Volume XIV 15. Ara inscription of Kanishka II; the year 41. 16. Sanjan plates of Buddhavarasa.
17. Taxila inscription of the year 136.
Volume XVIII 18. The so-called Takht-i-Bahi inscription of the year 103. Volume XIX 19. Zeda inscription of the year 11.
20. Shahdaur inscriptions, one apparently of the year 60. 21. Rawal spurious inscription of the year 40.
Volume XXI 22. Saddo rock inscription of the year 104. 23. Mathura Brahmi inscription of the year 28.
24. Kalawan copper-plate inscription of the year 134. Volume XXII 25. Kharoshthi inscription on a Begram bas-relief. 26. A note on the Mamane Dheri inscription. Volume XXIII 27. Hidda inscription of the year 28.
29. Allahabad Museum inscriptions of the year 87. Volume XXVII 29. Note on the Bajaur inscription of Mer andros.