Book Title: Sanskrit Prakrit Jain Vyakaran aur Kosh ki Parampara
Author(s): Chandanmalmuni, Nathmalmuni, Others
Publisher: Kalugani Janma Shatabdi Samaroha Samiti Chapar
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leaving one marsana, whose diverse lines of meaning can only be explained by resorting to both v mrs and vors The cercbral -s- got the upper hand probably because on the whole it is commoner than -“- in the infectional forms of V 115ś
-tyajati- 'abandonment' occurs in nadīvirahan as-thālyajan. yam (31), but the passage may be corrupt, and the genuineness of this word is, therefore, subject to some doubt. It is a nomen actionis formed from the present stem of Viyaj in the same way as jasati, ramati, iratani in ci Skt. Ordinarily, of course, nouns in -ti are formed on a weakened or abbreviated base wbich is usually indentical with that of the past passive participle. Thus, ukti (<vuac, cf, uk-ta), supti ( v siap, cf sup.ia), śānti (<V šam, cf śân-ta), etc
Similar to -tyajati is muñcanam (64) which is derived from the base of the present stem of muc, ie muñc+ana, cf. cl Skt suīcana In cl. Skt mocana is used.
Mūrii-(81), a synonym for jyä 'bowstring', appears to be a cross between Skt mūnā (the grass from which bowstrings were made) and maurvī (bowstring', literally '[the string] made from mūrā grass)
Of similar cross-mintage appears to be rauksam (27) 'rough”, but cl Skt has only an adjective rūksa and derivative noun rauksja
Vārdhikyam (71) 'old age' corresponds to cl. Skt vārdhakya; the different penultimate vowel may be due to analogy with words like ādhikya
Daurbalyam (92) is used adjectivally, but in cl Skt it can only function as a noun However, secondary derivatives in -ya or -a with initial vśddl strengthening ordinarily may be either adjectives or nouns, in fact, they are primarily adjectives of appurtenance 21 In the compound virahadaurbalyakhedāt, 'from distress due to weakness from separation' which expands khedāt (99), -daurbalya is employed as a noun