side of the first sign is badly damaged. I can only think that it was either pra or af pra + i. The third group seems to have been nne, but might possibly be read ndhe. The word may therefore have been either prasanne, as I have assumed, or prasindhe, a mistake for prasiddhe, as Raja Sivaprasada has read it. In either case it is an adjective, the sense of which does not affect the date. The year is thus decidedly the eightieth, and there can be no doubt that it refers, as Sir A. Cunningham thinks, to the Saptarshi Samvat or Lokakala, which has been used since a long time in Kasmir and in the adjoining Hill States. The year 80 of each century of the Lokakala corresponds to a year 26 of the Saka Samvat and to a year 4-5 of the Christian era.16 Both Prasastis have, or rather have had, also dates according to the Saka Samvat. In No. I, the Saka date stood just below the verse quoted above. The compound bakakala. gatabdah," the elapsed years of the Sakakala," is still faintly visible in both impressions. It is best preserved in impression B, and in the latter appears also, just below the interstice, between the ninth and tenth signs of line 38, the remnant of a numeral sign which can only have been 6 or 8. Prasasti No. II has again fakakalagat&bd dh, and after this word three numeral signs, the first of which is clearly 7. The following two may have been 26, as Sir A. Cunningham has read them and has represented them on plate xlii, 6, of the Archeological Reports, vol. V. But on the impressions they are by no means certain. These data, imperfect as they are, point to the conclusion at which Sir A. Cunningham arrived, that both Prasastis have been engraved in the same year Baptarshi Samvat 80, Saka Samvat 726, i.e., 804 A.D. Unfortunately the further speci. fication in No. I," the first day of the bright half of Jyaishtha, a Sunday," raises a difficulty. According to the independent calculations of Mr. J. F. Fleet and Dr. Schram the lunar day mentioned of Saka Samvat 726 corresponds to May 13th, 804 A.D., which was a Tuesday, not a Sunday as stated in the inscription. I am not in a position to offer a solution of this difficulty. But I believe I may say this much, that whatever the solution ** See above, p. 98. " See my Kashmir Report, p. 59, and Sir A. Cunningham's Book of Indian Eras, p. 64.
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________________ 104 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. may be, it will not materially alter our opinion regarding the age of the inscription. For Prasasti No. II was clearly incised after Saka Samvat 700 and before Saka Samvat 800, because the first of its three figures is 7. TRANSCRIPT. 16 L.1 [ khasti bho] nama[ga]Sapayo [:] " yadyapyahaM pazupate kumati [dra] eva pardAsamativiva[mena mayA ta[thA]pi / asyAM stutau []vaNale [ra]sAMbhabhA[ji] [gau] L. 2. L. 3. I. 4. L. 6. [f]r] sahaiva parameza nimantRitosi // [ 1 / ] " [ccheda]] [[]]] [] mocAndhakUpa[jhoka]procaraNa[ame] ni[]pamAnande[saM] dAyini / durge hAra L. 7. hAriNi []didevate bhaktiH cemavidhAyini vinayane tvameva n[sthaa]mini| [1] vyApaddazi[sam]la[pA]Tana [ka]rI tvaM goyase sa[rvedA] saMsarga L. 5. [1] himAlayo [karNa]poSiSI []rtiyatamA tasmAnamanti caraNau dhandhA x kecana jantavaH // [8]" dhandhe[rma]rairNa[a]vadhUssadeva [tva]muSyase [bha]zi - [mA] tA [] jagatastavAsti na miti spA [ma]cAmi / kevalameva [mo] ata havaM no deva[ma]teti se pi[tu] kAnane / paci ] te[ rA ] cIyate ca [tvayA] [2] bharAbhirAmeH / kreNApahArItimanI rAbhirvA [gbhi] x kA [vInA ] supagIya[se] ca // [5] " cAsacamutyukhadamAmupeyuSAM pureSu nAsAmama bhavAnImaracAbhilAviyAM manorathaM pUrayituM samudrAcina evaM [4] ko[]]]nisAra[][ All-letters, which are effaced or badly damaged, have been enclosed between square brackets. The numerals marking the verses are not found in the inscription. tAm / 17 According to 4 the last words might also be read namo ganapaye, i. e. ganapataye. But as clerical mistakes are rare in this inscription, and as the seeming first vertical stroke after the last akshara is not quite regular, I prefer the. reading ganapayob, to which B and C point. 1 Metre, Vasantatilaka.-The anusedra of "pyaham, is not distinct. Ponsibly evam, The last vowel of 'bh4ji is dis [4]" tinet but the ja is not recognisable. The second vowel of sahaiva is blurred. The last vowel of nimantrito looks like e. Metre, Sardalavikridita. The last vowel of trinagane has run together with the 4 of kapa in the upper line. "Metre, Sardalavikridita st Metre, Anushtubh. Metre, UpajAti. 2 Metre, Varnfustha. The anesvara of sprywaldom is not distinct.
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________________ THE FIRST PRASASTI OF BAIJNATH. 105 ] L. 8. satyaM hararapyupari tvameva santiSThase ni[]ravIryadhAmaH / [1]" [ma]lAdiAdayAtrAdidarzanato dine dine| bAdehAntara[sthA] [svameva kisa kthyse| [] L.9. prasaramarIcicayacandacAraNA vadanena raajsitraamtithinnaa| bahumoNimAdiguNasampadAlayau paripUjayanti caraNau tvaamraaH| [ L. 10. bailokyajananyA tvayi karaNAvati yujyate nRNAM bhaktiH / bailokyAnsanilayaM tvaM zi[janaM nayasi paramapadama / [10]" girijeyAdhiSibI[vi] L.11. laM gatirbhava sAmpratama [] saMsArasAgarAtI bhoka me nIyatA yamam / [1] shivaayaikvinntvypukhypaadaanpaaNsve| tubhya[sabhya]dripudhvaMsama - L.12. sAzaktimate namaH / [12]" cancacApalasASTiviSameSu pryojkaaH|] belI[]strIjano yona tasya tvamadhidevatam [ // 12 // [zobhitA[nA] vibhivA ]niL.18. maraNeSiNAm [1] vapuNa zrImadavidhvaMsaM vidhAtuM prajagalbhiSe // [14] pApatvAlApamelApaparitApapalApinam [1] gaurIyAti vimohA kasbA tuma - L.14. paraH kSamaH // [15]" sarvANimAnaM tvatA yAnti srvaatiyaayinm| prasIda mAlasaMsArAzImava vimocaya gADhA gajAnane prItissa[vaimolivaL.15. pussdaa|| uhIpitamarA dRSTiryasyAste tatpadaM nmH|| [17]" iti rAmeNa nirAmaya samamamayA yamayA stutIsi vibho[1] zrutvA tamamIghIkuru paricama L.16. paramakAruNika / [18 // ] ekopyA stotramidaM gaurojarayo paThanti ye bhyaa| teSAmapyabhilASassiyata zivayo prasAdena / [1en] rati gauriishrstotrm|| / * Metre, Upajati. The w of apywpari is almost gone. * Metre, Anushtabh. >> Mietre, Matijabhaskipt. 5 Metre, Arya -Metre of verses 11-12, Anushtubh. >> Metre, Anushtabh. Read charchachchapa Matre of vornes 14-18, Anushtabb. # Metre, Anushtubb. The axusvdra of Sarraniwanan bas run together with the fire in the upper line. -Metre, Anushtubb. "Metro of verses 18-19, Arya...
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________________ 106 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L. 17. pati zotalagabhastizekhara khbmstikr'kRtoiitaa| kintu pAvakamayAca tAvakI bhaviSa baDato bhnlinH|| [2.] adyApi vismApayitAL. 18. ra ete vidyanta evevarabhaktimantaH [1] vicitracAritranidhiyatheSa rAjAnako smvcndnaamaa||21|| kedArayAnAM viracayya yana viyodhanI prAtaL.19. ndusskRtsy| tara para sarvaparastriyo me khasAra ityeva satA prtijnyaa| [22]" kimatadAcaryamavAryavIrye yaMdeva yoyudhi duSpavarSa] [1] dhanu20. dharANAM dhuri yo manobhU babhUva tasyApyavidheya eva / [23]". adhecArA mandaparAkramatvaM matvA viparivadhAritAnAH[1]. [vAstavyanArIhaThasamena L. 21. purAdhipatvaM saphalaM vidanti / [1] navaM vayo rUpamadhi[vi dAtRtA purAdhipatvaM vAva priyArAH[1] tathApi cetA paradAravarjice vimasti dussAdhamatA paL. 22. rNtpH|[2] rAjAnakasya praviNyabure pANi x chapANAyapravIca: [1] vivajayAmAsa vigarSitAni tasya[] nyanArIstanamardanAni / [2] takhAti L. 23. desava vaNika prasibassivAtmano manyukanAmadheyaH [1] hityavicchivamahayabhanarmAtAvadAtacaritasya ya[stha] // [27] " yaskhAkA khyAsyavibhattA vitto L24. mAtA kaniSThamsujatakaniSThaH [1] vyamA samapAtithipUjanAya guheti garihitA ca bhAryA] / [28]" bhati duvA] bhasakhena tena] [sa]dhAtRkena vipuL.25. raantksy| pArasvagAyamunAdimUrti katA purIyaM saha mahapana // [28]" bhaNDAgarbhagraNItasarva vibhavA nediSThadezekaci kurvanti gatAgatA * Metre, Rathoddhata. The avagraha before kutorhatd is indicated by thin vertical line. The inscription has prima manu tduikt, wbich bw been corrected to dvaki. After this verse standa sigo which looks like a rade repre. sentation of a yoni and linga united. #Metre of verses 21-29, Upajati. MMetre, Upendravajrs 27 Metre, Upajati. * Metre, Vamisatha. * Metre, Upajati. Metre Indravajrk. Read defe. 4 Metre, Indravajra. Metre, Upajati. Druodfe is conjecture and upoertain.
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________________ THE FIRST PRASASTI OF BAIJNATH. 107 . L. 26. nivaSijI gacyA vraakaaxkte| dhanyo mandhukanAmadheya zibIkaNTharavacana:potaprotavivekavetanadhano mohAvaM tiiryvaan| [...] devahijaguL.27. bhalassaujanyanidhiguzipriyo dAtA / pAsakasutosti vipro rasapanAmA sudhrmpur| [2] tena devAdhuryeca dhAndhadrobAyaM piye| vahamAna[sa]bhUpaL.28. hAnavamAmAtsamarpitam // [12] satyena navagrAmAdattA cA[va] [lArdhabhUH [1] govaraSa govindahilaputreNa dhiimtaa| [2]" depikAjanitena malikAL.29. sUnanA vittvittmaalinaa| jIvakena vadhinA ninA ca bhU prAcAya puratam ziverpitA / [34]. [yA]vadeva] bhagavAnbhuvAmpa]ti ?ma koma[sa]civa ga[br] - L.30. manyukAikalata] zivAlayastAvadastu samamanyasAsanaH / [1]" pAsikAtmaNa [dAradhI[]sa mUvadhAradhuri nAyakAbhidhaH / zrIsugama]L.31. nagarAdihAyayau [samma] makha tanayaba ThodukaH // [04u] tena tena ca saheva TakSitA provatA zivapurI smypaa| [zA]mudRSTimanusya nirmi]L. 32. tA yava bhAnti garavargamUrtiyaH // 37 // nArAbhAko yaskha pitarau puskhshaalinii| sa prazastimimAM cakra rAmanAmA ka[vI]paraH [ // 38] " saMvatsarazItitama[pra] sa[va] [jyeSTha sva zatapratipattiyau ca / [bI]ma[]yacandanarendrarAjye rakhe[dine rAmakatA prazastiH / [38]" // ii nama shivaay|| L. 35. [zakAkAlagatAbdA:]-" Metre, Sardalavikridita. -Metre, Aryan w Metre of verses 32-83, Anushtubb. -Metre, Rathoddhata. Read ranand. The ra of prdigandya is indistinct. Metre, Rathoddhat. Perhapo dhuraspalik. Possibly the stone has a mistake ana for erha. A letter, probably ha, has been seratebed out between the two mas of samam. Read deanaid. After this verse stando a rige which looks like the rade representation of a lotas. -Metre of verses 36-37, Rathoddhata The name in verse 38 may also be read Mamanarya or Samanarya. * Metre, Anushtabh. Read kavifaral, which is probable according to C. Metre, Upajati. Regarding the end of the first Pads see above, the introduction. Possibly jyeskhanga may be the reading of the stone. This is the usual form for the name of the month in the inscriptions. As Rams evidently wus good grammarian, one may give him the benet of the doubt. 11 See the introduction, above, p. 108.
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________________ 108 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. TRANSLATION. Om, haili Om, obeisance to the two rulers of the Ganas 1" V. 1. Though, O Pabupati, I am only running after folly," yet art thou, supreme lord, invoked by me who am subdued by great devotion, together with Gauri, in this bymn which possesses some portion of sentiment, sweet to the ear. 20. Our devotion (is) to thee alone, who cuttest the bonds of those bending (before thee) who art able to save men submerged in the hidden well.of delusion, who alone grantest incomparable joy, who art difficult to reach, who takest away . . . who art praised by Hari, Brahman and the other gods, grantest security, (and) art (our) three-eyed lord. 6. Our devotion (is) tn thee alone, three-eyed lady, O thou (who art) a knife to cut the bonds of those bending (before thee) O thou (who art) able to save men submerged in the hidden well of delusion, O thou (who) alone grantest incomparable joy, 0 Durga O thou who takest away . . . . . . . . . . . O thou who art praised by Hari, Brahman and the other gods, O thou who grantest security! 3a. Thou art ever praised as the elephant (who effects) the destruction of (that) creeper-misery-together with its roots, thou art the creator of the world, there is no limit to thy greatness here; (to oall) thee, O god, creator, is the only fitting mode of address for us; and thou hauntest the burial-grounds, covered with pyres. b. Thou art ever praised as the destroyer of (that) creeper-misery-together with its roots : thou art the mother of the world; there is no limit to thy greatness here; (to call) thee mother of the gods is the only fitting mode of address for us, and thou dwellest in the dense woods of (thy) father (Himalaya). 40. Some blessed beings bow at the feet of him whose exceeding beauty is enhanced by a garland of snakes. 0. Some blessed beings bow at the feet of her whose exceeding beauty enhances the excellence of the Himalaya. Ba. By blessed men, who are filled with devotion to Abhirama (Siva), thou art always called, 0 Ugra, a female (Ardhanart) and thou art celebrated by the charming songs of poets as the remover of trouble. 6. By blessed men who are lovely on account of their great devotion, thou art ever called the bride of Ugra, and thou art celebrated by the songs of poets, charming through their style, as the remover of trouble. The two rulers of the Ganas," i..., Siva and Parvati. I trapulato bumatidra on the analogy of madhudra, " bee" and explain it by kumatim drdti. Rama no doubt means to say that he has not yet reached that stage of wisdom which a true devotee of Siva ought to have, but lives still in the world. M The translation of this verse and the following ones, marked a, refers always to Siva, that marked b to Parvati. Plia, the bond or fetter,' is a term, commonly used in Baiva philosopby-see Sarvadarfana Sangraha, p. 118 (Cowell and Googb). # Parvati is characterised as a deity of the forest by ber name kantdraddrinf. * Separate with the first translation, yasya ahindlayd utlarihaposhini . .. tanya dnamanti: with the second yaryd himdlayotkarshaposhini ...tasyd namanti. Separate with the first translation, ugra vadhah.... klofdpa hariti manohardbbiss with the second ugravadhdh ...... kledpahd ritimanohardbki). As Abhirama is a name of Siva, see Goldstucker, Sanskrit Dictionary, sub Doco. I take the compound bhaktibhardohirdmain in the first trauslation to mean bhaktibharah abhirame yesh&th tail. In the second I have rendered ita usual wense, bhaktibkarendbhirdwain. But I should not wonder if Abhirama were a name of Parvath and the real sense were "who are filled with devotion to Abhirami."
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________________ THE FIRST PRASASTI OF BAIJNATH. 6a. Thou, O Isa, art able, indeed, to fulfil the wish of men who, approaching the hour of death, do not care for the towns of the gods, (but) desire (eternal) bliss. b. Bhavani, indeed, is able to fulfil the wish of those who, approaching the hour of death, do not care for the towns of the gods, (but) seek (her) protection." 7a. Thou alone standest, indeed, even above Hari, who again and again takes repose in the ocean, who drank the stream (of blood) from (the body of) the demon slain in a playful fight, and who possesses a brilliancy of fierce strength. b. Thou alone ridest, indeed, even on a lion, who again and again is lying (curled up) like a ring, who drinks the streams of the blood of those slain (by thee) in the battleplay, and who possesses fierce power." 109 8a. In accordance with the teaching which removes impurity and the other (fetters) and gladdens by (granting) happiness thou art, indeed, called every day the Sthanu (immovable atman) in many different bodies. b. On account of thy appearance which gladdens the hearts of those possessing impurity (as their) chief (element), thou art, indeed, called the minute (Sakti) residing in many different bodies." 9a. Thou art exceedingly resplendent with thy countenance surpassing the goddess Sri and beautified through the (crescent of the) moon from which numerous rays issue forth; the immortals worship in manifold wise thy feet, the abode of a multitude of qualities, smallness and so forth. b. Thou art exceedingly resplendent with a countenance which surpasses the goddess Sri and which is beautiful like the moon from which a multitude of rays issue forth; the immortals worship thy feet, the abode of a multitude of good qualities, great redness and so forth.1 10a. Devotion to thee, the leader of men in the three worlds, the compassionate one, is suitable for men; for thou leadest men to the highest place, into which the three worlds are absorbed. b. Devotion to thee, the mother of the three worlds, O compassionate one, is suitable for men; for thou leadest, &c. 11a. Lord of the daughter of the Mountain, I am tormented by sorrows; be thou now my refuge; lead thou my fearful soul out of the ocean of births to (eternal) rest. b. Daughter of the Mountain, rule me; I am tormented, be thou now my refuge, &c." 12a. Obeisance to Siva, the dust of whose holy feet must alone be worshipped; to thee who possessest great power to destroy thy trembling foes. b. Obeisance to Siva the dust of whose holy feet must be worshipped by poets; to thee, O thou who art known as the great Power (able) to destroy her trembling foes. 58 Separate with the first translation in pada 3, satyam bhavan ita randbhildshindm; with the second satyam bhavani faran&bhilashin&m. 59 When the verse refers to Siva, Hari means Vishnu, who every year reposes during four months on Sesha in the ocean who slew the Asura Hiranyakasipu in the Narasimha Avatars, and who, being also a solar deity, possesses a fierce brilliancy unbearable to the eye. When the verse refers to Parvati Hari denotes her lion; samudrasin stands for samudram, i. e. mudraya sahitam yatha sydt tatha and dein, and finally deura means blood and dhaman the abode or location. 60 Separate with the first translation maladihrit-ayahladi-darsanatoh with the second bahudehantarastha-anub. The darsana intended is the Saiva philosophy of the Kasmirians. 1 Separate with the first translation in Pada 3, bahutab animadigunasampadalayau; with the second, the line forms one compound as it is printed. Animan, "smallness" means here "the power of making oneself very small" which is one of Siva's qualities, see also below, verse 16. The "great redness" of Parvati's feet is, of course, due to their being dyed with lac. 62 Separate with the first translation, girijesa adhikhinnah; with the second, girije sadhi khinnah. 63 Separate with the first translation, sirdya ekavinantavyao, with the second sivdyai kavinantavya.
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________________ 110 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 18a. Thou art in these three worlds the supreme deity of the heroes who employ themselves in dangerous (undertakings and) whose looks flash on the quivering bow. 6. Thou art in these three worlds the supreme deity of women who lead (men) into danger and whose glances flash like a quivering bow." 14a. Thou, Mrida, hast been able to grant a glorious, imperishable body to those who, adorned with three eyes, seek eternal bliss. b. Thou, Msidant, hast been able to grant & glorious, imperishable body to those who, adorned with three eyes, seek thy protection." 15a. Who else, lord of Gauri, is able to protect from delusion any one who com plains of the great pain (caused) by the concurrence of a crowd of misfortunes ? 6. Gaurt rules him who complains of the great pain (caused) by the concurrence of a crowd of misfortunes; who else is able to protect any one pas 16a. Sarva, thy devotees obtain a power of making themselves small, which surpasses every thing; be gracious, Ocreator, quickly free (us) from the circle of births. 6. Sarvani, thy devotees reach a dwelling that surpasses all others; be gracious, mother, &c. 17a. We bow at the feet of him who feels deep affection for the elephant-faced (Ganeta), whose (terrible) appearance bewilders all, (and) whose eye has burnt Cupid. 6. We bow at the feet of thee, who feelest deep affection for the elephant-faced god, whose beauty charms every body (and) whose looks kindle love." 18. Hearing, O (god) free from (all) taint, that, o lord, thou hast thus been praised together with Uma by me, Rama, make this exertion truly fruitful, most compassionate one! 19. By the grace of Siva and Siva may fulfilment attend the desire of those, too. who with devotion recite this praise of Gaurt and fovara (that) by a single expression (always condeyi a double sense). Here ends the hymn (addressed) to Gaurt and Isvara. 20. There is, thou who carriest the cold-rayed moon on thy crest, some small merit in making an eulogy of thee, but, O god with the eye of fire, devotion to thee alone destroys our dullness. 21. Even now exist such wonderful men, filled with devotion to fovara like that store of marvellous virtue, the RAjanaka named Lakshmana chandra, 22. Who, after performing a pilgrimage to Kedara, that cleanses from old sin, made even this vow," Henceforth shall all wives of others be sisters for me." 28. What wonder is it that in battle he was secure from assaults by warriors of irresistible bravery, since he, & Oupid at the head of the bowmen, was not to be subdued even by that (deity). 94. At present rulers, whose commands are disregarded by their opponents # With the second translation it is Mary to read the second line, mit is printed; with the first to separate trailokye autrljano. I tako astr, literally not female, Man equivalent of ora. For the second meaning compare Bdlardandyana, X, l. 46. With the fint translation separate wrida anifaranaiskind, with the second wriddai faranaishindm. * With the first translation separate in the second line, gaurila asti, with the second gauri dati. With the first translation wparate farua animdaan with the second farodai wdram. The word mdna, rendered by dwelling," may also mean "honour" or "pride." * With the fint translation separate in the second line ygoa dute, with the second yasydf to. fiosrabhaklimantas filled with devotion to Iran" means probably also "loyal to their liego-lorda."
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________________ THE FIRST PRASASTI OF BAIJNATH. 111 because they deem them to be of small prowess-- think the sovereignty over a town to yield its legitimate result only by the rape of the wives of the inhabitants. 25. Fresh youth, beautiful shape, liberality, sovereignty over a town, many flatter. ers (all these are hia); if nevertheless his heart avoids the wives of others, what austerity is difficult to perform after that? 26. The band of this pure-minded Rajanaka, which is expert in wielding the sword, has since) avoided " the blamable pressing of the bosome of the wives of others. 27. In his country there is a well-known merchant, the son of Siddha, named Manyuka; Chinna is the mother of that (man) whose devotion to Mahesa is uninterrupted and whose life is pure, 28. Whose younger brother, undivided (from him) in property and solely intent on pious works, is called Ahuka, and whose blameless wife is named Gulha. 29. By him, a bee in the park of devotion, and by his brother, has been erected this temple of the slayer of Tripura, at the doors of which stand the statues of Ganga, Yamuna and other (deities), together with a Mandapa. 30. In what (rank) are those miserable traders to be reckoned, who, taking with them all their wealth in the womb of their pouches, run to and fro somewhere in the nearest country? Blessed is he who is named Manyuka, for he has crossed the ocean of delusion, giving his wealth as the fee for the true knowledge implanted in his heart that is attached to Srikantha (and thus is) the boat (which carries him over). 31. A man devoted to gods, Brahmans and Gurus, a store of generosity, a friend of the virtuous and liberal, is the Brahmana Ralhana, the son of Asuka, in Sufarm &pura. 32. By that chief of astrologers have been given to Siva two dronas of grain from Navagrama, where the surface of his land (has) the measure of one Vaha." 33. Moreover, by an inhabitant of this (village, Kfragrama), wise Ganesvara, the son of the Brahman Govinda, has been given to this (Siva) (a piece of land frotu Navagrama (measuring) half a plough. 34. Further, by the son of Depika and Malhika, the very wealthy merchant Jivaka, has his own land been presented to Siva for the courtyard in front (of the temple). 35. And as long as this divine lord of the worlds with gentle beams dives into the expanse of heaven, so long may this temple of Siva, built by Manyuka and Ahuka, exist together with the other grants. 36. The high-minded son of Asika, named Nayaka, who is at the head of masons, came from Susarman's town to this (village) likewise Thoabuka, the son of Sammana. 37. By those two together has the very lofty temple of Siva been fashioned with the chisel, as well as the Mandapa; (it has been constructed in accordance with the opinion of Samu" and on it glitter the figures of the crowd of the Ganas. 38. The prince of poets, called Rama, whose holy parents are Sringara and Bhsingaka, has composed this eulogy. The perfoot visarjaydmdua probably indicates that this praiseworthy conduct began after his pilgrimage to Kedarnath. 71 A wala is equal to four dronao and the meaning is that Ralhana's land in Navagrima required foer dronar of 11 This must be the name of some writer on architecture.
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________________ 112. EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 39. The eulogy, composed by Rama (has been incised)" in the eightieth year of the Lokakala) on the pleasant first day of the bright half of the month of Jyaishtha, a Sunday, during the reign of king Jayachohandra. Om, obeisance to Siva! The elapsed years of the Saka era (are)... 6CP) No. II-TRANSCRIPT. L. 1. bhI kha[sti po]nama za[vI]ya / [pAyAsyaM vo gajAsyo] vitaratu paratA[tArakArirvikAra nandI sAnanda[no]yaM bhavatu sa [ca] mahAkAlazUlastha []rtaa| L. 2. --aunA ---[racayatu kurutA] vorabhadropi [bha], sarve vokharvagarvA vidadhata kuzalaM kiArAm pArasya // [1]' sa pAtu vo [mahAdevo-- L.8. -bhakticumbita: [1] . pAtmAnaM marIkSante yatpAdanakhadarpaNe / [2] kAThohIpanaka[ma]ThA jagati yA yA nirnimeSekSaNessatpatheL.4. rupajIvyate hinajanaM yA vidhatI yasya[2] [1] devasyAhutilampaTakha paramA puSTiyato [jAyate tAbhimUrtibhiraSTabhirbhavatu vo bhUtye bhavAnIviL. b. - [bha] [3] etene[va] dharatvamabhyupagataM proSAya pUrva purA saMprApta[1] dhanuSa triyaM tanuriyaM saMpratvamucaiva c| vyAnase satIva ya[smaraL.B. ripAvitthaM maharvistrayA asmasmaramupAsmahe samarajitA pAdaiyaM [ta] iyam // [su] * ydpycetntvaailmytaasmraalystdpi| L. 8. L.T. dhakena [ka]tIhamiti prazastipaSujiyA vadati / [1] ' ja[1]landharAdhirAjo jayati guNAnAM nidhirjayacandraH / Idazi yasya rAjye devAyatanA nijAtAni []] vittaM zive prayuktAM yeSAM kAlena bhavati kottigunnm| ga[khAsta eva vaNijaz zeSe x kiM stokavA[v]SikaH / [1] banena vakSyamANena sukatena mahAL.9. myau| gaNyau gaNeSu mAtarau bhUyAstAM mnyukaaeko| [8]. taubhAtaraulatajJau yAbhyAM zamadama[pa]yodharayutAyAH / thi[va]bhatijananyA [ca] pi rasa"A verb has been intentionally left out in this sent- Metre, Sragdhara ;-gajdsyo and kurutami are very ence. It must have been either utlirnd or samdpta: pro- anoertain. bably the former. With the reading prasiddhe (see above .Metre, Anushpubh. p. 108) the translation would be 'in the eightieth year -Metre, Sardalavikridita. The wof degribhudia visible. known (in the soorld)' I. ., 'in the eightieth Lankika San. * Metre, Bard Olavikridita. Metre of verses 5-7, Arya. .Metre, Anushtubh. vatsara'.
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________________ THE SECOND PRASASTI OF BAIJNATH. 113 L. 10. smaakhaaditssaardhm|| [' zailasthAnacalitvA ruciranavavayA 4 khelatIyaM sahelaM kulyA kanyeva yatra sphuraduralArI kndukaavindukaakhyaa| kIL. 11. rapAmobhirAmo guNagaNanilayo vartatedhivigata soyaM rAjAnakena prabalabhujayu[jA racito lakSaNena / [...] patulakulabakulapA[dapa]kanda paL. 12. ripanvibhityurAskandaH [1] rAjAnakotra kanda prathamamabhU[]ryamaskandaH / [19] buddhI viNDabudhistamya sutojanayaduhuraM tnym| vigraha L. 13. iti kRtavirahaz zatruvadhUnAM tato ane|| [12 // ] vigrahavigrahajAto broti babhUva bhUvadhUdayita: [1] vigrahanigrahakaraNe zatiryasya[bha]vadriL. 14. _ pussu| [12 // " hastAlambakamuvratAhiluThatAmArAdhitavAmbakaM zatruzrIparitumbakaM paratimisvIkAracintAdhakam[1] krAntamAmakadambakaM nRpatibhissahandhu. L. 15. [kauTumbakaM [khA]kArapratibimbakaM sa ca katI lebhe sutaM Dombakam // [14]" nArImohanayauvanaM navanavatyAgormibhi: [pA]vanaM bhUbhatu x tasevana nijabhavassamyakpracaptA - L. 16. vanam [1] [uhA]mahiSadAlayIcatavana yuropasiMhavanaM purva sopi samAsasAda bhuvanaM zamI vRhtsaavnm|| [1]" guNamaNinikurumbarohaNaM pravaL. 17. hnnmaapdgaadhvaaridhau| tasubhaTagirIdhiroharSa [sa]majanayattanayaM sa kalapam / [1]" [jAlandharAdhIkharapAdapadmanigchamabhakti prcuraamytiH| L. 18. balokhaNo bilhaNanAmadheyastasyAtmajolAyata savidheyaH // [17]" tanayAyAM sanayasva vigatabhUbhatIpadayacandasva[1] [sa]ca rAmalAyAkhyo laca samayAjA Metre, Arya. Metro, Sard dlavikridite. The Anusvirs of vanath is *Metre, Bragdhara. indistinot. Prakriptdanam is meant for prakjipta. Metre, Arya. The first ma of prathamama looks likesa.] ___UMetre, Aparavaktra. The Annarirs of dhirohanash * Metre of verses 12-13, Arya. in indiatinot. u Metre, Bard dlavikridita. Mr. J. 7. Pleet raada prdka. Metre. Upajati. The ma of madheya looks like na. rapratibimhakam instead of sodkara'. Read chindadha kam.
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________________ 114 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L.19. pikA satI kheme / [1] beTe gurgarihe biboDIbhissama papuri gosstthiim| adhitiSThati nihuracI[samakaniSThoba suprtisstthiibhuut| [1er" vigatadapatInA yA L.20. pAdapanopanIvibhiH [1] kndaadibhiraa]sndaarisndaaribhirbhucct| [20] pripaalitvaastvystvynirmlkrmcaa| sAdhunA sAdhunA bhUmisamarenopabhujyate // 21 // " L.21. yakha preysbhvbhytbsmpdrmnnii| tasminkIraNAma smpndenupaasyti| [22]" sivAsthavarikaputrI dharmapravaNAvika L.22. khitI atinii| []Tho manyukanAmA kaniSThamapyAkaM prAtaH / [2] bhavatabAThAradhArA prvissmtmvnbhrmm[rii| prabaroza moraL.28. [bI [mana]si tayomA bhavI bhaktiH / [24] tAbhyAM bhivalimidaM nirAlayaM vIka vaidhanAyAkhyam [1] puryA sahita vihitaM puratova ca maGapo rcitaaH||2||] L. 24. iti manyu[kA]kAbhyAmudara khitvA purA kilkaa| punarAdarasampravezaprativedhavidhi[sa] sA vihitaH / [2] yabapi piveva kurate karA L25. zastathApi pituradhikaH [1] bacanimittaM zipitA mshimaulirvsniitH| [27] paarispaapil[k]pilsidhaasvokgaaminssntu| L. 28. pUrve puruSA kramazaravArI mandhakAikayoH / [28]" kibahunA[pyuryadeSA puruSANAme [va] vipatiryAta / []tenAnana divaM khayaM ca paramAstu L.27. gatiranayoH / [26] rAjAnana cAsabharacadreza vaidyanAthAya / maDapikotpattidhanAi[ttASaTpratyahaM drmaaH|| [10 // ] pAmAbalambanA[bo] mAvA rAjAnakakha lkssnnyaa| ekAsavAnIyA dattA bhUmirmacAya / [2] samAsa sujataM sunatI ya pAlayiSati tdnvydhrtaa| L.28. Metro, Arya. * Metre, Giti. Metre of verses 20-21,Anushtubh. WMotre of verses 22-23, Arys. 1 Metre, Arya. Read mokahantri. Metre of verses 26-28, Aryk. 1 Metre, Arya. Read pyuchchhehd, instead of the senseless pyurydesh. * Metre, Aryd.
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________________ THE SECOND PRASASTI OF BAIJNATH. 115 L.29. sthamupayAta viharSi yoriti sa gacatu caadhH| [1] tailotpIDanayantaM kIraNAmati manyukAekayoH / tAbhyAM tadapi zivAya L. 30. pradIpaniSyattaye dattam / [2] ekA ca pazyayAlA tAbhyA strIyA vivasa bhogaarthm| bhUmiba halacatuSTayaM yombA dattA navadhAmAt / [14] ratiyeL. 31. na yena yadyatsatataM vihitaM zivaM samuhima satasa tasya tattattiSThatu yaavaariviiym| [1] yakhAvismRta[ja]manIstavyasamAkhAdanala badanAL. 32. pariNAkavivaphalA sarakhatI bhagavatI gdhavasat // 1 // zrImAkasya sa suta[x kAma rakhapapramAturanadhana[1]" prathamavayAssaralArthIvyadhatta rAma prystimimaam||17|| L. 38. pabeThavAtra ---vAt vAmapa[]vAda[]bhUmi[ ] / guruvena ya(1) zasi bhdo(1)naa|.. ||shkkaalgtaabdaaH [26] >>faced goyow), and imbara proche Dailot TRANSLATION OF No. II. Om hail! Obeisance to Sarval Ver.1.-May the elephant-faced god grant (your) wishes and the foe of Taraka remove sickness; may Nandin gladden (you), and he who is) the carrier of the trident of MahAkAla, . . . . . may make . . . . . . . may Virabhadra too, give you happiness, may all the proud servants of Sankara procure you welfare ! 2. May that Mahadeva protect you, in the mirror of whose foot-nails the . . . . ., which are kissed with devotion, repeatedly reflect themselves. 3. May the lord of Bhavanigrantyou happiness through those eight bodies (of his) viz., that which in this world is active in kindling wood, that which is active in illumi. nating the quarters of the world, that on which the strong-finned (fish) endowed with never-twinkling eyes, subsist, that on which the gods live, whose adherents are the virtuous, that which is praised as maintaining twice-born men, that which is praised as carrying the birds (and) that through which the deity, greedy of offerings, attains the highest growth! * 4. Just this has formerly agreed to become an arrow in order to burn the towns (of the demon), and this body of his even that has now attained the beauty of a A Metre, Rathoddhata. * Metre of verses 33-37, Arya. - Probably prakastir atkerna.-E. H. > The first three relative sentences in the first and second Padas of veru 3 havo ench a double sense, and they refer to I. Are, sun and moon; II. water and the snerifice, III, the earth and air or akdia, while thewind indescribed in the fourth relative sentence. The use of the word pak xha in the sense of 'fin'is easily explained by its meaning 'wido' and 'wing." Mr.Anta's English-Sanskrit Dictionary is the only lexicographical workwhich mentions this rare meaning of pakika. P2
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________________ 116 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. bow"-(reflecting) thus repeatedly, we worship in astonishment the two feet of the conqueror of Cupid, resplendent with ashes, which (feet) mock, as it were, the prostrate foe of the gods." 5. Though, being devoid of sense, the temple is unable to speak, it yet tells through (this) eulogy, (its) broad tongue, by whom it has been built. 6. Victorious is Jayachchandra, the supreme king of Jalandhara, a store of virtues, in whose reign such dwellings of the gods have come into existence. 7. Those alone can be considered true merchants, whose wealth, lent to Siva, in time becomes ten-million-fold; what is the use of the others (who are but) paltry usurers ? 8. May these two men endowed with great prudence of conduct, the brothers Manyuka and Ahuka, become honourable in the guilds on account of this pious work which will be described. 9. Grateful are these two brothers who tasted together also the milk of their (second) mother, the faith in Siva, of her whose breasts are tranquillity and self-conquest." 10. There is in Trigarta the pleasant village of Kiragrama, the home of numerous virtues, where that river called Kandukabinduka, leaping from the lap of the mountain, with glittering broad waves sportively plays, thus resembling a bright maiden in the first bloom of youth (who jumping from the lap of her nurse gracefully sports). That (village) is protected by the strong-armed Rajanaka Lakshmana. 11. There lived in the beginning Rajanaka Kanda, the root (kanda) of a peerless race that resembles a Bakula tree, (he who was) a destroyer of his foes, a conqueror of towns, an untamable Skanda. 12. His son Buddha, a man of pure intellect, begot an excellent son; from him sprang he who was called Vigraha (separation, and) who (accordingly) caused the separation of the wives of his enemies (from their beloved ones). 13. (Then) Brahman, the son of Vigraha's body, became the husband of the earth, he who possessed power to punish his enemies. 14. And that happy man obtained & son (called) Dombaka, who reflected his (father's) nature, who supported by the hand those falling from high places, who wor. shipped Tryambaka, who kissed the Fortuna of his enemies, who was deeply engrossed with the care of catching (those) fish-his foes-who together with other) princes took many villages, who was the head of a family of worthy relatives. 15. He, too, obtained a son (called) Bhuvana, whose youth charmed women, who sanctified (his race) by ever-fresh streams (of water, poured out) on (the occasion of) donations, who served his king and duly protected his country, who made the forest the home of his proud foes, whose lion-roar (sounded) dreadful in battle, and who offered great sacrifices to Sambhu. # The wording is rather obeure. By this seems to be meant the third eye of Biva, the fire of which, the so called Sardoni or Arrow-fire (see Srikanthacharita, I, 18; V, 16; XXIV, 76) destroyed the town of the demon, Tripurari. This oye is usually represented a bow-shaped, i..., with corners on both sides standing in vertical position. Regarding the fset 'which moek as it were the prostrate foer' see the frontispiece to Moore's Hindu Pantheon. . The text has a pan on ranamilk' and ' sentiment' which has not been rendered in the translation. >> Prom hin' refers, I believe, to Buddbs. If it referred to tanayan, it would be necessary to assume that an unnamed 100, who perbape died in his father's lifetime, intervened between Buddha and Vigrabs. The latter explanation is, of our, by no means impossible.
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________________ 117 THE SECOND PRASASTI OF BAIJNATH. 16. He begat a son (named) Kalhana, (who was) a mountain" of precious stoneshis virtues-(and) a boat on the deep ocean of misfortune, (and) who passed over the heads of brave warriors. 17. As his good and obedient son was born, he who was called Bilhana, who showed guileless devotion to the lotus-feet of the supreme lord of Jalandhara, who possessed great power of mind and was terrible on account of his strength. 18. With Lakshanika, the daughter of Hridayachandra, the politic king of Trigarta, he had two sons, named Rama and Lakshmana. 19. While the elder one, most worshipful on account of his virtues, converses with the red-lipped maidens in the town of heaven, his strong-minded younger (brother) has been firmly established here. 20-21. The whole territory which Kanda possessed and the other servants of the lotus-feet of the kings of Trigarta, the destroyers of the foes of Asanda, belongs at present to holy Lakshmana, who protects the inhabitants and whose pure actions are worthy of praise." 22. While that Lakshmanachandra, whose dear wife was Mayatalla-a lady of peerless beauty-protects Kiragrama, 23. Two pious, happy sons of the merchant, named Siddha, live here; the elder one has the name Manyuka, but the younger one they call Ahuka. 24. In their hearts grew up the faith in Sambhu, which destroys delusion, which is the edge of the axe (to cut down) the tree of mundane existence (and) a storm-wave (to carrry men across) the most terrible ocean of births. 25. By those two, who saw this linga of Siva, called Vaidyanatha, destitute of a dwelling, has it been provided with a temple and has a Mandapa been erected in front of that." 26. When Manyuka and Ahuka formerly dwelt in the same womb, they both announced their determination not to enter again into a womb, speaking thus. 27. "Though Sambhu is compassionate like a father, yet he is more than a father; for a father is the immediate cause of (one's) birth, (but) the god with the moon on his crest is the cause of the cessation of births." 28. May Sahila, Pahila, Kahila and Siddha, the four ancestors of Manyuka and Ahuka, in due order enter heaven. 29. In short, may the remaining twenty men (of their family) all reach Elysium in consequence of this pious work, but may the highest state be (the reward) of these two." 30. And daily six drammas of the money collected in the custom-house have been allotted by Rajanaka Lakshmanachandra to this Vaidyanatha." Rohana is really the name of the mountain in Ceylon, called Adam's Peak. The poet seems to have chosen it as the instance of a big mountain, most suitable for his purposes. These two verses, as also the next two, form a Fugma or Yugalaka. The epithet addhu, 'holy' which Lakshmana receives, is explained by verses 21-26 of No. I. Lingas, standing in the open, are frequently found in the north of India. Thus I remember having seen three very large ones not far from Ushkar in Kadmir, which stand in the middle of the forest. If puri means here a temple, that is easily explained by the tower-like shape of the adytum of the Indian temples. The verse refers to the belief that a particularly pious deed ensures the joy of heaven to the performer as well as to ten ancestors and ten descendants. All the latter may reach this goal, but the donors themselves desire moksha. The European dictionaries do not give for mandapike the meaning a custom-house. But its existence is proved by various passages in the inscriptions, compare, e. g., the term mandavika ante p. 7 and by the analogy of its modern represent. ative mamdavi which is a common term for custom-house' in Marathi, Gujaratt and other vernaculars.
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________________ 118 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 31. (4 piece of) land to be cultivated by one plough and belonging to the village named Pralam ba has been granted to (this) Mahesa by Lakshana, the mother of the RAjanaka. 32. May the merit of each pious successor of Lakshmana, who protects his sacred gift. be increased; but he who may take it away, shall descend downwards. 33. The oilmill, too, in Kiragrama (which) belongs to Manyuka and Ahuka, has been given by them to Siva in order to provide for the lamps (of his temple).* 34. Moreover one shop of theirs has been presented for the enjoyment of Siva and (a piece of) good land, four ploughs, situated in Navagrama. 35. Whatever pious gift has thus been made by anybody for the sake of Siva, may that last for his (benefit) as long as this earth (exists). 36-37. Rama, the son of the good pramatrix of the king of Kasmir, famous Bhringaka, in whose lotus-mouth dwelt divine Sarasvati before he forgot the taste of his mother's milk, composed in his first youth this eulogy of simple meaning. From the Chabedha-field from the Hara ...-field, from Vaktanadeva the best land (?). [The prasasti was engraved] by Guhaka. The elapsed years of the Saka era (are) 7[26]. XVII.-THE JAINA INSCRIPTION IN THE TEMPLE OF BAIJNATI AT KIRAGRAMA, By G. BUHLER, Ph.D., LL.D., C.I.E. The subjoined inscription is found in the same temple of Siva-Vaidyanatha at Kiragrama in Kangra. It consists of two lines of Jaina Nagari letters, which run, each divided into four larger and two small sections, along three facets of the pedestal of a statue of Mahavira. Its preservation is almost perfect. It records the dedication of this statue by two merchants Dolhana and Alhana, and its consecration by a sari, called Devabhadra. The statue, we are told, was placed in a temple of Mah. vira, erected by the same two persons at Kiragrama. As at present no old Jaina place of worship exists at Kiragrama, it would appear that the base was transferred to the temple of Siva after the destruction of its original location, and that it probably owes its preservation to the ignorance of the priests of the Vaidyanatha temple. The donors probably were Gujaratis, not Panjabis, and the consecrating Sari likewise seems to have belonged to the same country. For Dolhana and Alhana were members of the Brahmakshatra gotra or caste, which is common in Gujarat, but according to the Census Report of 1881, not found in the Panjab. Suri Devabhadra is connected with Gujarat through his teacher Abhayadeva, who is called Rudrapalliya, the Rudra. pallian, and is said to belong to the line of Sari Jinavallabha. The latter is without The meaning is that the Telis who worked the oiltill had either in lieu of rent to furnish gratis the oil for the lampa of the temple or that the whole net income of the oilmill was to go to the temple for the purpose stated. I am unable to find the word in the dictionaries and to say what the office was. According to its etymological import it unght to denote some kind of spiritual councillor. See ante, p. 97. The present edition of the inscription has been prepareil according to a very good paper impression, furnished by the Panjab Arebaeological Survey through the Editor.
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________________ JAINA INSCRIPTION AT KIRAGRAMA. 119 a doubt the Jinavallabha, whom the Pattavali of the Kharatara gachchha names as the 43rd Yugapradhana.' He died in Vikrama Samvat 1167, after founding a new school, which in our inscription is called his samtana or line. In the time of his immediate successor Jinadatta, the Rudrapalliya branch of the Kharatara gachchha was founded by Jinasekharacharya in Vikrama Samvat 1204. It is, therefore, evident that the Devabhadra of our inscription was a teacher of the Svetambaras and an adherent of one of the subdivisions of the Kharatara gachchha, which latter according to all accounts, arose at Anhilvad Pattan in Gujarat. The date Samvat, i.e. Vikrama Samvat 1296, Phalguna, dark half 5, a Sunday, corresponds, according to Dr. Schram's calculations, to January 15, 1240 A.D. General Sir A. Cunningham, who discovered the document, has given a transcript of it in his Archeological Reports, (volume V, page 188) which, however, is imperfect, as the middle portions of both lines from wbagojo to puvAbhyAM vya and from praviSThitaM to saMtAnIya have been left out. This omission and some misreadings or misprints make a translation of his transcript impossible. TRANSCRIPT. 0 saMvat 1286 varSe phAguNa yadi 5 ravau kIracAme brahmacavagovItpacavyaya mAnUpuvAyAM vya dolhaNaAlhaNAbhyAM svakAritazrImanmahAvIradevacaitye // zrImahAvIra jinamUlaviMvaM pAkaveyo] [] kAritaM / pratiSThitaM ca zrIjinavajJabharisaMtAnIyarudrapakSIyazrImadabhayadevasUriziSyeH zrIdevabhadrasUribhiH // TRANSLATION. Om! In the year 1296, the (civil) year," (on the) fifth (day of the) dark half (of the month of) Phalguna,' on a Sunday,-the malabimba" of the glorious Jina Mahavira has been erected for their own spiritual welfare by the two merchants, Dolhana and Alhana, the two sons of the merchant Mana, sprung from the Brahmakshatra race, in the temple of the glorious deity Mahavira, erected by them at Kiragrama. And it has been consecrated by the illustrious Suri Devabhadra, the pupil of the illustrious Suri Abhayadeva, the Rudrapallian, who belongs to the line of the illustrious SurJinavallabha. 2 See Klatt, Indian Antiquary, vol. XI, pp. 248 and 254. General Cunningham recognised that it could have no connexion with the history of the temple of Siva-Vaidyanatha. L. 1.-Read; the and of are connected and form a misshaped group; read ; above a maira out by mistake, has been obliterated; possibly the correct reading is great, and being absolutely undistinguishable in the alphabet of the inscription. L. 2.-The of has been destroyed; the aT of art has been damaged. I translate by 'in the (civil) year,' because sometimes fa appears in its stead after dates of the Vikrama era. The years of the Vikrama era are in Western and North-Western India the laukika, "common or civil" years in con. tradistinction to those of the Saka era, which are sdstriya, i. e., used in the works on astronomy. 7 The form of the text arg is half Prakrit and half Sanskrit. I leave the expression af literally root-image' untranslated, because I am not certain about its technical meaning. I suspect that it means 'chief image' and is intended to distinguish this statue, which stood in the adytum, from the numerous smaller ones in the bham ti or the cloisters. * pratiSThitaM ca is bad Sanskrit, but common in Jains books. The correct expression would be pravidhA navA ca or pravidhApitaMca.
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________________ 120 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. XVIII.-ON THE PEDESTAL OF AN IMAGE OF PARAVANATHA, IN THE KANGRA BAZAR. BY DR. G. BUHLER, PH.D., LL.D., C.I.E. The following inscription in eight lines is incised on the base of image of Parsvanatha in the porch of a small Hindu temple dedicated to Indravarman in the Kangra Bazar. It has been so smeared over with red paint and oil that some of the letters are very indistinct, and in the last line broken away. (L 1.) 199 * we area (2.) HIGHT: [1] aft weige [ET](3.) ceritancus:[] fuscargar: ax! (4.) Figafar []: | Tafa ef[6] 7 [a (5.) ] T - E - urforanti [1] vafalet git (6.) [Te] [a]erred 8 year (7.) [*]1[AT] #178: stacifire: 1 [l] afazi [=] (8.) -- for --7- - Y a fa ------ ---- TRANSLATION. Om (In) the year 30.5 In the Rajakula gachchha was a Suri (called) Abhayachandra. His pupil was named Amalachandra. A bee at the lotus of his feet (cas) Siddharaja; from him (sprang) Dhanga: from Dhanga was born Chashtaka. His wife was Ralha ..... From her were born two sons wholly devoted to the law, taught by the Jina. The eldest brother was called Kundala ka; the young. est was named Kumara. This effigy ....... has been made with the permission ....... L 1. Read foto?L 3. Read Tetit. ;- act oft L 6. Possibly fora; read Hatet, * L 7. Possibly T T , . As the characters of this inscription are ancient Sarada, closely resembling those of the Baijnath Prasastis, the year 30 of the Saptarshi or Laukika era, which is mentioned in our document, probably falls in the ninth century and corresponds to 884 A. D. The term gachchha indicates that Abhayachandra belonged to the Svetambaras.? I am, however, unable to find the Rajakula in the Paffdvalis accessible to me.
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________________ KHAJURAHO INSCRIPTION No ). 121 XIX.--INSCRIPTIONS FROM KHAJURAHO. BY PROFESSOR F. KIELHORN, PA. D., C.I.E., GOTTINGEN. I. FRAGMENT OF A STONE INSCRIPTION (OF HARSHADEVA?]. The stone bearing this inscription appears to have been found near the temple of Vamana, at Khajuraho, an ancient and decayed town in the Chhatarpur State, Bundelkhand, North-Western Provinces; and it is now kept in the modern mausoleum near the temples. This is only a fragment of an apparently very large inscription. It contains 18 imperfect lines, the total height of which is l' 4", while the length of the lines, beginning with 7 in the first line, gradually increases to l' 3" in line 8. and decreases again to 5" in line 13. The writing is fairly well preserved. The size of the letters is". The characters are Nagart; they closely resemble those of the inscription of Yasovarman of the year 1011 (No. II below), and make it probable that the inscription is of about the same time or somewhat earlier. The language is Sanskrit, and what remains of the inscription is in verse. Like the inscriptions of Yasovarman and Dhangadeva (Nos. II and IV below), this inscription appears to have opened with an account of the creation of the universe, and of the rise of & princely family, which I take to be the family of Chandratreya. In line 5 it speaks of a prince, from whom were born (line 6) the famous Jejjaka and Vijjaka. In line 7, it further mentions the illustrious Harshadeva who by his own arm.conquered many proud enemies. And from line 10 we learn, that by some. body or other, who may have been Harshadeva himself or his successor, the illus. trious prince Kshitipaladeva was placed again on the throne. Harshadeva is well known to us, from the inscriptions of Yasovarman and Dhangadeva, as the son of Rahila and father of Yalovarman. And Jejjaka and Vijjaka are clearly the two brothers Jayabakti and Vijayabakti who are mentioned as the sons of VAkpati in the inscription of Yasovarman, and of whom Vijayabakti was the father of Rahila and grandfather of Harshadeva. Moreover both, without doubt, are the two brothers Jeja and Vija mentioned in line 6 of the Mahoba inscription published by Dr. Hultzsch in Zeitschrift d. Deutsch, Morg. Ges., vol. XL, p. 47, from the name of one of whom is derived the name of the country Jejabhukti, Jejabhuktika, or Jejakabhukti. The prince Kshitipalade va, Sir A. Cunningham is inclined to regard as a son of Harshadeva and elder brother of Yasovarman, but from the way he is spoken of in the present inscription, it would appear that he was no Chandella prince at all. And I have no doubt that he really is the same Kshitipaladeva who in line 28 of the Blyadont insoription' is mentioned as the immediate predecessor of the prince Deva. pala, who was ruling (at Kanauj) in the (Vikrama) year 2005. Yasovarman was a contemporary of Devapala; his father Harshadeva in all probability was contemporary with Kshitip&ladeve; and I therefore assume that the relative yena in line 10 866 Arolaol. Surowy of India, vol. XXI, p. 66. A photolithograph of this insoription was published by Sir A. Cunningham, ib., vol. XXI, plate xvi, B; and an impression of it has been supplied to me by Dr. Bargess. * An edition of this inscription, which bus boon lately ro-discovered by Dr. Burgess, will be given at page 162.
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________________ 122 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. of our inscription refers to Harshadeva himself, and that this prince first defeated Kshitipaladeva, but subsequently reinstalled him in the government of his dominions.' - TEXT.' [maLyArthi]Se namaH / jagatsa[ga] yaM pAtraM kimasmAtparaM evaM yo va ma' prameyamakhilaM na [vA] kalyAdau vizva[ma] dhAH prathitaprabhAvAn / caturvidhaM bhUtavikArajAtaM [ga] sakalabhuvanakhyAtakIrtiprabhAvaH pRthvInA[tha] [kha]m // "tasmAnjejAkavijjAkAvabhUtAM kiirtibhuussnnau| [sa] [bha]"javijitAnekadRptArikhaMdaH / tasmAtrIharSadeva sakasa "kAMtisaMvalitaM / bhIteMdranihitadhanuriva zuzubhe pAdAvu(bu)jahita[ya] [pa] / tyamA sthAnamivAyAtaH punrmthnshNkitH||paastaa" kiMva(ba)chu : punaryena zrISitipAladevanRpatiH siMhAsane sthA" "tsAditArAtizaktikIrttivibhUSaNaH // prasa [dUra] sthairantikasyaizca // sAtapatra[pa]" [jatvaja-- [vitaM] - - II. STONE INSCRIPTION OF YASOVARMAN, OF THE YEAR 1011. The stone which bears this inscription appears to have been discovered some time after A. D. 1843, amongst the ruins at the base of a temple, known as the temple of Lakshmanji, at Khajuraho; and it is now built into the wall inside the entrance porch of the temple at which it is said to have been found. The inscription has been drawn attention to several times in the volumes of the Archeological Survey of India, and an unfortunately very small photolithograph of it was published by Sir A. Cunningham, in Archeol. Survey of India, vol. XXI, plate xvii; but it has not been edited before.' The inscription consists of 28 lines. The writing covers a space of about 5' 8" broad by 2 5" high. Down to line 16, and from line 22 to line 27, it is (with the I Wan between the Chandellan and the rulers of Kanya| Metre, Sloka (Anushtubh) kubja aro mentioned, e.g., in verec 3 of the inscription pub. 15 Metre, sardulavikridita. lished in the Asiatic Researcher, vol. XII, p. 359; in line 13 mi.c. sthApita:. of the Mahoba inscription referred to above; and probably in 1 Metre, sloka (Anushtubl). line 2 of the unpublished fragmentary inscription No. 29 of * Metro, Arya. the Lucknow Museum. "Metre, Ratholdhath. + From the impression taken by Dr. Burgess. ISee Areheal. Surrory of India, vol. II, pp. 425 and Metre, Sloka (Anushtubli). 496%; vol. XXI, pp.65 and 84. [Part in 1838 (J.4.8. Ben. * Metre, Sardalavikridita. vol. VIII, p. 165) called it Chaturbhuja, but it is now called IMetre, Sloka (Anushtubh). Lakshmanji. and the temple known as Chaturbhaja is at * Metre, L'pajati. Jatkara.- Ed.] Metre, Sragdhara. ? I have for some time been in possession of three ruh. 1o Metro, Sloka (Anushtabb). bings of this inseription, taken by or for Sir A. Cunningham // Metre, Sragdhara. and kindly made over to me by Mr. Flect; but only the two " Read talAzo.. impressions suppliel to me by Dr. Burgess lave enabled in * Metro, Arga. to edit the inscription critically.
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________________ KHAJURAHO INSCRIPTION No. II. 123 exception of a few aksharas which can be readily supplied) well preserved; but the middle portions of the lines 17-21, and the second half of line 28, have suffered considerably by the peeling off of the surface of the stone, so that altogether about 30 aksharas have either gone altogether or are, at any rate, illegible in the impressions. The size of the letters is from to ". The characters, which are beautifully and carefully executed, arc of the so-called Kutila type,' differing little from the ordinary Devanagari. They include the somewhat rare sign for jha, e.g., in jhatkara towards the end of line 8; besides, attention may be drawn to the old form of the sign for pha, used exceptionally in the word phala, at the beginning of line 6, and to the old form of the medial e in the last word &avitre of the inscription. The language is Sanskrit, and, excepting the introductory blessing and the concluding portion of line 28, the inscription is in verse. The verses, of which the total number is 49, were composed (verse 47) by the poet Madhava, the son of the grammarian Dedda. The inscription was written by the karanika, or writer of legal documents, Jaddha, the son of Jayaguna(t) of the Gauda country (v. 48). The name of the engraver was given in line 28, but it is now illegible. The language of the inscription is fluent and correct, and in respect of orthography, too, there are few things that need be drawn attention to. The letter 6 is throughout denoted by the sign for v. The dental sibilant is used for the palatal sibilant in kasmira, line 13, and the palatal for the dental in kailasad, line 24, and savdanusabanu, line 27. Instead of anusvara, we have the dental nasal in vansal, line 5, and in hansah, line 15; instead of ncha, ncha in vanchana, line 1; instead of mr, mor in namori, line 14, and namora, line 26; and instead of the conjunct iju, jo in ujvala, lincs 3, 5, and 11, and in prodyajvald, line 16. The sign for visarga has been omitted in vakshasthale, line 2, kshilipd stuvanti, line 9, 8ddhubhi stuyate, line 19, and rave spashta-, line 20, where the omission is really permitted; but also, wrongly, in isa smita, line 4, and prapti kshayaya, line 6. The rules of euphony have not been observed in ugran-jagati, line 1, and in yam=pichintya, line 10, thumibhritam=varishthah, line 10, and savarnnam=vidhina, line 12. Lastly, nishanna is put wrongly for nishanna in line 8, and tridiva for tridiva in line 24. The inscription is dated, in line 28, both in words and in decimal figures, in the year 1011,' which, as a year of the Vikrama era, corresponds to A.D. 953-54. And it records (in verses 42 and 43) the erection of a temple of Vishnu, under the name of Vaikuntha, by the prince Yasovarman, also called Lakshavarman (verses 37 and 39) of the Chandratreya (or Chandella) family. By way of introduction, the inscription furnishes an account of the ancestors of Yasovarman and of his own achievements. In the family of the sage Chandratreya, who himself was a son of the sage Atri, there was, we are told, the prince Nannuka (v. 10), whose son was Vakpati (v. 12). Vakpati had two sons, Jayasakti and Vijayasakti (v. 14), of whom the latter begat Rahila (v. 16), whose son again was IIarsha (v. 18). This prince married a lady named Kanchhuka, of the Chahamana tribe (v. 21), who bore to him Yagovarman. This prince, in verse 23, is represented in a general way as having carried on successful wars against the Gaudas, Klasas, Kosalas, Kasmiras, Mithilas, Malavas, Chodis, Kurus, and Gurjaras, and ho is, in particular, stated to have defeated the king of Chedi (v. 28), and conquered the Kalanjara mountain. [See Dr. Buller's remarks on the Dewal Prasasti, ante p. 73.-Ed.
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________________ 124 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. The inscription appears to have been set up after the death of Yagovarman; for, in verse 44, we are introduced to his son Dhanga, who, in verse 45, is represented as ruling the earth as far as Kalanjara, and as far as Bhasvat, situated (?) on the banks of the river of MAlava; up to the banks of the river Kalindi (or Yamuna), and to the frontiers of the Chedi country, and even as far as the mountain Gopa, or Gopadri. These localities indicate, then, the extent of the Chandella kingdom during the reign of the prince Dhanga; and that kingdom, accordingly, extended from the river Yamuna in the north to the frontiers of the Chedi kingdom in the south, and from Kalanjara in the east or north-east to Gopadri, the modern Gwalior, in the north-west. Bhasvat, judging from the way in which it is introduced, should be looked for, opposite to Kalanjara, in the west or south-west, and I would therefore identify it with Bhaillasvamin or Bhailasvamin, the modern Bhilsa on the river Vetravatt or Betwa, from near which was issued the grant of the Chandella Madanavarmadeva of the year 1190. Attention may here be drawn also to the interesting verse 43 of the inscription. According to it, Yasovarman bad received the image of Vaikuntha, which he set up in the temple founded by him, from Devapala, the son of Herambapala. Herambapala in turn had obtained it from Sahi, the king of Kira, who had received it from the lord of Bhota, who again had got it from the Kailasa. Devapala is called hayapati, which may mean either the lord of horses', employed (like afva-pati) as a title, or the lord of the Hayas'; however this may be, there can, I believe, be no doubt that the Devapala, here spoken of, is the same Devapala who is mentioned as a paramount sovereign (of Kanauj) and as the successor, of Kshitipaladeva, in the siyadoni inscription, with the date (Vikrama) Samvat 1005. The Kiras have, as I have stated elsewhere, by some been identified with the Kasmiras, while in the Brihatsamhita, XIV, 29, they are separately enumerated as a people inhabiting the north-east, together with the Kasmiras. Bhota, according to Lassen, is the modern Tibet. Finally, in the last line, the inscription appears to mention a prince Vinayaka. paladeva, regarding whose relation to the Chandella princes I am unable at present to offer any conjecture. TEXT. L. 1. HC vs Arge 4 | dadhAnAneko yaH kiripuruSasiMDIbhaya zuSaM tadAkArIcyA tnumsrmukhyaanjvraat| para agarrafar afuuretat : forwaafya.'-[1]. grargefaal) former ( fra referencer sabo vibhitadevadAnavanutAtisajilo kI yAsa (ba)cavitoparNamarcasalilaM pAdAravindayutaM whatfa uma(a)anager at cr -[]. * See Indian Antiquary, vol. XVI, p. 202. * From impressions taken by Dr. Burgos. See ib. vol. XVII, p. 9. * Metre, Sik harini. * Indische Alterthumkunde, 2nd Ed., vol. I, p. 523. . Metro, Sard dlavikrita; and of the two Dext verse
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________________ 3. 4. 5. 6. 10 deva: pAtu sa vaH payaHkaNabhRti vyomnIva tArAcite devyAsitAMcya" divisadaH saMvaya sarvvAnapi / tasmivanazailabhittivipule vaca [: * ] sthale yasya tAH peturmandarasamaMzvamavastIkaTAcaTA - [3]. gaMbhIro 8. KHAJURAHO INSCRIPTION No. II. (ba) dhayaH mayAMkarucimAnbhAsa[ya] tApo kI dhIrI pAvi mahAgrahIdharavarAH kalpadumAsyAgavAn / yA kalpAdavikalpanikalaguNagrAmAbhirAmaH prabhuH satyaM (brU)ta yadi kvacitpunarabhUttulyo yazovartmaNaH // -[4]. pradhAnAdavyaktAdabhavadavikArAdica mahAnahaMkArAcAdajani janitopacayaH / tatastamAtrANi prasava malabhanta " ka[ma]vamAdayetebhyo bhUtAnyanu bhuvanamebhyaH pravahate // " [5]. ihAdyo vidyAnAM kavira khilakalpaSyuparato " paraH sAcI devastribhuvanavinirmAvanipuNaH / sa vizveSAmIza[: *] smitakamalakina eka vasatirmahindrA kheneva prathamamatha vedhAH prabhurabhUt // - [ 6 ]. tasmAdisvasRjaH purANapuruSAdAcAyadhAcaH karveryebhUvan ratA na ca phalaprApti [ : * ] cayAyAtmanaH // - [ 8 ]. vastavANapraguNamanasAM satpadAnAmukhAnAM kRtakRtayugAcArapucacitInA / tabalyAnAmamalayazasAM bhUbhujoM kA prazaMsA yeSAM gatiH sakaladharacIdhvaMsane pAlane vA " [0). tatra ca suvarNasAranikaSagrAvA yazabandanakrIDAlaMkRtadikyu - 7. 15 nayaH pavinacaritA: pUrva marIcAdayaH / tavAviH suSuve nirantaratapatIprabhAvaM sutaM caMdrAtreyamazavimocya (ya) khatarajJAnapradIpaM surbhi" [(7). masti svastividhAyinaH sa jagatAM niHzeSavidyAvidastakhAopanatAkhila[]tinidhervvanyaH prshNsaa| yatrAbhUva parAkrameNa laghutA nI cATukAroDatirnAsyApyaMtarasA - 16 randhrivadanaH zrInabukobhUnRpaH / yathApUrvaparAkramakramanamatriH zeSavideSiNaH saMbhrAntA: mirasAvaDavRpatayaH zeSAmivAcAM bhayAt - [10]. yasthAnaMditavaMdiSTaMdaracitastotrakriyAprakramAtmakrAntagya (mba) duvairivargaja yinaH kaMdarpakalpAkRteH / nAma zAmatanubhRtAM mRgadRzAM sadyo vidhase padaM khAnteSu tasmAdabhUdAjiparAjitAre : zrIvAkpatirvAkyatitulyavAcaH / 20 yasyAmalA bhrAmyati bhAnubhAbhiH sacaiva lokavitayeSi " korttiH // " [12). yasyAmalotpalaniya (va) kirAtayoSiduDItatacakaladhvaniramyasAnuH / krIDAgiriH zikharaniravAriyAtAkA 10] Read * lAncha. The akshara was originally omitted, and is engraved above the line. * Originally *maMnta 13 Metre, Sikharini; and of the next verse. The two aksharas engraved above the line. were originally omitted, and are 125 dipAMca rAzi va (ba) lAlavyamavyAhataM // [11]. 15 Metre, Sardulavikridita; and of the next verse. 16 Reda.:. 17 Metre, Mandakranta. 18 Metre, Bardalavikridita and of the next verse. 19 Originally *vivayIpi. 20 Metre, Upujati.
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________________ 126 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. ratADavitavekigaNaH sa vidhyaH / - [13]. tasmAvismayadhAma: cIrAdhecandrakaustubhau yahat / hAvAmajAvabhUtAM jytirvijyktiy|| -[14]. tayorDayorapyamitapratApadAvAgnidadhAhitakAnanAni / karmANi romAMcaSaH sametAH samUhakamyaM citipA[:] stuvanti // -[16]. tavAnujamA tanayaM rAhilAyamajIjanat / nidrAda - 10. ridratA yAnti yambiciya" nimi dissH||*-[16]. bhImacAmyadasi[mu]ci savadasaksaMpAditAnyakriye yAnigdhoSavaSaTpade krmcrtsrb(b)[yo]dhviji| patrAntaH samarAdharapratihatakrodhAnilohIpi[1] [va]rodarSiSi yaH payUniva katI manterjuhAva diSaH // "-[17]. bIparSabhUpamaya bhUmimatAmbariSTha: 8 sosUta kalpatarakalpamana - 11. asatva(sa): [*] padyApi yasa vikAsiyazaHprasUnagandhAdhivAsasurabhINi digantarASi // *-[18]. yatra bIca sarakhatI ca sahita notikramo vikrama - - stenaH satva(sa)guyonya(jva)laM pariNatA zAntiya naisrgikii| santoSo vinimISutA ca vinayo mAnaba pukhAmana stakhAnantaguSakha vismayanidheH kibAma vastu stumaH // -[19]. bhIrmAparAdhe madhuripu caraNArAdhane yaH satRSNaH pApAlApanabhinno nijaguNagaNanAprakrameSvapragalbhaH / yUndhaH pa(pe)zabavAdevRtavacanasamuccAraNa jAtimUkaH sarvavaivaM khabhAvapradhitaguNatayA nAma [ka: sta]"yatesI / -[20]. sonurUpA sarUpA kachukAkhyAmakuNDadhI: [*] savarNAvidhinovA cAhamAnakulojA -[21]. yaskhA: pativratatulAmadhirodumI18. thA nArundhatI gurutarAmabhimAninIti / patyuH samIkSitavidhAnaparApi sAdhvI kAryantathA paramagAdatilambiteva / -[22]. moDakIDAsatAsistulitabasava(ba)la: koyala: kopalAnA nasatvAcI(mI)ravIraH vidhilitamithilaH kAsavabAlavAnAM / sIdatyAvaracediH kurutASu marutsaMjvaro gUrjarANA tamAtA sa baje nRpakula tilakaH zrIyazovarmarAjaH / -[23]. sa dAtA rAdheyaH saca sacivacAH pAMDutanayaH sa zUraH pArthopi prathitamapimAna: kimapite / 11 Metre, Varantatilaka. * Metre; Serdalavikridita. - Originally parIbe; road pIrAba.. # The first of these two aksharas is quite illegible in -Metre, Arya the impressions. Metre, Upajati. - Metre, Sragdhara * Rand vicica. - Read saccoM vi.. * Metro, Sloka (Anubtubb). * Metre, Sloka (Anushtubh). * Metro, Bardalavikridita * Metre, Vasantatil kl. -Bandai parika * Metro, Sragdbart Metre, Vanatatilata 12 14.
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________________ 15. 16. 17. KHAJURAHO INSCRIPTION No. II. 127 vyatotAH kiM brU(brU)mo yadi puna[ri]ha syuH svacarite [Di]yA jaldI (bI) kuryurvadanamavalo [ko] namadhunA // -[24]. vastavAtari tatra bhUbhRti nRNAM kezAya zastragrahaH kAmaM dAtari sikelisumanastatpAya kalpadrumAH [1] vitteza: para (mA) vidhurasvAntI vilAsI sa ce - dAsye tasya satIndurutpalavanaprItye dRzAsutsave // [25]. yasyodyoge va (ba) lAnAM pra[sa] rati rajasi vyApta [meM] do [ntarAle ] : sindhu (f) rodhAH pihitarucirabhUGgAnurAdarzaramyaH / sa[mya]gdevendradantI mudamadhita viyatsAmbhramAloca hasA: " sotkaNThAstasthurAsItrayanadamamatI kUSitAttamavoH // " [26] . anyonyAva (ba) - prakopaddipakAla milahantadaNDAbhighAta - prodhavvA (vA) lAkalApaprasRta hutabhuji vyAghanadhvAnabhIme / pItAsRcI (kvI) varacaH pramadaka [lakala]"GghAdarau [dramahAse] dhIraM bhI [teva lakSmIH samarazi] rasi yaM saM [vamA ] dAli [liGga] // - [27]. uttuGgAccanazailasannibhacalanmattaddipendrasthita - kudhyahurdharadhanvimArgaNagaNaprArabdha (bdha) racAkriyaM / vikhyAtacitipAlamau - 18. liracanAvinyastapAdAmbu (mbu) jaM saMkhyesaMkhyava (ba) laM vyajeSTa gatabhIryacedirAjaM haThAt // " [28] . lacmacchAyAkaluSavapuSaH kAntimahU[ra] mi[ndo]ra[nyA?]yatta [sphuri]tavidhurA [ts]ndaraM cAravi[ndAt] / ya[syA?] [cAIvRtteH 1] saMbhbhrAntAbhiH kathamapi sukhaM vIca vairipriyAbhiH // " [29]. -- gaGgAnirjharaghargharadhvanibhayabhrAmyatturaGgavajAH sadyaH suptavivu (bu) kesa - riravavasvatkarIndrAkulAH / yatsendheH pratikalpapAdapamumAlUnaprasUnoccayAH prAleyAcalamekhalAH kathamapi [kA]ntA: [ nairhignaye] // " [30]. ucca[prA]kArabhi[ttisthi]ta[sa]mada[zikhikrUra?] - - [minA1]da - -- [ya] - ~ -- natha [ ratha] turagaprAptavegAntarAyaH / yasminmadhyandine syAttaraviranudinaM nIlakaNThAdhivAsaM jagrAha krIDayA yastilakamiva bhuvaH at Metre, Sikharint. 3 Motre, Sardalavikridita. * Read iMsA Metre, Sragdhara; and of the next verse. 42 The first akshara in [see] in the impressions looks like . 40 Motre, Shrddlavikrlaite. 4 Metre, Mandakrani. "Metre, Bardalavikridita.
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________________ 128 19. 20. yA patracAdayatimahAvIravanaprakriye rAvA (bA) syAdaviluptasatya [samaye ] rA pA[Ni] pIDAvidheH / azrAntArthivi [tI] pUrNavibhavaista[thepsitA]kAMci[bha] - [rotkarSakathAkanocca[] pulakeryaH sAdhubhi [ : ] stUyate // -[32]. [f] supe [[ma] puruSAntarasaGgamena [mAnti]ca jAtu satatabhvamacakrameNa / yasyAtipauruvanirastamanubhAve loke []". 21. EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. kisa kAlaMjarAdriM // " [31]. [dragata ] kIrbhiraninditeva // " [33]. ekeovAca lokajanyAtaM ziraH kaSkA yena dhIraca devakIva madhuDiyA - [34]. bhau[ya] dAryanayAdini [[]] cathAmA bhirA [maM yaya1] [yasthA]zeSa[viSaya]nA[thati][1][nti si] [] yaH / [tasya soma][mamaIna[2]4[:']spaSTaprakAzokatatrailokyasya sahasrasaMkhyamahaso dIpapradAnopamaM // " - [35] . koposAkakuTila 23. - parata (ca) codayahivyAghAtasthAracIradhvanicakitamanaH saMbhvamabhrAntadRdda spaSTaM maheSu dUraM cidapi ripuSSu cate [jI]mva(ba) rAme * di[uftra] w w]cutyazi?] [fa]urfa[zrquet]*<<*[~1]: # *--[36]. [[]] [[]]][te] yaradindukAntamAkhyAtumicchati vayaHprasa[[]] bacIbhiH / dIpaprabhAparicayena visundhaSu [bu]dhirmadhyandine divasanAthamudIcatesau // " [37]. 22. yatrAkrAmadavakramAnasava [ba] libyAjaprayogApata : pRthvIsaMghanalabdha[mba]lAghavamaghacchedI padaM vAmanaH / bokAlIkari matapratitajyotirviSacAca va Metre, Sragdhara. * Motre, Bardalavikridita. * takrAmati tacicAkara [mahA?] zrIsa [ciM vaM yamaH [29][bhI] dayeSu besisarasotImA da vizeSaviSadanyayobhayataThIvisasainAbhara / madhyatarInyukita zrIvarmA bhitra cakre 'krasamaH kalindatanayAM jo sutAM ca kramAt // - [39] . cAkhAneSu mahIbhujAM sunAne va sahame cavIthISaye catvare / grAme pAmaramaNDalI [a] dhvanyadhya][ga]kayA [mila][ko] kasAM viyA This and the following three aksharas might be read #wwfer; but I believe that has been altered to and fe to , and the two aksharas we are so similar to y, that they may be read either way. Metre, Vasantatilaka. - - 49 Metre, Sloka (Anushtubb). 40. Metre, Bardalavikridita. at Metre, Sragdhari. as This akshara looks like meM, altered to . Motre, Vasantatilake. Metre, Bardulavikridita; and of the next two verses.
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________________ KILAJU RAHO INSCRIPTION No. II. 129 24. bityaM [tahaNakIrtanakamukharAH sarvatra sarve janAH // -[40]. yasthAna[na] zaradakhaNDazaziprasane kopaM vyanakti idayasthamaripriyA - nnaaN| siMdUrabhUSaNavivarjitamAsyapadmamulbaSTahAravalayaM kucamaNDalaM ca // -[41]. tenetacAru cAmIkarakalasalasakSyoma dhAma vyadhAyi bhAjiSNu prAMzuvaMzadhvajapaTa[paTalA]dolitA[bhoja]vandaM / devArAtastuSArakSitidharazikharasparSi vardhiSNurAgA __ dRSTe yAvAsa yatra tR(vi)divavasatayo vismayante sametAH // -[12]. kailAzA(sA)oTanAthaH suditi ca tataH kI26. rarAjaH prapede sAhistasmAdavApa hipaturagava(ba)lenAnu heramba (mba)pAla: / talsUnordavapAlAttamatha hayapa[]: prApya ninye pratiSThA vaikuNThaM kuNThitAri: kSiti[dharati]lakaH zrIyazovarmarAjaH // -[13]. zrIdhanaH svabhujaprasAdhitamahoni.jarAjyasthitistasmAdAsa mahodadheriva vidhuH sUnurjanAnandavat / yuke nazyadarAtivargasubhaTaprastayamAnastutirni - 26. tyaM nambarama)mahIpamauligalitamrakpUjitAMtriyaH // "-[14]. pAkAlacaramA ca mAlavanadotIrasthite" bhAkhataH kAlidosaritastaTAdita itopyA cedideshaav[dh:|] [pA tasmAdapi] vismaya kanila[yA hopAbhidhAnAhireyaH zAsti ci[ti]mAyatorjitabhujavyApAralIlA nitAM] -[45]. yastyAgavikramavivekakalAvilAsaprajJApratApavibhavaprabhavacaritrAt / cakre katI 27. sumanasAM manasAmakasmAdasmAdakAlakalikAlavirAmazaMkA // "-[46]. zabdA(bdAnubhAtha(sa)navidA pitRmAndhyatti dehena mAdhavakaviH sapamA prayasti / yasthAmalaM [kaviyathaH katinaH kathAsu romAJcakajuSaH parikorsayanti / -[47]. maMskatabhASAviduSA jaya[gu][putreNa kautukaa[likhi]taa| cirAkSarA prazasti: karaNikajahena gauDena 10-[48]. pAtADUmipatiH pRthIM bayodharma[:] pravaItAM / nandantu godijanmAna[:]" prajA prApnotu nirvRtim / -[49]. samvatsaradAzateSu ekAdazAdhikaSu sambat 1011 utkIe ceyaM ka[pakAra . . . . . . . . . . . . zrI[vanAyaka?"]pAladeve pAlayati [vasudhAM vasudhArnA [dha?]ga[tA] niIndha[vai]ri i[bhaH / / ] namo bhagavate vAsudevAya // // namaH savitre // 28. * Metre, Vasantatilaka. 4 These signs of vitarga were originally omitted. Metro, Srugdhark; and of the next verse. Metre, Mloka (Anushtubh). >> Metre, Sardglavikrilita; and of the next verse. 6 Here from 10 to 12 aksharus are illegible in the impres. The vowel of thin akshara (a) may have been struck out. sions. I would suggest rending sthitAhAkhava: # of the aksharas in these brackets only 7 aud rappear * Metre, Vasantutilaka; and of the next verse. w me to be certain. -Metre, Arya This was originally :
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________________ 130 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. TRANSLATION Om ! Adoration to the holy Vasudeva! (Verse 1.) May that Vaikuntha protect you, who, frightening the whole world with his roaring, as boar and as man-lion, slew the three chief Asuras, Kapila and the rest, (who were) terrible in the world, (and who) possessed one body which by the boon of Brahman enjoyed freedom from fear (and) could be destroyed (only) by (Vaikuntha) having assumed those forms! (2.) May the three strides of the god Hari, (made) when he was cheating Bali, (and) at once praised by the astounded gods and demons, protect the three worlds ! Even now that one father of the three worlds, Hara, bears on his head the holy water which, respectfully then offered by Brahman, fell on (Hari's) lotus-foot. (3.) May that god protect you, on whose famous breast, broad like the wall of the Anjana mountain, (and) covered with drops of water so that it appeared like the star-covered sky, (and) marked with scars by the swords of the Daityas, fell, withdrawn from all other) inhabitants of heaven, many glances of Lakshmi, agitated with confusion at the proximity of the Mandara mountain ! (4.) Deep like the oceans, pleasing like the moon, radiant with the brilliancy of the sun, firm like the Creator, great like the noblest of mountains, munificent like the trees of paradise, tell me truly, if anywhere there has been another lord, charming with a multitude of spotless excellencies unchangeable to the end of the world, equal to Yasovarman : (5.) From Nature unmanifested (and) changeless there proceeded here the Great One; from that was born Self-consciousness, which engendered the group of the organs (upagraha); from that in due order the Subtile Elements took their origin, and from them the Gross Elements; from them afterwards proceeded the World." (6.) Then, when the whole world had come to an end, there was first here by his own greatness the mighty Creator, the first sage of all kinds of knowledge, the divine witness on high, skilful in creating the three worlds, that ruler over all who dwells on the filaments of the opening lotus. (7.) From that Creator of the universe, that ancient being, that sage who is the abode of sacred knowledge, sprang those early sages of holy conduct, Marichi and the rest. Atri, one of them, begat the sage Chandratreya, who by his ceaseless austerities acquired fierce might, (and) who was a flame of unfeigned intensely radiant knowledge. (8.) The family proceeding from him, who caused the welfare of the worlds (and) was acquainted with every science (and) a receptacle of sacred lore that came to him of its own accord, is a fit object of laudation; (a family) where neither prowess has caused depression nor flattery elation, in which there has not been a particle even of * The above gives the general meaning of the verse, I believe, correctly; but the first half of it does not admit of a proper construction. Compare, ... the Sankhya Aphorisme of Kapila, translated by Ballantyne, Brd Ed., p. 71: Davies. Hindd Philosophy, pp. 20 and 21, 36, 64. The word Tv of the text appears to denote the five organs of sense, the five organs of action, and manas.
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________________ KHAJURAHO INSCRIPTION No. II. 131 feebleness, and where the attainment of the objects desired has not tended to the destruc. tion (of the possessor). (V. 9.) How shall we praise the princes of spotless fame of that (family), whose thoughts were nobly directed towards the protection of people in distress, the possessors of every blessing who, full of energy, inasmuch as they practised the conduct of the golden age, lad a meritorious existence, (and) who had the strength to destroy as well as to protect the whole earth ? (10.) Among them there was the illustrious prince Nannuka, a touchstone to test the worth of the gold of the regal order, who playfully decorated the faces of the women of the quarters with the sandal of his fame; (and) of whom, inasmuch as his enemies without exception bowed down at the progress of his unprecedented valour, princes confounded, through fear, carried the command on their heads, like a garland. (11.) As he conquered many hosts of enemies (and) was shaped like the god of love, his name, made known by the spread of the laudations uttered by groups of delighted panegyrists, at once took its place in the minds of deer-eyed women whose bodies were cmaciated with love of him), while despair unobstructed forcibly took hold on crowds of antagonists. (12.) From him, who in battle defeated the enemies (and) whose speech was like that of Vakpati, the lord of speech,' was born the illustrious Vakpati, whose spotless fame roams about in all the three worlds, together verily with the rays of the sun. (13.) Whose pleasure-mound 10as) that Vindhya, the peaks of which are charming with the sweet notes of his excellencies sung by Kirata women seated on spotless lotuses, (and) on which groups of peacocks are made to dance by the bubbling noise of waterfalls rushing down from its tops. (14) As the moon and the Kaustubha (arose) from the ocean of milk, so were born from that home of wonder two sons, Jayasakti and Vijayasakti. (15.) Princes, when they are met together, enraptured praise with shaking of beads the decds of both of them, by the unmeasured prowess of whom adversaries were destroyed, as woods are burnt by a blazing fire. (16.) The younger of the two begat a son named Rahila, thinking of whom the enemics enjoy little sleep at night. (17.) Who never tired, at the sacrifice of battle, where the terribly wielded sword was the ladle, where the oblation of clarified butter was made with streaming blood, where the twanging of the bow-string was the exclamation Dashat, (and) at which exasperated warriors marching in order were the priests, sucessful with his counsels (As with sacred hymns) sacrificed, like beasts, the adversaries in the fire of enmity, made to blaze up high by the wind of his unappeased anger. (18.) Then that most excellent of rulers, whose vigour was aught but slight, begat the illustrious prince Harsha, who was almost like a tree of paradise, the flowers of whose widely expanding fame make the regions fragrant with the scent of their per. fame even now. (19.) In him (were) fortune and eloquence combined, statesmanship (and) heroism, vigour radiant with the quality of goodness and complete patience come to him by nature, contentment and a desire for victory, modesty and self-confidence. Endless as are his cxcellencies, what is it then that we shall praise of that meritorious store of marvel ?
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________________ 132 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (V. 20.) He who (was afraid to offend against the law, anxious to worship the feet of (Vishnu), the enemy of Madhu, unacquainted with wicked utterances, abashed when his own excellencies were being enumerated, void of calumnious speech, (and) mute by birth to utter untrue words,-what person then was he, that is thus praised as in every respect endowed by nature with famous qualities? (21.) He, of beautiful body (and) unblunted intellect, with due rites married a suitable (lady) of equal caste, named Kanchhuka, sprung from the Chahamana tribe. (22.) Arundhati, priding herself to be her superior, was nevertheless unable to measure herself with her in devotion to her husband, and it was for this reason that she, although a good wife (and) intent to do the behests of her husband, extremely abashed as it were, became so utterly emaciated. (83.) She bore to him that frontal ornament of princely families, the illustrious king Yasovarman, who was a sword to cut doron) the Gaudas as if they were pleasurecreepers, equalled the forces of the Khasas, (and) carried off the treasure of the Kobalas; before whom perished the Kasmirt warriors, who weakened the Mithilas. (and) was as it were a god of death to the MAlavas; who brought distress on the shameful Chedis, who was to the Kurus what a storm is to trees, (and) a scorching fire to the Gurjaras. (24.) If (Karna), that munificent son of Radha, and that true-speaking son of Pandu, and (Arjuna), that heroic son of Pritha, -need we say it if all those whose greatness is any way famous, who have passed away, were to be here again, they would, blushing at their own conduct, bend down their faces, were they to see him here now. (25.) While this prince is protecting the distressed, the carrying of arms (only) tends to fatigue men; while he is granting desires, the trees of paradise (only) furnish beds of flowers for the amorous play of the Biddhas; the lord of riches has his mind bewildered at the growth of (his) real wealth, when he is dallying; while his face is a feast of the eyes, the moon causes delight (only) to groups of lotuses. (26.) When the dust rose on the expeditions of his forces, the river of heaven had its current diverted midway by the embankments formed in it; the sun, having its lustre covered, was pleasant like a mirror; seeing the sky all over covered with clouds, the elephant of the lord of the gods became delighted, (and) the swans eagerly looked upwards, (and) a thousand eyes of averted enemies became closed. (27.) Him, (who remained) calm at the head of battle, where a fire was spreading with the masses of flames issuing forth from the strokes of the big trunks, meeting in fight, of the mutually enraged elephants, (which roas) terrible with the deep sounds of the bow-strings, (and) where the laughter of demons, intoxicated with the blood drunk by them, was made awful by their mad confused shouts,-him Fortune, frightened as it were, anxiously embraced. (28.) Free from fear, he impetuously defeated in battle the Chedi king whose forces were countless, who had put down his lotus-foot on rows of diadems of famous princes, (and) who tried to protect himself by showers of arrows of enraged irresistible archers, standing on mighty infuriated elephants that were marching along like towering Aojana mountains.
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________________ KHAJURAHO INSCRIPTION No. II. 133 (V. 29.) [This verse, of which a portion is more or less illegible in the original, appears to say that the wives of the enemies considered his face more beautiful even than the moon and the lotus). (30.) At the conquest of the regions, his soldiers gradually managed to ascend the slopes of the snowy mountain, where plentiful flowers had been gathered by Uma from every tree of paradise; where the troops of horses became unmanageable with fright at the gurgling sound of the torrents of the Ganges, (and) which were crowded with (his) mighty elephants, terrified at the roaring of lions suddenly awakened from their sleep. (31.) (He easily conquered the Kalanjara mountain, the dwelling place of Siva, which is so high that it impedes the progress of the sun at mid-day.] (82.) By people who, since they began to handle the sword, have never ceased to observe the vow of heroism, by those who from childhood have never broken their plighted faith, by those who, till their hands began to ache, have bestowed ample wealth on suppliants, as well as hy those who wish to have their desires fulfilled, he is praised by (all) good men, enraptured at the tales of his high pre-eminence. (83.) The people, among whom the notion of his being a human being had been banished by his manliness, certainly did absolve his fame from all blame for going to the sea, afraid as it was of incurring censure by coming in contact with other men, and of never obtaining rest if it were constantly to roam about. (34.) By (having given birth to this steadfast (prince), Kanchhuka alone in this world carried her head erect (with pride) at the birth of a son, just as Devaki did by giving birth to) the enemy of Madhu. (35.) Since the wives of the Siddhas sing his fame, the ornament of all faultless rulers, (which is) charming by reason of (his) heroism, generosity, wisdom, and a multitude of other spotless qualities, - to laud him, that sun in scattering the enemies, is like illumining the thousand-rayed (sun), when it has clearly manifested the three worlds. (86.) In battle, the impetuous massive arms of that ocean of regal splendour, engaged in conquering the earth, did not cease to itch, even though the enemies.-their sight bewildered, when their minds were frightened by the loud fearful sound of the twanging of the string of his terrible large bow, crooked like the brow of the enraged god of death and emitting a shrill sound, -had clearly disappeared, nobody knew whither. (37.) Whoever attempts to describe in words the expansion of the fame, pleasing like the autumnal moon, of the prince Lakshavarman, that foolish-minded person looks, because he is familiar with the light of a lamp, up to the lord of the day at mid. day. (88.) This bright fame of his, which rivals the great splendour of the moon, proceeds to regions which (even) the sin-destroying Vamana did not reach, when he rapidly crossed over the earth on the occasion of cheating the guileless-minded Bali, (and) which the sun (even) does not reach, because its rays are impeded by the hundreds of peaks of the Lokaloka mountains. According to Mano, III, 168, those who undertake voyages by so, doverve congere and should be avoided.-I should have expected the particle fa to connect the two halves of the worse, and am inclined to read vefato , instead of Tonftat..
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________________ 134 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (V. 39.) Steadfast (and) possessed of fierce ardour, the illustrious Lakshavar. man in his conquests of the regions made, equal to Indra, the daughter of Kalinda and the offspring of Jahnu, one after another, his pleasure-lakes, encamping the forces of his army on either banks unmolested by any adversaries, (and rendering) their waters muddy by the bathing of his furious mighty elephants. (40.) In the halls of princes, where sages dwell, (and) where good people meet, in the village, in the assemblages of the lowly, among the rows of shops of merchants, (and) where streets cross, where Wanderers talk together on the road, (and) in the huts of the dwellers of the forest,--everywhere everybody constantly from astonishment is loud only in praise of his excellencies. (41.) His face being serene like the full-moon in autumn, the anger dwelling in his heart is manifested (only) by the lotus-faces, deprived of the decoration of red-lead, and by the round breasts, stripped of their pearl-strings, of the wives of his enemies. (42.) He erected this charming splendid home of (Vishnu), the enemy of the Daityas, which rivals the peaks of the mountain of snow; the golden pinnacles of which illumine the sky, (and) on which groups of lotuses are wafted to and fro by multitudes of banners on high poles; at the sight of which the inhabitants of heaven, met together on festivals, filled with increasing delight, are struck with wonder. (43.) (The image of) Vaikuntha (which) the ornament of princes, the illustrious king Yasovarman, who crushed his enemies, has set up (here).-the lord of Bhota obtained it from the Kailasa, and from him Sahi, the king of Kira, received it as a token of friendship; from him afterwards Herambapala obtained it for a force of elephants and horses, and (Yasovarman himself) received it from Devapala, the lord of horses (Hayapati), the son of (Herambapala). (44.) As the moon (arose) from the great ocean, so was born to him a son, causing joy to the people, the illustrious Dhanga, who by his arms has firmly established his upright rule over the earth, whose praise is sung by champions before whom the hosts of enemies are perishing in battle, (and) whose two feet are constantly worshipped with garlands, fallen down from the crowns of princes who bow down (before him); (45.) who rules the earth, playfully acquired by the action of his long and strong arms, as far as Kalanjara and as far as Bhasvat, situated (?) on the banks of the river of Malava; from here to the banks of the river Kalindi, and from here also to the frontiers of the Chedi country, and even as far as that mountain called Gopa (Gopadri) which is the unique abode of marvel; (46.) who, a source of munificence, bravery, discernment, of arts and dalliance. of intelligence, majesty and might, accomplishing his purposes, by means of such conduct, all at once created in the minds of well-disposed people the belief that the Kali-age had, out of season, come to an end. (47.) The poet Madhava, whose father is Dedda, learned in grammar, has composed this eulogy, he whose spotless fame as a poet wise men, filled with rapture, celebrate in tales. "1.o., the Yamuna and the Ganges.
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________________ KHAJURAHO INSCRIPTION No. III. 135 (V. 48.) The eulogy has been eagerly written in pleasing letters by the son of Jayaguna (P), the writer of legal documents, Jaddha, the Gauda, who knows the Sanskrit language. (49) May the ruler of the land protect the earth! May the law of the three Vedas prosper! May cows and the twice-born rejoice! May the people obtain happiness! In ten hundred years increased by eleven; the year 1011. Engraved (was) this (eulogy) by the artisan. . . . . . . . . . . While the illustrious Vinayaka(Opaladeva is protecting the earth, the earth is not taken possession of by the enemies, who have been annihilated. Adoration to the holy Vasudeva! Adoration to the Sun! III. INSCRIPTION FROM A JAINA TEMPLE OF THE YEAR 1011. This inscription' is carved on the left door-jamb of the temple of Jinanatha, at Khajuraho. It consists of 11 lines. The writing covers a space of about 89 broad by 87" high, and is well preserved. The size of the letters is about t". The characters are Nagart; in my opinion, not earlier than the thirteenth century. The language is Sansksit, and the inscription is partly in verse and partly in prose. The verses offend against the metre, and the grammar is faulty; as regards orthography, the dental sibilant is throughout used for the palatal sibilant, and sh is employed instead of kh in vaisa sha, for vaisakha, line 10. The inscription records a number of gifts made (probably in favour of the temple where the inscription is) by one Pahilla, whose name is spelt Pahila, and who is described as held in honour by king Dhanga (or, possibly, Dhanga); and it is dated, in line 1, in the year 1011, and, in lines 10 and 11, on the 7th of the bright half of Vaisakha, on Somadina or Monday. Regarding the figures for the year (1011), it must be stated that the artizan, in the place of the cypher, first engraved the figure 1, which he subsequently altered to 0; but the four figures actually are 1011, and cannot possibly be read in any other way. The inscription,' then, is dated in the same year as the inscription of Yalovarman (No. II, above), and it apparently mentions the same prince Dhanga, who is spoken of in that inscription as the ruling prince. Moreover, whatever may have been said to the contrary, the date undoubtedly works out satisfactorily. For, taking the figures 1011 to denote the southern Vikrama year 1011, expired, the corresponding day is April 2, A.D. 955, which was a Monday, as required. On the other hand, the characters in which the inscription is engraved are far more modern than those of the inscription of Yasovarman; and taking the date to be correct, and the references in both inscriptions to be to the same Dhanga (the only prince of that name known to us), we must of necessity assume that the inscription, as we now have it, has, similarly to the inscription of See Cunningham's Arckaeol. Suro. of Ind. vol. II, p. 433, and vol. XXI, p. 67. The inscription has been edited by Dr. Rajendra Al Mitra in the Jour. As. Soc. Bong. vol. XXXII, p. 279, and photo-lithograph of it was published by Sir A. Cunninghamn in Archaeol. Survey of India, vol. XXI, plate zvi, J. I bow re-edit it from an impression prepared by Dr. Burgess. The corresponding date for the northern Vikrama year 1011, corrent, would be Saturday, April 28, A.D. 963; and for the portbern Vikrama year 2011, expired, or southern Vikrama year 1011, current, Wednesday, April 12, A.D. 954
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________________ 136 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Dhangadeva of the year 1059 (No. IV, below), been re-engraved from a more ancient copy. Text. 1. pI [*] saMvat 1015 samaye / ninakuladhavalIyaM di2. vyamUrti khasI(zI)la sa(za)madamaguNayukta sarva satvA(tA)nukaMpI [*] khajanajanitatoSo dhAMgarAjana' mAnya praNamati jinanAthoyaM bhavyapArisa - b. mAmA (3) 1 // pAhilavATikA 1 caMdravATikA 2 6. laghucaMdravATikA 3 saM(za)karavATikA 4 paMcAra7. talavATikA 5 pAmavATikA / dha(?)gavADI 7 [*] 8. "pAhilavaMse (the) tupaye vINe paparavaMso(yo) yaH kopi 9. tiSThati [*] tasya dAsastha dAsoyaM mama datistu pAla10. yet| mahArAjagurunI(zrI)vAsavacaMdra[1] vaisA(yA)Sa(kha) 11. sudi 7 somadine / TRANSLATION. Om! In the year 1011. (Line 1.) He who bears the auspicious name Pahilla, renders illustrious in his family, possesses a divine body. (and) a guod disposition, is endowed with the qualities of tranquillity and self-control, (and) takes compassion on all beings, is pleased by good people (and) held in honour by king Dhanga, he bows down here to the lord of the Jinas. (5.) 1, the Pahilla garden; 2, the Chandra garden; 3, the small Chandra garden ; 4, the Samkara garden; b, the Palichaitala" garden; 6, the mango garden; 7, the Dhanga garden-ground; (these are my gifts). (8.) Whatever family there is here, when the family of Pahilla is no more, Iam the servant of its servant,-may it guard my gifts! The Maharaja-guru (or high-priest, is) the illustrious Vasavachandra. On the 7th day of the light half of the month) Vaisakha, on a Monday. * This, too, appears formerly to have been the opinion of Bir A. Canningham ; see Jour. Beng. 4.. Soc. vol. XXXII, p. 374. In Arohaol. Surry of India, vol. XXI, p. 67, the same scholar has taken the true date to be "Bayat 1111, or A.D. 1064, in which year Taifdkha su.di 7 did fall on Monday, the 18th April." In reality, however, Vaildkha sv.di 7, in A.D. 1034, fell on Sunday, April 17. From the impression taken by Dr, Burgess. * Expressed by saymbol. * Metro, MAlint, but the second half offonds against the metre. I propose to read the whole verse thus: fuar da dibamatiH sumauSamamadamagupayuktaH sarvasatvAnukAyo / sujanananitavISI dhanarAjana mAnyaH pracamati jimanAce bhavyapAhijanAmA / The akehara at looks w if it had been altered to . The metro requires gify, and so the name is written in the inscription No. VIII, below. * Metre, Sloka (Anushtabb); but the first balf offends against the metre, and does not admit of a proper construction. Iwould ruggent rending pApiyo tucIce baMbhI yA bIpi viti. "Originally deti; read dacIsu. The word 'white' is used in the sense of 'rendering white' (or bright, or famous). >> I do not understand this word.
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________________ KHAJURAHO INSCRIPTION No. IV. 137 broad by rendered one of IV. STONE INSCRIPTION OF DHANG ADEVA OF THE YEAR 1059; RENEWED BY JAYAVARMADEVA IN THE YEAR 1178. The stone which bears this inscription was discovered in February 1838 by Captain T. S. Burt, of the Bengal Engineers, at a temple of Khajuraho, and it is now built into the wall on the right side of the entrance of the temple of Visvanatha, at the same place. I am now able to publish an improved version of the text, from two excellent impressions taken by Dr. Burgess. The inscription consists of 34 lines. The writing covers & space of about 6' 2 broad by 2' 10" high, and, except that a crack, which runs through the stone from top to bottom, has rendered one or two aksharas illegible, it is well preserved throughout. The size of the letters is from * to 1". The characters are Nagart; they are not formed very carefully, and it is therefore occasionally difficult to distinguish between the signs for dha and va, those for ta, na and la, those for cha and ra, those for ya and sa, and those for rgga and rmma. The language is Sanskrit, and, excepting the introduo. tory blessing, and the two dates in lines 32-33 and at the end of line 34, the inscription is in verse. From a grammatical point of view, I need only state that in line 34 we find the wrong form prollikhat, for prodalikhat. As regards orthography, b is throughout denoted by the sign for o; the dental sibilant is 43 times put for the palatal sibilant (e.g., in sikhari, line 1, sukla and bisutne, line 3, varsa, lines 7, 21, 27 and 30, &c.) and the palatal sibilant 12 times for the dental sibilant (e.g., in prabanea, line 8, samkochitah, line 9, srajah, line 10, &c.); for jjo we have jo in ujsala, lines 5, 10, 15, 24, and 31, and for the lingual or palatal nasal the dental nasal in hiranmayan, line 4, kshunna, line 20, spachchhan-cha, line 16, and in dhyayan-japan jahnadi-, line 29. Besides, the sign for visarga has been wrongly omitted in varnna sdarnna-, line 15; and the rules of euphony have been neglected in nihkriyaya, line 1, and dahinksita, line 14, and in ripoh chchhetta, line 22. The inscription may be divided into two parts, the first of which ends with the words prasastih siddha in line 33, while the second part comprises the remaining portion, to the end. This concluding portion merely records that the (preceding part of the) inscription (which may be supposed to have become damaged or illegible) was caused to be (re-written in clear letters by the illustrious prince Jayavarmadera, and that, as we now actually have it on the stone, the inscription was written by the Kayastha JayapAla, of the Gauda country, and the date of this renewal of the inscription is (in line 34) stated to be "the year 1173, the 3rd day of the bright half of the month) Vaisakha, on Sukra or Friday," & date on which I shall have to comment below. 1 This inscription was first edited, most carolonely, from impressions taken by Captain Bart, and with an English translation by Mr. J.O.C. Butherland, in the Jour. Beng. 4.. Soc. vol. VIII, pp. 169-184 (Conf. also Lassen, Indiacle Altertumskunde, vol. III, pp. 789-787). Subsequently, the text of the inscription has been re-edited by myself, in the Nachrichten d. Konigl. Ges. d. Wissenschaften su Gollingen, 1886, pp. 441-482, from an indifferent rabbing made by or for Bir A. Cunningham, and handed over to me by Mr. Fleet; and small photolithograph of it was published by Bir A. Cunningham, in the Archeol. Survey of India, vol.' XXI, plato xviii. In his plate it is wrongly described the Inscription of Ganda Deva.' The name Ganda Oeun nowhere in this inscription. In 1887, Mr. Ploot made over to me norerad very fair rubbingo of the inscription, which would have enabled me to correct some of the reading in my previous edition of the text.
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________________ 138 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. The contents of the first part of the inscription (or of the original inscription which was renewed under Jayavarmadeva) may be shortly stated to be as follows: After the introductory blessing "Om, adoration to Siva," the poet praises Siva (Rudra, Digambara, Saladhara, Mahesvara), Bharati, the goddess of eloquence, and Ganesa, and expresses his devotion to other great poets (verses 1-6). Verse 7 describes how the mundane egg came into existence. From the two halves of it Brahman made heaven and earth. while from his own mind he created Marichi and other sages (v. 8). The most distinguished among these was Atri, from whose eye sprang the moon, and whose son was the sage Obandratreya, the progenitor of the distinguished race called after him, which will rule the earth as long as the moon lasts (vv. 9.12). After having expressed his admiration of the former great kings of the Chandratreya family (v. 13), the poet goes on to relate how in the course of time there came in this race a prince named Nannuka (v. 14), whose prowess reminded the gods of Arjuna (v. 15). He had a son, Vakpati (v. 16), who by his wisdom and valour excelled the mythical kings Ptithu and Kakutstba (v. 17). His son was Vijaya (v. 18), whose fame was sung by semi-divine beings (v. 19), and who, after having subdued the neighbouring countries, like Rama, on his warlike expeditions reached even the southernmost point of India (v. 20). He had a son, Ra. hila (v. 21), who favoured his friends and punished his enemies (vv. 22-23), and whose son, again, was Harsha (v. 24), a king who protected the whole earth and subdued his adversaries (vv. 25-28). Harsha's wife Kanchhuka (vv. 29-30) bore to him a son, named Yalovarmadeva (v. 81), who, pious and munificent (vv. 32-33), reduced other kings to the state of dependency (v. 34), filled the whole earth with his renown and with the fame of his excellencies (vv, 35-36), and firmly established his rule (v. 37). He caused a large tank to be dug (v. 38), and erected a magnificent temple for (Vishnu) Vaikuntha, which, to judge from the wording of verse 39, was near the temple at which the present inscription was put up, and which clearly is the temple the erection of which is recorded in the inscription of Yasovarman himself (No. II, above). Yasovarman's wife. Puppa (vv. 40-41), bore to him a son, Dhanga (v. 42), who is compared with Vishnu-Krishna (vv. 43-44). He was so powerful that the rulers of Kobala, Kratha, Simhala (Ceylon), and Kuntala humbly listened to his commands (v. 46), and so successful in his wars that the wives of the kings of Kanchi, Andhra, Radha and Anga lingered in his prisons (v. 46). In short, Dhanga's fame spread to the furthermost borders of the inhabited globe, and even beyond (v. 47). I may state here at once that the list of princes of the Chandratreya (or Chan. della) family, contained in the preceding, closely agrees with the list known to us from the inscription of Yasovarman, the only differences being, that the present inscription calls Vijayasakti simply Vijaya and omits his elder brother Jayasakti, and that it tells us the name of Yasovarman's queen. A comparison of the two inscriptions clearly shows that the author of the present inscription had the inscription of Yasovarman before him : and desirous of making the prince Dhanga, with whom he is more particularly concerned, appear even more illustrious than Yasovarman, he does not hesitate to cover the former with the most fulsome praise which, from an historical point of view, is of no value whatever. The proper object of the inscription is, to record that Dhanga erected a magni. ficent temple for the god Sambhu (Siva), with two lingas, one of emerald and the other
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________________ KHAJURAHO INSCRIPTION No. IV. of stone (vv. 48-51). He also distributed great quantities of gold (v. 52), and established, in connection with the temple, dwellings for pious Brahmans to whom donations were made of land, grain, money, and cows (vv. 53-54). The inscription was put up after the death of Dhanga; for verse 55 relates that, when Dhanga had ruled the whole earth over which he alone held sway, and had lived rather more than a hundred years, he abandoned the body in the waters of the Ganges and the Yamuna and entered into beatitude, closing the eyes, fixing his thoughts on Rudra and muttering holy prayers. This eulogy of the prince was completed, when the illustrious priest of the royal household Yasodhara was directing the administration of justice (v. 56). It was composed by the poet Rama, the son of Balabhadra, and grandson of the poet Nandana who was of the Savara (or Sabara) family and a resident of Tarkarika (vv. 57-58) written by the Kayastha Yasahpala (v. 59), and engraved by Simha (v. 62). The temple erected by Dhanga for (Siva) Pramathanatha was built by the architect Chhichchha (v. 60). May it last for ever! (v. 61) 139 Yasodhara, who is mentioned in the preceding paragraph, is almost certainly the Bhatta Yasodhara, who figures as donee in the Bengal Asiatic Society's copper-plate grant of Dhangadeva,' of the (Vikrama) year 1055; and the same grant also mentions the place Tarkarika. The original inscription, in lines 32-33, ends with the words: "The year 1059 (which as a year of the Vikrama era, corresponds to A.D. 1001-2); at the glorious Kharjuravahaka, in the realm of the illustrious king' hangadeva; the eulogy of the glorious divine Marakatesvara (i.e., the emerald-lord, either Siva whose emerald linga has been mentioned before, or the temple dedicated to him) is completed." The date shows that Dhanga died between the Vikrama years 1055, the date of the Bengal Asiatic Society's copperplate grant mentioned above, and 1059. Kharj aravahaka clearly is the older name of Khajuraho, where the inscription has been found, and where it is still. It is strange that the inscription should contain no allusion whatever to the successor of Dhangadeva. The date of the renewal of the document, with which the inscription now ends does not work out altogether satisfactorily. As mentioned above, the data for calculation are: the (Vikrama) year 1173, the 3rd day of the bright half of Vaisakha, Sukra or Friday. Vaisakha su-di 3 of the northern Vikrama year (beginning with the month Chaitra) 1173, current, corresponds to March 30, A.D. 1115, which was a Tuesday; and the same day of the northern Vikrama year 1173, expired, or the southern Vikrama year (beginning with the month Karttika) 1173, current, corresponds to April 17, A.D. 1116, which was a Monday. In the southern Vikrama year 1173, expired, the third tithi of the bright half of Vaisakha, calculated by Prof. Jacobi's Tables, began 2 h. 16 m. after mean sunrise of Friday, April 6, A.D. 1117, and ended 2 h. 29 m. after mean sunrise of Saturday, April 7. I entertain little doubt that Friday, April 6, A.D. 1117, is really the day intended by the inscription, although according to the civil reckoning that day was the 2nd of the bright half of Vaisakha, but, in the absence of additional details regarding the date, I am unable to speak more positively in this matter. Edited by me in the Indian Antiquary, vol. XVI, p. 201. 8 2
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________________ 140 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA Tar.. L.1. pI namaH zivAya viSTapavikaTavaTAnAmajAyamAnAya viijbhuutaay| badrAya namaH pAsanavikSayate ni:niyAyApi-[1]. tUrva pati yA gobasi(mi)parivyUH samUhaH pata svatvAvartitamUrtirAtavikSataM kurvankaGkapludhinAm / sAMbhISavadhipradhUtavasudhAva(ba)ndhaH kava(ka)[dhIta 2... []diH'cayakAMDatAMDavavidhiH vaH zivAyAstu vaH / -[2]. karavaM hAri digaMva(ba)raH caparaka: kAdavAdahI vA(bA)le mUladharI dhigAbudhavirSi va(ba)vidarjA manu / mA jAnIhi mahabara muTamidaM vopyabhAvAditi preyaskhA parihAsatI vihasitaM gaMbhIH sabhAyAstu vH|-[8]. paepativadanacyAni tavasatiH panasamani sa dA yA / jayati vikSacavapA muzilAmA bhaartiicmrii|'-[4]. girimabhirasi yaccastamindIH kasAyAM muharamalamabAsIpAsayanaH misa(pokhe / jayati vidhutamobAsalIlAbu(pu)jana sitakupitamRDAnItADitI nAgavaH // '-[6]. nijIpatrapranAmasaraparivistAramukara padArthAnA sArtha: pratiphasati bessaamvitvH| girA pAmI yeSAmadharamadhiyate sayamayaM namastebhyaH sahAvitaSitajanaharaH vimaparam / '-[0]. bAbAdI kisa veva camavisaMgAMtAvanapurva yUgvaM vINa siracatI jagadabhUnadvAdamudrInimaH / tabAbhUdanatInakhAlasamabhUdIjAdamISAvace vAsAmAli rima(la)yaM mAdabhUda vibhii(kcrH|'-[7]. tadaMDabhADabaMDAbhyAM yA bhuvaM vidadhe piyaa| (ja)mA (a)anidhIna puvAn marI[va] mukhAmunIn / "-[8]. motiSAM prAtatamasA mAnasAnA munInA zrImAnabiH prathitamatimA mevapArI prasUtam / vasanIti:paTalajaTilaM maMDalaM vanyamindodAbeyaH samabani sunitA punaH ptiH|"-[9]. rApAkhasamastasaMcayaviparvAsamakAmIcya(da)lajAnAzIvavisI From impressions taken by Dr. Burgers. Read fafs. * Metro, &ryt. * The akakara rat, in the original, look like et. Metro, Sardalavikuidita ; and of the next vorso. Metro, Aryl * Metro, Malin. Motro, Bikharip This verse has been omitted ja Jour.deBoo. Beng.rol. VIII, P.168. Metro, Bardalavikridita. Matre, Bloka (Anushtabb) 1 Xetro, Mandakroth
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________________ KHAJURAHO INSCRIPTION No. IV. kitAkhilajagatsargApavarmakhitaH / sarvaca pratimasya ta[va] tinaH kArakhapusAmanaH / " pAraM gaMtumanantadIpamahasaH ko vA mahilA camaH / -[10]. nIraMtrI nira[gho]"nisargasarala: sArI[sa]rAbhyantarI nigyadhiH eSutApabhAgamabhanaH prvtsrvsitiH| pAma phalitIpyasavitavipatkarAridAvAgninA nabAni gamitastataH samabhavasyIyama bhutH|-[11]. pAcaMdra caMdrAtreyavaMsa(za)jAH citibhunaH citim / bhImabacatadobaDimAnIvitejasA / -[13]. ye pUrvatra pavivitacititalA: satkarmama[M]"priyAH / prApaprArthanayApyakhibamanasaH" pryaaptstvvrtaaH| ni:siMdUritaduvinItava (ba)lavanmA(tsA)mantasImantinI sImAntAH pRthivobhujI vijayinastebhyokhilebhyo namaH / "-[13]. 8. kAlaneha mahAvaM prazaMnyA(sA)prAparaMzamAn / mulAmagiriva shriimaavbuviibhuubhiiptiH| -[14]. tena vikramadhanena dhanvinA kAmatA budhi vadhAya vihivAm / dhunvatA dhanuradhijyamaJjuna mAritA divi vimAnagAminaH / -[16]. tasAdudArakIrterajani janAnaMdasuMdaraH zrImAn / tanayo vinayanidhAnaM vAkyatiriva vAkpatiH citipaH / "-[18]. vidyAvadA9. tAdayena di prajAnAmAtaMkanumakAsaMktivikramiva / tanApanIya nayanirmalalocanena maM(sa)kocitAH prayukabukha(kha)vadhAyakavAH / -[17]. tala jhAtilakasva lokatilakaH evIpate patiH sazrImAgvijayI jayAya vagatA jatretAH sutH| yaskhodAttamataH prasUtisamaye dhAna 10. ___ mahilA nidhaH sAnaMdaM surasuMdarIbhiravanI citAH sakhAjA ba(sa) -[18]. kivarIbhiradhikaMdharaM sakhIrAkasaya bhujayAkha bhuubhujH| kAkasIkalamagIyata surabIthamutyulakamunya(jya) yamaH / *-[19]. vinayanatasumivApatyasaMvAhitAziH pravaraharicamUbhiH shaantpryntbhuumiH| sAdupakcati* This sign of panoteation la superflaons. Kotro, Sardalavikridita ; and of the next verse. M I am doubtful about this akahara; in the original, it looks like stort * Metro, Bloks (Anushtabh). The editor in Jour. As. Soc. Bong. vol. VIII, gives only part of this verse, and adds the note (p. 177): "The rest of this sloka is wanting: # This atalara again, in the original, is rather than ti. >> The akshara y bad originally been omitted, and is engraved below the line. * Reade r, and compare, 6.9., Vasavadatta, p. 197 and p. 947. * Metre, Sardalsvikeldita. * Metre, Sloka (Apushtubb). * Metre, Rathoddhata. Metre, Aryl. Metre, Vasantatilaka. MMetre, Bardalavikridita, * Metre, Rathoddhata.
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________________ 11. 142 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. ___ dacI davivAzAM jigISuH punaradhita payodharva (ba)ndhavaidhuyamayaH // "-[20]. tamApatisamudrAdudapAdi nareMdracaMdramAH sUnuH / sa zrIrApisanAmA vihasatamA vNditaa[bhyudyH|| -[21]. prasane taba bhUpAle prasaracivamAnavaH / nA[]vantorthinAM vA[sA"]: saroSe riSadAlayAH // "-[22]. komapAnamasidhA(vA)rayoSi - 12. tAM nAbhibhUtajanaralasaMpadA / pakSapAtamiduSTabhUbhataH prApurasya na sahasabhAsadaH / -[23]. tasmAttIvrapratApajvalanakavalitottAlabhUpAlatUlA [mAlAcchIladamANAmanaNaguNagazAlaMzata: kIrtibhattuH / soharSoriharSavaraharaNamaNiH kSINaniHSadoSaH __ santoSAya prajAnAmaja13. ni nijabhujAdhAntavidhAntakIrtiH / -[24]. yaM dRSTvarUpANapANimalatavyApArabhAra] yudhi krodhAkAntavilocanau(mo)tpaladalabhUbhaMgabhImAnanam / utsAhI dayAnuH karatalA jAvo "mukhAkIrtayo digbhyaH sAdhvasavepamAnavapuSAM naSTAH pareSAM kramAt // -[25]. tenAcutena bhImena va(ba)lena kRtavarma - 11. NA / samudraparikhA pRthvI purI sU(goreNa rakSitA // ' -[28]. apacadhAvIdhararacaNacamaH sadaiva dossaakrsNgbhNgurH| "vadhivatakarabhujaMgasaMgamastiraskaroti sma sa tarNamarNavam // "-[27]. dUrA[pA]"tapravaraturagairamullAtapAyAtaiH sapadi sirasA [zAsanaM dhArayatiH / tasvahAri ridamadani:svadapaMkA15. kitAyAM sedhA(vA)hetoH praNatiparamairAthi(si)taM bhUmipAleH // "-[28]. Desirous of conquering the southern region, the lord again brought the ocean to the wretched state of captivity:' 1.. he built a bridge between the continent and Ceylon, as Rama had done before him. The adjectives of the preceding lines of vourse refer to the prince as well as to Rama. See my note 116 in Indias Antiquary, vol. XV, p. 42; and for the play on the word sumiva or sumivA, 9- Varavadatta, p. 30. A Metre, Malint. * Originally fafaat, altered to TaT. Metre, Arya >>The akshara in brackets, in the original in ; but there appear to be a mark above it, which may be intended to obange it tout. When this privoe was pleaned, the dwellings of snpplicanta, who in him had a supporter, were covered with right splendour; but when he was angry, fire spread over the habitations of his enemies, who in him found their master." 1 Metre, Sinka (Anushtubb). >> Metre, Rathoddhat - Swords were protected by scabbards, and courtesans drank from drinking cups, but he did not guard the treasure, consisting in jewels, of the people subdued by him; arrows lost their feathers, and wicked princes felt his partiality, but not his friends and counsellors.' * Metre, Sragdhara. >> The akshara TT in a mere guess; on the stone it is entirely gone. * Metre, Sardulavikridita. * Metre, Blok (Anushtubh). 7 Read pakSita.. aMetre, Vaminatha. * This akshara, pA, in almost entirely gone. .Read missanda.. * Metre, Mandakranta
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________________ KHAJURAHO INSCRIPTION No. IV.. 143 hattIcya(jya)lA guNAdhArA mhaadyNgmaa|haaraavliiv tavAsIlakati priyottamA / (0) -[29]. va:"] khacivilocanabugaM nIvaM sacaMdropalaM" pANiH zo[ga]"maNidhutiH sacarakhI dantacAdI vidrumaH / sadyaHsu(sa)tivimuktamaulikatala- ' 16. khacca[mba(ca)cetI yataH jIra bhuvanakabhUSaNamabhUtteneyamakA satI / -[30]. tasvAsakha bharaNavihitAdhaudhavidhvaMsanAyAH sattIyAmidamasaritaH mAntanI: puskii| dharmAdhAraH pitari sutarA sAdhuritamabhAvI bhISmI pa(ya)hatsamajani sataH zrIyazovarmadevaH // -[31]. tasva vipracaravapraNAma 17. pezave girasijatritaM rjH| papyakAlapalitAtiM ddhtsNddhaavdhikbaamniiyk| - [39]. eka yAcamAnAya hijAya paladaH ziviH / yAvadarSicana prAdAbITi koTimasau rUpaH / - [38]. maMta bhUmilitAlivana sadasi vyastAsave(ne)nAsituM gaMtuM panapuraHsaraNa caraNaH svAtuMca nocaici ram / . va jIva jayAditi niyama kattuM vinItAmanA tabhinAjati(ni) rAjakena jayini vAsAdidaM si(mi)citaM / -[84]. nityI(tyo)diteMdubhujagAdhipadhAma nitvamAnaMdi kaMdakusumaM gaganAMga / tenAjutaM hayamidaM yazayA(sA) vyadhAyi dhA[bI]tacaM gi(sitamadhAdhavasatvacivam // "-[36]. saMbhavati 19. bhuvi manuSaH sptaapaarpaardRshyaapi| na punarita tasa pate pasAgarapAragaH pvit| -[38]. gAMdhArI bhajatA prASTayakunikhAnapriyA preyasI bhISmadroNavAsthakarNasukhadAnyAkararya saMmUrcatA / 18. Metre, Slokas (Anushtabh). Rend sapaMdrIya-her pair of eyer wudlotus illuminated by the moon.' + This abshara, in the original, appears to be ft, altered to . "Matre, Sardalavikridita. * Metre, MandAkranta. The son of Santanu wu the illustrious and learned Bhishms, who was born to him by the holy river-goddess, Ganga.'-Wilson, Vishnu Purana, vol. IV, p. 20. Metre, Rathoddhata. * Metro, Sloka (Anushtabh).-Sivi gavo to one dvija (ia, a bird), that asked him, apala (i.., . portion of bis own flosb); that prince gave to every supplicant dupa (ind. twice-born) ten millions of palau (i... pieces of gold).'-See M. Williams, Dictionary,....bhiSi. * Metre, Sardalavikridita. # The stone originally had (1) but the akshara following upon TV has curtainly been Atruck out, and the same appears to be the one with the two signs for anwoodra. Eternal is (the ocean), the bome of the again and again rising moon and of the obief of sorponta; pleasing is the (white) jamine-flower and the court of beaten. H. in . wonderful manner brought about both those things by his fame (which is imperishable and bright); the whole earth is bright with the whitenes of white mortar (filled wit is with his bright famo). # Metre, Vasantatilaka. Motre, Arya - Originally sucAdA., altered to mdA ..
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________________ 144 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 20. [nI]" mabhava virodhitavatA prApyApi vaMzacarya [4]prAptA dhatarAGgatA [] dA viheSirakhajutam / "-[37]. baSTAtyadhisAmanu"bhirasUnutsalya sAtaH bata satyauvapramukha: punakhibhirasAvaMbhIbhirApUritaH / uttAntaM samarasa sAgaravidhAvAkarakhaM tUra sudhIH . bhAvAmadhikaM vyadhata nava(ba)khaM taDAgAparSavam / -[38]. to sA(mA)radendudhuti[va]"rasi(mi) barAba(raca)naca[*]"cakAcara] vasu mAdapatha(na)yati rathaM sArathiH saptamaH / yamaH sA(mA)tAbhastuhinagirimi(bhi)rakhumbi(mbi)vi(vi)gvA(mbA)vaMta havAle samastastutamasurariporbesa(Ama) vaikuNThamU -[39]. mahAsa(yasamutpanA prasabA [dhAri]tAvanI / narmadevAbhavahevI puSpA" takha mhiipteH| -[40]. sadAgasyA vihitAgasepyasAvabaMdhatI 22. jiivitmpyupaasitaa| va(ba)bhI madAndhAndamayantyaninditA madAlasAbhUba punaH kathaMcana -[41]. sA devI naradevAivAdhipata: sa(ya)cIva sccrit(t)| tabAdata pUrta jayaMtamiva [4] "gamaMgabhuvam // -[42]. This is a more conjecture; the original has Tor , altered to some akalara or other which is not clear in the impressions, the first akshara, , of the following line also is indistinct.-Dhritarashtra, the nephew of Bhishma and father of the Kauravas, had for his wife Gandhart, the sister of Bakuni; Yudhishthira, the eldest of the P&pdavas, was the son of Dharma; Drona was the teacher of the Kaurava and Pandavas, and Karna an ally of the Kauravas. I therefore should translate the verse, in the first instance, as follows:- Haring for his beloved Gindhart, who was fond of the voice of the joyful Bakuni, stupefied when he heard the speeches, which gave no pleasure to bis ear, of Bhishma and Drops, - not hostile to the son of Dharms, even when he saw his own race destroyed by him,-(the prince) who was (both) - good friend (and) an enemy, came to be Dhritarlahpra.' This wonder is explained when we take the last line to mean, that the prince, surrounded by good friends and free from enemien, firmly established bis government, and then understand the preceding lines to say, that he had for his wife a Gandbara princess (P) who was fond of the song of merry birds,--that he was stupefied when he heard the ominous cries of ravens, which did not please his ears, -and that he did not act contrary to low, even when the existence of his family was at stake. * Metre, Sardalavikridita; and of the next verse. WOriginally .mi., altered to .sU.-Compare Monier Williams, Dictionary, under sabara and bhagauraSa. WOriginally , altered to r. # Perbape this alskara is engraved below the line. -Metre, Bragdhara.-If the verse, mgiven above, is correct,-and I do not see how it could be read differently, it in badly constructed, mainly, because in the second line we expect the relative instead of the demonstrative VERTE The meaning of the verse I take to be: 'He erested this dwelling, praised by all, of Vaikuntha, the enemy of the Acurus from which the charioteer of the sun, to save the wheels, turns away his chariot, because with its sharp spires, shining like the autunnal moon, it pierces the Zodino; and the golden dome of which always cause it to be taken for the sun, kissing with its orb the peaks of the mountain of snow.'-Compare verse 50, below. On the best of my impressions this word is quite distinot, and I take it to be the name of the queen, who in this remis compared with the river Narmada Compare Amarakota, narmadA sImIDavA. * Metre, Bloka (Anushtabh). * Metre, Vampkantha.-Indirectly the princess is compared with Anady, Arundhat, Damayanth, and Madalas. Com. pare the similar verse 26. above. * Thin akulara, in all the impressions, is rather than , but now below. MMetre, Arya
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________________ KHAJURAHO INSCRIPTION No. IV. 145 26. yazodAnanda[bhAkva] ke pUtanAmA rnnkriyaa| jAtoSikule kaMsa ripoH cchettA nrottmH| -[43]. tasmAtsa" - 23. mutthi?]takrIdhAbRsiMhAbakhalAvinaH / hirakhakazipuprANavAvaM cakrena kenacit / -[44]. devAlIkaya kozalezvaramitastUrarNa samAkararyatA - mAdezaH krathanAtha siMhalapate navA va(ba)hiHkhIyatAm / tvaM vi[cA]paya kuMtalenda vadane dattottarIyAMcalam / tasyAsthAnagatasya vevibhiriti vyaktaM samuktaM vacaH / -[45]. kA vaM kAMcIpativanitA kA" tvamedhAdhipastrI kA vaM rADhAparihaDhavadhaH kA khamaMgeMdrapanI [1] ityAlApA: samarajayino yasya vairipriyANAM kArAgAre sajalanayaneMdovarAcA va(babhUvuH / -[48]. kA tvaM kasya kimarthamana bhavatI prAptA pAkInya(jya)lA sihAH kIrtira vu(bu)dhakasuhadaH zrIdhaMgapRthvIpateH / dhAtvA visva(kha)mazeSamAgatavatI sphArIbhavatvautukA lokAlokamahAmahIprasi(zikharabeNizriyaM vIcituM -[47]. marakatamayaM tuMgaM liMgaM yadarSitamaikhara vidazapatinA tasmAmadhya(ba) prasAdha kiriittinaa| tadavanitalaM tenAnItaM yudhiSThirapUjitaM jayati jagati zrIdhaMgena praNamya nivesi(mita -[48]. vesma(zma)nyasma(zma)mayastena bhUpAlena prtisstthitH| dvitIyo bItate devaH somapAsa(ga)harI -[49]. tenAyaM sa(ga)radana(sa)casi( zikhara: zrIdhaMgapRthvIbhujA prAcA(sA)dastridazaprabhorbhagavata: ma()bhIH samuttabhitaH / yasyAnaMkaSakAladhautakalasaprAntaskhalatpa(lsya)dano meroH (9) gamatuMgameva manute citrIyamANIruNaH -[50]. bhattyA bhavasva nUnaM pipisa(zarIreSu katasamAvezaH / 26. 27. - Read ripInA .-'Worshipping Vishpa (the joy of Yasoda), the pure-named one engaged in battle; born, am object of joy, in a fierce rnse, that destroyer of enemien was the best of men (Krishpa),-who, worshipping Yaloda and Nanda, brought about the destruction of (the fiend) Patank, and who, born in the Vrishpi race, annihilated the enemy Kahan.'-Compare, sg., Varavadatta, p. 12 and p. 150. -Metre, Bloka (Anushtubh); and of the next verse. # About the aksharas in these brackets I am very doubtful. In the impressions, the first of them looks somewhat like TIGT, .e., , the wood liko w, and the third like fv; but the third akshara appears certainly to have been altered, and probably also the first forway also means gold and food and clothing;' compare, c.9. V avadatid, p. 11, and Damayan ilkathd, p. 22. Read .ca. Originally takha sthA.. 70 Metre, Sardulavikridita. 71 Originally . 72 Metre, MandAkranta. 70 Metre, Sirdalavikridita. 74 Metre, Harini. * Metro, Sloka (Angobtubb). wfafwat is here, w elsewhere, used in the sons of fururfur * Metre, Sardalavikridita. Compare verse 39, above.
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________________ 146 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. sayamava vibhakarmA toraNaracanAmimA cakra // "-[31]. jayati vikaTI [4] TIyaM hATakakITIranena tulAyitvA / patulena tulApuruSAH sa(sa)tasI(yo) vivANitAstena // -[52]. SaTakA bhi]ratA" ratAH parahita saMsa(sa)cavaMsa(za)cyA28. :prArabA(bA)dharadhUmadhUmavapuSopyekAntatI nirmalA: / nete dhanadhAnyadhanuvasudhAdAmana saMmAnitA: saudhaSu sphaTikATrikUTavikaTecAropitA brA(grA)praNA: -[33]. pa(ba) (a)prakalpeSu yethekana nivAsiSu / dakSiNena tuSArAdi kalpagrAmIparIbhavat / -[34]. racitvA citimabu(bu)rAsi(mi)rasa (yonAmetAmananyAyatiM 29. jIvitvA sa(zAradA sa(sataM samadhikaM zrIdhaMgapRthvIpatiH / badraM mudritalocanaH sAdaye dhyAyamja(ca)panjAvI kAsiMyoH salile kalevaraparityAgAdagAbikRti // -[56]. dharmAdhikAramanusA(mA)sati sA(mA)khatIba mile satAM sphuritadhAmani dharmAvu(bu) [cau] / zrImadyazodharapurISasi vevasova siviM jagAma jagatIpatikIrtireSAM // -[56]. tArika: pra varasAvaravaMsa(za)janmA zrInaMdanaH kavirabhUtvavicakravartI / sasthAtmajaH samajani zrutapArakhA zrImAstapodhikava(ba)lo va(ba)labhadranAmA // -[37]. sUnuH sUtRtagIgirIdramahimA bha[drastha] tasvAbhavapAle vi pUjitAhiranadhaH sAhityaratnAkaraH / borAmI ramaNIya(ca)niracanAcAturyadhuryaH satI teneyaM vihitA prazastira[canA] 31. bha[yAlaye zalinaH // -[58]. nasaMkIrNa varNAH kacidihana sApatyakaluSA: khitA: kAyasthena prathitakulamolojya(jjca)ladhiyA / yayaHpAlenAyaM viditapadavidyena likhitaH prazastervinyAya(sa): satayugasamAcAraza(sa)dRzaH // "- [59]. vijJAna vizvakarcA dharmAdhAraNa sUtradhAraNa / ci(vicA[bhi] dhana vidadhe prAthA(sA)daH pramathanAthasya - [60]. yAvatpRzvI sa pravIdharanagaranagA dattamudrA samudra - ryAvahAjicaraNadhutirayamamRtaspaMdana: zItarasmi(zima): / 32. 17 Metre, Aryd; and of the next verse. In the original, this akshara looke more liker. POriginally .ratA: ratA: MMetreBardalavikridita. The six occupations of Brahmans are adhyayana, adhyApana, bajana, yAjana, dAna and prativa, it. study, teaching, offering sacrifices, conducting them for others, giving and recepting gifts. The palaces, high like the peaks of the Kailass, which the king crected for cortain holy Brabmana, are the same buildings which elsewhere are called brak. mopuri; see Indian Antiquary, vol. XV, p. 44, note 130. Matre, Bloka (Anushtabh).-North of the Himalaya in the country of eternal beatitude; here the Brahmans selected by the king bad found south of the Himalaya a place where all their wishes were fulfilled. Read *panAyI.. " Metre, Bardalarikrialita. * Metre, Vasantatilaka; and of the next rerse. Metre, Sardulavikridita. * Melre, Sikbarini. * Originally prazAda:# Metre, Arya.
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________________ KHAJURAHO INSCRIPTION No. V. 147 147 yAvai(ka)mAMDabhADasthitiriyamathavA sthAcutA sthANavIyaH prAthA(sA)dastAvadeSa vrajatu narapateIsakezAsahAsaH // --[81]. lipi[jJAnavi[dhi ] cena prAnjena gunnsaa(maa)linaa| siMhaneyaM samuttIrNA sahaka rUpasA(yA)li[nI]""-[62]. ___ saMvata(ta) 1059" boSa--33. ravA[1] ke "rAjazrI[]"gadevarAjye devatrImarakatevarasya prasa(sa)ti: sidhA / utkhAtoccamahImatI mamRNitA mattahipatA " pade - dautAH saMgarasaMgabhaMgurariputrasthapriyAyUtvaraiH / digmittIjayavarmadevanRpatiH kIrtyacolikha - tenAlekhi punaH prayastiramaleraSAkSaraiH mAbhujA -[63]. viharjiyapAlasI(mI) - 34. takiraNomUnyAdarAIditI gauDaH prozikhadakSarANi" kumudAkArANi sarpakaraH / kAyasthI jayavarmadevanRpaterIzasya vi(bi)[ca kalAH sAhityAMbu(ku)dhiva(4)dhuruSatatamI rndhvniNdydhutiH|-[64]. saMvat 1173 vaisA(gA)kha zudi 3 zukra / STONE INSCRIPTION OF KOKKALA, OF THE YEAR 1058. The slab which bears this inscription is said to have been found about fifty years ago at the temple of Vaidyanatha, at Khajuraho; and is now built into the side wall of the entrance porch of the temple of Visvanatha at the same place. The inscription has been mentioned several times in the volumes of the Archaeological Survey of India, and a photo-lithograph of it, which, though useless for editing, shows well the style * Metre, Sragdhara. 9. This akshara might be read nA or tA. 1 Metre, Sloka (Anushtubh). * This figure is quite distinct, and it is neither 1019 nor 1056. * In the two impressions supplied to me by Dr. Burgess, the two akshara and are quite distinct, and the Bonsonant of the akshara standing between the two is; but this appears to have been preceded by the sign for (not i) which, so far as I can make oat, has been struck out again. * This akshara canon y be read v ort, and the following akshara is quite clearly 7. - Read .pipAnA. # Metre, SArdalavikridita ; and of the next verse. The prince Jayavarmadova who with the letters of his fame inscribed the walls of the regions, the mountain-like great princes of which had been uprooted (by him, and thich had been) smoothed by the steps of (hi) furious elephants, (and) washed with the streams of the tears of the trembling wives of (his) enemies, perishing when they met (Aim) in battle,-this prince has written again this eulogy with clear letters' ;- ..., the prince Jayavarmadeva caused the inscription, which may be sapposed to have become damaged or illegible, to be re-engraved. prIzivat wrongly for prIdakSicat. * In Cunningham's Archeol. Survey of India, vol. XXI, p. 68, it is stated that the inscription had originally been written in irregular (kirna) letters, and that it was re-written in letters of the kumuda form, or in 'lotus-like or beautiful characters.' My text and translation of the preceding verso show that the inscription does not contain the word kirna at all; nor does the present verse say anything about kunuda characters. For the verse simply says, that Jayapala, the Ganda, the Kayastha of the ruling prince Jayavaninadeva, honoured by the learned, acquainted with the various arts, and familiar with poetry, &o., with his hands moving forward wrote these letters, as the moon, resting on the body of Siva, containing digita, and the friend of the ocean, &c., with her spreading raya, touches the lotus-flowers. - 12
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________________ 148 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. of the letters and the general state of preservation of this record, is given by Sir A. Cunningham in Archeol. Survey of India, vol. XXI, plate xix. The inscription consists of 22 lines. The writing covers a space of about 3' 8" broad by 2' 2" high. Down to line 14, it is on the whole well preserved. From line 15 to 21, on the proper right side, a large piece of the surface of the stone has gone, causing the complete loss of about 80 aksharas ; and a few aksharas have gone in other places, as will appear from my transcript of the text. The size of the letters is from t" to ". The characters are Nagart. The language is Sanskrit, and, except for the introductory Om namah Sivdya, the words kim vahund in line 8, and the date at the end, the inscription is in verse. As regards orthography, 6 has throughout been denoted by the sign for o; the palatal sibilant has been employed for the dental sibilant in vika at and bhaboat, line 1, bankalpa, line 3, and ajasrar, line 17: and the dental for the palatal sibilant in sayya, line 17, and vahusrutan, line 21; the dental nasal for the lingual or palatal nasal in jirna, line 8, idrikshena, line 15, and kanchana, line 19; y for j in spharyat, line 1, and jafdyutam, line 5; the conjunct jo for jjo in milajodla, lipe 1, and ujsala, lines 10 and 22. Besides, & consonant has been doubled before y or r in proddyat, line 1, rajiya, line 15, chitlra, lines 7 and 9, vichittra, line 17, pattre, line 16, and yattra, line 21. And regarding the language and style in general, I may add that the inscription is in every way inferior to the two other large Khajuraho inscriptions, and that some of its verses do not admit of a proper construction. The inscription does not record the name of the composer, nor the names of the writer and engraver. The inscription is dated, in line 22, on the full-moon day of the month Karttika of the year 1058 (expressed by decimal figures only), which, as a year of the Vikrama era, corresponds to A.D. 1000-1001. And it records, in lincs 19-21, the erection of a temple in honour of (Siva) Vaidyanatha and of a set of buildings for pious Brahmans, by one Kokkala or Kokkalla, the younger brother of Sekkala or Sekkalla, both of whom were song of Jayadeva, the son of Mahata, who again was the son of Yasobala or Atiyasobala, of the Grahapati family. These personages would appear to have been small chiefs or nobles dwelling at Khajuraho, and all the inscription says about them, is that Kokkalu founded a town, and that Yasobala was settled at the town of Padmavati. Other members of the same family or clan are mentioned in the following inscriptions. So much will be clear from a perusal of this inscription that the Kokkala or Kokkalla, mentioned here, has nothing to do with Kokalla, the Chedi ruler of Tripuri. Text. L 1. i TH: fwr i'et (of) RAT (PAT) T aryfant(e) HEATHTEE HTT(AT) - Tarcfalfat) afowanife(fa) staat uiterfaitairefarout(at)arentfura TRE I have for some time been in possession of several rubbings of this inscription, prepared by or for Sir A. Cunningham, which were made over to me by Mr. Fleet: I now edit it from an excellent impression taken by Dr. Burgens. The town of Padmavati, which is the scene of Bhavabbati's Malatimddhava, is identified by Sir A. Cunningham with the modern Narvar: see his Archaol. Survey of India, vol. II, p. 307; and Dr. BlandArkar's edition of the Malatlind. dhana, notes, p. 6. From the impresiona taken by Dr. Bargese. * Metro, Sardilavikridita; and of the two next verses. * The sign of punctuation is superfluous, here and in other places below which it is unnecessary to point out separately.
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________________ KHAJURAHO INSCRIPTION No. V. 2. ravedyanAthaviSTataM vanya (nyaM) jaTAmaNDalaM // yasya pretavanaM nivAsabhavanaM bhUtaiH prabhutvaM bhramaM bhUtibhUSaNamarAgaracanA prItiyugAnta (saM) prati (1) kacche tiSThati kAlakUTamazivopyevaM zivaH 3. tvasthitaM / sarvadhyA (vyA) vi(dhi) harabarAcaradharaH pAyAtsa vaH zaGkaraH // yaM vedAntavidI vadanti manasa [: * ] (saMkalyabhUtaM zivaM paramacaraM tamajaraM taM (?) cAmaraM tadidaH anye tatmivameva' (bu)bamamava1 4. the jinaM vAmanaM // taye sarvvamayekAkAraNa pateH (1) (ga) vaya nityaM namaH / mAhendrIpendarodravvaraviSamamahAduSTakaSTAbhibhUtAH / bhUtaiH pratyagrabhUtaiH pratidinamuditairyAtudhAnairgRhI 5. tAH TAyU (jU - pRSThAMmakI prakaTitapaTimATA (TI) pakuSThapraduSTA dRTTA nakhanyaniSTA [:] sphuTavikaTa ladIyaM // "cAsIdapratimA vimAnabhavanerAbhUSitA bhUtale lokAnAmadhipena bhU H 6. mipatinA padmavaMzena vA // ( 1 ) niva (ve) zitA kRtayugAntaraM yUyate satyAcyA pahi tA purA[Na *]paTubhiH padmAvatI procyate // saudhottuGgapataGgasaMghanapathaprottuGgamAlAkulA zubhrA - 7. kaSapArIcakharaprAkAracicAmya(sva) rA (1) prAleyAma (ca) muMgasaMdhi (ni)bhagabhaprAsAdasamAyatI bhavyApUrvamabhUdapUrva racanA yA nAma padmAvatI mohamaDa (kha) racodAdraNaH pro 8. [ca]taM yasyAM jInaM (ka) kaThoravadhu (stra?) makarotkUrmodarAbhaM namaH // (I) mattAnikakarAlakuMbhikaramotkRSTaGa[[[[[[[[]] kardamamudrA citita to mU(yU) kiM stumaH kiM (()]]nA tasyAM [grahapatigrastaM 1 va (ba) ka - 9. ---- - "pyadUSito jAtaH [*] koTiguNobatanamitaH prathitotiyazova (ba) la : zrImAM (mA) n // " yathAbhavavrijabhujArjitacitrakIrtiruttaMbhitA[pta ] kulamUlataruprakANDaH[*] bhrUbhaMgakAmukakaTAkSazarAbhighAtamA[tta]pra 10. paripAtitamavudaNDaH // yaH zumbhavizvamazazAGkaraNatAnakA nayujya (ya) jopasala (ba) lAMDa gAn // ( / ) devAlayAnapi hima (mA) cale (la) zRGgatuGgAMcakre za[ taka ] tukkatI sa yazova (ba)lAkhya - 11. [ // tasmAdabhUdabhimatAkhilava (ba) ndhuvargo durgatR (tri) varga (rga) phalanirmalalabdha (bdha) saukhyaH // (1) satkIrtti kIrtanaka[ thA] paridyamAna (mAhAkya) moditajana kila [ma][ya] / tasthAtmajaH " khajanasarvajanAla mahApamAnaparimArjanasakAryaH / (1) " maryAdamuDutagabhIrima [ yA ] dhi (bdhi) tujhe[rgu]rugabhIra - [ rA ]ziH zrImAnabhUtsukRtakkajjayade [vanA ] mA // kAntyA " zItakarAtsamI - / 18. [hita] phalAvAsI ca kalpadrumAdAloko divasAdhipAdiva tato gataH kalAH[[]] vijJAnatimapratApataraNiH khyAtaH satAmagraNI [: *] satyatyAgaparAkramaikavasatirmAnI dhanairanvi [taH // *]" 12. 15 14. [ca]vIratvAdalaMghyaH prathitaprayukakRpA (prA) ntavicAntakIrttivA karapapama (mA) naH kaTukapaTava cIbhASaye cApraga[s][1] [sa]yaH saujandhajanyaprakaTita] [mahimArA ]tivaduH zrImAnu 15. - [1] hita [?] bhUt // "udyoragabhIrarAja pA samuttAri (tamIdRzena (1] mahIbhujA nijatanuM [vaM prA1]pya potaM paraM cI[kura - -~ 149 - * Originally *bane. These three aksharas and the word far: at the end of the preceding line are quite clear in the impressions, but they give no sense. One expects something like fat: sthitaH. - These aksharas, too, are quite distinct; I would suggest I taM zivameva. 7 This correction is not absolutely necessary, because the word is spelt both garva and sarva; and the verse evidently con tains a play on the word sarva. * Metre, Sragdhara. This sign of visarga is not absolutely necessary. - 10 Metre, Sardulavikridita, and of the two next verses. Metre, Arya. 12 This akshara looks like pye. 13 Metre, Vasantatilaka; and of the next three verses. 14 This verse contains five Padas instead of four. 1s The aksharas actually given here are quite clear, but am unable to make out any connected sense. 10 Metre, Sardulavikridita 17 The aksharas within these brackets are entirely gone. 18 Metre, Sragdhara. 19 Read kIrttisyAge. 20 Of this akshara only the upper portion is visible. Metro, Sarddlavikridita.
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________________ 150 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 18. ------ --- - - ciraM kiM tatra vastu stumaH ||tsthaanujiipi [sauMdaryamaryAdiau]dAryakAryavAn / yauvanepyAyacaritaH zrIkokalleti vishrutH|(1) yaH satyAce dadA17. - ----- - ---- namabaM varavasanazatAnyakhasa(ga)vyAsanAni / cha(cha)copAnahicicAsanabhavanamahAdhAnyadAnAnyajayaM(saM) sa zrImAnkokalA[khyo bhavadiha kumara* kI18. - [va]rmakarmA / prazastasama* -- -~--taM mahAIgurutoraNaM zikharimAtamAlayaM / vicitramatibhUSaNocchitalasa mahAgopuraM purandarapuraprabhaM puramacIkaratkokalaH // te - 19. nAyaM tuhinAcalAmalamahAkUTAma[kA?] -00--- ---dhi(bdhi)gahanottArArthinA kAritaH / yasyAtyucchitakAca(ca)nAyakalasa[mArtaNDacaNDaprabhAsaMparkAdabhavahitAnamamalaM zrIvaidyanAthapra20. bhI[*] [ya] sya" hA[2]tivastupratatamiva divo hAramurga ------ - [*] gagana iva samunDIya ga[ccha]di[bhAti / ya[bhanthe vaidyanAtho yadabhinavabhavadrAmasaMsthApitotastasyArthe puSpakaM tabahitamiva 21. 8-storaNIbhUya bhAti / yatra vedaviduSAM hijamanA sA- - - krm| SaDkarmasu rata va(ba)(7)taM tena vRndamanaghaM nivezitaM / uhAmAmavivekasekajanitazreyolasatpazavA zakha22. - poSitahijagaNA sahasapuSyovva (jjva)lA / yasyelAvipulAlavAlavalayAtsatkIrttivalI mahI [1] khAnadhi maNDapamiva bra(ba)mAjamArohati / saMvata 1058 kArtikyA zrIkokalena[*] TRANSLATION. Om! Adoration to siva! (Line 1.) I adore the adorable coil of matted hair carried by the beautiful Vaidyanatha, (which is) irradiated by the expanding terrible hoods of a multitude of hissing broad serpents ;90 marked with the half-moon which is excessively shining, more brilliantly than the sun; (and) yellowish, when in contact with the line of flames of the fire issuing forth from his tremulous eye. (2.) May that Samkara who takes away all disease (and) supports the movable and immovable, protect you!-he, whose dwelling-place is the cemetery, who holds mighty sway over goblins, who applies ashes to his body to decorate it, who delights in the destruction of the world, (and) on whose neck there is a deadly poison,-(but) who, although thus inauspicious, remains the auspicious (Siva)! (3.) Adoration be always to that Sarva, who causes all (gods) to be comprehended in (his) one (person)!-he, whom those acquainted with the end of the Veda call Siva, the desire of the mind, while people of true knowledge call bim the one supreme - Metre Bioka (Anusbyabh). Metro, Rathoddhata. # Metre, Sragdbara. Metre, Sardalavikridita. M This word, which inquite clear in the original, appearn| " The original has pacA 'the hood of a serpent, but to be used for kumAra one expects a word meaning 'a serpent;' compare, ... line . Metre, Prithri. 1 of the grant of VAkpatirkja, in Indian Antiquary, vol. XIV, -Metre, Bardtlarikridita. p. 160. Metre, Bragdhars.
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________________ KHAJURAHO INSCRIPTION No. V. Brahman, the indestructible, ageless, immortal, others the verily auspicious Buddha, (and) others again the spotless Vamana, the triumphant (Jina)! (4.) People overcome with severe distress (brought about) by violent fever (sent) by the great Indra (?) or by Vishnu, (and) those seized again and again by goblins and by evil spirits that show themselves day by day, (and) those afflicted with leprosy, which displays its fierce might by sore thumbs and fore-arms,-(all) these are freed from evil when they set eyes on thy clearly shown uncouth twisted tresses of hair. 151 (5.) There was on the surface of the earth a matchless (town), decorated with lofty palaces, which is recorded to have been founded here between the golden and silver ages by some ruler of the earth, a lord of the people, who was of Brahman's race, (a town which is) read of in histories (?) (and) called Padmavati by people versed in the Puranas. (6.) This most excellent (town) named Padmavati, built in an unprecedented manner, was crowded with lofty rows of streets of palaces, in which tall horses were curvetting: with its shining white high-topped walls, which grazed the clouds, it irradiated the sky; (and) it was full of bright palatial dwellings that resembled the peaks of the snowy mountain. (7.) Tell us, need we praise that (town) in which the dust raised up by the pounding of the hoofs of galloping tall horses made the sky, covered (as it were) with an old worn-out cloth, look like the belly of a tortoise, while the ground in a wonderful manner was furnished with a coating of mud by the rain emitted from the cheeks of many infuriated formidable elephants? What need we say more? (8.) In that (town) there was born. . . . . of (?) the Grahapati family undefiled, the famous illustrious Atiyasobala, bowed down to by people who excelled by first-rate qualities; who by his own arm acquired wondrous fame; supported, like excellent trees, the families of friends and dependants; (and) threw down the forces of enemies. . ... by striking with arrows which were the glances fond of his knitted brows (?). He who built tanks full of water, in which the lotuses shone with the loveliness of the spreading rays of the bright-lustred moon, and temples high like the peaks of the Himalaya, he, successful like Indra, was called Yasobala. (11.) From him was born (a son) named Mahata, who honoured the whole body of relatives, who, by (attaining) the difficult-to-be-obtained fruit of the three objects of life, in a blameless manner secured for himself happiness, (and) who indeed delighted the people by his high-mindedness which was proclaimed by tales in praise of his good fame. (12.) His son was the illustrious Jayadeva, a performer of good deeds, whose actions were able to remove. . . . fear and dishonour from his own and from all people ...(P.). (13.) From him, who by his loveliness was the moon, and, as regards the attainment of the objects of men's desires, a tree of paradise, there was born, as the light proceeds from the lord of the day, a son (named) Sekkala, who was learned, a sun of unparalleled majesty, famous, foremost among the good, the sole habitation of truth, liberality, and bravery, self-confident, (and) endowed with wealth. 31.e., religion, wealth, and pleasure.
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________________ 152 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. On account of his manliness not to be insulted, endowed with fame which spread to the ends of the broad regions, in munificence like Karna, and not conversant with hurtful or deceitful speech, the illustrious Sekkala at once showed his greatness both by his benevolence and in battle, was difficult of approach for the host of enemies, and ... ...(?). [The next verse also refers to Sekkala (whose name is spelt here Sekkalla), who appears to be described as a boat for crossing the ocean of royal government. But the verse is incomplete, and I am unable to derive from the words actually remaining any connected meaning.) (16.) His younger brother, too, endowed with beauty, propriety of conduct, generosity, and activity, and already in youth of noble conduct, is famous as the illustrious Kokkalla. He who on worthy recipients incessantly bestowed ........ food, hundreds of excellent dresses, horses, couches, and seats, dwelling-places accompanied by umbrellas and shoes, and great donations of grain, that was here the illustrious Kokkala, a youth (?) . . . . . engaged in works of piety. Kokkala caused to be built a wonderful town which, ....... furnished with big archways of great value, (and) with dwellings high like mountain-peaks, (and) with highly decorated lofty shining great gates, resembled the city of Indra. (19.) Desirous of crossing the deep ocean ....., he caused to be erected this (temple, high like ?) the spotless great peaks of the mountain of snow, the lofty golden dome of which, because it is in contact with the fierce splendour of the sun, became a spotless canopy for the glorious lord Vaidyanatha. [The next verse, which is incomplete, appears to describe certain buildings close to the temple, which Kokkala erected for pious Brahmans). Here he settled a faultless very learned crowd of twice-born who knew the Vedas ..... (and) delighted in the six duties (enjoined on Brahmans). (21.) The creeper of his good fame, the sprouts of which are shining with prosperity produced by the sprinkling of his boundless discernment, (and) ...... which nourishes (like groups of birds) crowds of twice-born, (and) is beautified, as by flowers, by good conduct, rising above the lines of princes (as above mountains), ascends from the wide round basin of the earth up into the universe, as if it were an arbour. The year 1058, on the full-moon day of Karttika. By the illustrious Kokkala. 101 THREE INSCRIPTIONS FROM IMAGES IN THE JAINA TEMPLES. VI. This incomplete inscription is in a single line, 57" long. The size of the letters is about #". The characters are Nagart, and the language is Sanskrit. The inscription contains merely the words: "The Sreshthin, the illustrious Paaidhara, in the Grahapati family." The Grahapati family, mentioned here and in the two following inscriptions, is also mentioned in line 8 of the preceding inscription of Kokkala, No. V.
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________________ KHAJURAHO INSCRIPTION No. III. 153 TEXT. '[*]rucard # f ufua [*] VII. This is another inscription in a single line, 2 long. The size of the letters is about ". The characters are Nagari, and the language is Sansktit. The inscription contains the words: "Om ! In the Grahapati family, the Sreshthin Panidhara; his song, the Sreshthin Trivikrama, and Alhana, (and) Lakshmidhara;" and the date " the year 1205 (which, as a year of the Vikrama era, corresponds to A.D. 1147-48), the 5th day of the dark half of the month) Magha." TEXT. jo // grahapatyanvaye zreSThipANidharastasya suta veSThiti(vi)vikrama tathA pAlhaNa / lakSmIdhara // saMvat PP04 I HTE AC VIII. This inscription is on the base of a Jaina image and is in a single line, divided into two parts by a boss: the first part is 1' 77" and the second 1' 5" long. The size of the letters is about #". The characters are Nagari, and the language is Sanskrit. The inscription is dated in the year 1215 (which, as a year of the Vikrama era, corresponds to A.D. 1157-58), on the 6th day of the bright balf of (the month) Magha. in the prosperous reign of victory of the illustrious Madanavarmadeva. And it records that the statue on which the inscription is, was caused to be set up by the Sadhu Salhe, the son of Pa hilla, who was the son of the Sreshthin Deda, of the Grahapati family, and adds that the song of Salhe, Mahagana, Mahichandra, Siriobandra. Jinachandra, Udayachandra, and the rest, always bow down to Sambhavanatha. The name of the artizan was Ramadeva. The name Pahilla we have met before, in inscription No. III. TEXT. bhoN'| saMvat 1215 mAgha sudi 5 zrImanmadanavammedevapravarDamAnavijayarAjthe / grahapatirvase(ye) veSThideva agaufrufrutiereryer [a]a* (T) HTAT afafa yar: HERTTI Aplig fa[ft] i f ic I Fugue for at afar force u HTC] AT [:*] . 44 THE [**] * This akshara, and whatever may have preceded it, is broken away. * Expressed by a symbol. * This inscription has been publiebed by Sir A. Cunningham in Archaol. Survey of India, vol. XXI, p. 61, and I now re-edit it from an impression taken by Dr. Burgess. * Expressed by a symbol. . One expects :: * Read pracamaMti
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________________ 154 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. XX.-THE TWO INSCRIPTIONS OF THE VAILLABHATTASVAMIN TEMPLE AT GWALIOR. By E. HULTZSCH, PH.D.; BANGALORE. The two subjoined inscriptions' are engraved on a small monolithic temple, which is situated on a turn of the road leading up to the Gwalior Fort. The temple was described by General Cunningham, according to whom it is now called the Chatur. bhuja Temple. The first inscription, which is engraved over the front door of the temple, seems to have hitherto remained unnoticed. A rough transcript and translation of the second inscription, which is found inside the temple on the left wall, was published by Dr. Rajendralala Mitra. My transcripts of the two inscriptions were made from mechanical copies taken during a visit to Gwalior in 1885. The first inscription consists of 27 Sanskrit verses and must have been composed by an ingenious pandit, who was well versed in alankara. His extravagant hyperboles will appear startling and amusing even to one accustomed to the usual kavya style. We learn from the inscription that the Vishnu temple containing it was built by a certain Alla, the son of Vaillabhatta and grandson of Nagarabhatta, and that it was con. secrated in the year 932 (in words). Nagarabhatta belonged to the Varjara family and had immigrated from Anandapura in Latamandala, i.e. Vanagar in Gujarat. Vailla bhatta had been chief of the boundaries (maryada-dhurya) or margrave in the service of (king) Ramadeva (verse 7). Alla succeeded his father in office (v. 11), and was appointed to the guardianship of Gopadri, i.e. of the Gwalior Fort, by (king) Srimad-Adivara ha (v. 22). The second inscription is written in incorrect Sanskrit prose and dated in the year 983 (in words and figures), at Sri.Gopagiri (i.e. the Gwalior Fort) and during the reign of the parametara Bhojadeva. Alla is here directly called the guardian of the fort (kottapala) of Gopagiri. The inscription records four donations to two temples, which had been built by Alla, the son of Vaillabhatta. The donee of the first grant was the Navadurga Temple situated beyond the Vrischikala river; this is probably another name of the river Subanrikh (Suvarnarekha ?) at Gwalior. The two donees of the three remaining grants were the same Navadurga Temple and "the Vishnu temple called Vailla bhatta-svamin, which Alla had likewise caused to be built on the descent of the road of the illustrious Bhojadeva." By this we have to understand the temple, at which both inscriptions are found. It had evidently received its name in commemoration of Vaillabhatta, the father of its founder. The four donations were made by the inhabitants of "the place" (sthana), i.e. the ancient town of Gwalior, which lies on the eastern side of the fort. They consisted of a piece of land for a flower-garden, two fields, a monthly supply of lamp-oil to be made by the guild of oil. millers, and a monthly supply of flower-garlands to be made by the guild of the gardeners, This paper is a revised version of one which I published in the Zeitschrift der Deutsch. Murgenland. Gesellach. vol. XI, p. 26. * Cunningham's Archaological Survey of India, vol. II, p. 356. * Ibid. p. 335. * Jour. As. doc. Bengal, vol. XXXI, p. 407. Cuoningham's Archeol. Sur. Indie, vol. II, p.332.
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________________ INSCRIPTIONS OF VAILLABHATTASVAMIN TEMPLE AT GWALIOR. 155 who dwelt on the top of the Gwalior Fort (Sri-Gopagiri-talopari). The inscription men. tions several other localities, which I am unable to identify, viz. Chadapallika, Jayapuraka, Sri-Sarvesvarapura, Srivatsasvamipura, Chachchik&hattika and Nimbadityahattika. It deserves to be noted, that at the time of the inscription the measure of length was "royal yards" (paramesvariya-hasta) and that of capacity "dronas according to the measure of Gwalior" (Gopagiriya-mapyena). The first inscription mentions two kings, viz. Ramadeva, the contemporary of Vaillabhatta, and Srimad-Adivaraha, the contemporary of Alla. At the time of the second inscription the ruler of Gwalior was the paramesvara Bhojadeva. Another inscription of a parameswara Bhojadeva was discovered by General Cunningham at Deogarh. Its date, Samvat 919 and Saka 784, led General Cunningham to suppose that the date of the second Gwalior inscription, Samvat 933, has to be referred to the Vikrama era. Referring the date of an inscription at Peheva, Samvat 276, to the era of Sriharsha, General Cunningham further identified the paramesvara Bhojadeva of the Deogarh inscription and of the second Gwalior inscription with the paramesvara Bhojadeva, the son of the paramesvara Ramabhadradeva. This supposition is corroborated by the first Gwalior inscription, as the Ramadeva, whom it mentions as a contemporary of Vaillabhatta, seems to be identical with the Ramabhadradeva of the Peheva inscription. Srimad-Adivara ha in the first Gwalior inscription I take to be a biruda of Bhojadeva himself. Thus we have the following names and dates: 1. Paramesvara Ramabhadradeva (Peheva inscription) or Ramadeva (Gwalior inscription No. 1). 2. His son, paramesvara Bhojadeva (Deogarh, Gwalior No. 2, and Peheva) or Srimad-Adivaraha (Gwalior No. 1). Dates: A.D. 862 (Deogarh), 875 (Gwalior No. 1), 876 (Gwalior No. 2), and 882 (Peheva). As lately shown by Mr. Fleet, the mabardja Bhojadeva, son of the malaraja Ramabhadradeva, who is mentioned in two copper-plate grants from Mahodaya, is distinct from the above-mentioned paramesvara Bhojadeva. Another identification of General Cunningham's is also uncertain, as Kalhana's Raiatarangini (V. 151) does not seem to mention a king Bhoja, but a king of the Bhojas (Bhojadhiraja), as a contemporary of Samkaravarman of Kasmir. Ibid. vol. X, p. 101. Jour. As. Soc. Beng. vol. XXXIII, p. 229; Cunningham's Archaol. Survey of India, vol. II, p. 224; vol. IX, pp. 84 and 102. The inscription reads: paramabhaffaraka-maharajadhiraja-parametvara-sri-Ramabhadradeva-padanudhyata-paramabhattaraka-maharajadhiraja-paramesvara-sri-Bhojadeva-padanam abhipravarddhamana. kalyana-vijaya-rajye samvatsara-satadvaye shatsaptatyadhike vaisakhamasa-suklapaksha-saptamyam samvat 276 vaisakha sudi 7. The apparent breaks in the facsimile (Jour. As. Soc. Beng. vol. XXXII) arise from the overlapping parts not having been properly pasted together. Ind. Ant. vol. XV, p. 110. From Professor Kielhorn's introduction to the Styadoni inscription (infra) it appears that the parameswara Bhojadeva of the Deogarh, Gwalior, and Peheva inscriptions was a king of Mahodaya or Kanyakubja the Qannauj () of Firdaust, and the modern Kanauj; and that his successor, the parametvara Mahendrapala deva was ruling in A.D. 903. Among the coins which are mentioned in the Siyadoni inscription, is the Srimad-Adivardha dramma. This coin was evidently named after Srimad-Adivaraha, the biruda of Bhojadeva. General Cunningham, in Arch. Survey of India, vol. I, p. 329, identifies it with a base silver coin, which bears on the obverse a representation of the boar incarnation and on the reverse the legend Srimad-Adivardha, The coin is engraved in Marsden's Numismata Orientalia, pl. liii, No. mooxix. It is frequently met with in Northern India:-Conf. Cunningham's Arch. Survey of India, vol. VI, p. 137, and loc. cit. The reading adopted by Mr. Fleet, wat far, is confirmed by my Kasmir M8. The Deocan College MS. reads : bhU bhUte paJcikayAnvaye. U 2
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________________ 156 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. FIRST INSCRIPTION. TEXT. (L. 1.) oM [*] kAlindyAH kiM jalaugho ghanatimiranibho jAhnavIsparddhayA naH prodyAta: ki" bhUyo gaganatalagatiM vindhyasAnurvvihantuM / cikraMsoryasya dRSTvA caraNamati" ciraM saptayo naiva pUSNo jagmuH kSobhAdivozcaibhamijintu vaH kalmaSANi // [1] atilalitalATamaNDalatilakAnandapuranito guNavAn / varNArAnvayanAgarabhakumArIbhavardhana [2] bAlamanAmA tanayojani janitajanacamatkAro na - fafe kArSIdyaH saha nakulena satprItiM // [3] 1 (2.) paribhASAdijJAnaM vaiyAkaraNasya yasya paramAsIt / karmopadhAvikArI na kadAcidvAcakI" bhUtI [8] subhvatAM vyAptadigantaratvamAsAdya dugdhAviragAdhatAJca jigaM "sayopaca yamaH payodhimAzAsta yathAtitarAM tara [5] dhanadopi na pramatto dhvastasamastamaviSoSi na virUpaH / ratnAkaropi na jaDo yo nAzokopi rAgiSThaH / [6] zrIrAmadevakArye maryAdAdhuryatAmalaGghayatA / yena vizuddhaM yuddhe nijakulavatprakaTitaM nAma [7] kimvanA yasya guNAH kathayitumapi neva yAnti mArca: / (3) mAnAdhikamam yato ghaTakothAvapi na jAti" [[]] lIM surArirvagajAca gandhuH gaca yathendrIya tathA suzIlAM / kulohatAM kAsarakIyaviSNostAMsa kAntAM samavAya janAM / [2] vyapagatamadamohajAlasaGgaH tacaritekarataH prasavamUrttiH / paritakhatasamaH satozaH sakalakalAkuzalo babhUva tAbhyAM // [10] na piturdharodhikArI putrobhUkacidapyamanyavdAn" yotumano stena na viSayatuna [] dugdhAri mUrti sadA dAnavAriparipUtA kamalAliGgittavapuSaH prajApateriva tanu / [12] (4.) hara iva vRSavihitAstho doSAsaGgaM na bhAnuriva mene / madhuripuriva yassaMtatamAkrAntavipakSasaGghAtaH // [12] yasya parAyA satataM parite matirnRnaM / nirzobhayaM tasya hi jAtaM khalu yattadAkharyaM // [14] sanyaparakalaco ghakaratopi sarvvadAvataM / nijavanitAparituSTopyabhilaSitasujjanapramadaH // [15] avalokya vaklakamalaM yasya zazI svodayepi mAvikalaM kartumanImaH kazcitpraticaNaM dhIyatayApi // [16] akarodyazca vikalpaM vyAkhyAnavidhau na dAnaviSayeSu / (5.) saMgrAmasya na vobhUtparAGmukhaH parakalata [10] stheyeM bacathi na roje ho ja jAtu kalikaluSeH / yasyAbhavadAsasyaM pApeSu na rAjakAryeSu / [18] dhAne ca lobho na kadAcitparadhaneSu vividheSu / yasya tvavivekitvaM mitreSu na budivibhyessu| [12] dAridra haratArthino ripujanAcIM mano yoSitaH rUpaM paJcazarAdagAdhapayaso gAmbhIryamaMbhonidheH / cittraM yena vicAracArumanasAmAcAramAtanvatA savvavajanApavAdarahitaM coyeM prakAzotaM // [20] 18 1 10 Read kiMnu. 11 Read caraNamiti. (6.) kubbata yadi vidhAtA kAMnAmapi sahasramahipasya / zrutvAtha tahasIdhAnvadanayateH manuyA[] [21] zrImadAdivarAheNa lokAM vijigISuSA / taducAnyaH parijJAya to gopAdripAlane / [22] kandukaduhitA baccA yeSThatamAmApa somaTAM tanayAM mahasutAnyA gomyAparA mahAdevajA goro / [21] vaSyAdInAM svasya ca punyasya viSaye mahatA [24] govaInA sikhA nakhakatanA mIThA[["] siddhervva samaM bhavAbdhitaraNe ya 12 Read * camatkAra : . 13 is obliterated and therefore looks like . Read Adhako ? 15 Read art. w Read gRhNAti Read *bdAn 18 Read yoSito. 1 Read puNya.
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________________ INSCRIPTIONS OF VAILLABHATTASVAMIN TEMPLE AT GWALIOR. hokIyonidhAnamiSa (7.) yAnapAcaM mahI taroranantaphaladaM khAna zriyaH sAkha yanAmAkSarairaGgitaM tenAkAri vikArazUnyamanasA viSNoridaM mandiraM // [ 25 ] dadhati jalamagAdhaM sAgarA yAvaducairgiriyamapi voDhA yAvadabhraMkaSasya / zirasi zikhararAtheH stheyasI nAvArUpA sthagayatu bhuvi kIrttI rodasI tAvadeSA // [26] // navasu zateSvavdAnAM dvAtriMza" tsaMyuteSu vaizAkhe / ramyesminvekazile viSNubhaktyA pratiSThita bhavane / [27] // 157 TRANSLATION. Om. (Verse 1) May that Vishnu destroy your sins, having seen whose foot, when he was going to stride (the three worlds), the horses of the sun did not pace the lofty sky for a long time, as they seemed to be afraid, that, vying with the Ganga, the flood of the waters of the Yamuna, which resembles dense darkness, or that the ridge of the Vindhya (mountain) had risen again, in order to obstruct their path in the heavenly sphere! (Vv. 2 & 3.) There was a virtuous youth, Nagarabhatta of the Varjara family, who had come from Anandapura, the ornament of the lovely Latamandala. He begat a son, Vaillabhatta by name, who excited the admiration of the people, as he was constant in battle (yudhishthira), but did not conclude a true friendship with low people (nakula), (while Yudhishthira was a true friend of his younger brother Nakula). (4.) As a grammarian he possessed an intimate knowledge of the explanatory rules, &c.; but the results of deeds in former births (karman) or of tricks (upadha) never gave him trouble."" (5.) The milk-ocean, which has a deep-white colour, which fills all quarters and which is unfathomable, loudly challenged with its waves the high sea of his fame, trying (in rain) to equal (its height). (6.) He was liberal (or Kuvera), but not inattentive (or not Varuna); a destroyer of all snakes (or Garuda), but not ugly (or bird-shaped); a mine of jewels (or the ocean), but not stupid (or cold); and without sorrow (or an asoka tree), but not impassioned (or red). (7.) While, in the service of the illustrious Ramadeva, he never transgressed his duty of chief of the boundaries, he, like his ancestors, proclaimed his spotless name in battles (for which he had to transgress the boundaries of the realm). (8.) Why say more? His virtues cannot even be told by people like myself; for even from the ocean a pot cannot receive more water than its measure. (9.) As Vishnu (look) Lakshmi, as Siva (took) the mountain-daughter and as Indra (took) Sachi, thus he took for his wife the virtuous and noble Jajja, the daughter of Kasarakiya-Vishnu. (10.) These two had a son (called) Alla, to whom the net of conceit and delusion had ceased to be attached, whose only aim was, that his deeds might be (worthy of) 20 Read Read DAciMza.. Pakshe, the two words karman and upadhd have to be taken in their grammatical meaning, "passive voice" and "penultimate letter." I do not know to which paribhasha the author alludes. 2 Professor Kielhorn has favoured me with the following explanation of the words dhanadopi na pramatto: "I would compare Vasavadatta, p. 111: dhanadenapi prachetasd. At least na pramatta is the same as prachetas, and I should almost think, that the author of the inscription remembered the quotation from Vasavadatta:-Dhanada (Kuvera) is not prachetas (Varuna), bence pramatta; Vaillabhatta is not pramatta, hence prachetas (attentive)."
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________________ 158 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. the Krita (age); who possessed a gracious appearance, who avoided the intercourse with the wicked and who was skilled in all arts. (11.) He (continued) to bear the burden (of his father's office), not because he was desirous of worldly (power), (but) because he could not bear to hear it said, that a son had never been up to his father's affairs. (12.) As the milk-ocean by the rutting-juice (of elephants), he was continually purified by the water (poured out) at donations, and as Prajapati by the lotus (that rose from Vishnu's navel), he was embraced by the goddess of prosperity. (13.) He constantly took care of meritorious gifts, as Siva of his bull; he avoided the touch of sin, as the sun the touch of the evening; and he stepped on the crowd of his enemies, as Vishnu on the flapping wings of his bird (Garuda). (14.) It is indeed wonderful that he has remained free from covetousness, although his mind is always observed to be attached to the highest truth (or apparently: to the property of others). (15.) Although he avoided the wives of others, took delight only in virtue and was satisfied with his own wives, he constantly and by all means desired the pleasure (or apparently the wives) of his friends. (16.) Having perceived the lotus-face of this man, the moon is even now waning a little in every moment, because even at her rise she is unable to free (herself) from spots (while he is spotless). (17.) He gave alternatives, when he had to furnish a commentary, but made no distinction between the recipients of his gifts, and turned away from another's wife, but not from battle. (18.) He stuck to his word, but not to anger, was covered with (the fame of) victories, but not in the slightest with the sins of the Kali (age), and was slow (when he was afraid) to sin, but not in the affairs of the king. (19.) He was desirous of acquiring spiritual merit, but never of another's property of any kind, and made no distinction between his friends, but knew how to judge the degree of intelligence (of others). (20.) Curiously enough, he who led the conduct of those whose minds appear refined to mental observation, openly carried on robbery of all kinds, without meeting the blame of the world; for he robbed the beggar of his poverty, the enemy of his prosperity, woman of her heart, Cupid of his beauty, and the unfathomable ocean of its depth. (21.) Even if the Creator had bestowed a thousand ears on the king of serpents, would then the latter be able to hear the floods of virtues of that man and to enumerate them with his hundreds of mouths ? (22.) Having observed his virtues, the illustrious Adivaraha, who wished to conquer the three worlds, appointed him to the guardianship of Gopadri. (Vv. 23 to 25.) This great and passionless man, who had married Vavva, the daughter of Kanhuka and mother of (his) favourite daughter Somata, further Gogga, the daughter of Bhatta, then Gauri, the daughter of Mahadeva, Silla, the daughter of Govardhana, and Isata, the daughter of Nannaka, built, for the increase of the spiritual merit of Vavva, &c., and of himself, this temple of Vishnu, which is an even path to beatitude, a great ship for crossing the ocean of existences, the seed of the tree
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________________ INSCRIPTIONS OF VAILLABHATTASVAMIN TEMPLE AT GWALIOR. 159 of spiritual merit, which bears endless fruit," the permanent abode of the goddess of prosperity and, so to say, a receptacle of (his) fame, cut by the chisel, and marked with the syllables of (his) name. (26.) As long as the oceans will contain unfathomable water and as long as this lofty mountain will bear on its head a mass of peaks, which touch the clouds, so long may this beautiful temple a stand on earth and cover the two worlds (with its fame). (27) In the year nine hundred and thirty-two, in Vaisakha, (a statue of) Vishnu was reverently placed in this lovely temple, which consists of a single piece of rock. SECOND INSCRIPTION. TEXT. (L. 1.) troM namI viSNave // samvatsarazateSu navasu cayastriza'dadhikeSu mAghazaktahitIyAyA maM833 mAgha zudi 2 adyeha zrIgopagirI svAmini (2.) paramezvarazrIbhojadeve tadadhivata' kohapAla ale valAdhivata' tattake sthAnAdhikkata zreSThivabiyAka(1)racchuvAka(1)sArthavAhapramukha sabviyA - (3.) kAnAM vAra / mamastasthAnana vAillabhaTTasutAlakArita vRzcikAlAnadIparakUle rudrarudrANIpUgarNAzAdinavaduyatanA (4.) ya svabhujyamAvUDA'palikAgrAmaprativaddhabhUmikhaNDaM dairdheraNa pAramezvarIyahastazatavayaM saptatyadhika hasta 270 vistareNa (5.) hastazatamekaM saptAzItyadhika hasta 187 puSpavATikA) punyehani' pradattaM [*] tathA 'nenaiva sthAnenAsmiveva samvatsare (6.) phAlAnavahulapakSapratipadi zrIbhojadevapratoyavatAra alleneva kAritavArabha[svAmyabhidhAnaviSNAyatanAya tatho (7.) parilikhitanavadurgAyatanAya ca pUjAsaMskArArthaM svabhujyamAnajayapurAkapAme vyAghraNDikAbhidhAnahAramUlA vA] (8.) saGgaDAkasutadalakavAhitacecaM tathAsyaiva kSetrasyottarata: kSatriyadevavarmasutamemmAkavAhitakSetra ca yayorgo pagirIyamA (9.) pyenAvApo yavAnAM droNA ekAdaza [*] tayoIyorapi kSetrayorAghATAH pUrveNa nauDAkavA-. hitakSetra dakSiNena pAhATa: (10.) pazcimena damakavAhitakSece pAhATaH tato mammAkavAhitakSece uttarAbhimukhavAhaka: kSecaM pariveSya gata: uttareNa varma (11.) laghupAhATikA ca [*] evaM caturAghATavizudevAyaM puNyehani pradattaM // tathAsmiveva samvatsara phAgunavalapacanavamyA ** The sense requires anantaphaladam to be taken with dharmataro), although it is grammatically connected with bijam. Kirti seems to have the same technical meaning as kirtana, temple;' nee Indian Antiquary, vol. XII, pp. 229 and 289. The of the akshara fer is incomplete; read referred The crack over a is perhaps the remains of an e. . The letter a is entered below the line. * Read khabhujyamAnacUDA.. * The crack behind er is perhaps the remains of an d. * Read pugeDami. 7 These two aksharas are injured by a crack aud doubtful. * The r over Toft is indistinct.
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________________ 160 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (12.) uparilikhitadevakulAbhyAM dvAbhyAmapi dIpatailArthaM zrIsarvvezvarapura nivAsitailikamahattaka bhocAkasutasarvvavAka (1) tathA mAdhava - (13.) jyAmantri tathA viparitasAhasa tathA saGgrAkahatagayIka tathA zrIvakhAmipurani vAsitailikamaha - (14) taka kRSNAmutasiMghAka tathA balUkamutakhaDAka tathA pathikAhAniyAdivyaki yorthivAsitelikama (15.) itaka devavAkamutajaccaTa tathA vacijJAkamutagomyAka tathA dehUkamutalaka tathA rudramutajamvahari / evamAdi - (10.) samastalikA pratikallukaM mAsi mAsi yajJanavamyAM navamyAM tesapalikA palikA dAtavyetyakSayanI - (17) mikA pradattA tathAdyaivAbhyAmeva devakulAbhyAM zrIgopagiritaloparinivAsimAsikamahara gADusutaTikkUka (18) tathA dekamutAseka tathA vAsika tathA jammAkamutasahAka tathA dantita dudhari tathA nayumAkavA" (19.) umAka tathA veDavAkasutavAya[TA ] kAdisamastamAlikA pUjArthaM yathAkAlopathika" haTTa - puSye - * (20.) lA: pa ( 1 ) JcAzat paJcAzat mAlA 50 pratidinaM dAtavyetya" kSayanImikA pradattA [ // *] etaduparilikhitaM uparilikhi - (21.) tasyAnAdibhiH samutyA yAcandrArkacitikAlaM pradattaM [] paripanyanA kerapi na karttavyA / yatassvadattAM paradattAmbA yo (22) hare vasundharA [] sa viSThAyAM kamiyA pitRbhisaha modate" vatrubhivvasudhA bhuSA rAjabhisgarAdibhiH / yasya yasya (23.) yadA bhUmistasya tasya tadA phalaM // * // TRANSLATION. Om. Adoration to Vishnu! In the year nine hundred and thirty-three, on the second day of the bright ( half ) of Magha, Sam [vat ] 933, Magha sudi 2-to-day, here at Sri-Gopagiri, while the paramefeara Sri-Bhojadevs was the ruler, while the guardian of the fort ( kottapala ) Alla commanded this (Gopagiri), while Tattaka com - manded the army (and) while the merchant Vavviyaka, the trader Ichchhuvaka, and the other (members) of the board (? edra) of the Savviyakas were administering the city, the whole town gave to the temple of the nine Durgas, viz. of Rudra, Rudrani, Parnasa, &c., which Alla, the son of Vaillabhatta, had caused to be built on the further bank of the Vrischikala river, a piece of land belonging to the village of Chudapallika, which was its (viz. the town's ) property, two hundred and seventy royal hastas-hasta 270-in length (and) one hundred and eighty-seven hastas-hasta 187-in breadth, for a flower-garden, on an auspicious day. * hU might be also read instead of DU. 10] [Read nanu mAkasutavA0. Read yathAkAlI pathika 0. 12 Read dAtAvyA itya0. Read kairapi 14 Read pacyate. 1s There follows an illegible scrawl, which fills the remainder of line 23 and four further lines.
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________________ GWALIOR INSCRIPTION OF THE YEAR 933. Epigraphia Indias, vol 1.p.160. jagAti sute / mamAjira amalayAni vikamubhA PEREATMA mApadAda zIzopanimAmina ramezvarazI sababa sAvakAza lavAvinAyaka mAnAvanAta yazavaliyA kA bAjAmA vivAda parAkama hiyA anAra bhauma muzinavA maramamA kapirAmikAlAsapura kI dara saro vara yAtanA yamAvalakA gamadhAnisahamamiyApAramezvarI yAdamAgama mAnisa mAna garikatA mamatamamA joDavika sAdhAvATa kA enapuramA janiyara nAmaka yamanakA kAgavAyApayidi nIma, dayapara pAvakArisakA BATTERsanAyatA vAmadayanIyapa gyaa| rAkamA meNA ppaka mAmilA musa ra mAlaka mahakamarakSA mAnisako vAmana moThiyadeva gAMgu mAyAdira narthayoM ko pAyamA chorakhA yo pApa kAma sore yopike yA pAvatyA upavATiketurahitA pAhata zInarI kayAdikapAmArI samAyA dina ke samukhita kama parimAra JejurmaTa kArasa zAvirayaMpAnipuraga vA(mAnava manazara kAma vAyAkanamA L (bariyAlI sarakAra (TIlA zo ma nikAminivAsadana kI kAmurama mAjA vita | 35 kimA(HER YAHABii kAmAzI rAmAna guravivAmila ka mAha sApakaB (Murnsr kamAyo darakA tathA jati kA sahimA sakiyo vA mimikA karavAka mAmilAmA dhArakAsuraka vekara yAjadaramukAmaharirAzi meM makAna mAliko kama vo kAnayanA kara pakAyA mogAyikI kA pUrA tathA vA meM Dara mAya mAjI pAlI pani dhAmi pAkima dara gAva.saTa bAla bAre kAma karAvaka manasirakamA vA kasurasaharakAdaNi sArikA kiyA jyAka nAve'vAkamavAyaH bArisamA gAjika sevAma pAla yUvI kA rie yA oreigHPIRAKRIPA (dina sarokAyApa kA para suparajAvara upAya mAnisamA A mA para paripakA ke parisara se parAmpoTI mahAyAmi (mmara modI va muki sapA kAraka - (siyUmAyayA "yimamA bhArata AREATMariant zrIrAma Dr A Fuhrer, m it Scale: 1-3rd of original
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________________ INSCRIPTIONS OF VAILLABHATTASVAMIN TENPLE AT GWALIOR. 161 (L1.5-11.) And this same town gave in this same year, on the first day of the dark half of Phalguna, to the Vishnu temple called Vaillabhatta-sva min, which Alla had likewise caused to be built on the descent of the road of Sri Bhojadeva, and to the above-mentioned temple of the nine Durgas, for the performance of worship, the field cultivated by Dallaka, the son of Sangadaka, in the chief grain-land (? mulavapa) of the common called V yaghrakendika, in the village of Jayapuraka, which was its (viz. the town's) property, and on the north of this same field, the field cultivated by Memmaka, the son of the Kshatriya Devavarman, the seed required for which two (fields) is eleven dronas of barley according to the measure of Gopagiri ; 1'--the boundaries of these two fields are : on the east, the field cultivated by Naudaka; on the south, a piece of rock;%' on the west, near the field of Dalla ka, a piece of rock, and near the field of Memm aka, a water-channel," which leads to the north and runs round the field; on the north, a road and a small piece of rock;-the two fields, thus defined by their four boundaries, on an auspicious day. (11-17.) And in this same year, on the ninth day of the dark half of Phalguna. (the town) gave to the two above-mentioned temples a perpetual endowment" to the effect that, in order to provide) oil for the lamps, the chiefs of the oil-millers, who dwell in Sri-Sarvesvarapura, (viz.) Sarvas vaka, the son of Bhochchaka, Jyasakti, the son of Madhava, Sa hulla, the son of Sivadhari, and Gaggika, the son of Sangaka; the chiefs of the oil-millers, who dwell in Srivatsas vamipura, (viz.) Singhaka, the son of Kundaka, and Khohadaka, the son of Vallaka; the chiefs of the oil-millers, who dwell in Chachchika hattika and Nimbaditya hattika, (viz.) Jajjata, the son of Deuvaka, Goggaka, the son of Vachchhillaka, Jambeka, the son of Dedduka, and Jambahari, the son of Rudrata, and the other (members) of the whole guild of oil-millers should give one palika of oil per oil-mill" on the ninth day of the bright (half) of every month. (17_20.) And on this same day, the town) gave to these same two temples a perpetual endowment to the effect, that the chiefs of the gardeners, who dwell on the top of Sri-Gopagiri, (viz.) Tikkuka, the son of Gahulla, Jaseka, the son of Deddaka, Siddhaka, the son of Vahulaka, Sahadaka, the son of Jamba ka, Durgadhari, the son of Dantin, Vauma ka, (the son of) Nannumaka, and Vayata ka, the son of Veuvaka, and the other (members) of the whole guild of gardeners should daily give, 16 The participle vdhita is derived from Hindi bahna, "to plough." 7 Har, "a village-common, the cultivated space immediately round a village."-Bate's Hindee Dictionary. 18 To judge from their names, the trader Ichchhuvaka (1.2) and the oil-miller Jylfakti (1. 13) also belonged to the Kshatriya caste. The law-books permit a Kobatriya, and even a Brahmana, to adopt the livelihood of a Vaikya, if they are unable to gain their subsistence by fulfilling the duties of their own castes; see the passages on the so-called Apaddharma or Apatkalpa, i.e. the rules for times of distress : Gautama, VII; Manu, X, 81 ff.; YAjsavalkya, III, 36 ff. 19 Compare Khetaka-manena vrihi-dvi-pithaka-vdpan Kofilaka-kshetram," the field of Kotilaka, the seed required for which is two piphakas of paddy according to the measure of Khetaka" (Ind. Ant., vol. XV, p. 340, line 46), aod bhumir yatra vau .... drona-sardha-sapta," piece of land, the seed required for which is seven and a half dronas" (ibid. vol. XVI, p. 208). 30 Panda is perhaps a Sanskritised form of Hindi pahad," mountain, bill, rock" (Platta). 21 Vahaka seems to be connected with Hindi baha, "a water-channel;"-see Grierson's Bihar Peasant Life, p. 211. >> With akahayanimika (linea 16 and 20) compare akhayanidi in the Nasik, Kanheri and Junnar Inscriptions in Dr. Burgess's Archeol. Sur. Westn. Ind., vols. IV and V. * Kolhuka is the same as Hindi kolhu, "an oil-mill;"-see Grierson, W. &. p. 46. * With malika-mahara compare tailika-mahattaka (lines 12, 13 and 14) and makar, "& chief" (Bato).
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________________ 162 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. for (the requirements of) worship, fifty garlands-mala 50- of such market flowers as are available at the particular season. (20--23.) These above-mentioned gifts were made by the above-mentioned town, &c., from their property for as long a time as the moon, the sun and the earth exist. Nobody shall cause obstruction to the present owners). For (Vyasa has said) : [Here follow two of the usual minatory verses]. XXI.-SIYADONI STONE INSCRIPTION. BY PROFESSOR F. KIELHORN, Ph.D., C.I.E.; GOTTINGEN. In the Journal, Beng. As. Soc., vol. XXXI, pp. 6-7, Dr. F. E. Hall had occasion to mention "a huge inscription," existing in some part of the State of Gwalior, a transcript of which, by a native, had been made over to him by Colonel (now General Sir) Alexander Cunningham. From the apparently very imperfect copy supplied to him, Dr. Hall was able to report that the inscription in the opening lines mentioned a king Mahendrapala. Near where he is spoken of, was the date 960. Next came Bhoja, and then Mahendrapala again, with the date 964. Further on Kshitipala was mentioned ; and, after him, Devapala, the date 1005 being close by. These dates, ac. cording to Dr. Hall, were not sufficiently particularized for one to certify their era by calculation. Besides, the kings of the record were stated by Dr. Hall to have been memorialized as having granted land and other things, by way of local donaries, in ten several years, ranging from 960 to 1025. According to Sir A. Cunningham,' the actual site of the inscription was then unknown, and it has remained so for twenty-five years after wards. In 1887, Dr. Burgess, when in the Lalitpur district of the North-Western Provinces, learnt that there was a large inscription at Siron Khurd,' about ten miles WNW. of the town of Lalitpur, Long. 78deg 23' E., Lat. 24deg 50' N. (Indian Atlas, quarter-sheet 70, NW.) And the inscription was found on the east of the village at which it had been reported to be,-and which in the inscription itself is called Siyadoni,-on the bank of the Kherar stream, in the precincts of a Jaina temple of Santinatha, where it had been recently set up by a Bania. It turned out to be the huge inscription mentioned by Dr. Hall; and I now edit it from impressions supplied to me by Dr. Burgess. The inscription consists of forty-six lines; and the writing covers a space of about 5' 21" broad by 3' 4" high. Of the first two and the last two lines large portions of the writing have either gone altogether or become illegible, by the flaking off of the edges of the stone; and from the same cause some aksharas have become illegible in lines 39-44. But the preservation of lines 3-38 is perfect almost throughout, so that here the actual reading of the stone hardly admits of any doubt whatever. The size of the letters is about ". The characters are Nagari of about the eleventh century; down Seo Journ., Beng. As. Soc., vol. XXXIII, p. 227. : The inscription (or rather Dr. Hall's short account of it) has been referred to by Dr. Hornle, in the Centenary Revies, Beng. As. Soc., part II, p. 208; and by Mr. Fleet, in the Indian Antiquary, vol. XV, p. 108, note 18, aud vol. XVI, p. 178, who bas pointed out the desirability of rediscovering and publishing the inscription.
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________________ SIYADONI INSCRIPTION. 163 to line 39, they are regularly and beautifully formed and skilfully engraved. The execution of lines 40-46 is somewhat inferior to the rest, and the difference in appearance is rendered more marked by the imperfect state of preservation of these concluding lines. The language of the inscription must be described as Sanskrit. Unless there was a date in any part of the concluding lines which is now illegible, the inscription itself is not dated; but it contains ten dates, some of which are historically important, while one is sufficiently particularized to ascertain from it the era employed, by calcu. lation, as will be shown below. The inscription consists of two parts. The first and by far the larger portion extends to about the middle of line 39; it is in prose, and records a large number of donations made at different times, from the (Vikrama year 960 down to the (Vikrama) year 1025, and nearly every one of them by private individuals, in favour of various Brahmanical deities, at Siyadoni. The second part, which is almost entirely in verse, comprises the remaining portion up to the end, and records the erection of a temple of Murari (Vishnu). THE FIRST PART. To treat fully of the language of the first part, would require almost a separate treatise. The author or authors, though intending to write Sanskrit, bad a very meagre knowledge of the grammar of that language; they were evidently influenced by, and have freely employed words, phrases, and constructions of, their vernacular. As regards orthography, b has throughout been denoted by the sign for v; and the dental sibilant has often been employed for the palatal.' The sign of the jihvamuliya occurs twenty-two times, almost exclusively in the phrases ufro and utfy. The sign of the upadhmaniya has been correctly employed six times (e.g., in the four, line 5, and o fuffeggf , line 13); but it has also been wrongly inserted three times (in tuzoufto, line 18, raegut, line 28, and farsdiereguft, line 29), and probably erroneously omitted twice (in fufe ufq9, line 25, and TATUETT, line 35). Of individual words. the numeral fa has throughout been spelt in JHTT, lines 24, 29, 30, and T., lines 25 and 27); FATET throughout HTC (e.9., in lines 3, 6, 8, etc.); ista throughout Afera (e.g., in lines 3, 6, 20, etc.); and similarly we have to fat in line 38, for HTTGT In line 8, we twice have wrea for wif ; throughout, frequently, Taraftar, apparently for watafa (e.g., in lines 7, 8, etc.); and similarly a short rowel has been employed instead of a long one, and vice versa, occasionally in other words. For afy we have at twice in line 17, and perhaps also in some of the compound numerals; for alaf (line 15), arrafera in lines 25 and 26; for a 177, aerct in line 12. Through the influence of the vernacular, we have a fun throughout for afur; at in line 24 for fura (lines 13 and 25); faftur in line 39 for (line 37); 941 and kalapAla in lines 9 and 19, for kalpapAla ; etc. The rules of samdhi have been persistently neglected; and as a specimen of an extraordinary samdhi I may point out * sutArabhi[:], for * sutA ebhiH, i.e., sutA: ebhiH , in line 35. * I consider it sufficient to state this and some of the following points once for all, and sball pot consider it necessary to correct every error of this sort in the transcript of the text. ' Compare the common sanmAna for saMmAna.
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________________ 164 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. O As regards the treatment of nouns in general, case-terminations have often been altogether omitted; sometimes wrong cases have been employed, masculine words treated as if they were neuter, and masculine or neuter forms of adjectives and pronouns used with reference to feminine nouns, etc. Thus, to give a few examples, instead of the wellknown phrase paripandhanAM karoti, we read fifteen times paripandhanA karoti (e.g., in lines 8, 9, 16, etc.); and similarly far fa, lines 13 and 20; ufurar afa, line 17; paripanyanAkhavA karoti, lines 6 and 15; and khazrAvAdhA dadAti, line 39. In line 3 we find pratiSThApita, qualifying nArAyaNabhaTTArakasya, which is separated from it by other inflected words ; in line 4 vAvaNa (for vAvaNI) goMdAsutaH ; in line 39 siridhara (for zrIdharasya) mahAdityasutasya ; in line 16 avalipta (for avaliptau) uvaTakasahitau ' The words adhikAra, AghATa, pAda, bhAga, hasta are used as neuters in lines 34; 7, 12, 13, etc.; 6; 24, 29, 30; 26. In line 9 we have the Nominative for the Instrumental ; in line 34 the Accusative at for the Nominative *sametA; in lines 32, 33, 38, 14, 22, asya and amISAm for the feminine forms asyAH and amUSAm or AsAm The final visarga of certain case-terminations has completely disappeared, e.g., in our, lines 6, 15, 16, etc., and in, lines 20, 25, 0 31. An extraordinary construction of the cardinal numerals, which I have already pointed out in other inscriptions, is illustrated by yugaikaM, line 20, sahasrakaM, line 28, pAdaikaM and TrampaikaM, line 37,, line 16, and two houses,' line 24. And, speaking of numerals, attention may be drawn here to the three different expressions in line 6, in lines 15, 16, 18, and tor : in lines 10, 27, 30; and to the strange saMvatsarasateSu navasata (ie, navazata, for navasu), meant to denote 'nine hundred years,' in lines 2, 5, 8, and 11. The number of finite verbal forms employed is, as might have been expected in a record of the Middle Ages, small; and among them, I need point out only faufa, used in a passive sense, in lines 6, 10, 15, etc. Among the verbal derivatives, there occur the wrong Gerunds lakSya, line 6; uparjjayitvA, line 17, krayitvA, line 25 (for krItvA, lines 9, 10, 19), ana, lines 29, 30, and 33, and far, line 38; with the last of which may be compared the primary nouns q in lines 11 and 37, and 1 in line 38. And anomalously used is the Gerund militvA in the phrase samastalokAnAM militvA in line 26, apparently meaning 'before all the people assembled.' Of frequent occurrence is , which thirteen times may be considered a secondary suffix conveying a possessive sense or expressing the meaning of a Genitive case; e.g., in sIDoSisattamapikAyAM, line 6, vAmanasakavIcI line 12, cAsAvAsanikA line 32, and fasurare, line 9 (-faurea, line 24); while twice it is, exceptionally, like an independent word, construed with a preceding Genitive, in, line 9, and eugenereret www.rurguft, line 19. Under the head of compounds, I may point out the violation of an elementary rule of grammar, in mahadamI heto:, line 8, mahaddArthaheto, line 20, mahantadharmmArthaheto or * hetoH in lines 25 and 28, and feat or at: in lines 11, 29, 31, and 33; the use of phrases like fei prati, line 6, for pratidinaM (actually used in lines 6, 10, and 28), and mAsAnmAsaM, line 20, or fa, lines 29 and 37, instead of fare (line 45); and the employment of the Nominative cases in passages such as sUtradhArajejapastathA visicAkastathA bhaluAAkastathA I.e., one case-termination suffices for several nouns, as it already does, occasionally, in the Rigveda. In aferar fear line 4, we seem to have Apabhramsa Nominative cases; see Ind. Ant., vol. XVI, P. 207.
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________________ SIYADONI INSCRIPTION. 165 optown aretat, line 29 (and similarly in lines 7, 19, 20, 27, and 31), where, in proper Sanskrit, the formation of a Dvandva compound would have been resorted to. Moreover, the first part of the inscription contains a considerable number of words which either do not occur in Sanskrit literature at all, or for which the dictionary furnishes no appropriate meaning; and some of which undoubtedly were taken from the vernacular. These words I give in the following alphabetical list, in which I also include some words which appear to be proper names of places or localities, but about the actual meaning of which I cannot be certain : - quia in line 6, and that in lines 7, 9, 21, etc., quentra 'a perpetual endowment." que in que carefa in lines 7, 17, 21, and Carveft, lines 32 and 33, said of houses, etc.; compare the Hindi HCT a porch, portico, peristyle, vestibule,' Marathi Met. pavAsanikA in lines 7, 8, etc., apparently for pAvAsanikA, derived from pAvAsa 'a dwelling, residence.' STYT in HEITUR feellatat in line 80 ; perhaps a place where stone-cutters work, a quarry (?). in line 25, and in waarufu, lines 12, 13, 16, eto., said of houses, etc.; compare the Marathi TT the little wall or raised edge which runs along the brink of the raised mass on wbich the house stands,' and a'a veranda, poroh, vestibule.' kaMsAraka in kaMsArakavIdhI, line 15%3 compare the Hindi kasAra and the Marathi kAsAra or TET'a brazier,' (team). Tee in line 18. three times in line 10; compare the Hindi at 'a certain tribe whose occupa tion it is to fry corn, prepare sweetmeats, etc., a sugar-boiler.' watu Grat, qualifying fu, in lines 27, 35, and 88. afara in line 2; and in lines 19 and 30, both times compounded with a proper name; denoting perhaps an office. Taarin ufua t, lines 6, 10, 15, and TT, line 39; compare the Hindi Te damages, loss, injury, fraud. mApatika in line 15, probably for grahapati. wrya in line 28, and attain line 31; compare the Marathi arutan oil-mill.' (NT or jut, in statut and jurut, lines 13 and 14. boyA in khakIyakhakIyaccAyA, lines 7 and 33. eft in lines 8, 21, and 24. rfa in line 85, for art, probably a kind of building; see Indian Antiquary, vol. XIV, p. 161, note 27. are in line 9, and for in line 20, perhaps a particular measure of spirituous liquor. tisarA in tikharAvIdhI, line 86. Te in water reflects, line 14, after , line 32, and forurena. HETTO, line 88; compare that '& gate-chamber,' in the Index of the Divydvadana. han in Hanaf, lines 5, 11, 16, etc., and hanfrafra, line 87; perhaps equivalent to the Hindi and Marathi TH 'salt.'
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________________ 166 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. g in lines 2, 18, 29, 30, 36; an office, apparently similar to the Marathi dor arta. Compare Ind. Ant., vol. XI, p. 221, 1. 21, and p. 242, 1. 9; also vol. XII, p. 195, note. pacika in kalapAlamahattakapazcika:, line 19. pAlikA in line 26, and palikA in lines 28 and 31; probably = pAli= prastha. prasavadeviyAraka in line 12. we in recufa, line 30; perhaps 'a load' (of stones). f in lines 6, 19, 29, 30, 45; evidently some public or official building of the town. Compare Ind. Ant., vol. XIV, p. 10, second col., line 5; and Journ. Beng. As. Soc., vol. XXX, p. 332, last line. mahara in tAmbolikamahara, line 26; compare mahattaka in kanapAlamahattaka, line 19; and the Hindi a chief.' Compare Dr. Hultzsch, ante, p. 161, note 24. efect in line 6. sulAitaNa in line 11. yuga or sugA in yugekA deyA, line , sumekaM sumekaM prati, line 20, and samastayugAnAmupari line 21. rasIke in line 24. in line 10, and far in line 26; perhaps the twentieth part of' or a name of a particular coin. We may compare fatt, which several times occurs in a copperplate inscription of the Lucknow Museum. dhAraNA in lines 18 and 20; equivalent to paripanyanA or viva. in line 38, compounded with a proper name, and denoting perhaps a trade. ferge in line 30, farge in verse 101 of the Sasbahu inscription, Ind. Ant., vol. XV, p. 40, ' a stone-cutter.' eititure or eitferrura in lines 12, 16, 21, 28, etc., and in referereiteturer and Garrafoenenfacra in lines 13, 22, and 8; and tetura in lines 35 and 38. 'a market' in, line 15, ge, line 35, fe, lines 12, 16, 20, 21, 29, E, line 13, and E, lines 45 and 46; (also in T, lines 12, 14, etc.) = As regards the contents, the first part of the inscription is divided, by means of ornamental full-stops, into twenty-seven sections; and it records as many donations, made at different times, and almost all of them by traders and artizans, for providing the usual materials of worship of Vishnu and other deities, at the town of Siyadoni. The inscription, in fact, is a collective public copy of a series of deeds; and the occasional remarks that a certain portion was written by the karanika, or writer of legal documents, Sarvahari, the son of Bhochuka (line 4), another by Rachchhaka, the son of Sarvahari (line 34), another by Svamikumara, another son of Sarvahari (line 36), and another again by the karanika Dhiravarman, the son of Svamikumara (line 39), were copied with the rest from the original deeds, and must not be taken to refer to the inscription itself. There are some, I believe, minor points in several of the deeds here presented to us, which, owing at least in part to the ungrammatical state of the language and to the employment of obscure expressions, I do not fully understand. But the general import of the various donations is clear enough, and may be seen from the following statement, from which I omit, as of no interest, all reference to the boundaries of buildings which in the original are given with scrupulous care. Any
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________________ SIYADONI INSCRIPTION, 167 remarks of historical importance or of more general interest, which may be incidentally furnished by these deeds,-considering the great length of the inscription, they are disappointingly few,- will be treated of below. Abstract of the contents of the first part of the inscription (lines 1-39). 1. [Lines 1-4]: Samvat 960, Sravana (in words and figures). The whole town gave a field measuring 200 by 225 hastas to SM-Nard yana-bhattaraka, set up by the merchant Chanduka, the son of Sangata, in the southern part of the town. 2. [ 47]: Samvat 964, Margasira va.di. 3 (in words and figures). The Maha. samantadhipati Undabhata assigned an endowment, securing the daily payment of a quarter of a panchiyakadramma and of one yuga (?) to Sri Vishnu-bhattaraka, set up by Chanduka. 3. [7-8]: The same date. The merchants Chanduka, Savasa, and Mahapa, sons of Skogata, gave an adasanika (or residence) comprising four houses to Sri-Vishnubhattaraka, set up by Chanduka, the son of Sangata. 4. [8--10]: Samvat 965, Abvina su.di. 1 (in toords and figures). The merchant Nagaka, son of Chandd, made an endowment acquired of certain potters, to the effect that the distillers of spirituous liquor, on every cask of liquor, were to give liquor worth half a digrahapaladramma (?) to the god (Vishnu). 5. [10]: The merchant Nagaka, son of Chandu, assigned (an endowment securing) the daily payment by certain sugar-boilers of a varahakayavinsopaka (?). 6. (11-13]: Samvat 967, Phalguna va.di. 15 (in words and figures). The merchant Vasudeva gave (an avdsanika ?) in the Dosihatta to Sri-Vishnu-bhattaraka, set up by Vasudeva near (?) the Sri-Vishnu-bhattaraka set up by Chanduka; and a house of his own, to the (same) god, (for the worship of the sacred fire). 7. (13-16]: The merchant Chanduka gave & vitht (or shop) in the Prasan. nahatta; and the same Chanduka, son of Sangata, gave four hereditary vithis of his own to Sri-Vishnu-bhattaraka. 8. [15--16]: The seller of betel Kesava, son of Vatesvara, gave a hereditary ofth of his own in the Chaturbatta to fri-Vishnu-bhattaraka, set up by Chanda. 9. (16-17): The merchant Nagaka, son of Chandi, gave two ofth's, acquired in the Dosibatta, to Sri Vishnu-bhattaraka. 10. [17-18]: The merchant 8110ka, son of Mahapa, gave a oithe acquired by him to Sri-Narayana-bbattaraka. 11. (18--20): Samvat 969, Magha su.di. (in words and figures). The mer. chant Nagaka, son of Chand, gave & capital of 1,850 brimadadivardhadrammas, invested with the distillers of spirituous liquor, who were to pay every month half a pigrahaturgiyadramma on every cask of liquor () to Sri Vishnu-bhattaraka. 12. (20--21): The merchant Nagaka, son of Ohandd, gave an endowment realizing & payment of two kapardakas on certain yugds in the Dosihatta (?). 18. (91-22] : Nagaka gave a dithi acquired in the Dosihatta to Sri-Narayanabhattaraka. 14. (22-28]: Nagaka, son of Chandd, gave three otthie of his own to SriNarayana-bhattaraka.
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________________ 168 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 15. [23-24]: The merchant Bhaila, son of Govinda, gave a hereditary withi (realizing one-third of a vigrahapallyadramma ?) to Sri-Vamanasvamideva. 16. [24-25]: Nagaka gave two houses to Tribhuvanas vamideva. 17. [25-26]: The seller of betel Dhamaka gave an uvataka bought by him to Sri-Umamahesvara. 18. [26-27]: Samvat 994, Vaisakha va.di. 5 samkrantau. The sellers of betel, Savara, son of Kesava, and Madhava, son of Ichcht, gave an endowment realizing the payment of a vigrahadrammavisovaka on every palika of leaves to the god (Vishnu), set up by Chandaks. 19. [27] Savasa gave a vithi to Tribhuvana svamideva. 20. [27-28]: Nagaka gave a palika of oil from every oil-mill of the oil-makers (?). The 21. [28-29]: Samvat 1005, Magha su.di. 5 (in words and figures). Mahajans in the Dosihatta assigned a monthly payment of one-third of a dramma to Sri-Bhailas vamideva, set up by the merchant Vikrama. 22. [29-30]: The Sutradhara Jejapa, Visiaka, Bhaluaka, and other stonecutters, assigned a payment of one-third of a vigrahapaladramma on every bharana to Sri-Vishnu-bhattaraka. 23. [30-31]: Sathvat 1008, Magha fu.di. 11 (in figures, only). Kelava, Durgaditya, and other oil-makers, gave a palikd of oil from every oil-mill to Sri-Chakrasvamideva, set up by Purandara in the temple of Vishnu erected by Chandu. 24. [31-33] The merchants Mahaditya and Nohala, sons of Pappa, gave an ardaanikd, comprising three houses, to Sri-Chakrasvamideva, set up by Pappaka, the son of Dedada. 25. [33-34]: Samhrat 991, Magha fu.di. 10 (in figures). Naghka, son of Chanda, Dedaika, Vali, and Rudaka, sons of Jaju, and Chhitaraka, son of Sava, gave an avasanika with the houses and vithts belonging to it to the god (Vishnu). 26. [34-36]: Dedaika, Valika and Rudaka, sons of Jaju, gave a vithi in the Chatushkahatta to Sri-Vishnu-bhattaraka, set up by Chanda. 27. [36-39]: Samvat 1025, Magha va.di. 9 (in figures). The merchant Sridhara, son of MahAditya, assigned a quarter of a frimadadivardhadramma, paid as the rent of a M (7) to Sri-Vishnu-bhattaraka, set up by Mabiditys in the temple of Vishnu erected by Chandu. From the above abstract it will appear that most of the donations recorded here were made in favour of the god Vishnu, under the names of Vishnu-bhattaraka, Narayana-bhattaraka, Vamanasvamideva, and Chakras vamideva. The same divinity I understand to be denoted by the name Tribhuvanas vamideva. But besides him, we find among the donees also Umamahesvara, clearly a form of the god Siva, and Bhailas vamideva, a name which in a fragmentary inscription from Bhilsa, mentioned by Dr. Hall in the Journ. Beng. As. Soc., vol. XXXI, p. 112, is distinctly given as a designation of Ravi, 'the Sun."" In connection with the objects of donation, attention may be drawn to the various names of coins mentioned in the inscription, which are as follows: Dramma, line 29; 7 Compare also Ind. Ant., vol. XVI, p. 202.-Vishnu bears the name Vaillabhaffasvdmin in the Gwalior inscription, edited by Dr. Hultzsch, ante, p. 154.-In the present inscription, I would draw attention to the name Si-4[mbalohideri, which occurs in line 35, and which may denote a divinity. [Possibly the god Bhail as vamin was named after the merchaut Bhaila (line 23), who might have been the father of the merchant Vikrama (line 29), who founded the temple.-E. H.]
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________________ SIYADONI INSCRIPTION. 169 Panchiyaka-dramma, lines 6 and 37; Vigrahapala-dramma, line 30; Vigralapaliyadranma, line 24; Vigrahapalasatka-dramma, line 9; and Vigrahatungiya-dramina, line 20: Srimadadivardha, line 19, and Srimadadivardha-dramma, line 37: Varahakaya. vimeopaka (R), line 10, and Vigraha-dramma-pisovaka, line 26; and Kapardaka, line 20; to which may be added here at once, from the second part of the inscription, Kakini and Vardtaka, in line 45. Among the donors, the only personage of importance is Undabhata, who is described here (in line 5) as mahapratihara, samadhigaldseshamahababda, and Mahaedmantadhipati, and who clearly is the Mahasamantadhipati Undabhata, mentioned, with the date 960, in two short inscriptions at Terahi, a village about twenty-seven miles' NW. of Siyadoni. I have shown elsewhere that the date of the Terahi inscriptions must be referred to the Vikrama era, and this alone would prove that the date assigned to Undabhata's donation in the present inscription, the year 964, and together with it all the other dates, are recorded in the same era. But even irrespectively of the Terahi in. scriptions, the date of the donation No. 18, in which the Bth of the dark half of the month Vaisakha of the year 994 is coupled with a sankranti or entrance of the sun into a sign of the zodiac, oontains sufficient data to enable us to prove that the era which we are here concerned with is the Vikrama era, that the years mentioned are southern Vikrama years, and that the arrangement of the lunar fortnights followed was the amanta or southern arrangement. For, taking the figures 994 to denote the southern Vikrama year 994 expired, the 5th of the dark half of Vaisakha, by the amanta scheme of the lunar fortnights, corresponds to Sunday, 22nd April, A.D. 938, when the 5th tithi of the dark half ended about 17h. 45m, after mean sunrise, and when, about 14h. m. after mean sunrise, the sun did enter into the zodiacal sign of Vrisha, exactly as required by the details of the date. Accordingly, the donations spoken of in the inscription were made between A.D. 903-4 and 968-9. From the introductory remarks to the donations Nos. 11, 21, 23, and 27 (lines 18, 29, 30, and 36) we learn that the town of Siyadoni, in the year 969= A.D. 912-13, was held by (or, as the inscription expresses it, was in the enjoyment of) the Mahdrajadhiraja, the illustrious Dhurbhata; and in the years 1005=A.D. 948-49, 1008=A.D. 951-52, and 1025 = A.D. 968-69, by the Mahdrajadhirdja Nishkalanka. A third personage, described, so far as one can see, as samadhigaldbeshamahdbabda and Maha. samantadhipati, who appears to have held a position similar to that of Dharbhata and Nish kalanka, was mentioned, with the date 960=A.D. 903-4, in line 2, but his name is . Ind. Ant., vol. XVII, p. 201. . The poroiblo equivalents for Vaikba va. di. 6 would be (1) for the Northern Vikrama year 994 current a. by the purnimanta sebeme, Wednesday, 18th March, A.D. 988; 6. by the amanta scheme, Thursday, 14th April, A.D. 986; and sankrantis took place on 22nd Maroh and 22nd April; () for the Northern Vikrama year 994 expired, or the southern Ourrent your a. by the purpimanta scheme, Tuesday, 4th April, A.D. 987 b. by the amanta scheme, Wednesday, 3rd May, A.D. 937 and sankrantis took place on 22nd April and 23rd May: (8) for the Southern Vikrama year 994 expired a. by the purnimdata sobeme, Saturday, 24th March, A.D. 938; b. by the amdata scheme, Sunday, 22nd April, A.D. 938; and sankrantis took place on 22nd March and 22nd April.
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________________ 170 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. bhays or Nirbhayanarendra, and that Rajasekhara in some passages of his plays now illegible. Under these nobles, the affairs of the town would seem to have been managed by an assembly of five called panchakula, and by a committee of two, appointed from time to time by the town. The Maharajadhirajas themselves were subordinate to, and derived their authority from, the paramount lords of the country, of whom the inscription mentions: In line 1, with the date 960mA.D. 908-4, the [Paramadhaffaraka] Makarajadhiraja, and Paramefears, the illustrious Mahendrapaladeva [meditating, in all pro bability, on the feet of the Paramabhaffdraka, Makarejadhiraja, and Paramefoara, the illustrious Bhojadeva]; In line 4, with the date 964-A.D. 907-8, again, the same P. M. and P. the illus trious Mahendra paladeva, meditating on the feet of the P. M. and P. the illustrious Bhojadeva; and In line 28, with the date 1005 A.D. 948-49, the P. M. and P. the illustrious Devapala, meditating on the feet of the P. M. and P. the illustrious Kshitipala deva. We are nowhere in the inscription distinctly told what was the name of the country over which these particular sovereigns held sway, or of their capital; but as the inscription, in line 40, speaks of a ruler of Mahodaya who granted a town to certain Brahmans descendants of whom lived at Siyadoni, we shall not be wrong in assuming that Bhojadeva, Mahendrapaladeva, Kshitipaladeva and Devapala were kings of Maho. daya, better known as Kanyakubja (or Kanauj). The main importance of our inscription then lies in this, that it furnishes, together with certain dates, the names of two pairs of kings of Kanyakubja, Bhoja; succeeded by Mahendrapala, who was ruling in A.D. 903-4 and 907-8; and Kshitipala; succeeded by Devapala, who was ruling in A.D. 948-49. Of these, I do not hesitate to identify Bhoja with the Bhojadeva of the Deogadh, Gwalior, and Peheva inscriptions" of A.D. 862, 876, and 882. As regards Kahitipals, there is nothing in our inscription to show that he was the immediate successor of Mahendrapala; but I shall try to prove that such was the case and that Kshitipala, in fact, was the son of Mahendrapala. In an article on the date of the poet Rajasekhara," Mr. Fleet has put together certain facts concerning that poet which had been already drawn attention to by Professor Pischel, and which amount to this, that one or more of the poet's plays were acted, at Mahodaya or Kanyakubj4, before a king Mahipals, a son of a king Nir. 10 In the original, the first syllable is illegible, but there cannot be the slightest doubt about the correctness of the above name; nor is it, in my opinion, at all doubtful that the name of the sovereign on whose feet Mahendrapala was medi tating, was Bhojadeva. And these two sovereigns are clearly the same Bhojadeva and Mahendrapala who are mentioned in the second deed, in line 4; so that the inscription speaks of only one Bhojadeva, and of only one Mahendrapaladeva. 11 See Archaol. Survey of India, vol. X, p. 101; Dr. Hultzsch, ante, p. 155; and Mr. Fleet in Ind. Ant., vol. XV. p. 109. I may draw attention here to the somewhat unusual phrase maki-pravardhamdna-kalydna-vijayardjye, which the Styadont inscription has in common with, at any rate, the Deogadh inscription, and with the Asni inscription which will be mentioned below. 12 See Ind. Ant., vol. XVI, pp. 175-178. "See Gottingische Gelehrte Anzeigen, 1883, p. 1231.
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________________ SIYADONI INSCRIPTION. 171 describes himself as the guru or upadhyaya of this same Nirbhaya, while elsewhere he either calls himself the guru of Mahendra pala, or describes Mahendrapala as his fishya. Mr. Fleet passes over Professor Aufrecht's identification of Nirbhaya with Mahendrapala," the correctness of which would appear to be almost self-evident; but in identifying the poet's Mahipala with the king Mahlpala of the Asat inscription" of the (Vikrama) year 974, he has been the first to prove that Rajasekhara lived in the beginning of the tenth century A.D. What was wanted to remove all possible doubt as to the correctness of Mr. Fleet's identification, was an epigraphical record in which Mahipala is connected with Mahodaya, and which furnishes the name of Mahipala's father, Mahendrapala; and this want is supplied, I believe, by the present inscription, the probable importance of which Mr. Fleet has not failed to notice. The names Mahipala and Kshitipala being synonymous, I now identify the Kshitipala of the present inscription with the Mahipala of the Asnt inscription, whom from that very inscription we know to have ruled in A.D. 917-18; and I consider our Mahendrapala, for whom we have the dates A.D. 903-4 and 907-8, to be Rajasekhara's Mahendrapala, alias Nirbhayanarendrs, the father of Mahipala (our Kshitipala). I also, of course, accept Mr. Fleet's statement that the Mahishapala," who in the Asni inscription is described as the predecessor of Mahipala, must be identical with Nirbhayanarendra (or, I may add, Mahendrapala); and I am, I believe, able to show that Kshitipala or Mahipala,-just as his father had three names, in all probability also was known by a third name which is preserved to us in the Khajuraho inscription of the Chandella Yasovarman of the (Vikrama) year 1011, A.D. 954-55. From that inscription we learn that Yasovarman (alias Lakshavarman) had received a certain image of Vaikuntha from Devapala, who must have been a well-known royal personage, the son of Heramba pala, the image having previously been received by Herambapala from Sahi, the king of Kira. The reign of Yasovarman having closed (probably shortly) before A.D. 954, the Devapals spoken of in his inscription can be no other than our Devapala of Mahodaya, for whom we have the date A.D. 948-49, and his father Herambapala therefore in all likelihood is no other than Kshitipala, alias Mahipala. To sum up, the names of the four sovereigns of Mahodaya. or Kanyakubja, presented to us in our inscription, together with their known dates, would be as follows: (1) Bhoja, A.D. 862, 876, and 882. (2) Mahendrapala, or Nirbhayanarendra, or Mahishapals, A.D. 908 and 907; pupil of the poet Rajasekhars. (3) His son Kshitipala, or Mahipala, or Herambapala, A.D. 917; patron of Rajasekhara; contemporaneous with Sahi, the king of Kira, and (as I have tried to show ante, p. 121), with the Chandella Harshadeva, the father of Yasovarman. 14 See Gottingische Gelehrte Anzeigen, 1883, p. 1221. 15 First edited by Mr. Fleet in Ind. Ant., vol. XVI, pp. 178-175. 16 I give this name on Mr. Fleet's authority. The published photolithograph would rather have induced me to con jecture Mahindrapala (probably for Mahindrapala, if not actually Mahendrapala). Y 2
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________________ 172 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (4) His son Devapala, A.D. 948; contemporaneous with the Chandella Yasovarman (alias Lakshavarman). Whether Devapala is identical with Vijayapala, who in an inscription from Alwar, of the Vikrama year 1016 A.D. 959-60, is described as the successor of Kshitipala, I am unable to determine (see Proceedings, As. Soc. Beng., 1879, p. 162). I abstain for the present from any speculations on the possible predecessors or successors of these kings, but, in conclusion, I must point out that our Devapala can have nothing to do with the Devapala in Dr. Hornle's list in the Centenary Review, Beng. 48. Soc., part II, p. 208, or in the lists of Sir A. Cunningham in Archeological Survey of India, vol. XV, p. 149, and elsewhere. THE SECOND PART. On the second part of the inscription (lines 39-46), which, as I have stated above, is almost entirely in verse, I need only add a few words here. The language here, too, is Sanskrit, and it is generally more correct than in the preceding portion, but by no means free from mistakes. Thus, we find in line 42 the Ablative fear, used instead of the Genitive; in line 48 af (for fan) used in a causal sense; in line 42 the barbarous T; in line 39, for the sake of the metre, ag for any; in line 42 the crude form for ; in lines 39 and 40 offences against the metre; etc. As regards the contents, after the words 'om, om, adoration to Ganapati,' and two verses invoking the blessings of Gapanatha and Trivikrama (Vishnu), we are told that a certain prince at Mahodaya, which is compared with Indra's town Amaravati, once gave the town Rayakka to some Brahmans, who after it were called Rayakkabhattas. One of their descendants, named Vasishtha, happened to come on matters of busi ness here', to Siyadont, where he dwelt near the Raja of the place whose name apparently was Hariraja. And Vasishtha's son, Damodara, founded here a temple of Murari (Vishnu), furnished it with an image of the god, provided it with a garden, and probably endowed it with funds for the worship of the deity. The concluding line would appear to say that the father of Damodara died in battle. [This temple of Vishnu has since been identified by Dr. A. Fuhrer with a large ruined shrine at the neighbouring village of Satgatto, to the NE. of Siron. Near the ruined temple is a large baoli or well, still in fair preservation, and the village abounds in fine statues of Vishnu,-some of which have been transferred to the Lucknow Museum.-J. B.] I have stated before that the concluding lines of the inscription are more or less damaged, and there are some passages in them which, in consequence, I fail to understand properly; but the above gives correctly the general sense of the original, and I have omitted nothing which would be of any importance to the historian. The town Rayakka, mentioned in the above, I am unable to identify. With the term Rayakkabhatta we may compare Rayakavala, the designation of a Brahman caste, in line 27 of the inscription of Bhimadeva II. published in Ind. Ant., vol. XI, p. 71.
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________________ SIYADONI INSCRIPTION. 173 Text." 1 bho bho namo bhagavate vAsudevAya .... "[ya] . . . . . . . . . . ......" dhirAja] --- ...." [devapA] . ... .."hArAjAdhirAjaparamezvara zrI]-hendrapAladevapAdA[nAM] ma[hIpra] - 2. vaImAnakalyANavijaya - [jye?][saM] -- [rasa teSu navasata adhyadhikaSu zrAva ..... ... sambat 16. zrAva[pa] : .......*gatAzeSamahA[zabdama[hA sAmantAdhipati[zrImadu]-[ndra!] ... .[bhujyamAnasta[tpAdAdhiSThita][va] . . . ."[?]. . . . . [kauptike zrIpaJca[sthA].... .. [ka] hAvisatikacchitarAkayori [satIdasai] kA[le vartamAne vAra?]pramukha?] - 3. sakalasthAnena saMsArasyAnityatvaM vuvA" pukhthayathobhiva[]ye svakIyatalasImAprativa[ :] [pUrvapazcimato stadisatamAvaM dakSiNottarato vA sapAdahastahisata[mAtraca vaNikacakena sATamuni pratiSThApita pattanasya dakSiNadigvibhAge pazcimAbhimukhazrInArAyaNabhaTTArakasyAva[lepanasamAjanA][rAga] dhUpapradIpanaivedyAdyarthaM niveditaM dharmAya matvA pAcandrArkakSityudadhisamakAlinaM yAvatra kaici[tparipanyanA karta:][vyA] [ti] 4. sakalasthAnAnumatena vArasvahastAyeti // ch| mataM kesibhAvAra chitarAvAra sAkSiNI zruteM" likhitasAci vI[tu] rAcchaDaputrastathA vAvaNa goMdAsutaH / likhitaM sthAnAnumatena karaNikasarvahariNA bhocukaputreNeti // // paramabhadhArakamahArAjAdhirAjaparamesvarathIbhojadevapAdAnudhyAtaparamabhadvArakamahArAjAdhirAja paramezvarazrImahendrapAladevapAdAnAM mahIpravaImAnakalyaNa vijayarAjye samvatsarasa - b. teSu navasata [Sa ]SyadhikeSu caturanviteSu mArgasiramAsavaDulapakSatRtIyAyAM sambat 164 mArga vadi 3 padyata siiyddonnismaavaasitmhaapaatihaarsmdhigtaasessmhaashbdmhaasaamntaadhiptishriiundbhttH|| samastarAjapuruSAnbodhayati viditamastu bhagavA" asmin pattane nemakavaNikacatukapratiSThApitaviSNubhaTTArakasyAsyAbhiparalokanimeyasArtha puNyasobhivaSaye yauvanadhanajIvitAni nalinIdalagataja 6. lalavataralatarANi laya pakSayanImIyaM niveditA / sIyaDoNisatkamaNDapikAyAM pratidina pazciyakadrampasakapAdamekaM dAtavyaM tathA dina prati mudrayitvA yugekA deyA / devasyAvalepanasamAjanArAgadhapapradIpanaivedyArthamAcandrArkakSityadadhisamakAlinaM yAvatyAlanIyaM kasmiMzcitkAle yaH kopi puruSa: paripanyanAsavA karoti utpAdayati" sa paJcamahApAtaka lipyati svahastIyaM zrIundabhaTasya // cha / 17 From impressions supplied to me by the Editor. Here also about 6 aksharas are gone. The following 1 Expressed by a symbol. aksharara[?] are the remainder of pacakukha. 19 Here about 8 aksharas are gone. >> Here about 7 aksharas are gone. * Here about 96 aksharat are gone. 30 Here about 9 akaharas are gone. 1 Here about 8 aksharas are gone. " Read buhA. 22 Here about 12 aksharas are gone. * This akshara, 7, was originally omitted, and is ese >> I have little doubt that the preceding passage origin graved above the line. ally wa:--dhirAjaparamicarabIbhImadevapAdAnudhyAtaparamabhaTTArakamahA T This word, which has no case-termination, qualifies the rAjAdhirAjaparamezvarImAndrapAladevapAdAnAM; m below, lines. _following zrInArAyaNamahArakasya. ____"I.., .vijayarAjye saMvAramateSu.-For the following gavasata # Read either zrute or yutaM. (i.e. navacata, 900,) one would of course expert to read gavasa WOriginally .dhiraja.. 'nine, but the dates below aregiven in the same way. With M Read katthAca.. . regard to fully, it is difficult to say whether the actual Read bhavatA. reading of the stone, here and below, in SaSa.SaSThA.. * Here about 12 akskaras are gone. 8 Read niHzreyasArtha. * Here about 15 aksharas are gone. * One of the two verbs is superfluous; read a T FTCT17 Here about 5 aksharas are gone. sakailipyati.
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________________ 174 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 7. bAlakadragaNayori vArapramukhakhAmana niveditA pakSayanImikA // 8 // pasmineva" kAle tathA caNDakena sATamutena pratiSThApitapazcimAbhimukhatrIvizubhahArakasya samarpitA vaNikacaNDakastathA sAvasastathA mApA [dibhi: sAGgaTasuteH svakIyaskhakIyacchAyA [pA]mIyavAsanikA uttarAbhimukhA pasAvantara uttarAbhimukhayahANi catvAri papasarakasahitAni bhavaliptasilAccha[bA]ni avAsanikAyA[cA]ghATAni likhyanta [pUrveNa ra - 8. thA dakSiNena caDakIyAvAsanikAkholikApAta pazcimana sIga mIyadevasakAvAsanikA uttaraNa cekhikA maryAdA evaM caturAghATaciTopalakSitA mahammahatoravalepanasammAnanadhUpapradIpanaivedyArtha pradattA ya: kacitparipabanA karoti sa ca mahAnarakaM vrajati // mataM calUsAvasamA sapAnA sAgaTastAnAmiti // tathA samvatsarasateSu navasata paJcaSaSyadhikaSu pazinamAse pratipadAyAM sambat 165 pabhina]di. 9. vaNikanAgAna caDsatenAparimitamUskhena krItvA kumbhakAradevekaracAgA[nda]kalipAkA. dInA pacayanImikA devasya samarpitA // // tathA samastakApAlAnAM madhye yasya yasya satkamadyabhAvaM nipazyate vikrayaM yAti sa" ca sa cAcandrAI yAvahipahapAlasatkammAIikA tAlI dAtavyA / yava"cityaripancanA karoti sa narakaM brajati sthAnIyabhUmau ye bhUye bhUtA ye bhaviSyanti kumbhakAravalapAlAca" tairakSayanImikA pAlanI 10. yA tathA vArapramukhakhAnasambadakandukAnAM pArthAt kanduka[nAralabhoilatikUdegU[pa]manakAdInAM pArkAt vaNikanAgAkana cAkhUmatena samAjanavilepanadhUpapradIpanaivedyAthai aparimitamUlyena krItvA kandukAnAM prativarAhakayavisopakaikaM pratidinaM vi 1 prAdhamAcandrAya yAvotavyaM yakazcitparipanyanAvabAmutpAdayati sa ca mahApAtakapaJcavarziyati / khAstoya 4444" miti // 11. tathA samvatsarasateSu nava[sa]ta sapta[Sa*]cyadhikeSu phAgunamAsa amAvAsyAM sambat 150 phAguna vadi 15 sIyaDosyA vArapramukhakhAne papAnarasiMghayori yathA nemakavaNikacADUna pratihApitabIviSabhahArakapacimAbhimukhamukhAitabadakSiNadimbibhAge nemakavazikavAsudevena pratiSThApya zrI. vibhahArakaM uttarAbhimukhaM mahAntadharmArthahetoH pUjApanasamArjanadhUpapradIpArthaM 12. dosilo pUrvAbhimukhAvaliptAccabA uvaTakasahitA devasya samarpitA // yasyAcAghATAni lisyante pUrveNa hArapyA" dakSiNena vAmanasavAvIthI parimana kholikArpatamuttareNa zrIvizubhahArakavIthI maryAdA evaM caturAghATavizakSA pradattA / tathA vaikhAndara pUjanArthe vAsudeve ]na khakIyamA pUrvAbhimuvaM khavaTakasahitaM pradattaM pasyAghATAni pUrveNa prasabadeviyArakamaryAdA dakSiNena 18. vAsudevayAbhittipacimana rathA uttareNaM zrIprasannavIthI maryAdA evaM caturAghATaviza devasa pradattaM yakaviravidhAraNavidhAraNA karoti saca narakaM brajati na sNshyH| tathA vaNikacA- Read paciva manual; compare Indian Antiquary, vol. XIV, p. 198 f.* Thiaakhara, pA, originally mpa. E..] * This akahara, mA, originally a ma. .Ome expects .mAse. One would expect na lega. This akshara, was originally omitted, and is en4 Read cArikA. graved above the line. * Band yakRSi.. . Read rayA. All these akakaras are quite clear in the impresion, " Read khIzivApAnamuttaraca. but I do not understand them. -I., vAgara.. Read judhabArAsapAcAca. "One vidhAraNa sppears imperfinon. * These signs appear to have been put in to all up the line. The akaharae of this word was originally omitted, [Or they are meant for an actual presentation of the sign and is engraved above the line, before 7.
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________________ SIYADONI INSCRIPTION, 175 cAraviza ca ndA yAvatyA bIyopArjanA prasabo uttarAbhimukhA vIthI pavaliptA uvaTakasahitA pasyAcAghATAni pUrveSa subhAdityasa" poSI dacina bhadevaprasAdasavAvAsanivAkholIpAtaM pazcimena caMcA____ 14. vIthI uttaraNa hAraSyA maryAdA ||ch| tathA aparaM cAkhakena sApaTasutena pitRpitAmahIpArjita khakIya dakSiNAbhimukhaM vIthIcatuSTayaM amISAmAghA[TA*]ni" likhyante pUrveNa cUMcAvIthI dacirana bhAraNyA pazcimena svakIyAvAsanikAhAroSThamaryAdA uttareNa svakIyAvAsanikA maryAdA evaM caturAghATaciDopalacitA mAtApitrorAmanava puNyayathobhivaIye paramabhaktvA zrIvicAbhadhArakasya sA 15. sanatve pradattaM yacitparipathyanAkhatrA karIti saca mahApacapAtakelipyati narakaM brajati .8 tathA [bha] rupatikatAmbUlikakezavena vaTevarasutena pitRpitAmahopArjitadakSiNAbhimukhakhakIyavIthI catujhe pasyAcAghATAni likhyante pUrveNa kaMsArakavIthI dakSiNena hAraSyA pazcimena kaisavasyava vIthI uttaraNa vaMdAsaghUTamaryAdA evaM caturAghATaviza" caDpratiSThApitapaci mA]bhi. 16. [sukhabIvizubhArakasya pradattA pAcandrAI yAvatyAlanIyA yAcitparipancanA karoti saca mahApacapAtamipyati" / vIthI zyaM sAMprata pUrvAbhimukhA vartate / khahastIyaM kezavasva tathA nemakavaNikanAgAkena cAkhUsutena dosiho upAvanAM catvA vIthIhI 2 pUrvAbhimukhau pavalipta uvaTakasahitI panayorAghATA likhyante pUrveNa hAraSyA dakSiNena vAsudevavIdhI pazcimana kholI[pA] - ___ 17. [2] uttaraNa rAmavIthI maryAdA evaM caturAdhATaciTopalacitA bIviSNubhaTTAra"]kasya pradattA mAtApitorAmanaca pusthayasobhiye yazcitparipanyanAvAdhA karoti sa ca SaSThI varSasahavANi SaSThI varSasatAni ca viSThAyAM jAyate kamiH // tathA nemakavaNikasIlakena mahapAsutena upajayitvA' vIdhI dakSiNAbhimukhApasarakasahitAvaliptAcchabA prasthAcAghATAni likhyante pUrveNa sAvasavIthI dakSiNa 18. na haraNyA parimana zrIzivamArakavIthI maryAdA evaM caturAghATaviza zrInArAyaNabhA. rakasya dhUpapradIpanaivedyArtha pradattA yAcitparipancanA karoti sa ca narakaM vrajati mahApaJcapAtakemipyati // 8 // tathA sambatsaranavasateSu ekonasaptatyadhikeSu mAghamAse paJcamyA" sambat 119 mAgha zadi 5 padheza zrImatmIyaDIyA mahArAjAdhirAjavIdha[bha]TaparibhujyamAne tatpAdAdhiSThitalodhupAkAdi kezavasya / ___19. maDapikAyaryA koptikarasthAkA sthAnAropitadhAnarasiMghayori satIsa kAle vartamAna []makavaNikamAgAkena cAsatena samastakApAkhAnAM pArthAt paparimitamUkhena krItvA kamapAlamahattakapaSika: sAMtAstathA rAhaDastathA kukhAkastathA lakhAkastathA jasakarakAdInAM samastakakSapAlAnAM sakhArAnAsupari dattatrImadAdI"[varAhapaJcAsadadhikAni satAni trayodazA varAhadra 20. sorthe surAbhAcaM prati mAsAbhAsaM vitIyammA dAtavyaM tAliM prati vi 1. pAcandrAcitikAlina dhUpapradIpanaivedyArthe dhIvitubhadhArakasya pradattaM yahavivaraNavidhAraNA karoti sa ca narakaM vrajati ||8tthaa nemakavaNikanAgAna cAkha satana mAtaMgAnA pAchadupArjita mA[]rthi hito" dosilo yuge yugekaM prati kapakAyaM yaM kara dAtavyaM mAtAkIvejopaTAkastathA devatAkastavA rauMcAka" Probably for pabhAdityasya or ebhAdivyasatka. * Read our wifawr, for vero. NOne would expect camUSAmAcATAni or pAsAmAghATAmi. .Originally .limAsacanA. # One would expect here ford or below WETT. One would expect fruit. - Read . ye. - Band .berSiyati. Read .ziMpyati. One would expect vuurwet. One would expect niyamA. 70 Read ozefr.. Before, one would expect ratif. - Read . pyati. pattana (an in lines 29, 30, and 38), to agree with paribhujyamAne. * One would expect vaferit, and below foot, and ___n Read zrImadAdi.. pradatI. One would expect .pArjita. - Read varSi varSasAcAci paSTi. Read .tIrdIkSita
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________________ 176 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 21. stathA saMkarAkastathA yemvarAkastathA hemva[TA] kAdInAM " dosihaTTe samastayugAnAmupari pracayanImakA pradattA yaGgopi paripanyanA karoti sa ca narakaM vrajati // 4 // tathA nAgAkena dosihaTTe upAtA" pUrvAbhimukhA bIvI avakSitA upaTakasahitAsyAcAghATAni pUrveza harayA dakSive ater pazcimena kholIpAtaM uttareNa cchaMDikA maryAdA evaM caturAghATavisuddA zrInArAyaNabhaTTArakasya sa - 22. marpitA yaGgopi paripanyanA karoti sa ca narakaM vrajati // // tathA nAgAkena cAsutanAmIyadacicAbhimukhIcI upaTakapacitaM camIcA" pAghATAni likhate pUrveya zivabhahArakavIthI daciNena cArayA pazcimena bImAkIyadevavIdhI uttareca mAgAsakapavAsanikAlatIpAtaM evaM caturAghATacinopalacitA vilepanasacAnadhUpadIpanaivedyAeM zrInArAyaNamahArakasya samarpitA 28. riparipatnyanA" karoti [] jati tathA khAnAnumatana vArapapadmayombAra namakayadhikabhAralena mobindatena zrIvAmanasvAmidevapazcimAbhimukhasya pitRpitAmatrIpArdhita uttarAbhimukhA bIdhI avaliyA uvaTakasahitA asthAcApATAni zikhyante" pUrveca sIgAsakadevabIvI dacicena kholIpAtaM pavimena puna" somAsakadevavIcI uttareca zaharacyA maryAdA evaM caturASATacitropa 24. citA dhUpadIpanaivedyAye pradattAcandrAkAni yAvat rasIke vigrahapAlIyabhAgaM tu 1 deva dAtavyaM yapi paripayA karoti sa ca narakaM vrajati / tathA nAgAkIyaupArthanA pUrNAbhimukhau gRhau avaliptau apasarakasahitau pasyAbAghATAni pUrveNAkAsabhogaprAGgaNaM daciNena vAmana bhItI pazcimena kholIpAta uttare thekhikA maryAdA evaM caturAghATa 25. cipacitA samAyanavilepanagandhadhUpapradIpAce pradattaM bhuvanakhAmidevA" cit ripanyanA karoti sa ca narayaM prajati / @ tathA nAgAkIyaupArjanAyAM uttarAbhimukha u sAvadhAna kavitvA mahAtI pIumAmahezvarA pradattaM cAcATAni pUrveSa sivabhahArakavIthI daciNena khagTahabhitti" pazcimena sivabhaTTArakavIthI - 28. sArA maryAdA evaM caturASATavidyayaparipathanA karoti sa narakaM vrajati / // samvat 154 sAtha nadi 5 sakrAMtI"cakIyadevasya ca nivAsI tAmbolikamahara savara kesAtalA mAdhava "mastalokAnAM militvA pacayanImiyA pradattA papAlikA prati viSadrAvisova visovayaM pradattaM vi cAcandrArdhakAlina bhojayamiti samAvayoH / OM 1 N 27. [] sAsakIya daciNAbhimukhA bIvI avalIsA" paTakasahitA kRtopasacA cAcATAni" pUrvaca sImAkIvadevavIdhI dacicena irayA pavimena sImUbIvI" uttareSa kholIpAla evaM caturAcATavizvaM vizeSanasamAna dhUpadIpanaivedyAce bhuvana" khAmiva pradattA kopi paripanA karoti mahApAtaka lipyati / tathA nAgAkIyaupanA" telikavI tathA nArAyaNastathA nA 74 Originally *kAdinAM 7 Originally upAti 28 One expects ut or wret. 17 Originally panyAnA read *vivparipanyanA 28 One expects * pAciMtA. Bead fer. 50 Read *bhitti:. Read saMkrAntI. Bend bibhuvana 0. 14 One expects] sucaM. ReadtI. One expects the Instrumental case, here and before. * Read bhItavyamiti. 90 Road avalitA One would expect here asthA cAghATAni, and below 00 Rond punaH. 4 Read *vibhAnaM vi. One would expect here anayIbAghATAni, and below graved above the line, so Read vibhuvana 0. * citI sndpradattI. 04 Read parkhiyati. 9. Read upArthanA. * vizvacA. "This akshara, t, was originally omitted, and is en
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________________ SIYADONI INSCRIPTION. 28. gadevasyA mahasoyaH samantatevikAnAM prApakaM prAyakaM pratidina matapata tailapalikA pradattA // 88 // paramabhaTTArakamahArAjAdhirAjaparamesvarazrIcitipAladevapAdAnudhyAta91paramasamvatsarANAM mahAra[ka]mahArAjAdhirAjaparamezvaracI devapAlapAdAnAM mahIpravardhamAnaka byAyavijayarAjye savarAyAM sahasekaM pazcottaraM mAghamAsazuklapacapaJcamyAM samvat 1005 mAgha zadi 5 maha 20. zrImasIDopi mahArAjAdhirAjavIniSkalaGghaparibhraSya [mAne maNDaSikAyAM sopAdipaca khAnAnumatena pAidedekayobara satI kAle vartamAna dosi samamAjana ekamatIbhUtvA mahAntadharmArthahetorvvaNikavikramena" pratiSThApitazrIbhAralasvAmidevasya pradattaM mAsAnmAsaM prati drammasya tRbhAgaM tR 1 deyamiti // // tathA sUtradhArajejapastathA visicAkastathA bhaluvAkastathA jo [gU]30. []]drakAdInAM samakSa pAhADasamyahaliTAnA ekamatIbhUtvA zrIviSNubhahArakasya bhara bharaNaM prati vigrahapAladrammasya tRbhAgaM tu 1 acandrAkakAlinaM yAvadvoktavyaM yacitparipanyanA karoti sa ca mahApAtakapaJcakairttipyati // 88 // tathA samvat 1008 mAgha yadi 11 adyeha sIyaDoNipattane mahArAjAdhirAjavIniSkatpAdAdhiSThitapuraMdarAdipacakRtaM machapikAyAM kosisamAdhayaH syAnAdhiSThitasukha prayuyora 31. hAca pratiSThApitIvibhaGgArakAyatane purandareya pratiSThApitapazcimAbhimukhazrIcakravAmadevasya dIpalAyeM paha nivAsI lesikAnAM savastayA durgAdityastayA ke sa] lAka ka tukicAkAdInAM mahAntadhamAhato' pAyakapAcakaM prati tesapalikA pradattA yavitparipanyanA karoti sa ca narakaM vrajati // 88 // tathA pUrvvasUcita nemakavaNikapappAkena dedaDAsutena yatpratiSThApita zrI [ca] - 32. svAmideva [kha] bacikamahAdityanoDalAbhyAM pappAnRtAbhyAM [bhAlIyA] vAsanikA uttarA bhimukhAcyAbhyantare uttarAbhimukhAni yacApi vISi apasarakamAcasahitAvaliptAni vATAni' pUrve ramyA daciyena kholIpAta pazcimena cAtakApAsaniyA uttareNa dArohaniSkAsana [ve ]saka maryAdA evaM caturAghATacinopalacitA vilepanasacAnadhUpapradIpanaivedyAyeM pradattaM yacitparipanyanA karoti sa ca narakaM [ ] - 53. jati tayaM mahAdityanayoH // OM tathA pUrvasUcita sa] 119 mAgha yadi 10 nagAkaH vActAyA [] devayA vAlitayA badAla jAjUsutAstayA vittarAH sAvAta ekama tIbhUtvA khakIyakhakIyAyA mahAntahito apUrvAbhimukhA bhavAsanikA apasarApasahitA pA ghATAni' pUrveNa niSkAsamave saddAroSThakaM dakSiNena viSayaNaka pasatkAvAsanikA pazcimena kavilAsatka [avA ] 84. sanikA uttaraca sAvasasatyapavAsanikA maryAdA evaM caturA[cA ] vidyA abhyA samastapatrasameta samastanIyasametAM ca devasya pradattA kopi vi[1] karoti sa pAnIyapuruSacayaM narakaM nayati yoSi vaSISu pravasati sa ca goDibhAvita bhATakaM dadAti dAvAdasyA [vi]kAra nAti sasto nAgAdedevAlIbadAkAdInAM mataM zicitaM sa[ra]ve rAna // 8 // tathA dedevastathA vAlIkasta [thA ] 98 In my opinion, one would expect either prati pratidina, or only fer; see below, line 31. 177 97 Read dhyAtaparama.. 98 Read * laDapari0. * Read vikrameya. 100 Read vibhAgaM vi. One would expect here the Instrumental case. Read vibhAgaM vi 1 cAca0. * Read tIrthA... * Originally uttarIbhi0. * Comparing line 7 above, one would expect here avAsanikAyAyAghATAni, and below pradatA. 7 Read nAgAka: cALU0. * One would expect here asthAvAvATAni, and below calA abhyantara samasta gRhasametA samatavIthIsametA ca. * The akshara in brackets looks mther like varSa, or va * Here again I should have expected the Instrumental (or darSa ). case. 2
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________________ 178 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 86. tathA kadAka jAjUsatArebhi pra[dattA] caDUpratiSThApitapazcimAbhimukhatrIvibhahArakAsa catuSkATe" pazcimAbhimukhA vIthI pavaliptA uvaTakasahitA topasabA pasyAghATAni vikhyante" pUrve [co]lIpAta dakSiNena zrIma[mba] lohIdevijagatipazcimena hAraNyA uttareNa tikharAvIthI maryadA" evaM caturApATavisudhA vilepanasanmajana dhUpapradIpanaivedyArtha pradattA [ya] - . 38. citparipanyanA karoti sa ca narakaM ghora vrajati pitRpitAmahassA // vahastoyaM dedevAlIradAkAdInAM sammataM likhitaM khAmikumAraNa sarvaharisuteneti // 28 // sambat 1025 mAgha vadi 9 poSa soyaDINipattane mahArAjAdhirAjazrIniSkalAparibhujyamAne tatpAdAdhiSThitakezavarAjAdipakulaM sthAnAnumatena pAidedekayori satIdase kAle hAdhiSThAne da 37. [jiNe digvibhAge cANupratiSThApitapazcimAbhimukhatrIvizubhArakasvAyatane nemakavAtivaNikamahAdityena pepesutena pratiSThApitapUrvAbhimukhatrIviSNubhaTTArakasya vaNikavIdharaNa mahAdityasutena virapanasamArjanapUjApanadhUpapradIpanaivedyAthai zrImadAdI varAhadampasya pAdeka pradattaM etadarthe mAsAmA prati dIyamAnaM pacciyakadrammakaM sAsa - ___38. [naM] likhita para paMdra 1 etadatheM [sA] ca vIthI [nAgAsatkA] dakSiNAbhimukhA uvaTakasavitA katopasanA bhogAdhinA tiSThati pasyAghATAni" likhyante pUrveNa zrIzivabhadhArakavIthI dakSiNena hAraNyA pazcimena sIjhukavIthI uttareNa polIpAtaM maryAdA evaM caturAghATaviNavA pasyA vISyA mocApanakAle paparavIbI anurupA sAsane likhApya motavyA pAcandrA 39. kSitikAlina yAvato kAvyaM] yaSi khavAvAdhAra][dadAti] sa ca mahAntaM narakaM vrajati mataM siridhara mahAdityasutasya likhitaM karaNikadhIravaNA" svAmikumArasateneti // 8 // pIpoM namo gaNapataye / " vo gaNanAthasya hastAkSepavamaMthavaH / vidhU reNuM cita: citraM vindubhijaladA iva // yosau" [ca]kAma dhAtrI girikuharasaritsAgarAnuparamyAM pAdenakaina katmA valicchalanava___40. [zAbhUti[mAsthA]ya []khAM / svarga mvacAma?]" sAkaM pavanapa[ya] garbhA[nucandra] pahAdhyaiH sovyAtrivikramI va[stu]"tayapadapathI yasya deveca labaH // mahodayAmarAvatyA" manuSyendreNa dhImatA / rAya nAma nagara vAdhaNebhyo dade kila // rAyakamA rati te khyAti prAptA mahItale / dAtAraH bhavujatArI vihAMso subahuzrutAH // teSAM pra___41. tItakulasaMtatisuprasUtiyAriva[cAradhanadhairyayuto va[zi]SThaH / miSTaprArSajanakaH sakasI [vabhUva]" sanAvabhAvaparibhAvitacittattiH / vAstavyabhavanai virAjitAkhalAsAdiva guNavAdhipaH / dravyaGgahI tvA] kila mAtRyAnakAkenApi kAryeNa carabihAgataH // tenA[sminagarIndrakaMdaramuke dRSTo nRpaH ziMhava"[chImadrAjakule bha] - 10 This is wrongly repeated here. in the following line is used as a short syllable before the // Read rudAkI nAjUsatA ebhiH. conjanet. * Read .kI. Read sarga (badhAma]: B Read (pasthA pAghATAni) listhanne. "Read pati .. - Read maryAdA. * Read rer. Read *sanmAna.. 7 Metre, Sloka (Anushtubh); and of the next verse. " Read zrImadAdi.. Originally marAparAvayA. HOne would expect SasthA pAghATAni. - Read zaa. 18 Read anurUpA. - Read supara.. WOriginally .vathA . * Metre, Vasantatilaka. 90 Expressed by a symbol. " Read babhUva. A Metre, Bloka (Anushtubi). Metre, IndravanA * Metre, Sragdhara. # Metre, Sardtlavikridita. * Read of ; the second syllable of this word is used H Read siM.. as a short syllable, notwithstanding the following my and | sanUparamyAM pApa reNuM citati /
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________________ KUDARKOT INSCRIPTION. 179 49. dazamanamo[]taguMjAravaH / gatvA kautubapUritAntaragato rAmaH samIpavamahakImata parirAjamAra]rAsAtha pUjAmanu / tasvAtmanaH sthAtaguNopapanI dAmodarI nAma []gasiTa sosAratA vIca hirakhajIvAtkArApayAmAsa para murAraH // pAvApapuMjeriva siDakominsopAnamAtya gationta] 48. ricm| mahimAdreriva vAnarINa [pAnIya [sa] [?]vaNAdhivaMdhAt // ye[nAbhUvivavApaMvarahagusyAhatA rodasI dupsmohtdevkttuktthinodobm[co]piteH| bAtA [ya] vasuMdharA karavAtA pavitIlatA tastrAcI pravivesa sakSaNavatI vaivikramIyAM sabhAm / "morAnIpArjunAcagaMganaparici 44. testAlamAlAmadhakArAcA rAjavaMbA phalabharanamitaiDimImAtulaMge.] / [vAtIne]vAlavAbikasitamamanomakSikAmaMvarIbhiH puSyecacapradhAna: sama[mAnacirai rASita icavaDa / pa[sanAtpUrvamArAma]" maMdAkinyA] diguttrm| dadau sa nitvapUvAntakI savArasidhaye / vipakIyamahaparimabhAgA?]-. ___45. devabhUminila[yAtya rataba / dacina varivo nivarayA tira] - [pacAt / [A]sya . . . . . . "pratimAsa---[bohavAnAm / doSa-- [ma]pikAyAmavarSakA] viNI -dine dina] ........."[zArikA prati] barAToko] 1 --- devyAH --- parathA] ....."kyaa| vasantamatiko [] - ___48. pi[ga] ....... mahattako ......"pura(to] rathA] ci........[jA] pUri -[rayamaH]patAkA -- - [raNamukhe vi]divaM prayAtaH / [takhAjena varavipranatAMDiyummo dAmodarINa - ---18 J XXII.-A STONE INSCRIPTION FROM KUDARKOT (GAVIDHUMAT). BY PROFESSOR F. KIELHORN, PA.D., O.I.E.; GOTTINGEN. The stone which bears this inscription is said to have been found, in 1875, in the ruins of the Fort of Kudarkot, in the Itwa District of the North-Western Provinces, 24 miles north-east of Itawa town; and it is now in the Lucknow Museum. The inscription contains 16 lines. The writing covers a space of about 2' 4' broad by l' 4" high, and is well preserved almost throughout. The size of the letters is between }' and f". The characters belong to the northern class of alphabets, and they are in every respect very similar to those of the Bodb-Gaya inscription of Maha naman of the (Gupta) year 269, = A.D. 588-89, a photo-lithograph of which has been published in the Indian Antiquary, vol. XV, p. 858. As regards individual letters, it may be noted that r, as the first part of a conjunct, while it is ten times denoted by the superscript >> Metro, Indravajrk, and of the next verse. Read bivandhAna >> Metro, Sardalavikridits ; read y * Read fats, used for the Causal. -Metre, Bagdbars, rend .nA.. ..Read .acA. * Metro, Sloka (Anushtabh). 4 Metre, 8vigatk; the last akshara, TT, appears to be engraved above the line * Originally front fruft, but the second feront is struck out. Here about 10 akshare are illegible in the impression. Here about 11 aksharas are illegible. Here about 6 akskaras are illegible. Here about 8 atakarat are more or lone illegiblo. Here about 13 akakaras are illegible, * Here about 11 akelarde an illegible Metre, Vauntatilall.
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________________ 180 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. sign, is fourteen times formed on the line, with the following consonant (or consonants) below it; e.g., in arthinal, line 8, sarsuesham, line 9, miryayu, line 10, Kuladipabirtti, line 14, Vahurupabarmmd, line 16, &o. The language is Sanskrit, and excepting the introductory om namah, and the names in lines 18-18, the inscription is in verse. In respect of orthography, I need only note that 6 is throughout written by the sign for o; that t, in conjunction with a following r, is doubled, except where it is preceded by 8, e.g., in puttrash trays-, line 9, and chittranh traividya-, line 11; that the guttural nasal has been employed instead of the anwoodra, in wha, line 1; and that the rule of nandhi bas not been observed in - samoidhi, line 12. The inscription records (v. 15) the erection of a building for Brahmans familiar with the three Vedas, by a personage named Harivarman, and surnamed the illustrious Mamma (vv. 4 and 18), the son of Haridatta (v. 2); and it gives (11. 18-16) the names of six Brahmans who appear to have been the first oocupants. Harivarman, we learn from vv. 18 and 14, had a son named Takshadatta who was killed in battle, and in memory of whom the building would seem to have been erected. The inscription is not dated; but judging from the style of the characters, and from the fact that Haridatta, the father of Harivarman, (in v. 2) is said to have been raised to eminence by the illustrious Harsha, whom I take to have been the well. known ruler of Kanauj, it may be assigned with some certainty to about the latter half of the seventh century A.D. The most interesting piece of information, furnished by this inscription, is contained in verse 18, from which it appears that the place where the inscription originally was put up, and which now bears the name of Kudarkot, at the time when the inscription was composed, was called Gavidhumat. This name has hitherto been met with only in Patanjali's Mahabhashya,' in a passage which says that Samkasya is four yojanas distant from Gavidhumat.' 8amkasya has by Sir A. Cunningham been identified with the modern 8ankisa, a village in the Farukhabad District of the North-Western Provinces, situated 86 miles dorth by west from Kudarkot, 11 miles south-south-east from Aligafij in the Azamnagar Pargana of the Itawa distriot and 40 miles north-northeast from Itawa, in lat. 27deg 193 N., long. 79* 20 E. Kudarkot (Kuttarkot P) itself is a village and ruins in the Bidhana or Bidhauna tahsil in lat. 26deg 49 N., long. 79deg 877 B. TEXT. of TAI 'savihitanIlakaNhA nitamva(ba)taTayobhinI ssihaagutaa| ore for ordenafcar guitarer via I -v. 1. 'pAsItrIparidattAzyaH According to the Imperial Gasolteor, rol. VIII, p. 329,'tradition serta that an underground passage connected Kadarkot with Kananj.' (see Gazetteer of North-Western Provinen, VOL IV, p. 866, where an attempted transcript and trauslation of this inscription is given.-J. B.) Boo my edition, vol. I, p. 486, ac efort af amfa. Prom an impression supplied by the Editor. * Expressed by a symbol Motro, Arya. * RandsiSamatA. Metre, Sloka (Anushfubh).
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________________ KUDARKOT INSCRIPTION. 11:[sgrt1lmlaakhaanmaan-ke-nsserwrgy-ngompu-lom-lry-4n-ksaaal-kh-k{tstshru&rg: py/2r1:zhu / lgslaanuwshaaaphzhinwaaabh'p:5ktttt(1ns-bsglonr-'gu-cung-bHlUns5l-m- lrssrdze'=2)533143dwtt!(kh / rdphmaa / 5w-Clnwpaamaal / 'emaap-l-sku1raairbnywpdjshwgshizhum-8yoq:/ 9 / gudpamaaTsoTkaa / 5525vnM / w'phyulttuur';"tteg-'phl-nyis-chNt=br-gsoni-'5:M'85m o-grus-shiig-rw-l-A[3Twaa:5rrd5lsyl-mwaashrrjiraaajhyin-gU-thaaa;uruFsrnni'i / 3, msr'irqymNm-l<Page #207
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________________ KUDARKOT INSCRIPTION. 181 1. 5. khyAto haririvAparaH / zrIvarSeNa samutkarSe nItIpi vikato na yaH // -2. 'pviclitrtsNcymshobhitbhuubhdvtbhunaa| puruSottamasya visadRzamAsI samAjana ykh| -3. "tasyAbhavatsutanayo parivarmanAmA zrImanmatyaparanAmazatapratItiH / yasminuvAviva tapatyakhilakhava(ba)ndhuskhIvanApAjavanAni vikaasmiiyuH|-4. "yasthAbApi tArAtimandirokhAnapAdapAn / dAvavyAjana dahati prakAmaM kopapAvakaH // -5. "vizAlavacaHphalakAbhilavaprakaTakhAvaNasaviveyAH / bhanekasaya - niyAsaMkhyA nikhAtarakSA va yakha rekhH|-8. "marAgayApi yasvAsIyaM draSTuM na pAritaM / yatpRSThamarivAhinyA yaca vacaH parastriyA / -7. "prajApatiM nirmita - saptasAgarakSamAdharaM yo lghynmiscyaa| mahAdAnambu(ba)nidhInakalpayatsurAdhivAsAnacAca kottimH|-8. mahAntaH karkazAmAno va(ba)bamUkhA papi citii| sAvatra mAtrayA yena matiM nItA mahIpataH / -9. khaprAsAdamahAbhAragurubhUtatanoriva / yaH kUpakhanamavyAjemirA bhUmeramocayat / -10. mArgaNAbhimukhA lubA(bA)samatA: phlkaashyaa| vimukhA yena ripava: batA na punarapinaH / -11. loke prathayatApUrva vyavahAra koMgalaM / yenAyitvamagatvaiva jitAH pratyarthinaH sadAH"1-12. janayAmAsa yaH putraM cayIrakSaSadIkSitaM / zrItacadattanAmAnaM namitArigirodharaM / -13. "sarveSAmabhayapradena sahajAsmatasathAnakayo yunena yathopinA tumiva vasA vayaM keva[]". ityuce parikSAmanyava eva prApyAvasAmAntaraM labdhA(yA)savacaranigamapayA yasvAsavo niryyuH|-14. 10. *Metrs, Arya The three atsiaras TVC are quite clear in the impresnion, but they offend against the metre and yield no suitable sense. I would ruggest reading bhadanAdRtabhuvana WRasd.cAIna. 11 Metre, Varantatilak.. 12 Metro, Sloka (Anushtabh). * Metro, Upendravajra. * Metre, Sloka (Anushtubb). "Metre, Upendravajra. * Metro, Sloka (Anushtabb); and of the next four versen. - Read madA. Metro, Sardalavikridita. * Possibly bAbA .
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________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. "ramye gavIdhumati saMtatavedavidyAvyAkhyAna - ghoSava(ba)dhirIkSatadikhesmin / uccaracIkaradurasthiracAlacitra vidyamandiramadAramidaM sa saadhuH|-16.. yAvarNAzpaNikarAva tasya lokamAcAdayanti tsaandrtmsmuuhaaH| etathi(vi)jAtibhavanaM bhuvanAbhirAmamadhyAhatAdivatasambidhi" tAvadAstAM / -16. "bhadreNaite racitA vAmanatanayena sucaritamokAH / 13. aimAninApi likhitA[:] sUcakRtA devadevena // // -17. va(ba)cacaraNa sAhatyasagocasmaryadattapucI mahAsenadattaH / adhvaryucaraNe vatsasagotraH govatmasImapuco jAtavedasomaH / chandogacaraNa kuzalasagocaH kuladIpakItipucaH vaivAnarakItiH / pa(ba)hacacaraNa vAsiSThasagocaH udaita[dha]rapucaH shriicndrdhrH| padhvaryucaraNa pIpamanyavasagotro vasukhAmiputraH va(ba)rupazarmA / "kandogacaraNa gAlavasagoco tiguptasvAmipuca: ". . . . . 16. "esa(te)mahattama[:] zrImavidyAjJAnupAlane: [*] kAritaM dhAma dharmasthe[*] zrImanmasya samAcA]"yA // // " -18. TRANSLATION. Om Adoration! (Verse 1.) Ever triumphant is the handsome-faced Durga, who, approached by the blue-necked (Siva), shining with her broad hips, (and) accompanied by the lion and by Karttikeya, is like the range of the snowy mountain, which is frequented by peacocks, beautified by broad ridges, (and) full of caves of lions ! (2.) There was a personage) named the illustrious Haridatta, famous like a second Hari, who, although raised to eminence by the illustrious Harsha, was not (thereby) changed for the worse. (3.) His acquisition of fortune, at which no hoard of precious stones was disturbed, no prince agitated, (and) no notice taken () of dissolute people, was different from the acquisition of fortune by Vishnu. (4.) He had an excellent son, named Harivarman, widely known, by his other name, as the illustrious Mamma, at the sight of) whom the faces of all women of his kin became radiant (with joy), just as the groups of lotuses expand before the shining sun. *Metre, Vasantatilake; and of the next verse. Thero appear to be traces of some akaharar after this Read *saMvidhi. |stop, but nothing ialegible. - Metre, Arya. >> The lion is the vebicle of Durga, Karttikeya her son. Perhaps kAndIga.. scil., when the ocean, the mine of jewels, toas disturb. * Here about five akahara, are broken away or injured. ed, when the mountain Mandara toas used as oburning stick, - Metre, Sloka (Anushtubh). and when the serpent Vasuki was put in requisition. * These two aksharau are illegible.
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________________ KUDARKOT INSCRIPTION. 183 (5.) The fire of his anger even now, in the guise of a forest conflagration, flercely burns the trees in the gardens of the habitations of the enemies slain (by him). (6.) On his expanded broad breast shone, clearly visible, multitudes of healed-up sword-wounds, like numbers engraven (there) to mark his victories in many battles, (7.) The army of the enemy and the wives of others, however anxious they might be, two things of his they never were able to see, the one-his back, the others-his breast. (8.) In his desire of creating, putting into the shade the Creator who had made Reven oceans and seven mountains, he built tanks large as seas and habitations of the gods immoveable like mountains, by billions. (9.) Disdainfully by his command he bent low great hard-hearted rulers, though they had struck root in the soil. (10.) Pretending to dig wells, he opened the veins of the earth, the body of which had as it were become heavy with the great weight of the edifices (erected) by him. (11.) He turned back the enemies who, facing his arrows, eager in their desire for gain, encountered him, but not the suppliants who, intending to beg, approached him, anxious to secure his benefactions. (12.) Making known the world over his unprecedented skill in contesto, he, with out becoming a plaintiff, always defeated his opponents. (13 and 14.) He begat a son devoted to the preservation of the three Vedas, named the illustrious Takshadatta, who bent down the necks of his enemies; whose vital spirits,-highly enraged as it were because they alone, though they were his own, should so often, when he was seeking glory in battle, be renounced by him like worthless straw, (by him) who to all others) granted safety-when they found an opportunity of leaving him, departed, using as their way of exit the open wounds (inflicted) by the weapons (of adversaries). (15.) In this pleasant Gavidhumat, where the quarters of the heavens are deafened by the noise of the constant explanation of vedic lore, that good man" caused to be erected this noble, wide, firm, charming, and wonderful home for Brahmans familiar with the three Vedas. . (16.) As long as his excellent qualities, like the rays of the moon dispelling the mass of intense darkness, delight the world, so long may this abode of the twice-born, pleasing the world, last, without disturbance of the arrangements first made for it! (17) These verses on noble conduct were composed by Bhadra, the son of Vamana; written were they by the artizan" Devadeva, the son of fbana. (L. 13.) Mahasenadatta, the son of Suryadatta, of the gotra of Sarksitya, be longing to the Bahvricha-school. Jatavedasoma, the son of Govatsasoma, of the gotra of Vatsa, belonging to the Adhvaryu-school. Vaisvanarakirti, the son of Kuladipakirti, of the gotra of Kuhala, belonging to the Chhandoga-school. w wher, the word for 'rulers,' also means 'moudtains." #io, Takabadatta died in battle. #vis., Mamma, the father of Takabadatta. sUbazna for sUbadhAra, in not given in the dictionaries.. * The dictionaries giro Art and the, but not me.
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________________ 184 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Srichandradhara, the son of Udaitadhara (R), of the gotra of Vasishtha, belonging to the Bahvpicha-school: Bahuru pasarman, the son of Vasusvamin, of the gotra of Aupamanyava, belong ing to the Adhvaryu-school. ............(?)," the son of Dhfitiguptasvamin, of the gotra of Galava, belonging to the Chhandoga-school. (V. 18.) By these distinguisbed (men), who keep the commands of the holy three Vedas (and) abide in the law, (this) home was caused to be established at the command(?) of the illustrious Mamma." XXIII.-THE PEHEVA INSCRIPTION FROM THE TEMPLE OF GARIBNATH. BY G. BUHLER, Ph.D., LL.D., C.I.E. The subjoined edition of the inscription from the temple of Garibnath at Pehoa or Peheva in the Karnal District has been prepared according to an excellent paper impression by Mr. O. J. Rodgers, furnished to me by the editor. The inscription is incised on a stone slab, measuring twenty-seven inches by sixteen, and contains seventeen lines, the last of which is much shorter than the others. The tech. nical execution is good and the preservation fair. Though the first signs of lines 8-17 have suffered more or less, and though there are several deep holes and numerous slight abrasions in the middle, the whole of the text can be restored with perfect certainty, except three or four letters in line 7, and two very important words in line 8, the letters of which are only very slightly damaged. The want of success in the latter case may, however, be my fault. The characters of the inscription show the type of the ordinary northern Nagart alphabet of the ninth century. The language is rather incorrect Sanskrit prose which clearly shows the influence of the vernacular of the day. The mistakes have been discussed in detail in the notes to the translation. As regards the spelling, no distinction is made between ba and va, and the latter sign, as in most in. scriptions from Northern India, does duty for both. There are also a few other peculi. arities, such as the constant spelling samvatsara instead of samvatsara which may be explained by the ordinary mode of pronunciation. The object of the inscription is to record the fact that certain pious horse-dealers who met at the horse-fair held at Pehoa-Prithudaka on the fourteenth day of the half month preceding the bright half of Vaisakba, agreed to impose upon themselves and upon their customers certain taxes or tithes, the proceeds of which were to be distri. buted among some temples, priests and sanctuaries, in proportions duly specified. The names of these worthies are given at great length in lines 2-8. They were thirty-three or thirty-four in number and belonged to the towns or villages of Chtavarshika * The name is illegible. *[While this paper was in the press translation appeared in the J. 16. 8. Beng., vol. LVII, pp. 77 ff., by Dr. A. Fuhrer.-J. B.) Dr. Rajendralal Mittra has given his reading and translation of 11. 1-8, in Jour. Ax. Soc. Deng., vol. XXII, pp. 673 ff. He has also publisbed a facsimile of these eight lines, ibidem, vol. XXXII, p. 90, whicla seems to have been prepared according to a very inferior impression or rubbing.
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________________ PEHEVA INSCRIPTION. Utpalika, Chikkariselavanapura, Valadevapura, Sarankadiks, Stharudukkaka, or possibly 81haruddhakkaks, Traighataka, Ghamhghaka and AdvalaUhovaka. It is expressly stated in line 8 that these places lay in "various countries," and this circumstance makes their identification very difficult. I can only offer a conjecture with respect to a single place, Sarankadiks, which possibly may be the Sharakpur of the Imperial Gazetteer, the chief town of a tahsil in the Lahore District. The names of the traders seem to be throughout Hindu, though some are very quaint Desi words. In the notes to the translation I have tried to identify the more important ones with those in Mr. E. G. Crawford's list from Ahmadabad and Kathiavad, Indian Antiquary, vol. VII, pp. 165 ff. I may add that there are among them some Brahmanical names such as Vamuka, and that the first man is called the son of Bhatta Viruka. The sale of horses is forbidden to Brahmans;-see Manu, x, 89, and the parallel passages quoted in the synopsis attached to my translation. Here we have a proof that the prohibition was neglected before the Muhammadan times, just as is now sometimes the case. 185 The tax or tithe imposed was (1) two dharmas, to be deducted from the sum received by the dealer for each animal sold in Prithadaka to the king and to any subject, or sold in Traighataka and the other places where the dealers traded, to the king; (2) one dharma to be paid by the buyer of each animal in addition to the price stipulated. As far as is known at present, the word dharma is not used as the name of a coin or numerical quantity. It must, therefore, be understood to mean a religious gift, the amount of which was settled by custom. Self-imposed taxes for religious or charitable purposes are by no means uncommon in modern India. The cotton merchants at Dhollera used to, and perhaps still, pay a few annas on every bale of cotton passing through their hands, and the sum thus collected formed, and perhaps still forms, the Dharmtalao fund, which was originally intended to supply water to travellers coming to Dhollera through the sandy Bhal country; see also the Bombay Gazetteer, vol. IV, p. 208. When I was Educational Inspector of Gujarat, a certain portion of this fund was spent on vernacular education. A similar dharm fund used to exist at Bharoch, where the Vakharias or wholesale dealers in cotton, likewise, taxed themselves and their customers for charitable and religious purposes. There can be no doubt that the case mentioned in our inscription was exactly analogous. The customer paid a small sum, which was called a dharma, probably a few annas, in addition to the stipulated price, and the dealer contributed double the amount from his gains. The money thus collected was given as akshayanivi (1. 12). If this term were taken in its usual sense, it would mean that the money was to be invested and its interest alone to be spent. That seems, however, not to be the case. For (1) the document contains no clause referring to an investment; (2) it gives rules for the distribution of the money collected; and (3) it clearly indicates that the tax is to be levied not once, but constantly on all sales. Hence the term akshayanivi can only mean that this tax itself was to be a perpetual endowment for the donees mentioned. The donees were (1) the temple built by the illustrious Guhaditya (probably a royal personage) at Kanauj; (2) the temple built by Kadambaditya at Gotirtha in Kanauj; (3) the temple of Vishnu Garudasana built by the Brahman Bhavaka in Bhojapura near Kanauj; (4) the temple of Vishnu in the Yajnavaraha or boar-incarnation built by Bhuvaka in Pehoa-Prithudaka; (5) the pujaka or temple priest 2 A
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________________ 188 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. of the latter deity; and (6) the sthana or sanctuary of Prithadaka-Pehoa. The allotment of the shares is as follows: No. 1 receives of the tax paid by the merchants; Nos. 2 and 8 each a like amount of the same tax; No. 4, of the tax paid by the merchants and of the tax paid by the customers; No. 5, of the tax paid by the merchants and of the tax paid by the customers; and No. 6, of the former tax and of the latter. The management of the charity was entrusted, as was always done and still is customary in India, to Goshthikas, i.e., members of a committee or Panch, who had also to look to the collection of the money (svatah paratascha nirvvahah karttavyah). If my restoration and translation of the word dest (1.8) is correct, the donors had a foreman or head, who granted the charter in their name, "to the sacred place of PrithadakaPehoa." This latter expression probably refers to the fact that the document was to be incised in Prithudaka, and that the Goshthikas were selected from the most respectable inhabitants of the place or even were the men who managed its other religious and charitable endowments. The date of the inscription, Samvat 276, refers, as Sir A. Cunningham has first shown (Jour. As. Soc. Beng., vol. XXIII, pp. 233 ff.), to the Sriharsha era, and corresponds to 882-83 A.D. The king who then ruled over Prithudaka-Pehoa very probably is the same independent sovereign Bhoja, whose name occurs in the Deogarh inscription, dated Samvat 919, and Sakakalabda 784 or, according to Sir A. Cunningham's calculation,' A.D. 862, and in a Gwalior inscription of A.D. 876. He may also be, as Sir A. Cunningham thinks, the superior king (adhiraja) Bhoja, who is mentioned in the Bajatarangini, v, 156, Calcutta edition (151, Troyer), in the account of Sankaravarman's reign. The verse, however, does not necessarily imply, as Sir A. Cunningham asserts, that Bhoja was Sankaravarman's contemporary. It admits moreover of the interpretation that he somewhat preceded the latter. The verse says: taM bhojAdhirAjena sa sAmbAvyamadApayat / pratIcAratayA bhUrta kriyAnyaye // "He caused the universal sovereignty, which had been taken away by the superior king Bhoja, to be given to the scion of the Thakkiyaka' race who had become his servant by (accepting) the office of a chamberlain." The real meaning of the verse is very doubtful. But it is evident that Bhoja need not have been alive when the event alluded to occurred. Other attempted identifications of this Bhoja with homonymous kings have been shown by Mr. Fleet to be untenable. (Indian Antiquary, vol. XV, pp. 110 ff.) TEXT. I. 1. zrI paramabhaTTArakamahArAjAdhirAjaparamezvara zrIrAmabhadradevapAdAnudhyAtaparamabhaTTArakamahArAjA dhirAjaparamezvarazrIbhojadevapAdAnAmabhipravarddhamAnaka - 2. vijayarAjye samyaraye padamatyadhiye vaidyAcamAcayapacasaya sambat 205 vAca afe at www.crafewayut - Cunningham's Archaeological Survey Reports, vol. X, p. 102. * The editions have the faulty form bakkriyaka0. L. 1. Read . * L. 2. Read saMgakAra twice and saMvat.
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________________ PEHEVA INSCRIPTION. 187 8. yAM tiyAvita zrIpAdakAdhiSThAne piyAcIcaturdazyAM ghoTakayAtrAyAM samAyAta cUTavArSikatva bhAvIskasuta vanda tathA rAjyavala tathA vajhuka []Nakasuta rAjyasIha utya - 4. liketya bhanukasuta mAnaka cirahamata coparAka tathA cikarisalavaNapurIya daDasuta kaDaka etatsuta jayarAka viSNusuta pAdityarAka rakhnukasuta citrA tathA eka kabuka b. suta vAmuka valadevapurIya khannaTasuta hoSa sagAsta viDDaka kezavasuta dhaNaka sAkasuta [va]muka maNikasuta uehari zAradikatva nArasuta lopaTa' 8. tathA zahara vallukamuta kharAditya sIharuduvAkatva unakasuta vacchaka jayadharAkasuta raSika sUrasita] pragada vaighATakIya dhAraTasuta canda [e]ka[ga]orakasuta savva 7. devazamsuta phampha vaNukasuta kambhika ghaMdhatva sakSikasata khAmirAka siM[]kamata sIdAmIdarasuta pobhAlukamuta dabu--- kathili [mANasuta khabipa 8. [va]lauhovaketya upasata vA evametabamukhamAnAdezAgatabhaTA-kavvArakAdAyI zrIpaSUdakIya[sthAnasya patra" prayacchati yathAsmAbhiH / 9. [bI]kanyakubne zrIguhAditvakAritadevAya tathA tacaiva gotIpheM kadambAditvakA[rita,devAya ca tathA bIkandhakumA[sabadhIbhojapure" gaMgAtIra nAgara 10. [bha] prabhAkarasutabhUvakakArita [ga]ruDAsanadevAya tathA zrIeyUdaka prAcIsarakhatIsavidhI bhUvanaiva [kArita yantravarAhAya ca padhdaka dhoTaka - 11. [ghoTikAve]ga[sa]rarUpAdivikraya[sya] rAjakIyopakraye ThakurajanapadAdhui pakraye ca tathA vaicATakAdisthAneSu kevalaM rAjakIya evopakro rupaM pra 12. [ti dharmAhetI]ryadharmAdhyamasmAbhiracayanIvyAM pradattaM tacaturvinagatibhirbhAga:" parikalya bhAgAsapta zrIguhAdityakAritadevAya ta[thA bhAgAsmapta ___13. [kadambA]dityakAritadevAya" tathA bhAgAH sapta bhUvakakAritagaDAsanAya tathA [bhAgekA pradhUdake bhUvaka[kAritayajJavarAhAya tathA bhAgaikastatpUjakAya 14. [ya tathA bhA]gaikaH" prathUdakasthAnAt tathA ghoTavasaMgrAroTakaM prati pradattadhakA kathitabhAgAnAM hAdazAnA madhyAtpRthUdake prAcIsarasvatI .L. 3. The first letter of rASaka is nearly destroyed. * L. 4. Read f un; the original may bave . . * L. 5. The 7 of HTEET is a correction and stands below the line, its place being indicated by the sign +. The first letter of h is nearly destroyed. Possibly WTC to be read. L. 6. Possibly to be read. The last two syllables of tea are nearly effoed; the last seems to have been added above the line. L. 7. The consonant of the second syllable of fegis blurred and not quite certain. Restore v. Three or four lettern have been lost before kazikhi. HL. 8. The first letter is not certain, Possibly #cT or to be read; the following letter is half preserved and woems to have been a compound one, consisting ofan or and something else, possibly.c. Read avadhAraka. The nign rendered pyu is damaged and abnormal. The first consonant of ent is uncertain; the word may have been in. Of u only the initial and the top ends of are visible. "L. 9. The first letter is nearly effaced, only the 7 is recognisable. Only the second of the two bracketed signs in 1961[en) is distinct. The reading may have been . . L. 10. The first letter is only half visible. The of WWW is blurred. At the end of the line stands along vertical stroke, unconnected with the last letter. * L. 11. The bracketed letters in the beginning of the line are blurred, but recognisable. The quantity of the first vowel of . . and is doubtful. The last vowel of 9 1go is doubtful. WL 12. The letters bracketed are blurred, but recognisable. Read Tgfxfce. * L. 18. The bracketed letters are blurred, but recognisable with the exception of the syllable 1. which is entirely gone. WL 14. The bracketed letters are all blurred, but recognisable. 22
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________________ 188 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 18. (afrit q fcrecer [HT]: [arz] [E]Tata dakIyatAmaNa bhAgAcatvArobAbhiH pratipAditAstada 18. (Tre sca] forangfa[:] aqfet [1]u ur[c]" defeferat afta: eft w aar foraft: arta HTIT aufre 17. [funt ifta: ra]fergreen: TRANSLATION. Om! During the increasing, auspicious and victorious reign of the feet of his majesty, the supreme sovereign, superior king of great kings (and) supreme lord, the illustrious Bhoja who meditates on the feet of his majesty, the supreme sovereign, superior king of great kings (and) supreme lord, the illustrious Ramabhadra, in the year two hundred exceeded by seventy-six, on the seventh (lunar day) of the bright half of the month of Vaisakha, (in figures) Samvat 276 Vaisakha budi 7-on this lunar day specified as above by the year, month and (civil) day (mentioned)" met" here in the famous town of Psithadaka at the horse-fair on the Pitachichaturdaff the followoing) inhabitants of Ohatavarsbika, Bhatta Viruka's sons Vanda and Rajyavala" and Valluka, likewise Ranuka's son Rajyastha; the following) inhabitants of Utpalika, Bhalluka's son Mangaka, Chinha's son Chonaraka;" likewise the following) inhabitants of Ohikkariselavanapura, Dada's son Kalluka," his son JAVATAka, Vishnu's son AdityarAka," Rajjuka's sons Chinha and Rangaka. Kalluka's son Vamuka ;" the following) inhabitants of Valadevapura (Baladeva. 1 L. 18. The broketed letters are blarred, but recognisable with the exception of R ., which are gone. The restor ation is made sertain by the calculation, 18-+- 9 6. Read TITTE. L. 18. The following among the broketed letters are not recognisable, but conjetura:- TITTI like wise the bracketed Visarge. The word is ruperflous. >> L. 17. The bracketed lettons are nearly all unrecognisable. But the restoration is nevertheles certain. Instead of specified u above by," oto., the literal translation would be "preorded by," which I have tad on other GOOOD. I now follow Mr. Fleet's example in order to secure greater conformity in the translations of the technical term. It ought to be noted that the divasa, the solar or the civil day, does not occur in the specification, where the feminine saptamydas requirea tithas to be understood. I trapulate the crude form of the participle samdydla by the preterite, "met." in order to make the sentence more intelligible. The author of the document, who was not a good Sadakpit scholar, bus omitted the case-termination in this word Mwall at the end of each of the following dame. He no doubt was misled by the usage prevailing in his vernacular. AdMedna, town,' may also mean aspital. But there is no evidence to show that king Bhoja rouided in Prithadaks. # Though dard wually means 'pilgrimage' or 'religious festival, the statements in the sequel show that it bere D'air. The fair may have been connected with a religious footival. Pulokohaterdall, literally the fourteenth (lunar day) of the femalo goblin,' probably was the name of the Bo t h lapar day of the dark half of Vaibhs or of Chaitra. For it must bare fallen somewhat earlier than the bright med Yalkha and may bavo belonged to that month or to Chaitra Accordingly as the reckoning wm amdata or pirniAnde. I have not found the term in the dictionaries nor in the works on erala at my disposal. foeldrandrakibatya, and further on in wtpalibalya and so forth the alle tye, which denotes the inhabitant of' or And in.' has been erroneously added to the locatie instead of to the orade form of the Dames. The me anomaly Door in the ChyalokyInscriptions, Indian Astiquery, vol. VI, p. 904, No. 7, plate il, L. 2, eto Riyavula is perhaps the modern dame Rajbal which oceun in Kalmir. With Choparks compare the modern name Chonda, Indian Antiquars, vol. VII, p. 165. Kallaka to the modern bam, Kla, Indian Astiquary, loo. cit., p. 166. Dada is perhaps a variant for Dadde, the moden DAJA Joyurtka may stand for Jayarks and be equivalent to the very common name Jordj, Indian Antiquary, loo. cit., P. 106. Laityurlike probably stande for Adityaradka and corresponds to the modern Adit or Aditraj. maka la known . Brabmaploal nameJour. Bo. Br. B. 4. Soo., vol. XII, extra number, p. 67.
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________________ PEHEVA INSCRIPTION. 189 pura), Khambhats's son Hoddha, Mrigaska's son Viddaka, Kedava's son Dhanuka, Khangaka's son Vamuka, Manikka's son Uehari," the following) inhabitants of Sarankadika," Nara's sons Lohata" (or L&hata) and Sankara, Valluka's son evar&ditys; the (following) inhabitants of 8tharudukkaka, Ullaka's son Vachehhaka, Jayadharaka's son Rapika, Sara's son Pragada; the (following) inhabitants of Traighataka, Dharata's son Chanda; Ekagoraka's son Savva, Devafarman's son Phampha, Vagguka's son Kammika; the (following) inhabit ants of Ghamhghaks, Lallika's son Svamiraka, Bimghuka's son 81[ha], Damo dara's son Pombha," Halluka's son Davvu, . . . . Kasili. Mana's son Khajji; the (following) inhabitant of Asvala-Uhovaka, Usuha's son Vaddha. The foreman of the....dealers," come from various countries, chief among whom are those men. tioned above, grants to the sacred place of famous Prithudaka a charter to the following (feet): To the (temple of the) god built by the illustrious Guhaditya in famous Kanyakubja, and to (the temple of) the god built by Kadam baditys even there in the Gotirtha, and to the (temple of the) god riding on Garuda built by Bhuvaka, the son of the Nagara" Bhatta Prabhakara on the bank of the Ganges in famous Bhojapura near famous Kanyakubja, and to the (temple of the) sacrificial boar built by the same Bhavaka in famous Prithadaka near the Eastern Sarasvati, we have given on the sale of horses, mares, mules and other animals"-in Prithudaka in the case of a purchase by the king as well as in the case of a purchase by the Thakkurae," the provincials and so forth, and in Traighataka and other sacred places in the case of a purchase by the king alone-for the sake of spiritual merit two dharmas" for Compare the modern name Dhand, Ind. Ant., loc. cit., p. 165. Manikka is the very common modern name Manek from manikya, 'a ruby.' Uehari is a very peculiar compound, but perfectly distinct on the impression. Sarankadika may possibly be the modern Sharakpur in the Panjab; see Imperial Gazetteer, sub voce. 34 Nara is probably, like the modern name Naru which is frequently used in Gujarat, an abbreviation of Narayana. If Lahata is the correct reading, its first part may be connected with the modern name Ladha, Indian Antiquary, loc. cit., p. 166. Compare the modern name Pomla, Indian Antiquary, loc. cit., p. 167. As the preceding word is mutilated, it is not rertain if I have divided the syllables correctly. But Mapa seems to be the equivalent of the modern name Mana, Indian Antiquary, loc. cit., p. 166. I do not dare to propose any correction for the mutilated word bhatd- or haya- which I do not understand and hence leave it untranslated. As vyuvaharaka no doubt stands for vyavaharaka, trader, dealer,' it is, however, not improbable that the immediately preceding word referred to that in which the traders dealt, and that some word meaning horses' or animals' is hidden under the meaningless syllables. The word desi, which I have translated by foreman, means literally, guide, instructor. It would seem that the dealers had appointed a manager, who acted in their name. Though this is possible, I should have expected at the end of the compound Srent or some equivalent term. 40 Sthana, literally a place,' is frequently used in the sense of a place sacred to a particular deity,' see, eg, the inscription from the temple of Bhadra Kalf in Somnath Pattan, Vienna Oriental Journal, vol. III, p. 7, verse 4, 6, p. 8, verse 9, eto. Here the sanctuary of the chief deity in Prithadaka is probably intended. 41 Though the god is not named to whom this and the next mentioned temples were dedicated, it may be conjectured that Vishnu is meant, because the other two temples are Vaishnava buildings. Nagara is either the name of the subdivision of the Brahmans to which Prabhakara belonged, or an honorific title indicating that he was the Chief Bhatta of the town of Kanauj. a The sacrificial boar is Vishnu in the boar-incarnation. Rapa has the meaning ' an animal' according to the Koskas, and is used in that sense by Bapa. The Thakkuras are the Thakurs or Rajput landholders; by janapada, 'the provincials, the common people must be understood. Dharma denotes here and farther on, where one dharma is mentioned, a kind of tithe set apart for religious purposes. The exact amount cannot be ascertained. It no doubt was regulated by custom, and so well known that its specification seemed unnecessary. In the translation the relative pronoun yad which precedes dharmmadeayam has been left out intentionally, and the word and has been inserted in its stead, in order to make the sentence more intelligible.
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________________ 190 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. each animal; as a perpetual endowment ;" and dividing that into twenty-four shares, we have assigned seven shares to the temple of the) god built by the illustrious Guha. ditya, and seven shares to the (temple of the) god built by Kadambaditya, and seven shares to the temple of) bim who rides on Garuda, and one share to the temple of the) sacrificial boar built by Bhuvaka in Psithudaka, and one share to the temple priest of the latter, and one share to the sacred place of Prithadaka; moreover we have assigned out of the twelve shares into wbich the one dharma given for each borse by the purchasers of horses has been divided, (six] shares to the temple of) the sacrifi. oial boar built by Bhavaka in Prithadaka near the Eastern Sarasv&ti and to the temple priest of the latter two shares, and to the sacred place in famous Psithadaka four shares. This should be agreed to] by the sellers and buyers of horses, (and) the virtuous Goshthikasho should thus manage on their own part and on behalf of others, Rooording to the rule laid down above, as long as sun and moon exist. Moreover these shares should be divided by the Goshthikaa) according to the rule) laid down above. XXIV --THE KANGRA JVALAMUKHI PRASASTI. By G. BUALER, PH.D., LL.D., C.I.E. The subjoined odition of the Jvalamukhi Prasasti has been prepared according to three paper-impressions furnished to me by Dr. Burge39. The inscription was described by Sir A. Cunningham in bis Archeological Survey Reports, vol. V., pp. 167-168. He has fixed its age and extracted from it the best part of the historical information which it conveys. It is incised on a stone slab, measuring % 4" by 1' 6", which is preserved in the porch of the temple of Bhavani in Bhawan, a suburb of Kot Kangra. It is written in two different alphabets, the mangala, and the first verse, which bli the first two lines and the beginning of the third, being in modern Sarada characters while the remainder is in common Devanagari. The technical execution is not good. Bome letters are imperfectly formed and the clerical mistakes, which are partly corrected, are very numerous. The latter may, however, in part be due to the carelessness of the writer of the copy from which the mason worked. As regards the preservation of the document, it must be noted that the left halves of lines 7-14 have been seriously damaged, and that further on, too, single letters have been effaced. The language is 4 When it la stated that the two dharmas are given a perpetual endowment, the meaning probably is that the rum ww to be paid at ssh of the annual borse-fairs in Prithtdaki, Trnigbataks and other places where the traders dealt. This follows from the farther exhortatione added to the vellers and buyers well as to the Goshthikas. * Bldgaibad, me shen' which cours here and further on, as well a dharmailah, one dharma,' is bad Sanskrit chuud by the vernacular expression bldg ok. * The slativo pritadelasthand is altogether wrong; it ought to be the dative or the genitive, as further op. The Gorkflibee at the members of the Pack or committee entrusted with the management of the religious ondowmenta: s sluo Iudian Antiguary, vol IX, p. 171, note 88, where the modern Nepalese name of sob a committee, gufti,i., gult, is given
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________________ KANGRA JVALAMUKHI PRASASTI. 191 Sanskrit and, towards the end, not free from grammatical mistakes. With respect to the orthography, it may be stated that in the group nt the nasal is almost invariably expressed by an anusvara and n. The inscription consists of two entirely distinct parts. Lines 1-14 contain, besides a double Mangala, nine very artificial verses in honour of Bhavani-J valamukhi. Verse 10 informs us that this Stotra was composed by an ascetic of the Vedanta school called Raghavachaitanya. A poet of this name is repeatedly and reverentially quoted in Sarngadhara's Paddhati (see Professor Aufrecht's Oxford Catalogue, p. 124 B, and Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, vol. XXVIII, p. 76). If, as seems not improbable, the two persons are identical, the Stotra must have been composed before A.D. 1363, the date of the Paddhati, and be at least about 80-100 years older than the inscription. In the second part, lines 15-24, one Ksishnabhatta informs us (verse 12) that be copied the above Stotra, and tells us regarding himself that he was a brother to the wives of others,' learned in all Sastras, a poet, a devotee of Harihara, and originally an inhabitant of Kas1 or Benares. His grandfather, he says (verse 11), who was also called Kfishnabhatta, belonged to the Dravida subdivision of the Brahmans and to the Atreya gotra, was able to explain the six Darsanas and had performed one or several Soma sacrifices. His father Vagisvara, he adds (ibidem), thoroughly knew the Mindmed, the Smritis, and the science of the sacrifice, and had composed works of his own. Next fol. lows (verses 13-14) the information regarding the ruler of the country, which has already been discussed by Sir A. Cunningham. He was Samsarachandra, son of Karmachandra and grandson of Meghachandra, "who after conquering all his foes presents the earth to those knowing the meaning of the Vedas and of the Sastras." The latter words show that Krishnabhatta had received or hoped to receive Dakshina from the prince. If I am right in reading (verse 13) panchamabddbhishiktah and in translating it by "who was anointed in the fifth year of the Lokakala)," it appears that Samsarachandra mounted the throne in the year 1430 A.D., which corresponds to the year 4505 of the Santarshi era; for Sir A. Cunningham (loc. cit.) has satisfactorily proved that this king belongs to the fifteenth century, "because he is the fourth after Rapa. [chandra], the contemporary of Firoz Tughlak in A.D. 1360, and the sixth before Dharma(chandra), the contemporary of Akbar in A.D. 1560." The following verse (16) praises Samsarachandra's minister, the chamberlain (pratihara) Rani, i.e., probably Ranasimha, who was the son of the chamberlain Vira, i.e., Vfrasimha. Verse 16 is in honour of the Muhammadan overlord Sa hi Mahammad, who must be identified, as Sir A, Cunningham has shown, with Muhammad Saiyid, Emperor of Dehli from A.D. 1483 to 1446. Verse 17 gives us the name of the mason sagika who incised the inscription out of devotion towards, i.e., while in the service of, the Kamboja Delba. The concluding mangala in prose is addressed to Jvalamukhi, by one Saryadh vaja, the pupil of the illustrious Karmadhvaja. This person probably was an ascetio oonnected with the temple or the worship of Bhavani-J valamukht. The whole second part of the inscription is no doubt the composition of Krishnabhatta, who, though a poet and learned in all sastras, was unable to write correot Sanskrit. The date of the in. scription, of course, lies between A.D. 1438 and 1446.
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________________ 192 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. TRANSCRIPT. L1. bIpI khti| bhI namo jvAlAmukhyai / pAyALvAlAmukhI va prabatasaravaraskArakoTIrakoTIkoTIbyATIkamAnadhumathisamamaNive vibhaavaidhibhaataa| kalAtacIbhabhAbhararabhasasamAraMbharaMbhabhImavyAsAmAsAkarAsAnanalaghukavalIbhUtabhUtapra paMcA [.][] pavyAt jvAlAmukhI vsmrsmrsiibhaavsNbhaavnocdiirvaassvysvaannprhsitditibhuugrvsrvkssiinnaa| pauryA bhAvasaMbhAvitama viglaambjaadhaariicisaaprpaalii-t-rytiridvitiiyNddaalaa| [paMcA] godaMcanapracitacaraNasaroNA sarIjAsanAdi[kha] svAsa tyAgazUrAharaga mrmdyogdtyaaNcjnyaa| janyA vanyaprapaMcA [ma]bhavabhayarajAhAriNI hAriSI sA vadyAvadhAnavAM dhiya[miyamudaya[khe]vivazArIH sAvaMsAvaM sarvasAmamanayamanatAmAvimAtAvibhAtA divyAdivyApanAviSamaviSamayogabhImAyabhImA / vAmAvAmAvatAhI yatini yatinirI cAsamacA jAsaMjAlaMdharaM shriicyncynyogvitomaavitomaa| hevI vvAlAmukhI vaviramayabhama iMDivISTedhiSISTa khAmaitakhAH prasAdAkhi mapi tanu mahatasA [s]gsiitt| vidhA [viyo[ti]pITa pra[]timanuvide-yiSISTa prasattibhI saMbobhUyiSISTa pracuraparimalA-prakoyiSISTa / ' 5. . 8. durgArtivovyAdatikulatarA [vai]jayaMtI] jyNntiimaalaamaalaalyNntii[k]lit[v]limsaavivRtaacaataayaa| durgAdugArzivovyAdalinuzatarakhA vaiva Motre of verses 1-9, Sragdbars. The word in Pada 3 is not certain. The consonants of the first syllable look like dhoki,an impossible combination. - Rd.papInA:. The original had originally nIyA~* which has been corrected. The lutayllable of we standa above the line. Perbape fra to be restored; usando above the line. * Raad zivAsa. *dabIma. standi above the line. * The text bad in Pada 3 originally ufafrettufature, but syllables 7-9 have been deleted by means of kakaoldsm. Add at the end of the foot samacA. * Raad at the end of Peda s prakSatti.. Probably mI: pravIvipITa to be read.
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________________ 193 KANGRA JVALAMUKHI PRASASTI. yaMtI[jayantImAlAmAlA[layaM]ntIkalita[kasimakSA] vizrutAmA[]tAmA / sAvyAhAsarvadAvaH kalitaharipadAdevavidhAsasomA sAvyAsarvadAva: kazitaharipadA[]vavi[pA] rsomaa| sA[NyAt]sarvadA[va]: kalitAri[pa]dAde[va] vicArasomA sAyAsarvadAvaH kazitaharipadAdevavidhArasI ____mA [0] * [0] evaMtI vinamAnA vi---[ma]ti [yA] - sarva-nIparantI vo vivApatpipati pa-i-yA pASayantI svaani| puMsaH sevA vinatyA vijayati sudutA ka smata[ravAnA yamayI-sakarmaphasamupacinuta--sokasa sAraM -gIsITa f- sakalakazikalA siSISTAminITa zreyavAsIra dAsISTa ca nirtishyaa-taa---piir| -sITA-ra-kA-- sadana-rAgAzivITa-pITa khAsISTAkhA vISTAzitajati nikaSISTAca kAtyAyanI zrImadrAca[va] caitanyamuninA pryvaadi]naa| [sava rakhAvalI mayaM [jvAlAmukhye smrpitaa| ' vihAnAbeyagotraH kazimabadasanI drAviDa: pabho . vyadarthinyAH pravakSA pati[sata nutaH somasaMkhAbhiSitaH tamAhAgIbArAyaH samajani sudhiyAmamaNIyakartA mImAMsA pAradRgyA mRti--[ni][yo] yatravidhApravIH [1 ] tasUtaH bANabhAH paranaravanitAmodaraH sarvavidyA pArINaH kAvyakartA hariharacaraNAMbhIjavaMgItisaM / 18. kAzIvAsI sametvAlidida[mubabhiti-f-khobara jvAlAmukhyA mahiNaH kalayata tadidaM suzikSipradhAna / [12] vaMye vAtRkasvAbhavadavanipatima caMdrasatIbhUdvAjA bIkamacaMdro guruganilayaH snusuyudhaayH| . At the end of 1.8 the syllables font have been deleted. In Pada the text had originally the third and fourth syllable have been deleted, while another has been written above the line vivASapa.00ms to bowrong. . Metre, Anushtabb. * Matre of verses 11-18, Bragdhare BadabhArapacAsa doubtfal 18. fewer, of which
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________________ 194 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. tasmAtsaMsAracaMdraH samajani nRpatiH paMcamAbA] bhiSitA: . bhavambharvAgviniL.20. vA vitarati vasudhA vedayAmArthavijJAH / [1] kIrtiryasya tuSArahAravizadA lokatrayaM gAte prAleyAdvimiSeNa paMnagapativyAjena caMdravAta / 21. yamurtiba satAmabhISTaphaladacintA[ma]NiH zobhate soyaM bhUpatizevaro vijayate saMsAracaMdro vRpaH // [14]" vIrapratIhAsate vadAce mahIpate voThari rA22. . jyabhAraM, raNIpravIhArajitArivagai bhavaprazastiH parirapati citi / [1] brAMDoktaguhAMntare dRDhataraM nirmAya kUrmAsanaM dhIrAMbhonidhiyo gaparakalitApyubA tamAkuntalAn / kA vastu vijitya pazyati para jyotiH pratApAbhidhaM bImAdhimahaMmadakha jayatAnItiH parA yoginii| [1] 24. zrImaharapatizalamItyA kaaNbojdelkh| bhaktyA lekhitamatatstovaM sUgIkasvadhArASa[17]" bImalArmadhvajaziyasUryacajasva vvAlAmukhyai namaH [1] 28 TRANSLATION." Verse 10. By the famous ascetic Raghavachaitanya, a Vedantist, has this string of jewel-like praise been offered to Jvalamukhi. 11. (There was) a learned Dravida of the Atreya gotra, Krishnabhatta, adestroyer of the impurity of the Kali age, a teacher of the six Darsanas, who was honoured by the sons of kings and who had bathed on the completion of Soma sacrifices. From him was born a leader of wise men, called Vagtivara, a composer of worke, who had completely mastered the Mindmed, was clever in the exposition of the Smritis .... and was learned in sacrificial lore. 12. His son Krishnabhatta, a brother to the wives of others, a master of all sciences, a composer of poetry, a bee on the lotus of the feet of Harihara (filled) with excessive (devotion), an inhabitant of Kast, came and copied with broad ...... this most excellent hymn on the greatness of JvAlamukhi; take notice of this poem that is) most important for (the attainment of ) enjoyments and liberation." *Read .gfara.. fafout is a grammatical mistake for fafera, which the author committed in order to escape metrical fault Metro, Bardflavikrlaita. Rond uTq. 19 Metre, Upajati. Read Aware and wh ico. >> Metre, Sardalavikridita MMetrs. Ghti. Read *metattI ; *sUmacAraca. MI omit verses 1-9mthey posses little general interest. * The we of ativolash, literally 'excessively,' which seems to mean (Alled) with excessive (devotion),' is not idiomatio.
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________________ MAU CHANDELLA INSCRIPTION OP MADANAVARMAN. 196 13. In the race of the lord of this country) to whom long life may be granted aryse king Meghachandra. From him sprang the illustrious king Karmachandra, the abode of a multitude of virtues, & moon for (that) assemblage of lotuses, virtuous men. From him was born king Samsarachandra, anointed in the fifth year of the Lokakala) : after conquering all his enemies, he presents the earth to those who know the meaning of the Vedas and of the Sastras." 14. Victorious is that best among princes, king Samsdrachandra, whose fame, resplendent like snow or a string of pearls, pervades the three worlds in the guise of the snowy mountains, of the lord of snakes, and of the moon,-he whose form shines - the Chintamani that grants the desired rewards to the virtuous. 15. While the chamberlain (pratthara) Rani who has conquered hosts of foes, the noble son of the chamberlain (pratihara) Vira, carries the burden of the government, thy fame, o king, protects the earth. 16. Victorious be the fame of the illustrious Sahi Mahammada, that most exoel. lent sorceress who sees the supreme light called majesty, after having most firmly fixed the tortoise-seat in the cave called Brahman's egg, after having shorn the locks of darkness, even using the milk-ocean during her devotions as the knee-cloth, and after having conquered the dark matter. 17. Through pure fondness for divine Ganapati, out of devotion for the Kamboja Delha, this hymn has been caused to be written by the mason sagika." Of Suryadhvaja, the pupil of famous Karmadhvaja, adoration to J.valamukhil XXV.-TWO CHANDELLA INSCRIPTIONS. BY PROFESSOR F. KIELHORN, PH.D., C.I.E., GOTTINGEN. 1. MAU STONE INSCRIPTION OF MADANAVARMADEVA. THE stone which bears this inscription was discovered in 1813 by Lieutenant William Price, at the foot of a rocky hill in the vicinity of the town of Mau, in the Jhansi District of the North-Western Provinces, where "the natives were accustomed to sbarpen their knives and talwars upon it." Lieutenant Price presented it to the Asiatio Society of Bengal, and it is now in the India Museum at Caloutta. He published a transcript and translation of the inscription in the Asiatic Researches, vol. XII, pages 357-374. . 17 Satkumudvachchandra, ' moon for (that) assemblage of lotuses, virtuous men,' in most objectionable. For the poot really means to say that the king Cates good men to prosper, just as the moon cause the lotus flowers to opeo, and he ought to have said ratkumuchchandran, or ratkumudachandral. The affix vat which makes the simile to balt, bas probably been added only because the poet did not know how to satisfy the requirements of the metre. The same onun has also induced him to the the incorrect form vijitud. >> Lekhtiam,'has been on used to be written, probably has been put, instead of likhitam or udkirnam, 'has been written or incised,' neither of which would fit the metro. This translation contains one serious error in introducing a second king Sallakshanavarman after Jayavarmadova-10 error which has not been hitherto rectified.
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________________ 196 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. The inscription, so far as I can judge from the impression, consists of 29 lines. The writing covers a space of about 4' 01 broad by 3' 1" high, and a considerable portion of it is greatly damaged. Thus, the last line is almost completely effaced, and portions of about half the number of lines are either gone altogether or have become illegible, as will be seen from my transcript of the text. Fortunately, however, the names of the royal personages mentioned in the inscription are all well preserved, so that in all probability little of historical importance has been lost. The size of the letters is about t". The characters are Nagart of about the twelfth century, similar in style to those of the inscriptions from Ajaygadh and Mahoba, of which photo-lithographs are given in Cunningham's Archeologioal Survey of India, vol. XXI, plates xv and xxi-xxiii; and all that need be said about them here, is that in this particular alphabet it is some. times difficult to distinguish between the signs for g, n and m. The language is Sanskrit, and, so far as the inscription is legible, it is in verse throughout. The names of the composer and of the engraver may have been given in the concluding lines, but they are no longer legible. As regards orthography, 6 is denoted by the sign for o everywhere except in Kanyakubjan, line 3, abdher, line 14, abbhranlihair and abbhrabhranti, line 18. babhdouh () and bibhrad, line 21, and bbhuyasl, line 28; the dental is used instead of the amusvara in fubhranku, line 10, dansa, lines 11 (twice), 19 (?) and 28, mimdnsaka, line 11, and yajnanka, line 19; and ujsala occurs for ujjvala, in lines 18 and 15 but not in line 16). The inscription, in its present state, contains no date, but as it clearly is of the time of the (Chandella) king Madanavarman,' it must be referred to about the middle of the twelfth century A. D. Its proper object is to record the erection of a temple of Vishnu, the building of a tank near the village of Deddu, and the execution of some other work of piety, by one of the king's ministers whose name appears to have been Gadadhara (verses 46-48); and by way of introduction the inscription (in verses 3-16) gives a list of the (Ohandella) kings from Dhanga to Madanavarman, and (in verses 17-46) an acoount of the family of the ministers of these kings, to which Gadadhara belonged. The line of kings here presented to us, together with few remarks of historical importance, is as follows : (1.) Dhanga, defeated the king of Kanyakubja (v. 8). (2.) His son Gandadera (v.4). (8.) His son Vidyadharadeva (v. 6). (4.) His son Vijayapdla (v. 6). (5.) His son Kirtivarmadeva (vv. 7-8). (6.) His son Sallakshanavarmadeva (vv. 9.10); evidently carried on a war in the country of Antarvedt (vv. 38-39). (7.) His son Jayavarmadeva (v. 11); succeeded by (8.) Prithvivarman, the younger brother of (6) Sallakshanavarman, (vv, 12-18). (9.) His son Madanavarman defeated the kings of Ohedi and Malava, and made the king of Kasi keep on friendly terms (vv. 14-16).
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________________ MAU CHANDELLA INSCRIPTION OF MADANAVARMAN. 197 As regards the line of ministers, it suffices here to state that in the family of Gautama Akshapada, the reputed founder of the Nyaya system of philosophy, there was born Prabhasa, the prime minister of the kings Dhanga and Ganda (vv. 18-22). His son was Sivanaga, the minister of Vidyadhara (vv. 23-24); and from him sprang Mahipala, the minister of Vijayapala (vv. 25-26). Mahipala had two sons, Ananta and Yogesvara, of whom Ananta was minister under Kirtivarman and Sallakshana. varman (vv. 27-39). Ananta had two wives and several sons, of whom one, probably Gadadhara, was appointed Pratihdra by Jayavarman (v. 40), and prime minister by Prithvivarman (v. 41), a post which he continued to hold under Madanavarman (v. 42). In this account of the ministers all the names of the kings are repeated in the same order in which they are given in the earlier part of the inscription. Of the localities mentioned in the inscription the country of Antarvedt (in verse 38) is the Doab or district between the Ganga and Yamuna rivers; and the village of Deddu (in verge 47) must have been near where the inscription has been found. Prabhasa, mentioned by way of comparison in verse 20, is a famous place of pilgrimage on the west coast, at Verawal Pattan in Kathiawad. Text. . L. 1. . . . . . . . . . ----uuuuU--u--v-o: zrIva[tmA] dadhadapi vapuhivyamavyaktA eva / mAyAjAlaiyamitabhuvanI'pyekaheturvimukta - ---uuuuu-cu-cu-or-[1]. ----u--uuuuu u-cucuraret[at] [w]fir [][t]714[ael Wfe ce saMkrAntA pAtu yubhAnativizadalipiirzanIyA pilAma fame h ace aff[w ] []ft: 1-[2]. uuuuuu---u--u-uuuuuu---[71]HT T :[] 3. vu [fa]foa[a] tagai T FHT[y]fa faforca TV uret : 2-[3]. drpkmi]doiinnddhisstkhnnddnpnndditH| Purent Share [reTTa01ac: 1-[4). tasmAdazeSanarapatimauliSu vizvAntikAntapadakamalaH / ifaarizea: .....[at]all or -[5]. pajani vijayapA From an impression taken by the Editor. Here there are, preceding the first verse, traces of about twelreakaharas. One would expect cI mamI bhagavate vAsudevAya, or some similar phrase. Metro, MandAkrant. It is impossible to say exactly how many akaharar are offnced at the end of this and the beginning of the next lioo. * Metre, Sragdhart. * Metre, Malin. 7 The back of the impression shows aistinctly that this name is here gaca, not maca. * Metre, bloks (Anushtabh). * Metro, Arya
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________________ 198 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA, [M]: skArakA vidyAla: [bha] caritapavivastasya rAmaH spuvH| bapitanikhiladuSTaH prINitAyeSaziSTaH sAtakali yugabha] zoNi---- -[8]. bhuvanavayagItapuNyakIrtistanayo 'syAjani kIrtivarmadevaH / --[kali][kalmaSaM vita] -dharma [vAna] yo'vatIpaNa:"-[7]. jigye 5. yenArivarga: [kila samamari[bhi]: SabhirevAntaraH sAI dhapa nItAnyanudinamadhika" vRdhimAni spt| uchinaH kaNTakogho jagati kalimala[dhInavairaNa sAkaM [khAnA] sacAritA cAjalAdhiparisaraM [skAra] kI shv|"-[8]. . --- -[kha] vikramabharamobidritAriH sadA zrI6. [sa]bacaNavadevanRpatistasvAtmajo [bhU] prabhuH [1] dhaurayaH bhUtathAlinANavatAM va(ba)ndhuH kalAnAM nidhiH / sahattasya ca sanma kalpaviTapI ni:zeSapudhya]rthinAM // -[9]. ye[nA]cchidyArilakSImakhilakulajAne yacchatocairvirastA] [sA] kaSTA duHkhavitti] ooooo-- [vi.]ye vica yasya / rAtrA sevAgatAnAM ka na[ka]maNimayoDAsinepathyasAmyA - danyeSAM cAzritAnAM sadasi kimapi naabhuuhishessoplbhH||"-[10]. [paudArya] satyanayayauryanivAsabhUmistasthAjaniSTa tanayo jyvrmdevH|| yasya pratApatapanAbhyudayena bhUpA dIpA va [cataH] - -nreshH||"-[11]. zrIsamakSaNavarmayoNInAthasya sodarova patha pRthvIvarmanRpaH kularAjyadhurAndadhau dhuryH||"-[12]. paziSTeSu deSo bhRzamabhiratiH pAvanivahe jighRcA nyAyye 'rthe vidhivadatha tIrthe vitaraNaM / parA [rakSA bhUteSvapi ca vinayAdAnaparatA vitene yenatyaM kRtacaritamuccairiha kalA -[13]. pani madanavarmabhUmipAlastribhuvana vizrutavikramo'tha tasmAt / 9. bhujava(ba)lamavalokya yasya [ma] ne 'dbhutava(ba)labhImakathA janeramithyA / "-[14]. drAgvidrAtyeva caidyaH samarabharajito yasya nAnApi nityaM kAlaM sauhAIhatyA gamayati satataM vAsataH kAzirAjaH / yenauhatyaM dadhAnaH sa ca sapadi samunmalito mAlaveza - stanvanto yatra bhakti paramavanibhunaH svAsthyamanye ca bheshH|| -[16]. 10 Metre, Malini. 16 Metre, Vasantatilaka. " Metre, Aupachchhandasika. 17 Metre, Arya. "Irhould have expected.dhikA. * Metre, Sikbarini. " Metre, Sragdhara. " Metre, Pushpitagra 1 Metre, Sardalavikridita. Metre, Sragdhart; and of the next rerse. "Metre, Sragdhara.
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________________ 199 MAU CHANDELLA INSCRIPTION OF MADANAVARMAN. L10. maSTAyAM vegavalAtturagakhurapuTairikaNDAvamuktaH sitAyAM rajAtoyaH samarabhuvi mayaM tena caanygaurN"| mutAvIjaM yaduptaM ripukaridhirasA kIrtivanI tato'[bhU] - satyAgAbhAprasevAkamalabhavasabhAmaNDapaM vyAnaye saa||-[16]. patha nRpatInAmeSAM ye rAjyadhurandharA mahAmAtyAH / pabhava11. vizavacaritAstahamyaH kIrNate'canA vandhaH / -[17]. sUnurvizvasanaH samastabhuvaneryo mAnanIyo'bhirA saranye bhagavAnajAyata sunibiMdyAnidhiotamaH / drAgmImAsikarupiNA" prakaTite bhAlegharSa yamunA roSAhAdavidhau nije padatale yenAci saMdarzitaM / -[18]. nyAyadarzanavikAsanada12. ca: so'capAda kasya na vanyaH / pratyatiSThipadapAsya kutarkAnIkharasya mahimAtiyayaM yH| -[19]. tasyodapatapaHprabhAvavasatargo vikramA tyuSya]kAyatanaM guzaughasadana banne prabhAsaH sudhIH / patyuhAmasarasvatIvilasitanohAsitaM sAdarAH prAbhAsaM tinaH sutIrthamiva yaM draSTuM yayuH zreyase / -[20]. 18. sarvopadhAzaSimatAdhurINo dhAna gona ca bhUkSatA yaH / nayaprayoge gahane sudadhaH parIca cakre khilamantimukhyaH // -[21]. sudRDhatarava(ba)bamUla: samedhitastabayAna(nmu)sekena / rAjyataharabhavadanayosthivarmaphaladaH sadA kRpayoH / -[22]. bu(bu)yA zrutena va(bahunA viSayamAnabandrAtapova(jya)layampoSatadimbitAnaH / pAjI vipaJcanivaharavi . badhAmA tamAdajAyata tI pivanAganAmA / -[28]. pabhiSTItuM pakvaM kathamiva guNAstava samate ye ekaH sattaH sacivapadamAkhAya na cirN| kAmAdrAjya vidyAdharanarapatarvitvakaradI batAzeSojhai vyadhita bhuvi sarvAtizayitaM // -[24]. . vizavAhundhAdhebidhuriva jagabevasubhago ___ mahIpAlastasmAdabhavada - bhirAmocca(jva)laguNaH / giraM satyena khAM matimakhilakAyeM: [sa]phalite 14. 16. the * Band val - # Metre, Giti. * Read . . * Rand mAMsapapicA. MMotre, Birdalavikridita >> Metre, Brigata. * Metro, Sardalarikridita. >> Here, again, the fint akalars of this word, | back of the impression, indiatinotly a, not ma. Metre, Upajati. * Metro, Arya. * Metre, Vasantatilaka * Metro, Sikharint; and of the next verne.
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________________ 200 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. yApUrtAbhyo ciyamapi tArthakhamanayat / -[26]. pavikalAsakAryadhurAbhara vijayapAlanarAdhipatadhat / sa niravadhanayAnvitavikramaH susaciveSu babhUva nidarzanaM / -[26]. sokadhAma sahoganiyojAsivapuH chaL.18.. tii| jagAracamojo 'nnto'nntgunnsttH|| -[27]. pabhUpUriguNAdhAro yasya yogezvaro 'nujaH / sa rAmasveva saumiti . . . . dhana[vrata]: // -[28]. atyuditoditaM kulamidaM vA(mA)prathamatyuLavalaM vedasvAdhyayanaM zrutaM ca vimalaM zrI: ziSTasAdhAraNI / pIya durviSaharaNeSu satataM sarvatra vAksUntA 17. tasyAsya mahAtmanaH sabhamata: kiM kiM na lokottaram // -[29]. mantI mantAdhikAra samahati dayaM gUDhavizvabhavatye nityaM sthagvinetA] ripuSu [pura?]va(ba)lAdhyakSa ekakhagoptA / niLatA yAvavA[NAma voov[]: sarvavIreka[5]rya: kArye kasmina sobhUdabhimatasacivaH kIrtivarmesvArasya // "-[30]. bukhAresa18. civI guNairabhijanamatrA[sacitvAdibhi baitA svAba tAdA] sphuTaM nRpatinA kAciharApocatiH / / 'tasbeitavara tubhyAsati [dharI yAtvIrtivarmaprabhuH kIrghA ma[carita:triyA ca jitavAndhAtmajaM nAtaM?] // -[31]. ---[vara vahiSamanivaratvarthamacalitaramyabAntiyatAmameSabhikhinA vRtta kriyAhetubhiH / / --- talo--[pi] ma[]vA yatrAnya -- [thata] dharmastasya guNottara vigaNayatya[yaM na do]SaM mahAn // -[32]. pA[sa]o nAma mahAvinyajA punnycritmhniiyaa| panasUyA 'visuneriva . . . . . . . . . . . // "-[33]. hitIyApi ca tasyAbhUbAryA satbulasambhavA / camAthIlA20. . . . . . . . . . . . // "-[34]. . . . . . . . . . . ....namanaghaM / va nAma sudhAdhiSThitama bhyataM sunevamiva / -[35]. 19. * Metre, Dratavilambita. Metro, Sloka (Anushtubh); and of the next verse. * Matre, Bardalavikridita. Metro, Sragdbark. -Motre, Barddlarikridita and of the next verse. Read que 40 Read . jA. * Metre, Aryd. .Metre, Sloka (Anushtubb). * Metre, GIE..
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________________ MAU CHANDELLA INSCRIPTION OF MADANAVARMAN. 201 --:svaccha[ma]tivizAcaritaH saujandharaNAkarI vi[oSa] hara mauryagarimavA(bA)maya --00 / ---[gadAdharo guNanidhiH sAdhupriyo vAmanaH 22. 23. L. 21. yunazca [babhUvu]- --- -- -[86]. -- - [vi?]bhunAtiguNAnurA[gA sazakSaNacitibhujA ca priikssaa[smyk]| sarve [munAnya !]- tniyuktAH kAryeSu sunAcizUrajanociteSu / -[37]. atha samakSaNavarma[prabhu.] . . . . . . . . punaH / pantarvedIviSaye . . . . . . . . . . . . -[38]. ---vu-u-uuu---u--vo zauryodrekavinirjitA nijavibhoH pAdAvanamIyatAH / kRtvA kaNTakayodhanaM janapade upAsya prajAnI bhayaM tAbhyaH saMvidadhe ca dRSirasamA kozasya daDasya ca // -[39]. hitvA dehantidaza -bhAnukanyAjalAnta]: bAdhA 'nante [para] maM bra(ba)asAyujyamApte / bhAstArINAmiti sa jayavavinIndreNa yanA dAtmAsattI prathitamahimA prAtihAyeM niyuktaH // -[40]. maula: sahanyajanmA ciramalamatiH zAstraviSTakarmA vAgmI dakSaH pragalbhaH karituragarathArohavinaH kRtA[]: / [mante gUDho?] 'nurAgaprabhRtiguNayutace24. --[nubhAvyaH] zrIpRthvIvarmanAnA tadanu nRpatinA mantrimaNyama cakra -[41]. sabaraGgaH samuhaM vyadhita nipuNadhIstasya rAmro 'tha rAjya sAci[vyaM vica]duccaistadanu ca madanacoSipAlasva so'yaM / pANyAdiprayogai: [sa]mayasamucitaiH prAbhAva narendrA- . . bItvA sarvAnkrameNa vyatanuta vasudhezvaryamekAta[pavam // -[42]. 25. --- -kSamo'pi vividhairyuto guNaudherapi zrImAnotimAngadAdhara iti (ote jano'yaM [vayaM] / gAmbhIryeNa payonidhiov------[pyaso] [budyAdhaHkRtavAnguraM - [keno batirbhUyasI // "-[43]. kalatraM santatyai zrutamapi sadAcA[ravidhaye mahIbhUtyai vedA vasu sakalaloko pakkataye / / "Metre, Bardtilavikridita. 4 Metre, Vasantatilak. * Metre, Arya WMetre, Sardalavikridita. Motro, MandAkrinta - Read sana. -Metre,Bngdhart; and of the next rere. * Metre, Serdalavikridita.
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________________ 27. 202 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L. 28. G----- [prava]Samanasastana paritaH kalitaM pratyastaMgata iva sa mene khalu bnaiH| -[44]. puvAH bIdharavidyAdharAdayo] yahuNecaMgavyayinaH / tasyAbhUSansi] tato dhari khitaH sarvapuvavatA -[45]. rApUrtamapurasitArabanityAdRtena - prAsAdo 'yaM butastena nirmApyate / pratva--0. -- --yoni.. devaH so'yaM vasa hi mahatAM puvakarmopayogi / -[46]. kicAtvartha visubhiratimahAkAritastena yabA ghAmastha sIkhi pracurapathuthilAva(ba)ndharamya[stA]gaH / kale 'bhedya[ntadanyo]palamayaracanA - ---- ----u-vuuuuuu--v--u- -(47). 28. vu-uu-u-u-juu-cuu-umeti ghaTitAzmakadamba (mba)kena va(ba)bI []: kArita [gauranIraH / -[48]. [ka]DInA[ma]" . . . . . . . bAmasa[vidhAne [1] vatinA janopajataye . . . . . [sabalA vApI] -[49]. 28. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRANSLATION. (Verse 1).--[May Vishnu gward you, who,] though possessed of a divine body which is marked by the Srivatea," is yet wholly unperceived; [who], though the one cause of final liberation, holds the world fast in the snares of illusion ; [and who .... (9).-May the undulating lines of paint . . . . . . . . protect you, which, from the round breasts of the impassioned Lakshmi transferred unto the rook-like chest of Sri. dhara, are like a beautiful eulogy, set down by the god of love in clear characters, a record of ecstatic amorous dalliance ! -Metro, Bikhaript W Metro, Aryk Motre, Mandakrkuta. "Metre, Bragdhart. * Metre, Aupaobchhandasiks. The akshara, here omitted may powibly be made out on the original inscription. Metre, Arya. Hare, at the end of line 28, from 86 to 40 akaharas are almost completely offoed; and of the following line only three or four aloharaare legible in the impression. I am unable to say whether there we more writing below lioe 19. "Jodging from the following verses, one would expect here some such phrase "Orin! Adoration to the boly Vhodera!" A partieplar mark or curl of hair on the breast of Vishpa.
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________________ MAU CHANDELLA INSCRIPTION OF MADANAVARMAN. 203 (Verse 3).-.. ... a king" named . . ., who, having defeated on the battle-field the king of Kanyakubja [who had subdued?] all princes, obtained exalted Sovereignty. (4). From him sprang Gandadeva, a ruler of the earth in the four quarters, expert in annihilating enemies whose massive arms were terrible through the itching of pride. (5). From him was born, [like ?] Indra. . . . . . ., the illustrious Vidyadharadeva, whose beautiful lotus-feet took rest on the diadems of all kings without exception. (6)-As the good son of that king was born Vijayapala, eminent by widespread fame (and) purifying by virtuous conduct; who exterminated all the wicked (and) gladdened all good men; who put an end to the Kali age,.... the earth. . . . (7). As his son was born Kirti varmadeva, whose pure fame was sung in the three worlds; who, as it were, was Virtue, descended here. . . . . . . to destroy the sin of the Kali age (?)...... (8). Who indeed vanquished the host of enemies, together with all the six internal enemies; who day by day rendered more prosperous the seven constituent parts of the kingdom, together with virtue; who extirpated the multitude of thorns in the world, together with the strife induced by the impurity of the Kali age; and who made his command reach the borders of the sea, together verily with his widespread fame. 64 (9). His son was the lord, the illustrious king Sallakshanavarmadeva, who always kept the enemies awake by the weight of his prowess. . . .. ..; a leader of those versed in sacred lore, a kinsman of the virtuous, a store of arts, an abode of good conduct, and a tree of paradise to all suppliants for support. (10). Who, by taking away the riches of enemies and bestowing them on all (his) people of good family, far removed that wretched misery, . . . . . . and whose . . . . to fortune; (and) in (whose) assembly there was not perceived any difference whatever between the kings doing homage to him and his other dependants, from the similarity of their garments, glittering with quantities of gold and jewels. (11).-As his son was born Jayavarmadeva, a dwelling-place of generosity, truth, policy, and heroism; by the rising sun of whose majesty princes, like lamps.... were deprived of their lustre. (12). Then the king Prithvivarman, the co-uterine younger brother of the illustrious king Sallakshanavarman, bore, equal to the task, the burden of the hereditary government. (13) Who, hating the ill-behaved (and) greatly delighting in worthy people, desirous of taking lawful wealth (and) then expending it according to prescript on sacred objects, carefully protecting all beings and wholly intent on securing propriety of conduct, thus practised here-a noble art-the conduct of the golden age. (14). From him was then born the protector of the earth Madana varman, whose Comparing verse 21, there can be no doubt that the king here spoken of is Dhanga, whose name would fit well into the metre. The beginning of the verse probably contained some reference to the fact that this king belonged to the Chandratreya (or Chandella) family. Desire, wrath, covetousness, bewilderment, pride, and envy. 4 Compare Manu, IX, 294: "The king and his minister, his capital, his realm, his treasury, his army, and his ally, are the seven constituent parts (of a kingdom); (bence) a kingdom is said to have seven limbs (anga)." Buhler's Translation. 65 i.e., seditious people. 202
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________________ 204 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. valour is famous in the three worlds; having witnessed the strength of whose arm people have credited as true the tale of Bhima's marvellous strength. (Verse 15).-Before whose name even, ever quickly flees the Chedi king, vanquished in fierce fight; (and) through dread of whom the king of Kasi always passes his time in friendly behaviour; by whom moreover that ruler of Malava, full of arrogance, was quickly exterminated, while other monarchs, paying homage to him, have enjoyed supreme comfort. (16).- From the seed, consisting in the pearls bright like the white-rayed (inoon) from the heads of the elephants of his foes, which he repeatedly sowed on the field of battle, ploughed by the hoofs of impetuously charging horses (and) irrigated by the streams of blood gushing forth from the throats of enemies, there has grown up the creeping plant of (his) fame; that, sprinkled by him with the water (poured out) at donations, has overspread the bower which is the assembly-house of (Brahman), sprung from the lotus. (17).--Now then will be detailed the venerable lineage of the great ministers of pure conduct, who bore the burden of the government of these kings. (18).-The son of the creator of the universe, to be honoured by all the worlds, (1000) Angiras: in his lineage was born the holy sage Gautama, a store of knowledge; who in the course of disputation, when Sambhu disguised as a Mimarnsaka showed the eve on his forehead, enraged, at once displayed an eye in the sole of his foot. (19).-That Akshapada,- for whom in this world is he not an object of veneration, he who, able to expand the Nyaya doctrine, confuted false reasoning and then established the supreme greatness of the Lord ? (20).-In the thriving family of that abode of the might of fierce penance there was born in the course of time the wise Prabhasa, the one resting-place of religious merit, the seat of a crowd of excellencies; whom, graced as he was by the brilliant play of overpowering eloquence, virtuous men respectfully went to see, as (people visit) the holy place Prabhasa," for their welfare. (21).- A leader of those who are free from all deceit, (and) highly expert in the abstruse conduct of politics, he, having been (duly) tried, was appointed chief of all the ministers by Dhanga and king Ganda. (22).-(And) the tree of government which had struck very firm roots, when it was made to grow by being sprinkled with the water of his policy, always bore to those two kings the fruit of the three objects of life. (23).- From him was born the virtuous Sivanaga, in understanding and wide sacred knowledge like Dhishana;" who filled the extent of the regions with his fame, bright like the moon-light, (and) whose might could not be endured by the hosts of enemies in battle. (24).-How is it at all possible (duly) to applaud the excellencies of that wise one. who, as soon as he had assumed the post of minister, alone, by his excellent conduct, gradually made the government of the king Vidyadhara one to which all * I Deed hardly say that I do not mean this to be a literal translation, although it gives exactly the sense of the original. i.c., the whole universe. An allusion to Gautama's other name Akabapada ; see the next verse. . Or, perhaps, "the holy shrine of Prabb&ra." ** Virtur, wealth, and pleasure. 11 1.., Brihaspati, the preceptor of the gods.
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________________ MAU CHANDELLA INSCRIPTION OF MADANAVARMAN. 205 the rulers of the earth were rendered for ever tributary, so that it surpassed all others on earth? (Verse 25).-As the moon, grateful to the eyes of mankind, (arose) from the pure sea of milk, so sprang from him Mahipala, with pleasing brilliant qualities; who ful. filled the purport of his word by truth, that of his understanding by actions which bore good fruit, and that of his wealth by pious and beneficial deeds. (26).-Sustaining, to its full extent, the weighty burden of the important affairs of the king Vijayapala, be, in whom valour was united with a blameless policy, became the standard of comparison among good ministers. (27).-From him was born, able to bear the weight of the world (and) endowed with endless excellencies, the wise Ananta, the one home of goodness, whose body always was resplendent from virtuous enjoyment. (28).-Whose younger brother was Yogesvara, the seat of numerous excellencies, devoted ........ as (Lakshmana,) the son of Sumitra, was of Rama. (29).- (Birth in this most noble family which had risen higher and higher, Brahmanical rank most illustrious, study of the Vedas, spotless sacred knowledge, wealth shared with the learned, heroism always difficult to be withstood in battles, (and) everywhere pleasing but sincere speech, -what is there in which this noble-minded virtuously inclined Ananta did not surpass the world? (30).-(Being the king's) councillor in the very high office of counselling, (the very) heart (of the king) in secret confidential matters, constantly (a leader of horses and] elephants among enemies, a superintendent of the forces of the town(?), an unrivalled protector of property, a vanquisher of adversaries, .... the sole chief of all heroes, ---in what affair was he not the approved minister of the king Kirtivarman ? (31).-When a king has for his guide a minister of noble birth, endowed with understanding, uprightness and similar qualities, then there is clearly nothing so high that it would be difficult for him to attain to. No wonder, then, that the lord Kirtivar. man by his fame and good acts and prosperity surpassed the son of Dharma " (even), when that best of guides was governing the earth. (32).-By the volumes of smoke of the sacrificial fires ..... which touched the clouds (and) caused all peacocks, by whom they were mistaken for clouds, to dance, ..... Maghavan ...... a share of the sacrifice .......". (33).-[His wife was a lady) named Asarva, born in an illustrious family, venerable for her virtuous conduct, as Anasuya (was) of the sage Atri, ....... (34).- And he had also another wife, sprung from a noble race, [who by] patience, good character, uprightness........ (35).--[She bore to him ?] ..... a faultless (son), named Vatsa, like the elevated Sunetra," seated in the assembly of the gods (?). (36).-. .....of clear understanding (and) pure conduct, a mine of benevolence, and Vishnu, removing faults, ..... bravery, dignity, piety, ..., Gadadhara, a store of excellencies, Vamana, fond of the good, and Pradyumna were (his other sons ()].... 71.c., Yudhishthira. 71 A portion of the verse being altogether illegible and the reading of the last line being doubtfal, I am unable to give a proper translation. The general sense no doubt is that the minister was frequently engaged in sacrificial acto. ** A son of Dhritarhahtra.
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________________ 206 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (Verse 37).-...... through (his) liking for distinguished qualities, having been properly tried, all were appointed by the king Sallakshanavarman ...... in offices suitable to wise, upright, and valiant men. (88).---Then the lord] Sallakshanavarman ........., again, in the country of Antarvedt ......... (89).-..........:. utterly defeated by the excess of his heroism, were made to prostrate themselves at the feet of his master; having cleared the country of thorns (and) dissipated the fears of the subjects, he" in an unparalleled manner increased their treasure and power, (40).-When the venerable Ananta, having abandoned his body in the waters of [the river of ] the gods and of the daughter of the Sun,' had attained to ..... supreme union with Brahman, he, considered the chastiser of the enemies (and) famous for his greatness, was eagerly appointed by the king Jayavarman, near his own person, in the office of Pratihdra. (41).- And (being) a hereditary servant, born in a noble lineage, upright, of clear intellect, versed in sciences, tried by practice, eloquent, clever, resolute, expert in mounting elephants, horses and chariots, skilled in archery, [secret in council,) endowed with affection and other excellent qualities, (and) ......, he subsequently was appointed chief of the ministers by the illustrious king Prithvivarman. (42). --Then sustaining the high office of minister, possessed of keen intelligence, he made the government of that king prosper in all its constituent parts, and so he did afterwards that of the king Madana. Having gradually reduced all princes to the state' of dependency by applying the six expedients" and so forth, each in due season, he made the king's) sovereignty over the earth characterized by a single umbrella." (48).-...... able, ... endowed with manifold multitudes of excellencies, illustrious, not haughty, spoken of by people as GadAdhara "incarnate(?), ..... by his depth the ocean, by his understanding surpassing the preceptor [of the gods (?)],who [is there that has attained to] greater elevation P (44).-He has his wife for the procreation of children and his sacred knowledge for the practice of good conduct; the Vedas serve him for the welfare of the earth, and his wealth he has for the benefit of all people. Inclined as his mind is to ........ people in consequence of his conduct indeed believe that with him the Kali age has oome to an end (2) (46).-Since he has got for his sons Sridhara, Vidyadhara, and the rest, who by their excellent qualities surpass all people, he takes the lead of all family men. (46).-Always anxious to engage in pious and beneficial acts and other good deeds, ho caused this edifice to be erected, endowed with...... in it there is here the god [Nardyana (?)]; for the wealth of the great is employed in acts of piety. (47).-Moreover, with his exceedingly pure wealth, he caused carefully to be built on the boundary of the village of Deddu, a tank, charming with its masonry of many * I believe that the personage here spoken of in GadAdhara, one of the sons of Ananta. See verses 36 and 13. Ni..., at the confluence of the Gangl sad Yamun. Compare verso 66 of No. IV of the insoriptions from Khajuraho, ante, p. 148. 17 Pesce, war, marobing, sitting encamped, dividing his forces, and seeking the support of a more powerful king. #1.., be made the king the one supreme ruler of the whole earth. 1..., the god Visbpa.
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________________ BATESVAR CHANDELLA INSCRIPTION OF PARAMARDIDEVA. 207 broad stones; (and) on the banks, not liable to be broken, with a mass of other stones, (Verse 48).-.......... in the place, he caused to be made, built with a collection of hewn stones, ........ the water of which is pale like the moon. (49).-Kendt by name (?)....... and in the proximity of the village, by the wise one for the benefit of the people ...... a tank of good water II. BATESVAR STONE INSCRIPTION OF PARAMARDIDEVAS OF THE VIKRAMA YEAR 1252. The stone which bears this inscription' is said to have been found in an ancient mound at Batesvar, a town in the Agra District of the North-Western Provinces, on the right bank of the Jumna, 35 miles south-east of Agra;' and it is now in the Luoknow Museum. The stone is broken right through from top to bottom; but, the break being fairly clean, the aksharas, which in consequence are gone, are few, and can, with one or two exceptions, be readily supplied. Besides this, the upper proper left corner of the stone is broken away, causing the nearly complete loss of 23 aksharas at the end of the first, and of eight aksharas at the end of the second line. The inscription consists of 24 lines. The writing covers a space of about 2 broad by 1' 8" high, and, with the exceptions already noted, it is fairly well preserved, so that everything of importance may be read with certainty. But the engraving being rather shallow and the surface of the stone somewhat worn, it is occasionally difficult, and in several places impossible, to trace the superscript letters in the impressions. The size of the letters is between 7" and ". The characters are Nagart, resembling those of the Mahoba inscriptions, of which photo-lithographs are given in Cunningham's Archeological Survey of India, vol. XXI, plates xxi and xxu. The language is Sanskrit, and, with the exception of the introductory on om namo bhagavate Vasudevdya and the concluding brir-astu, the inscription is in verse throughout. It was composed by Davadhara, & son of Gadadhara, who was minister of peace and war of Paramardiders and a son of Lakshmidhara, of the Gauda lineage; written by Dharmadhara, a younger brother of Deyadhara ; and engraved by Maharaja (?), the son of Somaraja (verses 30-82). As regards orthography, bis denoted by the sign for o everywhere except in udbabhiour, line 10, babhdva, lines 13, 14, 16, 20 and 22, and bibhartti, line 84; the dental sibilant is fifteen times used for the palatal sibilant (e.g., in Saurel, line 1, cindea, line 6, &c.), and the palatal for the dental in saro, line 11, 44d, line 14, and Sachidesku, line 21; before sibilants and the dental - is employed instead of anusodra, in the interior of simple words in vaneas, line 2, payansi, line 9, hanso-patanaita", line 11, hansas, line 14, pumazsam, line 21, (but not in avatansah, line 3), and, exceptionally, at the end The text of it has been proviously published by Dr. Hultsach in the Zeitechrift D. Morg. Gar., vol. XL, pp. 61-64, and hia, transcript has been very useful to me. But my text will be found to differ in several places from Dr. Aultseoh's, especially in verse 22; And I differ from Dr. Hultsach in the interpretation of the date contained in the lyt verne. I am somewhat doubtful about this; for the inscription appears to be the one mentioned by Sir A. Ounningham ia Archaological Survey of India, vol. XXI, p. 88, No. 59, found on the bank of lake nt "Bagrari." * Imperial Gasettor, vol. II, p. 916, and 'Cunningham, Archaological Survey of India, Vol. VII. &
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________________ 208 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. of a word in niramkuban=sancha, line 9, adhikan=harin", line 10, and vidy dvalan=sa, line 22. Besides, ujjvala is, as usual, spelt ujvala in lines 14 and 18. In respect of lexicography, it may be noted that the word vibhangi apparently is used in the sense of bhangi, in line 12. The proper object of the inscription is, to record (in verses 25-29) that Salla. ksbana, the minister of the king Paramardideva, built a temple of Vishnu, and a temple of Siva at which the inscription was put up; and that this second temple was completed by Purushottama, the son of Sallakshana and his successor in the office of minister, after the death of his father. And by way of introduction the inscription (in verses 3-13) gives the genealogy of the king, and (in verses 14-24) that of his ministers. All we learn regarding the former is, that from Atri's eye sprang the moon, and from the moon the Chandratreya princes; that one of them was Madanavarman, whose son was Yasovarman, whose son again was the ruling prince Paramardideva. The lineage of the ministers, on the other hand, is as follows: in the gotra of Vasishtha there was Lakshmidhara; his son was Vatsaraja, and his son again Lahada; Lahada had for his wife Prabha, who bore to him Sallakshana, whose son was Purushottama. Of these, Lahada was chief minister of Madanavarman, while Sallakshana and Purushottama held the same position under Paramardideva. It may be noted that in the account of the ministers the name of the prince Yasovarman is omitted. The inscription is dated (in verse 34), in words only, in the Vikrama year counted by the wings (2), the faces of Siva (5), and the Adityas (12), i.e., in the Vikrama year 1252, on the 5th lunar day of the bright half of Abvina, on a Sunday. The possible European equivalents for Vikrama 1252, Abvina sukla 5, would be: for the northern current year,Wednesday, 21st September, A.D. 1194; for the northern expired or southern current year, Sunday,-10th September, A.D. 1195, when the fifth tithi of the bright half ended 14 hours 14 minutes after mean sunrise; for the southern expired year,-Saturday, 28th September, A.D. 1196. The true date accordingly is Sunday, 10th September, A.D. 1195, and the Vikrama year mentioned in the inscription must be taken to be the northern expired, or, possibly, the southern current year. Text. L. 1. bhoM oM namo bhagavate vAsudevAya / jayanti vA(bA)havaH sau(zau)revaturvargaphalamAH / forsicantuccuefagaratu 1-[1]. v-u--vu-u-hu-u-huu-u fel fa varrezutfaga tuentur: urg Tirufe: <<-[2]. praberajAyata vilocanapuNDarIkAddevo girIndra[tana"]yAdayitAvataMsaH / baueritu-uu-u-o From impressions supplied to me by the Editor. + Metre, Upendravajra. Expressed by a symbol. Rend . * Metre, Sloka (Anushtabh).
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________________ L.8. BATESVAR CHANDELLA INSCRIPTION OF PARAMARDIDEVA. 209 __ mulAphale]riva yazobhiragobhi samvaiH / -[3]. panibuhAmadIIDakhasitArAtimalAH / jadhire cAracAritA[cAndrA ]veyamahIbhunaH // '-[4]. tecAvirAsa vilasatkaravAladaNDada - bholinilitagAvavagovapakSaH / uhAmadaparipurAjavalAbhighAtakhyAtodhamo madanavammamahImahendra[:] -[6]. saudha sositaM khitaM sakaravaM sIlAzako vyAhato 5. vASpajalaughakAnayana kriiddaakurshiishiyH| vAsAyakha yiyAsunA vanabhuvaM kAntAjane]na hiSAM pratyAttini[rAga]mAnasatayA kivi vAceSTitaM -[8]. sinduritAhitamatA bakuca[pRSThe] yenAhitolimalinA karavAladaNDaH / yuveribhijivinAsa(ga)visarpi[zaighya pA]"loki keturiva [*]tnsuurysnii|"-[7]. pajAyata yazovarmA tatacandra vaavudhH| 7. yobhavalagadAnandI mheshrshiromnniH|"-[8]. kundendukAnyA vijagahisAriyadIyakI* dhavalIcateSu / kezeSu jAtiA va]ta nirjarANAmabhUtapUrvA palitasya mahA / -[9]. pAsIttatona manarendramauliratnaprabhApATalapAdapIThaH / pakhavagarvapratipakSisArthadI] ImIM paramarhidevaH // -[10]. parasparavirodhasya [tasya rAjye kathaiva kaa| sAtaM zrIsarakhatyorapi yena pravartitaM // -[11]. 9. pracalati kakubhA[]yAya yasminharikhuradhUtadharAparAgapu[1]: / kavalitaravirami(zmi)tIvratApAdiva pivati yA pa[yA]nmi" toyarAma(the): // "-[12]. yatApadahane niraMkuzansavaratyapi 10. spnsms| "[]bhUvuradhika[mha]rimaNisthA(gyA)makomalatRNAni sarvataH // -[13]. pathAsti lokavitayapratItaM vasiSThago[*] samatekapAvaM / yasibajAyanta visu(sa)bahatA viprAH payo .Metre, Vasantatilaka. Metre, Sloka (Anushtubb). .Metre, Vasantatilake. * Metre, Sardolavikridita. * of the three akshanar in brackets only the consonant of the first is absolutely certain, but above it at least one line of the superscript vowel is visible; the third akshara was originally FT, which appears to have been altered to ST. There can be no doubt that before yrafa we require a masculine adjective; qualifying both karaNAbada: and betu:. " Metre, Vasantatilaka. Read vAmbudhaH1 Metre, Sloka (Anusbtubb). 1 Metre, Upajati; and of the next verse. " Metre, Sloka (Anushrubh). - Read posi. 1 Metre, Pushpitagra - Read niraMkuSa sa.. - Read .radhihari. Metre, Rathoddhata.
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________________ 210 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 16. L.11. dhAviva maukhikoSAH / "-[14]. teSu kramAdalilasA(mA) naya(sa)rovijJAnsiovatasibhivApatipAdapAH" / lamIdharaH sphurita[bhAkha dsii(pii)trmi(misn(b)mcaarigunnmausiksibhraasiit| 8-[16]. 12. yadadharozAsitAsa(pa)dhamovAH spATA nekvibhnibhaavH| digAnApInapayodharae vilAsa[vai]"ciniyamAvaya[nta / ]"-[16]. []labhata janimamAsacArikapAtraM vinayasadanamai kaMvatsarAjo jindrH| jaladhiriva [gabhIra]: pelavAyasAro suraripuriva samIsaMtrayo yo ba[bha]va -[17]. nirmalaguNagaNava[taba mi*]bodayamodinokhu(m)jasyeva / rAtadinaparibhombA babhUva yasyAmalA smiiH| -[18]. pAthI(sI)doSavRtisiMdhusanmastasyAmajI lADanAmadheyaH / pu[poSa] yo nirmalavAmbilAsara[me] [*] yaH sabanamAnasedu / -[19]. maMtritAM vari kalovva(jvala. kAyaM yatrakAra madanadhitipAtaH / viSTapavitayama[va] jigISuH paMcavANa va sI(go)tamayUcha / -[20]. kuTumba (mba)kumudaprauDhapramodane pa[TI ]ysii| tasthAsIrijarAjakha prabhAdayava sabhA -[21]. tato babhUva dinarA[]maca: samacAracarikhapAnam / pa[bhUci[]vaH paramAdeva: covIbaro yena vinimmlen| -[22]. rAjya - [rama]Sameva bhujayorbindhasa yA khayaM vIra17. zrIparamabhUiparihaTaH prauDhapramododayaH / "vaskhA(pAlakuraMgasA(mA)vakadamAmuhAmakAmasayA pava(ca)nyAsakalAvilAsara[sika[kha]ntiobhavasaMtatam // -[23]. samIkaziniketana khabhanato minodayakoratA dUrAdhaHzatakaMTakasya gupinI lokatApacidaH / pacIjasya ca tasya ca vibhuvane sAdharmyamatyucca(jya) vaidhaya ta parAmukhaH sana kadApyAsIzijAdhIya- . Metre, pajati. # Metre, Malint. * Rend sIvataMsiva.. * Metre, Arya. " Metre, Vunntatilaks. * Read sasa.. * This akshara originally was ft. * Metre, Upajati. Metre, Upajati. Metro, Bragat The akaharas in these brackets are doubtful. The # Metro, Sloka (Annabtabb). first of them looks more like than like T; of the second, # Metre, Upajati. the consonant appears certainly to be *, not ; and the jana, probably only by mistake, for raka. third, in the impression, is quite indistinct. Dr. Hultub * Metro, Sardalavikrlaita; and of the next rente buread sase tuH 16. 18.
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________________ BATESVAR CHANDELLA INSCRIPTION OF PARAMAR DI DEVA. 211 20. 22. L. 19. / -[24]. [prAbhAdI vaivasvena nirmitiitrbprim| marjI sasa(joti yo nitvaM padamasyaiva madhyamam -[26]. pakAraya[] smATikAvadAtamasAvidamma[ndi] rmindumaurii| na jAtu yasminivasansa hai bakailAsavAsAya cakAra cetH| -[28]. pItAmba(mbara yakha yamo babhUva sudarzana yA vpurvivaa| guNokarI yakha ca naMdakIbhUdAsIla taatpurussottmaakhaa| -[27]. tribhuvanamahanIyaha tahathiyamapi yaM paramahipArthivendraH / canayata ma(sa)civeSu mukhthabhAvaM jagati guNA pipumaanmmrssynti| -[28]. panenAcArama(sa)cinA (a)soke f[va]riSa[:] / kIrtanaM janakasyedamasihaM sidhimApi - tam // // -[29]. [gau] DAnvayakatilakasya gadAdharAkhyo lakSmIdharaNa tanayaH kavicakravartI / vidyAvatAnsa" paramaH paramardidevasaMdhAnaviya[*]mahAsacivo babhUva // -[80]. tasthAmajo devadharaH kavI23. ndraH prasa(pa)timatAmatulAtakAra / pasyAnunI dharmAdharaca dhIra: kutUhalAhA(pAlakavirNilekha -[31]. uccakAra camatkArakArakA sarvazipinAm / [dhI]ro mahArAja: somarAjAbhUrimAm // -[32]. zaM24. bhuSa vipAca bibharti yAvajjaTAkalApaMca bhujAntaraM ca / pA[ghodhijaM dhAma ca kaustubhava khirAstu kIrtiva khativa tAvat / -[38]. pacanAcamukhAdityasaMkhye vikrmv[*]| pAzcinazakapaJcamyA vAsaraM vAsarapituH / - [34]. zrIrasta [1] TRANSLATION. Om ! Om! Adoration to the holy Vasudeva! (Verse 1).-Victorious are the arms of Sauri," the trees which yield the four objects of life, every hair on which [becomes) erect (with pleasure) at the close embrace of Lakshmi. (2).-May he who holds the discus in his hand," protect [you], he who under the pretence of ........... ................touched the breasts of the daughter of the ocean ! * Metre, Sloka (Anushtubh). 4 Metre, Upajati. * Metre, Upajati; and of the next verse. "Metre, Bloka (Anushtubh). * Read pumAsamA, * Metre, Upajati. - Motre, Pushpitagra * Metro, Sloka (Anushtabh). 40 Metre, Bloka (Anushtubb). 1.6., Visbpa-Krishna. * Raad vidyAvA sa. * Virtue, wealth, pleasure, and final liberation. -Motre, Vamantatilake, 1.e., Lakshmi. 2D
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________________ 212 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (Verse 3).-From the eye-lotus of Atri was born the god" (who is) the ornament of the beloved husband of the daughter of the lord of mountains. From him (sprang] this race which)...... has shone with its bright fame, as if (decorated) with pearls. (4).-In it there were born, of pleasing conduct, the [Chandratreya) princes, who by their powerful massive arms have crushed the hosts of enemies. (5).- Among them appeared the lord of the earth Madanavarman, who with his flashing sword scattered (his) adversaries (and) whose vigour became known by his onslaught on hostile kings, elated with pride; (resembling) the great Indra who cut off the wings of the mountains with his thunderbolt (and) whose might became famous by his killing the demon) Vala. (6).-The wives of his enemies,-standing sighing in their palaces, addressing in pitiful terms their favourite parrots, looking, their sight dimmed by streams of tears, at the young ones of their pet antelopes,--what did they not do when, afraid of him, they were about to depart for the forest, (and) when their minds had no hope ever to return ? (7).-In battle his sword, applied by him to the broad frontal globes, covered with red lead, of the elephants of adversaries, (and) darkened by the bees (which stuck to it), was by his enemies seen moving rapidly to their own destruction, like Rahu, coming in contact with the newly risen) sun. (8).- As the moon, the crest-jewel of Mahesvara, (arose) from the ocean, so was born from him Yasovarman, who was an ornament of great rulers, causing joy to the people. (9).-Whose fame, spreading in the three worlds with the loveliness of the jasmine and the moon, made the hair (of men) appear white, and thus caused the unprecedented notion that people, before they had attained to old age, had, alas! turned grey. (10).-From him has sprung Paramardideva whose foot-stool is pale-red with the lustre of the crest-jewels of kings bowing down (before him, and) who crushes the pride in their arms of crowds of antagonists, filled with no mean conceit. (11.)--How could one even mention mutual conflict in the reign of this (king), who has brought about the union of both fortune and eloquence in his own person) ? (12).When he marched out to conquer the regions, the clouds of dust raised by the hoofs of his horses, suffering from intense heat as it were because they had devoured the rays of the sun, swallowed the water of the sea. (13).--Although the fire of his prowess spreads, unchecked, over the habitations of his rivals, there bave yet on all sides sprung up in abundance tender blades of grass dark-green like emeralds. (14).--Now there is, well known in the three worlds, the family of Vasishtha, the unique receptacle of good acts, in which were born sages of pure conduct, as heaps of pearls (are found) in the ocean. (15).-Among these, there was in the course of time Lakshmidhara, a swan sporting in the lake of all sciences, who ornamented the lotus-feet of the husband of Siva; an ocean of the pearls of good qualities rivalling the brilliantly shining san. (16).-The lines of smoke of whose bright sacrificial fires, with their numerous clearly visible undulating lines, assumed the beautiful appearance of braids of hair (put) playfully on the big breasts of the women of the quarters. ico, the moon, born on the head by Birs, the husband of Parvall. # The bee had sat before on the temples of the elephants. # The demon who is supposed to noiss the sun and the moon and thus to our eclipse.
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________________ BATESVAR CHANDELLA INSCRIPTION OF PARAMARDIDEVA. 213 (Verse 17).-Prom him took his origin the chief of the twice-born Vatsaraja, an unique receptacle of good conduct, a home of propriety; who was deep like the ocean, reputed for his firmness like a mountain, and, like the enemy of Mura, the resort of fortune. (18).- Endowed as he was with a crowd of spotless excellencies and delighted at the elevation of friends, his righteous wealth became an object of enjoyment for pure twice-born people, just as the faultless beauty of the lotus, which has many clean fibres and blooms at the rising of the sun, is enjoyed by white birds. (19).-He had a son, named Lahada, a swan in the sea of sacred lore, who nurtured the play of graceful utterance and dwelt, as in lakes, in the minds of good men. (20).-Him, whose person was beautified by (his acquaintance with) the arts, the king Madana placed at the head of his counsellors, just as the god of love does the cool-rayed (moon), when about to subdue the three worlds. (21).-That king of the twice-born had for his wife), dear to his heart, Prabha, (a lady) dexterous in bringing into full bloom the family-lotus. (22).-From her sprang the king of the twice-born" in human form, Sallakshana, & receptacle of pleasing conduct; through whom, free from stains, Paramardideva has become a lord of the earth with three eyes. (23).-Having placed on whose arms the whole [burden) of government, the illustrious lord of the earth, the brave Paramardin, a cause of excessive joy to those whose eyes are like the eyes of frightened young deer and who were filled with boundless love, always let his mind delight in the playful art of ornamenting their bodies). . (24).-Being the abode of the play of fortune, smiling with joy at the elevation of friends, having laid seditious people quite low, being endowed with excellent qualities (and) the one remover of the distress of the people, it was quite clear in the three worlds that he shared the properties of the day-lotus, which is the abode of the play of Lakshmi, blooms at the rising of the sun, is quite free from thorns, has many fibres (and) cools in an unsurpassed manner the heat of people; but he differed (from the day-lotus) in this that he was never averse from the supreme lord of the twice-born." (25).--He erected a temple of Vishnu, containing (an image of) Hari, which with its top always touches his own middle stride. (26).-And he also caused this crystal-white habitation of the moon-crested (Siva) to be built, residing in which the god has never turned his thoughts to dwelling on Kailasa. (27).- From him sprang (a son), named Purushottama, whose fame has taken possession of the sky, whose appearance is recognized to be beautiful, and whose crowd of excellencies causes rejoicing; 1o, Vishnu, the husband of Lakshmi, the goddess of fortune. H is, the moon; and, accordingly, his master Paramardidera becomes the lord with three eyes, la, biva, on earth, Sallakshaps being the third eye of the king. 1.., Siva, in the case of Sallakshapa; and the moon, in the case of the day.lotus. 1.., the sky. # Purushottama is one of the names of Vishna and some of the terms of the original verse are so obominm to be applicable also to that deity; for rudarfana and nandala are the names of Vishn-Kriabna's dineus and sword, sad pitd. Zara would denote his yellow garment, Vishna himself being called Predmbare, 'dressed in yellow clothes."
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________________ 214 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (Verse 28).-whom, old in conduct that deserves to be glorified in the three worlds, though still a youth, the king Paramardin has appointed to be chief of his ministers; for that which makes a man valued in the world, is his qualities. (29)-He, pure in his conduct, has completed this praiseworthy work of his parent who roams about in Brahman's world," which had been left incomplete. (80).-Lakshmidhara, the unique ornament of the Gauda family, had a son named Gadadhara, a supreme chief of poets; who, first among the learned, was the great minister of peace and war of Paramardideva. (81). His son, the chief of poets, Devadhara, has composed this unequalled eulogy; and his younger brother, the steadfast Dharmadhara, the young poet, has eagerly written it. (32).-. son of Somaraja, the steadfast Maharaja (P), who rouses the admiration of all artizans, has engraved it. (33). As long as Sambhu wears his tresses of matted hair and the light which has risen from the ocean," and Vishnu his breast (?) and the Kaustubha jewel, so long may the fame (of the founders) and (their) work endure! (34). In the year of Vikrama, counted by the wings (2), the faces of the threeeyed (Siva) (5), and the Adityas (12), on the fifth (lunar day) of the bright half of Asvina, on the day of the lord of the day." May fortune attend! XXVI.-JHANSI STONE INSCRIPTION OF SALLAKSHANASIMHA (?). BY PROFESSOR F. KIELHORN, PH.D., C.I.E., GOTTINGEN. The stone which bears this inscription was found, in July 1887, in the walls of the rained Fort of Jhansi, in the North-Western Provinces, and is now in the Lucknow Museum. It measures about 8' 1" by 1' 7", and contains fragments of 32 lines of writing disposed on the stone as may be seen from the photo-lithograph. The original inscription must have been a very large one; for not only did it contain more than 32 lines, but the actually remaining portions of the lines 21-24 enable us also to infer that each line, in its complete state, held about 90 aksharas, and measured at least 4' 6" in length. The existing writing is on the whole well preserved. The size of the letters is between and 1". The characters are Nagari of about the twelfth century. The language is Sanskrit; and, what remains of the inscription, is in verse. The inscription was written and engraved very carefully; and in respect of orthography it is only neces sary to state that is throughout denoted by the sign for v, and that the dental sibilant is occasionally employed for the palatal. The inscription is in so fragmentary a state that I fail to perceive the object for which it was composed, and am unable to derive from it any connected sense; and, accordingly, I can do little more than point out the proper names which occur in it. In line 2 the inscription speaks of the river of the gods, the Ganges, as the restingplace of Kanyakubja; from which I would infer that this record has reference to the 1 sei.e., who died before the temple was finished. i.e., the moon. "Siva is called Panchamukha, 'the five-faced". i.., on Sunday.
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________________ JHANSI INSCRIPTION OF SALLAKSHANASIMHA. rulers of Kanyakubja themselves, or to certain chiefs who owed allegiance to them. According to line 4, the moon begat a son named Jayanta. Lines 5 and 6 appear to mention two chiefs-Sidhuka and Mamaka (?)-of whom the elder one became king. Other chiefs, who kept the Bhillas (line 7) in order, are spoken of in the following lines which appear to record the building of a tank, the establishment of a grove-called (line 8) Kanhapadi (?),-and the erection of a temple, and contain the name of the village Dugdhakupya (line 10). In line 15 three chiefs appear to be spoken of, the second of whom is called Lakkhata and the third Rajahpala. Line 18 records that somebody married two wives who somehow or other are brought in connection with the Chaulukya family, and one of whom bore the name Rajaladevi. In line 20 we meet with the prince Kirtivarman who is protected from somebody (the Chedi king Karna (?)); and line 21 speaks of three kings, one of whom appears to be again Kirtivarman. Line 23 mentions the son of the illustrious Satyavati, who perhaps defeated a certain Ganapala (P), and did something to the rule of Udayaditya, the lord of Avanti. Line 25 perhaps contains the name Nrisimha, and line 26 that of the illustrious Hira or Hiramsu; and line 27 mentions, in a manner as if he had been living at the time, the illustrious Sallakshanasimha, who probably was engaged in fight with the troops of the Yavanas (line 30) or Muhammadans. Other inscriptions may yet be discovered which will throw light on this one: for the present, I can only say that, of the princes mentioned here, Kirti varman probably is the Chandella 'king of that name, the contemporary of the Chedi king Karnadeva; and Udayaditya the ruler of Malava, who is spoken of in two Chedi inscriptions of the period; but that I see no cogent reason for identifying Sallakshanasimha with the Chandella king Sallakshanavarman, or for assigning this inscription to the Chandella rulers. 1... 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. TEXT. [zyAmo] nugatacuccukotpaladala 'hetuM kanyAkuma (ma) pratiSThAM surasaritamapi prIti [mA].... * * 'chaMdaH pAradRzAM tatAdhvarajuSAM vinAyinAM nitya [ zo?].... 'na jayantanAmA tenendunAjani tataH prayatena sUnuH // 'guddiradaturagakrIDayAm jigISU yAtrAkAle kacidapi vahivelatubara[?].... **[?]"Iyanatuanfafa adi vuvererdiqu: "'uafcaufa va: sukRtI yazo .[]vAdhika va (ba) lapatIzIradevakhitAn / bhAnutaraMhasaH karala[ga]tkodaNDagarvveTA [nu] . 215 I hope soon to have an opportunity to treat fully of the history of the Chandella and Chedi rulers. For Udayaditya of Malava also an absolutely certain date is now available. The impression shows that the line here numbered 1, was preceded by one or more other lines. Metre, Sardalavikridita. Metre, Sragdhara. Metre, Sardalavikridita. Metre, Vasantatilaka. 7 Metre, Mandakranta. Metre, Sardalavikridita. Metro, Vasantatilaka. 1 Metre, Sardalavikridita.
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________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. ........... "[ka]SapAdi pramadavanamapi sthAtimattana cakra kAmiyaH kailikA saMvidhi rasaritAridhi krIDayanti / pA . . . . . . . 9. ...... [] kAminyo yana pAvaiH priyatamavadanavAra[bhistA: papustat |"[p] mAkaM banatI] bhuvaM prati tava koyA ........ 10. .... ..... yAcirA [a]ovottaradaci va[na] bhuvonte dugdhakupyAyaM prAma kopyadhitakhivAbarapatiH pUrvantada[va] . . . . ......... "TinabandrakAntaH zApi nApIndranItaritakapizitaH vApi satyanArAge]: / ghUsvAsyopariSTA[dA] ...... . . . "dhikAsavikasakAntiprarocanaH / [pyArthI ticAralocanapayocIpi prama[cyA] mattAnyA kho....... ....... "zA] / dantenduzotavAte (vilitakAlamA candrasandigdhamundhavAsAsokA sokaH padamapi calituM ....... 14...... [bAva rAtraH / "cabI(bI)mAmatti yombU(mbandhanimamupacito pahiroH ka naSTaH sUryAH zaSyanti tAni ka .... 15. ....."bi(vi): pracuratabhUsaTIsI hitIyaH mApaH prauDhapratApojani jagati rajaHpAlanAmA [] ........ 18. . . . ."cAnAM patitAbhiraba(ba) ratalAmaukA dRSTibhiH / pIpIbhiH khaladaMjisaMgaramataM vIra [kha] . . . . . . . 17. . . . . "matva(ca)rAmiH prH| ( kasAnamapi ciyA basanidhiH puNyasya dhAmodabhUdutsAhasya gaNaH 18. . . . "[]dhavala cAvanibhujabIbagovasthitaracyA rAjaladevikati vidhivaH paryaNeSIta . . . . . . 19. . . "[tAni sainyAnya jitvA tana murAriSa[va] bayimA sthAbIdahAri svayam / "sau(zauryaprapaMcatanu 20. . "[]mahIdharana sakazApAsacUDAmastasmAdatitakIrtivama[pati] datvA(cA) svayaM zAsanam / 21. "[kIrtivarmA rAjAnImI bayopi phuTava(ba) zvasanA yadhvamevAglayaste / satyAnAdhvaryuvaryAH saci vu-cu-cu-o----u--vuuuuu-cu-cu -ON---vu-u-uuu---u--vo22. "ropa[ci]tAni kImatRSapAsamapani ca / viprebhyovazyAmUrtiramalaH prAdAdi[]tasmayI -- -uu-u-uuu---u--von--cuu-u-uuu -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - 28. "pm| visphAra[]SapAlamukhaNa[(ba)]: zrI[satva]vasthAmaja: sAmAnyantadavantibhattuMradayAditya -vo--u-uuu-uu-u-o--u-vuu-uu // Metre, Bragdhara Metre, Bardalavikridita. Metre, Bragdhari. * Metre, Sardalavikridita. 1 Metro, Brgdhark Metro, Sardalavikridita. Metre, Vasantatilaka. Metre, Bardalavikridita. Metre, Sragdhari. >> Metre, Sardalavikrlaita.
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________________ JHANSI: CHANDEL INSCRIPTION OF SALLAKSHANAVARMAN. HeioutacakimAnadAra bAta turataritamAnimA sipAhItatAkSaratAtisAdAnAlayAta Slnaamaattonaak nettoNj hastAkoTamAditamIjasAtAkAlatatiHcavAlayalavAyA mAmakAvititAtAipamahAsojamAyAvAgatAsAnasAtAsAlA hanAminavAtAvIkA bAlabAnuzatAlamAkAnyAtahI ficultEEPAPudyAmalakSavalakAlaearcAdadAtA tapadAsAtapAtamatamAnazyAma tamAmamumatApamAnapatitatAnAzA mahA na tamAvAnadugajamAvAdImAmAkAhAtitAvAsarata dinAdAna mAlavikAsimAmA kAmavikAsakAmayAdimAnavAsAlApana zAkasimasAmanAyA sadAnadAyAtakArijAtakotavAda muzavakAzAmAmAlAkamAdamA vAmAgavAvItAmAtAmA mAnisamAviAtAvAnArAmAnAmAzulavitAta makSiAmukatanalabATAsahi upAsapoTipatApamAnAmAtAtiradAlanAmA vAmAnApatitAttiAvAtAtmAglAyatamAzApAnamAladinimArataarE tinamAmilAmAvAmAnAmazAmilAnAvAvaNAmAmAmAta madusAlamAna lAtAninukAsAlaTAlAsamatAmayAmalAlavAsAtavAravADrImagAjInA NAVlAradAtasAmugavanAzinAsAnAdanArasamAsoTIpaar PATOLAsalamAyAlayaDAmAmasabhAdazAvatA vimATAvAsarazAsanamA tadanamAjamAtATaNAspaTavasvamunAdajJAnatAnAzAsAsapAlAvarAnaka ghAlAyalimilApajAmapajivAvApalyAusavAImRtimAnapAdAdi mAnaspagipAlamanAzIsarAyamAnasA mAnadavazamA BREACTIsAmAgatAna samaya AyAtadimAnAmA TinAlA mAsidA sadaramuzAsibApata rAnutaNDapatijasavizAmAvAsamAsodI KASin * jgraajiigr 5 mAyAATalAMga manAmanAta TamATara COMM Senle 03 / Original Phot o graphed at the survey of India , Calw, July 1818
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________________ 217 CHANDELLA INSCRIPTION FROM MAHOBA. L. 24. "[n]fera: Eferenta in avanti un iet (at)free[n At]of wgujratareneurrean fu --u--voi---vu-u-uuU---u--vo-- -uu-u-uuu---u--VON---- 25. - - * [?]caforyott rafeint fee: gaiguifec afeyfucur .... ..... [+] u stafa afarafaret: i inctu[feate] .... ....... perc tenue[fer] T aman ...... ...."[]taff UTART: wat gefal[wfulutat ... 29. ..........%[w]Etnarafarer: "treifter o[fr] .............. 80. ........... yang ada ...... .... 417 ya ....... 32.............. .......... XXVII.-A CHANDELLA INSCRIPTION FROM MAHOBA. By E. HULTZSCH, PH.D. The stone, which bears the subjoined inscription, was discovered by General Ounningham in 1865 at Mahoba. Having been lost sight of for some time, it turned up again in the Allahabad Museum, where General Cunningham saw it in 1872. His volume published in 1885 contains a facsimile of the inscription. In the same year, I took an impression of it at Allahabad, and published a transcript with a short abstract in German after my return to Europe. The original stone is now preserved in the Lakhnau Museum. The stone, which bears the inscription, is broken both on the right hand and at the bottom. The preserved part ends with the first syllables of the 29th verse of a genealogical account of the Chandella dynasty. Of the preceding 28 verses, not a single one is complete, and one (13) is entirely lost. But even the few existent fragments contain some important data for the history of the Chandellas. * Metre, Vasantatilaks. # Metre, Serdelavikridita. - Metre, Sragdhark. >> Metre, Sardulavikridita. * Metre, Vasantatilaka. >> Metre, Sragdhara. impression supplied to me by the Editor. Brom the pablished photo-lithograph it will be seen that all lines are incomplete at the end, and all lines, except 21-24, incomplete at the beginning. The original rull length of the lines may be seen from lines 21-24 of this transcript, from which it appears that woh line originally contained about ninety aksharas. Cunningham's Archeological Survey of India, vol. XXI, p. 71; 1slo vol. II, p. 447. * Journal of the Asiatic Society Bengal, vol. I, p. 10. * Cunningham's Arch. Sur. India, vol. XXI, p. 72. * Ibid. plate xxi. * Zeitschrift d. Destach. Morg. Gor. vol. XL, p. 47. This paper containe mistake in line u of the transcript, wbere I read the name of one of the Chandella kings u . In two new impressions, which I owe to the kindness of Dr. A. Fuhrer, the reading is clearly 1 , arte, pp. 191 and 199.
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________________ 218 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. The inscription opens with an invocation of Siva. Verse 5 ends with the words :From this beloved of the night (i.e., the moon) there sprang a race beloved by all,' and the next two verses seem to have treated of the kings of the lunar race. Among these there was Narayana ....:'(v. 8). Only three syllables remain of the next verse. Verse 10 begins as follows:- Then there was that king, Jeja by name, after whom Jejabhukti was named), just as this earth (prithiot) after Prithu. His younger brother, called Vija ..... The two brothers Jeja and Vija are identical with Jejaka and Vijaka, who are mentioned in another fragmentary inscription. Professor Kielhorn has further identified both pairs of names with Jayasakti and Vijayasakti or Vijaya, the sons of Vakpati. According to verse 10 of the present inscription, Jeja (or Jejjaka) gave his name to Jejabhukti (also called Jejabhuktika or Jejakabhukti'), 'the dominion of Jeja (or Jejaka).' This old name of Bundelkhand, the country which was ruled over by the Chandellas, is the original of the vernacular form Jajahati or Jajaboti," just as the modern Tirbut is derived from Tirabhukti. The purport of the mutilated verses 11 to 16 cannot be ascertained. Verse 17 is almost complete and runs as follows:- There appeared a blessing for the earth, called the illustrious Dhanga, who caused the destruction of his enemies and who, by the strength of his arms, equalled even the powerful Hamvira, who had proved a heavy burden for the earth.' Hamvira or Hambira is a further corruption of Hammira, the Sanskritized form of which appears on the coins of the Pathan kings of Professor Kielhorn has published three inscriptions of Dhanga, which are dated in Samvat 1011, 1055 and 1059, or A. D. 954, 998 and 1002. The third inscription was composed after Dhanga's death, which it mentions. Accordingly the Hambira or Amir, who is stated to have been Dhanga's contemporary, seems to be identical either with Sabuktagin (A. D. 977 to 997) or with his son Mahmud of Ghazna, whose first two expeditions to India fell in A. D. 1000 and 1001. Firishta reports that Jayapala, the king of Lahore, was, on the occasion of his second defeat by Sabuktagin, supported with troops and money by the king of Kalanjara. As Kalanjara, after Yasovarman who conquered it,& seems to have been the capital of the Chandellas," it is not improbable that this remark refers to Dhanga, and that Ham bira has to be identified with . Ante, p. 121. The affix ka seems to be added, in order to make the two Hindi names look like Sanekrit words. Similar masculines in & are MALA, Melha, and Ghika in Delhi inscription, which was published by myself in the Zeitschrift d. Deutsch. Morg. Ges. vol. XL, p. 56, and by Professor Eggeling, ante, p. 93. 7 Ante, p. 123. . Ante, p. 138. . Ante, p. 34. Cunningham's Arch. Sur. India, vol. X, plate xxxii, No. 10; vol. XXI, p. 174. 11 Ibid. vol. II, p. 412, the same author's Ancient Geography of India, vol. I, p. 481. Alberdi's India, translated by Sacban, vol. I, p. 202. Elliot's History of India, vol. I, p. 57. 11 Indian Antiquary, vol. XV, p. 304. The form Tirahuti occurs in Taranatba's History of Buddhism in India. translated from Tibetan into German by Schiefner; see the Index. 1 See ante, p. 62, note 5, and Thomas' Chronicles of the Pathan Kings of Delhi, passim. The Hammira, who is mentioned in Kalhana's R&jatarangini (taramga vii, verses 63 and 64) as a contemporary of Sangramardja (A. D. 1003 to 1028), is probably meant for Mahmud of Ghazna. "Ante, pp. 135 and 137; Indian Antiquary, vol. XVI, p. 202. 15 Translated by Briggs, vol. I, p.18. Anto, p. 128, verse 31. 17 In three grants published by Professor Kielhorn (Ind. Ant. vol. XVI, p. 201), the Chandella kinga Dbang. Devararman, and Madanavarman, bear the title of Kalajaradkipari or 'lord of Kalafijara.'
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________________ CHANDELLA INSCRIPTION FROM MAHOBA. 219 Sabuktagin, and not with Mahmud of Ghazna. That Dhanga was far from victorious, is indirectly confirmed by the subjoined inscription, which says only that he equalled,' but not that he conquered, Hambira. Verse 18 is again mutilated. Verse 19 describes Dhangn's son and successor Ganda: From him (viz., Dhanga) there sprang an ornament of the earth, called the illustrious Ganda, an unrivalled hero, who bore all the parts of the earth on his arms, and the fierce fire of whose wrath..... General Cunningham has satisfactorily identified Ganda with Nanda, king of Kalanjara, who, according to the Muhammadan historians, was twice attacked by Mahmud of Ghazna in A. D. 1021 and 1023.* Verse 20 is incomplete. Verse 21 gives the name of Ganda's son and successor :From him (vie., Ganda) there sprang that king Vidyadhara, who gathered the flowers of the fame of his enemies.....' Verse 22 probably refers to the same Vidyadhara :- Bhojadeva, together with Kalachuri.chandra (i.e., the moon of the Kalachuris), worshipped, full of fear, like a pupil, (this) master of warfare, who had caused the destruction of the king of Kanyakubja, and who was lying on a couch. As the three Chandella kings Ganda, Vidyadhara, and Vijayapala must have reigned between Samvat 10551 and Samvat 1107, the date of the grant of Devavarman, 20 or A. D. 998 and 1050,- Bhojadeva' seems to be identical with Bhojadeva of Dhara, for whom we have the two dates A.D. 1021 and 1042. The moon of the Kalachuris' refers to one of the Kalachuri kings of Chedi, perhaps Kokalla II. The king of Kanyakubja' cannot be identified at present, as we know nothing of the kings of Kanauj between A. D. 948% and 1097.4 Verse 23 contains the name of Vidyadhara's successor :- There was (a king) called Vijayapala, whose conquest of the world was stopped (only) by the ocean..... As we learn from verse 24, he was a contemporary of Gangeyadeva of Chedi, who was reigning about A.D. 1030 6 When Gangeyadeva, who had conquered the world, perceived before him (this) terrible one....., the lotus of his heart closed the knot (i.e., the flower ?) of pride in battle. The inscription omits mentioning Devavarman, whose grant is dated in Samvat 1107 or A. D. 1050. Verse 25 mentions the reign of his brother Kirtivarman, whose inscription is dated in Samvat 1154 or A. D. 1098 :-* From him i.e., Vijayapala) there sprang the illustrious Kirtiva[rman], (toho was endowed) with all the virtues of Bharata.... Verse 26 records that Kirtivarman conquered Lakshmi. karna :- Just as Purushottama (Vishnu), having produced the nectar by churning with the mountain (Mandara) (the rolling (milk) ocean, whose high waves had swallowed many mountains, obtained (the goddess) Lakshmi together with the elephants (of the eight regions),-he (viz., Kirtivarman), having acquired fame by crushing with his strong arm the haughty Lakshmikarna, whose armies had destroyed many 1 Cunningham's Arch. Sur. India, vol. II, p. 452 : 1 W Ind. Ant. vol. XVIII, p. 10. Firishta, translated by Briggs, vol. I, pp. 63 and 66; Elliot's * Cunningham's Arch. Sur. India, vol. IX, p. 106; History of India, vol. II, pp. 463 and 467. Alberdui's India, translated by Sachau, vol. I, p. 202. See note 14, above. * See note 20. >> Ind. Ant. vol. XVI, p. 204. 27 Ind. Ant. vol. XVIII, p. 237. - Tbil, vol. VI, p. 51. Dr. Buhler in the Wiener " pramaNa governs two accusatives. Compare sA cauranidhi Sitzungsberichte, 1888, p. 630. Fyrfa, quoted by Drs. Bohtlingk and Roth, ... , from Cunningham's Arch. Sur, India, vol. IX, p. 105. the Siddhantakaumudi. *Ante, page 172 2 E
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________________ 220 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. princes, obtained splendour in this world together with elephants. Lakshmikarna is identical with Karna of Chedi," whose defeat at the hands of Kirtivarman is related in the prologue of Krishnamisra's Prabodhachandrodaya. This drama was acted before Kirtivarman at the command of his general, a Brahmana named Gopala, who had just vanquished Karna and again placed Kirtivarman on the throne.80 Karna is three times mentioned in the prologue : 1. In a Sanskrit verse, the importance of which was first recognized and its bearing explained by General Cunningham :-81 He (viz., Gopala), having overcome the strong Karna, caused the rise of the illustrious king Kirtivarman, just as discrimination, having overcome strong delusion, gives rise to knowledge. 2. A passage in Sanskrit proses says of Gopala that he'strove to re-establish the sway over the earth of the kings of the lunar race, which stoay) had been uprooted by the lord of Ohedi, who was as terrible as the fire at the end of the world to the multitude of all princes. Here the expression 'the lord of Chedi' refers to Karna and the kings of the lunar race' to the Chandellas. 3. A lengthy Prakrit passage, which need not be translated in full, says that Gopala,'having crushed the ocean-like army of Karna, obtained the splendour of victory in battle, just as Madhumathana (Vishnu), having churned the milk-ocean, obtained (the goddess) Lakshmi.' It is a curious coincidence that, in the passage just quoted, the army of Karna is compared to the milk-ocean, just as in verse 26 of the subjoined inscription, and Gopala to Madhumathana (Vishnu), just as there Kirtivarman is compared to Purushottama (Vishnu); and it appears very probable that the composer of the inscription knew the Prabodhachandrodaya and borrowed from it his description of Kirtivarman's victory over Karna. The reign of Kirtivarman and, together with it, the date of Krishnamiera, the author of the Prabodhachandrodaya, is limited by A. D. 105094 and A. D. 1116, the date of Jayavarman's inscription. According to Bilhana's Vikramankadevacharita (sarga i, verses 102 f.) Kirtivarman's contemporary Karna of Da hala or Dahala (i.e., Chedi) was defeated by the Western Chaluk ya king Ahavamalla II. (about 1042 to about 1068 A. D.). In another part of his poem (sarga xviii, verse 93), Bilhana calls Karna, whose court he visited, the death to the lord of the Kalanjara mountain' (Kalanjaragiripati), i.e., to the Chandella king. This expression, if contrasted with the repeated statement that Kirtivarman and his general Gopala completely defeated Karna, illustrates the necessity of hearing the other party before drawing historical conclusions from an Oriental record. *According to Professor Kielhorn, Karpe's Benares grant is probabls dated in Chedi-Samvat 798 or A. D. 1042; Ind. Ant. vol. XVII, p. 218. * Page 5 of the Calcatta edition: f H f H falla format a farat afafane Tuttf * Cunningham's Arch. Sur. India, vol. II, p. 453 ; vol. IX, p. 108. Page 8 of the Calcutta edition : vivameva nirjitya karNa mIhamivIrjitam / baukIrtivarmanRpateA~vasthevIdayaH kRtaH / Page 7 of the Caleatta edition :-**UTC area efeferat afat 7614ferat fu417 dhipatyaM sthirIkartumayamasya saMrabhaH / # The Sanskrit translation of the end of this passage (p. 8 of the Calcutta edition) is as follows:- TO T T nirmaNa mAmadhanenaiva pIrasamuI samAsAdivA samaravinayapIH / * See note 20. * Ante, p. 139.
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________________ CHANDELLA INSCRIPTION FROM MAHOBA. 221 If an inscription of one king asserts that he conquered another, it scarcely proves more than that the two were contemporaries.89 The mutilated verses 27 and 28 seem to have coutinued the description of the reign of Kirtivarman. Verse 29 begins:- 'His son, of wonderful . . . . ., was .. . . . . The remainder of the inscription is lost. TEXT. L. 1. poMbhoM namaH zivAya // jayatyAmAyani:kaMpamahimA] , . . . ." 1. nAH satAM zakhatpannavayantu maulizasinaH zreyo mayUkhAMkurAH // [2*] etasya vizva . . . . . 3. pratikalaM sphArIbhavamaNDalaH / pIyUSaiH prativahiraharaH khairbizvamApyAyayandha . . . . . 4. vataMso vaMzastasmAdajani rajanIvanabhArikhakAntaH // [5] tata: paprathire vIrAH kalivyAghrA ..... 6. kumumAnyAzAkhaparbIjasatvIrAbhodhitaraMgaraMgaNakalAH krIDanti yatkIrtayaH // [*] pAsIyArAyaNasteSu [gu] ..... 6. sva lokaH / [*] jAkhyayASa nRpati: sa babhUva jejAbhukti: pRthoriva yataH prathivIyamAsIt / viijaaiystdnuj......| 7. bhUva / [11] haripukarikunamuktamuktAprakaramiSeNa cakAra khAjaSTim / asivalabhigateva yaM vilokya sphuTaraNarAja . . .... 8. babhUva niviDaM vyomAgaNe saMgalavAraNa[vakhurakSuSaNakSamItthaM rajaH / krudhyatsArathayo yathAsaralitagrIvaM mukhe mita[] ...... 9. malAmRtAni velApayonidhitaTAni samunamanti / [15] sAndraH khetAtapabikasitakamalA sormiImAlAvandaimAnajImanakA dhvajamakaramukhairvimvi[] . . . . .. 10. nirmitavairibhAH zrIdhA pratyavanimAlamAvirAsIt / sAraNa yaH svabhujayorbhuvanAtibhAra havIramapyativalaM tulAMcakAra / [17*] soyaM devasaritpati: . . . . ." 11. vahIpajayodyamaH samabhavaDIDAvilakSaH kSayam // [18] tasmAdabhUdujatAkhilabhUmikhaNDaH bogaDa ityavanimaDanamekavIraH / yaccaDakopazikhi . . . . . ____12. savaiH / tadatu taralairlIlAdaSTAdharA madhupavrajevipinatarubhiH svairaM bhuttA hA yadaristriyaH / [20] tamAdasau ripuyaza kusamAharobhUhidyAdharo nRpatirama[ti] . . . . .50 Thus the Western Chalakya Palikekin II, and the Pallava Narasimhavarman I.-the Western Chalukya Vikramaditya I. and the Pallava Paramelivaravirman I.-the Western Chalukya Jayasirmba III. and the Chola king Rajendra-Chola-claim to have conquered each other; see my first volume of South Indian Inscriptions, p. 145, note 2. 27 Here 21 syllables of verse 1 and 54 of verse 2 are lost. * Here the remainder of verse 8 and 27 syllables of verse 4 are lost. 2 Here 18 syllables of verse 4 and 48 of verse 5 are lost. 40 Here 20 ayllables of verse 6 and 47 of verse 7 are lost. 4 Here 23 syllables of verse 8 and the commencement of verse 9 are lont. 41 Here 20 syllables of verse 10 and the commencement of verse 11 are lost. * Read babhUva. 44 Here 7 syllables of verso 13, the whole of verse 19, and 6 syllables of verse 14 are lost. Here 18 syllables of verse 14 and 37 of verse 15 are lost. * Here 46 syllables of verse 18 and 7 of verse 17 are lost. Here 49 syllables of verse 18 are lost. # Here 21 syllables of verse 19 and 32 of verse 20 are lost. " Rand pahave. 50 Here 82 syllables of Perne 21 and 18 of verse 32 are lost.
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________________ 222 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L. 13. fafciallgangur I FATYCHYTE deitt i yfies fourorea: 1[***] aceafaruagazit farenra x[fa] ....." 14. vahamane bhImamubekSamANaH / avahata jitavizvaH sopi itpuNDarIkaM mukulitaraNagarvagranthi gAGgeyaa: [R8 *] TETTE HAR TO: Hag: Martia[#] .....99 15. prastAnakakSamAbhRtamuccakaivalalaharibhilakSmIkaraNa mahArNavamuddhatam / acalamahasA doINDena T u af faciat auc: yout[][#: IR4*] ....." 16. litamaNDalAyakiraNairAyodhaneSu viSaJcakrANAmayamandha eva vidadhe divyAGganAsaMgamaH // [27] #Tag faut cafeterinar a gutuna [] ....." 17. ERLITTS (*] arettister .........6 XXVIII.-THE U DEPUR PRASASTI OF THE KINGS OF MALVA. By G. BUHLER, PA.D., LL.D., C.I.E. When last year the preparation of my notes on the historical portion of Padma. gupta's Navasahasankacharital (discovered by Professor Zachariae) turned my attention to the history of Malva, I came across some remarks by Dr. F. E. Hall on a "much mutilated " inedited inscription which he had seen at U depur (Gwalior). Though some of Dr. Hall's statements regarding its contents rather puzzled me, they yet showed very clearly that the document must give a fuller pedigree of the Paramaras of Malva than any other known inscription, and that it must besides contain interesting historical information. Convinced of its value, I asked the Editor kindly to secure a copy for me. He directed Dr. Fuhrer, who was in the Jhansi District, to obtain it, and the latter sent me, in May last, two excellent impressions, one on thick and one on thin paper. It is on these materials that the subjoined edition is based. The inscription is a fragment, incised on a stone slab about 28 inches by 27, which at present is lying in the court-yard of the great temple of Siva at Udepur. It contains 24 lines of deeply and well-cut rather ornamental Nagari characters, which closely resemble those found in the other Paramara inscriptions of the eleventh century A.D. To judge from the appearance of the impression, the slab seems to be entire, and the remaining portion of the inscription probably was engraved on a second slab, which perhaps may still be found among the numerous inscribed stones in and about the temple. The portion now published is on the whole in a fair state of preservation. For, though a good many letters, especially in lines 3, 4, 6, 8, 20, 21, 23 and 24, have suffered severely from rough treatment, it is in the majority of cases possible to recognise their outlines, when one has restored the text conjecturally and knows what they ought to be. The language of the inscription is Sanskrit, and, with the exception of the Here 29 syllables of verse 23 and 19 of verse 24 are lost. G. Buhler and Th. Zachariae, Ueber das Navasdhasdi. 5 Here 37 syllables of verse 25 and 6 of verae 26 are lost. kacharita, Sitzungsberichte der phil. hist. Classe vier ** Here 41 syllables of verse 27 are lost. Wiener Akademie, Bd. CXVI, S. 583 ff. # Here 47 syllables of verse 28 are lost. Jour. As. Soc. Beng. vol. XXXI, p. 114, uote. 5 Read :. Cunningham, Arch, Suru. Rep. vol. VII, pp. 82-83. 56 Here 46 syllables of verse 29 as well as the remainder ut the inscription are lost.
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________________ UDEPUR PRASASTI OF THE KINGS OF MALVA. 223 short invocation in line 1, throughout metrical. It shows a few grammatical mistakes such as khadgam tirddhikritam yena (line 16) instead of khadga urdhrikrito yena and frequent faulty substitutions of sa for sa. Once in vibrastango (line 23) fa has been put for sa. Va throughout does duty for ba, as is the case in most medieval inscriptions from MALVA and Gujarat. A mistake in versification occurs in line 1, where the word alavdle has been treated like a compound and dla belongs to the first Pada of the verse. while the second begins with vale. No really good poet makes the pause fall in the middle of a simple word. There are also other passages which indicate that the author was not a poet of the first rank, but, as the Hindus would say, a madhyama kavi. The state of the inscription makes it impossible to arrive at full certainty regarding its object. But it certainly contains a Prasasti. As Prasastis mostly record the erection or restoration of temples, and as the opening verses are addressed to siya, Parvati and Ganesa, it may be conjectured that it originally belonged to a Saiva temple, which was built either by Udayaditya, the last prince named in the fragment, or by one of his immediate successors. However that may be, the value of the Prasasti remains very great, as it is the only document which gives an apparently complete enumeration of the earlier Para. mara rulers of MAlva. Hitherto three imperfect lists were known, which occur in the Napasdhasankacharita of Padmagupta, in the Nagpur Prasasti, and in the landgrants of Vakpati and Bhoja. A comparison of their contents with those of the document under consideration yields the following results :I. Udepur Prafarti. II. Navasthasdi kacharita. III. Nagpur Prasanti. IV. Land-grante. Paramara. Paramara. Paramara. Krishoa. Upendra. Upendra. Vairisimba I. Styaka I. Vakpati I. VAkpati I. Vairisimba IL-Vajrata. Vairisimba. Harsba. Styaks-Harshax Vadaje. Vairisinha. Vairisimbs. Slyaks. Siyaka. VAk pati II, Vakpati II.-Utpalarkja. Muje. VAkpati, or Amoghavar. shs, or Prithivirallabha, or Brivallabha; A. D. 974-975, and 979. Sindhuraja. Sindhurdja." Sindhurdja. Sindhuraja, or Natashasanka, or Kumaran riyan Bhoja. Udayaditya. Bhoja. Udayaditya. Bhoja. A. D. 1021-22. * Ueber das Maraidasaikacharita, p. 86 (613). Jour. Bo. Br. Soc. vol. I, p. 269; Zeitschrift fur die Kunde der Morgenlandas, vol. VII, pp. 44. * Indian Antiquary, vol. VI, p. 48 ; and vol. XIV, pp. 169 ff. * This name does not appear in either of the two publishede ditions. I owe it to Mr. J. F. Pleel, who possesses paper impression of the incription. Professor Kielhorn will give a new edition of the Pragati in the Indian Anti. quary.
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________________ 224 EFIGRAPHIA INDICA. It appears that the Udepur Prasasti alone presents an unbroken line of kings from Upendra to Udayaditya. Even the Navasahadnkascharita, which is more explicit than the other inscriptions, omits two names after Upendra. It moreover contains (XI, 80) the careless statement, that "other kings" reigned between Upendra and Vakpati I. The use of the plural naturally leads to the suggestion, that they were at least three in number. This seems now impossible, as, according to the Udepur Prasasti (verses 8-10), the first four kings after Paramara followed each other in the direct line of descent. In considering the other not less interesting historical statements of the Prasasti, it will be advisable to add to them the information contained in the Navasahasankacharita, in the Jaina Prabandhas and in the other accessible inscriptions. The legend regarding the crigin of the Paramaras given here, is the same as that which the Navasahusankacharita and the Nagpur Prasasti tell. When in ancient times the great Brahman Vasishtha was living on Mount Abu, Visvamitra forcibly abducted his famous cow. Vasishtha then created out of the firepit a hero who slew the cneinies and brought the animal back. In reward of this deed the sage gave to him the name Para mara, the slayer of the foes, and promised to him that he should become a king. The myth, which figures also in the stories of the bards, probably has arisen on Mount Abu, where Paramara princes for a long time held the fort of Achalgadh while their capital was at Chandravati, a few miles south-east of the mountain. Somesvara's Prasasti in Tejahpala's temple' at Dailvada enumerates an older line of Paramara princes, Dhamaraja, Dhandhuka, and Dhruvabhata, regarding whom nothing is known, as well as a later series of kings, Ramadeva, Yasodhavala, Dharavarsha, Prahladana, Somasimha, and Krishnaraja, who belonged to the twelfth and thirteenth centuries A. D., and were vassals of the Chaulukyas of Anhilvad. As the Paramaras of Malva apparently believed in the origin of their heros eponymos from the firepit at Abu, it seems probable that they came from the north-west and formed a branch of the rulers of Achalgadh. Regarding Upendra, the first historical king of the family, it is said (verse 8) that he gained the high honour of kinghood' or 'the honour of exalted kinghood' by his bravery. It may, therefore, be inferred that the author of the Prasasti considered him to be the conqueror of Malva and the founder of its Paramara dynasty. Padmagupta (N. Char. XI, 76-79) is not explicit on this point. He merely names Upendra as the first king. But he agrees with the Udepur Prasasti in praising him for the performance of numerous Vedic sacrifices, on the occasion of which he is said 'to have adorned the earth with golden sacrificial posts. Moreover, in the ambiguous verse (XI, 77),-"Whose fame, that was ever moving on and the cause of Sita's song, crossed the ocean just as Hanumat, who was ever nimbly moving and whose motive (for jumping across the ocean) was to console Sita"-he seems to indicate that a poetess Sita, whom the Prabandhas" place in Bhoja's reign, composed a Prasasti or a Charita in his honour. A great portion of the following remarks is a revised reproduction of Part VI of the German paper Ueber das Navasahasankacharita. 'Kirtikaumudi, App. A, pp. 4-6, and 14-15. " sadAgatiprahatena sautIcchumitahetunA / hanUmateva yazasA yasyAlaGghayata sAgaraH // [ In the case of Hanumat, sadagatipravritta also means 'the son of the wind.'-E. H.] "E.g., Prabandha hintamani, p. 108 f. (Bombay edition.)
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________________ UDEPUR PRASASTI OF THE KINGS OF MALVA. 225 This king, no doubt, as Dr. F. E. Hall and Sir A. Cunningham have long since assumed, is identical with the Krishnaraja of the land-grants. The two nenues are synonyms, and, if the new list is complete, there is no room for a K signnaraja besides an Upendra." The fact that in the lund-grants Vairisimha is said to meditate on Krishna's feet,' need not cause any difficulty. The phrase does not necessarily indicate that the two kings immediately followed each other. For, though usually it refers to an immediate predecessor, there yet are cases whero it is used with reference to a remoter king. Thus some of the Chaulu kya land-grants (Indian Antiquary, vol. VI, pp. 184, 194) assert that Durlabha meditated on the feet of Chamunda, though Vallabha was his immediate predecessor. The time when Krishna-Upendra ruled, may be ascer. tained approximately by counting backwards from VAkpati II., who, as will be shown below, died between A. D. 994 and 997, after reigning for about twenty years. About 150 years are required for six generations, and the acquisition of Melva by these Peramaras may thus be placed shortly after 800 A. D. The descriptions of the next kings, Vairisimha I., Siyaka I., and Vak pati I., are purely conventional. Not a single historical fact is recorded regarding them either in the Udepur Prasasti or in any other document, except that they followed each other in the direct line of succession. Their reigns probably filled the period from about 840 to 920 A. D. With respect to Vakpati's successor Vairisimha II., the case does not stand much better. But we learn at least through the Udepur Prasasti that "the people called him by another name, Vajratasvamin." This fact may prove to be of importance hereafter. The next king is called Sri-Harsbadeva in the Udepur Prasasti, Sri-Harsha. deva or Siyaka in the Navasahasdui kacharita, simply siyaka in the other epigraphic documents, and Simhabhata in Merutunga's Prabandhachintamani. The complete name probably was Harshasimha (Harakhsingh), both parts of which were used as abbreviations instead of the whole. The form Siyaka is a half Prakritic corruption of Simhaka. For in modern Gujarati and other dialects the termination simha becomes in names not only singh or sangh, but very commonly si, which is immediately derived from the Prakrit sha. Thus we find Padamsi instead of Padmasinha, Narsi for Narasimha, Arsi for Arisimha, Amarsi for Amarasimha. According to the Navardha. sankacharita (XI, 89--90) Siyaka conquered the lord of Raq u pati and a king of the Hunas. Who these persons were and where their territories lay, cannot as yet be ascertained. With respect to the Hanas or Hanas, it may be noted that those mentioned here and in other medieval inscriptions are not Huns, but a Kshatriya race.14 For the bards and the Jaina Prabandhas regularly enumerate the Hunas among the thirty-six Kshatriyakula, and their matrimonial alliance in the eleventh century with the Kalachuris precludes the possibility of their having been then considered foreigners. It is, however, a different question whence they originally came. Among the Rajputs there are certainly elements of un-Aryan origin. The new information, furnished by verse 12 of the Udepur Prasasti, according to which Siyaka II.-Harsha, "equalling the snake-eater (Garuda) in fierceness, took in battle the wealth of king 12 The latter probably was the poetical form of the name, fre , which Pandit Ramchandra considers the correct and Krishna or ita Prakrit equivalent was that used in everyone, is of course to be rejected. day life. 1 4 This has been first pointed out by Dr. F. E. Hall, Jour. 1 Prabandhackintamani, p. 55 (Bom. ed.) The reading As. Soc. Beng. vol XXXI, p. 117, note 11. 2 P
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________________ 226 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Khottiga," possesses greater interest. This Khottiga is no doubt the homonymous Rashtrakuta king of Manyakheta, whose Sasana, published by Mr. Fleet, was issued on the occasion of a solar eclipse on Sunday, the new-moon day of the month Abvayuja of Saka Samvat 893, or Sunday, October 22, 971 A. D., when an annular eclipse of the sun took place. Khottiga died before September 25, 972 A. D., on which day the Karda plates of his nephew Karkaraja are dated." The latest inscription of his predecessor Krishnaraja was issued in Saka Samvat 878 or A. D. 956-57. As the first land-grant of VAk pati II. is dated in Vikrama Samvat 1031 or A.D. 974-75," there can be no doubt that his father siyaka II. and Khottiga were contemporaries. There is further clear proof that about this time the Paramaras of Malva were at feud with the Rashtrakatas. For Dhanapala says in his Paiyalachchht (verse 276) that he composed his work "when one thousand years of the Vikrama era and twenty-nine besides had passed, when Mannakheda or Manyakheta had been plundered in consequence of an attack (made) by the lord of Malava." As this date, A. D. 972-73, is very close to that of the first grant of Vakpati Il., I. have formerly (Paiyalachchhi, p. 7) conjectured that it was the latter prince who plundered the capital of the Rashtrakutas, and that his opponent was Karkaraja, the donor of the Karda Sasana. With the new information furnished by the Udepur Prasasti, this becomes doubtful, and it must be conceded that Dhanapala may allude to Siyaka's expedition against Khottiga. According to the Navasdhasdn kacharita the name of Siyaka's consort, i.e., of his first queen, was Vadaja. Siyaka's son Vakpati II. bore also the secondary names Utpalaraja, Munja, Amoghavarsha, Prithivivallabha, and Srivallabha. The three last occur only in his land-grants, while the first is found in the Navasahasankacharita (XI, 92) and in some other literary works. The identity of Vakpati and Munja, which was first recognised by Dr. F. E. Hall, is proved, not only by the Nagpur Prasasti where Munja appears instead of Vakpati, but still more clearly by two quotations in Dhanika's commentary on the Dabardpa. There the same verse is attributed on p. 184 of Hall's edition in the Bibliotheca Indica, to "the illustrious king Vakpatiraja," and on p. 186, to "the illustrious Munja." The Prasasti (verses 13-15) praises Vakpati for his learning, eloquence and poetical gifts as well as for numerous victories. On the first point his poet-laureate Padmagupta is likewise most emphatic. He says (Nav. Char. I, 6) : "We worship his majesty king VAkpati, the only root of (that) creeper of paradise, Sarasvati,-him through whose favour we, too, walk on the path trodden by princes among poets ;" and again (Nav. Ohar. XI, 98) - * Indias Antiquary, vol. XII, page 256. The date is perfectly certain, because the week day is also given. The 22nd October of 971 A. D. corresponde socording to Oppolzer, Canon der Finsterniane, p. 208, to the day 2076010 of the Julian period, and hence is a Sunday. The middle of the eclipse happened at 8 hours 45 minutes, Greenwich time, or about 9 .x., Lanks time. According to the map No. 104 in the same work, the beginning of this eclipse was visible in Central India. * The Karda grant was inued on Wednesday, Afvayaja, fall-moon day, saka Sarvat 894 (Indian Antiquary, loc. cit., p. 268), when an eclipse of the moon took place. The eolipse is, therefore, that which courred on September 25, 972, the day 2076349 of the Julian period, and consequently a Wednesday. It happened at 14 hours 51 minutes, Greenwich time, or about 8 P.X., Latka time, and hence was visible in India. Indian Antiquary, vol. XII, p. 266, and Bhandarkar, Early History of the Dekhan, p. 54. With the latter I agree in considering Krishnarja to be Khoftiga's elder brother. * Indian Antiquary, vol. VI, p. 61. * Ueber das Navardhandikacharita, p. 8 (586).
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________________ UDEFUR PRASASTI OF THIE KINGS OF MALVA. 227 "After Vikramaditya departed, after Satavahana went, divine Sarasvati found rest with this friend of poets."20 There is also evidence that this praise was not undeserved. Altogether irrespective of the somewhat suspicious verses attributed to Munja-Vakpati in the Prabandhachintamani, in the Bhojaprabandha, and similar works, the anthologies and works on Alankara quote occasionally compositions of Vakpatiraja the son of Harshadeva, of Munja or of Utpalaraja, which show that he possessed some talent. He also was a liberal patron of poets, on which point Padmagupta lays particular stress in the verses quoted above. And it agrees with his statement that Dhanamjaya, the author of the Dasarupa, boasts of having belonged to the court of Munja, as well as that his brother Dhanika, who wrote the Datarupavaloka, calls himself the mahdsadhyapala of the illustrious great king Utpalaraja. Both names refer, as is now plain, to Vakpati. Further, Halayudha, the commentator of Pingala's work on metrics, praises Vakpatiraja as "the tree of paradise that grants the wishes of all applicants," and Dhanika, who quotes it, makes the note that Munja is the king referred to." Halayudha was, therefore, too, one of the proteges of Vakpati II. It is finally not improbable that Dhanapala, the author of the Pdiyalachchhi, likewise enjoyed his favour, though the later Prabandhas make him one of the court-poets of Bhoja." The latter statement must be erroneous, as I have shown in the introduction to my edition of the Pdiyalachchhi, p. 10. As regards Vakpati's military exploits, the Udepur Prasasti asserts (verse 14) that he subdued the Karnatas, Latas, Keralas, and Cholas, as well as (verse 16) that he vanquished Yuvaraja, slew his generals and raised his sword on high in Tripuri. The last-mentioned foe is, as Dr. F. E. Hall and Sir A. Cunningham have stated, the Chedi king Yuvaraja II., who ruled during the last quarter of the tenth century A. D. Vakpati's success cannot of course have bad any lasting effects, as the Haihayas of Chedi continued to flourish for at least two centuries longer. With respect to the victories reported in verse 14, little can be said. Padmagupta does not give any information regarding the wars of his first master, probably because the tragical end of the latter was fresh in men's memory and he thought it improper to praise for his warlike exploits one who had been taken captive and executed by his foe. Further, as has been shown above, Dhanapala's remark about the plundering of Manyakheta cannot be referred any longer with full confidence to an expedition of V&k pati. It is only Merutunga who supports a portion of the statements in verse 14. He says that Munja had conquered the Chalukya Tailapa II. sixteen times, before he undertook his last expedition, in which he lost his throne and his life, and that he hence despised him. This statement would agree with the assertion of the Praeasti that Vak pati had subdued the Kar. natas; and it is not incredible that he really may have gained some successes over the >> Ueber das Navasahasdikacharita, pp. 27, 33 (607, 613). Dasarpa, last verse, p. 226 (Hall). * Dasarepa, p. 3, note, and H. H. Wilson, Hindu Theatre, vol. I, p. 20 (ed. Rost). Dr. Hall has left out this note in his edition, though he found it in one of his MSS. It is no doubt genuine, because a later Pandit would not have beeu able to put in the little-known Biruda of Vakpati-Mufija. >> Peterson, Vallabhadeva's Subhashitavali, p. 115. ** Prabandhachintamani, pp. 90 ff. (Bombay edition.) >> Jour. Am. Or. Soc. vol. VI, pp. 516, 517, and Cunvinglam's Areh, Suru. Rep. vol. IX, p. 105. * Prabandhachintamani, p. 58 (Bombay edition.) 2 F 2
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________________ 228 EPIGEAPHIA INDICA, southern kingdom. The alleged submission of the Keralas and Cholas, on the other hand, is extremely doubtful. It is difficult to understand how he could have come into contact with the latter two, whose countries lay at such a great distance from Malva. As regards the Latas or the inhabitants of Central Gujarat, & raid on and a success over them is not at all improbable. Northern Gujarat had been conquered somewhat earlier by Malardja" and Central Gujarat had come into the possession of his opponent Larapa. The time was certainiy not a quiet one, and it may have been that the king of Malva then attacked his western neighbours, as happened 80-frequently during the next following centuries. As might be expected, the Prakasti is silent about VAkpati's end, just as Padmagupta says nothing about it. According to the account of the Prabandhachintamani (loc. cit.), the king undertook his last expedition into Tailapa's country against the advice of his minister Rudraditya. He was defeated, after crossing the Godavari, which formed the northern boundary of 'Tailapa's kingdom, and was taken captive. After a protracted captivity he made a futile attempt to escape, in consequence of which he was first treated with great indignity and finally executed. The story is embellished with numerous touching incidents and with many verses which the captive king is said to have composed. Though all these details are probably worthless, it is certainly true that Munja-Vakpati was destroyed by Tailapa; for two Chalukya inscriptions boast of this feat. It is likewise true that Rudraditya was Vakpati's minister, as he is mentioned in the Sasana of A. D. 979. The date of his death probably falls between A. D. 994 and 997. For in the colophon of Amitagati's Subhashitaratnasandoha, it is stated that the work was composed during the reign of Mufija in Vikrama Samvat 1050 or A. D. 993-94," and Tailapa II. himself died in Saka Samvat 919 or A, D. 997-98. The beginning of Vakpati's reign is probably not far distant from A. D. 974, the date of his first land-grant. VAkpati II. was succeeded by his younger brother Sindhuraja, who, according to the Navasa hasankacharita, had the Birudas Navashasanka and Kumaranarayana. The half Prakritic familiar form of his name, used in the Prabandhas, is Sindhula or Simdhala. The Udepur Prasasti allots only verse 16 to him, and reports of him the single feat that he conquered a king of the Hanas. The Navasahasankacharita (X, 14-20) mentions the same victory, and in addition others over the prince of the Kosalas as well as the inhabitants of Vagada and Lata and the Muralas. Successful expeditions against the three first-named countries are not incredible. For there was a southern Kosala kingdom, which included portions of the Central Provinces and Berar and there. fore lay not far distant from Malva. Further, there is a district still called Vagad, which lies close to the north-western frontier of Malva. It corresponds with >> K. Forbes, Rds Mar4, pp. 37 ff. (2nd edition), and Indian Antiquary, vol. VI, p. 181. 25 K. Forbes, loc. cit., pp. 38, 46; Indian Antiquary, vol. XII, pp. 196 ff. Nos. 296 and/297 of the Prabandhachintamani (Ind. Off. Libr. Sans MSS. Buhler) say that he was hung on the branch of a tree. The Bombay edition omits the passage. * J. F. Fleet, The Dynasties of the Kanarese Districts, p. 40. 31 This approximate date has been found by Dr. Bhandarkar, Report on the Search for Sanskrit M88., 1882-83, p. 45. He, however, differs a little, because he places the beginning of the Vikrama era in B. C. 56. The land-grants show, however, that the Vikrama years began in Malva with Chaitra Sudi I. Hence it seems advisable to refer Amitagati's date to A. D. 993-9 Linstead of to A. D. 994-95. Ueber das Navasdhasdi kacharita, p. 19 (699) and p. 46 (626). ** Canningham's Ancient Geography, pp. 519 ff.
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________________ UDEPUR PRASASTI OF THE KINGS OF MALVA. 229 the modern Dungarpur in Rajputand, which even in recent times has been tribu. tary to the Maratha ruler of Dhar. It is not at all unlikely that Sindhuraja made attacks on these two neighbouring districts as well as, imitating his father, on Lata, just beyond his south-western frontier. But a war with the Muralas, who are the same as the Keralas in Southern India, is not probable, except by assuming that the term has been used inaccurately, with that poetical license of which the Sansksit writers frequently avail themselves, for the inhabitants of the Dravidian districts in general. If that may be done, the passage probably refers to a continuation of the feud between the kings of Malva and the Chalukyas of Kalyani during the reign of Sindhuraja. It also continued, as we shall see, during the next reign. A great deal more is told about Sindhuraja in the Nadasdhasdrkacharita, which describes the manner in which he gained the Naga princess Sasiprabha, after destroying the Asura Vajrankusa who resided in Ratnavati "fifty gavyutis from the Narmada," and after obtaining his golden lotus. The whole story, as it stands, is purely mythological. But it has no doubt a historical basis, and Padmagupta has intentionally, possibly for poetical reasons, distorted the facts. One of the points which I consider as certain, is that the Naga princess, whom the king is said to have gained and wedded, belonged to the race of the Naga Kshatriyas, of whose former existence in Rajputana and Central India we have documentary evidence. The Asura Vajrankula, whose golden lotus was the bride-price paid by Sindhuraja, is very likely some historical person in disguise, because otherwise the situation of his capital would not be specified in so matter-of-fact a manner. But it is for the present impossible to guess who may be meant, or who the 'Vidyadharas were with whom the king was allied. Another certain historical fact, to be learned from the Navardhasankacharita, is that Sindhuraja's chief minister was called Yafobhata and bore the Biruda Ramangada." The poem furnishes also some indications as to Sindhuraja's relation to his brother VAkpati and permits us to make a guess as to the duration of his reign. According to the Prabandhas, Sindhuraja was a very unruly character, and was treated by his brother with great severity. Merutunga asserta 'that owing to his misdeeds he was first banished and went to Gujarat, where he settled in the neighbourhood of the town of Kasahrada, or, acoording to Mr. K. Forbes, o Kasindra-Paladi near Ahmadabad. Later he returned to Malva and was at first received well by Munja-Vakpati. But, when he again behaved ill, he was deprived of his eyesight and confined in a wooden cage. During his captivity his son Bhoja was born. When Bhoja grew up, Munja was warned against him by a prophecy and ordered his execution. Just before the order was carried out, Bh oja sent a verse to his uncle, which produced a change in the latter's disposition. The order was not only revoked, but Bhoja was made Yuvardja or * See the map prefixed to the account of Mahikanth in the Bombay Gazetteer, vol. V, Page 856. According to the Rdiputand Gasetteer, vol. I, page 876, the language of Dungarpur is called Bdgar. This word, too, is probably derived from the old name of the country. When I wrote my German article on the Navardhandikacharita, I was not aware of the existence of this Vagada and identified the country, named by Padmagupta, with opatern Kachb, which is also called Vagad. The greater distance of the latter distriot from Malva makes the identifoation Dow improbable. >> Boo Zacharias's analysis of the poem in the article quoted, pp. 14 (694)-28 (003), and especially pp. 18 and 22. > See Indian Antiquary, vol. XIV, p. 76, and Sir A. Cunningham, Archeological Survey Reports, vol. II p. 310, * Veber das Navasdhardikacharita, p. 15 (595). # Prabandhachintamani, pp. 568. (Bombay.) Rd. vald, p. 64.
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________________ 230 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. heir-apparent. He mounted the throne after Munja had been killed by Tailapa. Against this the Navasdhasan kacharita (XI, 98) says that "Vakpati placed the earth in Sindhuraja's arms, when he started for Ambika's town." Strictly interpreted, this sentence would mean that he made his brother Yuvaraja on his death-bed and solemnly appointed him his successor. Considering what we know of Vakpati's manner of death, this view is not admissible. But the passage may indicate that Sindhuraja had become Yuvardja some time before Vak pati's fatal expedition. At all events it does not give one the idea that enmity reigned between the two brothers. And there is a further fact which favours the same conclusion. For Padmagupta, who had been first Vakpati's poet-laureate, later held the same position in Sindhuraja's court. He himself says (Nav. Char. I, 7) : "When his majesty Vakpati was about to ascend to heaven, he placed a seal on my song; Sindhuraja, the younger brother of that brother of poets, now breaks it." Had the brothers been deadly enemies, Padmagupta would certainly have been left in obscurity after his first patron's death. As regards the second point, the duration of Sindhuraja's reign, his various military undertakings, which the Navasdhasankacharita reports, certainly prove that he must have reigned for at least seven or eight years before the poem was written. As Vakpati II. died between A. D. 994 and 997, it is not possible to assume that Padmagupta composed it earlier than about the middle of the first decade of the eleventh century. How much longer Sindhuraja may have reigned, cannot be determined at present. The statements of the Udepur Prasasti regarding Sindhuraja's son Bhoja are most extravagant. Verse 17 asserts that he ruled the earth from Kailasa in the Himalayas to Malayagiri in Malabar and from the mountain where the sun rises to that where it sets, and thus gives a most ridiculous account of the extent of his dominions, which in reality never much exceeded the limits of modern Malva. Verse 18 names as the kings and nations vanquished by him the lord of Chedi, Indraratha, Toggala (?), Bhima, the king of the Gurjaras, the lord of Lata, the Karnatas, and the Turush. kas. Verse 18 alludes to his extensive knowledge and bestows on him the title Kaviraja, king of poets. Verse 20 informs us that he built numerous temples dedicated to various forms of Siva and to Vishnu-Ramesvara. Verse 21 finally admits that he succumbed to foreign foes, and that at his death his capital Dhara was in their possession. As regards Bhoja's wars, the first was probably one with the Karnatas, i.e., the Chalukya king of Kalyani. For, in an inscription of the reign of Jayasimha III., dated Saka Samvat 941 or A. D. 1019-20, it is said that this king was "a moon to the lotus which was king Bhoja," i.e., that he took away Bhoja's glory just as the moon causes the day-lotuses to close their flowers; and again that he "searched out and beset and pursued and ground down and put to flight the confederacy of Malava." These statements indicate that the king of Malva was the aggressor, and that his attack was carefully planned. The southern inscription, of course, represents the Chalukya as successful, and the numerous documents from Jayasimha's reign certainly prove that he * Ueber das Nav Char. p. 6 (686), fat fureta u Tuce ut facraec regrut wfoarte foafer vA saMprati sindhuraan:| "Indian Antiquary, vol. V, p. 17; compare also Dr. Blandirkar, Early History of the Dekhan, p. 60.
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________________ 231 UDEPUR PRASASTI OF THE KINGS OF MALVA. cannot have suffered any serious reverse. But it is quite possible that Bhoja gained in the course of his expedition to the south some advantage which might be magnified by the Malva court-poets into a great victory over the Karnatas. This war must have taken place between Saka Samvat 933 or A.D. 1011-12, the latest known date of Jayasimha's predecessor, and that of the inscription. Besides this encounter of Bhoja with the Chalukyas, we hear of a second through Bilhana, who tells us in the Vikramankadevacharita (I, 91-94) that Jayasimha's successor, Somesvara II., who ruled from about A. D. 1042-3 to 1068-69, took Dhara by storm and forced Bhoja to flee. The event is not mentioned in the southern inscriptions, but Bilhana celebrates it as the greatest deed of the father of his hero. Bhoja's victory over the Chaulukys Bhima L. (A. D. 1021-22 to 1068-64) is acknow. ledged by one of the later Prabandhakaras of Gujarat. Merutunga narrates that, while Bhima was engaged in the conquest of Sindh, Bhoja sent a certain Digambara Kulachandra with an army against Anhilvad. The town was taken. The conqueror sowed'cowries at the gate of the palace and returned to Malva, taking with him a jayapattra or letter of victory. Hemachandra's silence regarding this defeat of Bhima does not mean much. For, being a court-poet, he could not speak of reverses which his master's grandfather had suffered. It may be nevertheless a fact, and that particular one to which the Prasasti alludes. Merutunga has several other anecdotes regarding the relations subsisting between Bhoja and Bhima. There is, however, only one among them, and that referring to Bhoja's end, which deserves any notice. It will be discussed below. Regarding Bhoja's wars with the kings of Chedi and Lata and the Turushkas, nothing more can be said than that they are not improbable. For the first was also, as we have seen, the foe of Vakpati II. and appears as the chief actor in the story of Bhoja's end, while the second was the object of the attacks both of Siyaka II. and of Vakpati II. The Turushkas are, as always in the inscriptions of this period, the Muhammadans. The expeditions of Mahmud of Ghazni against Somnath and later against Gwalior may very probably have forced Bhoja to fight against him. But it is very unlikely that the armies of Malva should have gained a victory over him. I am unable to say who Indraratha and Toggala, the other two foes mentioned, can have been. The praise of Bhoja's learning and proficiency in poetry in verse 18 is well deserved. The modern researches in the Indian libraries have brought to light a considerable number of hand-books of, or commentaries on, various Hindu Sastras, which all bear the name of the Maharajadhiraja Bhoja and are alleged to have been written by him, no doubt with the help of his Pandits. Besides the well-known Sarasvatikanthabharapa on poetics and the equally famous Rajomartonda on the Yogaidstra, the Bombay collections contain two works on Jyotisha, the Rajamartanda and the Rajamriganka. karana, and the Samarangana on architecture." In Tanjore there is the Vidvaj janavallabha on Jyotisha. The list in the Prabhavakacharita" (written about A. D. 1250) shows that still a good many more works of the same description have to be recovered. A poetical composition by Bhoja, the Sringaramanjarthatha, is partly "Prabandhachintamani, p. 80. Nos. 342 and 343 of the Collection of 1879-80, and No. 108 of 1873-74. No. 356 of the Collection of 1880-81. "Ueber das Leben des Jaina Monches Hemachandra, p. 63 (251).
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________________ 232 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. preserved in a fragment which I found in 1874 in the Brihajjnanakosha at Jesalmir. A colophon on fol. 1490 runs as follows: XT HYTTEUTETUT T e afarferret C u ret utanfaat met HATAT | The work is partly in prose and partly in verse. Regarding the extensive building operations which Bhoja undertook according to verse 20, I am not able to bring forward any corroboration from other sources. But it is very probable that a prince, so fond of display as he was, adorned his capital and perhaps even foreign sacred places with architectural monuments. The hints regarding Bhoja's end in verse 20 of the Udepur Prasasti agree very closely with those given in the Nagpur Prasasti, and are perfectly reconcilable with Merutunga's story according to which he succumbed to a combined attack of Karna of Chedi and of Bhima I. of Gujarat, or died, just when this attack took place. Both these kings, no doubt, were his contemporaries and his neighbours in the east and in the west. Nevertheless an implicit acceptance of the story has its difficulties. For the Chedi inscriptions do not even hint that Karna worked the destruction of the most famous monarch of the eleventh century. Nor does Hemachandra, who wrote his Doydsraya Kdvya about 150 years before Merutunga's times, say that Bhima I. had a share in Bhoja's reverses, though otherwise he is anxious to place Bhima's military exploits in the best possible light. It seems strange that the Chedian court-poets and older Gujarati writers should both have forgotten to notice an event which must have reflected so much glory on the ancestors of their patrons. Owing to these considerations I cannot at present give as unqualified an assent to Merutunga's story as I have done on a former occasion. Neither the date of Bhoja's accession to the throne, nor that of his defeat and death, can, I fear, be accurately ascertained. All that can be said regarding the former event is that it must have happened between the date of the composition of Padmagupta's Navasahasankacharita about A. D. 1005, and that of Bhoja's war with Jayasimha III. of Kalyani, which latter occurred, as has been shown, between A. D. 1011-12 and 1018-19. It seems probable, however, that it lay closer to the lower than to the remoter of these two limits. For Padmagupta does not mention Bhoja in his poem. This is a certain sign that Bhoja was not grown up at the time when he wrote. For, if that had been the case, Padmagupta would have felt it his duty to put in a compliment for the heir-apparent, as the court-poets invariably do in similar cases. Bhoja may then have been a boy of ten or twelve or even fourteen years, but he cannot have reached as yet the Indian age of majority, his sixteenth year. If I am right in placing the composition of the Navaadhasankacharita about the year 1005 A.D., the time when Bhoja can have assumed the reins of government must fall about A. D. 1010, or even somewhat later. Further, certain dates during his reign are furnished by his land-grant of Vikrama Samvat 1078 or A. D. 1021-22. by the statement of Berunt, that Bhojadeva ruled over Dhard and Malva when he wrote his Indioa, in A. D. 1080, and by the date in the Rdjamrigankakarana, Saka Samvat I ordered a copy to be made, which, however, has never been sont. * Prabandhachintamani, pp. 117 ff.; K. Forbes, RAMAIA, p. 88 f. # Sir A. Canningham's Arch. Suro. Rep. vol. IX, p. 107. * Vibramdabadovacharita, p. 38. Bee Professor Saobau's Translation of Al-Berunt's Indica, vol. I, p. 191.
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________________ UDEPUR PRASASTI OF THE KINGS OF MALVA. 233 96451 or A. D. 1042-43. For the question when Bhoja died, the most important passage is that in Bilhana's Vikramankadevacharita, where he says (XVIII, 96): "Assuming the voice of the pigeons that nested on the lofty turrets of her gates, Dhara cried as it were to him (Bilhana) in pitiful tones : Bhoja (i8 my) king. He, indeed, is none of the vulgar princes. Woe is to me! Why didst thou not come into his presence ?" I still believe that the verse means that Bilhana might have, but did not visit Bhoja for reasons not stated, and that Bhoja was alive when he reached Central India on his travels. If that is so, the death of Bhoja must fall some time after the year A. D, 1062, the earliest in which the departure of Bilhana from Kasmir can be placed. And it agrees with this assumption that Kalhana declares, Rajatarangini, VII, 259 (Calcutta edition): saca bhIjanarendraya dAnIkarSeNa vishrutii| ad afheiratet afara "He (Kshitipati) and king Bhoja, famous for their great liberality (and) sages, were at that moment both equally the friends of poets." The expression at that moment" refers to the time after the coronation of Kalasa in A. D. 1062, which is mentioned in verse 233. In estimating the value of Kalhana's assertion, it must be borne in mind that he wrote nearly one hundred years after the time of Bilhana's travels and after Bhoja. He is, of course, not a contemporary witness. But as his statement agrees with Bilhana's, it must be allowed some weight. I do not think that the date Vikrama Samvat 1116 and Saka Samvat 981, assigned to Bhoia's successor Udayaditya in an inscription in the great temple at Udepur, proves anything against this. As Dr. F. E. Hall has stated, the document is a horribly incorrect scrawl, which, according to lines 13-14, was written by order of one Sagaravarman in Vikrama Samvat 1562, Saka Samvat 1447 (read 1427) or Kali Yuga 4607," and it is absolutely worthless for historical purposes. Regarding Udayaditya our Prasasti states merely that he was a Paramara and Bhoja's successor, and that he freed his country from the enemies who had conquered it. It also implies that he restored a temple or statue of Vishnu in the boar incarnation, Whether he was related to his predecessor or not, does not appear. TRANSCRIPT. L. 1. O Ta falar gaMgAMvusaMsiktabhujaMgamAlavAle kalendoramalAkurAbhA / yuf af HT HITTE VET via: [eu]** 2. sAnaMdanaMdikarasuMdarasAMdranAMdInAdena tuMvurumanoramagAnamAneH / [nRtyaM]tyavasyamani[zaM] suravAsavesyA yasthApato bha* According to my copy of the Jesalmir MS. it is rentre . This is the initial point for the calculations in the Karana. " See Vikramarkadevacharita, p. 23. According to the Rajatarangine, VII, 836, Bilbaqa left Karmir during the reign of Kalala." # Jour, Am. Or. Soe. vol. VII, p. 35. I bave before me two impressions prepared by Dr. Fuhrer. From there the accompanying plate has been photo lithograpbed; the title of the plate should be corrected into- Udepar Prasasti of the reign of Udayaditya.' * Metre, Indravajra. In Pada 3 is blurred and fx abnormal. The reading is therefore not certain. 20
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________________ 234 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L. 3. vatu vaH sa sivaH zivAya / [2]56 mUkhitAvasaritIca]mayeva sNbhorkhogmNgghttnaapnmaatryNtii| dRSTAmanAthavasatA sakalAMgatuSTA puSTiM nageMdratanayA bhavatAM vidadhyAt / [1] gaNezo [va]: sakhAyA]stu niyAsaH parazaH kare / yasya navadhanAvaba kaMdocchitvA vodyataH / [4] paskhurbodhaH pratIcA himagiritanayaH sihadaMpasyasi svAnaM ca zAnabhAjAmabhimata6. phalado 'kharvitaH so 'va'dAkhyaH / vizvAmitro vasiSThAdArata va[la]to yatra gAM tababhAvAbanne vIrognikuMDAdripuvala nidhanaM ya sakAraka eva / [1] mArayitvA parAndhenumAnigye sa tato muniH / uvAca paramArA--rthiveMdro bhaviSyasi / [au]oo tadanyavAye 'khilayajasaMghatR sAmarodAitakotirAsIt / upeMdrarAjo vivarmara sauryAddhitIttuMgavRpatva[mAnaH / [on]in satsanurAsIdarirAjakuMbhikaMThIravo vIryavatAM variSThaH / zrIverasiMhamaturakhavAntadhAvA jayastaMbhazatapragatiH / [1] tasmAibhUva vasudhAdhipamaulimAlArasaprabhArucirara jitpaadpiitthH| bIsIyakaH karamapAvanalormimagnasakhuvrajI vijayinA dhuri bhUmipAlaH // [eas tasmAdavantitaraNImaya11. nAravindabhAkhAmabhUtvarakSapAthamarIcidImaH / zrIvAkpatiH satamakhAnujatisturaMgA gaMgAsamudrasalilAni pivanti yata / [...] " Metre, Vasantatilaka. Read erro; tut; fice. The first consonant of rifer is destroyed and the second looks like a; pani is not certain. Metre, Vasantatilaks Read gaMbhIra. mA . Metre Anushtabh. The bracketed letters are almost completely gone. After this verse follows & rods symbolical figure and then another two vertioal stroke, indicating that the Mangala is finished. Metro, Sragdhard. The shape of the second sign is a little abnormal. The loft half of the bracketed letter is gone. Read dApayasiDa.. Metre, Anushtubb. Restore paramArAcyA pArthivendrI * Metro, Upajati. Rond Tate. The last syllablos look like . -Metro, Indravajra. Read risiM. * Metre, Vasantatilakt. Read Onyurot. Metro, Vasantatilak. Read morgufr.
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________________ UDAYAPURA GRANT OF MAHENDRAPALA. Er 284 mahativAdAlAnAvaramikahI bAlavAlikAlazaramalAkurAnAyabahinApatikatAvAtAtIvatUhostavAsamA mArgadata divArasadArasAhanAtI jAdainAta dusamato rasuvAnamuni zavayAnamivATAvasyATamyA gatIna vasasidAzivAmAna vitaravasA nAtA mAnavasAlAhIsA vApaTanAni mazidItAivAnajAdavasetI sakalIgAunAu vinAtIda nAdAsavanI vidyAmAgArAsivA sAmAjigara vakAlatAnA pAya kIdAhinA hAtAta asAvIta yAdimAgavita dAridAtyAmAhA mAnisakA jatAtA malimata (ratnAdAvanati se hamArA vimAnAta (mAratAnatATAtalI tasatAtA jaaddstiishlaadipetlaanettlett| saritA prAramitAnijamAniyatavAtAmunimA vAtAra mAnA nAnadItaviSyAsAtadavitAno vinaTAhAsAvata mAyAmAnAtahato nisAmIla usAtAnijatyaracanA-mAjiAtAtinAtinAnivaratAmanuzAsI danihAvidatInAtAvAdI vRtI(rAmottare disataralatAta tI hAta hAtamA tihAtamohacavatastA vinitAlamA sarattapatatitita 0 tirAhAyolIna mAmiThItatAvAjhaviDa minItasimiyAtahAtamAdatamitatApInanA jAra(tatAvAnA ticApurA mAnido pArIvAtisUna mantAnakAtira nigarAnImA samasAlalAnivijiyAna hAtamamAtiAnAtAcyA nAvAlAko vAtAravAnijaTIrodAtastAnamAmidiyeza mahAnAcavitATanatA jAtihamA dAda(jAvatamA savAgana jArI rakhanadaratAnAdI lAdevahAtoDATAlahI yAdamATAnijadrastAva sapanA ta yati timilavAnAlAyAtItA savinATikArasamalAidinnatAMtAdAtAnA zitakAtoM " sAtatatakIta lAla jItamAhAnAmAvAdamA(tarAjAstaliTA simakA hotA rahatATalATAvAta (bAlamitanagaDakamalApAnijAgajitadAtAkalAimalAtAhAtarAmA nihityAmAnahAtamA (jatI jAsta mahakatIdAnati'mati(Ago tayAnADAnAhAtamAgatADAzatirAhAtimAhI tAratA (jADa (nidAnAtinArAmA kalAkAritAmA dhArakatAmAyAnamanikitA mAramAdira nA yamukApramozana naraparatavalApasAtAmA jAnI ra lagAtI nAdAtaramazAyitAlikAmAnirAtimAditAvAsAditaviditadadai jJAtavAlAmamA dalajimA yo samAjazajI sAsa zApa samAtA vorAta daravolAunanitA zAhanATatAta tilA davAisa bAjAita mAtuvivi nevAlA karanAdAnAvanA nikSatAdItakAra nAvAdadAravAlA tAmAsivaTADorakA sAmanA sAkasa AREEmajhAyA jAtA totalA tyA vAstavAta vimatI tAlAvati mAhAtasAratatavArapata mirAtabAjIratAloM kI tAdAgitAmA vijJApanadAra timitihaTadI jAlanA yAnAtInihAyA bhanidinAnAda sAninAdasAmanagAvAta sAmAninigAlAMtatAgAIcA mahArataviTimoda tAyAmAtA jivaDAsa Sonle 1-3rd of original. 4. Pakrer, Ph.D., fecit. W. Griggs, Photo Lithe.
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________________ UDEPUR PRASASTI OF THE KINGS OF MALVA. 235 L. 12. jAtastasmAIrisiMhondhanAnA loko brUte [vacaTa khAminaM yaM / zatrIvarga dhArayAsahitya zrImahArA sUcitA yena rAjA / [11]gs tasyA dabhUdarinarakharasaMghasevAgajagajeMdraravasuMdaratUryanAdaH / zrIharSadeva iti khoDigadevalanI jagrAha yo yudhi nagAdasamapra tApaH / [12] putrastasya vi[bhUSivAkhiladharAbhogI guNakAspadaM sauryAkrAntasamastasatruvibhavAdhivyAdhavittodayaH / vaktRtvo kavitvatarkakalanaprajAtazAstrAgamaH zrImahAkpatirAjadeva iti yaH sanniH sadA kIvate / [1]ar karyATalATakarala colazirIrabarAgipadakamalaH / yA praNayigaNArthitadAtA kalpadrumaprakhyaH / [14] yuvarAjaM vijityAjI hatvA tahA hinIpatIn / khaGgamUrtIvataM yena tripuryA vijigISuNA / [1] tasthAnujo nirjitahaNarAjaH zrIsiMdhurAjo vijayAni ttriiH| zrIbhojarAjojani yena ravaM narottamAkampaladahitIyaM / [1] pA kailAsAmlayagirito'stodayAdriyAdA bhuktA pRthvI pRthu narapatestukhyarUpeNa yena / umUlyojhaibharaguru[ga]NA lIlayA cApayajyA ciptA dita citirapi parAM prItimApAditA ca // [17]" sAdhitaM vihitaM dattaM jAtaM tadyana kenacit / kimanyakavirAjasya zrIbhojasya prazasyate / [18]" cedIkhareMdraratha tImaga] la[bhImamukhyAkATalATapatigUjararATtuha 19. 20. yaityamAvavijitAnavalo kA] maulA doSNAM vakhAni kalayaMti na [yo] lokAn // [1en" kedArarAmekharasomanAtha muMDIrakAlAnalabadra# Metre, Salin. The bracketed letters are badly damaged. Metre, Vasantatilaka. Read "bharakhara senA. 6 Metre, Sarddlavikridita. Read frafer, the wis not recognisable ; read midt'; forwafirarafuites. -Metre, Arya. * Metre, Anushtubh. Read jA~catI. 70 Metre, Upajati. 11 Metro, MandAkranta. The first syllable of Tot is very doubtful; rond UwT. Metre, Anushtubh. 73 Metre, Vasantatilak. The bracketed letters are all more or less doubtful, effroy may have been or TO.
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________________ 236 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L. 22. 23. Beat: [] rajata tai maalaureat orarit vet (Rou) tabAdityapratApa gatavati sadanaM svarmiNAM bhabho vyAptA dhAreva dhAtrI riputi facuaternarere I vizvastAMgo nihatyobaTariputi mirabhara khAdaMDAMsajAranyo bhAkhAnivodhanyutimuditajanAtmoda afcarea [Ren] yena dharaNIvarAha paramAraNo[vRto] nirAyAsA[] / [TNTTYJAQUIT farrera. [RPn]" [ajaran - Jaafarroa-" 24. TRANSLATION On, adoration to Siva! (Verse 1.) May that Sambhu tend to thy welfare, on whose head the pure crescent of the moon looks like a sprout of the creeper of paradise that is desired by the worshippers, (standing) in a basin of snakes sprinkled by the water of Ganga 1" (2.) May that Siva conduce to your happiness, before whom the harlots of the abode of the gods " needs ever dance to the sound of the loud, beautiful time beating of joyful Nandin's hands and to the tunes of Tumburu's soul-enchanting songs ! (3.) May the daughter of the mountain (Parvati) grant you prosperity,-she who, out of jealousy, as it were, of the aerial river (Ganga) that rests on Sambhu's head, firmly clings to one half of his body, joining hers (to his), and who feels pleasure in every limb when she sees the subjection of her lord 180 (4.) May Ganesa grant you happiness, in whose hand a sharp axe is raised in order to cut off, as it were, the root of the great sinfulness of his worshippers ! (5.) There is in the west a son of the Himalaya, that lofty mountain, called Arbuda (Abu), that gives the desired reward to those possessing (true) knowledge, and (ix) the place where the conjugal union of the Siddhas is perfect. There Vis vamitra forcibly took from Vasishtha (his) cow. Through his (Vasishtha's) power a hero arose from the firepit, who singly worked the destruction of the enemy's army, (6.) When he had slain the enemies, he brought back the cow; then that sage spoke : "Thou wilt become a lord of [kings, called] Paramara." ** Metre, Upajati. Read TATT. The first syllable of eat is doubtful; 947 looks like HTCdeg. 75 Metre, Bragdhard. Read fruet"; f; in the eighth syllable of the last Pada only the Tis quite certain. 7 Metre, Arya. The bracketed letters are partly very difficult to recognise. 77 The bracketed letters are doubtful. 78 Sesha being coiled round Bira's neck, forms an Alavala or basin which retains the water of Gange when it fuws from the head of the deity. The crescent of the moon on Bira's bead elsewhere is compared with the objanikura, the seed. sprout, of the world; see, e.g., Bhoja's land-grant, Indian Antiquary, vol. VI. p. 63, verse 1. Strictly gargam buityodi qualifies murdhni. 70 Le.. the A paarises. *** When she sees the subjection of her lord," i.e., when she sees that, being united with her, he cannot escape and Hirt with Gang * The verse alludes to the existence of Saiva mashas, or monasteries.
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________________ UDEPUR PRASASTI OF THE KINGS OF MALVA. 237 (V. 7.) In his line there was Upendraraja, whose fame was proclaimed by the im. mortals, satisfied by the multitude of all sacrifices, who was a jewel among the twice born and gained high honour of kinghood by his valour. (8.) His son was a lion for the elephant-like hostile kings, the best of heroes, the illustrious Vairisimha, who composed his own eulogy by (erecting) pillars of victory (everyrohere) on the earth that is bounded by the four oceans. (9.) From him sprang the illustrious Siy aka, a prince (standing) in the first rank of conquerors, whose footstool was resplendent and coloured by the rays of the jewels in the diadems of kings,-(he) the crowd of whose enemies was submerged in the waves of the water of the blade in his hand." (10.) From him sprang the illustrious Vakpati, a sun for (those) waterlilies, the eyes of the maidens of Avanti, (he who was) resplendent with the rays of the sword in his hand, who resembled Satamakha (Indra), and whose armies drank the waters of Ganga and of the ocean. (11.) From him was born Vairisimha, whom the people call by another name, the lord Vajrata; by that king famous Dhard was indicated, when he slew the crowd of his enemies with the sharp edge (dhara) of his sword. (12.) From him sprang he who is called his glorious majesty Harsha, the sound of whose trumpets was beautiful like the noise of the roaring of mighty elephants in the armies of numerous hostile kings, he who, equalling the snake-eater (Garuda) in fierceness, took in battle the wealth of king Khottiga. (13.) His son who, (being) the sole abode of good qualities, adorned the whole globe of the earth, the growth of whose riches was proportionate to the deposits of wealth (which he received) from all foes that were conquered by his bravery, who, cultivating eloquence, high poetry and the art of reasoning, completely mastered the lore of the Sastras, was he who is ever praised by the virtuous as his glorious majesty VAk pati; (14.) He whose lotus-feet were coloured by the jewels on the heads of the Karnatas, Latas, Keralas and Oholas, and who possessed the fame of a tree of paradise, since he granted to a crowd of supplicants whatever they desired; (15.) Who, conquering Yuvaraja and slaying his generals, as victor, raised on high his sword in Tripuri. (16.) His younger brother was the illustrious Sindhuraja, who conquered the king of the Hanas and who gained glory by his victories. He begat the illustrious Bhojaraja, a jewel without a rival, (a hero) who caused the best men to tremble. (17.) He, who resembled king Prithu, possessed the earth up to Kailasa, up to the Or "the honour of exalted kinghood." * Coloured " because the diadems of the prostrate kings contained rubies and other coloured stones # For the last phrase compare verse 7 of the Prasasti of Hemachandra's grammar, Ueber das Leben dos Jaina Monches Hemachandra, p. 68 (284). #HA won for (thone) water-lilies, the eyes of the maidena of Avanti," l.a., who made the young women open their eyes wide with joy and surprise at his beauty, just as the sun caused the day-lotuses to open their flowers.-"Whore armies drank the water of the Gange and of the ocean," 1.6., wo made victorious expeditions as far as the Arabian Sen in the west and as far as the Ganges in the east. No historical inference can be drawn from such a vague statement. "By that king famous Dhara was indicated," I..., Amiting the foe with the edge (daard) of his sword the king indicated that Dhard belonged to bim. The make-eater Garuda wm the ooguisance of the Param&ras see the facsimiles of Vakpati's and Bhoja's land. granta, Indian Antiquary, vol. VI, loc. cit. Naga is given in the Koshas as a synonym of ndga. The translation follows the emended reading which I have proposed in the notes to the text.
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________________ 238 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Malaya hills, and up to the two mountains of the setting and the rising sun; he scattered in (all) directions the weighty crowd of earth-supporters, easily uprooting them with the shaft of his bow, and gave highest joy to the earth. (V. 18.) He accomplished, ordered, gave and knew what (was) not in the power) of anybody else; what other praise can be given to illustrious Bhoja, the poet-king ? (19.) Seeing the Karnatas, the lord of Lata, the king of Gurjara, the Turushkas, chief among whom were the lord of Chedi, Indraratha, Toggala(?) and Bhima, conquered by his mercenaries alone, his hereditary warriors" thought only of the strength of their arms, not of the numbers of the fighters. (20.) He made the world (jagatt) worthy of its name by covering it all around with temples, dedicated to Kedaresvara, Ramesvara, Somanatha, Sundira(C), Kala, Anala, and Rudra. (21.) When that devotee of Bharga (Siva) whose brilliancy resembled that of the sun, had gone to the mansion of the gods, the earth, like Dhara, was filled with dense darkness, his foes, (and) his hereditary warriors became 'infirm in body. Then arose king Udayaditya, another sun, as it were, destroying the dense darkness, the exalted foes, with the rays issuing from his strong sword, and thus) gladdening the hearts of his people by his splendour. (22.) Lol how easy was the rescue of this earth for that Para mara, by whom the primeval boar was restored without a difficulty." (23.) . . . . XXIX.-THE NEW INSCRIPTION OF TORAMANA SHAHA. BY G. BUHLER, PH.D., LL.D., C.I.E. The present edition of the inscription of Toramana Shaha, or Shahi, Jadvla has been prepared according to two paper impressions furnished to me by Dr. Burgess. The inscription, which was found at Kura in the Salt Range and is now in the Lahore Museum, is incised on a sandstone slab, measuring 24" by 1' 8", the lower part of which, about six inches in height, has been left blank. The inscription consisted of thirteen lines of unequal length, the first three of which have been seriously injured at both ends, while the right-hand portion of the twelfth and the thirteenth seem to have been obliterated by the writer of the original and to have been partly re-written. A good many strokes are visible on the injured portions. But I do not dare to propose any restoration. The characters resemble those found in the older Buddhist nail-headed inscriptions "The weighty crowd of earth-supporters," Le, namerous powerful kings. The words seem to have been chosen in order to play on the word urvibhara, which can mean both 's prince' and 's mountain,' and in order to indicate that Bhoja resembled king Pritha who pushed the mountains sunder with his bow. If my restoration mukhydn, chief among whom,' is correct, as I think it must be, the author has made a 'bull' which strongly reminds one of the late Sir Cowasji Jahangir's complaint in the Bombay papers that the unfinisbed Victoria Museum was inhabited by owla, bata and other uultures." For the Chedisvara did certainly not belong to Any one of the nations named in the second compound karndfatyddi. Regarding the technical meaning of maula and bhritya seo Kamandaki, Niti Sara, XVIII, 4. # Jagati means both the world' and 'a site for buildings. In the text there is no finita verb, and the author probably wishes doft to be understood. # "By whom the primeval boar ww restored," i..., who restored a temple or statue of Vishnu in the boar incarnation, As the king could do that, the fent of the boar, the bhumer uddharah, the uplifting of the earth out of the waters, was of course a small matter for him.
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________________ NEW INSCRIPTION OF TORAMANA SHAHA. 239 of the Gupta period, but show certain peculiarities. Very characteristic are the curves attached to the left-hand limbs of ga and sa, the peculiar angular form of the sa, the horizontal stroke of which has been attached to the left-hand limb and forms with it a triangle open at the top just as in the modern handwriting of Rajputana. The roundness of va is likewise remarkable. The language is the mixed dialect, incorrect Sanskrit strongly modified through the influence of the vernacular Prakrit, which once used to be called the Gatha dialect on account of its occurrence in the metrical portions of the sacred writings of the Northern Buddhists. In my opinion it has been produced by the efforts of half-educated people to write the sacred language of the Brahmans. The earliest specimens usually show the greatest number of abnormal forms. Those occurring in this inscription have been discussed in detail in the notes to the translation. The object of the inscription is to record the construction of a Buddhist monastery by one Rota-Siddhavriddhi, the son of Rotta-Jayavriddhi, for the teachers of the Mahisasaka school. The donor states (1. 7) that his father was honoured by the lord of Naschira, either a town or a district, and was the lord or manager of many Viharas (see note 19 to the translation). The inscription was incised during the reign of the king of kings, the great king Toramana Shaha, or Shahi, Jadvla, to whom and to whose family the donor wishes to make over a share of the merit gained by his pious gift. The date is unfortunately not readable with the exception of the month and of the day, the second tithi of the bright half of Mar gasiras. This circumstance makes it impossible to accurately fix the age of the inscription. On palaeographical grounds it may be assigned to the fourth or the fifth century. I am not able to assert that the Toramana of our inscription is identical either with the Toramana of the Eran inscription or with the Toramana of Kasmir, who is mentioned by Kalhana and who has left behind so many coins inscribed with Gupta characters. The fact that this Toramana bears the title or surname Shaha or Shahi and receives the epithet Jauvla which may be a tribal name or a Biruda, is, it seems to me, sufficient to prevent the identification with the other Toramanas, who are not characterised in this manner. All I would say regarding him is that he ruled over north-western India, and that he was an independent king. The latter point is indicated by his title raja[dhi]raja, 'king of kings," or, more accurately, 'superior king of kings.' It is also highly probable that he was not a native Indian. The name Toramana is neither Sanskrit nor Prakrit, but in all probability a foreign one. Professor J. Karabacek of Vienna informs me that it is Turkish, where toraman, turaman or toremen means 'a rebel or insurgent'; and he is inclined to connect Javla with jol, 'a falcon.' A Laga-Turman is mentioned by Alberant, vol. II, p. 13 (Sachau's translation), as the last king of the Thibetan (?) or Turk Shahi dynasty of northern India, among whom was Kanik (Kanishka ?). TRANSCRIPT. I. 1. - [ rAjA ] - rAjamahArAjatIramAyaNA][[ca] jaja [bhivardhamAnarAjye --saMvAra] - me mArgaziramAsazukladditIyAyAm cA[ndramagra] - 2.-- - - gaga 1 The letters placed between brackets are very faint and partly doubtful. The first title seems to have been refererer. fe, originally suggested by Mr. Fleet, is plain on the second impression. Probably fe has to be restored accord ing to a suggestion of Mr. Fleet. I read originally --. * The bracketed letters are very doubtful with the exception of the syllable suggested by Mr. Fleet.
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________________ 240 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L. 3. --para- sacimAtadhyAnAdhyayanamodhacittAnukUle pradi[STa-------[na] 4. bace bhagavato budhasya devAtidevasya sarvapApaparikSINasarvapuNyasamuhata[sya] 5. tIrthasasArArNavasatvAnAM tArayitA dazabalabalinacatuvaizAradhacatamapratisaM[vidA] 8. paTAdayAveNIkAjutadharmasamanvAgatasya sarvasatsavamalamahAkAraNikasya bu., 7. pramukhacAturdi bhikSusaMdhe deyadharmoya vihArapratiSThApana nabIrapatiprazastA8. dAritanAmadheyavizeSAdhiH rolayahaSi panekavihArasvAminI satputreNa yadava puNyaM tajavatu 9. [mAtApito pApAyakapoSakacivasya jaMbuddIpasya darzayitAro abhAvapratyaMzatAyAstu tathA vihArakhAmino 10. roTasipAdhi sarveSAM bhAtarANAM bhaginInAM panInAM putrANAM duhitAM mahArAjatoramANaSAhaja ja: sa11. rveSAM devInAM rAjapuvA rAjaduhitAnAM ca sarvasatvAnAM anuttaracAnAvAptaye ayaM puna vihArasyo-' 12. pakaraNa cAturdiza bhikSusaMdhe pariNI prAcAryamahI[sikAnAH sAhakapu] ---veNa [pAcA] 18. -- -ta- -- - -- - TRANSLATION. In the prosperous reign of the king of kings, the great king Toramana Shahi Jat-3 in year, on the second (lunar day) of the bright half of the month of Margasiras. Under the . . . . . Nakshatra, which is propitious for pure, tranquil meditation, study and reflection on salvation . . . . . . this appropriate and meritorious gift, the erection of a Vihara for the congregation of the monks of divine Buddha, the god of gods, freed from all sin and endowed with all holiness, the saviour of beings that have crossed the ocean of births," who possesses the power of the ten powers, who * There is large blank space between and forte. .Thannoond sign of caturImAraca.hinjured, and the rending may be camanArapa.. In that on it would be a mistake for unft.The Anuvara of wardret i doubtful and the last two letters to very faint. But the reading is neverthe lem certain. * Some strokes are attached to the tof diet which may be meant M a dorrection, the usual form of the word being SivA. * Between Tand caracAnA. there are two short stroke--, aif something had been lost. But the word is complete. 7 There is a vertical stroke to the left of the # of in which either may have been an d-stroke or a continuation of the upright of . The of who is aboormal and looks like W. Novertheless the reading seems certain. The broketed letters of the latter word and those following seem to have been written under line of intentionally obliterated charnoters. It also looks w if the characters of lipo 18 bad been defroed intentionally. In coordance with the wenge of the mixed dinloot, the Anusvarus of doyadharwoya and vidrapratishfhdpana have been left ont. With repect to the word deyadharmad I accept Mr. Fleet's correction of the translation, Corpus Inser. Ind. VOL. III, p. 26, note, and now translate more closely by 'appropriate and meritorious gift, though it may be doubted whether it convoyed to the ordinary mind any other meaning than 's gift which were merit. Vindrapratishthapana, 'the erection at Viber,'t not an appropriate expression. It ought to have been simply ' Vihara.' * The epithet doodfidone, 'the god of gode,' is regularly applied to Buddha; se, o.g., Minayoff, Mahdoyutpatti, I, 15. Barvopdpaparikalpa and arrapinyasamudgats are compounds formed on the model of the classic agnydhita for Akit dgni, eto. Papiol, II, 2, 87. In tirparandrarnavaratrandth, andra stands for sathedra; o above, note 8. Tarayitd ought to be either tdragite or dragits socordingly w it may be intended for a separate word or for a part of a compound. The latter is the more probable explanation. For the substitution of nominative for the stem is common in the mixed dialect. I read originally semafogatarya. Samanodgatarye is Mr. Floet's suggestion. Dalabalabalina is either now a-stem formed from dafabalis or genitive with the omission of the Visarga : compare below diapitro (1.0). Regarding the ten powers of Buddha Ho Dharmasangraha (Anecdota Ozoniensia, vol. I, part v), No. laxvl, and Professor Max Muller's notes thereon.
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________________ EVOTE Clymer the NOT WHATCHAJZFaynyjo muMrrAgx gar52 23 l 2 SkZoy DISTANZA 241 442 44320 F31 INSCRIPTION OF TORAMANA SHAHA. J. Burgen, fecit. H Guy? YST DO 4.7 TIN T raaupaapaaltstu-shwenynyaauiynsyaadesnyosror-u)] +8putmM,, trydang237418614 42 1687. YOUTH) royjar gastar gut, T(2{ttkhnyuM-minykrzriennyu + pu E J TETnnm L'E kt 3]]cirrE5-7TE!*3*torH*+nn / 42aeyMpaar(hi Arjutas Ep. Ind. page 240. Scale-0.356 of the original. W. Griggs, Photo-Litho.
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________________ NEW INSCRIPTION OF TORAMANA SHAHA. 241 bas attained the four subjects of confidence, the four analytical sciences, the eighteen independent conditions, the supernatural condition, who cherishes all creatures and is most compassionate-of which (congregation) Buddha is the chief and which comes from the four quarters of the world,-(has been made by the virtuous son of. RottaJayavriddhi, the lord of many Viharas, whose name, praised and honoured by the lord of Naschira, (indicates a) particularly (great) prosperity. Whatever merit (there is) in this (act), may it be for the attainment of supreme knowledge by (my) parents, the instructors of Jambad vipa that is famous for nurses and nourishers, -(their) share being a preferential one,- moreover by all the brothers, sisters, wives, sons and daughters of the lord of the Vihara Rota-Siddhavsi. ddhi," by all the queens, princes and princesses of the great king Toramana Shaha Ja llvla(and) by all creatures. But this benefaction" by a Vihara (is) for the congregation of the monks of the four quarters, for the acceptance of the teachers, the Mahi. basakas. By the son of Saddhaka.......... . . . . . If chatuvaisdradya is the correct reading, the form chatu for chatud or chatur is Prakritio. Regarding the four subjects of confidence, see Dharmasargraha, No. lxxvii. The translation is that of Childers' Pali Dictionary, sub voce vesdrajja. Chatasrapratisarkvidd is a monstrous form for chatushpraticamvid, in which the mutilated inflected form of the nominative has been preserved ; compare above tarayitd. Regarding the four analytical sciences, see Dharmasangraha, No. li. * Regarding the eighteen independent conditions, see Dharmasangraha, No. lxxix. 1 I translate adbhutadharma according to its etymological sense. The Dharmasangraha, No. Izii, and other works know the word as the name of one of the nine kinds of scriptures. It cannot have that meaning in this passage. 18 1. take Rotta, which stands here before Jayavsiddhi and appears below 1. 10 in the form Rota before the name of the donor Siddhavsiddhi, to be the name of a caste, olen, or family. The case termination of the preceding Opifeshavsiddhih is, of course, utterly wrong. It ought to be Cosiddhel, as the next following word shows. Addrita is the perfect past participle of the causative of adri. The expression anekaviharasvamino, 'of the lord of many Viharas,' indicates that Rotts-Jayavriddhi superio. tended several monasteries. The explanation of viharasvdmin is given in Beal's Life of Hiuen-Triang, int. p. xxvi. See albo Fleet, Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum, vol. III, pp. 263, 272, note 3. 90 Darfayitdro evidently is to be taken with matapitro and, like the latter, & genitive of the dual. Its irregular formation from the strong stem has many analogies in the mixed dialect. The monning of the phrase seems to be that, though India possesses many tender mothers and dutiful fathers, yet all can learn something from the donor's parents. 91 The translation of agrebhavapratyamfatays tu by "(their) share being a preferential one" is only according to the general sense. Literally it means "bat according to the condition of a preferential share." Agrebhava stands for agrebhava. Regarding pratyashsa, see the Index to the Diondoa * The opinflected base Rofasiddhavsiddhi bas to be taken in the sense of a genitive as the preceding vihdrasvamino indicates. The form bhratardnath is derived from an a-stem bardlara, formed according to the analogy of numerous Prakrit forms. 13 The incorrect form rajaduhitandth, derived from an d-stem duhita, in particularly interesting as the correct Sanskrit form duhitrindh occurs in the preceding line 10. It proves the utter loss of all feeling for the rules of the language. * The nominative Toramanashdhajadvlat has to be taken in the sense of a genitive governed by the following genitives. * Upakarana stands for wpakaranam end, though a neuter, is connected with the masculine of the pronoun ayah. Puna is the ancient Prikrit form for punal. The fact that the Mabiadakas, one of the subdivisions stadying the Hinay na, were settled in the Panjab, is known from Hinen-Tsiang's description of the country: see Beal, Si-yu-ki, vol. I, p. 121. The meaning of the last sentence seems to be that all Buddbist monks shall participate in the use of the Vihara, but that it is specially made over to the Mahifasaka teachers. The Mabiasakas formed one of the five branches of the Sarrastivada or Vaibhashika school. 2 H
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________________ 242 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. XXX.-AN UNDATED PRASASTI FROM THE REIGN OF MAHENDRAPALA OF KANAUJ. By G. BUHLER, PH.D., LL.D., C.I.E. A portion of the subjoined inscription was discovered many years ago by Mr. Bowring at Pehoa, together with the grant of the horse-dealers, dated [Sriharsha] Samvat 276, in the reign of king Bhoja (ante, p. 184), and was published, together with the latter, by Dr. Rajendralal Mitra in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. XXII, pp. 675 ff. Of late the whole document has been recovered, and the circumstances leading to its recovery are as follows. Dr. Burgess found that the stone slab, on which it is incised, was fixed in the wall of a house, in the bazar, belonging to a Siddh,' close to the jamb of a door, and was used as a seat. As this jamb partly rested on the slab and covered a portion of the inscription, Dr. Burgess got Mr. Rodgers, the Archeological Surveyor in the Panjab, to try to prevail on the owner of the building to allow the slab to be removed. The latter, however, was unwilling to allow this, and Mr. Rodgers was then asked to undertake further negotiations and to get the countenance of Mr. Drummond, the Deputy Commissioner of Karnal, in either purchasing the slab or in exchanging it for another that would do the same service to the owner. Through the kind offices of Mr. Drummond the stone was finally secured and sent to the Lahore Museum, where Mr. J. L. Kipling, C.I.E., took two excellent paper-impressions, which were forwarded to Dr. Burgess by Mr. Rodgers and made over to me for preparing a new edition of the inscription. The inscription is now complete, while in the copy used by Dr. Rajendralal about one third of each line-its left-hand portion-was missing. Judging from the impression, the slab on which the inscription is incised measures 86 inches by 24. The stone-mason has done his work with great care; for there are very few Indian epigraphical monuments which show an equal amount of neatness and artistic finish in their execution. Owing to the rough treatment which the stone has undergone, a certain number of letters have, however, been either obliterated or become indistinct. Lines 3-7 have lost from four to seven letters at the beginning; in lines 1-6 the letters 17-21 on the left-hand side have been partly rubbed' out, and lines 20-21 have lost a piece out of the middle. Moreover, a number of single letters and small groups have been defaced in various places on the right-hand side of the inscription. It is, however, fortunately possible to restore most of the lost signs with some degree of certainty by conjecture. The characters of the inscription are of the ordinary Nagari type, current in Northern and Western India during the ninth and tenth centuries; and they resemble most closely those of the horse-dealers' grant, mentioned above. The superscribed matrde show, however, ornamental additions, similar to those used in the Jhalrapatan Prasasti (Indian Antiquary, vol. V, p. 180), and the same ornaments appear occasionally in the tails of some letters (see, e.g., note 10 to the transcript). The language is very good Sanskrit and throughout metrical. As regards the orthography, the constant substitution of va for ba and the frequent use of the Jihoamaliya and Upadhmaniya deserve to be noted, as well as some rather unusual sandhis,-e.g., in samantadyatu for samantaddyatu, line 4; saeeriman for saeriman, line 5; sirmanadve for nirmagaddee, line 12; satphalanammramartih, line 15; and so forth. 1 See Cunningham's Archaeological Survey of India Reports, vol. II, p. 225; and vol. XIV, pp. 101, 102.
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________________ PEHOA PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OF MAHENDRAPALA. 243 The object of the inscription is to record the building, it would seem, of a triple temple of Vishnu, and it contains a 80-called Prabasti or eulogy, as is expressly stated in verse 26. It opens with a mangala of four verses, verses 1-2 being addressed to Vishnu. verse 3 to the Kurukshetra, and verse 4 to the sacred stream Sarasvati, which flows near Prithadaka-Pehoa. Verse 5 praises the ruling king of the country, Mahendra pala. The next portion of the poem (verses 6--19) gives an account of certain members of the Tomara family (verse 6), the last three of which dedicated the temple mentioned in the inscription. The pedigree of the Tomaras enumerated is as follows: JAula (verses 6-8). Vajrata, married to Mangaladori (verses 9-10). Jajjuk, married to Chandra and to NAyik & (verses 11-18). Gogga Parokraja Devaraju (verse 14). (verses 16-16). (verses 17-19). Regarding Jaula it is said that he was a raja, obtained prosperity by looking after the affairs of a king,' and built many temples. It appears, therefore, that he was in the civil employ of some king or other, and received, as was often the case with ministers and other high officials, the title of raja. How many generations intervened between him and Vajrata, the next person mentioned, cannot be made out. But the remark (verse 9) that the family was "the home of joyful, prospering intimates of kings," in. dicates that its members continued to hold high places in the service of their sovereigns. The same seems to have been the case with Vajrata, who, it is alleged, "gained a lofty exaltation through most pure business transactions." Jaula's title was probably likewise inherited by his descendants, since Gogga is called bhunathah, protector of the earth,' which appellation may be considered as a poetical rendering of the more prosaic rdja. If the general description in verses 11-19 may be trusted, Jajjuka and his three sons entered the military service of their sovereign. For nothing is said of their success in business, but their bravery and their victories over their enemies are highly extolled. Verse 20 states that the three brothers built here,' i.e., in Pehoa, temples of Vishnu, and verse 21 attributes (that) in the middle' to Gogga, (that) at the back to Pornardja, and (that) in front to Devaraja.' Nevertheless verse 22, which contains the usual wish for the long duration of the building, speaks only of one single temple (idam dyatanam). The only possible solution of this contradiction seems to be that the structure was a triple temple, containing three statues and three adyta, united under one roof. Temples of this description do occur elsewhere, and we still have a very fine specimen in the famous Vastupalavihara on Mount Girnar.: The next verse (23) gives the name of the architect, Achyuta, son of Rama, who was a native of Kamboja, or a Kabuli. Verse 24 enumerates the names of three villages, Yakshapalaka, Gejjara, and Patala, which were assigned for the bhoga of the deity, * Compare the position of the ealogy of king Jayachchandra in the Baijnath Pribati, No. II, anto, p. 113, which likewise follows immediately after the mangala. See Burgess's Archaological Surv. Rep. Western India, vol. II, pp. 169 ff. and Porgandon's Indian and Eastern Architecture, p. 232, where the building is called the temple of Vastupale and Tejpala. [Other examples oor in the Dekhan, m, for example, the temple of Manakelvars at Lakkundi.-J. B.)
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________________ 244 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 1.e., for the service of the temple; and verse 25 exhorts future princes to respect this donation. In verse 26 the poet gave his own name which, unfortunately, has not been fully preserved. It began with mu and contained three syllables. The poet's father was Bhatta Rama. The name of the mason (verse 27) who incised the inscription--. aladitya-is likewise mutilated ; that of his father Durlabhaditya has been preserved. Though the inscription is not dated, its age can yet be fixed within very narrow limits. For the paramount sovereign Mahendrapala, whom it mentions, belonged with. out doubt to the dynasty of Kanauj, and was the successor of the Bhoja who, according to the Pehoa grant of the horse-dealers, ruled in A. D. 882. Professor Kielhorn's article on the Siyadoni inscription, ante, p. 171, establishes the following series of sovereigns who ruled at Kanauj during the second half of the ninth century and the first half of the tenth. 1. Bhoja, A. D. 862, 876, and 882. 2. Mahendrapala or Mahindrapala, A. D. 903 and 907. 8. His son Kshitipala or Mahipala, A. D. 917. 4. His son Devapala, A. D. 948.. The identity of our Mahendrapala with the second sovereign of this list is proved (1) by the fact that the inscription belongs to Pehoa, which, as the grant of the horsedealers shows, formed part of the kingdom of Kanauj, and (2) by the close resemblance of the letters of our inscription to those of the grant just mentioned, which makes it im. possible to assume that they are separated by a long interval. If this identification is admitted, our Prabasti must have been incised between A. D. 882 and A. D. 917. With respect to the four Tomaras, mentioned in our inscription, I may add that they possibly may have been in the employ of the kings of Kanauj. But, as no direct statement to that effect ocours, it is impossible to be positive. For Psith adaka-Pehoa was a place of so great sanctity, that even pious men from distant countries may have built temples there, and if strangers did so, their inscriptions, as a matter of course, would mention the ruling king of the country. Equally uncertain remains the relation of these Tomaras to the Tomara dynasties which reigned at Delhi and in Central India. But the early occurrence of the name of this race in Northern India still possesses some interest, and may hereafter, when more documents bearing on the history of the Tomaras are found, become of importance. Though the positive historical results, obtained from this Prasasti, are not very important, its complete publication has nevertheless some value, as it shows how entirely unfounded were the curious deductions made from the earlier imperfect edition. Its contents are now perfectly reconcilable with the information furnished by the other contemporaneous documents. TRANSCRIPT. L. 1. 0 TH ATYT4 [] ara Thadituat focufig wa]g Hala dhaste dhvAntaripau jane vighaTite saste ca tArAgaNe / bhraSTe bhUvalaya gateSu ca tathA rakhAkarISvekatAmekI yamvapiti pra* It may have been Mutlaka, Muzjafa, or Yuzjaka. For the metre requires -- This form of the name is due to the influence of the vernacular Mahind pdl.
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________________ PEHOA PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OF MAHENDRAPALA. 245 L.2. dhAnapuruSa pAyAsa vaH thAcit // [.. dRSTi [pAyAcijagadakhilaM gANi x kAntamUrtex kAntA sabUsphuritasubhaganindhatArAbhirAmA / udyattIvArajalanidhI majjatam zrImukhenduskArajyotyAbhava] []: meragaDakhalasya / [1] ghevaM kuro[vividhapApama]lAbhighAtadarSa kriyAdudayamastasamastatApam / padhAsitaM munignnairditaatmvodhpraastgaaddhtimirprkttprmodai..| [1] pota ---dhI surapathagamane vandanasAvavirga]----tavaDe pralayajaladharasampatamAndradhAraH / nAnAvyAdhipravandhapracurataratama pAvisabhAnuriztatsamantAdhata durita -- [sa]rakhataM vaH / [.np yathyataH khakula -- mRdyayA bhindAna paravalamAnasaM samantAt / sazrImAnayati mahendrapAladevaH zAntAriz zazadharasundaraH zaraNyaH // [5]deg pAsottomaratujavaMzati [lakaraNapratApojvalo rAjA raMjitasAdhutta[dayo durvRttathailAyaniH / nAnA jAula ityapUrvacaritakhyAto dayAlaMvatistatvAlokivilokitakSitipativyApAraladhodayaH / [1]" yena jAtikulaM ka - ~-nItaM para saMpadaM zivArAtikarIndrakubhazakale chAtvIpahAraM bhuvaH / kI. yasya ca nAkanAganikaraNyAsAtaH sAmAghoSava sphuradindusandararacA khasmindhulIlAyitam // [1] pratidiza* Metro, Sardalavikridita. The second, third, and fourth be filled up by arcfe, that in the last perhaps by fare among the bracketed signs, w well as the vowel of the last, are faintly visible. ____MMotre, Praharshipt. The Mof mAnasa has an orna7 Metre, MandAkranta. In the first Pada the first second, the first second, mental tail, turned to the right, to which two small hooks are and fifth among the bracketed syllabla, as well as the vowel attached. The lacuna in the first Pada may perhaps be filled of the third, are faintly visible. in the fourth Pida is by Go not certain; only half viuible. Metre, Sardalavikridits. The restoration in the first * Metre, V antatilaka. It rooms to me that faint traces Pada is purely conjectural. of the bracketed letters are visible. 19 Metre, Sardalarikridita. . Motre, Bragdhart. The lacuna in the first Pada must!
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________________ 246 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L. 8. [mamarANAM mandirAsyucchritApasthagitazayadharANi sphAramAropitAni / jagati vitatabhAsA yena dUraM vibhAnti khayaza iva niroDuM zavo diGgikhAtAH [4] tatsaMtAnamahodadhe pramuditaprodyanujanAtra yAhasAnamauktikAMzanikaraskArIbhavatsampadaH / prakhyAtAdajani vavazatilakaH zrIvabaTAkhyA ra prabhu prAptAzeSamanorathath zubhataravyApAratuGgobatiH // [er" tasya sphuradinduruci: gaurariva jala dhikanyakA jAtA [0] nAnA maGgaladevI jAyA girijava girizastra / [...] tasmAttasyAnajukA prAdurAsIduzcaiz zAntasmatsu nirmaparaSu / krUra x ketu(rArAticakre kruSAsenAkuncagAnaraudre [...]" 10. tasya sphurabizitakhaDganivattazatosvastAndhadInanikaroharaNorakIteH / sadRttaratavanitAtilakAGkakalye kAnte vabhUvaturudAravAcakAnte // [12]" ekA candreti vikhyAtA dvitIyA nAIketi ca / vizi12. STaguNanirmANAhe eva sadanaM triyaH / [15] candrAyAsmamajani gogganAmadheyo dhIrANAM dhuri vinivedhito vidhAcA / bhUnAtho hiSadibhakumbhamedaniryabhuktAbhi[mahitamahItala] zitAsiH / [14]" pa[sa]ta [ca vi-] cakSaNaM kSatavipakSapakSaprabha prabhAkarakarItkaraM khavalasainikAmbhoruhAm / adharmaparipanthinaM tadanu pUrNarAja sutaM khavaMzagaganodara tuhinadIdhitiM nAyikA / [15] karata[la sthagitAdharapakSa vA pratanukAntikapolatalodaram / siSicurasujalaiyadaristriyammalitapracurAlakajAlakAH / [15]" tasya dhAtA guNanidhirabhUmodaro devarAja: "Metre, Malint. Only the lower portions of the brack | Metre, Anuabtaoh. Read nApiti . eted syllables are visible. 19 Metre, Praharshini. The bracketed letters are very "Metre, Sardalavikridita. indistinct, with the exception of the vowels i agd &; the first "Metre, Arya. two look almost like 'gadi. 16 Metre, Balini. * Metre, Prithvl. The bracketed letters are indistinct. Metre, Vasantatilaka. Metre, Dratavilambite. Read 'khu..
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________________ PEHOA PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OF MAHENDRAPALA. 247 sphUrjateja pravihataparasphArasenAndhakAraH / 16. 17. L. 15. naMkSAntaH catakalimala: ciptarAgAdidoSaH snigdhacchAyastakariva tatasmatkAlAnammamUrtiH / [17]" nAmApi prakaTataraM nizamya yasya kruSasya bhukuTitarahitAnanasya / dRptAnA yudhi vikasahigADhabhAsAM sasaMse karatalataH pANadaH / [1 ] yadAsyasarasIra sarasamarthinAM pazyatAbitAntamagamalvaNAljayamupadravo mAnasaH / vyapUrNata ca samApratibhaTAnahantinAM ghaTA vighaTanomukhI samiti yaskha sadyaH pur| [tent ityuhAmaprakaTitaguNohAraramyA x krameNa prAptathIkAN ebhataradhiyasAdhurabAnayopi / viSosaudhAndhatulamahasax kArayAmAsurava vastAstI[vAjavajala]nidhImA-] mandavIdheH / [2.1]" gorona kAritaM madhye pUsarAjena pRSThataH / puratI devarAjena dhanAndhatamasachide / [21 catusmamudrasImAkaM yAvadetabahItalam / damAyatanaM tAvahibhAtu sadanaM zriyaH / [22] dhanvantari[pra]19. tinidhiy zrutasAramUrtimahandhurathuta iti prakaTAbhidhAnaH / kAmbojaja prabhumana x kamalahirepho rAmastha sUnurita kArayitA vabhUva / [25 // " yakSapAlakanAmaiko hitIyo gajarAbhidhaH / pATalA[khya stRtI[yopi prA-] mo bhIgAya kathitaH / [24] pavArya mAnArthaH zreyortha dehasya / saMsAraM dRhoce kartavyA sahudhiH / [2] svakulagaganabhAnuH] -li-raprasatAH zrutavinayavidandhI bhaTarAma kizAsIt / pachata madhuravidhA mu] -sakha "Metre, Mandakranta Motre,Anushtubh. - Metre, Praharshini. Read force. * Metro, V antatilak. The last ayllablo of the first * Metro, Prithvi. Pada is not very distinct. * Motre, Mandakrents. Read vicI'. The brnoketed >> Metre, Anushtabh. The bracketed ayllables have been signs are very indistinct. oonjecturally restored. Motre, Anushtubh. Read degvamasajida. Matre, savitrt. Bad pIye. 20. - Slotere per te realiseren Band firstTbo bem
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________________ 248 L. 21. EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. sUtu excerfanercitiuant unfery >> [241]" vabhUva svadhArIta durlabhAdityasaMjJitaH / X X X lAdityena dhImatA // [ // 27 // ] TRANSLATION. Om Adoration to Madhava! (V. 1.) May that chief male (purusha) Vishnu protect you; he who, alone (remaining) sleeps, when the regent of the night (the moon) has disappeared, when the mountains have completely crumbled away, when the foe of darkness (the sun) has been destroyed, when mankind have been annihilated, when the host of stars has tumbled down, when the circle of earth has fallen, and thus the oceans have become one." (2.) ay lovely Vishnu's beautiful eye, that is pleasing through the quivering of the brow and charming with its resplendent pupil, protect all the three worlds-(the eye) of him who plunges into the ocean of nascent deep love, (of him) whose lustre [is increased by] the great splendour of Lakshmi's moon-like face, (of him) whose cheek is dimpled with smiles, (3.) May the field of Kuru grant a happiness, free from all pain,-(that field) which is able to remove the impurity of sins of many kinds, that is inhabited by crowds of sages, who have destroyed the dense darkness (of ignorance) by gaining the knowledge of the self (and hence) are filled with deep joy.35 (4.) And may that [beautiful] water of Sarasvati's (stream) entirely cut your [bonds of misery-(that water which is) a bost [for crossing the ocean of births], a chariot for travelling along the road of the gods, a cloud such as appears on the destruction of the world, shedding copious showers on the fire of. .. the virtuous (and) a sun to destroy the thick mud-like darkness of a concatenation of various diseases." (5.) Victorious is his glorious majesty Mahendrapala, who is able to bless] his race with prosperity and destroys the courage of the armies of his foes all around, whose enemies are subdued, who is beautiful like the moon and grants protection. (6.) There was a king, Jaula by name, the front ornament of the exalted Tomara race, resplendent with [fiery] bravery, who gladdened the hearts of the virtuous, who was a thunderbolt for (those) mountains, the wicked, who was famous for his wonderful deeds, adorned with compassion, (and) soquainted with truth, who gained prosperity by looking after the affairs of (his) sovereign. Metre, MAlint. The bracketed letters in the first PAda have been conjecturally restored; those in the third are very indistinct, with the exception of the Anusvara and . Read W. fat restorations. 22 Metre, Anushtubb. The verse identifies Vishnu, in accordance with the Vaishnava doctrine, with the supreme Brahman, and describes his condition during the period of the destruction of the world at the end of a kalpa. This verse seems to refer to Vishnu, when he is awake. The words placed between square brackets are, of course, nothing but a conjectural attempt to connect the two ends of the mutilated compound Regarding the sanctity of Kurukshetra, see, e.g., Manu, 11, 19, where, just as here, it is called the Brahmarshidea, the country of the Brahmanical sages. It is mentioned here, because it includes Pehoa, the place where the temple was built. I take in the fourth Pada to stand for and , just as faster in verse 13 line 12) stands for and . The words placed between square brackets are, here and in the sequel, translations of my conjectural
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________________ PEHOA PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OF MAHENDRAPALA. 249 (V. 7.) He conducted his relatives to highest prosperity. , presenting, as offerings to the earth, pieces cut off from the temples of the mighty elephants of his foes; and his fame, that possessed a splendour fair like the glittering moon, assumed the guise of the stream of heaven (Ganga), since it clave to the heavenly elephants and united with the sky. (8.) That (mas), possessed of far-spreading lustre, built in this world in every region numerous palaces of the immortals, that obscure the moon with their lofty tops, (and) they look from afar like posts fixed (by him) at the quarters of the horizon in order to set limits to his fame. (9.) From his famous ocean-like race, that is the home of joyful prospering intimates of princes, that is difficult to overcome, and possesses great riches of numerous resplendent pearls," sprung a lord, called the illustrious Vajrata, the front-ornament of his family, who obtained all his wishes and gained a lofty elevation through most pure business transactions. (10.) He wedded a wife, charming like the glittering moon, called Mangaladevi just as Sauri (Vishnu) (took) the daughter of the ocean (Lakshmt) and Girisa (Siva) the daughter of the mountain (Parvati). (11.) He begot by ber Jajjuka, who (was) exceedingly peaceful among good men who are free from envy, (but) a terrible comet for the army of his invincible foes, that inspired terror through the trumpeting of the angry war elephants. (12.) He (Jajjuka), who cut down his enemies with his sharp sword and gained widespreading glory by succouring the fearful, the blind and the distressed, had two wives, who were almost the front-ornaments of virtuous, attached women, and lovely like the noble moon. (13.) One was famed as Chandra and the second as Nayika; being created out of the most excellent virtues, they were both abodes of happiness. (14.) From Chandra was born a prince, called Gogga, whom the creator placed at the head of firm men, who gladdened the earth with the pearls issuing from the rents in the temples of the elephants of his foes, who possessed a sharp sword. (15.) And afterwards Nayika bore a clever son, Purparaja, a destroyer of the splendour of the adherents of his enemies, a conglomerate of the rays of the sun for those lotuses, the soldiers of his army, a foe of unrighteousness, a moon in the womb of his race (that is pure) like the sky. (16.) The wives of his foes, covering their lips, (red) like young shoots, with their hands, and straightening their rich curls, moistened their hollow cheeks, that possessed little splendour, with the water of their tears. (17.) Devaraja, a store of virtues, was his uterine brother; he who destroyed the dense darkness, the armies of his foes, by a sudden burst of his brilliant courage, (he who was) the abode of forbearance, destroyed the impurity of the Kali age, cast off love and the other sinful passions, and resembled a tree, giving agreeable shade and bending under good fruit.38 37 In order to make the translation less cumbersome, I have not given the second meanings of wgfeaturstars and F. Referred to the ocean, they mean which is the abode of joyful rising snakes and which is difficult to cross." Regarding the meaning of HT, an intimate of a king' (not a dissolute intimate of a king), see the smaller St. Petersburg Dictionary, sub voce. 38 'The double meanings of sindhacchAya and samphalAnavamUrti have been intentionally omitted. 2 1
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________________ 250 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (V. 18.) When the proud foes) whose exceeding brilliancy unfolded itself in the battle merely heard the most famous name of that (warrior) who angrily furrowed his face with frowns, then their strong swords fell from their hands. (19.) When suppliants with rapture looked on his lotus face, their mental anxiety completely vanished in an instant; and the crowd of hostile, trumpeting elephants always shook before him in battle, ready to disperse. (20.) These three (brothers), who thus were lovable on account of the manifestation of extraordinary famous virtues, who gradually gained wealth, who were most pureminded and attached to holy men, caused to be built here temples of Vishnu, who is endowed with unequalled greatness, because they were afraid of the dreadful ocean of existences that is difficult to cross for men of little wisdom. (21.) (The temple) in the middle has been built by Gogga's order, (that) at the back by Parmaraja's, and (that) in front by Devaraja's, in order to destroy the dense, deep darkness. (22.) As long as this earth is bounded by the four oceans, so long may this temple be resplendent as a mansion of Sri. (23.) A man of Kamboja descent, the son of Rama, whose famous name is Achyuta, was here the overseer (karayitd), he who is an image of Dhanvantari, an incarnation of the quintessence of learning, a friend of the virtuous, and a bee on the lotus of the heart of his master. (24.) One village called Yakshapalaka, a second named Gejjara, and a third named Patala, have been assigned for the enjoyment (of the god). (25.) With respect to this (gift), noble protectors of the earth, considering the course of mundane existence, must show an entirely virtuous disposition for the welfare of their bodies. (26.) There was, indeed, a Bhatta Bama, the sun of his sky-like race, attached to . . . . , learned and modest; his son, Mu.... made in play (as it were) this sweetly com pobed, graceful eulogy that is full of sentiment. (27.) Here was a mason named Durlabbaditya. ( His son], wise ... Aladitya, [has engraved it.] * The meaning probably is that the poet wishes the temple to shine in its original splendour (rf) until the end of the kalpa As Dhanvatari is the Indian Asklepion, the statement that Acbyata was his image, may mean that he was a Vaidya by caste, or that he was a docter as well as an architect. Ther , 'a bes on the lotus of the heart of his master, in variation of the more common 974 afrin which did not fit the metro, and means, like the latter, 'an obedient vervant. 4. For the enjoyment (of the god), ey for the templo-service. * I.e., futare kings must not resume the grant
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________________ BILHARI CHEDI INSCRIPTION. 251 XXXI.-BILHARI STONE INSCRIPTION OF THE RULERS OF CHEDI. BY PROFESSOR F. KIELHORN, PH.D., C.I.E.; GOTTINGEN. The stone which bears this inscription' is said to have been found at Bilhari, the Balibri' or Bilheree of the maps, Indian Atlas, quarter-sheet No. 70 8.E., Latitude 23deg 48' North, Longitude 80deg 19 East, described as one of the oldest towns in the Jabalpur District of the Central Provinces. In 1861 it was at Jabalpur, where it was reported to have been carried about 20 years before ;8 and it is now in the Nagpur Museum. The inscription consists of 33 lines which cover a space of about 6' 3" broad by 3' high, and are surrounded by a raised edge all the way round. With the exception of one or two aksharas at the end of the lines, the writing is well preserved up to line 30, and the reading, in consequence, is so far hardly anywhere in the least doubtful. But in the last three lines, as will appear from my transcript of the text, altogether between 30 and 40 aksharas have become illegible, at the lower proper left corner of the stone and in the first half of the last line. The average size of the letters is *". The characters are Nagart of about the eleventh century; they were well and carefully written by Nai, the son of the karanika or writer of legal documents Dhira, and skilfully engraved by Nonna, the son of the artisan Samgama (verse 86). The language is Sanskrit; and, excepting the introductory om om namah Sivaya, the words api cha and kincha in lines 1 and 19, and short passages in lines 30-33, the inscription is in verse. The verses 1 to 45 were composed by Srinivasa, the son of 8thirananda; the remaining verses, at any rate up to verse 78, by Sajjana, the son of Thira (verses 77-78). As a piece of poetry, the inscription possesses little merit, and of its two authors Sajjana is inferior to Srinivasa, both as a poet and as regards his knowledge of the language. In respect of orthography, there are few things that need here be drawn attention to. The letter 6 is throughout denoted by the sign for o. The sibilants are generally employed each in its proper place, and we find the dental sibilant used for the palatal only in visarppat-saurya-, line 14; kerttis-Saivagama., line 20; and shodasika. line 31. Instead of anusvara we have the dental nasal in the interior of simple words in Dansa, lines 3, 21, and 29; vidhoansa, line 4; uttansa, line 6; mansa, line 9; tapansi tejansi, line 20; hansa, line 28;-and at the end of words before a sibilant, e.g., in sansdra, line 24 (twice); epan=sambhavatsu, line 6; itthan-sadvandi-, line 13, etc. Frequently a final m has been left unchanged before an initial o, e.g., in odamvaram=vah and 'tam-dibhrati, line 3; bhuvam=cilebhe, line 8; yam=vikshya, line 14, etc.;-and final n has remained unchanged before j. and 6 in bhagavan=jyotenam, line 16, and gunan=fakshyati, line 26. The dental nasal has been wrongly changed to the lingual in dhenurunnanu, line 18, and it has been wrongly retained in vairagyena, line 21. Before r, t has been 1 The text has been published before, with an abstract of the contents, by Dr. F. E. Hall in the Jour. 41. Soc. Bong. vol. XXX, pp. 317-334; and the contents of the inscription, as furnished by Dr. Hall, have been discussed by Sir A. Cunningham, Archeological Survey of India, Vol. IX, pp. 80 and 102-106. My own text, which will be found to differ in some important particulars from Dr. Hall's, bao bean prepared from two good impressione, one of which I owe to Dr. Burgess and the other to Mr. Fleet Bee Grant's Gazetteer of the Central Provinces, p. 23, and the Imperial Gazetteer of India, second ed., vol. II, p. 13. Jour. 41. Soc. Beng. vol. XXX, p. 322. 2 1 2
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________________ 252 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. frequently doubled, e.g., in Svetatapattrdyitan, line 1; nettrad - Altrer=ddharittri., line 3; Dattattreya, line 5, eto. ;--and, on the other hand, a single consonant has been employed instead of a double consonant in njvalima, line 3; ujsalam, lines 28 and 30;lasadyuo (for "lasad-dyu), line 1; dsidvishaddeg (for dsid-dvishad') and prochchhalajvalao (for prochchhalaj-jraldo), line 4. Lastly, the syllable ri has been used instead of the vowel si in dripta, line 12, and in satyadritaa, line 14. As instances of wrong grammatical forms, I may point out akrita, used in a passive sense (for akari) in verse 54, and the masculine Osrakchandanadin in verse 62, wrongly employed instead of the neuter "srakchandanddini. The inscription may possibly have contained a date at the end of the last line; but, if such was the case, it has become entirely effaced, and is no longer legible. I have already stated that the inscription has been composed by two different authors; and I have no doubt that, what is now its first portion, from verse 1 to 45, originally was, or formed part of, an independent prasasti, and that this original prasasti was renewed and enlarged by the addition of the verses 46-86 of the present inscription, two or three generations after the composition of the first part. The object of the first part (verses 1-45) is, to record that the queen Nohala, the wife of the Chedi ruler) Keyaravarsha, erected a temple of Siva at which the in. scription may be supposed to have been put up; that she endowed this temple with (the revenues of) the villages Dhangatapataka, Pondi, Nagabala, Khailapataka, Vida, Sajjahali and Goshthapali; and that she also gave the villages of Nipaniya and Ambipataka to the sage Isvarasiva, a disciple of Sabdasiva, who again was a disciple of Pavanasiva (verses 40-45). Nohald was a daughter of Avanivarman, & son of Sadhanva and grandson of Simhavarman, of the clan of the Chaulu. kyas (verses 83-87). And her husband Keyuravarsha was a son of the prince Mugdhatunga (verse 18), who was a son of Kokkalladeva (verse 12), described as a descendant of Arjuna (Kartavirya, verse 8), of the tribe of the Haihayas (verse 7), who belonged to the lunar race. Of Kokkalladeva it is recorded (verse 17) that he set up two unprecedented columns of his fame,' which I understand to mean that he was allied with, and supported the rule of, Krishnaraja in the south and Bhojadeva in the north: and Mugdhatunga is eulogised as having conquered the lines of country by the shore of the eastern sea and wrested Pali from the lord of Kosala. The second part of the inscription in verse 46) opens with the statement that Nohald's son by Yuvarajadeva was Lakshmanaraja,- from which it is clear that the prince Keyaravarsha, who is spoken of in the preceding, was surnamed Yuvarajadeva. Lakshmanaraja, called the moon of the Chedis' (verse 56) and the powerful Chedi lord' (verse 19), made over the sacred building, which had been founded by Nohald to certain sages whose spiritual lineage is detailed in verses 48-58. On his warlike expedi. tions he is said to have reached the shores of the western ocean, where he worshipped Bive at the famous temple of someb varat or Somanatha in Gujarat; and he also is reported to have defeated the ruler of Kosala, and to have despoiled him of a valuable effigy of KAliya which had been obtained from the lord of Odra, and which subsequently * The same story is told of Yavarhjadora, the father of Kokalla, in the Karanbel inscription of Jayasimbadova. Sve Indian Antiquary, vol XVIII p. 316.
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________________ BILHARI-CHEDI INSCRIPTION. 253 Was by Lakshmanaraja likewise dedicated to Somesvara (verses 59-63). His son was Samkaragana (verse 64), and the younger brother of this prince was Yuvarajadeva (verse 67). Nothing of historical importance is recorded of either of these two brothers. We have then here presented to us the following line of Chedi princes :(1.) Kokkalladeva; supported Keishoardja in the south and Bhojadeva in the north. (2.) His son Mugdhatunga; wrested Fali from the lord of Kosala. (3.) His son Keyuravarsha-Yuvarajadeva; married Nohala, the daughter of the Chaulukya Avanivarman. (4.) Their son Lakshmanardja; defeated the king of Kosala and worshipped Somesvara in Gujarat. (5.) His son Samkaragana. (8.) His younger brother Yuvarajadeva. Reserving a full account of the history of the Chedi rulers for a future oecasion, I will only state here that I agree with Sir A. Cunningham in assigning the Kokkalla. deva of this inscription to the end of the ninth century A. D., and in distinguishing him from Kokalladeva, the son of Yuvarajadeva and father of Gangeyadeva, of other Chedi inscriptions, who must have lived about 100 years later. For there can be no doubt that the Krishnaraja and Bhojadeva, who are spoken of as his contemporaries, are the Rashtrakata Krishna II., whom we know to have married a daughter of Kokkalla." and who reigned from about A. D. 875 to about A. D. 911, and Bhoiadeva of Kanauj, for whom we have the dates A. D. 862, 876, and 882, and who had ceased to reign in A. D. 903. And considering this point to be certain, I feel no hesitation in assigning our inscription to about the end of the 10th or the beginning of the 11th century A.D.,-a period to which it may be assigned also on palaeographical grounds. There are still one or two points in our inscription which may here be drawn atten. tion to. The account of the sages who are mentioned in connection with the prince Lakshmanaraja opens by glorifying a place Kadambaguha (verse 48), and mentions a prince, named Avanti, who apparently made over to one of the sages a town which was perhaps called Mattamayara. These and one or two other) names occur also in an inscription at Ranod, which has been edited in the Jour. 48. Soc. Beng. yol. XVI, p. 1080, but which must remain useless for the elucidation of the present inscription until it has been edited properly. Besides, we find towards the end of our inscription, between verses 83 and 84, the names of the towns Tripuri, Saubhagya. pura. Lavananagara, Durlabhapura, and Vimanapura (R), the inhabitants of which would seem to have had to contribute towards the support of the temple founded by Nohala. Of these towns, which no doubt all belonged to the Chedi kingdom, Tripurt has been identified with the village of Tewar near Jabalpur, and Saubhagyapurn probably is the town of Sohagpur in the Hoshangabad District; the others I am unable to iden. tify. And lastly, it may be pointed out that verse 86 contains a curious reference to the poet Rajasekhara, whom in my account of the Siyudoni inscription I have shown to have flourished at the beginning of the tenth century A.D. The manner in which See Fleet, Dynasties of the Kanare Districts, pp. 17 and 36-36. . See ante, p. 171.
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________________ 254 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA his name is mentioned here,' shows that he must have been a poet of great repute about the commencement of the eleventh century. In conclusion, it may be stated that, of the villages which are said to have been granted by the queen Nohala, Pondi has by Sir A. Cunningham been identified with the village of Pondi which still exists 4 miles to the north-west of Bithari, and that, according to the same authority, Khailapataka most probably is now represented by Khailwara, 6 miles east-north-east of Bilhari. TEXT.' L. 1. poM" [*] po namaH zivAya / pAyAhaH sa samastamaMgalanidhiH zacIjaTAjUTako ya[smiM]molalasadyu(yu)maNDalagalanmandAkinIvAribhiH / gADhagranthinipIDitoragapatiprasmAraphulatkaNA-1 bhImavyAvRtavanamAratakRtaiH khetAtapannAyitaM // "-[1]. api ca // avyAhazcandracUDasya locanAcimata: zikhA ["] mitrameSa smarasyeti dagdhaM vidhumivohatA / -[2]. yaM khelAya SaDAnanaH zizatayA kRtvA grahaM mArgati graMtho yaca 2. durodaraH purabhido devyA samaM dIvyataH // (1) kelIkopakathAsa yena tanute hetikriyA pArvatI pAyAhaH sa jaTAvanaikakusuma zAvaH sudhAdIdhitiH // -[3]. dikSu prekhAbhiyogapravalitavalanAvibhramAkANDacaDe dordaNDAnA prakAmaprathimabhiranilaidaramumAritAm / kiMca prasphAracArInamadavanivazAyoni yAta mahattAmavyAdavyAhateccha vipuravijayinastAkhavADamva(mba)ra va:"."-[4]. vanzana" somasaMbhUtI vAcaM nikSipatA mayA [*] hanta hastairupakrAntA mohena viyato mitiH // -[5]. vAcAmujva(ca)limApi nAsti yadi me tasvIya'mAnovate rasmAdeva mahIyasaH zazabhUto vaMzAtma sampatsyate [] yahA pazya nisargakAlimabhuvopyAbhadAnacchaTAH dhIrodanvati kina sAtitastacchAyatAviJcati // -[6]. Notwithstanding Dr. Hall's somewhat guarded state ment to the contrary, RAjabekhara had nothing to do with the composition of this inscription. * Sir A. Cunningham's Archaeological Survey of India, vol. Ix, p. 104 From two impressions, one taken by Dr. Burgess, and the other by Mr. Fleet. WExpressed by a symbol. Originally qfa: deg; but the sign for visarga is struck out. - Metre, Sardalavikridita. Metre, Bloka (Anushtabh). Metre, Sardulavikridita. 1 ReaddegraH pAubara in ordinarily used ma masculine noun. * Metre, Sragdhara. - Read baMzava. 1 Metre, Bloks (Anushtabh). Read oat frafa. *Metre, Sardalarikricita
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________________ L. 4. 5. 6. 7. BILHARI CHEDI INSCRIPTION. netAdatheIritrIdhavalanasuhRdAM dhAma dhAnAsudaMcalokAlokaM yadA pa prabhavamatalinadhvAntavidhvanmahetuH " soyaM somAbhidhAnastilakayati kalA maulimasyaiva zambhoramAdeva mahattaH kimaparamayamapyanyayo haihayAnAM amiMca vandyatamatAGgamite (budhAdherAdhenRpairnRpatiravuna tyudA / AsIddi(hi)SadvipinakarttanakIrttanIyakIrtticchaTAcchuritadIrghadigantarAlaH // - [8]. [7]. yahacastaTatADanAtitara vyAkhyAtAmAlika rAjitama kariyA devAdhipaH kApyagAt / lIlojJAlita []]"rvvaparvvatapatestasyApi laGkApate vyavasAyino yadabhavatkhyAtipramANaM hi tat // " - [9] . dattAtreya iti prakAmakamalAjIlAyitAnAmyaI yo devA tamatitivacaH prItyA yamanyagrahIt / ke vA tadguNavarNane vayamaho kiM phalgubhirjalpite ndhe sAthi ca vAvarbhagavatI taTa sukhati // - [10]. tatastatatpuruSavratavratatipatitaH kati nA bhavan / taruNatArakarAjaparAjayavyasani (na) kIrttibhuvaH patayo bhuvaH // - [11]. mevAzva"kamamanu manujAparyatAmAdadhAnI dhanyAnAmekasImA samupanatamahImakalAkha lAbhaH / jAtaH kozadevI daladahitalatAdAhadAvAyamAno mAnottantasya yasya cibhuvanavalayavyApanobhUtpratApaH // - [12]. bhuvanavijayahetorbhuktamaryAdayAdasmadanalaDitalo leryahale smamvalanniH" / atalinatarabhArambhrazyadurbI viSIdatyacaphalakakalAyo bhogibharttA va (ba) bhUva - [13]. zyAmAzaGkSibhirAkulairvvijaghaTe cakrAtrayAnAndayebhodAgamavisvameNa vidadhe lAsyotsavaH kekibhiH / bhagnAlokamakANDa eva ca dRzAmAndhyena leme padaM senArajasi kramAdavanitastArApace tuSya (?) ti 1 - [14]. belAvanapraNayisainyabhare ca yu manyahirAkulakulAdrinibherimendreH / 'sabhbhrAntamandaragiresmayasya tasya kAlAi (Da) hoH smaraNamApa nidhirvvatAnAM // - [15] . (pasa) 20 Read deg vidhvaMsa . sa Metre, Sragdhard. 33 Metre, Vasantatilaka. Originally zA, altered to za. Metro, Sarddlavikridita and of the next verse. 28. Metre, Drutavilambita. Bead teSvevaM sambha 2* Read mAnottaMsasya. 2 Metre, Sragdbard. 30 Read deg caleyavakhati:.. Metre, Malint. "Metre, Sardalavikridita. as Metre, Vasantatilaka. 255
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________________ 256 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L.8. banyantaTamAdadAne dAnavasenAgajabhacanena / pamAthikAnazakuntacakrapakranda duHkhAdiva icajAlaM // -[16]. likhA jAtyA yena pRthvImapUrvazIrtistacandamArIpyate sma / kothoDavyAndizyasau kaNarAja: kauveryAca dhInidhi vadevaH // -[17]. ba(ba)bhUva tabAdatha mundhatAstuskhilIkyAmaparo na yamAt / diyaba yaH viSa vijetukAmaH kAmastamacu suvagvile "-[18]. payA saMpAmalAH parava(ba)laparidhaH pazavaH kopavalyA" preyo daryasva mitraM sucaritasali lasyendranIlapraNAlaH / bhAkhA pauryadumakha prasaraNasaraNizAkhatI sAhasAnA bhAsIbavAsirava pradhanaparikarArabhiNaH prItipAnaM -[19]. . vasAitAlavarmA truTitanigirIdhAridhAvatyAva(ba)ndha DAkurbaNDAkiDimba(ba) mukhvi(vi)lvilstsmmukholaamukhiivN| "mAnmapAsAbhilASakhanadabhivazivAbhairavArAvaraudraM 'raudra yo dhAma"vi(vi)mabatisamaramiti SicakrapakAra / -[20]. upavipinabhuvI nidhanasAnAmadhivasatA kaTakena yaskha yAtuH / 10. cayavicalAdhUkarApadigupitavidumapAnavA va(ba)bhUvuH / -[21]. vipitavilAsA vIcayo vArirAriza sa vasa(1)ti vAyuH kerliikeshikaar| sArati bhujAmaurabha bhUgahANAmiti malayasamIpe yahicArAH pracekaH // -[22]. vicitya pUrvAmburabodhikUlapAkhI: pAlIsamAdAya ca kIsalendrAt / nirantarobAsitavairidhAmA dhAmAdhika: khApatiya pAsIt // -[23]. gauDIgADhamanImanorayakaraH karNATakAntAkuca zrIDAsataTIvihArahariNI lATIlalATAmadaH / kAmI rIvihitamaravyatikarastasmAtvasiGgAnAmahAnavyasanI sanItinayanaH keyUravarSobhavat // -[24]. pAyApAlaparAjayAya janitantrailokyamApadaM saindheryasva yugAntakalikalanaIttaprayAcairapi / ma protimavApa pArapaTalaM bhUyoragItahiSa (ja)ndIhandavaharilocanapayaHpUragutAyAM bhuvi / -[28]. 11. / Metre, Sragdhara. -Metre, Parbpitagra. Originally sunakosaurabha, but the sign for fis struck out. * Metre, Upajati. * Metro, Salini. Read bhurva pirIme. # Metre, Upajati. -Rand bIpanAyA.. >> Metro, Sragdhara * Randir * This word is quite clear in the impressions. *Metre,MAlint. * Metre, Upajati. GMetre, Berdalarikridita; and of the next verses
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________________ BILHARI CHEDI INSCRIPTION. 257 13. yasaMyati prakaTapATitakubhikubhamulAphalapacayavAsuvAsa devaH / bhUyonipItaDhapIDanavegavAntavideSikIrtikarakIrvamivAsida -[28]. pA kailAsAdaL. 12. nalasalasatyArbatIkeliva(ba)bIrAca prAcazikharivaratI bhAkhaduvAsabhUmaH / pArAtItadanu payasAmA pratIcIpi patyu yasenAnAmahitanidhitAnantatApaH prtaapH| -[27]. pracalviprathara] praghAtavigazavIzAlolojasa tAlIkarayantapIDanavazamayasApAlAkhibhiH / yasastAra savistara raNabhuvaH kopobATAbhi(i)va "diptressipirobhirgv(b)rcriinendhibhaagaapitH| -[28]. devo rudrAvatAratribhuvanabhavanottacano deva eva tyAgI deva: pramAdhabRpati niyamane gandAma devaH / ratvasandihandaraviralavisasacATuvAdaM vadadhi yasthAsthAnasthitAnAmasamamasudA vidhathe cittAttiH --[29]. bharabAjo nAma cutakaluSadoSasamabha[va] ba e[ka] sarveSAmupazamadhanAnAmadhipatiH / tadIyAttejastaH satakalazavAsAbadabhava savai bhAratAjastribhuvanacamavAricaritaH // -[80]. trailokyAvadhi yasya kIrtilaDita samora vAcAvadhi yatvopaH pralayIpapabamahimA mApana caapn| va[M]mbA nayavikra maikajaladhaH vintakha yakhAbhavasolAkharbata[za]"garvagarimA viSamubhadrApatiH // -[31]. kodaNDatANDavanapaDitavA(bA) dalahaDakADabharakhaDitapANusainyam / yamvIya vikSatavipacaparAjayAzamatyAdri(da)tama tapasopi satavAcAla / -[32]. padhAkSepAtena drupadavipadovatadhiyA yadAttaM thApAbhastaralitakarAva(ba)padhulukam / pumAnAsIttathigvijaya iva sAcAdanucataM kulaM caukhuvAnAmanaNaguNasIma prabahate-[83]. vibhavati ca vi[sa][sau(cau)]ryasaundaryava 14. 48 Metre, Vasantatilakar Metre, MandAkrant. DW This akshara originally was , but the vowel appears to have been struck out. __ Read ila'; this alteration may have been made already | in the original. Metre, Birdalavikrilita. - Read tvaMsa'. "Metre, Bragdhara. * Metre, Bikharint. WRead am bA. 7 Originally IT, altered to WMetre, Sardalarikridita. * Read yIcya. 60 Metre, Vasantatilaka. IMetre, Sikharini. .
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________________ 258 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L. 15. 16. yacitidharaparipATIsUcite tana mone racitacaTulacApAvaSTiyASTAzitabIrabhavahavanivarmA vizvavikhyAtakaryA -[34]. pitAmaho yatvalu siMhavarmA pitA ca yahIravaramadhanyaH / jagatyatIvAtipayomuneva mahAnubhAvatvamatIpi yattu / -[86]. yasya tyAgasakalajanatApAsadAridrAmudro vailAva(ba)dhucitidharadarIcAritAriH pratApaH / ISTe aSTama"yadi gavanAntahulAnAvidhAtu-00 vAcAndhenuraNa (ba)nu bhagavatI bhAratI yakha vazyA -[36]. rudrANImiva bhUpatA parihaThI lakSImivAmInidhiH kAlindImiva bhAskarasa bhagavAnyo(sI)mAmivAncesmutaH / vaidezImiva jAnakaH kratuvidhiH zrInohalebajutaM kanyA nAma lalAma tAsa suSuve sAmantacintAmaNiH -[37]. bhartaH putImatanayeva mAvAnA cA(kA)yeva daSTatamasA mahasAca patyuH / devasya sA ratiriveyarAsanasya keyUravarSapataI yitA va(ba)bhUva / -[38]. devyA tayA madajalATayeva dantI vA(bA)lapravA(bA)lakhatayeva taTaH pyodhH| . puSpazciyeva ca tAstaDitava meghaH zobhA sa kAmapi va(ba)bhAra narendracandraH // -[39]. nirmApitanmukhatasAtaye" tayedamacASAprazikharakhalitoNarazmi / devasya mandiramamApraNayakava(ba)ndho[:] syAnAvati khayazasAmiva cakravAlam // -[40]. pAkAzayAnakramakheditAnAmaDodhinAyastha turAmANAm / phenAmkhumbu)bhirvisyaniSicamAnA manye samudAnti na yatyatAkAH // "-[41]. viTAbhAgeSu (vRhatsu yasya varSAsa tAmalasArakasya / pAzleSavatyo navameghamAlAH pArAvatAlItulanAmvanti // "-[42]. pAsImAdhuma[1]. yaH pavanazivastamanu jayati zabda(bda)zivaH / zarathivaH punAti ca tasyAntevAsitAmmukhatI" // "-[43]. tasmai taponidhAnAya nipaaniiyaambi(mbi)paattko| dattau vidyAdhanatvena pAmAvapAmyayA tayA // "-[44]. dhATapATakapolInAgava(ba)lA[:"] khelapATako vIDA / sabjAhalI ca dattAH smarAraye goSThapAlI ca"-[45]. 18. Motre,MAlint. Metre, Upendravajri. " Read spaSTa sa. * Rand parigavanA.. * Read pAnAM vidhAtuM vAcA. Metro, Mandak ranta. -Read " Metre, Sard Alavikridita. 1 Metre, Vasantatilaka , and of the two next verses. Read nirdhApita salata 79 Metre, Indravajra. - Read deg tulanA vahanti. 70 Metre, Upajati. 7. ReaddegvAsitA sakatI. 7Metre, Ary&. 77 Metre, Sloka (Arusbtubh). Metre, Arya
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________________ L. 19. 20. BILHARI CHEDI INSCRIPTION. khyAtaH zrIyuvarAjadevanRpatestasyAmabhUdbhUpatiH zrImalakSmaNarAja UrjitamahA bhAsvAnivAbhyunataH / bhUbhRttuGgazirIbhiradvirucayo yasevitAH zrI [vi] [tA:] kAmaM yaH kamanIyasundaraguNairbraSyeliMgAya smaram // - [46]. yasyAhave dRDhanipIDitakhanakoTinirjharitArikarikumbhasamuGgavena / vIraciyaH citita ticatuSkaM tAlena natu kAra[47]. kica // sA kadamva (ba) guhA mAnyA macAsItsiGghasantatiH / tasyAH punarabhUddandyo rudrazambhurbhunIzvaraH // "---[48]. tatra prabhAvamahanIyatamaya taya micobhayanyagati mattamayUranAthaH / niHzeSalakSmaNamayImapatyena sahAmita[[]ra maho nRpateravanteH // - [49]. tasyAdabhUvanamacchanatAmavAsI bhUpAlamaulimapikAntibhiracitAMtriH / zrIdhamadhuracitAmalakAntakIrbhika (yo vAgamAmbu(bu) nidhipAramitastapobhiH // - [[00]. asmAtsadAzivaH ziSyastaporAzirabhUnRpaiH / "yatpAdaddayamvandhamarcitaM zekharAMzubhiH // - [51]. amAdabhUvAthumatayanAmA" micaH sudhAmA phalamUlavRttiH / tapAdhi tejAti" ca yaca vAsamananyasaMkrAntiguyena cakuH " [52]. amacUDAzivaH zivI vandanIyatamobhavat / 21. karmaNAsamalaM yena nItamastaM mumukSuSA / " [08]. 1 atha sakalaguNAnAmAkarastasya ziSyo hRdayazivasamAjo yadyazodyApi va nRpamukuTaniviTe mANikacakrera paracamUnaM kAntamekAntavandha [54]. vidyAnAM nilayena yena sudhiyA satyavratenAdhika zrImamAmateyavanyavitatA" kIrtticiraM ptaa| [65]. kiJca kSmA camayAmbu(mbu) da: samatayA maryAdayAmbhonidhirAmpena (ca) jita: maraH sa bhagavAnyasyApadaM na [tu] 22. kissI sunipuGgavIdhavA zrIcediSandrI nRpatiH kRtAdaraH / sadRttadUtaprahitairupAyanaiH pradarzya bhaktimbidhinAninAya" yam // " - [56]. zrImaparAjIpi ta sutapase svayam / maThaM zrIvaidyanAthasya bhaktiyuktaH samArpayat // " - [57]. 70 Metre, Sarddlavikridita. The reading zrIyuvarAjadevaTa - | patestadeg in the first line of this verse is quite distinct and | certain, and is not ? nRpatista See also below, note on the translation of verse 46. * Metre, Vasantatilaka. at Metre, Sloka (Anushtubb). Metre, Vasantatilaka; and of the next verse. Road yasya pAdacayaM bandha 84 Metre, Sloka (Anushtubh). & Originally deg mAteya, altered to mateya . 85 Read tapAMsi tejAMsi st Metre, Upajati. Metre, Sloka (Anushtubb). * Metre, Malini. 90 Read vaMzavitatA. sa Metro, Gardalavikridita. * Read bhakti vidhinA as Metre, Varnsastha. 94 Metre, Sloka (Anushtubh) and of the next verse. 2 x 2 259
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________________ 260 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L.23. 24. khIsatyApi munirbhUyo maThaM zrInauralekharam / adhIrazivaziSyasya sAdhuttasya dattavAn // -[58]. patha sa vihitavatyadinAthaH samarthaH karituragasamanaH matasAmantapattiH / dighamatiza yarayA sammatane pratIcImahitajanitabhItirdavivArapracAra -[39]. samarahAtavikArAvikrameNa prAtya praNatanRpatidattopAyanairSitAmaH / padayanihitavittararthinA pUritAzo jalanidhinasalaM mainyacakra cakAra / -[80]. nimajdha yo khanidhI zrImAnsImasAraM manaH / abhyacI kAcanaH parathAnyattu nyavedayat // -[61]. jitvA kosalanAthamopatagatastu yaH kAliyo rakhavaparNamayaH sa yena vi[f] tamomezarAbhyAnam / dabA(cA) yaH karivAjirAbhavasamasacandanAdInpunaH : "sansAratramazAntayetivinatastuSTAva tuSTaH prabhuH // -[62]. pasAraM sansAraM yAmanute kopi kR[pa]ti svadaMtriSyAnatyA viglittmaasttv(c)nirtH| na tasya zrIbhUyo vika[ti]taye jamavirahA diti dhyAnAviSTaH zivamahasi cittaM vihitavAn / '-[63]. zrI[sa] paragaNastasmAdabhUmIvaro mahAn / yatpAdAnma viSanirapi sevitam // '-[84]. saMkhyesaMkhyavipakSa pacadasanavyAsajivAvrataM yasyAsIhaDhasAhasasya satatandAnaM janAnandavat / rUpaNApratimo manobhavabhavaM darya bahArovataM yaH sarvaca ca sarvakAlamavanInAyaH stutaH kovidH| -[66]. yatpAdayapadmasama vitataM bhUtairabhUSitaM bhUpAnAM mamatA kirITavikaTaprAntasvarAzabhiH / vacIratanidhisamAcitavatI' samIH krameNAgatA vIrazrIraparaiva yasya nRpateH kauzeyadhArAtrayA / -[86]. tasya zrIyuvarAjadevatR-- paticItA kanIyAnabhUpairyacaraNAravindapatitai jarivA[F]sthitam / yaH satyavratasatva(ca) sUklivasatiH zrIvikrIkAzrayaH prAyastasya na sabjanopi sakalAnvazaM guNAnyA (vyA)yati // -[87]. 26. * Metro Malins; and of the next verse. originally omitted, and is engraved below the line. And the * Metre, Bloka (Anushtubb). The akshara in brackets akshara for of forefa may have been altered to T. was originally dhI. I Metre, Sikharini. * Rend saMsAra. Aletre, Sloka (Anushtubh). ++Metre,Sardalavikrilita. Metre, Sardulavikridita; and of the next six verse's. . Read #T. The akshara 9 of the word zufa was! Read fuf f .
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________________ L. 27. 28. 29. 30. BILHARI CHEDI INSCRIPTION. DrAkoTivipATanIpravadanaH zUrakharo' mAdhurI 'nevraprAnta vikIcakIpadadhiraH pAdamacArAyudhaH / yenAkramya bhujena bhUmipatinA sAsava (vakramI dekhI vyAputotibhayadaH matrIbhUtA pAcinA - [88]. kandapyabhinaya: pura vinayanaprItipradIpyanyathA yaH kAlaH karavAlakoTivihatasthUlebhakumbhasthalaH / cicaM yaca sarakhatItaratiH zrIkaNThapUjAparacAturavicAracAracaturo yathArthacintAmaciH // - [(00). yastrota (zu)bragajendramAna galAnAmbu (bu) bhisiMcitaM vAvArivivizatijJasucitajJAnena tanvIcanaH / saMprApyodanitamba (ba) tADananamanyastAstavarIcIparya saII' sArasaurameNa mahatA nirvyAjamAyojita: // [70]. rAmANAM ku camaNDaleSu niyataM hAraprakArakramA saMpUrNe mabhimaNDale ca vimale jyotmAcchalenovya (ba) sam / madhe mAnasavAri yas vitate sAvalIvizvamA ' nyAyeSamApate basato vicAntimAnAdyayaH // - [71]. saMpUjya devamIzAnagvibhaveH " svaryathociteH / yathAgamaM yayAmAcaM zocavihitavAvRpaH" " [73]. avicalitamanobhiryaistvamIma citIthervvibhAvavihitakRtyairiSyase te jatArthAH / yaha [tavi?] - kArA manmathe kAntacitA (tA) bhavati varada teSAM saMpadumAdahetuH // " - [78]. samadakarighaTAbhiH kiM kimaGgAGganAbhinaMdanamayanalIlAM bhAvayantIbhirAbhiH / kanakaturagavAsoratnajAna bhavati bhvaaniiyaat|| [74]. bhavati nRpatiyandhI" janma pRthvI bhogyA zrutamucitavicAracArarUpaprabhAvaH / samaravijaya saMpattasya yo niHprapacacaraNayugalamUlaM saMcita maharA - [75]. [[kimica] (a) saturbhavatu bhavati nityaM bhaviyogI mamekaH / sakalasukhavizeSAzyana pIyUSavarSaH svayamanubhavagamyo jAyate tvamasAdAt // - [76]. bhUpacayayamIrAzivaccainaM prathamaM khatam / zrImatA zrInivAsena zrIsthirAnandasnunA // - [77]. * Originally krUraHkharI, but visarga struck out The of was originally omitted and is engraved below the line. 7 The second and third aksharas of this word are somewhat indistinct, but the two signs for anusvara are quite elear. * Originally mAnye, altered to ambe. * Read Tdeg. 261 10. Read deg jAnaM vibhaveH. 11 Originally fr; read fret farfedeg. Motre, Bloki (Anushtubh). 18 Metre, Malini; and of the next three verses. 14 Bond paMje 14 Road niSpaca 10 Motre, Bloka (Annsbtabh) and of the next verse.
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________________ 262 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. IJ L. 31. bhUpatInAM trayANAM tu kIrtikIrtanamunya(jva)lam / vihitaM [sa]janenAtha sudhiyA thIrasUnunA // -[78]. pttnmnnddpikaayaaN| lavaNa[sva khaDikAyAM(?)So]-" []si(zi)kA ghAyake c[ssodd]"ghoddsi(shi)kaa| telasya mAsi mAse dinamanu ca yugAyuge ca paurastu / -[79]. pUgaphalamaricaNDIprabhRtiSu bhASu bha[2]kapaurastu / vIthIM prati ca kapI chUtaka[pa]Astu yAkavArtAkam / -[80]. rasavaNijAmAdAyastaNapUlakadhI[marAdi yavicit / datte karI catuSTayamA turako yantu paurANAm // -[81] yahAda[ya]hAnaM kimapi ca vidyAdhanantaduhiSTam / ya[?] . . . . . ":[pusyatrI?] [ka]tayaH pravartante // -[82]. yatra ca dhInohalebaramaThe zrImadaghorabhivA[cAryobhUt / kacini[cAha]ttiH kacidapi ca zAkAbhyavatiH kacinmUlAhAraH kvacidapi sa kaMdAMca vu(bu)bhuje / para jyoti: zaivaM vigalitarajaskAzvatamasaM vi(vi)civabI yAto viSaviSayave[ga]sya kalanAm // -[83]. teneyaM prazastiH sAtimAnItA // bIcipurI[saubhAgyapuralavaNanagaradurlabhapuravimAna[pa]ra . . . 32. 33. . . . "[bhi?]: kATha[1]SaH pratyahamaSa racitaH samAnayaH / [deva] . ......[cArA-cAsadAraNi / -[84]. suniSTava(bandhaghaTanA vismitkviraajshekhrstutyaa| pAstAmiyamAkalyaM ativa kIrtiSa pUrvA ca // -[85]. kAyasthavIsIkasya // karaNikadhIrasutena tu nAInAnA prazastirAlikhitA / satsUca[dhA][sa]matanUjanobena covIrA // -[86]. khakI[ya] . . . . . . . . . . ...." 1 The aksharas in these brackets are doubtful, particularly the three last. 18 The two akaharas in brackets appear to bave been struck out. 19 Metre, Giti; and of the next three verses. 10 The akshara was originally omitted, and in engraved below the line. " Here about five aksharas are illegible in the impressions. * Metre, Sikharini. * Here about nine aksharas are illegible. * Here two or three aksharas are illegible. Metre, Arya (P). *6 Metre, Arya and of the next verse. + Here about fourteen akakaras are illegille iu the impressions.
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________________ BILHARI CHEDI INSCRIPTION. 263 TRANSLATION. Om ! Om! Adoration to Siva! (Verse 1) May Sambhu's matted hair, that store of all blessings, protect you!(that hair) on which the ever-moving waters of the Mandakini, flowing down from the shining vault of heaven, appear like a white umbrella, upheld as they are by the breezes from the opened mouth, terrific through the broad expanding hoods, of the lord of serpents, pained by being drawn into a tight knot! Moreover : (2.) May the flame of the fire of the eye of the moon-crested (Siva) guard you, which flares up as it were to burn the moon, because she is a friend of the god of love! (3.) May Sarva's nectar-rayed (moon), the unique flower in the wood of his matted hair, protect you!-that (moon) which the six-faced (Karttikeya), child as he is, lays. hold of and seeks to play with; which is the stake when the destroyer of Pura is playing at dice with Devi; (and) which Parvati uses as a missile, when in jest she is talking angrily!" (4) May the gigantic dance of the conqueror of Tripura guard you to the full extent of your desires !-(that dance) at which the quarters are made far to recede by the mighty blasts of wind raised by his massive arms, suddenly become terrific through his graceful movements when he throws his full energy into the act of dancing, and at which the sky rises high, because the earth bends down beneath his violent evolutions! (5.) Applying my speech to this family which is descended from the moon, I, alas! vainly attempt to measure the sky with my hands. (6.) And yet, even though I possess no brilliant speech, it will surely come to me from this great family of the moon whose rise I celebrate. Or do not, mark! the streams of rutting-juice of the elephants of the quarters, though by nature the seat of black colour, acquire the bright hue of the milky ocean, when brought into contact therewith ? (7.) That abode of lustre, loving to brighten the earth, which took its origin from the eye of Atri, which rises up to the Lokaloka mountains and disperses the most profound darkness,-men call it the moon. It is the moon's crescent that decorates Sambhu's head; from the moon too sprang, need I say more? this race of the Haihayas. (8.) And in this (race) which was rendered an object of reverence by (those) primeval princes, Budha and the rest, there was a noble prince, named Arjuna, who overspread the wide quarters with the lustre of his fame, praiseworthy because he cut down the enemies like forests. (9.) What became of that lord of Lanka even," who with ease had coaxed Sarva and the lord of the mountains, when he ventured on hostility with him,-(that lord of Lanka, before whom) the lord of the gods went, nobody knew where, on his elephant, The noun is generally feminine (T). I am doubtful about the meaning of the word, which I have translated by 'stake. Both and are given as synonyms of . See, eg., Vishnupurana, Wilson's translation, p. 417: RAvana... was taken prisoner by Kartavirya (Arjuna), and confined like a tame beast in a corner of his capital. Matsyapurdna, adhy. 43; Harivamia, adby. 33.
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________________ 264 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. when it took fright at the fire which issued from the thunderbolt as it vibrated and broke in striking (Ravana's) broad chest,-that indeed truly tells his renown. (Verse 10.) Of him whom the divine Dattatreya," that home of the amorous dalliance of fortune, favoured with the gracious promise of sons,--who, I ask, are we to describe the excellencies? What is the use of empty babbling? In his case even the goddess of speech, I fancy, is certainly embarrassed. (11.) Then, how many rulers of the earth did not spring from him, a tree whose creeping-plants were the vows of good men in which he engaged,-(rulers) renowned for their zeal in defeating kings who were (like) newly risen Tarakas psi (12.) Among them who thus came one after another, was born, filling men with wonder, Kokkalladeva, supremely fortunate (and) swaying the orb of the earth like Indra; who to rising enemies was what a forest-fire is to expanding creepers, (and) whose prowess, adorned as he was with self-confidence, filled the circumference of the three worlds. (13.) Whose forces, moving hither and thither to conquer the earth, like the sea which sweeps over its shores, when met together, by their excessive weight pressed down the earth, and thus laid low the several broad hoods of the lord of serpents. (14.) When the dust raised by his army gradually ascended from the earth and rolled about in the sky, the pairs of Chakravaka birds, apprehending the approach of night, became flurried and separated; the peacocks, thinking the clouds had come, held a dancing festival; and, deprived of sight, the eyes of a sudden were struck with blindness. (15.) When the lordly elephants of his large army which was fond of the woods by the sea-shore, resembling huge mountains in crowds plunged into the water, the ocean after a long time was reminded of that occasion when the Mandara mountain was whirled about in it. (16.) And when the elephants of his army, while he occupied the slopes of the Vindhya, excited with rut were breaking (the trees), the forest, with its swarms of birds unmelodiously chirping, cried out as it were with pain. (17.) Having conquered the whole earth, he set up two unprecedented columns of his fame, in the quarter of the pitoher-born (Agastya)" that well-known Krishnaraja, and in the quarter of Kuvera" Bhojadeva, a store of fortune. (18.) From him then was born Mugdhatunga, than whom nobody is more exalted in the three worlds; and who, desirous of conquering the quarters, when he had overthrown the enemies, what country did he not make his own p (19.) Whose sole object of affection, when he was preparing for contests, was his sword,-a couch for the fortune of battle, a club for (the destruction of) hostile forces, a sprout of the creeper-anger, a dear friend of pride, a sapphire-channel for the watergood conduct, a branch of the tree-bravery, an endless path for bold deeds to proceed by. (20.) Who, possessed of terrific splendour, in every battle so handled the host of enemies that the crowds of goblins were exulting, that men carried their heads broken, Dattatreya was an incarnation of Vishnu. See Bhagavatapurana, IX, 23, 23. Taraka was a Daitya who was conquered by Indra. i.e., in the south. i.e., in the north. Compare Raghuvamia, XV, 108. If I understand the verse rightly, the word f in the second line is superfluous; and with prep. f is employed in an unusual sense.
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________________ BILHARI CHEDI INSCRIPTION. 265 and that headless corpses were running away, that the young imps were howling, that the fire of fire-mouthed goblins met the eye blazing forth from the hollows of sculls, and that all was terrific with the fearful ill-boding cries of jackals howling in their desire of devouring flesh. (Verse 21.) On his expeditions the forests by the sea, near which his army encamped, had the number of their coral-sprouts doubled by the tips of the hands of women, stretched forth to gather them. (22.) To Malaya his thoughts wandered, because it is there that the waves of the sea are playing, because there that wind is blowing which causes the Kerala women to sport, because there the serpent is stealing the fragrance of the trees. (23.) Having conquered the lines of country by the shore of the eastern sea, and having taken Pali from the lord of Kosala, having uprooted the dwellings of enemies one after another, he was a most splendid master of the sword. (24.) From him was born that observer of prudent behaviour, Keyuravarsha, who fulfilled the ardent wishes of the minds of the women of Gauda, who was a deer to sport on those pleasure-hills-the breasts of the damsels of Karnata, (and) ornamented the foreheads of the women of Lata; who engaged in amorous dalliance with the women of Kasmir, (and) was fond of the charming songs of the women of Kalinga. (25.) Even when his soldiers, made to march to subdue the regents of the quarters, enacted the destruction of the universe so as to rouse the apprehension of the three worlds, no sheets of dust could rise from the earth, flooded as it was with streams of tears that were shed by crowds of captive women of enemies who again and again were made prisoners. (26.) In battle that king wielded his big sword which, covered as it was with a mass of pearls from the frontal globes of elephants openly cleft by him, was covered as it were with the drops of the fame of his enemies, which it had often drunk and then emitted again under the pressure of. (the king's) firm grasp. (27.) Up to the Kailasa, the intensely lustrous friend of Parvati's play, and up to the noble eastern mountain over which the sun shines forth, near the bridge of the waters and as far as the western sea, too, the valour of his armies brought endless anguish on hostile people. (28.) He spread the battle-fields all over with the heads of proud enemies, who in their anger madly attacked him,-(with heads) which were honoured with the eager glances of the eyes of the damsels of heaven, (and) the skull-bones of which were falling off under the pressure of the grasp of the hands of exulting female goblins, eager for the blood which was trickling down under the strokes of his vibrating quick arrows. (29.) "Our lord is an incarnation of Rudra; our lord supports the house of the three worlds; our lord is liberal; our lord is an iron fetter for restraining lawless princes; when crowds of excellent bards thus gave utterance to incessant brilliant words of flattery, the minds of hostile people who stood in his hall of audience shook violently. (80.) There was (a sage), free from the blemishes of sin, Bharadvaja by name, who was the one regent of all whose wealth consisted in quiescence. From his male energy, deposited in a water-pot, sprang that Bharadvaja (Drona) whose conduct roused the wonder of the three worlds. 2 L
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________________ 266 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (Verse 31.) The charm of whose fame completely filled the three worlds, whose fortune was equal to his desires, and the might of whose anger, as regards both his curse and his bow, would have been suitable at the destruction of the universe. What can we say of that one ocean of policy and valour, more than this that (Arjuna), the husband of Subhadra, who with ease humbled the great pride of Sarva, was his disciple P (32.) Even that son of Dharma," minding his promise, retired, deprived of the hope of conquering the adversaries, when he saw how he, whose strong arm was expert in wielding the bow, with a mass of powerful arrows cut up the Pandava army. (33.) Now, in the water, of which in the act of cursing he had taken up a handful with his trembling hand, angrily intending to bring misery on Drupada for the insult (offered by him), there arose a man like victory incarnate; and from him proceeded the clan of the Chaulukyas, the great excellencies of which are countless. (34.) And in that powerful family, which was made up of a series of princes eminent for widely spreading bravery and beauty, was born Avanivarman, who, when he bent his graceful bow, drew to himself the fortune of adversaries, (and) whose deeds became famous in the universe. (35.) He greatly excelled in the world already by the fact that Simhavarman was his grandfather and the eminent hero Sadhanva his father, but more even by his own great dignity. (36.) Of a man like him, whose generosity removed the badge of poverty of all mankind, (and) whose prowess drove his enemies to the mountain-caves by the sea-shore, surely he (only) is able to enumerate the excellencies who has complete command over that milch-cow of speech, the glorious goddess of eloquence. (37.) As the lord of mountains begat Rudrani, the ocean Lakshmi, the glorious Sun Kalindi, the son of Atri" the moon-light, and Janaka's sacrificial rite Vaidehi,-so that gem for granting the desires of tributary princes begat a wondrous ornament of maidens, the illustrious Nohala. (38.) As the daughter of Puloman (was the wife) of the ruler of the divine hosts, and as Chhaya (was) of that lord of darkness-dispelling light, (and) Rati of the sugarcane-arrowed god, so she became the beloved of the prince Keytravarsha. (89.) And as the elephant (is beautified) by the stream of rutting-juice, the bank of the ocean by the tender coral-creeper, a tree by the beauty of flowers, and a cloud by the lightning, so that moon of princes obtained unspeakable lustre through her, his queen. (40.) To secure (the merit of) pious deeds, she built for the god, who is the sole object of Uma's affection, this temple which obstructs the progress of the sun with its tops the points of which graze the clouds,-a collection of her own fame as it were in bodily form; (41.) the flags on which do not flutter, because, I fancy, they are constantly sprinkled with the foam of the horses of the lord of day, fatigued with their ceaseless march through the sky; .., Yudhishthira; compare Situpalavadha, II, 9. Yudhishthira retired from the contest before his teacher Dropa. "The original has chuluka, from which is here derived the name Chaulukya. Compare Mr. Fleet's Dynasties of the Kanaress Districts, p. 17. i. ., the moon.
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________________ BILHARI CHEDI INSCRIPTION. 287 (Verse 42.) and on the broad pinnacles of which, lofty and spotless as it be, the rows of fresh clouds, clinging to them in the rainy season, appear like swarms of dovet. (48.) There was (a sage), the Madhumateya Pavanafiva; after him flourished Sabdabiva; his teaching again is sanctified by his disciple, the pious favarafiva. (44.) To him, a store of penance, the cultivated (queen) gave the two villages NipAniya and Ambipataka, as a reward for his learning. (45.) And to the enemy of Smara she gave Dhangata pataka, Pondi, Nagabala, Khailapataka, Vida, Sajjahali and Goshthapali. (46.) From her was born to the illustrious lord of men Yuvarajadeva the famous prince, the illustrious Lakshmanaraja, like the sun, elevated (and) endowed with mighty splendour; the lustre of whose feet," a seat of fortune, was revered by the exalted heads of sovereigns, (and) who indeed, by unheard-of, pleasing, beautiful qualities, surpassed the god of love. (47.) Surely, for the glory of his heroism the lady Fame spread out on the ground & necklace with the mass of pearls produced from the frontal globes of the elephants of adversaries, cleft in battle by the edge of his firmly grasped sword. Moreover: (48.) Worthy of honour is that Kadambaguh where there has been an unin. terrupted line of saints; for them, again, was an object of veneration the chief of sages, Rudrasambhu. (49.) On account of his might to be highly revered in the world, he there had a disciple, Mattamayaranatha, who, when he had removed every stain of impurity, became possessed, oh I of the town (?) of the prince Avanti, (80.) After him came the holy Dharmasambhu, who became an omament of the world, (and) whose feet were worshipped by the lustre of the crest-jewels of princes; having reached the further shore of the ocean of the Saiva doctrine by his austerities, he obtained the spotless pleasing renown due to him. (61.) His disciple was, rioh in austerities, Sadasiva, whose venerable pair of feet was worshipped by princes with the rays of their diadems. (52.) After him came his disciple, named M&dhumateya, full of radiance (aws) subsisting on fruit and roots, in whom austerities and majestio splendour dwelt harmo. niously together (?). . (58.) He had a most venerable disciple, Ohadasiva, who, striving after final liber. ation, swept away the impurity consequent on actions (performed in previous births). (54.) Then (came) his disciple, named Hsidayabiva, a mine of all excellencies, whose fame deserves to be sung of even now; the soles of whose uniquely Venerable feet were rendered lustrous by the collections of jewels in the diadems of princes. I can find no raitable meaning for the word om , at the end of the first line In the original, the third line of the verse done not admit of being construed properly. I should feel inclined to sabutitute w for framt:. Applied to the sun, the third line would mean that the lastre of bis nyo sonjoyed by the high tops of mountains. * Dr. Hulhu already shown that Kadambagub, prince Avanti, or Avantivarmian, the town Mattamayana (and, may add, the mge Badativa) are mentioned in a long insoription at Rapod, badly edited in the Jour. As. Soo. Bong. vol. XVI, p. 1080, which has been signed by Bir A. Cunningham to about the end of the 10th century A. D.-Archaol. Shipmeye Indie, vol. II, p. 806. In the original, que is mad wrongly instead of the passive form of
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________________ 268 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA, (Verse .) For whom is that holy man not an object of laudation, -he who, an abode of every kind of knowledge, wise (and) true to his vows, still further increased the renown spread over the illustrious Madhumateya lineage; and who surpassed the earth by his patience, the cloud by his fairness, the ocean by his propriety of conduct, (and) the god of love by his freedom from passion ? (66.) Or, rather, what need has that eminent sage of praise at all,-he whom the illustrious prince, the moon of the Chedis, having shown his devotion by presents sent by well-conducted messengers, in due form brought hither, full of respect ? (87.) The illustrious Lakshmanaraja also, filled with devotion, himself made over to that great ascetic the monastery of the holy Vaidyanatha. (58.) And Che sage, having accepted it, again gave the holy Nauhalesvara monastery to his well-conducted disciple Aghorasiva. (59.) Now, when he had performed (this) deed, the powerful Chedi lord marched, with all his elephants and horses, (and) accompanied by strong foot-soldiers of tributary chiefs, to the very pleasant western region, inspiring his adversaries with fear (and) diffioult to be obstructed in his progress. (60.) Having valorously struck down (adversaries) who were humbled in battle, having his commands honoured by presents offered by princes who bowed down before him, and) having fulfilled the hopes of suppliants with the wealth on which they had set their hearts, he made the host of his army sport in the water of the ocean. (61.) Having bathed in the sea, the illustrious (prince) then worshipped somes. vara with golden lotuses; but he also presented something else. (62). After defeating the lord of Kosala, he made the (effigy of) Kaliya, wrought of jewels and gold, which was obtained from the prince of Odra, a reverential offering to some vara. Having besides presented elephants, horses, splendid dresses, garlands, sandal and other (gifte), the prince, to get out of the toils of this life, humbly praised (the god), full of joy : (63.) "Whenever a prince, freed from darkness by prostrating himself at your feet (and) delighting in the truth, deems this life void of substance, then his good fortune is no longer liable to change, because he has got rid of (the bondage of) birth."-Absorbed in such meditation, he fixed his mind on Siva's glory. (64.) From him was born the great ruler, the illustrious Samkaragana, whose incomparable pair of feet was worshipped even by adversaries; (65.) who, of stubborn daring, in battle eagerly devoted his sword to the destruction of countless hosts of enemies, while his generosity always caused joy to the people ; who, of matchless beauty, humbled the baughty pride of the god of love, and who as a ruler of the earth was praised everywhere and at all times by the wise ; (66.) the broad resting place of whose two lotus-feet, & seat of prosperity, was decorated by the rays of the large jewels that covered the diadems of princes bowing down (before him); and whose ocean-like breast was resorted to by Fortune, come to him gradually, while another deity of fortune, the glory of heroism, had taken her seat in the edge of the prince's sword. * Dr. Ball states that it is the custom to make fanded representations, in miniature, of the serpent Kaliya whloh wu destroyed by Kpiahpe, and to hang them about the book of imagw of Bira.
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________________ BILHARI CHEDI INSCRIPTION. 269 (Verse 67.) His younger brother was the illustrious prince Yuvarajadeva, on whose lotus-feet princes have indeed bent down, like bees (clighting on them). Of one who (like him) is an abode of devotion to truth, of goodness and friendly speech, (and) the one resort of fortune and valour, surely a good man even will not be able to tell all the excellent qualities. (68.) This prince mastered with his arm, and slew with his hand which wielded a knife, the radiant, fiercely roaring, most terrific tiger-shaped demon, whose mouth was awful as it tore (men) to pieces with its sharp teeth, whose eyes were blood-shot all over with rage, who used his paws as weapons of attack, and sprang forward with uplifted tail. (89.) Though causing joy to the eyes of women as a new god of love, he yet again was the god of death who with the edge of his sword cleft the frontal globes of huge elephants; and, strange to relate, fond as he was of Sarasvati, he was eager to worship Srikantha," and, clever in discriminating between the four castes, he was a gem to grant the desires of (all) suppliants. (70.) When young women at their customary bathing plunged into the clear bitter water of the Reva, made to surge up and down by the motion of their thighs and hips, they truly became perfumed with the strong fragrance of the god of love, mixed since the water was with the rutting-juice which used to flow into it at the bathing of his towering lordly elephants." (71.) I fancy that his bright fame, after roaming about everywhere, -on the round breasts of women surely in the form of pearl-strings, on the spotless full orb of the moon in the guise of the moonlight, and on the extensive waters of the Manasa lake as a graceful row of swans,-has yet found rest in the abode of Uma's husband. (72.) After worshipping the god fans with his wealth in suitable manner, the prince, in accordance with traditional precept and according to scripture, composed (this) hymn of praise : (73.) "Happy are those rulers, oh Lord, who with unswerving minds worship thee, and employ their wealth in works of piety. For those who are swayed by passion and whose minds are given up to sensual pleasure, exalted station is a cause of intoxication, oh granter of boons !" (74.) << What is the use of arrays of rutty elephants P What the use of women. the promoters of amorous dalliance ? Gold, horses, dresses, and all manner of precious stones serve no purpose when a man fails to worship the beloved of Bhavant." (75.) "Birth in a princely family, sovereignty over the earth, sacred knowledge, due discrimination, beautiful form and victory in battle come to him who takes refuge with the holy feet of Samkara." (76.) "Why need I make many words, oh Lord ? To thee only shall my devotion always be given, the cause of everything; and through thy favour, the greatest of all blessings, a shower of ambrosia will fall upon me which will manifest itself of its own accord." (77.) The great fame of the first three princes has been described by the illustrious Srinivasa, the son of the illustrious Sthirananda. Or, onger to worship the neck of Sr.' The ideh suggested by the original is that the king w possessed of both eloquence (or learning) and fortune, two things which ordinarily do not go together. 4 The word of the original bas reference to the mixture of the two fluide, the bitter water of the river and the Eragrant rutting-juice
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________________ 270 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (Verse 78.) And the bright eulogy of the renown of the three (other) princes has been afterwards composed by Sajjana, the intelligent son of Thira. [The passage which follows here in the original up to the end of verse 82, and part of which is either altogether illegible or doubtful, I am unable to translate properly in all its details. Its general import, however, appears to be this,-that various manufacturers and traders, and the inhabitants generally, had to deliver or pay at the mandapika" of the town, for the benefit of the monastery and its occupants, certain articles and taxes, ---salt, oil, betel, pepper, ginger, vegetables, etc., and fixed sums of money for every elephant, horse, etc.) And at the monastery of the glorious Nohalesvara" where there was the holy preceptor Aghorasiva, (88.) sometimes subsisting on alms and sometimes feeding on vegetables, sometimes eating roots, while sometimes he also lived on bulbous roots ; seeking the supreme light of Siva, freed from the darkness of passion, he never became subject to the effect of the poison of sensual enjoyment"; (there ?) he had this eulogy put up. The glorious Tripuri, Saubhagyapura, Lavananagara, Durlabhapura, Vimanapura (P) . (84) . . . . . every day they shall bring, guarded, .. (86.) May this composition, the several parts of which are well-joined, (and) which would deserve praise (even) from the wonder-struck poet Rajasekhara, last to the end of the world, as well as the preceding" eulogy! Of the Kayastha, the illustrious Siruka. (86.) The eulogy was written by Nai, the son of the writer of legal documents Dhira; and engraved by Nonna, the son of the excellent artisan Samgama. to 30 * On mandapikd noo the Slyadons inscription, anto, p. 168; the same inscription also contains the words go or UT, and W - ' an oil-mill.' In verses 79-82 of the present inscription the words, the exact meaning of which is not alone to me, are <Page #304
________________ CINTRA PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OF SARANGADEVA. 271 XXXII. THE CINTRA PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OF SARANGADEVA. BY G. BUHLER, PH.D., LL.D., C.I.E. A copy of the subjoined Prasasti was first published in Murphy's Travels in Portugal (1798), together with a translation by Sir Charles Wilkins. The plate was reproduced ten years ago by Dr. Burgess in No. 9 of the Memoranda of the Archeological Survey of Western India (Bombay, 1879), p. 104, with a restoration of the Sanskrit text by the late Dr. Bhagvanlal Indraji and a short summary of the contents, promising at the same time to give a full translation in the Indian Antiquary. The latter unfortunately never appeared. Dr. Bhagvanlal's text is generally correct, and reflects the highest credit on his ingenuity, since the copy on which he worked is, as Dr. Burgess stated, very inaccurate. Still I believe that a new edition, according to an excellent pencil-rubbing kindly presented to me by Professor G. de Vasconcellos-Abreu of Lisbon, will not be superfluous. This facsimile enables me to remove a certain number of difficulties, which Dr. Bhagvanlal failed to solve by conjecture, and in many more cases to show that his restorations correspond with the original. The inscription is incised with great care and neatness on a long slab of polished black stone, measuring, according to the rubbing, 42 inches by 20, and containing 66 lines. The stone is now preserved in the Quinta of Don Joao de Castro at Cintra, but, as the contents of the inscription show, it originally belonged to a temple at Somanatha or Devapattana in Sorath. The document is on the whole well preserved. But four syllables are gone in the middle of line 18; 4 to 12 syllables at the ends of lines 23-28; and 2 to 5 in the first parts of lines 49-53. Besides, a few single letters have been destroyed or become indistinct here and there. The alphabet is the common Nagari of the thirteenth century, which shows only a few archaic forms, e.g., the initial i consisting of two circles and a semicircle, the gha with three vertical strokes, the ba consisting of a va with a dot in the centre of the loop, and a free use of the prishthamatra. In the top-line the medial i and the anusvaras show ornamental forms, just as in many Jaina MSS. The language is not quite correct Sanskrit, and, with the exception of two short sentences in the beginning and at the end, is throughout metrical. Towards the end some Gujarati words and Gujaraticisms occur in the list of the benefactions; likewise a number of difficult expressions not traceable in the Sanskrit dictionaries. As regards the spelling, it must be noted that, though ba and va are distinguished, we find instead of Brihaspati always Frihaspati and for offaka always bifaka. The inscription contains a Prasasti (verse 75), composed in honour of the consecration of five Lingas which a Saiva ascetic, called Tripurantaka, erected at Somanathapattana or Devapattana, or Prabhasa, the famous Saiva Tirtha in Sorath (Kathiavad), now usually called Veraval. The poem opens with a Mangala consisting of three verses, 1-3, which are preceded by a short prose invocation of Siva. The first two verses are addressed to Siva and the third to Ganesa. Next follows the genealogy of the Chaulukya kings of Gujarat, who were descended from the Vyaghrapalliya or Vaghela branch, founded by Dhavala. (Verse 4.) "The victorious, illustrious Vievamalla, a head-jewel of princes, adorned (formerly) the Chaulukya race, he whose scimitar, though it had only two edges, his enemies (seeing it) from afar, regarded as (a thunderbolt) with a hundred edges."
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________________ 272 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (Verse 5.) "This sole lord of the world, a wonderful abode of courage, who all around uprooted with his arm, that is akin to the thunderbolt, the firmly rooted mountain-like kings, was called by his people king Narayana. (6) "The glorious lord Vaidyanatba (Siva), whose might destroys the misfortune of the torment of the world, placed in him, the ornament of the whole Kshatriya race, & portion of his Self; and he who had taken the vow of benefiting the universe, cured, As was proper, with his weapons even the big swellings of pride in the hearts of hostile kings." (7.) His consort was Nagalladevi, who clave to his body just as the glory of victory; through her that king was exceedingly resplendent, like the god bearing the deer-mark (the moon) through his brilliant light. (8.) "That king, the prowess of whose arm took rest (only when it reached) the boundaries of the quarters of the horizon, whose younger brother was Pratapamalla, enjoyed the earth which, owing to the excess of his taste for wonderful bravery, was overshadowed by a single parasol." (9.) " After the illustrious Visvamalla had anointed Arjuna, the son of Prata pa. malla, to be his successor, he enjoyed (in Svarga) banquets of ambrosia and the nectar of the lips of the celestial maidens." (10.) "That crest-jewel of princes, bis majesty Arjuna, who was lovely on account of virtues resplendent like the rays of the full moon, and who, an incarnation as it were of a portion of Damodara, gained great glory through his valour, drew riches from the earth as if it were the cow of plenty." (11.) "After that guiltless man, an incarnation of Krishna, had grasped, in order to punish the wicked, the circle of the earth with his hand, that by its liberality surpassed the tree of paradise, he, indeed, protected his subjects through his noble deeds." (12.) " Victorious is the issue of his body, his majesty Saranga, whose heart is immersed in the happiness produced by his amorous dalliance with the Fortuna of the Garjara kingdom, who is passionately addicted to the sport of rescuing the earth and who possesses a dignity (equal to that) of Sarngadhara." (18.) "Through his power he in battle reduced the powers of the Yadava and the MAlava lords, just as the lord of birds formerly (orercame) the huge-bodied elephant and the tortoise." Though these verses, for the greater part, contain nothing but mere verbiage, they yet yield some new facts concerning the history of the Vagheles. First we learn that the full Sanskrit name of the first king of this race, who in the Prabandhas is usually called Visala or more rarely Visvala, was Vissvamalla, " the wrestler of the Universe." This appellation, which has its analogies in Ahavamalla, Yuddhamalla (Jodhmall), Prithivimalla and Jaganmalla (Jagmall), and so forth, was no doubt the original and real one; and Visvala, of which Visala is the Prakrit representative, is either an abbreviation from it, formed bhimavat with the addition of the affix la, or a corruption of Vis yamalla like Rudrata for Rudrabhatta, Mammata for Mahimabhatta and Jaiyata for Jayabhatta, in which the last letter la does duty for the second part of the compound, malla. The second point of historical interest which the inscription offers, is the statoment that Vistamalla had a younger brother, called Pratapamalla, and that the
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________________ CINTRA PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OF SARANGADEVA. 273 second VaghelA king Arjuna was the son of the latter. The Prabandhas known to me, which notice the Vaghela kings, speak only of an elder brother, Virama, whom Vastupala removed in order to secure for Visvamalla the succession to the throne of Dholka. The works, in which Arjuna's name occurs, e.g., the Vichdrasreni, Dr. Bhandarkar's anonymous Fragment, and the Pravachanaparlkahd, state nothing regarding his relation to his predecessor. Thirdly, the inscription informs us that the name of Visva. malla's wife, i.e., his first queen, was Nagalladevi. With respect to Aranga, finally, we are told that he defeated the Yadava and Malava kings, and we may at least infer from this statement that the old feuds of the Chaulukyas with their south-eastern and eastern neighbours continued almost as long as their kingdoms existed. The Yadava foe of BAranga must have been Ramachandra, the last independent Hindu monarch of Devagiri, who mounted the throne in 1271 A.D., and died in 1809 A.D.. as a vassal of the Muhammadan emperor of Delhi. The name of the king of MAlava, with whom Saranga fought, is not ascertainable from the authentic lists hitherto published. The pedigree of the first Vaghelas stands now, if we include Vitvamalla's father Viradbavala, as follows: Viradhavals. Viram. 1.-Vilamalla ord. Nagalladert Vitrals or Vienla. md. Negalladevi Pratapamalla. II.-Arjuna. III.-Brabga. The next following portion of the inscription, verses 14-89, is devoted to a description of the spiritual family of Tripurantaka, the benefactor of the Tirtha of SomanAtha, and to an account of his virtues and his adventures. The section is introduced, ac is often done in the late inscriptions and poems of Gujarat, by the words ital cha, "and now," and its opening verses run as follows: (Verse 14.) "The god who wears the infant moon on his head, and who grants rewards for the multitude of performances of austerities, himself became incarnate in the form of Bhattaraka Sri-Lakulisa, in order to bestow favour on the universe. (16.) "And in order to favour the offspring of Uldka,' who long were deprived of Bons in consequence of a ourse of their father, he came to and dwelt at Karohana, the forehead, as it were, of the earth,' an ornament of the Lata (country). (16.) "In this place) appeared, in order to fulfil particular Pasupata vows, four pupils of his, called Kusika, Gargya, Kaurusha and Maitreya. (17.) "Afterwards the race of these ascetics, which grew up in four (branchea), adorned the earth that is bounded by the four oceans. I take uldkabhdean in the sense of wldkodbhutan, as the most natural interpretation" who had become owle" dous not give any good sense. If this were the meaning, it would be necessary to taka viputra da se proper name, for which proceeding there is no authority. * The translation strictly follows the text. But I believe the poet ment to my "an ornament of the Lata country, which latter resembles the forebend (laldra) of the earth." For the play with Ida and laldja is a very dummon one, while the comparison of Karobana with laldfam uroyd is unintelligible. 21
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________________ 274 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (Verse 18.) "Through the succession of high-minded men who were favoured by those four) arose the glorious ....ka, possessing boundless wealth. (19.) "An abbot (sthanadhipa), called Karttikarasi, who resembled a conglomerate (rdei) of austerities in (human) shape, and who took away the sins of his (spiritual) dependants by merely looking at them, became an ornament of Gargya's line. (20.) " (Next) arose compassionate Valmikirasi, who owed his spiritual) birth to the favour of that (Karttikarafi's) lotus-hands, and who hallowed speech by the arrangement of his words and the road to the sanctuaries by the marks of his steps, which (arrangement and marks) were pure like his mind." (21.) "He graciously appointed a young ascetic, called Tripurantaka, to be the awakener of the virtuous;' even stones, consecrated by the lotus-hands of such men, become, indeed, visibly deities. (22.) "That pupil of Valmikirasi, of appropriate name, called Tripurantaka, sanctified the four quarters of the horizon in consequence of his desire to visit other sacred places." These verses make us acquainted with three teachers of the Gargya branch of the Lakulisa-Pasupatas, who apparently were in succession abbots or spiritual directors at some sacred place or of some Matha in Gujarat. Possibly the place where they resided may have been Karohana. But this is not certain; for the four last syllables in verse 18 may have contained some other geographical name, and the sense of the verse may be that a Matha or sanctuary was established there by the spiritual descendants of the four pupils of Lakulisa. But in any case it is indisputable that Karohana in Lata or Central Gujarat was the head establishment of these Saivas, because Siva is said to have there become incarnate 'as Lakulisa. Karohana is, it would seem, the modern Karvan on the Miyagam-Dabhoi railway; this village was according to its Mahatmya formerly called Kayavirohana or Kayara hun (Kayarohana ?), and was according to tradition the place where Mahadeva, who had been born as Nakulesvara in the family of a Brahman of Ulkapuri, or Avakhal, re-assumed his divine shape. It is one of the four oldest and most famous seats of the worship of Siva," and is situated in the district which used to be called Lata. The words Lakulica and Nakulisa are two vicarious forms, of which the former is possibly the older one, though the latter one is that commonly used in Sanskrit literature. The doctrines * I.e., who received the Saiva initiation at Karttikarasi's hands. * I.o., who preached well and performed many pilgrimages. I.o., to be preacher and bead of the Saiva community. * Sthana has both meanings. * The use of a verb equivalent to abhut for 'was made is not uncommon in the modern Iodian vernaculars, and it is not improbable that our poet has fallen into a Gujaraticism. . Though I consider the identity of Karobana and KArvan to be certain, I do not mean to say that the two names are identical. With respect to the word Adrodn, I adhere to the opinion, expressed in the Indian Antiquary, vol. XVIII, p. 176, and consider Karobana, like Kayavirohana, As an attempt at finding & Sanskrit equivalent for the Gujarati word. See the Bombay Gazetteer, vol. VII, pp. 19-20, and pp. 550-561. Ulkapurt is possibly a mistake for Uldkapari, and the Mahatmya may still contain a dim reminiscence of the myth narrated in verse 14. The Gazetteer gives the name of Siva u Nokleshvar or Naklesbyar, corruptions of the form Nakulesvara, which occasionally occurs instead of Nakuliavara. Regarding the rabatitation of na for la and of la for na see Kuhn, Beitrage zur Pdli-Grammatik, pp. 38 and 14; Homachandra, I, 230, 257; Bermes, Comparative Grammar, $ 248; Hoernle, Grammar of the Gandian languages, $ 111. My Mons for considering Lakulua n the older form are, (1) that the change of la to na is more common then that of na to la; (3) that Lakuuta can be easily explained as a compound of lakulir, i.e., lalutin, and a, 'the lord wearing the staff," 1.o, the khatodiga.
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________________ CINTRA PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OF SARANGADEVA. 275 of the Nakulisa Pasupatas aro explained at length in Sayana's Sarcadarsanasangraha, pp. 108ff. (Cowell and Gough). But nothing is known regarding their history. It is therefore very interesting to learn tliat in the thirteenth century A.D. Gujarat was considered to be the country where the sect arose and that Karoliana-Karvan claimed the honour of being the place where its founder was born and where his school was divided into four branches. It must, of course, depend on the results of further discoveries, which an archaeological exploration of the site of Karvan will no doubt furnish, whether we can accept these claims as well founded. As regards the antiquity of the sect, not much can be gathered from the statements in the inscription. Karttikarasi, the first historical bead of these Pasupatas, cannot have succeeded to his office much before the year 1225 A.D. since the third was alive in 1287. The contents of the next verses are not important enough to require their being translated in full. It will suffice to give a short analysis, which course is made advisable too by the fact that most of them are badly mutilated. According to verses 23-24 T'ripurantaka's pilgrimage was first directed to the Himalaya, where he visited Kedara, i.e., Kedarnath in Garhwal, and there worshipped Siva with lotuses taken from the pure Brahmasaras. Thence he turned southwards and bathed at Prayaga, modern Al. lahabad, at the confluence of the Ganga and Yamuna (verse 26). From Allahabad he wandered to the Sriparvata (verse 27), which he circumambulated in the orthodox fashion, and where he was blessed by the aspect of divine Mallinathn. This mountain, which seems not to be identical with the Southern Sriparvata or Srisaila, must lie, if the order of the places visitod is correctly given, south of Allahabal and north of the Narmada. For the next verse (28) informs us that Tripurantaka afterwards bathed in * the waters of the RevA which are tossing among the rocks of the Vindhya mountains that are hallowed by the traces of Agastya's foot-steps." From the Narmada he turned to the Godavari (verse 20) and visited Tryambaka, i.e., Trimbak near Nasik. 8till continuing to travel southwards, the pilgrim reached Ramesvara and the bridge of R&ma (verse 80). Finally he returned to the north-west and came to Derapattana or Prabhasa, where the river Sarasvati flows into the ocean (verses 81-33). There he received high honours from the chief temple-priest. (Verse 31.) Here the illustrious temple-priest (ganda) Brihaspati, who is visibly the husband of Uma," made him an Arya and appointed him sixth Mahattara. (35.) The Chaturjataka, who was pleased with his virtues, rejoiced thinking : "This Mahattara will restore the sacred place by his pure actions." What these honours conferred on Tripurantaka exactly were, whether Arya and Mahattara refer to offices or were, what is more probable, mere titles, I am unable to determine. I must content myself with pointing out that, according to verse 9 of the # This phrase has a double sense. It means that the name of Brihaspati's wife was Umh, and that he was an idear. mation of Biva. 1. This must be the title of a high local official. For, below (Terre 68) occurs the expression Shimachrhdturjdtaka, the illustrious Chaturjataka ; verses 64 and 70 speak of Chaturjdtalapada, the feet of, i.e. the worshipful, Cbaturjataka. Ae. cording to rerne 60.61 be inuen an aliet granting allowances from the moeipta of the onetoin house, verse 08 mentions bis treasury and rerne 67 bir allowance of pan-swpdri at the divaratri festival. Literally the word means 'connected with, i.e. ruling, the four castes;' the technical sure may either be 'prefect, governor' or 'Kagerabeth,' kind of hereditary lord mayor. In the Romnathpattan Prasasti (Wiener Zeitechrift fur die Kunde der Vorgenlander, rol. III, p. 9) we bear (veru 29) of chaturjate kulud), which tenu bas been translated erroneously by men of the four castes.
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________________ 276 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Somnathpattan Prasasti (Wiener Zeitschrift, loc. cit., p. 8), Bhava Btihanpati received the same honours from king Jayasimha-Siddhardja. The ganda Brihaspati, who honoured Tripurantaka, is of course not, as Dr. Bhagvanlal suggests (Mem. Aroh. Suro. Weal. Ind., No. 9, p. 104), the ganda Bhava Brihaspati, who was the contemporary of Jayasimha and of Kumarapala. For these two kings reigned between Vikrama Samvat 1150 and 1229, while the date of our inscription is more than a hundred years later. Moreover, the two Bribaspatis are clearly distinguished from each other by the statements regarding their wives. Bhava 'Brihaspati was married, according to verse 86 of the Somnathpattan Prasasti, to Mahadevi, daughter of Sodhala, and our Brihaspati to Um& (below, verse 43). The name Btihaspati must, therefore, have been borne by more than one priest in charge of the temple of Somanatha at Devapattana or PrabhA98. The honour which Tripuran taka received, induced him to realize the hopes of the Chaturjataka and to spend considerable sums on the Tirtha. The following verses (40-46) inform us that (1) he built five temples, (2) dedicated five statues, and (3) erected a torana supported by two pillars,-a sort of triumphal arch. The five temples were situated, according to verse 40, to the north of the mandapa or hall of the temple of somesvara, close to the splendid old water-clock (ghatikalaya)," and on the site of Srikantha-Panchamukha, 1.e., five-headed Siva, surnamed Srikantha. The first of these temples (verse 41) was built for the welfare of Tripurantaka's mother MAlhand and called M&lhnnesvars. The second (verse 42) was dedicated to Umapati and erected in the name of the priest Brihaspati, who was the husband of Uma. The third, called Umesvara (verse 48), was built for the welfare of the priest's wife. The remaining two, a Tripurantakesvara and a Ramesvara, were named after the founder and his wife (verse 44). The five statues," a Gorakshaka (Gorakhpath), a Bhairava, an Anjaneya (Hanuman), a Sarasvati, and a SiddhiVinayaka (Ganesa), were placed in the antara las of the five temples. The torana finally was erected "on the space (Bhdparisare) before the northern gate of these (ive templeo)." This statement indicates that the temples were surrounded by a wall. and that the arch adorned the principal entry into the enclosure, which had to be made on the north side, as the great temple of Somesvara lay to the south and east, and to the west the sea. Almost the whole remaining portion of the inscription (verses 47-72) is taken up by the enumeration of the benefactions which Tripurantaka made in order to provide for the service of his temples, and by rules regarding the worship. This section offers considerable difficulties, because it contains & number of words either not found in the accessible dictionaries and koshas, or found with meanings attached which do not fit, and because the rules regarding the worship are awkwardly arranged and obscure. I believe that the only chance of clearing up all the difficulties would be enquiries on the spot among the priests of Somnath and of other Saiva establishments in Kathiavad Gharibdlaya is the modern Gujarki ghadidl, the usual term for any kind of timepiece. # The text bas odaam adhishthildni, literally 'standing on the dwelling of. This may mean either that the fire temples were built on the site of an ancient decayed temple or that the site was sacred to the god mentioned. Vara seme to correspond here to the Jaina term wasahikd, the precincts' of a sored building. The word 'statne does not occur in the text. But if Hindu spanks of 'BATAVAt or a Gapela, etc., he canally means images of these deities. [Antardla is the second Mondapa of a temple, between the ardhanandapo and the shrine. J. B.)
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________________ CINTRA PRASASTI OT THE BUIGN OF BARANGADEVA. 277 and Gujarat. As I am not able to instituto moh, my translations and explanations must remain in some cases merely tentativo, and in other one I have to confons my ignor. anco. The onemoration of the benofactions and of the rules rans as follows: (Verse 47.) "In order to cleanse the gods daily-two advadir of water and a broom of Zisyphu jujube" for swooping the buildings (48.) "Both these thingo) must be procured" (and wood) by a partionlarly clever pupil (bafuta) in return for the use of the maloodya food" and of the monoy (allotted) for his monthly expenses." (These person form) a couplet. (49.) "He (Tripurdataka) who was purified by his natural inclination for giving gold, presented, out of kindness towards the town of the god who bears the crescent of the moon on his head, every month eight drammas for the purchase of sandal-wood in the mapdraba. (50.) "The guild of the gardeners shall furnish daily two hundred white roses (batapattra) and two thousand fragrant oleander blomoms (hapapira). (51.) "He asigned in the parlkekipaffa siz drammas for the monthly expenditure in order to prooure .... a pure sedihd. (58.). "Two mapakar of huaked rice (chosha)" and one mdpaka of Phaseolu mungo (wudga), four barshare of clarified butter, and a much oil for the lampa." (88.) "Pive betel nuts of good quality-(all thi) was provided by that constant man, judge of the merita of others, daily in the store-house." (Thon troo versos form) a couplet. (54.) "He who is attached to the performance of meritorious works, cated to be provided even here every month two mapar" of fragrant gam (onggula) for the time of offering incense. T Komedi apparently the Gujarati and Markthit d he me the same the Banskrit woodla, 'a bamboo E pole for carrying burdens, in the mie plebers which an attached to the code by rep. Two Mrade of water are therefore two loads, equal to tow plebes of water, which quantity ww n dred for the daily Wation of the Linga Idliar I tako ma equivalent o holaney, made of hole or babes of the Ilypheube. Jepali hu hare the mening det givna for the word in the evayena a Tildaraprak Compare so the Formanlardan 4 place, spolote. the verb bride wed here, just w to Gujarat and other relars, bas very low MD, and we ho variously rendered, the content required, by proeurs,' ' l' to mong here that the Batue or Cheld le mot only to provers the thiap mentioned, but so to them. I will appear in the quel that to do all the manual work of the Follo Deindye food and the oldering, detined for the nele of the deftin, wblok are laverlably made over to the tople w , w ILOIL Regarding the allows for the Child, we below, wewe 01. I able to place this word, while loola reepleios. But the letters are perfetly distinct . the Prikrit and verbaler form of Basit here . The equivalent while the garden Ford for faralahing the lower lo mentioned below, verwe 66. NI am suable to give a full translation of this ver, I do not understand the words d'Apodemad panlile kipata Pantball may be the Sanskrit for the modern Periblar Park, kind of money-changer. Xhaka wm, Moording to Berdal, India, Vol. I. p. 105, in somalth, an equal to fromende The word may be connated with warundpa, largo martbea jer Oled to a bad polling for Gujarattolo 14 buked ro. According to Tome authorities bereid bequal to two toldo. If it had the same vale la table to quantity om te slacht toll. At prooont hi and oil are sold by the told of 110-180 praias socording to local como The singular dodaje da probably word loomely for the plural. The lampe ire required for the indenite la the north ing domaine Ihr lant out in the translation the word shitake, which can sloo below in ore 0, 1, , water the Uutionare per the holes noble furnish nay dee to its maing. May mala reply rohors la the store-bou. Amp, we commonly called mound, be equal to about pounds, , Mold, to top
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________________ 278 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (Verse 55.) "The Mehara" shall give daily fifty leaves of.... betel pepper for the preparation of bakas." (56.) "That which thus has been provided for the offerings in the sacred place (the temples) must be fetched by the Passpdia" from the store-house of glorious [Somanatha] and be given (by him to the person performing the worship), (57.) "One manaka of rice (chosha) and two pallikde" of Phaseolus mungo, as well as two karshas of clarified butter, and so forth, must be daily given (by the keeper of the store-house) to the Palupala for the offerings." (58.) "[Even this] must be daily given for the Naivedya offering; then that food must be carefully cooked by the pupil (batuka). (59.) "After performing the declaration of purpose (samkalpya), the Pasupala must give that Naivedya and the bifakas to the pupil who performs [the worship]." (60.) "He (Tripurantaka), the most excellent of the virtuous, caused one dramma to be assigned daily (from the revenue) in the custom-house (mandapikd) by an edict (dana) of the Chalurjalaka, (61.) "Even there this noble-minded man caused nine drammas to be assigned [monthly] for the maintenance of the pupil (batuka, who serves the temples.)" (62.) "Fifteen drammas must be given every month to the Pasupala, who comes to perform incomparable worship [according to the law]." (63.) "For this purpose he (Tripurantaka) placed every month fifteen drammas in the treasury (?) of the worshipfal Chaturjataka." (64.) "Rejoicing in his heart, he purchased for money from the worshipful Chaturjataka three excellent shops and presented (them as an endowment for his temples). (65.) "The best among these, the illustrious Chaturjataka, who wears the The Mekara probably belonged to the Kathiarad caste called Mer in the Bombay Gazetteer, and described there, Vol. VIII, pp. 137-88. He was probably in some way, perhaps as watchman, connected with Tripurantaka's temples, and received an allowance from him, though none is mentioned specially. Abifaka is the little three-cornered parcel of ground arecanut, lime, etc., which is wrapped up in a betel pepper leaf and held together by a clove stuck into the leaf, what is usually called pan-supdri. Patupdia means usually a herdsman.' If the word is to be taken here in that sense, it is difficult to understand how a herdsman was connected with the Saiva worship. I suspect that it is the title of a Saiva priest connected with the worship of Siva, the Pasupati. If the restoration Somandtha is correct, it shows that the store-house mentioned above in verse 53 is that of the great temple. The person to whom the materials are to be given is the Saiva pupil; see verses 59-59. A pallikd must be a small measure, as the mung is only used for seasoning the rice. The materials were of course intended for the daily Naivedya of the five gods. Regarding the translation of iti by 'and so forth,' see the note to verse 59. Compare above, verse 48. The mention of the bifakas shows that the enumeration of the materials in verse 57 is not complete, and that the word it, which is added at the end, really means 'and so forth.' The meaning is that Tripurantaka paid money in order to secure this grant and that mentioned in the next verse. For verse 71 declares that he purchased the sana with his pure self-acquired wealth. Begarding mandapika, a customhouse,' see ante, pp. 7 and 117. I have again omitted the word sthitake. There, i.e. (from the revenue) in the custom-house. The pupil is the person mentioned above in verses 48, 58-59. The word sthitake has been omitted also in the trans lation of this verse. The Patupala is no doubt the person mentioned above in verses 58-59, and below in verse 69. The translation of sathmilitapottake by 'in the treasury' is merely tentative. I take pottaka to be an adaptation of the Persian fofah, which occurs in Gujarati as potuk and means "the total of the village taxes." Sammilitapottaka would thus mean the place where the village taxes were collected,' i.e. the treasury. The Persian word occurs also in Marathi, where potes denotes inter alia simply 'the treasury."
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________________ CINTRA PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OF SARANG ADEVA. 279 garland of the faith in the god (Sida), made over to the gardeners in exchange for their daily furnishing the quantity of flowers (required) for the worship.*5 (Verse 66.) "The merchants - too assigned from each shop one dramma in order to provide the pavitraka and the pistarana at the festivals on the full-moon days of Chaitra and Bhadrapada." (67.) "At the Sivaratri (festival) the betel nuts for the bitaka of the Chaturjatakas must be furnished by the store-house (of the temple of Somandlha) and the leaves by the Mehara. (68.) "Three pure-minded shopkeepers must always personally provide garlands, cocoanuts and pairs (of) soft (garments) in the three royal processions of the glorious lord Somanatha. (19.) "After the Pasupalaka has first worshipped these five temples according to the manner (prescribed) for the worship of) divine Somesvara, he shall afterwards ascend the stairs (leading to the temple) of the glorious deity. (70.) "He (Tripurdntaka) gave to the worshipful Chaturjataka e dharmasthanaba for repairing what may have been broken or have fallen (into disrepair) on the fullmoon days of Chaitra and of Bhadrapada. (71.) "As he procured this dharmasthang, and this grant ($dsana) with pure selfacquired property, the banner of his fame, which is connected with his temples, glitters brilliantly white like the full moon." (72.) "In the middle of the temple, which is a monument of the fame of the illustrious priest (ganda) Ranaka Btihaspati and an ornament to the bank of king Saranga's lake, he has caused to be built a chapel of his own particular god, a pleasurehouse of Sri." After a further general eulogy of Tripurantaka in verses 73-74, we learn from verse 75 that Dharanidhara, son of Dhandha, was the author of our Prasasti. Verse 76 further declares that the manuscript of the poem was written by the councillor (mantrin) Vikrama, the son of Parnasimha, and that it was incised by the artist (bilpin), i.e., the mason Panasiha, the son of Nahada. According to the colophon the consecration of the (five) Lingas took place on Monday, the fifth lunar day of the bright half of Magha, Vikrama Samvat 1848, or, according to Dr. Schram's calculation, on January 20th, 1287 A.D., which was a Monday. This date is not of any great historical importance, because according to the chronicles, Saranga ruled for 20 or 22 years until 1296-97 A.D. * This was apparently the remuneration for which the guild of the gardeners furnished the flowers mentioned above in Verse 50. " I translate wahdjanad by the mercbanta in accordance with the usual acceptation of maldjas in Gujarati. o I have left out the word vifeshasthitake, which I understand m little m the technical meaning of the words pavitraka and vistarana, which have not been translated. * It is customary to offer pdn-rupdrl to officials or heads of towns and villages on the occasion of great festivals. * The translation of yugdy by pairs ( garments)' is only conjectural. I may, however, asert this much that it is ural to adorn the streets with cloth on very high festivals such as the Sivaratri, to which the rule of coure refers. In Guja. rith the word yuga bas always the masculine gender. * RdjapdNkd is frequently used in the Prabandha, in this sense. This rule, too, no doubt refers to the Sivaratri. - Dharmarthana munt here mean land or money assigned for religious purpose according to the analogy of devasthana, which in the modern vernaculars commonly means 'land or payments of money in support of a temple;' nec, 6.9 Molesworth, Mardfhi Dictionary, sub voce. # L... probably that mentioned above in verses 60-61. # As there were five temples, there must have been five Lingas.
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________________ 280 L.1 // namaH zivAya / 2. 8. 5. 6. 7. EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. velIcyamaMgalamanaMgaripIrapatyamaMkUritaikadazanojJasadAnanazrIH / deva: prapadya dayekapadIM kapardI zrI 4. bhUyAdamekapamukhaH saMpadevaH [] bhUpatimolira caulukyavaMzamavataMsayati kA jinduH / yasya vidhAramapi 9. yadi khitaM zriyamAmavedinaH samAdhimAkhAya vilokayaMti the / citasaMtApamapAkarItu vaH dhayama bhUvacaH / [1] H zelAmajorasija gaMgaku raMganAbhipatrAvalItalinatatpamayAlupANiH / pIyUSabhAnukakSikAkakhitAvataMsI devaH zivAnivi TRANSCRIPT. tanotu divAnizaM vaH / 2 [] saMyati maMDalA mArAdamaMsta zatadhAramarAtivargaH / 8 [u] cAvacamUlamabhitaH citipA[hi] bAlamunmUlayan kulizavaMzabhuvA bhujena / satya sva yaH kimapi dhAma janena rAjanArAyaceti jagade jagadekanAthaH / 5 (O mitrAtmakalAM vyadhatta sakalacanAvataMse jagatApavyApadapA kariSNumahimA zrIvaidyanAthaH prabhuH / mastena cikitsitAstaducitaM vizvopakAravrata khAtena pratibhUNAmapi da: moThA madaSayaH / 4 [0]" 8. nAgazadevIti babhUva yasya jAyA jayazrIriva dehabacA / tayA sa rAjA itarAM babhArI bhAveva devI paricAMkamatiH / (* prazAMtavizrAMta bhujapratApaH pratApamajJAvarajaH sa rAjA / khapauruSatkaryarasAtirekAdekAtapatrAM bubhuje pariva[] zrIvizvamazaH khapadebhivica pratApa Metre of verses 7-8, Upajati. Metre, Vardaathd. Metro of verses 2-5, Vasantatilaka. The fourth consonant of fafauif is completely gone; the first and second syllables of we are blurred. A Metre, Sardulavikridita.
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________________ CINTRA PRASASTI OP THE REIGN OF SARANGADEVA. 281 . L. 10. 11. 12. mahAmanamarjunaM sH| sArka sadhApAkamabhuta [nAka] nitaMbinInAmadharAmatema / [ange rAkAnizAkarasanAbhiguNAbhirAmo dAmodarAya va vi kramamAMsalatrIH / bhUpAlamaulimadhirarjunadevanAmA kAmArjunImiva dhanAni dharAmadundha / 1. [0] ste vidhAya kadanAya durAzayAnA dAnA vadhUtasuramAkhini bhUmicakra / yaH khairudAracaritairanacaH prajAnAM rajAM cakAra kila cakradharAvatAraH / 9 [] tasyAMgabhUrjayati gUrjararAjya sanIsaMbhogakaMdalitasaukhyanimagnacetAH / kSoNIsamuharaNakelirasottaraMga: sAraMgadeva iti mAdharAnubhAvaH / 12 [1] yudhi yAdavamA lavezvarAvakSata kSINavalI balena yaH / pRthuvidyAdhAriNau purA patageMdrI gajakaccapAviva / 15 [0]! 13. / 14. 15. 16. bhadhArakadhIlakulIzamavI tapaH kriyAkAMDaphalapradAtA / pavAtarahikhamanugrahItuM devaH svayaM bAlamagAMkamaukhiH / 14 [0]" anugrahItuM ca ciraM vipuvakAnulUkabhUtAnabhizApa taH pituH| lalATamA va lATabhUSaNaM sametya kArohaNamavAsa yaH / 15 [0]" pavatescatvAraH pAzapatavratavizeSacaryArtha / sakuzikagA bakauruSamaitreyA iti tadaMtasadaH / 15 ] tatastapakhinA teSAM caturdA jAtigatA / bhuvaM vibhUSayAmAsa caturasaMvamudritA / 17 [0] eteranue 17. - Read bhabhuja; the syllables 'mabhu' are blurred; nAva| GMetre, Vaitaliyar almost entirely gone. # Metre, Upajati. Motre of verses 10-12, Vasantatilaka. The eighth 6 Metre, Vamsasth. letter of the third pada and the second and third of the 6 Metre, Arya. fourth are not quite distinct. Metre of rerses 17-18, Anushtubh. The sixth and . The first ayllable of 'nimaya in indistinct. seventh syllables of vorne 17 are blurred. 2N
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________________ 282 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 22. L.18. hItAnAmanvayena mahAmanA / niHsImavaibhava zrIma x x x x bamitvabhUt / 18 // gAyagovAbharavaM babhUva khAnAdhipaH kArtikarAzinAmA / 19. mUrtasaporAthirivAdhitAnAmAlokamAneparabaghAni / 18 com tena sahastakamalAnugrahItanamA vAlmIkirAzidiyAya dayAlucetA: [0] 20. vANI ca tIrthapadavIMca sadA padAnAM gyAsaiH sacittavimalAma[ti]bhiH punAnaH / 2. [1] tenAnurAdha samaveti satAM prabodha kArI tapodhanayuvA vi21. purAMtaketi / sAcAvaMti vibudhAH kila taridhAnAM istAMbujena dRSadopi satapratiSThAH / 21 [] vAlmIkirAyaH sumahItanAbastasyaiSa vicatri puraaNtrvti| tIrthAtarAzIkanakautukena pavitrayAmAsa diyavatamaH / 21] pUrva tapakhirahiNIsAzIyamatiyo devadAravipine vi[bahAra) devaH / pAzAvadhUlavadhimAnamanugrahItuM tIrthAvagAhanamiSeNa cacAra sIyaM / 21 [] samAdhipUrtana padaMbujana yaH - yi- ~-~-~i] 24. tataH sacivAdhAsaraHsarojerAmarca kedArapadAraviMde / 24 [0]" jagahuraM cetasi yaH prapadya yAgekharaM mUtami-0-0] o-u--vu prasAdasaMpattisabhyAni tapaHphalAni / 25 // mithI milabajukasiMdakandhAtaraMgahatopAteH payobhiH / oftenfor u-u-cucu pApAthamiva prayAgaH / 26] pradakSiNIvatya satA pradIpaH zrIparvata yaH kila sarvatopi / zrImazinAtha vilokanana tArtha-- - - te| 20 [] peMzAsitAni kasasoDavapAdamudrA ni:kalmaSAnati vizvagira: shilaah| -Metre, Indravajra. The last three syllables of the Metre, Upajati. 7 Metre, Vasantatilakd. The second and third bra obettod Metre of vorses 20 and 91, Vantatilaka. The brack. yllables are half visible. otted syllable is only half visible. Metre of verses 24-87, Upajati. 28. 27. verse are indistinct.
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________________ CINTRA PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OF SARANG ADEVA. 283 30. 32. viAjalAni gajarAjavigAhalIlA --u-uuu L. 28. pAyapi yaH siSeve / 28 []" godAvarItIravikSAriSIbhirvanakhasInAmadhidevatAbhiH / katArthayabadhagadakpayo yo jaMgamavyaMvaka-0-00 28 29. tataH samAtirasAbhirAme rAmezvara cetasi ciMtayan yaH / dadartha saMkAdhipakAlarAveH prasthAnavIthImiva setusekhA 3. [a]" bIdevapattanasama saghanasanInAM mevAraviMdamuktateriva sAnubaMdhaH / tIrthAvagAhanadhiyA dizi pazcimAyAmAyAtavAnupazamAyatanaM tI yaH / 11 [] sarakhatI31. sAgarasaMprayogavibhUSitAbhIgamadhAgamabaH / somayacUDAvalamAnavAlacaMdraprabhAsaMvalitaM prabhAsa / 12 [0]" baha mahItalatIrthavigAhanA dakhilatIrthamayIM dadhadAvati / bhuvanabhUSaNabhUtamabhUSaya bagaramiMdukalAbharaNasya yaH / 25 []78 raha sAkSAdumAkAMtaH zrImAn gaMDavAsatiH / pAryamenaM vinirmAya SaSTaM cakre mahattaraM / 34 [] sthAnakaM nijavirAmacaribarabaristhati mahattara eSaH / isthavetya susude di cAturjAtake84. ma gumanAtarasena / 35 [0] pasti zrItripurAMtakIpi vibudhaveNIkirITopalachAyApazavalAlitAhikamala: kAsA girAmadhvani / yasyohAmacari35. bavaibhavanidheraiSA kiyaMtaM gurughAmaM dhArayatu khakucikArakoDe varAkI zrutiH / on dhanAni kAmAdhikavAmalocanAvilIcanAcasacaM calAni yH| dadI mahAdaukhyanipIDitAmane satAM prapavAtiharA hisaMpadaH / 17 [1] pAkhitasya puruSottamabhUya kAmajanmani samAhitabu / yaMetre, Vasantatilaka. Read cISitAni; babanI / / 77 Motre, Upajati. Read . niSA 73 Metre, Drutavilambita. * Metre, Upajati. The end of the verse probably was 7 Metre, Apustubh. Read . jNgmsysskmaassaad| * Metro, SvAgata. Read frafa. 76 Metre, Upajati. - Metre, Bardalavikridita. 76 Metre, Vasaptatilaka. # Metre. Yamlastha. 22 38.
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________________ 284 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L. 87. puvati rameti preyasI sumanabhUmacamAte / 18 [i] sarakhatImamivAtakIpaNAmaya jIvapAMcayaH / mahAjanI yama somezvarAyatanamaMDapamuttaraca 38. 89. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. homalA tucA digaMganAnAmavacata yaha 18 [M zrImaNi bITakAlayasaMnidhAne / zrIkaMThapaMcA samapiThitAni yenAkiyaMta jatinAyatanAni ca / 40 []" mAturmAdevyA [ya] zreyase mAlavevaraM / catAmadhyeyamatrimA tI niramAya [COM umApaterAyatanaM nAcA maMhasaH / jatI khatadumAcAraH kArayAmAsa tatva yaH / 42 [] zrI atibhAryAyA umAyAH vAcAjanmanaH / ceya yaH satAM sImA niramAsImevaraM / // [0] hasanAcA vipurAMtavedharaM mhttrviijitkaat| priyAbhidhAnena manoramaM ciyAmA patiH cirameva [O]" moraca bhairavamAMjara vividhinAya ca / cakAra paMcAyatanAMtarAse vAlendumaulikhitamAnaso yaH / 45 []" cAmAdumasaudAcidAmacauramadharma] [itara] | dUramaritakAtarahArabhUparisare pavAra va 4 [0] samrAjjanAya devA nAyi grAnI jagatvAca kojinI prativAsaraM / 47 [1]" karttavyametadubhayaM baTukena paTIyasA / kSamASapATakadravyanaivedyA zrIpayogataH / 48 yugmaM / zrIDatI: DimotipurAtuna madhArayaH / drayAMcakAra pratimAsamahAmahApadIyamidapU [] - Motre, Srigath Rond pucabIcama Motre, Vadasthd. Metro, Vasantatilaka. Metro of verses 41-68, Anushtubh. The braoketted syllable is indistinct. Motre, Vasantastha. The anusvars of ru. mIranaM is not distinct. Metre, Upajati. Motre, Rathoddhati. "Metre of verses 47-48, Anushtabh. "Metre, Upajati.
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________________ CINTRA PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OF SARANG ADEVA. 285 50. L. 48. dAtavaM mAsika vesA matapanayatAyaM / navInabaravIrAsAneca nitvamaH / ..] pATIvAsAya vATIbhyI pahItaM sacivedikA / co parI47. cipa yaH SaD dramAnAsapATave / mArakaritayaM cISA muhAnAmikAmApakaM / ghRtaM karSAva catvArasesaM dIpAya tAdRzaM / 13 [] bAbAni paMca 48. pUnAni khitave sitiyaasinaa| boTAgAra gupana pratyayena cnnit| bugmaM / " va dhUpavezArtha guggulasva mavAyaM / yaH pukhata samA49. sanaHpratimAsamavArayat / " [] pana--1ca paMcAmat panAri phriviir| mAraNa pradeyAni nitvaM biittkhitve|[] pathapAlena tada vNdhkhaaniiphaarsNbii| zrI----koSTAgArAdAnIya dAtavyaM / coSA mANakamekaM nirvApe pakSikAiyaM mudrAH / nitvaM ghRtakoM cAviti 61. pazapAzAya daat| . [] [da] x x dAtavyaM nivNbevecaahtii| tatasada baTunA pacanIyaM prayatnataH / 18[] pathapAsena saMkalpaya taka 52. sbiittkN| baTukAya pradA[tabaM]--[ka]vidhAyine / 18 [] maMDapikAyAM khitaka cAturmAtakaNyAsanAt / pratyayaH satAM sImA imamekamakA rayat / / . ] paveva kArayAmAsa pra--- mahAradhIH / khitake yo nava dramAna baTukamAsahita / [] pUjAmapratimA kA pratimAsamupaduSaH / >> Metre of verses 50-56, Anushtubb. # The bracketted letters aro very indistinct, and not certain. The second sigo of ot (vorne 61) is not quite dig tinot. Read bIhAgAra. * Motre of verses 66-67, Arya. The lnoena has probably to be alled up, MDr. Bhagrrinlal proposes, by sImanAra Read bIhAnA. * Metro of versen 68-84, Apushtubh. The lacuna has probably to be filled up by the way. Read te. * Probably Truffaut to be read, * The lacuna has to be filled up by writing water .
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________________ 286 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L. 4. devAH paMcadama dramAH pathapAlasva [dharvAtaH / 400 cAturjAtakapAdAnAM yaH sNmilitpott| - tataH paMcadama mAna pratimAsaMbadhatta yH| 10 zani B. yo vimiSTAni vISiprIritamAnasaH / cAtujItakapAdabhyo vittenAdAya dattavAn / [0] teSAM madhyAduttama zAmikaM devadhAmAzinA mAsiSIbhyaH / 56. nitya pUjApuSajAtIpahAraH bImacAturNAtana pradatta / [0]" caivImo bhAdrapadImaheca pavitra vistara ca krtu| mahAjanIpi pratiSa: mevaM dravyaM vizeSasita pavAra / [0] koSTAgAraSa pUgAni maharaSa danAni ca / zivarAnI pradeyAni caaturjaatkbiittke| [] zrIsImanAvaprabhu68. rAjapATikAbaye bibhivvimbhiraamnaa| sannAsirASiyugAba komasAH sadA vidhayAni vizAbudhibhiH / / pani somavaradevarIyA saMpUjya paMcAyatamAni puurv| cIna pavAtyazapAsakena zrIdevapATyAmadhiropavIyaM / / / caibiimaadrpdiibhnptitocaartive| 51. 69. cAturvA 80. takapAdiyI dharmakhAnamadatta vaH / ..[1] lopArjitana sacinA vibhavena dharmazAna mAsanamidaM ca vinirmama yaH / tainAsva kIrtananivaSayamaH patAkA rAvAnAvayavasAtisAra / 10 bIgaMDarAvakArayatikIrtanasya saarNgbhuuptisrkhaarbhuussvl| yaH bIvitAsayAmA yatanakha madhezAnIyadevahutiko rAMcakAra / .1 0] tAdRk vizeSaNacitAdhigamAya saMttacitteSu vidhati yadIyaguvAnava / puti 88. siMhatanayAyAdhinAyanAbhIsarIvAyacAsasamAbhitA ye| 10 nirvAnamazirasavAsitavikhanAvamAviyataH saridabhIbAgabhIramaMtaH / * mint Band pUnApura. .. Xetro, pajati. MoreAnushtabh. Bond dumt. Matre, Indrarabia * Metre, Upajati. * Metre, Anushtabh. * Metre of verses 71-76, Vasantatilake. * Band vAivi saMbaviNe.
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________________ 287 MATHURA PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OF VIJAYAPALA. L. 61. WARTOGGrch reif:2044f faltfor regalfar I o8 [' somArkavAyadhimaMDalato nipIya pIyUSabAsasitAni subhA65. fornfor eSA prathasiranavadhapadArthabadhA dhaMdhAtmajena vidadhe dharaNIdharaNa / 75 [0] enA lileza maMtrI vikrama iti pUrNasiMhatamunamA / 66. marcu fur et arraquete for I 94 []" bInapavikramasaM 1145 varSe mAghazadi 5 some siMgapratiSTAmahI . :'unafa XXXIII.-THE MATHURA. PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OF VIJAYAPALA, DATED SAMVAT 1207. By G. BUHLER, PH.D., L.L.D., O.I.E. This Prasasti forms part of the finds which Dr. A. Fuhrer made at Mathura' in January and February 1889. It was recovered on 10th February from the excavations made by the railway contractors at the Kelava mound. According to the impression, the stone measures 24 inches in breadth and 21 in height. It contains thirty lines (29 written breadthwise and one on the margin lengthwise) of neatly incised Nagari characters which somewhat resemble those of the Deval Prabasti. Its preservation is very bad. At the upper right-hand corner a triangular piece has been broken off, whereby lines 1.8 have lost at the end 2 to 11 letters each. Further, in the centre of lines 7 to 23, there is a smooth blank space where 17 to 30 letters have been rubbed out. This blank space is nearly circular, and at its circumference the deeper strokes are faintly visible, while the shallower ones have entirely disappeared. It looks as if the stone at some period or other had been used for grinding spices upon. Moreover, there is an exfoliation on the left, by which the end of the marginal line has been destroyed as well as the beginning of lines 23 to 25. Finally, single letters have been lost in various places. The language of the inscription is Sanskrit, and, with the exception of three short ps.ssages in the beginning, after the Mangala in line 4, and at the end, is metrical throughout. It shows at least one ungrammatical form pointed out in the notes. As regards the orthography, the employment of va for ba must be noted and the dropping of the middle ja in ujoala, of cha before chha, etc. The ciroumstances stated make a continuous translation of the document impossible. Its general contents, which are perfectly clear, are as follows:-After a short prose invocation of Ganapati, follows the Mangala, which contains one verse addressed to the same deity, and two in honour of Vishnu-Krishna. The conclusion of the Mangala is indicated by the words: "Thus even first." Next we have (verse 4) the encomium of a * Read furuf. | Regarding his Jaina inscriptions see the Vienna Ori. * Metre, Giti. ental Journal, vol. III, pp. 9988. Road ufat .
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________________ 288 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Kshatriya race whose name has been lost. The first individual of this family, whom the inscription mentions (verses 5-6), is the illustrious Simharaja. His son (verse 7) was the illustrious Tejaraja. The name of the son of the latter, verse 8, has been lost. But we learn from the fragment of the marginal verse 9 that he married 'the virtuous daughter of the king of Avanta,' i.e., probably Avanti or Malva. The name of the son of this couple, as well as of his consort, who is referred to in verse 10, is again lost. But their son was called Jajja (verse 11), and his virtues are described in verses 12 to 15. The description seems to have been purely conventional. Verse 16 speaks of an 'illustrious personage named Rissika' and immediately afterwards refers to Jajja's consort. The natural interpretation of the fragments is that Jajja's wife was Rissika's daughter. Verse 17 informs us that Jajja had by her four sons. Their names are lost with the exception of one, the illustrious Asika.' The information, conveyed in these verses, may be thus given in tabular form : Simharaja. TejarAja. O married to daughter of king of Avanta. O married to P Jajja married to the daughter of Rissika. Asika. From verse 18 we learn that "Jajja, who long carried the burden of the varga, together with a committee of trustees (goshthijana), built a large temple of Vishnu, brilliantly white and touching the clouds." The committee mentioned may have been that of some older Vaishnava temple or that formed by the persons mentioned further on. Verse 19 contains a prayer for the duration of the building. The next verses (20-23) enumerate the names of the trustees of the temple, viz., Rama son of Tilha, Peichittika (?), . . . sa son of Dhanika, Narada son of Manga, Jasika son of ?, Vasanta son of Tila, Dhantuka son of Kala, Mahipala son of Sobhara,' [Madha]v a son of . . ?, Phullari son of Sada, Devara son of Madhava, Sodhala son of Ramapala, and Selhana son of Rajika, whose functions, it seems, were to descend to sons and grandsons (verse 23). Verses 24 to 26 mention the endowments of the temple. 24. "Now hereafter are written the endowments (vritti) of the god of gods, who wears the war-disc, which (endowments) have been given by the king and the inhabit. ants of the town: 25. "(Viz.) two houses and six rows of shops (vithi), a garden for the god, a gunipraspiti of rice (anna) possessing the proper weight, size and flavour;" In the compound Sobhardtma, the word atman seems to have been used for atmaja, in accordance with the Vedic verse: dtma vai putranamasi. I do not know what a goniprasiti may be. A guni is a large measure equal to four kharia (Colebrooke, Mise Essays, vol. I, p. 537), and a prasriti is a handful equal to two palas. The rice was of course destined for the Vaivedya. ffering.
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________________ MATHURA PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OF VIJAYAPALA. 289 26." At each engine a pali shall be taken, a ... from the flower-garland-maker, and the fourth part from the mapaka, whoever may be the mapaka." Verse 27 contains the usual imprecation against those who resume endowments or do not give what they ought to give according to the preceding verses. The last verse states that this Prasasti was composed by two wise' men, Pala and Kuladd hara (?), who ask (not without good reason) the pardon of the learned for mistakes which they may have committed. The colophon in prose finally informs us that the Prasasti was incised by the mason somala in Samvat 1207, on the full-moon day of Karttika, during the victorious reign of his glorious majesty, the supreme king of great kings, Vijayapala. The latter name is unfortunately not quite certain. Though I believe that the lower portion of the syllable doi is faintly recognisable before the very distinct jayapala, the possibility that the king's name was Ajayapala (ertmadajaya. paladeva) is not absolutely excluded. But whether he bore the former or the latter name, it seems to me that we have here a ruler of a dynasty hitherto not traced in the inscriptions. None of the Ajayapalas or Vijayapalas, mentioned in other epigraphic documents, can be identified with this king, who in all probability ruled about the middle of the twelfth century A, D.; for usually Samvat means in the documents of this period Vikrama Samvat, and the date therefore corresponds to 1149-51 A. D. This king certainly was the ruler of Mathura at this period, and Jajja was one of his Vassals. This much is absolutely certain, and the inscription settles also the date of at least one of the temples buried under the Kebava mound. TRANSCRIPT. L. 1. to read THI femme a ucu - ferent forretter (0] faforma farfura - - - ----------\ [ ] 2. [at] merantforceferent [a] f-:-: ANT[fof] eta EHWAIT FTAT ergutaurert i uu-vu-u-uu -- - - - T : asfalfesta hamil anferitfaina jarrera. [2] u-u-searcha HYTTUU-v-uv -v - - u The engines intended were probably the oil-mills, by saob of wbieb a small quantity of oil bad to be furnished. . Mpaka means literally '8 mensuror.' It must have here a teohnioal meaning. Possibly the mdpdrf may be meant, i..., the official who had to measure the grain brought into the market; H. H. Wilson, Glossary of Judicial Thrma, end voce. This man may have had to lovy a mall tax on the dealers in grain. * Metro, Upajati; restore in the first balf two wifeft. 7 Metre, Sardalavikuidite. Restore in the first pada fare: TT The dha of eft is imporfectly formed and looks like da.
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________________ 290 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L.4. samastabhuvanAkaraH kamalacakrabhUSAkaraH dhRtAmaramahAbharaH sRNi]vadutamAdharaH // [] iti prathamameva // TOT -vu-u-uu kalamohAmadigmabalaH sAdhAH pA[ya]samAtrayo hijakulaiH saMsevyamAnIdhikaM / coNImaNDalamakhanaM bahutarapra[khyAta]parvakra[ma] --- -- bataH cititale rAjanyavaMzo mahAn // [4] saujanyAmRta]vAridhipraguNagrAmaprakAmAvadhiH zrImAndharmanidhi[]yaikanipuNacasA] --- - 7. tabAbhUkalikAlakalmaSamaSIpracA---- --- - - -zrIsiMharAjAhayaH // [1] dAmana la[]Ivinayena vidyA -- - 8. ti: kSamayA ca bhakti: [0] satyena sa - -~-- -uu-u-- [14]" - ~-nayobatamati: bItejarAjAhayaH maka - zaciguruguNagrAhI vivekaar-| ---vu-u-vuu-- v--u -- [ya]ghabhujaGgamo na taralI yo nAyakopi sphuttN| [7]" 10. tasmAtsUnurajAyatojvalatarapra- -- - --- - - --- -[] rata:] vihAMchitapUrtikalpaviTapI nyAya kaniSThaH paraM / [] ghaMbhuH zailasutAmiva -------- --- - - -[riva] srotasvinI jaahnviiN| zItAMza: kila 11. Metre, Prithvi. Read bharata. Metre, Bardilavikritlita. The last syllable of the third rida is only half risible. # Metre, Sardulavikridita. Only the upper parts of the bracketted syllables are visible "Netre, Indravajra. I Metre, Bardulavikridita. Before mayInatamati: stands a letter which looks like and before that remnants of anigu like . The reading may have been tasyAbhUttamayInatamatiH, which, as the metre shows, would be a mistake for takhAbhUtanayA mayInatamatiH . Complete the second pada by writing sahakarata:. 13 Metre, Sirdulavikridita. The fuurth missing 1 ada is probably that noted in the margin; see below, line 30.
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________________ L. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. MATHURA PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OF VIJAYAPALA. roDiyomiya sunAyA ga[rA]-- janmaH savjanabhUSaNaM / rameva ko[]AvAsu [dA][1]" X X X rAmo dama gaccavA pacaM kilekaM vima janma: punarbhUtasa kA divi gacayituM kI sIbha - vApya ii dAbhyAsavidhi: pa [tAthA: ] parichettumIzaH [1] karoti [0] --~-- [2] * [n [12]" satyena vAgapi ca yena kRtA katA zrImAnikanAmadheyavidi[tI] lAcAravibhUSaNAM bhayabha ropakRtaye kArya guruyAM [va] [1] yaH paropAtibhiH [tI] ~ -- -- maH kiM kiM na lokottaraM / [14]" -- ~- [ 10" [] thI / [15] tAM samatAM dharme matiH D [0 1 Metre, Vasantatilaka. Metre, Bardalavik ridita. Read at the beginning of the third pada arr. tasyAM [va] catuSTayaM samabhava -- [ // 16]* Metre, Sarddlavikridita. Verse 9 is apparently that on the margin, which is given below at the end of the inscription. _16_Metre, Anushtubh. The verse may be completed by writing in the beginning tasmAttasyAM samutpaJjI and at the end "sadAradhIH // 26 Motre, MandakrAnt4. The third pada may be completed by writing bIbImiH samartha: Metre, Indravajra or possibly Upajati. in Metre, Sardalavikridita. 291 202
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________________ 292 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L. 20. --0-0 0 -00-~-- ----[f]jagurucitabhalibutaH // gAMbhIrya savanayadAna[vive] kavudhiH / et vuu-uu-u--[ no]" --- --- -[vitrAya goThIvane: sA vargadhurA cirA yavahatA banena nirmApitaM / vizormyamanapa- -------- --- --- paTa shbaabhmli| [18] saudhaH saiba vamandhakAntakajaTAjUTATavInATakamergo u-u-vuu--v--u---[1]ciraM phIcaraphavArAMbarA pi 24. -- tAvadizAstu mandiramidaM sanIpata: mAkhata . --- --- --- ----[18]" x x x x [javanI] rAmasilama naMdanaH / pecittika --.x x [zo dhaSikAmanaH / [20]" maMgapuvo nAradava jAmikAbAhavA]manaH / TIbasUnurvasaMtaba kalasvAmajantukaH / [21]" sobharAmA mahIpAkSaH xxxxv-jyH| pujArI sahasaMbhUtaH devarI mAdhavAmanaH / [23] soDhatI rAmapAla sailapI rASikotrayaH / eta gohI samAgamya putrapauvAdi 28.. -[ likAH / [2] [cavA]tI lisyate ittirdevadevasa pakriyaH / saMpradattA narendre puravAsinIna ca / [24] pIvIvayaH SaT ca vATikA devItaye / 26. Metre, V antatilak. # Metro, Sardalavikridita. In the first pada the bracketted uyllables are tucertain, in the second the entrin of ht in the fourth the anurinof paTa. Metro, Bardflavikridite. [Tho voru mome to consist of Ao pada-E.H.] * Notre of rene 80-90, Anushtabh. The bracketted lotten in rem90 and Slammatilated and anoertain.
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________________ VADNAGAR PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OF KUMARAPALA. 293 L.27. [prAratiravasva mAnomAnarasAdikA / [25] yaM[be] yaMtre palo--cA--puSyamAlikAt / mApakAca caturthIso yaH ka[vicApako bhavet // 26]" yaH ka[vi . ratettiM na dadAti ca mAnavaH / sa gobarakaM ghoraM yAvadAnAtasaMbhavaH / [20]' pasvApramoH kartArau dhau paalkulaarau| canti]yaM sarvavibudhabUMnAca ---- tH| [28] saMvat 11.7 kArtika] porcamAsvA mahArAjAdhirA[jatroma]ijayapAladevavijayarAjye utkIrNa somalasUtra[dhAraNa // ] --- romacirbimamadhI(raH satA saMmataH / ... pa[va]ntarAjatanayAM bhAryA smudvaastiiN| tasA sajanayAmAsa x x x xv- ~ x [] XXXIV.--THE VADNAGAR PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OF KUMARAPALA BY VAJESHANKAR G. OJAX, Esq., AND G. BUHLER, PH.D., LL.D., C.I.E. The subjoined edition of the Vadnagar Prasasti has been prepared according to n paper-impression, forwarded, together with a valuable transcript, by Vajeshankar G.Ojha, Esq., of Bhaunagar, whose antiquarian zeal has already made accessible a considerable number of important inscriptions found in Western India. In revising the proofs I have also had the use of an impression prepared by Mr. H. Cousens and furnished me by Dr. Burgess. The inscription, to which Mr. H. H. Dhruva first called attention in the Indian Antiquary, vol. X, p. 160, is incised on a stone slab in the Arjun-Bart near the samela tank at Vadnagar. To judge from the impression it measures 85} inches in height by 82 inches in breadth, and contains 46 lines of badly engraved, ordinary Nagart characters. The preservation is tolerably good except in the middle, where line 19 has been entirely destroyed by a break in the slab, and lines 17, 18 and 20 have suffered smaller or greater losses. Lines 26 and 27 have lost a few letters at the end. The language is Sanskrit, and with the exception of the introductory invocation and of two colophons is throughout metrical Mistakes of various kinds are exceedingly numerous, and there is bardly a single verse which does not require more or less extensive emendations. Bnt all the faults in the first verses are apparently due to tbe negligence of the * Probably catugamI to be road. * Probably bAvabAbhUtaSa: i meant. The fourth ayllable might also be read bhU. The phrnss in of course inoorroot. The 17 of f re is faintly visible, and I believe the lower part of dei. # l'am at a loss to say what this gure menne. The pada belongs without doubt to verse B, which is incomplete.
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________________ 294 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. copyist or of the engraver. The spelling is simply execrable. The corrections in the notes to the text rectify only the worst cases. The smaller mistakes, which will be familiar to every student who has read bad manuscripts, have not been touched. The inscription contains a second-hand copy of Sripala's eulogy on the rampart of Nagara-Anandapura, built in Vikrama Samvat 1208, by the Chaulukya king Kumarapala, and two additional verses, composed by the writer of the copy, which was made on the restoration of the rampart in Vikrama Samvat 1689. Sripala's poem opens with a prose invocation to Siva and a mangala addressed to Brahman (verse 1). The next seventeen verses (2-18) give an account of the origin of Chulukya, the heros eponymos of the Chauluky a race, and of the first eight Chaulukya rulers of Gujarat. The list agrees with those known from other sources : 1. Malaraja. 2. His son Chamundaraja. 3. His son Vallabharaja. 4. His brother Durlabharaja. 5. Bhimadeva. 6. His son Karna. 7. His son Jayasimba-Siddharaja. 8. Kumarapala. The historical notes, appended to the names of the several kings, furnish not much that is new, but are of value on account of the age of the inscription, which is about as old as the oldest Prabandha, Hemachandra's Doyaerayakavya. Of Malaraja we hear (verse 5), that "he made the Fortuna of the kingdom of the Chapotkata princes, whom be took captive at his will, an object of enjoyment for the multitude of the learned, of his relatives, of Brahmans, bards, and servants." This statement agrees with that contained in Malaraja's land grant (Indian Antiquary, vol. VI, p. 192), where it is asserted that "he conquered the province watered by the river Sarasvati through the strength of his arm," and furnishes an additional argument for assuming that the first Chaulukya gained Gujarat by conquest, not, as the Prabandhas narrate, by the treacherous murder of the last Chapotkata, his near relative. Verse 6 speaks of a successful war, waged by Chamunda, against the king of Sindh. This point is not mentioned in any other document, but is not incredible, as Sindh formed the western border of the Chaulukya kingdom, and as somewhat later both Bhimadeva and his son Karna were at feud with its rulers. With respect to Vallabharaja the inscription asserts (verse 7), that he made an inroad into Malava, which the Kirtikaumudi (ii, 11), the Sukritasamkirtana (ii, 18), and some later Prabandhas, likewise report, while Hemachandra is silent regarding it. So long as Somesvara's and Arisimha's testimony was not supported by earlier evidence, the point remained at least doubtful. Now the case is different, and it becomes difficult to assail the authenticity of the tradition. Durlabharaja, we are told, conquered Lata, which feat is not mentioned in the other sources. Usually the annexation of central Gujarat to the Chaulukya kingdom is ascribed to Malarkja. Equally interesting is the fact that our Prasasti (verse 9) ascribes to Bhimadeva the conquest of Dhara. This likewise agrees with the statements of the Kirtikaumudi (ii, 17-18), of the Sukritasamkirtana (ii, 17-19), and of the later Prabandhas, which assert that Bhima caused the destruction of Bhoja. Hemachandra's omitting to notice it now loses its
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________________ VADNAGAR PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OF KUMARAPALA. 295 importance. The passage regarding Jayasi mha-Siddharaja (verses 11-18) has unfor. tunately been mutilated. The only complete verse (11) mentions his taking the king of Malava, i.e., Yasovarman, captive and his possessing the philosopher's stone, or rather tincture, with the help of which he paid the debts of all his subjects, and it would seem that the fragments of verse 12 referred to the king's power over the evil spirits. It thus appears that Sripala, just as Hemachandra in the Doyasrayakavya, thought it necessary to endow his master with supernatural powers. The five verses 14 to 18, referring to Kumarapala, highly extol his two well-known victories over Arnoraja, the king of the North (verse 17), i.e., of Sakambhari-Sambhar in Rajputand, and over the ruler of Malava, the king of the East. The latter seems to have lost his life in the defence of his country; for verse 16 asserts that his head was suspended at the gate of KumArapala's Palace, and verse 17 again alludes to his severed head. Both wars are mentioned in most other sources. Nevertheless it is important to learn from our Prakasti that they were finished before Vikrama Samvat 1208. Hitherto it was only possible to say, on the strength of the statements in the Namdol grant, that Arno. rhia had been conquered before Vikrama Samvat 1213. Now we learn that the rising in Malava, which Jayasimha had formerly annexed to Gujarat, was also subdued five years earlier. Verses 19-29 contain the praise of the ancient Brahmanical settlement of Nagara or Anandapura and of the rampart with which Kumarapala surrounded it, as well as a wish for the duration of the latter. Anandapura, which now is usually called Vadnagar, or in Sanskrit Vriddhanagara, lies in the Kheralu subdivision of the Kadi district, belonging to the Gaikovad of Baroda. The earliest mention of its existence occurs in Hiuen-Tsiang's Travels (Si-yu-ki, vol. II, p. 268). Somewhat later its name appears in the Valabht land grants, and it is probably this Anandapura where $iladitya VI. Dhrubhata issued his sasana of (Gupta)-Sauvat 447.' As is well known, it is the original home of the Nagaras, the most important section of the Brahmans of Gujarat, whose great influence with the princes of Gujarat is attested by credible testimony since the tenth century. Considering the early importance of the place, it is rather astonishing that, as the Prasasti asserts, it had no walls until the reign of Kumarapala. Verse 30 gives the author's name, and informs us that Sripala was adopted as a brother by Jayasimha-Siddharaja and bore the title Kavichakrapartin, 'an emperor among poets.' Sripalais frequently mentioned in the Prabandhas as Jayasimha's poet-laureate. The Prabhaoakacharitra (xxii, 206-8) names the Vairochanaparajaya as his chief composition, and asserts that he wrote Prasastis for the Durlabharajameru and for the Rudramahalaya in Sristhala-Siddhapura. Merutunga in the Prabandhachinta. mani (pp. 155-6) speaks of his eulogy of the famous Sahasralinga tank, excavated by Jayasimha near Anhilvad-Patan. A verse of bis is quoted by Sarngadhara in the Pad. dhati, cxxxiii, 7 (No. 3789, ed. Peterson). From our Prasasti we learn that he continued to hold his office under Kumarapala. His successor was, according to Rajasekha. ra's Prabandhakosha, his son Ratnapala. Bombay Gazetteer, vol. VIII, p. 6248F. * Indian Antiquary, vol. VII, p. 81, and Corpus Inscrip. Ind, vol. III, p. 1714. * Bhandarkar, Report on Sanskrit MSS. of 1889.84, p. 20.
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________________ 296 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. The writer of the Prabanti was the Nagara Brahman, Pandit Valana, and the date v.s. 1208, Aivina sudi 6(2), a Thursday, must fall between A.D. 1150 and 1152. It is possibly Thursday, September 28, 1151 A.D. The first of the two verses, added by the Nagara Joshi Vishnujt, son of Veni, i.e., Venilala or Venidase, records the reconstruction or repairs of part of the rampart, executed by a king whose name is not entirely readable, and it mentions the Arjuna. barika, i.e., the Arjun-Bari, where the slab is found. The second gives the date, V.S. 1689, Chaitra sudi 1, a Thursday. TRANSCRIPT. L. 1. bhii| bhoM namaH zivAya / acAItadhiyA mumukSubhirabhidhAtasya bahAvarerivAzatimabhiSTavImi jagatA patyuH zrutInAM nidhaH / yA vyApArita saMhataH khasamayaM cApiMDevaiH / krItI madhikaMduriva sa khdmaahaadte| ' gIvArotagarva danujaparibhavAbAdhitabAyakArya / vaidhA: saMdhyA namasvabapi nijaluke pukhgNgaaNbupuurnne| sabo vIraM ulukyAlayamasanadima yena kIrtipravAha pUtaM bekhIvamitabiyatamanuratyeva hito phala zrIH // 2 // 4. baMga: kopi tato babhUva vividhAyakalIsAsada / yanAmikSatopi vItagaSitAH praadurbhvtvnvaaii| zayAM yaH prathitapratApamahatIM dhe viparIpi san / yo 5. bAvadhi sarvadApi jagato viSakha datte pharma / baMgavAsa yazaHpravAsanavidhI nirmUlamubAmaciH / cothIpAlakirITakalitapadaH zrImUsarA bI'bhavat / yo mUle katidAvadadhanikhilacAyAmotyAdane / yo rAjava kare prakAmamiciraiH prIti ninAya pravAH / [1] yabApovATarAjarAjyakamamA kha iMdavaMdIlatA vidhivaviprabaMdizatakamyUtopabhogyA vadhAt yasvanAthayinIM tadA biyamalaM yuvasphuravikramakrotA: sarvadigaMtaracitibhunA * Metre of rerne 1. Bardalavikndita. Rend: sasamaya ; prApi , sadA sarcadamA 'Metre, Bragdhara. Rond saMthA bhAratyeva tI.. * Metre of verses 3-27, Kardalarikralita. Read ho vipatrIpi. I Read bhUka vAyadumIyAdI bara:.
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________________ 297 VADNAGAR PRASASTI OP THE REIGN OP KUMARAPALA. L.8. samAvira maMdira batakha babhUva bhUpatilakacAmuMDarAbAyo yAMvakSipadAnagaMdhapavanAmAni dUrAdapi / vibhavAdagaMdhamanaka ribhiH biisidhuraavaavaa| naSTa: covIpatiyathAsa yazasA gaMdhopi nirnAyita / / tamAmarAja ityabhidhayA bApAlacUDAmadhi10. yo sAhasakarmanimitacamabArakSamAmaMDalo yatvopAnabhita pizanayA taLaprayApatiubhyAsavabhUpacanavikasatrAzi badhUmoDamaH . . bImAbharAvanAmapati tArAcaM ddh| aMgArapi niviSadhIH paravadhavarga yo dukhamaH / yodhaparAkSasa vimapi bhUvArI bhaMgurA 12. sabo varSayati basAvadhAbhaMgapaM phalaM / 8 [0deg bhImopi zivatAM sadA pracayitA bhombalamArIdivAn / covIbhAramidaM bamA ranRpatiH] bIbhImadevo nRpaH / dhArApaMcakasAdhanakacaturesavAnimiH saadhitaa| cirma mAnavacasAvartinagarI dhArati ko viSayaH [] 14. mAmipatirbabhUva vasudhAka vartamapura bItaprISitavikavivara bIvarSadevAlayaH / yenajAvitabana cutamaraM dharma pura . khurvtaa| bAyonama kaivasaM ripugaHkAsIpi viSa:] katiH / 1. [0]" dapyamAsavabhUpabaMdhana vidhivasAbisacApati mavAbavitIcaMdanaziva 16. [mattama[bha]vodayaH / sabasirasAvItabagahItApamAnasitikobIpayasiMcadevalapati: sipAdhirajistataH / 1" vasA vezA rasA * RandbIpipatayaMdhA; ninAditaH. * Rnd tInivi, pinababevatvabAra * Rand bImAmarAna, niSabIparAva pATa. " Band supAparavaMza: - Band fbhanI sUrya sapaH nagaDIvIpamA 'paviH vivASirAmasAna:. The bnoketted lettamam not very distinot. P
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________________ 298 L. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 24. 25 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. - jisama[vi] - [ saM ] bholuma yaH coNIdharayAginIM ca sumahAbhogAM siveve ciraM lA cAci racAMsi ca // sirasA: sa [dA] citibhuja - -tItavitIdAnaniya saMpalIcayaH / krIDAkAMtadigaMtarA [ sakala] - - kulabhUpa krIDAkroDa zvohadhAra vasudhAM devAdhidevAjJayA / deva: [sotha] kumArapAlanRpatiH zrIrAjyacUDAma 23. patrAcAranavAvatArasaraNiH saMdharmakarmakramaprAdurbhAvavizAradI nayapathaprasthAnasArthAdhipaH / yaH saMpratyavatArayan - vilaMba - ~-~- - [ 12 // ] " yAdamadayacaMDI bhujasyAyinIM / hArAlaMbitamAlavemvaraziraH pacena yacAharazIlApaMkaja saMpavyasaninIM parAjaya D ci - gadavatIrthavAn paririti prAtaH prabhAvAne 1]* parSorAjamarAdhirAjada[se] ci[je] kavAcavaNA 12 [] naSTodIcanarAdhipobbitasitakaveH prasnovbalaH / triprAccanareMdra mAlikamale protpaladyotita chAyA dUravardhayacina 16 (OH yugaM yogaM saMcayana [ma] saMcarati bhUmi valayaM kAlavyavasthAmapi // 14 [0]" pratidi][[]]:] [pa][[]] pI 13 Owing to the bad preservation of verses 12-18 I do not think it advisable to propose any emendations. 14 The laouns in pada 4 has probably to be filled up by : sa. 14 Read "branaM; caMDa, The bracketted letters are not quite certain. 14 Bend [sacarma; bIjayan
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________________ VADNAGAR PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OF KUMARAPALA. 299 L. 28. kule yastra pratApadmaH / 1.[0]" pAcAra: kisa tasva rakSaNavidhivipani mitapratyUhasya phalAvalIkizakunacAnasya maM[bAba 28. devImaMDalakhaMDitAkhilariporya vinodAtmavaH / zrIsomezvaradattarAjyavibhavasyADaMbaraM vAhinI // 18 [0]" rAjAnena ca bhujba- . bhagA vizaMbharA viskaradrabadhItitavArirAdhirapanA piitaadvividhystniiN| etA bhUSayadakhikuMDalamiva atyAvayaM etA vicA[NA] 29. garAyaM jimahAkhAnaM suvarbodayaM / 18 []" pAnamAdi RSipravartitamahAyacakramottaMbhite yUMpairdattakarAvalaMbanatayA pAdavyapakSAcutaH / 30. dharmoveva caturyugapi kalinAnaMdaH parisaMdate tanAnaMdapurati yasya vibudharnAmAMtara nirmitaM / 2. [0] pAtrAtadijavargavedatamulervAdhiyaMmArApi31. sambanImahutAyadhUmapaTaserAdhyavyathA saMbhitaH / nAnAdevaniketanadhvajathisAghAteca khaMjIlato yasmibadha kali khakAlavihitobA32. zApi nosarpati // 21 [] sarpakSipravadhUjanasva vividhAlaMkArarabArabhiH merA: saMtatagotamaMgalaravervAcAlatA prApitAH / prastAMtotsavalabamANa vibhAvarSaprakAkhito mArgA eva vadaMti yana nRpateH saurAjyasaMpahuNaM // 22 [0]" pasibAkarAkSamAparijananajANaM karIbavare rakSAM yAMtikapauSTika vitanute bhUpasya raassttrsc| mA bhUttasva tathApi tIvratapaso bAdheti bhaktyA ruupo| witlooks an if in the first illegible word there were syllable in exces. Read degpImita, motiSama, mucana or ect| pItitamyAyo W Rand "vidhiAina tu; vinIdImAvA. - Read bhundhamAnasamagA, manA; samI; eSA, viti; nagarA. * Rend citA. n Rand vAna pArIpitaH; zivAcAvera baSita; mAhIpi. - Read vibhavolpA 22 38. 84.
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________________ 300 L. 35. EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. vana viprapurAbhiraca[calate nirmApayAmAsa mA 21 [0" pasinapraguNena toya. nilayAH prIti khovaMbara kAma vibhuvIpi vaprakAsitAkhavaMti dhAncabiyaM / evaM cetasi saMpradAya sksbiipkaarkhyaa| cakra vAvibhUSitaM puramidaM paulukyacaDAmatiH // 24 // " pAdAkrAMtarasAtalo giririva sAdho mahAbhIgataH aMgArIva taraMgiNIpatiriva smArodayabArabhUH / 38. 88. 87. sarpavApizIrSakI jaya va kAvyAdanAriSa nArIvarga rAveSTakAMta[cira sAkhoyamAlokyate / 25 [] bhogAbhogamanoharaH parayatelatuMga gA dhArayan yAtaH kuMDakhitAM ca yatrapuraSajAtrAvanAgataH / rakhAlamahAnidhi puramiva bAtuM sa peSa khitaH prAsAra sadhayA sitopa sapirA: saMzajate hakhAn / [1] kAmaM kAmasamaSipUrakaramArAmAbhirAmAH sadA / sadalapatatatparevisaravaMtavAcAsitAH / 40. sarpaduSamAzivapravalayaprItaH prasanA bnH| khAtAba bahiNa saMprati bhavaH yobhAta vicatiH // 20 // sasIkuvaM cIvibhujo dadhAnaH prI ddodyaadhisstthitvisshoyN| vibhAvata nAgarakAmyaSTi vapraba caubanarAdhipa / [0]" yAvatpRmI raghuviracitAzeSabhUSaviyA / yAvatIti: sagaravapatarvidyate sAgaroyaM / tAvabaMdhAvivaramahAsAgaracAnidAna zrIcaulAcitipatiyathAkIrtana vA eSa / Reo ekAmi[ya] camahApa-zrIsirAjapratipavabaMdhuH / bIpAlanAmA kavicakravartI pragatimatAmakarISamatA* [0]" * Rnd vijJAnarabariya' pi . * Band cA saba * Bend viyAvarapira. * Rand pavanavA puramida mAna. Band dasa pAvara lipibati. * Matra, Indrarajra. Band . *Mots.Mandakulata Rand nihAma eSa:. Metze, Upajati. Read them.
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________________ 301 VADNAGAR PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OP KUMARAPALA. L. 44, stara pona of [n] a fafei T roforda caubanAcA ca]dhipanakAritA pratIzivA yA [][]fauti gordatat 14T --- anfaata v ita afar [w]" caitramAse zambhe paye pratipaduvAsara / maMdApa like a sufer feferat ga: IR [1]** mAgavAvalomIvevInutana vijIvana sibitA prayati / " sabhaM bhavatu / 46 TRANSLATION. Om! Om! Adoration to Biva! (Verse 1.) I praise that will-power of the lord of the (three) worlds, the store-house of the Vedas, on whom the silent seekers after salvation meditate as on the non-dualistic Brahman, -(that power) which, playing with new mundane eggs, as with jewelled balls -producing and destroying them at their time-ever amuses itself according to its desire. (2.) Humbly asked by the gods for a protector against the insults of the sons of Danu, the Creator, though about to perform the twilight-worship, produced forthwith in his pot (ohuluka) Alled with the holy water of Ganga, that hero named Ohulukya who sanotified these three worlds with the floods of his fame. Of a necessity the glory of the cause produces its result." (8.) From him sprang a race, the sole sporting-ground of many marvels, in which even kings without number daily appear, which, even in its decay, possessed a lustre, great on account of its famed valour, and which ever bestows blessings on the whole world down to common men. (4.) Illustrious Malaraja, who stepped on the diadems of princes, was a priceless pearl to enhance the splendour of the fame of his family,--he who became the root of the tree of justice that had been burnt by the forest-fire of the Kali (age) and, as (becomes) a (true) king, by exceedingly light taxegh gained the affection of his subjects. (5.) He made the Fortuna of the kingdom of the Chapotkata princes, whom he took captive at his will, an object of enjoyment for the multitude of the learned, of his relatives, of Brahmans, bards and servants. Won by his valour that mightily blazed forth in battle, the guardian goddesses of the kings of all the other regions then clave for a long time to the Fortuna residing in his sword. * Read 7. The braokatted figure is not certain, and may have been 3 or 3. * Metro, pajati of Vardastha and Indns . Read f est. Metro, Apushtabh. The Amt foot of the second line is dessoient by one syllable. Read fuffrat. * Rend ; wafer, * Regarding the creation of Cholokya compare slao Vikram diladovacharita, i, 88, 89ff. The is, of course Brahman's pot, from which, owing to its merednem, only a very famous, holy bero could prooved. Karait prakdmafilirait means, of course, aloo by exceedingly cool nye.' As (becomes) (frue) king.' ..., one whore behaviour agtoo with the etymologloul meaning of rdjan, which the Hindu condet with rajayak, be gladden.'
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________________ 302 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (7.6.) His son was that front-ornament among kings, called Chamundardja. Inhaling even from afar the breeze perfumed with the ichor of his (Ohamunda's) excel. lent elephants, the illustrious Sindhu-king fled together with his own elephants that were cowed by the smell of their opponent's) rut, and vanished in such wise that even all trace of the fame of that prince was lost. (7.) From him was born a crest-jewel among princes named Vallabharaja, who astonished the circle of the earth by his bold deeds. Densely dark smoke, rising from the empire of the Malava king, who quaked on hearing of his marching, indicated the spread of the fire of his anger. (8.) (4fter him) ruled his brother, called the illustrious king Durlabharaja, who, though his heart was bent on love, was not easily accessible (durlabha) to the wives of others. When, Alled with anger, he somewhat contracted his arched eyebrows, that forthwith indicated its result, the destruction of the Lata country. (9.) (Next) illustrious king Bhimadeva, who, though terrible (bhima) to his foes ever granted enjoyments to his friends, as ruler, carried this load of the earth. What wonder was there that his horses, supremely skilled in accomplishing the five paces (called .dhdra'), quickly gained Dhara, the capital of the emperor of Malava ? (10.) From him sprang a king, called illustrious Karna, an ornament of the ear (karna) of the earth, who gladdened the auditory passages of the universe with the tales of his brilliant fame. That righteous one, placing the sacred law before him as his shield), smote with the loud twanging of the sinew (of his bow) and with flights of arrows not only the crowd of his foes, but also the Kali age." (11.) From him was born the illustrions king Jayasimhadeva-Siddhadhiraja, who frightened all rulers of the earth by the manner in which he fettered the proud king of MAlaya, who was propitious in the aspect that he showed to those drawn towards him by devotion, who was an incarnation of the development of majesty, who was ever celebrated by the people, freed by him from debt with the help of the philosopher's tino. ture, as the standard of comparisons. (14.) ........ He who, like (Vishnu) disguised as a boar, uplifted the earth at the command of the God of gods," was his majesty King Kumarapala, the crestjewel of the reign of Sri," and on account of his majestic power he was considered by the people as Hari who had descended from heaven. (16.) This scion of the race of the Chaulukya kings shot one flight of arrows into the heart of the supreme king of men, Arporaja, and made (the goddess) Chandi, who was seated on his arm, drunk by satisfying her with the gushing blood," and he charmed her when she was desirous of taking a toy-lotus, with the lotus-head of the Malava lord, that was suspended at his gate. Boosloo Dober dar dulritasankirtana, p. 11. Bhdra, wed bere neuter, is regularly A masculine. Perhaps we ought to write bhdraw inash. The poet weane to my that Karpa made only lawful con questa (dharwya vijayal, and by his adherence to the mored law injared wiokad Kali. The porta did not wy Jayaiba in se brave an lion, but the lion is a brave us Jayasimha.' Bhaktydkialtodyddi may poolbly also be translated to whom Biva, attrated by his devotion, personally appeared.' Vv. 19 and 13 are too fungo mentary to be translated. << Le probably Siva. * I.e. the best among those kingo whom rolga wu prosperous. * The goddess Chapdi alwaye must be propitiated by blood, especially by human blood. She is said to be wated on the King's arm, because be posseokes chandapraidpa, 'flerce prowess."
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________________ VADNAGAR PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OF KUMARAPALA. 303 (V. 16.) He who is the path for a new descent of pure virtuous conduct, who is expert in causing the appearance of numerous works of true piety, and who is the leader of the caravan travelling on the road of righteousness, subjects to himself, methinks, (not only) the circle of the earth, (out) also the arrangement of time, since he now makes the Krita age appear and disregards the suitability of the time of Kali. (17.) The tree of his prowess, which bears glittering sprouts in the guise of slender fingers, cut off ....., resplendent flowers in the shape of white umbrellas left behind by the flying king of the North, and as a shining, moist (?) fruit, the severed lotus-head of the ruler of the East, gave wide-spreading shade to his own race. (18.) The rule of conduct for that (prince), for whom Vighnesa (Ganapati) removed all obstacles, was to protect (his subjects); the aim of his councils was the knowledge of omens (kenoron) to those who look for results; the battle was the festive amusement of him, whose foes were all destroyed by the multitude of his (tutelary) Devis;" his army was (mere) show for him to whom glorious Somebvara had given regal splendour." (19.) This earth, that is blessed in being enjoyed by that king (Kumarapala), that is surrounded by the oceans as by a girdle resplendent with glittering jewels, wbose breasts are the Snowy Mountain and the Vindhya, bears & sacred settlement of Brahmans, rich in men of a noble caste, called Nagara, which resembles an ornamental ivory-ring placed in its ear, (20.) Even here Dharma, who has suffered a fall with respect to his feet, joy. fully moves about during the wbolo four ages, since he finds a support for his hands in the sacrificial pillars erected for the series of great sacrifices which the sages continuously performed from the beginning of Brahman's (life). Hence the gods gave to this (town) its second Dame Anandapura. (21.) Even to-day Kali, though putting forth his energy in the period called after him, does not roam there, because the loud noise of the Vedas (recited) by crowds of untired Brahmans deafens him, because the smoke of the fires (blazing up) with uninterrupted oblations, afflicts him with blindness, because the blows from the tips of the flags (raised) on numerous temples of the gods, lame him. (22.) There even the streets, resplendent with the rays of the jewels in the various ornaments of the Brahmana' wives taking their walks, and made noisy by the auspicious sounds of uninterrupted songs, proclaim the excellence of the most beneficent reign of the king with respect to the splendour of the great wealth that is indicated by never-ending festivals. (28.) There the Brahmans, descended from the Nagara race, protect the king and the realm and guard them by sacrifices that ward off evil and cause prosperity. Lest, nevertheless, this Brahman-town, though thus given up to difficult austerities, should suffer harm, the king, full of devotion, ordered & rampart to be built for its protection. Tho Prabandhas mention that Kumarapala ured to worship Kapte vart and other Devis in the month of Livina according to the custom of his family; nee Uober das Leben der Jaina Moncha Homachandra, p. 46 t. Compare the expression in the land-grante, Umdpativaralabdhapraadda, which invariably stands before Kumarapala's name. # Srutydfrayant, placed in its ear,' must probably also be taken with Nagara in the sense of home of the Vodar.' e Dharma loves in each Yoga one foot, and is one logged in the Kalingo.
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________________ 304 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (V. 24.) "In consequence of the excellence of the rampart the drinking-fountains gladden people there with water, even the cultivated fields, enclosed by the rampart, bring at pleasure rich crops;" thinking thus in his heart the crest jewel of the Chaulukyas adorned this whole town with a rampart, desiring to benefit the Brahmans. (25.) This rampart resembles a mountain since its foundations go down to the lower world; (it resembles) a lover worthy to be praised on account of his great enjoyments (elaghyo maha-bhogatah), since it is worthy of praise on account of its great extent (laghyo mahd-dbhogatah); (it resembles) the ocean, since it is a means of (obtaining) great prosperity; (it resembles) the victory of the foes of the lord of the Rakshasas, since monkeys' heads peep forth from it; (and it resembles) a company of women who are pleased with their dear husbands (ishta-kanta-ruchirah), since it is resplendent with a coping of bricks (ishtaka-anta-ruchirah). (26.) This circular rampart, whose stone-head is white with stucco, looks like (the serpent) Sesha" who is charming through the size of his folds, who raises a hundred hoods on high," who has curled himself up in the shape of a ring, who has come (from the nether world) at the command of Yajnapurusha (Vishnu) and stays (here) in order to protect this town, a storehouse of jewels, (viz.) of men of a noble caste. (27.) Inside and outside, the grounds here now wear a wonderful beauty, being always lovely, according to (one's heart's) desire, with women, beautiful as Lakshmi, who cause desire to increase," being made most noisy by crowds of Brahmans who are intent on singing their sacred texts, (and) being bright with men pleased with the lofty encircling rampart that is endowed with excellent qualities. (28.) Resplendent is the Chaulukya king and this rampart that carries a house of Lakshmi (erected) by the king," that possesses a loftily rising body and profusely grants desired (boons) to the Nagaras. (29.) As long as the earth keeps all the mountains in their places assigned to them by Prithu," as long as the ocean, the glory of king Sagara, endures, so long may this rampart enjoy existence, (which is) the primary cause of the safety of the sacred settlement of Brahmans and a monument of the fame of the illustrious Chaulukya king. (30.) The emperor of poets, called Sripala, who finished this great composition in one day" and had been adopted as a brother by the illustrious Siddharaja, made this excellent eulogy. Written Samvat 1208, on the 5th (?) day of the bright half of the month of Asvins, a Thursday, by the Nagara Brahman, Pandit Valana. I take toyanilayda as a synonym of prapah. The ocean yields many ratnas, the rampart enhances the security and the prosperity of the town. The lord of the Rakshasas is, of course, Ravana, who was conquered by Rama with the help of the monkeys. The monkeys' heads peeping over the rampart of Vadnagar are the ornamental projections in its coping, which are conventionally called kapitirsha. Besha, too, is white. The hoods are the small domes erected at intervals over the towers of the wall. For brevity I omit the second translation of the first three pddas, merely noting that-referred to the ground outside the town-ramdrdada has to be taken with the sense of 'lovely gardens,' dvija as 'birds,' and sali as 'rice." "I take this to mean that a temple of Lakshmi adjoined and partly rested on the wall. The epithets applied to the rampart fit the king likewise. But I intentionally omit the second translation. "Prithu, finding the earth thickly covered with mountains, pushed them asunder with his bow. Compare with this Prabhavakacharitra, xxii, 206, quoted above.
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________________ DEOPARA INSCRIPTION OF VIJAYASENA. 305 (1.) The causeway leading to the Arjuna-Barika, built by the Chaulukya king, has been rebuilt by the prince.... (2.) In the month of Chaitra, during the bright half, on the first day, a Thursday, in the year (marked) by the Nandas, the eight and the kings, 1689, the eulogy was writ. ten again. The eulogy was written by the Nagara Brahman, Joshi Vishnujika, son of Veni. May it be well. William XXXV.-DEOPARA STONE INSCRIPTION OF VIJAYASENA. BY PROFESSOR F. KIELHORN, PA.D., C.I.E., GOTTINGEN. The stone, a piece of basalt carefully polished on the upper surface, which bears this inscription, was discovered about twenty-five years ago by Mr. O. T. Metcalfe, amidst a number of large blocks of stone, in a dense jungle near the village of Deopara,' in the Rajshahi District of the Province of Bengal, and it is now in the India Museum at Caloutta. The inscription contains 32 lines. The slab measures 3' 2' by l'of', and the writing covers a space of 9' 74' broad by 1' B' high, and is throughout in a state of perfect preservation. The size of the letters is about '. The characters belong to the northern class of alphabets, and may be described as a Bengali variety of the northern alphabet of the eleventh or twelfth century. Among the letters which differ from the ordinary Nagari of the period, I may especially point out the initial i and e, the single consonants khit. th, t, ph, bh, r and I, and the conjuncts ksh, ji, and hm. Besides, it may be noted that the letter r, which before another consonant is ordinarily denoted by the superscript sign, is written on the line in the conjuncts rog, run, and rth, e.g., in -Dargge, line 6, -akirnnaKarnnata-, line 8, and tirtha- and pratyarthi., line 12; and that the sign of the ada. graha is employed four times, to indicate the elision of the vowel a, e.g., in dadhe 'pasadam, line 13. The language of the inscription is Sanskrit, and, with the exception of the introductory or om namah Sivaya, the whole is in verse. As regards orthography, the only points calling for remark are, that b is througbout denoted by the sign for ; that the (dental) is employed instead of anustara in mansa, line 8; and that a final >> has been left unchanged before an initial j in dhiman jaghana, line 17. The inscription has been carefully and beautifully engraved by Sala pani, styled rdnaka and described as the crest-jewel of the guild of Varendra artists,' a son of Bsihaspati, grandson of Manadasa, and great-grandson of Dharma (verse 36); and it was composed by the poet U mapatidhara (verse 85). In my opinion, there can be no doubt that this is the very poet of whom Jayadeva is speaking in his Gitagovinda, i, 4, when he says odchah pallavayaty- Umapatidharah, Umapatidhara makes the words sprout, i.e., his diction is verbose;' for this short characteristic well fits the poem The inscription has been published before, with translation which fairly gives the general sense of the original, by Mr. O. T. Metcalfe, and introductory reunnrks on the Bena kings of Bengal, by Dr. RajendralAl Mitrs, in the Journal 41. Soc. Deng., vol. XXXIV, pert I, pp. 128-164. I now redit it from an excellent impression taken by Dr. Burgess. (The village of Deopard is in the GodAgari than in the west of the Rampur purgap. GodAgari is on the Ganges, Lat. 24deg 28' N., Long. 88deg 23' E.; and on sheet 120 of the Indian Atlas, there is a Daopoor' north-north-east of Godagri, but no Deopard is marked near the place; there is another. Deopoor,' 18 miles east from Goddgdri in Lat. 24deg 27', Loug. 88deg 34' E.-J. B.) Varendit is identified with that part of Bengal which is now called Raje&i (or Rajadhi). See, e.g., Lassen's Indiache Alterthumskunde, vol. III, p. 748.
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________________ 306 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. which we have here before us. Besides, tradition makes both poets live under the king Lakshmanagena; and if Umapatidhara was an older contemporary of Jayadeva, he may well have witnessed the reign of Lakshmanasena's grandfather Vijayasena, and in that case nothing is more likely than that he should have composed this eulogy on the earlier members of the Sena family. The proper object of the inscription is to record (in verses 26-31) that the king Vijayasena built a magnificent temple of the god Siva, under the name of Pra. dyumnesvara; and by way of introduction the inscription furnishes the following short account of the king and his ancestors : In the lunar race (verse 3) were certain rulers of the south (dakshindtya), Vira. sena and others (verse 4), in whose family, called the Sena family, there was born Samantasena, who, after he had been engaged in wars in the south, more especially in Karnata, towards the end of his days retired to the sacred hermitages on the banks of the Ganges (verses 5-9). His son was Hemantasena (verses 10-13), whose wife, the maha. rajni Yabodevt (verse 14), bore to him the prince Vijayasena (verse 16). Vijayasena is eulogised as having defeated and imprisoned, besides others, the Kings Nanga and Vira, and assailed or conquered the kings of Gauda, Kamarupa and Kalinga (verse 20); and it is intimated (verse 22) that his fleet on an expedition of conquest had once been sailing up the Ganges.-Of the warriors or princes here mentioned, Virasena clearly is a mythical being, comparable, e.g., to the Arjuna in the genealogy of the Kalachuri rulers of Chedi; and the Sena family really began with Samantasena, whose name would show him to have been originally a tributary chief or dependent of some other sovereign. On Nanya see my note on verse 20, below. Our inscription is not dated, but it may be assigned with confidence to the end of the eleventh century A.D. According to the Tarpan-dight oopper-plate inscription, Vijayasena was succeeded by his son Ballalasena,' and Ballalasena by his son Lakshma. nasena. Lakshmanasena was the founder of an era, which undoubtedly dates from the beginning of his reign, and which, as I have tried to show elsewhere, commenced in * See the extract from a commentary on Gitagovinda, i, 4, in Lassen's edition, p. 72, 'Lakshmanasemasya dmdjikda varnayati;' the first note on Govardhana's Aryasaptafuti, in the Kdvyamdid : Professor Peterson's edition of Vallabhadeva's Subhashitdvalt, Introduction, p. 38; Merutunya'. Prabandhachintamani, p. 289; and Professor Aufrecht in Zeitschrift D. M. G., vol. XL, p. 142. * Journal 41. Soc. Beng., vol. XLIV, part I, p. 11. According to Dr. Rajendralal Mitra, Notices of Sanskrit Mss., vol. I, p. 161, BallAlasena in the Ddnasdgara calls himself the son of Vijayaren, and grandson of Hemantasens; and according to the same authority, the Danaadgara was composed in A.D. 1097. These statements I am unable to verify. * See Indian Antiquary, vol. XIX, p. 6. My proofs are shortly the following: (") According to Abul-Fazl (Jour. 11. Soc. Beng., vol. LVII, part I, p. 2) the difference between a year of the Lakob manasena era and the corresponding Saka year is 1041 years. According to Dr. Rajendralal Mitra'. Noticos o Sanskrit MSS., vol. VI, p. 19, MS. of the Swrititaltodmsita is dated "La-sam 606 Saka 1646 l." () Taking the Laksmapaneda year to be a southern year and the era to bave commenced on the 7th Optober, 4. D. 1119, the following six dates from an inscription and M88. work out satisfactorily, thus: La. san 74 (expired), Vaikba-vadi 12 Gurad = Thursday, 19th May, A. D. 1194 La. sam 817 (expired), Chaitra-budi 1 Gurau = Thursday, 7th March, A.D. 1437. La. sam 876 (expired), Pausba-vadi 13 Budhe - Wednesday, 18th January, A. D. 1496. La sa 399 (expired), Vriflkba vadi 4 Chandre = Monday, 18th April, A. D. 1519. La. sam 424 (expired), Pausha-sudi 10 Bukre = Friday, 4th January, A.D. 1644. LA. sam 488 (current), Karttika-vadi 7 Sakre = Friday, 20th November, A. D. 1661. In bio Kasmir Report, p. 64, Professor Buhler is speaking of a Gaya inscription of LakshmanAsenn, dated Vikrama 1178 or A. D. 1116, and this statement is repeated by Professor Peterson in his edition of Vallabhadeva's Subhdahitdvall, Introduo. tion, p. 84. I am not aware of the existence of any Sena inscription dated in the Vikrama orh.
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________________ DEOPARA INSCRIPTION OF VIJAYASENA. 307 A.D. 1119. Vijayasena's reign therefore may reasonably be supposed to have begun about the beginning of the last quarter of the eleventh century; and this would agree with the tradition according to which the composer of our inscription, Umapatidhara, was (still) living under Lakshmanasena, as an older contemporary, as I take it, of the poet Jayadeve. Text.' L.1. pI [*] mA~ namaH zivAya / bacIzakArapasAbasamASTamaulimAbATAmataratAsayadIpabhAsaH / havyAsapAsukulitaM sukhamindubhAbhicAnanAni sitAni jayanti mantrIH / '-[1]. sajIvAbha khanAdayitayotimIlAI pradhumevArapanda(da)lAmhanamadhiSThAnaM namI / yavANijanabhAyAtarata[yA]" khivAntara kAntayo- . bIbhyA kaSamapyabhijatanutAmile 'ntarAyaH chataH / "-[2]. yasiMhAsanamIbAra va kanakamAyaM jaTAmaNDala gAyIkaramaparIparikarairyacAmaraprakriyA / mototpanaphaNAcalaH zivadhiraHsandAnadAmoraga hanaM yasya jayasyasAvacaramo rAjA sudhAdIdhitiH / -[8]. vaMze tasthAmarajIvi tataratakalAsAdhio dAkSiNAtyacoNIndrIrasanapratibhirabhitaH kIrtimanirva(babhUve / yacAribAnucintAparicayaecayaH zUlimAdhIkadhArAH ' pArAmayaNa vizavaNaparisaraNIvanAya praNItAH // -[4]. tasmin se8. mAnavAye pratimubhaTapatIsAdanava(a)vAdI saba(ja)acaniyANAmanani kuzazirodAma sAmantasanaH / / jIyante yadIyAH khaladudadhijasolosamItaSu setoH kamAnteSvapsaromiyarayatanayamaIyA budhagAthA -[5]. yasmin sArakhI paTuraTatUryopar3atahiSabane yena pAekAlabhujagaH zAyitaH paarinaa| dhIbhUtavipacakucarapaTAviziSTabhakhalI mustAkhUsavarATikAparikarabA? From an impression by the Editor. ___" Thisahakara originally wuyo, bat thesign of aw. * Expressed by a symbol. modra is strook out. * Metre, Vasantatilakt. 11 Metro, Sardalavikridita ; and of the next ferie. * Metro, Sragdhard; and of the next verse. 191
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________________ 308 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L.1. saMtadayAppabhUt / -[8]. yahAipamupAgataM vrajati pattana pattanA nAnamandrutaMbhamati pAdapaM pAdapAt / giramirimadhicitantarati toyadhitoyI baMdIyamarisundarIsarakapaDalalaM yayaH / -[7]. durvRttAnAmayamari isAkIrakhakaroTAzIsahAkAnAM kadanamatanottAdRrIvAvIraH / yasAdayAmpavitavasAmAnsamadA samidhA" paSatpaurakhanatina dizaM dadhicA pretimA / "-8]. DAndhIvAvadhUmai gamiyarasitAvika 8. 10. sambacIrAvikIraprakaraparicitaba(ja)pArAyAni / yenAsabanta meve vayasi bhavabhayAvAdibhikhArIndraH pUrImAni ganAputinaparisarArakhapulAcamAvi"-[0]. pacaramaparamAnanAnabhI bhaadsmaavibjmdmttaaraatimaaraapiir| pamavadanavasAnonivanirmitattApanivAmariyA mImatInaH / -[10]. mUdhirenducAmapicaraparaNaH satvavAnamittI yAtroberi bImAH padavi bhuSayoH rmiivivaahH| nepayaM yatra jAne satatamiyadidaM rakhapuSpAritArA- . tAja purasabanakavanayamappala ratvAnAnAm / "-[11]. yahorcazivitAsalaba(ba)gatibhiH parmidIsArakhA 12. vIrApArabatI vaibhavavApi vapurmi(bidhatAm / saMsalAmarakAminIsamataTIkAzIrapacArita varaH mAgiva mundhasimibunaH sAtAmAtIvitam / -[19]. matvaviyatikamapi pura aura suvi(vi)cato takhaitadaseba kImasamabhUtAna yorajutam / manoH kopi da 'vasAdamaparaH sakhyuH prasAda bacA devIcAramupAbahAra sAdAmanyaH prahAra piSAm / -[18]. mahArAnI yajasaparanivitAntaHpurava14. giriikhveciikirpsrviorcrkhaa| nidhiH kAnta" sAthIvratavitatanityoLyAlayamA 1 Metre, Bardalavikridita. UMetre, MAlint. "Motre, Prithvi. Metre, Sragdbart. "Read 'mAsa'. * Matre, Sardalarikridita ; and of the next verse. "Motre,Mandakrkuta This sign of visarga ww originally omitted, and has 11 Metre, Engdhart. been added afterwards.
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________________ L.16. DEOPARA INSCRIPTION OF VIJAYASENA. 309 bagodevI nAma bibhuvanamanocAvatirabhUt / -[14]. tatazivagadIvArAmamananiha devAsatobarAtiva(ba)samAtanoca sahamArIvinAmaH / patu zadhimebasAvasayasImavibabharA vimiracayasAmbayo vijayasenAnIpatiH / -[18]. gaSayata garamaH ko bhUpatIMtAnamena pratidinarabhASA ye jitA vA taapaa| sabamati vidhe khasa vaMgaNa pUrvaH purati sAmI vivarAcamama(da):-[18]. saMsAtItabapIndrasebavimunA tasAritA birAmara badAma pAsavacamUnAdhina pAna vA / toH gAtAvartasitAnAmAvala begArjita 16. 17. 18. boSitaTIpinAvAdhAvarAca phavan / -[17]. evana gurana ye: pariSataM niSA vivevAdI bavilaparaba rapati banavambara mat jagat / devIyaM ta guH sAto pa(ba)ti mAn" pacAna diyo uttabAmapuSapasAra ripUcodena dikhAH prcaaH|-[18]. bacA dibabhuvaH pratiSitikSatAmunImurIDarvatA vIrAvipicAmhito'siramunA prArIva panIyataH / tvaM cet kathamanbayA vasumatI bhoge vivAdobulI tamAmApApayAripi gatA bha. . . +Si snttiH| -[19]. vaMjAbavIravijayIti giraH kavInA vA bvaamnmaaniddropH| garindramadvadapAhata kAmarUpabhUpaM katimapi yasaramA vigAya / -[20]. pUramabArabAsi nAba kimiArAvasAcI 19. 20. kauna muvIra viratI mAyApi dkssss| pravandhIcamaharSiyamavayibhiH bolA bhASA yatvArApAyAmiverSiyamitI nidrApanIdanAmaH / -[1]. pAcAvacamAjayakaSi vastra yAvApravAsamanudhAvati mauvitaan| bhava mosisaridayasi bhacapAsabobhita taririvAnA pakAsi / -[22]. * Metre, Sikbarial Originally w ant, but the sign of anwendra le strook Xetre, Prithrl out. * Motro, Malin Motro, Vranatatilaki. Metro, Bardalavikridits; and of the two next vertoo. Metr, Sardalavikridita. Read . . Metro, Vopatatllaki, 21.
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________________ 310 L. 22. 23. 24. 25. 27. EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. sukhAH karyAvIrakatayaka mAkapacerasA(bhU)puSye kamyANi ratnaM pariNatibhidureH kucibhirdADimAnAm / cAvAM vi 28. kasitameH bAcanaM nAgarIbhiH minI yatmasAdA() vibhaya dIcitaH catriyAyAm [23]. atrAntavicASitayantrayupastambhAvalIM drAgavalamva (sva) mAnaH / yasyAnubhAvAmuvi saccacAra kAlakramAdekapadopi dharmAH // " [24]. merorA itarasapucataTAdAya dayAmarAm vyatyAsaM puravAsinAma utsuH surasadmabhica vitataistameva zeSIjataM catre yena parakArakha ca samaM yAvAhavidhIH // [20]. dikyAkhAmUlakhAcchaM gaganatalama hAbhodhimadhvAntarIyaM bhAnoH prAkpratyargAdristhitimiladudyAstasya madhyAzailam / cAlamva (mba) stambhamekaM vibhuvanabhavanasyaikazeSaM girIyAM sa pratyuvaraNa vyathita pacamatIvAsavaH sodhasuceH " [20]. prAsAdena tavAneva caritAmadhyA navI sudhA bhAnocApi kRtIti dacipadimaH kocAntavAsI muniH / dhanyAmupayayaccatu divasa vA rttanAbhiH / 26. tadA ghaTaH svAdupamAnamasmin suvarNakumbhasya tadarpitasya // " [28]. vinimayavilAsinITavITaramAra yAvayati tathApi nAkha padavIM sI mA[i27]. bhraSTA yadi cati bhUmicamevapicchaviva srakiraNamacaritavAripUraM puraH / caNAna puravairiNaH sa jalamagna paurAGganAstaneSamadasaurabhISakSitacacarIvaM saraH " [20]. ucimAthi digamya (ba) rasya vasanAnyanAsAmino ratnAsaMkRtibhirvvizeSitavapuH zobhAH mataM subhbhuvaH / paurAvyAca purI: zmazAnavasaterbhicAbhu josyAccayAM vasamatanI hi senAnvayaH n Metre, Bragdhard. 3: Metre, Indravajra. 10 Motre, Sardalavikridita. 34 Metre, Bragdhard. - [30]. 24 Metre, Bardalavikrddit. Metre, Upajati. Metre, Prithvi. Metro Earddlavikridita.
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________________ 311 DEOPARA INSCRIPTION OF VIJAYASENA. cinacaumabhacamA dayavinihitakhalahAroragendraH zrIkhakhacodabharamA karamilitamahAnIlaratAcamAtaH / veSastenAsya tene gADamaNilatAgonaL.29. sa: kAntamulAnepathyasthirikAsamucitaracanaH kalpakApAlikasya // -[31]. vA(bA)hoH kelibhiradvitIyakanakaccha dharitrItasaM kurbANana na paryazeSi kimapi khenaiva teneSitam / kintama dizatu prasanavaradopyandumauliH 30. paraM vaM sAyujyamasAvapazcimadazAzeSe punasyati / -[32]. prastotumasya paritavaritaM camaH syAt prAcetaso yadi parAmaranandano vA / tatkIrtipUrasarasindhuvigAhanena vAcaH pavitayitumana tunaH prayanaH / "-[38]. yAvahAstIati puradhunI bhUrbhuvaHsvaH punIte yAvacAndrI kalayati kalottaMsatA bhUtabhartuH / yAvaceto gamayati satAM khetimAnaM vivedI tAvattAsAM racayatu sakhI tattadevAsya kIrtiH / "-[34]. niSirNatasanakulabhUpatimauktikAnAmapandhilaga dhanapAlasUtravaliH / eSA kaveH padapadArthavicAraza(bu)orumApatidharasya ati: prayastiH / -[35]. dha[]"praNaptA manadAsanaptA (bRhaspate: sUnurimA prazastiM [*] cakhAna vArendrakazilpigoSThIcaDAmaNI rANakazUlapANiH / / -[38]. 31. 82. TRANSLATION. Om! Om! Adoration to Sival (Verse 1.) Triumphant are the faces of Sambhu," which smile, when by the rays of the moon they see the shame-contracted countenance of Devi, who, frightened at the withdrawal of her breast-cloth, pulls down the wreath on her head and extinguishes with it the lights of the hymeneal chamber. (2.) We adore the (deity) designated Pradyumnesvara, that home of the playful joining together of the beloved of Lakshmi and the husband of the daughter of the niountain," where the two goddesses, stepping between their lovers for fear lest they >> Metre, Sragdbara. -Metre, Upajati. .Metre, Bardalavikridita. * I... Biva, the five-faced (Panchanana). * Metre, Vasantatilaka. Pradyuminestars is here clearly name of the god Metre, MandAkranta. usually called Hari-Hara (Vishnu-Biva), who represents the Metre, Vasantatilaka. union of the two divine personalities in one. See M. Monier. # This akshara originally was sit, but it seems to have Williams, Brdmanism and Hinduism, Page 05. been altered to #. The (lingual) of IT is quite clear in the impression.
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________________ 312 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. should no longer be embraced by them, managed to obstruct the complete union of their bodies. (V. 8.) Triumpbant is that primeval king, the nectar-rayed moon, whose throne is the golden coil of matted hair of Isvara; who, sovereign as he is, is fanned by the abundant spray of the water of the Ganges; (and) wbo has the serpent which encircles the head of Siva, covered with its bright expanded hoode, for his umbrella. (4.) In the race of that witness of the continuous amorous pastime of the nymphs of heaven, there were born the southern rulers, Virasona and the rest, famous on both (their parents') sides; the record of whose deeds has purified the streams of honied verse which the son of Parasara has made to flow to please the ears of all mankind. (8.) In that ena family was born that head-garland of the clans of Brahmans and Kshatriyas, 8Amantasena, a very magician in exterminating hundreds of opposing champions; whose wars, in rivalry of the son of Dasaratha carried on near the border of the dam which is cooled by the surging waves of the ocean, are celebrated in song by the nymphs of heaven. (6.) The battle-fields, crowded with adversaries challenged by his shrill-sounding drums, on which he made his band playfully wield the serpent-like sword, are still covered all over with multitudes of pearls, resembling large cowries, from the cleft frontal globes of the arrays of opponents' elephants, scattered (by him). (7.) His fame, following in the wake of the caravans of the wives of his enemies, proceeded from house to house, wandered from town to town, ran from wood to wood, roamed from tree to tree, ascended mountain after mountain, (and) crossed sea after sea. (8.) This hero, singly," slaughtered the wicked robbers of the wealth of Karnata, overrun by hostile tribes, to such an extent, that the ruler of goblins, whose citizens are delighted, does not evon now leave the southern quarter where the ample store of marrow, flesh and fat is not yet exhausted. (9.) In his old age he frequented the sacred hermitages in the woods by the sandy banks of the Ganges, full of religious devotees doing battle against the terrors of life,(hermitages) which were fragrant with the smoke of sacrificial butter; where the young deer relished the milk of the breasts of kindly hermits' wives; (and) where crowds of parrots knew by rote the texts of the Vedas. (10.) From him, who inspired awe by his unrivalled knowledge of the supreme spirit, was born Hemantasena, a hero who destroyed" adversaries proud in the strength of their arms, (and) a home of great multitudes of all kinds of spotless qualities which manifested themselves unoeasingly (11.) On his head he had the dust of the feet of the half-moon-crested (god), in his throat true speech, in his ear sacred precepts, at his feet the hairs of enemies, on his arms the marks of the scars made by the hard bow-string. These always were his sole * I. e. the poet Vydan. . 1. .. Rama. I...the ridge of rooks extending from the south of the Coromandel conat towards the island of Ceylon. # I am not sure that this is the exact meaning of the word ekdnga of the orixinal; but oldiga vira looks w if it were intentionally employed in opposition to chaturanga-bala,' an outire or complete army, comprising elephants, chariota, cavalry and infantry.' * I... Yame, the regent of the southern quarter. # The original bus wdrdibuviral, 'bero whom characteristic it was to destroy' ().
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________________ DEOPARA INSCRIPTION OF VIJAYASENA. 313 decoration, while diamond-flowers, pearl-strings, ear-rings, anklets, garlands and golden bracelets were all left to the wives of his servants. (V. 12.) When heroes, with their chests pierced by the spears discharged by the play of his long arms, through the efficacy of battle, resembling a holy bathing-place, became possessed of divine bodies, their breasts, marked with the saffron lines of the breasts of the damsels of heaven who clung to them, were, as before, viewed with terror by the timid Siddha couples." (18.) He and his sword, showing a bright face in their playful dealings with opponents and suppliants," both possessed a wonderful skill in bestowing their gifts. The one brought affliction to enemies, the other favours to friends; the one gave pearl-strings to allies, the other blows to opponents. (14.) His royal consort was (the lady) named Yasodevi, whose feet were brightened by a series of rays of the lines of crest-jewels of the wives of princes both friendly and hostile. A store of loveliness, she acquired eternal bright fame by her devotion to her husband, while her beautiful form charmed the three worlds. (15.) And from that royal lady there was born to that ruler of the three worlds. (a son), who made illustrious the course of his youthful amusements by destroying hosts of enemies; king Vijayasena, properly so named because he completely conquered the whole earth, encircled by the girdle of the four oceans. (16.) Who could count the crowds of kings that were either conquered or slain by him, every day engaged in battle? In this whole world, he suffered only the moon to retain his title of king, because the moon was the progenitor of his own family. (17.) How could we say that Rama, the lord of the countless hosts of the monkeychief, or Pritha's son, the leader of the Pandava army, were equal to that conqueror of enemies, to him who by his mere arm, decorated by the sword-blade, gained for himself the sole sovereignty over the orb of the earth, up to the borders of the seven seas? (18.) Of (the gods) who have attained to perfection each in a single quality, the one without discrimination destroys, another preserves, and the third creates the whole world; but this (king), transformed into a divine being by (his) manifold excellent qualities, in his wisdom has destroyed the enemies, has preserved those who abide by their duties, and by annihilating the adversaries has created celestial beings." (19.) He surely had already before made his sword, written on with the blood of heroes, the deed (to prove) that he had given places in heaven to opposing princes and in return accepted (from them) the earth. Had it not been so, how would the earth, when there arose disputes as to its ownership, have gone to him, presenting his drawn sword, and how would the line of his opponents have met with defeat ? (20.) Hearing the words of the poets "thou hast defeated NAnya and Vira,"" and I. e. because the breasts of the slain heroes, covered with red paint which was transferred to them from the breasts of their divine mistresses, looked as if they were still covered with blood. "In the original, pratyarthi-yaya-keli-karmani has a double meaning. It means both in playfully bringing about the destruction of opponents,' and also in playfully expending (wealth, etc.) on every suppliant." "Because the heroes slain in battle are transferred to heaven. The next verse shows that Ndnya and Vira must be taken here as proper names. Ndnya we find again (as was first pointed out to me by Dr. Burgess) in Nanyadeva, the founder of the Karpataka dynasty of Nepal (Indian Antiquary, vol. IX. p. 188; vol. XIII, p. 418; Bendall's Catalogue, Introduction, p. xv), who is placed in Saka 1019-A.D. 1097 (Pischel, Katalog der Bibl. d. D. M. G., vol. II, p. 8), close enough to the time when our inscription was composed to suggest the idea that he may possibly be the very king here spoken of. 2 =
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________________ 314 mistaking them (to mean that he had not defeated another hero), filled with hidden rage, he impetuously assailed the lord of Gauda, put down the prince of Kamarapa, and defeated the Kalinga. EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (V. 21.) "You seem to consider yourself a hero, Nanya." "Why do you boast of yourself, here, Raghava ?" "Give up your rivalry, Vardhana!" "Has your pride not yet come to an end, Vira ?"-Such mutual bickering, which went on day and night among the kings (imprisoned by him), lightened to the watchmen of his prison-houses the weary task of keeping off sleep. (22.) The moon's crescent shines (on Siva's head) as if it were a boat, stuck fast in the mud formed by the ashes in the water of the river on Bharga's" crest and abandoned there, when (the king's) fleet in its playful conquest of the western regions was sailing up the whole course of the Ganges. (28.) Through his favour the Brahmans versed in the Vedas enjoy so much wealth that their wives are taught by the wives of the towns-people (the knowledge of pearls with cotton-seed, (e) emeralds with grass-leaves, (e) silver-pieces with gourd-flowers, (of) jewels with the ripened contents of pomegranates, (and of) gold with the blooming flowers of kushmandi creepers." (24.) His doing it was that Virtue, though in the course of time she had become one-legged," was walking about on earth, by nimbly leaning on the rows of posts of the sacrifices which he never was tired of offering. (25.) Engaged in sacrifices, he called down the immortals from Meru, the slopes of which were crowded with the enemies slain by him, and thus made the inhabitants of heaven and earth to change places; and building lofty temples and digging extensive lakes, he made what there was left of heaven and what remained of the earth" to appear the one like the other. (26) That ruler of the earth built a high temple of Pradyumnesvars, the ground-part of which takes up the several quarters, while its middle is clad by the great sea of heaven; (a temple which is) the midday mountain of the sun who at his rising and setting touches the eastern and western mountains, (which is) the one column of support of the house of the three worlds, (and) the unique representative of all mountains. (27.) Since the path of thy horses is obstructed already by this edifice, it is useless, O sun, to keep the sage (Agastya) still an inhabitant of a corner of the southern quarter. Let him give up his compact" and proceed to other quarters, and let the Vindhya rise as much as it may! It never will cross the path of this temple. (28.) When the creator shall fashion a jar, using the earth as a wheel and turning on it, like a lump of clay, the Sumeru, then the result will be something to which one may compare the golden cupola, placed by the (king) on this (temple). I. e. Biva's. I understand this verse to mean that the wives of the Brotriyas, suddenly become rich in pearls, emeralds, etc., of which they had no knowledge before, had to be told by the wives of the townspeople, that the things looking like cotton-seeds were, pearls, etc. As she is represented to be in the Kali-age. Compare Journal Amer. Or. Soc., vol. VII, p. 26, verse 10. Earth and heaven had their size reduced, the one by extensive lakes, and the other by the tops of temples which reached to and filled as it were part of the sky. Vis. the compact by which the Vindhya mountain, which had prostrated itself before Agastya, was to remain in that position, so long as the sage should stay in the south. Bee e.g. 8. P. Papdit's note on Raghuvashia, vi, 61.
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________________ DEOPARA INSCRIPTION OF VIJAYASENA. 316 (V. 29.) Before the temple of) Pura's enemy he dug a lake, the sheets of water of which are streaked by the flashing clusters of rays of the jewels on the points of the diadems of the serpent damsels of the lower regions, (and) to which the bees are attracted by the fragrance of the musk from the breasts of the citizens' wives who bathe in it. (30.) He provided bright-coloured dresses for the naked ;" a hundred lovely female (attendante), whose bodily charms were heightened by jewel-ornaments, for the husband of only half a wife; towns filled with citizens for him whose abode is the burial-ground; and endless wealth for him who subsisted on alms. For well knows the Sena family how to support the poor. ( 31.) Replacing (the god's) elephant-hide by variegated silken clothes, putting round his breast a large pearl-string instead of the huge serpent, applying (to his skin) sandal-powder instead of ashes, putting in his hands a string of sapphires in place of the beads, providing long emeralds in place of the snakes, and instead of men's bones a decoration formed of lovely pearls, he furnished an attire for him, the arrangement of which will suit the wishes of the wearer of skulls at the destruction of the universe. ..(82.) Since he has brought it about by the play of his arm that the surface of the earth holds no other golden umbrella (besides his), he has left himself nothing to wish for. What else then could the half-moon-crested god, even when pleased to grant & boon, bestow on him ? Yet this (10e pray),-when the end of his days has come, may he grant to him final union with himself ! (33.) Fully to eulogise his doings would be a task guitable for the offspring of Prachetas or the son of Parasara. We make this attempt to purify our speech by bathing it in the divine river of his boundless fame. (34.) So long as the rivery of the city of Indra purifies the three worlds ; so long as the moon's crescent continues to ornament the lord of evil beings; so long as the triad of the Vedas illumines the minds of the good ;-80 long may his fame, a friend of all three, share in their several occupations! (35.) This eulogy, & smooth string without knots of the spotless pearls of the princes of the Sena family, is the work of the poet Umapatid hara, whose understanding is purified by the study of words and their meanings. (36.) The Ranaka Salapani, the son of Btihaspati, grandson of Manadasa, (and) great-grandson of Dharma, the crest-jewel of the guild of Varendra artists, has engraved this eulogy. I... Siya "Digambara 'having only the sky or atmosphere for raiment, naked,' is an epithet of diva; Ardhangandedmin= Ardhandrila, a name of Biva represented as half male and half female. Of course, chitrakahatm-ebhacharmmd and the following words in the original qualify weahas; 'an attire in which the elephant's hide was replaced by variegated silken clothes,' eto. " I.. Valmfki and Vykse. . I... the Ganges. I. e. Siva. 2x2
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________________ 316 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. XXXVI.-SUNAK GRANT OF THE CHAULUKYA KING KARNA I. By E. HULTZSCH, Ph. D. The following inscription is edited from two excellent impressions, kindly forwarded by Mr. H. Oouseng. It is engraved on the inner sides of two copperplates, which were found at Sunak, a village about fifteen miles east-south-east from Pattan, North Gujarat, and about five miles west of Unjha railway station. They are now in the possession of Mr. Narayan Bharati, a resident of Pattan. When Mr. Cousens copied the plates, they were held together by one ring, which had been out, but not recently. The second ring, which probably bore the seal, was missing. To judge from the impres. sions, the preservation of the plates seems to be perfect. The language of the inscription is Sanskpit prose. The date of the grant was the day of an eclipse of the moon (somagrahapa), which took place on Monday, the 15th day of the bright half of Vaisakha, in Vikrama-Samvat 1148. Mr. Fleet has favoured me with the following calculation of this date:-"The corresponding European date is Monday, 8th May. A.D. 1091. On this date there was an eclipse of the moon, on the full-moon tithi of Vaisakha of northern Vikrama-Samvat 1148 expired, or southern Vikrama-Sathvat 1147 current. The tithi ended at about 60 ghatia, 68 palas, after mean sunrise (for Bombay); and so the eclipse should be visible in India. There was an eclipse on the same tithi in southern Vikrama-Samvat 1148 expired, on the 24th April, A.D. 1092. But here the week-day was Saturday. In northern Vikrama-Samvat 1148 current there was no eclipse on the given tithi."" The donor was the mahdrajddhiraja Karnadeva, surnamed Trailokyamalla. This is the Chaulukya king Karna I., who, according to Dr. Buhler,' reigned from Vikrama-Sarhvat 1120 to 1180. The king issued the order, which contains the grant, from Anahila pataka, and addressed it to the inhabitants of a division of one hundred and twenty-six villages, the chief place of which was Anandapura. The grant consisted of a piece of land at Laghu-Dabhi, i.e., Little Dabhi, from the proceeds of which a tank (rapl) at Sdnaka was to be maintained. The land granted in LaghuDabbt was bounded on the north-west by the village of Bandera Ana hilapataka is, of course, Anhilvad, the capital of the Chaulukyas, and Anandapura, the modern Vadnagar.' Sanaka is identical with the modern village of Sanak, where the plates were discovered. To Mr. Cousens I am indebted for the following information about the remaining localities, which are mentioned in the grant :-"The Dames you give are still the names of villages in the vicinity of Sanak, and they are placed thus :-PAbhi is about one mile south-west of Suuak, and Sandera, a village considerably larger than either, is about three miles south-west by west of Dabhi [The Accompanying facol mile reproduction of the impression is of the size of the originale.-J. B.) * This place is mentioned in a lator Chaulakys grant; Ind. Ant., vol. VI, p. 210, and vol. XVIII, p. 178. (It is considerable town, 71 miles south of Biddhapur, and the head-quarters, and probably the original soat in Gujarat of the Kadav. Kulambis or Kunbio.-Burgess, Notur or a visit to Gujarde in 1869, pages 59-61.] [It appears from Oppolser's Canon der Finsternisre, that the lunar eclipse of May 1001 occurred at 8A. 16. A.M. (Bombay time), on Tuesday, 6th May, but being before sunrise it would be reckoned as belonging to the 6th. The moon was in the meridian 60deg west of Bombay, and the eclips we partial one of 4 digita. That of 94th April 100% was total and the time of the middle of it wm 8A,8m. 7.M., at Bombay.-J. B.) * Ind. Ant., vol. VI. p. 918. Anto, p. 161 and p. 998.
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________________ COPPER PLATE GRANT OF KARNADEVA OF GUJARAT.-PL. I. vinA mata mata 1148 tezAtazudipa (saamaabaahaadaamdnn| labATa kasamasamAjAtalI timAntimadAsAnAtimAzImA (cAlAkA mllyaaklaavNtHvsaamaanshaamdaandpurvtitkr| vizatikayAmazanAtaM yAtinaHsamatagAjamulabAnavAna (NAvanitAsiGanapadIyAtAyAta stiditaiydyaa|| vaghAsAmagadagaparvalatAnagaMgurusaMgatatasatAnApatima saMsApAlA nAtilitAredika mAmuSita yalamagIta / cinaaraaynshaanaashaalivaaghmsnkaiyaamaasaati| kaThakusamahAratinakAritavANalappuDAlIgAma uudu0|| samAlAlAlA ukulmaaminaasknaamaaplaakithmiyaa| ulA 12vaha nihala4 nihalAnuvayatamAzAsAnAnA da kaptatemamA ji:pdnaashaashgpdyaa| 1. Cousene, fecit, Original size. W.Grigge, Photo-Lithi
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________________ COPPERPLATE GRANT OF KARNADEVA OF GUJARAT. -PL. II. di zatahAsa kAdavAtakhAnAharuvAnadArAlA / / lAlavanAra diyA madiSanAmAdAvAyalamAyAmADagA msaamaa|unnsyaamsmaausyaamsiimaatinupmaatto malakimAniAmanAmanagamAnAnavAsijanamAdI taadii| mAnasI gAlIgakarahi mAyAdisarvanAzAyata gtitirii| tevA'sTo tApisimupAnatadyamAmA hAlinalAyalamanA pani rApnanAki nAgina kAmoukavalagatatA bAsanAcAyA varSasaTamANisAtipani mitimAvAnumatAnA nAtAna napaka tAsanalistinamidaMzAsanakAyasanATA' manamA karAta likati kAkanAtAkA malAsAviti garika nAhilIkalarabasArA 4.Coreane,freit. Original size.
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________________ SUNAK GRANT OF KARNADEVA. 317 or Laghu-Dabhi, as it is still sometimes called. To tally with the geography of the place, Sandera should be placed in the south-west; but it may be that the land granted was an outlying piece considerably to the south of Laghu-Dabht and thus lying, in respect to Sandera, in a south-easterly direction. The tank alluded to is, no doubt, the large tank on the north-west corner of the village of Sunak. It is now ruined, but during the greater part of the year holds a supply of water. The banks around the south, west, and north sides now consist of mounds of old brickwork, the bricks themselves being of the very large old type. I have no doubt the tank was surrounded with stone steps at one time, but, like the great Sahasralinga talao at Pattan, the stone lining has been carried off for other purposes, leaving nought but the under brickwork." The inscription ends with the names of the writer and of the dataka, and with the signature of the king. The writer, Kokkaka, was the son of the Kayastha Vatesvara, who seems to be identical with Vatesvara, the son of the Kayastha Kanchana, the writer of a grant of Bhima I., dated Vikrama-Samvat 1086. It may be noted in passing that a grant of Bhimadeva, which was lately published by Mr. Fleet,' seems to belong to Bhima I., and not to Bhima II., as it was written by the same. Vatesvara, the son of the Kayastha KAnchana, and as the dataka of both grants was the moldedmdhivigralika Sri-Chapdadarman. Consequently, the date of Mr. Fleet's inscription, Samhvat 98, cannot refer to the Simha era, but is probably, as Dr. Buhler took it to be, an abbreviation for Vikrama-Samvat 1098. As in the grants of the later Chaulukya king Bhima II., the second syllable of the particle iti, which marks the end of this grant, is written in current-hand with a flourish attached. The king's signature also shews current-hand characters, which are different from, and larger than, the letters in the body of the inscription, and is clearly intended for a facsimile copy of the actual sign-manual of Karpadeva. TEXT. PLATE I. 1. 1948 mA yadi 14 some ye zrImada2. hilapATI samasta rAjAbalIvirAjitamahArAjAdhirAjazrIma2. [:]] zrIvaradevaH samyamAnazrImadAnaMdapuramativazya4. ciMzatyadhikagrAmazatAMtaHpAtinaH samastarAjapuruSAn WIW5. bottarAMstanivAsijanapadAMca bodhayatvantu vaH saMviditaM yathA / 6. atha somacacacapathi carAcaraguraM bhagavaMta bhavAnIpatima7. varca saMsArAsAratA vicitra pekimAthi ca patasaMgIta8. va picorAnaca puyamobhicaye cunavAme rasovi9. kaThaburamahAdevena kAritavApye ghuDAbhIcAme kuTuM* - 10. rUpAta vAlA bajAmimAM salanAmopacitabhUmi"] pA 11.12 titi cacaturayabhUmI zAsanenoda12. kapUrvamamAbhiH pradattA 1 pajAba bhUmeH pUrva PLATE II. tathA brAhmacacaMdra / nehA / lAmahiSarAmadheca pathimAyAMrA 18. dizi bhaTTArikAcetraM / 14. dacicaNAM Ind. Ant., vol. VI, p. 194. Ibid., vol. XVIII, p. 108. Jhid vol. VI. p. 185 and p. 918. Bee the facsimile, Ind. Ant., vol. II, p. 78, and the drawing, vol. VI, p. 195, note. Bond *cIna Bond paDalI.
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________________ 318 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 15. masImA / uttarasyAmeva saMDeragrAmasImA // iti caturAghATobhUmimenAmavagamya tacivAsijanapadeyavAdIsarvamAnnAzravaNavidheye 16. gafant 17. yamAnabhAgabhogakarariyAdi I 18. bhUtvA 'syaivApyai samupanetavyaM sAmAnyaM caitatpuNyaphalaM matvA 19. paripaMthanA kenApi na kAryA / uktaM ca bhagavatA vyAsena / SaSTi20 varSasahasrANi sa tiSThati bhUmidaH / dhAcchesA cAnumaMtA ca 21. tAveva naraka" vaset // vicitamidaM grAsanaM kAyavaTe22. rasuta pAcapaTalikakekakena / dUtako 'tra mahAsAMdhivi23. patrikabIcAcita iti zrIkarNadevasya // TRANSLATION. Om. Vikrama-Samvat 1148, Vaisakha Sudi 15, on Monday. To-day, here, in the prosperous Anahila pataka, the illustrious Trailokyamalla, (alias) the illustrious Karnadeva, the maharajadhiraja, who is adorned with a continuous line of kings (his ancestors), informs all royal officers connected with the one hundred and twenty-six villages belonging to (the division of) the prosperous Anandapura which is in his (the king's) possession, and the Brahmanas and other people who inhabit this (division) : "Be it known to you that, to-day, at the festival of an eclipse of the moon, having worshipped the lord of the world, the blessed husband of Bhavani (i.e., Siva), having considered the vanity of the world, and believing in the rewards (of charity) in this world and in the next, we gave, in order to increase the merit and fame of our parents and of ourselves, by an edict, with a libation of water, to the tank which the Rasovika (?) Thakkura Mahadeva caused to be constructed in the village of Sunaka,-hala 4, i.e.,. (in words) four ploughs of land, carrying (e., requiring as seed corn) 12 pailan (or 48 aere)," belonging to the householders (kufumbin) Jasapala (ie., Yasahpala), Lala, and Bakulasvamin, and designated by (their) names, in the village of Laghu-Dabhi. On the east of this land is the field of Bhattarika, and the fields of the Brahmanas Rudra, Neha, and Lala; on the south, the field of Mahisharama; on the west, the boundary of the village of Sandera; on the north, likewise, the boundary of the village of Sandera. Knowing this land, thus defined by its four boundaries, (and) being obedient to (this) order on hearing (it), the people inhabiting this (land) shall deliver for that tank, as they are being levied at present, all shares, enjoyments, taxes, gold, &c. And, remembering that the reward of this meritorious gift is common (to all), nobody shall cause obstruction (to its owner). And the holy Vyasa has said:-'He who gives land remains in heaven for sixty thousand years; both he who takes (it) away and he who assents (to its being taken away) shall stay as long in hell.' This edict (sasana) is written by the keeper of records (akshapatalika) Kekkaka, the son of the Kayastha Vatesvara. The messenger (dutaka) for this (grant) is the great minister of peace and war (mahdedmdhivigrahika) Sri-Chahila." (The signature) of the illustrious Karnadeva. 10 Road vaSTiM varSasahasrAci Read either cApetA or pAtA. 14 Read . "I owe this explanation of the words et te fa to Dr. Buhler, who remarks on them :-"The translation is merely tentative. Pdild seems to be the Gujarati plural of pdilum, which latter I take to be identical with the modern pdyall, a measure of four sers' (or 48 pounds)." See Shapurji Edalji's Gujarati and English Dictionary, 2nd edition, 0.0. pAvalI.
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________________ PRASASTI OF VADIPURA-PARSVANATHA AT PATTANA. 319 XXXVII.-PRASASTI OF THE TEMPLE OF VADIPURA-PARSVANATHA AT PATTANA. BY G. BUHLER, PH. D., LL.D., C.I.E. The subjoined edition of the Prasasti1 of the temple of Parsvanatha of Vadipura at Aphilvad-Pattana has been prepared according to an excellent paper-impression taken by Mr. H. Cousens and made over to me by the editor. The inscription is incised on a stone-slab measuring about 28 inches by 16, and contains 52 lines of ordinary Jaina Nagart letters. At the top there are rude representations of two lotuses in the left and right-hand corners, and in the middle a figure, somewhat like a Nandavarta, in the centre of which stands the syllable hra. The execution is good, and the preservation almost perfect. The language is incorrect Sanskrit mixed with Gujarati, and a few Persian and Arabic words. Prakriticisms and Gujaraticisms are:-1. 2-likhana for lekhana, arham for arhantam, 1. 16-bhandari for bhandagarika, 1. 33-milana, 1. 45-bahini for bhagini, bat, 'lady,' 1. 47-paushadhasala, as well as a good many Gujarati names like 1. 15-Ubavala, 1. 40-Osavala, ibidem Sahavade for Subhagadevt and so forth. Persian and Arabic words are 11. 3, 26, 33, 39-palisahi, i. e. Padishah, 11. 14, 37-pira, a Muhammadan saint,' 1. 35-phuramana, firman,' 1. 48,-allat, 'the Ilahi era'. The case terminations are mostly omitted, and the rules of euphony are frequently disregarded even in compound words. Of some interest, too, is the inflected form samvati from samvat, which occurs twice, 1. 4 and 1. 36. The whole inscription is in prose, with the exception of the Mangala. The latter consists of a slightly corrupt Ary& verse, which invokes a blessing on the pious founder of the temple: "Hail! May the glorious Jina Parsva of Vadipura, who resides in Pattana, ever grant wealth, prosperity and eternal happiness to him who built the temple of the community (sangha)." The next lines, 2-4, give a summary of the contents of the inscription and a date which probably refers to the beginning of the building operations : "In the temple of glorious Parevanatha of Vadipura, is written the eulogy (of the founder), preceded by an account of the succession of the venerable pontiffs of the famous Brihat Kharatara-(gachchha,) after bowing to the Arhat. In the reign of the Padishah, the illustrious Akabbara, in the year 1651 after the time of the illustrious king Vikrama, on the ninth (lunar day) of the bright half of Margasirsha, on the civil day (called) Monday (i. e., according to Dr. Schram, on November 16, 1594), under the constellation Purvabhadra during a lucky planetary hour (took place) the first beginning." The Pattavalt, 11. 4-40, enumerates the following spiritual chiefs of the Kharatara school : 1. Uddyotanasuri (Klatt,' No. 38), who, descending in an unbroken line from the ruler of the faith, the glorious lord Mahavira, made viharas resplendent. 2. Vardhamanasuri (Klatt, No. 89), who consecrated the temple (vasati) built on Mount Arbuda (Aba) by the dandanayaka Vimala, and worshipped the surimantra that had been corrected by the glorious lord Simandhara. 1 Regarding the temple and inscription see Burgess's Notes of a Visit to Gujardt in 1869, pp. 105, 115 ff. Indian Antiquary, vol. XI, p. 248 ff. A complete edition of KshamAkalyana's Kharatara-Paffdvali will appear in the forthcoming volume of Professor Weber's Catalog der Sanskrit urd Prakrit-Handschriften, p. 1030 f. I have bad the privilege of seeing the sheets.
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________________ 320 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 8. Jinesvarasdri I (Klatt, No. 40), who in (Vikrama Sampat) 1080 obtained the title Kharatara after overthrowing the Chaityavasine in the Darbar of Durlabharaja, king of Anhilvad. 4. Jinachandrastri I (Klatt, No. 41). B. Abhayadevasari (Klatt, No. 42), who, in consequence of a revelation from the guardian deity of the faith, made known the image of Parsvanatha of Stambhan & (TANAP) and thereby was freed from his loathsome leprosy, who obtained fame by composing the Navange and other works. 6. Jinavallabhasari (Klatt, No. 48), who awakened 10,000 Sravakas of the Vagada country (i. e., either eastern Kachoh or Dungarpur) by sending a letter consisting of ten kulakas, and exalted the Jains faith by composing excellently written good poems and various Sastras, such as the Pindapibuddhi. 7. Jinadattasuri (Klatt, No. 44), who by his power subdued the company of the 84 Yogints, 52 fras, (and P) Pfras of Sindh, who obtained the rank of Yuga. pradhana by reading the golden letters written by Ambada's hand, and by magic walked across the five rivers of the Panjab. 8. Jinachandrasari II (Klatt, No. 45), who awakened the illustrious Mahatt: yana, chief (pradhana) of the Usavalas (Osvals) and other clans in Srimala (Bhiamal), and had the naramani in his forehead. 9. Jinapatti (thus all the inscriptions, but Jinapatisdri, Klatt, No. 46), who accomplished the vidhipaksha through the shattrimbadvdda in the shape of the Pra. bod hudaya and other works which were examined by Bhandari Nemichandra (P?). 10. Jinesvarasari II (Klatt, No. 47), who consecrated the Santiviravidhichaitya in Lathaula-Vijapura. 11. Jinaprabodhastri (Klatt, No. 48). 12. Jinachandrastri III (Klatt, No. 49), who was adorned with the title Riija. gachchha, because he converted four kings. 13. Jinakusalasari (Klatt, No. 60), who consecrated the Rharatara temple vara. ti), the ornament of famous Satrumjaya. 14. Jinapadmasuri (Klatt, No. 51). 15. Jinalabdhisari (Klatt, No. 52). 16. Jinachandrasuri IV (Klatt, No. 58). 17. Jinodayasari (Klatt, No. 54), who granted happiness, vie., the dignity of sanghapati and so forth, by throwing his dress (over people) at the devanganavasara(P). 18. Jinarajasuri (Klatt, No. 38). 19. Jinabhadrasari (Klatt, No. 56), who founded excellent libraries in various sacred places.' 20. Jinachandrasari V (Klatt, No. 57). 21. Jinasamudrasuri (Klatt, No. 58), who by magic subdued five Yaksbas. See also Dr. Bhandarkar's Report of 1882-83, p. 48, where the story is told more fully according to Sumatigapin' Lipu of the Yugapradhanar. * See sloo Bhandarkar, loc. cit., p. 47, where the list of Jinavallabha's works is given. . Regarding the 64 Joginta, seo Cunningham's Archeol. Sur. Rop.. vol. IX, p. 63 f. None of these marvellous festa are mentioned by his papil Sumatikapin, who speaks only of an exoriam; Bhandar kar, loc. cit. In explanation of the last, the Paffdeal sayo : Jalabhramopari kambuldstaranddiprakarena pallehanadf. oddlake. 1 One of these libraries is, according to the present tradition, the Brihat-Janakesha at Jesslmfr, which is kept in the temple of Parivandtha conserated by Jinabbadna.
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________________ PRASASTI OF VADIPURA-PARSVANATHA AT PATTANA. 321 22. Jina hamsastri (Klatt, No.69), whom the illustrious padishda Sikandar (1.e., Sikandar bin Bahlol who ruled A.D. 1489-1510), being astonished at his austerities and meditation, honoured by releasing 800 prisoners. 23. Jinamanikyasari (Klatt, No. 60), who by magic crossed the five rivers of the Panjab, and prevented (or warded off) a violent attack of the Yavanas (Mubam. madans) through the power of his exceeding meditation. 24. Jinachandrasuri VI (Klatt, No. 61), the ruling spiritual head, who conquered many opponents in disputations. He was called by the lord Jalaluddin, the glorious Padishah Akabbara, who was desirous of seeing him, baving heard of his immeasurable greatness that unfolded itself in consequence of his stay at &tam bhatirtha (or Cambay) during the rains of Vikrama) Samvat 1648. He met the emperor, pleased him by the multitude of his virtues, and obtained one edict (phuramapa) forbidding the slaughter of animals during eight days in Ashadha, and a second protecting the fish in the Gull of Cambay (Stambhatirthasamudra), as well as the title "the most virtuous, glorious pontiff of the age" (sattamarlyugapradhana). Further, at the command of the emperor, he crossed by magic the five rivers of the Panjab on the twelfth lunar day of the bright half of Magha, (Vikrama) Barvat 1662, and made five Pfras appear, by which feats he obtained the distinction of paramavara, and so forth, and exalted the Sangha. He was attended by Aoharya Jinasimha, on whom he had conferred the dignity of doharya in the presence of the emperor Akbar. It was by his advice that the temple of Vadi. pura-Parevanatha was built. This list of names fully agrees with the much later one, from which Dr. Klatt made his extracts, and it shows that Dharmasagara's violent diatribe against the Kharatara Pattavalt in his Kupakshak aufikadity a contains some gross misstatements or mistakes. First, Dharmasagara says that he wrote in Vikrama Samvat 1629, and that the head of the Kharataras was in his time Jinahamsa. That is utterly irreconcileable with the statements of our inscription which asserts that his second successor Jinachandra VI was Yugapradhana in Vikrama Sauvat 1648 and 1652, and that Jinahamsa himself was honoured by Sultan Sikandar, who ruled until A.D. 1617 or Vikrama Samvat 1678. This latter assertion, on the other hand, agrees with the dates of Dr. Klatt's Pattaval. where it is said that Jinahamsa died in Vikrama Samvat 1682. Secondly, Dharmasagara erroneously omits in his Kharataru-Pattdoalf the name of Jinasamudra between Jinachandra V and Jina hamsa. Thirdly, he puta Jinavardbana in Jinabhadra's place, though an incidental remark of his regarding a Kharatara-Pattdvall, incised in Vikrama Samvat 1605 in the temple at Jesalmir, shows that he was aware of Jinabhadra's position. Dr. Klatt's Pattavali states that Jina vardhana indeed was first made Yugapradhana, but deposed for misbehaviour, and that Jinabhadra was put into his place. Since Dharmasagara, as would appear, intentionally omits the latter and names the Rinner, it looks as if he had wished to taunt his opponents with this misfortune. I may ada that the date of the Jesalmir Pattavall, given by Dharmashgara, is wrong. According to the notes which I took at Jesalmir in 1878, Jinabhadra is named, on the large slab in the temple of Parsvanatha, as patfadhdrin in Vikrama Samvat 1478. This date differs also by two years from that in Dr. Klatt's extracts, according to which Jinabhadra was installed as spiritual head of the Kharataras in Vikrama Samvat 1476. * This is no doubt his 19cmeor, No. 62 of Klatt's list. Seo Dr. Bhandarkar's Report of 1883-84, p. 148 I.
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________________ 322 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. These facts, I think, show that Dharmasagara's statements regarding other schools can only be used with great caution. The events from the lives of the various Yugapradhanas reported in the inscription are for the greater part well-known, and those which are new, are mostly not particularly interesting. The account of the last Jinachandra's relation to the emperor Akbar, forins, however, an exception. The later Pattaval, from which Dr. Klatt made his extracts, boldly asserts that this worthy oonverted the emperor Akbar to Jainism. The statements of our inscription are much more moderate and much more credible. They show, too, how the later fable arose. The Muhammadan historians admit, regarding Akbar, that " Samanis and Brahmanas managed to get frequent private intervieros toith His Majesty," and that "they brought proofs, based on reason and testimony, for the truth of their own and the fallacies of other religions, and inculcated their doctrines 80 firmly, and so skilfully represented things as quite self-evident which require consideration, that no man, by expressing his doubts, could now raise a doubt in his Majesty." As the term "Samanis" means ascetics, and includes the Jains monks, there is no reason for doubting the assertion that Jinachandra, the head of the great Kbaratara com. munity, was granted admission to Akbar's religious discussions. Nor is it incredible that the emperor granted him the two firmans and the title mentioned in the inscription. More doubtful is the statement that Jinachandra pretended to perform miracles before Akbar, and that his pupil received the dignity of Acharya in the emperor's presence. With respect to the first point it must however be borne in mind that the Jaina Stris, even in the present day, claim to possess supernatural powers, and that, according to all accounts, they formerly often tried to impose on credulous kings by what can only be called jugglery. It seems to me, therefore, not absolutely impossible that Jinachandra may have attempted some trick in order to gain Akbar's confidence. In favour of the second point a note in Dr. Klatt's Pattavalt may be brought forward, according to which Jinasimha received the doharyapada in the winter of Vikrama Samvat 1649 at Lahore, which, according to the Muhammadan writers, at the time was the imperial residence. Nevertheless it is difficult to believe that Akbar should have gone to the Jaina temple where the ceremony must have taken place. The difficulty would disappear if we might take fripatisahisama ksham to mean that Jinasimha accompanied his teacher into the imperial presence and was introduced as one worthy of the acharyapada. The remainder of the inscription, lines 40-52, contain the Pragasti. The pedigree of the founder of the temple, who belonged to the Osval clan and the line of Mantrin Bhima, is given as follows: Mantrin Champa married to Sahavade. Mantrin Mahipati married to Amari. Mantrin Vastupala married to Siriyade. . Mantrin Tojapala married to Mand. Saha Amaradatta" (the ornament of the Kukesa-race) married to Ratanade. Ratnakumyaraji married to Sobhagade. >> Elliot's History of India, vol. V, p. 628. He seems to have been an adopted son.
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________________ PRASASTI OF VADIPURA-PARSVANATHA AT PATTANA. 323 Moreover,asister, probably of Ratnakumyaraji, named Baf Vachhi, and adaughter, Bdi Jivani, are mentioned as co-founders of the temple. The image of the temple was consecrated in (Vikrama) Samvat 1652, in the Allai, i. e., Ilahi year 41, on the twelfth lunar day of the dark half of Vaisakha, a Monday, under the constellation Revati. The Ilabi year 41 began on the 10-11th March of 1596." The Vikrama year must be, as the preceding date (1.36) Samvat 1652, MAgha sudi 12, shews-the southern one, which began on Karttika sudi 1 in A.D. 1596. The date corresponds according to Dr. Schram's calculation with Thursday, May 13, A. D. 1596. TEXT. L. 1. // auN / svasti zrIvADIpurapAyajinasaMghacaitvakArAya / samImudayaM zreyaH / pa sanasaMskhaH karIta sadA // 1 [.]" zrIvADIpurapArzvanAthacetthe / zrImat kharataragurupAvalI3. likhanapUrva prathastilikhyate / paI natvA / pAtisAhibIpakabararAjye / zrIvikramavRpasama-" 4. yAsaMvati 1551 mArgazIrSasitanavamIdine somavAra / puurvbhdrpdnkssve| abhavelA5. yAM pAdiprAraMbhaH / zAsanAdhIzazrImahAvIrakhAmipahAvicchinaparaMparayA udyat vihArAzI-18 6. ticIudyotamasUri / ttpprbhaakrprvrvimldNddnaaykkaaritaarbudaaclvstiprtisstthaapk|" 7. zrIsImadharakhAmiyodhitarimaMtrArAdhakatrIvardhamAnasUri / tatpaDa / philpttnaadhii|" 8. zadurlabharAjasaMsaJcaityavAsipakSavikSepAzItyadhikadazazatasaMvatsaraprAptakharataravi9. rudazrIjinevarasUri / tatpa0 / zrIjinacaMdrasUri / tatpatha / zAsanAdevyupadezaprakaTita10. duSTakuSTapramAthahetustaMbhanapArzvanAtha / navAMgIhatyAdhanekazAstrakaraNaprAptapratiSThatrI-" 11. abhayadevasUri / patya / lekharUpadazakulakapreSaNapratibodhitavAgaDadezIyadazasaha12. sathAvaka / suvihitahitakavitakriyAkaraNapiMDavizayAdiprakaraNaprarUpaNajinazAsana13. prabhAvakazcIjinavanabhasUri / tatpaH / svazaktivazIkatacatuHSaSTiyoginIcakramipaMcA- . 14. zahIrasiMdhudezIyapIra / baDabAvakakaralikhitavarSAparavAcanAvibhUtayugapradhA15. napadavIsamalakkatapaMcanadIsAdhakatrIjinadattasUri / tatpaha / zrImAlauzavAlAdipradhAna18. zrImahatIyANapratibIdhaka / naramaNimaMDitabhAlasthalabIjinacaMdrasUri / tatpara / bhaMDArIne17. micaMdraparIcitaprabodhodayAdigraMtharUpaSaTtriMzavAdasAdhitavidhipakSazrIjinapattisUri" 18. tatpara / sAThaulavIjApurapratiSThitAMtivIravidhicetyatrIjinekharasUri / tatyA19. * / zrIjinaprabodhasUri / tatpara / rAjacatuSTayapratibodhIduparAjagacchasaMcAzobhita / 20. zrIjinacaMdrabhUri / tatparaH / zrIzavajayamaMDanakharataravasatipratiSThApakavikhyAtA21. tipayalacatrIjinakuzalasUri / tatpara zrIjinapadmasUri / tatparaH / zrIjinaladhisU22. ri| tatparaH / zrIjinacaMdrasUri / tatpaha / devAMganAvasaravAsaprakSepoditasaMghapatipadA 4deg stands for >> Elliot's History of India, vol. V, page 247, note. Dele stop at the end of the line. WMetro Arya with a metrical fault in the first line, | tapaDaprabhAkara, n may be seen from 1.6. which may be corrected by writing 'pArthavinaH. "Read zAsanadevI; kuSTha. " Read vanapAIna. * Read kavitA. " Read . I Read SaTdizahAda. " Rend caritArIzIti-ghazItana. - Read vAsaH pracapI. 17 Dele stop at the end of the line.
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________________ 324 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L. 23. pudayabIjinodayati / tatyAbIvinarAvari / ttyaa| sAmalAmasApita-- 24. sArajAmabhAgArabIjinabhadrasUri / ttyaa| bIjinacaMdravati / ttyaa| paMca25. yavasAdhakaviziSTaniyabIjinasamudrati / ttyaa.| tapodhAmavidhAnacama28. tabIsikaMdarapAtisAmipaMcamatabaMdimocanasammAnitabIjinAMsari / tatyA. 27.. paMcanadIsAdhakAdhikacAnavalapakalItayavanopavAtimayavirAjamAnacI28. jinamASiyasUri / tatpahAsakArasAraduravAdivijayakSamIzaraNapUrvazi29. yAsamudharaNakhAnakhAnaprAptajayapratidinavAmAnodayasadayasatrayavibhuvana80. janavamIkaraNapravaNaprAvadhAnopayobhitapavivakrimavavikSitakSayadU81. rItasakatavAdicayanijapAdavihArapAvitAvanitala panumAmiva saMvat 82. 1548 bIstaMbhatIrthacaturmAsabakhAnasamutAmitamahimabavaNadarSanIvA88. Thita / jalAludInaprabhupAtisAribImadakammarasamAkArapamisanalaguNagava84. tamanonuraMjanasamAsAditasakasabhUtasAvisatuvakAri pASADhASTAti85. kAmAripuramANavIsaMmatIrthasamudramInaravarapuramAcatabadattasattamabIbu gapradhAnapadadhAraka nAcanena ca / nayanayararasarasAmitasaMvati mAdhasitabA87. dagIbhatiyo papUrvapUrvagurvAcAyasAdhitapaMcanadIprakaTItapaMcapIraprAptapa88. ramavaratadAdiviSeSadhIsaMghobatikArakavijayamAnagugabugapradhAnatrI 1. 89. bIvinacaMdrarisUrIzarANAM / zrIpAtisAhisamacalAtakhApitaSAcArya 40. bIjinasiMcUrisaparikarANAmupadezena / posavAlajAtIyamavibhImasaMtAna 41. maiM cAMpA bhAryA sAvade / tatpuna ma madhipati tAryA pamarI tatpuna ma pastupAla 42. tAryA siriyAda / tatpuna ma tejapAla tAryA thA mAna / tatkucisaromarAkSa 48. rthijanamanobhimatapUraSadevasAladevaguruparamabhannAvizeSatI jinadharmAnurazAlA44. takuzavaMgamaMDana sAha pamaradatta bhAryA rtnaade| tatputra rkhkyrjii| tamAryA / 45. sobhAgade / bahini bAI vAzI / putrI bAI jIvaNI / pramukhaputrapauvAdisAraparivArayutena 48. tena / zrImatilapurapattanazRMgArasArasuranaramanonuraMjanasuragirisamAnacaturmukha47. virAjamAnapradhAnavidhitvaM kAritaM / zrIpauSadhamAlApATakamadhye / tadanu kara48. karaNakAyakupramitasaMvat pasAI 41 varSe / vaizASa vadi bAdazIvAsare guru-" 49. vAra revatInacave / sabhavelAyAM mahAmahaHpUrva / pratimA zrIvADIpArzvanAthasakhA50. pitA / etat sarva devagu[ka]gIvanadevIprasAdena vaMdhamAnaM / pUjyamAnaM samasabIsa81. ghasahitena cira jIyAt / kalyAcamastu / eSA patrikA . udayasAragapinA lipI 52. ltaa| paM. sacIpramodamuni pAdaraNa / kAritA gajadharaganAkena / zubhaM bhavatu nityaM [1] - Read zrInimIdayasari. / * Read mA..
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________________ INSCRIPTION OF THE CHANDELLA VIRAVARMAN. 325 XXXVIII.-TWO CHANDELLA INSCRIPTIONS FROM AJAYGADH. BY PROFESSOR F. KIELHORN, Ph.D., C.I.E., GOTTINGEN. I. ROCK INSCRIPTION OF VIRAVARMAN; OF THE VIKRAMA YEAR 1817. According to Sir A. Cunningham, this inscription is at Ajaygadh, a hill-fort about 16 miles in a straight line soath-west of Kalanjar, Long. 80deg 20' E., Lat. 24deg 54' N.. Indian Atlas, quarter-sheet 70, N.E. It is engraved on & rock, with a crack dividing it into two portions, and contains altogether fifteen lines, of wbich the first seven lines are on the proper right and the following eight on the proper left side of the crack. The writing of the right-hand portion covers a space of about 2' 41" broad by B} high, that of the left-hand portion a space of about 3' broad by 61' high. It is on the whole fairly well preserved, and everything of historical importance may be read with certainty throughout. But, towards the end, the rubbings at my disposal (owing, probably, to the condition of the rock) are not at all distinct, and in consequence the exact wording of one or two passages in the concluding lines, of minor importance, remains doubtful, and about a dozen aksharas are altogether illegible. The size of the letters is about t. The characters are Nagart of the 13th century. The language is Sanskrit and, with the exception of the introductory or om siddhih and the date at the end, the inscription is in verse. It was composed by Ratna pala, a son of the poet Haripala and grandson of the poet Vatsaraja (verse 21), and engraved by the artisan Rama (verse 22). As regards orthography, bis denoted by the sign for o in odlo, line 6, amoudhi, line 6, vali., line 13, and oudhah, line 14, but not in babhina, lines 8 and 10; the dental sibilant is used for the palatal in vamsah and vanse, lines 2 and 8, yasaspini, line 13, sudhatha, line 14, and visuddhdtmd, line 15; and the palatal for the dental in futo, line 8, -ffma, line 9, and -kasasram], line 13; and sh is employed for kh in Vaieasha-, line 15. The proper object of the inscription is, to record in verses 18-20) that Kalyana. devt. the wife of the (Chandella) king Vira or Viravarman, built a well, called the Nirjara-well, and in connection with it a hall, within the fort of Ajaygadh, which in other inscriptions is called Jayapura, but is here apparently denominated Nandipura. And by way of introduction the inscription in verses 2-9 trcats of the ancestors of the king, and in verses 10-13 gives an account of Kalyanadevt's own descent. From the latter we learn that in the race of Dadhichi there was one [Cha]dala, whose son was Sripala, whose son again was Mahesvars, to be revered even by crowned heads.' Mahesvara married Vesaladevi (?), a daughter of the prince Govindaraja; and their daughter was Kalyanadevi, who became the chief queen of the king Vira. Nothing is known to me of the queen's ancestors from other inscriptions. See Sir A. Cunningham's Archeological Survey of India, vol. XXI, p. 51. The inscription has not been previous ly edited, bat a photo-lithograph of it will be found ib., plate xiii. And an abstract of the contents of the inscription, Ao read by Simla Pandit, is given ib., p. 51. Of this abstract I can only say that the Pandit has done his work very carelessly. Thus-the name of Sullakshana he has read Salakshana; between Madana and Trailokyavarman he has onnitted Parumardin; to Trailokyavarinan he has given two gons, Yalovarman and Viravarman, while the inscription does not men. tion any Yafovarmin at all; and Kalyanadevi he has made the daughter of Raja Govinda, while in reality she is described as the daughter of Ishekvarn and granddaughter, by her mother's side, of Govindaraja. Moreover, he has interpreted the date of the inscription to be Vikramos 1312, while it is really, in words and figures, 1817. My own text of the inscription bas been prepared from Sir A. Cunningham's rubbiugu, kindly placed at my di-poval by Mr. Flevt.
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________________ 326 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. As regards the king's own descent, we have here the following line of sovereigns presented to us, who in verse 2) are said to have been born in a family which derived its origin from the moon, and which from other souroes we know to be the Ohandrella, or Ohandella, or Chandratreya family :(1.) Kirtivarman, who defeated Karna and evidently, by doing so, restored the independence of the (Chandella) kingdom (v. 8). (2.) Sallakshana, who is said to have taken away the fortune of the Malavas and Ohedis (v.4). (8.) Jayavarmadera (v.4). (4.) Prithvivarman (v. 3). (B.) Madana (v. 8). (6.) Paramardin (v. 6). (7.) Trailokyavarman, who freed the country from the dominion of the Turush. kas (v.7). (8.) Vira (vv. 8 and 9), or, as he is called in line 18, Viravarman. The Karna' mentioned in the above, whose defeat by Kirtivarman is related also in line 16 of the fragmentary inscription from Mahoba, edited by Dr. Hultzsch in Zeitschrift D. Morg. Ges., vol. XL, p. 49 (Archeologioal Survey of India, vol. XXI, plate xxi), and apparently in an insoription from Kalahjar (16., p. 89, verse 8), is the famous Chedi king of that name who ruled about the middle of the 11th century A. D., and whose defeat by Kirtivarman, or rather by Kirtivarman's friend and general' Gopala, is referred to in the introductory soene of the play Prabodhachandrodaya. And the Tarushkas mentioned in connection with Trailokyavarman are the Mubam. madan invaders whom we know to bave defeated Paramardin and to have taken Kalanjar in A.D. 1202. The inscription is dated (in lines 14 and 15), in words and figures, in the Vikrama year measured by the seas (7), the moon (1), the fires (8), and the moon (1), ...., in the Vikrama year 1817, on Thursday, the 18th of the bright balf of Vaibakha, while the Rauta, the illustrious Jetana (R), was in office, in the reign of Viravarman. The possible equivalents for Vikrama 1817, Vaisakha sukla 18, would be : for the northern current year-Tuesday, 6th May, A.D. 1960; for the northern expired or southern current year-Sunday, 26th April, A. D. 1960; for the southern expired year-Thursday, 14th April, A. D. 1261, when the 18th tilki of the bright halt ended 21 h. 46 m. after mean sunrise. The true date accordingly is Thursday, 14th April, A. D. 1261, and the Vikrama year mentioned in the inscription must be taken to be the southern expired year. Yor Karna we have the date Chedi 798=A.D. 1049 (Indian Antiquary, vol. XVII, p. 915); for Kirtivarman to dato Vikrama 1164=A.D. 1008 (ib., vol. XVIII, p. 388). Karpa u also defeated by Bhimadova I. of Aphil wild, A.D. 1081 - 1063, by the Chalukya Boma vana I., A.D. 1040-1089, and by Udayaditya of Malene, for whom we have the certain date A.D. 1080 I follow here the sathority of the commentator of the Prabodhachandrodaya. Judging from the wording of the text, I should say that Gopala ww an ally of Kirtirarman, but I am not able to identify him with any prince known to me. I may add here that all the above date prove that the Prabodhachandrodaya ww composed during the second half of the 11th ountory A.D. Dot, m stated in English and German handbooka, towards the end of the 19th century. (Compare now Also Dr. Hultssh's mount, ante. Pp. 317-233, where the Mahobl insoription, mentioned above, bu boon toedited. .B.J * Sir H. M. Elliot's History of India, vol. II, p. 381.
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________________ L. 1. 2. 5. 6. INSCRIPTION OF THE CHANDELLA VIRAVARMAN. 7. cI vidhiH // / []yeva tathA mIveM pAtu vo' maravAhinI // 1 // ramitaM nayanapramI amInoDA milocayatA TEXT.' do jIvAzirobhUSacamindumauH / duryataH bIcapalatvadamanIdI parAyAsudiyAya paMca ( // 2 // kuMbhojavaH kapayodhipAne prajezvaro nUtanarAjyasRSTI / ta[bA] vidyAdharanItakIrbhiH bIbIpicitiSI na sahacaco mAlavacedicI[TA] vacaH citipaca tamAt / jayevadhAmA jaya deva[tayA]ca rAjya pramamAthI mIvarmA bhavattamAda[gha] rAjA pRthUpamaH / tatopi madanaH cadrAjye bhUmicayaH // bhavAbhava[] 11 [pa]madirAjI bAbA bIpi netA ripuvIrahantA / [bAbA][[]] nihArA parivavAdamA 4 maisIkvacitipI va rAjya [gha] [ure du] pravidhAnavedhAH / (bu)thimannA [jI] sapUrti vizvariya pratanvan // 7 // racAjira uttaripumavIrapriyAbhisamIditanAtha [ya]: / tAjI vIra[mahI] mI basI nisavIrathaH // 8 // tArthe(ka) yadiramyeca duSTamacantA ripurA [bhitA / vizvarIyaH kimu veti dRSTI bhayasI viva 8. dI[igha]mA bI [cA]dayo"bhUjamAvaMthaH / [[]]] sAcAdiva bIravoM(ka)" bIpA mUrSAbhiSitairapi vaMdanIyo mahezvarAttanayI babhU From the rubbing. Expressed by a symbol. Originally; altered to ft. Metre, Bloka (Anushtubb). * Metre of verses 2-6, Upajati. 9. va / * rAjamArga va [lI ]rAyaiva yathArthanAmAnamudAharanti // 11 // goviMdarAjacitipAlaputrI teopayeme sucaritrI (sI)mA / sokottareya cariteH prapUjyA miveva nivaM patidevatAnAM // 12 // gAthA [?] to variSThaH // 1 // original. 327 19 Metre, Sloka (Anushtabh). Metre of verses 6-19, Upajati. The shelare in brnobota may possibly be cI oo pAM. This correction may have been made already in the
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________________ 328 EPIG RAPHIA INDICA. ___L. 10. sadevIti sodyNgussmaashinii| kAcAcadevIti satA tasA paba yylinii| " mayaM sadA bIriva poTabhAraH] bIvIra[rAtro] mahiSIvamAtA [0"] manopare[sa]caritevadArairbabhUva pucaH parikIrtanIyA / 1410" kiMvate cAracaritra[sI]mA vizAvarti11. pravitA jagatvA / yA sattvAcA bhuvanAsika dharmama[ ] ta sahasA vigAya / 1. viSAM cita]mA vamihadavitA bAcI parIrAvaM bhASiy girijA namanti kisa te gaMgApi te: sNstutaa| hai [kAma]pramadAtutibbavasitA yeSAM na dRggocarA [sambA:12. [] pravitA gupaH sacitanuH kalAdevI [gi]rA / " [cAra bIvayAM sitiM kamalinI[pa]bonasahAriNa sukhA pa[]mata[bhuvo] nipatitA] mohaSikAra bne| [ekA] kIrtivatA vikhola cira khAtadutpattaye satyaudAryaguNa -macirAnAcAra) devI [mirA] // 17 // [sI] maya va(ba)vima[][] niciva pokhapayA priitaa| jIvAtave pUrNata] muM payobhiH sadhIpamairiepamana " sA pA[4]" pradadAba] nirbarasa ym(pokhinii| pulabhi]"tabapa(pA)bAva maMDapaM ciraMbadhAt / 15 / " sAgaropamavAcA(sAra] 14. [mahAye?] parama]dira / [nAMdIpura []kArAsI yazodhacitAvaniH / 20 / bamarAjakaveH paunI ripAlakaveH [ta: rakhapAvaramA sAM pramastimakarI(pa . sagareMmbiAsa(phomite 16. vinaamvr| udhakAra visa(ka)bAmA vidandhI rAma[nAma]kaH // 21 // saMvat 1510 rA bIje[]navyApAra / zrImahIravarmarAnye / vaizASa(ca) yadi 15 gurau . . . . . . . . . . .. * Metro, Bloks (Anushtabb). "Metro of rems14 and 16, Upajati [In padas of rem14the metre requires saMvarita] w Metre of verse 16 and 17, Bardalavikridita. * Metro, Upajati. The akshara in brackets appears to be , altered to * Of this a balara only the sign of the aruandra is doubtful. This abalara appears to be altered to . * Wotre of verses 19-99, Bloks (Anushtabh). .Theoriginal hu.sAtavAhamive. Here follow about eleven abolare. (probably containing blooding), which are illegible in the rubbingu.
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________________ INSCRIPTION OF THE CHANDELLA VIRAVARMAN, 329 TRANSLATION. Om ! Om! (May) success (attend)! (Verse 1.) May the divine Ganga on Siva's head protect you, (she who is) attenuated as it were with jealousy, at seeing half his body appropriated by the daughter of the mountain ! (2.) Glory be to that one friend of the god of love, who gladdens the eyes and is) the head-ornament of the moon-crested (Siva),-the moon, from whom here on earth there has sprung a race which has freed Fortune from the blemish of fickleness! (8.) In that (race) there was a ruler over the earth whose fame is sung by the Vidyadharas, (who was the pitcher-born (Agastya") in swallowing that odean-Karpa, (and) the lord of creatures in creating anew the kingdom, -the illustrious Kirtiver. man. (4.) From him ( sprang) the prince Sallakshana whose sword took away the fortune of the Malaves and Chedis; and after him the valiant Jayavarmadeva ruled the kingdom, whose one glory was victory. (5.) After him Prithvivarman was king, similar to Prithu; and then Madana ruled over the kingdom, a god of love to opponents. (6.) Then came the illustrious king Paramardin, who, as a leader, even in his youth, struck down opposing heroes, (and) to whom the fortune of universal sovereignty quickly came, like an enamoured damsel choosing him of her own free will. (7.) Then the prince Trailokyavarman ruled the kingdom, a very creator in providing strong places. Like Vishnu he was, in lifting up the earth, immerged in the ocean formed by the streams of Turushkas. (8.) Victorious is his son Vira, that ruler of the earth of spotless bravery who has delighted the damsels of heaven by sending them, as lovers, the hostile heroes whom he cut down on the field of battle. (9.) Victorious (and) to be worshipped by all men is he whom, when he strikes down the wicked (and) disperses crowds of opponents, people gaze at-wondering whether be be Vishnu riding on Garuda or Siva roaming about on his bull. (10.) In the race of Dadhichi there was the illustrious [Cha]dala, endowed with marvellous true glory, an object of reverence for the Kshatriyas; and he had a most excellent son, named Bripala, who was bravery, as it were, incarnate. (11.) His son, to be revered even by crowned heads, was Mahesvara, whom people declare to be properly so named, when he disports himself, valiant like a bull. (12 and 13.) He married the prince Govindaraja's daughter, unsurpassed for virtuous conduct, who, for her extraordinary deeds, like Siva's wife, must always be honoured by faithful wives,--the lady Vesaladevi (), endowed with both beauty and excellent qualities. Her daughter, now, is Kalyasadevi, of great renown. (14.) When she became the chief queen of the illustrious king Vira, like unto Sri (sohen she became the pipe) of the enemy of Kaitabha, this lady by her pleasing, noble and holy deeds became famous for ever. The wage Agastya is fabled to have swallowed the ocean. * Or, perhaps, 'in creating new kingdom.' * In the original tbe pamango is quite clear, and admits of no other interpretation than the one given above. The word mnadana itself is one of the synonyms of manmatha. 1..., Vishnu.
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________________ 330 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (V. 15.) What need is there to describe her, unsurpassed for pleasing conduct (and) well-known the earth over for her pure fame, -her, who by truthful speech has at once surpassed that world-renowned lord of justice (Yudhishthira)? (16.) To some Vabishtha's wife is an object of reverence; others indeed adore the splendid daughter of the mountain who is the half of Siva's body; some again have glorified Ganga, (and) others take pains to praise the beloved of Kama. They all can. not have set eyes on the unblemished Kalyanadevi, who for truth and other excellent qualities is famed in song. (17.) Having perceived that life, fortune, and the charms of youth stay no longer than the water which glitters on a lotus-leaf, that widely praised beautiful women() bave fallen into the gross darkness of delusion, (and) that the creeper of good fame alone is everlasting, Kalydnadevi, to make that (oreeper of fame) grow, ..... the qualities of truth and generosity. (18.) Then, having ascertained that (this) spot is guarded by the arms of strong men (?), she, full of compassion, made this Nirjara well, filled with nectar-like water. to sustain lifo. (19.) She, of great renown, gave for the Nirjara (well) one drinking cup (?) and she built this pure, bright hall for the supply of water (?). (20.) She, who has brightened the earth with her fame, has made at Nandipura a tank which resembles the ocean, (and) & hall with a lofty top (P). (21.) The intelligent Ratnapala, a son of the poet Haripala and grandson of the poet Vatsaraja, has composed this pure eulogy. (22.) In the Vikrama year measured by the seas (7), the moon (1), the fires (3), and the moon (1), has the pure-minded, skilful Rama engraved it. In the year 1917, during the office of the Rauta, the illustrious Jetana (), in the reign of the illustrious Viravarman, on Thursday, the 18th of the bright half of Vaikkha. II. ROCK INSCRIPTION OF THE TIME OF BHOJAVARMAN. This inscription is on a rock near the "Tarhaoni" or "Tirhawan" gate of the fort of Ajaygadh: It contains sixteen lines of writing which cover a space of about 6 101 broad by 2' 3' high. The first fifteen lines extend over the whole breadth of the inscribed surface; the last line measures only 1' 4' in length, and is engraved in very small characters close below the beginning of line 16. With the exception of about ten akaharao at the commencement of line 15 which either have gone altogether or are greatly damaged, and the whole of the short line 16 which is illegible in the rubbing, the writing is well preserved. The size of the letters in lines 1-16 is about 17. The characters are the peopliar kind of Nagart which we find also in several Mahob and KAlanjar inscriptions of the 13th and 18th centuries, and the special features of which Arundhatt. * i. .,'not growing old, never failing.' Boo Bir A. Cunningham's Arolaslegiool Survey of India, vol. XXI, pp. 47, 68, and 88. The inscription bu not be presional edited, but photo-litbograph of it ww Dablished by 81r A. Conningham. ib.. plate xv. I aditi Cunningham's own rabbing, kindly placed at my disposal by Mr. Flest.
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________________ INSCRIPTION OF THE TIME OF BHOJAVARMAN. 331 may be seen in the photo-lithographs, published in Archeological Survey of India, Vol. XXI, plates tv and xxi-xxii. Here I need only state that in the present inscrip. tion it is somewbat difficult to distinguish between the signs for ch and , those for cheh, no, and gh, and those for p and b; and that a sign representing both the jilwamaliya and the wpadhmantya, which does not differ at all from the ordinary sign for oh, has been employed before the words karanas and padma', in line 2. The language of the inscription is Sanskrit, and, with the exception of the introductory om namah Kedardya, the whole is in verse. The language is fluent, but not always correct. Thus, to mention.some of the most striking mistakes, in line 1 we have shattrimeatih or shattrinbatah for shattrinkat; in line 4 nisipati for nieapati 'the inoon;' in line 18 varmin for udgmin; in line 18 the form kriyatam, derived from the root ky'i 'to make;' and the verses 19 and 20 do not admit of a proper construction. A term, which I have not met with elsewhere, is difisha, in lines 4 and 8, probably denoting the superintendent or commander of a fort. As regards orthography, the consonant 6 is generally denoted by the sign for o, when it is preceded and followed by a vowel (e.g., in vioudha, line 1, Savardn, line 10, etc.), and by its own proper sign, when combined with another consonant (e.g., in garbbha and apilambitam, in line 3); but we have twice babhdoa, even after a vowel, in lines 6 and 7. The dental sibilant is nine times used for the palatal (e.g., in basi-, line 1, deu and saila-, line 4), and the palatal for the dental in prafdnair, line 6, and vilala-, line 13. Besides it may be noted that, instead of yy, we have the conjunct jy, in viganajya, lines 8 and 10, and, instead of thy, ksh, in Jayd kahe, line 8 (but not in line 11), and prakshata, line 14; and that ujjoala, as usual, is spelt wjtala, in line 9. The immediate object of the Inscription would appear to be, to record in verses 28-31) the construction of a temple by Subhata, the superintendent of the treasury of the king Bhoja or Bhojavarman. But in reality the inscription furnishes an account of the olan to which Subhata belonged, or of the more prominent members of that clan, the Vastavy a race of Kayasthas, some of whom held positions of importance under the Chandella kings Ganda, Kirtivarman, Paramardin, Trailokyavarman, and Bhojavarman. The Kayastha clan of the Vastavyas derived its origin from Vastu, who resided at Takkarika, one of a group of thirty-six towns which were purified by the fact that men of the writer caste dwelt in them' (vv. 2-4). In this olan was born the Thakkura JAjaka, who held a position of trust under king Ganda, and was honoured by him with the grant of the village of Dugauda (vv. 6-7). From him was descended Mahes vara, who by Kirtivarman was appointed Dibisha of Kalajara and endowed with the grant of the village) of Pipalahika (vv. 8-9). The next member of the family mentioned is GadAdhara, counsellor and chamberlain of king Paramardin (v. 10), who with his younger brother Jaunadhara fought at Kalanjara (v. 11), and who had another brother, Maladhara, also distinguished as a warrior (v. 19). After them came Alha, his son sobhana, and his son Vidana (vv. 18-16). Vidana's son was Vase or Vaseka, who by king Trailokyavarman was appointed Vibisha of the fort of Jaya or Jayapura (the present Ajaygadh), and endowed with the grant of the village of Varbhavari. He Compare also Journal 4.. Soc. Bong., vol. VI, p. 666, and plato xxxii. This expression would load one to look for some territorial name, sbohu Chhatttapur, but I find only Challagada. 2 T2
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________________ 332 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. defeated one Bhojaka, who had either risen in rebellion against Trailokyavarman or conquered part of his territory, and he generally pacified the kingdom and rendered it secure against foreign enemies. He also built a temple and a tank at Jayapura (vv. 16-20). His younger brother was Ananda who, as governor of the fort, subdued the wild tribes of Bhillas, Sabaras, and Pulindas (vv. 21-22). Ananda's son was Ruchira (vv. 23-25), who had three sons, Gopati (v. 26), Mahipala (v. 27), and Subhata, of whom the last, as stated above, was superintendent of the treasury of king Bhojavarman (vv. 28-30). After verse 31, the inscription has two more verses, the second of which is illegible, and the first of which relates that Mahipala again had three sons, one of whom was named Kirtipala. The Vastavya family is mentioned also in other Chandella inscriptions. Thus, the two inscriptions from Mahoba, of which we have photo-lithographs in Archeological Survey of India, vol. XXI, plates xxi and xxiii, and one of which is dated in Vikrama 1240, record that in the illustrious great Vastavya family there was one 8 hila, the son of Hallana (R). An inscription from Ajaygadh, referred to ib., p. 68, mentions, according to Sir A. Cunningham, the Thakkura, the illustrious Vidana, who no doubt is the Vidana spoken of in the present inscription. And the inscription from Ajaygadh, edited in the Journal A 8. Soc. Beng., vol. VI, pp. 882-884, in its concluding lines, contains the name of another member of the Vastavya family of Kayasthas, who is described as pratolikanvita-Jayapuradurgg-adhipa, 'governor of the fort of Jayapura with the street (pratolika) belonging to it. The five Chandella kings mentioned in this inscription are all well known from other inscriptions. But attention may be drawn to the circumstance that Kirtivarman (in verse 9) is here described as the crest-jewel of the princes in the Pitasaila or Yellow. Mountain districts, a territorial name which, so far as I know, has not been met with elsewhere. The name of Bhojaka, the opponent of Trailokyavarman (whose latest known inscriptional date at present is Vikrama 1298), occurs perhaps in an inscription at Ajaygadh of the Vikrama year 1325, which mentions one Abhayadeva, apparently described as the son of Bhoja ka.' The town of Takkarik, and the villages of Dugauda, Pipala hika, and Var bhavari, which are mentioned in the inscription, I am unable to identify. The inscription closes rather abruptly, and it neither contains the names of the com. poser, writer, and engraver, nor is it dated. But, since for the king Bhojavarman we have the date Vikrama 1345, it may be assigned to about the end of the 19th century A.D. A Vartanya-washfa is mentioned also in line 27 of the Malbar inscription of the Chedi year 919A.D. 1167-68, ante, p. 42; * Vastanya-kula in line 6 of the Set. Mahet inscription of the Vikrame year 1976 = A.D. 1219-90, Indian Antiquary, vol. XVI, p. 62; and datasya-kdyantha in an inscription at Garhwa of the Vikrama year 1199, Cunning. ham's Archeological Survey of India, vol. III, plate xxi, 1. See Indian Antiquary, vol. XVII, p. 234. Seo Archeological Survey of India, vol. XXI, plate xiv, F. 7 Similar names are Vajaka, Dandaka, and Khojuks; Indian Antiquary, vol. XVII, p. 238. . In the inscription of Nans, the minister of Bhojavarman, badly edited in the Journal 4t. Sve. Beng., vol. VI, pp. 882-884. Nans was one of the three sons of Ratuasimba, of whom that inscription records :digganIkarSakaharavidhAnayazasAntu te / tataH sa vijJAnavi(ni)pinISI magIramI bhAga rati pratIvaH / candrAvayanarendrANAM sacivatvamupAgatAH / 24 / bIbhIjapAcamupetya nAtha samanvaminIdayamAtavAna / 5.which will dinpose of the horse sent to Bhoja Varma." The inscription was composed by the poet Amara (not Amarapati), in Vikrams 1945, expressed in figures and in words (the latter, contrary to the ordinary rule according to which the unit should be incutioned first, being veterface fatt).
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________________ INSCRIPTION OF THE TIME OF BHOJAVARMAN. 333 L.1. Text." po namaH kedaaraay| gAtarAtaralItasarparAjave[]ya cArayasi(pi)balavibhUSacAya / kandarpadamanAya surArcitAya kedArarUpavi[]tAya" namaH zivAya // 1 // " SaviMzatiH" karaNakarmanivAsapUtA pAsapura paramasIsthagupAtirivAH / tamadhyagA vibu(ku)dhalokamatA variSThA rabArikA samabani sAnIyakalA / / sarvo[pa]kArakara kanidhaH khakIyavaMzasta pAnasabhagata hijAbayana / kalyAvasAnasamayakhita parI]" yA vAstuH khavaM samadhigamya samAsasAda // 3 // tathA atarSinadasAninAditAyAM vAstavyavaMzabhavinArapAta pAsan / pAyAH samasabhuvanAni yadIyakIcA pUdhAni sadhavasANi vizeSayanvA // 4 // vidhAcaturdama kalAH sakalAH samIyu panAbhirA mamiva vAbhamAyatAsaH / yaM garbhasaMkhamavilambitamaritIyaM duHkhaM viyogabamasaMhatamuvAvaH // 5 // tAMzataH sa udapAdinIvaraSa gAyana" budhi durbayatA gatena / bAjUkasaMcati ThaharamiMbutaH sarvAdhikArakararISu sadA niyuktaH / / / pArAdha saMpatimahalamasamekaM devaM gadAdharamivAcutavAsamAdham / 4. kAyakhavaMzanalinIgavatAdinayo pAmaM dugauDamapi tAmakamAsa(sa) me / / tamantatI sakalavAGmayapArada(da)bA" bhUbhUSavaM nidhipatariva kAntimA / mojAbakArakhae nipAtArtA mAvira samabhavalujatAbhisartA / yaH pItama(a)zaviSayeSu mahIpatInAM caDAmarSi samanubhivya samAjayaca / bIkIrtivargapati vi bhiSAbhidhAnaM vAparakha pipatAhikayA sametam / tasinkule mahati sabanasokazuSTe gAdharaH samudabhUvaci[vo]bhirAmaH / nUnaM vicArya paramahinIbara yutaH sa [kacakitayA parayA ta dhiir||10|| jaulAdharatadanujaH sahakarmacArI sadA rataH samarakarmapi mockaarii| tau vIramAnemanusatya girI garihe kAsapI subudhturvishikhaa[khen| / tava mAlAdharanAmadheyastatha hitIyo'jani vIramukhthaH / suraiH sadA kalpatakama(ca)merabhyarthito yaH samae rame // 12 // " amiSa tacinprababhUva dhIra pAla pratolIcirAdhikAra [0] From the rabbing. | Originally cAradha,altered to cArAma " Expressed by anymbol. - Originally scAramamava., but the ruperflaou pw of the akskars in brokota only the vowel is indistinot. pour to have been strak out. 1 Metre of varsa 1-11, Vantatilaka. "Originally samevA, but altered to samevam. >> Probably altered, in the original, to fit . The Originally f , but clearly altered to return plural of the numeral is of course grammationlly incorrect. The ahehara in brokola to somewhat doabthul sad of thin akalara only the sign of anwedne la doubtral. might possibly be read . The spelling of this word is quite clear and distinct in Matre of verse 13-14 Upajul the rubbing
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________________ 334 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. benApatI bAra sadeva ma bhana durgA tanAmavacApi pa(babhUva ramya (ka)bhAmvitaH so(go)[bha]naL.7. nAmadhayaH / cirarita pAhamA suvAni yaSikhabAmAsa mu(ka)cirnu pipAnidhAna tanaya vissaarsukhmtrvbhuuss| yacipo pIdamanAmadhayo' vicArAcAmanA] sardana / 15 // " pa" parAbhyetipA]i besoSitipala [caa| tIva pAriSitAbhidhAnIpabhUpa punIla gupadAraH / / bAcamana vi. gavanya(ja) rAbA(mA) yAcye) vivivaabhimaare| nidhIcasobatarapaSipAmaMpadA pa[]parIti maanaa||| saSicanIramama pApApI pAsavarSa yatilaka rayAm / vitrAsa devamapira piratA vidyA prAcIkAladahayA(pA) vipara tamAya paripabipArthivacamakA dAvAnalI rAjana pattanta)matilA sAtAtiSim / bhokaM puSihAdudanirSi pAsavAnAmA pI bhUyo yena motiSabAjIcavaryA jAtaH / [] jIta rAyamarkaTA pariNAmAtAtisarvAvara dAnanIya(ja)mAriyAya vidhivatImAH samatA papi / vinAsadhimakIvara balAsavAsIpame pAnI pASA paryavacanI rabapatIcIlane // 3 // babAhana hasAyamA vArapAnandalAmA pravitA rvivaan| padava bola bacanamArA caya(ja)nAmAnasahAyarala bhivAmabhUmi vivalya(ba) dudhikArapati prcii| "pAcaNArAgyavinivApinI cAra bhivaanraamunindaan|| tasyAyanIbhavAda11, pirAbhidhAnI vidhAramArapasArakopi psaar| bIbIsayeva visarabarAnIvAvarAtinivASitAmamevIt // 1 // " durgAjayAye pravacArovarSinI'tIbaparaMparAmiH [] dulI savaya sadeva bhavAtAvanikatamAsa)pAca " guradAra samatekacA pA# The akhang in benekete may be read for . Motrent wrial and 80,sardalarikrkjita. Dend . This peripotigp may have been made * Metre of vera 81 And 99, Pajti already ip the origipel. " Originally Te, but altered to vie, * Metre, Indraraja, Read furi + Originally m, but altered to # Matre, Vesentatilake. * Metre of verses 16 and 17, Upjath * Road Tr affent. The rubbing look uit # The rubbing looks w if this a shang were engraved the changes from to and from to f, had Www aloretboa. nende slowdy te the original : Motre, Vantatilakt. Motw of term 34-39, Upajati 10.
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________________ INSCRIPTION OF THE TIME OF BHOJAVARMAN. 335 L.12. paapsaarvaasaar| [mA]"nAvidhAnipuSaH pravIra: pArasadA ymnii|| taNyAsano gopatinAmadhayo picaapdaatoptimpuuccH| biyAM girA bAppavirodhavAsI paMcAratA sAdhubanavAba:"]. tasthAnumacA maSipAlanAmA saudvsii(pauyNvriiraam| 13. bAvasa(na)tI manIbhUdeva pitta tirIpa(ka)bhUna // 10 // jayati tadanujabAbIvitA) tivanaparihI vaarmi(jinaamciic| bapativamitidamAnIvanamApaH matimAmApInIyakampaH / propkaarmniy(b)[i]"maaebaayaadhintaavidhiH| bhImAnAmA cinipajIbI rASipatipadepAsa' sAMbhAraguraMparopiDhI vivApiyAmitiH bImatIjamatImonASikaH pracA(yA)nabIrtiH / nirvAdaparopakAranirataH pauSabamudAniSi bhAgArapatipira vijaya pavahariman // 10 // bIkApI10. -~- v-[payo]maMdira hImAbIcamaca mihanamAvi()vI maarvaaH| pApA videzAta pacalI gannA []"piparasaMbhavatayA bAvA bIyatAm / satI jAtA mahApAripAnAmA ] pIliyAbIcabIlimArI mAraSaSimaH // // // 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRANSLATION, Om Adoration to Kedaral (Verse 1.) Adoration to Siva, who manifests himselt 48 Kedara ;who is en. giroled by the serpont-king, made to move to and fro by the waves of the Ganges, (and) "The ahekore in brekete was priginally , bat it laskes me if It had been altered to WT. Mom,MAIDA of the baharu in braoketa galy the sign of the awwudre In Indiatimet: * Matre, Upaj$4. Metmetmmam BI,AreAlaritradites I vory dexbtfal abent the akshan in the braketa. In the robbing #looks more MEN TT of For then # Hope the inqoription would worm to have ended originally Phe von 81, which follows Appears to be logs carefully mund then the progding. It ir followed, in line 16, W AROther Anpahtubh vrho, samo may mal! lotter ( ingham's lithograph), whlob mou probably for the name of the two other sons of Mahipala but whleb, with the grepption of one or two abegnate in illegible in the robbing. .MotrasokaCAnnabtabh). # w ardpeida pita I take in the menu of riddle-Koddard pg, and compare compounds like dokantadika whiloh by Indian grammarlen4 pogld be placed in the pape ang tibdi.
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________________ 336 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. is gracefully decorated with a portion of the moon; who humbled the pride of the god of love (and) is revered by the gods ! (V. 2.) There were thirty-six towns, purified by the fact that men of the writer caste * dwelt in them (and) more than other towns) endowed with great comfort. Among them the most excellent, thought of as the abode of the gods, was Takkarika, an object of envy. 46 (3.) This town Vastu himself took for his residence, that his race, an unique treasure in bestowing all kind of benefits, blessed with worthy people (and) a resort of the twice-born, might stay there to the end of the universe. (4.) (And) in this town) which by crowds (of students) was made to resound with the chants of the Vedas, there were born in the Vastavya race those Kayasthas whose fame has filled (and rendered) white like swans all the worlds, illumining the quarters. (6 and 6.) From that race sprang a matchless (personage) to whom, even while he was in his mother's womb, quickly sped the fourteen sciences and all the arts together, as long-eyed damsels hasten to a lover graced with beauty, openly betraying their grief at having (so long) been kept from him; (a personage) named Jajuka, who, endowed with the title of a Thakkura, was, by king Ganda, the invincible in battle, appointed to superintend at all times all the affairs of the state). (7.) And having pleased the king, that unique ornament of the circle of princes, the primeval GadAdhara, as it were, whose abode is imperishable, (Jajdka)-who was to the Kayastha race what the sun is to the multitude of lotus-groups-soon also obtained the village of Dugauda, as a grant." (8.) In his lineage was born, an ornament of the earth, Mahesvara, thoroughly familiar with every branch of letters (and) endowed with beauty like the moon; preventing others) from falling into the pit of darkness of delusion (and himself) going after good deeds. (9.) Having served the illustrious prince Kirtivarman, the crest-jewel of the princes in the Yellow Mountain districts, he received the title of Vibisha of Kalanjara. accompanied by the grant of) Pipalahika. (10.) In that great family, beloved by good men, was born Gadadhara, a favour. ite counsellor. That wise man was by king Paramardin, after due consideration, en. trusted with the high office of chamberlain. (11.) His younger brother, sharing his work, was Jaunadhara, always delighting in deeds of war (and) striving after final liberation. Following the path of heroes, both fought on the excellent mountain Kalanjara with showers 6 of arrows (). (12.) And he also had another (younger brother) named Maladhara, pre-eminent among heroes ; who took delight in wars, always honoured by the gods with flowers of the tree of paradise. (18.) In the course of time was born in that (family) the prudent Alha, whose ad. # One of the meanings of karana being kdyantha-karmun, the occupation of Kayastha,' I tako karuna-burman to be . Bahavrthi-compound, equivalent to the word Kdyaatha whleb cours below. # The suffis kalpa in sprihaniyakalpd appears to have been added merely to fill up the verse. 41..., the four Vedas, the six Vedanga, the Musl, Nyhye, Dharmaddatra, and the Purapas # Literally, 'endowed with the pature of a Thakkura. * Tamraka, properly the copper-plate on which a deed is engraved, here clearly denotes the object granted by sach deed. " Seeing no other way of explaining the abore passage, I take the word dex!a to be (wrungly) used as a substantive.
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________________ INSCRIPTION OF THE TIME OF BHOJAVARMAN. 337 ministration of the street (pratolt) was pleasing; who, keeping down wickedness, full of energy, always dwelt happily in the fort. (V. 14.) His charming son again was Sobhana, endowed with good fortune, who, resplendent with many excellent qualities, adorned the quarters with his wondrous exploits. (15.) And his son, a store of knowledge (and) in appearance like the Vidyadharas, was Vidana. Having entrusted the realm to bim, the king indeed enjoyed lasting comfort. (16.) He had a son, distinguished for excellent qualities, who, one may say, was called Vage, because the minds of the people as well as that of king Trailokyavarman were about to prove submissive to him. (17.) Esteeming him competent for the work, the king appointed him to the office of Vilisha over the fort, named Jaya; and gave him the well-known village of Varbhavari, to be his for ever. (18.) There that ornament of the Vastavya race, being aware that life is brief and desirous of securing eternal life, made his transient body build a beautiful temple and a charming tank, full of good water. (19.) (And there the wise Vaseka, being to the armies of opposing chiefs what & forest-fire is to the brush-wood, sent the irresistible Bhojaka, who, seized with the frenzy of war, was rending the kingdom in two, in battle to the abode of death, and thus made Trailok yavarman again the ornament of princely families. (20.) Having rendered the kingdom free from thorns and prosperous, so that every place was inhabited by crowds of virtuous people, and having made it resplendent with his generosity and properly secured all frontiers," he took his abode, humbling the pride of Indra's home, on the mountain Jayapura, which, turned into a pleasant street (pratoli), was like Kailasa as a place of residence. (21.) His younger brother, of pure fame (and) famous the earth over, was the emi. nent Ananda, whom men declare to have been rightly so named " because he always gladdened people, (even) from afar. (22.) Esteeming him a man who knew no fear, the king made him governor of the fort; (and as such) he reduced to submission the wild tribes of Bhillas, Sabaras, and Pulindas. (28.) His son was that Ruchira, resplendent with all the sciences and arts, who, when he roamed about on the battle-fields, with ease crippled the fierce crowds of opponents. (24.) In the fort of Jaya he reverently worshipped with folded hands the holy Durga, glorifying in strains of praise the fierce destructress of powerful demons. (25.) Distinguished for excellent qualities, only engaged in good deeds, destroying wickedness (and) setting store only on good men, versed in sciences and in the knowledge of arms, (and) proficient in arts, he always shone, endowed with good fame. Literally, the body wbich has not the attribute of (eternity).' w In the original the construction is altogether ungrammatical, but there can be no doubt about the meaning of the verte. - Here, again, the first half of the verse does not admit of a proper construction, and I can do no more than give the general mense which I think to have been intended by thu writer. # Ananda memnus joy.'
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________________ 338 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (7.26.) His son was Gopati, purified by knowledge (and) deserving adoration from princes; a man in whom fortune and eloquence harmoniously dwelt together, praiseworthy (and) an unique object of veneration for good men. (27.) His younger brother was Mahipala, who shone, eminent for both beauty and bravery. When the god of love saw how he had taken possession of all hearts, he vanished, bowed down with shame. (28.) Glorious is his younger brother, the in-every-way-famous Subhata, who is the one mansion of the play of fortune, the most excellent of the virtuous, the leader of the eloquent, fit for the assemblies of princes, praiseworthy for his character. (29.) Eagerly striving to benefit others (and) accomplishing his objects by what he engaged in, he became permanently chief superintendent of the treasury of the illustrious king Bhojavarman. (80.) Long and greatly may Bubhata, the lord of the treasury, whose only thought is of what is right, prosper! He who, though at the head of all weighty affairs," is both trustworthy and full of knowledge, who, as the counsellor of the illustrious ruler Bhoja, is widely famed for his excellent qualities, who delights in bestowing on others benefits without end (and) is a very store of benevolence! (81.) The world is a home of the three kinds of pain, sorrow unstable like the motion of a swing is our wealth, and short the life of man. His religious merit only goes with him, who, departing his life, enters another body; for that cannot leave him. (Thus reflecting, Subhata) ordered a temple to be built (here). (82.) Then there were born three most intelligent sons of Mahipala: Kirtipala, of great fame, a youth who resembled the god of love; . XXXIX-PATNA INSORIPTION OF THE TIME OF THE YADAVA SIMGHANA AND HIS FEUDATORIES SOIDEVA AND HEMADIDEVA. BY PROFESSOR F. KIELHORN, PH.D., C.I.E., GOTTINGEN. This inscription was discovered by the late Dr. Bhau Daji on a stone-tablet in the ruined temple of the goddess Bhavani at Patna, a deserted village about ten miles south-west of Chalisgaon in Khandes,' and edited by him in the Journal Roy. As. Soc., N.S., vol. I, pages 414-418. It consists of 26 lines which cover a space of about 2 6 broad by 1' 6' high. The writing is on the whole well preserved, but at the top a small portion of the surface of the stone has peeled off, causing the nearly complete loss of about a dozen aksharas in the middle of the first line; and a few aksharas are illegible in the concluding lines. The average size of the letters is . The characters are Nagari of about the 18th century. Up to the beginning of line 22 the inscription is in Banskrit; the language of the remainder is a kind of old Marathi, corresponding, "The original has the word dbidra, which I have not met with elsewhere. Here, again, a proper construction of the actual words of the verse appears impossible. Bee the Bombay Gazetteer, vol. XII, p. 468; Burgess and Fleet, Pali, Sanskrit and Old Canares Inscriptions, No. 384. Not to mention minor mistakes, Dr. Bhau Dajt read the name of one of the chiefs, mentioned in the inscription, persistently Bonhadeva, while it is really everywhere clearly Baldeva. I re-edit the inscription from two good impressions supplied by the Editor.
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________________ INSCRIPTION OF THE TIME OF THE YADAVA SIMGHANA. 339 according to Dr. Bhau Dajt, to the Khandelt. Of the Sanskrit portion, lines 1.20, excepting the introductory orh namo Ganddhipalayo and the words atha bhrity.dnvaya. barnpanam in line 7, are in verse; the rest of the inscription is in prose. As regards the grammar and orthography of the Sanskrit portion, there are few points that need here be noted. In Laforaska, line 4, the samdodnta sufis ka has been wrongly added, for the word is a Tatpurusha compound; in karaft-kashfhfraco, line 18, the final vowel of the first member of the compound has been lengthened simply for metrical pur. Poses; and the word vidhanita is used in an unusual senne, in line 9. The conjunot ddh has been wrongly employed instead of the simple dh in alarddha, line 8, sind dhor, line 11, and sashniddhaw, line 21; and dh has been doubled in a wrong way in nibadhdha, line 19. Besides, we find the conjunot sohh instead of chohh in hribohhri., line 6, and yasohhishyail, line 16, and the vowel ri instead of ri in kriyd, line 17. The main object of the metrical portion of the inscription (lines 1-20) is, to record (in verses 28-24) that the chief astrologer of the Yadava king Simghana, Changadeva, a grandson of the well-known astronomer Bhaskaracharya, founded a college for the study of the Siddhantasiromapi and other works of his grandfather and relatives, & college which was eudowed with land and other sources of income by the brothers Soideva and Hemadideva (verse 25), two members of the Nikumbha family, who, as feudatories of the Yadavas, ruled over the country of the sixteen-hundred vil. lages.' And by way of introduction, after invoking the divine blessing (in verse 1, which appropriately brings in the seven planets) and doing honour to Bhaskaracharya (verses 2-4), the author furnished a short account of the paramount lords of the country, the Yadavas of Devagiri (verses -8), of their feudatories of the Nikumbha family (verses 9-16), and of Ohangadeva's own ancestors (verses 17-22). Regarding the Yadavas, we are told that there was a prince Bhilla ma who fought with the Gurjaras, Latas, and Karnatas. He was succeeded by Jaitrapala who defeated the Andhras (verse 6). Jaitrapala's son was simghana or Simha, who de. feated the kings of Mathura and Banaras, and a dependent of whom even defeated the valorous Hammira, or Muhammadan invader (verse 7). All the three princes are well known to us from other sources, and it is only necessary to state here that simghana ascended the throne in Saka 1181 (A.D. 1209-10). The names of the earlier members of the Nikumbha family, which was considered to belong to the solar race, are given in the other inscription brought from Patna by Dr. Burgess and published by Professor Buhler in Indian duliquary, vol. VIII, page 89. (1.) Kfishnaraja I.; (2.) His son, Govana I.; (8.) Govindaraja, son of Govana I.; (4) Govana II., son of Govinda; and (8.) Krishnaraja II., son of Govana II. The first prince mentioned in this inscription is Krishnaraja (verse 10), who is Krishnarja II. of Professor Bahler's account. His son was Indraraja, and his son Sve Journal Roy. dr. Son, vol. IV. p. * Joursel Be. Dr. B. 41. doc., vol. XII, p. 6, Aromlogical Survey er worn India, vol. III, p. 86, Moet's Dynastiat e Lanar. Dietrite, na handarkar'. Early History the Doce, p.
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________________ 340 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. again Govana (vernes 11-12), who, to judge from Professor Buhler's inscription, began to rule shortly after Saka 1075 (A.D. 1163-4). Govana III. was succeeded by his son, Soideva (verses 13-14), by whom, as will appear below, a donation was made to Changadeva's college in Saka 1128 (wrongly for Baka 1129-A.D. 1207); and Soideva after his death was succeeded by his younger brother Hem&dideva, who is described as a feudatory or general of Simghanadeva and ruler of the country of the sixteenhundred villages' (verses 15-16). Ohangadeva, the founder of the college, belonged to the Sandilya camea, of which the inscription (in verses 17-24) enumerates the following members : (1.) The poet (kavichakravartin) Trivikrama. (2.) His son Bhaskara bhatta, who from king Bhoja received the title of Vi. dydpati. (3.) His son Govinda, or Govindasarvajna. (4.) His son Prabhakara. (5.) His son Manoratha. (6.) His son, the poet (kapsfoara) Mahesvaracharya. (7.) His son Bhaskara (the astronomer). (8.) His son Lakshmidhara, who by king Jaitrapala was appointed chief Pandit. (9.) His son Ohangadeva, chief astrologer of king simghana. As regards these men, there can hardly be a doubt that the kavichakravartin Tri. vikrama, with whom the list opens, is the mahakavi Trivikramabhatta, the author of the Damayanti-katha, who, in the introduction of his work, describes himself as the son of Nemaditya (or Devaditya) and grandson of Sridhara, of the Bandilya pamba, Since his son Bhaskara bhatta lived under Bhojaraja, wbom, with Dr. Bhau Dajt, I take to be Bboja of Dhard whom we know to have ruled in A.D. 1021, Trivi. krama must have flourished about the end of the 10th or the beginning of the 11th century A. D. Bhaskara, the astronomer, was born in Saka 1086-A.D. 1104-8; and the epoch-year of his Karana-kutihala is Saka 1105=A. D. 1183-84. His father, Mahesvara, who is described as jyotiroit-lilaka, lived at Vijjalapura, and composed a work called Vritta-bataka. Jaitrapala, by whom Bhaskara's son, Lakshmidhara, was made chief Pandit, ruled from Saka 1113 to Saka 1181-A.D. 1191-1209. The metrical part of this inscription is followed by a prose passage which records & grant made by Boideva in favour of Changadeva's college in Saka 1128 (or rather 1129), on a date which will be specified below. This grant must of course have been made some time before the inscription itself was composed; for we know from the preceding that the inscription was put up during the reign of the king Simghana, who began to rule in Saka 1181, and at a time when the feudatory Soideva was dead, and had been succeeded by his younger brother Hemadideva Our inscription itself therefore is not dated, but it may have been composed in the first quarter of the 19th century, some time after A.D. 1209-10. Soideva's grant, spoken of in the preceding paragraph, is dated in the Saka year See Indian Antiquary, vol. VI, p. 63. The date of the inscription in Bonday, 24th Deormber, A.D. 1091. * Boe Journal Roy. 41. Soc., N. 8., vol. 1, pp. 410, 418; or Siddhanta-Siromani, ziii, 68; Professor Aufruolt'Calalogwe, p. 827; Dr, Peterson's Second Report, p. 181.
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________________ INSCRIPTION OF THE TIME OF THE YADAVA SIMGHANA. 341 1128, in the year Prabhava, on the full-moon day of the month Sravana, at the time of an eclipse of the moon. The date itself shows that there must be some mistake in it; for Prabhava corresponds to Saka 1129 expired, not to Saka 1128 expired. And, besides, if the grant had been really made in Saka 1128 expired, the date would fall in A.D. 1206, and in that year there was no lunar eclipse at all. The year of the grant therefore was clearly Saka 1129 expired, which was the Jovian year Prabhava; and calculating for that year, I find that Sravana-sudi 15 corresponds to the 9th August, A.D. 1207, when there was a lunar eclipse, at 12 hours 26 minutes Greenwich time, or, at Ujjain, 11 hours 29 minutes after mean sunrise. The eclipse, a partial one, lasted 2 hours 40 minutes and would, therefore, have been just visible in Khandes. L. 1. TEXT. poM na[mo] gnnaadhiptye| si di[vA]karasudhAkarabhUmipu[batAyapuvaguruyakrama[mi] - / -- - --sva [bhavo a[vAdha] saMrakSaNAni gaganecaracAravo vaH // -[1.] 2. [buddhirbhA? sAMkhyesaMkhyaH svataM[va]dhIstave / vedenava[ya] vidyonalpaH zilyAdiSu kalAsu // -[2.] svacchaMdI yachaMdasi zAstre vaizeSike vizeSataH // (1) yaH zrIprabhAkaraguruH prAbhAkarada rzane kavi: kAvye -[3.] [ba] huguNagaNitaprabhRtiskaMda(dha)vitaye vinebamamaH / vibudhAbhivaMditapadI jayati zrIbhAskarAcAryaH // "-[4] zrImadyaduvaMzAya svastyastu samastavastusahi tAya (1) vizvaM yatra vAtuM jAto vizuH svayaM vastaM // -[5.] gaDalarakuMjaroskaTaghaTAsaMghaTakaMThIravo lAToraskakapATapATanapaTuH kapaTihavaMTakaH / zrImAnbhilamabhUpatiH sama bhavapAlacUDAmaNistavAtIdhrapuraMbhrikAntasukhAnchI(ko)jaitrapAlobhavat // -- [6.] lakSmIkAMtalava: pratAri[*]bhava: zrIjaivapAloDavaH saMgrAmAMgaNa[sa]citAtivibhavaH 6. zAstA bhuvaH siMghaNaH / pRthvIcI mathurAdhipo raNamukhe kAmIpatiH pAtito] 5. . From impressions supplied by the Editor. * Expressed byaaymbol. Originally fefe or feft, but clearly altered to fac in the original. * Metre, Vannta tilaki. * Metre, Aryl. "Motre, Glti. 1 Metre, Upagiti. 1: Metre, Arye. 13 In WTET the suffis has been improperly added. * This word was originally followed by the rigt of visarga. Metre, Sardalavikrilita; and of the next verve.
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________________ 342 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L.7. yenAsAvapi yasya mRtyabaTunA [mI]ravIro jitaH // -[7.] pavasatAra purA puruSottamo yadukule - - gatIhitotave (1) jayati mIyamimA sakalAmilAmavati mA patisiMhamahIpatiH // "-[8.] patha bhRtyAnvayavarNanaM // zrImahAskaravaMzAya bhavyaM bhUyAtma bhUpatiH (1) nikuMbhI 10. 8. yava saMbhUto rA[mo] yasyAnvayebhavat / "-[9.] tavAsIbRpatijitakSitipatitikalacIpati devanAnaNavaMdane ta[sa]mati: zrIvaNarAjAcyaH // (1) zau[?]dAryavivekavi kramagustulyo na yenAparaH prApta pAMDavapuMgavArjitapadaM tadharmarAjati yat // "-[i0.] pAsAMgaprabhavastatastatamatiH prAptapratApobativIro vairivavidhanitazirA yaH bIndrarA bAyaH (1) tasthAsIttamayaH satAM savinayaH sAmaMtasImaMtinI vaidhavyavratasaGgururguruguNaH satyasthapaNyApaNaH / -[11.] caturasturagADhI revanta iva govanaH (1) sauMdaryadapakaMda o yaM dRSTAnaM gatAM gataH / "-[12.] zrIgIvanAsaM"[stuta ] [rajasiMbo(dhokatamUrtistatapuskhakIrtiH // (1) jitAricakra: citipAlayakaH zrIsoradevaH sutavAsudevaH / [18.] zaraNAgatavavapaMjaraH paranArISu sadA sahIdara (1) vratasatyapathe yudhiSThiraH satataM vairivadhUbhayanvaraH / *-[14] sa SoDaya[ga] tamAmadezaM durgApurAnvitaM (1) sopadeve divaM yAta mAsti tasyAnusaMbhavaH / "-[16.] svAga 13. sUyabhutopamolanasamaH zaurye nibhAnvaye vikhyAtaH citipAlabhAlatilaka: zrIgIvanasvAtmanaH // (1) zrImasiMdhaNadevavairikaraTIkaMThIravI* yatkarI maMbAbaMdasunaM 12. * Metre, Drata vilambita. # Metre, Upajati. 17 Metre, Bloks (Anushtabh). - Metre, Vaitallys. * Metre, Sardalavikridita; and of the next verse. >> Metre, Bloka (Anushtabh). Metro, Sloka (Apushtubh). * By the rules of grammar we should expect fett I am somewhat doubtful about the sign of an ordna but the final vowel of the first member of the compound I has been lengthened for the sake of the metre. of .
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________________ L. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. INSCRIPTION OF THE TIME OF THE YADAVA SIMGHANA. dane [tata] matirhemADidevaviraM // 8 // - [26.] mAMDityavaM kavicakravartI vikramIbhUyo jAta: // (1) yI bhojarAjena zatAbhidhAnI vidyApatirbhAskara bhaTTanA 20. tADoviMdasarva jAtI goviMdanimaH // (1) prabhAkaraH sutastasmAtprabhAkara ivAparaH // " [18.] tayAmanorathI jAtaH satAM pUrNamanorathaH // ( 1 ) zrImAherAcArya statojani kavIzvaraH // [19.] tataH diditapadaH sadavidyAtabbUnu: kaMdaH kaMsaripuprasAditapadaH sarvavidyAsadaH / (ca) sa kIpi no vivadituM do vivAdI kacizrImAnbhAskarakovidaH samabhavatkIrtipukhAnvitaH // [20] lakSmIdharAkhyokhilasUrimukhyo vedArthavittArkikacakravartI // (1) (ka) yAkAMDavicAra sAravimAradI bhAskaranaMdanIbhUt // * -[21] sarvazAstrArthadacoyamiti matvA purAdataH // ( 1 ) jevapAlana yo nItaH taca vibudhAyacIH // [22] tasmAtsutaH siMghaNacakravartti TU2-[17.] devajJavajani caMgadevaH // ( 1 ) zrIbhAskarAcArya nibadhdha (ca) zAstravistArahetoH kurute maThaM yaH // " [28.] bhAskararacitAH sivAMtaziromaNipramukhAH // ( 1 ) tayakRtAcAnye vyA khyeyA manmaThe niyamAt // - [24.] zrIso devena maThAya dattaM hemADinA kiMci (ci) dihAparaizca / bhUmyAdi sarva pratipAlanIyaM bhaviSyabhUpevaMpura [25] 21. zrImAne 1128 prabhavasaMvAra cAvaNamAse paurNamAyA caMdragrahaNasamaye bosodevena 28. kApAsIM dAmAcA bIsIyA bAritA pAThI madha sarvajanasaMnidhau (dhau) hastodakapUrvvakaM nijagururacitamaThAyAyasthAnaM pAsIM to maDhA donalA 22. dattaM // tadyathA // iyAM pATaNIM meM keNe ughaTe tehAcA pasi AuMjo rAulA hotA grAhakAmeM vika[te] yApAsIM masara meM brAhmaNa dIva pA pApAThI naga[5] dIkhalA tasadA yA belA siva[] // pAkApAsIM pAMca pIsI pAtrakApArthI pi " * Metre, Sarddlavikridita. ev Metre, Upajati. Metre, Bloka (Anushtubb); and of the next verse. Metre, Sardalavikridita. 1 Metre, Upajati. 30 [Metre, Sloka (Anusbtubh). a Metre, Indravajra. 343 as Metre, Upagiti. 23 Metre, Upajati. The following passage has been carefully copied from the impressions, and all aksharas, the reading of which ap peared to be doubtful, have been enclosed in brackets. As 1 do not understand the original, I may have made mistakes in dividing the words of the text.
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________________ 344 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. # L. 24. are wreraret etfe way twit Beft wret whaefer ftat fer get cut telA // etha [jeM] mavije teM maDhIcena mApeM mavAveM mApADa maDhA bhaI // carca 25. mApahArI []pAce saMka tathA bhUmiH // caturAghATavizva [cIDa [] grAma a-vAle-kAmatAmadhyeca [TA] ekala [TA] paMDitAM [cA ? ] kAmatu // [cI]- vaM // // te grA26. mIcA [1] dhAmI [jI] pI[ca] soDi[cA] // - TRANSLATION. Om! Adoration to the ruler 5 of the Ganas! (Verse 1) Accomplished". . . . . may, charming like the planets, . . the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, . . . . ever preserve you from the darkness arising from this mundane existence ! (2-4.) Triumphant is the illustrious Bhaskaracharya whose feet are revered by the wise, (he who was) eminently learned in Bhatta's doctrine, unique in the Samklys, an independent thinker in the Tantra, possessed of unblemished knowledge of the Veda, (and) great in mechanics and other arts; who laid down the law in metrics, was deeply versed in the Vaiseshika system, might have instructed the illustrious Prabhakara in his own doctrine, was in poetics (himself) a poet, (and) like unto the three-eyed (god Siva) in the three branches (of the Jyotisha), the multifarious Ganita and the rest. (5.) May blessings rest on the illustrious race of Yadu with everything pertaining to it, (a race) in which Vishnu himself was born, to protect the trembling universe! (6.) (In this race) was born the illustrious prince Bhillama, a iion to the furious combined arrays of the roaring Gurjara elephants, skilful in cleaving the broad breasts of the Lavas, (and) a thorn in the hearts of the Karnatas. (And) here there was the crest-jewel of princes, the illustrious Jaitrapala, who put an end to the pleasures of the beloved ones of the distressed ladies of Andhra. (7.) From the illustrious Jaitrapala sprang, (in truth) a part of the beloved of Lakshmi, Simghana, who escaped (the ills of) this mundane existence (?); a ruler of the earth who acquired great might on the battle-fields, who in the van of the fight struck down the prince ruling over Mathura (a) the lord of Kasi, (and) by whose young dependent even that valorous Hammira was defeated. (8.) In former days Purushottama became incarnate for the good of the world in Yadu's family. IIe it is who here is conquering the whole earth (and) who protects me, the ruler of the earth, the lord Simha. Now for the description of the family of the dependents: (9.) May fortune attend the illustrious solar race in which the prince Nikumbha born, whose descendant was Rama! (10.) In this (race) was the illustrious prince, named Krishnaraja, who defeated 3 L.e. either Siva or Ganesa. The verse being incomplete, it is impossible to say whether the word siddham with which it opens should be construed with what follows or be taken separately. But it is clear that siddhamh is used at the beginning to make the inscription commence with a word of auspicious import. 37 Or, possibly, 'words." Or, the gods.' "I... Kuwarilubhatta's.
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________________ INSCRIPTION OF THE TIME OF THE YADAVA SIMGHANA. 345 the rulers of the earth, meditated solely on the lord of Lakshmi, (and) bent his thoughts on revering gods and Brahmans. Since in the qualities of bravery, generosity, discrimination and prowess none else was his equal, he obtained that title which had been gained by the foremost of the Pandavas,-the title of Dharmaraja." (Vo. 11 and 12.) From him sprang a son, the illustrious Indraraja, of far-reaching intelligence (and) endowed with eminent prowess; a hero, whose head was fanned" by the wives of his enemies. And he had & son, gracious to the good, expert in teaching the wives of (hostile) feudatories the vow of widowhood, endowed with sterling qualities (and) a store-house of religious merit,-Govana, skilful as a rider of horses like Revanta, at whose sight the god of love, proud as he was of his beauty, left the body." (13.) From the illustrious Govana, an ocean, as it were, containing countless jewels, sprang, a very Indra among the rulers of the earth, the illustrious Soideva, who spread the fame of bis religious merit, conquered the hosts of enemies, (and) adored Vasudeva; (14.) A cage of adamant to shelter) those who sought his protection, always & brother to others' wives, in keeping the vow of truth a very Yudhishthira, (and) ever & fever of terror to the enemies' wives. (15 and 16.) Since Soideva has gone to heaven, his younger brother rules here the country of the sixteen-hundred villages' with its forts and towns. May he, Hemadideva, the son of the illustrious Govana, whose thoughts are fixed on Nanda's gon," long live happily,-he who in liberality resembles the son of the Sun, (and) who in bravery is like Arjuna; that famous frontal ornament of the princes in Nikumbha's family, whose hand is a lion to the elephants of the enemies of the illustrious Simghanadeva!" (17.) In the sandilya race was the king of poets Trivikrama. To him was born & son, named Bhaskarabhatta, on whom king Bhoja conferred the title of Vidy&pati. (18.) From him was born Govinda, the omniscient, like unto Govinda; (and) be had a son, a second Sun, as it were, Prabhakara. (19.) From him was born Manoratha, who fulfilled the desires of the good ; (and) from him, the illustrious Mahesvaracharya, the chief of poets. (20.) His son was the illustrious Bhaskara, the learned, endowed with good fame and religious merit, the root (as it were) of the creeper-true knowledge of the Veda, (and) an omniscient seat of learning; whose feet were revered by crowds of poets, while his words were rendered perspicuous by the enemy of Kamsa, (and) with whose disciples no disputant anywhere was able to compete. (21.) Bhaskara's son was Lakshmidhara, the chief of all sagen, who knew the meaning of the Veda, (and) who was the king of logicians (and) conversant with the essence of discussions on the subject of sacrificial rites. (22.) Judging him to be well acquainted with the contents of all the Sastras, Jai. trapala took him away from this town and made him chief of the learned. L... king of justice,' an epithet of Yudhishthira, This is not the ordinary meaning of vid drita, but I see no other way of translating the word. * The original bus & play on the word Analga, 'the bodilew one,' which is one of the names of the god of love. .L.. Vishnu. L. Karpe. Or,' whose hand is to the enemies of the illustrious Singhnnndova what the lion is to clophanta.' "Le Vishpu-Kriabpe.
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________________ 346 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (Fv. 23 and 24.) To him was born a son, Changadeva, (who became) chief astrologer of king Simghana; who, to spread the doctrines promulgated by the illustrious Bhaskaracharya, has founded" a college, (enjoining) that in (this) his college the Siddhantasiromani and other works composed by Bhaskara, as well as other works by members of his family, shall be necessarily expounded. (25.) The land and whatever else has been given here to the college by the illustrious Soideva, by Hemadi and by others, should be protected by future rulers for the great increase of (their) religious merit! May it be well! In Saka 1128, in the year Prabhava, on the full-moon day in the month Sravana, at the time of an eclipse of the moon, the illustrious Soideva, in the presence of all the people, granted to the college founded by his preceptor, (confirming the gift) by (pouring out) water from his hand, sources of income, as follows: XL-BEGUR STONE INSCRIPTION OF THE GANGA KING EREYAPPARASA. By J. F. FLEET, Bo.C.S., M.R.A.S., C.I.E. This inscription was originally brought to notice by Colonel Henry Dixon, H. M.'s 22nd Regiment, Madras Native Infantry, in his photographic collection, published in 1.865, of inscriptions on stone and copper from various places in the Maisur territory. A print from his negative has been published in my Pali, Sanskrit, and Old-Kanarese Inscriptions, No. 247. And Mr. Rice has given a reading of the text, and a translation, in his Mysore Inscriptions, p. 200f., with a lithograph of the entire stone (id. Frontispiece). His reading, however, contains many inaccuracies; and his translation is but little in accordance with the real meaning of the original. I edit the inscription partly from the photograph, and partly from a very good inked estampage, for which I am indebted to the kindness of Dr. Hultzsch. The photograph is for the most part very clear and legible; but it fails to give the proper reading in line 1, and at the commencement of line 2. The estampage has made the text perfectly clear and intelligible here; and has also cleared up one or two minor points that were rather doubtful in the photograph. Begur is a village about six miles south by east from Bangalore (properly Bengalur), the chief town of the Bangalore District in Maisur. It is shewn in the map, Indian Atlas, Sheet No. 60, as 'Baigoor,' in Lat. 12deg 53', Long. 77deg 41'. It is mentioned in lines 5 and 6 of this record by the older name of Bempur or Bemparu. The inscription is on a stone-tablet, measuring about 6' 6" broad by 6' 8" high, which was found at this village, and is now in the Museum at Bangalore. The chief part of the writing is in six lines, covering a space of about 6' 6" broad by 1' 5" high, which run right across the upper part of the stone. And each of these six lines is separated from the next by a line cut in the stone from end to end; this is a peculiarity which I have not as yet met with in any other inscription. There are also six short lines running on in continuation down the proper right side; the same number on The original has the present tense be founds. The following passage, which is not Sanskrit, I do not understand. Its general sense appears to be, that Soideva allowed the college to levy certain taxes from tradesmen and manufacturers, and also assigned to it the income from one or more villages, the name or names of which may be coutained in the concluding lines of the inscription.
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________________ BEGUR INSCRIPTION OF EREYAPPARASA. 347 the proper left side; and the name of a village (line 13) near the centre below line 6. Except in some places along the top of line 1, the inscription is very well preserved; and it is legible throughout without the slightest doubt. - The rest of the stone is occupied by sculptures. The principal division of them represents a battle-scene. The troops on the proper right side are led by a man on horseback, sword in hand, whose rank is indicated by his head-dress and by some umbrellas, one of which is apparently a triple one. Behind him, there are two followers on horseback. In front of him, there is a man on foot, blowing a horn; and beyond the latter there is another horseman. The troops on the proper left side are led by a man on an elephant, wielding a spear, whose rank again is indicated by bis head-dress. He is attended by an archer in the howdah, and by a separate follower on horseback. Behind the elephant there seem to be two supernatural beings; one of them being possibly Bhairava, and the other Kal1, as proposed by Mr. Rice. The centre and the foreground shew the fight between the two parties. Above this scene there is represented the king, seated on a low stool, with his feet resting either on a man kneeling on all fours or on a footstool carved to represent that device, and evidently waiting for news from the field of battle. He is attended by two female chauri-bearers. There is another woman in front of him; and beyond her, a soldier, holding across his right knee either a quiver, or perhaps a large tube for carrying despatches. Behind the king and his chaurt-bearers there stands another woman, who seems to be trying to entice into a cage a bird which is perched on the king's uplifted left hand. And behind her again, there is another woman, standing under a flag-staff. -The characters are the so-called Old-Kanarese characters, belonging approximately to the ninth century A.D. The lingual d, as distinct from the dental d, is formed very clearly in some words, e.g. in madi and gangavadi, line 3; in other cases, however, the distinction is not made. The mark attached to the up-stroke of the l in kiidal, line 16, which does not appear in the other cases in which this letter is used, seems to be a form of the Kanarese virama, and to give the final l; the full form of the word is kadala or kudalu. The size of the letters varies from about 11" to 21". The engraving is bold, deep and good. - The language is Old-Kanarese, with the usual mixture of Sanskrit words in lines 1 to 3. The whole record is in prose. And it presents no particular difficulties, except in the quaintness of the construction. The whole passage from bira-mahendranol to kalnad=ittan is in reality one unbroken sentence, the component parts of which are connected by verbs in the subjunctive mood. Tbus," when the army attacked" is literally "if the army rises to;" " when there was no room left for the battle-horn" is literally "if the place for the battle-horn perishes;" and "he was pierced and died" is literally "if, having been pierced, he dies." In order to present a readable translation, I have had to follow a more direct construction. - In respect of orthography we may notice (1) the use of ri for ri in alankrity", line 1-2, though the subscript ri itself occurs a little further on, in bayanvrita; (2) the use of dhdh for ddh in badhdham, line 6; (3) the use of b for o in biru, line 3; (4) the use of 6 for ein Svayamorita, line 2; and (5) the use of the Dravidian l in all the Sanskrit words, except, of course, as an initial in lakshmi, line 2, and except in 1 Mr. Rice interpreted this part of the sculptures rather differently. But the stone is distinctly a charter ((asana), not * monumental stone (viragal); and consequently this part of it does not represent celestial vymphs waiting for the slain heroes. Also, the central seated figure is plainly a man; not the queen of the nymphs. 2 w 2
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________________ 348 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. mangala, line 6; in line 19 we have mangala, with the Dravidian !; in line 6, as in many other cases, the word is part of a village-name, and I am not quite sure whether, as such, it is really the Sanskrit word, or whether it is of Dravidian origin. The inscription refers itself to the time of a Ganga king named Ereyapparasa or Ereyappa, who was reigning as paramount sovereign over the Gangavadi Ninetysis-thousand district. He was at war with a certain Vira-Mahendra. One of his armies, called the army of Nagattara, headed by its chieftain, came in collision with the army of Ayyapadeva, who was plainly one of the commanders of Vira-Mahendra. In the fight that ensued, Ayyapadeva was killed, (and his troops routed). And in recognition of this, Ereyapparasa conferred upon his slayer, Iruga, a fillet or badge of honour called the Nagattara-patta, and granted to him the twelve villages known as the Bempur Twelve, which constituted the Kalnad district. Of the places mentioned in this inscription, the Gangavaai Ninety-six-thousand is well known from other records. It constituted specially the dominions of the Gangas of Western India, and it embraced chiefly the present territory of Maisur. Bempar or Bempuru is plainly the original name of the modern Begur; though, why the mp should have changed into g, I cannot at present explain. Iggaluru still exists under the same name; it is the Igloor of the map, in the Anekal Taluka of the Bangalore District, about eight miles south-east of Begur. One or other of the two villages of the names of whicb Nallaro is a component, may perhaps be identified with the Nelloorputnam' of the map, in the Devanhalli or Devandahalli Taluka, twenty-four miles in a north-easterly direction from Begur; it is described as a ruined city of some antiquity (Rice's Mysore and Coorg, vol. II, pp. 56, 74); and about nine miles south-east of it, the map shews a Chicka Nelloor,' which may perhaps be identified with the other of the two villages. And Pavina-Pullammangala is possibly represented by the Woolmangle of the map, in the Malar Taluka of the Kolar district, about twenty miles to the east by north from Begur. For the other places, I cannot find any representatives in the map. But a reminiscence of the name of the Kalnad district, is perhaps preserved in the name of the modern Anekal Taluka. The inscription is not dated. On palaeographical grounds, it may be referred to about the ninth century A.D.; but this, of course, is only an approximation, liable to correction at any time when we may be in a position to identify with certainty the persons who are mentioned. As regards Ereyapparasa or Ereyappa, the only person whose name at all resembles his, is the Ereganga of one of the spurious Western Ganga grants (Ind. Ant. vol. XIV, p. 229 ff). Ereyappa is, of course, simply ere, with appa, 'a father,' as an honorific suffix; and arasa means 'a king.' But there are no particular reasons for proposing to identify Ereyappa with Ereganga. Vira-Mahendra has been identified by Mr. Rice (Mysore Inscriptions, pp. xlv., lvii., lxiii.) with a Pallava king Vira-Nolamba, of whom there is an inscription at Goribidoar in Maisur, which speaks of him as the protector of Ayyapadeva's daughter. Vira-Mahendra may possibly be a Pallava king. But the name is not known as yet from any other record. And it is impossible to identify him, with any certainty, with any particular king of the Pallava dynasty, and especially with any particular Vira-Nolamba.' Also, to understand the Vin-Nolambe mens 'the brave Nolambai' whereas Vin-Mabeodre most probably means, not the brave Mahendra, but 's very Mahendra (Indra) among brave men.
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________________ BEGUR INSCRIPTION OF EREYAPPARASA. 349 reference to Ayyapadeva's daughter in the Goribidnur inscription, we require the full text of that record. And the sculptures on the Begar stone do not bear out Mr. Rice's assumptions. He suggested that the woman standing under the flag-staff is Ayyapadeva's daughter, bound to it as a captive; and that, being taken prisoner in the fight in which Ayyapadeva was killed, she became the prize of the victorious Pallava. But, as I have already said (see note 1, above), the stone is distinctly a charter, not a monumental slab; so that the sculptures in the upper row do not refer to Ayyapadeva at all. And there are no indications of a rope on the staff of the standard ; while, that which is on the woman's right wrist appears distinctly to be a set of bangles, as on both wrists of the other women, and not the coils of a rope. The mention of the Nagattara and his army, suggests the idea of a reference to some Naga tribe. I do not find, however, any indications of Nagas among the figures represented in the sculptures. In consequence of Mr. Rice's rendering of this inscription, it appeared to contain some other historical details, which are now found to be quite illusory. Thus, his translation speaks of "the illustrious Ereyapparasa, brilliant as lightning, descending among the stars in the clear firmament of the world-renowned Ganga race, protector of the mighty kings of Valala and Mekhala, the chosen lord and possessor of the fortune of the auspicious Taila's dominion." From this, Mr. Rice (Mysore Inscriptions, pp. xliv., xlv.) inferred that Ereyapparasa was an usurper of the Ganga sovereignty; and he placed him in the period A.D. 777 to 857, between Raja-Malladeva and Gandadeva. But, on the contrary, Ereyapparasa is most distinctly described as belonging himself to the Ganga family. The "mighty kings of Valala and Mekhala" owe their existence to nothing but a pure mistake, and need no further comment. The supposed Taila, however, is a matter of more importance, especially in connection with the name of Ayyapadeva, which really does occur in this record. During the period to which this inscription belongs, there was a long break in the supremacy of the Western Chalukya kings. Their records, however, pretending to give an uninterrupted succession, mention a certain Taila I., and his great-grandson Ayyana I., who have to be placed in this period. And, on seemingly good grounds, Mr. Rice found a reference to both of these persons in the present record; and an apparent corroboration of his general results, in the supposed fact that Prdliraja, the father of the Kakatya king Rudradeva, took away a kingdom from a certain Tailapa, - assumed to be Taila I., - and gave it to a "king Erha," whom Mr. Rice took to be the present king Ereyapparasa. Proliraja, however, belongs to a much later time, viz. to the period just before A.D. 1163; and the Tailapa who is mentioned in connection with him, is the Western Chalukya king Taila or Tailapa III. (A.D. 1150 to about 1162). Moreover, the kingdom that was disposed of by him was taken from a certain Govindaraja, and was given to a king whose name was in reality Udaya, not "Erha" (see Ind. Ant. vol. XI, p. 17). These items of contemporaneous history thus disappear altogether. And, as a matter of fact, the name of Taila does not occur in the present record at all. It was deduced from words which really are Alarkrity-ailadhipatya. In the photograph, the reading tail-adhipalya might be justi. fied, as the words preceding it are there not at all clear; and especially because there really is a mention of an Ayyapadevs further on. But the estampage has placed the true reading of the passage beyond any possibility of doubt. That the Ayyapadeva
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________________ 350 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. of this record may be the Western Chalukya Ayyana I., still remains possible; but it cannot be taken as at all a certainty. TEXT. i Om Svasti Samasta-bhuvana-vind(nu)ta'Gangakula-gagana-nirmmala-tarapati jaladhi-jala-vipula-valaya-mekha![4]-kalap-Alam2 kri(kli)ty-ailddhipatya-lakshmi-sva(sva)yamvrita-pati(ti) tadvadyo-agaaita-guna gana-vibhushana-vibhushita-vibhuti srimad-Ereyapp-arasam 8 pagevar-ellaman=ni[h]kshatram-mali Gangavati-tombhatt[a]ru-sasiramuman eka-chhatra'-chobhayeyo!-Aluttam-ildu [1] B1(vt)ra-Ma4 hendranol-kadal=endu Ayyapadevange samanta-sahitam Nagattaranam danduv eldode tumbe padiyol=kadi kalegam=imb-25 lidode aneyol-ent-iridu sattod-adam ke?d=Ereyapamo mechchi Irugange Nagat tara-vattam-gatti Bempu[ro]-ppanneradu . 6 mam sasana-badhdha(ddha) Kalnad-ittan-Av=avuv-endode 11 Bempura Tovagura Puvina-Pullammangala Katanidu-Nalldru 7 Nallaru-Koma 13 Saramvu 11 14 El kuppe Paravuru 6 rangunta 11" I. 15 Kudal I initumam 9 ggaluru" || Du 16 pola-mere-sahita 10 gmonelmalli 17 m=ittan-Ereyapam 11 Galamjava 18 savucharan-Nagara12 gilu 11 19 nge [11*] Mangala maba-ert [11*] TRANSLATION Om! Hail! While the glorious Ereyapparasa, - whose dignity was adorned with the decoration of a countless number of meritorious qualities, commencing with such (epithets) as he who is a spotless moon in the sky which is the family of the Gangas, praised throughout the whole world,' (and) "he who is the lord, chosen by herself, of the goddess of sovereignty over the whole) earth, who has for an ornament round (her) waist a zone which is the great circle of the waters of the oceans,' - having deprived all (his) enemies of power, was ruling the Gangavadi Ninety-six-thousand under the shadow of a single umbrella: 13 (Line 3) - Saying "(We have) to fight against Vira-Mahendra," the army of the Nagattara, together with the chieftain (or chieftains), attacked " Ayyapadeva. And From the inked estampage and the photograph combined. * Represented by a plain symbol. . The syllablo ad inquite spoilt in the photograph, where it appears to be du. We have a similar instance of the lengthening of the wol suta, in promileywsh, Ind. Ant. vol. XIX, p. 273, line 28 : see also id, line 11 and note 11. * Read tavad-ddy. * Read chchhattra. The anunvdra here is quite distinct; but we must atrike it out, and read the genitive ndgatlarana. Properly there should be the double pp in the fourth syllable of this name. It occurs again, bowever, with the single p, in line 17; and I have therefore left it without correction. W The punctuation in this part of the record is rather capricious. The of the syllable 18 has failed to appear in the photograph at all. But it is quite distinct in the estampa 1: ... wis reigning as paramount sovereigu.' ita rising to, i.e. ayuinst.'
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________________ INSCRIPTION FROM RANOD. 351 when it was overwhelming (him), having fought on foot, when there was no room left for (his) battle-horn, he mounted an elephant, and there was pierced and died. (L. 5) -- Having heard that, Ereyapa was pleased; and, having bound on Iruga the fillet called Nagattara-vatta," he gave him the Kalnad district, secured by (this) charter, (consisting of) the Bempar Twelve (villages)." (L. 6) They are as follows:-Bempuru and Tovaguru, Pavina-Pullamu..ngala, Katanidu-Nallara, Nalluru-Komarangunta, Iggalaru, Dugmonelmalli and Galan. javagilu, Sarahva, Elkuppe, Paravara, (and) Kidal. (L. 15)-This much, with (a specification of) the boundaries of the fields, gave Ereyapa to (his) follower, the Nagara." (May there be) felicity and great good for tune! XLI.-A STONE INSCRIPTION FROM RANOD (NAROD). BY PROFESSOR F. KIELHORN, PH. D., C.I.E., GOTTINGEN. In my account of the Bilbari inscription of the rulers of Chedi, ante, pages 253 and 267, I had occasion to mention an inscription at Ranod, published in the Jour. As. Soc. Beng., vol. XVI, pages 1080-88, which, I said, might, when properly edited, serve to elucidate certain passages of the Bilhari inscription, and which, I hoped, would also otherwise prove of historical value. I now have to state that, in the midst of the last hot season, Dr. Fuhrer proceeded to Ranod, and, under considerable difficulties, took two impressions of the inscription thus referred to, which have rendered the preparation of a trustworthy text of it an easy task. Unfortunately, the importance of the inscription has not turned out to be at all proportionate to the trouble which Dr. Fuhrer has taken about it; but my thanks to him are none the less sincere. Ranod, or, as it is more commonly called in the neighbourhood, Narod (Narvad), is described as an old, decayed town of some size, in the state of Gwalior, about half way between Jhansi and Guna, and 45 miles due south of Narwar, Indian Atlas, quartersheet No. 51, S.E., Long. 77deg 56' E., Lat. 25deg 5' N. The most remarkable building of the place is reported to be an old Hindu palace, of the main part of which a photozincograph is given in Sir A. Cunningham's Archeol. Surv. of India, vol. II, Plate lxxxv. In front of it is an open cloister, with suites of rooms at each end, which form three sides of a court-yard; and outside the court-yard is a deep square tank with steps leading down to the water's edge, while close by there is a second tank. Judging from the contents of the inscription, I have no doubt that the building thus described by Sir 14 lit. ' on its swelling, or becoming very numerous.' 1 lit. on the road.' 16 See note 9, above. 17 Compare the mume-perjerepu-patta, which, with the title of Tribhavanachari, Vikramaditya II. presented to the architect of his temple at Pattadakal; see Ind. Ant. vol. X, p. 164. The absence of any copulative suffix with the word kaladd, prevents our translating "the Bempar Twelve and the Kalnad district ;" and shewn that the Kalnad district consisted of the Bempar Twelve. 19 This is the only expression in the whole record, the meaning of which has remained at all doubtful. Savuchara, or more properly savuchara, must be a corruption of the Sanskrit sahachara, 'a companion, a follower. Aud sdgarange is I should think, a mistake for nagattarange, 'to the Nagattara."
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________________ 352 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. A. Cunningham' was really a Matha or residence of ascetics, and that one of the existing tanks is the very tank the construction of which is recorded in this inscription. The inscription is engraved on an erect tablet in the left end wall of the lower verandah of the main building. It consists of 64 lines of writing, which cover a space of 6' 11" high by 2 103" broad. The writing is nearly throughout in a state of perfect preservation, so that almost everything may be read with absolute certainty. The average size of the letters is between f* and ". The characters are Nagari of the 10th or 11th century; they were written on the stone by Rudra, and engraved by Jejja ka (line 64). The language is Sanskrit; and, excepting the introductory om namah Sivaya and the words Rudrena likhita at the end, the inscription is in verse. It was composed by Devadatta, and delineated or copied out (varnita) by his son Haradatta (verses 68 and 69). As regards grammar and orthography, there are few things which need be drawn attention to. Except in the word divisadam, in line 32, for which in classical Sanskrit we should have expected didishadam, the sibilants are everywhere employed in their proper places. The letter b is throughout denoted by the sign for ". Instead of anusvara, we have the guttural nasal in orinhilani, line 1, and the dental in Sreyansi, line 3, and-lansi, line 9; and instead of ri, the vowel ri in udrikta, line 22. Before r the consonant ( is nine times doubled, e.g., in ttripura-, line 5,-mattran, line 22, yattra, lines 31 and 57; and the word ujjvala is, as usually, spelt ujvala, in lines 50 and 56. A wrong sandhi we have in phalam=vipula-, line 6, and in Kim-ramrita", line 57; and wrong grammatical forms are apya for aptod, in line 11, and samudiyamanah for samudyan, or samudayan, in line 7. Besides, I may draw attention to the unusual noun parishvashkani, in line 4, and to the verb ud-akhoti, in line 64, derived from ut-khut, to cut or engrave,' which has not been met with elsewhere. Considering that the language is generally plain and easy to understand, and that the inscription offers very little that can be of value to the historian, it will be sufficient to give the following short abstract of the contents : After the introductory "om, adoration to Siva," and five verses in honour of Ganesa (Vinayaka), Sarasvati, and Siva (Sambhu, Dharjati, Tripura-vijayin), the inscription records (in verse 6) that Siva (Purari) once pleased Brahman by offering him & sacrifice, the result of which was the origin of the family or line of sages which will be treated of in the following (v. 7). In it, there was a sage who is described as Kadambaguhad bivsin, 'the inhabitant of Kadam baguha'; from him sprang the sage Sankbamathikadhipati, 'the superintendent of Sankhamathika'; next came Terambipala, 'the protector of Terambi'; then Amardakatirthanatha, the lord of Amardakatirtha'; and after him Purandara (vv. 8-10). When the king, the illustrious Avanti or Avantivarman, who was desirous of being initiated in the doctrines of the Saiva faith, heard of the great holiness of this sage, he resolved to bring him to his own country. He accordingly went to Upendra pura, induced the sage to accede to his request, was initiated by him in the Saiva faith, and duly rewarded him (vv. 11-13). Purandara then founded a Matha, or residence of ascetics, at Mattamayura, the prince's town; and he also established another Matha, at Ranipadra, the place where the inscription is (vv. 14 and 16). Next came Kavachasiva; his disciple was Sadasiva; and he was succeeded by Hsidayesa (vv. 16-21). Hridayesa's disciple was Vyomasiva Sve his Archaeol. Survey of India, vol. II. pages 303-305. king some or Someswara, and no town Maydpera. It will be seen below that the inscriptiou mentions by
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________________ INSCRIPTION FROM RANOD. 353 (Vyomasambhu, or Vyomesa), whose holiness and learning, in which he surpassed all manner of devotees and learned men (the Sakyas or Buddhists, who are compared to elephants, the jackal-like Jainas, and others), are eulogised in verses 22-42. He restored to Ranipadra its former splendour, repaired and enlarged the Matha, erected temples and set up statues of Siva, and he in particular built a magnificent tank, to the description of which no less than twenty verses of the inscription are devoted (vv. 45-64). Verse 65 expresses the wish that the tank may last for ever; and v. 66 forbids the planting of trees near it. And, finally, v. 67 forbids the ascetics to sleep on beds and to allow women to pass the night within the Matha. The inscription is not dated, but it may on palaeographical grounds be assigned to the end of the 10th or the beginning of the 11th century A.D. Of the individuals mentioned in the above, only the prince Avanti or Avantivarman would be likely to interest the historian; but we know nothing about him from other sources, and I can only suggest that he may be related to the Chaulukya princes Avanivarman, Sadhanva, and Simhavarman, the ancestors of the Chedi queen Nohala, who are mentioned in verses 34 and 35 of the Bilhari inscription, and that he cannot have lived later than the second half of the 9th century. Of the places, Ranipadra I take to be Ranod itself; Mattamayara, the town of Avantivarman, and Upendrapura (or Vishnupura P), the original dwelling-place of the sage Purandara, I am unable to identify. As regards Kadambaguha and the other localities from which the earlier sages receive their appellations, I would suggest that Terambi may be identified with Terahi, which is five miles to the south-east of Ranod, and Kadambaguha with Kadwaia or Kadwaha, a place which is about six miles south of Terahi, and where there are even now four standing temples and the ruins of nine others." Of the sages themselves, Purandara is evidently the personage called Mattama. yaranatha, 'the lord of Mattamayura', in verse 49 of the Bilhari inscription. And the account given of him and of his having initiated Avantivarman in the Saiva faith, in the present inscription, shows that we must read the second half of that verse, one or two aksharas of which were indistinct in the impressions, and the exact meaning of which was not apparent at the time, thus : nihesha-kalmasha-mashim-apahritya yena sankramitam-para-maho nripater-Avanteh I; and must translate :- who, when he had removed every stain of impurity from the prince Avanti, communicated (to him) supreme splendour (by initiating him in the Saida faith).' Of the other sages, the Bilhari inscription too mentions Sadasiva and Hsidaya. siva (Hridayesa); but in the place of Kavachasiva that inscription has Dharmasambhu, and between Sadasiva and Hridayasiva it interposes two other sages, one described as Madhumateya, and the other called Chudasiva. I owe to the kindness of Mr. Fleet a rough rubbing, received from Sir A. Cunning. ham, of a third inscription which treats of the same line of Saiva ascetics that is eu. logized in the Ranod and Bilhari inscriptions. This third inscription is at Chandrehe on the Son river in Rewa, and bas been previously mentioned by Mr. Beglar in Archeol. * Seo Archaeol. Survey v India, vol. XXI, pages 176 and 177.
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________________ 354 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Sury. of India, vol. XIII, page 8. It is on two slabs of stone, each measuring about 3' 2" broad by 1' 4" high, and consists of 27 lines. According to Mr. Beglar it contains the date Samvat 324 Phalguna-sudi 6, the year of which Mr. Beglar proposes to alter to 1324. But the inscription is really dated Samvat 724 Phalguna-budi b, and, from the style of the writing and the locality in which the inscription was put up, this date must be referred to the Chedi era, so that the year corresponds to A.D. 972-3. Like the Ranod inscription, this one also appears to be of slight importance, and I here refer to it chiefly because in line 8 it mentions, apparently in connection with Mattamayura, the sage Purandara of the present inscription. For since Purandara, in the Chandrehe inscription, is followed by about five more generations of sages, the date of the inscription proves beyond doubt, what I have intimated above, that that sage, and with him the prince Arantivarman, cannot possibly be placed later than the end of the 9th century A.D. TEXT.. L. 1. bhI namaH zivAya // prAvaSezanavAgbhodalitaulityajinti vaH / nAyakAni nidhantu nirvidhU izitAnyadham // -[1]. prasaulakhimadhura vyatAvyatAsvarUpabhAk / devatA vAsarijedaimude stAhaH srsvtii| -[2]. saMpUrNAnAmazeSakalmaSamuSaH sampatramapyAdarAduraM pAdatalAva ghananamakailAsanazyatikhati / sAnandaM yugapatsurAsurasabhAsaMrabhadattavyacaM sabhormAsyaparigrahasya dizatu zreyAnsi' vaH sthAnakam / -[3]. caraNabharAvanatA vnivinmtvmtthorkpraabhogaa| nAbasya dhUrjaTedhuri varaNapariSvaSkaNI jayati / -[4]. utkSipto daDapAdo pahagaNamuDabhiH sAImuttammA bhUyaH prAyAdyAvatkhasImAma parapadabharabhraSTapRSThA va bhUmiH / pratyaMdauthyapi raGge gaganatalacalacArikAcArahase. My rubbing is so indistinot that I am unable to give an adeurate account of the contents of the inscription. But so far as I can see, it records the construction of a tank and some buildings by a mage Prasantaliva, and their restoration by the sage's disciple Prabodhafies. The spiritual Ancestors of Prasantaliva appear to be Purandara, Sikbiva (who seems to be called Madhumatt-pati, an appellation which may explain the name Madhumateya of the Bilhari inscription), and Prabharaliva. The inscription, which is in varne, wmoomposed by the poat Dhananta, the son of Jelka and Amarika, sad grandson of Mebaka, and engraved by Damodara, the son of Lakshmidbars and younger brother of Viandeva. ___Perhaps I may here draw attention to anote on page 6 of Archeol. Survey of India, vol. XIII, necording to which there is in the Asiatic Society's collection A rubbing of an inscription from Makuudpur (which is near Chandrebe), dated in (apparently Cbedi) Barhvat 779. It is very desirable that this inscription should be examined. . From two impressions, prepared by Dr. Fuhrer, and supplied to me by the Editor. * Read pitA". * Metre of verses 1 and 2, Sloka (Anusbtubby. 1 Read yosi. * Metre, Sardflavik Idita. * Metre, Argi.
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________________ INSCRIPTION FROM RANOD. 355 6. svAyantA strisandhyaM tripuravijayinastADavakrIDitAni -[6]. bhaktyopasarva khiraktigamyaH paL.6. mAsanaM dAvanatiramye / vidhAya ya vidhinA vidhinaH kilAnujagAra purA puraariH|" -[6]. "yacchanphalambipulanivRtivIvamucaH pUrvottara vipulavarSitabhUriyAkhaH / tasmAda pUrva udabhU nibaMdha eSa nirSavirantaratisAratarostarandhaH // " -[7]. tasmibhuniH sakalalokanamasyamUrtirindUpamaH pratidinaM samudIyamAnaH / zrImAnabhUvi kadamba(ba)guhAdhivAsI tamAcaza maThikAdhipati nIndraH / -[6]. teramvi(mbi)pAlaH pramathAdhipasya tulA dadhatvAmajayodayena / satobhavaritapAsatopi satkhyAtirAmaIkatIryanAthaH / " -[0]. tasmA tpurandaragururguruvaharimNaH pracAtirakajanitasya va(ba)bhUva bhUmiH / ____ yasyAdhunApi vivu(bu)dharitivatyazansi" vyAhanyate na vacanaM nayamA viniH // " -[10]. vandhaH kopicakA10. sthacintyamahimA tulyaM sunirbhAkhatA rAjabuttamazabda(bda)pUrvazikharAbhyararNaprakIrNadhutiH / dIcArthIti vaco nizamya mukato cArotamurvIpatiyasyehAnayanAya yabamakaro chImAnavantiH puraa|" -[11]. gatvA tapasyantamupendrapUrve pure tadA zrImadavantivA / bhazaM samArAdhya tamAmabhUmi kathavidAnIya cakAra pUtAm // " -[12]. payopasabApya ca samyagaithIM dIkSA sa do gurudaciNArtham / niSedha yasI nijarAjyasAra khajanmasAphalyamavApa bhUpaH // -[13]. sa kArayAmAsa samRdhimAja sunirmaThe sanmunirata bhUmim / prasipamAvAridhi marakalpaM zrImatpura mttmyrnaali||-[14]. punarSitIyaM svayamahitoyo guNa nondro raNipasaMtam / tapovanaM zreSThamaThaM vi dhAya praSThaH pratiSThA paramAM ninAya // -[15]. pAsIdataH kavacapUrvazivAbhidhAno lokapriyaH kavacavaDDhadRSTazaktiH / yaH sarvato vahati saMyati saMyatAko 19. 14. 1 Metre, Sragdhark. 11 Metre, Upajati. " Read baccAphara vi. 1 Metre of vernen 7 and 8, Vasantatilaka. "Metre,Upajati. * Read .si. 16 Metre, Vasantatilakd. W Metre, Sardttlavikridita. WMatre of verses 12-16 Upajati,
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________________ 356 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 16. 17. L.15. dArtha guNAbvamiti kAmazarairabhedyaH // " - [16]: sadAzivastasya ca zizca pAsotsadA zivaH sarvajanasya zAnyA / tapovanaM yo raNipadranAma prasAdhayAmAsa tapaHsamRyA // -[17]. asmAdanalyAdudayAdrikalpAvadhI(bI)dayobhUvRdayezasaMjaH / prAcArya sUryastamasAM vidArya prakAmamaudAryamahAryavIryaH // " - [18]. , niravadhi vaIte na ca vi(bi) bharti puro ladhubhAvamAtmanaH prasarati diGmukheSu na ca calati manAgapi maargsNkhitH| sphurati samastavarNarucitaM na ca muJcati cArazannatAmalamadhunApi yasya tinojutamisthamaharvizaM yazaH / -[19]. yasthAtmendriyanigrahe nijagurukhAnAnyalaMkulataH / prIti: pAtraparigrahe ca dadhata: sAdhapabhogyAH zriyaH / khabhya19. stAkhilazAstranirmalamaterAsItma ekaH paraM kAnyaiH khodarapUrtimAvaratibhistaSNAbhibhUtaiH kathA // -[20]. yadi guNakIrtanamadhunA niHzeSaM tasya sAdhu vi. 20. haNomi / tahaktaM kIrtimimAM nAvasaraH prastutAM tadalam // * -[21]. paudAryAhurubhAradurbahadhurAniyUMDhavIryodayaH ziSyaH ziSyavatAM vizeSaka iva prastAva21. mukhyaH satAm / zrImAnvyomazivAtrayaH samabhavattasyApi tAdakpuna digbharibhirupamadbhutatamaistaptastapobhirbhavet / -[22]. zlAghA janma jagatrayepi dadhataH zeSasya tasya dhamAmasya vyomapadAdimantaracanAkhyAtAbhidhAnasya ca / uhA~ vipadi prajA gurubharavyApAradattAtmano yasyoda(dri)ktaparopakArakaraNAmAcaM prahatteH pha23. lam // -[23]. yasyozcaivaritaM cirAtpulakasthalazreNibhi- . manuvyaJcitama[ndra]tAragamakaH saMgIyate kivaraH / sUryAcandramasoH samaM pratapata: pra[dhvaM]sya dUraM 1) Metre, Vasantatilaka. 13 Metre, Bardulavikridita. tu Metre, Upendravajra. " Metre, Arya " Metre, Upajati. * Metre of verses 22-24, Sard dlavikridita. # Metre, Dbritairi (or PachakAvall); the second line of the sign of annavdra over the second akahara of this the verse is incorrect. word is doubtful in the original. 22.
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________________ INSCRIPTION FROM RANOD. 357 25. L. 24. tamastasyAsyAtakarmaNaH kimapara stotrbicitrairpi|-[24]. draDhiSThasadanuSThAno madiSThamitabhASitaH / yobatiSThapratiSThAvabaSThaH satinAM vratam // " -[26]. yaH saMya masya vinayasya nayasya samyakpuNyasya cAracaritasya ca kIrtanasya / ekaca vastumiti saraNa[saM.] - [sya tvaSTA pratizcaya pahiNava jane // -[26]. sarvaca nivRtika 2]Na nirantareNa labbo (bo)dayena dhavalena digAyatena / vardiAnAdhikamalaMkasametadindo?tena yasya ca guNa[prasaraNa vizvam // -[27]. lokAlokAntarAlamcamaNapariNatAva vegaprahattijJatUlottAlalIlA dutagati tulayanvyAptadikcakravAtaH / niyAoSavizvAkramaNapaTu rajaH pAvanairvartana mArAdAkhavuvAnastapasa udaga28. ___ madyasva dUraM pratApa : -[28]. yenedaM puramApadadhatamase mamvaM niyogAvidheH satkIrghA raSipadrasaM[jama]cirAdukRtya yatvAzramam / bhUpRSThaM pazineva nirmalata * raskArasphuratejasA sarvAnandhudayena paurasahitaM nItaM punastAH triyaH // -[29]. skArairdhAndhahiraNyarabanivarsi:zeSamantabahi svAtuturamai30. maMdabharodattaca gajabajeH / svasthAnasya vidhIparNavidtamaThasyohAmalamImato bhUbhAgAstapasA punarbavarucaH saMrajira yasya ca // -[30]. sA bAghA vasatiH sa 31. eva viSaya prAdhinastA diyaH sA bhUbhUmipatiH sa eva kimataste te pradethAH param / yacAsteyamazeSasatva(ca)hitavatkRtvamahattaH svayaM 29 32. thAnA praguNIkatovanirajA paMjo vapuNmAniva / -[31]. yahAcA manasAM ca gocaramatikrAntena bhUbAnvitaM yahItaM guNagabihivisa(Sa)dA dArairadadAdaraM / yatmatva(ca)jvalita: pra >> Metre, Sloka (Anushtabb). >> Metre of verses 26 and 27, Vasantatilak.. | | "Metre, Sragdhara. Metre of verses 29-32, Sardilavikriditan
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________________ 38 358 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L. 33. caNDatapasA tejobhirunmIlitaM sabAnyatra caritramukhatamatAvacaiva sAvaristhatam // -[32]. purA yoSitmAdanibhatanijAcaM bhagavatA vijigye yaH kaamstripurripunnaavisskRtrussaa| 34. nivAcaH kSAntyA tamayamajayatsaGgarahitaH sucIparNAnAM syAhA kimiha tapasAM duSka[ra]miti // "-[33]. skArAsphAlanaghAtaniIyadalAmbhIrabharIravavyAjenonagurA kumAracaritA saha(gha)acaryantapaH / yasyArAdhayatastrisaMdhyamadhutadhyAnasthita jaTiM caitanyojjhitahattayopi samaye sapavelotsavAH // *-[34]. stutyaM syAkimihAsya nAma caritaM na sthAnapuNyA- . rdhinAmA vA(bA)lyAtsahakIrtisaJcitatapastejaHsamuttejitam / yasyoralaghUbamahuNaguru vra(ba) mANDamADamba (mba)ra vyAkzatarudrayA(bA)huparidhaiH saMdhAryate yatnataH // -[35]. siddhA37. teSu maheza eSa niyataM nyAyakSapAdo muni rgambhIre ca kaNAzinastu kaNabhukyAstre zrutau jaimini: / sAMkhyenalpamati: svayazca kapilo lokAyata saGgurubu(ba)cho vu(ba)damate jinotiSu jina: ko vAtha nAyaM kRto // -[36]. yataM yadanAgataM yadadhunA kiJcitvacidartate samyagdarzanasaMpadA tadakhilaM pazyanprameyaM mahat / sarvantaH sphuTameSa kopi bhagavAnanyaH citau zaMkaro dhatte kintu na zAntadhIviSamadagraudraM vapuH kevalam // -[37]. asmibuhAmadhAni pracurataratapaHsImni vikhyAtanAmni sarvAnandyukta[sA?]40. nikSitibhUdurubharaspardhipuSpaharimiNa / saMpavapremNi satsu svayazasi nihitasphArasAraprathimni vidyotsarpamahini tribhuvanatilake ke guNA inta na syuH // " -[38]. malInaM 41... mukha eva zAkyakariNAmatyUjitaM garjitaM trAsAdyasya ca jainajambu(mbu)kazAhataM saMhRtaM / soDhaM jAtu na jaiminIyahariNIlAvata huMkataM tasyAnyahaganezakAna 38. 39. >> Metre, sikharini. * Metre of verses 31-37, Sardulavikridita. 33 Metre, Sragdhari.
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________________ 46. INSCRIPTION FROM RANOD. 359 L. 42. napateH kiM sthAtstutaM prastutam // *-[39]. yasyoccakaH sphurati saMtamasaM nirastha tejaH paraM pratinizaM prativAsaraM ca / anyaH sa eSa nanu candramaso rakheca candrAvadAtacaritaH suta43. rA cakAsti / -[40]. yasyAmalaM sphurati saguNarabandamAnandakAri jagatAM jalatAvihInaM / zrIvyomazagbhujaladhiH sa khalu vyudastatRSNaH satAM samabhavanuvi kopyapUrvaH // -[41]. 44. mAdhurya vinayo nayonalasatA tyAga: thamA prazrayaH sthairya dhairyamahAryavIryakalitaM saha(ka)acaryantapaH / ityAdi pracinomi cetasi ciraM yadyaskimapyAdarA ttattatma45. macintyamasya mahataH kasyAstu vAcA pathi // -[42]. rejuH sajjanaratabhAvajananAnyA sindhuvelAvadhe citraM yasya yAMsi kundakalikAkroDaprabhAbhAMjyapi / tasyAyaM khalu deva tAyatanavAnbAponiveza: zubhaH sodyAnaH prathate svakIrtivibhavaH sAkSAdivAnazvaraH // -[43]. zivayugmamumAdevInAvyezvaravinAyakau / sa maTha mandirai ramyairayametAnya47. cIkarat // -[44]. pratikSapaM yA prativi(bi)mva(mba)tAM gate sunirmale vAriNi tArakAgaNe / kumuhatIsaGgasamujjhitApyalaM vibhAti viSvaka mudairivAcitA // 3- [45]. prasAdamAdhuryanikAma pradyaM virAjate yatra gabhIramabhaH / viDamba (mba) yatsa tvavikAvyava(ba)ndhaM vizuddhavAhitacAruzobham // 3-[46]. zailAtmajAbhaktiparaprayAsapaurAjanAnapurathiJcitena / pratikSaNaM 49. yA kalahaMsanAdavamaM vidhatte zrutipayalena // --[47]. dhRtodapAnAvanatAjanAnAM mukhairvicivAdharapatra(ca)ramyaiH / toyaM gatairyA prativi(bi)mba(mba)nena [zA]ravindava vi(bi)bharti zobhAm // -[48]. 50. papUrvavinyAsavizeSakeNa vibhUSitA yA dayitava dRSTA / sopAnamAlAvalicArumadhyA nAnandayatvasya mano manonA / -[49]. prAsAdA yatra bhAsante kundendukumudovva(jjva) laa:| zrIvyomezamahovyApiyazovIjAjarA iva / "-[50]. yA nIlakaNThena taTopakaNThaM kvatAspadA dhAma paraM sukhasya / prAsAdaramyA ramaNIyabhUmi: purA purArIH sadRzI cakAMMetre, Barddlavikridita. WMetre, Vamaastha. * Metre, Upendravajra. * Metre of verses 47-19, Upajati. "Metre, Sloka (Anushtubh). 48. * Metre of verses 40 and 41, Vasantatilaka. 36 Metre of verses 42 and 43, Sardalavikridita ar Metre, SloLa (Anushtubi).
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________________ 360 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 53. 54. L.62. sti // "-[31]. yatyavidhI sAndrasudhAsititA prAsAdamAlAnudinaM vibhAti / bhayena bhAno pariNAmamatva jyotsA khitevAmarasammamA / -[2]. ponidhijatuSArazailaH samyambi rAjadyadi kuulliineH| tenopamIyeta tadA sphuTaM yA samubate kirhvibhaantii| -[38]. amulamutAphalacArakAnti toyaM sadaiva pratibhAti yv| . amUrtatAvAcamasoDhakA mamuccarabhUmatamivAntarikSam / -[54]. paravidhavAmasacandrakAnyA sarovarAva srovlpiH| pakhaMcatA cAratayA vyavatta yA nirvRti kaskha na dRzyamAnA / -[65]. yA sarvadA 55. nojhati yavikAma sampakAraM ca gabhIratA ca / baseranarbhayamAkhitApi phalaM tadetaSi kulInatAyAH / -[38]. sagAravi(vi)mbe(mbe) pratimAgate yA sphurattaramAhutibhirvi khole| khacArasaundaryavilokanAya tAmakhAdarthatalava bhAti / "-[37]. khirASitAni sudhovya(jva)khAni nirntraakhaarjvsundraapi| satA manAsIva sadAnukUlaM vibhAnti yathAH 57. surmndiraassi| -[58]. padaM namaH kindravatA kutokha vivAstantabAdhamana civam / pAya yoti vita[no] varSa na nivetamakSa banodhaH / -[39]. samInabhUmirbhavatu makAma manora mA yauva(ba) vAridA ca / tathApi sAmAbyanuvAdudasA yayA vicitA racanA dadhasthA / -[80]. jitvAriSarmAmanarthamUlaM dhaNe ratAH santu sadaiva santaH / ' yasvAmitIvAha surAzayA sI nikhInapA[rAvatamandranAdaH -[1]. uttarAtimanorama ravAnAmorapayodharA yA / dizacipantI sapharIkaTAcAnacucuratyAnvayaM priyeva / -[2]. yadasti kiMcitvAci dapyanindhamAnandahetubaMgatIla vastu / tadevadedhe nikhilaM vidhAya yA vaidhasocaiTitava ramyA / -[63]. avazayamatIva vApI vibhUSayati yadatisuprasibamadaH / citamida 68. 69. 80. * Motre of verses 61-58, Upajatt. * Metre of vene 67 and 58, Upendravajral. * Meten of vernos 69-69, Upajati; road fear * The second of the two akshara, in brackets was origin ally pa.
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________________ L. 61. 62. 63. HAMPE INSCRIPTION OF KRISHNARAYA. ntu vicitrA yA kuvalayamapyate / [64]. khirA sevA vApI gaganayamimolebhaMgavato bhavatvAcandrArthavyathitatapaso bhUriyamasaH / yadIye mAtIyaM maradamalacandrAMzcadhavalA surAcAM samAjI vikaTataTapaTe micriyo| vApItaH nikaTa yaH pAdapamAropayiSyati [va] | yAtA sa pacapAtakayuktaH khalu dustare niraye // " [66]. pacaiva tavAmitra pAtakAni khapyati cAha maThA maThe the / yebhyantare mUDhadhiyo ravandhAM dAsyandhanAryA vasati nAryAH // " - [67]. prazastA devasaMlApapUrvvadattAJjayena yA / 64. vicitA mukhyamandAdA) yAMcA [sudeza satAbhiyam ] [88]devadattayA caradattena paricatA / vApI (pramastikA ramyA dveSa vicitA nodapoTi [60]. / Metre, Arya. Metre, Sikhaript. [66]. XLII.-HAMPE INSCRIPTION OF KRISHNARAYA, DATED SAKA 1430. BY E. HULTZSCH, PH.D. The original of this inscription is in the great Siva temple of Pampapati' at the modern village of Hampe, which is situated on the southern bank of the Tungabhadra river and at the north-western extremity of the ruins of Vijayanagara. It is engraved on the south and north faces of a stone tablet, which is set up in front of a mandapa. The south face is badly mutilated at the bottom. The second half of the inscription, which is in fair preservation, was published by Mr. Fleet from a photograph by Dr. Pigou. A rough transcript and paraphrase of the Sanskrit portion and a translation of the Kanarese portion of the inscription had already before appeared in the Asiatic. Researches. I re-edit the whole from an estampage made in 1889. A second copy of the same inscription is engraved on the north and south faces of another stone tablet, which is set up to the left of the entrance to the Pampapati temple. This copy is much worn, but helps to ascertain how many verses are lost at the bottom of the south face of the first copy. Motre, Arya. * Metre, Indravajra. se Metre of verses 68 and 69, Sloka (Anushtubb). No. 13 on the Madras Surooy Map of Hampe. 361 Ind. Ant., vol. V, pp. 73ff. The photograph was published in the Inscriptions in Dharwar and. Mysore, issued by Mr. (now Sir) T. C. Hope in 1866, No. 32; and reproduced by the Aroh Survey of Western India in Pali, Sanskrit, and Old Canaress Inscriptione (1878), No. 115. Vol. XX, pp. 25 and 39 (fourth inscription), and p. 34 (twelfth inooription). 2 Y
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________________ 362 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. The inscription opens with 29 Sanskrit verses, which contain a genealogical account of the second Vijayanagara dynasty down to Krishoaraya. Then follows a passage in Sanskrit prose, which records a gift to the temple by this king. The document ends with a Kanarese version of the same donation. The genealogy consists of a mythical and a historical part. The former (verses 3 and 4) runs as follows: The Moon. Budha. Purgra vas. Ayus. Nabusha. Yayati, md. Devayani. Turvasu. The historical part begins with verse 5:-" In his (viz., Turvasu's) race shone king Timma, who was famous among the princes of Tuluva, just as Krishna shone in the race of Yadu." From this verse we learn, first, that the founder of the second Vijayanagara dynasty was a native of Tulu or Northern Malayalam, the country of the Tuluvas. Secondly, he must have been a usurper, as he claims only a mythical relationship to the princes of the first dynasty of Vijayanagara. For, while the kings of this dynasty used to derive their origin from Yadu, Timma selected, in opposition to his predecessors on the throne, Yadu's younger brother Turvasu as the mythical progenitor of his race. The inscription continues the pedigree from Timma as follows : 1. Timma, md. Devaki. 2. Isvara, md. Bukkama. 8. Narasa or Nrisimha (Saka 1404 and 1418). a. by Tippaji 6. by Nagala4. Vira-Nrisimhs or 5. Krishoaraya Vfra-Narasimha. (Suka 1430 to 1451). The description of the reigns of these kings is purely conventional. At first sight a historical fact seems to be contained in verse 10, according to which king Narasa conquered Srirangapattana. But a reference to a published inscription of Harihara II. shows that this verse was borrowed, together with others, from an "office copy" of the first dynasty, in which it had formed part of the description of the reign of Samgama. Regarding the successors of Krishnaraya, the reader is referred to the Indian Antiquary, vol. XIII, p. 154. * See, e.g., Hultzach's South Indian Inscriptions, vol. I, pp. 156 and 160. Ibidem, p. 131, No. 116, and p. 132, No. 119. In both inscriptions the king is called Narasimha. * The earliest date is that of the present inscription, and the latest that of another inscription at Vijayanagara; Asiatic Researches, vol. XX, p. 29. * Journal, Bombay Br. R. As. Soc., vol. XII, p. 362, lines 17 to 20.
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________________ HAMPE INSCRIPTION OF KRISHNARAYA. 363 The second part of the inscription, which is written in Sanskrit prose (north face, lines 11 to 25), records that Krishnadeva-mahArAya gave the village of Singenayakanahalli to the siva temple called Virapaksha, and built an assembly-hall (raiga. mandapa) in connection with the same temple. Virupakshadeva, the old name of the Pam pa pati temple, occurs already in inscriptions of Bukka and Harihara II. of the first dynasty. By the assembly-hall must be meant the mandapa, in front of which the stone tablet is set up. In a verse (30), with which the Sanskrit portion ends, the inscription is called an edict (6arana) of Krishnaraya. The same donation is referred to, with some additions, in the Kaparese portion, where, bowever, the name of the village is spelt Singinayakanahalli, with an i instead of an e in the second syllable. Lines 27f. of the north face contain the date of the grant, Salivahana-Saka-Varsha 1430 expired, the Sukla-samvatsara current, Magha Su 14, on which day was the festival of the king's coronation. Though no earlier inscriptions of Krishnaraya are known, it is at present impossible to say, whether the real day of the coronation or an anniversary of it is intended. In the Sanskpit portion of the inscription occur two Kanarese birudas, to which the Sanskrit case-termination is affixed (bhashege tappuda rayara gandah, north face, line 4, and muru-rayara gandah, line 5f.), also a Sanskritized form of an Arabic word (suratrdna = lalu, lines 6 and 14) and of a Persian word (hindu = guia, line 6); instead of rdjan, the Kanarese tadbhava raya is frequently used. ___TExr. 4.-South face. L.1. zrIvacyAdevarAya zrI 2. ebhamastu / namastuMgabhiravicaMdracAmaracAra[vai] / 3. lokyanagarAraMbhamalastaMbhAya zaMbhave // [1] 4. kalyANAyAstu tabAma prtyuuhtimiraaphN| yAjopyaganoDa5. hariNApi ca puujyte| [2] pasti cIramayAddevairmaSyamAnAmahAMbudhaH / nava6. nItamivotamapanItatamo mahaH / [2] tasvAsIttanayastapobhiratusaragvavcanAmA 7. budhaH (1) purasya pururavA bhujabalarAyurdiSAvitaH / tasyAyugA8. pokha takha paruSo yuce yayAti: citI (1) syAtastasya tu dhurvsurvsnimH|| 9. zrIdevayAnIpateH / [4] taIze devakIjAnirSidIpa timmabhUpatiH / yazasvI turvedeSu 10. yadoH kaNa svAnvaye / [5] tatobhUbamAvAnirIzvarakSitipAlakaH / patrAsamaguSa11. maukiravaM mahIbhujA [] panAco balijibijetribhuvanAkrAMtivamaivikramaH] 12. zaMkvaM cakramapi vayacivakara zrIdevakInaMdanaH / bhUtvApyanutamIbaroyamiti 18. yA" bhUyastarA (1) paprathe (1) bhUtiM cAvisapUccatAmatimayaM bhUbhamutAmA 14. citaH / [*] bhUvAsaikaparoparI raviriva prAptodayoharSi (1) yo maMdeharipUnAn kavibudhope * Journal, Bombay Br. R. 4. Soc., vol. XII, pp. 361, 378 and 377. Colebrooke's Miscellaneous Euaye, Madras edition, vol. II, p. 269. * The second copy of the iuscription agrees with this one in the different spelling of the name of the village at both places. WAccording to the tables, the Bukla-satirataara corresponded to Buka 1492 (A.D. 1500-10). I Rend tu . Read it.
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________________ 364 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L. 15. tInapeto rnnaat| pApUrkhAparavArirAzi nitarAmAsatuhamAcalaM (0) vikhyAto vihasaMca yo vita16. raNairvyayotata dhotarUn // [*] sarasAdudabhUttasyAvarasAvanipAlakaH / devakInaMdanAt kAmo deva17. [kInaMdanAdiva // [8] kAverImAzu badhvA" bahaLajalarayAM to vilaMdhIva zacuM (1) jIva grAhaM yahItvA 18. samiti bhujabalAtaMca rAjyaM tadIyaM / vatvA zrIraMgapUrva tadapi nijavarI paTTaNaM yo ba19. bhAse (1) kIrtistaMbhavikhAya tribhuvanabhavanastayamAnApadAnaH / [1. *] ceraM coLaM ca pAMcaM tama 20. pi ca ma[5] rAvamabhaM mAnabhUSaM (0) vIryodapraM turuSka gajapatinRpatiM cApi jitvA tada21. nyaan| pAgaMgAtIralaMkAprathamacaramabhUbhRttaTAtavitAMtaM () khyAtaH [covIpatI22. nAM majamiva zirasA yAsanaM yo vytaaniit| [11] vividhamukkatohAme rAmezvarapramukha muha23. muditAdayaH sthAne sthAne vyavatta yathAvidhi / budhaparito nAnAdAnAni yo bhuvi 24. SoDaya tribhuvanajanAhItaM sphItaM yazaH punarutAyana] [ // 12 // tipyAjInAga*]lAdevyoH kausa25. svAdhIsumitrayoH / devyoriva vRsiNdhNdraattsmaatyN][tiryaadiv"||13|| vIrau"] vinayinI rAma26. lasaNAviva naMdanau / jAtI vIravRmichadranaNArA[yamahIpatI".14] vIrathInArasiMghama' 27. vijayanagara ratasiMghAsanasthaH kI. nItyA nirasthaginalamASA ]napyava[ya]mithAnyAn / 28. pA setorA samerovanisuranutasvaramA codayA[derA pAzcAtyAca"]lAttAdakhila29. dayamAvarNya rAjyaM prayAsa // [15] nAnAdAnAnyakA[rSI][kanakasa ]dasi [yaH zrI] vika pAcadeva30. sthAna zrIkAkAstIbhitarapi nagara veMka[TA] drau ca kaa[caa|] zrIrthale zoNazaile mahati 81. virahobala saMgame ca (0) zrIraMge kuMbhadhoNe [1]ta[tama]si mahAnaMditIrthe nivRttii| [16] gokarve 32. rAmasetI jagati taditaraSvapyazeSeSu pusyasthAneSvAracanA*]nAvidhabahaLamahAdAnavAripravA33. hai / yasyodaMcatturaMgappakarakhurarajamzuNyadaMbhiodhima*]mmamAbhRtyakSacchidodyattaraku34. lizadharotkaMThitA kuMThitAbhUt // [17*] brAMDaM vizvacakra [ghaTa ]muditamahAbhUtaka rabadhe[naM] 35. sa[sa] bhodhiM ca kalpakSitimahalatike kAMcanI kaamdhenuN| kharbamA" yo hiraNyAvarathamapi tu36. [lApU]ruSaM gosahasra (1) hamAjhaM hamagarbha kanakakarirayaM paMcalAMgalyatAnIt / [18] pra[7]37. [*] prayA[sya nirvighaM rAjyaM zAmiva zAsituM / tasmin guNena vikhyAte citeridre [divaM ga]. te||18] 38. [tatI*]pya[vAryavIryaH zrIvaNarAyamahIpatiH / bibharti maNikeyaranirbi[zeSaM mahI] 39. [bha][ja] [20] kIyA yasya samaMtata: pra[mRta]yA vivaM racakyaM vraje-(0) dityAzaMkya [3] [rA purArirabha]40. [vajJA lekSaNaH prAyazaH / padmAkSopi cAtu] [ jojani ca*]tuzobhavatpadmabhUH kAlI khA]41. [madhAdU][ma] ca [kamalaM] vINAM] [ca vANI karI // 21"] " Rend anaa. " Read baghAvidhi. WRead sindrA " Read 'siIndra WRend fEE. WRead "siMhA. - Read goya. * Read samAdhIcAca. 1 Read adut.
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________________ HAMPE INSCRIPTION OF KRISHNARAYA. 365 [Here two verses are entirely lost through the mutilation of the stone. The following transcript of them is madu from the duplicate copy with the help of other Vijayanagara inscriptions :-) zatrUNAM vAsamate dadata iti ruSA kiMbu saptAburAsIbAnAzenA turaMga TitavasumatIdhaLikApALikAbhiH / saMgoSya skheramatatpati nidhijaladhiveSikA yo vidhatte (0) baMdhAMDasva * mekapramukhanijamahAdAnatoyaramaiyaH / [22] mahattAmarthisArthA[:"] triyamiha suciraM bhuMjatAmitvavetya prAya[:] pratyAhatostapanaraSagaterA layA" devatAnAM [*] tattu dikjaivahatyApi ca virudapadairaMkitAstatra tatra staMbhAn jAtapratiSThAna vyatanuta bhuvi yo bhUbhRdanakaSAprAn / [21] B.- North face. L. 1. [kAMcIdhIzailayoNAcalakanakasabhAkaTAdripramukhyeSvAva[@]vitvaM sa 2. ve[va]tanuta vidhivat bhUyase zreyase yaH [*] devasthAneSu tIrtheSvapi kanakatulApU3. ruSAdIni nAnAdAnAnyevo[pa]dAnerapi samamakhilairAgamoktAni tAni / [24] roSakataprati4. pArthivadaMDazISabhujaH kSitirakSaNauDaH / bhASe tapyuva rAyara gaMDastoSakSA5. darya[] yo raNacaMDaDaH / [25] rAjAdhirAja ityukto yo rAjaparamezvaraH / mU rAya6. ra gaMDava pararAyabhayaMkaraH / [26] hiMdurAyasuravANo dussttbhaailmiinH| ga7. jaughagaMDameraMDa []tyAdibirudAnvitaH / [27] pAlokaya mahArAja jaya jIveti vA8. dibhiH / aMgavaMgakaLiMgAthai (:) rAjabhiH sevyate ca yaH / [28] stutyaudAryasudhIbhisma 9. vijayanagara rakhami hAsanastha]: (1) [mA]pAlAn [Na] rAyacitipatiradharIkatva nIyA 10. gAdI[na] / pA pUrvAdrera[cAsta[ci]tidharakaTakAdA ca hamAcalAtA-(0) dA setoradhisA11. Wricayamiha bahaLIlatya kIyA samidhe / [28].1 kila bagati nikhisavi. 12. dhamAnaudAryadhairyazauryAdijanitayazaHpUrakarpUrapUritamAMka 13. karaMDena samaracaMDena visitaganaLamaSanAbhAgaDhuMdhamAra mAMdhAtRbharatabha14. gIrathadazaratharAmAdicaritama chatabhUsurapAcana paribhUtasuravANana gavapatigajabUTa15. pAkalena vidi[sanAnA]kalena vadanavivitAMbhojana bhojanAparaNa kAyanATakA saMkAramarma16. [na dharmana prativarSapravatti[sa] kanakavasaMtamahota[va]nasavena" tArcitavippasArthe17. [na] sArthena nikhilavRpatimaIndhana dhandhena nAgAMbikAnarasanRpanaMdanena ni18. khilAdayAnaMdanena samaramukhavijayana vijayana diyA vijaya19. nagare siMhAsanamAradha zAsatA sakalAM bhuvaM bhujavijitAparAye20. va kSaNadevamahArAyeNa bhuvanabharaNasAvadhAnAya zrIvirUpA21. kSAbhidhAnAya vitI"vinatajanahamakUTAya hemakUTAyata22. nazAline zUline madhuraphalapUpAdiAdyAya naivedyAya siMganAyaka 23. nahaLLIti vikhyAtanAmA catusmomAbhirAmo pAmI datto vittopakAriNA * Read rAzInAnAsanA. * Read caMtriyamika - Read sairamatatpati. - Read dhumAra. * Read mAsasa * Rend nATakA * Read "maiyaH. - Read "mahIkAnasIna. - Read 'vayaM. - Read vidyArthI - Read talahigjecavRttyApi. kukhAbhinaM. tayazaHpUrakapUrapUritabATa
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________________ 366 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. L. 24. ravitamayAnukArikA raMgamaMDapopi viracitastasyaiva devasya tenaiva prakaTita 25. narajanuSA ppasnadha[]SA / tadidamavanIvanIpakavinutadharAyasya 28. aNarAyasya / yAsanamatibalayAsanatarakaradAnasya [sApadAnastha / [30] // 27..khasti bovijayAbhyudayathAlivAhanasakavarSa 143. saMdu 48. maile naDava putasaMvatsarada mAgha muralu zrImanmahArAjA28. dhirAjarAjaparamezvarabIvIrapratApabIvIravANarAyamahA80. rAyara pAbhiSekotsavapuNyakAladalu bIvirupA81. padevara amRtapaDinAve[oke]" simginAyakanahaLyina sa32. marpisi devara saMmukhada mahAraMgamaMTapavana pA muMda38. Na gopuravana kaTisipA muMdaNa hiriya gopuravana 34. jIrbocAravana mADisi bIvirUpAcadevariga nava36. rakhacitavAda suvarSakamazavanU gAgAbharaNavana 88. samarpisidA [*] devara []dha pArI[ga]Ne mAvadaka sama87. pita" cicada parivAra 1 pAratihalage 2Leya 88. pArati 24 iSTana samarpisidara / yI dharmake 39. tappidavaraganu gohatva[*]mahatyAdimahA40. pAtakagaLa mAjida pApale hogaluraLavara [*] TRANSLATION. 4. Sanskrit portion. (This is an ediot of the illustrious Krishnadevaraya. Hail! Let there be prosperity ! (Verse 1.) Adoration to Sambhu (Siva), who is adorned, as with a chamara, with the moon that kisses his lofty head, and who is the principal pillar at the building of the city of the three worlds 135 (2.) May that lustre (Ganeba),-which dispels the darkness of obstacles, and which, though (it has the head of) an elephant (gaja), was born from the mountaindaughter (4 gajd), and is worshipped even by Hari (Vishna),- produce happiness 136 (3.) There was produced, like fresh butter, from the great ocean of milk, when it was churned by the gods, the luminary which dispels darkness (i.e., the moon). (4.) The son of this (moon) was Budha, whose name (1008 made) true to its meaningly by his unequalled austerities. In consequence of his pious deeds (he obtained a son), Puraravas. (The son) of him, who destroyed the life (dyue) of his enemies by - Rdyace. * Rand samarpisika An sier reading would be T TWE N T, 'the principal pillar of support of the city of the three worlda.' Compare O frymt w, the single pillar of support of the house of the three worlds,' ante, p. 310, verse 28. On the virodada dra between gqja and agajd, see Journal, Bombay Br. R. 41. 8., vol. XII, p. 372, note 2. There is also play on the word hari, which siguibes. Visban,' and at the Mme time the lion,' which is considered as the natural enemy of the elephant. "Rudhamaane.inmaa.or. M.
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________________ HAMPE INSCRIPTION OF KRISHNARAYA. 367 the strength of his arm, was Ayus. His son) was Nabusha. His (809) was Yayati, who was fierce in battle (and) famed on earth. The son of this husband of the glorious Devayant was Turvasu, who resembled the Vasus. (V.5.) In his race shone king Timma, whose wife was Devaki, (and) who was famous among the princes of Tuluva, just as Krishna (shune) in the race of Yadu. (6.) From him was born king Isvara, whose wife was Bukkama (and) who was the fearless and virtuous crest-jewel" of kings. (7.) Oh wonder! Though (like Koishna) he was the son of the glorious Devaki, though (like Vishnu) he had lotus eyes, though he acquired tribute (bali) by his valour which was able to subdue the three worlds, (just as Vishnu in his Vamanavatara acquired the three worlds from Bali by his three steps), and though he bore (the auspicions marks of the conch and the discus in his hand, -he became still more famous by the name of Tavara, as he obtained prosperity (bhriti), universal worship, and the daughter of a king, (just as the god Isvara wears ashes [bhuti], is universally worshipped, and is the husband of the daughter of the mountain). (8.) Like another gun, who always dwelt on earth, he, who was continually rising, who was surrounded by poets and wise men, who never fled from war (and) who was highly famed from the eastern to the western ocean (and) from (Rama's) Bridge to the golden mountain (Meru),-killed the enemies, (as the sun conquers) the Mandehas," and sbone, surpassing the trees of heaven by his gifts. (9.) From this lovely son of Devaki was born king Narasa, just as Kama from (Krishna) the son of Devaki. (10.) Resplendent was he, who quickly bridged the Kaveri," (though) it consisted of a rapid current of copious water, crossed over it, straightway captured alive in battle with the strength of his arm the enemy, brought his kingdom and the city of) Srirangapattana" under his power and set up a pillar of fame,-his heroic deeds being praised in the three worlds, which appeared to be) the palace (of his glory). (11.) Having conquered the Chera, the Chola, the proud Pandya (roho was) the lord of Madhura, the brave Turushka, the Gajapati king and others, he, who was exceedingly famed from the banks of the Ganga to Lanka and from the slopes of the eastern to those of the western mountain, spread his command like a garland on the heads of kings. (12.) At Ramesvara" and every other shrine on earth which abounds in sacredness, he, with joyful heart, surrounded by wise men, repeatedly performed the sixteen kinds of gifts ac ording to rule, thus) making superfluous (his previously acquired) great fame, which was sung by the inhabitants of the three worlds. * With reference to mauliratna in ito literal sense, atrda sud agunabhratha have to be taken in the recond meaninga. Bawlin' and not losing its string. A class of terrific Raksbasas, who were hostile to the ann and endeavoured to devoar him ;' Dowson's Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology. According to Sanderton's Canarere Dictionary. the sun has the surnuine Mandebu-mardana, the destroyer of the Mandehas. Srirangapattana, vulgo Seriogapntam, which, later on, became the capital of the Maisur Odeyars and of Tip, is si. tuated on an island of the Kareri. 4 Literally..(that compound ending in) paffana, the first member of which is Sriranga.' On similar expressions, see Haltuach's South Indian Inscriptions, vol. I. p. 166, not#6. * This is the celebrated place of pilgrimage on an island, 93 miles east of Ramad. According to Mr. Rice (Mysore Inscriptions, p. Ivii, note), another Ramefvara-tirtba is situated on an island near the junction of the Tunga and Bhadra rivers. Three other Ramesvaras are noticed by Mr. Sewell in his Lists of Antiquities, vol. I, pp. 38, 41, 126.
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________________ 368 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. (Vo. 13 and 14.) Just as Rama and Lakshmana (were born) to Dasaratha by his queens Kausalya and the glorious Sumitra, (thus) two brave (but) modest sons, prince Vira-Nrisimha and prince Krishnaraya, were born to king Nrisimha by his queens Tippaji and Nagala (respectinely). (16.) The illustrious Vira-Narasimha,-seated on a jewelled throne at Vijayang. gara, surpassing in fame (and) wisdom Nriga, Nala, Nahusha and (all) other (kings) on earth, being voluntarily praised by the Brabmanas (and) winning all hearts,-ruled the kingdom from (Rama's) Bridge to (Mount) Sumeru and from the mountain of the east to the western mountain. (16.) He performed various gifts at the Golden Hall," at the shrine of the holy Vird pa kshadeva," at the town of the holy lord of Kalahasti," on Venkatadri," at Kanchi, at Srisaila," at Sonasaila," at the sacred (city of) Harihara," at Ahohala," at Samgama," at Sriranga," at Kumbhaghona," at the sinless tirtha of Mahanandi" (and) at Nivritti." (17.) The streams of water (poured out) at copious great gifts of various kinds, which he performed at Gokarna," at Rama's Bridge, and at all other sacred places in the world, frustrated the eagerness of (Indra) the bearer of the thunderbolt, who was ardently rising to clip the widggor of the mountains, which were immersed in the ocean, that was being dried up by the dust of the hoofs of the troops of his prancing horses. (18.) He performed (the gifts of) a mundane egg, a wheel of the universe, a pot containing the (five) elements, a jewelled cow, the seven oceans, a tree and a creeper of paradise, a celestial cow of gold, an earth of gold, a horse-chariot of gold, the weight of a man (in gold), a thousand cows, a horse of gold, a (golden vessel called) hemagarbha, an elephant-car of gold, and five ploughs. * Kanaka-sadas in a synonym of Kanaka-sabh4, 'the Golden Hall,' at the temple of Chidambaram in the South Aroot district This old name of the Pampapati temple coeurs also in line 20, 30 and 84 of the north face of this inscription. This town is now the residence of a Zamindar in the North Aroot distriot. # VenkatAdri,' the bill of Venkata,' is the name of the boly mountain (Tirumalai) near Tirupati in the North Arcot distriot. * In the Karnal district. # Soputails or Bonachala, the red mountain,'. is the bill of Tiruvannamalai in the South Arcot district. This town is situated in the Maisur territory on the frontier of Dharwad. In the Karnal district. # H. Krishna Bastet, my Kanarese susistant, informs me, that Sangama-tirtha is commonly used as a dorignation of Ramelvara. - This is the great island temple near Trichinopoly. # In the Tanjore district. In the Karpal district. A similar lint of holy places is found in copper-plate grant from Srperumbudur (Hultzach's South Indian Inscriptions, vol. I, p. 88, note 4), which is now in the Madras Museum - gIvanamanidhisuvarNasaMdhIcAdriparvataviricipureSu vAcAm / bIvAvanimabarapi ca kuSadhIce dAgAni pIcara pani navAni yena / Here Suvarnasangha refer to the Golden Hall at Chidambaram; Virifiobipurs is in the North Aroot district; the remaining localities are mentioned in versea 16 and 17 of the text. * In the North Kanan district. # Following a suggestion of Pandit Lakabmapacharya of Bangalore, I sparato pak ha-chhidd-dyattara-Xulifadhara. utkanthitd. Indra's eagerness was frustrated, as the water poured out at the king's donations refilled the coean, which abe dost of his army had dried up, and thus saved the mountains from persecution. The above list of the sixteen kinds of gifts (shodala ddadni, verse 19 and note 66) agrees with that given in the Mutayapurdna, a quoted in Dr. Aufrecht's Catalogue Bibliothece Bodloiune, p. 43, and in Hewadri's Ddnakhunda, p. 1881. of the Caloutta edition,
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________________ HAMPE INSCRIPTION OF KRISHNARAYA. 369 (Vo. 19 and 20.) When, having ruled his great kingdom without obstacles, this Indra of the earth, who was famed for virtue, had gone to heaven, as if it were in order to rule heaven (too), the illustrious king Keishnaraya, whose valour was irresistible, lore the earth on his arm like a bracelet of jewels. (21.) It was probably through fear, lest everything should assume an identity of lustre from his fame, which was spread everywhere, that, of old, Siva adopted a (third) eye on his forehead (as a distinguishing mark), Vishnu four arms, Brahman four faces, Kalt a sword, Rama a lotus, and Vani a lute in her hand. (22.) Was it through anger, because they gave refuge to his enemies, that be dried up the seven oceans with the clouds of the dust of the earth, which was split by the horses of his numerous armies, and of his own accord created in their stead masses of oceans by the immeasurable waters (poured out) at his great gifts, which consisted of a mundane egg, a Meru of gold, &c. ? (23.) It was probably in order to obstruct the path of the chariot of the sun in the sky, with the view that the crowds of suppliants should enjoy as long as possible the riches given by him, that this lord of the earth set up in every part of the earth firmly fixed pillars, which were marked with an account of his expeditions for conquering each quarter and with his) surnames (hiruda), and the tops of which touched the clouds. (24.) Again and again, for the sake of supreme happiness, he performed according to rule those various gifts which are prescribed in the holy books, vie., the weight of a man in gold, &c., together with all minor gifts, at Kanchi, at Srisaila, at Sonachala, at the Golden Hall, on Venkatadri and at all other temples and bathing-places. (25 to 27.) Some of his surnames (biruda) were :-The angry punisher of rival kings; he whose arms resemble (the coils of the serpent) Sesba; he who is versed in protecting the earth; the destroyer of those kings who break their word ; he who satisfies suppliants; he who is fierce in war; the king of kings and the supreme lord of kings; the destroyer of the three kings (of the South);" be who terrifies hostile kings; the Sultan among Hind kings; he who crushes the wicked like tigers; and the doubleheaded eagle which splits the temples of troops of elephants ! (28.) He is served by the Anga, Vanga, Kalinga and other kings, who speak thus :-"Look (upon me), Oh great king! Be victorious ! Live (long) !" (29.) Seated on a jewelled throne at Vijayanagara, king Krishoaraya, whose liberality was worthy to be praised by the learned, having surpassed Nriga and other kings in wisdom, and having bestowed abundant riches on all suppliants on earth, was resplendent with fame from the eastern mountain to the slopes of the mountain of the west and from the mountain of gold (Meru) to (Rama's) Bridge. He, who filled the world, as a box with camphor, with the flood of his fame. which arose from liberality, firmness, valour and other (virtues), that were being praised by the crowd of all poets in this world; who was fierce in battle; who surpassed the On these localities, see the notes on verse 16. Compare and in Brown's Telugu Dictionary, v. fawiddu. This biruda is of frequent occurrence in Tamil inscriptions; 10 Haltssch's South Indian Inscriptions, vol. I, pp. 80, 104, 111, 190, 198, 181, 189 (note 7) and 180. . Vis., the Chera, Choph and Pandya; se ibid., p. 111, note 8. * With Gajanghagandabherundu compare the birada Rayagajagandabherunda on certain coins of Deratura (ibid., p. 169) and Anfblagandabherunda in grant of Venkata II. (Ind. Ant., vol. XIII, p. 181, plate iva, line 10)
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________________ 370 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. deeds of Nriga, Nala, Nahusha, Nabhaga, Dhundhumara, Mandhatri, Bharata. Bhagt. ratha, Dabaratha, Rama and other (keinge); who protected Brahmanas; who subdued Sultans; who was (like) the fever to the elephants of the Gajapati (king); who knew many arts; whose face surpassed the lotus ; who, (like) a second Bhoja, knew the mysteries of poetry, of the drama and of rhetoric; who knew the law; who, every year, performed a sacrifice to (Kama) the lord of the golden festival of spring;" who fulfilled the desires of the crowd of Brahmanas; who was rich; who was the chief of all princes; who was fortunate; who was the son of Nagambika" and of king Narasa; who delighted all hearts; who was victorious at the head of battles; who conquered (all) quarters; who, having ascended the throne at Vijayanagara, was ruling the whole earth; who won battles by (the strength of his arm :-Krishnadeva-maharaya gave a village, which was famed by the name of Singena yakanahalli and which was adorned with its four boundaries, for providing) pleasant oblations (naivedya), (consisting of) sweet fruits, cakes, &c., to Salin (Siva), called the holy Virapaksha, to whom pious people have presented heaps of gold, who abides on the Hemakuta, and who is diligent in protecting the world. The same (king), who assisted (others) with his wealth like (Karna) the son of the sun, and who was Kama manifest in a human birth, built an assembly-hall (ranga-mandapa) (for the use) of the same god. (Verse 30.) This is the edict of the heroic Keishnaraya, whose path on earth was praised by the beggars of the earth, and the gifts of whose hand surpassed (those of) the tree of Indra. B. Kanarese portion. Hail! On the 14th day of the bright half of the month) of Magha of the Suklasamvatsara, which was current, after the 1430th year of the illustrious, victorious and prosperous Saliva hana-Saka had passed, the illustrious maharajadhiraja and raja. parameboara, the illustrious Vira prat& pa,88 the illustrious Vira-Krishnaraya-maharaya, gave, at the auspicious time of the festival of his coronation (pattabhisheka), for (providing) daily oblations of food (amrita-padi-naivedya), to the holy Virupakshadeva (the village of) Singinayakanahalli, caused to be built in front of the shrine a large assembly-ball (ranga-mantapa) and a gopura before it, caused to be repaired the great gopura in front of that, and gave to the holy Vira pa kshadeva a golden lotus, set with the nine (kinds of) gems, and a snake ornament (nagabharana). For eating the # The expression kanaka-rasanta-mahotsava seems to refer to the custom, which is observed at the Holi or spring festival, of throwing yellow or red powder and squirting coloured water at each other. Compare Ratnavali, act I, verses 2 and 3. "In verse 13, this queen was called Nagala. "This.must have been the name of the rock, at the foot of wbich the Pamp&pati temple is built. Compare Colebrooke's Miscellaneous Essays, Madras edition, vol. II, p. 269, and Journal, Bombay Br. R. 41. &, vol. XII, p. 375:- The rampart that encompasses it (vis., Vijayanagara) is Hemakuta; the most auspicious Tungabhadra is the most that surrounde it; the guardian of it is visibly the god Brt-Virtpakabadeva." The following explanation of the two difficult compounds, which are contained in this verse, was, for the most part, suggested to me by Pandit Lakshmandoharya of Bangalore : & m u trefya ya TATIT TWI basamAsanasandAlata balavRdhamatikAbAni baradAnAni sAsadAnAni yasa / # This surname was borne by the kings of both the first and the second dynasties; see the ludex of Hultzsch's South Indian Inscriptions, vol. I, p. 182. "Arigand add to take a meal, to eat food 'Sanderson's Canarese Dictionary.
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________________ JAINA INSCRIPTIONS FROM MATHURA. 371 oblations (naivedya), he gave to the god-1 golden vessel, 2 drums (to be used) during the ceremony of waving lamps, (and) 24 silver lamps.70 Those who injure this meritorious gift (dharma), shall incur tbe sin (of those) who have committed the slaughter of a cow, the murder of a Brahmana, and the other great crimes. XLIII.-NEW JAINA INSCRIPTIONS FROM MATHURA. By G. BUHLER, PH.D., LL.D., C.I.E. The first eighteen among the following inscriptions form part of the most valuable discoveries,' made by Dr. A. Fuhrer in the Karkali Tila at Mathura during the working season of 1890, and I edit them according to the excellent impressions which he has kindly forwarded to me. I add also the five cognate inscriptions found by Dr. Burgess and originally published in the Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes, vol. II, pp. 141ff., and vol. III, pp. 233ff., and five small unpublished fragments, found by Dr. Fuhrer in 1889. All of them, whether bearing kings' names and dates or not, clearly belong to the Indo-Skythic period, or-if the era of Kanishka and his successors is identified with the Saka era-to the first and second centuries A.D. This is evident from the type of their characters and of their language, which closely agrees with that of the documents found near the same place by Sir A. Cunningham, Mr. Growse, and Dr. Burgess. The general characteristics of the alphabet, its rather clumsy look, which is owing to its squat and square letters and to the thickness of the single strokes, and its otherwise strong resemblance to the writing in the inscriptions of the Sunga and Andhra periods, strike the most superficial observer. But it possesses another peculiarity, which consists in the occurrence of a number of cursive and modern-looking forms side by side with archaic ones, which, I think, deserves special mention, since it possesses considerable interest for Indian palaeography. This peculiarity is particularly noticeable in the following ten signs. Among the vowels, the initial a looks mostly like that of the Andhra inscriptions ; but sometimes it shows cursive forms. Thus in aryya (No. VIIc, 1.1) and in asya (Sir A. Cunningham's No. 8, 1. 5)' the left limb is represented by a wavy line, drawn by a single stroke, which is not even attached to the vertical on the right; again in Aya-Balatratasya (No. VB, 1. 1), it consists of a curved stroke on the left which is connected with the right hand vertical by a short horizontal line : this form is very common in the Kalsi version of Asoka's edicts, especially in the thirteenth and fourteenth. Further, the medial a is expressed sometimes, as in Asoka's edicts, by a short horizontal stroke, more frequently by a curve or by a straight line, rising upwards towards the right, and sometimes by an almost vertical downward stroke, resembling the form found in the inscriptions of the seventh and later centuries. All these Arati or arti is a tadbhava froin the Bapokrit ardtrika,' s lamp waved before an idol.' see my letter in the Academy of 19th April 1890, p. 270. The total of the insoriptions, forwarded to me by Dr. Fuhrer, is twenty. One, a very small fragment, I am unable to makwoat. Another I omit, because it is the already known inscription of the reign of the son of Kshatrapa Rajubala, published by Sir A. Canningham, Arol. Suro. Rep., vol. XX, p. 49, and plate v, No. 4. The new impressions give los than the earlier facsimile, and seem to indicate that the stone has suffered considerably during late years. * The collection referred to is that in Cunningham's Archeological Survey Reports, vol. III, plates xi-IT. 2 z 2
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________________ 372 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. varieties occasionally occur in one and the same document; compare, e. g., nagendrasya (No. XVIII, 1. 2), mathuranam (ibid., 1. 3), bailalakanam (1. 4) and mata (1. 6). The medial bas likewise three forms, one of which is a well-developed semicircle, while the second, a cursive one, looks very much like the medial e, and in the third the tail of the curve is drawn down at the back of the consonant just as in the Gupta i; all three forms occur in the word divase and in its abbreviation di. The initial u consists usually of an angle open to the right, as is invariably the case in the older inscriptions; but in uchchendgarasya (No. XIII) it resembles a da with a well-developed nail-head at the top. The same inscription shows also in the word Kumaranandi a medial u, which exactly agrees with the modern Devanagari form. Less perfect examples in the same syllable occur in other inscriptions, while usually, except in tu' and gu, where an upward curve on the right side of the consonant is used, the vowel is expressed simply by a straight stroke. The medial ri has again three forms, being expressed (1) by the curved line, turning to the left, which usually denotes the subscript ra, e.g., in gri for grishma (No. IV4, 1. 1) and in Srigridto (No. IIIB, L. 2); (2) very frequently by a straight line, slanting sharply from the lower right extremity of the consonant towards the left, e.g., in gri for grishma (No. IIA, 1. 1), and in Aryya-Matridinah (No. III, 1. 3-4); (3) by the curve open to the right, which is constantly used in the Gupta and the later northern alphabets, e.g., in gri for grishma (No. XIII, 1. 1). Among the consonants the forms of ka, ksha, na, na and sa deserve particular attention. Ka is usually expressed by a cross with a serif at the top, but occasionally it has the Gupta form with > curved line instead of a straight cross-bar and with a serif or a nail-head at the top; see, e.g., Kumaranandi (No. XIII). The lower portion of ksha is mostly made square, but in kahune (No. XIII) and in bhikshueya (Cunningham, No. 12) the left side is round. Na is usually formed of two small curves at the top, springing from a short vertical stroke, the lower end of which stands on the middle of a curved base line or on the apex of an angle formed by two straight lines. Sometimes, however, we find archaic forms agreeing in part with the older ones of the Asoka edicts and of the earlier Andhra inscriptions. Thus in some cases, e.g., in framana (No. XVII, 1. 1) and toranam (ibid., 1. 2), the base line is made perfectly straight, while, e.g., in varanato (No. XIB, 1. 1), the ancient straight top line appears instead of the two curves. On the other hand, we mect also with a cursive form, a further development of the usual one, which somewhat resembles our letter and evidently has been made with two strokes; see, e.g.. ganato (No. VII 4, 1. 1) and kehune (No. XIII). As regards the dental na, it usually consists of a thick straight base line with a short vertical stroke above its centre which bears at the top a serif, or a nail-head. Sometimes also, as in the difficult word hanagrisya (No. IX, 1. 1), Haginamdia (ibid., 1. 2), the serif is wanting and the vertical stroke longer, so that the letter does not differ from the form used in Asoka's edicts. The letter sa, finally, has nearly throughout the form used in the Andhra and other old inscriptions, but in No. V the left-hand limb is invariably converted into a loop, and the The tu with the upward curve occurs also in the Asoka edicts, especially in the Kalsi version, and has there been misread as xa. This form has remained in many southern alphabets. I have to add that in a former article, Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes, vol. I, p. 176f., I have read erroneously gra instead of gri. The three forms in the new inscriptions leave no doubt that gri is intended. Gri is put for gri, which also occurs not unfrequently, e.g., in Nos. XX and XXII. just as priyasya (No. XII, 1. 1) stands for priyasya. Instead of frigrikato I have given erroneously (Wiener Zeitschrift, vol. II, p. 230) Srigukato.
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________________ JAINA INSCRIPTIONS FROM MATHURA. 373 letter is almost exactly like the Gupta sa. The alphabet of these Indo-Skythic inscrip. tions may therefore be called a transitional one, which was modified through the influence of the current hand, used in every-day life, the latter being almost identical with the so-called Gupta characters. I may add that cursive forms are met with even among the numeral signs. Thus, in No. VIII, the left-hand limb of the figure 4, which usually is square, has been made round, and the cross-bar consists of a curved stroke. In the same inscription the figure, probably to be read as 40, looks exactly like a Roman V, as the whole lower portion of the two strokes, which has been preserved in the crosslike forms of the same sign on Sir A. Cunningham's Nos. 11, 12 and 13,' has been omitted. Some peculiarities in the spelling, the frequent use of single consonants for double ones, the use of short i and u for long and it, and the occasional omission of the long d ( see, e.g., hemamtamare (No. V), maharajasya and masa (No. IX A), agree with the usage prevailing partly in all, partly in some, versions of Asoka's edicts and of other ancient inscriptions. They make it difficult to decide, whether some of the curious forms, to be discussed below, are due to negligence in spelling or to grammatical irregu. larities. The language of these inscriptions shows the mixed dialect, consisting partly of Prakrit and partly of Sanskrit words and forms, as clearly as the formerly discovered documents. A fixed principle, according to which the mixture has been made, so far as I can see, is not discoverable. All one can say in this respect is that, in certain in. flexions and words, the Sanskrit forms are more common than in others, and that in others the Prakrit or hybrid forms prevail. Thus the genitive termination sya is much more frequently found after a and i stems than the Prakrit sa which stands for 88. Nevertheless the latter is not entirely wanting. It occurs four times in No. VI A, B, No. VII B, 1. 2, and perhaps once in No. XIV B, 1. 2. Pure Sanskrit are also the only two verbal forms which occur,--the imperatives bhavatu (No. XVIII, 11. 7, 8) and priyatam (No. VIII, 1. 2). The latter is so much the more remarkable, as in nearly all other cases the terminations in an are either changed to an or are otherwise mutilated. Thus we bave in the genitive plural, with one exception-arvoasatoanam (No. XXI, 1. 6), invariably nam, e.g., fifiwinan (No. IIC, 1. 1), arahantanam (No. XVI, 1. 1), mathurunan. etc. (No. XVIII, 1.3 ff.). Similarly the Sanskrit loontives asyam, elasy am and prirovay an remain each once or twice (No. III, 1. 1, No. VIIA, 1. 1, No. VIII, 1. 1) unchanged ; in all other cases the hybridl or mutilated forms asyan, asya or anya and etasyari, etasya, musya or etasa are used. In the nominative cases the Prakrit forms prevail. The nominative singular of the a-stems ends always in o, except in the one word Matridinah (No. IIIA, I. 4), which is a very curious hybrid form, the first part matri being Sanskrit and the second Prakrit. The singular nominative of i-stems mostly loses the Visarga, e.g., in Kumarabhati* (No. VIIB, I. 2), but it is preserved in hishabhabrik (No. VIII, 1. 2). The same inscription furnishes also a solitary example of a Sanskrit 11 omit Sir A. Cunningham's No. 8 from this enumeration, because I believe that its date is really sashuattare 70 (+)4, not 40 (+) 4. The inscription belongs to the reign of Varuders, whose other dates range from Samvat 80 (see No. XXIV) to 08, while Huvishka certainly ruled from Samvat 99 to 48. The oldest known form of the figure 70 consists of a vertical line, to which two short borizontal strokes are attached, one on the right and one on the left side. Mado surelenly, this would readily become a cross, somewhat resembling the Roman .. . This may staud for hati.
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________________ 374 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. nominative formed from a consonantal stem, bhagavan, while its genitive bhagavato (No. IIO, 1. 2) and arahanta, the only other originally consonantal stem which occurs, show Prakrit forms. The nominative plural drops its Visarga as in Prakrit, as in Siha (No. IV A, l. 2). The other cases show either Prakrit or hybrid terminations. In the singular instrumental of the feminines in fand a the termination is ye, e.g., in sukhitdye, kutumbiniye (No. VI), and there is in the same inscription one Pali form, dhitara (i. e., dhitara) for duhitra (No. VI.4). The masculine a-stems added ena, as in No. XVII, 1. 4, we bave saturena. The dative of the a-stems takes ye in arahantapajaye, and ya (as in Pali) in mahabhogataya (No. VIII, 1. 2). The difference is probably merely graphic, because ya is invariably pronounced yo, and the stress, which lies on the preceding ta, makes the quantity of the following syllable indistinct. In hitasukhd (No. XXI, 1. 6) we have possibly a contracted form for hitasulchaa. The ablative of the masculine and neuter a-stems ends sometimes in a, e.g., always in the word nirpoarttand (No.IIIA, 1. 4), but more usually in ato, e.g., in ganato (No. 14, 1. 1) and kuldto (ibid.), which termination is a precursor of the Jaina Prakrit and Maharashtri do and of the Sauraseni ado or adu. With respect to the variants ganato (No. VB, 1.1) and kulato (ibid.) it is difficult to be positive. They may stand for Sanskrit ganatah, kulatah or, as the long d is sometimes omitted, for kulato. The feminine a and f-stems take to and the latter invariably shorten their vowel, as in Uchenagaritoo sakhato (No. IA, 1. 2), and thus agree with those of the Jaina Prakrit, where we find kannato and devito. As regards the genitives not yet noticed, the femi. nines in d, i and a form dye or aye, iye or iye and iye or uye; compare, e. 9., Khudaye (No. 14, 1. 2), Sangamikaye (No. IIC, 1. 1), Vasulaye (No. IID, 1. 1), dharmapatniye (No. IIIO, 1. 1), kutumbiniye (No. VIII, 1. 2), vadhtye (No. XIA, 1. 3) and vadhuye (No. X). Three times, in kumtubiniya (No. VB, 1. 2), Sangamikaya and bisiniya (No. XII) we have the termination ya, which in my opinion was likewise pronounced ye or ye. The genitive of the representatives of Sanskrit duhitri, dhitu or dhitu, agrees with the Pali form, and so does matu (No. IIC, 1.2). A remarkable mutilated Sanskrit form is rajna (Cunningham, No. 20, l. 2), and very peculiar is the genitive of the male name Haginandia (No. IXB). The last sign is very distinct; else one would be tempted to conjecture Haginamdisya. Tasya (No. VIIB, 1. 2) must stand for tasyah, as it refers to the feminine Kumarami tra], compare etasya for etasyam. The locative of the masculines and neuters in a shows e as in Sanskrit and in most Prakrits; that of the feminine ends in yam, yam, ya or ya, e.g., purovdyam (No. 14, 1. 1), purovdya (No.IVA, 1. 1), sakhdya (No. VIII, 1. 1), Haritamalakadhiya (No. IXB). Sir A. Cuninngham' Nos. 2, 3, 7, 11 show the Jaina Prakrit and Maharashtri forms puruvaye or purvpaye. The two locatives of the pronoun idam,asmi and asma (No. VA, I. 1, No. VI. No. XIII. and No. XXV), are corruptions of Sanskrit armin. The few pure Sanskrit forms have been noted above. In the plural, which also does duty for the dual, none but Pali, Jaina Prakrit or hybrid forms occur. The nominatives have already been mentioned. Instances of the instrumental are matapitihi (No. XVII, 1. 3) and putrehi Nandibala. pramukhehi darakehi (No. XVIII, 11. 5-6). Among the genitives, the Jaina Prakrit form Arvya Veriyana (No. VIII, 1. 1), among the hybrid forms tesham (No. XVIII, 1. 5) and matapitrinam (ibid. l. 6) deserve to be mentioned in addition to the Pali forms Mostly spelt i. 1 "The short i may be merely graphic.
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________________ JAINA JNSCRIPTIONS FROM MATHURA. 375 enumerated above. With respect to the use of the cases it must be noted that the nominative not rarely takes the place of the crude form, and that the crude form occasionally takes the place of an inflected form. Instances of the former kind are found in [gra]miko Jayanagasya (No. XIB, 1. 3), bisho Sadhisya (No. VB, 1. 1), Graddhacharo vachakasya Aryyadatasya (No. IVA, I. 2); further in ganiaya AryyaBuddhisirisya bisho tachako Aryya-Sandhikasya (No. XIX, l. 2)," Hastahastisya kishyo ganisya Aryya-Maghahastisya Sraddhacharo vachakasya Aryya-Devasya (No. XXI, 11. 4-6). Two perfectly certain instances of the second irregularity occur in brihanta (?) vachaka cha ganina cha Ja..mitrasya (No. IVA, 1. 1) and Tadhara .. tadhu Haggudevasya dharmmapatniye Mittraye (IVB, 1. 1). The omission of the case terminations in words which qualify others standing in the same case is common, as Professor von Roth has shown in the Rigveda. It occurs also not rarely in Panini's Satras, is very frequent in the Northern Buddhist works, and is a fixed principle in the modern Indian vernaculars as well in other languages. The use of the nominative instead of the crude form is not known to me from other Indian dialects than that of the Northern Buddhists; but in Zend it is not uncommon. A third syntactical anomaly in our inscriptions is the violation of the rules of concord, in phrases like vachako Aryya-Siha (No. IVA, 1.2), ganina cha Ja..mitrasya (ibid., 1. 1), bisininan Aryya-Sangamikaye (No. IIC, 1.1), arahantanam Vadhamanasya (No. XVI, 1. 1), where a noun in the plural has to be construed with another in the singular. The explanation is, of course, that the plural is a pluralis majestatis, and that the terms quoted must be taken in the sense of the "great" or " venerable" ganin, "the great or venerable female pupil" and "the venerable arhat". With respect to the words, especially the nominal bases, it must be admitted that the pure Sanskrit forms are mostly as numerous as, and in some documents much more numerous than, the Prakrit and hybrid formations. Thus in No. XVIII, there are only three words, slana for sthana, pratishtapita for pratishthapita, and perhaps chandaka for chan. draka showing the influence of the Prakrit, though the great majority of the terminations are Prakritic. Again, in No. I, we find among fifteen completely readable words nine pure Sanskrit bases, three Prakrit formations, sethi for Sreshthi, dhitu for duhituh, and Kottiya, and three hybrids, Bahmadasika for Brahmadasika, Uchenagari for Uchchgirnagari and sahachari-Khuda for sahachari-Kshudra. It is only in a few documents like Nos. XII, XIV, and XVI that Prakrit and hybrid form prevail. Irrespective of the numerical question, it is worthy of note that certain words are always given in their Sanskrit form and some invariably in Prakrit. To the former class belong maharaja, deva, putra, sa kha, dharmapatni, sahachari, pratima; to the latter arahamta for arhat, the representatives of duhituh, dhitu and dhitu, and those of the name Vajri or Vajra, Veri (No. IIIB, 1. 3), Vaira (No. VIIB, 1. 1), Veriya (No. VIII, 1. 1), Vaira (No. XXI, 1. 3). In all the other words, which occur more frequently, there are vacillations, sometimes in one and the same document. The great interest, which the development of the Prakrits possesses for the history of Indian literature, would make it desirable to determine exactly the character of the vernacular of Central India used in the first and second centuries A.D., which influenced When I wrote my article in the Wiener Zeitschrift f. d. Kunde der Morg., vol. II, p. 145, I was not aware that this anomaly occurred frequently, and hence proponed to correct the text. Abhandlungen der Vilten Int. Or. Congresses, drische Section, pp. 1ff.
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________________ 376 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. the language of these documents. Unfortunately the number of the inscriptions is still 80 small that it is impossible to obtain in this respect perfectly certain results. Nevertheless I will state that from the materials accessible to me, I consider it to have been in some points more similar to the Jaina Prakrit and the Maharashtri than to the Pali and to the language of Asoka's edicts and of the older Andhra inscriptions. Words like the representatives just enumerated of Vajri and Vajrd, like Kottiya for Kotfika, Brahma. dasiya for Brahmadasika, Siriya for Sirika, lohavaniya for lohavanija, and Haganardi for Bhaganandi, seem to indicate that the destruction of the medial and initial consonants had begun, and it is quite possible that among the numerous counter-instances some, at least, may be due to the desire of the authors to make their language sound like Sanskrit, i.e., that they may be attempts at a retranslation of more advanced Prakrit forms into Sanskrit. Thus the two forms Bahmadarika and Brahmadasiya lead me to suspect that the real popular form was Bamhaddsiya or even Bambhadasiya, which was retransliterated into Sanskrit in two different ways, both times with indifferent success. In two points this Prakrit probably differed from nearly all the literary Prakrits, agreeing at the same time with the modern vernaculars. First, it probably possessed, like the latter, only two sibilants, sa and ka, which were, as is done in the present day, frequently interchanged. The inscriptions have, it is true, the three signs used in Sanskrit, and their use remains unchanged in pure Sanskrit words. Even the lingual sha keeps its place in such words and in the hybrid forms with shka and shta, e.g., in Kanishka, Huvishka, pratishtapita, Goshtha... Jeshtahaslin, viahtdyamana, sishya. But, when regular Prakrit forms are substituted for, or derived from, the Sanskrit words, the lingual sha almost disappears. The palatal sa, on the contrary, mostly remains and even extends its sphere; here and there sa appears in its stead. Thus we find in the Prakrit equivalent for sishya, once kisha (No. VB, l. 1), once bisa (No. XIVB, 1. 1), and twice sisa (No. IX, 1. 2, and Cunningham's No. 10, 1. 1, basasya, according to the facsimile). The Prakrit feminine of fishya is spelt once fishini (No. VIB, 1. 2) and six times bitini or sicini (No.IIC.1.1: No. VIIB, 1. 1; No. XL4, 1.2, No. XII, 1.2; No. XIV B, 1.1). Further, evalura becomes batura (No. XVII, 1, 4); Sri is invariably siri in the names Sirika or Siriya and Buddhubiri (No. XIX, 1.2); Pushyamitriya is changed to Pukyamitriya (No. VI, 1. 2). The dental sa is put instead of ba in sethi (No. 14, 1. 2), suohila (No. III.B, 1.3), and in sabra for Svafrit (No. XVII, 1. 4). Heuce I regard the occurrence of sha in Prakrit words as merely graphic, and assume that sa and ta were the only two sibilants of the Prakrit vernacular, but were occasionally used the one for the other. That is just what is done in all the vernaculars of Northern, Western, and Central Indin, which from Kasmir down to the Marktha country possess only the dental and the palatal sibilants and exchange them very frequently, especially in their true popular varieties. The second point, in which the Prakrit of our inscriptions agreed with the modern vernaculars, not with the literary Prakrits, is the neglect of the aspiration of conjunct hard aspirates. We have slane for sthane (No. XVIII, 1. 2), pratishtapito for pratishthapito (No. XVIII, 1. 4). Jeshtahastisya (No. XIVB, 1.1, twice) for Jyeshthahastisya, sarttavahiniye (Cunningham, No. 7, 1. 2) for sartthava hinyah, sreshtaputrena and freshfind (Cunningham, No. 9, 1. 3) for freshthiputrena and freshthind. It is just in these very groups that, according to the popular pronunciation of the vernaculars of Northern, Western, and Central India ( with the exception of the Marathi ), the aspiration is omitted, though in writing it is frequently expressed. The numerous Sanskrit words, like kunish!ha, pra
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________________ JAINA INSCRIPTIONS FROM MATHURA. 377 tishtha, pratishthita, used in all the vernaculars, are in Kasmir, the Panjab, Rajputana, Gujarat, Malva and the portions of the North-Western Provinces known to me, invariably pronounced kanist, pratisd and pratiftit, and one hears stana quite as often as ethana. It is only the learned Pandit who will at least try to sound the tha or tha. Hundreds, nay thousands of mistakes in Sanskrit inscriptions and manuscripts show that this neglect of the aspiration, especially in the group shtha, is not of recent date. The examples in our inscriptions are sufficiently numerous to warrant at least the inference that in the first and second centuries of our era the omission of the aspiration did occur, and perhaps was optional. As regards the origin of this mixed dialect, as well as of all other mixed dialects, I agree with Professor Kern, Jaartelling, p. 108 ff., and Dr. R. G. Bhandarkar, Indian Antiquary, vol. XII, p. 146, that it is the result of the efforts of half-educated people to express themselves in Sanskrit, of which they possessed an insufficient knowledge and which they were not in the habit of using largely. All the Jaina inscriptions from Mathura were no doubt composed by the monks who acted as the spiritual directors of the laymen, or by their pupils. Though no inscription has been found in which the author is named, the above inference is warranted by the fact that numerous later documents of the same character contain the names of Yatis who are said to have composed them or to have written them. The Yatis in the first and second centuries, no doubt, just as now, for their sermons and the exposition of their scriptures, used the vernacular of the day, and their scriptures were certainly written in Prakrit. It was a matter of course that their attempts to write in Sanskrit were not very successful. This theory receives the strongest support from the fact that the character and the number of the corruptions varies almost in every document, and from various single sentences, such as vachakasya aryya-Baladinasya sishyo aryya-Matridinah tasya nirvoarttand, which latter reads exactly like a piece from a stupid schoolboy's exercise. It is also confirmed by numerous analogies, such as the language of the janmapattrae of the badly educated Joshis mentioned by Dr. Bhandarkar, the books of masons and carpenters, which give the rules for building houses in most barbarous Sanskrit, and many modern inscriptions, com. posed by clerks or Yatis. A large number of specimens of the latter kind are contained in the collection of votive inscriptions from Palitana lately copied by Mr. H. Cousens. I give a short one, which shows a mixture of Sanskrit, Gujarati and Marvadi : saMvat 186.nA' vaizAkha sudi 5 caMdravAra" zrIvijaya pANaMdasurigacche" zrIvijayadaivacaMdrasUrirAjye vIritabiMdire vAstavya zrI usavAlajAtIya jhaverI" premacaMda jhaveracaMda bhAryA joyatI" tasya puba vAcaMdana zrIvinaharA pArzvanAtha navina prazAda navIna biMba bharApita" / mAtAjI bhakubhAI tastra putra rakhacaMda bhA" malukacada bhA abhacaMda bhAM premacaMdanAmena biMba bharApitaM / tapAgaccha / vijayajinedrasUri wfafcat* . . . 24 1 This is the Gujaratt genitive. * Usually spelt joiti, from Sanskrit dyulunti. * A puro Sanskrit form and inflexion; compare below >> Pronounce parohdd, culumou Marvadi and Hindi corruption of prasada. Gachrhai, which recure below, is the Marvadi epell. A hybrid form, representing Gujarati bhardwywth, ing for gachchhe, which is both Gujarati and Sanskrit. Simi- which occurs in several other inscriptions larly we have in the text compound Duivachandra for Devu 11 An abbreviation of bdi, brother. chandra. The pronunciation is in all three cases, net ai. The form with fu is invariably used in these inscripSaritabishdire is the Marvadi form for Siratabant. tions. dare. Formed from the Arabic. 94 A few words giving the name of the author of this 1 A common bybrid form composed of an Arabic and precious document are illegille. " # Prakrit word.
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________________ 378 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. TRANSLATION. "On the fifth lunar day (of) the bright half (of) Vaisakha of the year 1860, on a Monday, during the reign of glorious and victorious Devachandra Suri, in the gachchha of glorious and victorious Ananda Sari, dwelling in the famous harbour of Surat, (was) the jeweller Premchand Jhaverchand, (his) wife (was) Joyati; (by) his son Vaichand was erected a new image (in the) new temple (of) Vijjahara (Vidyadhara?) Pravanath. The image was erected in the name of Premchand, brother of Ratnachand (and) Malukchand, son of Mataji (?) Jhakubha; consecrated by Vijaya Jinendrasuri in the Tapagachcha." The contents of the older inscriptions Nos. XIX-XXIII have been discussed in the Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes, vol. II, pp. 141ff., and vol. III, pp. 233 ff. Among the new ones Nos. I-XVII belong to the Jainas, who possessed, as Dr. Fuhrer has discovered this year, two magnificent temples on the site where the Kankali Tila rises at present. Their historical value is very great. First, No. I, which is dated in the year 5 of Devaputra Kanishka, proves beyond all doubt that Sir A. Cunningham was right in referring the date of his No. 2, Sam. 5, to the reign of the first IndoSkythic king. Secondly, they confirm the correctness of the readings Sthaniya or Thaniya kula and Varana gana, instead of which the Kalpasutra gives Vanijja and Charana, and they allow us to correct the name of the Sriguha sambhoga to Srigriha. Thirdly, they furnish seven well-preserved names of kulas and sakhas, and in addition a mutilated one, hitherto not traced in epigraphical documents, which help to vindicate the much-assailed Jaina tradition. Three of the new kalas, the Pusyamitriya (No. VI), the Arys-Chetiya (No. IX), and Aryya-Hatikiya (No. XI), belong to the Varana gana, and evidently correspond with the Pasamitijja (in Sanskrit Pushyamitriya), the Ajja-Chedaya (in Sanskrit Arya-Chetaka) and the Halijja (in Sanskrit Haliya) kulas, which in the list of the Kalpasutra (p. 80, ed. Jacobi) occupy the third, fourth, and sixth places. To the same gana belong the Vajanagart (No. XI) and the Haritamalakadhi (No. X) sakhas. The name of the former agrees fully with that of the Vajjanagari sakha, the fourth in the list of the Kalpasutra (loc. cit.)." The Sanskrit equivalent of the word is, I think, not Vajranagart, as the commentators of the Kalpasutra assert, but Varjanagari, i. e., the sakha of Vrijinagara, the capital of the Vriji country. For Vajranagart would have become Vairanagari. On the other hand it is highly probable that the Jainas were settled in the Vajjabhumi, where Vardhamana is said to have done penance. The second, the Haritamalakadhi sakha is no doubt identical with the Hariyamalagart, which the Kalpasutra names as the first of the branches of the Charana gana. The form of the inscription gives a good sense if the end of the compound kadhi is taken to stand for gadhi, as may be done according to the analogy. of sambhoka which (No. VIIB, 1. 1) occurs instead of sambhoga." With this supposition it means "the sdkha of the fort called Haritamala," i. e., the field or site of This might also mean " a new temple of Parsvanatha (and) a new image." Regarding the single ja, see above, p. 373. Acharangasutra, Sac. Bks. East, p. 84. The note explains the name, in accordance with Blanka's commentary, as an equivalent of Vajrabhami. But its Sanskrit etymon is Varjabhdmi. The Vrijis, in Pali Vajji and in Adoka's edict XIII, Vaji and Varji, were settled close to the Suhmas (Subbha) and to Radha. Occasional substitutions of hard consonants for soft ones are found also in Afoka's edicts, in the literary Pali, and in other Prakrit dialects.
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________________ JAINA INSCRIPTIONS FROM MATHURA. 379 Harita. The form of the Kalpasutra would mean "the sakha of the house (agara) called Haritamala". This is hardly possible, and as gadhi is pronounced garhi, it seems probable that Hariyamalagari is slightly corrupt and has to be changed to Hariyamalagadhi. The mistakes, which the inscriptions have shown to occur in other names of the Kalpasutra, certainly encourage one to hazard this slight alteration. Two of the new names refer to the Kottiya gana. The Brahmadasika kula (Nos. I, IV, V, XIV)? may be identified with the Bambhalijja kula of the Kalpasutra (p. 82, Jacobi). The latter name corresponds not to Sanskrit Brahmaliptaka, as the commentators assert, but to Brahmaliya, and this is derived from Brahmala, which according to the Indian custom of abbreviating compound names, may stand for Brahmadasa. Similarly, Devaka, Devala or Devila may be used for Devadatta, Devagupta, Devapalita, Devarakshita, Devabhati or Devasarman." The Uchenagart or Uchchepagari sakha of the same inscriptions is of course the Uchchanagart sdkha of the Kalpasitra (loc. cit.) which stands first in the list of the branches of the Kodiya gana. The difference in the second vowel has been caused by the existence of two synonymous Sanskrit forms of the etymon, Uchchairnagara and Uchchanagara," which both mean "the high town". This geographical name seems to be identical, as Dr. Burgess suggests to me, with that of the fort of Unchanagar, which belongs to the modern town of Buland. shahr in the North-Western Provinces (see Sir A. Cunningham's Arch. Surv. Rep., vol. XIV, p. 147). The old name of Bulandshahr itself was Varana or Barana, This is no doubt the place after which the Varana gana was named. The mutilated name .. hika kula (No. II) and .... ka kula (No. XII) must, I think, have been [Me]hika. For there is in the Sthapirdvalt of the Kalpasutra only one name, Mehiya (Jacobi, p. 81), which shows a penultimate hi. If this conjecture is accepted, the new inscriptions furnish also proof of the actual existence of the second kula of the Vesavadiya gana. For the restoration of the mutilated name of the . Arina sambhoga, which appears in No. XIV A, 1.2, I cannot offer any proposal. As the letters are not perfectly distinct, it is just possible that Sirikato sambhogato may be the original reading With respect to the Kottiya-Kotika gana, it is now evident that its adherents must have been more numerous in Mathura than those of the other schools. In our inscriptions it occurs eight times, in Sir A. Cunningham's collection four times, and in Dr. Fuhrer's collection of 1889 certainly once, perhaps twice. It deserves to be noted that it is the only gana whose name survived in the fourteenth century A. D." Its great age, as well as the great age of its ramifications, the Brahmadasika family. the Uchchenagari branch and the Srigriha district community, is attested by our No. IV. The latest possible date of this inscription is Samvat 50 or A. D. 128-9. The preacher then living, the venerable Siba, enumerates four spiritual ancestors, the first among whom must have flourished about the beginning of our era. The gana was, as >> Thename occurs, too, in Sir A. Cunningham's No. 2, where on the second (recta firat) side, 1. 2. [kw]lato Brahma. ddsikdto Uchendkarito [dk hdto), ought to be restored. Compare ante, p. 225, Siyaka for Sinhabhara, and anto, p. 272, Vilvala for Vilamalla. 31 Compare the Sanskrit names Tohchairavas and Uchchdmanyu. * See Wiener Zeitschrin f. d. K. d. Morg., vol. I, p. 176, note 1. 3 A 2
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________________ 380 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. we learn, much divided at that early period, and this fact speaks in favour of the statement of the tradition which places its origin about the year 250 B.C." The fourth point, which lends to these new inscriptions a very great importance, is their mentioning several female ascetics, and their showing that these persons developed a very considerable activity. There can be no doubt that Aryya-Sangamika and Aryya-Vasula, who are mentioned in Nos. II and XII, Graha. i. ... (No. V.), Aryya-Kumaramita (No. VII), Balavarma, Nanda and Akaka (?) (No. XI), as well as Aryya-Sama (No. XIV) and Dhamatha(?) (No. XXVI), were nuns. That follows from their title Aryya, 'the venerable,' from their being called fisini or bisini, "female disciples," from their having other female disciples, and from the statement that the gifts were made at, or by their nirvartana, their request or advice. With the certainty thus gained, it is not difficult to recognise that some of the documents found in former years likewise name nuns or point to the existence of female ascetics among the Jainas of Mathura. Though No. XIX is mutilated, the 'sister' of Aryya-Sandhika, AryyaJaya, who appears among the male ascetics, must now be considered a nun. Again, it becomes very probable that the expression chaturvarna samgha," "the community including four classes," which strongly reminds one of the later Svetambara term chaturvidha samgha, means, like the latter, the community consisting of monks, nuns, lay-brothers and lay-sisters." With respect to one of the nuns our inscriptions contain statements which require explanation. The venerable Kumaramitra in No. V, who was the female pupil of the venerable Baladina, had, it appears, a son Kumarabhati, whom she induced to dedicate an image of Vardhamana. It would be a mistake to infer from this admission that the nuns of the first and second centuries led immoral lives. The correct explanation will be that Kumaramitra was a widow who turned nun after the decease of her husband, and that she afterwards acted as spiritual director to her son. It is worthy of note that this is the only case where a nun appears as adviser of a layman. In all the other inscriptions we find that the nuns exhorted female lay members of the Samgba to make donations. It agrees with this that in modern times too, the order of Jaina nuns mostly consists of widows, especially of virgin widows, who, according to the custom of most castes, cannot be remarried, and are got rid of in a convenient manner by being made to take the tonsure; see Ind. Ant., vol. XIII, p. 278. The last of the new inscriptions, Dr. Fuhrer explains, is on a slab found near the brick stupa adjoining the two Jaina temples; but he adds that it was lying loose on the pavement of the court, and that it may have belonged originally to some other temple. It records the consecration of a stone slab, stane, i. e., either "on the site sacred to " or "in the temple of," the divine lord of Nagas, Dadhikarna. The worship of the Nagas or snake-deities is of great antiquity in India. It forms part of the ancient ritual of the Brahmans, who offered and still offer the earpabali" in the rainy season, when the snakes "See Indian Antiquary, vol. XI, p. 346. "In further elucidation of the meaning of the term nirvartana, I can now add, that many of the dedications, mentioned in the Palitana inscriptions, are said to have been made upadesat, by the advice, of nonks, "Sir A. Cunningham's Archaological Survey Reports, vol. XX, plate v, No. 6, 1. 3; Wiener Zeitschrift, vol. I, p. 172f. "It is a characteristic Jaina doctrine that the Bravakas and Bravikas form part of the Samgha. On this point the Jainas differ very markedly from the Buddhists. 37 This is prescribed in all the Grikyasutras; see, e. g.. Afvaldyana Gri. u. II, 1 14.
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________________ JAINA INSCRIPTIONS FROM MATHURA. 381 are driven out of their holes and often take refuge in the houses. In the Pauranic wor. ship we find the Naga-panchami, the snake-festival on the fifth lunar day of the bright half of Sravana, which is still very popular and celebrated very generally. There exist also a few Naga temples. In Gujarat the most famous is the so-called Nag of Dehema, which lies in the north-west corner of the province, close to the Ran of Kachchh. I visited Dehema in 1873 and found there a temple, consisting of a small dome about five feet high, with an opening towards the east. Inside there was a stone slab showing in the centre the relievo of a large cobra standing upright on its tail, and on both sides some amaller ones in the same position. A short inscription stated that the image was erected in Vikrama Samvat 1212, or A.D. 1156-58. The stone slab at Mathura, of which our inscription speaks, probably bore a similar representation. As regards Dadhikarna, bis name occurs in the Haridamka, where he is invoked in the ahnika mantra, the daily prayer which is said to have been recited originally by Baladeva and after him by Krishna. It thus appears that the worship of Dadhikarna certainly formed part of the Bhdgapata ritual and was practised at Mathura in early times. These facts may indicate that our No. XVIII is not a Buddhist, but a Bbagavata inscription. But it is quite possible that the Buddhists in whose legends tbe Nagas play a great part, and on whose Stupas they are often represented as worshippers of the Bo-tree, may have taken over the worship of Dadhikarna from the Brahmans. Finally, another very interesting point in this inscription is the statement that the dedicators of the stone were the "sons of those kailalakas who were famous as the Chandaka brothers." It is impossible to interpret kaildlaka otherwise than as a synonym of baildlin, which, according to Panini. IV, 3, 110, originally was a name of those actors who studied the Satras of Silalin, and according to the Koshas was used later to denote any actor. Our inscription, therefore, teaches us that Mathura had its actors in the first or second century of our era, and makes us actually acquainted with the name of such a troup. It further shows that play-acting was then, as in the present day, the business of particular families - a fact which may also be inferred from the introduction to several Sanskrit dramas where the wati is sometimes called the wife of the sutradhara, and his brothers are mentioned as actors. In a Jaina story of the clever boy Bharata, we hear even of a natagrama, a whole village inhabited by actors. No. I. - 4. 1. --" []gaat a[fa]onell pl fee wwe gar[1]# aferit tant TH fara[1] 2. (]urat []@umfunt veri afuf-7----- Eufra []B. 1. gruw fo[a] ---- 2: TAMTE AFA (AT) # >> 8 BAO 8Aheb V. N. Mandlik's article in the Jour. Bo. Br. Roy. As. Soc., vol. XI, pp. 16984., where mans interest. ing local customs are mentioned. Harivala, 1, 168, 17, where the Caloutta edition has the mispriut ndgarddadli-karnanya ; see also Langlois' French translation, tome 1, p. 507, where the prayer forms the 118th Adhyaya. Insised on the pedestal of a small squatted figure of a Jina.--the stone measuring 2 feet 1 inch by 1 foot 7 inches, and found in the west of the Kankall Tila at the second Juina temple. The bracketted letters are more or less defoed; but it nothing is stated to the contrary, I consider the reading nevertheless to be certuin. 4 Restore siddhart
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________________ 382 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. TRANSLATION. [Success!] In the year 5 of Devuputra Kanishka, in the first month of) winter, on the first day,--on that (date specified as) above,-an image of Vadhamana (Vardhamana) (was dedicated) by Khuda (Kshudra), consort of alderman (sethi) ...... sena (and) daughter of Deva .. pala, out of the Kottiya gana, the Bamhadasika kula, the Uchena gari kakha. No. II. A. 1. - _*#RONarfe even gai[r]a B. 1. - franceit" granit verornata 1. << fuitfarai veicfhard fifa* 1. quagera (fotaff]* 2. -- [T] ----- afa 2. - "#fe[et] qfara aft[@]ne C. 2. [arq] Thefaceits i. Hari []D. 2. aT anitafa (n] TRANSLATION. [Success !] In the year 18, in the third month of summer, on the first day,on that (date specified as) above,-a fourfold" image of the Divine one, the gift of Kumaramita (Kumaramitra), daughter of .. la, daughter-in-law of ... , tirst wife of alderman (sreshthin) Veni, mother of Bhattisena, (was dedicated at) the request of the venerable Vasula, the female pupil of the venerable Sangamika, the lemal. pupil of the vencrable Jayabhati out of the (Mehika) kula. No. III. A. 1. fer o cis fe vet g 2. maanae vuqar3. fere fuit [ar]# AT4. grea: [fa]a[n]t * Incised on the four faces of the pedestal of a small quadruple image of standing nakeil Jinas; -the wton, ? ! high by 9 inches square, was found in the west of the Kankali Tila, at the second Jaina temple. * The beginning of line 2 proves the existence of a lacuna; probably fery to be restored. 41 Restore #frat, as proposed above, Restore fun " Restore Ty. 4 Probably few afre to be restored. 4s Read maramitaye. 40 Restore want Sarvatobhadrikd pratimd, -literally 'an image lovely on all sides,' is apparently a technical term for a fourfold mage, one being carved on each side of a four-faced column. Compare the use of sarutobhadra deudlaya, which, according to Varahamihira's Brihat-Sush., LVI, 27, mwana's temple with four doors and baby spires,' i.e., such one which looks equally pleasing from all sides. si Incised on the pedestal of four.fgoed image (ekalurmukha) consisting of four naked stapling Jinas. Stove 2 Ivet 8 inches by 1 foot 2 inches, found at the same place.
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________________ JAINA INSCRIPTIONS FROM MATHURA. 20. 1. koDiyAlI yAnI ThAniyAtI] 2. [kulAta vITahAto saMbhogAto] 3. tI C. [] dhaniye se D. dAnaM bhagavato santi] - [pra ]timA ---- 4. 5. nAma --------- -- tana B. 4. 1 [na] mI paratatAnaM sarvasota[mAna]" vAja TRANSLATION. Success ! In the year 19, in the fourth (month of) the rainy season, on the tenth day,on that (date specified as ) above, the pupil of the preacher, the venerable Baladina (Baladatta) (is) the preacher, the venerable Matridinn (Matridatta) at his request (was dedicated) an image of divine Santi"..., the gift of Le..., first wife of Buchila (Supkila), out of the Kottiya gaya, the Thaniya kula, the Setgriha sambhoga, the Aryya-Veri (Arya-Vajri) sakha...... Adoration to the Arhats, the highest ones in the whole world! No. IV.56 41. [sihaM saM 203] di [10] 7 [e]sya pUrvAya koriya[]] to gaNAto brahmadAsiyAto kulAta [nAmarito yA] khAto [ya][1]to saMbhogAta [vRcaMtaya]]]caka" ca gaNina ca ja[-mitra ] 2. [] cinaciya [ca]pAlasya [ca] [bAca] kasya paryA[dana] zithI vAcaka mAyA [[]" mAnikaraNa (mI) - jayama [] vItu dA sya [][deva]]] patniye milAye [dAnaM] B. 1. [lo ] vANiyasya vAdhara [[]] [[] khAye kA [ya] 2. ---- 383 ------ f----- - The letters of the first three lines of B are much blurred and partly indistinct; but none are really doubtful except One or two letters may have been lost at the end of B 3. 5345 is separated by some ornaments from the other four lines. Five letters seem to have been lost. 4B 4 is separated from the other three lines by two rows of ornaments. Read art. If the much disfigured second syllable is nti, as I read it doubtingly, it appears certain that the Tirthamkara mentioned must be Santinatha. Incised on the pedestal of a large naked standing Jina, 7 feet 2 inches by 2 feet 3 inches, found at the sam place. Very badly preserved. 57 The figures are doubtful. The first may have been 50. 50. Pirat three syllables doubtful. 49 mitra donbtful; rnatore ziva. The first letter might be read, and only the upper part of the second sign has been preserved. But in Mr. Growne's No. 8, Ind. Ant., vol. VI, p. 218, we have plainly nfzwar diya. on First lotter very doubtful; the third and fourth syllables are ponsibly baugga or migga. may have been; the last two syllables of the name are doubtful. sa The second syllable is doubtful.
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________________ 384 TRANSLATION. Success! In the year 20 (?), in the third (?) month of summer, on the seventeenth (?) day, on that (date specified as) above,-the preacher, the venerable 81ha" (Simba) (was) the pupil of the preacher, the venerable Datta, (who was) the Sraddhachara" of the ganin, the venerable Pala, (who was) the pupil of the venerable Ogha (?), (who was) the pupil of the great (?) preacher and ganin" Ja.. mitra (P) out of the Kottiya gana, the Brahmadasiya kula, the Uchehenagar! kid (and) the Srigriha sandhoga,-at his request (was dedicated) for the welfare and happiness of all beings...., the gift of Mittra, the first wife of Haggudeva (Phalgudeva), the daughter-in-law of the ironmonger Vadhara . . ., the daughter of... Jayabhatti, the manikara, of Khottamitta.. EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. No. V. 4. 1. savatsara" pacavize hemaMtama[se] dvitiye divase vIthe asmi" huye 2.1. funt n't n{w)erfiant yerit vanrefout zrurat wawunner firut ufe- f - vatana" [nA] dipa[ri]ta" babha [ka] sva vadhu jaya [bha]hasya izfefta cafafaa (3)TO 2. fufafar af TRANSLATION. In the twenty-fifth year, in the third month of winter, on the twentieth day, at this moment (?)," a vusuya (?)," (was dedicated) by Rayagini, the daughter-in-law of Jabhaka, from Nandigiri (?), (and) wife of Jayabhatta, the request (having been made) by Graha.i..., the female pupil of Sadhi, pupil of the venerable Balatrata (Balatrata) out of the Kottiya gana, the Brahmadasika kula (and) the Uchenagari lakhd. the singular number. The plural Sind is a pluralis majestatis, and hence the attributes fishyo and vachako have been put ad sensum in Compare below, No. XXI. Regarding the construction see above, p. 375. Incised on the pedestal-left side and back-of a small statue (destroyed); stone 1 foot 11 inches by 9 inches, found at the same place. The letter stands below the line. Possibly fer may have been at the beginning of the inscription. Both inpressions show a long horizontal stroke and that on thick paper some indistinct letters. The lower part of the second syllable has on the right a superfluous stroke, which makes it look like a hybrid of and . 70 Restore fa. This may perhaps have been affefefeft. The first syllable is not certain. The phrase aemi or asma kehune occurs four times-here and in Nos. VI, XIII and XXV-in the place of etasyam or aryah parodyam. It also occurs once in a second collection to be published hereafter, and twice we have the corresponding ife or ife chhunami in Kharoshtri inscriptions from the Pafijab; see Bir A. Cunningham's Arch. Surv. Rep., vol. V, Pl. xvi, Nos. 1 and 2, and Jour, Asiatique, 8me serie, vol. IV, Pl. i, No. 8. It must, of course, have the same or a similar meaning. The first word is without doubt the equivalent of Sanskrit armis; the second I take to represent Sanskrit kehane, though there is no other instance in which the first vowel of this word becomes ; asmin kahane might mean either" at this moment" or "on the occasion of this festival." Tusnya (P) probably denotes either some kind of image or some kind of gift.
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________________ JAINA INSCRIPTIONS FROM MATHURA, 385 No. VI." 4. mahArAna---kasa saM 2.82 di . pApI bhagavato varSamAnasa prati[mA]" pratiSThApitA pAva" pitara sucitAye bodhinadiya]" B. kuTuMbiniye vArale gaI puminIye irI gapisa parya[itaba miSana gAvisa nirvatamA para[]tapuvAye / TRANSLATION. In the year 29 of the great king..shka, in the second month of winter, on the thirtieth day,--at this moment ((r))," an image of the divine Vardhamana was set up by order of Bodhinadi (Bodhinandi ?), a married lady, the cherished daughter of Grahahathi (Grahahastin,)" at the request of Gahaprakiva (P)," pupil of the venerable Data, a gapin in the V&rana gana and the Pusyamitriya (Pushyamitriya) kula, in honour of the Arhat. No. VII." 4.1. [f] saM . [ . di 1. pa[] pUrvAyAM koriyAtI gavatI [sAniyA to --- B.1. pArAtIma[][]to pirivAtI ma[bhokAtopavAdinasa mithini imarami[]" 2. takha puno kuma[] ramaTi gaMdhiko tasa- pratimA varSamAna samitamacitAbodhita C. 1. pa[ya] 2.kumAra3. minA D.1.4 2. [][] * Incised on the base of a large statue (lot); stone foot 6 inches long by 9 inches high; found at the same temple. * The last syllable and the vowel of the preceding are completely gone. 77 The top of the latter is gone, and the reading may have been fou, the analogy of nummrous other name requires. * The last syllable is nearly gone. 7. The lower parts of the bracketted syllables are gone. The third syllable looks, on the obverse of two impressions and on the roveru of one more like damaged But the reverse of the second impression sowo pretty clearly . The Afth syllable is damaged and not certain. See above, No. V. Compare the names Hastakasti, Maghahasti, Syeikalasti, ale., below. * I do not dare to propose any transliteration for this name. Incised (A, B) on pedestal and (C, D) on sides of a small coated Jina, 9 foet 6 inches by 1 foot inches; found at the same place. An enormous sign, looking like gf, stands between the second and third signs of fufitfe and between the fourth and fifth signs of TATWE, B. 1 and 2. Paintly visible on one impression only. -The figure in somewhat damaged, bat certain. W Restore cAvI. -RestoregmaramivA. - Restore dAna. The third syllable of ef is not quite distinct. * Possibly the lal-band limb of is not joined to the vertical stroko. Restore fua . .
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________________ 386 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. TRANSLATION. Success! In the year 35, in the third (month of the) rainy season, on the tenth day,-on that (date specified 48) above;-the female pupil of the venerable Baladina (Baladatta) out of the Kottiya gana, the Sthaniya kula, the Vaira kakka (and) the Sirika sambhoka (sambhoga), (2008) Kumaramitra (Kumaramitra);- her son (was) the dealer in perfumes, Kumarabhati ;-itis gift (is) an image of Vardhamana (dedicated al) the request of the whetted," polished and awakened venerable Kumaramitra. No. VIII." A. TH [T][*]e[t]facrare eaya ya ___40 (401) hemantamAse 4 di 1. etasyAM pUrbAyAM koTiye gaNa sthAnikIye kula bhayya veri] arraren aurrerese face B. fuere after gra d e ger[]---------- () -- [C] [#]- yferita Fute - 7 fo wymiaru wp aracorit' TRANSLATION. Success! In the year 40 (60?) of the great king (and) supreme king of kings, Devaputra Huvashka,' in the fourth month of winter, on the tenth day-on that cute specified as) above, (this) meritorious gift (was made) for the sake of great happiness by Datta, the wife of Ka . pasaka, an inhabitant of ., vata, (at the request] of ........ gonin, the venerable Kharana, pupil of the preacher, the venerable Vsiddhahasti out of the Kottiya gana, the Sthanikiya kula (and) the sakha of the Aryya. Veriyas (the followers of Arya-Vajra). May the divine (anil) glorious Rishabha be pleased ! I take safita to stand for fita, the past partieiple of fi, and make ita to be a half Prakritie form for wrakshita. These two participles, which I bave translated above according to their literal meaning, munt no doubt be understood in figurative sense. They probably refer to the sharpening and polishing of the understanding and of the charter by study and penancer. Incined on the pedestal of a large figure which has been destroyed; pedestal 8 feet 6 inebes long by 9 inches high; found at the satne temple. * The central stroke of Tin wanting. Possibly waitd ; the lower part of the fourth sign is blurred. W l'ossibly wou; the top of the third aud fourth sigon have been lost. * Remnants of two signs are visible before the mutilated . The first had nubucript ra and the wound the vowel w. Before the slightly inutilted a stood a compound sign, the lower part of which is very distinctly pa. W* Restore f. This is the reading of the reverse ; acewrding to the obverse one might read . I do not correct this name, becaume I am doubtful whether the omission of the voweli in the second syllable is due to a vlerical mistake, or to the pronunciation. In the genitive, Hudashkaaya, the stress falls on the third syllable, and the wwwel of the immediately preceding te becomes very indistinet. * It would appear from this wish that the statue was of le firat Tirthumkara, Rislubla or Vpislahla..
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________________ JAINA INSCRIPTIONS FROM MATHURA. - 1. nama ghara [sa] tamamaharaNastha' visarena] mama / divisa 2 - gaNe ayaMceTiye kule harItamAlakaDhiya [za]Akha nAgaseNasya ni B. [at] yau[t]' [s] haginaMdina " ziso ga ------ A. 1. No. IX.1 ---- No. X.12 I. 1. siddham saM 40 5 va [2] di 10 [7] etasya purvva [1]ya - TRANSLATION. Hail! Adoration! In the year 44 of the most illustrious (?) great king Huviksha," in the third month of summer, on the second day. On that [date specified as] above, at the request of the (eenerable) Nagasena, the pupil of Haginamdi (Bhaganandi?), a preacher (rachka) in the [Farapa] goma, in the Aryya-Chetiya (Arya-Chetika) kala, in the Harita malakadhi (Haritamalagadhi) sakka... No. XI.1 - 40" - he - di 10 [] ya varayato ga[] 387 TRANSLATION. Success! In the year 45, in the third (?) (month of) the rainy season, on the seventeenth (?) day, -on the (date specified as) above... by the daughter-inlaw of Buddhi, the . . . of Dharmavriddhi ... 1. [] C. 1. to bhAryyahaTikiyato kulato D. 1. [] x[1]w[t]w[Y] fw[fr]xx[t] cika ....... gfe" aya wiefce - ya Incised on the simhasana or pedestal of a large seated Jina (head lost),-3 feet 5 inches by 2 feet 10 inches; found at the same place. In the plates of facsimiles No. xxxii is a duplicate, to a larger scale and from a different impression, of the second line of this inscription. The first sign might also be read T. The second is very distinct, but not a complete letter, as it consists of a semicircle, open to the left, with a horizontal stroke in the middle. I am inclined to believe that the whole is intended for fer namI zirimattamamahArAjala. 3 B2 The figure 4 has no cross-bar in the vertical stroke. T probably stands for. I cannot explain. In No. XXIV we have t 7 Restore qet qatat r, the latter according to No. XI. The right side of the last letter is slightly damaged. * Restore zAyAryA; vAcakasya looks here like bAcakI, but the reading is certain in the facsimile marked No. 32. 10 Possibly for; at the end one would expect fe. Compare the facsimile No. 32. "The form Huviksha may be due either to a negligent mode of spelling or to a faulty pronunciation. Incised on the pedestal of a small squatted Jina (head lost), 2 feet 7 inches by 2 feet 2 inches; from the same place. 13 The signs of the date are blurred, but with the exception of the bracketted ones not doubtful. 14 Some indistinct signs are visible before agfre. "Regarding the meaning of Vadku, daughter-in-law, compare Nos. II, IV, V. 15 Incised on the four faces (4, B, C, D) of the pedestal of a quadruple image consisting of four erect naked standing Jinas, placed back to back as usual; stone 2 feet 8 inches by 1 foot, found in the same locality. Preservation apparently not good. Restore fe. Aecond figure seems to have stood after the plain .
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________________ 388 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. A. 2. -- [T]"* [x]foreplo fufford B. 2. Aya[fa]" byfa C. 2. a[f]" ( ja" fufafora D. 2. q[w]* [forada] --- 4.3. - [en] AT A[]orper ma B. 3. - farent operate wafura fara[a] C. 8. - [w ] 7" = TRANSLATION. [Success! In the year] 40, in the month of winter, on the tenth (R) day,-on that (date specified as) above,- stone-pillar (sas dedicated, being) the gift of Bihadata (Sinhadatta), the first wife of the village headmanJayanaga, the daughter-in-law of the village headman Jayadeva (and) daughter of ..... at the request of A kaka (?), the female pupil of Nanda (P), and of Balavarma (P), the sadhachari" of Mahanandi (Mahanandin) (and) female pupil of Dati (Dantin) out of the Varana gara, the Aryya-Hatikiya (Arya-Hatiktya) kula, the Vajanagart (Varjandgart) fakhd (and) the Siriya sambhoga. No. XII. L. 1. & fefe poprafu mua sfafora ----- 2. -- [w]afto granit were[F]fa[*]a fufufort wuyaca] for [Jata (1) TRANSLATION. In the year 86, in the first month of) winter, on the 12th day (roas dedicated the gift) of ...., daughter of Dasa (Dasa), wife of Priya (Priya), at the request of the venerable Vasals, pupil of the venerable Sangamika, out of the (Mehil ka kula No. XIII." [ * * ] F# [p. 1] [fa] i starcaragarcaffes fuwa * Restore e rat. >> Posibly fare. * The tops and lower ends of the signs are not distinct. 11 The third and fourth signs are not certaio. # Only the second in certain. # The broketted letters seem plain on one impression, but possibly the reading in Swkarmaye. * Possibly for .. # The last two consonants are only half formed. Restore fortaft. * Regarding the meaning of grdmika see the Petersburg Dictionary, mub sone. 17 An aadha i. In Joinn-Prakrit the usual representative of Iraddha, the term sadhachari corresponds to Indodhe charf, and is the fom. of fraddhacharo; me Nos. IV and XXI. * Incined on tho podostal of a small seated Jina (hond lost), 1 foot 8 inchen by 1 foot 8 incber; found at the same pluon. Four worshippers on each side of wheel fill up the centre. # The lost signs probably contained, besides the name of the donatrix, the word u. Only two letter can have been lost before the half visible . From No. II, where the name of Beigamike and of Vannid oeeur, it may be inferred that the lula Dame probably wan Mobile Incised on the pedestal of a small squatted Jina (bend lost); 1 foot 11 inebre by 1 foot 10 inches from the same place.
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________________ MATHURA INSCRIPTIONS: Nos. I & II. No. 1 12}={ryyyykuymuay. cxd2d128 ade 1 ning No. 2 * 71-k. * ny. yn giAdz =qng dii 1 Soale: ond-hals. From Parim by Dr. A. Fukre.
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________________ MATHURA INSCRIPTIONS: Nos. III & IV. No.3 Hajke uYO 2 Soale: one-half. No. - left 'Se-swear. re/#reek fn Re e - - - viu4
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________________ MATHURA INSCRIPTIONS: Nos. V-VIII. No 5 Scale: 1-4th. No.6 Scale: 1-3rd. No 7 TULIZODYSSES ROYA Scale: 1-3rd. No 8 Scale: 1-3rd. From impressions by Dr A. Furrer
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________________ MATHURA INSCRIPTIONS: Nos. IX-XI. No. 9 182*XAR: AZALPENTAGYAPIVIDERE Seale: 1-4th. No.10 No. 11 Scale :1-4. VERY Wuk: UPS PUURAPS **** * * Bowle: one-half. From impressions by Dr. A. Fuhrer.
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________________ JAINA INSCRIPTIONS FROM MATHURA. 389 TRANSLATION. In the year 87 (P), in the first month of summer, on the twentieth () day,-at this moment (?)," of Mittra, pupil of the venerable Kumaranandi, of him of Uchchenagara" ..... No. XIV.M A. 1. for frem T welfa[1] greit 3. [] Tent - fart [w] [at] {]B. 1. ferfe[e] fact]* quarante Cuie[yfer][fuxit]" val[T][7] [] fufufa [ -] 2. zAmaye nirvtmaa| [sa] - pratimA varmaye dhIta [gullA]ye jayadAsasya kuTuMbiniye dAnaM TRANSLATION. Success! The pupil of the venerable Jeshta hasti (Jyeshthahastin) out of the Kottiya gana, the Brahmadasika kula, the Uchchenagari sakha and the - arina sambhoga (was) the venerable Mahala; the pupil of the venerable Jeshtahasti (Jyeshthahastin) (was) the venerable Gadhaka; at the request of his female pupil, the venerable Sama, (198 dedicated) an image of Usabha (Rishabha), the gift of Gulha, the daughter of Varma (and) the wife of Jayadasa. No. XV. - " va[et] gafat alfremiturit.... TRANSLATION. ...... On that (date, specified as) above, out of the Kottiya gana ..... No. XVI. L. 1. ........setaraft TATT* []eren" farge fearage w[fa]"[t]a? .......[ fa]e f[7]aai [u] * Regarding ye, see above, No. 1, note 73, p. 376. * Compare the TT AT ST, and see above, p. 369.. * Incised on the pedestal of a small seated Jina, 2 feet 8 inches by 1 foot 7 inubes; from the same place. * The stops are throughout expressed by horizontal strokes. The second syllable is much injured and its vowel pot certain. >> Possibly, but not probably yet. The last three syllables of the following word are uncertain, with the exception of ye. The consonant of the first ayllable and the vowel of the second are doubtful. >> The first syllable may also be read differently. Restore THT. 4 Incised on the broken bare, under the left knee of what has been a souted Jins; stone 1 foot 8 inches by 1 foot 3 inches; found at the same place. . This must be the remnant either of ftit or of fait. Incised on the pedestal of a small seated Jins; 2 feet 7 inches by 1 foot 6 inches; same locality. "A very indistinct letter, possibly F1, is visible at the beginning of the line. Hence I propose to restore catarat). The lost portion of the inscription no doubt stood on the other side of the pedestal. * The vowel of the first letter is doubtful, as the top of the sign is damaged. "The w-wtroke neems to be connected with the left-hand limb of ta. << The second sign is very doubtful; I suppose water is meant.
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________________ 390 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. TRANSLATION. ...... (an image] of the worshipful" Arhat Vadhamana, (the gift] of ....... the daughter of Kala, the sister() of Sinavishu (Vishnushena?); the request of ....... Sati ). No. XVII. L. 1. - AT TATTOO Thunft[@]*2 2. - ferita atce ufar [87fu]" 3. saha mAtA pitihi saha" 4. -" que TRANSLATION. Adoration to the Arhats ! A Torana has been erected by order of ..lahastini (Balahastint), a lay-pupil of the ascetics, together with her parents, together with her mother-in-law (and) her father-in-law." No. XVIII. . L. 1. fe [] ---- [f] x la carei q[af] 2. Wait The face [1]3. a fanget efterfurt ATYT [G] 4. talca 1972 alatt for fa[-] 5. yamAnAnaM teSaM putraki nandibalapra6. mukhehi dArakehi mAtApitRNaM papa7. Rae Hae talen[t fra-] 8. TOT[#] 740 [n] TRANSLATION. Success! In the year................, on the fifth day,-on that (date specified as) above, a stone slab was set up in the place sacred to the divine lord of snakes Dadhikarnna by the boys, chief among whom was Nandibala, the sons of the actors of Mathura, who are being praised as the Chandaka brothers. May (the merit of this gift) be by preference for their parents; may it be for the welfare and happiness of all beings! * Worshipful" is expressed by the pluralis majestatie aralasht duanh construed with the singular Vadhamdnasa. Incised on the upper portion of a sculptured Torapa, 9 feet 3 inches by 1 foot. WRead mamI paravAna. # The last letter is blarred. Read wfawfurt. Posibly more letters have been look at the ends of lines 1 and 2. Lives 4 and 6 stand between three figures of Torapas. - Possibly the reading is , i..., . MI..., Tui. The asociation of the parents and of the parents-in-law is probably intended to moure for them a share of the soriptaral merit. Compare the analogous phrases in the Kapberi inscriptions Nos. 14, 15, 16, 17 (Archaological Suro. Rop. W. Ind., vol. V, page 79ff.) and in other Buddhist documente. # Incised on a large sandstone slab, 8 feet 10 inches by 1 foot 4 inobre, found on the flour of a brick stops, 47 feet in diameter. to the east of the first Jaion temple, on the east of the Thia. Well preserved, with the exception of the loss of the date and of slight injuries at the right end of the lines, which, however, do not make any letter really doubtful. Not more than four signs have been lost; the tail only of ff is visible. After the half-preserved appear the lower portions of two numeral signs. * Stana, which stands for Bankrit athana, may also mean "temple." I tare faildlaka us an equivalent of the Banskrit faillin; we above, p. 881. a Regurding the meaning of agrapratyafatdye, i.e., agropratyanatdyo, se above, p. 841, note 31.
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________________ JAINA INSCRIPTIONS FROM MATHURA. 391 No. XIX. L. 1. [sitam]mahArAjasya rAjAtirAsya devapuvasya pAhikaNiSkasya" saM71 di 1.5 etasya pUrvAyAM paryodehikiyAto 2. gaNAto paryanAgabhutikiyAto kulAto gaNisya paryabuddhazirisya ziSyo vAcako bhayaMsa[ndhi] kasya bhagini paryajayA paryagoSTha --- TRANSLATION. Success! In the year 7 of the great king, supreme king of kings, the son of the gods, Shahi Kanishka, in the first (month of) winter, on the fifteenth day, on the (lunar day specified) above, the preacher Aryya[sandh]ika, the pupil of the gamin Aryya-Buddhasiri (Arya-Buddhasri) of the Aryyodehikiya (Arya-Uddehikiya) school (and) of the Aryya-Nagabhutikiya (Arya- Nagabhutikiya) line of teachers, his sister Aryya-Jaya (Arya-Jaya), Aryya-Goshtha . . . . No. XX. [si]I saM 20 ()[2] nira di 7 vardhamAnasya pratimA vAraNAto gaNAto petivAmi[ka] , TRANSLATION. Success! In the year 22 (2), in the second (month of) summer, on the seventh day,-a statue of Vardhamana, from the Varana gana, from the Petiva miksa kala] . . . . No. XXIG L.1. - dham sava 504 hemaMtamAse caturthe 4 divase 10 pa 2. sya purvAyAM kojhyiAto [ga]NAto sthAni[ya]Ato kulAto 3. vairAto zAkhAto bIraha]to" saMbhogAto vAcakasvArtha4. []stahastisya ziSyo gaNisya paryamAghahastistra bacaro" vAcakasya pa. 5. yaMdevasya nirvartane govasya sIhapuvasva lohikakArakasya dAnaM 6. sarvasatvAnAM hitasukhA ekasarakhato pratISThAvitA avatale rakAna[rtana] 7. me [] TRANSLATION. Success! In the year b4 (1), in the fourth, 4, month of winter, on the tenth day,on the (lunar day specified) as above, one (statue of) Sarasvati, the gift of the smith Gova, son of Siha, (made) at the instance of the preacher (vachaka) Aryya-Deva, the There inscriptions, Nos. xix-xxii, were discovered by Dr. Burger on first commencing the excavation at Kankali Tin. No. xix is from the base of a large seated Jins, 4 feet 4 inches by 3 feet 2 inches, found on the south-east of Kankalt Tha, February 1888. I do not reprint the notes given in the Wiener Zeitschrift. The notes now given contain additioual corrections. * The former transcript gave, by a lapsus calami, Kanishkarya, though the lingual na is very distinct. M On the base of a seated Jida, 3 feet 6 incbes by 2 foet 2 inches, found near the same place. The second line is lust. On the base of a sented image of Sarasvati, 1 font 10 inches by 1 foot 34 inches, found near the first temple on the south-east of the mound. # The former transcript gave the first figure as 80. On comparing the date of Mr. Growse's No. 5, which is given in words and figures, I think it more probable that the sign is intended for 50. & Formerly read Srigu.[4]to; but see abore, p. 372. Formerly read fraddhachari.
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________________ 392 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Sraddhacharo of the ganin Aryya Maghahasti, the pupil of the preacher Aryya. Hastahasti, from the Kottiya gana, the Sthaniya kula, the Vaira sakha and the Srigriha sambhogan-has been set up for the welfare of all beings. In the avatala my stage dancer(P). No. XXII. L. 1. [f]a teo X (1) for a fer po calft[a]mrit maurrent orfarement granit are crit Atari wa Y --- 2. fufufa WTA[UT]a fare da [t]?' The f[T] fu" --- TRANSLATION. Success! In the year 95 (?), in the second month of) summer, on the 18th day,at the request of Dhamatha (?), the female pupil of Aryya-Araha[dinna) from the Kottiya gana, from the Thaniya kula, from the Vaira sakha.... [the gift) of ... the daughter of Grahadata, the wife of Dhanahathi (Dhanahastin) ... No. XXIII." vAraNAto gaNAto paryakaniyasikAtI kulAto poda --- TRANSLATION. From the Varana gana, from the worshipful Kaniyasika kula, (from the) Od ... (6a kha)... No. XXIV." L. 1. [fa]** ATTUR areas. " pp ware gafat -- 2. fra ef[a] ne mora ----- TRANSLATION. (Hail !] In the year 80 of Mabaraja Vasudeva, ...... in the first month of the rainy season, on the twelfth day-on that (date specified as) above, the daughter of ... ......... the daughter-in-law of Samghanadhi ((r)), the ...... of Bala.......... No. XXV. 14EUR Raf ----" ---- CATE On the upper part of soulptured panel, 1 foot 10 inches by 1 foot 8 inches; the papel bas carved on it atdpa and four worshippers, one being a Nagn. From the south-east part of the mound. 70 The third letter is doubtfal. 71 Posibly mofo. Discovered by Dr. Fuhrer on January 30th, 1889, incised on a broken panel 1 foot 3 inches by 1 foot 6 inches. 11 On the base of a seated Jina (head lost), 4 fest 4 inches by 8 feet 8 inobes, found in the north-east of the mound near the first temple. 1 do not fool certain whether this seeming letter is not some kind of ornament. If it is a letter, it is probably monogram for furt. This might be rand Tu, but the lower stroke vems to belong to the letter in line 8, and in No. IX we have a before vRkSa # Inoised on the middle portion of the base of statue, 10 inobe by 19 inches, found near the fint temple. 17 Restore date and
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________________ MATHURA INSCRIPTIONS: Nos. XII-XVII. No. 12 Scale-one-half. No. 13 Sealerone-halt No. 14 Scale:1-3rd. No. 15 Seale: one-half. No. 16 Scale: 1-3rd. No. 17 Soale; one-half. From impressione by Dr. A. Fuhrer.
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________________ MATHURA INSCRIPTIONS: Nos. XVIII-XIX. No. 18 m k3 033-0 spp622A23 pr 2535 X2 Prz[i znak ze Scale: one-half. No.19 rab(Eye2+82A13byumaan-4535913C1t44 8sale:74th.
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________________ MATHURA INSCRIPTIONS: Nos. XX-XXVII. No. 20 mnb87uudhneexwxxxnpns cNeate:1 . No. 21 5 - .xxxnl g1&f3cfzzer nNnee 21 {738466 naa tuu m sNkhuu561,444 vdee lg : 35 tooN 45ai7 Seale:1-3rd. No. 22 : svee80; RICCOUNT Stat | sajna. No. 2 3 $cat/ o rd. No. 24 vkh'tm: 4 // deale:1-4th No. 26 No. 25 ludh18sunnn caieala: * Bocle: 1-3n. No. 27. 9% phaiia: 8414-4/f From impression by Dr. A. Fuhrer
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________________ MATHURA INSCRIPTIONS: Nos. XXVIII-XXXII. 0824-28+ kid17 prakw** No 28 AC1M+ t. 7044% A4 50le: T-Srs. No.29 n3489--2 (`ng 513) 2324 2 0 2 21 22 E 1X3ate (4& n 25:4X4 khn Soale: one-haly. No.30 21 In maa2-344444442 [ mn43644 UILE They echX aechrsnaa No. 31 Seale:30th - - - - - No.32 nm aecch, Yu A?st From umpression by Dr. A. Fuhrer
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________________ JAINA INSCRIPTIONS FROM MATHURA. 393 TRANSLATION. ........ In the first month of the rainy season, on the thirtieth day, at that time (or, on that festival)...... No. XXVI. dAsamma pucI cIritA datti: [0] TRANSLATION. Chiri, the son of Dasa; his gift. No. XXVII. L. 1. (AfOTAT) TATT[] ufarurfuerpo 2. [--- Siforment - ----- Trial)" -- TRANSLATION. An image of Vadhamana (Vardhamana) has been set up ......... out of the Thaniya (Sthaniya) .......... XLIV.-FURTHER JAINA INSCRIPTIONS FROM MATHURA. BY G. BUHLER, PH.D., LL.D., C.I.E. Impressions of the following seven inscriptions were forwarded by Dr. A. Fuhrer. The first three among them are Sir A. Cunningham's Nos. 6, 7 and 10, in the collection of the third volume of his Archeological Survey Reports, while the remaining four were found by Dr. Burgess and by Dr. Fuhrer during the excavations undertaken at the Kankalt Ma in 1888 and in January and February 1890. The re-edition of Sir A. Cunningham's inscriptions yields at least the confirmation of a number of conjectural emendations which I proposed in the Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde d. Morgenlandes, vol. I, p. 170ff., and permits us to make some corrections. Among the latter, the most important is the removal of the reading bhattito in No. IB, 1.1, to which Sir A. Cunningham's facsimile pointed, and the substitution of ..gato, .e. sambhogdto, which all the other inscriptions offer after Sirikdto. The new inscriptions confirm the readings of the names Varanagana (No. XXX), Arya-Battiyakula and Vajandgart bokhd (No. XXXIV) and of a number of names of ascetics and laymen, found in the preceding series. With respect to the Sirika sambhoga it deserves to be noted that No. XXXIV offers the varia lectio- Aryya-Sirikiya, and thus makes it probable that its name means "founded by the Arya-Srl" or the venerable Srl, which latter seems to be an abbreviation of a longer name, made bhimavat. In addition to these interesting contributions to the bistory of the Jaina sect, some valuable historical information may be extracted from No. XXXIII, which records a gift * Inciood on the base of a small standing Jina, 8 inches by 10 inchen, found near the first temple. * Incised on the base of seated Jins, 8 feet 4 inches by 1 foot 7 inches, found near the first temple. The third syllable in doubtful. * Only the upper portions of the letters of line 8 bave been preserved, and they are, with the exception of a', all very indistinct and mostly doubtful. SC
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________________ 394 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. by Kobikt Si[va]mitra, (the wife] of Gotiputra, a black serpent for the Pothayas and Sakas. Both Gotiputra and Kosikt Sivamitra were of noble or royal descent. That is indicated by their family names. Kosiki, in Sanskrit Kausiki, means she of the race of Kusika. Kausiks is the nomen gentile of Visva mitra and of his descendants, the Viavamitras, who form one of the ancient Vedic gotras. Numerous instances in the northern and southern inscriptions show that the queens and princesses were frequently called by the Vedio gotra-names, such as the Gautami, the Vatsi, the V Asishthi, the Gargi, eto. And the explanation is no doubt that these gotras originally were those of the Purohitas of the royal or noble families, from which the queens were descended, and that the kings were affiliated to them for religious reasons, as the Srautasutras indicate. It seems, therefore, impossible to explain the epithet Kosiki otherwise than by the assumption that Siva mitra was descended from a royal race, which had been affili. ated to the Kausikas. With respect to Gotiputra, in Sanskrit Gauptiputra, it may be pointed out that this name, which means the son of her of the Gaupta race, is borne by the second king of Sir A. Cunningham's inscription on the Torana of the Bharhut Stupa, where we read' Gotipulrasa Agarajusa putena, in Sanskrit Gaupliputrasya Angdra. dyutah putrena. Though I am not prepared to identify the two Gotiputras, it is evident that the name was borne at least by one royal or princely personage. The epithet of our Gotiputra, a black serpent for the Pothayas and Sakas,' points also to his belonging to the warrior tribe. For, according to the analogy of other well-known epithets, such as vairimattebhasimha, it can only mean that he fought with the Pothayas and Sakas and proved to them as destructive as the black cobra is to mankind in general. The Sakas are sufficiently well known. The Pothayas are the Proshthas, whom the Mahabharata, VI, 9, 61, and the Vishnupurdna (ed. Hall), vol. II, p. 179, name among the southern nations. In the latter passage they appear together with the Sakas and the Kokarakas. As both works include in their enumeration of the southern nations the Trigartas, who are known to be inhabitants of Northern India, the accuracy of their statements with respect to the seats of the Sakas and Proshthas may be doubted. But it remains interesting that the two names are placed closely together in the Vishnupurana, and this juxtaposition is, as our inscription shows, not without foundation. The wars, to which it alludes, may have occurred either before the Skythians conquered Mathura, i.e. before the time of Kanishka, or when their domination had passed away. The letters of the inscriptions, which are particularly old-fashioned and may belong to the first century B. C., speak in favour of the first alternative. If the inscription was incised before the Skythian conquest, it also furnishes valuable testimony for the antiquity of the Jaina temple in which it was found. In the epithet Tevanika of the donor Namdighosha, mentioned in No. XXXV, we bave probably a derivative from the name of a nation or country called Trivarna or Traivarna. I conclude this from the fact that one of the queens in the old Pabhos& inscriptions is called Tevani, the Traivarna' (prince88). The new inscriptions finally furnish confirmation of some of the curious words and constructions noticed ante, pp. 373f. In No. XXXI, we have again the abnormal expression Bee Indian Antiquary, vol. XIV, p. 138f. Angdradyut meus shining like the planet Mars,' i.e. being us harmful for his enemies in the baleful ligbt of dagdraka. Pohaga corresponde literally with Preshthaka or Proshthiya
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________________ JAINA INSCRIPTIONS FROM MATHURA. 395 kahure, which I take to be an equivalent of kshane. In some others, e.g. No. XXX, we find another indisputable instance of the use of the nominative in conjunction with genitives. No. XXVIII: A. L. 1. for [RO]' VAT - po r nit runt [g]fremt gant afrit wordt thirikAto B. L. 1. -- Train e walapfere for at fiftere ------- Afat 2. saba kuTubipiye SayavAsana devadAsakha nAgadinakha ca nAgadinaya ca mAtu O. L. 1. affe 2. []a erat 110 8. RATTA4. f TRANSLATION. Success! The year 20, summer month 1, day 15,--at the request of the preacher (odchaka) Aryya-Sanghasiha (Arya-Sanghasitha) out of the Kottiya school.(gana), the Thaniya family (kula), the Veri (Vajrt) branch (bakha) and the Sirika sambhoga, an image of Vardhamana, the gift of the female lay-hearer (erdvikd) Dina (Dinna), the... of Datila ..., the housewife of Matila, the mother of Jayavala (Jayapala), Devadasa, and Nagadina (Nagadatta) and Nagadina (Nagadatta). No. XXIX." L. 1. fex erat po pfofe -- yarrei a v ealfafera fx --- 2. satavAhiniye"dharmasomAya dAna / namo pararatAna TRANSLATION. Success! The year 22, summer (month) 1, day ..-on the date specified as) above, at the request of the preacher Aryya-Matridina (Arya-Matridatta), the gift of Dharmmasoma, the wife of a caravan-leader." Adoration to the Arhats ! This is Bir A. Cunningham's No. 6, Aronological Surroy Reporte, vol. III, pl. xlii. It is on a base, monsuring 1 foot & inoben by 11 inches, which has bornes standing Jina (destroyed). Dr. Pihrer's impression some to show that the inscription has suffered in the beginning, since Bir A. Cunningham's fac-simile ww prepared. According to Sir A. Cunningham's faecimile, the data is clearly . The figure is not distinct on the impression. * The vowel-strokes of this and the preceding words are mostly indistinct. 7 The vowel of the first ayllable is distinct on the reverse; the second is indistinct. * Restore art; portion of oft in faintly visible. * Read nirvagA. # The two stops are expressed by two dota. 1 Probably the daughter of Datila (1.6. Dattila) and the daughter-in-law of . . . 'is to be rootorid. This is Sir A. Canningham's No. 7, Arolaological Survey Reporte, vol. III, pl. aiil. It is from the base of sented Jida (partly gone), and Dr. Fahrer places the second line sa first. I arrange them according to their naturl order. Bir A. Cunningham's fac-simile sloo gives L sw the first. If this is correct, the inscription begins from below, like the Pallava pillar inscription, deciphered by Dr. Hultaach. # Restore foran. * Regarding the substitution of for u s ante, p. 876. With the feminino visvait compare the similar tarefa "Mrs. General, fiverfront wife of manag of Vibars,' and so forth. ,
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________________ 396 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. No. XXX. L. 1. sa 4.72 di 2. etasya purvayaM varaNe gaye petivamike kula vAcakasya mohanadisya" zisasya senasya nivatanA savakasya 2. yaa ya fare -- [gfefafat]" --- [gv]'ofer [] [HTC) --- TRANSLATION. The year 47, summer (month) 2, day 20,--on that (date specified as) above, at the request of Sena, a teacher in the Varana (Varara) school and the Petivamika (PraitiDarmika) family, and a pupil of Ohanadi (Ohanandin), (the gift] of ......, the daughter-in-law of the lay-hearer Pusha (Pushya), the housewife of Giba . . , the mother of Pushadina (Pushyadatta). No. XXXI. 4.1. ------llye ------ 2. wrivarcera fufafar ----------- B. 1. ------------ --[9] T --- WT[27] No. XXXIII. L. 1. [w]A art marta offergare down 2. alter96 3. ---*afarena fufuatges renuet of- -- TRANSLATION. Adoration to the Arhat Vardhamana! A tablet of homage was set up by Sivamitra (of) the Kausika (family), [wife] of Gotiputra (Gauptiputra), a black serpent for the Pothayas and Sakas. gir A. Cunningham's Archaologioal Survey Roports, vol. III, pl. xiv, No. 10. It is on the base of Jin (figure loat): stone 1' 10" by 9". There are other two small pieces not given here. The inscription does not mark the long vowels. Most of the e and i-strokes are only faintly visible. 17 Pomibly fufeu, Sir A. Cunningham rondo, 15 The first vowel is conjectural. 1. Only the upper part of the two letters bave been preserved, and the following vowel is conjectural. * On the base of a standing Jins, of which only the feet are left; 1' by 9' 7". Or U. # Possibly u. The whole gain from this fragment is another instance of the use of the curious form koute for bahane (nee ante, PAGE 379) and of two namen, that of an ascetio Arya-Sutara or Arya-Akara, and of a female dame Ariya-Ndgadalta. After the platen had been printed off, Dr. Fuhrer pointed ont that No. XXXII is only a depliante of No. IXB, ante, p. 387. No. XXXIII in on a flat slab with surface carving, I'7" by 8 t. excavated by Dr. Burgess in 1887. >> Restore wata. Read zivamivAya. # Restore afferit. Audga cours in the Ramdyana, I, 99, 19 (Bo. ed.), and is explained by the commentator a yajanfyadevatd, a deity to be worshipped, 1.6. an object of homage. The Petersburg Dict. I. v. explains it by 'a present obtained by a sacrifoe,' quoting the corresponding pronage of Boblogel's edition. In the Ramdyana either explanation will suit, but bere only the atymological one. Tbere may, of course, be a particular technical meaning, which for the present is not to be got at. * Kdardla in certainly the Prakrit form of the Sanskrit kdlavydla or more correctly kdladydla, the ancient form. which is found in inscriptions and survives in Southern M88.
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________________ MATHURA INSCRIPTIONS: Nos. XXXIII-XXXV. No. 33 gujad X14 *747 Youn UOI flaw J.B.fecit Sonde: 1-3rd. No. 34 No.34 Yael Ydinac Soala: one-half No. 35 puisto Kirove ukor Scale: 3-1Othe. FIRST PLATE OF A PALLAVA COPPER-PLATE GRANT. TEY0317 E Hultach. PA Dury. Scale: 3-4ths of original.
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________________ PALLAVA COPPER-PLATE GRANT. 397 No. XXXIV. L. 1. [fa] THT --- qara verife[@]" 2. for CRT wefuf fad that -- TRANSLATION. Success! Adoration to the Arhats! [Adoration to the Siddhas)! [At the request of ....) in the Varana school, Aya-Hattiya Arya-Haliya) family, the Vajanagari (Varjanagart) branch, the Arya-Sirikiya sambhoga ..... No. XXXV. L. 1. [@] - ferme gata fetaa [@]aforma - 2. vai nepe (NT]114ct ofarufua[1] ---- -7-9 -- TRANSLATION. By Nandighosha, the Tevanika" (Traivarnika), son of Te..rusa(P)-Nandika, tablets of homage" were set up in the bhandira of the ..... XLV.-A PLATE OF A PALLAVA COPPER-PLATE GRANT. BY E. HULTZOH, PH. D. This fragment was found lying in a tobacco field at the village of Darbi' in the Nellur district of the Madras Presidency and is now in the Madras Museum. It consists of the beginning of a Sanskrit inscription engraved on one side of a copper-plate, which measures 87 by 24 inches. The remaining plates of the grant have not been found. On the left of the inscribed side of the preserved plate is a hole for the lost ring, which must have borne the royal seal. The name of the king, who issued the grant, is lost; but the plate contains the name of bis great-grandfather, Sri-Vira-Korchavarman,' whose laudatory epithets agree literally with those attributed to the Pallava kings kandavarman I. and Skandavarman II., respectively, in two published copperplate grents. The plate ends with the first syllables of a compound with which, in the On the base of a seated Jins, of which the head is lost, the stone measuring 8 t, by 1", found west of the second temple. - Bestore namI sivAna. * Possibly fast. * Restore * On the border of carved square papel, 7 10" by 9'8", found on the west of the Tria at the second temple. One is tempted to rond wat 'in the temple. But the first consonant seems plain. * See above, p. 894 See the remarks on No. XXXIII, note 28, above. Mr. Bowell's List of Antiquities, vol. I, p. 186. * The correot Sapskrit form of this name, Vira-Karchavarman, cours in Pallava copper-plate grant at Kadakadi near Karaikkal (Karikal), extraote from which were recently pablished at Paris by Professor Vinson. I am endeavouring to obtain a loan of the origival of this important inscription, which appear to establish the connection between the earlier and the later Pallavas. Indian Antiquary, vol. V, p. 61 ; and rol. VIII, p. 168.
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________________ 398 same two grants, the description of the next king opens. This close agreement and the archaic alphabet of the fragment leave no doubt, that it belongs to one of those ancient Pallava kings, whose grants are dated from Palakkada, Dasanapura," and Kanchipura. This view is further confirmed by the first line of the plate, according to which the king's order was dated from the prosperous and victorious residence of Dasanapura.' EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. TEXT. 2. ramabrahmaNyasya I. 1. svasti jitambhagavatA [ // *] zrImaddijayadamanapurAdhiSTAnAtpa-' en cenforifoia quife3. dhervvidhivihitasavrvvamarthyAdasya fefafernenfrater 4. mI mahArAjasya zrIvIrako caMvacaH prapoca [] TRANSLATION. Hail! Victorious is Bhagavat! From the prosperous and victorious residence of Dasanapura. The great-grandson of the maharaja Sri-Vira-Korchavarman, who was very pious, who acquired by the power of his arm a mighty treasure of such penance as becomes the warrior-caste, who ordained all laws according to the sacred scriptures, who was constant in virtue, and whose mind was immeasurable. . . No. XLVI.-KRISHNAPURA INSCRIPTION OF KRISHNARAYA, DATED SAKA 1451. BY E. HULTZSCH, PH. D. The original of this inscription is engraved on the south and north faces of a rough stone tablet, which is set up in front of the Ugranarasimhas vamin temple' at Krishnapura, a deserted village at the western extremity of the ruins of Vijayanagara. A very inaccurate abstract of the inscription was published in 1836 by Mr. Ravenshaw. The subjoined transcript is prepared from an estampage made in 1889. The inscription is in the old Kanarese character. About two thirds are in Kanarese prose, and the remainder (lines 33 to 46) is in Sanskrit verse. The Kanarese portion (lines 1 to 33) records, that Vira-Krishnaraya-maharaya gave two villages to the image of Lakshmi-Narasimhadeva, which he had caused to be consecrated in the village of Krishnapura by Arya Krishna Bhatta, who appears to have been his domestic priest. The date of the grant is :-"Friday, the 15th of the Ibid. vol. V. p. 58. Dr. Purnell's identification of Palakkada with the modern Pulicat (South-Indian Paleography. second edition, p. 38) is untenable, as the latter name is an Anglo-Indian corruption of Palaverkadu, the old forest of vel trees.' Ibid. vol. V, p. 154. Ibid. vol. VIII, p. 169. 7 Read T * Rend abhyarthi 1 No. 26 on the Madras Survey Map of Hampe. The colossal image of Narasimha in this temple has baffled the attempts of the Musalman iconoclasts and is perhaps the most remarkable of the relics of Vijayanagara. Asiatic Researches, vol. XX, p. 29.
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________________ KRISHNAPURA INSCRIPTION OF KRISHNARAYA. 399 bright half of Vaisakha of Salivahana-Saka 1451 [expired], the Virodhi-samvatsara" (lines 1 to 3); and again: -"the time of an eclipse of the moon on Friday, the 15th of the bright half of Vaibakha in the Virodhi-samvatsara" (lines 22 and 23). Mr. Fleet informs me that the eclipse referred to occurred on Friday, the 23rd April, A.D. 1529. As stated ante, page 362, note 6, this is the latest known date of Ksishoar&ya. The two villages granted were Vangantru in Henne-nadu, a division of Gutti-sime, and Belachinte in the sime of Uruvakonde. The two simes are evidently named after Gutti (Gooty) and Vura vakonda in the Gooty talluqa of the Anantapur district. The fort of Gooty (Gutti-durga) bears on its summit three rock-inscriptions of the Western Chalukya king Vikramaditya VI. and one of king Bukka [of Vijayanagara]." As Kanarese h corresponds to p in the other Dravidian languages, the term Henne-nadu may be derived from Penna (Vada-Pennai in Tamil), the Telugu name of the river " Pennar," which appears in "Benner," Pennakonda, and other local names. The Sanskrit portion consists of three imprecatory verses and of a verse in the Sragdhara metre, which records that Ktishnaraya, the son of king Narasa, caused the image to be consecrated at Krishn& puri by Arya Krishna in the year preceding the grant. The date of the consecration was the day of Uttara-Phalgunt, Thursday, the lunar day of Madana, in the bright half of Chaitra of Saka 1450 [expired], the cyclic year Sarvadharin, i.e. 1528-29 A.D. To the kindness of Mr. Fleet I am indebted for the following calculation of this date. "The European equivalent is Thursday, the 2nd April, A. D. 1528. On this day the moon was in Uttara-Phalguni at sunrise and up to 13 hours 8 minutes after mean sunrise. The expression Madana-tithi may apparently denote either the twelfth, the thirteenth, or the fourteenth tithi of the bright fortnight of Chaitra? Here it denotes the thirteenth tithi. For, that tithi ended and the fourteenth commenced at 18 hours 40 minutes on the Thursday; and the nakshatra, having ended 5 hours 32 minutes before then, can be oonnected only with the thirteenth tithi." TEXT. A.-South face. 1. svasti zrIjayAbhyudayazAlivAhanazakavaruSaMga2. ku. 1451neya virodhisaMvatsarada vaizAkha zu3. da 15 dalU bImabahArAjAdhirAjarA4. japaramezvara parirAyavibhALa murAyara" 5. gaMDa saMgItasAhityasamarAMgaNasArva6. bhauma zrovIrapratApa zrIvIrakruSNarAyama-" 7. nArAyapha pAryakruSNabhAra kaiyantu kruSNApura 8. daza prati[]ya mADizida" zrIlamInarasiMhadevara [According to Oppolzer's Cunon, this eelipae occurred See Bohtlingk and Roth's Sanskrit-Worterbuch, ... at 16 hours 18 minutes (universal time), that is at 8 hours 24 W , vient, and W IE minutes P.M. of 23rd April 1529, at Hampe, and was a large * Rend v. partial one.-J. B.] .I... UCT * Mr. Bewell's Lists of Antiquities, vol. I, p. 116. * Hultzech's South Indian Inscriptions, vol. I, p. 167. 10 Bend Teatre. See ante, p. 362. Rend for throughout the inscription. 1 Read wasu hiffers.
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________________ 400 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 9. anutapani" samarpimida" []ttisImayogaba hai10. manAiyokagara vaMganara pAma 1 uThAvakoM11. ya sImayoLagada sacitegrAma 1 ubhayaM 12. pAmarakha pAtithida" dharmazAsanada kramaveM18. taMdara [ ] nAu vijayanAgarada" siMhAsana14. daDU khirarAjyaM gaiyiuti" kuSNApura16. da pAryakrulabhAra keya pratiSThe18. ya mADizi citazida bImasakalabhuvanA17. dhIvara pakhikAMDakoTibaMdhAMDanA18. yakarAda zrIrAmonarasihadevara" vedha. 19. ke gutti]sImayILagaNa ninADa poLagaNa 20. vaMganUra pAma 18 SesvIDiya 21. sIme poLagaNa basaciMteya pAma 18 22. virodhisaMvarada vaidhAsa / 15 zada28. somapAhaNapuMsakAladalU 24. sahirakhodakadAnadhArApUrvakavA25. gidhArayanedu bhivAcA samarpiside28. vAdakAra [ pAma 2kamanuva" ca27. tAsI]mayoga nidhinikSepanalapASA B.-North face. 28. pariSIpAgAmisiSvasAdhaMgaLeba pATabhI99. gateba:"]sAmyaso tyatti sakasabakrisahitavAgi muMka80. suvarnAdAyataLavAvasahitavAda sakalakhA81. myagaLU sarvamAndhavAgi pAcaMdrAkakhAra82. yAgi bhivAcA dhArayanedu samarpisida 88. pAmagaka dharmamAsana / khadattApiguNa" puM84. paradattAnupAlana [*] paradattApahAraNa 86. badattaM niyAlaM bhave[ka] [sAmAnyoyaM dharma-- "Rand mUvI * Bee page 399, notes. " Read samarpiSida. - Read sImA "Rasd pApiSida. I... samarpisidacha / pAdakAraNa. Road y. * Read t. W Rnd bhagaraha. WIL. erara. "Bend yuti * Bend sAva. *Rand mAriti sisida. Rand fsa. * Bead . * Rad'sAyi. Radparati # Rand sadatvAzigavaM. -I.pI. ** Read v
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________________ KRISHNAPURA INSCRIPTION OP KRISHNARAYA. 401 86. ergrierat a ante vertet afa[:] [*] 49f87. Marufura: ufatta ut ut ur88. Hd wat ucut att 89. For a t I fedestalfo fast40. ot ara fafa: # # [w*] 41. ara " :) fac:) gforcfa ut 42. saMmite sarvadArisabe cAsyamAse 48. ferhenfardt ontaarn (t)44. get tunit" targuerita745. rayatnuparAyaH avArye - 46. wiefaramare: afda sfare[t 11 TRANSLATION. 4.-Kanarese portion. (L. 1.) Hail! The following are the contents of the religious edict (dharmasasana), by which the illustrious maharajadhiraja and rajaparamedvara, the conqueror of hostile kings, the destroyer of the three kings (of the South), he who was unrivalled on the battle-field (as well as) in music and rhetoric, the illustrious Viraprata pa, the illustrious Vira-Krishnaraya-maharaya, protected the two villages, (vis.) 1 village (called) Vangandru, which belonged to Henne-nadu, a division of Gutti-sime, (and) 1 village (called) Belachinte, which belonged to the slme of Uruvakonde, which (tro villages) he gave, on Friday, the 15th of the bright half of the month) of Vaisakha in the Virddhi-samvatsara, which was the 1451st year of the illustrious, victorious and prosperous Salivahana-Saka, for (providing) the daily oblations (ampitapadi) to (the image of the blessed Lakshmi Narasimhadeva, the consecration (pratishtha) of which he (viz. king Krishnaraya) had caused to be performed by Arya Krishna Bhatta at Ksish n&pur& : (L. 13.) " While we were firmly reigning on the throne of Vijayanagara, we gave, -at the auspicious time of an eclipse of the moon (smagrahana), on Friday, the 15th of the bright half of the month) of Vaisakha in the Virodhi-samvatsara, having given away gold and poured out water, with threefold repetition of the words ("Not Mine !")" and with a libation, for (providing) oblations (naivedya) to (the image of) the glorious lord of the whole world, the chief of the universe with its crores of minor worlds, the blessed Lakshmi-Narasim hadeva, the consecration of which we had graciously caused to be performed by Arya Krishna Bhatta at Ksishaapura,-1 village (called) Vanganaru, which belonged to Henne-nadu, a division of Gutti-sime, (and) 1 village (called) Belachinte, which belonged to the sime of Uruvakonde. Therefore we issued this) * Read fe ro. - Read amAyeca. M Rand sA . -Rend pratiSThAna Road shufrowe H. Krishna Smatrt, my Kanars istant, informa - Read banasI. me that it is still customary to utter the two Banskrit words * Read Oppo in making a gift. SD
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________________ 402 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. religious edict (which refers) to the villages, which (we) gave as rent-free (sarvamanya), with threefold repetition of the words ("Not Mine !") and with a libation, to last as long as the moon and the sun, endowed with all the taxes (bali), all the produce (utpatti) and the right of the power over the eight kinds of possession," viz. buried treasures, deposits, water, stones, the akshini, future additions (? agamin), actuals (? siddha) and outstandings (? sadhya), which obtain within the four proper boundaries of these 2 villages, and (with) all rights (svamya), as tolls (sunka), the land-rent in money (suparnadaya) and the village-watchman's quit-rent." B.-Sanskrit portion. (L. 33.) "The preservation of the gift of another is twice as meritorious as one's own gift; by the confiscation of the gift of another, one's own gift will become fruitless." (L. 35.) "Ramachandra again and again implores all future lords of this earth: This bridge of merit, which is common to (all) men, must be preserved by each of you in his time.'". (L. 38.) "He who shall confiscate land given by himself or given by another, is born as a worm in ordure for sixty thousand years." (L. 41.) In the Saka (year) measured by fourteen and a half hundreds (s.e. 1450) (which was) the (cyclic) year Sarvadharin, on Thursday, the lunar day of Madana in the bright half of the month called Chaitra, under the Aryamarksha," Ksishnaraya, the renowned son of king Narapa, caused to be performed by Arya Koishna, who had placed himself under his Protection, the consecration of the image) of Lakshmi and Nara hari (s.e. Narasimha) at Koishna purt. << On asfabhoga-tjab-rodmya see Ind. Ant. vol. XIX, p. 244, and Mr. Rice's Myrore Inscriptions, p. 3, note I. a The term talavdrike is derived from talavdra or taldri (Tamil talaiydri), 'village-watchman. Compare Ind. Ant. vol. XII, p. 186, note 88; Mr. Rice's Myron Inscriptions, p. 320, noto ; Hultasch's South Indian Inscriptions, vol. I, p. 108, note 6, and vol. II, p. 119, Dote 4. * I. e. the Uttara-Phalgunl-nakshatra
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES. 403 THE COMPUTATION OF HINDU DATES IN INSCRIPTIONS, &o. BY PROFESSOR HERMANN JACOBI, PR. D., Bonn. Introductory. If we compute the moment of expiry of a tithi by the elements of two or more Siddhantas,' the results may differ by an hour or even more. This difference will affect the calculated date only where the end of the tithi falls near the beginning or end of a day. But in such cases even a small difference may carry the end of the tithi to the preceding or following day, and thereby change the date by a whole day. For these cases, then, it is desirable to be able to compute the tithi according to more than one Siddhanta. Besides, the moment of the Sankranti, or the true beginning of the solar month. varies with the different authorities, and this difference may affect the name of the lunar month according as the new-moon falls before or after the beginning of the solar month ;' and hence the necessity of tables for all available Siddhdntas. 2. The following tables are based, as far as possible, on the Hindu solar year. This arrangement recommends itself by facilitating the finding of the lunar month, and by abridging the calculation of the tithi. 3. A close study of the subject proves that the several Siddhdntas furnish the elements on which a date depends nearly correct i.e. compared with the results of modern science) for the time of their composition. Some Siddhantas yield tolerably correct results for a long period extending over several centuries, while others diverge sooner from the truth. Now of course it is always uncertain which Siddhanta was followed by the unknown almanao-maker who furnished the date recorded in any historical document; but it may be presumed that he used the karana most in vogue, i,e. one which was not very old, and which therefore yielded correct results for the time being. These considerations have induced me to construct a General Table in which the value of the quantities necessary for the calculation of dates, vis. the relative position of sun and moon, and the moon's anomaly, are set down in accordance with modern science. 4. The General Table is to be first used; and only when by that table the end of the tithi falls very near the beginning of the day, and the week-day comes out in error by one day only, need the Special Tables for the several Siddhantas be tried to see it one of them will furnish the desired result. 1 The tables published by me in the Indian Antiquary, vol. XVII, pp. 147-181, are based on the Sirys SiddAdata As now current. They yield therefore the end of lithi, the principal item of Hindu date, in cordance with that Siddhanta only. My previous tables give the beginning of the solar month according to the Arya Sildidnta only, the procent furnish the same also according to the other Siddhdntar Available to me. 8 D2
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________________ 404 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Hindu Chronology. 3. The difficulties which beset the verifying of Hindu dates are of two kinds : one, caused by the strictly astronomical basis of the calendar, will be as far as possible removed by the present tables. The other is due to the intricacy of the calendar system, which is further enhanced by the variety of usages adopted in different parts of India as regards some of the elements. It may therefore be convenient to preface these tables by a short description of the principles of Hindu chronology. The Solar and Lunar Calendars. 6. The solar year is the same all over India. It commences with the instant of the sun's entrance (Sankranti) into the Hindu sign of Mesha-Aries, which is, at the same time, the beginning of the solar month Vaisakha. The beginnings of the other solar months are similarly determined by the entrance of the sun into the different zodiacal signs (see Table III). The moment of the entrance (Sankranti) however is not the same if calculated according to different authorities, but this calculation is reduced to a very easy process by the tables. The solar years are recorded in the era of the Kaliyuga. the years of which are converted into those of the Christian era by subtracting 3101 from the number of complete years elapsed since the beginning of the Kaliyuga; and, vice versd, the corresponding complete, or expired, year of the Kaliyugs is found by adding 3101 to the Christian year.! 7. The items of the solar calendar most frequently recorded in documents are the Samkrantis, which, as stated above, are identical with the true commencements of the several solar months; and of which the Makara-Samkranti is also called Uttaravana-Samkranti, because with it the sun enters upon his northern course, and the Karkata-8 amkranti is called the Dakshinayana-Samkranti, because with it the sun enters upon his southern course. Otherwise the solar calendar is seldom used by itself ; a knowledge of it bowever cannot be dispensed with, as the solar year is the scale by which the lunar calendar is regulated. 8. A lunar month corresponds to one lupation. It is reckoned either from new. moon to new-moon, or from full-moon to full-moon. The first scheme is called the amanta, darsanta, or southern scheme; the latter the purnimanta or northern scheme. 9. Each month consists of two pakshas, usually translated by 'fortnight'. The bright fortnight (Sukla, buddha or sita paksha, or tudi, sudi, futi) is the period of the waxing moon; the dark fortnight (krishna, bahula or asita paksha, or badi, vadi, vati) that of the waning moon. As indicated above, the bright fortnight in the amanta or southern scheme is the first paksha of the month; in the purnimanta or northern scheme, it is the last. But in either case it denotes the same space of time. It is different with the dark fortnight; for the dark fortnight of an amanta month corresponds to that of the following month in the purnimanta scheme, e.g. the dark fort It should however be kept in mind that the Christian year does not quite correspond to the year of the Kaliyuga. For, roughly speaking, the three first months of the corresponding Christian year belong to the preceding year Kaliyuga; and the same months of the following Christian year form the end of the given year of the Kaliyuga. Compare however $ 89, on the tropical Sankrantis. Though tte pirnimanta or northern scheme ie decidedly the older of the two, yet for practical reasons the lunar tables are primarily intended for the amanta scheme.
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES. 405 night of Chaitra in the amanta scheme is the dark fortnight of Vaisakha in the purnimanta scheme,' and vice versa. 10. The name of the lunar month is now invariably determined by the new-moon forming the true beginning of its bright fortnight. For the lunar month takes the name of the solar month in which that new-moon occurs, e.g. the new-moon in the solar month of Chaitra always inaugurates the bright fortnight of the lunar month Chaitra. If two new-moons occur within one solar month, there will be two lunar months of the same name: the proper one (nija) and the intercalated one (adhika).? In the south the intercalated month precedes the proper one; in the north it is inserted between the two pakshas of the proper month. Usually, however, the two homonymous pakshas are marked prathama and doitiya. If no new-moon occurs in a solar month, there will of course be no lunar month of that name, and that month is considered expunged (kshaya).8 11. Each paksha is divided into fifteen tithis. A tithi is the time required by the moon to increase its distance westward from the sun by twelve degrees of the zodiac. As the true motions of the sun and the moon vary with their position in their orbits, the length of a tithi is variable; but the General Tables enable us to determine the limits of any tithi within about one ghagika (24 minutey) of the truth, and the Special Tables to within about a pula (24 seconds). 12. The tithis are named or numbered by the Sanskrit ordinals-prathama, dvitiya, &c., un to panchadas, but the 15th tithi of the bright half is also called the full-moon tithi-paurnamasl, and the 15th tithi of the dark half, the new-moon tithi-amadasi or amavasya ;' and the first tithi of either half bears the name pratipad or pratipada. The instants of new and full-moon are the terminal points of the dark and bright fortnights. In civil reckoning, the tithis are coupled with the civil days in such a way that the civil day (from true sunrise to sunrise) takes the name, i.e. number of that tithi which ends in it; e.g. Magha-buddha-panchamyam (usually abbreviated Magha-sudi 5) means the day on which ends the 5th tithi of the bright fortnight of Magha. 13. It sometimes happens (on an average once in 6311 tithis) that two tithis end in one civil day; in that case the tithi which falls within the civil day is considered as expunged (kahaya), and the day is named (or numbered) after the first tithi ending in it, the name (or number) of the second being omitted in the numbering of the civil days; e.g. if tithi 5 and 6 end in one day, that day is called the 5th, and the following day the 7th. On the contrary, if a tithi begins on one day, runs over the following, and ends on the next again, the day on which no tithi ends takes the same number as the preceding day, which is thus repeated (adhika or dvitiya); e.g. if the 4th tithi ends on one day, and the 6th on the day next but one, the three days are numbered respectively 4, adhika or dvitiya 4, and 6. * It is evident that generally only part of the lunar month falls in the eponymous solar month; in the amanta scheme the last part of the lunar month extends into the next solar month; in the parnimanta scheme either the beginning of the lunar month falls in the preceding solar month, or the end of the lunar month in the following solar month. 7 According to & verse quoted from Brabmagupta, ludar month which begins and ends in the same solar month receives the name of the preceding solar month. This custom however has long since gone out of use. See Fleet's Corp. Inscr. Ind. vol. III, p. 88, note 6. * According to Warren (Kalasankalita), its name is compounded with that of the following month. . For full-moon and new moon form the end of the bright and dark fortnights respectively.
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________________ 406 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 14. In connexion with civil reckoning it may be remarked here that the Hindus have adopted the planetary week current in Europe since about the 2nd century A.D. The Indian week-days are named in the same order as ours, Ravivara, Somavara, Mangala or Bhaumavdra, Budhavara, Guruvara, Sukratara, Sanivdra, being our Sunday, Monday, &o. In documents, the week-day is frequently noted together with the lunar date, which enables us to verify the latter. The mean civil day is divided into 60 ghatikas, of 60 palas each. The ghatika is therefore = 24 minutes, and the pala = 24 seconds. 16. Astronomers begin the lunar year with the new-moon in Chaitra ; and this reckoning also prevails in Northern India. It will be remarked that the beginning of the lunar year thus falls in the middle of the lunar month of Ohaitra according to the purpimanta scheme, the first or dark fortnight of Chaitra belonging to the preceding year. In the amanta scheme, however, the beginning of the lunar year coincides with that of the month. In Southern India the lunar year usually begins seven months later, i.e. with new-moon in solar Karttika. The part of the year from Karttika to Phalguna is the same in the north and south of India; but the months Chaitra to Asvina of the southern year stand one year in advance of the northern account. 16. The most common eras in which the lunar years are reckoned are the Saka" and Vikrama eras. By adding 3044 to the Vikrama year and 3179 to the Saka year, the concurrent year of the Kaliyuga is found. The northern lunar year coincides with the concurrent solar year (K.Y.), except in the first part (of varying length) of the lunar month Chaitra, which always falls in the preceding solar year; but of the southern lunar year only the first part, viz. Karttika to Phalguna, coincides with the concurrent solar year, the lunar months Chaitra to Asvina falling in the following year. 17. Usually the year given in a date means the expired year, e.g. Saka 785 means in full phrase "after 735 years of the Saka era had elapsed," and the year denoted is actually the 736th year current. In conformity with this, the tables always give expired years. The Hindus however occasionally use the current year, the number of which is, of course, in advance by one of the expired years. 18. In interpreting a date, we must keep in mind all possible cases. The year may be either the expired or the current year; it may be either the northern or the southern lunar year; and the date may be recorded either in the northern (purnimanta) scheme, or in the southern (amanta) scheme. Therefore, if the first calculation of a date yield an unsatisfactory result, we must try the other possible cases before deciding upon it.18 10 The sideroal day which is shorter than the civil day by about 10 vinddis or palas (correctly 3 minutes 58.565 seconds) is divided into 60 nadie, each of 60 vinddle, anch of 6 arus. The difference between civil and sidereal time may be neglected, whenever the time is anfficiently small, any less than 3 ghatikde. This will always be the case in this paper. Correctly speaking, the Hindes employ trae civil time, so that the ghafieds are not of invariable length. This difference, however, may safely bo neglected in the operations with which we are concerned. " It may perhaps be worth while to note that in Saka 0, the mean solar year began with full-moon. 1 I subjoin in a tabular form the various ways in which, as Professor Kielhorn has shown (Ind. Ant. vol. XIX, page 22), a date may be interpreted I. Dutes in the five months from Karttika to Phal. II. Dates in the seven months from Chaitra to Alvin (a) dates in bright fortnights; three possible cases: (a) dates in bright fortnigbta; two possible cases: (1) northern year current, (1) espired sear, (2) northern year expired = southern year (2) current year; current, (6) dates in dark fortnighta; four possible cases : (8) southera year expired; expired year and current year according to both (b) daten in dark fortnights; six possible cases: the the purnimanta and amanta schemes. same three years according to both the purni manta and amanta schetnes.
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES. 407 The Tables : the Julian Calendar. 19. The tables are based, as far as possible, on the Hindu solar calendar; but for simplicity a solar calendar is employed in them in which the dates may differ by one day from the Hindu solar dates. As the Hindus scarcely ever used the solar calendar by itself, this difference is of no practical moment; in the sequel, however, will be shown how the true solar date may be elicited from the tables. It is only necessary here to show how a date in the tables may be converted into the corresponding Christian date, old style. For this purpose the subjoined tables may be used. PART I.-CURRENT CENTURIES OF THE KALIYUGA. Century. Equation Century Equation PART II.-ODD YEARS OF THE CENTURY K.Y. For the years 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37, 41, subtract 1. >> >> >> 72, 76, 80, 84, 88, 92, 96, add 1. Years not entered here take the equation of the century without any alteration. Vaisakha 14th Marck PART III.-FOR HINDU MONTHS. Jyaishtha 1 Ashadha Sravana | Bhadrapada 14th April 15th May 18th June 17th July Asving 17th August Karttika 17th September Margafira 17th October 1 Paueba 15th November Magba 14th December Phatguna 13th January Chaitra. 12th February. year K.Y. Chaitra of preceding Vaibakba of follow ing year K,Y. 12th February C.Y. 14th March C.Y. 18th February L.Y. 13th March L.Y. Note.--If the date falls in a common Julian year, the first date should be taken; if in a leap year, the second. The italicised months contain 31 days. 20. Rule for finding the Julian date corresponding to a date in the Tables : Ex, 1. for 8940 K.Y. 26th Bhadrapada. Take the equation of the century K.Y. from Part I, in this case 7; make the alteration prescribed by Part II, here none; add the result to the Julian date placed below the given Hindu month, here 7 + 17 - 24th July. This is the Julian date corresponding to the first day of the solar month, which in the table is numbered O. Add to the above result the number of the given day, here 26; the sum is the corresponding date of the given day, diz. 24 + 25 = 49th July, i.e. 18th August. Accordingly 3940 K.Y., 25th Bhadrapada is A.D. 839, 18th August, 0.8. Example 8: 4237 K.Y., 28th Magba. 10-1= 9.9 + 14th December + 28 = 51st December 1186, i.e. 20th January, 1187, 0.8. Example 3 : 4584 K.Y., 13th Karttika. 12 + 1 + 17th September + 13 = 43rd September, i.e. 18th October A.D. 1483, 0.8.
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________________ 408 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 21. To find the date corresponding to a given Julian date: Ex. 1: A.D. 889, 18th August. Convert the year A.D. into the corresponding year K. Y. by adding 3101. (Take care, however, to select the year K.Y. in which the Julian date actually falls): 889 + 3101 = 8940 K.Y. Take the equation of the corresponding year K.Y. die. 7. Add it to a date in Part III, so that the sum, or resulting date, is still less or earlier than the given Julian date: 17th July + 7 = 24th July = 0 Bhadrap. and if July 24th = 0 Bhadrap. the 18th Aug. (25 days later) must be 25th Bhadrapada, 3940 K.Y. Example 8: 1187 A.D., 20th January. The date falle in 4237 K.Y. 10-1= 9. 14th Decem. ber or 0 Magha + 9 = 23rd December. 20th January = 51st December. 51-28 - 28th Magha 4287 K.Y. Krample 3: 1488 A.D., 18th October. 4684 K.Y. 1% +1-13. Karttiks 0, or 17th September + 19 = 30th September; 18th October=43rd September. 48 - 80 = 18th Karttike. Description and use of the General Tables. 22. Tables I-IV serve to verify lunar dates coupled with the week-day. The tables are based on the solar calendar, and indirectly indicate the lunar date. This must always be borne in mind in order to understand the application of the tables. Tables I and II refer to the years of the Kaliyuga. Table I contains the centuries; Table II the complete odd years of the century; Table III gives the days of the solar months approximately; and Table IV, the ghatikas of a whole day. To the right of the Index the three columns headed Feriae (s.e. week-day), Tithi, and moon's mean anomaly', furnish the elements on which the verification of a lupar date depends. 28. To convert a date of the tables into a lunar date :-First convert the given year of the Saka, Vikrama (or other) era into the corresponding year of the Kaliyuga, by applying the proper equation. As an etample take-Saka 1808, Vaisakha-sudi 11 Friday, Here we have 1503 + 8179=4682 K.Y. The quantities contained in the columns in the different tables must be summed up, e. g., with the date 4682 K.Y. 18th solar Vaisakha, we proceed as follows: Per. Tithi. )'s an. By Table 1 4800 (0) 17.80 15 82 years (5) 7.09 971 18th Vais. (1) 15.26 544 Som. 4682K.Y. 18th Vais. (6) 89-95 560 The week-days are counted from Sunday=l (Saturday being 7 or 0). Therefore, if the Feria is greater than 7 (or 14), retrench 7 (or 14); the remainder indicates the week-day. In this case it is the 6th, or Friday. 24. The tithis are counted from 0 to 80, the order of the numbers being that of the amanta scheme; 0 to 15 are the tithis of the bright fortnight, 18 to 80 (or 0) those of the dark fortnight. Therefore, if the sum of the tithis is greater than 30 (or 60), retrench 80 (or 60). In this case we have 89-95--30 = 9.95. This is the sum of the complete lithis elapsed and the decimal fraction of the current tithi, at the moment to which the tables refer, viz. the beginning of the day of Hindu astronomers, i.e. mean sunrise at Lanka (supposed to be situated on the Equator under the prime meri. dian). Tithi 9.98, therefore, means that 9 complete tithis and 0.95 of the tenth tithi of the bright fortnight have elapsed at mean sunrise at Lanka. If the tithi (or remainder) >> >> >> >> II III
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES. 409 is above 15, retrench 15; the remainder indicates the complete tithi of the dark fortnight, e.g. 17.60 denotes that 260 tithi of the dark fortnight have elapsed. This, however, is not the true tithi, but always less, and a correction must be applied to obtain the true tithi. This correction, which is always additive, depends on the mean anomaly of the moon, which is here expressed in thousandth parts of a revolution. Therefore, if it exceeds 1000, the first figure, if it has more than three, is to be rejected. With the remainder as argument turn to the Auxiliary table III, and take out the equation for this argument. The equation added to the mean tithi gives the true Thus the data already found, viz., (6) 9.95 560 : C's an. 560, gives equation + 0.26 true titki. . . 10-21 Accordingly, on the day under consideration, which was a Friday (as shown by Fer. = 6), the 11th tithi was running at mean sunrise at Lanka. Of the 11th tithi 0.21 had elapsed, 0*79 tithi being wanting to complete it. Table IV shows that 0*79 tithi is equal to about 46 ghatikas. A.coordingly the 11th tithi onded at about 46 ghatikan after mean sunrise at Lanka, and therefore that day (18th solar Vaisakha) was sudi 11. Newmoon occurred about 11 days before the 18th solar VaisAkba, or on the 7th; and since it fell in solar Vaisakha, it commenced the lunar month of Vaisakha. The lunar date corresponding to 18th Vaisakha 4682 K. Y. is therefore Vaisakha-sudi 11, Friday. Example 3 : 4327 K. Y. 22nd Pausha. Fer. Titbi, ('s an. 4300 K. Y. (0) 2778 251 27 years (6) 28-76 908 22nd Pausba. (6) 29.88 617 (6) 25.92 776 ap. 778, eq. = + 0.01 25-93, or 10-93 of the dark fortnight. To find the day of new-moon preceding or succeeding the day under consideration : subtract the tithi found, vie. 26-92 from the tithi of 22nd Pausha, viz. 29-38=346; on the day whose tithi is equal to or near this remainder of 3.46, new-moon occurred. The next preceding new-moon fell on the 26th Margasira; the next following new-moon on the 27th Pausha. Therefore the lunar date corresponding to 4327 K. Y. 22nd Pausha is, in the amanta scheme, Margasira badi 11, Gurau or Thursday; in the Parpimdnta scheme Pausha badi 11, Gurau or Thursday. 25. But the problem which the bistorian is called upon to solve, is the converse of this: vig, the tithi being given, to find the day on which it ended, or more correctly, the tithi and the week-day being given, to find whether they really went together or not in a given year. The majority of dates in all kinds of documents give rise to this question when we have to test their genuineness, or to elicit circumstantial or other general information. The problem must be solved indirectly, i.e., we ascertain approximately the day on which the given tithi was likely to end, and then calculate, in the way stated above, the tithi that really ends on that day; and the solution of this problem may be so managed that the first approximation leads at once to a definite result. The method will be best explained by an example.
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________________ 410 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. The date 3585 K. Y., Ashadha-sudi 12, Thursday, being given,--we calculate first the Feria, tithi, and c's anomaly for the beginning of the given year, viz. 3585, K. Y. Fer. Titbi. C's an. 3500 K. Y. (1) 25.96 585 $5 years (2) 10-52 747 9585 K. Y. (3) 6-48 332. We next ascertain the new-moon in solar AshAdha, as by it the lunar month AshAdha is determined. New-moon being equal to tithi 30.00, we find (by subtracting the tithi for the beginning of the given year, viz. 6-48 from 30) that 23.52 tithis have to elapse before the next new-moon. Therefore all days in Table III, whose tithi is 23.52 or the next lower figure, are approximately new-moon days in 3585 K. Y. Call Index of new-moon,' the difference between the tithi for the beginning of the given year and 30, and Index of the tithi,' the sum of the index of new-moon and the number of the tithi given in the date to be verified. In this example the Index of new-moon is 23:52, and the Inder of the tithi is 23.52 + 12 = 35'52 or 552. We now look out in Table III, in the column of the given month, for the day whose tithi is nearest to, but smaller than the Index of new-moon. In this case we find that this occurred on the 24th Ashadha. We then select the day whose tithi is nearest to. but smaller than, the Index of the tithi. If the date belongs to the bright fortnight, or if it is a date in the amanta scheme, the day selected must be the nearest day pointed out by the index of the tithi, which comes after new-moon; but if the date belongs to the dark fortnight of the parnimanta scheme, the day is to be sought before the newmoon day. The date in the present case belonging to the bright fortnight we look out the index of the tithi, 5.52, after the 24th Ashadha (the day of new-moon); and the tithi of the 2nd Sravana being 4:70, we select it, and add the corresponding elements to those calculated for the beginning of K. Y. 3585, thus : Fer. Titbi. ('n an. 3585 K. Y. (as above) (3) 6-48 332 2nd Sravaua." (2) 4.70 375 15) 1118 707 Can. 707, eq. 11-20 Accordingly, at the beginning of the day, the 12th tithi was current, 0.80 tithi being wanting to complete the 12th. Table IV shows that 0.80 tithi is equal to about 47 ghatikas. Therefore the 12th tithi ended on the day in question, about 47 ghatikas after mean sunrise at Lanka; that day was a Thursday as the corresponding Feria is (6). It follows that the date-3858 K. Y. Ashadha-sudi 12, Thursday, is correct, or that in 3858 K. Y. Ashadha-sudi 12 fell on a Thursday. The above operations may be expressed in the following Rules. 26. (1). Sum up Feria, tithi, a's an, for the century (Table I) and the odd years (Table 11) of the Kaliyuga corresponding to the given date. The result is the Feria, tithi, and <<'s an, for the beginning of the given year. + 0.02 1 Though this nutation of the solar day is artificial, still it should always be recorded in the calculation ; for it will be of use in ome cases, as will be seen in the sequel.
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES. 411 (2). Subtract from 30 the tithi for the beginning of the given year. The remainder is the Index of new-moon. Add to it i.e. to its complete tithis) the number of the tithi given in the date; the sum is the Index of the tithi. It should however be remarked that, if the tithi belongs to the dark fortnight, 15 must be added to the above sum to find the Index of the tithi, both for the ananta and purpimanta schemes. (3). Then look out, in Table III, in the solar month synonymous with the lunar month given in the date, the day whose lithi is nearest to, but smaller than, the Index of new-moon. Now, if the date belong to the amanta scheme, or if it belong to the bright fortnight of either scheme, look out, after new-moon day, the day whose tithi is nearest to, but smaller than, the index of the tithi. But the tithis of the dark fortnight in the pirnimanta scheme precede new-moon. Add the Feria, tithi, and c's an. of the day indi. cated by the Index of the tithi, to the quantities found for the beginning of the given year, and add to the tithi thus found the equation for ('s an. from the Auxiliary Table III. The result shows what tithi was current at the beginning of the day at Lanka. The end of the tithi can be found approximately by Table IV. Er. l. Samvat 1232 Bhadrapada-sudi 13, Ravau (northern year Sam 1232=K.Y. 4278, Ravau= Sunday=1.) Fer. Tithi. (An. 4200 0 (1) 9 2.19 .10 699 Ind.. or new moon = 80-8.46 = 26-54. 78 years (5) 1.27 45 Ind. tithi sudi 13, is 2654+13--30 = 9:54. 4276 K.Y. (6) 3.46 153 3rd Asvina (2) 8.83 661 (0) 1229 814 C's an. 814, eq. = 3 (1) 12-32=Sunday, sudi 13. Ex. 2. Samvat 1011, Bhadrapada-badi 11, Sukradine (prirnimanta, northern year), Sam 1011=4055 K.Y. Fer. Tithi. C's An. 4000 K.Y. 8.98 523 Ind .=80--1731=12-69. 55 years (6) 8.33 63 lod badi 11, is 15+11+12-89-30=8-69. 4055 K.Y. (7) 17-31 586 4th Bhadr. (0) 8-31 573 (7) * 25.62 159 ('s an. 159, eq. +0.77 (7) 26:39 Accordingly, at the beginning of Saturday (= 7) the 27th tithi, or the 12th tithi of the dark fortnight, was running; and the 11th tilhi ended on the preceding day, a Friday, which therefore was the day intended in the date. E. 3. Samvat 1236, Vaisakha-Budi 15, Sukre, southern year; bence Vaisakha does not belong to the corresponding solar year, 4280 K.Y., but to the following year 4281; see above $15. Fer. Tithi. ('s An. 4200 K.Y. (1) 2.19 699 Ind. is 1:52. 81 years (4) 26.29 725. Ind. suili 15 = 16-52. 4281 K.Y. (5) 28.48 42+ 19 Vaisakha (2) 16.28 (7) 14.76 I's an. 5, eq. +0.43 (7) 1519 The 15th rithi having ended on the preceding day, which was a Friday (6), the date is correct. * We may also take the tithi which is equal to the Index or even a little lorger. 581
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________________ 412 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Bs. 4. Samvat 1154, Chaitra-sudi 2, Ravau (southern year), Samvat 1154 =4199 K.Y. Chaitra belonging to the corresponding solar year, K.Y. 4198, we use the second Chaitra of Table III (see 16). For. Tithi. ('. An. 4100 K.Y. (1) 6.58 111 Ind. . = 20:43 98 years (4) 9.99 59 Ind. sudi 2 = 22:43 4198 K. Y. (5) 9.57 170 15 Chaitra (4) 22:52 593 (*) 2:09 763, eq.=0. The 2nd titki ended on the preceding day, Sunday, as required. Ex, 5. Samvat 1194, Chaitra-badi 5, Gurau. Northern year, pernimanta. We must use the second Chaitra of Table III (see $ 15). Samvat 1194 4238 K.Y. Fer. Tithi. (': An. 4200 K.Y. (1) 2.19 699 38 years (6) 0-63 728 4238 K. Y. (1) 2-82 427 9th Chaitra (5) 16-42 375 (5) 19.24 802 C's an. 802, eq. = 0.02 19-26 Thus the 20th titki, or 5th titki of the dark fortnight, ended on Thursday as required. If a doubt be entertained, whether the tithi actually ended on the day whose tithi has been calculated, calculate for the following day; thus 4238 K. Y. (1) 2.82 427 10th Chaitra (6) 17.44 412 (6) 20-26 889 ('s an, 839, eq. = 0.07 20-33 Hence at the beginning of Friday (6) the 21st titki was running, and therefore the day could not be badi 5. We may however dispense with a second calculation whenever the running tithi is between 10 and 90. 27. Corrections for true time. The tables yield the date in mean Lanka time; to convert it into mean local time, add to or subtract from it the difference in time between the prime meridian--that of Ujjain, or 75deg 51' 45' (5 hours 3 minutes 27 seconds) east of Greenwich, -and the place from which the document is dated, one degree being equal to 6 rinadis. If the place lies to the east of Ujjain, the amount must be added ; if to the west, it must be subtracted, for local time. Table XXV furnishes, for the principal towns in India, the latitudes, longitudes, and difference in time expressed in ghatikas and palas. The sign + or - indicates the amount that is additive or subtractive. 28. A second correction (the Equation of time) is required for converting mean local time into trae local time. A method for finding the exact value of this correction will be given below. For the present it will be sufficient to know in which way the correc. tion influences the date. The rule is that true local time is in advance of the mean time i.e. the correction is additive) from about solar Vaisakha to Karttika, but behind it (or subtractive) from about Karttika to Vaisakha. The correction is at its maximum about the ends of solar Ashadha and Pausha, and at its minimum about the beginnings of Vaisakha and Karttika. 29. To find the beginning of a solar month.-Whenever new-moon occurs on one of the three first days of a solar month, viz. on one of the three days marked 0, 1, 2, in the
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES. 413 tables, it becomes doubtful whether the new-moon belongs to the current or to the preceding solar month. For the true beginning of each solar month, i.e. the instant of the sankranti, or entrance of the sun into the zodiacal sign, usually falls near the begin. ning of the second day of the solar month of the tables, i.e. on one of the two days marked 0 and 1; it may however also fall on the day marked 2, and still more rarely on the last day of the preceding month. It will therefore, in these cases, be necessary to ascertain the precise beginning of the solar month. For this purpose the column headed " Solar Cor." in Tables I and II, and a similar element placed under the names of the solar months in Table III, is used. The figures entered in this column of Tables I and II denote, in ghatikas and palas, the time by which the beginning of the mean solar year (according to the different authorities named in Table I) precedes (-), or follows (+), mean sunrise at Lanka (i.e. the beginning of the day throughout these tables) of the 3rd Vaisakha of Table III. E.g.--According to the Arya Siddhanta the "Solar Cor." for 4000 K. Y. is -- 16 gh. 40 p.; for 30 years---14gh. 23p.; for K. Y. 4030, therefore, - 16gh. 40p. - 14 gh. 23p. or - 819h. 3p.; for 86 years + 18gh. 45p., for K. Y. 4036 = - 160h. 40p. + 18gh. 45p. = + 2gh. 5p. These figures denote that the mean solar year according to the Arya Siddhanta began in 4000 K. Y. 169h. 40p. before mean sunrise at Lanka; in 4030 K. Y. 319h. 3p. before; and in 4036 K. Y. 2gh. 5p. after mean sunrise at Lanka of the 3rd Vaisakha of the tables. In Table III the 'Solar Cor.' placed below the names of the several months, as the correction of the month, shows by how much the true beginning of the month is separated from the mean sunrise of the second day of the same month (marked 1 in Table III), the beginning of the mean solar year being supposed to coincide with the beginning of the 3rd of Vaisakha. In all other cases the Solar Cor.' for the year must be combined with the.Cor.' of the month, in order to find the true beginning of the latter, e.g., 4030 K.Y. =-319h. 3p.: Asvina = + 17gh. 51p.: the sum, - 13gh. 12p, indicates that Asvina in 4030 K. Y. began 13gh. 12p. before the 1st Abvina in Table III. As however the begin. ning of the solar year, and consequently that of the solar months, varies with the different authorities, four columns are given under Corrections for Solar dates in Table 1, headed by the name of the Siddhantas from which the elements are derived. The Cor.' in Table II strictly applies only to the Arya Siddhanta, and for other Siddhantas it requires a small correction; this however may be neglected in calculations with the General Tables, as the exact calculation can only be made with the Special Tables. In using the Brahma Siddhanta, we must use the day 0 of Table III, in place of the day 1, as according to that Siddhanta the beginning of the solar year precedes by about one day the beginning of the solar year employed by the other Siddhantas. The "Cor." for the months differs also with the different authorities. It is given according to the Arya Siddhanta' and to the Surya Siddhanta, which yield the greatest and the smallest amounts. As the General Tables give only approximate results, i.e. results correct only to within one or two ghatikas, it would be needless to strive after greater accuracy in the ascertainment of the beginning of the solar months. # I give the "Cor. for the months according to the Sarya Siddhanta as found by the Special Tables; but the "Cor.' according to the Arya Siddhanta is calculated from the length of the solar months given by Warren. The latter result differs in some cases by more than half ghafikd from my aaloulations. But as Warren probably gave bis dates on the authority of a native tradition, and as the difference is smaller than need be taken into nocount, I have adbered to bis statemente.
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________________ 414 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. As the beginning of a solar month is the moment of the sankranti, the rules given above serve at the same time for calculating the sankrantis. 30. Doubtful cases. When the index of new-moon points to one of the first three days of a month in Table III, compute the true beginning of the solar month as above, and then calculate the tithi for the moment thus found. The result shows at once whether new-moon followed or preceded the true beginning of the month, and consequently whether that new-noon belonged to the same or to the preceding month. Rule.-Sum up the tithi, ('s an. and Cor. for the given year; add the tithi and I's an. for day 1 of the given month, and the Cor. for the given month. Add to, or subtract from these sums the tithi and 's an. for the ghatikas of the sum of Cor. (Table IV) according as the latter has the sign + or --. Then proceed as usual and interpret the result (i.e. the true tithi) as explained above. This will be best illustrated by examples. Ex. Suppose a date in Pausha 3844 K. Y. be given, we calculate as usual : Fer. Tithi. ('. An. 3800 K. Y. (1) 15:17 348 Ind.. = 8-37 44 years (6) 6-46 243 3844 K. Y. (7) 21.63 591 The index of new-moon points to the first Pausha and to the first Magha, both these days belonging to the doubtful days; hence it is uncertain whether the first new-moon belongs to Margasira or Pausha, and whether the second belongs to Pausha or Magha. We therefore determine first the true beginning of the solar months Pausba and Magha. Cor. for 3800 is --Ogh. 50p., for 44 years +22gh. 5op.; consequently for 3844 K Y. it is + 22gh. 5p. Add Cor.' for Pausha ( + 9gh. 44p.) = +31gh. 49p., and for Magha (+ 30gh. 87p.) = + 52gh. 42p. We then add to the result for 3844 K. Y. the tithi and C's an. for 1 Pausha and 1 Magha, and the increase of tithi and 's an. for the calcu. lated Cor. of Pausha and Magha. Tithi. An. Tithi. Ap. 8844 K. Y. . . 21.63 591 $844 K. Y. . . 591 1 Pausha 8:11 855 1 M&gha . . 748 908 32 gb. (Table IV) 0:54 19 58 gh. . .. 0-89 32 465 0:00 581 ('s an. 465, eq. 0.51 ('s an. 581, eq.. 034 0.79 0:34 The true titki for the beginning of both months shows that, in both cases, new-moon had passed; consequently the first new-moon belonged to Margasira and the second to Pausha. 31. Intercalary and expunged months.- If in the above example the first new-moon had occurred after, and not before the beginning of Pausha, there would have been two new-moons in the same solar month, and consequently there would have been an intercalation of Pausha. If on the contrary the second new-moon had occurred after the beginning of Magha while the first occurred before that of Pausha, there would have been no new-moon in Pausba, and consequently lunar Pausha would have been expunged. The preceding remarks lead us to the following rules : (1) If at the beginning, as well as at the end, of a solar month, the moon is either waxing or waning : or, in other words, if both the current tithis belong either to the bright or to the dark fortnight, there is an ordinary and no intercalary or expunged month. 0-28
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES. (2) If the moon is waning at the beginning, but waxing at the end of a solar month there is an intercalary month. (3) If the moon is waxing at the beginning, but waning at the end of a solar month, the homonymous lunar month is expunged. These rules are expressed in the subjoined scheme. At beginning of a solar mouth, and At end of the same solar month. Sudi and Sudi Badi and Badi Badi and Budi and Examples for intercalary montheEr. 1. Samvat 1218 (northern year) dvideg Ashadha sudi 5, Gurau. Samvat 1218 4262 K. Y. 4200 K, Y. 62 years 4262 K. Y. . 1 Ashadha Fer. Tithi. (1) 2-19 (1) 25.98 4262 K. Y. (2) 28.17 560 gh. P. Cor.-32 30 + 2 17 -30 13 Cor.' for Ashadha, + 10gh. 51p. added to Cor.' of the year,-30gh. 13p. makes-19gh. 22p.; Ashadha began 19gh. 22p. before 1 Ashadha of Table III. Cor.' for Sravana,-12gh. 31p. added to 30gh. 13p. makes-42gh. 44p.; Sravana began (or Ashadha ended) 42gk. 44p. before 1 Sravana of the " Table. -19 gh. <'s an. 726, eq. 4262 K. Y. . 4th Sravana C's an. 8, eq. = * Sudi Badi Tithi. An. 28.17 560 1.07 177 29.24 -0.32 4343 K. Y. . 1 Bhadrapada +38 gh. An. 731, eq. 737 11 28.92 726 0.01 4800 K. Y. 43 years 4348 K. Y. Bhadrapada Cor. + 15gh. 41p. Asvina Cor. +17gh. 51p. . (2) (4) (6) Tithi. 28.17 6-74 * Tithi, An. 22.94 248 5.26 464 0.56 20 732 28.93, Moon waning. 1-23, Moon waxing. Accordingly there was an intercalary Ashadha. We now calculate sudi 5, of the intercalated month. Fer. 4-91 0.44 5.85 4262 K. Y.. 1 Sravana +16gh. 59p. +16gh. 59p. 28.76 0.00 28-76. Moon waning. ordinary month. intercalary month. expunged month. An. 699 861 -49 gh. <'s an. 873, eq. An. 560 448 (6) Accordingly the 5th tithi ended on the preceding day, which was a Thursday, as shown by its Fer. being (5). The sudi 5 of the regular month fell on the 6th Ashadha, which was a Wednesday. Ex. 3. Samvat 1298, dvideg. Bhadrapada-badi 7, Gurau. The year being the southern year, Bhadrapada fell in 4343 K. Y. (not in 4842 K. Y.) See SS 16. We proceed as above Fer. Tithi. An. (0) 27.28 251 (5) (5) 25.66 22.94 997 248 +32 gh. 40 p. +34 gh. 50p. . Tithi. An. 28.17 560 3.68 339 4843 K. Y.. 1 Aevina + 35 gb. Au. 858, eq. 1-85 0-73 1-12 0-11 899 26 878 gh. + 9 +7 +16 415 Ind. 188 Ind. sudi 5-6.88 P. 35 24 59 Tithi. An. 22.94 248 6.80 589 0.57 21 0.31 858 0-09 0:40. Moon waxing.
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________________ 416 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Accordingly, there was an intercalation of Bhadrapada. We caloulate the lithi : Fer. Tithi. An. 4848 K. Y. . . . . (5) 22-94 248 Ind. 7.06 22nd Afvina . * (0) 28:14 351 Ind. badi 7 = 29-08 (5) 21.08599 Ap. 599, eq. . . . . 0:17 (5) 21.25 Accordingly the 22nd tilki, or badi 7, ended on Thursday (5), as required. We have selected the day according to the amanta scheme, which comes out correctly; had we tried the purnimanta scheme, the week-day would not have come out correctly, via. 24th Bhadrapada, Wednesday, in the first month, 25th Sravana, Monday. If we had tried the northern year Sam 1298, whose Bhadrapada fell in 4342 K. Y., we should have found that there was no intercalary Bhadrapada in that year. As the character of a given date is not usually known beforehand, all these calculations must be made in order to decide the case. 32. Though an expunged month cannot occur in a date, still it may be interesting to see how an expunged month can be proved by calculation to have been due. If it be suspected that in 4012 K. Y., Pausha had been expunged, we calculate the tithis and anomaly for the beginning of Pausha and Magha : - Titbi. (san. 4000 K. Y. 8-98 528 - 16 40 Pausha - 10 25+9 44= - 49 12 years 12.87 66 + 6 15 Phalguna - 10 25+ 30 37= +20 12 4012 K.Y., 21.85 589 10 25 4012 K. Y., 21.65 589 1 Pausba 8.11 855 1 Magba 7.48 908 -20 gh. -017 + 20 gb. 0-34 12 29-59 438 29-47 509 an. 438, eq. 0-57 an. 509, eq.= 0.39 0.16, Moon waxing. 29-86, Moon waning. The calculation shows that no new-moon occurred in solar Pausha : accordingly Pausha was expunged in the Lunar calendar of 4012 K. Y. The following general rules will be found useful :(1) The months Karttika up to Phalguna only can become expunged. (2) There can never be an intercalary Pausha, and the intercalation of the months Margasira and Phalguna is possible only under favourable circumstances, depending on the moon's anomaly. 33. It may sometimes be desired to know in which years of a given century a certain month was intercalary. This may best be explained by an example. If it be required in which years of the 40th century of the Kaliyuga, Sravana was intercalary: we add the elements of the 40th century to those of the 1 Sravana and 1 Bhadrapada, and calculate them for the beginning of those months in 4000 K. Y., vie.Titbi. ('san. Tithi. ('san. 4000 K. Y. 8-98 523 4000 K. Y, 8-98 528 -16 40 1 Sravans 3:68 339 - 12 31 Bhadr. 5.28 48+ + 15 12.86 862 - 29 14.24 421 - 0 -29 gk. -0.49 -18 - gh. -0.021 12.17 844 1422 420 6 40
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES. 417 An. 8++ 798 619 -0-20 29-62 Now it is evident that, as 12-17 + 17.83 = 30, and 14.22 + 1578 = 30, those years in Table II whose tithi is larger than 1878, but smaller than 17.83, may have had an intercalary Sravana; for such a tithi added to that for the beginning of Sravana of 4000 K. Y., viz. 12-17, will give less tban 30, indicating wane of the moon, and added to the tithi for the beginning of Bhadrapada, diz. 14-22, give more than 30 or indicate waxing moon as required for an intercalary month. Running the eye over Table II, we select the years whose tithi is between 15.78 and 17.83, viz. 7, 15, 34, 53, 64, 72, 91. In these years, therefore, an intercalation of Sravana was possible. Those years whose tithi is very near the limits must be calculated, as for them the intercalation is doubtful, e.g. 7, the Cor. of 7 being -12 gh. 21p. subtract K.Y. 2000 19:17 7 17-05 the equivalent (Table IV) from the result. 4007 20-82 As 29.78 indicates waning moon, the month was interca-12 gh. lary, for without calculation we see that the 1st tithi of 635 au. 635 +0-11 Bhadrapada comes out larger than 30 or 0. 29-73 But, if we compute for 4061, we find that the new-moon had occurred before the beginning of the Sravana, -there being consequently no intercalary month of that name.16 34. As the beginning of the solar year, and consequently of the solar months, depends on the leugth of the solar year, and as the different authorities vary in this particular, Table I exhibits columns for the solar correction according to the different Siddhantas most in use. By using the different columns we get different beginnings of the solar months. Usually the difference amounts to a few ghatikas only; but the Brahmasiddhanta yields a date differing by about one day from that of the others. It is obvious that the difference in the beginning of the solar months, even if it amounts to few ghatikas only, may occasionally make one month intercalary according to one Siddhanta, while others would make a preceding or following month intercalary. For instance, if we calculate Bhadrapada in Samvat 1467, that month is an ordinary one according to the Arya Siddhanta, but intercalary according to the Surya Siddhanta. while Asvina is intercalary according to the Arya Siddhanta. 1st.-The calculation according to the Surya Sdalanta Tithi. An. 20.99 11 years 1.87 820 - 16 Tithi. gh. 4511 K. Y. 22.86 248 1 +511 K. Y. 22.86 248 Bhadra. 5.26 46+ + 17 57 Ayvina 680 589 + 1930 28.12 712 +17 56 29-66 937 + 19 30 18 gh. .+0:30 1 19 gh. +0:32 11 28+2 723 29.99 818 an. 723, eq. = 6:01 | an. 818, <Page #463
________________ 418 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Meen 0.80 Now compute Asvina and Karttika according to the Arya Siddhania. tithi. An. gh. 4500 K.Y. 20-99 428 45 11 years 1:87 820 -9 16 titbi. An. Rh. P. 4511 K. Y. 22*86 248 -5 81 4511 K. Y. 22.86 248 - 5 31 Asvina 6.80 589 +1751 Karttika 8.29714 29-86 837 + 12 20 1.15 962 --1918 +1% gh.= 0.207 -19 gh.= -32 -11 29.86 844 0.88 951 An. 844, eq. = 0.08 951, eg. = 0.28 29-94 Moon waning. 1.11 Moon waxing. The calculation proves that in Samvat 1467, Bhadrapada was intercalary according to the Surya Siddhanta, and Abvina according to the Arya Siddhanta. However, to decide such cases beyond doubt, the tithi should be calculated by means of the Special Tables for the Siddhanta in question. 35. On mean intercalations. It is probable that, in ancient times, besides the system of true intercalations as described above, that of mean intercalations was used. The difference between the systems Mean solar month. tithi. consists in this, that in the latter mean solar and lunar months (Chait, preo. yr.. 29-68) are used instead of true ones. As a mean lunar month is Vaisakha. Jysishtha. 1.62 shorter by 54 ghatikas 28 palas than a mean solar month, it Asbadha. 2.44 follows that a mean intercalation is due whenever mean newBriyana 3:37 Bhadrapada 4.29 moon occurs within 54gh. 28p. after the beginning of the A vina . 621 Karttika. 8-19 mean solar month, or, expressed in a form more convenient Margasira. 7.06 for calculation, when at the beginning of the mean solar Pausha . . 7.98 Magba . 8.90 month the mean tithi is between 29-08 and 30.00. From Phalguna. 982 Chaitra . . 10-741 this, it follows that, when at the beginning of a mean solar (Vail. fol. yr. . 11:87) month the mean tithi is found to be between 0.00 and 0.92, the preceding month was intercalary. In oomputing mean intercalations we sum up the tithi and Cor. for the oentury and the odd years, from Tables I and II, and add the mean tithi current at the beginning of the mean solar month under consideration from the table here given. Er. 1.--The Khera plate of Dharasena IV mentions an intercalary Margasira. It has been proposed by Dr. Schram" that this was a mean intercalation which occurred in 3749 K.Y. Let us calculate the mean tithi for the beginning of mean Margasira according to the above rules. tithi. gh. p. Table 1.8700 K. Y. 19:17 + 7 5 II. 49 years 2.50 -19 29 mean Marg. 7.06 28.73 -12 24 >> IV.-12 gk. -0-20 28:53 17 The calculation of mean intercalations is easier by the Special Tables, as will be seen from the example in $ 56. Sitrung berichte der phil. hist. Class der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 1685.
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES. 419 As the tithi, 28-53, does not come within the limits prescribed above for a mean intercalation (viz. 29.08-30), Margasira could not have been intercalary. Now, as a mean solar month is longer by 54gh. 28p. than a mean lunar month, it follows that at the beginning of a mean solar month the tithi will be larger by 0.92 than at the beginning of the preceding one. By this rule we find that in this case the mean tithi at the beginning of mean solar Pausha (the month after Margasira) was 28:53+0.92=29:45. And as this tithi makes the month intercalary, it follows that there was a mean intercalation of Pausha; if, however, we have recourse to Brahmagupta's way of naming intercalary months (see $ 10, note 7), the intercalated month was Margasira.." Ex. 2.-It has been suggested that, in Kaliyuga 3741, mean Pausha was intercalary according to the elements of the Brahma Siddhanta. titbi. gh. p. 3700 K. Y. 19:17 +137 41 years 3.04 +36 21 m. Pausha 7.99 - 60 0:19 -10 32 11 gh. - 0.19 0.00 The tithi being just within the prescribed limits, the month was probably intercalary. See below $ 57. On Karanas. 36. Half a tithi is called a Karana, sixty of which make up a lunar month. Their names and numbers are as follows:Kimstugha 1 Banij . 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56 Bava . , 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 37, 44, 51 Vishti .. 8, 15, 22, 29, 36, 43, 50, 57 Balava . . 9, 10, 17, 24, 31, 38, 45, 52 Sakuni . 58 Kaulava. . 4, 11, 18, 85, 82, 89, 46, 58 Naga . 59 Taitila . 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, 40, 47, 54 Chatushpada 60 Gara . . 6, 13, 20, 27, 34, 41, 48, 55 The first tithi of the bright fortnight is composed of the karanas Kimstughna and Bava, the second of Balava and Kaulava, and so on. The karanas therefore do not denote a particular day, but a certain part of a day, about 29$ ghatikas. Ex.-In the date Sam. 1275 (i.e. 4319 K.Y.) Margasira sudi 5, the karana Balava is given. What time of the day is intended? We calculate first the tithi. 4300 K. Y. 27.78 251 Ind. . = 1.90 19 years 0 32 864 Ind. sudi 5 = 6.90 4319 K. Y. 28.10 115 29 Margasira 6.09 783 4.19 898 An. 888, eq. = (1.17 4:36 From the above scheme of Karanas we make out Balava No. 10 to have been the second half of sudi 5. By table IV we find that the difference between the tithi for the beginning of the day 4:36 and that for the beginning of Balava 450, viz. 0'14, is equal to about 8 ghatikds. The time intended by Balava therefore was 28th Margasira 8 to 37 gh. * Comp. also Fleet, Curp. Insc. Ind. vol. 11, introd. p. 94. 9 Sitzungsberichte, ut sup. 3 P ?
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________________ 420 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Place of the Moon. 37. Moon's Nakshatra and Rasi.-Dates are frequently coupled with the name of the Nakshatra or asterism in which the moon was at the time of the date; occasionally the rabi or zodiacal sign also is mentioned. Table IX shows which part of the Hindu ecliptic is attributed to each Nakshatra, and Table V that of the single zodiacal signs, e. g. Table IX shows that the Nakshatra Vibakba denotes 2009-2130 20 of sidereal longitude," and Table V that the sign Kumbha extends from 300deg to 330deg sidereal longitude. If we know the longitude of the moon, we can tell at once in which Nakshatra and zodiacal sign she stood. It will, therefore, be necessary to calculate the moon's longitude. Now the longitude of the moon=longitude of the sun + distance of sun and moon. The latter element is furnished by the tithi; for, as one tithi is equal to the time required by sun and moon to increase their distance by 120, we need only multiply the tithi for a given moment by 12, to find the distance of the sun and moon in degrees. We found above that, at the beginning of the 28th MArgabira 4319 K.Y. the true tithi was 4-86; it follows that the distance of sun and moon is 12x4.86=520-32 or 52deg 19. The true longitude of the sun for the beginning of every day of the solar year is furnished by the column headed o's longitude in Table VIII, but a correction must be applied for the interval between the beginning of the mean solar year and the beginning of the given day. Rule.-Having found Cor.' for the year under consideration, add as many minutes to the longitude of the sun as Cor.' contains ghatikas, if .Cor.' is negative; if positive, subtract the amount from the sun's longitude. Thus for the 28th Margasira 4819 K.Y. we must subtract 14', for Cor.' (+19 gh. 3Bp.- gh. 6p.)=+14 gh. 29p. from the longitude of the sun given in Table VIII for the day under consideration, vis. 237deg 49'. The result, 287deg 38', is the sun's longitude at the beginning of 28th Margasira 4319 K. Y. To the longitude of the sun must be added the distance of sun and moon; the result, retrenching 360deg if necessary, will be the true longitude of the moon. Turning with the longitude of the moon to Table IX, we find in which Nakshatra the moon was at the moment calculated. In the same way Table V shows through which zodiacal sign she was then passing through. In this example we have Longitude of the sun . . . . . . . 287deg 35' + Distance of sun and moon . . . . 62deg 19' Longitude of the moon , . . . . . . 289deg 54' According to Table IX the moon stood in Sravana (280deg--299* 20'), and would pass into the next Nakshatra in between 15 and 16 ghatikas, the difference 298* 20--289deg 63'=8deg 27'. being equal to 15gh. 43p. (the motion of the moon being supposed to be of mean amount), see Table XI. Table V shows the moon to have been in Makara, the Hindu Capricornus. Yogas. 38. A Yoga is the period, of variable length, in which the joint motion in longitude of the sun and the moon amounts to 13deg 20, being the extent of a lunar mansion. There * The Hindus use sidereal, not tropical, longitude.
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES. 421 are therefore as many Yogas as there are lunar mansions, diz. 27. Their names and the portions of each are given in Table IX, together with those of the Nakshatras. In order to find the Yoga current at a given moment, add the longitudes of the sun and moon, and interpret the sum from Table IX. Ex.-For the beginning of the day, whose Nakshatra we have calculated above, 4319 K.Y. Margasira-sudi 5, we have found : Longitude of the sun . . . . . . . 237deg 35 Longitude of the moon . . . . . . . 289deg 54' Accordingly degrees of yoga . . . . . 527deg 29' or 167deg 29deg Table IX shows that 167deg 29' falls within the portion of the yoga Vyatipata (160deg -1730 20) which therefore was current at the beginning of the day. It ended, and Harshana commenced, after about 25 ghatikas, as the difference 6deg 53' (173deg 20'-167deg 29) is by Table XI =24 gh. 55 p. I shall now give the calculation of a date which contains all the particulars discussed in the foregoing paragraphs. Vikrama 1531 (K.Y. 4575), Karttika-sudi 9, Budhavasare, Dhanishtha-nakshatre Vriddhi-yoge, Kaulava karane, Kumbha-rasi-sthite chandre. Calculate first the tithi and weekday Fer. Titbi. An. gh. p. 4500 K.Y. (0) 20-99 428 + 3 49 Ind. . = 19:56 75 years (8) 19.45 173 + 20 4 Ind. sudi 9=28-58 4575 K.Y. (3) 1044 601 + 23 53 20th Karttika (1) 27.57 403 (4) 8:01 4 An. 4, eq. 0.43 8.44 Accordingly, on Wednesday (4), at mean sunrise, the 9th tithi was current; it ended about 33 ghatikas (the equivalent of 0-56, see Table IV) later. At the same moment ended the karana Kaulava, No. 18, being the second-half of the pinth tithi. On the 20th Karttika the lopgitude of the sun is 199deg 18' (Table VIII), Cor, for 4575 K.Y. is, as calculated above, + 23gh. 53p. Accordingly 23' 53", or say 24 must be subtracted from the O's longitude. The remainder 198deg 51' is the true longitude of the sun at the beginning of the day under consideration. The distance of sun and moon is 12 X 8.44=101deg28 or 101deg 17'. Add longitude o to find the ('s longitude 198deg 51' +101deg 17'=300deg 8'. Table IX shows that the moon stands in the Nakshatra Dhanishtha, and Table V that she had just entered Kumbha or Aquarius, when her longitude is 300deg 8'. The yoga is 198deg 5' + 300deg 8'=498deg 59' or 139deg 59', and Table IX shows that the yoga Vriddhi was current. This proves the date to be correct in all particulars. By the rules laid down in $ 20 we find that the day corresponded to the 19th October 1474, (Old Style), a Wednesday. The place of the Sun. 39. To find for any particular day the sun's place in the ecliptic-either in zodiacal sign or in lunar mansion, we need only use the sun's longitude for the given day (in Table VIII) for the Index of Tables V and IX,nd in the same way as we have used thic
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________________ 422 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. longitude of the moon for finding the Nakshatra and Rasi. The Nakshatras divide the course of the sun into 27 equal parts which determine fixed periods of the year. These periods are commonly used for regulating agricultural labours; but I do not know whether they are mentioned in the dates of documents. The particulars most frequently mentioned in dates are the Sankrantis. As a Sankranti is the moment of the true beginning of a solar month, this element can be derived from the tables. In connection with those Sankrantis, however, which determine the Uttarayana and Dakshinayana, it will be necessary to remark respecting the precession of the equinoxes (Krantipatagati), that as stated above, the Hindus measured all longitudes on the fixed ecliptic, taking for its initial point the vernal equinox, as it was in 8600 K.Y." At that time the sidereal (nirayana) signs coincided with the tropical (sayana) signs, but afterwards they differed from each other by the amount of the precession (ayandmea). This amount, in degrees, is found by multiplying the difference between the given year K.Y. and 8600w by 8, and dividing by 200; e.g. in 4572 K.Y. the ayanamka amounted to sw =14058 or 14deg 34' 8. By-so much the beginning of every tropical (sayana) sign precedes that of the sidereal sign. Hence to find a tropical (sayana) Samkranti, we must subtract the ayanamea of the given year from the number of degrees supplied by Table V for the beginning of the fixed (sidereal or nirayana) signs. Thus the beginning of the tropical sign Kanya in K.Y. 4572 will be at 150deg-14deg 35=135deg 25' of longitude. Table VIII shews that the sun was at that point about the 17th Bhadrapada. By means of Tables I-III, we find the day to have been a Friday, Bhadra pada sudi 2, and we compute as follows: Per. (An. Cor. K.Y. 4500 . 428 . (0) . 22-99 428 . + 45 72 years . . . (0) 17:04 434 -2230 17th Bhadr. (6) 21:54 (6) 1:57 907 An. 907, eq. 0.19 1.76 Friday, sudi 2 We must, however, as explained above, $ 37, add as many minutes to the longitude of the sun for the calculated day (in this case, 135deg 10') as the solar correction for the year (-18gh. 45p.) has ghatikas ; 135deg 10' + 19 = 135deg 29'. Accordingly the sayana Samhranti of Kanya, which should take place at 135deg 25', occurred just before the beginning of the day calculated, vis, about 4 ghatikas earlier. A calculation of this sort should be made whenever a date coupled with a Sankranti. does not come out correctly in all particulars. For, it is possible that a sayana Samkranti may be intended, since these Sankrantis too are auspicious moments. Eclipses. 40. The solar and lunar eclipses from B.C. 1207 down to A.D. 2000 are registered in von Oppolzer's Canon der Finsternisse. The details of solar eclipses can easily be derived from the tables of Dr. Schram (ib. vol. LI). To these works therefore the student is referred in all cases where actual eclipses have to be dealt with. But the According to the Siddhanta Siromani, however, in 3628 K.Y. >> The role for the Siddhanta Siromani ia-subtract 8628 from the given year K.Y., the remainder is the ayanda in minutes. Babtruot from this result, if a high degree of accuracy is wanted, the tenth part of the above remainder taken M seconde. >> Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademic der Wissenschaften, math, natur. Clause, Wien, vol. LII. 18 45
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES. 423 eclipses mentioned in inscriptions are not always actually observed eclipses, but cal. culated ones. My reasons for this opinion are the following :-Firstly, eclipses are auspicious moments, when donations, such as are usually recorded in inscriptions, are particularly meritorious. They were therefore probably selected for such occasions, and must accordingly have been calculated beforehand. No doubt they were entered in the panohdngas or almanacs in former times as they are now. Secondly, even larger eclipses of the sun, up to seven digits, pass unobserved by common people, and smaller ones are only visible under favourable circumstances. Thirdly, the Hindus place implicit trust in their Sastras, and would not think it necessary to test their calculations by actual observation. The writers of inscriptions would therefore mention an eclipse if they found one predicted in their almanacs. For determining the occurrence of eclipses the columns showing the sun's distance from the moon's nodes in Tables VI, VII, VIII, serve. The quantities are given in thousandth parts of the semicircle. In Table VI this quantity is given from modern European tables and also according to the Arya, Surya, and Brahma Siddhantas, and the Siddhanta Siromani. In the remaining tables the difference between the various authorities is so small that it is neglected. According to Hindu science certain, if from Dode is between 0 and 90, or 910 and 1000 At new-moon a solar eclipse is 3 doubtful > > 91 105 909 895 Cimpossible, 106,894 certain, if from node is between 0 and 58, or 942 and 1000 At full-moon a lunar eclipse is doubtful 69 75, 911 928 Cimpossible, >> >> 76 , 922 41. A solar eclipse can only happen at the time of new-moon, i.e. when tithi is 0 or 30, and a lunar eclipse only at the time of full-moon, i.e. when the tithi is 15.00. It is also obvious that an eclipse of the moon is visible only when the moon is above the horizon during the eclipse, i.e. after sunset; and a solar eclipse is invisible after sunset. Therefore, in computing lunar eclipses, we calculate the moment of mean sunset, i.e. 30gh. For this we must add 0-51 to the tithi, 18 to anomaly, 3 to pode as shown below: Ex.- Saka 861, 4030 K.Y. Magha-sudi 15, Sunday, a lunar eclipse. According to Tables I-III, and (node) Tables VI-VIII: Per. Tithi. ('An. Node. 4000 K, Y. . . . (1) 8.98 523 62 Ind. 18.83 30 years , 2:19 684 228 Ind. T'ithi 3.88 4080 K. Y.. 11.17 27 Magba, 30 ghatikdo. * (1) 14-95 C's an. 40, eq. Tithi 15.01 207 290) 2.81 52 >> Anvelipeo which was not visible in Indin is recorded in Professor Kielhorn's paper, "Examination of questions con. nected with the Vikrama era."--Ind. Ant. vol. XIX, p. 116, eclipse No. 83. * The limits of a solar eclipse are approximate only. They determine eclipses that might be visible at some point of the whole earth. The Hindu method of calculating solar eclipses is cumbrous, and the results cannot be given in a convenient tabular form. It is different with lunar eclipses. In the middle of solar Asbadha a lunar eclipse occurs, as calculated by the Sdrya Siddhants, when at fali-moon the Anomaly is 500 and 0 and distance from node 76 or 925, or anomaly 0 and distance of node 62 or 988; in the middle of solar Pausha, when at full-moon the anomaly is 600 and distance from node 74 or 926, or Anomaly O and distance from node 68 or 942. It will be seen that the limit is influenced more by the value of the anomaly tban by the time of the year. Details need not be entered upon here; these remarks will serve for most cases.
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________________ 424 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. The tithi 15:01, shows that on the day calculated, a Sunday, full-moon occurred before mean sunset at Lanka (about 19h. earlier, see Table IV) and as 'node'=5 is within the limits of certain eclipse, there was therefore a lunar eclipse visible in India. The date is 17th January, 930 A.D. On that day, according to von Oppolzer's Canon, the middle of a lunar eclipse occurred at 18 hours 8 minutes after mean midnight at Greenwich or 12 hours 12 minutes after mean sunrise at Lanka. Our tables make the middle of the eclipse fall about half an hour earlier than the true time. Ex-Was there a solar eclipse in 4730 K.Y. Jyaishtha? Calculate first Jyaishtha badi 15: 4700 K. Y. 30 years 4:30 K.Y. 13 Ashadha An. 920, eq. Tithi. 14.20 An. 605 684 289 631 920 Node. 345 328 Ind. 18-61 2.19 16.39 13:30 29.69 0-22 29.91 New-moon therefore occurred 0*09 tithis or 5 ghatikas = 2 hours 12 minutes later. There was a solar eclipse at that time, though we do not find by the tables whether it was visible in India or not. But we learn from von Oppolzer's Canon and maps that the eclipse on the 11th June 1629 was so. The middle of the eclipse occurred at 3 hours after mean sunrise at Lanka. Our result therefore is in error by 48 minutes. 578 413 986 The cycles of Jupiter. 42. A chronological datum not unfrequently met with in Hindu dates is the name of the year according to one of the cycles of Jupiter. We know of two Jovian cycles, one of twelve years, and one of sixty years; and there are two ways of applying either cycle. We begin with: 43. The sixty-year cycle.-The names of the 60 years in the cycle are given in Table XXIII. They are applied, in the north, on strictly astronomical principles, while in the south this cycle has no longer any connection with the movements of Jupiter. The years in the sixty-year cycle in the south coincide with the civil (solar) year. Rule.-Subtract 14 from the year of the Kaliyuga, or 15 from the Saka year, or 30 from the Vikrama year (or 33 from the year A.D.); divide by 60, and the remainder is to be looked out in Table XXIII as the number of the cyclic year; e.g.-For 3678 K.Y. 3678-14-3664.61, rem. 4. No. 4 in Table XXIII is Hemalamba, which therefore is the cyclic name of the K.Y. year 3678; that year is Saka 499, Vikrama 631, 577 A.D.; and going through the same operation as prescribed in the rule with these numbers, we always arrive at the same result. 44. The sixty-year cycle in the north.-The years in this cycle are Jovian years. The Jovian year is equal to the mean time (about 361 days 14 gh.), required by Jupiter to move through a zodiacal sign. Therefore one cycle contains five mean revolutions of Jupiter or about 59 civil years. 27 Greenwich time from midnight, less 56 minutes, gives mean Lanka time from sunrise. Compare note 9. These five minor cycles, contained in one whole eyele, are named (after the five years of the Vedic yugo): (1 Smvatsara, (2) Parivatsara (3) Idavatsara, (4) Anuvatsara, and (5) Udvatsara.-Brihat Samhita, VIII, 24
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES. 425 The columns headed 'Jupiter's Samvat.' in Tables VI, VII, VIII, furnish the means of ascertaining the Jovian year for any given epoch. The numbers in them must be summed up for the parts into which the given date is divided, e.g., we find for 3542 K.Y., 18th Karttika: 3500 K.Y. 42 years 18th Kartt. Jup. Sam. 0.95 42.4914 0.5595 44.0009 The integers give the number of the current cyclic year, Table XXIII; in this case 44 Isvara; the decimals show how much of the Jovian year has elapsed, here 10,000 or about 20 ghatikas. This result however does not refer to the beginning of the day, but to a point of time removed from it by the same interval as separates the beginning of the mean solar year from the beginning of the day. We find the moment in question by the Cor.' of the given year; in this case for 3542 K. Y. the Cor.' is (according to the Surya Siddhanta) + 32 gh. 52 p.-8 gh. 8 p. + 24 gh. 44 p. Therefore the result above refers to 24 gh. 44 p. after mean sunrise at Lanka, and the beginning of the year levara occurred about 4 gh. after mean sunrise of the 18th Karttika in K.Y. 3542. The tables yield the Jovian years according to the Surya Siddhanta with btja. To find the same according to the Surya Siddhanta without bija, multiply the year of the Kaliyuga by 2, and divide by 9; the quotient is to be added as 10,000th parts to the value given in the tables. In the present instance 3542x=787. Dividing by 10,000 gives 0-0787, and this added to 44 0009 makes 44-0796,-the value according to the Surya Siddhanta without bija. For the Arya Siddhanta, divide the year K.Y. by 3, and add the quotient divided by 10,000 to the tabular value. In the example this gives 44.1190. For the Brahma Siddhanta, multiply the year K.Y. by 0-0000401528; add to the tabular value and subtract 0.0180. For Siddhanta Siromani, multiply the year K.Y. by 0.0000273639; add to tabular value and subtract 0.0180. For the Arya Siddhanta with Lalla's correction subtract 420 from the Saka year (or 3599 from the year of the Kaliyuga); multiply the remainder in 0.00010445; and subtract the product from the 'Jupiter's Sam.' as found for the original Arya Siddhanta. The tables yield the result correctly within about 2 ghatikas, which in most cases is an accuracy not needed. If, however, for special cases, still greater accuracy should be required, it can be found with a high degree of exactness for the commencement of the solar year, by the help of the above rules, for the various Siddhantas. But it must be calculated for the day of the year by multiplying the ahargana, or number of the day of the year, by 0.00276988 for Surya Siddh.; by 0-00276982 for the same Siddhanta with bija; by 0-00276991 for the Arya Siddhanta :-the product is the Jupiter Sam.' for the beginning of the day under consideration. The fractions here given are the increase of the element in one solar day (60 ghatikas or 24 hours). From these data the increase for any interval in ghatikas or hours can easily be found. 30 If they are larger than 60, subtract 60. The value of Jupiter' in Tables VI and VII, it must be noted, refer to the beginning of the mean solar year. 3 G
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________________ 426 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Jap. Ex.-To find the cyclic year current at the beginning of 4210 K. Y., and on what day that year ended. From Tables VI and VII, and Tables I and II, we have Cor. Sarya Sidda. Cor. Arya 8. 4200 K. Y. . . . 49.14 - 28 gk. 22 p. - 32 gh. 80 p. 10 years . . . 10:117 + 35, 12, + 85 , 12, 4210 K. Y. . 69.257 + 8 gh. 50 p. + 2gh. 42 p. Jup. 59-257 shows that Nandana, the 60th or last year of the cycle, was current. The fraction shows how much of it had elapsed according to the Surya Siddhanta with bija. The amount according to the same Siddhanta without bija must be raised by of 4210 + 10000 = 0*09355 and is 59-3506. For the Arya Siddhanta, we must add 4210 + 30000 = 0-1403 and obtain J.-59-8973. Consequentiy, the end of the year Nandana, or the beginning of Vijaya, oocurred after the beginning of the solar year 4210 K.Y.,-by the Sarya Siddhanta with bija after 0-743; by the Surya Siddhanta without bija after 0:6494; and by the Arya Siddhanta after 0-6027. Now taking these figures as arguments in Table VIII, we find the days on which the Jovian year ended according to the three authorities, diz. by : (a) Surya Siddhanta with bija on 25 Pausha, when J.-0-7424, diff. 0.0006; (6) Surya Siddhanta without bija on 20th Margasira, J. = 0.6482, diff. 0*0012; (c) Arya Siddhanta on 3rd Margasira, J.-0:6011, diff. 0:0017. Multiplying the figures of the differences by 24, the result is the difference in ghatikas. In this case we have (a) 13 gh., () 26 gh., (c) 37 gh. Added to Cor. we get (a) 20 gh., (6) 33 gh., and (c) 40 gh. for the times after mean sunrise at Lanka, of the above calculated days, when the year Nandana ended according to the three different authorities. It must, however, be noted that this calculation yields results correct only within two ghatikas, unless the calculation explained above should be resorted to, in which case any degree of accuracy may be attained. 45. The beginning of a cyclio year according to the Arya Siddhanta falls about three days earlier than if the same moment is calculated by the rule of Vardha Mihira (Brihat Samhita, VIII, 20, 21) or the Jyotistattva. To find the time intervening between the beginning of the mean solar year and the beginning of the cyclic year accord. ing to these authorities we compute thus: Multiply the Saka year by 44, add to the product 8689, according to Varaha Mihira, or 8582 according to Jyotistattva; neglect the quotient, and multiply the remainder by 365 days 15 ghatikas 31 vinadis," the product divided by 3750 shows the interval in days supposed to have elapsed since the beginning of the cyclic year, current at the beginning of the solar year, up to the latter moment. If it is proposed to find the end of Jupiter's year current at the beginning of a given Saka year, we must compute, not for the given year, but for the next following one, and find the part of the Jovian year elapsed up to the calculated moment. The result subtracted from 365 days 15} ghatikas shows the interval elapsed from the begin. ning of the given Saka year up to the end of the Jovian year which was current at its This part of the rule, which is wanting in Varkha Mibira, is abeurd. The remainder should be multiplied by 861 daya 1 gh. 21 p. The Kshepa 1oo does not corrrepond with the results of the Arya Siddhanta, on which the rule is based; it ought to be 8620 instead of 8689 or 8682.
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES. beginning. If a few days do not influence the general result, as is usual, the tables here given may be used, applying the correction prescribed for the Arya Siddhanta. 46. The cycle of twelve years.-The years in this cycle take the names of the common months with Maha prefixed, e.g. Mahakarttika; they are entirely regulated by Jupiter, but on two distinct principles. 47. The mean-sign system. In this system the name of the Jovian year depends on the zodiacal sign in which mean Jupiter is at a given time. The end and beginning of the Jovian years are exactly the same as in the sixty-year cycle. We can therefore use the tables as before. Rule. Find Jupiter's Samvat.' for the given date according to the Siddhanta to be employed. Divide the figures of the integral part by 12, neglect the quotient, and the remainder is the index of the subjoined table: 0 or 12. Aevayuja, 1. Karttika. 2. Margasira. 3. Pausha. 427 4. Magha. 5. Phalguna. 6. Chaitra. 7. Vaisakha. 8. Jyaishtha. 9. Ashadha. 10. Sravana. 11. Bhadrapada. E. g. we have found above that Jupiter' according to the Arya Siddhanta about the beginning of 4210 K.Y. was 59-3973. By the above rule we find that then the year Maha-Bhadrapada was running, which ended, as calculated above, on the 3rd Margasira. 48. The heliacal rising system. The year in this system begins with the heliacal rising of Jupiter i.e. his reappearing after his conjunction with the sun: the year is named from the Nakshatra in which the planet rises heliacally, in the same way as the lunar months were named after the Nakshatra in which the moon of a particular month became full. The 27 (or 28) Nakshatras are formed into twelve groups (indicated in Table IX by an asterisk placed after the last Nakshatra in each group). Of the two or three nakshatras in each group, only one (the name of which is spaced in Table IX) gives name to the lunar month or to the Jovian year. The problem, therefore, is to find the apparent longitude of Jupiter at his heliacal rising, and the time of the rising. If we know the longitude of Jupiter when heliacally rising, we can readily interpret it according to the different systems of the Nakshatras as specialised in Tables IX and X. A strict solution of the problem would entail long and troublesome calculations. As, however, all dates as yet found in this cycle have already been calculated (by Mr. Dikshit, Corpus Inscrip. Ind. vol. III, p. 105), there will only be occasion to solve the problem when new dates occur. We may therefore be content to ascertain the time of Jupiter's heliacal rising within a day from the correct date, and the longitude of Jupiter at that time within a degree of the truth. 2 x 3576 90000 Ex.-Calculate Jupiter's Sam.' for the beginning of the year; e.g. 3576 K. Y., 0.9516-8892 = 17-8392. For the Surya Siddhanta without bija add = 0.0795, making 17 9187, or rejecting the 3rd and 4th decimals-17-92. Subtract 12 or multiples of 12 from the integers, and there results 5.92. Multiply this by 0-083, add the product, 049, to the Jupiter Sam.' found above: 5.92 +0:49 6:41. With the sum apply to Table XII and add to or subtract from it (as directed in the table) the = For such problems, however, Professor Kielhorn's tables published in the Indian Antiquary (1889), vol. XVIII, pp. 193ff. and 380ff., and in the Abhandlungen der Konigl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen, 1889, supply an easy method of computation. 3 G 2
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________________ 428 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. equation; thus 6-41 -0.06 = 6:36. Convert the last result into degrees by multiplying it by 30; 6:36 x 30= 190deg.8 or 190deg48'. This is approximately the longitude of Jupiter at his conjunction with the sun. Add 1deg; the result will be approximately the apparent longitude of Jupiter at his heliacal rising. Looking out this longitude of Jupiter in Tables IX and X, we find in which Nakshatra the planet stood, and consequently what was the name of the Jovian year which then commenced. In this case we find MahdVaisakha according to the Brahma Siddhanta, and Maha-Chaitra according to the other systems. But this is only an approximation. 49. The second part of the problem is to find the date of the heliacal rising of Jupiter. At the same time we can correct the longitude of Jupiter. Select in Table VIII the day on which the longitude of the sun is equal to that found for Jupiter at his conjunction, and calculate Jupiter Sam.' for that day, correct it by the equation, and convert it into degrees as above. The longitude of the sun is 191deg 14' on the 12th Karttika; Jupiter' for that day is 0.5429, which added to the value for beginning of 3076 K.Y.: 6.9187 makes 6.4616 or 6'40; subtract equation 0.05, and we have 641, or in degrees 1920.8 or 192deg 18'. If the resulting longitude of Jupiter is smaller than the longitude of the sun calculated for the day, the conjunction has passed; if larger, it is still to come. In either case the conjunction is removed from the computed date by as many days as degrees intervene between Jupiter and the sun. About 14 days after the conjunction the heliacal rising of Jupiter takes place, and the new Jovian year begine In this case we find that the conjunction took place on the 13th Karttika, and consequently the heliacal rising of Jupiter about the 27th, when bis longitude was about 193deg 18'. The 27th Karttika of 3576 K.Y. is to be calculated by Tables I-III, - Fer. Tithi. An. 8500 . . . (1) 25-96 685 76 years . . (5) 1.27 458 27 Kartt. . . (1) 4:67 658 (7) 1.90 699 An. 699, eq. = 0.02 1.92 Karttika-sudi 2, Saturday. Mr. Dikshita, who has calculated the same date, ascertained that the heliacal rising took place on Karttika-sudi 1; this result therefore differs from the correct one by one day. If we calculate again the longitude of Jupiter for the 27th Karttika we find it to be 193deg30', interpreted by Table X as the beginning of Svati, according to Garga and Brahmagupta. The year was therefore Mala-Vaisakha. The Ahargana. 60. An element constantly used in Hindu calculations is the Ahargana, or the days elapsed since the beginning of the Kaliyuga. Column Ahar. in Tables VI-VIII, serves for finding the Ahargana for any given date, by.summing up the figures in the column for the three parts into which a date is divided; e.g. for K.Y. 4168, 19th Phal. guna, we find 1497561 68 years . . . . . . . . 23011 19th Phalguna . . . . . . . 821 Ahargana . . . . . . . 1,620,898 Ahar. 4100
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES. 429 By adding 588,466 to the Ahargana, we get the corresponding day of the Julian period, in this case 2,109,359. Divide the Ahargana or the day of the Julian period by 7; the rest indicates the week-day, counting from Friday =0 for the Ahargana, or Monday =0 for the Julian period, If the Aharguna is given, we find the date from the tables in the following way: Find in Table VI the Ahar, nearest to, but smaller than, the proposed hargana, and subtract it from the latter; with the remainder go through the same operation using Table VII; and with the second remainder apply to Table VIII for the day of the year. The entries of the Index put together will give the date sought. E.g. the poet Narayanabhatta mentions that he finished his Bhagavata stotra on the 1,712,210th day of the Kaliyuga. We find the corresponding date according to the above rule, thus:-- 1712210 1080190 = 4600 K. Y. 82020 31777 = 87 years. 243 = 0 Pausha. The day intended was K.Y. 4687, 0 Pausha, or A.D. 1586, 28th November. If instead of the Ahargana the day of the Julian period be given, subtract 588,466 from the latter. The remainder is the Ahargana with which we proceed as just explained. THE SPECIAL TABLES. 51. The Special Tables are chiefly intended for calculating tithis and other items of Hindu dates according to different Siddhantas, after the day and time of the day when the tithi ended has been ascertained approximately by means of the General Tables. The General Tables serve as a key for the Special Tables ; hence the general arrangement is the same in both. There is, however, this difference, that, while the General Tables refer to mean sunrise at Lanka, the Special Tables for centuries and odd years (XIII and XIV-XIX) refer to the beginning of the mean solar year. The time intervening between this moment and mean sunrise at Lanka is furnished by the column Cor.' In order, therefore, to make the calculation for mean sunrise at Lanka by the Special Tables, we must add to, or subtract from, the elements furnished by the tables for the day under consideration, their increase for the time indicated by Cor.' The amount of the increase, taken from the Table XXII for ghatikda and palas, must be added with the sign of Cor.' .e. the amount must be added if. Cor.' * is additive, and vice versa. The Special Tables furnish the astronomical data on which the tithi depends, vis. the mean distance of sun and moon, the mean anomaly of the moon, and the mean anomaly of the sun. The latter is composed of the anomaly of the sun for the begin. ning of the century and the mean longitude of the sun for the moment under con * The sign of .Cor.' in the Special Tables will be found to be the converse of that in the General Tables. But the numerical valoe is the same in both. * As this is practically the same in ook ears, the corresponding column has been omitted in the table for odd years.
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________________ 430 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. sideration. These three elements for the several parts into which a date is divided, must be summed up; and complete revolutions rejected, With the resulting <'s anomaly and o's anomay, turn to the Table XXIV, for the equation; take the corresponding equations (interpolating for values intermediate between those in the table), find their sum or difference as the equations are additive or subtractive. The sum or difference, according to its sign, must be added to, or subtracted from, the mean distance to obtain the true distance of sun and moon for the moment calculated. As 12deg indicate one tithi, we find the number of tithis elapsed since the instant of the last conjunction or amavasya by dividing the degrees of the equated distance by 12; the quotient shows how many tithis are gone. We have found above ($ 25) that Ashadha-sudi 12 K. Y. 8585, occurred on 2nd Sravana. Mr. Dikshit has calculated the same date according to several Siddhantas, (Corp. Insc. Ind. vol. III, introd. p. 167), and he states that according to the Surya Siddhanta the 12th tithi ended 51 gh. 11 p. after mean sunrise at Lanka. First compute K. Y. 3585, 2nd Sravana, according to the Surya Siddhanta : C's an. O's an. Cor. 3500 K. Y. . 323deg 0' 0" 40deg 29' 30" 282deg 45' 25" -29 gh. 52 p. 85 years . 126 749 268 1 92 0 0 0 + 0 *21* 2nd Sravan. 58 44 23 135 2 88 91 89 89 28 31 Sums. 502 52 11448 33 35 374 25 4 Or . 142 52 11 88 33 35 14 45 4 As shown by.Cor.', we must retrench the increase for 23 gh. 31 p. to find the value of the elements for mean sunrise at Lanka. But as we have to calculate their amount for 51gh. 11p. after sunrise, we add that time to Cor.' vis.--23gh. 31p. + 51gh. 11p. = + 27gh. 40p. We therefore add the increments for 27 gh. 40 p. (Table XXII for ghatikas and palas) to the above result: Dist. 3585 K. Y., 2nd Srav. 142deg 52' 11" 14deg 25' 4" 27 gh. 5 299 5 52 45 26 37 & # 8 42 39 148 29 28 9 33 21 1 4 52 20 We have now to find the equation for the a's anomaly. In Table XXIV, we have the equation for C's anomaly 86deg 15' = -5deg 2' 9". The difference between the given ('s anomaly and this is 3deg 20'. The increase of the equation for one minute of anomaly A is (:"16, accordingly for 3deg 20' or 200 it is 32". Added to the above equation this makes - 5deg 2' 41.96 In the same way we find the equation for the O's anomaly 14deg 52' = + 0deg 34' 4". The sum of both equations = - 4deg 28' 37, added to 148deg 29' 28' gives 144deg 0' 51" for the true distance of sun and moon. As a tithi is equal to 12deg of distance, 144o marks the end of the 12th tithi, and the distance 51' is equal to about 4 palas (Table XXII), by which time the end of the tithi occurred before the moment calculated by Mr. Dikshit." Let us now calculate the same date according to the Brahma Siddhanta and the C's an. O's an. 40 p. * In all these calculations care should be had to take the tables for the same Siddhanta throughout the process; only Tables XXI and XXII equally apply to all Siddhantas. In this instance it would have been easier to start from anomaly 90deg, and subtract the increase for 25', the resulting equation will then be found to be 5deg2' 42", which is more correct. I cannot account for the difference in the ronalt, but I abould think that the native method of calculation admits of various abbreviations of the process which in the end bring about a slightly different result.
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES. 431 anomaly. Cor. 312. So bom. 5 16 Siddhanta Siromani. Mr. Dikshit finds that the 12th tithi ended according to the Brahma Siddhanta at 60 gh. 16 p. after mean sunrise at Lanka, and according to the Siddhanta Siromani at 53 gh. 21p. For the Brahma Siddhanta (Tables XIII and XVI), we must select the 3rd Sravana and not the 2nd : Dist. ('s anomaly. O's Apomal * Anomaly. 8500 . 812' 30' 0 22deg 47' 43" 2189 8 0 - 31 gh. 62. 85 years . . 125 52 80 268 27 31 0 0 0 + 1 58 3rd Srivana . 65 55 50 148 8 27 9? 38 47 - 2954 144 18 20 7 9 21 41 14 44 47 The corrections for Siddhanta Siromani (Table XIX) are: Dist. S adom. 8500 8500 52' 30" SU 85 years 089 11 16 35 39 53 46 53 48 These corrections must be subtracted from the above result:Brakma Siddhduta 144deg 18' 20" 79deg 21' 41'1 14deg 44' 47" - 36 39 - 58 46 - 58 46 Siddhanta Siromani 148 42 41 78 27 65 18 51 1 Add 60 gl. 16 p. to Cor. - 29 gk. 54 p. = + 20 gk. 21 p. for Brakma Siddhanta. >> 58 , 21, >> >> >> = + 23, 27, Siddhanta Siromani. Add the increase to the result for both authorities (Table XXII)Brakma Siddhanta 144deg 18' 20" 79deg 21' 41' 14deg 44' 47" 20 gh. . 4 8 49 4 21 18 19 49 4 6 4 84 148 26 26 8 8 47 89 15 4 51 Siddhanta Siromani 149deg 42'41" 1 78deg 27' 55" | 13deg 51' 1" 23gk. 4 40 28 5 0 80 22 40 27 p. 5 296 58 148 28 8328 34 18 14 148 We find the equations for the Brahma And for the Siddhanta Siromani: Siddhanta (Table XXIV) :( = -5deg 0 14 (= -5deg 0 7 = + 99 88 O = + 32 15 Sum= -4deg 26' 16" Sum = -4deg 27 52 Applying the sum of the equations to the above results we get by the Brahma Siddhanta, 144deg 0' 9"; by the Siddhanta Siromani, 144deg 1' 1". Accordingly the 12th tithi ended before the time stated by Mr. Diksbit, by less than one pala in the case of the Brahma Siddhanta, and by four palas in that of the Siddhanta Siromani. 21 p. 21 . Other problems solved by the Special Tables. 52. All problems which depend on the position of the sun and the moon, and which are treated of in the preceding section can be solved, for the several Siddhantas, with the greatest accuracy by means of the Special Tables. True longitude of the Sun.-A calculation of a date as conducted in the preceding paragraphs yields (1) the distance of the mean moon from the mean sun for a parti. cular moment (Dist.), (2) the mean anomaly of the moon, (3) the mean anomaly of the sun for the same time, (4) the equation of mean moon to true moon, (b) the equation of mean sun to true sun, and (6) the true distance between sun and moon.
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________________ 432 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. From (9) and (5) we derive the true longitude of the sun by adding to the mean anomaly of the sun the equation of the sun, but with the sign changed, and then subtracting the mean anomaly of the sun for the beginning of the century. E. g. we have found that K. Y. 3585, Ashadha sudi 12, ended, according to the Brahma Siddhanta, 50 gh. 16 p. after mean sunrise at Lanka, and that at that moment the mean anomaly of the sun was 16deg 4'61"; the corresponding equation is + 38' 58"; applying the equation with the sign changed, we have 14' 3053". By subtracting the mean anomaly of the sun for the beginning of the century, viz. 282deg 6', we have the sun's true longitude 92deg 24' 53". 53. True longitude of the Moon.-If we add the true longitude of the sun to the true distance between sun and moon (6), we get the true longitude of the moon, on which depends the Nakshatra and Rafi (see $ 6). Here we have 144deg + 92deg 24' 58" = 288deg 24' 53". The nakshatra is Jyeshtha (Table IX) and the rabi Tula (Table XII). Adding the o's long. to the D's long. we find the Yoga, 236deg 24' 53" + 92deg 24' 53" = 328deg 49 46", Yoga : Brahman (Table IX). 64. The Sankrdntis.-The time of all Samkrantis according to the Surya Siddhanta is found in Table XX. If the time, according to another Siddhanta, is wanted, we can use the mean longitude of the sun as given at the same place; e.g. if it be proposed to find the moment of the Karkata Sankranti in K. Y. 4681, according to the second Arya Siddhanta, we calculate as follows: 4500 K, Y. O's Anom. . 282deg 4' 2" Table XVII, Second Arya Siddhanta. Kark. Samkr.>> 90deg SUP 28" 12deg 34' 30" Eq. 11deg 15' = + 26' 28" Eq. . . . -0deg 28' 18" + 1deg 19' = 245* 12deg 6' 17" Eq. 12deg 34' = + 28' 13" Subtract mean an. O . . -282deg 4' 2" True long. . . . 90deg 2' 15" At the moment assumed for the Sankranti, vis. o Srav. 49 gh. 48 p., the Samkranti had passed, and the sun had advanced 2' 16" beyond the initial point of Karkata. According to Table XXII", 2' 16" is equal to about 2 gh. 17 p. by which time therefore the Sankranti, according to the second Arya Siddhanta, preceded the moment calculated. The Samkranti oocurred therefore on 0 Sravana 47gh. 31p. This result however does not refer to mean sunrise at Lanka, but to the beginning of the mean solar year. In order to reduce the result to Lanka time, we must find the correction : 4500 = -6gh. 22p., 81 years = + 2gh. 40p., K. Y. 4581 = -8gh. 87p. Sunrise at Lanka preceded the beginning of the mean solar year by 8gh. 87p. Hence the Samkranti occurred 479h. 31p. + 8gh. 87p. = 61gh. Sp. after mean sunrise at Lanka according to the second Arya Siddhanta. 58. Interoalary months. If we know the age of the moon at the beginning and end of a solar month, we can decide by the rules in $ 31, whether there was an intercalated month or not. We compute the tithi at the time of the two Sankrantis which It may be remarked that the minutes and seconds of the mean motion of the sun Dearls correspond to as many ghatikde and palau.
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES. 433 form the beginning and the end of the solar month. As Table XX furnishes the elements on which the tithi depends for the time of the Sankranti according to the Surya Siddhanta, the calculation for that Siddhanta will be easy. Let us compute the 2nd example in $31, Bhadrapada, in K. Y. 4343. 4800 . . . 845deg 24' 0 27806 Ampangon | 28209 4.90 m. 8843 years. . 809 27 14 0 86 981 4313 K. Y. . . 294 51 14 276 38 6 28% 43 58 Simha Samkr. . 69 6 93 180 54 0 121 31 26 Eq.) -5deg 0' 11" 357 57 47 T 97deg 32' 8" 44deg 15' 18" Eq. O +1 31 25 Sum of Eqs. -3 28 46 Sum -3deg 28' 46" Distance, (- 7 354deg 29' 1" Accordingly new-moon was still to come. K. Y. 4343. . 294deg 51' 14" 278deg 38' 6 282deg 43' 53" Kany& Sam. . 81 19 14 226 14 1 152 6 4 Eq.) -3deg 8' 14" 16 10 28 142deg 52' 7" 74deg 4958" Eg. O + 2 6 4 Sum of eq.. . -0 57 10 Sum -1deg 57' 10 Distance - = 16deg 18' 18" Accordingly new-moon had passed. It follows that there were two new-moons in solar Bhadrapada, and consequently there was an intercalary Bhadrapada. If the calculation is to be based on another Siddhanta, we still make use of the elements for the Sankranti as furnished by Table XX. The same calculation will show by what time the Samkranti and by what time the new-moon preceded or followed the moment calculated. It will then be easy to decide the case. To give an example we now calculate the same dates according to the first Arya Siddhanta. 4500 (T. XIII) * 344o Dia 2740 42deg 28200's on 43 years (T. XV) 309 22 56 0 15 27 4343 K. Y. 293 46 68 | 274 40 9 2820 Simha Samkr. Eq. ( -4deg 50' 0" (Tab. XX) , 68 8 180 54 0 121 31 26 | Ea. O + i 275 856 58 29 1050 940 9 48deg 31' 25 Sum 30 25 Sum of Eqs. . - 22 55 359 80 84" . Mean long. . .= 121deg 31' 35" Eq. O . .=-1275 True long. O. .= 120deg 4' 30" From Table XXII (column o's long.) we conclude that the Sankranti had occurred 49h. 30p. before the moment calculated, and from the same (column (-o) that new moon will occur 32gh. later; consequently it fell in Bhadrapada. We now compute the next Samkranti: Dist. K. Y. 4343. 299deg 46' 58" 274deg 40 9 | 282deg 0 0 Eq.) -8deg 9 88" Kanya Samk. 81 19 14 226 14 1 152 6 4 Eq. O +2 3 57 156 10140deg 54' 10" 1740B Sum = 105 +1 Sum of Eq. = -1 5 41 140 0 2 Mean long. O = 15208 4 " Eq. O = % 3 57 True long. = 510deg % 7" C's an. O's an.
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________________ 434 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Samkranti occurred 2gh. 7p. before the moment calculated, but new-moon more than a whole day; accordingly this new-moon too belonged to Bhadrapada, and as there were two new moons in Bhadrapada, there was an intercalary Bhadrapada according to the Arya Siddhanta as well as the Surya Siddhanta. 56. The Special Tables may also be used for computing mean intercalations. For this purpose the subjoined Table, which is similar to that given in $ 35, should be employed. To show its working, let us calculate by it the second example in $ 85, mean Pausha, in 8741 K.Y., according to the Brahma Siddhanta. Dist. 8700 K. Y. 2270 300 41 years 48 46 30 Mean Pausha 88 814 859deg 47' 34" Accordingly mean new-moon occurred about 1 gh. later than the beginning of mean solar Pausha. At the end of the same solar month the Men solar month. Distance distance will be larger by 11deg 3' 53'. It follows that the dig. (Chaitra pr. y.) (848deg 56' tance will come out 10deg 51' 27' for the end of mean Pausha. 7") Vaikba 0 0 By Table XXII it will be seen that this amount of difference Jyaisbtha Arbados corresponds to more than 58 gh. by which time accordingly Bravada Bhadrapada new-moon preceded the end of Pausha. As there were two A vina Karttika mean new-moons in mean solar Pausha, there was due a Margasira mean intercalary month, which by the common rule was Pausha Magha Pausha; but by the rule of the Brahma Siddhanta itself Phalguns Chaitra quoted above ($ 10, note 7), the month would have been an (Vail. fol. yr.). (132 intercalated mean Margasira. Corrections for true local time. 57. The calculations taught above yield the astronomical data in mean Lanka time, reckoned from mean sunrise at Lanka. The Hindus, however, actually employ true local time. reckoned from true sunrise at the place of the observer or computer. Therefore, in order to make the results square with the latter, we must apply to the result in Lanka time the following corrections. 58. Correction for mean local time.-Mean local time is reckoned from mean sun. rise at the point on the Equator which has the same longitude with the place under con. sideration. This correction is found by the difference in longitude between Ujjain and the given place. The difference in minutes is at once the interval sought in asus, six of which make a vinali. In Table XXV the interval between mean Lanka and local time is given for a considerable number of places. If the place is east of Lanka (i.e. Ujjain), the sign + is prefixed to the interval; if west, the sign - The interval applied, according to its sign, to Lanka time gives mean local time. Let it be proposed to find the true tithi for 4300 K. Y. 28th Bhadrapada at Anhilwad, on the basis of the first Arya Siddhanta, corrected. Mean Anhilwad time differs from mean Lanka time by -40 din.; therefore, the mean sun rises 40 din. later on the meridian of Anhilwad than at Lanka. We combine these 38 din, with 'Cor.' in
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES. order to find the values of distance of sun and moon, &c., for mean sunrise on the meridian of Anhilwad. 4300 K. Y. . 28th Bhadrapada -18 gh. 55 p. At mean sunrise Aphilwad Dist. 344deg 24' 0deg 36 45 28 13 3 0 45 50 36 9 10 9 Sum of Eq. Dist. of Dist. (-O 9deg 10' 9" Table XXII, 23p.-0 4 40 9 5 29 -2. 55 39 &. 6deg 9' 50'' ('s. an. 274deg 24' 42" 169 44 44 6 84 9 4 7 9 80 1 57. ('s an. 80deg 1' 57" 0 5 0 79 56 57 O's. an. 282deg 0' 0" 147 50 25 69 50 25 0 13 38 69 31 47 59. An element wanted for the further correction is the tropical longitude of the mean sun, which is equal to the sidereal longitude of the sun plus the ayanamsas for the year. The sidereal longitude of the mean sun is obviously equal to the mean anomaly of the sun for the date calculated minus the mean anomaly for the beginning of the century; here 69deg 31' 47''-282deg-147deg 31'47''. The ayanamsa are 3x (4300-3600)+200= 10deg 30' (see SS 39). Accordingly the tropical longitude of mean sun is 147deg 31'47" + 10deg 30' 158deg 1' 47" or 5deg 8deg 1' 47". 60. Correction for terrestrial latitude. This correction is combined with another which is necessitated by the obliquity of the ecliptic. Table XXVI gives the time in asus (6 asus = 1 vinadi) which each of the tropical signs takes in rising above the horizon on the parallel of latitude marked at the head of the vertical columns. We sum up the asus of the signs past, in this case 5 signs for 24deg north, which is nearly the latitude of Anhilwad. Signs I-V inclusive give 1353+1533+1829 +2041+2057=8813. Now we have this proportion: as the 30 degrees of sign VI rise in 1987 asus, 8deg 1'-7 rise in 532 asus. Adding this to 8813 we get 9345 asus which the part of the ecliptic, through which the mean sun has passed, takes up in rising. Converting the sun's tropical longitude into minutes, we find 5deg 8deg 21' 9482'; this is the time in asus which an arc of the Equator equal to the mean longitude of the sun takes in rising. Subtracting the one from the other, 9482-9345 137, we obtain the interval in asus between the rising of the mean sun assumed to move on the Equator and that on the ecliptic. When the sun is in one of the first six signs, I-VI, he rises earlier in a northern latitude than on the Equator; if in the last six signs, VII-XII, he rises later. In this case the sun, being in sign VI, rises earlier than calculated by 137 asus, which divided by 6 give the amount in vinadis, viz. 23. Therefore, we subtract from the element Dist. &c., as found above, their increase in 23 palas O's an. 69deg 31' 47'' 0 0 22 69 31 25 gh. -19 + 0 -18 an. 79deg 57' eq. O an. 69 31 eq. Sum of equations 435 p. 85 40 55 - -- 4deg 56' 24" 20 45 2 55 39 Thus we get 6deg 9' 50'' as the true distance of sun and moon at the true rising of the mean sun at Anhilwad. 61. True Sunrise.-In SS 52 we have seen that the true longitude of the sun is derived from the mean longitude by adding the sun's equation with the sign changed; consequently the O's true longitude is greater or less than his mean longitude by the amount of the equation, according as the sun's equation in Table XXIV has the sign 3 n 2
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________________ 436 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA, or +. It is evident that the true sun rises later than the mean sun if the true longitude is greater than the mean, and vice versa. In the present case, the equation being additive, true sunrise precedes mean sunrise. We have now to find in how much time the part of the ecliptic equal to the o's equation rises on the given parallel. Convert the O's equation into minutes, viz. 121'; multiply this by the asus which the tropical sign, through which the sun is passing, takes in rising, 1987, and divide by 1800. The result 135 is the interval in asus between the rising of the true and the mean sun. Divide this by 6, the quotient 23 is the interval in vinadis. The increase of distance for the interval thus found must be added to the corrected distance if the equation in Table XXIV is subtractive, or subtracted if the equation is additive. Here Distance fog'50" -28 din - 0 4 40 True Dist. 6 5 10 This is the final result. It will be seen from Table XXII, that 26 p. (the time corresponding to an increase of distance = 5' 10") before true sunrise, the first Karana had ended. It should, however, be remarked that if the interval between true sunrise and the end of a tithi, &c. is very small, say a few palas, the case must be regarded as doubtful; for, though our calculations materially agree with those of the Hindus, still an almanac. maker avails himself of abbreviations which in the end may slightly influence the result (vide inf.). 62. Dates anterior to Bhaskara (K. Y. 4251).-In the Siddhanta Siromani, Golddhyaya, iv, 20, Bhaskara states that the ancient astronomers assumed that at Lanka (or on the Equator) the zodiacal signs rise in the same time with 30 degrees of the equinoctial, or, in other words, that the udayasu of all signs are 1800. On this condition the entries in Table XXVI require a correction exhibited in column Chara, as explained at the foot of the table, e.g. the column 24deg would, on this supposition, show the following figures-1483, 1538, 1694, 1906, 2062, 2127, instead of 1363, &c. It is obvious that in calculating dates anterior to Bhaskara's time, the asus in Table XXVI should be corrected in the way explained. If we knew the Hindu estimate of the latitude and longitude of the place for which the calculation is to be made, the result would of course be the same as that arrived at by a Hindu calculator. As yet, however, we do not know the Hindu latitude and longitude of any place, but substitute for them their true values. It is obvious that the error in the Hindu estimate of the geographical site of a given place influences the result, from which our result, calculated on absolutely correct data, may differ consider. ably. Therefore, so long as we ignore the Hindu latitude and longitude of the places for which almanacs were constructed, our calculation, though theoretically correct, must yield discordant results. I may therefore be allowed to appeal to native astronomers to collect and furnish us with a list of the latitudes and longitudes of the principal places of India, as employed by ancient Joshis. Examples of General Application. 1. To find the European date corresponding to a given Hindu lunar one.
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES. 437 This may be effected by $$ 20-26. But we may calculate also by means of the column for Julian Calendar' in the tables. Thus in Ex. 1, $ 26, we have Sam. 1233, Bhadrapa'da Sudi 13, Sunday, corresponding to K.Y. 4276, 3rd Aovina, solar reckoning; and : Fer. Tithi. ('. An. Jul. Cal. K. Y. 4200 (1) 2.19 6999 76 years (5) 1.27 456 2 3rd Akvins (2) 8-83 661 2014 +3 Aug. 92 . Sun (1) eq. O`03 814 31st Aug. 18.32, Bhadrapada sudi. 4276--3101=1175 A.D., 31st August, Sunday. 2. To convert a European date into a Hindu lunar date. Find (a) the corresponding Kaliyuga year by adding 3101 or 3100 as the case requires; (b) by $ 21 find the date corresponding to the Julian day, and by $ 23 compute the corresponding tithi; (c) the lunar month is of the same name as the solar month in which the new moon preceding the date falls, except when the date belongs to the dark fortnight and is to be interpreted according to the Pdrrimanta scheme, when the lunar month takes the name of the following solar month; (d) if the Vikrama era, beginning generally in Karttika, is used, the lunar months Chaitra to Karttika in Table III belong to the preceding year; and (e) if the date is in New Style, it must first be converted into Old Style. Ex. 1. To find the Hindu date corresponding to 1st June 1891. 1st Jane 1891 corresponds to 20th May (O. S.), K, Y. 4992. By $21, 16+1+14 April=1st May for O Jyaishtha. Hence 20th May 0. S. corresponds to 19th Jyaishtha of the Tables. Now by Tables I-III : Tithi. ( An. Jul. Cal. K, Y. 4900 . 7:41 783 16 28.16 514 19 Jyaish. . 17.83 3 = 19 + 14 April. Mon. . (2) eq. 0.42 20th May. . 23-82 or 8-82 badi, i.e., badi 9. The date belonging to the dark fortnight, about the 24th day of the moon's age, new moon must have occurred before 1st Jyaisbtha, or towards the end of Vaisakha; bence in the Amanla scheme the date is Vaisakha badi 9, K. Y. 4992 or Saka 1818; but being before Karttika, it is in Sarvat 1947. In the Parrimanta scheme it is Jyaishtba badi 9. Es. 2. For 11th February 1878. 11th February is 30th January 0. S. and this falling before Chaitra, the year K. Y. is 1978. 0 Phalguna=16+ 18 January=29th January. Hence 30th January=1st Phalguna. Then Fer. Tithi. (' An. Jul. Col. K. Y. 4900, . (0) 7-41 783 15 78. 22.87 949 1 1st Phalg. . . (2) 7.88 996 14 = 1 + 13 Jan. Mon. . (2) eq. 0:00 30th Jan. 8:16 Magba sudi. Hence the 9th tithi sudi ended on Monday, 30th January 0. S., or 11th February N. S., and new moon occurred about 23rd Magha; bence the date in both schemes is Magha sudi 9, Saka 1799 or Survat 193+. 706 728
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________________ 438 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE TABLES. 6 63. Tables I and II are so constructed that the common and leap years are distributed in such a way that the end of the tabular year differs from the end of the corresponding mean solar year of the Hindus by an interval (indicated by Cor.') rarely exceeding 60 ghatikas, but generally much less. As 100 solar years of the Hindus contain 36,526 days less about 3th day, the centuries in table I contain 84 common and 26 leap years, except that in every eighth century there are only 25 leap years. The leap years in the century are so placed that Cor.' is kept under 30 ghatikas. 64. Calculation of the correction.'-As Cor.' is the fraction of the day by which the sum of the solar years is more or less than an integral number of days, this fraction depends on the length of the solar year; and the latter depends on the days in one Yuga according to the different Siddhantas; that is, the sum of days in a yuga divided by the number of solar years in a yuga (viz. 4,320,000) gives the length of the solar year." Thus: Surya Siddhanta Arya Siddhanta 2nd Arya Siddhanta. Brahma Siddhanta. Days in a yuga. Length of a solar year. 1,577,917,828 365-258756481 days or 365 d. 15 gh. 31-52 p. 1,577,917,500 865-258680555 81.25" 31.28 30-37, 15 365 . 1,577,917,542 365-258690278 1,577,916,450 365-258437499 365 15 365 15 33 33 33 dr 33 33 33 dr From these data is derived the mean duration of 100, 1000 and 3000 years according to the different authorities. Thus according to the Arya Siddhanta, 3000 years being 1,095,776d. 2gh. 30p., the Cor.' is + 2gh. 30 p. As the astronomical day in the Surya Siddhanta begins with mean midnight at Lanka, while common use makes it begin with mean sunrise at Lanka from the duration 1,095,776d. 16gh. 10p., we must retrench 15 ghatikas (the time between mean midnight and mean sunrise), the remainder + 1 gh. 10 p. is the required Cor.' as entered in the table. But according to the Brahma Siddhanta, 3,000 solar years contain 1,095,775d. 18gh. 45p. or about one day less than is given by the other Siddhantas; 3000 K.Y. therefore began on the day preceding that entered in the tables, and the Cor.' was + 18gh. 45p. 65. Calculation of the week day (Feria):-Kaliyuga began with a Friday, or according to our notation the Feria was (6). Now as 3,000 solar years contain 1,095,776 days or 156,539 weeks + 3 days, 3000 K.Y. began on (6) + (3) (9) or (2) Monday. Again as a century of 36,526 days contains exactly 5,218 weeks, it follows that after the lapse of such a century the week-day will be found the same as at the beginning of it. But after a century of 36,525 days the week-day must retrograde by one day. In this way the Ferise of Table I have been ascertained. In Table II, the week-day advances by one day after every common year (of 365 days), and by two days after a leap year (of 366 days). The advance of F. by 2 in Table II therefore shows that the preceding tabular year consists of 366 days. 66. Verification of a date in the Tables.-The Kaliyuga began on the 18th February 3102 B.C., after the 588,465th complete day of the Julian period. As 4,000 solar years The Hindu solar year is the sidereal year. The tropical year on which European Chronology is based is hardly ever nsed by the Hindus. So also, in Hindu astronomy the revolutions of the planets, &c., are sidereal, and not tropical. The precession of the equinoxes is taken into account in such cases as are affected by it, but it is neglected in all others. The European value of this sidereal year is 365-2563744 days, while the tropical year consists of 365-24224 days; and taking the precession of the equinoxes at 180 revolutions in a yuga, according to the Surya Siddhanta, the Hindu tropical year would be 1,577,917,8284,320,180 365-243539667 days.-J.B.
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES. 439 of the Hindus contain 1,461,035 days, they are equal to 40 centuries of Julian years plus 35 days. Therefore 4000 K.Y. began on 18th February + 35 days = 26th March. The same date will be yielded by the tables if the 3rd Vaisakha or beginning of the mean solar year of 4000 K. Y. is calculated. We may also test the Julian date by calculating the ahargana, or civil days from the commencement of the Kaliyuga, by tables VI, VII, VIII, and adding 588,465, the result being the corresponding day of the Julian period, which can readily be converted into the corresponding day of the Julian Calendar by the usual tables. 67. Construction of the Special Tables XIII-XXI.-The Special Tables are based on the mean solar year, and not on the artificial year introduced in the General Tables. It is evident that. Cor.' must denote the same interval of time in both sets of tables, but with a contrary sign, because in the General Tables, the artificial year being given,' Cor.' serves to find the end of the solar year, and in the Special Tables the solar year being given, it serves to find the end of the artificial year, i.e. the interval between the end of the solar year and the beginning of the next preceding or following sunrise at Lanka. 68. To caloulate a given Tithi.- As a Tithi is equal to the time required by the sun and moon to increase their distance by 12deg of longitude, we require the following data : (1) the true longitude of the moon, (2) the true longitude of the sun. According to Hindu astronomy, true long. ( = mean long. ( + equation of the els centre; and true long. O = mean long. O equation of the O's centre. The equations of the sun and moon's centres depend on their mean anomalies. Now we have the equations : true distance (-O=true long. ( - true long. = mean long. ( - mean long. O equation equation o. The mean long. ( - mean long. ois equal to the place of the moon in her synodical revolution. Hence it follows that the tables must enable us to calculate accurately (1) the synodical motion of the moon, (2) the anomalistic motion of the moon, (5) the anomalistic motion of the sun. Besides this we require tables furnishing the equation for (2) and (3). 69. The synodical motion of the moon (Tables XIII to XIX) in one solar year is evidently equal to the synodical revolutions of the moon in a yuga divided by the number of solar years in a yuga. The moon's synodical revolutions in a yuga are, in the Saiva Siddhanta and Arya Siddhanta 53,433,336;" and Arya Siddhanta 53,433,334; Brahma Siddhanta 53,483,330. Dividing these figures by 4,320,000 and multiplying by 860', we find the mean synodical motion in degrees for one solar year, viz. Surya and Arya Siddhanta-rejecting complete revolutions or multiples of 360deg,=132deg 46' 40'8" in 100 solar years : 317deg 48', &c. As the mean distance of the sun and moon at the beginning of the Kaliyuga was 0deg (the longitude of both being supposed to have been 0deg), the mean distance ( at 3000 K.Y. was 174o as given in column headed Distance'(- of Table XIII. From these data the value of the distance for centuries and for odd years can easily be computed ; in a similar way the corresponding values for the other Siddhantas have been computed. a The Julian dato advanced by one day after each century of 36,626 days, but remains the same after a century of 36,526. 4 Hence the wypodical period of the S. &.in. = 1,677,917,828 d. + 63,439,386 r. = 29-53068795 days.-J.B.
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________________ 440 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 70. The daily synodical motion of the moon in degrees is, according to the Sitrya Siddhanta, 12deg 11' 26"-69817, as given in the translation of the Surya Siddhanta (Journ. Am. Or. Soc.) i, 34. This value is practically the same for the other Siddhantas also, for the difference in a year amounts to 2 seconds only for the 2nd Arya Siddhanta, and to 1 second every month for the Brahma Siddhanta. For the latter Siddhanta there. fore we get the correct value, if we add to that furnished by Table XIV one second for each month elapsed since the beginning of the solar year. 71. The calculation of the anomalistic motion of the moon is similar to that of the synodical motion. The anomalistic revolutions of the moon in one yuga-are (1) Surya Siddhanta 57,265,133;" (2) Arya Siddhanta 57,265,117; (3) 2nd Arya Siddhanta 57,265,125.326; and (4) Brahma Siddhanta 57,265,194.142. According to the Sarya Siddhanta, the anomalistic motion in one solar year is 92deg 5' 399"; and in 100 solar years, 209deg 26' 30', &c. 72. As the position of the moon's apogee at the beginning of the Kaliyuga was 90deg according to the Surya and 1st Arya Siddhantas, the mean anomaly was 270deg; and as in 3000 solar years the increase of the anomaly, according to the Surya Siddlanta, is 163 15', the mean anomaly of the moon at 3000 K. Y. was 78deg 15' as in the Special Table XIII for the Surya Sidd hanta, in the column headed ('s Anom. From the above data the value of this element for the other periods is computed. 73. In calculating the mean anomaly of the moon for the 2nd Arya Siddhanta and the Brahma Siddhanta, we must add to the increase of c's an. 286deg 9' 36" and 234deg 30' 14' respectively as the anomaly of the moon at the beginning of the Kaliyuga; for the position of the moon's apogee at that epoch was according to the 2nd Arya Siddhanta 123deg 50' 24" and according to the Brahma Siddhanta 125deg 29' 46". The daily increase of the moon's mean anomaly according to the Surya Siddhanta is 13deg 3' 53"889; and the other Siddhantas yield nearly the same result. The difference accumulating to a few seconds in a year may be neglected, as it does not sensibly affect the calculation of the true place of the moon. 74. The mean anomaly of the sun is the sun's mean longitude minus the longitude of the sun's apogee. As the sun's mean longitude at the beginning of a mean solar year is 0o (or 360deg), we subtract long. o's apogee from 360deg, in order to find the sun's mean anomaly for the beginning of the mean solar year. 75. The long. of O's apogee, according to the Arya Siddhanta, is 78deg and this quantity is regarded as constant. Therefore the mean anomaly of the sun for the beginning of every mean solar year is 282deg according to this Siddhanta. The other Siddhantas attribute a slow motion to the sun's apogee, viz. : The sun's apogee. Rezol. in a Kalpa. Position at 0.K. Y. Alean anom, o at OK. Y. Surya Sidekunta: . . . . . . 887 77deg 7' 18" 282deg 52' 12" 2.dl Arya Siddhanta : : 461 77deg 45' 36" 282deg 14' 24" Brakma Siddhinta :. . 71deg 45' 36" 282deg 14' 24" . 480 * This is found by dividing 360deg by the synodical period; see preceding note.-J. B. # Hence the Anomalistic revolution takes place in g = 1577,917,8281.+37,265,133 rev. = 375818000 days; and the daily motion = 300deg = 13deg 3' 53"-889.-J. B. In Europa stronomy the longitude increases by about 11.25 from the motiou of the apsides.-J. B. "Saryu Sidih. X. $. I. 11
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES. The motion in seconds in one solar year, according to the Surya Siddhanta, is thus 01161; similarly for the 2nd Arya Siddhanta it is 0"1383, and for Brahma Siddhanta 0.144. Subtracting the amounts for 3000 years from the sun's mean anomaly for OK.Y., we find the same for 3000 K.Y., viz. (1) 282deg 46' 24"; (2) 282deg 7' 29"; (3) 282deg 7' 12"; as entered in Table XIII in the column headed O's an. 441 76. The tables for the equations of the centres of the sun and moon are calculated from the epicycles. Their dimensions are the following: According to Arya &. 31deg 30' 13 30 2nd Arya S. 31deg 34' 13 40 Brahma S. 31deg 36' 18 40 Epicycle of the moon Epicycle of the sun. Now according to Hindu astronomy, sin. eq.: sin. an. :: minutes in the epicycle: minutes in the orbit. In all these calculations the Hindu sines have to be used. Thus we find e.g. the eq. for 's an. =45deg (sin 45deg-2431), according to the first Arya Siddhanta, 212'71= 3deg 32' 43''; according to the second Arya Siddh. 213'65-3deg 33' 39''. 3438 20 x Bina 77. The epicycles of the moon and sun, according to the Surya Siddhanta, have circumferences of 32deg and 14deg respectively, and are assumed to contract at the odd quadrants by 20'. The amount of the contraction at any other point, say at anom. a, is 20x ; hence the equation of the sun's centre for anomaly a is sin a 3439 x 300 x Which formula will be found convenient for the calculation of the table. This has been done by Davies (48. Res. vol. II, p. 256); I have taken Davies' tables from Warren's Kala Sankalita, Tables XXII and XXIII. 78. The General Tables yield approximately correct results with the smallest amount of calculation; but they do not conform strictly to the data of any Siddhanta, but are based on the European tables of Largeteau" with this difference that while Largeteau expresses the mean distance of sun and moon, a, in 10,000th parts of the circle, these tables furnish the same element, called tithi, in 30th parts of the synodical revolution. But the mean anomaly of the moon is expressed in the same way in both. For 3200 K.Y.99 A.D. 18th March, Largeteau's tables give a-moon's age 2575, and 6-857, for mean midnight at Paris. Reducing this for mean sunrise at Lanka we must add the increments of a and b for 1h 6m, viz. 15 and 2, which give a 2590 and b 859. From a we subtract 200 (the sum of the equations of and at their maximum), multiply by 30, and divide by 10,000; which gives 7.17 the required tithi for 3200 K.Y. as in Table I. The value of b found above, 859," is transferred to column c's an. of Table I without further change. The same elements in Table II can easily be derived from Largeteau's Table for the years of the 9th century, attention being paid to the leap years. 47 Additions a la Connaissance des Temps, 1846, pp. 1-29, containing Tables pour le calcul des Syzygies ecliptiques ou quelconques; par M. C. L. Largeteau. These short tables are founded on those of Delambre for the sun and of Damoiseau for the moon, and take only the larger equations into account. M. Largeteau uses six quantities in his tables, but does not explain what each indicates; they are,-a moon's age (or distance from the sun) in 10,000ths of a lunation-300 (sum of negative equations); b= moon's mean anomaly (Hansen's g); e2a-b; d= sun's mean anomaly (Hansen's g'); e= moon's distance from the Node or Hansen's g+w; and fun's distance from Moon's Node or 2e2a (that is Hansen's 2g+2). The last four quantities are given in 1000th parts of the circumference. Similar handy tables, but sexagesi mal, and with more equations were published in the seventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and others in Guznmere's Astronomy (Philadelphia 1858).-J. 13. If the degrees in 'Distance O' Table XIII, &c., be multiplied by 30 we obtain this element a according to the different Sid. Antas; thus for K.Y. 3200 we have 89deg 6 x 30 = 2688; or if we divide the same by 12, we have 7'47 tithi. Again for b, from Table XIII, 1320 10 x 100+ 36 367, and 367-500= 867, differing by about 3deg from the European value. Hansen's Tables de la Lune give for the value of the tithi here, 7:1637 and for 's anom. 858-11.-J. B. 8 1
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________________ 442 79. As the beginning of the mean solar year (i.e., mean long.O-0) always falls on the 2nd or 3rd Vaisakha of Table III, it is obvious that on any given date in that table the 's mean long. and consequently the O's mean anomaly and the equation dependent on the latter will be nearly the same for every year. Accordingly the equation O has been coupled with the tithi of the several solar days, so that only the equation of the moon's centre had to be exhibited in the table auxiliary to Table III. 'Sun from Node' of Tables VI, VII, VIII, denotes the distance of the true sun from the moon's node expressed in thousandth parts of the semi-circle. This element has been derived from Largeteau's tables" by coupling Largeteau's values with the equation of the sun's centre. 80. Jupiter's samvat' is the Jovian year, according to the Surya Siddhanta with bija, twelve of which make up one mean revolution of Jupiter. Hence the increase of this in one solar year is evidently equal to twelve times the revolutions of Jupiter in a yuga divided by the number of solar years in the yuga, viz. 10117. The increase for 100 solar years is 101-17, or, as 60 years make up one cycle, 41.17. In making these calculations according to the 2nd Arya Siddhanta and Brahma Siddhanta the mean place of Jupiter at the beginning of the Kaliyuga is to be taken into account, viz. 357deg 7' 12" according to the former, and 359deg 27' 36" according to the latter Siddhanta. 81. The tables for finding true local time have been calculated according to the precepts of the Siddhanta Siromani, Golddhyaya, IV, 19-24, and Surya Siddhanta, III, 42ff. 82. The Longitudes and Latitudes of the principal places in India have been taken partly from Johnston's Index Geographicus, and partly from the list attached to the Sayona Panchanga of Bombay. The longitude of Lanka i.e. Ujjain is 5h 3m 27" east of Greenwich. 83. The following is a list of all the data required from the Siddhantas Elements. ww Sun's revol. in a Yuga Civil days" Lunar tithis,, Moon's synod. revol. in a Yuga 33 33 sider. "anom. 33 >> nodes "} " apsides "} 33 Jupiter's revol." Revol. of O's apsis in a Kalpa Circumference of the 's epicycle (' Place of O's apsis at 0 K. Y. Jupiter at 0 K. Y. EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 31 wr Surya Siddh. 4,820,000 1,577,917,828 1,608,000,080 53,433,336 57,753,336 57,265,133 -232,28850 488,203 364,2201 387 14 & 13deg 40' 82deg & 31deg 40' 77deg 7' 48" 90deg 0deg Arya Siddh. 2nd Arya Siddh. Brahma Siddh. 4,320,000 1,577,916,450 1,602,999,000 58,433,800 4,820,000 4,320,000 1,577,917,500 1,577,917,542 1,608,000,080 1,808,000,000 58,483,386 53,433 334 57,758,836 57,753,234 57,733,300 57,265,117 57,265,125-326 57,265,194 142 -232,226 488,219 864,224 not stated. 13deg 30' 81deg 80' 78deg 90deg 0deg -232,313-354-232,311-168 488,108-674 488,105.858 364,226-455 480 461 18deg 40' 31deg 34' 77deg 45' 36" 123deg 50' 24" 257deg 7' 12" 13deg 40' 31deg 36' 77deg 45' 36" 125deg 29' 48" 329deg 27' 36" Largeteau's, or Hansen's 2g+2 w' is the mean value, independent of the Sun's equation of the centre, the correct period of which is 173-30998176 days; or, from the Sarya Siddhanta elements it may be found thus: 1577917828+ 2(4320000+232288)=173-9128167 days.-J. B. 40 In the Sarya Siddhanta with bija, this is-239,242 rev.; the apsides make 488,199 rev.; and Jupiter 364,228 rev. The modern value of the mean heliocentric motion of Jupiter in a Julian year being 30deg 20' 46"-72, his motion in a Yuga of 4,320,000 true sidereal years would be only 364195-406 revolutions; or, in the yuga of the Surya Siddhanta, 364,197-798 rev. and twelve times this divided by the years in a yuga gives 1-011938328 instead of 1-0117 as in SS 78.-J. B. With bija this becomes 364319.
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES:-GENERAL TABLES. 443 TABLE I.- For centuries of the Kaliyuga. TABLE II.--continued. LUNI-BOLAR DATA. CORRECTIONS FOR SOLAR DATES. FON ODD YEARS-(50-99), Years K, Y Tithi. Ferie. AryaSidan. Moon's M. Anom Surya- Sidda, Brahma Siddh. Solar Cor. Siddl. Sirom, Tithi. ferise. Jul. Cal 18 177 gh. p. 500 13.80 794 1 - 3 58 51 1 24.11 411 +11 34 52 2 491 2871 53 4 16.78 5701 -17 24 545 2753 8161 - 1 58 +27 COO gh. p. gh. p. gh. p. gh. p. 8000 2 18.97 + 2 30 + 1 10 +18 45 31002 10:57 272-1 - 5 25 - 6 18 9 22 8200121 717 853 13 20 13 46 0 0 33002 3.77 446 +1 21 15 21 19 -9 29 3400 2 0.37 34 2 30 10 28 41 18 45 3500! 25.96 585 +22 55 +23 52 +31 52 3600 22:56 172 15 0 16 24 22 30 3700 | 19:17 759 7 5 856 18 7 3800 : 15-77 8+8 - 0 50 1 29 8 45 390 01 | 1237 936 8 45 - 5 59 - 5 37 4000 1 8.98 523 - 16 40 -13 27 -14 59 4100! 5:58 111 24 35 20 54 24 22 -22 41 4200 12:19 699 32 30 28 22 33 44 80 41 43000 27.78 251 9 +19 85 +24 10 +16 58 +21 27 44000 24.38 840 11 40 16 437 31 18 35 4500 02099 428 11 + 8 45 + 9 15 -1 52 + 5 45 46000 17.60 15 12 - 4 101 47 1! 143 6 47000 14.20 605 13 12 5 - 5 40 20 37 9 58 48000 1081 19% 14 20 0 13 % 29,59 17 49 +9000 7.41 783 15 27 55 20 36 39 22 25 40 5000 6 3.00 337 15 +24 10 +31 57 +11 16 +26 30 55 683363 1 +18 39 56 0 19.13 309 1 +29 10 072 0.95 592 1 -15 19 58 8 11.75 838 1 + 0 12 59 4 22:55 851 + 15 44 1+ FOR 60 6 3.36 831 1 610 15:17 6141 62 1 25.98 63 2 6.78 107 1 643 1758 359 1 +39 861 +++ 655 29.40 636 1-11 666 10-20 893 1 + 4 12 67 0 21.00 129 1 +19 54 1.80 8761 +35 693 13.62 858 1 - 9 6811 + TABLE II.--Years of the century. FOR ODD YEARS-(0-24). FOR ODD YEARS--(25-49). + Year. Ferie. Tithi. Solar Cor. A, 8. Year. Ferise. Tithi. Solar Cor. A. 8. + 7014 21:42 9051 71 5 5.22 151 1 72 017.04 4342 7312784 680 1 74 2 8.65 9271 753 1845 178 1 765 1.27 4562 776 12:07 78 022-87 949 1 3.67 1951 7021 TI++. 791 +14 35 -18 725/1 3114110.0 80i 3 15 49 478 4 26-29 15 7.09 9711 6 17.90 2171 1 29.71 5002 1 ++ 1 -16 15 7471 +14 gh. p. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 253 6:14 379 0 +28 01 il 1 10-80 246 01 +15 31 26 5 1796 662 11-16 28 2 2 21.60 4930 +31 2 27 6 28.76 908 1 - 0 56 8! 4 3.2 776 1 -13 26 | 28 0 9-57 1551 4,5 14 22 22 1 + 2 5 29 120-37 401 0+306 5 6 25.03 269 0 +17 36 | 80 3 2.19 684 1 -- 14 28 60 5.83 515 0 +33 412.99 9301 + 1 9 17.85 798 1 -11 32 523.79 1771 + 16 40 8 8 28.45 44 1 + 4 10 33 6 4.59 4230 +32 11 94 9-25 291 0 +19 41 341 1641 706 1 -12 18 105 20.05 5379 +35 12 35 2 27.21 952 1! 2127 21 1952 1 + 8 13 110 1.87 8201 - 9 86 3 8.01 1991 +18 45 12 1 + 6 37 4 18-82 4450 +34 16 19! 2 23.47 813 01 +21 46 886 063 728 1 -10 18 595 1 -22 43 89 011-44 974 1 + 5 19 15 5 16.09 | 8421 - 71140122.24 2211 +20 50 26.89 881 + 8 20 412 3:04 4670 +36 21 17 0 7.70 335 01 +23 51 424 14.86 7501 - 8 8 1812 19:51 618 1.-20 37 43 5 2566 0971 + 7 24 1930-32 86+1 - 56 4+6 646 2431 +22 55 20 4 11.12 110 + 10 25 45 1 18.28 5261-21 33 5 21.92 3570 +25 56 46 2 29.08 7721 - 63 3.74 640 1 -18 33 47 31 9.88 19 1 + 9 28 1 14:54 886 1 - 3 148 420-68 2651 +25 0 2 25-34 133 1 +12 30 49 62.50 5481-19 29 240 12:07 5-29 852 10:52 - 0 21:32 9931 2:12 +80 19 13.9+ 522 2 -14 10 2474 769 1+1 21 901 5:54 151 +16 52 91 2 16.34 262 1 +32 24 92 4 28.16 544 2 - 12 93 5 8.96 7911 + 3 26 9+ 6 19.77 +18 57 95 0 0 57 2841+34 29 96 2 12:39 5662 - 100 973 2319 8181 + 5 31 984 3.99 591 +212 99 5 14 79 396 1 + 36 34 Your Kaliwa - Vikrams + 3011 = Saka + 3179 - A.D. + 3101. 3 1 2
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________________ 444 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. TABLE III.- For days of the year. 0. Chaitra of pre coding year. Solar A. 8.-296.810 Corr.) 8. S.-38 80 1. Vsigakba (Madhava). -8ch. 58. -10 14 2. Jysishtha (akra). --196.91 -149 8. Sahadha (Bucbl). + 105h-61". +11 7 4. Sravana (Nabbas). 126 SL -10 19 6. Bladrapad (Nabhasya). + 156. 41P +17 57 6. Asvina (Isha). + 176.51P. A. S. +19 eo S. 8. Tithi. C's Tithi. Fer. Tithi. Tithi. Fer. a. C's Tithi. Fer. Titbi. Tithi. 26.96 428 61 7:02 339 6.80 2:09 COOHOO 30 CONOO exco enco oo so 6.74 e .O.O 557 8-21 10.87 8.14 OR CORP. ORCO COMOO 827 9.16 14-89 . OO 0 2 2649 802 0 28.49 16 0.06 2.66 303 3 4.24 5*78 1 3 2750 839 129.50 3-68 4 5.26 464 ol 2 4 28:52 2 0-52 3755 6.28 5001 782 0-00 1:54 6 7.29 2883 46 0.55 1402 2-56 8.31 573 3 9.85 5 0156 2:04 5 3.58 1 9:33 4 10-87 611258 3.06 109 6 459 2 10-35 5 11.88 4-07 0 5.61 3 11:36 682 6 12.90 807 5.09 16-63 12-38 718 0 13.91 2 7.65 3435 9-23 11.83 5 13.40 754 1 14.93 7.12 3 8-67 3796 10-24 12-85 665 14:42 2 15.95 116 4 9.68 415 0 11-26 13-87 702 0 15:44 3 16:96 327 5 10-70 452 1 12-28 577 738 1 16:45 863 4 17.98 13 1 6 11:72 488 2 13-30 17.47 8995 19-00 142 012-74 524 14:32 649 18.49 936 6 20.01 15 3 11-71 113-76 5614 15:34 686 19-51 9720 21.03 3:22 2 14.78 5975 16:36 722 5 20-538122 04 13.75 3 15.80 6 17:38 758 6 21:54 45 2 23.06 14.76 15:26 416-81 18.40 794 022-56 813 24-08 16.28 51783 19:41 1 23:58 4 25.09 16-79 6 18-85 20-43 2 2459 5 26.11 17.81 019-87 778 3 21:45 3 25.61 627-12 22 3 18-83 19-33 1 20-89 8154 22:47 25-07 101 4 26.63 0 28:14 19-84 20-34 2 21.91 8515 23:49 26-09 1375 27.65 20-86 21:36 322-93 174 6 28.66 21:87 710 22:38 4 23.94 2553 0 29-68 22.89 746 524-96 26-55 246 23.90 782 24:41 6 25.98 27-57 1071 819 0 27.00 32 3 28.59 25-94 855 | 5 1 28-02 69 4 29.60 194 3554 3.75 627-47 9802 29-04 105 5 0-62 230 3.22 391 ... 6 1.64 266 Mina. Mohs. Karksu. Simla. Kanyl. 0-26 Feb. C. Year. - 14 Mar. 2016 June. - 17 July 0 - 17 Aug. 0 - 27 Feb. L. Yr. 16 88 E88SOFED NOW 10 Date. er COOOOOOO 4 12.73 14.24 633 17-29 18:31 24-51 O Ha 210 OOOO DOO O OOO OOO OOOOOOOO 3 COMO 0-70 . 2.32 4.77 : Vrisba. Mithuna. 15 May Phalguna of preced ing year. Tithi. AUXILIARY TABLE III. 'Rywation of the centre: to be applied to the Tithi. An. Argument: Bay C'Anom. Eq. Argument: C's Anom. Argument: C'Anom. Argument: C's Auom. 0 or 500 101 9-24 185 10-26 222 11:27 258 12-28 294 17 313-30 331 14:31 208 16:34 439 19 5 15-33 403 21 . 17-36 476 221 18-87 512 28 219-38 20:44 421-46 26 5 22'43 657 23:44 1.694 280 24:41 730 29 1 26-47 766 CONCHO EXCIO O 680 8888 8888 180 or 370 140 360 150 850 160 340 170 330 180 320 310 200 900 210 290 220 280 270 240 or 260 250 0-72 -74 76 77 .78 -79 0-80 81 *82 83 -83 83 500 or 1,000 0:42 5101 990 39 520 980 530 970 540 960 550 950 560 940 570 930 580 920 590 910 600 900 6101 890 15 620 or 0.13 630 or 870 6401 860 650 850 660 840 670 830 820 690 810 700 800 710 790 720 730 770) 740 or 760 750 0-11 *10 -08 07 -05 04 0.08 -02 02 -01 780 230 .00 POO 00 0-00 100 or 880 10-83
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________________ 7. Karttika (Orja). A.S.-148, 47P. Corr. 3 s. 8.-14 Sol. Tithi. <' An, Tala Samk. 0-17 Sept. COMPUTATION OF DATES:-GENERAL TABLES. TABLE III continued. 10. Magha (Tapas). +30 37P. +28 0 02 7-28 678 4 7-71 766 5 13 8-29 714 5 8-73 803 6 24 9-31 750 6 9-74 839 0 1 0-02 1 2 0-03 1 3 005 2 8. Margusira (Sahas). -20, 40P. -20 34 35 10-32 787 0 10-75 875 1 4 6 11 33 823 11-77 912 2 5 0 12-35 859 2 12-78 948 3 61 13:37 895 3 13-79 984 4 7 2 14-39 932 4 14-81 20 5 3 15-40 968 5 15-82 57 6 9 416-42 4616-83 93 0 10 5 17-43 41 0 17-85 129 1 11 6 18-44 77 118-86 166 2 12 0 19-46 113 2 19-87 202 3 13 1 20-47 149 3 20-89 238 4 14 2 21-49 186 4 21-90 274 5 15 3 22.50 222 5 22-91 311 6 16 4 23-51 258 6 23-93 347 0 17 5 24-53 295 0 24-94 383 1 18 6 25-54 331 1 25-95 420 2 19 0 2656 367 2 26-97 456 3 20 1 27 57 403 3 27-98 492 4 21 2 28-59 440 28-99 529 5 22 3 29-60 476 5 0-01 565 6 23 4 0-61 512 1.02 601 0 24 5 1-63 549 2-03 637 1 25 6 2-64 585 1 3-05 674 2 26 0 3.66 621 2 4-06 710 3 27 1 4-67 658 3 5-07 746 4 28 2 5.68 694 4 6-09 783 5 6.70 730 29 3 30 Tithi. 16 17 18 Vrischika. 0-17 Oct. 0-27 10 31 0-29 10 32 0-30 11 33 0-32 11 34 0-34 12 35 9. Pausha (Sahasya). +9, 44P. +8 55 4 0-07 2 19 5 0-08 3 6 0-10 20 21 0-36 13 36 7 0-12 4 22 0.37 13 37 8 014 5 23 0-39 14 38 9 0.15 5 24 0-41 15 39 10 0-17 6 25 0-42 15 40 11 0-19 7 26 0-44 16 41 12 0-20 7 27 0.46 16 42 13 0-22 8 28 0-47 17 43 14 0-24 8 29 0-49 18 44 15 0-25 9 30 0-51 18 45 Tithi. ('s An. 7-10 819 6 8-11 855 0 9-12 891 1 ... ... Tithi. Dhanuh. 0-15 Nov. TABLE IV. Increase of tithi and moon's anomaly in Ghatikds. Gb. Tithi. An. Gh. Tithi. An. Gh. Tithi. An. Gh. Tithi. An 6-47 871 1 7.48 908 2 8.50 944 3 Makara. 0-14 Dec. ('. An. 0-52 19 46 0-78 28 0-54 19 47 0-80 28 0.56 20 48 0-81 29 0-57 21 49 0-83 30 0-59 21 50 0-85 80 0-61 22 51 0-63 22 52 0-64 28 53 0-66 24 54 0-68 24 55 069 25 56 0-95 34 0-71 25 57 0-96 34 0-73 26 58 0-98 85 0-74 27 59 1.00 36 0-76 27 60 1-02 36 0-86 31 0-88 31 0-89 32 0-91 33 0-93 33 11. Phalgun (Tapasya). -1th, 7. -5 8 Tithi. 6'86 7-88 889 960 3 7-29 996 4 8.31 33 5 9-32 Kumbha. 0-18 Jan. 12. Chaitra (Madhu). -13, 4P. -15 58 9 10-14 928 2 9.51 980 4 9.90 69 6 10-33 158 1 10-80246 11-15 964 3 10-52 16 5 10-92 105 0 11-35 194 2 11-82 283 12-16 0411-53 53 6 11-93 142 1 12-36 230 3 12-84 319 13-18 37 5 12.55 89 0 12-95 178 2 13-38 267 4 13-85 355 14-19 73 6 13-56 125 1 13-96 214 3 14:39 303 5 14-87 391 15-20 109 0 14:57 162 2 14-97 250 4 15-41 339 6 15-89 428 8 16-21 145 1 15-59 198 3 15-99 287 5 16-42 375 0 16-90 464 17-23 182 2 16-60 234 4 17-00 323 6 17-44 412 1 17-92 500 10 18-24 218 3 17-61 271 5 18-01 359 018-45 448 2 18.94 587 11 19-25 254 4 18-63 307 6 19-03 396 1 19-47 484 3 19-95 573 12 20-26 291 5 19-64 343 0 20-04 432 2 20-49 521 4 20-97 609 13 21-28 327 6 20-65 379 1 21-06 468 3 21-50 557 5 21-99 645 14 22-29 363 0 21-67 416 2 22-07 504 4 22:52 593 6 23-01 682 15 23:30 400 22-68 452 3 23-09 541 5 23-53 629 0 24-02 718 16 24-32 436 2 23-69 488 4 24-10 577 6 24-55 666 1 25-04 754 17 25-33 472 3 24 71 525 5 25-12 613 0 25-56 702 2 26-06 791 18 26-34 508 4 25-72 561 6 26-13 650 1 26-58 738 3 27-08 827 19 27-36 545 26-73 597 0 27-14 686 2 27-59 775 4 28-09 863 20 28-37 581 6 27-75 633 1 28-16 722 3 28-61 811 5 29-11 900 21 29-38 617 0 28-76 670 2 29-17 758 4 29-63 847 6 0-13 936 22 0-39 654 1 29-77 706 3 0-19 795 5 0-64 884 0 1-14 972 23 9 24 166 920 1 2.16 1-41 690 2 0-78 742 4 1.20 831 6 8-18 2-21 867 0 2'42 726 3 1-80 779 5 2-67 956 2 3.43 762 4 2-81 815 6 3-23 904 1 3-69 992 3 4-20 4-45 799 5 3:82 851 0 4.24 940 2 4.71 29 4 5-21 65 5 5.46 835 6 4.84 887 1 5.26 976 3 5-72 5-85 924 2 6 27 13 4 6-74 101 6 45 25 0 Tithi. Mesha Vrisha Mithuna Karkata Simha Kanya Tula Vrischika Dhanuh Makara. Kumbha Mina An. 49 5 85 6 121 0 Mins. 0-12 Feb. RASI. 18. Vaisakha of following year. +5, 20P. A. 8. +6 38 8. 5. Tithi. 445 C' An. 0 7.75 188 8.77 174 1 9.79 210 TABLE V. Ending points of Zodiacal Signs. 81 26 117 27 6 23 154 28 7-25 190 29 08-27 226 30 Mesha. 0-14 Mar. C. Yr. 0-18 Mar. L. Yr. 3 End. 30deg 60deg 90deg 120deg 150deg 180deg 210deg 240deg 270deg 300deg 380deg 960
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________________ 446 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. TABLE VI -- Por Centaries of the Kaliyuga. Table VII.--continued. Jupiter's Yr. Aharg. Cent. KY. Samvat. BUX FROM THE Moox's NODE Sitrya Siddh. Arya. With Brab. Test Hi, fran Node. Ahargai Jupiter's Samrat. 8. 8.1 siro. correction applied. From $700 Lalla's are 22 8000 1095 776 511 8100 1182 802 268 8200 1168 828 23 8300 1205 854 8400 1241 880 3500 1278 405284 86001814 981 8700 1851 457 796 800 1887 983 551 8900 1424 509807 4000 1461 035 62 64 41001497 561 819 4200 1584 087573 4300 1570 612 893 325 4400 1607 138 79 81 4500 1643 664 834 836 4800 1680 190 590 592 4700 1716 716 845 847 4800 1758 242 100 | 108 49001789 768 856 858 5000 1826 293 605 508 85.10 18-27 57:41 88.61 19.78 0-95 42:12 23-29 4.46 45-63 28-80 7.97 49.14 30-31 11:48 52-65 33.82 14.99 56.16 87:33 18.50 575 850 820 818 576574 823 326 324 78 82 80 828 838886 580 588 592 338 843 850 348 86 98 106 10+ 838852862: 860 590 601 612 610 na 50 18 263 378 50-5850 51 18 628 484 51.5967 52 18 993 590 52-8084 53 19 859 702 53-6201 34 19 724 808 54-6318 55 90 089 914 55.6435 56 20 451 20 56-6552 57 20 820 132 57-6669 58 21 185 288 58.6786 59 21 550 344 159-6903 8021 915 450 0.7029 61 22 281 562 1.7137 62 22 646 669 2.7254 23 011 774 37871 64 23 376 4-7488 65 23 742 992 57605 24 107 98 6.7722 472 204 7.7839 24 837 810 8.7956 25 209 422 9.8073 70 25 589 528 10.9190 25 933 634 11.4307 26 299 746 12-8424 26 66+ $52 13.85+1 27 029 958 14.8658 27 394 64 15.8775 27 760 176 16-8592 77 28 125 212 17-9009 28 490 398189126 28 855 494 19-9243 29 221 606 20-9360 586 712 21.9477 951 818 22-959+ 30 316 924 23.9711 8+ 30 682 36 24.9828 83 31 047 172 25.9945 86 31 412 248 27-0062 87 81 777 354 280179 N8 32 143 466 29-0296 89 32 508 572 30-0113 90 32 873 678 31.0530 91 33 238 784 32.0647 92 38 604 896 83.0764 93 33 969 2 34.0881 94 34 334 108 35.0993 95 34 699 214 361115 96 35 065 326 37.1232 35 430 4:32 38.1349 99 35 795 | 53% 39.1466 99 36 160 644 40 1583 25 730 28 30 81 TABLE VII.- For years of a century. 1 Jupiter's Jupiter's Aharg. Iruna Sathyat. Yr. Aharg. from Node. Nole. Sumat. 9 131 686 25.2925 865 106 1.0117 26 9 497 798 26-3012 212 2.0284 27 9 862 904 2703159 1 096 324 3.0861 10 227 10 24-3276 1 461 430 4.0468 10 592 116 29-8393 1 826 526 50585 10 958 228 30-8510 2191 642 60702 11 323 384 31:3627 2 557 754 7.0819 82 11688440 32 3744 2 922 865 8:0936 12 053 546 33.3861 3 287 9:1053 84 12 419 658 34.3978 8 652 72 101170 19 784 76+ 35-4095 4018 184 11.1287 13 149 870 36-4212 4 888 290 12.1404 13 5149761 874329 13.1521 13 880 88 88.4116 5114508 14.1838 14245 19+ 39-4563 5 479814 151755 14 610 800 40.4680 5 844 | 720 16.1872 14 975 406 4104797 6 209 826 17.1989 15 341 518 42-4914 6 575 938 18.2106 43 15 7016624 43.5031 6 940 44 19.2223 16 071780 44'5148 7 305 150 20.2340 | 16 437 842 455265 7 670 256 21.2457 46 76 802 918 46.5382 8 036 968 22-2574 47 17 187 54 47.5+99 8 401 474 23.2691 49 17 532 160 .49.56.6 8766 580 2+2808 4917 898 272 49.5733 966 88 4 748 42 45 24 These values are those of the Surya Siddhanta with the Wijn or corretion, riz. for 364,212 revolutions in ynga. For this value without Mja (364,290 rev.) multiply the year K. T. by 2 and divile by 90,000, and dedinet the result from the talular value for the Arya BiddAdula value (564,224 rev.), divide the year KY. by 80,000, and deduct the fraction from the tabular value.
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________________ 447 COMPUTATION OP DATES:-GENERAL TABLES. TABLE VIII.--for months and daye. II. JYAISILLA. IV. SIYANA. CHATR. OF PRECEDING TEAK Abols, Junity Taiw | a n, S. . . Jult: X. @long Jur They. 1| 01 | 311 345E78 ( 1tJ 598 Qi 7 ;?!" " :":1050 | 28 | | 18] IU, GUT 7| 89deg17' 02/21 | 501 095414114| 17:30~13" O-CI503 Lu 190deg 1 3:43 31.50 331953-2141| 0| | ltd | 31 11' 0-0831 3| 1919" } 0.57 S16 32 29 30-31 | | 170' 3.* 8 0 (18:21 24 544 929 10-2664 15:22 333deg29'54*11/7 | 17 | UriE SI) 15 550 935 | 0-2E3L : 527 335 51) (1024 15 4P ; TEL114 Si 556 94degN 02553 | 15:38 335deg25' 54*1252:34] 17 Zhan ? 10-02)87 5623 04deg57' 0.24687 | 6,532'3:36: '52-12:50 / 35 ) 11:3; :8'' IPCO. 1 8 568 15deg 54'16-271 | S1337925:53:051 | 17: : Oly 574 910-27218 550 38deg27'' 19335 ) 37 | 204 17deg54 | Ulue3 | 580 1978'' 0.7 ; 555 3399 26" 5:1-13033138110i 38deg51' | v10.53 101 587 | 98deg 45', 0-2798 361 34 | 59-1991 39 | 217: 48 0108) 593 199deg42', 0-282 S7 3417 9-9418 40 | 22331 40degF 0-1103 | 100P De : 0283 873342deg 25 | 59-9446 41 43 0-11 604 11deg3' 02881 | 875 343" 2559-9474 42 40 0-113 | 610 | 10:33 | Cr23N | 14 S34 344deg 24| 59-9501 43] 24 4378" 01191 106 616 |1037 30' 03:1315 | 15 530 | 345"2 59-923 44 35 C-1/13 | 107 622 [104deg27| 2014 590 1345deg 2359-105571 45deg?" [01:46 | 108 628 | 103deg25'' 0-21:12 17 901 |34deg21:15851 430 01: 1109 34 | 106deg 22", 0-3012: 907 1345deg 21 13:1-1b]: 47237|| 0-1302 110 640 | 107deg19'' 0347 913 3497 90' 59-1040 48deg24' 0-10 | 111 646 | 108deg17' | V3074 119 350deg 139-9668 42| ~1357 | 112 8 1109 14 | 31 5|51deg 18" | 54-9694 P13 (1385 11: 658 1110deg12' Q:31:1) 130 35deg 17 | 59-973 51deg 13" | U*1413 | 114 664 |111degg":03158 936 1353deg 1 99751 52deg 13" | 0-1440 | 115 670 11/F 03 ISG 942 354deg 15" | 59-9778 3deg10' | | 0-1468 | 116 676 | 11.3deg 23 948 | 355deg 14| 579-1806 54 | 306 | 54deg || 0-14:16 | 117 682 | 114deg1'} {"324 553 | 356 137159 3534 5| 312| 553" 01:33 1118! | 68S 114deg8: 32 959 1337deg 12/151-9862 561318|36deg | Q-1551 11:1 : 11 } 15:45 165 |35SP 11' | 53-9589 571 41 :57"| "jj/ 2 12u | 6:53 | 116deg43' | Q:53:24 58 3:30 157 55 | Ctrltil/7 1210 5 | 117deg50' | U-332 294 | 300 Ill. 38H A HUA. V. BHADRAPADA. 976 15 952 70 I. VAISAKHA. 971 | 35deg 10 | 59-9917 | 9 | 9159-9944 | 60 | 1" g 9.9972 || 61 Yan 000002 3deg 0-002S | 68 ? | OUW56 |- 64 De 2 (0-0053 || Pow| 0-01111 deg58' | 0-015 7 57 016 8deg 56 | O-012Nian 9deg Y= 1-(12 10deg51' U-2 13 11deg42'i O-U27 129 45": 0-030573 139 4:0-1332 || 14 44 | O-O360 | 15deg Z 0-038876 16degN 0-416 17deg 370-0443 18deg 350-0471 19deg 33 Q-0499 2031" | 0-05286 21deg 9 10-0554 22 27 0-0582 292 25 O-O609 242deg 22 0-0637 00665 O-C633 0-0720 0-0748 Ye Chu Ru Ru Ru 5155deg | 0.1634 | 122 712 | 119deg49'' 0337 341 | | 599 | 0-1662 718 | 11deg 47'' 0-3417 348 | Gudeg 47 | 1690 | 124 7 | 120deg42' T-345 354 61deg4'' +1717 13 729:21deg 40"} {"3402 360 62 41 175 125 755 | 12:26 37 | uc3431) 365 6375'' r1773 7 741 | 1232 35 0.3515 1 G4deg 1500 15 747 | 12.33", "i(-18:5 1:10 752 | 125degdeg| 1: 33 3:3 ' 0 15:45:10 755 [12P (31] (7" 2 | 014 191 75 127*:"i031929 3/17 1 0-1211 12 771 125deg4''C-366 4011 CPU 11:27 13:3 76 | 129deg 22:0 54 1:157 14 | 130deg 20| 03712 | 71 14'' 11114 Xu 758 131deg 17 | 3733 13 72deg 11' | U-2 136 794 | 132 15 | U-37G|14 73 S 0205U 137 500 | 193 13" | 03:51} 74deg4'|| (2077 | 1:55 506 | 13deg 11'} U-35 7521 Q:105 | 139 512 | 15deg 1| 050 58'i 1Lu 140 518 | 138deg Ai Q23573 | 7WGao (12160 | 141 524 137deg 6@ 30, 77deg :') 02185 | 12 522 138deg 47 | 0:34:33 78deg 42 0-216 | 143 S35 11:30:41 7F Af'; 09244 ||| 14: 41 | 14 | D34159 SUdeg43'; 2:271 | 15 547 1140deg58'} 04016 | 479 51deg 40" | 03-100 16: 55 141deg 56| 0-4044 || 455 S: " 0-21:27 147 5.58 14255) U-4U2 441 533', U-3354 145 55 14: 33 | 0-4100 4477 -* ' | U-35: 14.9 71 | 14deg58'} 0-4127 01/10 1 876 145degYe : 2-415 dH 0 4 ; .... 3S 151 58 | 14P 49 | C4181 jls 5deg41' (21:15: 555 14747 04210 ju | 55deg 1s") - 13: ! wuuuurs 29 17 25deg 19 28 12
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________________ 448 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA, Table VIII-continued. VLASTISA. VIII. MARGASIBA. X. MAGHA, XII. CHAITRA. Day. Ab. N. Os long. Jup. Ah. N. Os long. Jup. AL. N. Of long Jup. Ah. N. Oa long. Jup. Day. 0 153 894 148deg 45' 0.4238 214 244 2090 20 0-5928 272 568 2680 290 7534 332 905 329deg 13' 10.9196 0 1 154 900 149deg 43' 0-4266 215 250 210deg 21'0'5955 273573 269deg 300-7562 333 910 330deg 13' 0.9224 1 2 155 905 150deg 41' 0-4293 216 255 2110 220-5983 274579 270deg 31' 0-7590 334916) 331deg 13' 0-92522 3 156 911 151deg 400-4321 217 261 212 230-6011 275 585 271deg 33' 0.7617 335 922 332deg 13' 0.9279 3 4 157917 152deg 380 4349 218 267 213deg 23' 0 -6039 276591 272deg 34' 0 7645 336 927 333deg 13' 0-9307 5 155 923 153deg 37' 0-4377 219 272 214deg 24' 0.6063 277 596 273deg 36' 0'7673 337 933 334 120-9335 6 159 928 154deg 36' 0.4404 220 277 215deg 25'06094 278601 274deg 37' 0-7701 338 939 335deg 12' 0-936-3 7 160934 155deg 34' 0-4432 221 283 216deg 26' 0.6122 279 607 275deg 38' 0.7728 339 945 336deg 12' 0-9390 161941 156deg 33' 0-4460 222 289 217deg 27' 0-6149 230613 276deg 39' 0-7756 340 950 337deg 11' 0-9418 9 162 947 157deg 31' 0-4487 223 295 218deg 280-6177 281 618 277deg 41' 0.7784 341 956 338deg 11' 0-9446 10 163 953 158deg 300-4515 224 300 2199 290-6205 282624 278 420-7811 342 961 339deg 11' 0-9473 10 11 1164.958 159deg 290-4543 225/3061 220 30 10-6232 2836291 279deg 43'10-7839' 343 967 340'11'10-9501 12 165 964 160deg 28' 0.4570 226312 221deg 31' 10-6260 284 634 280deg 44' 0.7867 344 973 341deg 100-9529 12 13 166,970 161deg 27' 04598227 318 222deg 32' 0:6288 285640 281deg 46' 0-7894345979 342 10 0-9556 13 14 167 976 162deg 260-4626 228323 223deg 33' 0-63162860461 282deg 47' 0.7922 346 984 3430 9 0.9584 15 168 981 163deg 25' 0-4654 229 328 2240 350 6343 287652 283' 48 0-7950 347 990 344deg 8' 0-9612 15 16 169987| 164deg 24' 0-4681 230334 225deg 36' 0-6371 288 657 284deg 49' 0-7978 348 996 345deg 80-9640 16 17 170993 165deg 23' 0-4709 231 340 226deg 37' 0-6399 289663 2859 500-8005 349 2 346deg 7' 0-9667 17 18 171 999 166deg 22 04737 232 346 227deg 38' 0-6426290668 296deg 51' 0'8033 350 7 347deg 6' 0.9695 18 19 172 4 167deg 21'0.4764 233351 228deg 39' 0-6454 291 674 287deg 52' 0.8061 351 18 348deg 6' 0.9723 20 173 10 1680 200-4792 234356 229deg 400-6482 292 680 288deg 53' 0-8088 352 19 349deg 5' 0 9750 21 174 16 169deg 19 0 4820 235/362 230deg 41' 10-6509 293 685 289deg 54' 0-8116||353 25 350deg 4' 0.9778 21 175 22 170deg 19'0-4847|236 368 231deg 420-6537 294 690 290deg 55' 08144 354 31 351deg 30-9806 22 28 171deg 18' 0:4875 237 373 232deg 43' 0-6565 295 696 291deg 56' 0-8171 355 36 352 2 0-9833 23 |33| 172deg 180-4903238|378 2330 44 0.6593 296 702 292deg 570-8199 356 42 353deg 1' 0.9861 24 39 1730 17' 0-4931 239 384 234deg 45' 0-6620 297 708) 293deg 58' 0-8227 357 48 354deg 0 0-9889 25 45 174deg 16' 0-4958 240 390 235deg 46' 0-6648 298 712 2949 59 0-8255 358 54 3540 590-9917 26 180 51 175deg 16' 0-4986241 396 236deg 47' 0-6676 299 718 296deg 0 0-8282 359 59 355deg 580-9944 27 28 181 56 176deg 16' 0-5014 242 401 237deg 49' 0.6703 300 724 297 0.8310 360 65 356deg 57 0.9972 28 182 62 177deg 15' 0-5041 301 730 298deg 20-8338 361 71 357deg 56' 1.0000 29 183 68 178deg 15' 0-5069 XIIL VATSAKRA OF THE VII. KARTTIKA. IX. PAT8HA XI. PERLGUNA. 0 184 74 179deg 15' 0.5097 243 406 238deg 50' 0-6731 302 736 299deg 3' 0.8365 362 77 358deg 55' 1.0027 0 1 185 79 180deg 15' 0.5124 244 412 239deg 51' 0-6759 303 741 300deg 2'0-8393 363 88 359deg 54' 1.0055 1 2 186 85 181deg 15' 0-5152 245 418 240deg 520-6786 304 746 301deg 3'0-8421 364 880deg 53' 1:0053 2 3 187 90 182deg 15' 0:5180 246 423 241deg 54' 0-6814 305 752 302deg 4 0 -8448 365 94 1deg 51' 1.0110 3 188 96 183deg 14' 0.5208247 429 242deg 55' 0-6842306 758 303deg 50-8476366100 20 50' 1.0138 4 189'102 184deg 14' 0.5235 248 434 243deg 57' 0.687 307 763 304deg 50.8504 367 106 3deg 48' 1.0166 190 107 185deg 14'05263 249 440 244deg 580-6897 308 769 305 60-8532 368111 4deg 47' 1.0194 6 191 113 186deg 14'0-5291 250 145 245deg 590-6925309 775 306deg 70-8559 369 117 5deg 45' 1.0221 7 8 192 119 187deg 14' 0:5318 251 451 247deg 10-6953310 781 307deg 70-8587 370 123 6deg 44' 1.0249 8 9 193 125 188deg 14' 0.5346 252 457 248deg 20.6980 311 786 308deg 8' 0.8615371 129 7deg 42 1:0277 10 194 130 189deg 14' 0-5374 253 463 249deg 4'0-7008 312791 309deg 0-8642 372 134 8deg 41' 1.0304 195 136 190deg 140-5401 254 468 250deg 5 10-7036.313.7971 310deg 90-8670373|140 90 3916932 11 196 142 191deg 140-5429 255 473 251deg 70-7063 314 803 311deg 10 0-8698374 146 10deg 37' 1.0360 12 197 148 192deg 14' 0.5457 256 479 252deg 80-7091 315 809 312deg 10 0-8725 375 152 11deg 35' 1.0387 13 14 198 159 193deg 14'0-5485257485 253deg 90-7119 316 814 313o 10 0.8753 376 158 12deg 33' 1.0415 14 199 159 194deg 140-5512 258 490 254deg 10' 0-7147 317820314deg 10' 08781 377 164 13deg 31' 1.0443 15 16 200 165 195deg 140-5540 259 495255deg 11' 0-7174 318 826 315deg 11' 0-8809 378 170 14deg 29' 1 0471 16 17 201171 196deg 14' 0-5568260 501 256deg 13' 0-7202 319 831 316deg 11' 0-8836379 176 15deg 27' 1.0498 17 18 202 176 197deg 14' 0.5595261 507 257o 140-7230 320 836 317deg 11' 0.8864 380 181 16deg 25' 1 0526 18 19 20:181 1980 1410-5623||262513 258deg 15107257 321 842 318deg 120-8892||381|187 17deg 23' 1.0554 19 20 204 187 199deg 15' 0-5651 263 518 259deg 17' 0.7285 322 848) 319deg 12' 0.8919|382 198 18deg 21' 1.0581 20 21 205 193 200deg 15' 0-5678 264 523 260deg 18' 0 7313 323 854 320deg 12 0-8947383|199 19deg 19 1.0609 21 22 206 199 2010 15 0-5706|265 529 2610 20 0-7340 324 859 321deg 120.8975384204 20deg 17' 1.0637 22 23 207 204 202deg 16' 0:5734 266 585 262deg 21' 0.7368 325 865 322 12 0-9002 385210 21deg 151.0664 23 24 208 210 203deg 16' 0-5762 267 540 263 220-7396 326 871 323deg 12' 0.9030386 216 22deg 13' 1.0692 24 25 209 216 204deg 17' 0-5789 268.545 264deg 24' 0-7424 327 877 324deg 13' 0-9058 387222 23deg 11' 1.072025 28 210 222 205deg 17' 0-5817 269551 285deg 25' 0-7451 328 882 325deg 13' 0-9086 388 228 24deg 1.0748 26 27 211 227 206deg 18' 0-5844 270 557 266deg 27' 0-7479 329 887 326deg 13' 0-9113 389 234 25deg 6' 1.0775 27 28 2:2 233 207019 0.5872 271563 2670 280-7507 330 893 327deg 13' 0.9141 390 240 26deg 3' 1.0803 28 213 238 2080 20 0-5900 331 899 328deg 13' 0-9169 391 246 27deg 1' 1.0831 29 392 252 27deg 59' 1.0858 30 POLLOWING YEAR. 30
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES :-GENERAL TABLES, 449 TABLE IX.-Por Nakshatras and Yogas. TABLE XI.- Por difference of Nakshatras and Yogas. Nakshatra. Index. Yoga. Nakshatra. A Yogs. i Asvini . . 2 Bharini* . . 3 Ksittik. . . 4 Rohini . 5 Mpigabiras 6 Ardri* . 7 Punarvasa. 8 Pushya .. . 9 Aslesha . . 10 Magh& . 11 Purva-Phalgani. 12 Uttara-Phalgant 13 Hasta 14 Chitr& . 15 Svati 16 Visakh& . 17 Anuradha(r). 18 Jyeshtha. Mala Parva- AshAdh. 21 Yttara-Ashaha. Sravanal. . Bravishtha or Dhanishtha Satabhishaj or Satataraka Parys-Bhadrapad . Uttara-Bhadrapada . 27 Revati . . . ARA 20 Vishkambha. 40' Priti. 40deg 0 Ayushmat. 530 20 Saubhagya. 56deg 40' Bobhans. 80deg 0 Atiganda. 93deg 20 Sukarman. 106deg 40 Dhriti. 120deg 0 Sols. 1330 20 Ganda, 146deg 40 Vriddhi. 160deg 0 Dhruva. 178deg 20 Vyaghata. 186deg 40 Harshana. 200deg 0 Vajra. 213deg 20' Siddhi. 226deg 40 Vyatipata. Variyas. 2530 20 Parigha. 266deg 40 266deg 40 - 280deg 0 Siddha. 2930 20 Sadhya. Subhs. 320deg 0 Sukla. 320deg 0 - 333deg 20 Brahman. 333deg 20' - 346deg 40 Indra. 346deg 40' - 360deg 0 Vaidhfiti. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 24000 Siva. . 306deg 40 60 44 13deg 20' 56 28 TABLE XII.- Equation of Jupiter's true to his mean place, at or near conjunction. TABLE X.--Ending points of the Nakshatras according to Garga and the Brahma Siddhanta and the presiding Divinities of the Nakshatras. No. Garga. Brahma. Deity. Arg.' (848) Eg. | Arg." (948) 2-73 0-14 8.73 2.40 or 3.06 0.14 8.40 or 9.06 730 720 145 939 2-06 8.06 3-40 9:40 106 40 113deg 1.73 3.73 7.73 9.73 126deg 140deg 1.40 4:06 7-40 10-06 160deg 173deg 20 186deg 40 13deg 10' 35" Agvin. 19deg 45' 32 Yama. 32deg 56' 27 Agni. 52deg 42. 20 Prajapati. 65deg 52' 55 Soma. 28' 12 Rudra. 92deg Aditi. 105deg 24' 40 Brihaspati. 111deg 59' 57 Sarpah. 125deg 10' 32 Pitarah. 188deg 21' 7 Bhags & 158deg 7' 0 Aryaman. 171deg 17' 351 Savitri. 18deg 28' 10 Tvashtri. 191deg 3' 27 Vayu. 210deg 49' 20 Indragni. 223deg 59' 55 Mitra. 230deg 35' 12 Indra. 45' 47 Nirriti. 256deg 56' 22 Apah. 42 15 Vissvedevah. 2800 56' 30 Brahma, 294deg 75 307deg 17' 40 Valavah. 313deg 52' 57 Varana. 327deg 3' 32 Aja Ekapad. 346deg 49 25 Ahi Budhnya. 360deg 0 0 Pushan. 1:06 4-40 7:06 10:40 0-73 4.73 0.07 673 10-73 243 0.40 5.06 0-05 6.40 1930 20 2130 20 226deg 40 233deg 20 246deg 260deg 280deg 2930 3130 20 326deg 40' 346deg 360deg 11.06 276deg 0-06 5.40 0-03 6.06 11.40 Vishnu. 306deg 40 11735-73 0:00 5-73 1173 40 0 If the equation falls in the left side, the equation is additive; it in the left, it is subtractive. The Nakshatra Abhijit is sometimes inserted between Nos. 21 and 22; its extent is 276deg 40- 281deg 40. . According to the Muhurtachintamani the deity of 4 is Brahma, of 8 Prajapati, And Abhijit is omitted. SK
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________________ EPIGRAPHIA INDICA SPECIAL TABLES. TABLE XIII.-Sun and moon's places for centuries. 450 ARYA SIDDHANTA. Q's Anomaly Uncorrected. Corrected. Cor. SORYA SIDDHANTA. C's Anomaly. D Cent Cor. O' Anom With Bija Uncorrected 22 3 0 0 11+++ ++ ||| ++++ | values of the same. the Shirya Siddharta is identical with Distance uncorrected 282deg 46' 24 gh. p. SEE g** a*z* *z** **z* 282 285 .. ++++1 2 99 2 #383 829 8263 2288 89 * I22 2985 11+ 888x8 ++++ |||| + +++ || * 99933333** ***93 9 .8.8 ..8: *88 1989 tuucchnuut khlHthmgnlyHkhlH 080808 808 80808 228 222 - 8 * OR S TABLE XIII.-continued. SIDDHANTA SIROMANI BRAHMA SIDDHANTA. Cont O' Anom. C's Anom. Cent O's Anom. C's Anom. K. Y but the day to be taken in Table XVI is 1 in advance of that found by the General Table. Siddhanta; Same as for Brahma eddn. nduukngdii 10 196 nnnnM |a'H000 smaa EOG SLO 1995 * ER BEE! 53deg 2' 22 28gm png: 88 8 24 8 8 8 WE ARE HERE 5 25 29 79996 165deg 0 3500 3600 K 855 21 *+ 11+++ + |||| +++11. ***** **** 64554 CAR Shu Shu Shu Ying C 44443 17 SIT 4800 5000 888 gmaande 11 49R22 285 BE O 888 333222 %%%%%% 88888 2 88 ER 'O's An.-282deg throughout.
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES:-SPECIAL TABLES. TABLE XIV.-Surya Siddhanta: Years of the Century. TH ANON ALT, [AOKALI. Dist. Yr. Dist. C-0 Without Blja. With Blja. Without Blija. With Blja. ple v 0" @ 0 0 v 1 132 46 41| 92 5 | 92 5 2 265 3 22 184 11 20 184 11 3 38 20 3276 17 0276 17 01 50 1589 54 0284deg43' 15*1284 Tou 15 41|-15 3251 01 40 41| 16 8 55 | 16 Zu 56 2 | 13152 | 7 2 108 54 35 |108 55 7 3|| "+11++ | | +| Yi 915mLIE 8. Si | +| | Yi + | ||+|| |+||| | + + ||+ 303 3 24 100 28 20 100 11 34 | 25 | 76 40 51192 33 59 |192 17 14 117 18 7209 26 46 284 39 9 284 718 20 46 209 22 54 209 4 83 13 26 | 16 45 | 58 141 7 26 301 28 34 301 2 4 9 115 0 7108 50 44| 59 273 54 73 34 14 | 33 10 247 46 48 200 56 30 200 48 19 0 18 11| 20 33 9 293 2 12153 20 10|25 7 | 14 10 309 | 51 14 309 2 6 0 1117 | 85 0 50 41 14| 55 58 31 209 19 19 209 47 31 134 2 34 15 191 40 12 301 4 59 301 324 26 53 | 33 30 38 | 33 197 13 34 19 36 18 125 46 55 309 47 38 309 20 135 83 86 | 41 53 18 | 41 3 42 2017 133 58 58 133 59 23 22] 41 6 58 26 4 38 226 5 4 10 58 150 47 53 150 8 38 318 10 18 318 | 47 38 242 83 33 306 40 19 | 50 15 58 | 50 105 84 19 88 59 13 335 5179 27 042 21 38 142 75 29 21 ol6748 6 212 13 41 34 27 17 234 | 11 7 41 159 10 2 7 1345 0 2 326 32 57 326 143 4 251 16 8 117 47 3| 58 38 3758 78 276 41 2343 21 9 250 43 150 | 2 27 43 | 75 27 | 28 20 24 242 49 57 242 80 182 14 4 167 33 12 31 156 7 5334 55 37 334. 81 315 1 5259 38 52 288 3 46 67 117 | 67 155 88187 76 351 4 32 161 0 26 159 6 57 159 83 820 34 26 | 3 50 84 353 21 7175 55 126 7 48 268 132 258 4 2910 7/31 41 10| 92 88 164 27 50 14 40 56 351 9 97 14 31 276 | 11070 | 112| 8 52 16 175 53 5 -36 32 | 91 202 47 58 100 588 6 +7 56 | 2 335 34 37 192 319 7 14 4 271-75193 108 44 | 62 13 10 8-9 7194 241 7 55 45 215 0 36 15 50 + 21 215| 13 4 36 46 347 47 17 276 20 35 | 21 31 |+550 198 146 41 17 5 46 | 47 120 33 58 | 8 26 15 27 12 - 941197279 7 58 293 9 11 71-6 48 253 20 38 100 33 55 |100 34 53 |-5 13198158 14 8 5 15 | 17 8|| 9] 26 7 19 192 39 35 |192 + 1 16 | 99 185 119 117 50 lily 2 9 -371 50 158 54 0284 83 15 284 8 15 +34 100 317 48 0209 26 30 209 30 + 7 8 + + | + + | + + - +- Si Si Si %BB%B1%A1B%3B%B5%77%a59%93 + - + - - Er Shi Yi Shi Si Chu . Huan %%?Jiao Ru Si Shan S %%?Shi Si Chu . Huan Pin Hong ?Hong % 1%Luan ?Yi Shu u Huan Ren Yao ? I++11++11++11+ +11+1 1 176 40 + 1 1 +11 40 34 8
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________________ 452 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. TABLE XV.- Arya Siddhanta (with Lalla's corrections) : Years of the century. Distance (-O ('s Anom. 1 Cor. 1 Distance (-O c's Anom. Cor. gh. . + 0deg 0 0 132 46 35 265 83 10 38 19 44 [ dv 92 556 184 11 53 158deg 49ON 291 35 35 64 22 10 1978 34 284deg 57' 3" 17 2 59 109 8 56 201 14 52 + 1 1 YET + 1 89 53 28 -19 41 I+II ++ TITTY +III -35 12 34 33 50 31 125 56 28 218 2 24 310 8 20 42 14 17 21 18 14 +918 6 15 -21 312 7 58 84 54 32 217 41 7 +22 134 20 +7 11 226 26 10 3 -8 20 350 27 42 123 14 17 0 52 + 11 -23 51 +20 32 +5 6 + 294 20 36 1 - 10 25 -25 56 +18 33 +3 1 -12 7 11 53 46 41 58 49 226 10 42 318 35 142 28 31 28 326 55 52 59 1517 243 325 19 38 + 39 50 67 159 ++ 3 343 75 1 +11 +11+ 167 ++ 182 6 24 314 52 53 87 39 34 220 26 8 253 12 43 2591 3527 251 84 13 6 176 192 + + 0 44 27 55 33 53 39 49 -18 45 717 125 59 18 258 45 53 31 32 28 -34 16 268 24 59 0 30 55 92 36 51 184 49 49 276 48 45 1+!. 138 16 +10 13 -5 19 297 5 37 -20 50 1 -36 21 271 3 12 43 49 47 176 36 22 309 22 56 82 9 31 + +8 892 -7 2493 -22 55 94 1 1&2 +21 69 52 12 202 38 47 335 25 22 10A 11 56 240 58 31 13 45 6 146 31 41 279 18 16 524 50 184 51 25 317 38 0 214 56 6 317 42 41 120 29 16 253 15 50 26 2 25 158 490 +1 276 33 16 8 39 12 100 45 9 192 51 6 294 57 3 285 12 30 17 18 27 109 24 24 201 30 20 293 36 17 25 42 13 117 48 209 54 6 +6 396 -9 28 97 --25 0 98 +19 29 99 + 3 59 100 +100 - 5 31 -212 -36 34 + 7 55
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES :-SPECIAL TABLES. 453 TABLE XVI.-Brahma Siddhanta.-Years of the century. Distance (-O C's Anom. Cor. Distance (-o ('. Anom. Cor. gh. p. 159deg 45' + 4 41 [ qui qui quo 132 46 30 265 33 0 19 30 -10 49 0deg 0 0 92 5 58 184 11 56 276 17 55 291 31 284deg 58' 32" 16 4 30 109 10 28 201 16 26 293 22 25 64 18 0 197 4 30 I 38 + 171 329 + T1+11 + 303 52 30 + + 140 273 46 179 312 84 301 33 52 16 125 58 15 217 4 13 310 10 11 16 + 171 217 36 134 228 301 29 33 226 28 6 + 1791 + 309 53 26 1 +Il+ + 11 ++ 11 + + 11 + + 41 59 25 23 21 318 17 20 + 981 + 03 18 + 142 29 16 14 41 12 47 10 9 + . + +14 49 - 042 -16 12 -31 42 +12 57 + Fa 176 21 33 + + 10 T11+ + s o 276 51 23 1 43 46 30 176 33 0 176 268 4 48 10 46 8 57 22 101 3 20 1939 18 285 15 17 17 21 15 202 31 335 18 0 108 4 240 510 + 16 45 +11 + + + 214 52 347 39 0 120 25 30 253 12 0 58 30 158 4501 184 28 41 276 34 39 8 40 37 100 46 35 192 52 34 284 58 32 + 6 44 -8 47 97 -24 1898 20 12 99 + 4 41 100 13 37 30 146 24 0 279 10 30 52 57 0 184 43 30 317 30 0 109 27 13 201 33 11 293 399 25 45 7 117 51 6 209 57 4 +22 + 1 For the Siddhanta siromani, correct the values in this table by means of Table XIX.
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________________ 454 EPIGRAPHIA IN DICA. TABLE XVIIN. - Second Arya Siddhanta.-- Years of the century. Distance (-0. C's Anom. Cour, | Tre Distance ( -0. C's Anom. 153 (+- | go | 92 6 7 184 12 13 276 18 20 18 4 26 ||+| 285deg57347 | 16 11 41 109 17 47 2014 293 30 0 ++ 1 1 100 30 33 192 36 0 284 42 7 | 16 4 5 |+|| 102 6 51 235 33 31 8 2011 141 273 53 31 5 6 7 117 42 14 209 88 21 301 52 + -- 8 :58 108 8 0 2011 Is 218 19 |+||+ 310 18 -+ || | 42 5 134 31 713 8 13 0 117 19 209 25 301 31 40 33 37 47 2170 309 56 312 | 85 0 2176 350 33 33 128 20 13 256 | 6 53 | 28 53 3 0 13 226 318 +- 125 46 +1T++ 50 42 27 142 55 235 1 + | 42 2 134 8 20 226 14 26 318 0 33 11+ +1 | 67 13 34 | ++- 1 142 32 --247 234 326 50 7 150 57 13 ++ || 7 38 20 159 4 27 251 50 34 343 56 41 176 247 168 8 54 Yi ++ || 243 320 335 927 67 15 33 +27 + ||[+ ++ || 159 21 40 184 51 756 + 276 4 3 40 10 + || -14 50 # 17 1|1+1 -30 2 +- | 184 57 48 277 3 54 | 9 10 1 101 16 8 193 2 14 85 8 21 17 34 27 Hong Si Si %De Huan Zhao . -- + | + || --19 297 13 37 0 0 18 202 6 58 335 | 33 38 108 20 18 241 758 | 13 53 39 276 417 146 0 19 | 8 14 279 26 59 100 83 21 25 298 8 13 39 192 59 7 | +97199 | 185 0 19 285 54 1 43 56 100 | 317 7 0 1 Table XVII for centuries is on the next page. -34 38 ++ | 201 46 41 293 52 48 5 58 55 118 5 1 210 11 8 +957 -534 -21 5 --86 37 +751
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES :-SPECIAL TABLES. 455 TABLE XVII.--Second Arya Siddhanla : For centuries. TABLE XIX, Siddl. Siromans TABLE XXI.- Por days of the Solar Year. CZAITEA OT POCIDO TRAB Goat Die ('s Anom. 's Anom. Cor. Quantities to be ab Insted from Brakes SiddAdata values. (- . C's Anom. Longo 16 1 1. Diet, l (-0. oAnoia. 178deg 80 61deg 48' 24" 289 EUR 29" - 131 17 271 54 82 282 15 89 2827 +387 ol-83 817deg 49' 19" 288deg 51' 31" 327deg 28deg 1-82 829 68 46 801 56 16 328 -81 342 6 12 914 69 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 9 329 6 0851 10 0 6 Os 0 14 81-80 854 16 99 828 3 3 41-29 6 28 6 341 6 6-28 18 89 82 354 10 61 -27 81 60 59 -28 432 282 6 34 +27 55 18 63 26 36 2992298313848% ILIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 18 1 18 85 0 611 17 82 43 858 51 20 281 36 37 364 3 47 294 40 31 365 29- 4811 14 13 307 44 24 356 176 49 34 + 9 21 4 19 8 27 1. VARBEHA. 2823 26 66 282 2 68 -27 05 1 26 1 30 5000 19 10 305 100 1 0 0-8 828 1-2 - 1 347 52 12 48 48' 18" 367deg 33 346 56 6 369 1 0 0 0 0 13 3 54 26 748 39 11 42 52 15 36 0 52 0 0 TABLE XX.-Sankranti. True Samkrioti. o's Distance (-0. C's Anom. Mean Loog. O Date. Loug. 68 28 Mina-Sankranti 330deg 31deg 30deg 9296deg 4' 8"327deg 56' 36" Chaitra Mesha-Sathkrantil 0398 82 22 881 38 30 357 61 38 0 Vais.. Vrisha-8 80 350 39 25 | 16 48 10 28 20 59 | 0 Jyninh. | Mithuna-8. 13 68 19 759 19 7 1 Ashadha Karkata-8. 90 30 28 o sra. 49 48 Simba-8. 83 180 54 0 121 31 251 Badr.. 17 67 Kanya-s. 152 6 41 1 Asvina. Tula-s. 1826 16 0 Kartt. . 45 53 Vpiscbiks-s. . 211 34 4 0 Marg.. Dhanuh-8. . 240 38 01 Pausha. Makars-S. . 1 269 31 46 1 Magbs. Kambha-s. . 15 7 34 5 299 33 11 0 Phalg.. Mina-8. . 330 96 17 33 37 736 327 66 410 Chaitra Meska-8. foll. .360 106 19 33 73 44 42 357 51 41 1 Vais 15 20 2 22 37 14 34 222 26 1235 87 27 248 46 7326 37 27 84 67 34 889 41 21 25 27 329 9 1 352 45 15 26 36 40
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________________ 456 Se Si Lu Lu Lu Lu Fa Qi Pan Zong Hui Hui Yuan Hao Wan Yuan Hui Yuan Ju m gowYe De bee Luo Mi Mi De Di 28 Ba Ma Sheng Guan Guan 383 $ $$ $Shao Ceng Xiao Xiao Di Lu Qi Chan Pin Yu Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Yi Fa om and Web Rong Rong Qi Kong Shao Gong Gao Chu Sheng Gong Hui Zong Hui Xue Di Ran De Lu Ya Si Xian Lu Qi 558 31 419 Hui Zong Hui Zong as gTai Zong Jian Zhang Guan Pin . 9Lu Jun Zong Chang Tu Pian Se Hui Rong Dang Qiang Lan Yuan . Jin An Yu Yi Ren Chu Nin Bao Hui Qu Mei Kong Chi Ying Ji Hui Yuan Yi Mi Hui Yuan Di Lu Zhan Pin An Xiao Xiao obs Zen Zong Jian Ke n $eHe Pin Hong Tu Lu Tu s oYuan (-0. H ) 8. aaaaDHA. Yu Ding Shang Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Yi Jian Bao Bao Y=3Jing Hui Yuan , An Zhi Qiang Ceng Liu Gei Zong Ju Chang Yi Jing Shi Ba Ha Mi Qiang Zhang Xiao Xiao Wang Shao Pin Ceng omee Ming Hui mgPin Jing Ying De Jian She easYuan Mei Lu Zou Ge $s mShi Mei Lu Lu Lu Gu Ba Ge eg Distance les anom. 2. JTATBETHA. Long. Zong Dian Shu Fa Lan Xi Bi Fa Zong Jian Quan Zun Tao Pen aew De Chu Xie Dian An Zong Chang "Ceng Yuan Dang Jian Hui Yin Hui Yuan JQian Ba Tai Mao Yi Jing De Ceng Jing er Fa D. Gong Yi Lu Pao Pin Xing Jing Gong suJi Nian Pin -Ming Gu Zong Jian Lu Shao Gao Mi Liang wRong Yi 88 | 8 91 | 3 |135 41 % 58 11 Liu $ 21degdeg|10% H 2 Distance 5. BHADRAPADA. Ba Yu Gu Yao Yao Ci Qi Jian Yuan - PHao Zong Jian Hui Ba Qian Cha Yuan Lu Er Ceng . 4. SRAVANA. C's Anom. TABLE XXI.-For days of the Solar Year-continued. EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. 8 12872 Gong Hui Hu Bao Zong Zong Lu ? Long. Dang Shu Shao Ming eese wan on my poYi Jing Wan Zong Yu op Di Ahar Jing Mei Sheng Jue Jue Deng Qi Jia Lu Lu Lu Lu Qiu Xue Lu Distance 1961 1987 8 8 980 55 25957deg 18" 181deg 1 7. KARTTIBA. | | 77 2 32 22 38 35 414 152 8 18|ESP 11' s" 208 8 26 1 0 0 151 1 47" C's Anom. 6. AETINA, Ming Pin Dao Qi Jing Hui e S 18 Zong Shi You Yu Yu Chi Chang Yi Xian Shi Zui Yuan Yu Pin Zong Meng Ha Ceng Jing Mao Wang Gei Lu Duan Lu Jing Ying Guan Lu Mi Shi Gan Hui Yuan Zi Zong Hui Hui Ba Zhan Quan Ran Fa Chu Dang Long. Ba Lu Xiao De Jing Yan Zong Zong Jing Ceng Ceng Dao Yuan Quan Yuan Zong Shi Hui Chu Bao low gee Ai Ju Jian Mi Mi Zheng Lu You Ha You Pin Shi Wan Quan Yuan Lu Chang Shi up tree Wee Day,
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES :-SPECIAL TABLES. 457 TABLE XXI.- For the days of the Solar Year-continued. 8. MRGSIRA. 10. MAGHA. 12. CRAITRA. C's Anom. Distance (-0. Distance Long. C's Anom Long. Distance Ahar. C's Anom. Ahar. Ahar. Long. | Day. g Xiang ] De *1P Yin ] Xian Jiao 148 18 21 35 215 |101 0 0 88 8 6 211 8 1216 113 12 7312 2 0 213 8 "De Zi Kuo 12 4 12 " Yan 58 6 Ri Sheng Deng 12327 18 12 Pao Ban 0 0 6 5 927 | Mei Jin 315bg$SHU Tan Chu Kou Chu Xian Dong Luan Bi Ran Zhan Chu Zhan Ji De Ji Ban Fa * Zhu Meng Zhao %. Gui Si Lu 3 Hao 1 Chang Lu Yan Shi Ren 9 Bie Ru Fu Xun Wai BB 554Si Si Dian Jiao Chu Yan Si Lu You . WwWwLuan Chu 89 Kou Hong Sheng Si Pan Kai Si Jiao Lu Yan Lu Si Xing Ceng Qi Rong Qi Xian Dang De Lu Bu Sheng Sheng Nian Chu Qu Chi Wei Dang Chong Zen Mo Zhi Zhi Liu Yi Ying Ren Xin Tuo wYe Chu Duan You u Cong Ming De You Jiao Jiao Jiao Zhou You Zhao Ri Qi B66Lu Deng HShi De Ru HH. Kai Shi Jiu Qian Fa Chan Hou Qu Qu Qu Qu Ma Hui Zhong You You Shao Can Shu Ming De Qian Ming Qian ep Du Cheng Bao | Mi Duo Xin De ,Hui Jing Jian Cha Zheng Sheng Jing Cha Chun $Lu Jian Qiang Qian Qian Qian Qi Ting Gong Yu Guan Hong Guo Pin Hai ubo Chu Kou Tie Tu 3H59 Jia Zhou You Ban Zhao Si uJi Shuo Chu Bi n w88" s98 110 Xing Gong Ni Ke Si Ban 19 You Zhou Ye Chu Liao Bi Lu Jiang Lu Hong Si Fen Si Lu 18 ola 35tr #SHKan Bi Bi Di Di Zhi Chu Chu Chu Chu De Si Si Zhou Lu Lu Xun Zhao Jiang Shan . *Hong Xin Qie m 9. PAURAL 11. PEALOUNA. 13. VAISHA OF TAS FOLLOWING SOLAR Liao . sChu . Deng Hua Yu Di Qu Deng Deng Ruo Ruo Ruo Jue Shang Ruo Ji Ji Su Jia Ge Lu Lu Lu Xie Xu Cha Bei Hou Ru Tie Zai Xian Gong Mu 4Shi De Bi 91HHong Ren Zhao Si Zhu Ji Lu 7Ema De Hong Li 83Qi Shan Zhan Tiao Chu Ru Ci $Tie Pin Chu Zhan 3 Hao Pin Zong Lan Xue Deng Ming Ji Luo Gong uns Zhao u Shi Bi Tiao Kai She Yin Chu "Kuang 18 Di Kai Hong Pei Chu 988 Di Zhi WWEI Di Yan m HoZhou Ye Zhou Xun Jing Shang Mao You De De Gao Gao De Pin De Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng ews Wan ng wChu Lu ?Gui Gong Xin BBi Chu Jiao %3BLu Tiao Jiang Lu Zhan Shao De Shi Ru Shan Hao ?mDa Chu Hong Men Si Si %%%HS De nFa Ji nn De Hong Xi Di Shuo . Di 8Ye Ming Kai w Deng Jiang Hu Ying . Ping Chu Kuang Fo %8mXie Ban Ce Shuai De De sum Zhao Yang Zhou Chu Tiao Chu Xian Chu Hong Zhou Ru Huan Si Tiao Chu Luan Chu Chou De Dong Zhong Chu Xian Bi = Liao Zheng Gong Re Chu Lu . Hong 9Zhe . Lu 18Men Dian Xin Xun Ban . Bi Ru Zhuang Di . 2Mi De Shan Ci Ji Da Tan . Qie Bi Tiao #w Niu n at Zhu De . Bi Ru Shuo Chu Chu Chu Chu Xiong 5Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu 6% Zhong Qi Chu s Ru Ci Lu Zu Duan . Qiu Tiao Ge Yin De Pin Ge Gu Shi Si Qu Ji mummJi Pei Gang ums Bugus stLTa Men De Xin Si De Shang Pin Xiang Deng Duo Lu Ran Ru Shi Qiu De Pei He m Huge Line to Di Zhi Si Bu Bi Fa Tiao Chu Pin Shuo Di Zhi Jia Zhou Zhou Hong You Ji Chu Si You m Chu Xin : tsuga wBie Dang Dang Dian Ji Luo Fu Jian Chu Bu Fu %
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________________ 458 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. Table XXII.- Por Ghatikda and Palas. (-0. | ['t An: Long@|| | (-0.1 ['s An: | LontO TABLE XXIII.-Names of Jupiter's cyclic years. Cyclic yoar. No. Cyclic year. i rls : in e) O OOO 01914 SE T88 19345E TE9mlYi . EEBMeng Meng Zhi Ye Dian Si Si Xun GO GO GO GO ROLO DOBR 48QunYan Zhao ng StewGuan Hong Huan Xiao Xin Lu Kou 012345bT8s SHBBBBHUB Kai Hong Si Si Hong Ran %Que Ji Si Hu Ren Ding Lu %8Zhan Lu Pao Luan Ru Tiao Chu Da Hao Zhao ##Zhao Zhao Zhi Ru Chu Pei Nai Luo Hong Zhang Hong Nai Chen Men Shuo Da Zhao Zhao Zhao Da Hao Dong Qie Yan Lu Zhan Pin Ding Shuo Chu Ru %Chou Ba Hong Hong Su Da Zhao Chu Ru Zhao Men Ru Ci " Tuo Jiang Lu Zhan Liao BZhao Zhao 8 %Meng Xin BZai ber IllTB HEEBm asiam WWWHHHHHChu *Had Duo Li Tiao Tiao Ru 198 Te ?Chu Xin Lu ?gs dYuan Li bb117 TUBE8 89959 www unhunYing Xing Ye Bi Yi w=%E9LMeng Zhao Lu 8%. Bi Ru Shuo Gui Ba Hao Jue Rang Yi Da 3 153Shi Shi Zhu Xing De Fan Zui Ru Shao Shuo Tian Yang 37HE BSi Zhou Bie Ren Ti Zhao Zhou She Wo Tiao Chuan Xing Jie Dan wLuan Mi Shuo Zhan Zhan Tiao Ding Yang Meng Ding n 0 Vijaya. 1 Jaya, 2 Manmaths. 3 Durmukha. Hemalamba. 5 Vilamba. 6 Yikarin. Sarvart. 8 Playa Subhakrit. 10 Sobhans. 11 Krodhin Vivevasu. 13 Paribhava. 14 Plavanga. 15 | Klara. 1 ShShan Liao . Sudhirapa. 18 Virodhakrit. 19 Paridhi vin. Pramadin. 21 Ananda. Rakshasa. Anala. Pingala. 25 Kalayukta. Siddharthin. Randru Durmati. Dundubhi. 30 | Railhiroadcarlin. 31 Raktaksha. 32 Krodhana. Kshaya 36 Prabhara 35 Yibhava. 3 Sukla. 37 Pramoda. 38 Prajapati. 39 Angiras. 40 Srimukha. 41 Bhara. 4 TuLiao . | Dhap. 4 svara. 45 Bahadhinyr. 46 Pramathin. 17 Vikrams. 18 Bhriya, 49 Chitrabbina. 0 Sutjann. 31 TATEP4. 52 Parthiva. TTAYA 56 Sarvajit. 56 Barvadhirin. 56 Virodhin. 57 Vikrita Un en er en Nandana Arg: C's Anomaly ['s Bq.- | TABLE XXIV.-(4) Egnation of the Moon's centre. EQUATION OF THE MOON'S CENTRE. Surya Bidan. Arya Siddh. 2nd Arya Siddh. Brah. & 8. Sir. Arg.: ('sAnomaly ('. Eq. + " or of Yang V | 180P 3 45 | 176 04 180deg C 367P ... 183 45:356 15 s5555 conouli on * ******Ben we we we weeeeee ce to be --l lin no Shan ;333 s sall looo 5 158 552 | 0 0 052 3
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________________ COMPUTATION OF DATES SPECIAL TABLES. 459 TABLE XXIV-continued. (B) Equation of the Sun's contre. TABLE XXV-continued. LONGITUDE. Arg. Anomaly. O's eq.+ Borya Sidda. Arya Sidda. end Arya, Brah Arg.: Anomaly. & Biddh. B'ir. O's . PLACE. N. Lat. 2. Fr, Time Ditt, Lante 856 15 8485 OOOOOO +++ 841 15 8 $ * ++++ 1 #SS N 811 15 -8 3085 e oce $ 813 t e o 385 0 381 15 o X o 277 80 o ce OP O' 180deg 0 3 45 176 15 Dvaraka 7 80 862 80 Elurs Parrakbabad Gaya 3450 Ghazipur Girnar Gde Gorskhpur Gurb 1500 Gwalior 146 15 828 15 Haidardbad (Dekhan) Haidarabad 818 45 (Sindh). 8150 HardA Hardwar Husbangbd. 807 30 Indor - Jabalpar. Jagannathspart 8000 Jalgaum 298 15 Jambu 292 30 Jaypur . Jhina . 108 45 Jodhpur 105 0 3 6 11 Janagadh Kalinga patam. 101 15 28 Kalyan 97 30 KADAQj. 98 45 973 45 Kanchi 900 2700 Kanhpur. Katak . Khambat (Cam bay). KhAtmandu . Kochi (Cochin) Kolapur. Labor Lakhnen. Madbar. Madru . Msinar . Mangalar MAndari. Mathurk. TABLR XXV.-Latitude and Longitudar of Places. Monger. Multan LONGITUDE. LONGITUDE. Nagvar. Naik . PLACE. N. Lat. Time Time PLAOS E. ft. N. Lat. fr. Pandharpur DIR. fr. Dif. Ir. dr. LA Lank. Patiy414. Patna . gh. p. gh. p. Pont Abu (Arbuda) -O 80 Belgaum Parniys. +0 28 Agro Bhagalpur +1 68 Ramefvaram Ahmedabad -082 Bharatpur +016 Ratnagiri --010 Ahmednagar Bharoch. Rew . Bigar Ajunta +01 Kheles. . . Sabet Mabet Ajmer -011 Bhopal. . . +014 Aligadh. Bljyanagar Sambhalpur . AllahAbad +11 Hijaper. Stara Amaravati 80 84 Bikaner sironj . -09 Amritanr Bombay. Bold por . Anhilw -040 Bundi . Somnathputtan. Arkat +0 87 Burhanpur Srinagar --04 Caleatta +9 Aurangabad & Srirangapatanam Ayodhya-Aadh Debit +015 Burst Devagiri (Dhani. Tanjor Bumi. . +1 18 Banaras tabad). -06 Tiana Banavasi Dhaks. Travankor Hangalog Dhara Trichinapalli Bardhwan Dbirwa. Trivandram BLrodi . Dholpur Udaypur Bari Dhulia . . Ujjain . Ta Huo Jia Ban Jia Ban De Yang Yang Yang Zhou Pa Zhu Reng Gui Tie Ti Shui Reng Reng Reng Ru Ci Xing De Jia Meng Ban Ban Xin Xin Xin Xing Pei Pa Xiao De Men Ban Ji Pa Xin Xing Yang Tie Xin De Jia Zu Yang Di Er Men Reng Da Xiao Sheng Reng Men Reng Jia Zhou 2% 1+++b6b++++++++b6b+16+660+ 6++++b+666666++++++ Gr. -012 -0 28 660+++++ +020 Xiao Er Xin Xing Yang Chu Reng Men De Reng 1+1 OOOO 40 +1
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________________ 460 EPIGRAPHIA INDICA. TABLE XXVI.-Showing the times of rising (in Arus or sixths of vinado) in 10deg-38deg north latitude, or xllagna equivalenta in Obligwe Ascension, LATITUDES. 16 16 Sign. 11deg 19deg 18deg 14 17 18deg 18 190 31deg I & XII 1459 1411 II & XI 1618 164 1693 1898 1977 1897 1796 1681 1681 1889 1981 1909 1809 1618 1673 1886 1986 1918 1883 1868 IV & IX 1508 1660 1881 1989 1988 1884 1499 1 eso 1676 1994 1940 1848 1478 1689 1878 1998 1959 1888 1466 1637 1887 8008 1983 1874 1188 1606 1867 2018 1896 1670 1844 9026 2030 1944 9001 # 197 1962 . 1888 LATITUDES. 27 28deg Sign. 290 26deg 29deg 20deg 81deg 899 Chan. I& XII 1234 +180 II & XI III & X. . IV & II V & VIII. VI & VII 1808 1883 1668 1889 2081 2089 1968 1868 1546 1888 8087 2044 1978 1868 1688 1889 8041 2067 1987 1887 1691 1888 2047 2069 9008 1823 1608 1818 2063 2089 2018 - 1808 1498 1813 2068 9094 1990 1488 2068 3107 2060 1974 1480 1801 3089 9191 2088 1957 1456 1796 2076 3186 2088 1341 1489 1789 8081 3161 2009 9001 -185 8166 9116 8084 +180 For the rule se bore, $80. In the column Chars are entered the dow by which the equivalent in right tension of the several signe differ from the minutes of each sign. This difference is combined with the worsional diference in the above table. As the former difference, however, was first introduced by Blakan, the amount of Chere must be added to the equivalenta la oblique cension if the date calculated is previous to Bhaskars, A.D. 1160.
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________________ INDEX . . . . 197, 205 . 8 Andhra inscription of Yunas 7 Abhayachandra Sari, Jaina high priest . page 120 Abhayadeva Sari, Jaina priest . . 118, 120, 320, 892 Abbirma-BIVA . . . . . . . 108 Abuvel,- Apavallt, village. , . . . 637 Achalavarman Samaraghanghala, king of Singhapura 11, 13, 15 Achalyadh, mount Aba. . . . 924 Achyuta, architect of Pehoa temple . . . 248, 260 addhitd.-ardhikay, slaves' . . 9 adhika, or intercalary month . . 406 Adhvaryu school of the Veda. * 183, 184 Adityaraka, pr. name . . * 188 Adityavardhana, king of Stbanvieras 1. 68, 72, 78 Aghorativa, a sage . . . . 268, 270 Agilla. -Agnila, pr. n. . Agisamaja,-Agnidurmarya, pr. n. 8,9 Agnishtoma sacrifice . . Agrotoka, place name . . 94 ahdda, perhaps a quarry' . . * 166 Abadegadha, town or village . . . . 61, 64 hargano, computation of . . . . 428f. Abavamalla II., W. Chalukya king . . . 220 AhlAdana DevAditya, architect of Dabhoi temple . 24 Ahobala, town in Karpul district . . . 868 Abuka . . . . . 99-101, 111, 116-118 Ajayapala () . . . . . . 288 Ajaygadb, a bill fort in Bundelkhand. . , two Chandella inscriptions from 325 Aija-Chelaya, or Arya-Chetiya-kula . . . 378, 387 AkAlavarsha or Sabbatunga, Ktishna II, Rashtrakta king . . . . . . . . 62, 63, 57 Akbar, emperor . . . . . . . 919 Akkuks or Akkuva, son of Dhavalappa . . 59, 67, 58 Akshapada, or Gotams, the founder of the Nyaya syatem . . . . . . . .44, 46 akshayanimi or akshayanimik ' perpetual endow. ment' . . . . . . . . 166 akshayanivi . . . . . 186 alaranagudakshobham . . Alhana, proper name. . Alhu, pr. n. . . . . . 331, 386 Alla, son of Vaillabhatta . * 164, 167, 160 Amalachandra, pr. D. * 120 umanta reckoning . 404, 406 Amara, name of a poet . 332 Amaravati stapa . . Amardakatirthanatha, name of a sage . . . 352 Amarika, pr. n. . . . . . . . 864 Ambach, suc. Amlauficha, vill. . . . 53 Ambalohidevt, perhaps a name of some divinity . p. 168 Ambaufichs, vill.- Ambach . . . . 68, 58 Ainbipataka, vill. . . . . . 262, 267 Amitagati's Subhdshitaratnasandoha. 228 Aminaiyaka, kulapatraka . . . 58, 58 Amoghavarsba. Vakpati II. k. of MAlaya . . .223 Amritapalm, a R&shtrakata prince. . . 62, 63 Ambuyarman, king . . . . . . 72 Anahila, a secretary . . . . . . 85, 92 Anahild, wife of Malhana the Chhinda . . .76f., 88 Apahilapataka, old capital of Gujarat, 21, 22, 63, 64,83m. 316, 318 Ananda, pr. n. . . . . . . 332, 837 Anandapura, now Vaquagar, t. in Latamandals, Gujarat 164, Ananda 167, 294, 295, 308, 316, 318 Ananda Stri, a Jaina priest . . . . . 378 Ananta, minister of king Kirtivarman and SellakabANA varman Andhra inscription of Yajnasri . . . . . 95. >> inscriptions . . . . 871, 372, 376 country . . . . . .198, 889, 844 Andhra (P) mandala . . . . 33, 38 Andhra-Khimit (P) mandala . . . . 34, 38 Anekal taluka, Bengaldr . . . . 348 Anga country . . . . . . 38, 369 Angiras, a semi-divine being . . . . Anhilvad-Pattana, (Anahilapatak, 9. o.) << city in Gujarat . . . . . 21, 22, 119, 319 Anjaneya, Hanuman . . . . . . 276 anomalistio motions. . . . . . 439f. antardla of a temple . Antarvedt, the Donb between the Ganga and Yamond. 196 197, 206 apasaraka, probably a * porch,'' portioo,' &c. 165 Apastam ba's Dharmasutra. . . . 3 Apitti or Apittt, town . . . . .4-6, 7, 8, 9 Apogee of the son, motion of . . . . 440 Apsarodevt, queen of RAjyavardhana I.. 68, 72, 78 A puvalll, vill. now Abuvel . . . 531. 58 Araluvaks, vill. . . . . . 63. 58 drati or drti, a 'lamp' . . . . 371 arathasanhvinayikan . . . . . . * Arbuda, mountain, Abu. . ta h un . . 223, 236, 319 Arjuna (Kartavirya), a mythical prince of the Hailuga tribe . . . . . . . 252, 263 Arjuna, king of Gujarat . . . . 272, 273 Arjuna-barika at Vadongar . , . .296, 304, 305 Arjunak onasaran (P) vill. . . . . 32, 39 Armoraja, Vaghela king of Gujarat . . . 21, 22 . king of Sakambari . 296, 302 arya, a title . . . . . . . . 278f. Arya-Chetiya, Ajja-Chedaya-kulu . , 378,387 Aryavarman, king of Singapura . . p. 11, 12, 1+ 9
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________________ 462 INDEX. . 70 . . . 238 Bhargava tribe .. : 8 oployed in inscription 89 Argya-Hatikiya, Helijja-kula Pp. 378, 388, 393, 397 Bhagavata ritual . . . . . . p. 381 Aryya Jaya, a Jaina pun. . . . . 880, 391 | Bhaila, pr. name . . . . . : 168 Arya-Sangamika, a Jains nun . . . .980, 882 BhAilasta mideva, name of the Sun . . . . 168 Aryya-Vasula, a Jaina nun . . 880, 882, 388 Bhailla vamin or Bhailasvamin, modern Bhilda 124 Aryya-Vert - Arya-Vajra, adkhd. . . 383, 386 Bhalluka, pr. n. . . . . .:88 Asarva, pr. Dame . . Bhaluaka, pr. name . . . . . 188 Asika, country . . . 100%. 111, 288 BhApara mandala . . . . 38, 38 Asnf inscription of Mahipala of Kananj, referred to . 171 Bhandin pr. n. . . . . Asoka edicta referred to . . . . . . 2, 3 Bharadvajs, mythical sage . . . 265 Aboka's twelfth edict from ShAbbazgarhi, edited . 166. Bharadwaja (Drona) sprung from Bharadvaja. , 265 Asuka . . . . . . . . 100, 111 Bharad vaja-gotra. . . 4, 5, 7, 8, 58 Akvala-ahovaka, a place . . . . . 185, 189 bharana, perhape's load (of stones) . . . 168 Advamedha sacrifice . . Atiyabobale, or Yahobala, pr. uame . . . 148, 161 . . . 76 Atreya gotra . . . . . . 191, 194 Bhaskara, astronomer, dates Anterior to . . . 436 Atteya, -Atreya gotra. . Bhaskarlebarga, astronomer . . 339, 340, 344-846 avagraha, the sign for it employed in inscription : 806 Bhaskara batta, pr, name . . . . 340, 345 Avanipala (?), pr. 1. . . . . . 62 Bhaskars Ripugbanghala, king of Singhapur .11, 13, 15 Avanivarman, Chaulukya prince, father of queen Bhaskaravarman or Kumara ... . 70 Nohala . . . . . 252, 259, 268, 868 Bhaavat, identified with Bhaillasvamin or BbailavaAvanta, country . . . . . . . 288 min, modern Bhilsa . . . . . 124, 134 Avanti, ancient town . . . . . 216, 237 Bhatarka, king of Valabht . . . . . Avanti, a prince . . 369, 367 Bhati, Bhatti, pr. n. . . . . . . Avanti or Avantivarman, king . . . 369, 363, 864 Bhattarika, pr. name . . . 918 Avantivarman, king of Kasmir . . . 99 Bhattibba Bhaffibbata, a Brahman . . . 86, 92 avdanikd, apparently for avdsanika . . . 166 Bhattisama [-sarman] . . . 6, 7, 9 dydga, an object of homage' . . . . . 396 Bhava, -Siva . . . . . 16 ayanda, amount of precession . Bhava-Brihaspati. . . . . 276. Ayodhya, vill. . . . . . . 15 &* Bhavant, goddess . . . . . . . 109, 115 Ayus . . . . . . . . 862, 367 Bhavani-Jvalamukhi, g.. . . . 291 Ayyana I. Western Chalukya king . . . 360 Bhillama, Yadava king . . . . 339, 344 Ayyapadeva, name of a commander . . . 948-860 Bhillas, tribe of the . . . . . 216, 392, 937 Bhima or Bhimadeva I., king of Gujarat B 230, 282, 286, 238, 294, 302, 317, 326 Badaun, chief town of Baddun district, North-Western Bhima mantrin, an Osval . . . . . 821 Provinces. . . . . Bhimapala, a Rashtrakuta prince . . . . 62, 63 Badaun stone inseription of Lakhanapala, edited 61 Bhoobuke, pr. name . . . . . . 166 Bagar, the language of Dungarpur. . . . 220n bhoga, " (objects of) enjoyment . : 76 Bagrari-to be read for Baterrar (q..) 207 Bboga . . . . . . 101, 117 Bahurdpalarman, pr. name . . . . . 184 Bhojn, king of MAIYA. 919.298, 994, 929-982. 287. 204. Bahvpicha school of the Veda . . . 183, 184 340, 345, 370 Bakulasvamin, pr. n. . . . 818 Bhoja's literary works . . . 281, 232 Balabhadra, pr. n. . . . 139 | Bhojadevs or Srimad-Adivardha, king. 164, 166, 160, 161 Baladina, Jaina pr. n. . . 383, 386 Bhojadeva, king of Kanauj. 170, 171, 186, 244, 370 Balsvarma, Jaina nun . . 380 . allied with Kokkalludeva , 252, 253, 264 bali . . . . . . . . . 58 bhojaka, a freeholder' . . . . . 4,6,7f. BallAlasena, king, composed the Ddnaadgaru . 806 Bhojapura, t. Dear Kanauj. . . . . 185, 189 Bambbalijja, BrahmadAsika kula . . . . 379 Bhojavarman, Chandella king. . . 330-332, 338 Bapa, poet . . . . . . . 68, 70 Ajaygadh rock inscription of, edited : 930 Bana, mythical personage . . . . . 21 Bhojuka, pr. name . . . . . . 392, 937 Banavasi inscription, referred to . . . 98 Bhopa, pr. n. . . . . . . . 51 Bappa, pr. n. . . . . . . 4, 6, 8, 85, 92 Bhota, modern Tibet . . . . . 124, 134 Barapa, k. of Central Gujarat . . . . 328 Bhringaka . . . 102. 111, 118 Bate varmistake for Bagrari, << village in Hamirpur Bhusbana, the Chhinda . . . . . 76. 82 district, where a stone inscription of Paramardideve Bhdynka, builder of temples at Kanauj . 186, 189, 190 was found, edited . . . . 207 Bhuvana of Kiragrama . . . . . 110f. 116 Begur, stone inscription of the Ganga king Eres apparasa, Bhuvanapala, a Rashtrakuta prince . . . . 62, 63 edited . . . . . . . . 3481 Bilhana's Vikramdi kadevacharita . . 233 Belachink, vill. . . . . . . 999, 401 Bilhana, chief of Kiragrama . . . . 101, 102 Bempar or Bempuro, now Begur vill.. 346, 847, 861 Bilhari, old town in Jabalpur district . . . 261 Bengalt variety of the northern slpbabet. 308 stone inscription of the rulers of Chedi, edited. 2517. Bhadapaulika, ancient vill. . . . . 64 Bilvapkni-pinakin, epithet of Siva . . . . 48, 49 Bhadrs, composer of the Kudarkof stoue inscription . 188 Binon,-Biows . . . . . . . 100f. bldgaikab, one share' . . . . . . 190 Brahmabbatta, a Brabran . . . . . 58, 58 Bhagavat, god . . . . . . . 398 BrahmadAsika, Bambhalijja kula. 379, 382, 384, 889 61
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________________ INDEX. 463 . . 362, 366 Bukka, of Vijayanagar k. . 40, 43, 48, 49 Chola, country and people 294, 302 Brahmakshatra gotra . . . . . . p. 118 Chedi, king of, defeated by the Clandella MadanavarBrahman, of Kiragrams . . . . . 101f, 116 MAN . . . . . . . . Pp. 196, 204 Brahmasaras lake . . . . . . . 276 276 Chera race . . . . 367 Brahmavaka family . . . . . . 53, 57 Chhandoga sohool of the Voda . . . 188, 184 Brihaspati, a Saiva priest . . . 276.276 chidyd, a word of doubtful meaning . . . 165 Brihaspati, pr. n. . . . . . . 306, 815 chhondikd, a word of doubtful meaning . . . 165 Brihat Kharatara gachchhs . . . Chbichobha, name of an architect . . . . . Buddha 139 . . . . . . . . 242 Chhinda or Chbindika race or family . . .76, 81, 83 Buddha, of Kiragrima. . . . . 161, 116 Chhinna, pr. n. . . . . . . 100f. 111 Budha, a mythical prince of the Haihaya tribe 263 Chhitaraka, pr. D. . . . . . . 168 Budha, pr. n. . . . . . . . Chikkarleelavarapura, t. . . . . . 186, 188 .863, 899 Chillarekoduka, vill. . . . . . 4, 6, 8, 9 Bukkama, queen of tavara of Vijayanagar . 982, 387 China, vill. in Krishna district. . . 96 Bulandshahr, t. anciently Uchobanagara Chipba, pr. D. . . . 188 Chodaganga, prince of the later Ganga dynasty of Kalinga . . . . 40, 43, 48, 49 people . 59, 60, 227, 228, 237, 367 Choparkka, pr. n. . . . . . calendars, solar and lunar 188 . . . . . Chadapallika, vill. . . . . . . 156, 160 Chachchikahatika, vill. . . . . . 165, 161 Cladativa, a sage . . . . . . . 267 Chadals, pr. n. . . . . . . 386, 329 Chaluka vara . . . . . . . 76E. 83 Chahamans, tribe and dynasty . . . 94, 123, 192 Chulukya, heror eponymos of the Chaalukvas . 294, 301 Chahila, minister of Karna I, Chaulukys . . 318 chand or chdhdoh, a word of doubtful meaning . 166 Chakrmavamidere - Vishnu . . . 168 Chatav&nbika, a place . . . . . 184, 188 Chalas . . . . . . Chyave, Chyavada. . . . . . 76, 81 Chammak grant . . . computation of Hindu dates . . . . 403f. Champa grant . . . . construction of tables for Hindu dates . . 438f. Chamundarja of Gujarat oyoles of Japiter Chanda, pr. n. . . . Chandairman, dataka under Bhiina I of Gujarkt. 317 Chandasimba, pr. . . . Chandella kings, line of, from Dhanga to Madanavarman 198 from Kirtivardan to Viravar Dabhof, inscription of Visaladeva, edited . . 20. man . Dada, pr. n. . . . . . . . 188 Chandella kings . . . . . . . . Dadhicbi, race of 831 . . . . . .826, 829 + inscriptions, edited . . 121, 196, 325 Dadhikarnna, Naga divinity . . . 880, 381, 890 Chandi, g. . . . . . . . 802 Dabala or Dabala, Chedi . . Chandra, a Rashtrakuta prince . . . 62, 63 Dailvada prasasti by Somelvara . . . . 224 Chandra, one of the wives of Jujjaks of Kanauj . 248, 249 | Dakshinakoful, A country . . . 83, 37, 38 Chandragupta, prince of JAlandhara . . 11, 13, 16 Dakahip&paths . . . . . . . 63 a dandandyaka . . . . 53, 58 Damaja, D&marge, pr. n. . . . Chandratroya (Chandelle family of prinden 191, 193, 130, Damayantikatha of Trivikramabhafta . . . 340 138,208, 212 Damodara, pr. 1. . . . . . . 172, 189 Chandravati, first Paramera capital . . . . 224 Damodara, g. . . . . . . 172, 189 Chandrehe, an inscription at, referred to . . . 353 Danandgara, composed by BallAlasena. . . 306 ciandropaneta . . . . . . . 81 DAnava, mythical demon . . . : 81 Chanduka or Chandu, Chanda, Chanddka, or Chandaku, Dandakupura mandula . . . . . . 88, 88 pr. n. . . . . Danika's Dasardpdvaloka. . . . . 226, 227 Changadeve, notrologer to the Yadavu Singhans 330, 340, 846 Darbhavatt, old name of Dabhol . Chapotkata, dynasty of Gujarat . . . 294, 301 Dabanapura, t. . . . . . na or Varana gana . . . . . 878 Dafardpdvaloka of Danika . . . . 226, 227 charuka . . . . . . . 68 dates (Hindu), computation of . . .403F. Chashtaks . . . 120 , anterior to Bhaskara . . . 436 276, 278, 879 dated inscriptions, see Inscriptions. Chaulukya tribe and family .21, 915, 234, 362, 263, 266, 294, dates in years : 301, 353 Srt-Harsha Samvat 25 . . . . . 75 Chanlakya grant of Karna I., edited . . . 916f. 276 . . . . . 186, 188 Chedi era, its epoch . . . . 32, 33 Gupta Samvat 334 Chedi rulers . 33, 37, 38, 40, 43, 48, 49, 230, 231, 238, 253, 268 Lokakala 80 # of Ratnapur, list of . . . . 46 80 . . . . . 103, 112 Chedi : Bilhari stone inscription of the rulers of . 261f. Vikrama 932, 933 159, 160 . . . Chedi country . . . 124, 134, 280f. 980, 964 . . . . . . . . 173 > mandala . . . . . . 46, 50 965, 967 . . . . Chedi people . . . . 128, 132, 826, 329 969 . . . . . 175 Chedi, king of, defeated by the Chandella Yakovarman 123, 192 991 177 . . 826 . 220 . some vara . : 20 898 . . . . . . chdturjdtaka. An 85,42 120 .
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________________ 464 dates in years,-contd. Vikrama " "1 "1 23 " 30 " " 13 15 " " " n " Baka .... Chedi 994 1005, 1008 1011 1025 1049 1058 . ------------- 1247 (P) 724,172 27 Bri Yajna Sivaskandavarman,8th. Jupiter's year Prabhava Bakla a samkranti lunar eclipses dates in months:-see Monthe "week-days: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday dates in tithis: see Tithi, Dattaja, Dattarya, pr. n. Dattatreya, an incarnation of Vishnu Dattavarman, k. of Singhapura daussddhasddhanika Davva, pr. n. Dedada, pr. n. Dedaika, pr. n. Dedda, a grammarian Deddu, vill. Dedu, pr... Degadi, pr. n. Debema Naga of Gujarat Depika Derabhata of Valabht Devabhadra Sari, Jaina high priest Devachandra Sari, Jaina Devadas, pr. n. INDEX. 177 129, 136 178 .77, 85 150 Devadeva, writer of Kudarkot stone inscription p. 176 Devadatta, composer of the Ranod stone inscription Devadhara, composer of the Bagrart stone inscription of Paramardideva Devaditya, pr. n. Devagana, composer of the Ratnapur stone inscription of Prithvideva III. . 45, 46, 50, 51 Devagupta, k. 147 818 147 158 Devaki, q. of Timma of Vijayanagar Dewa! prasasti of Lalla the Chhinda Devanhalli or Devandahalli taluka Devapala, a Rashtrakuta prince k. of Kanauj 289 . 70, 73 362, 367 75f. 948 62, 63 124 134, 170-173, 244 77f. 271, 2751. 288 304 153 49 211 119 Devapalli, now Dewal vill. Devapattana, or Somanatha, t. Devara, pr. n. Devaraja, Tomara of Kanauj Devafarman, pr. n. 243, 249, 250 21, 25 189 928 240 219 devatideva, applied to Buddh Devavarman, Chandella k. Devayani, wife of Yayati Devi,-Parvati. deyadharmah Dhamaka, pr. n. Dhamdha, pr. n. Dhamsata, a poet 362, 367 84 240 168 279 354 226, 227 224 Dhanapala's Paiyalachchhindmamala Dhandhuka, Paramara prince Dhanga, a Chandella king, 120, 134, 134-136, 196, Dhangadeva, a Chandella king Khajuraho stone inscription of, edited Dhangatapataka, vill.. Dhanika, pr. n. Dhantuks, pr. n. Dhanuka, pr. n. 218, 219 137, 138 1371 252, 267 33 288 288 189 Dhara, capital of Malava, 23, 230-233, 237, 238, 294, 302 Dharanidhara, author of the Cintra pralasti 279 Dharasena of Valabbt 89 90 Dharasena II. Dharasena III. Dharata, pr. n. Dhardvaraha, Paramara k. 91 189 224 305,315 185, 189 191 279 95 319 905 118 59, 58 843 870 898 354 36 42 96 9 343 370 176 318, 343 36, 112, 119, 211 136, 279, 318, 319 95 21, 25 85, 304, 305, 328 147 Dehli Museum inscription of Saravala Deopara, vill. in Rajash4hl district of Bengal; stone in soription of Vijayasena at, edited 189 168 168 133, 134 196, 197, 906 158 57 881 98 8 264 11, 12, 14 Dharmadambhu, a sage 74 Dharma, pr. n. dharma 805 101f. 91 1188, 878 61 * p. 183 352 207, 214 24 Dharmachandra o Kangra Dharmadhara, writer of the Bagrart stone inscription of Paramardideva dhativaha Dhavala or Viradhavala, Gujarat Dhavalappa, a mahdernta Phillik,-Dehlf Dhira, pr. n. Dhiravarman, pr. n. Dholka, town in Gujarat Dholka Ranakas Dhritaguptasvamin, pr. n. Dhruvabhata, Paramara i. 207, 214 267 277 21-29 53, 57 94 251, 270 168 21, 273 21 184 224 52, 56 . 90, 91 .85f, 91, 92 224 99 Dhruvaraja or Nirupama, Rashtrakuta k. Dhruvasena I., Baladitya, of Valabhi Dhruvasena III. of Valabhi, grant of Dhamaraja, Paramara k. Didda, inscription of, referred to Divakaravarman Mahighanghala, k. of Singhapura 11, 13, 16 Dolhana 119f.
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________________ INDEX. 465 . . GA . pp. 101, 116 . * 168 * 9, 10 265 991. 398 216 . 228, 229 . 189 . ... . . . Pombaks of Kingrama . . . doridaffa, a word of doubtfal meaning dranna, a coin . . . dsishtant, seen . Drona, see Bharadwaja . . Dugauda, vill. . . . Dugdbakurya, ancient vill. . . Dangarpur or Vagad dist. Darbhata, malardjddhirdja . Durgaditya, pr. n. . . . Darlabhadity, pr. n. . . Durlabhapura, town . . Durlabhartja, k. of Gujarat . . Dariabharkjameru, a shrine . . dodroshtha, a word of doubtful meaning . . . 197, 204 vidhumat, Ancient name of Kod . . . . 244, 250 . 253, 270 296, 294, 302 . . 295 . .165 95 60 189 - E eclipses in dates . . . . 316, 818, 848, 4226. Editor's account of Kiragrlims and temple of Baij. nath . . . . . . . . 97 Editor's Introdation noue 1, 10, 16, 59, 61, 62, 77, 97, 122, 123, 180, 184. 943, 306, 348, 399, 438, 439, 440, 441, 443 Editor's impressions of inscriptions, referred to, 10, 84. 40, 47, 64, 67, 93, 98, 121, 122, 124, 185, 187, 168, 163, 162, 179, 180, 190, 197, 208, 288, 261, 807, 388 Ekagoraka, pr. n. . . . . . . . 189 elements of sun and moon's motions from the Siddhantas . . . . . . . Elliot's (Sir W.) ink impressions from copper deaname epioycles of sun and moon . . 441 equations of the centre for san and moon . 441 era of Lakshmanana; its epoch . . . 808 Eregatga, pr. 1. . . . Eroyapparua, Ganga k, Begar inscription of expunged (kahaya) mouths . . GArgya, a Papata tesober . . . Pp. 378, 974 Gartbnath temple, Pehevs inscription " 184. Garuda, odhana of Vishpu . . 52 Gatha dialect ... . 999 Gaoda or Karna-Suvarna, co. 69, 70, 128, 182, 186, 187, 265, 808, 814 Ganda kayastha . . . . . . . 77,85 Gauda lineage of some of the officials of k. Para mardideva . . . . . 207, 214 Gautams Akshapada, founder of the Nyaya philo sophy . . Gavidhumat, ancient name of Kudarkot . . 180, 183 Gayakaros, a Chadik. . . 84 Geijare, vill. . . . . . 949, 250 Ghamghaka, a place . . . 186, 189 ghdnaka or ghrapaka, anoil-mill' . 165 ghafikdlaga, a water clook . . . 276 Ghik, son of Lakshmidhars . Girida- iva . . . . . Glagovinda of Jayadeve, quoted . . . 806 Goge, one of the engraven of the Badhan stone inserip tion of Lakhapapala : . . Gogga, Tomar of Kansaj . . . . 343, 249, 250 Goggl, daughter of Bhatta. . Gokarne, t. in N. Kanars . . . Golasamaja-Golafarmarga, pr. D. . goniprasiti . . 288 Gopa, Gopadri or Gopegiri, Gwalior hill-fort, 194, 184, 164, 166, 167, 160, 161 Gopkin, friend or general of the Chandella k. Kirtivar . .. . . . . 820, 826 Gopkladova, a Rashtrakata prince . . . . 62, 88 Gopati, pr. D. . . . . . . .892, 938 Gorkshaks, . . . . 976 Goribidnar, vill. in Maisur 348,849 Goshthapall, vill. . 263, 387 goalhika . . . 190 Gotamipat * * 98 Gotipatr, pr. D. . 894, 896 Gotfrthe, in Kanaaj. . 188, 189 gotra of Atreya. . 8, 191, 194 Aupamanyara. Brahmakshatra Bharadwaja. . 4, 6, 7, 8, 58 GAlars . . . 184 Harita. . . kur * 8 Kaufiks . . . . . 8,86, 99 Krisbpatreys . . 43 Kubala . . 183 Nandipars . 26 Samkritya . 183 Avarpi . . 71,76 Vasiebtha . 208, 812 Vanishtba . Vatan . . * 183 Vatsabbergara . 83 VAtaya . . Vishnuvriddha. . 71, 75 Gorana I. and II. of the Nikambha family . 839 Govana IIL of the Nikumbha fsmily . . . 840, 846 Govatsson, pr. D. . . . . . . 188 Govinda, pr. D. Govinda, pr. D. . . . . . . . 48, 60, 168 Govinda or Govindasarvaja, pr. D. 840, 846 Govindachandra of Kanadj . . . . . 36 849 3484. . . Feria, or day of the work, caloulation of . 498 184 118 . . .381, 338 184 Gadadhara, minister of several Chandella kingo 196, 197 206, 207, 914 GadAdhars, pr. D. .. Gadh-Gajana, vill. in Pilibhit dist. . . . 75 Gash-kbers, a deserted fort . Gajapati dynasty . . . . . . 367, 370 gajang kagandabhorunda . . . . 869 Gapapala () pr. n. . . . . . 315 Ganda, or Gandadeva, a Chandella k. .196, 203, 219, 331, 336 ganda, a temple priest . . . . 976f. Gandadeva, Ganga k. . 349 Gandhar, . . . . . 69 Ganears . . . . Ganga king Eroyapparsas . 846 Gangkor Ganges, riv. . . . 806, 314, 867 Gangadhara, pr.. . . 40, 43, 44, 61 Ganges riv.. . . . . 306, 814 Gangeyadove, Chedi king . . . . 219, 208
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________________ 466 INDEX. . . . . Hridayachandra, k. of Trigarta Hridayaliva, sage . Hridayefs, a sage . . Hapas, people . . Huviahka, Huvasbka, king. . . . Pp 101, 117 . . . 267 . . 362 69, 225, 228, 237 . . 387 . . . . . . . 168 Govindachandra, composer of the Bad un atone inseription of Lakhanapala . . . . p. 61 Govindarkja III., a Rashtrakuta k.. . . .62, 56 Govinda IV, Rasktrakaga k. . . . 58 Govindaraja, prince . . 326, 329 Govindaraja of the Nikumbha family . 339 Grahapati family . . . 148, 161-168 grahapatika, probably = grilapati . . 165 Grabavarian Msukhari . . .69, 70 Guhaditya, builder of a temple at Kankuj * 185, 189 118 Guhasens ct Valabhl . . . . . . 89 Gulha . . . . . . 100, 111 g.mika . . . 6, 7, 8 Gunabhars, Purushottama, satruualla or Satynaam. . . . . . . 58-60 Garjara people . . . 69. 72. 123, 132, 339, 344 Gurjara, engraver of Sri Harsba's grant . . . 75 Gutti-sme district and darga . . . . 398, 401 Gwalior Vaillabhatta vanin temple inseription, edited 164 . . . . Guhasena of Valenti 24 n Huihaya family of princes . . 33, 37, 227, 352, 263 Hallana () pr. D. . . . . . . 332 Halluka, pr. n. . . . . . . . 289 Hambirs, or Hammirs, or Hamvira, Amir 82, 63, 218, 219, 339,344 Hampe inseription of Krishnankya S 1430, edited 361EUR. Hansen's Tables de la Lune . Hars, -Sirs . . . 56, 59, 60 Hara mount, Kailasa . . . . Haradatta, pr. n. . . . 180, 182, 362 Harihara, t. in Maisur 388 Haribars II, k. of Vijayanagara . 362, 383 Haripala, a poet . . . . . .325, 380 Hariraja, a chief of Siyaloni . . . . 172 Harita gotra Haritamalakadut saikha Harivarman, surnamed Mamms . . . 180, 182 Harivarman Maukhari . . . . . 70 Hariyana country . . . . . . 64 Harsba, king of KADADj . 68-76, 180, 182, 223, 226, 237 Harsha-Varddhana, Madhuban copperplate of, edited * 676. Harsba, or Siyaka II., k. of Malata . 223, 226, 237 Harshadeva, Chandella king-stone inscription of edited . . . . . 121, 123, 181, 138, 171 Harsbapora, town . . . . 63, 67, 58 hasta, a measure of length . . . . . 167 hafta, a 'market' . . . . . 166 hayapati . . . . . . . 124, 131 beliacal rising system of computing Jupiter's 12-year cycle . . . Hemadideva, of the Nikumbba family, a feudatory of the Yadava Singhana. . 388-340, 345, 346 Heinakuta, rock rear Hampe . . . . 370 Hemantasena, a king . . . . . 306, 312 Henne-nadu-Ponnai, a division of Gutti-uime 399, 401 Herambapala, identical with Kabitipkladeva of Kanauj 171 the father of Devapila of Kunauj , 124, 134 hindu . . . . . . . . 363 Hindu Chronology. . . . . . Hira or Hirmu, pr. n. . . . . . Hira-Bhagola, gate at Dabhoi Hirabadlagalli Pallava copperplate grapt edited . Hoddha, pr. 1. . . . . . . . 189 Icbehbavaka, a trader . . . . . . 160 Ichcha, pr. . . . . . . Iggaldru, rill. in Mainur . . . . . 348, 351 TABAbla or 'THAhAbad, Musalman name of Dewal , 77 Indra III., Rashtrakata k.. 62 Indraraja of the Nikumbha family . . 339, 345 Iadranaths . . . . 230, 231, 238 inscriptions, their importance . . . . 1 inscriptions edited :dated in Chedi years : Malhar stone inscription of JAjalladera, Ch.9.9 39 Ratnapur stone inscription of Jajalladeva, Ch.866. 32 in Vikrama year: Ajaygadh rock inscription of Viravarman, V. 1317 325 Anbilvada. Pattana inscription of V. 1661 , 319 Pagrart stone inscription of Paramardideva, V. 1252 207 Cintra inscription of Sarangadeva, V. 1343. - 271 Dabhoi stone inscription of Vifaladeva, V. 1911. 20 Dewal inscription of Lalla, the Chhinas, 8. 1049. 75 Gwalior stone inscriptions of, V. 932 and 938 . 154 Khajurkbo stone inscription of Yubovarman, V. 1011 122 > Jain temple inscription, V. 1011. . 185 + inscription of Dhangadeva, V. 1059 and 1173 187 . inscription of Kokkala, V. 1058 . 147 . Jain temple image inscription, V. 1905 or 1216 158 Kiragrama Jaina inscription, V. 1296. . . 118 Mathura inscription of the reign of Vijayapala, V. 1207 287 Ratnapur stone inscription of Prithvideva, V.1247 45 Sarban inscripcion in the Delhi Museum, 8.134 93 Sdnak copper-plate grant of the Claulukya Karna I V. 1148 . . . . . . . 316 Vadnagar inscription of Kumarapala, V. 1908. 298 inscriptions dated in Saka year : Baijnath Kiragrama, two inscriptions, 8. 7 (26) 97 Hampe stone inscription of Krishnaraya, 8. 1430 361 Krishnapura inscription of Krishnaraya 8. 1451. 396 Rashtrakuta copper-plate grant of Krishna II., 8. 832 . . . . . . . 52 inscriptions dated in other eras :-see Dates. inscriptions, undated, edited : Ajaygadh rock inscription of Bhojavarman . Aboka's twelfth edict from Shahbazgarli . . Badaun stone inscription of Lakhanapala . . 61 Begur inscription of the Ganga Ereyapparna . 346 Bilbari stone inscription of the rulers of Chedi 251 Denpara stone inscription of Vijayasens . . Jhanel stone inscription of Sallaksbanasimha (P). 914 Hirahudagalli copper-plate grant of the Pallava Sivaskandavarman . . . . Khajuraho stone inscription of Harshadeva (). 121 # Jaina image inscription . . . 152 KudArkog stine inscription . . . . Kura inscription of Toramana Shaha. . 238 Lakkha Mandal inscription of the royal family of Singhapura . . . . . . Mahola Chandella inscription . . . . Mathura Jaina inscriptious . . . . 306 179
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________________ Inscriptions, undated, edited:-contd. Mau stone inscription of Madanavarmadera Pehoa inscription of the reign of Mahendrapala of Kanauj. Ranod stone inscription Udepur inscription of the King of Malva inscriptions undated, but containing dates Patna stone inscription of the Yadava Simghana Slyadopt stone inscription intercalary months. intercalations, mean Iruga, pr. name Isa, god Isana, pr. name Ianadiva, the spiritual adviser of the Rashtrakuta iti prince Amritapala Isata, dr. of Nannaka Ievard, dr. of Bhaskara of Binghapura, ind. Chandragupta Ievara, Vijayanagara king Isvaraditya, pr. n. Idvaragupta Ievaranaga, a mason Tavaradiva, a sage Ivaravarman, king of Singhapura ..temples at Khajuraho: inscriptions edited Jaitrapala, a Yadava king Jajalladeva I., king of Ratnapura 11 39 II.. Jajallapura, t. Jajja, of Mathura, pr. name Jajja, wife of Vallabhatta Jajjuka, Tomara pr. name Jaja, pr. name Jajuka, pr. name Jalandhara, t. Jala[varman], king of Singhapura Jamadagni temple at Baijnath Jamho, pr. name J Jaddha, the writer of the Khajuraho stone inscription of Yagovarman jagati, a kind of building Jagatpala, pr. name Jagatsimba, pr. name Jaina inscription at Kiragrama, edited inscriptions from Mathura, edited janmapatras Jasapala (Yasabpala), pr. name Jasika, pr. n. . Jatavedasoma, pr. name Jaula of the Tomara family Jaunadhara, pr. name Jauvla. p. 195 Jayachchandra, king of Trigarta Jayadeva, pr. name Jayadeva, author of the Gitagovinda. Jayadharaka, pr. n. Jayaguna (P), pr. name 338 162 414, 432 418 848 " INDEX. 123, 135 165, 277 64 51 118 371 152 339, 340, 344, 345 32, 33, 38, 39 39, 40, 43 32,39 289 157 243, 249 168 331, 336 11, 18, 15, 99, 100, 102, 116, 117 11, 13, 14 97n 51 377 318 289 183 243, 248 331, 336 238f. 242 351 222 11, 18, 15 362, 367 189 72, 76 10, 14, 15 252, 267 11, 12, 14 317 63, 64 158 " 109 183 Jayanta, son of the moon Jayapala, rewrote the Khajuraho inscription of Dhat zadeva 112, 116 148, 151 305-307 189 123, 135 215 467 pp. 325, 331, 332, 337 Jayapura, name of Ajaygadh Jayapuraka, vill. Jayaraka (Jayarauka ?), pr. n. Jayasakti, or Jeja, a Chandella prince Jayasimha III., Chalukyak Jayasimha-Siddharaja, king of Gujarat 275, 294, 295, 302, 304 Jayavall, wife of Bhaskara of Singhapura 11, 13, 16 155, 161 188 121, 123, 131, 218 230, 232 137 . Jayavarmadeva, a Chandella prince, renewed the Khajuraho inscription of Dhafigadeva 137, 196, 203, 220, 326, 329 Jayavriddhi 2391. 364 121, 218 33, 34, 38 121, 218 168 Jelka, pr. name Jeja: see JejjAka Jejabbuktika, prince of Jejakabhukti, Jejabbukti or Jejabhuktika, a country Jejapa, pr. name JejjAka, a Chandella prince, identified with Jayadukti, also called Jeja Jejjaka, engraver of the Ranod inscription Jetana (P), pr. name Jhansi, a fort in North-Western Provinces 121 852 326, 330 214 214 "1 stone inscription of Sallakshanasimha, edited jihvemaliya, sign of, employed 163, 242, 331 Jilhe, one of the engravers of the Badaun stone inscription of Lakhanapala Jinabhadrasuri, Jaipa priest Jinachandra, pr. n. Jinachandrasari, I-IV. VI. Jinadattasari, Jaina priest Jinabamdasuri Jinakusalasuri Jinalabdhisuri Jinamanikyasuri Jinanatha,-inscription at the temple of, at Khajuraho, edited. Jinapadmastri, Jaina priest Jinapattisari, Jinaprabodhasari, Jaina priest. Jinarajasari, Jinasamudrasari, JinasekharAcharya, " Jinasimha, Acharya of the Kharataras Jinavallabhasuri, Jaina priest Jinesvarasuri I. Jinesvarasuri 11. Jinodayasuri Jivaks, pr. n. joiti-dyotanti Joyati, pr. n. Julian calendar and Hindu dates Jupiter's cycles. Jvalamukhi, place K Kadambaditya builder of a temple at Kanauj Kadambaguba, a place. Kadambagahadhivasin, a sage Kadava Kulambis, or Kunbi tribe Kadi, dist. in Gujarat Kahila * 158 320 321 119, 820 321 320 320. 321 61 320 . jy, the conjunct, instead of yy Jyotistattva method of computing Jupiter's samvatsaras 185 320 320 320 119 321 118, 119, 320 320 320 320 101, 111 877. 320 820 378 407 424, 442 190, 191 331 426 185, 189 253, 267 352 . 316 295 100, 117
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________________ 468 INDEX. . 109 828 . . . 499 . 288 . Kailasa, in the Himalayas. . * . pp. 280, 239 Karmachandra, k. of Kangri . . . . p. 191 kdlini, a coin . . . Karmadbvaja, pr. n. . . . . . . 191, 195 Kala, pr. n. . . . Karna, or Karpadora, k. of Gujarat . . 294 Kalachuri dynasty . . . 225 Karna or Karnadera, or Lakshmikarna, Chedi k. 215, 220, 232 KAlahasti, towa in North A rkat. 368 > defeated by the Chandella Kirtivarman . 326, 329 Kalajara, hill fort 123, 124, 138, 194, 218, 220, 831, 838 Karyadeva Trailokyumalla, Claulukya k.. 316, 318 KAlatijara taken by the Muhammadans. . . Karna-Suvarna, or Gaude, eo. . . . . 70 Kalala, k. of Kaimir . Karnate people and co. 227, 230, 231, 237, 233, 266, 306, 312, KAMma, (Kalalarma, pr. n.) . 939, 844 Kalhans, of Kiragrims . . * : 101, u7 Karobana, vill. now Karvan, in Gujarat. , 273, 275 Kalindi, river Yaman . . . . 184, 184 Karpataranijya, old name for Kapadvanaj . . . 53, 58 Kalinga, country . . .266, 306, 314, 869 Kartavirya (Arjuna), a mythical prince . . 33, 37 Kalingarije, a Chedi pridoe . . 83, 87 Karttikarasi, An abbot . . . . . 274, 275 Kaliya, the serpent destroyed by Krishna, an effigy of, 252, 268 Kleadraba, vill. in Gujarat . . . . 53, 57, 229 Kaliyuga, beginning of . . Kisahrada, t. in Gujarat . . . . . 929 Kalluks, pr. . . . . . . . . 188 Karvan, form-rly Kayavirshana, vill . . . 274, 278 Kalnad, district in Maisur . . 848, 381 Kasnaklya-Vishnu, father of JaLjA. Kalputra, referred to . . . . . 878, 379 KMi (or Bandras), rulers of, mentioned in connexion KALI inscription mentioned . . . . 871 with Madauavarman Chandella, &o.. 196, 204, 339, 314 Kalyana Chalukyas . . . Kaili, pr. D. . . . . . . . 189 Kalyanaderi, queen of the Chandella Viravarinan 826, 320, 830 Kasindra-PAladi, 1. in Gujarat . . . 229 KAmadeva, pr. n. . . . . . . 77, 86 Kalmir, co. . . . . 63, 266 Kamalaraja, a Chedi prince . . . . . 88, 87 Kaimirs people . . . . . . 123, 139 Kamardpa, country . . . . . 808, 314 Kassava, (KMyapa) gctra. Kamboja, Kabul . . . . . . 248, 280 KMyapa . . . . . Kanebipura, t. . . . KMyapa,-Kapada, founder of the Vainoabika school of kard draghdfa, word of doubtful meaning 165 philosophy . . . . . . . . 44, 86 Kammiks, pr. D.. . . . * 189 Katha, riv., the Katol-badt . 77,88 kassdraka, a brazier'. . 166 kauptika, perhaps some office . * 166 Kanaka-sadas of Chidambaram temple. 889, 889 Kaarufbe, a PMapata teacher. * 273 Kannaj city . . . . . . . 77, 180, 189 Kaulika gotra . . . . . . . . . 85, 92 > k. Bbojadeva of . . Kaustubha jewel. . . kingo . . . 219.9 KATA or Katni riv. . . 76 KAfichads, writer of a grant of Bhima I. . . 817 Kayachafira, a sage . Karohhuka, q. of the Chandella Harsbudeva, 128, 182, 183, 188 KAGchi, t. and country . . . 4, 6, 7, 188, 368, 369 KAvert or Kavin riv. . . 58-60, 867 KAnchipuram, Kifich, t. . . . . . 58, 898 kavichakravartin. . . . . 295 Kanda, of Ktragrima . . . . 101, 116, 117 Kayastha elan of the Vaataryas . . 331, 836 kandala, a plant . . . Kedars-Sivs 40, 45, 110, 275, 386 kanduka, perhape 'a sugar boiler,' &c. Kedara (-natha), in Garhwal . . 102, 276 Kandakabindaki, riv., now Book or Binwa 100, 116 Kekkaks, writer of the Shaska grant . 317 Kingre, dint, and t. . . . . 100 Kendt (P), a village (P) . . . 907 Kanhapadi (P), name of a grove . 216 Keradarallt, vill. . . . . . . 68 Kanbesvaradevs, & monastery. Kerala, oo. & people . . 227, 220, 237, 365 Kavbuka, father of Vavv& . Kelava, pr. 1. . . . - 167, 168, 189 Kanishka Devaputra, k.. . . .378, 382, 390, 894 Kefava mound, at Mathura 287 Kanishka ers . . . . . . 871 Keydratarha, Chedi k., also called Yurarajadeva, 262, 263, Kaniyasika kula . . . . . . . 892 265, 266 Kshk Alt THA, mound at Mathura, inscriptions from . 971, 878 Khailapataka, vill. . . . . . 252, 254, 207 Kanyakubja, also called Maboday, city 77, 86, 170, 171, Khaiji. pr. n. . . . . . . . 189 185, 189, 214, 216 | Khajuraho, t. in Chhatarpur state . . . . 1211. , princes of . . . . 33, 84, 88, 219 * 121 . king of, defeated by Dhaha. , 198, 908 Khambhata, pr. 1. . . . . . . * 189 Kapadrapaj, Sans. Karpatavanlja, t. in Gujarat . 19 Khambhayat, Stamblapers, t . . grant of Krishna II, Rashtrukata 62 Khamdadlu-Skandapiddha, pr. D. grant of Druvasena III of Valabhi . 86 Kbasadakondi,-(Skandakoti), pr. n. . . kapardaka, a coin . . . . . . 169 Khandamama-(Skandalarman), pr. D. . . . Kupilavardbana . . . . . 11, 13, 16 Kbandeft language, part of an inscription in Karanakuthala, of Bhaskaracbarya . . 840 Khangake, pr. n.. karanas, computation of . . . . 419 Kharagrabs, k. of Valabht . . 90 korapika, a writer of legal documents . 123, 166, 261 Kbaratara gaola . . . . . . 119 Karda copperplates of Karka, Raabtrakta k. . 228 Kharjdravahaks, modern Khajuraho . . . 189 Karka II., Gajarkt, Raabtrakatak. . . . 68 Khas, peuple . . . . . . 123, 134 Karkarija, Rashtrakata k. . . . . . 926 Zhafrd, loss,' 'injury.' &c. . . . . . 166 Karkata sankranti . . . . . . 404 Kheralu, division of Kadi dist., Gujarat . . . 398 * 84 . . 862 . . . 81 166 * * 85 188 . . . 1217. i nacriptions from, edited :. . 196, 209 K j, Sans. Karpaterdalia 189
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________________ INDEX. 469 . 12 . . 288 s . . . . Yakoyarman Khetaka, mod. Kheda . . . . Pp. 58, 59 | Komarapala, or Kumarapala, a Kshatriya who wrote Khetals, son of Ghika . . . . . . 97 the Malhar stone inscription of Jajalladeva II. . pp. 39, 45 Khimidi (?) mandala . . . . . . 39, 38 and the Ratnapur inscription of Prithvideva II L. 45, 52 Khottign, Rashtrakata, k. conquerod by Siyaka II. of Kumarasama, -kumaralarman, pr. n. . . . 8 Malava . . . . . . . 226, 237 Kumbadi, pr. n. . . . . . . . 67 Kira, country . . . . . . 124, 131 Kombbagona, t. in Tanjor dist. . . . . 368 Kiragrama, Kirgrion, or Baijnath, in Kangra 97-102, 116-118, Kumbbatt, vill. in Madhyadeda i . 40, 43 119 Kandadhan, vishaya of, . 71 Kiragrama, Jaina inscription at . . . . 118 Kundalaks . . . . Kirtikaumudi of some varadeva . . . 21, 22 Kuntala, co. . . . . 138 Kirtipala, pr. n. . . . . . . 332, 838 Kura, vill. in Panjab . Kirtivarmadeva or Kirtivarman, Chandella k. defeated Kuru people . . . . . 123, 192 Karna 34, 196, 203, 215, 219-221, 326, 320, 331, 382, 336 Kukka, Pidapata teacher Kufika, Pasopata teacher . . . . . 273 anam . . . . . . 15 kufila alphabet, misnamed . . . . . Kokalla, a Chedi k. . . . 32, 33, 37, 148, 219, 76 Kokaraka race . . . . . . . 394 Kokkala or Kokkulla of the Grahapati farily . 148, 162 Khajuraho stone inscription of, edited 147 Lagbu-Dabhi, place in Gujarat Kokkalladera, a Chedi k. . . 316-318 252, 253, 264 . . . kolika, perhapeweavers' or Kolis' Labada, minister of k. Madanavarman. . . . 9 208. 213 Lakhanapala, a RAshtrakata prince . . koline . . . . . . . . . 277 61-63 Lakkha Mandal prafasti, edited . Kolivala, place-name . . . . .5, 7, 9 . . . 10, 87 Lakkhata, name of a chief Komo mandala . . . . . . 83, 37 . . . . . 215 Kobala, people . . 123, 182, 138, 252, 263, 265, 288 Lakshana or Laksbaniki, wife of Bilbapa of KirtiKonambi, vill. . . . . . . . . 101, 117 . 40, 44 Kosila, Kaubika gotra . Laksbavarman, a name of the Chandella Yalovarman Kodiki Sivamitra, pr. n. . . . . . 394, 396 123, 133, 134 Kot Kangra . . . . 97 Lakshmanachandra, radnika of Kiragrama 99-102, 116, 117 Kottasama, --Kottagarnian, pr. n. . . . . 8 Lakshmanaraja, a Chedi k. . . 252, 263, 267, 268 Kottiya.-Kotiks gana 379, 382-384, 386, 389, 392, 395 Lakshmanasena, k. of Gadda; founder of an era 306, 307 krantipatagati, precession of the equinoxes . . 422 Lakshmi, wife of Lalls the Chhinda . . . . 76,84 Kratha, country . Lakshmidbara, son of Sachadeva. . 94, 95 . . Krishna or Upendra, k. of Malava . . . .223, 225 223, 225 Lakshmidhara, pr. n. 64, 153, 207, 208, 212, 214, 340, 345 Krishna II., or Krishnaraja II., Rashtrakats k. allied Lakshmikarna or Karna, Chedi k. . . 219, 220 with Kokkalladeva . . . 62, 252, 263, 264 Laksbmi-Narasimhadeva, image. , 398, 401, 402 # grant of, dated $. 832, edited. . 62 Lakultea, bhattaraka, Sri, . . . , 273, 274 Krishnabhatta, composer of Jvalamukbi prasasti 191, 194 Lakulia Pasupatas . . . . . . 274 Krishnamigra's Prabodhachandrodaya . , 220 LAIA, a kufumbin Brahman . . . . . 318 Krishnapura, inscription of Krishnardya II., duted 8. 1451, 398 Lalla the Chbinda, inscription of, edited , 76, 83, 85 Krishnaraja I., or Subbatung, Rashtrakata k., . 62, 56 Lallika, pr. D. . . . . . . 189 Krishnaraja, Paramara, k. . . . . . 224, 225 Lanjika mandala, identified with Lanji . . 33, 3R Krishnaraja I. and II. of the Nikumbha family. 339, 344 Lanka, Indian first meridian . 367, 442 Krishnariya of Vijayanagar, inscription dated &. 1430, Largeteau's syzygy tables . . . . . 441 edited . . . .. . . 3616. Laruji-Mdadun, vill.- Araluvaka (?) . . 53n itscription dated S. 1451 . . 398f. Lata, country . . 265, 273, 294, 302 keritopasannd, a word of doubtful meaning : : 165 people 69, 227, 228, 230, 231, 237, 238, 339, 344 kah, the conjunct instead of thy . . .. 331 Latkaula, --Vijapura, t. . . . . . . 321 kshaya Lithis . . . . . . . 405 latitude, correction of Kshemskiva bhatta . . . . . . 10, 14, 15 Lavananagara, t. . . . . . . 253, 270 kahepa, astronomical correction . . . . 426 Lavanaprasade, Vaghela k. of Gujarat . . . 22, 23 Kshitipuladova, also called Mahipala and Herambupala, local time corrections . . . . . . 434 k. of Kanauj . . . J21, 124, 170, 171, 244 Lobata or Lahata, pr. n. . . . . 189 Kudarkot, fort in Itava dist., N.-W. Prorr., identified longitudes and latitudes of places . with Gavidhurnat 179, 180, 283 lupar, dates derived from solar . . . . 408 # inscription, edited . . . . 179f. lunar dates converted into Julian reckoning 409.410 Kukkuta mandala . . . . . . 33, 38 lunar race of kings . . 33, 42, 46, 252, 306 Kulachandra, a general of Bhoja of Dhari . . 231 Koladdbara (P) pr. n. . 289 Kuladipakirti, pr. n. . . Kumara, temple of . . . 28 Madana, mason, builder of Dabhoi temple . . 24 Komara, a Jaina layman . Madada, Madanavarman, or Madanavarmadeva, a ChanKumara-Bhaskaravarman, k. . . . della k. 124, 153, 196, 213, 218, 212, 326, 329 Kumaramitra, Jaina nun, a widow . . 380, 382, 386 Madanapala, a Rashtrakata prince . . 62, 63 Kumarauamdi,-Kumranandin, pr. n. . . . 8 Madanavarmadeva, Mau inscription of, edited . 1966. Kumaranarayana or Sindhuraja, k. of Malava 223, 228 Madba or Lakkha Mandal inscription. . . 10 Kumarapala, k. of Gujarat . . . 294, 295, 302 | MAdhara, Athara, pr. D. . . . . . 8 321) . 189 . 120 70
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________________ 470 Madhava, -Siva Madhava, pr. n. Madhava, composer of the Khajuraho inscription of Yagovarman Madhuban copperplate of Harshavardhana, edited Madhumateya, epithet of the sage Pavanasiva name or epithet of another sage Madhumateya lineage of sages Madhura, cap. of the Pandyas. Madhusudana, g. Madhyadesa, co. Maha, son of Lakshmidhara Mahdbhdshya of Patanjali quoted Mahadeva, a Thakkura MahAditya, pr. n. Mahagana, pr. n. Mahanandi, tirtha in Karnal dist. Mahapa or Mahapa, pr. n. mahdpratihdra, an office mahara, perhaps 'a headman' maharaj Maharaja (P), the engraver of the Bagrari stone inscrip tion of Paramardideva mahdadmantadhipati, a title Mahasenadatta, pr. n. Mahasenagupta-devi, queen of Adityavardhana Mahata, pr. n.. Mahatiyana Mahattara, a title Maitreya, a Pasupati teacher makara-samkranti Mahisharama, pr. n. Mahmad of Ghazna Mahoba Chandella inscription, edited Mahodaya, another name of Kanyakubja Maitrakas * Malava, co. Malava people river of Makundpur, an inscription at, referred to Maladhara, pr. n. Mahendrapaladeva, Nirbhaya, or Nirbhayanarendra, k. of Kanauj. Mahesvara, pr. n. Mahefvaracharya, a poet Mahichandra, pr. n.. 170, 171, 243, 244, 248 325, 329, 331, 326 340, 345 153 85, 92 11, 13, 15 Mahichhaka, vill. Mahighanghala, Devakaravarman of Singhapura Mahipala, Tomara k. of Dehli Mahipala, minister of k. Vijayapala 63 197, 205 Mabipala, same as Kshitipala, k. of Kanauj. .170, 171, 244 Mahipala, pr. n.. 332, 338 Mabisasaka, division of the Hinayana school of Bud dhists Malaya Malayagiri, in Malabar Malhana the Chhinda Malhand, pr. n. Malbar, t. in Central Provinces P. 248 168 . Malbika, pr. n. Malladeva, Ganga k. Mallala, anc. t., probably Malhar INDEX. 123, 134 67 267 267 268 stone inscription of Jajalladeva II, edited " .. king of, defeated by the Chandella Madanavar "3 man. 367 84 40, 43 207, 214 306 169 183 68, 72, 73 . 148, 151 320 275 241 318 218, 219 217 155, 170-172 89 273 404 354 331, 336 69 222, 223, 294, 295, 302 123, 132, 336, 329 124, 134 95 180 318 168 153 368 167 169 166 196, 204 265 230, 238 76, 82 276 39, 40 39 101 349 40,45 Mallinatha,-Siva Mamaka (P), name of a chief Mamallapuram,- Seven Pagodas" mamdabika Mame, pr. n. Mamma, surname of Harivarman Mana, pr. n. Manadasa, pr. n. mandapika Mandehas, a class of Rakshasas Manga, pr. n. Mangaka, pr. n. Mangaladevi, wife of Vajrata of Kanauj p. 276 216 59 7n 39, 45, 46, 50 180, 182, 184 189 305, 315 101, 117, 166, 270 Manikka, pr. n. Manoratha, pr. n. Manyaketa, Rashtrakuta capital Manyuka. maparaka Marakate vara, epithet of Siva, or of a temple of his, 367 288 188 248, 249 189 340, 345 226 99, 100, 111, 116-118 23 Maru Mathura inscription of the reign of Vijayapala, edited. 287 ancient Jaina inscriptions, edited rulers of 33 33 Mattamayura, t. Mattamaydranatha, a sage Mau, t. in Jhaust district, North-Western Provinces: stone inscription of Madanavarmadeva, edited. Maukhari. mauliratna. Phalguna Bravana Vaisakha Malasthana, temple of the sun. Mufija or Vakpati II., k. of Malava Muralas, same as Koralas Murari,-Krishna 277 139 371 .339, 344 352-354 267, 353 Mayatalla, wife of Lakshmana of Kiragrama Mayata of Bhushana mean sign system of Jupiter's 12-year cycle. Meghachandra, king of Kangra, mehara Mehiya,-Mehika kula. Mehuks, pr. n. Melba son of Maha Mithila people months, intercalary and expunged months, occurring in dates of inscriptions:Afvina. 167; 341, 344, 346 301, 305, 399 21, 25, 32; 103, 107, 112 . Chaitra Jyeshtha Karttika. 148, 150, 152; 289, 293 Magha .85, 88, 92; 153; 167; 168; 279, 287; 363, 370 MArgAdiraha .32, 36, 39; 72, 73, 75; 81, 85;167; 239, 240; 319, 323 195 69, 70 367 101f. .77,84 427 191, 195 278 379, 382, 388 354 95 123, 132 414, 432 93-95; 119; 167 167; 208, 211, 214; 296, 301, 304 53, 56, 58; 136; 137, 139, 147; 157, 159; 168; 169; 186, 188; 316-318; 326, 328, 330 moon's place, nakshatra, &c. true longitude 420 39 Mrida, g. Mriganka, pr. n. Mugdhatunga, a Chedi k.. Muhammad bin Tughlaq mulditana, a word of doubtful meaning Malaraja I. of Gujarat. 432 110 189 252, 253, 264 93, 94 166 21, 228, 294, 301 24 . 226-228 228, 229 56 Martigana, the spiritual adviser of the Rashtrakuta prince Sarapala. 63
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________________ INDEX. 471 . . 229 NAhada, . . . . . 382, 387 . . 332 Nirbhaya, or Nirbhayanarendra, biruda of Mahendra paladeva of Kazaj . . . . . Pp. 170, 171 Nirapatos, or Dhruvarkja, Rashtrakata k.. . . 52, 56 Naddls, town . . . . . . . p. 22 rirpartana . Naga, a ddlaka . . . . . . . 85, 92 | Nishkalanks, a maldrd; 4.2 hirdja . . . . Niga Dadhikarpa, a divinity 880 Nivritti, a tirtha . . . . . . . 368 Naga Kshatriyas . Nobala, pr. n. . . . . . . . 168 Nigabals, vill. . . . 262, 267 Nohald, queen of KeyGravarhs of Chedi 262, 263, 266, 363 Nagadatta, pr. name . . . 10, 14, 15 Nobalekvara, Sive us worshipped in the temple founded Nigaks, pr. D. . . . . . 167, 168 by queen Nobald . . . . . . 270 Nagal, or Nag&mbika, wife of Nars of Vijayana- Nopalla, wife of Ratoardja L, the Chedi . 33, 37 36%, 868, 370 Nonna, ugraver of the Bilhari inscription. 251, 270 Nagalladevt, wife of Vifvemalla Vaghela 272, 273 Nrisimba, pr. n. . . . . . . . 215 Nagapafichami festival . . . . . . 881 Nrisimba or Naran, Vijayanagara k. . . 362, 368 Nagara, t. in Gujarat . . . . 295 Nagara-Anandapura, t. now Vadnagar . 294 Negara Brahmaps . .. 296, 309, 364 Nagarabhatte, of the Varjers family 164, 167 Nagattan, pr. dam. . . . . . .348-360 Odegar dynasty of Maisar . . . . 367 . . . . 279 Odra, co. Orima . . . . . 382 38 Nahushs . . . . . 252, 268 . olipdta, a word of doubtful meaning . . . . 166 NA, the writer of the Bilhari insoription : 261, 270 Osval gachchha . . . . . . . 320. nakshatra, computation of the moon's, . * 490 for the san's place . . Nakulofart, -Sive, in Gujarat . . P Namdij,-Nandykrye, pr. D. 8 Nane, minister of Chandella Bhojavarman, bis inscrip Paddhati of Sarngadhara . . . . . 191 tion referred to . . . . Padmagupta's Navaadhaadikackarita, 222-224, 228-230, 232 Nanda or Ganda, king of Kalafijars . . . 219 Padmasimba, engraver of the Dabhoi inscription. . 25 Nanda, Jains bun . . . . . 380, 388 Padmavati, t. identified with the modern Narwar 148, 161 Nandana, a poet . . . . . . 139 . . . 100, 117 Nandavalt mandala . . . . 38, 88 Pahills (or Pahila), pr. D. . . . . . 186, 186 Nandipura gotra . . . . . . 25 PAhills, pr. n. . . . . . . 163 Nandipura, probably damo of Ajaygadh . 326, 330 pdilam . . . . $18 Nandol, t. in Gujarat . . 22 Paitaks or Paitala, son of Ghika * 96 Nannuks, a Chandolla k. . . . . 123, 131, 138 Pdiyalachchhindmamdid of Dhanapal 226, 227 Nanya, k. probably of Nepal, .. 306, 313 pakshas or fortnights . . . 404, 406 Nar, pr. n. . . . . . . . 189 Pala, pr. 1. . . . . 289 Narad, pr. . . . . . . . 288 | Palakkade, t. . . . . . * 398 Narus or Nrisimba, k. of Vijayanagan 362, 367, 370, 402 Palaverkade, now 'Pulicat'. . . . . 998 Naravardhana, k. of Sthapivars . . . 68, 72, 73 Pali, wreated from the lord of K ala 252, 253, 285 NAr yapa, birida of Vibramalla Vaghel . . 372 palikd or pdlikd, probablypdli-prastha 166 Nardyans, Chandella k. . . . . 218 218 Politand inscription of Sam. 1860, . 877, 378 Ndryanabbattaraks-Vishna. . 188 Pallava, . . . . . 4,5,7,59 Narendragupta, k. of Gauda. . 70 Pallava copperplato grant of Sivaskandavarman Narod.-Narvad, -10 Ranod. 351 Pallava oopperplata . . . . . . 397 Nalchira, a place . . . . 239, 241 . Pampapati temple at Hampe 361, 362 Nathapur pargana . . 67 pafichditala, in pafichditala-odfikd, term requiring Nauhaledvars, monastery founded by queen NobalA. 268 explanation . . . . . . . Navagrama, vill. . . . . . . 101, 111, 118 pafchakula, an office . . . . . 186, 170 Navalik, vill. . . . . . . . 68 Paficbala, co. . . . . . . . 62 Natashaakka, Sindburdja of MALAVA . . .228, 228 patichika, a word of doubtfal meaning . . 166 Navardhasarikavharita of Padmagupta . 222-224, 228-230, panchiyaka-dramma, a coin. . . 169 Paodya, ruler of Madburd . . . 867 Niyaka . . 11 Panidhara, pr. D. . . . . . . 162, 163 NAyika, one of the wives of Jaijuks of Kanauj. 248, 249 PanthodA or Pantbord, vill. . . . . . 53, 58 Nebils . . . . . . . 77, 84 Pappd, or Pappaka, pr. n. . . . . . 168 Nemaditys, pr. n. . 53, 58, 340 Paramira, heros eponymor of the Malaya kings, 293, 294, womaka, perhape 'salt'. 236, 238 nyika. . . Paramardiders, or Parmardin, a Chandella k.. 207, 208, 212, wija month . . 405 326, 320, 331, 336 Nikumbba family of the solar race * 339, 344, 345 Bagrdirt inscription of, edited . . 2071. Nimbadityahattiki, vill. . 165, 161 Parafarma, pr. D. . . . . . . . 61 Nipaniye, vill. . . . 252, 267 parikskipaffa . . . . . . . ' 277 nirayana-sideroal signs, . . . . 422 Pariranatha, T.thamicara . . . . . 378 186 . . 100, 111 NAyiks, one of the wire of * 165 5,8 . . .
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________________ 472 Partha,-Arjuna. pasupala or pafupalaka,. P&fupata sect, Pasupati, g. Patala, vill. Patna, deserted vill. of Khandes. 30 stone inscription of the Yadava Singhapa, edited Pattapadrika, vill. Peichittika (P), pr. n. Phampha, pr. n.. Phullari, pr. n. Pinthika, t. Pipalahika, vill. pisachachaturdafi Pitadaila mountains Pombha, pr. n. Popdi, vill. Porval Vanias patti. Pavanadive, a sage, called Madhumateya pavitraka, a word of uncertain meaning Peheva or Pehoa, t. ano. Prithadaka Peheva or Pehoa, inscription of Sri Harsha, from the temple of Garibnatha, edited Pothaya,-Proshtha, race Prabha, pr. n. Prabhakara, pr. n.. Pehoa or Peheva prasasti of the time of Mahendrapala of Kanauj, edited, Pragada, pr. n. Pragrata race Prahladana, Paramara, k. Prahladana, writer of Dabhoi inscription, Prakrit forms of words Pralamba, vill. pramatri. 189 252, 254, 267 24n 394, 399 51, 208, 218 340, 345 Prabhakaravardhana, k. of Sthanvisvara. 68, 69, 72, 73, 75 Prabhisa or Devapattana, place of pilgrimage in Sorath, 197, 204, 275 197, 204 prasannadeviydraka, a term of doubtful meaning Prasastis of Baijnath Prafasti of Cintra of Dabhoi 13 -pp. 56, 57 278,279 273, 275 108 * Pradyumna, pr. n.. Pradyumne@vara, the g. usually called Hari-Hara (Vishnu-Siva) 33 Prabhasa, minister of k. Dhanga and Panda, Prabodhachandrodaya of Krishnamisra, age of, 220,326 Prachanda, a mahdedmanta of Krishna II. Rashtrakuta, 58, 67 Pradiptavarman, k. of Singhapura 11, 12, 14 205 " " 33 .. 31 of Kangra JvAlAmukhi of Lakkha Mandal of Matburs of Pattana. of Peheva or Pebon. of Udaypur. of Vadnagar prashada and prashanda 243,250 838 Prithvideva I., or Prithvia, a Chedi prince Prithvideva II., Prithvideva III.. Prithvideve vara, g. 8381. 85, 92 Prithvidhara, pr. n. 8&n 252, 267 279 184, 242 Pratapamalla, brother of Visala Vaghela pratikara, an office pratolika, pratoli. pravana, 'excellent" Pravarasena II., Valitaka k. Prayaga, Allahabad * INDEX. 242 288 189 288 72,73 381, 336 188 332 184 306, 311, 314 189 24 224 25 3791. 101, 118 72, 74, 108 166 97 271 20 * 190 10 287 819 242 Premchand Jhaverachand, a Jaina Prithu, g.. Prithadaka,-Peheva or Pehod in Karnal dist. 184, 185, 188, 189, 190, 248, 244 222 298 19 272 197, 206 332, 337 74 9 275 Prithviraja, a Chahumana prince Prithvia I, or Prithvideva, Chedi k. Prithvivallabha, Vakpati II., of Malava Prithvivarman, a Chandella k. Priyadradi, k. Asoks Proliraja, Kakatya k.. Proshthys, Pothaya, a tribe Pulicat corrupted from Palaverkadu, Pulinda tribe Panastha, engraver of the Cintra inscription Puppa, queen of the Chandella Yafovarman Purandara, a sage. Purandara, pr. n. Parparaja, Tomara of Kanauj, Parasimha, pr. n. parnimanta, method of reckoning Parapa Pallaminangala, vill. in Maisur Paruravas Qutb ad-dia, Padshah Purushottama, Gunabhara, or Satrumalla, Pallava k. Purushottama, minister of k. Paramardideva Pusbyabhati, or Pushpubhuti. Pusyamitriya kula Rachchbaka, pr. n. Badha, oo. Radupati, kingdom Raghava, pr. n. Raghava, a king (P) Kaghavachaitanya, an ascetic Rahila, a Chandella k. Q R Rajahamsa, pr. n. Rajabpala, a chief Rajakula gachchha. Rajaladevi, a princess. Rajalla, wife of Prithvideva I., Chedi rajanaka, petty chief. rajanika 33, 37, 38 40, 43 45, 46, 50 38 40, 43 34 39, 37 226 196, 203, 326, 329 17-19 the 10th Century A.D. Rajika, pr. n. Rajjuka, pr. n. rajukas. rajyachintakari Rajyaatha, pr. n. Rajyadri Rajyavala, pr. n. Rajyavardhana L. of Sthaprlfrara. IL. " p. 378 56 . 340 394 398n. 332, 337 279 138 352-364 168 243, 249, 250 279 404, 406 348, 351 362, 366 58, 60 208, 213 68 378, 385 rajapatika, royal procession RAjasekhara, a poet flourished at the beginning of 22 166 138 225 45, 46, 50 314 191, 194 121, 123, 131, 188 57 215 120 215 .33, 38 101 111 279 170, 171, 253, 270 288 188 17 22 188 69 188 .68, 70, 72 68, 70, 73, 74
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________________ INDEX. 189 163 279 .. . 163 * 851 Ralha . . . . . . . . . . p. 120 Rudrapalliga gachchha . . . . . P. 118 Ralbana, Brahman . . . . 101, 111 Rudrakambha, a mge . . . . . . 267 Rama, chief of Kiragrama . . . . 101, 102 Rodradiva, pr. n. . Rims, & poet . . . . 102, 111, 118 Rolba, minister of the Rashtrakdfa prince Derspdls 63, 64 Rama, composer of the Khajurabo stone inscription of Rulbedari,monastery . . . . . . 65 Dhangadeva . . . . . ripa, an animal' . . . . . . 189 Rams, engraver of the Ajaygadh inseription of Virse Rupachandra of Kangra . . . . . . 191 varman, . . . . . . .325, 330 Rariddha, t. . . . . . . . 53, 58 Rainabhadra, k. of Kananj . . . . . 188 Ramachandra, Yadava k. of Devagiri . . . Kamadova, Paramars k. . . . . 224 RAmadeva, an artizan . . . Sabaras, tribe . . . . 332, 337 Ramadeva, or Ramabhadradova, k. Sabdativa, a sage . 252, 267 Rambha, pr. D. . . . . Sabuktagin, PadsbAh . 218, 219 RAmelvara, the great tirtha . 276 Saobadeva of Agrotaka 94 several shrine of the nap Sada, pr. D. . . . 288 ranaka, title of an artist , SadMive, sage . . . . . 267; 862 Ranska Brihaspati, a priest . Sadeve, . mason . . . Ranasithe enemy of Arponja Sadhanrs, << Chaulukya prince . 262, 266, 353 Rangsks, pr. D. . . . edoks . . . . Rapt, prathdrs . . . . 196 Sagaravarman, writer of the Udayapur prafasti . 233 Rapiks, pr. D. . . . 189 Bagd tahatl . . . . . 67 Ranipadru, t . . . 352, 853 Sabagalinga tank at Aphilvad, Gujarat, 296, 317 Ranod, also called Narod (Narvad), in Gwalior State 361 Sabar JODA race . . . . . . 39, 45 stone inscription from, edited . . . Sahi, k. of Kira . 124, 134, 171 . inscription at, referred to 253 Sabi Mahammad . . . . 191 Ranuks, pr. D. . . . . 188 Bahils, pr. D. . . . * 100, 117 Rasbtrakata grant of Krishna II. 59 faildlaka, faildli . . 381, 390 Rashtrakta family of princes. 62, 63 Sajjahult, vill. . . . * 252, 267 rafi, zodiacal sign . . . * 420, 422 Sajjana, a mason . . . . 25 raske, a word of doubtful meaning. . . . 166 Sajjana, composed part of the Bilhari inscription. . 251, 370 Ratnadeva II., & Chedi prince . . . 40, 42, 44 Saks race . . . . . 394, 396 III. . . . Baka ers . : . . . 48, 49 . . . . . 406 Ratnapals, son of rtpala, poet. . 295 Bakambhart, Dow Sambhar . , composer of the Ajayguh inscription of Salaam, Syalakarian (P), pr. n. Viravarman . . . . . . 325, 330 Salatariya-Pknini . . . . 91 Ratnapura, t. in Cent. Provincm . 82, 83, 87, 8EUR 8Albe, pr. n. . . . . . 153 stone inscription of Jajalladeva I, edited * 32C. Sallakabana, Ballakshanavarman, or Sallakshapavarma stone inscription of Prithviders II, edited 45f. deva, a Chandella k.. . 196, 209, 216, 328, 329 Ratnarija L., or Ratneda, Chedi prince . . . 33, 37 Sallakshapa, minister of k. Paramardiders. . 208, 213 Ratnasithh, composer of the Malhar stone inscription Sallaksbapasimba, Jhansi stope inscription of, 214, 215 of Jajalladeva II. . . . . 39, 45, 46, 50, 51 Salya, name of hero, and salya 'a thorn' . . 23 Ratnavatt, t. . . . . . . . . . 229 Samantagens, k. . . . . . . . 306, 312 Ratness, or Ratnarkja, Chedi prince. . . 33, 37 Bamaraghanghala,- Achalavarman, k. of Singhapura, Ratpefvan, g. . 11, 13, 16 Raubftaka, t., probably Rohtak.. 15 Sambd, vill. . . . . . . . 46, 51 rduta. 328, 330 Sambhavanatha, a Jxina divinity . . 158 Rayakabhatta Brahmana . . 178 Sambha, -Siva. . . 57, 84, 286 Rayakaval, a Brahman caste . 172 sashcharantaka, perhaps 'pica' .6, 8n. Rayakka, ancient t. . . . 172 Samgama, pr. n. . . . 261, 870 Rayarasima, pr. D. . . . 51 Sangama, a tirtha . . . * 368 Reva, the river Narmada . . . . . 269, 276 Semija, -BvAmykry, pr. 1.. . 8 Ripaghangbala, BhAuksara of Singhapura. . 11, 13, 15 Samkars, Biva . . * 59 Ribabha, Tirtharkars . . . . 386,389 Sankangapa, a Chedik. . 253, 268 Bisik, pr. n. . . . . . . . 288 Bankara armas, k. of Ksimir,. . . 155 Robtak, ano. Reshitaka, t. in Panjab 84kMye, apo. t. identified with Sanka 180 Rote or Rotta-Siddhavriddhi, pr. n. . . . 289, 241 laskrauti, beginning of solar mouth 403, 404, 432 Rotte-Jayavriddhi, pr. D. . . . 239, 241 Sammans, pr. n. 100, 111 Ruchir, pr. . . . . . . 332, 837 Bampals, engraver of the Malher stone inscription of Rudaks, pr. . . . . . 168 Jajalladevs II., and of the Ratnapur inscription of Rudasams-Rudralarman, pr. D.. Prithvidova III. . . . . . . 89, 45, 52 Rudna, Brahman . . . 318 | Samarachandra, ruler of Kangra. . . . 191, 195 Rudrs, writer of the Ranod inscription. 362 Samo, an author. . . . . . . Radriditya, minister of Vikpati II. . . . . 928 Sanders, vill in Gujarat . . . . . 316, 318 Rudramabalay, shrine at Siddhapur . . . 296' Bapdilya anda . . . . . . 340, 345 296 8 . 37
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________________ 474 INDEX. . . . . 289 * 110 70 . . 96 . . . . 92, 89 Sangata or Sangata, pr. D. . . . p. 167 Sang-bo-pu-lo, Hiuen Tsiang's form of Singapura. 11 Sankara, pr. D. . . . . Sankhamathikadhipati, a mage . . . . . 362 362 Santinatha, Tirthamkars . . . . . . 388 389 Sarada, character or alphabet . Saranga, or Barangadeva, Vaghela k. of Gujarat . 372 Sarankadika, vill, Sharakpur (P) , 185, 189 Sarasvati, riv, in Sorath . . . 248, 276 Sarasvati, image of . . . . . 381 Saravala, or Sarabala inscription. . . 93, 95 Sdrugadbans, poet. . 272, 273 Sarngadhara's Paddhati . . . . 191 adrthaudhins . . . . . . . 340 Barva, or Sbanda, -Amoghavarah, Rashtrukata k.. 62 Sarvadharin samvatsara. 402 Sarvahari, pr. . . . . 166 Barvapi, g. . . . Barvavarman, Maukhari . Sdsanas, forged . . * 71 Sadoka of Gauds . . . . 70 Susiprabha, Naga princess, queen of Sindhurja. 229 SAtabani district (raffha) . . . . . 4, 6, 8 Satakani, Andhra k. . . . . . . 96 Batamakba,Indra . . . . . 237 Batavahana, k. . . . . . . . 227 satka, employed as a suffix or us an independent word, to express the meaning of the genitive case. . 164 Batramalla, Gunabhara, or Satyasandha, Pallava k. .58, 60 Satti,-Bakti, pr. n. . . . . . . 8 Satyals, -Sira . . . . . . . 94 Satyanamdha, Gunabhara, or Purushottama, k. . 58, 59 Satyavati, pr. 1. . . . . . . 216 Saubbagsapura, t. probably Sobagpur, in Hoshangabad district. . . . . . . 253, 270 Sanda family . . . . . . 39 Saugata or Buddhist . . 70 SAVA, pr. n. . . . . 168 Savara, or SA'ara, family . . 139 Savara, pr. D. . . . . 168 Savarni gotra . . . 71,76 Sarasa, pr. n. . . . . 167, 168 Savitri, mythical heroine . 15 Sarra, pr. D. adyana, tropical signs Sekkala, or Sekkaila, pr. 1. . 148, 161, 162 Selbana, pr. n. . . . 288 Sella-Vidyadhara, pr. D. . . . 67 Sena family of kings . . . . . 306, 312, 315 Senavarman, k. of Singhapura. . . . 11, 12, 14 Shabab-ad-din Muhammad Ghori . . . . 22, 94 Shabbasgarbi, twelfth ediet of Afoka, vill. . . . 16 Sbarakpur vill., perhaps the same w Barankadika , 185 shodasa dandri . . . . . . . 368. Siddha . . . . . . . . Siddhantas,--astronomical treatines. 403, 442 . differences in computation, . . 429 Siddhantafiromani of Bb&okariobarya . 399, 346 Siddharijn, Jaina layman. . . . 120 Siddhavriddhi, pr. n. . . . 239 Siddhelvara, temple at Baijnath . 97 Siddhi Vinayaka, - Ganesa . 276 stdhaka, chief : 215 Stha, early Jaina preacher . . . 379, 384, 891 Stharudakkaks, or Sibaruddbakka, vill. 185 189 Sikandar bin Bahlol . . . . . . p. 321 SilAditya I., Dharmaditya, k. of Valabht . . 89,90 Sildditya VI., Dhrabbats, k. of Valabbt . . . 295 sildkdfa, 'a stone cutter' . . . . . 166 Silalin, pr. n. . . . . . . . Silla, dr. of Govardhana . . . . . 188 Silaka, pr. n. Silaka, pr. n. . . . . . . . 187 Simghann, or Simba, Yadava k. . 29, 339, 344, 346 Simghuka, pr. n. . . . . . . . Simba, originally engraved the Khajuraho inscription of Dhangadera. Simhabbate, or Harshadova, k. of Malari... Simbal, Caylon . . . 138 Simhapalli, t. or vill. . . . . . Simharaja of Mathurd . . 288 Simbavarman, Chaulukya prince . . 262, 286, 868 Sindba . . . Sindhu king. . . . . . . . 302 Sindhula, Bimdbals, or Sindhundja, k. of Malaya . . 228 Sindhuraja, k. of Malavs 923, 228-230, 237, 294 Singonkyakanahalli, or Singindyakanaballi, vill. . 363, 370 Singhapura, t. in Panjab . . . . 11, 12, 14 - royal race of . . . . 11, 12, 14 Singhavarman, k. of Singapura . . . 11, 13, 14 Sirichandra, pr. n. . . . . . 163 Siri-Simminika, place . . . . . 85, 89 Sirisa sambhoga . . . . 388, 897 Siriyania, Andhra k. . Siruks, pr. D. . . . . . 270 Sirull, vill. . . . . Sita, wife of Rams . . Sivabhagapura vishaya or dist. . . . 85, 92 Sivadorasvanin, pr. n. . . . . 71, 78, 75 Sivakbandavama, -Sivakandararmau, Pallava k. 46, 7, 9 Sivanaga, minister of k. Vidyadhara . 197, 204 Bivani grant . . . . . . . 9 Sivaratri festival Sivarudra, pr. n. . . . . . . . 77, 84 Sivaskandavarman, Pallava k. of Kanchi Siva-Vaidyanatha, temple at Dabhoi . . . . 21 Siyadont, modern Siron-khurd, in Lalitpur district. 166, 162, 169, 244 . large stone inscription, edited . . * 1621 Siyaka I and II., kings of Malaya, . 223, 225, 226, 237 Skanda or Sarva, Rashtrakata k. . . . . . 62, 67 Skandabhatta . . . . . . 10, 14, 16 Skandabhata, a chief secretary . . . 86,92 Skandagupta . . . . . 72, 75 Skandavarman I. and II., Pallave . . . 897 Bobhana, pr. n. . . . . . . 331, 337 Sobhara, pr. n. . . . . . . . 288 Eodhala, pr. 1. . . . . . . . 276, 288 Soideva of the Nikumbbs family, a feudatory of the YAdara Singhiana . . . 338-340, 345, 846 solar month, beginning of the . . . . 412 Somakundika, vill. . . . . . . 71, 73, 74 Somal, A Mason, engraved the Mathura prafarti 289 SomanAtha, a mason . . . . . 77. 85 Somanathapattana or Prabhasa, t. in Gujarat . . 271. 278 Somarja, pr. D. . . . . . 40, 44, 207, 214 Somssimbs, Paramara k. . . . . . 224 Somata, dr. of Alla . . . . . . 168 Some vara, a prince defeated by the Cheti Jajalladeva 33, 34, 38 Some vara, temple of Somantha in Gujarat, 262, 263, 268, 275 Bome vara, pr. D. . . . . . . . 61 * 189
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________________ Somefvara,-Siva Somesvara I., the Chalukya II., "1 31 Somesvaradeva, Gujarat poet Somesvara's prasasti at Dailvida. Sopachala or Sopagaila, Tiruvannamalai bill in S. Arkat Sorath or Kathiavad Bravasti, bhukti of freshthin Srichandradhara, pr. n. Sridhara, pr. n. Brigriha or Sriguha, sambhoga Srikantha-Paficbamukha, a shrine Sri-Lakulisa (Bhattaraka), pr. n. Srimad Adivaraha, k. frimadadivardha-dramma, a coin Srimala, t. Sringaka Srinivasa, composed part of the Bilhari inscription Sripala, a poet Sripala, pr. n. Sriparvata, or Srisaila, tirtha in Karpul dist. Sriperumbudur grant. Sriranga, near Trichin&palli Srirangapattana, city Sri-Saila, in Karnul district Bri-Sarvesvarapura, vill. Bristhala,-Siddhapura, t. in Gujarat Srivallabha, biruda of Vakpati II., of Malava Srivatsasvamipura, vill. Subhashitaratnasimdoha, of Amitagati Subbata, pr. n. Stambha, Stambhana, Stambhapura, or Stambhatirtha, Cambay in Gujarat Sthaniya or Thaniya kula, Sthanu,-Siva Sthanvisvara or Thane var Sthirananda, pr. n. sthitake Vijayasena Salba, pr. n. Salin,-Siva P. 279 326 231 21, 24, 31 224 184 168, 206, 340 378, 379, 388, 384 276 273 154, 155, 158 169 320 102 251, 269 294, 295, 304 325, 329 275, 368, 369 .368368 362, 367 275, 368, 369 155, 161 295 Sanak, vill. in Gujarat Sanak grant of the Chaulukya Karna I. Bunga dynasty sunrise, time of true sun's apogee, motion of "place "true longitude, how computed Sara, pr. n. Sarapala, a Rashtrakuta prince suratrana Subhatavarman, k. of Malava. Sabbatunga, Akalavarsha, Rashtrakuta k Subhatunga, or Krishna I., Rashtrakuta k. Sugata,-Buddha Sugiks, a mason, the writer of the Kangra JvAlamukhi pralasti saritabidire-suratabamdare Saryadatta, pr. n. Saryadhvaja, pr. n. Sahila, pr. n. Sukanya, dr. of SaryAta, or Saryati Salapani, engraver of the Deopara stone inscription of INDEX. 368. Svamikumara, pr. D. 369 271 71, 73 synodical planetary motions. 152, 153 226 155, 161 22, 23, 320, 321 378, 383, 386, 392, 393 60 68, 69 251, 269 277 228 331, 332, 338 23 52, 57 52, 57 74 195 332 76 .305,315 61 870 316, 318 316f. 871 435 475 Sugarmachandra, k. Sufarmanagara, or Susarmapura, t. (Kot-Kangra ?) 100, 111 20 25 154 166 189 440 421 431 189 62, 63 363 377. 183 191, 195 subruseyu. sutra for sitraahara Suvarnarekha, Subanrikb, riv. at Gwalior Svamiraka, pr. n. avolikdpdta, or avolipdta, a word of doubtful meaning T tables for computing Hindu dates Tailapa II., Chalukya. Takkarika, t. Takabadatta, pr. n. Taksbaditya Tarkarika, anct. place Tarpandight oopperplate inscription Tejahpala. Talahari mandala talavarike tali, or tale, perhaps a particular measure of spirituous liquor tamraka, 'a grant' Tejaraja of Mathura Terahi inscription of Undabhata, referred to Terambipala, a sage Tevanika, of Traivarna Thakkiyaka race thakkura, a title, a landholder Thaniya, or Vanijja kula Thira, pr. n. Thodhuka, pr. n. Tilha, pr. D. tithi, lunar day fithis of dates: (1) in bright fortnights, 1st tithi 2nd " 3rd 39 5th 7th "1 39 9th 10th 11th 13th 14th 15th " 33 14 1st tithi 3rd " 5th 7th 33 9th " 15th " tikhard, a word of doubtful meaning Tila, pr. n. (2) in dark fortnights, .443f. 227, 228, 349 331, 336 180, 183 Timma, Vijayanagara k.. Tippail, wife of Narasa of Vijayanagara Tirabhakti,-Tirhut Toggala (P), k. Tomara family 166 439 Tomaras of Philli Toramana Shaha or Shahi, inscription of .77,85 33, 38 402n 352 394, 397 186 189, 336 378, 383, 392, 395 251, 270 100, 111 288 403, 405, 408, 409, 439 . 103, 112, 174, 305 160, 240 147 95, 168, 175, 177, 211, 279, 304, 354 136, 188 36, 92, 319 * 177 177 328 370 25, 58, 150, 289, 318, 343 165 336 139 306 23 288 169 161 178 119, 153, 176 85 161, 178 174 165 288 362, 567 .362, 368 218 * 230, 231, 238 243, 244 94 2381.
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________________ 476 INDEX. . . . 894 24 Traigbatake, vill. . . . . . Pp. 188, 189 Trailokyavarman, a Chandella k. 826, 329, 381, 832, 887 Tribhuvana, a Rashtrakufa prince . . . 62, 63 Tribhuvanasvimider, Vishnu . . . . 108 Trichinapalli, properly Trifirapalli . . 58 Barca, 00. . . . . . . 100, 101, 116, 117 Trigurta tribe . . . . Tripurantaka, pr. n. . . . .971, 273-275, 279, 291 1.Dow Tewar near Jabalpur, 83, 37, 237, 237, 269, 270 Tribirapalli inscriptions, edited . . . . 58 Tritasaarya, residence of the Chedi Kokalla . . 88, 87 Trivarna or Traivarpe, people . .. . . Trivikrama, pr. D. . 163 . . . Trivikrama, poet .840, 345 true time, --corrections for, 412 Tryambaks, near Nasik . . . . . 276 Tuluva district . . . . . 362, 367 Tumburu, 8. . . . . . . . 896 Tummana, or Tummana, t. or dist. in Dakshina kobala . . . 33, 87, 88, 40, 43, 44, 46, 50 Tarushkas, Muhammadans 22, 94, 230, 231, 238, 826, 329, 367 > defeated by the Chandella Trailokyavarman 326, 929 Turvasi, son of Yayati. . . . . .862, 887 dthila . . . . . . . . 5, 7, 8 Vadhvan, t. in Gujarat . . . . . p. 28 Vadipura-Parivandthe temple inscription at Pattana, Gujarat . . . . . . . $199. Vadnagar prasasti of the reign of Kumarapals. 293f. Vagada, district in M Alava . . . . .228, 320 Vagguke, pr. n. . . . . . . . 189 Vagbild, or VyAghrapallfya, dynasty of Gujarat . 21 Vaxtdars, a Brahmap . . . . . . 191, 194 Vaidyanatha, temple of Siya at Dabhoi ... temple of Siva at Kiragrama 97, 100, 117 -Siva . . . . . . 272 Vaidyefa temple, at Dabhoi . . . . . Vaidyeditri,"fort . . . . . . Vallabhatta, a Brahman . . .154, 167, 160, 161 Vaillabbattasvamin temple inscriptions, at Gwalior, edited . . . . . . . . 154. Vaird . . . . . . 386, 392 Vairagana mandala, now Wairagadh . . . 33, 38 Vairusimbs I. and IL, kings of Malais . 223, 226-228, 287 Vairavarman of the Chhinda family . . 76, 81, 82 Vairochanapardjaya, a poem . . . . 295 Vaida, country . . . . . 68 * 68 Vaiv&narskirti, pr. n. . . 183 Vaidya family . . 68 Vaivasvata, a Mapa . 76 Vajandgart (Varjanagart), Jaina Sabha 378, 888, 299, 397 Vajapeya sacrifice . . . . . . Vajasanega school. . . . . . . 92 V&ji-Madhyamdini fakhd. . . . . . 58 Vajjabhumi, 00. . . . . . . 378 Vaijdka, a prince of the Komo mandala . . 33, 87 Vairaukusa, an Asura . . . . . . 229 Vajrata, a Tomara of Kanauj . . . . 243, 249 Vajrata, Vajratasvamin, or Vairasinha II, k. of MA lave. . . . . . . 223, 225, 237 Vajrint.devt, wife of Naravardhana . . 68, 72, 73 Vikataks grants . . . . . . . 9, 10 vakharida, wholesale cotton dealers . . . 186 VAkpati I and II., kings of Malavs. 223, 225-328, 297 Vakpati, a Chandella k. . . . 121, 129, 181, 138 Valabbt grant of Dhruvasena III. . . . . 85f. Valadevapura, t. or vill. . . . . . 185, 188 VAlana, Brahman writer of the Vadnagar prafaati 296, 304 Valha, pr. 1. . . . . . . . 61 VAli, or Viltka, pr. D. . . . . . . 168 Vallabbarkja, Akalavarsha, or Krishna IT, Rashtrakata k. . . . . . . 63, 57 Vallabhardja of Gujarat . . . . . 294, 302 Valluka, pr. n. . . . . . . . 188, 189 Valldriks, or VyAghries, vill. . . . . . 53, 58 Valmikirasi, a stdaddhipa. . . 274 VAmadeus, pr. n. . . Vmana, pr. n. . . . 183, 206 V&manas vamideva, --Vish . . 168 Vamarathys . . . .71, 73, 74 Vemuka, pr. n. . 187, 188, 189 Vande, pr. n. . . 188 Vanga, co. . . . 869 Vangandr, vill. . . .899, 401 Vapi. . . VAnijjs, or Thaniya bula . . . . . 878 V anketa, 8. . . . . . . 87 Vartha Mihira's rule for Jupiter's aanhateara . ardhakaya-vithaopata (P), coin . . . . 189 6 . Uchchanagara,Bulandshahar . .. . . 879 Uchari, pr. D. . . . . . . . 189 UchenAgari, Uchebenigari, Jaina sakhd. 379, 382, 384, 889 Udaitadhara (P), pr. n. . . . . . . 184 Udaya, pr. n. . . . . . . . 349 Udayachandra, pr. n. . . Udayaditys, k. of MAlava , 215, 293, 294, 239, 238, 328 Uddyotanasari, Jaina priest . . . . . 319 Ugra-Bivs . . . . . . 108 . Ugranarasimhasvamin temple at Vijayanagar . . 998 Ulkapurf, or Avakhal, vill. 274 Ullaks, pr. n. . . . 189 Ulaka, pr. 1. . . . 278 Uma, wife of a priest . . 276 Umamahevara, -Siva . . . . . 168 Umapatidhara, poet who composed the Deopars stone inscription of Vijayarena. . . . 306-807, 315 Undabbata, a maldadmantadhipati . . . . 169 U hA, vill. in Gujarat . . . . . upadhmaniya, sign of employed . . 163, 242, 331 uparika . . . . . Upendra, -Vishan . . . . . 90 Upendra, k. of MAlava . .223, 224, 287 Upendrapura, t. . . . . . . 362, 368 Uruvakonde, vill. Vuravakonda . . . .999, 401 Usubs, pr. n. . . . . . . 189 Utpalanija, Vakpati II., of Malays 23, 226, 227, 280 Utpalika, vill. . . . . . . 185, 188 Nuafaka, perhaps 'a verandah,'' porch,' &c. . . 166 163 . . . 923.59.359 * 889 . . vackabhumika, a word of doubtful meaning Vacbcbbaka, pr. n. . . . . Vadaja, queen of Harsha of Malaya . . Vaddba, pr. n. . . . . . . . . . %0 189 948 189 26 . .
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________________ INDEX. 477 168 . 164, 167 .. . . 848 Vamps, now Bulandshahr . . . . . p. 879 Vinns gate 378, 879, 888, 887, 888, 891, 893, 898, 397 vardfald, i coin . . . . . . 169 Varbhavart, vill. . . . . . .831, 837 Vardhamana, t.-Vadhyap in Gujarat . . .22, 87 Vardhamans, Jaina Tirthamkara. 978, 382, 384, 886, 890, 891 898, 896 Vardhamana Sari . . . . . . . 319 Vardhans, king (P) . . . . . . 314 814 Varendra; the guild of Varendra artists. . 306,316 Varjans family,. . . Varmativa, a Baiva mootio . . . . . 68 Vasanta, pr. 1. . . . : 288 Vaasrachandru, pr. D. . * 186 VASTADA pr. D. . . . . . . . 66 V Me Or Veka, pr. n. . . . 831, 837 Valishtha, pr. n. . . . . . . 179 Valishtbe, sage of Abd. . . . . 984, 986 Vaatavya rade of Kayasthas. 30, 46, 48, 60, 881, 882, 886 Vlato, ancestor of the Vastavyu . . . 881, 886 Vastapkle, Jain minister of Gujarat. . . . 21 Vuodeva, pr. D. . . . . . . 167 Vasudeva (Bhatta), composer of the Lakkha Mandal prafati . . . . . . 10, 14, 16 Vasudeva Mabaraja . . . . . . 392 Varustamin, pr. n. . . . . . . 184 Vatovimin (Bhatta), pr. D.. . . . 71, 73, 75 Veterans, pr. D. . . . . 167, 817 Vatos pr. D. . . . . . . 84, 205 Vattaraja, pr. 2. . . . . . . Vataaraja, poet . . . . .826, 880 Vatsya gotra . rattia, perhaps Prikrit for pashlha VATTE, & Brahman. . . Varth, wife of Alla . . . 168 Vavviyaka, a merchant. . 160 Vadbas,-Brahmap . . . . 66 Venkatadri, Tirumalai near Tirupati 868, 889 Vordval, t. in Kathiavad . Vesaladert (P). pr. D. . . 826, 829 Venavadiye gand . . . . Vetravati, river Betw . . 124 VIDA, vill. . . . * . 262, 267 Vidans, pr. . . . . 391, 339, 887 Viddaks, pr. n. . . . . 89 vidhdrand, = paripanthand, or vigane * 166 Vidyldbars . . . . Vidyadhars women 56 Vidyadhara, pr. n. . . . . . 206 or Vidyadharadova, Chandella k. 196, 209, 219 vidydpati . . . . . . 840, 845 Vigraba of Kingrims . . . . . 101, 116 migrahsdramma-visoraka, a coin . . . . 169 Vigrabadladers, Rashtrakata prince . . . 62, 63 vigralapdla-dramma, or vigralapdlasatka-dro or vigrahapallya-dramma, coin . . . 169 Vigrahardja, minister of Jajalladers of Ratnapura . 39 vigralaturgiya-dramma, & coin. . . 169 Vija; se ViijAko, a Chandella prince. . . 121, 918 Vijaya, the Chandella prince Vijayalakti . . 138 Vijay-Jinandnastri, Jains . . . . 878 Vijayanagar, city . . . . . 381, 360, 870 dynasty . . . . . . 889 - ingriptions . . 861, 898 Vijayapdla, k. . . . . . . . 179 Vijayapal, Chapdella k. . . Pp. 196, 209, 219 or Ajayapali, k. . . . . 289 Vijayalakti, or Vija, . Chandella prince. 191, 193, 131, 818 Vijayas, k. . . . . . 806, 807, 818 Vijaynona, Deopars stone inscription of, edited . . 806 Vijjahari, -Vidyadhara () ParivanAtha . . 878 Vijjaka, Vijayalakti, also called-Vtja, Chandella prince 191, 918 Vikrama, pr. 1. . . . . . Vikrams, mantris . . . 279 Vikrama era . . . . . . . 408 Vikramaditya VI, Chalukya k. . . . 899 Vimala, dandandyala . . . . . . 919 Vimanapura (P), t. . . . . . 263, 370 vishuopaka, or visoraka, perhaps the 90th part of particular coin particular con . . . . . . . 166 Vindyakapaladeva ((r)), prince . . . . 194, 186 Vindhys mountains . . . . . 131, 384 Viru, pr. 1. . . . . . . . 196 Virn, king . . . . . * 806, 818, 314 Virdharal, Vagbela k. of Gujarat . . 21, 88, 878 piragal, a monumental stone . . . . .347 Vir-Korehavarman, Pallars k. . . . 997, 398 Viruma, brother of Vifala Vagheld . . . . 278 Vira-Mabendra, pr. D., Pallava (R) 348, 350 Vira-Nolamba, Pallava k. . . . Viru-Nrisimha, or Vira-Narasimba, k. of Vijayanagara 362, 368 Virapratape, surname of Vijayanagars kings . 370 Virasens, apparently a mythical king . . .806, 813 Viravarman, Chandella k. . . . 326, 826, 329, 930 . Ajaygadh rook-inscription of, edited 826f. Virtichipura, t. in N. Arkat diat. . . . . 368 Virodbi sarhvataara, 6.1461 . . . .899, 401 Viruks (Bhatta), pr. n. . . Virdplkshadove, old name of Pampapati temple at Hampe . . . . . . . 363, 368, 370 Vladov., Vilvala or Vilamalls, of Gajarkt, 21, 23, 24, 278 vifalasthitake . . . . . . . 279 vishayana, a word of doubtful meaning . . . 166 Vishnu, pr. 1. . . . . . . 206 Vishpabhadrake, -Vishna . . . 168 Vishnubari . . . . . . . . 77,85 Vishpavriddha gotra. . 71,76 Visidki, pr. . . . . 168 vifiska, an office () . .831, 836, 837 vistarana . . . . 379 Viframalla, or Vlada, Vaghela prince . . 871, 272 Vistamalla, k, of Gujarat . . . . . Vi vmitra Kaufika . . . * 394 Vitkavallt, vill. . 58 Vodaja, queen . . . . VodAmayata, ancient name of Baddun, * 61-14 Vriddhanagan, or Vednagar . 295 Vriddhivarman, L. of Singapura 11, 12, 14 Vriji, o. . . . . . . 878 Vrifobikall, riv. . . . 154, 160 Vrittifataka of Mahebrara . . Vanakonda, anciently Uruvakonde in Gatti division Vylgbrakendiks, village common . . . . 161 Vyaghrapalliya, or Veghela family . . . 271 Vy ghrks, or Vallarika, vill. Dow Vagbes . . . 53, 57 Vylu, ugo. . . . . . 68 Vyomulin, Asage . . . . . . 352 58 971 * 879 829 . . 299 . 840 Work days, names of . W . . . . .
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________________ 478 Weekdays of dates: Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Y Yadava dynasty of Singhapura Yadava kings Yadu race. Yadu, the ancestor of the Yadava kings Yajnaparusha,-Vishnu Yajnadri, Andhra k., inscription of Yajfiavarman, k. of Singhapura Yakshapalaka, vill. of Dhangadeva Yadobala, or Atiyafobal, pr. n. INDEX. pp. 36, 112, 119, 211 186, 279, 818, 819 95 85,304, 305, 828 147 11, 18 889 10, 12, 14 844 Yadabhata Yadabkarna, a Chedi k. Yadabpala, originally wrote the Khajuraho inscription 304 951 11, 13, 14 243, 250 229 84 189 148, 161 Yadodevi, queen of Hemantasena Yasodhara, pr. n. Yasodhavala, Paramara k.. Yadomati, Yasomatt-devi, queen of Prabhakaravardhana of Sthanvisvara. 68, 70, 72, 74, 75 Yafovarman, a Chandella k. 121-124, 190, 132, 134, 138, 171, 172, 208, 212, 218 122f. 128 218 877 215 39 " pp. 306, 318 189 224 , stone inscription of, edited. , also named Lakshavarman , conquered Kalafijara Yatis, Jaina priests Yavanas, the Muhammadans Yayati yoga, computation of Yoge vara, pr. n. yuga or yugd, a word of doubtful meaning Yuvaraja II, k. of Chedi Yuvarajadeva, another name of the Chedi Keydravarsha Yuvarajadeva, younger brother of Samkaragana, k. of Chedi 862, 367 420, 421 197, 205 166 227, 237 prince 252, 253, 287 263, 269
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________________ ERRATA AND CORRIGENDA Page > , . , . 1, first footnote, prefix the numeral | Page 19, line 6, for- mage, read-ufru T. 2, line 9, after-sheet, add-This practice >> , 18,., I. , xfafrue, and for agroes, however, with that obeervable fora, read-fore, and add -- at the on Grantha palm-leaf MSS. which I end of the line. have used. >> line 14, for-ful, read-fyn. 5, transcript, line 3, read-(according to a >> >> 26, ,,,-important point Pread-reason ? suggestion made by Dr. Kern) visaye Akarona stande, as the reading dkalana Karattha. of Kalsi shows, for akarena ; and akdro 7, line 3, from bottom, for--"[We send means in PAli 'the reason.' groting) to .... princes, read~"In > > note", first line, for-text, road-KAlsi * our whole territory [we send greeting] to version likewise. the royal princes. , 20, dele note. Vo is a vicarions form for va, ,,dele note 10. which occurs frequently in the Shah8, line 16, for-Khamdadha read bazgarhi versioa. Khandadha. 22, note", for-Rajyachintakari, read--kdrin. 9, note, for-anutartayettaya, read 24, line 5, from bottom, for "May God," anwartaye tasya. read~"May, O God." 10, line 5, from bottom, for-slidhukena), 25, line 20, for-forenciag. read-format read-sadhukinah. 26, 13, , ETTI. .. 12, transcript, line 2, in the read-. .. > 25, The wou. ,, line 15, for--1700 A.D. read-700 A.D. 28, note,,, effar: fufa: 14, 3rd and 4th footnotes to be numbered 16 31, line 1,, TOT tani and 16. > 17, , t e ft. 15, line 3, for-polden, read-golden, 40, line 10, read the vanquisher of the line 8, delete 19. prince Chodaganga. 24, for read_19. , line 28, road-Chodagangt. 17, 18, before grahathani, insert-pra 43, , 1,, -the prowess of the prince Vrajita, which is visible above the line Chodaganga ; and strike out note 26. in s photograph furnished by the editor line 8, read-of Chodaganga's champions. 10 Also M. Senart, Jour, Ariat. VIIIme 47,, 21, , -Chodaganga.. Ser., tom. XI, p. 512, note. 48, 24, -puhpavantav. ,,3rd line, from bottom, for-Pujetava eva, 1, from the bottom, read-to Chodaread-Paje-[ta] [iya]va. ganga's champions. , last line, for-prakarapena, read-aks 53, sixth footnote, preflz the numeral rena, which Dr. Burgess's new facsi , seventh for-Dhurgabhata, readmile gives quite plainly. Durgabhata. noto, for-Dasamakandha, read-Dasama- 55, text line 40, for-49 , read-annt. tkandba.. 65, line 2, read-jata-. 18, line 4.for-bhatiyeva, road-bhatiya va 66, 22, , -samjnam-, , line 8, ichh . ichha. , 32, urdlay. , , 14, , (i) ** yachhao, istridhiya- , 68, note , delolI would add ... Bais chha. nobles, and add-The rule refers to , 15,, niksy() nikaye; and words beginning with . add *** at the end of the line. , 69, line 7, for-maharadhirdja, read-maha. line 18, insert sufort before vafa. djddhirdja. dels notes and 86. > noto, for-Waerfect, reada 19, line 3, for- , read- t. 70, note 10, for- Yasomatt', read--'Yafomati , >
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________________ 480 ERRATA AND CORRIGENDA. Page 141, line 5, read , 143, 16, , . , 146, 20, vert. 153, heading, for-INSCRIPTION No. III, read INSCRIPTION NO. VIII. 155, noto", line 7, for-Srimad, read-Srimad. > 156, 20th sloka, for at read it. , 160, text line 22, for THENT, road free >> 166, 17, , files. >> >> >> 20, . TT. >> >> 21, fora. , 170, transpose the first line of this page to the bottom. 174, footnote, for-actual representation, read -actual representation. 181, line 31, read- fi. 182, 12, f:. 186, last lino but one, for read-AKTE , 187, notell for read-URE. >> 195, footnotes, last line but one, prefis before This. Page 72, line 19, for- ryura: read-r eto, >> >> >> ww: PATET. >> 25, fr. xfuso. ,,line 28, for read . 73,, 10, ,, fe w fr note on line 10, for-fagfecto read dasfa.. 74, line 4, for, excellent, read-chattels and dels note % 79, line 12, fortas, road s . 23, for- road-TU .. 80, 13,for- road-gt:. 81, 8, form a, road82, 12, PALA. Patala. 1,, Lallah. Lalla. text line 23, for-fakt, read-ferant. 34, for- road-train. 36, for-elry: rad- T 48, for (0*] read only [*] 93, beginning of 5th floks, for-74, road . 95, line 30, for-Andhra, road--Andhra. 96, line 26,for Satakani,-read-SAtskani. 97, last line, for-tot hat, road-to that, 99, line 35, for-prakliptdvanan, read-pra. kliptdvanam. 100, line 40, after Thodhuka dale II. , 101, 22, for-Dombak, read-Dom. baka. , 102, 17, , naiveto, read-naivete. note, for-Bat its meaning, do road Dr. Hultasch, ante, page 85, note, has shown that the correct reading of the Valabhi plate is Sri-Naga. line 41, for-May 13th, read-May 14th. , 12, Troad. .. 6, 4, road, 19, ,, frumre, road-format. ,, 17, re: read red. 109, note, for-darfanatoh, read-darfanatah. 111, last line bat one, for-Sringarh, read, Bpingar. 117, line 16, for-Wu, read-is. 119, last line but one, for-80r read-Sari note, for- , read-arte. > 120, line 4,, Parsvar Parfuas. 13, , Y , Y . Hooding of the plate facing p. 124, for-Vabovar. man, read-Yalovarman. Page 128, line 18, road-wront). 129, , 15, >> WW. > 140, 5, ,, funt:. 198, line 4, read-fa . > 201, last footnote, for read 61. 207, line 8, for-Batesvar read-Bagrari. ,, >> >> 10, for-said to have been found in ..... Agra district, read-from the banks of lake at (Bagrario close to Mahoba in the Hamirpur district. footnote', for I am somewhat doubtfal about this; for the read - Conf. Fuhrer's Archaeological Survey Liste, N.-W. Prov., p. 334. This. , 210, first footnote, prefio 1 , 221, noto, for-the Chola King Rajendra Chon, road-the Chola King Rajendra-Chola. , 223, noto, for-published editions, read-pab. lished editions. .224, line 2, for Navasdhad Akaccharita road Navaadhaadnikacharita. , 230, line 31, doleto-and to Vishnu-Rame vara. , 232, noto, add-The story is confirmed by the statement of Bripala in verse 9 of the Vadnagar Prasasti, below, p. 294. , 234, noto's, delete-From these, &c. note", for-rads read-rude. >> ,, tut. Nat. 245, note, add--The lacuna may be filled ap by writing mata. i 247, line 15, for-feito read-fr . , 248, noto, for-Brahman road-Brahman. > , "for-in verse 13 line 12) read(in verse 13, line 12).
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________________ ERRATA AND CORRIGENDA. 481 Page 249, note 87, for-F T. read | Page 394, footnote , read-or Proshthya. >> 250, note", for-8f read-Sri. , 395 note", for-If this is correct, etc., read-The >> 255, notes, line 4, for read inscription apparently has to be road >> , insert " at the beginning of line 5. from below. 259, line 12, and p. 267, v. 49; see p. 353. >> 396, footnote87, read-ufauifuit. 287, notel, add-This inscription is identical >> >> 98 for-Aydga read-Ayaga. with Gen. Sir A. Cunningham's No. 4, 397, "for- fast read fast. from Mahaban, Arch. Sur. Rep. vol. XX, , 433, last line, for 510deg read 150deg. pl. . , 437, line 7, read 20 = 17 + 3 Aug. >> 292, line 15, place the figure [te] after this line, 28, 33 = 19 + 14 April. and delete the strokes in line 16, and 29, 50 April = 20th May. note Line 16 ought to contain only the . 442, last line, 5th col, of Table, read 359deg 27' words- TUT IUT #Tfu. 36". >> 293, lino 13, for-wra wore read-wrdre 444, Table III, below 1st col., for 26 Feb. >> 294, line 31-34, for-against the King of Sindh read 12 Feb. C. year, and for 27 Feb. L. . . . . rulers, read-against Sindhuraja, Yr., read 13 Feb. L. Year. 1.6.-possibly the king of Sindh, but > > Table III, below 7th col., read 0 = 17, more probably Sindhurja of MAIYA. Aug. ,, 311, line 1, read . , 449, footnotes, and line, for-if in the left 912, 11, clans of the Brahma &c., road--if in the right, it is subtractive. bahatriyas. 1 , 455, Table xx, in Dist. (- 0, 7th line, for 817, to footnotes, lines 2 and 3 in first column, -84o &c., read-81deg 19' 15", and 8th line prefix the reference figures and for-82deg &c., read-92deg 25' 14". 398, note", forufcd roadeft 466, against Ahar. 183 in Dist, (- , read 893, line 13, for (sthaniya), read-(sthaniya). -70deg 54' 26" ; against Abar. 184, road> 994, 10, from bottom, read-inscription. 89deg, &o., 185, read--95deg &c., and against 394 , 33, for-inscriptions read-inscription 186 read--107deg 28' 46".
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