TEXT. [1] शैलेन्द्रमूनि शिलाभवने विचित्र [2] शैलीन्तनुं गुणभरो नृपतिर्बिधाय [1] [8] स्थाणुं व्य[स] वि[धिरेष यथासंच [4] स्थाणुः स्वयच्च सह तेन जगल्म जातः [१] [5] गृहमकृत शत्रुमझो गिरिन्दकन्या. [6] पतेगिरावस्मिन् [1] गिरिशस्य गिरिश[7] [H]जामन्व कर्तुमर्त्यपतिः । [२] [8] विभूतिचोकानां
कथमामवेचे. [२] य विपुला नदी वा कावीरीमवनिभवनाव. [10] स्थित रति [1] हरणोक्तः प्रीत्या विभुरदिय[11] दलिहमिदम्मनुप्रख्यो राज्ये] गरिभवन.. [12] मम्मे गुणभरः । [३१] निर्मापिता[मिति मुदा] [13] पुरुषोत्तमेन शैली हरस्थ तनुमप्रति[14] मामनेन [1] कृत्वा शिवं शिरसि [धारयतामा [15] संखमुच्चैःशिरस्तुमच[लस्य] कृतं कृता[16] संम् ॥ [४]
TRANSLATION. (Verse 1.) When king Guna bhara placed a stone-figure in the wonderful stonetemple on the top of the best of mountains, he made in this way Sthànu (Sida) stationary and became himself stationary (i.e., immortal) in the worlds together with him.
(2.) King Satrumalla built on this mountain a temple of Girisa (Siva), the husband of the daughter of the king of mountains, in order to make the name Girisa (i.e., the mountain-dweller) true to its meaning.
(3.) After Hara (Siva) had graciously asked him: “How could I, standing in a temple on earth, view the great power of the Choļas or the river Kåviri?”-king Guņabhara, who resembled Manu in his manner of ruling, assigned to him this mountain-temple which touches the clouds.
(4.) Thus having joyfully placed on the top (of the mountain) a matchless stone. figure of Hara (Siva), which he caused to be executed, that Purushottama, who bore Siva fixed in his mind, made the loftiness of the mountain fruitful.
• Read गिरोन्द्र. 7 Read गिरिभवन. • Literally: 'thiswas the way.' • Literally: "he made Sthapa (i.e.. the stationary one) one whose name wu true to its meaning: