stone is without attributes (nirguna). When a buffalo takes a dump, even its dung is not void of attributes (nirguna); it can be used for many purposes, can it not? Is it not useful as leyp (to spread on the floor, or plaster on walls)? Therefore, each and every thing has its attributes (guna). Is it not the attribute (guna) that is useful? Is even dirt not useful?
This sort of misconception has been happening throughout eternity, and that is why people have suffered so much devastation and despair. Mistakes in religion (dharma) are not acceptable! There should never be any mistakes in religion. And what happens if there are mistakes? Besides, this is vignan (science). The slightest mistake in it, will throw it out of proportion. Did you understand nirguna?
Questioner: Yes.
Dadashri: Therefore, the Real (muda) itself has attributes (saguna); it is the abode of infinite attributes (gunas). It has many natural attributes (swabhavik gunas). However, none of the attributes of the non-Self are found in the Atma which is why it is called nirguna (without attributes). Instead, people have understood this to mean that, since none of these attributes (gunas) are in the Atma, it makes the Atma without attributes (nirguna). Hey you! In this world, not even a stone is void of attributes (nirguna). Whether good or bad, not a single thing is without attributes. If everything has attributes, then how can there be no attributes (nirguna) in the Atma? Ultimately, Only the Prakruti's Gunas
Questioner: We have the three qualities or traits (gunas): sattva, rajas, and tamas. How are they related to the elements?
Dadashri: What are you going to do with those qualities (gunas) of sattva, rajas, tamas? They are impermanent