secret-these five are the failures of conduct connected with the minor-scale vrata of truthfulness. 21.
To encourage someone to commit theft, to receive what has been brought by a thief, to violate the taxation regulations of an opposite kingdom, to measure out more or less than the proper quantity, to deal in conterfeit commodities-these five are the failures of conduct connected with the minor-scale vrata of non-theft. 22.
To arrange someone else's marriage, to enjoy a woman kept by someone else, to enjoy a woman looked after by none, unnatural sexual act, intensive desire for sexual actthese five are the failures of conduct connected with the minor-scale vrata of continence. 23.
To exceed the quantity that has been fixed for the possession of fields and residential quarters, similarly to exceed the quantity that has been fixed for the possession of manufactured and raw gold-and-silver, for that of cattle-wealth and corn, for that of servants and maid-servants, for that of clothes and utensils-these five are the failures of conduct connected with the minor-scale vrata of non-attachment-forpossessions. 24.
To violate the regulation prescribed for the upward direction, to violate that prescribed for the downward direction, to violate that prescribed for the transverse direction, to make addition to the sphere of regulation, not to keep in memory a regulation, that has been prescribed-these five are the failures of conduct connected with the digvirati-vrata. 25.
To get a thing brought by someone from outside the prescribed sphere, to send a servant to bring something from outside the prescribed sphere, to make a sound with a view to calling someone from outside the prescribed sphere, to make a sound with a view to calling someone from outside the prescribed sphere, to make a bodily gesture for the same purpose, to throw outwards some physical stuff for the same purpose these five are the failures of conduct connected with
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