life without Conflict
life without Conflict
Questioner: Do we have to do many pratikramans?
Dadashri: The faster you want to build your house, the more workers you have to employ. If you fail to do pratikraman with people at large, it will do but you have to do pratikraman of those around you and in your home. For those in your home, you must have the inner intent that those who are born, around you, and to you, should some day get on the path of liberation.
With Adjustments All Conflicts Will Dissolve
The one who learns the art of adjusting is the one who has turned towards the path of liberation. To have made an adjustment is Gnan. The one who has learnt to adjust is considered as having won. Whatever you have to suffer, you have no choice but suffer. There is no problem for the one who knows how to adjust and his karmic account will be cleared. Everyone can adjust with people who are easy to get along with but if you are able to adjust with those who are awkward, difficult, and stubborn, then you have accomplished your work. Adjustment is the main thing. To say yes to everything, is liberation. Even if you give in, nothing is going to happen outside the realms of vyavasthit. But if you say no, or you oppose, then you will have problems.
If both the husband and wife make a decision jointly that they want to adjust with each other, then it is possible for both to achieve their goals. Or if one of you pulls more, the other should give in more; even then you can resolve matters. A man has pain in his arm but he tells no one, instead he uses his good arm to massage the other one. In this way, if you are able to adjust, you will accomplish your
work. Nothing will be achieved through conflicts. Even though you do not like conflicts, you still have them do you not? If the other partner is being adamant and keeps pulling, you should just let go and go to sleep. But if you both keep pulling, neither of you will be able to sleep and your whole night will be ruined. You take so much care in your worldly transactions, your partnership, your business, and all related matters, so can you not exercise the same level of caution in matters of your lifetime partnership with your spouse? The worldly life is nothing but a factory and a museum of conflicts. Some household will have a few, some will have more and some will have a lot.
People do not know how to adjust in their homes but they sit down to read scriptures about the soul! You foolish people! Let go of this nonsense! First learn to do this! You do not even know how to adjust at home. Such is the world! So you must get your work done. The Gnani Liberates You From The Worldly Web
Questioner: This worldly life accounts are nothing but a losing proposition, so then why do some appear profitable at times?
Dadashri: From whatever losses you incur, if you feel any of them as being beneficial, then you should deduct them, from your overall karmic account. This worldly life has come about as a result of many multiplications, so if you divide using the method I show you, there will be nothing left. If you learn from this, it is fine otherwise make a resolve of, 'I want to absolutely follow Dada's Agnas and want to bring an end to all worldly conflicts.' The moment you make such a decision you are on your way.