life without Conflict
life without Conflict
Dadashri: Children are not tied or bound to us; everyone is in his or her individual bondage. All you can do is to ask them to come home early, and after that, whatever time they come home, is vyavasthit. You have to carry out all your worldly duties, but they should be done without any kashaya (anger, deceit, pride or greed). All worldly interactions without kashaya is moksha and any worldly interaction with kashaya is bondage for more worldly life.
Questioner: My nephew wakes up at nine everyday and does not do any work, what should I do?
that. They do not have to do anything that does not suit them. If they do not like ice cream, they do not have to eat it but instead many become contemptuous towards it. These differences of opinion arise because of the changing times. Children behave according to the times. The very definition of illusion (moha) is that new things keep coming out and will continue to attract the beholder. From a very young age I had come to a conclusion through my intellect that this world was changing constantly, for better or for worse. And I also concluded that no one has the ability or the power to change this world. Nevertheless I am saying that you should change and adjust according to the times. If your son wears a new hat, do not say, 'Where on earth did you get that?' Instead just compliment him on the cap and ask him, 'Where did you buy such a nice cap? How much was it? Did you get it on sale?' Adjust in this way.
Have you seen youngsters walk around with their headphones (walkman)? It is a newfound interest that has come into these poor children's lives. This is a new phase in their development. If one were spiritually developed, he would lose interest in it and not go around with it stuck on his ears all day. After trying a new thing once, he would lose interest. New fads have to be experienced just once, not continuously. This is a new kind of fascination for their ears and that is why they listen to the headphones all day long.
They have newly begun their life in the human form. Those who have passed through the human life form thousands of times, will not be continue to be fascinated by anything.
Questioner: Children like to go out a lot.
Dadashri: Simply put a blanket over him and tell him to sleep peacefully because that is his nature. Some people get up late and work hard and other unfortunate ones wake up as early as four in the morning and still accomplish nothing. I too used to be late in everything. I would leave home only after I heard the school bell and then had to listen to my teacher's scolding. How can the teacher know my nature? Every one's 'Rustons' (a make of an engine) and pistons are different
Questioner: It is difficult to maintain discipline if one is late, is it not?
Dadashri: Bickering at him is the indiscipline. Stop the bickering and ask Dada a hundred times a day for the power and strength to do so. Ask and you will receive.
The questioner understood Dada's instructions and he put them in practice. Everyone in the household stopped bickering and nagging the nephew about getting up late. Consequently within a week, he began to wake up at seven and started working harder than anyone else.