of our inscription refers to Harshadeva himself, and that this prince first defeated Kshitipaladeva, but subsequently reinstalled him in the government of his dominions.'
[मळ्यार्थि]षे नमः । जगत्स[ग]
यं पात्रं किमस्मात्परं एवं यो व म' प्रमेयमखिलं न [वा] कल्यादौ विश्व[म] धाः प्रथितप्रभावान् । चतुर्विधं भूतविकारजातं
[ग] सकलभुवनख्यातकीर्तिप्रभावः पृथ्वीना[थ] [ख]म् ॥ "तस्मान्जेजाकविज्जाकावभूतां कीर्तिभूषणौ। [स]
[भ]"जविजितानेकदृप्तारिखंदः । तस्मात्रीहर्षदेव सकस "कांतिसंवलितं । भीतेंद्रनिहितधनुरिव शुशुभे पादावु(बु)जहित[य] [प] । त्यमा स्थानमिवायातः पुनर्मथनशंकितः॥पास्ता" किंव(ब)छु
: पुनर्येन श्रीषितिपालदेवनृपतिः सिंहासने स्था"
"त्सादितारातिशक्तिकीर्त्तिविभूषणः ॥ प्रस [दूर] स्थैरन्तिकस्यैश्च ॥ सातपत्र[प]"
[जत्वज-- [वितं]
II. STONE INSCRIPTION OF YASOVARMAN, OF THE YEAR 1011. The stone which bears this inscription appears to have been discovered some time after A. D. 1843, amongst the ruins at the base of a temple, known as the temple of Lakshmanji, at Khajuraho; and it is now built into the wall inside the entrance porch of the temple at which it is said to have been found. The inscription has been drawn attention to several times in the volumes of the Archeological Survey of India, and an unfortunately very small photolithograph of it was published by Sir A. Cunningham, in Archeol. Survey of India, vol. XXI, plate xvii; but it has not been edited before.'
The inscription consists of 28 lines. The writing covers a space of about 5' 8" broad by 2 5" high. Down to line 16, and from line 22 to line 27, it is (with the
I Wan between the Chandellan and the rulers of Kanya| Metre, Sloka (Anushtubh) kubja aro mentioned, e.g., in verec 3 of the inscription pub. 15 Metre, sardúlavikridita. lished in the Asiatic Researcher, vol. XII, p. 359; in line 13 mi.c. स्थापित:. of the Mahoba inscription referred to above; and probably in 1 Metre, sloka (Anushţubl). line 2 of the unpublished fragmentary inscription No. 29 of * Metro, Arya. the Lucknow Museum.
"Metre, Ratholdhath. + From the impression taken by Dr. Burgess.
ISee Areheal. Surrory of India, vol. II, pp. 425 and Metre, Sloka (Anushtubli).
496%; vol. XXI, pp.65 and 84. [Part in 1838 (J.4.8. Ben. • Metre, Sardalavikridita.
vol. VIII, p. 165) called it Chaturbhuja, but it is now called IMetre, Sloka (Anushtubh).
Lakshmanji. and the temple known as Chaturbhaja is at • Metre, L'pajati.
Jatkara.- Ed.] Metre, Sragdhara.
? I have for some time been in possession of three ruh. 1o Metro, Sloka (Anushtabb).
bings of this inseription, taken by or for Sir A. Cunningham ॥ Metre, Sragdhara.
and kindly made over to me by Mr. Flect; but only the two " Read तलाशो..
impressions suppliel to me by Dr. Burgess lave enabled in * Metro, Argå.
to edit the inscription critically.