(3) Even if there is a trace of mysticism in Derrida's différance, such a nysticism is different, from the mysticism of Being found in Radhakrishnan.
(4) Reality of self is central to Radhakrishnan's thought but for Derrida, human subject becomes a speaking and signifying subject only by inscribing itself in the system of differences.
(5) According to Derrida, the Westeri metaphysics has been a metaphysics of presence from Plato to Austin. We find the logocentric metaphysics of presence in Radhakrishnan also. Derrida deconstructs any such metaphysics of presence with the help of differance', 'trace', 'archewriting, 'erasure', etc. Derrida adopts the practice of writing 'under erasure'. It involves "writing the word, crossing it out and then printing both the world and its deletion". A particular word, for example, is crossed out because it is inaccurate but it is kept legible since it is necessary and there is no alternative, Thus the word 'Being put under erasure; Derrida puts "Sign' also under erasure. Expressions are erased in this manner to withdraw the writer's support to their grounding premises.
(6) For Radhakrishnan, Being transcends any definite form of expression, and yet it is at the basis of all expression.". For Derrida there is nothing outside the "text" which is itself nothing but a play of differance. In Radhakrishnan, Bcing has a foundational status", but Derrida's philosophy is antifoundationalist and antiessentialist. For Derridar Being and Void are both undccidable aporias.
(7) Radhakrishnan's integrative and convergent readings of philosophical texts are different from Derrida's deconstructive double readings and double interpretations. The philosophy of reading and writing shaping their interpretations are totally different.
Diffèrance :
Derrida formulates the French neographism “différance", The French word difference and the English word 'difference' are spelled in the same way, but the second 'e' in the French word "difference" is vocalized as the 'a' in the English word 'Father'. Thus when a Frenchman vocalizes the graphic form 'différance he hears only the French word "différence". Thus the graphic notation 'a' in the Fench word "diffèrance" can not be heard; it is lost in vocalization.