(of ignorance). The embodied soul (jiva) does have a mind in the animal realm, but its mind is limited, its food will be corresponding to that; its blood and everything else will be animallike. But it has to go to that location in order to suffer everything. If it were not like that, then people would not work for a living, but instead just steal and eat! But in the next life (birth), one immediately reaps the fruit of all this.
Now here, one eats what is not rightfully his to eat. Adulterates goods and then sells them; enjoys things that are not rightfully his. That is all bestial thinking, which is preparing him for life in the animal realm. You should realize that such thoughts only leads one to the animal realm; while virtuous thoughts (thoughts of sajjanta), will return him back to human life. And if one gives to others, that which rightfully belongs to him, and has magnanimous superhuman thoughts; then he will go to the celestial realm of existence (deva gati).
Questioner: In the animal yoni (birth), does one have good and bad thoughts?
Dadashri: No. There are no thoughts or anything of the kind over there. The animal birth is a birth which is only meant to suffer effects (discharge) of karma. The celestial realm too, is only one that has to be suffered, as is the infernal realm. Only humans bind karma and suffer them as well, at the same time.
Questioner: What if the credit and the debit, both stop?
Dadashri: If credit and debit, merit karma (punya) and demerit karma (paap) both come to an end, then one goes to moksha.
To Wander from Realm to Realm Is Nature's Law
Questioner: But they say that one only attains human birth after he wanders around for 8,400,000 lifetimes, so does