Book Title: Sanskrit Prakrit Jain Vyakaran aur Kosh ki Parampara
Author(s): Chandanmalmuni, Nathmalmuni, Others
Publisher: Kalugani Janma Shatabdi Samaroha Samiti Chapar
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Aspects of Jain Sanskrit: 19
raplārtāl (54) '(the sons of Sagara) washed by a flood of water from the licavenly strcam (10 tic Gangī) gone forth as a result of the course for penance) of Bhagiratha' Thus word is not attested, though the clements of which it is compounded arc perfectly clear. their application to a 'stream' and more parlicularly the Ganges is somcu liat obscurc If ypathaga is only a general word for 'river', thic ctymological incaning would be 'going by diverse (14.) paths, if it is an ad hoc compound and hence, applicabic only to the Ganges, it probably means literally 'going by different paths, ie by a celestial as well as a terresinal course'. Vluch of these semantic explanations is correct can only be determined by further uscs of the word in other conicits a
V splu is listed in the Dhatupājha X. 91 with the meaning humslāvim 'huri', but asterisked by BR, it is given by MW but Without cxampic Su uses this root three times, always in thic sense of doing away with, removing! It first occurs in the past participlc sphicpila (17) as a synonym for -prašamıta- in äsälaprasamlaronopaplavam where the specific sense 'cxtinguished' is required in 35 splejayati ca plains harani 'removes', and in 73 the same icnsc in the plural explains wyalumpantı 'destroy', in both these instances it is used in an identical setting, namely with reference to dispelling the languor induced by amorous pleasures (surataglānım and angaglānım respectively). In the latter two occurrences there are variant readings from v splut, which may occasionally be used in the causative in the meaning 'destroy, kill', etc. These variae lectiones, however, are probably just transcriptions of an carlier copyist's crror where the superscript vowel 'e' was converted to 'o' by the addition of a vertical staff or danda
-ākāra is a synonym for -višesa 'kind of' in ayojālākārah (73) 'a kind of iron network”.
•udbheda ‘source, origin' in puspodbhedam (72) which Su makes an adjective to madlıu 'honey which has its origin in flowers', is taken by the other wittikūra-s in the sense of 'sprout,