bright half of Vaisakha of Salivahana-Saka 1451 [expired], the Virodhi-saṁvatsara" (lines 1 to 3); and again: -"the time of an eclipse of the moon on Friday, the 15th of the bright half of Vaibakha in the Virodhi-samvatsara" (lines 22 and 23). Mr. Fleet informs me that the eclipse referred to occurred on Friday, the 23rd April, A.D. 1529. As stated ante, page 362, note 6, this is the latest known date of Kșishộar&ya. The two villages granted were Vangantru in Henne-nadu, a division of Gutti-sime, and Belachinte in the sime of Uruvakonde. The two símes are evidently named after Gutti (Gooty) and Vura vakonda in the Gooty talluqa of the Anantapur district. The fort of Gooty (Gutti-durga) bears on its summit three rock-inscriptions of the Western Chalukya king Vikramaditya VI. and one of king Bukka [of Vijayanagara]." As Kanarese h corresponds to p in the other Dravidian languages, the term Henne-nadu may be derived from Penna (Vada-Pennai in Tamil), the Telugu name of the river " Pennar," which appears in "Benner," Pennakonda, and other local names.
The Sanskrit portion consists of three imprecatory verses and of a verse in the Sragdhará metre, which records that Kțishnaraya, the son of king Narasa, caused the image to be consecrated at Krishņ& puri by Arya Krishna in the year preceding the grant. The date of the consecration was the day of Uttara-Phalgunt, Thursday, the lunar day of Madana, in the bright half of Chaitra of Saka 1450 [expired], the cyclic year Sarvadhárin, i.e. 1528-29 A.D. To the kindness of Mr. Fleet I am indebted for the following calculation of this date. “The European equivalent is Thursday, the 2nd April, A. D. 1528. On this day the moon was in Uttara-Phalguni at sunrise and up to 13 hours 8 minutes after mean sunrise. The expression Madana-tithi may apparently denote either the twelfth, the thirteenth, or the fourteenth tithi of the bright fortnight of Chaitra? Here it denotes the thirteenth tithi. For, that tithi ended and the fourteenth commenced at 18 hours 40 minutes on the Thursday; and the nakshatra, having ended 5 hours 32 minutes before then, can be oonnected only with the thirteenth tithi."
A.-South face. 1. स्वस्ति श्रीजयाभ्युदयशालिवाहनशकवरुषंग2. कु. १४५१नेय विरोधिसंवत्सरद वैशाख शु3. द १५ दलू बीमबहाराजाधिराजरा4. जपरमेश्वर परिरायविभाळ मुरायर" 5. गंड संगीतसाहित्यसमरांगणसार्व6. भौम श्रोवीरप्रताप श्रीवीरक्रुष्णरायम-" 7. नारायफ पार्यक्रुष्णभार कैयन्तु क्रुष्णापुर
8. दश प्रति[]य माडिशिद" श्रीलमीनरसिंहदेवर [According to Oppolzer's Cunon, this eelipae occurred See Böhtlingk and Roth's Sanskrit-Wörterbuch, ... at 16 hours 18 minutes (universal time), that is at 8 hours 24 W , vient, and W IE minutes P.M. of 23rd April 1529, at Hampe, and was a large
• Rend v. partial one.-J. B.]
.I... UCT * Mr. Bewell's Lists of Antiquities, vol. I, p. 116. • Hultzech's South Indian Inscriptions, vol. I, p. 167.
10 Bend Teatre. See ante, p. 362.
Rend for throughout the inscription. 1 Read wasu hiffers.