घीका विवाहयामास तस्थामास्तासुभौ सुतौ ॥ ११ ज्येष्ठस्तयोः खेतलनामधेयः साधुत्वपाथोधिरनंतशीलः । पैतूकनामा च लघुः समस्तगुरुहिजाराधनशीलचित्तः ॥ १२ "अर्थतयोः खेतलपैतलाख्यसाध्वोः सदा कीर्तनकर्मवुद्ययीः । इयं शभा सारवलाभिधानग्रामांतभूरध्यवसत्सम चित्ते ॥ १२ "पितृणामचयवनप्रास्त्यै संतानवृदये । घेतल: पैतलचन कारयामासतुः प्र।ि १४ वेदवखग्निचंद्रोकसंख्येव्देविक्रमार्जतः । पंचमा फाल्गुनसिते लिखितं भौमवासी ॥ १५ इंद्रप्रस्थप्रतिगणे ग्रामे सारवलेच तु । चिरं तिष्ठत कूपोयं कारकच साधवः ॥ १॥
संवत् १३८४ फाल्गुनशदि ५ भौमदिने ।
TRANSLATION. V. 1. Hail! Worship be unto that Lord of Gaņas through constant devotion for whose feet men obtain the fruit of all their desires.
2. May he, who is called Satyala, together with Amba and Ambavati, protect you, that god by whose grace the faithful shall be a vessel of bliss !
3. There is a country, called Hariyana, a very heaven on earth: there lies the city called Dhillika, built by the Tomarasy
4. Wherein, subsequent to the Tomaras, the chahamana kings, intent on protecting their subjects, established a kingdom, in which all enemies of public order were struck down.
6. Thereupon the Barbarian Sahå badin, having burnt down the forest of hostile tribes by the fire of his valour, seized that city by force.
6. Thenceforward that city has been in the possession of the Turashkas to this day : at present Prince Sri Mahammad sahi rules over it.
7. Now, in that city there is a family of merchants dwelling in Agrotaka :' in this family was born the Sadhu Sri Sachadeva by name.
8. His son was Lakshmidhara, the bee of the lotus-pair of (Vishnu) Lakshmi. dhara's feet, whose mind was ever bent on the propitiation of the gods and Bråhmans, and who obtained fame by his kindness to all beings.
"A Devanagari transcript, prepared (for Mr. J. G. Delmerick) by Pandit Bisasharoth of Debli, with an English translation by Baba Rajendralala Mitra, appeared in the Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal for May 1873, p. 108 segg. In the following notes the various readings of the Pandit's transcript have been referred to after renewed careful examination of the impressions taken from the stone.
This epithet (p the truthful one'), apparently intended here as a name for Siva, bas not been found in any Sanskrit work.
Rightly identified by RajendralAla Mitra with Sultan ShahAb-ad-dla Muhammad Ghori, A.D. 1158-1206. +Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq, reigned A.D. 1325-1351.
RAJ. Mitra takes this to be the original, or Sanskrit form, of Agra, the merchants or baniyas of which place are well known all over India as the AgarwalA Baniyas. Perhaps it may be the name (derived from Agrå) of the quarter of the town of Dhillt where these merchants resided.
• Thus the insoription reads, instead of Skvaders, as transcribed by the Pandit.