Book Title: Sanskrit Prakrit Jain Vyakaran aur Kosh ki Parampara
Author(s): Chandanmalmuni, Nathmalmuni, Others
Publisher: Kalugani Janma Shatabdi Samaroha Samiti Chapar
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६४ संस्कृत-प्राकृत व्याकरण और कोश की परम्परा
Next we pass on to the most extensive and outstanding extent work of Deśya lexicography, viz , Hemacandra's Rayanāvarī or Dešināmamālā Hemacandra aimed at preparing an up-to-date authentic lexicon of Dėśya words for Prakrit writers and readers on the basis of various previous works It was a very difficult and taxing task in view of the fact that something like utter confusion prevailed at that time in the field of Desya lexicography owing to disagreement among authorities, immature writers, ignorent scribes and poor condition of preservation of old texts It highly rebounds to Hemacandra's credit that, owing to his scientific attitude and practical approach, he succecded in introducing considerable measure of order where disorder reigned As a consequence the Dešināmamālā bad such a suceess that it eclipsed almost all the earlier Deśí lexicons, which in course of time went out of use and eventually disappeared altogether The success achieved by Hemacandra 10 this regard owes much to his adoption of some definite principles and methods in compiling his work
He set up five criteria for defining the character and scope of the Deśya words
(1) Those words which were confined to the ordinary
speech of the peoples in various regions like Mahārāstra, etc (1 e words of regional dialects) were to be ignored.
(11) Those prakrit words only which were handed down
through the tradition reaching back to a boary past were to be noted
(11) Of these words only those were Desya which were not
analysable as complexes of root and suffix, and which could not be derived from Sanskrit through the grammatical processes of Loss, Intrusion, Modification etc
(iv) Certain Prakrit words inspite of being analysable and
derivable from Sanskrit, were to considered Deśya, if, in their Sanskrit form they were not found recorded in standard Sanskrit lexicons