Book Title: Sanskrit Prakrit Jain Vyakaran aur Kosh ki Parampara
Author(s): Chandanmalmuni, Nathmalmuni, Others
Publisher: Kalugani Janma Shatabdi Samaroha Samiti Chapar
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२८ संस्कृत-प्राकृत व्याकरण और कोश की परम्परा
interchange of kh and s, - Iplz. instead of -sph- after -l- and -u-, the confusion of ś and s, and of b and v, the use of anusvāra before all occlusives instead of the pai asavai na nasal (but this is hardly peculiar to JS') the frequent spelling svarna for suvarna 'gold'70 There is a marked tendency to double a constant after r in most of the MSS Occasional vulgarisms like parsurāma for parasurama (61) and ujainī for ujjayınī (34) are also found
1 See Albrecht Weber's introd to his ed of the late Jaina text (c 17th
century) entitled Pascadandacchattraprabandha, in Abhandlungen der Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin Philosophische und Historische Klasse (1877), pp 1-103
Also Maurice Bloomfield's digest of Bhāvadevasūri's Párśvanāthacaritra entitled The Life and Stories of the Jaina Saviour Parcvanātha, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1919 (Appendix II 'The Language of the Pārci anātha', pp 220-39), and 'Some Aspects of Jaina Sanskrit', Festschrift Jacob Wackernagel zur Vollendung des 70 Lebensjahres am 11 Dezember 1923, gen idmet von Schülern, Freunden und Kollegen (Gottingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1923) pp 220-30 Unfortunately, a copy of this Festschrift was not available to me during the preparation of this article
See Also AN Upadhye in the Brhat Katlākośa of Ācārya Harışenā (Singhi Jain Series, No 17, Bombay, Bharatiya Vidya Bhayan, 1943), pp 94-110 of the Introd (He includes a list of the peculiar words on pp 102 ff), B J Sandesara and J P Thaker, Lexicographical Studies in “Jaina Sanskrit', 1 Prabandhacıntāmanı of Merutsugasūrı (AD 1305),' Journal of the Oriental Institute vol 8, No 2 (Dec 1958), pp 1-40 (Supplement MS University Series, No 5) cf Mohanlāla Dalıcamda Desāı in Jaina Gürjara Kavio, Bombay Sri Jaina Svetāmbara Conference
Office, (1926-44) part I, pp 228-30, (In Gajarātī) 2 For particulars regarding BHS, vide Franklin Edgerton, Buddhist Hybird
Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary (New Haven Yale University Press,
1953), vol I Grammar, Introduction, pp i ff 3 Su's commentary, called Suganānvayā Vfiti, has not so far been publish
ed in toto, but excerpts in extenso were made by Gopal Raghunath Nandargikar in The Meghadüta of Kalidasa with the Commentary of Mallınátha (Bombay Gopal Narayen and Co, 1894) Variant readings for the text of the Meg hadüta were extracted from Su's yrttı (probably from Nandargıkar's edition above) by Kashinath Bapu Pathak in Kälıdas's Meghadūra, or The Cloud-Messenger (as Embodied in the PārśvābliPudaya) with the Commentary of Mallınātha (2nd ed, Poona, Oriental Books-Supplying Agency, 1916) Similar variae lectiones, though far