Book Title: Sanskrit Prakrit Jain Vyakaran aur Kosh ki Parampara
Author(s): Chandanmalmuni, Nathmalmuni, Others
Publisher: Kalugani Janma Shatabdi Samaroha Samiti Chapar
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Aspects of Jain Sanskrit : 3
critical examination of a considerable number of texts. Even then it is doubtful whether any systematic account could be presented, for by nature it is a language of infinite variety and fluctuation differing with time, place, and author So indeterminate a thing cannot be described if taken in its whole extent, except in the most general terms The most that can be done is to describe this language as exhibited in a single work Here too, there is an element of uncertainty in the absence of an accurate tradition thus, peculiarities are liable to be attributed to JS which are due only to imperfect transcription What is said, tben, even of a particular text must be regarded as tentative and to some extent hypothetical Of course, when certain features recur independently in otber Jaina works, it may be accepted that they belong to JS as a whole Clearly, therefore, it is only by means of a comparison of the characteristics of many texts that the minimal features of JS can be stated
In this article it is proposed to set forth the peculiar properties of JS as exemplified in a vitti on Kālıdāsā, Meghadüta by Muni Sumativijaya (Su) of the Kbarataragaccha who flourished in Bikaner in the first half of the 17th century. These matters are arranged under the following broad topical headings 1 Phonology , 2 Morphology, 3 Derivation, 4 Composition, Syntax and Idiom, 5 Vocabulary, 6 Orthography These categories are by no means mutually exclusive, and often an item discussed under one subject might well have been included elsewhere in the arrangement, ex pūrāyamānāh is treated under 'Derivation', but could, with equal justification, have been put under 'Vocabulary', since the word does not occur in cl Skt
I. Plionology
The rules governing sandh between words in a sentence (sentence-sandhi) are in general haphazardly and sporadically applied, exx valmikah mţttıkāsamcayah tasyāgran (15), mayūrasya meghena saha samtosah atah megharūpabandhavam drstva mayūrāh nstyantiti bhāvah (36), kathambhūtaih garitaih (48), kinnarībluh tripuravijayah mahādevo gīyate (60), yatra alakāyām bhavanaśıklınan gi hamayūrāh mtyabhāsvatkalāpāh vartante (77), Jatia puri trād/sah jalamuco meghāl yantrajālaih gavāksaih kiirā