the rulers of the earth were rendered for ever tributary, so that it surpassed all others on earth?
(Verse 25).-As the moon, grateful to the eyes of mankind, (arose) from the pure sea of milk, so sprang from him Mahipala, with pleasing brilliant qualities; who ful. filled the purport of his word by truth, that of his understanding by actions which bore good fruit, and that of his wealth by pious and beneficial deeds.
(26).-Sustaining, to its full extent, the weighty burden of the important affairs of the king Vijayapala, be, in whom valour was united with a blameless policy, became the standard of comparison among good ministers.
(27).-From him was born, able to bear the weight of the world (and) endowed with endless excellencies, the wise Ananta, the one home of goodness, whose body always was resplendent from virtuous enjoyment.
(28).-Whose younger brother was Yogesvara, the seat of numerous excellencies, devoted ........ as (Lakshmana,) the son of Sumitra, was of Rama.
(29).- (Birth in this most noble family which had risen higher and higher, Brahmanical rank most illustrious, study of the Vedas, spotless sacred knowledge, wealth shared with the learned, heroism always difficult to be withstood in battles, (and) everywhere pleasing but sincere speech, -what is there in which this noble-minded virtuously inclined Ananta did not surpass the world?
(30).-(Being the king's) councillor in the very high office of counselling, (the very) heart (of the king) in secret confidential matters, constantly (a leader of horses and] elephants among enemies, a superintendent of the forces of the town(?), an unrivalled protector of property, a vanquisher of adversaries, .... the sole chief of all heroes, ---in what affair was he not the approved minister of the king Kirtivarman ?
(31).-When a king has for his guide a minister of noble birth, endowed with understanding, uprightness and similar qualities, then there is clearly nothing so high that it would be difficult for him to attain to. No wonder, then, that the lord Kirtivar. man by his fame and good acts and prosperity surpassed the son of Dharma " (even), when that best of guides was governing the earth.
(32).-By the volumes of smoke of the sacrificial fires ..... which touched the clouds (and) caused all peacocks, by whom they were mistaken for clouds, to dance, ..... Maghavan ...... a share of the sacrifice .......".
(33).-[His wife was a lady) named Asarva, born in an illustrious family, venerable for her virtuous conduct, as Anasuya (was) of the sage Atri, .......
(34).- And he had also another wife, sprung from a noble race, [who by] patience, good character, uprightness........
(35).--[She bore to him ?] ..... a faultless (son), named Vatsa, like the elevated Sunetra," seated in the assembly of the gods (?).
(36).-. .....of clear understanding (and) pure conduct, a mine of benevolence, and Vishnu, removing faults, ..... bravery, dignity, piety, ..., Gadadhara, a store of excellencies, Vamana, fond of the good, and Pradyumna were (his other sons ()]....
71.c., Yudhishthira.
71 A portion of the verse being altogether illegible and the reading of the last line being doubtfal, I am unable to give a proper translation. The general sense no doubt is that the minister was frequently engaged in sacrificial acto.
** A son of Dhritarhahtra.