Avagraha etc. Defined 25 The Sub-types of Avagraha etc. 26 The general object of avagraha etc. 30 The sub-classes of avagraha resulting from the difference that obtains between the different sense-organs as to their respective modes of producing cognition 31, Illustrations 34 The nature of Śrutā-jñāna or Verbal Cognition and Its Subtypes 38
The Sub-types of Avadhi-jñāna and Those Authorised to Acquire It 42 The sub-types of Manahparyāya and their Mutual Difference 46 The Difference Between Avadhi and Manahparyāya 48 Objects to be grasped by the Five Types of Cognition 49 An Account of the Types of Cognition that can be Simultaneously Present in a Soul 51 Laying down the Nature of False Cognition and the Causes of Falsity in Cognition 53 The types of Naya 56, The idea Behind the Delineation of Nayas 56, Why the Separate Enunciation of the Doctrine of Naya and How is it a Specializing Feature of Jainism 57, A General Definition 60, The Nature of the Particular Types of Naya 61, Naigama-Naya 62, Sangraha-Naya 63, Vyavahāra-Naya 64, Rjusūtra-Naya 66, Śabda-Naya 66, Samabhirūdha-Naya 68, Evambhūta-Naya 68, Remaining Remarks 69 CHAPTER TWO
72-126 The five Bhāvas—that is, the characteristic conditions resulting from the presence or otherwise of the karma concerned, their types and illustrations 72, The Nature of Bhāvas 74, The Subtypes of Aupaśamika-bhāva 76, The Sub-types of Ksāyika-bhāva 76, The Sub-types of Ksāyopaśamikabhāva 76, The Sub-types of Audayika-bhāva 77, The Sub-types of Pāriņāmika bhāva 78
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