73 L. 10. जापयत्वस्तु वः सम्विदितमयं सोमकुडकापामो बाबरवामरष्येन कूटमासनेन भुक्तक रति विचार्य
___ यतस्तच्छासनं भज्जा तस्मादाक्षिप्य च खसीमाL. 11. पर्यन्तः सोद्राः सर्वराजकुलाभाव्यप्रत्यायसमेतः सर्वपरिशतपरिक्षारी विषयातपिणः पुचपी
बानुगः चन्द्राचितिसमकालीनी L. 12. भूमिछिद्रन्यायेन मया पितुः परमभहारकमहाराधिराजश्रीप्रभाकरवईनदेवस्य मातुः परम
भष्टारिकामहादेवीरानीचीयशोमतीदेव्याः L. 18. ज्येष्ठमातृपरमभधारकमहाराजाधिराजश्रीराज्यवईनदेवपादानां च पुस्खयशोभिवाये सावर्भिस
गोचच्छन्दोगसवनचारिभवातखामि - L. 14. विशासगोत्रवचसन प्रचारिशिवदेवस्वामिभ्यां प्रतिधर्मणामहारत्वेन प्रतिपादितः विदित्वा
भवधिः समनुमन्तव्यः प्रति L. 16. वासिजनपदैरप्यानावविधयेर्भूत्वा यथासमुचिततुल्यमयभागभोगकरहिरवादिप्रत्यायाः पन
योरवीपमेयाः सेवोपस्थानं च करणीयमित्यL. 16.
पिच। अस्मत्कुलबममुदारसुदाहरहिरन्येव दानमिदमभ्यनुमोदनोयं [1] समातडित्सलिलचंचलायाः दानं फलं परययःपरिपालन च ॥॥
कर्मणा L. 17. मनसा वाचा कर्तव्यं प्राणिनहित [1]
हर्षेणैतसमाख्यातं"धार्बनमनुत्तमं ।
दूतकीच महाप्रमातारमहासामन्तबीस्कन्दगुप्तः महाचपटलाधिकरणाधिL. 18. तसामन्तमहाराजशरगुप्तसमादेशाचीवी गुर्जरण सम्बत् २०+५ मार्माथीर्षवदि ।
TRANSLATION. Om Haill From the great camp of victory (containing) boats, elephants and horses, from Pinthika:*-the great king, the illustrious Naravardhana; his son who meditated on his father's) feet (evaahe twho was) born from the illustrious queen Vajrint, a most devout worshipper of the Sun, the great king, the illustrious Rajya vardhana. His son who meditated on his father's) feet (was he who was) born from the illustrious queen Apsaras, a most devout worshipper of the Sun, the great king, the illustrious
Adityavardhana. His son who meditated on his (father's) feet (uwas he twho was) born from the illustrious queen Mahasenagupta, he whose fame passed beyond the four oceans, he whose sovereign power was employed in settling (the system of) castes and orders, who like (the deity) with the single-wheeled chariotu removed the torments of his subjects, a most devout worshipper of the Sun, the supreme lord and supreme king of great kings, the illustrious Prabhakaravardhana. His son who meditated on his
L. 10 Read efferat fat. The dot above may, howover, be accidental. L11 Read विषयावत.. 1 Metre of the first verse, Vasantatilaka; of the second, Anushtabh.
L. 1 Read तमा * The ablatives must be construed with samdilldpayati below, 11. 9-10.
* Though I am unable to prove my supposition by the quotation of parallel passages or of Koskas, I think that the run is meant, the single wheel of whom shariot may here, w in the Rigveda, represent the year. The next two kings are likewine compared with those gode whom they particularly worshipped.