crest a spot beautified by the moon, possesses a large third eye; who annihilated the irresistible god of love, spreads excellent ashes over his body, and embraces Durga).
(V. 12.)-Then that crest-jewel of the twice-born, who had acquired great fortune by the collection of his good qualities, in the course of time came to the country Tummaņa.
(V. 13.)-To him the lord of the earth Ratnadeva gave, after he had washed his lotus-feet, the village of Kosambi, (confirming his gift by the) pouring out (of) water.
(V. 14.)–From the illustrious Gangadhara there was born, as a younger son, that illustrious Somaraja whose unique feet are an object of adoration for the people, causing great joy, free from blemishes, & treasury-house of numerous arts; who holds the position of king of the twice-born, is possessed of wide and abundant splendour inasmuch as he avoids the company of the dull, (and) is an ornament of the orb of the earth; (being) freed from its spot, a second moon (whose rays are an object of adoration for the world, which causes great joy, is the receptacle of growing digits, bears the name of king of the twice-born;' which, united with miserable cold, is spreading its splendour far and wide, and is an ornament to the orb of the earth).
(V. 15.)-That venerable person, who is a treasury of the pride of having no rival in the doctrine of Kaśyapa and in the Samkhya, has completely mastered the two Mimâmsás; (like Sira) he is possessed of three eyes inasmuch as he has for his eye the teaching of Akshapada. He crushed the great conceit of Charvaka, delighted the pitcher-born sage (Agastya) by drinking up the difficult-to-be-restrained Bauddha ocean, (and is) a god of death to the Digambaras.
(V. 16.)-At his house dexterous peacocks, delighted when they see the circle of the regions of the sky incessantly blackened by lines of smoke rising from groups of sacrificial fire-pits, which they mistake to be lines of black clouds moving about, dance again and again with spread-out wings, enlivened by the long-drawn sound of Vedic texts recited by the mouths of Brahmans (which they mistake for thunder).
(V. 17.)-Afraid as it were of having to give their precious stones) to him, the mountain of gold keeps an impervious place, the ocean has itself guarded at the shores by thorny trees and by lions and other terrific beasts, (ant) Sesha even places his jewels in the multitude of his hoods, terrible with the sheets of flickering poison-flames ejected by the mouth with sharp fangs.
(V. 18.-Him that lotus-born (Brahman) created, desirous as it were of seeing on the earth the most excellent collection of good qualities, after he had severally taken. beauty from the lord of Rati desiring to conquer the universe, gravity from the moun. tain of gold, depth from the ocean, never-ceasing " splendour from the thousand-rayed Coun, and) the lordly nature of (Siva) the destroyer of the god of love.
(V. 19.)-The swan of his fame, having frequently again and again roamed about by the water on the shores of the seven oceans, unweariedly went to the abode of the gods, longing for the heavenly Ganges; (and) having eaten (there) tender lotus-fibres and pieces of lotus-stalks, it has, pining with excessive longing, rapturously come, to enjoy itself, to the lotus-grounds of the interior of the vessel-like egg of Brahman.
* On KAFAPA, as another name of Kanada, the founder of the Vaileshika sohool of philosopby-300 Cowell's Translation of The Aphorisms of sandilya, Preface, p. V.-Akshapada is Gotama, the founder of the Ngàys system. The mage Agastya is fabled to bave swallowed the ocean.
* In the original the adverb afråntam is made to qualify the substantive 6jasvitdm, contrary to the roles of garmmar. 31 In the original one would have expected brahmanda-lhdnd-Gara, instead of lrahmand-dra-Bhduda.