life without Conflict
life without Conflict
Quarrels only arise among underdeveloped people. It is because they do not know how to arrive at the totality of the situation that they fight.
There are as many religions as there are people, but how is one to build a temple of his own religion? Nevertheless, everyone's dharma is different. When people sit to do samayik (meditative introspection), everyone's samayik is different. Alas! Some people sit in the back and throw tiny pebbles at the ones doing samayik! Such people too will do their own samayik! There is absolutely no religion left in this and neither any meaning. If there were any trace of religion left, there would be no quarrels in the homes and if any quarrels were to take place, there would be only one or so a month. The dark phase of the moon only comes once a month does it not?
Questioner: Yes.
Dadashri: Here people have the dark phase all the thirty days of the month! What do people get when they quarrel?
Questioner: There is only loss.
Dadashri: No one would invest in a business that is unprofitable. No one is telling them to do so either. Surely they must gain something from it?
Questioner: Maybe they get enjoyment from quarreling.
Dadashri: Peace does not prevail because of the current time cycle. So the one burning only finds peace when he burns others. He does not like it if someone is happy so he only finds peace when he lights the wick before he leaves.
This is the nature of the world today. Even the animals are courteous and they do not quarrel. Even the dogs stick together amongst their own group and fight united against other dogs, whereas these foolish people fight amongst each other! People have no courtesy nowadays.
Become Quarrel-proof Questioner: I have no desire to quarrel under any circumstances, but what should I do if people in the household start a quarrel?
Dadashri: You should become quarrel-proof, only then will you be able to live in this worldly life. I will make you quarrel-proof. Your nature should become such that even people looking for a quarrel will get tired. You should become such that absolutely no one in the world can depress you. If you become quarrel-proof then there is no problem. Even if people want to quarrel with you or shout abuse at you, there will be no problems. And despite doing this, you cannot be considered thick-skinned, on the contrary your spiritual awareness will increase many fold.
Seeds Of Revenge : Trees Of Quarrels
Whatever quarrels you had committed in your past life had created revenge, and that revenge manifests in the form of a quarrel today. The seeds of revenge are sown the moment quarreling takes place and these seeds will then grow in the next life.
Questioner: So how can we distance ourselves from those seeds?
Dadashri: As you gradually begin to settle matters with equanimity you will keep those seeds at bay. If the seed