having a beginning.
In the Digambara commentary-texts like Sarvārthasiddhi it has clearly been maintained that all the substances are possessed of both the types of pariņāma; and in support of this contention it has been argued that from the standpoint of substance or the general a transformation is without a beginning while from the standpoint of mode or the specific it is possessed of a beginning.
The Digambara commentaries do not include in their textreading the three aphorisms 42-44; they instead offer a complete and clear formulation as to the types of pariņāma and as to their respective seats in the course of their commentary on the aphorism 'tadbhāvaḥ pariņāmaḥ. From this it appears that they must have felt that there was an error or at least obscurity in the present aphorisms mentioning the respective seats of the two types of pariņāma; hence it was that instead of completing the aphorisms that were incomplete in their meaning they thought it better to state their own views in an independent manner. 42-44.
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