optown aretat, line 29 (and similarly in lines 7, 19, 20, 27, and 31), where, in proper Sanskrit, the formation of a Dvandva compound would have been resorted to.
Moreover, the first part of the inscription contains a considerable number of words which either do not occur in Sanskrit literature at all, or for which the dictionary furnishes no appropriate meaning; and some of which undoubtedly were taken from the vernacular. These words I give in the following alphabetical list, in which I also include some words which appear to be proper names of places or localities, but about the actual meaning of which I cannot be certain : - quia in line 6, and that in lines 7, 9, 21, etc., quentra 'a perpetual
endowment." que in que carefa in lines 7, 17, 21, and Carveft, lines 32 and 33,
said of houses, etc.; compare the Hindi HCT a porch, portico, peristyle,
vestibule,' Marathi Met. पवासनिका in lines 7, 8, etc., apparently for पावासनिका, derived from पावास 'a
dwelling, residence.' STYT in HEITUR feellatat in line 80 ; perhaps a place where stone-cutters
work, a quarry (?).
in line 25, and in waarufu, lines 12, 13, 16, eto., said of houses, etc.; compare the Marathi TT the little wall or raised edge which runs along the brink of the raised mass on wbich the house stands,' and a'a veranda, poroh,
vestibule.' कंसारक in कंसारकवीधी, line 15%3 compare the Hindi कसार and the Marathi कासार or
TET'a brazier,' (team). Tee in line 18.
three times in line 10; compare the Hindi at 'a certain tribe whose occupa
tion it is to fry corn, prepare sweetmeats, etc., a sugar-boiler.' watu Grat, qualifying fu, in lines 27, 35, and 88. afara in line 2; and in lines 19 and 30, both times compounded with a proper
name; denoting perhaps an office. Taarin ufua t, lines 6, 10, 15, and TT, line 39; compare the Hindi Te
damages, loss, injury, fraud. मापतिक in line 15, probably for ग्रहपति. wrya in line 28, and attain line 31; compare the Marathi arutan oil-mill.' (NT or jut, in statut and jurut, lines 13 and 14. बोया in खकीयखकीयच्चाया, lines 7 and 33. eft in lines 8, 21, and 24. rfa in line 85, for art, probably a kind of building; see Indian Antiquary, vol.
XIV, p. 161, note 27. are in line 9, and for in line 20, perhaps a particular measure of spirituous liquor. तिसरा in तिखरावीधी, line 86.
Te in water reflects, line 14, after , line 32, and forurena. HETTO, line 88; compare that '& gate-chamber,' in the Index of the Divydvadána. han in Hanaf, lines 5, 11, 16, etc., and hanfrafra, line 87; perhaps equivalent to the Hindi and Marathi TH 'salt.'