def.-224 it causes the bondage of good karmas-224, 225
its triple divison-225 Susira a sound-type
def.-194 Śaikșa(=śaikșaka)-333
def.-333 Śaileśī(=Śaileśīkarana) the state of
supreme meditation-5, 337
def.-5 śoka sorrow-235
def.-239 Soka(mohaniya) a karma-296
its causes-of-bondage-243 Sauca purity-235
def.-241 absence of greed-314
def.-316 Śraddhāna(=ruci) inclination-7 Śrāvaka layman-272, 281, 333 Śrāvaka-samyagdrsti-347
def.-348 Śrāvikā laywoman-333 Śruta a jñāna-type-19
is a parokşa variety of jñāna21 is invariably preceded by mati
cognition-90 it in the case of nirgranthas
350 Śruta-avarnavāda speaking ill of
the scripture-235
def.-242 Śruta-mada to feel puffed up at
one's superiority as to
scriptural knowledge-316 Śrutajñānāvarana a sub-type of
jñāna-varana-karma def.-297 Śrutasamuddestā an ācārya-type
def.-317 Śrutoddestā an ācārya-type, def.
317 Śrotra the auditory sense-organ-88 Ślesa conjunction-208 Svetāmbara a Jaina sub-sect the
circumstance responsible for
the name-323 Sankramana conversion-306 Sankrānti transition-343 Sanklista evil-hearted-127 Sankhyā number-15
in the case of samyak-darśana
in the case of siddhas-359
def.-363 Sankhyāta(=samkhyeya) a number
is an effect of mati-38 is variously classified-40 its object-49 is of the nature of considered views-58 grasps all the aspects of its subject matter-58 manas has it for its object-of
def.-158 Sankhyātānuka a sankhyāta-atomed
physical aggregate-182 Sankhyeya(=sankhyāta) a number
178 Sangraha(naya)-56
def.-62, 63 what makes it more or less extensive-63
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