is different, but they have not understood it, and that is what they go by. If it was omnipresent (sarvavyapi) like that, then where would they go to defecate? In a home, do they not normally keep the toilet and the kitchen separate?! If God were everywhere, then which wood would you burn, and which wood would you not burn? Would you not have to use your discretion? Lord Krishna has told us about both, the non-living (jada) and the living (chetan); Atma and anatma.
This living (chetan) and non-living (jada), are both two entirely different things. Anything that is non-living (jada), you can use; however, if you hurt anything that is living (chetan), you will commit sin (paap). There is life, Soul (chetan) in a tree. If you cut it or burn it, you will incur paap. And if you found any kind of wood just lying around here and you burned it, then it would not matter. That is because there is no Soul, life (chetan) in it. Original Revelation Through the Exact Vision
Therefore, Lord Krishna gave us the clear distinction, of there being two things: the Atma and non-Self (anatma). If you believe that the non-living (jada) itself is Atma, then what would become of the Atma? If there is only wheat everywhere, then why would you need to separate the grit? If the wheat and the grit were mixed in together, and you were told that it was only wheat, then why would you have to separate them?
If you go to the grocers to buy some wheat, what would you ask the merchant for? ‘Give me some grit, is that what you would say? Or would you say, 'give me some wheat’?
Questioner: I would just have to tell him to give me some wheat.
Dadashri: Would you not have to tell him what sort of wheat you want?
Questioner: Yes, wheat from Gwalior.