79. As the beginning of the mean solar year (i.e., mean long.O-0) always falls on the 2nd or 3rd Vaisakha of Table III, it is obvious that on any given date in that table the 's mean long. and consequently the O's mean anomaly and the equation dependent on the latter will be nearly the same for every year. Accordingly the equation O has been coupled with the tithi of the several solar days, so that only the equation of the moon's centre had to be exhibited in the table auxiliary to Table III. 'Sun from Node' of Tables VI, VII, VIII, denotes the distance of the true sun from the moon's node expressed in thousandth parts of the semi-circle. This element has been derived from Largeteau's tables" by coupling Largeteau's values with the equation of the sun's centre.
80. Jupiter's samvat' is the Jovian year, according to the Surya Siddhanta with bija, twelve of which make up one mean revolution of Jupiter. Hence the increase of this in one solar year is evidently equal to twelve times the revolutions of Jupiter in a yuga divided by the number of solar years in the yuga, viz. 10117. The increase for 100 solar years is 101-17, or, as 60 years make up one cycle, 41.17. In making these calculations according to the 2nd Arya Siddhanta and Brahma Siddhanta the mean place of Jupiter at the beginning of the Kaliyuga is to be taken into account, viz. 357° 7' 12" according to the former, and 359° 27' 36" according to the latter Siddhanta.
81. The tables for finding true local time have been calculated according to the precepts of the Siddhanta Siromani, Golddhyaya, IV, 19-24, and Surya Siddhánta, III, 42ff.
82. The Longitudes and Latitudes of the principal places in India have been taken partly from Johnston's Index Geographicus, and partly from the list attached to the Sayona Panchanga of Bombay.
The longitude of Lanka i.e. Ujjain is 5h 3m 27" east of Greenwich.
83. The following is a list of all the data required from the Siddhantas
Sun's revol. in a Yuga
Civil days" Lunar tithis,,
Moon's synod. revol. in a Yuga
sider. "anom.
» nodes "}
" apsides "} 33 Jupiter's revol."
Revol. of O's apsis in a Kalpa Circumference of the 's epicycle (' Place of O's apsis at 0 K. Y.
Jupiter at 0 K. Y.
Surya Siddh.
4,820,000 1,577,917,828 1,608,000,080
57,753,336 57,265,133 -232,28850 488,203 364,2201
387 14 & 13° 40' 82° & 31° 40' 77° 7' 48"
Arya Siddh.
2nd Arya Siddh.
Brahma Siddh.
4,320,000 1,577,916,450 1,602,999,000 58,433,800
4,820,000 4,320,000 1,577,917,500 1,577,917,542 1,608,000,080 1,808,000,000 58,483,386 53,433 334 57,758,836 57,753,234 57,733,300 57,265,117 57,265,125-326 57,265,194 142 -232,226 488,219 864,224 not stated.
13° 30' 81° 80' 78° 90° 0°
488,108-674 488,105.858 364,226-455 480
18° 40' 31° 34' 77° 45' 36" 123° 50' 24" 257° 7' 12"
13° 40' 31° 36' 77° 45' 36" 125° 29' 48" 329° 27' 36"
Largeteau's, or Hansen's 2g+2 w' is the mean value, independent of the Sun's equation of the centre, the correct period of which is 173-30998176 days; or, from the Sarya Siddhanta elements it may be found thus: 1577917828+ 2(4320000+232288)=173-9128167 days.-J. B.
40 In the Sarya Siddhanta with bija, this is-239,242 rev.; the apsides make 488,199 rev.; and Jupiter 364,228 rev. The modern value of the mean heliocentric motion of Jupiter in a Julian year being 30° 20′ 46"-72, his motion in a Yuga of 4,320,000 true sidereal years would be only 364195-406 revolutions; or, in the yuga of the Surya Siddhanta, 364,197-798 rev. and twelve times this divided by the years in a yuga gives 1-011938328 instead of 1-0117 as in § 78.-J. B.
With bija this becomes 364319.