Book Title: Sanskrit Prakrit Jain Vyakaran aur Kosh ki Parampara
Author(s): Chandanmalmuni, Nathmalmuni, Others
Publisher: Kalugani Janma Shatabdi Samaroha Samiti Chapar
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Dialect and Sub-dialccts of Prakrit 57
VIII da-kārababulā Kauntali IX. ekārini ca Pandya.
X yuktādhyā Saimhali. XI. himyuktā Kālmgi. XII. Pracyā tad-desīya-bhāsādhyā XIII. bhattyādı-babulā Ābhiri. XIV varna-viparyayāt Kārnāti Xy Madhyadesiya tad-desiyādhyā. XVI samskrtādhyā ca Gaurjarī XVII. ca-kärāt pūrvo'kta-Takka-bhāṣāgrahanam XVIII ra-la-ha-bhyām vyatyayena Pāścālyā XIX repha-vyatyayena Drāvidi XX dha-kāra-babulā Vaitālıkī. XXI e-o babulā Kāñci.
14. Kaikeya Paišāci
The easterners describe the Paisāci dialect much more fully than the westerners Grierson (The Prakrit Dhātvädeśas, p 84) says that “when we come to Paiśāci we find two very different dialects described. Vararuci, Rāmśarmā and Märkandeya all agree in their accounts of a language which they call 'Paisāci' or "Paisacika', and which is not the same as the langage described under that name by Trivikrama, Hemacandra, Lakşmidhara and Simharāja" They have mentioned numerous Paiśācī dialects, such as, Kaikeya, Saurasena, Pāñcālā, Kāñca, Gauda, Dāksiņātya, Drāvida, Pāņdya, Māgadha, Vrācada and Sābara, but they did not mention Cülikā-paiśācī Of these the Kaikeya-paiśācī is the basis of all other varieties, excluding Cúlıkā-paiśācī The chief characteristics of Kaikeya-paiśācī, corrupt form of Saurasenī mixed with Sanskrit, are given below.
I Ś and ş>s II cerebral n> dental 8,
(Vr X 5-8, Pu, XIX 8,12, RT.III 3.3, Mk.XIX 3-7) III Generally intervocative
g>k, and similarly, gh>kh, j>c, „ „ jb>ch, d>t, „ „ dh>th,