def.-245 Sarāgasamyamadiyoga proper
attentiveness towards disciplined life-yetaccompanied-by-attachment etc.-237
def.-243 Sarvajña omniscient-326, 337, 338 Sarvajñatva the state of an all
comprehending jñana-355 Sarvadaršitva the state of an all
comprehending darśana-343 Savitarka that having to do with
vitarka-343 Sahajacetanā natural
consciousness-355 Sahasāniksepa a niksepa-type-236
def.-236 Sankhyadarśana the Sāńkhya
system of philosophy-73, 174,
178, 188 Sämparāyikakarma-226
def.-227 its causes-of-bondage-228
def.-228 Sakāra-upayoga determinate
its eight types-82 Sākāramantrabheda to divulge
someones secret-278
def.-282 Sāgaropama a type of asankhyāta
number-158 Sātāvedanīya the same as sadvedya Sādī a saṁsthāna type-310 Sadhana instrument-15
in the case of samyak-darśana
16 Sādharmya similarly-175
that obtaining between
fundamental substances-175 Sädhārana(guna) common duality
217 Sādhārana(nāmakarma) a
nāmakarma-297, 310
def.-302 Sädhāranasarīrin many souls
sharing a common body-186 Sādhu monk-237, 333
def.-333 Sādhvi nun-333 Sāntarasiddha one emancipated
sometimes after another one
363 Sāmānika a god-type-148
def.-148 Sāmāyika(vrata)-272
def.-274 its aticāras-280
def.-286 Sāmāyika(căritra) a caritra-type
328 def.-328 it in the case of nirgranthas350
it in the case of siddhas-361 Simha lion-136 Siddha an emancipated soul-359 Siddhatva the state of
emancipation-357 Siddhasilā the rock acting as seat
of location for the
emancipated souls-164 Sidhyamānagati motion signifying
the process of being emancipated-358
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