तस्मात्संसारचंद्रः समजनि नृपतिः पंचमाबा] भिषिता: . भवम्भर्वाग्विनिL.20.
वा वितरति वसुधा वेदयामार्थविज्ञाः । [१] कीर्तिर्यस्य तुषारहारविशदा लोकत्रयं गाते
प्रालेयाद्विमिषेण पंनगपतिव्याजेन चंद्रवात । 21. यमुर्तिब सतामभीष्टफलदचिन्ता[म]णिः शोभते
सोयं भूपतिशेवरो विजयते संसारचंद्रो वृपः ॥ [१४]"
वीरप्रतीहासते वदाचे महीपते वोठरि रा22.
. ज्यभारं, रणीप्रवीहारजितारिवगै भवप्रशस्तिः परिरपति चिति । [१] ब्रांडोक्तगुहांन्तरे दृढतरं निर्माय कूर्मासनं धीरांभोनिधियो
गपरकलिताप्युबा तमाकुन्तलान् । का वस्तु विजित्य पश्यति पर ज्योतिः प्रतापाभिधं
बीमाधिमहंमदख जयतानीतिः परा योगिनी। [१] 24. श्रीमहरपतिशलमीत्या कांबोजदेलख।
भक्त्या लेखितमतत्स्तोवं सूगीकस्वधाराष[१७]" बीमलार्मध्वजशियसूर्यचजस्व व्वालामुख्यै नमः [1]
TRANSLATION." Verse 10. By the famous ascetic Raghavachaitanya, a Vedantist, has this string of jewel-like praise been offered to Jvalamukhi.
11. (There was) a learned Dravida of the Atreya gotra, Krishnabhatta, adestroyer of the impurity of the Kali age, a teacher of the six Darsanas, who was honoured by the sons of kings and who had bathed on the completion of Soma sacrifices. From him was born a leader of wise men, called Vagtivara, a composer of worke, who had completely mastered the Mindmed, was clever in the exposition of the Smritis .... and was learned in sacrificial lore.
12. His son Krishnabhatta, a brother to the wives of others, a master of all sciences, a composer of poetry, a bee on the lotus of the feet of Harihara (filled) with excessive (devotion), an inhabitant of Kast, came and copied with broad ...... this most excellent hymn on the greatness of JvAlamukhi; take notice of this poem that is) most important for (the attainment of ) enjoyments and liberation."
*Read .gfara.. fafout is a grammatical mistake for fafera, which the author committed in order to escape metrical fault
Metro, Bardflavikrlạita. Rond uTq. 19 Metre, Upajati. Read Aware and wh ico. » Metre, Sardalavikridita MMetrs. Ghti. Read •मेतत्ती ; •सूमचारच. MI omit verses 1-9mthey posses little general interest.
* The we of ativolash, literally 'excessively,' which seems to mean (Alled) with excessive (devotion),' is not idiomatio.