96451 or A. D. 1042-43. For the question when Bhoja died, the most important passage is that in Bilhana's Vikramánkadevacharita, where he says (XVIII, 96):
"Assuming the voice of the pigeons that nested on the lofty turrets of her gates, Dhårå cried as it were to him (Bilhaņa) in pitiful tones : Bhoja (i8 my) king. He, indeed, is none of the vulgar princes. Woe is to me! Why didst thou not come into his presence ?"
I still believe that the verse means that Bilhana might have, but did not visit Bhoja for reasons not stated, and that Bhoja was alive when he reached Central India on his travels. If that is so, the death of Bhoja must fall some time after the year A. D, 1062, the earliest in which the departure of Bilhana from Kasmir can be placed. And it agrees with this assumption that Kalhaņa declares, Rájatarangini, VII, 259 (Calcutta edition):
सच भीजनरेन्द्रय दानीकर्षेण विश्रुती।
að afheiratet afara “He (Kshitipati) and king Bhoja, famous for their great liberality (and) sages, were at that moment both equally the friends of poets."
The expression at that moment" refers to the time after the coronation of Kalasa in A. D. 1062, which is mentioned in verse 233. In estimating the value of Kalhana's assertion, it must be borne in mind that he wrote nearly one hundred years after the time of Bilhana's travels and after Bhoja. He is, of course, not a contemporary witness. But as his statement agrees with Bilhana's, it must be allowed some weight. I do not think that the date Vikrama Samvat 1116 and Saka Samvat 981, assigned to Bhoia's successor Udayaditya in an inscription in the great temple at Udepur, proves anything against this. As Dr. F. E. Hall has stated, the document is a horribly incorrect scrawl, which, according to lines 13-14, was written by order of one Sagaravarman in Vikrama Samvat 1562, Saka Saṁvat 1447 (read 1427) or Kali Yuga 4607," and it is absolutely worthless for historical purposes.
Regarding Udayaditya our Prasasti states merely that he was a Paramara and Bhoja's successor, and that he freed his country from the enemies who had conquered it. It also implies that he restored a temple or statue of Vishnu in the boar incarnation, Whether he was related to his predecessor or not, does not appear.
TRANSCRIPT. L. 1. Ô Ta falar
गंगांवुसंसिक्तभुजंगमालवाले कलेन्दोरमलाकुराभा ।
yuf af HT HITTE VET via: [eu]** 2. सानंदनंदिकरसुंदरसांद्रनांदीनादेन तुंवुरुमनोरमगानमानेः ।
[नृत्यं]त्यवस्यमनि[शं] सुरवासवेस्या यस्थापतो भ* According to my copy of the Jesalmir MS. it is rentre . This is the initial point for the calculations in the Karana.
" See Vikramarkadevacharita, p. 23. According to the Rajataranginé, VII, 836, Bilbaqa left Karmir during the reign of Kalala."
# Jour, Am. Or. Soe. vol. VII, p. 35.
I bave before me two impressions prepared by Dr. Führer. From there the accompanying plate has been photo lithograpbed; the title of the plate should be corrected into- Udepar Prasasti of the reign of Udayaditya.' * Metre, Indravajra. In Pada 3 is blurred and fx abnormal. The reading is therefore not certain.