and Gujarat. As I am not able to instituto moh, my translations and explanations must remain in some cases merely tentativo, and in other one I have to confons my ignor. anco. The onemoration of the benofactions and of the rules rans as follows:
(Verse 47.) "In order to cleanse the gods daily-two advadir of water and a broom of Zisyphu jujube" for swooping the buildings
(48.) “Both these thingo) must be procured" (and wood) by a partionlarly clever pupil (bafuta) in return for the use of the maloodya food" and of the monoy (allotted) for his monthly expenses." (These person form) a couplet.
(49.) “He (Tripurdataka) who was purified by his natural inclination for giving gold, presented, out of kindness towards the town of the god who bears the crescent of the moon on his head, every month eight drammas for the purchase of sandal-wood in the mapdraba.
(50.) “The guild of the gardeners shall furnish daily two hundred white roses (batapattra) and two thousand fragrant oleander blomoms (hapapira).
(51.) "He asigned in the parlkekipaffa siz drammas for the monthly expenditure in order to prooure .... a pure sedihd.
(58.). "Two mapakar of huaked rice (chosha)" and one mdpaka of Phaseolu mungo (wudga), four barshare of clarified butter, and a much oil for the lampa."
(88.) "Pive betel nuts of good quality-(all thi) was provided by that constant man, judge of the merita of others, daily in the store-house." (Thon troo versos form) a couplet.
(54.) "He who is attached to the performance of meritorious works, cated to be provided even here every month two mapar" of fragrant gam (onggula) for the time of offering incense.
Komedi apparently the Gujarati and Markthit d he me the same the Banskrit woodla, 'a bamboo E pole for carrying burdens, in the mie plebers which an attached to the code by rep. Two Mrade of water are therefore two loads, equal to tow plebes of water, which quantity ww n dred for the daily Wation of the Linga
Idliar I tako ma equivalent o holaney, made of hole or babes of the Ilypheube.
Jepali hu hare the mening det givna for the word in the evayena a Tildaraprak Compare so the Formanlardan 4 place, spolote.
the verb bride wed here, just w to Gujarat and other relars, bas very low MD, and we ho variously rendered, the content required, by proeurs,' ' l' to mong here that the Batue or Cheld le mot only to provers the thiap mentioned, but so to them. I will appear in the quel that to do all the manual work of the Follo
Deindye food and the oldering, detined for the nele of the deftin, wblok are laverlably made over to the tople
w , w ILOIL Regarding the allows for the Child, we below, wewe 01.
I able to place this word, while loola reepleios. But the letters are perfetly distinct .
the Prikrit and verbaler form of Basit here . The equivalent while the garden Ford for faralahing the lower lo mentioned below, verwe 66.
NI am suable to give a full translation of this ver, I do not understand the words d'Apodemad panlile kipata Pantball may be the Sanskrit for the modern Periblar Park, kind of money-changer.
Xhaka wm, Moording to Berdal, India, Vol. I. p. 105, in somalth, an equal to fromende The word may be connated with warundpa, largo martbea jer
Oled to a bad polling for Gujarattolo 14 buked ro.
According to Tome authorities bereid bequal to two toldo. If it had the same vale la table to quantity om te slacht toll. At prooont hi and oil are sold by the told of 110-180 praias socording to local como
The singular dodaje da probably word loomely for the plural. The lampe ire required for the indenite la the north ing domaine
Ihr lant out in the translation the word shitake, which can sloo below in ore 0, 1, , water the Uutionare per the holes noble furnish nay dee to its maing. May mala reply
rohors la the store-bou. Amp, we commonly called mound, be equal to about pounds, , Mold, to top