their worldly life. This one-sided approach renders their knowledge infertile. Real Gnanis, like Dadashri have traversed the spiritual realms by maintaining a parallel between both the worldly, as well as the spiritual life. He has given thousands of seekers, the ultimate understanding of matters regarding both the worldly and the spiritual life, and within them, instilled tremendous awareness of the two.
In this short compilation we have put together examples, which have come through the power of Dadashri's speech, whereby we can live an ideal life. Seekers desirous of more detailed and extensive solutions for their worldly life should do so through the detailed and extensive compilation of Dada's books. Books such as, 'Generation Gap,' 'Harmony in Marriage,' 'Speech in Worldly Interactions,' 'Money in Worldly Interactions,' etc., are books which undoubtedly will bring peace in one's life.
Dr. Niruben Amin
Life Without Conflict
[1] The Art of Living
Life Without a Goal
What is the goal of this life? Do you understand it? Surely there has to be some goal for this life. A person is young at one time, he grows old and eventually his body is carted away to the funeral pyre. The name that was given to him is taken away at that time. They are quick to give you a name the moment you are born to facilitate the worldly interactions and dealings. This is just like naming characters in a play but once the play is over, the name is no more. Just as the name 'Brahtruhari' is given to the king in the drama, and then once the play is over the name is no more. Similarly you are given a name to carry out your daily living and under this name you acquire your wealth, your home, cars, and money etc. but upon your death it is all taken away. People go through life and then they die. Therefore these two words, life and death mean that every event is a passing circumstance. What is the goal of life? Is it for personal enjoyment or for serving mankind? Is life for marriage and taking care of your family? Marriage is mandatory and preordained. A person could not get married if he were not destined to. But don't people get married even if they don't want to? This is because marriage is preordained for them. Is making a name for yourself the ultimate goal of life?