49. दशमनमो[]तगुंजारवः । गत्वा कौतुबपूरितान्तरगतो रामः समीपवमहकीमत परिराजमार]रासाथ पूजामनु । तस्वात्मनः स्थातगुणोपपनी दामोदरी नाम []गसिट सोसारता वीच हिरखजीवात्कारापयामास पर मुरारः ॥ पावापपुंजेरिव सिडकोमिन्सोपानमात्य गतिोन्त]
48. रिचम्। महिमाद्रेरिव वानरीण [पानीय [स] [?]वणाधिवंधात् ॥ ये[नाभूविववापंवरहगुस्याहता रोदसी दुप्समोहतदेवकटुकठिनोदोबम[चो]पितेः। बाता [य] वसुंधरा करवाता पवितीलता तस्त्राची प्रविवेस सक्षणवती वैविक्रमीयां सभाम् । "मोरानीपार्जुनाचगंगनपरिचि
44. तेस्तालमालामधकाराचा राजवंबा फलभरनमितैडिमीमातुलंगे.] । [वातीने]वालवाबिकसितममनोमक्षिकामंवरीभिः पुष्येचचप्रधान: सम[मानचिरै राषित इचवड । प[सनात्पूर्वमाराम]" मंदाकिन्या] दिगुत्तरम। ददौ स नित्वपूवान्तकी सवारसिधये । विपकीयमहपरिमभागा?]-. ___45. देवभूमिनिल[यात्य रतब । दचिन वरिवो निवरया तिर] - [पचात् । [A]स्य . . . . . . "प्रतिमास---[बोहवानाम् । दोष-- [म]पिकायामवर्षका] विणी -दिने दिन] ........."[शारिका प्रति] बराटोको] १ --- देव्याः --- परथा] ....."कया। वसन्तमतिको [] - ___48. पि[ग] ....... महत्तको ......"पुर(तो] रथा] चि........[जा] पूरि -[रयमः]पताका -- - [रणमुखे वि]दिवं प्रयातः । [तखाजेन वरविप्रनतांडियुम्मो दामोदरीण - ---18
BY PROFESSOR F. KIELHORN, PA.D., O.I.E.; GÖTTINGEN. The stone which bears this inscription is said to have been found, in 1875, in the ruins of the Fort of Kudarkot, in the Itwa District of the North-Western Provinces, 24 miles north-east of Itawa town; and it is now in the Lucknow Museum.
The inscription contains 16 lines. The writing covers a space of about 2' 4' broad by l' 4" high, and is well preserved almost throughout. The size of the letters is between }' and f". The characters belong to the northern class of alphabets, and they are in every respect very similar to those of the Bodb-Gayà inscription of Maha naman of the (Gupta) year 269, = A.D. 588-89, a photo-lithograph of which has been published in the Indian Antiquary, vol. XV, p. 858. As regards individual letters, it may be noted that r, as the first part of a conjunct, while it is ten times denoted by the superscript
» Metro, Indravajrk, and of the next verse.
Read बिवन्धान » Metro, Sardalavikridits ; read y * Read fats, used for the Causal. -Metre, Bagdbars, rend .ना.. ..Read .अचा. • Metro, Sloka (Anushtabh).
4 Metre, 8vigatk; the last akshara, TT, appears to be engraved above the line
• Originally front fruft, but the second feront is struck out.
Here about 10 akshare are illegible in the impression. Here about 11 aksharas are illegible. Here about 6 akskaras are illegible. Here about 8 atakarat are more or lone illegiblo.
Here about 13 akakaras are illegible, • Here about 11 akelarde an illegible
Metre, Vauntatilall.