Book Title: Sanskrit Prakrit Jain Vyakaran aur Kosh ki Parampara
Author(s): Chandanmalmuni, Nathmalmuni, Others
Publisher: Kalugani Janma Shatabdi Samaroha Samiti Chapar
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Aspecis of Jam Sanskut 11
When an instrumental cxpresses pure instrumentality or means in contrast to accompaniment or association, the gerund of v ky is often subjoined, thus, vidyutā kļīvā (41) 'by means of lightning', garjāravail kştrā (48) 'by means of thunderous roars', prāsādaih kitya (67) 'by means of the palaces', aśrubluh kyrvä (112), by means of tears' In cl Skt a number of gerunds are used postpositionally in a similar way, exx nuktvā 'except, save', ādāja 'with', etc But this use of krtvā seems to be confined to JS In one instance pārsvatah replaces krtvā in this sense meghena pārsvatah (4) 'by mcans of the could'
By another curious construction prati is appended to an accusative to mark a direct object, obviously this has grown out of the primary sense of 'with reference to', and its use thus binds the object more closely to the action of the verb, kim adreh parvatasya śrngam sıhharam parti pavanah vāto haratı (14) 'Is the wind carrying off the peak of a mountain?' kāntım sobhiām pral (śyāmam vapur āpatsyate] (15) [your swarthy body will obtain] beauty , ātmabımbam svakiyabımbam prati pätrikurvan sthānikurvan (51) 'making your reflection an object (of the eyes )'
Placed after a noun in the ablative case pārsvät emphasizes the concept of separation tābhyah sui astribhyah pärśvāt (64) ‘from the wives of the gods' It is probably a kind of afterthought or parenthesis, at least in origin, otherwise the genitive would be expected in ostrībhyah.
In cl Skt paścāt is construed with the genitive or ablative, but Su bas an instance with the accusative tirtham paścât in explanation of anukanakhalan (54) But the meaning here is 'near' beside', not 'behind, after' and thus, it seems to be used as though it were the Skt original of Hindī pás ‘near', of course, this is etymologically wrong, since pas comes from pārsve via Middle Indic pasa
Words denoting provimity in cl Skt. require the genitive, but Su has an instance of the ablative bhūmniśayanāt samīpaga