VADNAGAR PRASASTI OF THE REIGN OP KUMARAPALA. L. 44, stara poña of [n] a fafei T roforda चौबनाचा च]धिपनकारिता प्रतीशिवा या
[][]fauti gordatat 14T --- anfaata v ita afar [w]" चैत्रमासे शम्भे पये प्रतिपदुवासर । मंदाप
like a sufer feferat ga: IR [1]** मागवावलोमीवेवीनुतन विजीवन सिबिता प्रयति ।" सभं भवतु ।
TRANSLATION. Om! Om! Adoration to Biva!
(Verse 1.) I praise that will-power of the lord of the (three) worlds, the store-house of the Vedas, on whom the silent seekers after salvation meditate as on the non-dualistic Brahman, -(that power) which, playing with new mundane eggs, as with jewelled balls -producing and destroying them at their time-ever amuses itself according to its desire.
(2.) Humbly asked by the gods for a protector against the insults of the sons of Danu, the Creator, though about to perform the twilight-worship, produced forthwith in his pot (ohuluka) Alled with the holy water of Ganga, that hero named Ohulukya who sanotified these three worlds with the floods of his fame. Of a necessity the glory of the cause produces its result."
(8.) From him sprang a race, the sole sporting-ground of many marvels, in which even kings without number daily appear, which, even in its decay, possessed a lustre, great on account of its famed valour, and which ever bestows blessings on the whole world down to common men.
(4.) Illustrious Malaraja, who stepped on the diadems of princes, was a priceless pearl to enhance the splendour of the fame of his family,--he who became the root of the tree of justice that had been burnt by the forest-fire of the Kali (age) and, as (becomes) a (true) king, by exceedingly light taxęgh gained the affection of his subjects.
(5.) He made the Fortuna of the kingdom of the Châpotkata princes, whom he took captive at his will, an object of enjoyment for the multitude of the learned, of his relatives, of Brahmaņs, bards and servants. Won by his valour that mightily blazed forth in battle, the guardian goddesses of the kings of all the other regions then clave for a long time to the Fortuna residing in his sword.
* Read 7. The braokatted figure is not certain, and may have been 3 or 3. • Metro, pajati of Vardastha and Indns . Read f est.
Metro, Apushtabh. The Amt foot of the second line is deßoient by one syllable. Read fuffrat. * Rend ; wafer,
* Regarding the creation of Cholokya compare slao Vikram diladovacharita, i, 88, 89ff. The is, of course Brahman's pot, from which, owing to its merednem, only a very famous, holy bero could prooved.
Karait prakdmafilirait means, of course, aloo by exceedingly cool nye.' As (becomes) (frue) king.' ..., one whore behaviour agtoo with the etymologloul meaning of rdjan, which the Hindu condet with rajayak, be gladden.'