Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
loss of about 12 initial syllables. There aro visible signs of a progressive decay."
The text is based upon the facsimile taken by Col. Mackenzie, and published by A. Stirling in 1825 without a transcript in Asiatic Researches, Vol. XV, in connection with his most valuable paper containing “ An Account, Geographical, Statistical and Historical of Orissa Proper-of Cuttack"; Major Kittoe's facsimile read and reproduced by James Prinsep, in 1837, in JASB, old series, Vol. VI, Pl. LVIII, in bis Note on Inscriptions at Udayagiri and Khandagiri in Cuttack in the Lat (Asokan) Character ; Rājendra Lala Mitra's copy of Prinsep's transcript published, in 1880, with a few minor changes in his monumental work, the Antiquities of Orissa, Vol. II, pp. 16 foll. ; Alexander Cunningham's hand-copy prepared partly from Kittoe's facsimile and partly from a photograph of Locke's plaster cast in the Indian Museum, Calcutta, and reproduced, in 1877, in Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum, old series, Vol. I, Pl. XVIII; Bhagwanlal Indraji's eye-copy and editio princeps, publisbed, in 1885, in Actes du Sixieme International Congres des Orientalistes, Part 111, Sec. II, pp. 152-177, in his bighly suggestive paper The Häthigumpha and Three other Inscriptions in the Udayagiri Caves near Cuttack ; certain corrections proposed by Bühler, in 1895, in his Indian Studies, No. III, pp. 13 foll. and, in 1898, in his monograph - Origin of the Brāhmī Alphabet, pp. 13 foll. ; Lüders' List of Brāhmi Inscriptions, published, in 1910, in EI, Vol. X, Appendix, No. 1345, containing a summary of the contents of the inscription ; certain corrections proposed by J. F. Fleet, as to the 16th lide, in his two short notes published in JRAS, 1910, pp. 242 foll. and 824; R. D. Banerji's inked impression prepared in 1917, and reproduced in JBORS, 1917, Vol. III, Part IV, Pls. I, II and IV; a small plate published by K, P. Jayaswal in JBORS, 1918, Vol. IV, Part IV, p. 364, representing the portion of L 12 and the end of L 15; R. D. Banerji's Note on the Hathi-Gumphā Inscription of Khāravela in JBORS, 1917, Vol. III, Part IV, pp. 486-505; K. P. Jayaswal's masterly edition of the Häthi-Gumpha Inscription, published with a translation and critical notes in JBORS, 1917, Vol. III, Part IV, pp. 425-485; K. P, Jayaswal's revised readings in JBORS, 1918, Vol. IV, Part IV, pp. 364-403; K. P. Jayaswal's corrections in J.BORS, 1927, Vol. XIII, Parts III-IV, pp. 221. 246; certain readings offered by Ramaprasad Chanda, in 1919, in No. 1 of Memoirs of the Archaeological Surrey of India, in his learned paperDates of the rotire Inscriptions on the Stūpas at Sāñchi; certain readings suggested by R. C. Mazumdar in 1A, 1919, p. 190; certain corrections
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