Sraddhacharo of the ganin Aryya Maghahasti, the pupil of the preacher Aryya. Hastahasti, from the Kottiya gana, the Sthaniya kula, the Vaira sakha and the Srigriha sambhogan-has been set up for the welfare of all beings. In the avatala my stage dancer(P).
No. XXII. L. 1. [f]a teo X (1) for a fer po calft[a]mrit maurrent orfarement granit are crit
Atari wa Y --- 2. fufufa WTA[UT]a fare da [t]?' The f[T] fu" ---
TRANSLATION. Success! In the year 95 (?), in the second month of) summer, on the 18th day,at the request of Dhamatha (?), the female pupil of Aryya-Araha[dinna) from the Kottiya gana, from the Thaniya kula, from the Vaira šákhá.... [the gift) of ... the daughter of Grahadata, the wife of Dhanahathi (Dhanahastin) ...
No. XXIII." वारणातो गणातो पर्यकनियसिकाती कुलातो पोद ---
TRANSLATION. From the Varaņa gana, from the worshipful Kaniyasika kula, (from the) Od ... (6á khá)...
No. XXIV." L. 1. [fa]** ATTUR areas. " pp ware gafat -- 2.
fra ef[a] ne mora -----
TRANSLATION. (Hail !] In the year 80 of Mabárája Vasudeva, ...... in the first month of the rainy season, on the twelfth day-on that (date specified as) above, the daughter of ... ......... the daughter-in-law of Samghanadhi (®), the ...... of Bala..........
No. XXV. 14€ Raf ----"
---- CATÉ
On the upper part of soulptured panel, 1 foot 10 inches by 1 foot 8 inches; the papel bas carved on it atdpa and four worshippers, one being a Nagn. From the south-east part of the mound.
70 The third letter is doubtfal. 71 Posibly mofo.
Discovered by Dr. Führer on January 30th, 1889, incised on a broken panel 1 foot 3 inches by 1 foot 6 inches.
11 On the base of a seated Jina (head lost), 4 fest 4 inches by 8 feet 8 inobes, found in the north-east of the mound near the first temple.
1 do not fool certain whether this seeming letter is not some kind of ornament. If it is a letter, it is probably monogram for furt.
This might be rand Tu, but the lower stroke vems to belong to the letter in line 8, and in No. IX we have a before वृक्ष
# Inoised on the middle portion of the base of statue, 10 inobe by 19 inches, found near the fint temple. 17 Restore date and