Book Title: Sanskrit Prakrit Jain Vyakaran aur Kosh ki Parampara
Author(s): Chandanmalmuni, Nathmalmuni, Others
Publisher: Kalugani Janma Shatabdi Samaroha Samiti Chapar
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Skt of the Jaina-s; cxx. vrs'un kalià (20) having raincd', nrtyam kārayel (48) 'you should cause to dance', krīdām kurianti (78) 'they play', etc
V Vocabulary
Adhirjatvam for kātaraiyam (116) 'faint-hearted-ncss', a rare word, or more accurately, based on a rarc word, since only the positive dhīrya is recorded, the usual word is dhira MW (p 517, col. I, under dhirya) refere to 2. dhira 'stcady, constant, resolute', eic, and records an occurrence in the Sankhāyana. brālimiana XIX. 3, Böhtlingk, Sanskrit-Morterbuch in Kurzerer Fassung, (1879-83) (BR) gives 2 dhira' as the cquivalent of dhirya but defincs it thus ‘verstandig, Klug, weise, geschicht, kunstfertig, sich verstehend auf', but these meanings are inappropriate to the context in which Su's adhiryao is used, furthermore, since this equivalence is not adopted by MW, probably '2 dhīra' is a typographical error for 'Idliīra'.
Kalācıke for -prahospha- (2) 'forearm' in hanakaralayarıktapiakosphah is rare in cl Skt, and it is doubtless in this circumstance that the explanation of the interpolation bālū in two MSS is to be sought
Khețanam for -utkasana- (16) 'ploughing' in sadyalısīrotkasanasu, ablui is not listed in MW or BR, under v klug'be terrified, terrify' MW gives a participial from klețita 'ploughed' but only on the authority of the lexicons, i e the indigenous kosa-s of the Indian lexicographers The meaning required in the context (ʻploughing') is the noun-counterpart of this khetita Unquestionably there is some relationship between khetita, kletana and kheţa 'village, residence of farmers' as well as khețaka, apparently the diminutive of kheța
V cay which is used participially (cațitam) in explanation of ārūdham (8) 'having arisen' and in the primary derivative catana in cațanāya to explain -ārohanāya (65) ‘for climbing' is a vague word in cl Skt (like v kal) with many very diverse meanings