L.29. स्थमुपयात विहर्षि योरिति स गचतु चाधः। [१]
तैलोत्पीडनयन्तं कीरणामति मन्युकाएकयोः ।
ताभ्यां तदपि शिवाय L. 30.
प्रदीपनिष्यत्तये दत्तम् । [२] एका च पश्ययाला ताभ्या स्त्रीया विवस भोगार्थम्। भूमिब हलचतुष्टयं योम्बा दत्ता नवधामात् । [१४]
रतियेL. 31. न येन यद्यत्सततं विहितं शिवं समुहिम
सतस तस्य तत्तत्तिष्ठतु यावारिवीयम्। [१]
यखाविस्मृत[ज]मनीस्तव्यसमाखादनल बदनाL. 32.
परिणाकविवफला सरखती भगवती ग्धवसत् ॥१॥ श्रीमाकस्य स सुत[x काम रखपप्रमातुरनधन[1]"
प्रथमवयास्सरलार्थीव्यधत्त राम प्रयस्तिमिमाम्॥१७॥ L. 38. पबेठवात्र ---वात् वामप[]वाद[]भूमि[ ] । गुरुवेन य(१)
शसि भदो(१)ना।.. ॥शककालगताब्दाः [२६]
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TRANSLATION OF No. II. Om hail! Obeisance to Sarval
Ver.1.-May the elephant-faced god grant (your) wishes and the foe of Taraka remove sickness; may Nandin gladden (you), and he who is) the carrier of the trident of MahAkAla, . . . . . may make . . . . . . . may Virabhadra too, give you happiness, may all the proud servants of Sankara procure you welfare !
2. May that Mahadeva protect you, in the mirror of whose foot-nails the . . . . ., which are kissed with devotion, repeatedly reflect themselves.
3. May the lord of Bhavanigrantyou happiness through those eight bodies (of his) viz., that which in this world is active in kindling wood, that which is active in illumi. nating the quarters of the world, that on which the strong-finned (fish) endowed with never-twinkling eyes, subsist, that on which the gods live, whose adherents are the virtuous, that which is praised as maintaining twice-born men, that which is praised as carrying the birds (and) that through which the deity, greedy of offerings, attains the highest growth! *
4. Just this has formerly agreed to become an arrow in order to burn the towns (of the demon), and this body of his even that has now attained the beauty of a
A Metre, Rathoddhata. * Metre of verses 33-37, Arya. - Probably prakastir atkérna.-E. H.
> The first three relative sentences in the first and second Padas of veru 3 havo ench a double sense, and they refer to I. Are, sun and moon; II. water and the snerifice, III, the earth and air or akdia, while thewind indescribed in the fourth relative sentence. The use of the word pak xha in the sense of 'fin'is easily explained by its meaning 'wido' and 'wing." Mr.Anta's English-Sanskrit Dictionary is the only lexicographical workwhich mentions this rare meaning of pakika.