Book Title: Sanskrit Prakrit Jain Vyakaran aur Kosh ki Parampara
Author(s): Chandanmalmuni, Nathmalmuni, Others
Publisher: Kalugani Janma Shatabdi Samaroha Samiti Chapar
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Aspect of Jama Sanskrit. 29
fewer in number, are given by Sushil Kumar De in The Megha-dita of Kälıdāsa, New Delhi, Sahitya Akademi, 1957
In the preparation of the present investigation five MSS cf Su's vill have been used Nos 510 and 511 in Volume 13, pt 2 of the Descriptive Catalogue of the Bhandarhar Oriental Reasearch Institute, pp 155.7 No 510 was copied in the year 1851 Vikrama Samvat, and No 511 in 1803 VS The author is indebted to the BORI for its kindness in allowing these two MSS to be cxanlıncd A third MS emanates from the personal library of Muni Sri Punyavijavaji and bears the number 369 It is undated The other two are in London in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library collcction, listed for the first time by Dr V Raghavan They were provided with the tentativc identification numbers P 87 and R 122, of those the formers bcars the date 1916 VS, but the latter, being an incomplete MS, is without date The writer is obliged to Mr FNL Poynter, Librarian of the Wellcome Historical Medical Library, for his courtesy in putting these MSS at his disposal
Another MS is listed in the Catalogue of the Vishveshvaranand Vedic Research Institutc, Hoshiarpur, 1959, pt Ip 318, MS Nol 231, pt. II, pp 267-8, gives cxtract from thc MS This MS IS complete and bears the date dasūştasaram of the YS (1e [1] 810 VS? but the Cata
logue entry gives 800) 4 cf Weber's comments on sandhi in the Pascadanda , p 7, also Upadhye
Brhat Kathūkośa, p 97 5 William Dwight Whitney, Sanskrit Grammar (2nd ed Harvard Univer
sity Press 1955), 449 and h, 1, ) 6 Upadhye, Brhar Kathākośa, p 99 7 Whitney, Grammar, 8449 C 8 ibid ,$1051 and a, c 9 ibid,, $989 and a 10 This usage is seen also in the Brhat Kathākośa, exx vyāpayitva (XII
128), snãoya (LVI 260 and 263) and sthāpya (XCII 286)and it is frequent in the Pancadanda vide Weber's notes 14 and 15, pp 13 and 223,
p 25, also his remark, p 3, sthūpya occurs on p 37, 1 13 11 Whitney, Gramniar $$ 959 and 960 end 12 Whitney, The Roots, Verb-forms, and Primary Derivatives of the Sanskrit
Language (Leipzig, 1885, lithoprinted in 1945 as vol 30 in the American
Oriental Series), does not list grantura 13 Whitncy, Grammar, $ 964 b 14 Whitney, Roots, has mārştavya, Monier-William A practical Grammar
of the Sanskrit Language (4th ed, Oxford, 1877 $ 651 lists mārstavya
and marntavya 15 Monier-Williams, A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, p 829 under Vmri 16 So according to Whitney, Roots, under myś where the form in -tavya is
not recorded 17 In the Pārśyanāthacaritra III 653 occurs vimrstar (noun of agency)
'reflecting conservative, vide Blomfield, Pārcvanatha, p 232 18 Whitney, Grammar, SS 522 ff, esp $ 526