may be, it will not materially alter our opinion regarding the age of the inscription. For Prasasti No. II was clearly incised after Saka Samvat 700 and before Saka Samvat 800, because the first of its three figures is 7.
L.1 [ खस्ति भो] नम[ग]षपयो [:] " यद्यप्यहं पशुपते कुमति [द्र] एव पर्दासमतिविव[मेन मया त[था]पि । अस्यां स्तुतौ []वणले [र]सांभभा[जि] [गौ]
L. 2.
L. 3.
I. 4.
L. 6.
[f]r] सहैव परमेश निमन्तृितोसि ॥ [ १ । ] " [च्छेद]] [[]]] [] मोचान्धकूप[झोक]प्रोचरण[अमे] नि[]पमानन्दे[सं] दायिनि । दुर्गे हार
L. 7.
हारिणि []दिदेवते भक्तिः चेमविधायिनि विनयने त्वमेव न[स्था]मिनि। [१] व्यापद्दशि[सम्]ल[पा]टन [क]री त्वं गोयसे स[र्वेदा]
L. 5. [1] हिमालयो [कर्ण]पोषिषी []र्तियतमा तस्मानमन्ति चरणौ धन्धा x केचन जन्तवः ॥ [8]" धन्धे[र्म]रैर्ण[अ]वधूस्सदेव [त्व]मुष्यसे [भ]शि -
ता [] जगतस्तवास्ति न मिति स्पा [म]चामि । केवलमेव [मो] अत हवं नो देव[म]तेति से
पि[तु] कानने । पचि ] ते[ रा ] चीयते च [त्वया] [२]
भराभिरामेः । क्रेणापहारीतिमनी राभिर्वा [ग्भि] x का [वीना ] सुपगीय[से] च ॥ [५] " चासचमुत्युखदमामुपेयुषां पुरेषु नासामम
भवानीमरचाभिलावियां मनोरथं पूरयितुं समुद्राचिन एवं [४] को[]]]निसार[][
All-letters, which are effaced or badly damaged, have been enclosed between square brackets. The numerals marking the verses are not found in the inscription.
ताम् ।
17 According to 4 the last words might also be read namo ganapaye, i. e. ganapataye. But as clerical mistakes are rare in this inscription, and as the seeming first vertical stroke after the last akshara is not quite regular, I prefer the. reading ganapayob, to which B and C point.
1 Metre, Vasantatilaka.-The anusedra of "pyaham, is not distinct. Ponsibly evam, The last vowel of 'bh4ji is dis
tinet but the ja is not recognisable. The second vowel of sahaiva is blurred. The last vowel of nimantrito looks
like e.
Metre, Sardalavikridita. The last vowel of trinagane has run together with the 4 of kapa in the upper line. "Metre, Sardalavikridita
st Metre, Anushtubh. Metre, UpajAti.
2 Metre, Varnfustha. The anesvara of sprywaldom is not distinct.